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Management of internal motivation of employees to comply with labor protection requirements. Industrial safety: how to motivate workers Involving personnel in safe work

Motivation is a system of factors that includes: needs, goals, intentions, values, attitudes, attitudes (towards oneself and others), interests and others.
Motivation determines the direction and activity of human behavior as a whole. However, a specific act, a specific action occurs under the influence of a phenomenon called a motive.
Motivation is not a human quality that is formed once and for all. Motivation is constantly updated and changes in the process of training, education and self-education, and the accumulation of life experience. The motives for specific actions and actions change accordingly.
An important component of motivation is psychological attitude(disposition) to fulfill safety requirements. That is, the safe activity of an employee is a consequence of the correct attitude to labor protection requirements, his attitude to work without accidents. Therefore, in order to achieve a favorable attitude of an employee towards safety requirements, such an attitude must be created, first of all, by his manager, and it must “capture” the employee. An employee will believe in the possibility of safe work only to the extent that his immediate and superior manager believes in this. Therefore, all levels of production management must constantly show a “visible” and “audible” interest by employees in ensuring safe working conditions. Moreover, workers must constantly feel this for themselves.
In personnel affairs and management, the method of dividing motives into internal and external is successfully used. Accordingly, a distinction is made between internal and external motivation, which governs human activity.
Internal motivation is a complex of motives and aspirations generated by the individual himself. In relation to work: internally motivated employee finds pleasure in the very performance of the task in front of him, in getting the result or enjoying the process of solving it. The most common and proven method of stimulating work on labor protection in Russia is the organization of a review competition “For safe work"(conditional name). The conduct of the competition is regulated by the relevant Regulations. It is advisable to establish several so-called nominations and combine moral encouragement with material encouragement. The strategic objective of such a review-competition is to develop a system of incentives (through moral and material incentives) for workers who know and comply with labor safety requirements and standards, while maintaining a system of disciplinary actions against insufficiently trained and undisciplined workers.
The main goals of such a review-competition are:
1) formation of sustainable motivation of employees to know and comply with labor protection standards and rules;
2) increasing the interest of workers in improving the state of working conditions and labor protection at workplaces and in departments;
3) increasing the diligence of workers in complying with labor protection requirements and instructions for the safe conduct of work;
4) strengthening labor discipline workers.
Under external motivation This refers to factors influencing the employee from the outside: bonuses and salary, management incentives and the desire not to be reprimanded.

Download issue "Occupational Safety and Health" No. 3, 2017

YES. Melnikova,

Associate Professor of the Department of Life Safety, Ph.D.,

G.N. Yagovkin,

Professor of the Department of Life Safety, Doctor of Technical Sciences, Professor,

The paper presents a mechanism for developing motivation among personnel to operate safely. A generalized model of motivation theories is presented and it is shown that personnel motivation for safe activities is one of the important professional characteristics of personnel.

Key words: motivation, personnel, activity, safety, mechanism, theory.

Formation of staff motivation for safe operation

The senior lecturer, Cand. of Sci. (Chem.)

The senior lecturer, Cand. of Sci. (Tech.)

Dr. of Sci. (Tech.), Professor

Department “Health and Safety”, Samara State Technical University

“Safety of ability to live” faculty

The mechanism of motivation formation for the personnel to safe activity is considered. The generalized model of motivation theories is presented. It is shown that motivation of the personnel for safe activity is one of the important professional characteristics of the personnel.

Keywords: motivation, personnel, activity, safety, mechanism, theory.

The modern approach to the problem of motivation consists, on the one hand, in identifying and drawing up a system of coercive factors, and on the other hand, a system of motives and incentives. The correct combination of these systems determines whether a specific goal will become internally significant, valuable and consciously necessary for the employee. The purpose of incentives is not so much to encourage a person to ensure safety labor activity how much to encourage him to do safe and high-quality work.

The motivation mechanism is formed not only with the help of purely economic factors, but also social factors.

Systematic incentives are also necessary from a production point of view. The main goal is to build an incentive system at the enterprise in such a way as to achieve efficiency with its help. Thus, to create effective system It is necessary to achieve a balance between the level of requirements and incentives. However, a decrease in the level of material (or lack of) incentives leads to a decrease in the possibilities of using material incentives in the motivational complex. This decrease in the possibilities of material incentives must be compensated by intensifying moral incentives, internal motivation and the involvement of workers in solving safety problems.

Rice. 1. Generalized model of known theories of motivation

Today, there are a number of approaches to defining the concept of motivation. The key concepts in the motivation process are need, motive, incentive. Based on them, the most famous theories of motivation have been developed. Based on their complex theory of motivation can be presented schematically (Fig. 1).

The logic of this model is as follows:

(1) A person determines for himself attractiveness, the value of the reward expected for achievement work goal, (2) estimates the probability of achieving the goal and receiving a reward. (3) This determines his labor effort, the desire to complete the work. |4) Achieving the goal is influenced by the individual abilities of the employee, as well as (5) role requirements, i.e. his perception of his job responsibilities. (6) Achieving the goal, i.e. the result obtained entails internal rewards: pride, self-esteem (7a) and external rewards (76). (8) Remuneration is assessed as fair or unfair. (9) Intrinsic and extrinsic rewards, as well as the assessment of their fairness, determine satisfaction with the activity, which in turn has an inverse effect on the assessment of the value of the new reward (indicated by the dotted line). In addition, the results achieved (6) influence the subsequent assessment of the likelihood of future rewards (2).

When analyzing this model, several main conclusions can be formulated.

1. The value of the expected reward is determined by both internal, arising from the work process itself, and external, in relation to the task, rewards.

2. The effectiveness of a task depends on the employee’s assessment of the actions necessary to complete the task and his ability to carry them out, which emphasizes the need to clearly formulate goals and pre-determine the employee’s suitability for the task assigned to him in order to best perform it and ensure the employee’s satisfaction with the decision process.

3. The feeling of fairness of the reward affects the degree of satisfaction from it.

On its basis, a generalized structural model of motivation for safe activities was created (Fig. 2). It contains three building blocks:

Politics, i.e. directions that form the basis of the motivational system;

Mechanisms that create a motivational system;

Problems solved by the motivational system.

The motivational system for safe activities is addressed by four policy directions, presented on the left side of the model:



Employee contribution;

Management of the motivation system.

Leveling refers to comparisons of the scope and hazard of work to ensure safe operations.

It includes several stages:

Analysis of the performance of each department to ensure safe operations;

Assessing the effectiveness of this work;

Development of measures to improve efficiency.

People's activities and skills are compared in terms of their relative contribution to the task of ensuring safe operations.

Rice. 2. Structural model of personnel motivation for safe activities (BD)

Competitiveness refers to compensation relationships.

This primarily applies to working conditions in workplaces, which must be not only safe, but also attractive. They are determined by the program for ensuring safety during the operation of equipment, methods of improving the training of workers to ensure safe activities, teaching them how to carry out work safely, professional selection, taking into account the influence of the working environment, the quality of protective equipment for workers and many other indicators. It is favorable working conditions that force staff to be attentive to own safety and the safety of others. Competitiveness is assessed in three stages: at the first, the characteristics of working conditions are determined, at the second they are assessed, and at the third, policies (measures) to improve them are determined.

One of the main elements of the system of motivation for safe activities is the contribution of employees. The personnel structure of the enterprise contains a number of categories from managers to direct performers of work. They decide different tasks in the field of ensuring safe activities: the upper echelon of personnel organizes it, and the lower echelon fulfills safety requirements. Due to the difference in the tasks performed, the contribution of employees to ensuring safe operations differs significantly from each other in volume, efficiency, and individual merits.

Although it is possible to design an incentive system based on employee alignment, competitiveness and contribution, it will never fulfill its purpose if it is not managed properly.

Management means understanding how the system works. It is necessary to answer the following questions: are the employees of the enterprise able to ensure safe activities? What needs to be done to improve its effectiveness? Do employees trust the established safety pay system? Do they understand their tasks? Do they understand how payment is made for personal contributions to security?

This is necessary in order to tune or redesign the system, adapt it to change and highlight areas for further improvement. Ultimately, it is necessary to determine the costs of its operation, evaluate its effectiveness and determine areas for cost optimization.

Motivation mechanisms link four main political directions with the objectives of the enterprise. Alignment is usually established through a sequence of mechanisms that begins with an analysis of the work done and the qualifications of the people performing it. This information is collected, systematized and evaluated. Based on these assessments, a motivation structure is designed.

The main goals of motivation include consistency, fairness, and efficiency.

Compliance means compliance with federal and state compensation laws and regulations. If they change, changes in the incentive system may be required to ensure continued consistency.

Fairness is a fundamental goal of any incentive system. It is understood as the absence of privileges associated with the subjective attitude of management towards a specific team or employee. This does not mean that everyone is treated equally, but fairly based on the respective situation. Therefore, the goal of fairness requires treating all employees “equally,” recognizing their contributions to their personal safety and the safety of others.

Efficiency is expressed in ensuring safe operations and the costs of ensuring them. The model serves as the basis for developing a motivation system.

The level of motivation is determined as follows.

Based on the results of research and analysis of foreign and Russian experience we can conclude that a reasonable combination of administrative and material incentives plays a leading role in the formation of an optimal motivational complex for personnel. But without assessing the attitude of each employee, it is impossible to realize the effectiveness of the influence of motivational factors. Naturally, the assessment system should be multifactorial, i.e. It is necessary to evaluate the totality of not only professional knowledge, but also the entire labor and motivational potential of the employee.

The most acceptable and satisfactory stimulation requirements is the system comprehensive assessment results of safe activities.

Taking into account the variety of indicators characterizing the safe activities of workers, we can propose constructing an assessment based on the following indicators:

The employee’s motivational potential for safe work;

Compliance with security requirements;

Creative activity of the employee to improve activities to ensure occupational safety.

Each indicator covers a specific area of ​​personnel activity. The set of presented evaluation criteria will most fully correspond to the safe activities of a particular employee. This set is multifactorial and therefore can only be used for motivation over a long period (annual). It is the annual interval that is most convenient not only from the point of view of psychological perception, but also from the point of view of economic feasibility.

The maximum score for each indicator is established by expert means.

Actual ratings are made on a ten-point scale:

Low level and there is a tendency for performance to deteriorate compared to the previous year – 1 point;

Low level and there is a tendency to improve performance compared to the previous year - 2 points;

A satisfactory level and there is a tendency for activity to deteriorate compared to the previous year – 3 points;

Satisfactory level and no tendency for performance to deteriorate or improve compared to the previous year – 4 points;

A satisfactory level and there is a tendency to improve performance compared to the previous year – 5 points;

The average level is a tendency for performance to deteriorate compared to the previous year – 6 points;

Average level and no tendency for performance to worsen or improve compared to the previous year – 7 points;

The average level is a tendency to improve performance compared to the previous year – 8 points;

A high level and a tendency for activity to deteriorate compared to the previous year – 9 points;

High level and no tendency for performance to worsen or improve compared to the previous year – 10 points.

For each indicator, the coefficient can be determined as the arithmetic average of the points scored:

TO i= A fact / A max, i = 1, 2, 3,

where K i– coefficient, respectively, of motivational potential, fulfillment of requirements, creative activity for safe activities;

A fact – the actual number of points scored;

A max – maximum amount of points.

An assessment of an employee’s motivational potential can be considered on the basis of an integral indicator of motivational activity:

K Σ = K m K t K a,

where K m is the coefficient of motivational potential to ensure safe activities;

K t – coefficient of compliance with safety requirements;

K a – coefficient of creative activity to safe activity.

Based on the value of the integral indicator, the size of moral and material rewards can be determined. In order to develop the effectiveness of employee motivation in the future, it is important to differentiate the assessment taking into account the employee’s length of service at the enterprise.

Motivation management causes a response from the safety management system, which imposes a whole set of requirements on the characteristics of personnel, which are shown in Fig. 3.

Rice. 3. The influence of the motivation system for safe activities on the professional characteristics of personnel

Thus, the motivation of personnel to operate safely is one of the important professional characteristics of personnel.


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  2. K.B. Malyshev Psychology of management. – M: Per Se, 2000. – 140 p.
  3. E.A. Utkin Motivational management. – M: EKMOS, 1999. – 256 p.
  4. W. Braddick Management in an organization. – M:INFRA-M, 1997. – 342 p.
  5. K. Zamfir Job satisfaction. – M: Politizdat, 1983. – 142 p.
  6. V.P. Pugachev Personnel management of the organization. – M: Aspect Press, 1998. – 279 p.
  7. A.A. Ruchka, N.A. Sakada Stimulation and motivation of work at industrial enterprise. – Kyiv: Nauk. Dumka, 1998. – 221 p.

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TOPIC 2.2. Managing employees’ internal motivation for safe work and compliance with labor protection requirements

2.2.1. General concepts about internal motivation
2.2.2. Managing internal motivation of employees to comply with labor protection requirements
2.2.3. Carrying out world day labor protection
2.2.4. Promotion of best practices in labor protection

2.2.1. General concepts about intrinsic motivation

Work takes up at least a third of adult independent life. A number of stages of a person’s working life cover earlier and later periods of his life (education, choice of profession, work and professional education, type of pension depending on working life, life of a pensioner-veteran of labor associated with the native organization, etc.). Therefore, work, and, consequently, all issues related to it, have great importance for any person and are always in the field of his attention.
The results achieved by people in the process of work depend not only on the knowledge, skills and abilities of these people. Effective activity is possible only if employees have appropriate motivation, i.e. desire to work. Positive motivation activates a person’s abilities, while negative motivation inhibits their manifestation.
Motivation includes an internal state of a person, called a need, and external factors that influence motivation, called a stimulus. Human behavior is determined by the needs and incentives that dominate the this moment time.
Physiological needs are fundamental to humans. They demand their satisfaction first. The organization of labor and the workplace must take this circumstance into account.
After satisfying physiological needs, the need for safety comes to the fore. However, this does not mean that the employee thereby strives to work safely. Often his fear of losing his job (need for social security) due to low productivity pushes him to violate basic safe work practices in order to quickly complete the assigned work.
The next need is the need to be in a group, to enjoy love and respect there. If this group (often called the reference group) neglects security measures, then each of its members will do “like everyone else.” It is known that the tone in a group is set by its leader, formal or informal. It is necessary to ensure that the formal leader (leader) of a group (unit, brigade) is its informal (true) leader with internal motivation to fulfill safety requirements. In such work teams (teams, shifts) everything is always in order.
Any person strives to improve his position in the group; he wants to feel his own importance, confirmed by the recognition of others. In the struggle for this recognition, he is ready to attract attention to himself at any cost, and therefore can often violate safety rules, trying to quickly do something very important and complex and thereby distinguish himself.
And finally, many people have a desire for self-expression and leadership. They want to realize themselves, fulfill their destiny.
As the needs at one level are partially satisfied, the needs at the next level become dominant. At the same time, it is important to keep in mind that only those incentives that satisfy a dominant need are motivating.
For example, a very common opinion is that the main factor efficient work is money: the more a person receives, the better he works. This belief is not true: if a person is dominated, for example, by the need for close relationships or the need for self-realization, then he will prefer a place where he can satisfy this need to money.

Stages and methods of identifying motivation, types of motivators

As a rule, in an established team, as long as everything is relatively good and stable in the company, the issue of staff motivation is not paramount. Problems start when they appear strong competitors, employees, including managers, change, and the ambitions of the founders increase.

The new team begins to “grind in”, the new management is trying to find an approach to the long-serving staff, competitors are attracting staff to themselves, the owner is demanding that plans be raised, that they be fulfilled and exceeded.

The work on motivating staff becomes more sophisticated, the less finance the company has, then we begin to talk about intangible methods stimulating labor productivity.

And everything would be fine, but leaving efficient workers from the company and high turnover practically squeeze the juice out of companies, slow down their development, and throw them back from their achieved positions in the market.

It is much easier and smarter to collect everything in advance necessary information about the employee and try to recognize motivation at the hiring stage than at the dismissal stage.

At the same time, at the dismissal stage, the motivation of employees also needs to be clarified. There are three stages in total to determine motivation:

    at the hiring stage during the interview;

    during work activity (at intervals of six months/year);

    upon dismissal - in order to take into account the mistakes of the previous stages, assess the degree of sincerity of the employee, and retain the employee if possible and necessary.

Motivation changes throughout a person’s professional development or with changes in life circumstances, under the influence of changes in his value orientations.

A person may be more or less self-motivated or more willing to accept external influences.

If we talk about what can give the right motivational impact for a company, this is:

  • increasing labor productivity/labor quality;
  • staff retention by increasing their satisfaction with the workplace (position, importance in the team, etc.).

Not all factors motivate to create a good result. Some motivate people to actually work (for the sake of earning money and satisfying other needs), but not to create a good result.

Motivation is based on need satisfaction. That is, by satisfying the employee’s needs, the employer motivates him. Different workers may have different needs. The enterprise may have limited capacity to meet these needs. Accordingly, it is easier for enterprises to assess in advance the arsenal of opportunities and tools for motivating employees. Provided appropriate conditions, benefits, and employees work. If you don’t provide it, you have to work on the problem.

Here the question arises - what to do with those individuals who work “under pressure” (the well-known subtype X in the theory of D. Magkgregor)? These individuals, like many others, have material needs and the need for security (or absence of punishment), but lacking the needs for self-actualization, self-improvement, usefulness, and service. Therefore, the prospect of working without administrative punishment and working in principle (to satisfy primary needs) for such personnel is an excellent motivation.

In order to determine the candidate’s motivators (motivations, motivating needs) at the interview stage, it is convenient to use ready-made forms, tables, questionnaires containing a list of motivators.

In order for the interviewer to identify the presence of a motivator and determine its significance for the employee, as well as for the company (retention in the company and / or increase in labor productivity), all factors (motivators) should be equally designated, that is, developed single classifier and a row symbols for motivators.

For example, I prefer to use the following list. It does not contain any motivational theory in its pure form, but uses some of them (Riess, Herzberg) and is adapted for a modern interview in a Russian company.

The first group of needs (motives) I include those that encourage one to actually work (work at home, get off the couch and go to work in an office, a factory, government agency, television, open a business):

  • material wealth (earnings, benefits);
  • self-realization through creativity, interesting work, technical developments and devices;
  • self-realization through work;
  • self-realization through significance and usefulness, help;
  • self-realization through leadership;
  • self-realization through communications;
  • self-affirmation through status and prestige, career.

This group influences the choice of a particular Company. Also, this group of motives, with stimulating influence or self-motivation of the employee, can contribute to increased productivity and improved quality of work.

In the second group I include needs that do not force one to go to work or perform feats of labor, but they are significant for personnel already when performing work tasks and the choice of not just a job depends on them ( labor function), but only for a certain Company:

  • favorable living conditions (sanitary, lunch, etc.);
  • developed social policy;
  • compliance with labor laws;
  • convenient work schedule;
  • convenient work location;
  • respect for the individual and favorable climate in a team, the attitude of the leader;
  • clarity and consistency of tasks, order;
  • fairness of job evaluation;
  • the ratio of invested effort and reward;
  • recognition, public evaluation, approval;
  • independence;
  • balance of working time and rest time;
  • ethical work practices;
  • physical activity (moderate, intense, etc.);
  • changing tasks;
  • pace and volume of work;
  • emotional calm (presence of noise, flow of visitors, games at work, etc.);
  • absence or small number of fines and punishments;
  • the opportunity to make job proposals;
  • quality of technical equipment of the workplace;
  • the need for friends, like-minded people and/or ineffective communication (gossip), corporate events;
  • need to avoid criticism;
  • the need for feasible responsibility (high or low);
  • need for risk avoidance or risk seeking;
  • need for freedom, avoidance of external restrictions.

The listed motives and needs of the second group are capable of retaining staff in the company. Some (but not all) of the needs of the second group can contribute to improving the quality and growth of labor productivity.

The presence of motives and their significance can be identified through an interview with a candidate or employee, as well as a written survey.

Motives and needs are definitely significant for a candidate if they caused dissatisfaction in the previous workplace, and also resulted in his dismissal or transfer to another place of work.

Below are examples of questions that can be used to elicit applicants' needs.

  • Why do you need a job?
  • What motivates you to work better?
  • Give examples when the company created conditions for you so that you could work effectively.
  • How did your manager influence you to get good results at work?
  • If you were offered a job at the same time in different companies with the same salary, what parameters would you use to choose the job?
  • Would you agree to leadership position, if the company has a very strict leadership style, a lot of sanctions, reprimands towards employees?
  • Could you work in a company where outside conversations between employees are completely prohibited, except during lunch breaks?
  • Would you be able to work in a position with high wages, where there is a small amount of simple work, you need to occasionally fill out papers, periodically move from folder to folder, or other small-scale functionality?
  • Could you work in the Company all the time in one position? With slightly varying wages?

UDC 331.103


The causes of injury are given. Noted low level occupational safety culture and its dependence on motivation for safe work. The article provides suggestions for increasing motivation to perform work in accordance with the standards in force in the field of labor protection.



V.A. Matvienko

Head of the Center for Additional vocational education Kemerovo Institute (branch) of the Federal State Budgetary Educational Institution of Higher Professional Education "REU im. G.V. Plekhanov"

T.M. Kostina

Lecturer at the Kemerovo Institute (branch) of the Federal State Budgetary Educational Institution of Higher Professional Education "REU im. G.V. Plekhanov"

T.A. Tumanova

Senior Lecturer, Federal State Budgetary Educational Institution of Higher Professional Education, Kemerovo Technological Institute of Food Industry

In the current economic situation in Russian Federation, increasing the competitiveness of enterprises is one of the current areas. In his 2003 message to the Federal Assembly, the President of the Russian Federation set the goal of doubling the country's gross domestic product (GDP) over a decade. At the same time, he noted that solving this problem will require “consolidation of political forces and society.” It should be noted that for the period from 2003 to 2013. GDP increased by only 48.5%.

Currently, an opinion has been formed about external and internal factors, determining the competitiveness of the enterprise. And if external factors practically do not depend on the enterprise, then internal factors lie in the area of ​​activity of management and are a tool for ensuring its competitiveness. At the same time, such factors as production and organizational structure enterprises; degree of qualification of personnel; control system.

Since at the heart of any production,

institutions, organizations are based on human activity, it is quite obvious that the share of influence of each factor on the competitiveness of an enterprise depends on the person.

Annual analyzes of the causes of industrial accidents with severe consequences allow us to conclude that almost two thirds of accidents occur due to anthropogenic causes (“human factor”). This is mainly due to unsatisfactory organization of work, violations of work technology, safety rules, and labor discipline. As a rule, the implementation of these reasons into negative phenomena is accompanied by a low level of professionalism and ignorance of safety issues.

Thus, the maxim of the times of industrialization of our country - “Personnel decides everything” is still relevant today.

The main goal of any enterprise is to make a profit, and to achieve it requires an increase in the quantity and quality of products. As a rule, economic spending on non-productive needs, including improving working conditions and increasing the level of safety, is undesirable, which significantly reduces the competitiveness of enterprises and causes high level injuries, including fatalities, and a large number of workplaces with hazardous working conditions.

The state, having as a priority direction of its policy in the field of labor protection the preservation of the life and health of workers, has assigned a number of responsibilities to the employer, including providing workers with working conditions that meet safety and hygiene requirements. Local regulatory framework to fulfill the above responsibilities is an occupational safety and health management system (OSMS).

In fact, the OSMS, being a part (subsystem) of the organizational enterprise management system, depends on the type of its structure and the specifics of production.

Methodological guidance on the development and implementation of an OSMS for a linear structure

management is GOST 12.0.230-2007 “Occupational safety management systems. General requirements"and GOST R 54934 - 2012 "Occupational safety and health management systems" for the rest. The working time fund lost due to industrial injuries, compensation provided to employees when working in places with hazardous working conditions, in the form of reduced working hours and additional leave, reached 180.1 million person-days, which is in monetary terms amounted to 1.1 trillion. rubles and caused a decrease in GDP by approximately 7%. The structure of the specified loss of working time is shown in Table 1.

Practice shows that the employer, who, according to the law, is the main person responsible for labor protection at the enterprise, is himself unmotivated to fulfill this area of ​​his duties, and, being the manager of finances, often does not find it necessary to allocate them for labor protection, which is a violation of the requirements of the federal law of the Labor Code .

This situation could not but affect the trend of increasing the number of jobs with harmful and dangerous working conditions and, in turn, led to an increase in injuries, occupational morbidity, working hours and economic costs.

Economic losses resulting from unsatisfactory working conditions consist of:

Expenses for compensation and protective equipment for employees engaged in work with harmful and (or) dangerous working conditions;

Expenses of the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation on the payment of early pensions for work in harmful and (or) hazardous conditions labor;

Costs due to losses of working time due to unfavorable working conditions and injuries.

In the period from 2009-2013. In Russia, there has been a tendency to increase the proportion of workers employed in harmful and (or) dangerous working conditions (Table 2).

Table 1 - Characteristics of losses

Reason % of 180.1 million people-days

Additional leave 77,6

Shortened working hours 13.7

Disability due to work-related injuries 8.3

Table 2 - Proportion of workers working in conditions that do not meet hygienic standards

Year 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013

Indicator, % 27.5 29.0 30.5 31.8 32.2

Highest specific gravity working in harmful conditions labor (with an average for Russia of 32.2%) was observed in 2013 in the Siberian Federal District - 41.9%, while in the Kemerovo region it was 59.9%, which is the highest figure in the Russian Federation. The high figure is explained by the large number of coal mines, since during mining coal underground method, 77.8% of jobs are characterized by unsatisfactory working conditions.

According to Rospotrebnadzor, in 2013, for the first time, the occupational disease was diagnosed in 6,993 people, which increased by 4.4% compared to 2012, more than a third of them were in the Siberian Federal District, of which 1,227 people were in the Kemerovo region.

For Russia, the average level was first established in 2013. occupational diseases is 2.5 cases per 10 thousand employees, while in the Kemerovo region there are 19.6 cases per 10 thousand employees, the highest level of occupational diseases among workers engaged in underground coal mining is 135.1 per 10 thousand employees.

Abroad, where historically developed economic system production and distribution, based on private property, the employer, not without the help of strong trade unions, realized that only a socially protected worker who has normal working conditions is motivated to work highly productively - to produce a lot of products of good quality.

Personnel motivation is targeted and largely determines the state of the country's economy.

A person’s behavior, reflecting his internal state, depends on external factors- incentives. Effective activity is possible only if employees have appropriate motivation, i.e., the desire to work. Positive motivation activates a person’s abilities, while negative motivation inhibits their manifestation.

In order to avoid additional expenses and other negative consequences from industrial accidents, the employer’s actions should be aimed at motivating all personnel to perform work without violating technology, equipment operating instructions, safety rules, etc.

At the same time, given the significant proportion of causes of accidents of an anthropogenic nature, it is necessary to pay attention to training personnel on occupational safety and hygiene, as well as increasing the level of professionalism. In practice, this means that engineering and technical personnel are required to know and perform work in accordance with job description, and ordinary personnel - instructions on labor protection.

It is the joint actions of the entire enterprise team, including the employer, that will be able to formulate the responsibility of each person for safety in his own workplace, and at the employer - in all workplaces.

All employees, and first of all managers of all ranks, must be informed, trained and involved in the management of labor protection, as well as monitoring the implementation of safety and hygiene requirements. Practice, namely, attendance at occupational safety training courses, shows that the higher the rank of the manager, the more formal his attitude to the study of issues and problems in this area.

Since January 2014, workplace certification has been replaced by a new procedure - a special assessment of working conditions. Without noting its features, disadvantages and advantages, we note that Federal law"ABOUT special assessment working conditions", the task is to raise interest, that is, motivate employers to eliminate harmful and hazardous factors production environment And labor process in the workplace or reducing their negative impact through the use of effective means personal protection. For this purpose, the law provides for the introduction of an additional tariff for insurance contributions to the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation, the presence and amount of which is directly established depending on the class (subclass) of working conditions in the workplace.

Dependence of the level of financial responsibility of the employer towards Pension Fund RF in the form of individual tariff contributions, which represents an increase in the regular tariff from two to eight percent, on the quality of the production environment and the labor process, is aimed at motivating its activities in the field of labor protection.

Analysis of the results of work in the field of labor protection in industrialized countries,

and at leading domestic enterprises, it can be concluded that a reduction in the number of industrial accidents and occupational diseases occurs where measures aimed at preventing negative incidents are implemented, and each person knows his rights, duties and responsibilities for violating state requirements in the field labor protection. This means that the occupational safety management system at the enterprise is effective, and the results of its activities ensure the constitutional human right to safe and healthy working conditions.

To improve working conditions, prevent accidents and occupational morbidity, knowledge of occupational risks, their impact on a person and methods of protection are of great importance, since the level of a person’s competence in the world of dangers determines the level of his safety. An employer who understands the relevance of staff motivation and wants to use human resources

a factor in its own interests must develop a system of influence of external factors. Methods of non-material motivation of employees are varied, including human attitude to the staff, which implies simple gratitude for Good work, recognition of the difficulties encountered in its implementation and assistance in overcoming them. These include the following known actions, such as a prize, a Certificate of Merit, nomination for the title “Best in the Profession,” etc.

But one of the main motivation factors is the opportunity to gain new knowledge, increase professionalism, and the possibility of career growth.

The personnel motivation system aims to increase the efficiency of the enterprise through labor management, including increasing the level of its safety. And the goal will be achieved if it is possible to connect the material interests of workers with strategic objectives enterprises.


1. Implementation report public policy in the field of labor conditions and safety in the Russian Federation in 2013, prepared by the Ministry of Labor and Social Protection of the Russian Federation (as amended on November 13, 2014). [ Electronic resource]. - Access mode:

2. Pugachev, V.P. Motivation for work activity: / V.P. Pugachev. - M.: INFRA-M, 2011. - 394 p.

3. Labor Code Russian Federation dated December 30, 2001 No. 197-FZ (as amended on November 4, 2014).




Matvienko V. A., Kostina T. M., Tumanova T.

A. Matvienko Valentina Andreevna

The reasons of injuries are described. Low email: [email protected]

level of labor protection culture is pointed out and

its dependence on safe labor motivation. The Kostina Tatyana Mikhailovna

article gives the suggestions how to increase the

motivation for safer way of labor according to Tumanova Tamara Aleksandrovna

the actual regulations in force in the field of labor e-mail: [email protected]