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Nanotechnologies in crop production. Nanotechnology in animal husbandry

“In the history of mankind, very often the most daring and incredibly creative ideas were put forward not by scientists themselves, but by amateurs endowed with the gift of actively and colorfully promoting new theories, but in recent decades, serious researchers are increasingly turning to the public and authorities with unexpected projects.” Uwe Hartmann

Flour and bread prices continue to rise in Russia. Chairman of the Board of the Russian Food Company Valery Cheshinsky recalled that over the past six months, grain prices have almost doubled, and bread prices have increased by an average of 13 percent. And the President of the Russian Grain Union Arkady Zlochevsky stated that domestic bakeries will be able to produce high-quality bread if its retail price is 50–60 rubles per loaf (twice the current level). In addition, experts are confident that even if there is a good harvest this year, the price of grain will not fall, which means that we should look for ways to solve the industry’s problems on a completely different plane. Modern technologies would allow us to increase economic efficiency APK. There is increasing talk about creating a favorable innovation environment, and in particular about nanotechnology. This is where scientists are looking for new growth points.


The term “nanotechnology” was coined and coined by a professor at Tokyo University of Science Norio Taniguchi in 1974. According to Taniguchi, nanotechnology involves processing, separating, combining and deforming individual atoms and molecules of a substance, while the size of the nanomechanism should not exceed one micron, or thousands of nanometers.

Currently, the term “nanotechnology” refers to a set of methods and techniques that provide the ability to create and modify objects in a controlled manner, including components with dimensions of less than 100 nm, having fundamentally new qualities and allowing their integration into fully functioning macroscale systems.

In fact, nanotechnology gives rise to a third scientific and technological revolution, unprecedented in its scope – the emergence of a new reality that will change the face of the world by the beginning of the second decade of the 21st century.

But to our deep regret today, agriculture remains one of the industries with the lowest science intensity, which determines the lag agro-industrial complex in the nanotechnology race, although agriculture is one of the most important sectors of the economy of any state. It provides vital products for humans: basic food products and raw materials for the production of consumer goods.

The relevance of the introduction of nanotechnology in agriculture.

Agriculture produces over 12% of the gross social product and more than 15% of Russia's national income, and concentrates 15.7% of production fixed assets. Achievements of science and technology make it possible to dramatically increase the efficiency of agricultural production, expand production areas, etc. Therefore, the main direction further development agriculture – its full intensification.

An analysis of the state of the domestic nanoindustry infrastructure shows that, despite the high quality of the research being carried out and the scientific and technological groundwork created, the nanoindustry infrastructure in Russia still lags significantly behind the world's nanotechnological leaders. Various infrastructure elements have been created, the functioning of which is largely aimed at generating new knowledge rather than at commercializing the results of scientific activity.

It should be noted that the creation of only individual elements of the nanoindustry infrastructure, and not an infrastructure complex aimed at supporting all stages of technology commercialization, did not completely solve the problems of supporting the technology commercialization process.

During the search for the optimal model economic development agro-industrial complex of Russia, when the foundations of the national innovation system, capable of generating and commercializing scientific ideas, the problem of developing and introducing new highly efficient, economically and environmentally feasible technologies is more acute than ever. From scale and results innovation activity, development high technology The future of Russia depends.

This is especially important for agriculture and due to the fact that the level of technogenic impact on the biosphere and its most important component - the soil - will constantly increase. Increasing anthropogenic pressure reduces sustainability natural ecosystems in general and requires increasing amounts of energy to maintain agroecosystems. A specific example may result from a noticeable lack of natural food products. The products that are produced now are harmful to human health.

Based on the goals set by the state, new approaches to agriculture are needed that ensure maximum reduction in the degree of dependence of the size and quality of the crop on external factors. At the same time, it is inappropriate to focus on a further increase in the use of agrochemicals and technologies that conflict with the natural environment. It is precisely these trends, contrary to environmental laws, that accelerate the approach of natural disasters. It's becoming abundantly clear what's starting new stage development of agricultural science and agricultural production. At this stage, new approaches to agriculture are needed to ensure maximum reduction in the degree of dependence of the size and quality of the crop on increasingly large subsidies of energy and unfavorable factors environment.

The scientific novelty of agro-nanotechnologies lies in the fact that the processes under consideration and the actions performed occur in the nanometer range of spatial dimensions. “Raw materials” are individual atoms, molecules, molecular systems, and not the micron or macroscopic volumes of material familiar in traditional technology, containing at least billions of atoms and molecules. Unlike traditional technologies, agro-nanotechnologies are characterized by an “individual” approach, in which external control reaches individual atoms and molecules, which makes it possible to create from them both “defect-free” materials with fundamentally new physicochemical and biological properties, and new classes of biosystems with characteristic nanoscale dimensions.

The main areas of use of nanotechnologies and nanomaterials in agriculture And Food Industry are the production and processing of agricultural products, agricultural engineering, technical service and ecology. The most promising nanotechnologies in agriculture are biotechnology and genetic engineering. The main consumers of agro-nanotechnologies are primarily Russian agricultural producers.

To implement the achievements of biophysically based agro-nanotechnologies, the interest of factories and enterprises producing agricultural machinery is necessary. The production of such low-energy-consuming and highly profitable new generation equipment should also be of interest to farms of all forms of ownership. By using such agricultural machinery on your fields, the operating principle of which is based on modern advances in nanoscience, it is possible to obtain high yields of environmentally friendly products.

Consumers of eco-products High Quality Citizens of Russia should come first. With the further development of these technologies, the product sales market can be expanded to countries near and far abroad.

We must not forget the interest in these technologies of various scientific institutions (Ministry of Agriculture, Russian Academy of Agricultural Sciences, scientific research institutes and universities of agricultural focus). By applying and studying these technologies, scientific institutions can modernize and improve them for further improvement. effective use in the fields and farms of our country.

The ultimate goal of introducing nanotechnology into agricultural production is to create a friendly human environment and take care of his health throughout his life.

The main directions of the use of nanotechnology in the agricultural sector.

Today, nanomaterials and nanotechnologies are used in almost all areas of agriculture: crop production, livestock farming, poultry farming, fish farming, veterinary medicine, processing industry, production of agricultural machinery, etc.

So, in crop production the use of nanopreparations as microfertilizers provides increased resistance to adverse weather conditions and an increase in yield (on average 1.5–2 times) of almost all food (potatoes, grains, vegetables, fruits and berries) and industrial (cotton, flax) crops . The effect here is achieved due to a more active penetration of microelements into the plant due to the nanosize of the particles and their neutral (in the electrochemical sense) status.

A positive effect of nanomagnesium on accelerating (or rather, increasing productivity) photosynthesis in plants is also expected.

In the light of recent discoveries in nanotechnology, the biological role of silicon in living organisms and the biological activity of its various (organic and inorganic) compounds have been studied.

In particular, silatranes, which are cellular formations and contain silicon, have a physiological effect on living organisms at all stages of evolutionary development from microorganisms to humans. The use of organosilicon biostimulants in plant growing makes it possible to increase cold resistance, tolerance to heat and drought, helps to safely overcome stressful weather situations (recurrent frosts, sudden temperature changes, etc.), and enhances the protective functions of plants against diseases and pests. The drugs relieve the inhibitory, sedative effect of plant protection chemicals during complex treatments.

Nanotechnologies are used in post-harvest processing of sunflower, tobacco and potatoes, storage of apples in controlled environments, and air ozonation.

In livestock and poultry farming nanotechnology is advisable to use in technological processes, where they provide auxiliary superiority. When forming a microclimate in premises where animals and birds are kept, their use makes it possible to replace the energy-intensive supply and exhaust ventilation system with electrochemical air purification, ensuring standard microclimate parameters: temperature, humidity, gas composition, microbiocontamination, dust, air speed, elimination of odors while preserving animal heat emissions.

Russian scientists are using in practice environmentally friendly nanotechnology for electro-preservation of green fodder silage with an electro-activated preservative. This is done instead of expensive organic acids, which require strict safety measures. This new nanotechnology increases feed safety by up to 95%. Nanoparticles of iron and other microelements are included in premixes to increase the vitality of animals and their productivity.

In livestock and poultry farming, when preparing feed, nanotechnology ensures an increase in productivity by 1.5–3 times, resistance to stress, and mortality is reduced by 2 times. Nanodevices that can be implanted into plants and animals make it possible to automate many processes and transmit the necessary data in real time.

In the dairy industry Nanotechnology is used to create functional products. The direction of saturating food raw materials with bioactive components (vitamins in the form of nanoparticles) is being developed. Nanotechnologies and nanomaterials (in particular, nanosilver, nanocopper and others) are widely used in filters and other parts of dairy industry equipment to inhibit the processes of fermentation and souring of milk, disinfection of agricultural premises and tools, and in the packaging and storage of lactic acid products. food products.

In mechanization, a large number of drugs have been created based on nanomaterials to reduce friction and wear of parts, which extends the service life of tractors and other agricultural machinery.

Nanomaterials can play an irreplaceable role when used as various catalysts, for example, combustion catalysts for various types fuels, including biofuels, or catalysts for the hydrogenation of vegetable oil in the oil and fat industry.

Nanotechnologies are also being introduced in the processing of agricultural products. Thus, the new nanoelectrotechnology of combined grain drying is based on the fact that excess moisture pressure is created in heated grain at a temperature below the boiling point of water. As a result, the filtration transfer of moisture from the grain to the surface in a drop-liquid state is accelerated. Moisture is evaporated from the surface by hot air. Energy consumption for grain drying compared to traditional convective drying is reduced by 1.3 times or more, microdamage to seeds is reduced by up to 6%, and their sowing qualities are improved by 5%. For low-temperature drying and disinfection of grain, ozone is additionally used, which reduces the number of bacteria by 24 times and reduces energy consumption by 1.5 times.

Today, DNA technologies are actively used in the agro-industrial sector, which make it possible to identify genes associated with economically valuable traits, resistance to stress, infectious diseases, as well as genes carrying recessive mutations - genetic abnormalities. In general, all molecular biology can be called nanobiotechnology. It's about on the creation of devices using biological macromolecules for the purpose of studying or controlling biological systems.

Nanobiotechnology combines the achievements of nanotechnology and molecular biology. It makes extensive use of the ability of biomolecules to self-assemble into nanostructures. For example, lipids are capable of spontaneously combining and forming liquid crystals. DNA is used not only to create nanostructures, but also as an important component of nanomechanisms. According to a number of scientists, nanobiotechnologies significantly simplify and speed up the solution of traditional problems in genetics and breeding of agricultural plants.

The ultra-modern direction of nanobiotechnology (nanotechnology in biology) in plant growing is the creation cultivated plants, especially resistant to insect pests and weeds. Research in this area is carried out by scientists not only from developed but also from developing countries. For example, scientific laboratories in Mexico and India are jointly trying to create a non-toxic nanoherbicide.

**Developed technologies in agricultural production allow: **

  • improve production safety and product quality;
  • reduce costs when growing plants;
  • improve the quality of seed;
  • reduce disease incidence and increase resistance to pests;
  • increase plant productivity;
  • obtain environmentally friendly (safe) products.

According to scientists, the use of nanotechnology in agriculture (growing grains, vegetables, plants and animals) and food production(during processing and packaging) will lead to the birth of a completely new class of food products - “nanoproducts”, which will eventually displace genetically modified products from the market.

According to generally accepted scientific terminology, a product can be called a “nanoproduct” if nanoparticles, nanotechnological developments and tools were used in its cultivation, production, processing or packaging. Developers of nanofoods promise improved food production and packaging processes, improved taste and new nutritional properties, and the production of “functional” foods (the product will contain medicinal or additional nutrients) is also expected. Productivity increases and food prices are also expected to decrease. In just a couple of decades, the use of nanoproducts will be widespread.

The scope of research in the field of nanoproducts is as amazing as the amount of investment in them. For the last few year s largest producers food products, such as Kraft, Nestle, Heinz, Altria, Unilever, have invested significant sums in the development of agro-nanotechnologies. According to recent estimates, the value of the nanoproducts market is already $410 million, and by 2015 it is expected to grow to $5.8 billion!

Risks and opportunities for further application of agro-nanotechnologies.

Until recently, no one even imagined that nanotechnology would have such a vast impact practical use. However, this raises certain concerns about how wise people will be able to use these achievements.

Naturally, there is a huge threat of a person’s possible loss of control over these processes. If in Japan the prospects for the development of nanotechnology are presented predominantly in a rosy light, then in other countries this path is considered not so obvious due to certain and well-founded concerns about the possible adverse effects of nanotechnology products on humans and the environment. A fairly large number of influential people and organizations in the Western world are calling for a moratorium on the production and commercial use of materials and products made using nanotechnology. Until all the possible consequences of their use are reliably determined, and until a strict set of rules is created and approved by the entire world community to protect humanity from a threat to its existence. The analogy with the threats of genetic engineering is quite obvious.

Just recently, the US Congress passed a law requiring the US government to study all possible forms of impact of nanotechnology products on society, the environment and human health. The UK government has formed an advisory council on ethical issues related to the use of nanotechnology. The council's main focus is on possible abuses in attempts to create biological weapons. Our scientists also speak quite cautiously about this, believing that before real production nanorobots are still a long way off. The state assessment of the potential threat of uncontrolled development of nanotechnology is also not yet known.

Prospects for the use of agro-nanotechnologies.

A large number of nanomaterials – metallic, hydroxides, oxides, composite materials– which can find application in agricultural mechanization. But the main direction of development of nanotechnology in this area will be the replacement of traditional production methods by the assembly of any mechanical objects directly from atoms and molecules by molecular robots. Moreover, it is possible to create “personal” synthesizers and copying devices, allowing each person to make any item at their request.

It will become possible to “introduce” into a living organism at the atomic level. The consequences can be very different - from the “restoration” of extinct species to the creation of new types of living beings and biorobots.

Complete elimination of the harmful effects of human activities on the environment will be achieved. Firstly, by saturating the ecosphere with molecular robotic nurses that transform human waste into raw materials, and secondly, by transferring industry and agriculture to waste-free nanotechnological methods.

Nanotechnology could be the key to solving the problem of poverty around the world. Among the main tasks were water purification, storage of environmentally friendly fuel and increasing soil fertility. According to experts, research in these areas that is currently underway makes it possible to take seriously the UN call to “beat poverty by 2015.”

It is assumed that nanotechnology will finally be able to solve the problem of poverty and hunger by replacing the “natural mechanisms” of food production (plants and animals) with their artificial counterparts - complexes of molecular robots. They will carry out the same chemical processes that occur in a living organism or plant, and produce the same products, but in a shorter and shorter time. in an efficient way. For example, from the chain “soil - carbon dioxide– photosynthesis – grass – cow – milk” all unnecessary links will be removed. In homes, instead of refrigerators, there will be mini food factories that produce any product to order, including delicacies. Thus, such “farming” will be regardless of the weather and will not require heavy physical labor and high costs for storing and delivering food products. Nanotechnology will solve the food problem once and for all. According to various estimates, the first such complexes will be created in the second half of the 21st century.


It is quite obvious that today in Russia there is everything for the active implementation and promotion of nanotechnology in the entire field economic activity, and in agriculture in particular. Nanotechnology is a step towards the future, without which progress in agriculture is impossible. It is also clear that private initiative and large investments from leading companies can really speed up this process.

Like other innovations, nanotechnology is needed and in demand in the agricultural sector. They are already being used on farms, in feed production, and in plant diagnostics. Innovation is determined by many components, starting from the idea and ending with the mass production of innovative products. Each stage successful development This is both a question of financing and a question of rulemaking. A huge amount of work awaits us, but I would like to note that not only the state should be interested in the development of nanotechnology, but also private business in rural areas must first of all take the initiative.

Considering the particular importance of nanotechnology research, its impact on the development of the present and future agriculture of Russia, the need to increase investment in priority areas of modernization of agricultural production, it is necessary:

  1. Develop a departmental strategy for organizing research work, focused primarily on the main scientific and technical goals, allowing for the rational distribution of resources and quickly achieving the planned indicators for the development of agricultural production.
  2. Organize interaction and cooperation with numerous centers and laboratories, various organizations and institutions and, above all, with RUSNANO and its regional centers.
  3. Create a specialized research and production center in the agricultural sector for coordination and information support research on nanotechnology, nanomaterials used in agriculture.
  4. Review the personnel training system taking into account the implementation of priority areas of development of science and technology, including nanotechnologies and nanomaterials.

The main areas of use of nanotechnology and nanomaterials in agriculture are biotechnology, primarily this relates to genetic engineering, production and processing of agricultural products, water purification, as well as problems of product quality and environmental protection.

Unlike industrial and motor vehicle emissions that pollute the atmosphere, emissions from mobile agricultural machinery spread, although unevenly, to all cultivated areas. At the same time, pollutants enter the atmosphere at a height of up to 4 m from the soil level, which increases their environmental hazard.

In first place in terms of quantitative content and degree of negative impact on humans, flora and fauna are gaseous emissions from mobile equipment. The most dangerous are soot, benzopyrene, nitrogen oxides, aldehydes, carbon monoxide (II) and hydrocarbons. The degree of their impact on the human body depends on the concentration of harmful compounds in the atmosphere, the person’s condition and his individual characteristics.

One of the first places in the overall level of toxicity is occupied by soot, since, firstly, its emissions are significant (determine increased smokiness) and reach 1% of fuel consumption by weight, and secondly, it acts as a reservoir of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs). ). The presence of soot in exhaust gases (EG) leads to unpleasant sensations, air pollution and poor visibility. Soot particles are highly dispersed (diameter - 50-180 nm, weight - no more than 10-10 mg), so they remain in the air for a long time, penetrate the respiratory tract and human esophagus. Calculations show that soot particles up to 150 nm in size can remain suspended in the air for about eight days. If relatively large soot particles of 2-10 microns in size are easily removed from the body, then small ones (50-200 nm in size) are retained in the lungs and cause allergies.

Replacing carbon with elements with higher specific heat combustion allows us to obtain fuel with better energy characteristics. A special place is occupied by work in the development of metal fuel, which is widely used in rocket engines.

USSR scientist S. Labinov proposes the concept of a new internal combustion engine running on solid metal fuel. In this engine, the power supply system is combined with the exhaust system. The fuel tank, equipped with a special movable partition, is filled with fuel based on iron nanopowder. Combustion (oxidation) of fuel occurs in combustion chambers with the formation of almost pure nitrogen in the exhaust gases, without carbon and nitrogen oxides, hydrocarbons and soot, and burnt powder particles are captured using special filters or magnets. As the powder is used, the partition moves, and spent oxide powder is fed into the resulting volume. After all the powder has been used up, the fuel tank is easily removed from the car and sent for regeneration, where under the influence high temperature oxides decompose into metal and oxygen. To restore oxides, you can also blow the burnt powder with pure hydrogen.

According to David Beach, head of the materials chemistry group at the Oak Ridge National Laboratory in Tennessee (USA), metal fuels, like hydrogen, are a source of clean energy. However, unlike hydrogen, metal fuels such as iron or aluminum have a higher specific heat of combustion. Such fuel can be stored and transported at ambient temperature and pressure and used efficiently in an engine without the significant cost of hydrogen fuel cells.

The laboratory team has created a fuel powder with a diameter of metal particles of about 50 nm, which ensures a combustion process similar to gasoline, but releasing almost three times more energy than in a modern gasoline engine

Gases from metal fuels exhausted in a gas turbine engine or Stirling engine are environmentally friendly: oxygen is taken from the air, and the result is almost pure nitrogen. More best source energy could be boron if its nanoparticles could be obtained at a reasonable cost.

The main problem of an engine using metal fuel is the rather large weight of the fuel, even taking into account its greater energy capacity. The fuel tank capacity of 33 liters, filled with iron powder, provides a vehicle mileage equivalent to 50 liters of diesel fuel or gasoline, but weighs almost three times more. In this case, the total weight of the vehicle and fuel remains unchanged, since the spent metal fuel is not emitted into the atmosphere.

Boron and carbon are neighbors on the periodic table, both elements are non-metals, the differences in the sizes of their atoms and ions are small. The main consequence of this similarity is the rapid development of borohydride chemistry, which, according to many scientists, may eventually become a “new organic.” Let us recall that simply “organic”, organic chemistry is, essentially, the chemistry of hydrocarbons and their derivatives.

Nanotechnologies in agriculture can be successfully used for optical decoding of the protein-lipid-vitamin-chlorophyll complex in plant growing, as well as for the creation of biocompatible materials; restructuring, refining and restoration of tissues; creating artificial tissues and sensors (molecular-cellular organization) that are not rejected by the body in animal husbandry and to reduce harmful effects tractor fleet on natural environment. In livestock farming, nanoadditives are widely used in the preparation of feed, where they provide an increase in animal productivity by 1.5-3 times, and also help increase their resistance to infectious diseases and stress. The nanosize of feed additive particles allows not only to significantly reduce their consumption, but also to ensure more complete and effective absorption by animals.

The use of nanotechnology for water purification and disinfection is of great importance. The introduction of membrane purification systems, as well as special biocidal coatings and silver-based materials, helps to simplify and improve the quality of keeping farm animals and providing them with high-quality drinking water.

No less pressing is the problem of providing humanity with a sufficient amount drinking water. The reserves of fresh water suitable for use are only 3%, of which only 1% is consumed by the world's population. Currently, 1.1 billion people lack access to clean fresh water. Taking into account current water consumption, population growth and industrial development, by 2050 two thirds of the world's population will lack usable fresh water.

It is expected that nanotechnology will provide a solution to this problem through the use of, among other things, inexpensive decentralized water purification and desalination systems, molecular contaminant separation systems, and new generation filtration systems.

nanotechnology construction medicine membrane

Sereda Alina

The work is devoted to nanotechnology in agriculture.



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Nanotechnologies in agriculture The work was prepared by Sereda Alina, a student of class 11 “D” of the MBOU Buturlinovskaya Secondary School. Supervisor: Abramova Tamara Ivanovna

Every year there are more and more changes in the world. Temperatures are rising, the environmental situation is deteriorating - all this and much more has a negative impact on the development of agriculture. Mycotoxins contaminating crops are a serious threat. Nanotechnology comes to the rescue, the capabilities of which are amazing and inspire hope for a cloudless future. With the use of nanotechnology, it has become possible to solve problems in agriculture and in particular with mycotoxins.

Nanotechnology is a new area of ​​science and technology that has been actively developing in recent decades. Nanotechnology involves the creation and use of materials, devices and technical systems, the functioning of which is determined by the nanostructure, that is, its ordered fragments ranging in size from 1 to 100 nanometers

The problem of the spread of mycotoxins appears periodically in many countries around the world. Mycotoxins themselves are a type of fungus that threatens the functioning of living organisms. Animals infected with this fungus are more susceptible than others to various diseases and infections, their reproductive function is reduced, and nutrition is disrupted. Plants lose their nutritional value, their shelf life is reduced, and many infected crops become unsuitable for consumption. These are not all the problems, the solution of which is very important and significant for all countries.

Agriculture produces over 12% of the gross social product and more than 15% of Russia's national income, and concentrates 15.7% of production fixed assets. Achievements of science and technology make it possible to dramatically increase the efficiency of agricultural production, expand production areas, and so on. Therefore, the main direction for the further development of agriculture is its comprehensive intensification.

Today, nanomaterials and nanotechnologies are used in almost all areas of agriculture: crop production, animal husbandry, poultry farming, fish farming, veterinary medicine, processing industry, production of agricultural machinery, etc. Thus, in plant growing, the use of nanopreparations as microfertilizers provides increased resistance to unfavorable weather conditions and increasing the yield of almost all food (potatoes, grains, vegetables, fruits and berries) and industrial (cotton, flax) crops. The effect here is achieved due to a more active penetration of microelements into the plant due to the nanosize of the particles and their neutral status.

According to scientists, the use of nanotechnology in agriculture (in the cultivation of grain, vegetables, plants and animals) and in food production (in processing and packaging) will lead to the birth of a completely new class of food products - “nanoproducts”, which will eventually displace genetically modified products from the market products

Application of nanoelectrotechnologies in the production of grain crops Biologically active iron nanoparticles can help increase the yield of some grain crops by 10 to 40%.

Application of nanotechnologies in vegetable growing Monitoring of developed nanotechnological processes and nanomaterials confirms that the use of nanopreparations in vegetable growing provides increased resistance to adverse weather conditions and increased yield finished products. For almost all industrial and food crops - potatoes, vegetables, fruits and berries, cotton and flax, the yield indicators increased by 1.5-2 times.

Ultraviolet radiation (UVR) in crop production is the least studied part of the spectral range of optical radiation. To increase the yield and quality of greenhouse products, there are reserves that have not yet become widespread, but which can be used in solving the main problems of greenhouse crop production. UVI is used for breeding purposes and for pre-sowing seed treatment. Application of nanotechnology in greenhouse crop production

Nanoparticles, due to their small size, measured in nanometers, easily penetrate into animal and human cells, and a little more difficult into plant cells due to their strong, hard cell wall. Researchers note that the seeds of some plant species are capable of accumulating heavy metals, such as barium or lead. It is known that some nano-sized particles will also penetrate the seed coat and affect their germination. Application of nanoparticles in seed germination

Application of nanotechnologies in the storage of fruits and vegetables An example of the use of nanotechnologies in the storage of fruits and vegetables is the irradiation of plants with coherent light. Apples of two varieties - Antonovka vulgaris and Sinap northern - were treated with quasi-monochromatic light with high and low coherence. Highly coherent radiation with a spectral linewidth of less than 1 nm was obtained using a helium-neon laser.

The theoretical prerequisites for developing a method for cleaning soil from nitrate compounds, based on the effect of UVR energy on a biological object - plant and soil, deserve attention. To completely reduce nitrates to an assimilable form of nitrogen, an energy expenditure of 575.6 kJ/mol is required Nanotechnology in the fight against nitrates

Nanotechnologies in feed production The Kursk Research Institute of Agro-Industrial Production has shown that treating seed and treating crops during the tillering period with a polymer biocide (BIOPAG) increases the yield of spring barley, spring wheat and peas. This makes it possible to reduce the cost of feed, and therefore solve the problem of developing dairy and beef cattle breeding.

Nanotube fertilizer Researchers at the University of Arkansas Little Rock Nanotechnology Center have found that exposing tomato seeds to a nutrient solution containing carbon nanotubes leads to faster and enhanced germination. Scientists believe that carbon nanotubes could be a discovery for all of agriculture, opening the era of a new type of fertilizer.

Thus, in crop production, the use of nanopreparations as microfertilizers provides increased resistance to adverse weather conditions and increased yields of almost all food and industrial crops. The effect here is achieved due to a more active penetration of microelements into the plant due to the nanosize of the particles and their neutral status.

Nanotechnologists work hard for the development of agriculture. In addition to the above, developers are creating new types of plants and organisms, fertilizers and compounds. Nanotechnology is developing and over time will radically change our lives.

Term "nanotechnology" This is not the first year that it has been heard. However, not everyone understands it. Thus, it is believed that this is the science of the future and it is applied in highly specialized areas. But this, to put it mildly, is not entirely true. For example, nanotechnology is already actively used in agriculture.

Agriculture cannot do without special equipment, and the results of peasant labor largely depend on its operation. Therefore, it was special equipment that became one of the first conductors of nanotechnology in agriculture. Thus, thanks to the treatment of parts with nanoparticles, the service life of components and assemblies increases by 7-8 times.

For example, in farms In the Omsk region, the most vulnerable part of the harvester, the pointed paws, is treated with gold nanoparticles. As a result, their resource increased from 18 to 120 hectares per paw.

Nanotechnology in vegetable growing

Experts have proven that application of nanopreparations in crop production ensures increased resistance to adverse weather conditions. In addition, nanotechnology significantly increases crop yields - for potatoes, grains, vegetables, fruits and berries, cotton and flax by 1.5-2 times.

An interesting technology was developed by the St. Petersburg Agrarian University. Nanofertilizers enclosed in microcapsules of slightly soluble waxes. As a result, nutrients are released gradually and evenly. This allows you to not only get the maximum benefit from fertilizers, but also reduce the chemical load on the soil to a minimum.

The Ryazan Agricultural Academy has been conducting research on seed treatment with nanofertilizers consisting of various metal powders for 10 years. And they achieved success. Treating seeds with a certain concentration of iron, cobalt and copper (only 3-5 mg per 1 hectare of crops) pays off many times over with an increase in yield.

Nanotechnologies are already being actively implemented in post-harvest processing sunflower, tobacco and potatoes, when storing apples in controlled environments, ozonating the air. And recently it was done very important discovery in studying the biological role of silicon for living organisms. The use of organosilicon biostimulants in plant growing makes it possible to increase cold resistance, tolerance to heat and drought, helps to safely overcome stressful weather situations (recurrent frosts, sudden temperature changes, etc.), and enhances the protective functions of plants against diseases and pests.

Nanotechnology in animal husbandry

Currently, nanotechnology is most widespread in agriculture in veterinary medicine, livestock and poultry farming. Their use increases productivity, improves product quality and living conditions for animals.

For example, at the Kaluga regional center “Nanobiotechnology”, research is being conducted on the use of special additives in feed. The composition developed by specialists does not violate the genome of heredity or the microflora of the digestive tract. On the contrary, there is an improvement in food absorption and animal productivity. Plus nanoadditives have high bactericidal properties.

Russian scientists are also putting into practice environmentally friendly technology for electro-preservation of silage feed. This is done instead of expensive organic acids, which require strict safety measures. This nanotechnology increases the safety of feed up to 95%. In livestock and poultry farming, this ensures an increase in productivity by 1.5-3 times, resistance to stress, and mortality is reduced by 2 times.

When creating a microclimate in rooms where animals and birds are kept, the use of nanotechnology makes it possible to replace the energy-intensive supply and exhaust ventilation system with electrochemical air purification. Also nanodevices can be implanted into animals. This automates many processes and makes it possible to transmit the necessary data in real time.

Nanotechnologies in the processing of agricultural products

Today it is widely used membrane filtration technology. The use of membranes based on nanomaterials allows for high purification of water, juices, milk and other liquids.

Nanoelectrotechnology for combined grain drying has been created. Excess moisture pressure is created in heated grain at a temperature below the boiling point of water. As a result, the filtration transfer of moisture from the grain to the surface in a drop-liquid state is accelerated. Moisture is evaporated from the surface by hot air. Energy consumption for grain drying is reduced by 1.3 times or more compared to traditional convective drying. Microdamage to seeds is reduced by up to 6%, their sowing qualities are improved by 5%. For low-temperature drying and disinfection of grain, ozone is additionally used, which reduces the number of bacteria by 24 times and reduces energy consumption by 1.5 times.

Promising application nanotechnology and in the baking industry. Today, approximately 60% of flour is made from low quality grains. This, naturally, is reflected in the microbiological parameters of bread. Scientists from Siberia managed to create a nanocomposite. Its minor introduction to the recipe bakery product makes it more useful for the consumer.

Smolensk State Agricultural Academy.

Department of Agronomy and Ecology.


On the topic: Main directions of use of nanotechnology in crop production.

Completed by a first year student

Faculty of Engineering and Technology

Morozov Alexey.

Checked by: Vyugin S.M.

Smolensk 2012.

Application of nanotechnology in crop production.

In Russia, the state corporation "Rosnanotech" was created, and the "Program for the Development of Nanoindustry in the Russian Federation until 2015" was developed. The program will be implemented in 2 stages: the first stage is designed for 2007–2010, the second for 2010–2015. The total cost of implementing the program will be 138 billion rubles.

In May 2006, the President of the Russian Federation approved priority directions for the development of science, technology and engineering and a list of critical technologies, including nanotechnologies and nanomaterials. For the development of nanotechnologies in Russia, the Nanoindustry concern and 16 regional centers nanotechnologies in Nizhny Novgorod, Saratov, Ivanovo, Astrakhan, Kaluga region, Petrozavodsk, Krasnodar region and other constituent entities of the Russian Federation. In the agricultural sector, the largest number of studies have been carried out on the use of nanoelectrotechnologies. Such research is being conducted at Moscow State Agrarian University named after. V. P. Goryachkina, VIESKh, Michurinsk State Agricultural Academy, AChGAU, GOSNITI and other scientific organizations and universities.

Nanotechnology in agriculture involves the use of drugs to protect plants newest generation, which are characterized by maximum penetration of active substances into the leaves, stems and roots due to their unusually small size. Projects are being developed using nanomaterials for more accurate and safe delivery of pesticides to biological targets and nutrients to plants. These projects use the following technologies: transport processes, bioselective surfaces, bioseparation, and microelectromechanical systems, nanobioprocessing, nucleic acid bioengineering, substance targeting. The particle size of these substances is tens and even hundreds of times smaller than microns (10 -9). Their use makes it possible to achieve much greater effects with minimal doses of drugs and save money.

The use of nanoelectrotechnology in plant growing has connected molecular and cellular biology with the help of external electromagnetic fields and biofields of living cells in a general nanoprocess, which should lead to the introduction into the practice of the agricultural sector of fundamentally new technologies for the production of agricultural raw materials, materials, food and feed.

In agricultural scientific organizations of Russia, including the Moscow State Agricultural Engineering University named after. V. P. Goryachkina (MSAU), the results of using nanoelectrotechnologies in the production of crop products were obtained.

Application of nanoelectrotechnologies in the production of grain crops.

Biologically active iron nanoparticles can help increase the yield of some grain crops by 10 to 40%.

New nanotechnologies for microwave pre-sowing seed treatment and disinfestation were carried out as an alternative to chemical methods. For disinfestation of grain and seeds, a pulsed microwave treatment mode was used, which, due to the ultra-high intensity of the EMF in the pulse, ensures the death of pests and insects. It has been established that for a 100% effect of microwave disinsection, a dose of no more than 75 MJ per 1 ton of seeds is required.

The new nanoelectrotechnology of combined grain drying is carried out cyclically: convective heating of the grain to 50°C, and then short-term microwave treatment of it, during which excess moisture pressure is created in the heated grain at a temperature below the boiling point of water. As a result, the filtration transfer of moisture from the grain to the surface in a drop-liquid state is accelerated. Moisture is removed from the surface by heated air coolant. The specific energy consumption for grain drying compared to traditional convective drying is reduced by 1.3 times or more, microdamage to seeds is reduced by up to 6%, and their sowing qualities are improved by 5%. Ozone was additionally used for low-temperature drying and disinfection of grain, which increased the efficiency of disinfection by 24 times and reduced energy consumption by 1.5 times.

Nanoelectrotechnology of microwave micronization of grain is based on the effect of dextrinization of starch grains - the breakdown of starch polysaccharides and their conversion into digestible nutrients. The degree of dextrinization increases from 12% to 80%, the energy content of the feed doubles from 7.7 to 15.7 MJ/kg. Compared to IR micronization, which is widespread abroad, specific energy costs are reduced by more than 2 times from 250,300 to 130,150 kWh per 1 ton of grain.

According to state acceptance tests, the zootechnical indicators of fattening piglets with microwave-micronized barley feed ingredient increased in average daily weight gain by 36%, and over a month - 2 times.

According to agrochemist experts, up to fifty percent of the yield of all agricultural crops depends on the effectiveness of plant protection. Nanoemulsions are designed for use in the cultivation of various crops, including grains and sugar beets. Experts present several of the latest developments. For example, pre-sowing treatment with Tebu 60 and Scarlett microemulsions, which showed high efficiency when applied to 700 hectares of Shchelkovo Agrokhim’s own base. These drugs do not separate under the influence of heat and light; the prepared working solution can be stored not for hours or days, but for years, while remaining active. But the most important thing is that nanoproducts, unlike traditional pesticides, ensure complete wetting of the plant surface, are completely absorbed by the plants, and are not washed off by rain.

Manufacturers do not hide the fact that nanoemulsions are not cheap, but in the end they give a much greater effect. For example, treating winter wheat with the drug “Titul Duo, KRR,” which has no analogues, can provide up to 400% profitability and an additional yield of up to 17 centners per hectare. But even poor agricultural enterprises can already take advantage of nanotechnology products thanks to commodity loans provided by manufacturers.