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Interregional Trade Union of Drivers. Trade Union of Motor Transport and Road Workers of the Moscow Region

A picket of the Interregional Trade Union of Professional Drivers took place near the building of the Moscow Department of Transport. Participants in the protest expressed their dissatisfaction with the actions of officials, which complicate work and cause serious material damage to carriers.

The event was headed by the Chairman of the MPVP Alexander Kotov, among the participants was the General Labor Inspector of the SPR Sergei Khramov, and in total there were about 70 people who gathered for the action. Among them were drivers - individual entrepreneurs, and businessmen owning dozens of trucks. All of them, to a greater or lesser extent, suffered from the ban on daytime entry into Moscow within the Moscow Ring Road without special passes.

The restriction on the movement of large-tonnage freight transport along the Moscow Ring Road was introduced to relieve congestion on the capital's roads, but almost all legal carriers operating in Moscow suffered. Many of them were unable to adapt their work to the new rules, having strict obligations for the delivery of goods, including government contracts, since it was not easy to get passes to travel during the daytime.

In October the situation became more complicated. As the chairman of the Interregional Trade Union of Professional Drivers Alexander Kotov said, from October 1, passes began to be issued in in electronic format through the portal public services Moscow, but the service was not ready for this. In fact, for various reasons, all carriers received denials of their applications. Someone's copies of documents were not read, someone prepared the wrong papers due to the current confusion. Department officials said 50 passes were issued to drivers last month, but that's a drop in the bucket compared to the needs of the transportation industry.

As a result, a situation arose where drivers, unable to refuse to fulfill previously concluded contracts, received fines amounting to more than two hundred thousand rubles. According to Alexander Kotov, one carrier, bound by a state order and forced to violate the entry regime into Moscow, earned penalties in the amount of more than half a million rubles, which is fatal for small businesses.

That is why the Interregional Trade Union of Professional Drivers held a picket at the capital’s Department of Transport in the form of a mourning event with real funeral wreaths “To Small Business from the Department of Transport”, artificial flowers and mourning ribbons with the slogans: “Farewell to your favorite job:”, “Department of Transport - cross on grave of a small business", "Application for burial of a small business only in electronic form", "Do not provoke a repetition of Biryulev" and similar inscriptions.

Unfortunately, media attention to people’s real problems was low, apparently because the event was held legally and there were no signs of provocations. The inaction of officials and the reluctance of the leadership of the Department of Transport to make contact with the Professional Drivers Union threatens to be more provocative than illegal mass event. The problems of carriers can significantly hit the pockets of all citizens, because the loss of drivers means an increase in prices for the goods they deliver.

September 2009 marked the 90th anniversary of the formation of the trade union of road transport and road workers.
The history of the trade union is inseparable from the history of our entire state and society. During this period, the trade union went through a difficult path of formation.
The emergence of the professional movement of transport workers is associated with the intensification of the struggle of the working class of Tsarist Russia for its liberation from the yoke of exploitation.
The most influential active part of the transport workers were the loaders. In 1905, there were about 200 thousand transport workers. This was the first professional organization transport workers, which enjoyed enormous authority. The union intensively carried out strikes. The strike movement took place, as a rule, under the slogan of an economic nature, but in a number of cases political demands were also put forward.
The union of drivers in Moscow and automobile technicians in Petrograd, and the trade unions of transport workers in Kyiv, Odessa, Novorossiysk and other cities had a significant influence on the unity of transport workers and the growth of their revolutionary spirit.
The First All-Russian Congress of Trade Unions, held in January 1918, proclaimed as the main organizational principle of building trade unions the slogan: “One production - one trade union,” that is, association in trade unions not according to the principles of profession and specialty, but according to the place of work. Workers at one enterprise united into one trade union.
Perestroika and the unification of transport workers' trade unions on a production basis took place in parallel with attempts to professionally unite transport workers on a national scale.
In January 1918, on the initiative of the Petrograd Union of Drivers, the All-Russian Congress of Drivers' Unions and Automobile Units of the Front and Rear was convened.
Moscow transport workers, who united into one union in 1919, played a significant role in the creation of the trade union.
In March 1919, the All-Russian Conference of Transport Workers was held, which discussed issues related to the upcoming congress and elected an organizing bureau to convene it.
The First Congress of Transport Workers began its work on September 12, 1919.
On September 18, 1919, the congress elected a Central Committee of the trade union consisting of 15 people. This day is considered to be the founding day of the Auto Transport Workers Trade Union.
Andrei Dmitrievich Sadovsky, who was repeatedly re-elected at congresses and led the trade union until 1927, was elected Chairman of the Central Committee of the VPST (All-Russian Production Union of Transport Workers).
In October 1920, the II All-Russian Congress of Transport Workers took place. The congress stated: “The organizational structure of the union can basically be considered complete.”
Thus, a new difficult task was on the agenda - the creation of an independent industry road transport, issues of economic construction.
Without solving this main problem, it was impossible to solve the issues of improving the financial situation of trade union members, protecting their labor, and raising the cultural level.
Starting from the II All-Russian Congress of the Trade Union, for a number of years at all congresses and conferences, at all plenums, along with issues of wages, labor protection and cultural education, the issues of building a local transport economy were invariably considered, the activities of economic bodies were checked and prospects for their further work were outlined.
In pursuance of the decisions of the Second Congress, which considered the issue “On the importance of local transport and its organization,” a lot of work was carried out against the dispersion of transport across various sectors.
The IV All-Russian Trade Union Congress, held in May 1923, decided on the need to create its own automobile industry in the country. This decision was made by the trade union even before the start of industrialization of the country.
One of the main areas of work during that period was the fight against illiteracy. The IV Congress of the Trade Union, having discussed this issue, called on all organizations to “give the work of eliminating illiteracy an urgent character” and consider this task the most urgent, combat task of the day.
The goal is for every literate trade union member to train one illiterate one. And the work bore fruit. If in 1921 Among the total mass of transport workers, 43 percent were illiterate, then in 1922. their number became 37 percent, and by the V Congress of the trade union in 1924. - 8 percent.
Immediately after the creation of the trade union, its Central Committee had to take a close look at the working conditions of workers. This work covered a wide range of issues, ranging from the development of legal norms of labor legislation to the fulfillment of the functions of receiving and distributing industrial and special clothing, protective equipment, soap, etc. to enterprises.
Years passed. The thirties were difficult for trade unions and the whole society.
Neither the road transport industry nor the motor transport workers' union could avoid the consequences of administrative-command management methods and unreasonable transformations.
In September 1934, in order to bring the trade union leadership closer to the localities production management it was split into three independent ones: the trade union of drivers of Moscow and Leningrad, the trade union of drivers of the South, the trade union of drivers of the East.
In 1940 The driver unions were renamed the trade unions of road transport workers of the Center, South and East. The central committees of trade unions were located in Moscow, Kharkov and Novosibirsk, respectively.
In the thirties, one of the main directions in the activities of the trade union was the mobilization of workers to implement socialist reforms. Initiatives of innovators and leaders in production are emerging. So, since 1935. A patriotic movement of drivers developed to increase the norms of vehicle mileage between repairs. Its initiators were the driver of motorcade No. 24 of the Rostov region I.I. Maltsev with two shift workers. By the way, he was later elected chairman of the Rostov regional trade union committee. Their ZIS-8 bus covered more than 300 thousand km without major repairs, while according to existing standards, the mileage of this bus was 30 thousand before a medium repair and 60 thousand km before a major overhaul.
The movement started by I.I. Maltsev and his followers, was called the “hundred thousandth” movement. Entering the competition, the drivers took the obligation to pass through the high-quality maintenance of the car without overhaul 100 thousand km and more. Hence the name - “hundred thousandth movement”. Later, “two hundred” appeared, and then “three hundred thousand” and “five hundred thousand”.
The movement to increase the interrepair mileage standards quickly spread throughout all vehicle fleets in the country.

The outbreak of the Great Patriotic War radically changed the life of the country. A decisive restructuring of the national economy on a war footing was carried out. The work of all state and public organizations was subordinated to one goal - to mobilize all forces to fight the enemy.
The Trade Union of Automobile Transport Workers launched work to mobilize workers for the construction of defensive lines near Minsk, Leningrad, Kiev, Rostov, Kharkov, and Moscow. People's militia units were created in motor vehicles.

After expulsion in 1944 enemy from the borders of the Motherland mobilizing activities trade union organizations was aimed at restoring the destroyed national economy and gradually transferring road transport to peaceful tracks.
Considering that the division of the country's motor transport workers into three trade unions for ten long years did not allow for a unified policy and created difficulties in resolving many issues, an important organizational task was put on the agenda - uniting the trade unions of motor transport workers of the Center, South, East into a single trade union .
In 1944, a joint plenum of the central committees of the three trade unions decided to merge. By this time there were 11 republican, 5 regional, 29 regional committees and there were more than 90 thousand trade union members.
The convening of the First Congress of the united trade union became possible only in October 1947.
This congress determined the main directions of activity of trade union organizations, including the further development of socialist competition. By the end of 1947 About 90 percent of the workers joined it. The competition between drivers to increase the mileage between repairs was further developed, by the end of 1948. More than 20 thousand drivers took part in it. Team drivers Ya.I. achieved outstanding success in this competition. Titov from the 1st bus depot in Moscow. He also initiated a competition for savings, which became widespread among motor transport workers in all regions of the country. The team of Yakov Ivanovich Titov, using a number of improvements, achieved significant success in saving gasoline. The initiator himself was awarded the USSR State Prize in 1950. In 1982, the Central Committee of the trade union established the Titov Prize of Soviet Trade Unions, which was awarded annually to ten motor transport workers who achieved the highest results in socialist competition for their initiative and innovation.
In 1947, at automobile transport enterprises, as in other sectors of the national economy, the conclusion of collective agreements was resumed. They become an important economic document that increases the responsibility of economic managers and trade union committees for improving production, social and living conditions and cultural services for workers.
In 1953, construction and operation highways were transferred to the jurisdiction of republican ministries, which became known as the ministries of road transport and highways.
In the same year, after the abolition of the trade union of workers and employees of highway and hydraulic engineering construction, almost all road organizations joined the trade union of automobile transport workers, which then became known as the trade union of automobile transport and highway workers. In 1957, the trade union merged with the Communication Workers Trade Union.
Since 1959, the Central, republican, regional and regional committees of the trade union, and primary organizations have been doing a lot of work to transfer workers to a seven-hour working day and regularize wages.
Since the mid-sixties, the concern of the trade union has been the spread new system planning and economic stimulation. Training, preparation of methodological recommendations, provision of practical assistance, review of the practice of organizing socialist competition in order to achieve high economic indicators- these and other measures taken by the trade union contributed to the spread of the new system. By the end of 1967, about 600 automobile enterprises were successfully working on it. The experience of the trade union organizations of the automobile plant No. 1 of Glavmosavtotrans and the Leningrad Automotive Facility No. 1108 received the approval of the Secretariat of the All-Union Central Council of Trade Unions and the Presidium of the Central Committee of the trade union and was recommended for wide dissemination.
In January 1968, at the next congress of the trade union, it was decided to split the trade union into two independent ones - the trade union of communication workers and the trade union of road transport and highway workers.
After disaggregation, the trade union united 2,465 thousand members, or 95.5 percent of the total number of workers.
From that time on, the quantitative growth of the trade union was carried out only through the development of the branches of road transport and road facilities, more complete coverage of workers by trade union membership.
Significant milestones on the path of the trade union were its regular congresses, which determined current and future tasks for the corresponding period.
January 1972 The XII Trade Union Congress called on trade union organizations to further development socialist competition, implementation scientific and technological progress, increase efficient production and accelerating productivity growth.
February 1977 The XIII Congress of the Trade Union considered the most important task of trade union organizations and their committees to mobilize workers to fulfill the tasks of the five-year plan by increasing production efficiency and the quality of work.
February 1982 The XIV Congress of the Trade Union identified specific tasks to increase the level of mass production and economic work, solving labor safety issues, medical care, labor and moral education of workers.
January 9-10, 1987 The next XV Congress of the Trade Union of Automobile Transport and Highway Workers was held in the Hall of Columns of the House of Unions. The delegates developed the main directions for restructuring the activities of the trade union and all its organizations. At this time, the trade union united 14 thousand primary organizations, about 4 million motorists and road workers.
The Central Committee of the Trade Union attached primary importance to a set of tasks related to the work of industries in conditions of full self-financing and self-financing. Training the broad masses of workers in the basics of a specific economy, disseminating new economic methods, new forms of self-government provided for by the Law on state enterprise(association) were the main production and economic tasks of the trade union.
The trade union and its local bodies, implementing the decisions of the congress, increased their demands in the field of improving labor protection, worker health, compliance labor legislation, solving housing issues.
Thanks to the creation in the seventies and eighties material base social sphere, members of the trade union had at their disposal more than 600 boarding houses and rest homes, 58 sanatoriums, 250 pioneer camps, and more than 3.5 thousand health centers. Many businesses boasted excellent health centers.
The development and implementation of the “Health” program under the control of trusted doctors of the trade union Central Committee contributed to a reduction in general and occupational morbidity in industries.
The network of sports facilities and grounds expanded.
The industries gave birth to sports teams that became widely known in big-time sports. These are the teams of hockey players "Spartak" of the automobile plant No. 1 of Moscow, "Avtomobilist" of Sverdlovsk, volleyball players of the Leningrad "Avtomobilist", football players of the team "Krasnaya Presnya" of the 7th taxi company of Moscow and others.
Since 1971, All-Union competitions began to be held professional excellence car drivers.
The trade union's international ties were strengthened. The Central Committee maintained contacts with more than 180 related trade unions from 78 countries and 5 international associations. The trade union is a member of the International Association of Trade Unions (ITU) of transport workers, a permanent co-chairman of pan-European seminars, a participant in Asian and other international industry trade union seminars, meetings and conferences.
The tasks that perestroika posed to trade unions presented new high requirements to the level of organizational work of trade union committees at all levels.
Thanks to the persistence of the trade union committees and the Central Committee, a decision was made to establish pensions on preferential terms for drivers of urban passenger transport.
It was possible to achieve inclusion in new lists giving the right to preferential benefits pension provision drivers of vehicles involved in transporting rock mass, machinists, asphalt concrete layers, repairmen rubber products, employed in vulcanization, electric welders in automatic and semi-automatic machines. Vulcanizers, painters, and battery workers have acquired the right to preferential pensions, regardless of departmental subordination. The right to preferential pension provision is also extended to asphalt concrete workers, bitumen cookers, bitumen workers, and asphalt dispenser operators engaged in road repairs.
An agreement was reached with the State Labor Committee to expand the standards for the free issuance of protective clothing for bus drivers employed in the Far North.
The rapidly changing political and economic situation in the country required the trade union to make structural changes and constantly adjust its actions.
In October 1990, at the XVI Congress of the trade union, the Declaration on the formation of the All-Union Federation of Trade Unions of Automobile Transport and Road Workers was adopted, which was subsequently reformed into International association trade unions.
In February 1990, the Russian Republican Trade Union Organization and the Russian Republican Council of Chairmen of Regional and Regional Committees of the Trade Union of Automobile Transport and Road Workers were created.
Trade Union of Automobile Transport and Road Workers Russian Federation created on September 28, 1990 at the First Congress of the trade union, which adopted the Charter of the trade union, policy documents, determining his future activities.
The formation of the Russian trade union took place in conditions of rapid changes in the social and political life of the country. Over the past period, motorists and road workers, like the entire population of Russia, have experienced the full brunt of the socio-economic recession.
In these difficult conditions, the union did not disintegrate, survived and finds its place in protecting the socio-economic interests of motorists and road workers.
On January 24, 1996, the Second Congress of the trade union took place, to which 147 delegates were elected from all territorial organizations of the trade union.
The congress heard a report by the Chairman of the Central Committee of the trade union V.I. Mokhnachev “Report on the work of the Central Committee of the trade union and the tasks of trade union organizations to protect the labor, professional and socio-economic rights and interests of workers in road transport and road construction”, adopted a corresponding resolution, made changes and additions to Charter of the trade union, formed the Central Committee of the trade union, elected audit commission trade union. V.I. Mokhnachev was elected Chairman of the Trade Union Central Committee.
In its activities after the congress, the Central Committee of the trade union primarily made efforts to strengthen the cohesion of the ranks of the trade union and the unity of its actions structural divisions, consistent and persistent advocacy legal rights and the interests of the working person, his safety and security, protection of the health of workers and their social security.
In connection with the implementation of market reforms, privatization and denationalization of motor transport and road infrastructure, and the emergence of new types of property, the functions of the trade union began to change. Protective tasks come to the fore. Time required a change in relationships with government agencies and employers.
On January 24, 2001, the III Congress of the trade union was held, which determined the priority tasks facing the trade union and approved the Action Program of the trade union of road transport and road workers for 2001-2005.
On January 25, 2006, at the IV Congress of the trade union, the trade union action program for the next period was approved, approved new edition The trade union charter, the governing bodies of the trade union were elected. The congress elected Viktor Ivanovich Mokhnachev as Chairman of the trade union, Vladimir Vladimirovich Lomakin as Deputy Chairman of the trade union.
The trade union Central Committee connects its strategic course with the development social partnership. In the conditions of the formation of market relations in the sectors of motor transport and road infrastructure, social partnership between workers, employers and the state both at the federal level, constituent entities of the Russian Federation, municipal, and at the enterprise level has received qualitative development.

The Chairman of the Central Committee of the Trade Union for a long time was a member of the Russian Tripartite Commission for the Regulation of Social and Labor Relations, and paid constant attention to the preparation, conclusion and implementation of the General Agreement, showing persistence in implementing modern solutions on key social problems.
The trade union's interaction with authorities on the development and adoption of normative legal acts related to social and labor issues is developing.
The Central Committee of the trade union coordinates the tariff and qualification characteristics of work and various professions, takes an active part in determining the characteristics of the working hours and rest periods of car, tram and trolleybus drivers, approved by the Ministry of Transport of the Russian Federation.
Defending the right of industrial workers to strike, the Central Committee of the trade union took an active part in determining the Minimum necessary work during a strike at transport and road enterprises.
The Central Committee of the trade union paid significant attention to the issues of ensuring timely payment wages working.
Issues of reducing wage debts, others critical issues are considered jointly by employers and their associations and trade union organizations.
Repeatedly took part in parliamentary hearings, organized by various State Duma committees.
A new step in the development of social partnership was the conclusion of an Agreement between the Ministry of Transport of Russia and the Central Committee of the trade union in October 1998.
Similar agreements on social partnership and cooperation were concluded by the trade union with the Federal Road Agency (Rosavtodor) and the Russian Motor Transport Union.
The main documents of social partnership were Industry agreements and collective agreements.
If the first agreements were concluded between the Central Committee of the trade union and representatives of employers - the Rosavtotrans and Rosavtodor concerns, then since 1992 the Government of Russia has become a party to them, and with the release of the Law of the Russian Federation "On Collective Bargains and Agreements" - a federal body: the Ministry of Labor of Russia. The main emphasis of the agreements was on improving the organization economic activity in industries and enterprises.
Later, industry agreements determined specific labor standards and minimum guarantees for employees of industry enterprises.
Thanks to the strong and persistent position of the trade union Central Committee, the size of the industry minimum tariff rates significantly exceeded the legally established level of the minimum wage in the country.
By 2008, the Central Committee of the trade union constantly concludes 3 industry agreements at the federal level:
for workers of automobile and urban ground passenger transport;
for road workers;
for transport construction workers (together with the Russian Trade Union of Railway Workers and Transport Builders).
Regional and territorial industry agreements have become widespread and are concluded in approximately 40% of regions.
More than 90% of enterprises have collective agreements.

Mass protests have lost the character of an exceptional phenomenon and have become firmly established in the practice of actions of trade union organizations in defending the rights and interests of trade union members.
The first tangible demonstration of union unity and strength was the collective action of union affiliates in May 1992 against government policies leading to the collapse of industries. With its decisive actions, the union forced the government to sit down at the negotiating table and adopt an appropriate resolution on state support motorists and road workers. This marked the beginning of the social partnership between the trade union and the government.
The trade union has repeatedly resorted to organizing All-Russian protests. In 2000, throughout the country, trade union organizations held rallies and picketing of government buildings in connection with the unsatisfactory situation of urban passenger transport enterprises.
In 2002, at the call of the trade union, the entire public of the Russian road industry rose up to protest against the Government's plans, leading to a change in the sources and reduction of funding for the road industry.
In 2005, the trade union, together with employers’ associations, public organizations In transport, an all-Russian protest against rising fuel prices was organized.
The participants of the action adopted a Statement addressed to the Government of the Russian Federation with demands: to introduce state control over the cost of fuel sold on domestic market; ensure a reduction in fuel prices to a level corresponding to the development of the Russian economy and the level of income of the population; develop and introduce a mechanism for compensating automobile enterprises for their additional expenses caused by rising prices for automobile fuel.
All-Russian protest action of the trade union “No to rising fuel prices!” supported by the Federation of Independent Trade Unions of Russia, almost all all-Russian trade unions, regional associations of trade union organizations.
Support was received from a number of foreign and international trade union organizations.
In 2007, the trade union, together with the Association of International Road Carriers, held public events in protest against the infringement of the rights of automobile enterprises, international road carriers, restrictions on operation Vehicle, acquired in accordance with the benefits of the Special Economic Zone in the Kaliningrad region.
In 2008, the trade union initiated the All-Russian protest action, which was carried out by decision of the Association of Transport and Communications Trade Unions of the Russian Federation. The majority of all-Russian trade union organizations and regional associations of trade union organizations in the constituent entities of the Russian Federation joined the protest action. The action was supported by the Coordination Committee of Solidarity Actions of the Federation of Independent Trade Unions of Russia, uniting 43 Russian trade unions, the International Transport Workers' Federation, all industry associations operating in the transport and road sector.

As of January 1, 2008, the trade union unites 75 territorial trade union organizations, almost 3 thousand primary trade union organizations of automobile transport and road construction enterprises, secondary specialized educational institutions and vocational schools with total number There are about 500 thousand trade union members
Among trade union members, 28.1% are women, 19% are young workers under 35 years of age, 5.3% are students of educational institutions
In 2007, 24,312 people were admitted to the trade union, including 9,790 youth.
Currently, 75.8% of workers in the automotive transport and road construction sectors are covered by trade union membership.

Thirteen years ago, Alexander Kotov created a union of drivers (full name - Interregional Professional Union of Professional Drivers). Since then, he has been its chairman, leader and main force. He has a higher technical education, which he himself calls “upper.” During Soviet times he worked as a taxi driver. In the late eighties I bought my first truck.

Kotov was driving his truck during the most dangerous years. “When my mother sent me on a long journey, she asked: “Did you take your socks?” Did you take your panties? Did you take the carbine? Fine! Go, son! Well done!" I actually had two cases where, if it weren’t for the carbine, I would have been killed.”

How did you come up with the idea to create a union of professional drivers?

How to answer, as for the press or honestly?

No, well, let's be honest...

Exceptionally stupid. A ban was introduced on the entry of heavy vehicles into the Moscow region. railway, there were two unauthorized rallies, and at the second the people’s desire to create a trade union was expressed. I said, let's guys raise some money to buy a sound amplification device. Because yelling is not a healthy voice for everyone. They chipped in some money for me and said: “Why are you standing here? Go and buy! When I returned, having run through the entire center and not having bought anything, there were no more people there, everyone had left. If I took the money and didn’t buy a sound reinforcement system, then I took on the responsibility to do something.

At the next rally we already collected about 4 thousand dollars. And, in fact, it was then that I began to create a trade union. I was a sufficient carrier at that time. I had a new MAZ. And I simply had no idea what kind of cross I was putting on myself. But if I have taken it upon myself, then I must bear it with honor and dignity.

You say - a cross. What is the cross?

It's easy to create a union. This is 1998, the certificate they gave me was still typed. Can you imagine? At that time everything was very simple. And the cross is that the trade union exists for one single purpose: to protect labor rights and social interests. And at the same time, our Russian people love freebies, everyone comes with questions, everyone demands help, but no one wants to join. The cross is that all the negativity that exists in cargo transportation “comes” here. It is extremely rare that we have positive moments; this is mainly due to the birth of children by union members.

What exactly do you do? Tell us about your daily activities!

The situation is this: in “Perekrestok” we created a primary trade union organization. After some time, two activists primary organization there was a shortage. The sealed car was sent, one to Kolomna, one to Serpukhov. We arrived at the stores and it turned out that there were no seals. Where they went is unknown. They began to count the load. Each car is missing a bottle of cognac. Cognac is expensive, three thousand rubles. We found bottles in the cabin. Well, our drivers don’t drink this kind of cognac! Don't steal from under your own seals! The cars are equipped with GPS navigation, which allows you to determine where you stopped, whether the doors were opened, how long the doors were open, and whether the engine was turned off. Administration setup! It was necessary to involve lawyers. It cost the union 120 thousand rubles... after all, this is a criminal case in two different cities... and the result is zero. Because strong structure they did not begin to find out who caused the shortage for the trade union activists.

Who are your union members? Who joins a trade union and who doesn't?

Our problem is that 80% of carriers are illegal immigrants. That is, these are people who do not have the right to engage in entrepreneurial activity. They don’t need trade unions, because it is impossible to protect them in the legal field. There are quite a large number of people in cargo transportation who came there by chance. It seems like what? I bought a car and money started pouring in. Another group of random people, although it would be a stretch to call them random, are traffic police officers. They have collected a large amount of money, but they cannot invest it anywhere. Well, let's buy cars, one, two, three, hire drivers, and everything will be fine. They have neither intelligence nor fear. They cannot engage in commercial activities or understand what it is commercial activity, they don’t understand, they have repressive leadership methods... In our slang, such comrades are called “freebies.”

Since 2005, when the state abolished licensing, including for the transportation of dangerous goods, chaos and chaos have reigned in cargo transportation. Everyone drives no matter how and where they happen. The majority of drivers who work for hire believe that draining fuel from the owner and selling it externally is not theft. This is what they have saved, this is what they deserve. At the same time, you can sell the spare tire and unscrew something from the car. The staff turnover is colossal. There is no driver update. Nobody bothers themselves by checking on those comrades who did not work very well for a neighboring entrepreneur. They hire the thief again and entrust him not only with their own equipment and savings, but also with the client’s equipment.

At the same time, activity in protecting general rights and interests is low. I was faced with the fact that there was a lot of resistance from hired drivers just when we were working on the problems of reducing fuel prices. They are not interested at all. The more expensive the fuel, the more expensive they will sell the stolen goods. The amount of time a driver spends behind the wheel is determined by his physical condition. this moment. We say this: “The driver drives until the matches in his eyes burst.” That is, his eyelids are sealed with matches, and until the matches break off, this is his working day. Businessmen are very surprised when a driver doesn’t get from Novorossiysk to Moscow in 24 hours; that’s 1,200 kilometers. “You’re not driving well!”

Drivers still remember your work at the Stupino market...

Stupino market. It’s clear what kind of money is circulating there. There are two markets: small wholesale, where they sell directly from the trucks, and wholesale, where there are warehouses. All this is black cash. In order to collect merchants, there are three cars at the Stupino fruit and vegetable base. Two can't do it! It mainly receives vegetables and fruits that arrive at the ports of Novorossiysk and Gelendzhik. One of the local entrepreneurs has only five ferries of his own on the Black Sea. Do you understand? And there are people who accidentally came to this market, deal in small quantities, and, of course, as fly-by-night companies, it is advisable for them to steal, croak and throw away.

28 carriers from one ferry brought potatoes to Moscow. And 28 carriers unload at this base. They had to pay in cash. They are simply thrown away. They throw one, two, three, four... Like lemmings, they go, go, go. At the same time, they have radio communication, that is, they can tell everyone within a radius of 30 km how bad they feel... they notify their dispatchers who hired them, they scream and squeal that they feel bad, but they still go. And when there was only one unloaded truck left, they turned to the trade union.

I arrived, we stopped this car and put it in an independent parking lot. It turned out that out of 28 people, 14 raised their right hand, waved it and left. They threw them and threw them. I told them: “Guys, none of you are union members! Here’s a stack of statements, write statements, then I will help you get your money back.” They wrote statements, gave them to me, and we went to the warehouses. I didn't even connect the administration. It is enough to say one word, not to yell, but to say: “This, this and that may happen to you. Everything is within the legal framework." The money was returned to the penny.

You see, those small wholesalers who trade on the market, as a rule, bring in more than one or two “Uzbeks”. At the same time, they never pay the driver at the time the cargo arrives in Moscow: “We don’t have money, we’ll pay you when we sell it!” Nobody cares that the driver refueled, bought his car for something. And you also have to pay out of your own money for standing in the parking lot... They find a phone and call the union. You come and say: “Petka! Vanka! Earring! There are your same friends standing there, selling the same tomatoes, they came from the same ferry! You have only one master! He’ll be screwed just like you!” You go up to the driver and say: “Seryozha! Close the gate! Show solidarity with this driver!” - “No, what do I need, they promised to pay me...” “Well, do you see this one? He hasn’t been paid yet!” - “And they will pay me!” At the same time, grown men, healthy men, and you tell them: “Close the gate! And don’t let me trade!” - “They will kill me.” - “You are in your own country on your own land! You are the owner of this cargo! As long as it’s all in your back, you’re right!”

When you approach and begin to close the gate, then, of course, the merchant’s friends appear, shouting in their own language. But in half the cases you don’t even have to contact the administration.

And in the other half of cases what happens?

Another time I went there when a serious scandal was brewing there. There were about 60 indignant drivers there. There are about 250 trucks parked in the parking lot at any given moment, waiting to be unloaded into a large wholesale warehouse. Can you imagine? And there are 300 more on the market. This is an army of drivers. They must be taken into account. I suggested that the market sign an agreement with them. The deputy general came out to the drivers, and the drivers asked me a simple question: “If he doesn’t sign an agreement with us, what should we do?” - “Guys, it’s a simple matter. Ten minutes for him to think, he doesn’t sign - you all start your cars, pump up the receivers, deflate the receivers through the pneumatic horns. Come back here, we’ll continue talking”... Five hours this deputy general director- I don’t know how much his watch costs, it’s fabulously expensive! — I stood outside in the cold, during this time not a single beep sounded, but everyone took a glass. It was not possible to conclude an agreement; the matter was not completed. In conclusion, he put his hand on my shoulder and said: “Sasha, come, I’ll help you!” Since then, I very rarely turn to him with requests, he helps, but there is still no order there. People get scammed the same way.

Is the cargo transportation business opaque?

We have a group of intermediaries. In our slang it is called a “stool”. These are extremely rarely gray companies; white companies do not exist at all; almost always they are completely black companies. Their main task is to cash out money. And get away from VAT. Nobody pays VAT. They have a difference between the money that comes to them from cargo owners and the money that ends up in the driver’s cab - on average 50%. Why are they called stools? Because there is nothing behind the soul, there is no responsibility, the “stool” only needs to change the SIM card, and it is now new, white and “fluffy”.

It happens that much more than 50% is stolen. Drivers are promised 40 rubles per hour for forced downtime, and the owner of the cargo pays 250 rubles per hour. Do you understand the difference?

It is possible to create the correct schemes. (Heavy sigh.) It is possible to transport goods legally. What’s most offensive is that the drivers themselves, who work under gray schemes, don’t want to.

How much do drivers earn?

It could be seventy thousand, it could be thirty, it could be ridiculous money. But here's the question. There is a return route and a return route. And the return line reaches this size... Well, for example, delivering 20 tons of cargo from Yekaterinburg to Moscow costs 13 thousand rubles. Normal, right? They carry it cheaper too. Why? The driver fulfilled the task of his boss, handed over the cargo in Yekaterinburg, must ride on horseback to Moscow, and he takes the cargo for 10 kopecks. Because he stole something, drove all the way like crazy, gave something away somewhere, chemically modified something somewhere, overpaid on the scales...

Why don't people join a trade union en masse?

We are used to the fact that trade unions are a piece of sausage and a “Three Elephants” pack of tea. Another ticket to a pioneer camp. In Soviet times, nothing more was expected from trade unions.

Pathological greed is stifling. They strive to build relations with the trade union on a commercial basis. That is, I pay you a hundred rubles in contributions, and you pay me three hundred!

People do not understand that trouble can happen to them, their loved ones. One businesswoman has hired drivers, and she herself drives. It is not because of our good life that ladies become entrepreneurs in cargo transportation. This is usually when the husband has died. She told me in all seriousness that if a driver who is driving his own car goes broke, then she will benefit from it. I couldn’t figure out what good it would be for her! If he gets eaten large structures, then soon you will be eaten too! Politics: “You die today, I will die tomorrow!” — it’s thriving here in Russia.

You once said that Turkish truck drivers have a strike fund of $70 million. There are trade unions in the world that pay pensions to their members. How are you doing with this?

It is impossible to create a strike fund with so many union members. I've calculated everything. The average living age of our driver is 48 years. This is statistics. If the number of trade union members is one hundred thousand, we could pay everyone a pension of up to 20-30 thousand rubles a month, regardless of whether they continue to work or not. And now, with the number of union members - I won’t name it, it’s ridiculous - we can include this pension program, only it will work for the next six years. And then this pyramid will collapse.

48 years old - what do you mean? Average age of union members?

Average life expectancy of a professional driver.

So short?

Yes. People work hard. At the same time, there is no romance in this. Families are falling apart. I said that people sometimes work for ridiculous money. But the wife’s position is understandable. He is sitting at home. No money left! So let him work for pennies, even if he doesn’t sit at home, even if he doesn’t drink vodka! And what does he eat there in the parking lots, when he sits for three or four days waiting for unloading and loading... the woman does not understand.

Since 2008, I had to cut wages by 50% for the union employees and my beloved self. There was a very large outflow of union members to the black sector. And there is no way to bring people back. They say: “Well, Sash! Well, what can you explain to me? I struggled and struggled, paid taxes, opened enterprises, was engaged in entrepreneurship, went somewhere, wrote something there... What good does this do me? There Petka is riding under a black flag - and that’s good!” I say: “Well, what about the article of the Criminal Code? Illegal business, tax evasion? - “Evasion! What are you talking about! (Laughs.) Who needs us!” (Laughs even more bitterly.)

You traveled with a carbine. Is it still better for a truck driver to have a weapon in the cab?

As long as the wheels are spinning, the trucker is protected. As soon as he stood up, that was it! Some structures appear quite quickly, and no one understands how to perceive their threats. We had a case. In winter, while passing oncoming traffic, the driver caught the side of the road and was thrown. He couldn't get out of there himself. Two natives are walking. He asks them: “Guys, where can I get a tractor, huh?” One of the floors opens and the butt of the ax immediately hits his temple. On the move, without talking. The driver was a healthy little guy, his nickname was Grandfather Sarai, he managed to turn towards the attackers and therefore was hit not in the temple, but in the forehead. They didn’t kill him, but they stunned him and took out his phone. This happened beyond the Urals. A police squad was driving, they stopped, took the driver to the hospital, pulled out the vehicle themselves, called the owner themselves, parked the car themselves, and didn’t ask for a penny of money. When the second driver arrived, all the cargo was safe. “Guys, how many?” - “How much will you give?” This is no longer a bribe, this is pure gratitude!

But on the Moscow Ring Road we had an extremely egregious case. Around the 36th kilometer, the driver fell and lay on his side. The car sits for a day, two sit, three sit. Traffic police officers arrive: “Are you lying down? Well, lie down!” And he doesn’t have to pee and move away and sleep standing up! November! The engine is on its side, you can’t start it, you can’t get warm. The owner of the vehicle agreed that the tow truck would pull it out. A tow truck arrived in the evening, so as not to create traffic jams on the Moscow Ring Road, they called the 1st separate battalion, a lieutenant arrived, they explained to him that he needed to block off two lanes in order to stand up and position his paws. "How many?" - "Ten thousand". For what he must do as part of his duty! “No,” he says, “ten thousand won’t work, go to the post and negotiate!” Let's go negotiate: thirty! They woke me up at two o'clock in the morning. They butted and butted, and when the authorities came, this lieutenant was beaten full program. Extort thirty thousand from a helpless driver!

Tell us about your latest promotion. What is the action for and against?

On December 18th there was our action, we held it in Moscow, Belgorod and Novosibirsk. Well, firstly, the transport tax, and secondly, the price of fuel. What difference does it make to me how much fuel costs in Europe or in America! This oil is ours, mine and yours! Up to 70% of the price at which fuel is sold to us goes into the pocket of the state, and the state could move by this amount in the interests of its own citizens. As a private person I can drive a small car, I don't have to drive passenger car, a pensioner may not take his beloved wife to the village in the summer, not plant onions there, and thereby die earlier. And cargo carriers can’t help but travel! They can't drive a car that has less power! He won't have any luck! In our country, for example, the ZIL-130 consumes as much gasoline as an “American” consumes diesel fuel. At the same time, the ZIL-130 carries 3-5 tons, and this one carries 30 tons. Do you understand?

There was a bunch of police, riot police, 30 snowplows, watering machines and tractors there. They took the front page spot where we could stand! The squads turned the trucks around, and those that did break through had nowhere to park. Our vehicles are radio-equipped, and they apparently scanned our frequency. They knew that there were cars around the center waiting for commands. In particular, 30 trucks were parked on Preobrazhenka. We wanted to openly declare that we need real fuel prices, since we are about to plant sowing. What are we going to eat? The potatoes are now gone!

Dozens of newspapers have been writing about supposed parties and supposed politics for many years. All this rubbish is constantly spinning and spinning. They don't write about trade unions. This is an amazing lack of interest in ourselves. Because the trade union, no matter what it is - small, large, medium, fights for people to have a decent life and normal wages. How do you explain this information blockade?

Many cargo carriers accuse me of the lack of information about the trade union. Any conversation begins with the words: “We learned about you yesterday!” At the same time, almost no one reads newspapers. They have no time to watch TV. They listen to either radio “Chanson” or “Humor FM”. Here and there - about potency.

We have no political parties. And we don’t have an iconic figure that we can follow. The administration did everything to prevent such figures from appearing. Everything that exists legally in our country, well... (Gives his face an ironic expression.) At the same time, the drivers’ position is: “Yes, fuel prices are rising. Yes, bread is becoming more expensive. But this hits pensioners more. Let them be indignant!” Do you understand?

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  • LLC "STAR"
    198330, St. Petersburg, Leninsky Avenue, building 93, building 2, apartment 408
    Activities in the field of law
    432073, Ulyanovsk region, Ulyanovsk, Ryabikova street, building 69, apartment 102
    350005, Krasnodar region, Krasnodar, Defenders of the Fatherland street, 5, room 32
    241023, Bryansk region, Bryansk, Bezhitskaya street, 143
    Non-specialized wholesale trade
    297408, Republic of Crimea, Evpatoria, Bolnichnaya street, building 8, office 1
    Activities of club-type institutions: clubs, palaces and houses of culture, houses of folk art
    129090, Moscow, Botanicheskiy lane, building 12
    Production of wooden building structures and joinery products
    182113, Pskov region, Velikiye Luki, Oktyabrsky Avenue, building 117
    Trade in automotive parts, assemblies and accessories
  • LLC "ALFA-17"
    660025, Krasnoyarsk region, Krasnoyarsk, Shelkovaya street, building 10, office 423
    Activities of commercial, entrepreneurial and professional organizations
    117574, Moscow, Odoevskogo proezd, building 11A, building 1, room 3D
    Wholesale trade of solid, liquid and gaseous fuels and similar products
    430005, Republic of Mordovia, Saransk, Kommunisticheskaya street, building 75A, office 203
    Non-specialized wholesale trade food products, drinks and tobacco products
    295493, Republic of Crimea, Simferopol, town. Gresovsky, Montazhnikov Lane, 6
    Wholesale trade of industrial electrical equipment, machines, equipment and materials

Chairman: Lyudmila Nikolaevna Emelyanenko

Our trade union unites workers at automobile, urban, electric transport enterprises, and road management organizations.


For more than eight decades, the Moscow Regional Trade Union Organization of Motor Transport and Road Workers (Trade Union of Motor Transport and Road Workers of the Moscow Region) has come a long and difficult path, which is closely connected with both the history of the country and the history of trade unions in Russia.

Organized in 1919 during the difficult years of the civil war, the trade union, first of all, directed its efforts to combat sabotage, strengthen production and labor discipline. The best representatives of the trade union were sent to the military and food fronts.

At the same time, the trade union mobilizes to the front, takes care of the families of those who went to the army, forms food detachments to the villages for bread for the Red Army and industrial centers, and organizes a fund to help the unemployed. Working for free in production, trade union members provide assistance to the hungry, homeless, and children.

The participation of transport workers in the civil war is one of the significant pages in the history of the trade union.

At the same time, a lot of organizational work is being carried out aimed at strengthening the trade union.

Over the course of a number of years, at all congresses, conferences, and plenums of the trade union, along with issues of wages, labor protection and cultural education of work, the issues of building a local transport economy were invariably considered, the activities of economic bodies were checked, and prospects for their further work were outlined. A lot of work has been done against the “dispersal” of transport across various sectors. The industry trade union appealed to the government with a request to organize Central Administration to unite and regulate the local transport economy, which would manage all types of transport. In 1922, such a department was created. Draft decree on government organization local transport was prepared by the Central Committee of the trade union.

The twenties for the transport workers' union and its organizations became the years of the formation of trade union work, the search and development of its forms and methods.

The trade union is closely involved in the problems of wages and tariffs. Through production meetings and commissions, trade union representatives begin to participate in production management, concluding collective agreements, and deal with issues of labor protection and cultural services for their members.

One of the main directions of the trade union's work during this period was the fight against illiteracy, which was recognized in the country as the most urgent, combat task of the day. Every literate person had to teach one illiterate person.

This work was truly massive in nature, for which funds from the cultural fund were used, which were always in short supply. Transport workers learned to write, read, count, and studied geography.

Immediately after its creation, the union had to deal with the working conditions of workers. This work covered a wide range of issues, from developing labor legislation to performing the function of receiving and distributing industrial special clothing, protective equipment, soap, etc. to enterprises. The situation in the country required the trade union to perform such functions that were unusual for it.

A lot of work was invested in developing standards for supplying workers with protective clothing, additional holidays, a list of professions of workers with shortened working hours.

Already in 1923-1924. The industry trade union conducted a thorough examination of the working conditions of loaders, their impact on health, and appealed to the People's Commissariat of Labor of the USSR with a proposal to conduct a labor survey of transport workers. A number of institutes took part in the survey, completed in 1929 and covering a wide range of labor protection problems (sanitary and technical condition of garages, working conditions of drivers, fatigue, occupational morbidity, etc.). The collected material served as the basis for the publication of a number of legislative acts; standards for the weight of cargo when carrying them were introduced. Based on the survey, a number of regulatory documents, which contributed to improving the work of motor transport workers.

Other, no less important, activities of the trade union were measures to organize wages.

In development of the general agreements that the sectoral trade union concluded with leading economic centers, collective agreements were concluded locally between the provincial departments of the trade union and economic organizations.

Wages and their level for individual professions constituted the main content of collective agreements. In 1932, taking into account the proposal of the Central Committee of the trade union, the Council of People's Commissars of the USSR adopted a resolution "On the remuneration of drivers", which established a uniform system and rates of remuneration for drivers in all enterprises, regardless of departmental affiliation, as well as the obligation to coordinate wages with the local transport trade union. This decision practically gave the trade union the right to control the wages of drivers of any department and to stop attempts to lure them away from the public transport system.

During the period of restoration of the national economy, the trade union strengthens its connection with the masses, its numbers grow, and it becomes stronger organizationally.

The thirties were not easy years for trade unions and the whole society. These were years of great achievements and gross mistakes, years of labor enthusiasm, the exploits of the first five-year plans and the formation of the administrative-command system. Having established itself in the economy, it affected the socio-political life of the entire country.

Containment of the process of socialist democracy, violations of the rule of law, and mass repressions caused enormous harm to the trade union movement. In 1933, the practice of concluding collective agreements was discontinued, and elected governing bodies began to report irregularly to their members. There were no congresses of trade unions of the USSR for 17 years (from April 1932 to April 1949). Many issues of production, labor, and wages began to be resolved without the participation of trade unions. Methods of command and administration were allowed in relation to trade unions. The consequences of this period of leadership were not avoided by either the industry or the trucking union.

However, the mistakes made cannot diminish the significance of the labor exploits of people who made an immeasurable contribution to the development of the country and its strengthening.

During these years, one of the main directions in the activities of the trade union is the mobilization of workers to implement socialist reforms.

It was during this period that the initiatives of innovators and leaders in production were born. In 1935, a patriotic movement of drivers began to increase the norms of vehicle mileage between repairs, which was called the “hundred thousandth” movement. By entering the competition, drivers took upon themselves the obligation to travel 100 thousand kilometers or more without major repairs due to the high-quality maintenance of the car. The movement quickly spread throughout all motor vehicles in the country.

The war that began in June 1941 radically changed the life of the large Soviet state. The work of all state and public structures was subordinated to one goal - to mobilize all forces to fight the enemy. The national economy was rebuilt on a war footing. First of all, motor transport workers in front-line areas took upon themselves the evacuation of the population, material assets and industrial equipment to the rear.

The Trade Union of Automobile Transport Workers began work to mobilize workers for the construction of defensive lines, including near Moscow. People's militia units were created in motor vehicles. Qualified workers went to the front, and economic and trade union bodies were faced with the task of the shortest possible time prepare new personnel for work in the rear, organize repairs of military vehicles. To fully and quickly meet the needs of the army, front-line brigades were organized to repair damaged equipment.

The trade union trained skiers and nurses, collected parcels for soldiers, and collected money for the needs of the front. The objects of concern of the trade union were the families of front-line soldiers and the development of collective and individual gardening.

As in Peaceful time, the means of mobilizing people for heroic work was socialist competition, which unfolded in enterprises in 1942.

The war ended, and the mobilizing activities of trade union organizations were aimed at restoring the destroyed national economy and gradually transferring the automobile industry to peaceful footing.

In 1947, at automobile transport enterprises, as in other industries, the conclusion of collective agreements was resumed. They become the most important economic documents that increase the responsibility of trade union leaders and committees for improving production, social and living conditions and cultural services for workers.

In 1953, the construction and operation of roads was transferred to the republican ministries, which became known as the Ministries of Road Transport and Highways. In the same year, after the abolition of the trade union of workers and employees of highway and hydraulic engineering construction, almost all road organizations joined the trade union of automobile transport workers, which then became known as the trade union of automobile transport and highway workers.

The road workers who joined the union had a rich history and traditions. Behind them was the construction of transport highways, large canals, bridges, embankments.

During the Great Patriotic War, and then, during the restoration of the national economy, road workers worked selflessly to fulfill the government’s tasks for the restoration and construction of roads.

In the post-war years, competition for comprehensive savings in raw materials and materials, and the movement of teams of excellent quality, developed widely. The new road equipment that began to arrive in the early fifties allowed for the wider introduction of flow-high-speed and industrial methods for the construction of roads, bridges and other structures. And the unification of motorists and road workers in one trade union mutually enriched both of them.

From 1953 to the present day, mutually helping each other, motorists and road workers have worked together to solve the problems facing the industries.

In 1954, the situation in the country changed, and command-bureaucratic methods of management were supplanted. Mass production work and the struggle to strengthen production discipline revived; trade union meetings at enterprises and reports on the activities of trade union bodies began to be held regularly.

Since 1959, the Central Committee of the trade union, regional trade union committees, and primary trade union organizations have been doing a lot of work to transfer workers and employees to a seven-hour working day and regularize wages. New systems and conditions of remuneration for all categories of workers, production standards are being developed, and tariff and qualification reference books have been revised. In connection with the transition to a shorter working day, work is being done to increase labor productivity in production.

Measures are being taken to reduce the loss of working time, improve the management structure, and mechanization production processes, saving money and materials, improving working conditions and consumer services working.

In the field of mass production work, since the mid-sixties, the concern of the trade union has been the spread of a new system of planning and economic incentives. Training, preparation of methodological recommendations, provision of practical assistance, revision of the practice of organizing socialist competition in order to achieve high economic indicators - these and other measures taken by the trade union contributed to the spread of the new system, and the widespread promotion of the work experience of the best teams carried out by the trade union had a great influence on the activities of many enterprises.

It was during this period that, in solving many problems, trade union bodies at all levels began to rely more on numerous trade union activists, and most of trade union work was carried out by the public.

During these years, on the initiative and under the leadership of trade unions, competition began for the title of enterprises of high culture, and among workers for the title “Best in the Profession.”

Occupational safety issues occupied an important place in the activities of the trade union, social insurance and organization of cultural work. Amateur artistic activities developed.

In the seventies and eighties, the base of the social sphere was created. The concern of trade unions is to provide workers with adequate hot meals, provision of personal protective equipment, more high level achieves the development of auxiliary rural farms. Much attention is paid to further improvement of educational and cultural work. The network of gyms, playgrounds, health centers, and sections is expanding. Sports competitions and sports competitions are organized and held, new local records and their own champions are born.

The trade union is undergoing a restructuring of production, economic and organizational work, labor collectives are switching to economic accounting and self-financing. There is a search for new approaches, style and methods of work. Teaching a person the basics of a specific economy, disseminating new economic methods and forms of self-government - these are the main production and economic tasks of the trade union during this period.

Great importance is attached to the restructuring of management. At this time, trade union committees organize their work in close cooperation with the councils labor collectives created at all enterprises to solve the most important production and social issues.

Under the conditions of economic reform, brigade contracting and internal cost accounting received a new impetus. Rental relationships are becoming widespread. To ensure that the experience of the best becomes the property of many, the trade union organizes and conducts schools of excellence, seminars, and prepares methodological materials.

An integral part of the work to improve the economic mechanism is the introduction of new conditions for remuneration, which is carried out exclusively by increasing the efficiency of enterprises, improving the organization of work, reducing the number of personnel, that is, at the expense of funds earned by the teams themselves.

New approaches became decisive when concluding collective agreements between trade union committees and the enterprise administration. The regulation of their content has ceased; they are becoming more specific, aimed at successfully solving the social problems of groups.

At this time, the working conditions of motorists and road workers improved significantly, which can undoubtedly be attributed to the results collaboration trade union committees and economic managers.

The tasks that perestroika posed to trade unions forced them to dramatically change the style and methods of their work. The rapidly changing political and economic situation in the 90s required trade unions to constantly adjust their actions.

Much attention was paid to methodological and consulting assistance to member organizations, generalization and exchange of experience in trade union work, and training of trade union personnel.

It was only thanks to the persistence of the industry trade union committees that decisions were made to establish pensions on preferential terms for drivers of urban passenger transport. With the active position of the industry trade union, it was possible to achieve inclusion in the new lists, giving the right to preferential pensions, drivers of cars involved in transporting rock mass, machinists, asphalt concrete layers, repairers of rubber products involved in vulcanization, electric welders on automatic and semi-automatic machines.

Vulcanizers, painters, and battery workers have acquired the right to preferential pensions, regardless of departmental subordination. The right to preferential pension provision is also extended to asphalt concrete workers, bitumen cookers, bitumen workers, and asphalt dispenser operators engaged in road repairs.

An agreement was reached with the State Labor Committee to expand the standards for the free issuance of protective clothing for bus drivers employed in the Far North.

In connection with the implementation of market reforms, the privatization of automobile transport and road infrastructure organizations, and the emergence of new forms of ownership, the functions of the trade union began to change.

Protective tasks come to the fore. Relationships with employers and government bodies are changing. The system of social partnership is receiving new, high-quality development and strengthening, the main documents of which are agreements and collective agreements.

For more than thirteen years, the regional trade union has been concluding two regional industry agreements - for workers of automobile and urban ground passenger transport and for road workers. They specify and clarify the provisions included in the new federal and regional tripartite agreements. Minimum industry guarantees have been determined, including wages.

More than 92% of organizations that are members of the regional trade union have concluded collective agreements, which cover more than 97% of workers in these organizations.

The legal and technical labor inspectorate of the trade union carries out constant monitoring of compliance with labor legislation and the state of affairs in labor protection, and provides practical and methodological assistance.

Every year, the regional committee of the trade union holds competitions to improve labor safety conditions among industrial enterprises and a competition for the best authorized person for labor protection. Based on the results of the competition, the best teams and representatives are awarded diplomas and valuable gifts.

Training seminars organized by the regional committee of the trade union on issues of intra-union life, the application of statutory provisions, trade union financial work, protection of social, economic and labor rights allow trade union activists to be not only informed, but also to master skills, the use of which allows timely assistance to the employee-member of the trade union.

The participation of trade union activists in protests in defense of their rights and interests is another type of struggle for their rights.

In 2001, the II Plenum of the Moscow Trade Union Committee decided to establish the Solidarity and Social Support Fund. In 2011, financial assistance was provided to 179 trade union members in trouble for a total amount of 1 million 380 thousand rubles.

In 2011, 372 trade union members and members of their families were provided with treatment vouchers with federal benefits, 126 of them with partial compensation from the Solidarity and Social Support Fund.

For the purpose of prompt information trade union committees The regional committee of the trade union issues a monthly “Information Leaflet”, which is regularly sent out and brought to the attention of primary organizations.

Today the trade union unites 125 trade union organizations, more than 34 thousand people. Among the trade union members there are 33% women, 23% are young people under 35 years old, more than 1000 people are students. More than 3,000 people make up the trade union activists, with the active help and support of which the socio-economic rights and interests of workers are protected and everything planned is realized. They are the ones who do modern history trade union.