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Organization of outbound trade. Business with small investments

Is it worth starting a business organizing outbound trade - real story entrepreneur.

There is a holiday in the city. On the streets there are concert venues and shopping arcades. And, as an indispensable attribute of folk festivals, there are sellers of balloons, head horns and other carnival accessories. From the outside, this work seems very fun and interesting, and solid business people Sometimes such business is not taken seriously.

Legislative regulation

First of all, the lack of a stationary point of sale- is not yet a reason for unauthorized trading in any place you like. Usually, local administration sets certain rules for outbound trading, and for placing a retail outlet you must obtain written permission. During festive events a placement plan is drawn up and approved shopping facilities . When trading on territory owned by any business entity, a lease agreement is drawn up.

Further, balloons and carnival accessories belong to the category of toys, which means they are subject to the Technical Regulations of the Customs Union “On the Safety of Toys” and, accordingly, these goods are subject to certification. Until February 2014, you can still work using previously issued national certificates, and after that - only using “union” certificates.

Flying balloons are inflated with helium. It is an inert gas that does not burn or explode. However, the cylinder itself is under high pressure(100 - 150 atmospheres), and therefore represents a source increased danger. The helium cylinder must be protected from heating above 60 degrees; in the summer heat in the sun, be sure to put a thick fabric cover on it. Forty-liter cylinders weighing 80 kilograms are usually used in a vertical position; they must be securely installed and secured to prevent them from falling.

The use of cylinders in premises, for example, concert halls or shopping centers, is not prohibited, however, the administration may have its own opinion on this matter, so such issues should be discussed. Transportation of helium cylinders to small quantity personal transport is allowed. However, in order to have arguments in a possible dispute with traffic police officers, it is better to familiarize yourself in detail with the relevant regulations.

Features of outbound trade

- It’s a troublesome matter!

There are a number of unpleasant aspects in outbound trading that you need to come to terms with in advance. The main thing is trade under open air May be only successful in good weather. If it is very cold or too hot outside, people are not in the mood for festivities, and rain and sleet can also ruin the goods. Specifically for balloons, even moderate winds are unfavorable - when the balloons spread along the ground or fly out of your hands, they are much less likely to be purchased.

In the cost of the goods you will have to include additional transportation costs, as well as labor costs for assembly and disassembly commercial equipment and loading and unloading. Due to daily display and constant feeling by customers, products quickly lose marketable condition .

Another necessary evil - petty theft of goods(although sometimes they can skim off the proceeds unnoticed!). Here you can only include possible losses in the price, although, of course, you need to monitor the product to minimize losses. When particularly busy trade is expected, ask one of your relatives or friends to at least just stand near your counter.

Do not forget that latex balloons, depending on their volume and weather conditions stay in the air from several hours to days. Of course, a large bunch of floating balloons looks nice and attracts buyers, but you will simply have to throw away the unsold balloons. Balloons made of foil plastic fly for a long time (if you’re lucky, up to two weeks), but in the rain the colorful coating peels off from them.

And further. All holidays become for you stressful workdays. Are your loved ones and you yourself ready for this? Well, then read on.

Nuances of competition

There are sometimes too many people willing, figuratively speaking, to get money out of thin air in a limited space. For example, on City Day, especially the anniversary, dozens of traders come from settlements located sometimes hundreds of kilometers away. And entertainment products sell well when there is high demand for them. If there is a queue near the tent, new customers line up behind it. If you can calmly come up and buy a balloon, for some reason many people are in no hurry to do it. As a result, fifty retail outlets on one site will collectively sell fewer balloons than would be sold by five stalls.

Therefore, the rule is: tell as little as possible to anyone about when, where and at what holiday events you traded or are going to trade. Don't brag that you were somewhere successful trade .

Is it necessary to cut off competitors? low prices? When a neighbor trades for more high price- take a closer look, perhaps such balls or horns can be bought for more than you sell them for. And if, on the contrary, a competitor has some products much cheaper than yours, do not rush to rewrite the price tag. Calculate - perhaps, in order not to scare away buyers, it is more profitable to remove this product from the shelf for one day than to sell it almost at cost. The main thing is that you don’t have to lower prices just to annoy someone.


First of all, you don’t stand still, you constantly move and reach new groups of customers. Your product does not have time to “set the teeth on edge” of nearby buyers. Even if you have a permanent location (for example, in a city park), you are always ready to move for a day or two to another site where mass celebrations are held.

At festive events, especially traditional ones for a given locality, shoppers are pre-prepared to buy fun trinkets, and not only for children. Trade is especially brisk when people have already managed to cheer themselves up at the festive table. Therefore, “air sellers” have the opportunity to successfully work with a relatively small range of goods (especially if there are no competitors on this trading platform).

The relatively low cost of commercial equipment allows you to try your hand at selling balloons to almost anyone who wants it. Some people don’t even bother purchasing collapsible tents and tables - put a special case with pockets on the cylinder, and sell for yourself. Or you can simply inflate a bunch of balloons, for example, in the interior of your car, and then peddle them among people walking.

Calendar of outdoor events

The main season for outbound trading is from mid-April to mid-October. Well, there are, of course, winter holidays, for example, Maslenitsa and Valentine's Day, but there are few of them. The dates of some events are widely known, but information about the timing of various celebrations in urban neighborhoods and nearby settlements will have to be specifically found out. To do this, it is enough to regularly call the officials responsible for organizing holidays. You can create a calendar for yourself a year in advance, but plans are always likely to change, so it’s better to keep your finger on the pulse of events.

The key innovations provided for in the document are designed to bring the relationship between business and government into a civilized direction. Namely, to make land relations transparent and protect entrepreneurs from the tastes of officials. It is no secret that merchants, for example in Moscow, suffered multimillion-dollar losses rebuilding tents and shops, due to periodically changing views of city leaders on the ideal appearance cities. However, the currently proclaimed love for open spaces for business is even worse.

The document is intended to resolve one of the most pressing issues related to the layout of non-stationary facilities and the extension of placement agreements, explains the position of the federal authorities, State Secretary - Deputy Minister of Industry and Trade of Russia Viktor Evtukhov. “Our amendments stipulate that the use of a layout of non-stationary retail facilities to regulate the number and types of specializations of facilities is not allowed. Today, the main conflict is that the scheme is interpreted not as a reference and information document, but as a permissive-prohibitive document, when an official independently decides who is included in the scheme and who is not. But we need a completely different approach,” says Viktor Evtukhov.

The draft states that “The rules for determining the location of non-stationary retail facilities (hereinafter referred to as the location) must be developed taking into account territorial planning documents and cannot contain provisions aimed at creating advantages for certain business entities, limiting the number of non-stationary retail facilities and other restrictions competition." This is, of course, not a declarative procedure, which is probably not feasible in this case. But at least an attempt to limit the right of an official to regulate trade in accordance with his own views on the world order.

The next innovation is related to the terms of lease of places under retail facilities. It can increase to seven years and is extended at the request of the entrepreneur. The seats themselves will be awarded at auction. If the authorities nevertheless decide to get rid of the tent before the end of the contract, “the local government body provides a compensatory place with advance, at least three months, written notice, offering options for compensatory places and (or) offering to independently select a compensatory place.” .

Trading from cars is finally recognized

Another important novelty of the project introduces into the legal field one of the most democratic methods of trade - auto shops. The Moscow City Hall, by the way, started the attack on non-chain retail with them. “Tonars” in the city were especially thoroughly eliminated and now there are no stalls on wheels left at all.

Now a legal definition of a mobile retail facility may appear. It will be recognized as a vehicle used for distribution trade, specially equipped with equipment designed and used for displaying, demonstrating goods, serving customers and conducting cash settlements with customers when selling goods. It is understood that it will be possible to turn both the car itself and a trailer, tanker, motorized vehicles and even a bicycle into a store. The main thing is that they are technically sound and in proper sanitary condition.

It is assumed that for cities with a population of less than 100 (in some cases 50 thousand people), trade from wheels will actually be of a notification nature. Although you will still have to obtain some permissions from the authorities. For large cities, the rules will be stricter, and authorities will have the right to limit the places where you can park your store. This, of course, is reasonable, since otherwise the streets and parking lots will turn into endless shopping arcades. Although the principle “it is permitted to trade where it is not prohibited” is retained in the law for megacities. We can only hope that local authorities will follow it, and not make cities “free” from mobile stores. Especially in the current difficult situation, when democratic methods of trade help many to survive.

Only national security can help business

As Viktor Evtukhov emphasized, most regions supported the bill developed by the Ministry of Industry and Trade, as did all key business associations (“Opora”, ONF, “ Business Russia", Coalition of Kioskers, etc.). In addition, one of the co-developers of the bill was the Commissioner for the Rights of Entrepreneurs, Boris Titov, which increases the chances of its adoption.

The entrepreneurs themselves, according to the chairman of the presidium of the Association of Companies retail(ACORT) Ilya Lomakin-Rumyantsev, they well understand the idea behind the project. It consists of creating conditions under which, on the one hand, entrepreneurs have a certain set of responsibilities and obligations, but on the other hand, they are given a certain freedom of action. “This is a rare situation when the bill maximally protects business from state decisions that disturb the environment,” says Lomakin-Rumyantsev.

However, it is difficult to say how local officials will follow such progressive innovations in practice. As a stick (albeit a weak one), the draft so far includes a requirement for local authorities to comply with “standards for the minimum provision of the population with retail space and retail facilities.” Standards for the subjects of the Federation, including the municipalities included in them, are developed by authorized executive authorities in accordance with the calculation methodology approved by the Government of Russia. IN last years compliance with such standards has become key for assessing the activities of governors on the part of the federal government and is quarreling with the Government and the Presidential Administration on empty space many may not want to. In addition, the law plans to introduce a rule that trade is an element of national food security. For “undermining” the governors may also be charged.

What is the article about?

Profitable and promising direction - kiosk on wheels, or “tonar”, is also what this type of trading is called. This is an ideal solution for those who are just starting their journey in business. This is the direction in entrepreneurial activity has not yet gained much popularity, so there is a real chance to become a successful pioneer in this direction.

Investments for this type of trade will be needed, but they are not as significant as is the case with the opening own store. When opening a stationary kitty, in addition to paying for this point, the entrepreneur will have to pay monthly rent for the land on which the MAF is installed. Moreover, having such a mobile point as stall on wheels, the entrepreneur has the opportunity to study consumer demand in each individual area or region. After all, no one bothers him to move from place to place, from city to city, from one region to another.

How to open your own kiosk on wheels

Assortment, whatever your heart desires. This could be fast food or a mobile coffee shop, point of sale household chemicals or a pastry shop. In a word, whatever is in demand is what we offer. There are a lot of ideas and the entrepreneur makes the final choice himself. For example, in the USA, they practice mobile pet salons, where owners can wash, cut, and comb their pets. In France, this is a hot pastry. With us, it’s anything, everything will be in demand.

Things are more complicated for us with dogs and cats, but food outlets, mini-cafes or fast foods are exactly what are in demand. In any case, the owner has the right to change the range and direction of activity at any time. The main thing is that the documents are prepared properly. Read also: How to open a cafe fast food. Business plan.

How to legalize your type of activity

The process of registering a private enterprise is not difficult. Initially, it is worth deciding that this will be a private enterprise or an individual entrepreneurial activity. In both of these types of business, the owner has the right to hire people. But for now let's talk about hired labor it is too early.

To register a business activity, you must contact the administrative authorities at your place of registration. Write an application on the standard form provided and give it to the registrar with copies of your own documents.

Important! At the very first stage, the future entrepreneur must decide on the type of activity. For this purpose there is a specialized list of services. Each type of activity is identified by a special number, which must be entered in the appropriate column in the application. After this, pay the state fee and submit the package of documents to the registrar with a receipt of payment.

The issue is considered promptly, and within a couple of weeks you will have an entrepreneur’s certificate and an extract from the register indicating registration in Unified register. This day can be considered the birthday of your own successful business.

After receiving the certificate in hand, you must register with tax authorities. A copy of the certificate is provided there, an application is filled out, where you must indicate the tax form. Typically, beginning entrepreneurs choose a form such as a single tax. In any case, the type of activity and form of taxation can be changed if it suddenly turns out that the choice was made incorrectly.

Purchase and registration of a tonar (kiosk on wheels)

Offers of this type today automotive market a lot of. You can get it from abroad, for example, from Germany. But customs red tape will take too long. If such an opportunity exists, then this should be done before registering a business activity. But for a slight overpayment stall on wheels can be purchased at the car market.

There are many offers and you need to choose a mobile stall in the form of a trailer. It can be:

  1. Mobile store MZSA 815001 based on a trailer. It is closed type, equipped with the necessary shelves, and has a certain set of equipment. A manufacturer can produce a kiosk on wheels according to individual order client. Beautiful appearance, neat and comfortable inside.
  2. Ural-Kupava is made on the basis of a car trailer. The walls and ceiling of the kiosk are made of sandwich panels, which increases thermal performance in winter period time. Roomy and comfortable. Large internal space allows for ample installation necessary equipment, refrigerator, providing conditions for storing food. An ideal mobile food stall for preparing hot baked goods.
  3. Cossack 82721-01 based on a single-axle trailer. A small, comfortable stall that is often used for selling dairy products, cooking and hot baked goods.
  4. Tonar-Trade. One of the most spacious representatives for street trading. Equipped with large display windows through which the buyer can observe the cooking process or select the desired product.

You can purchase such kiosks new or used; there are also many such offers. But just buying is not enough, this is a vehicle that requires special registration and not only in government agencies road inspection. Such a product will require additional permission from the sanitary and epidemiological station and fire departments. In ready-made mobile pavilions, all the requirements of these services are provided for, so there should not be any difficulties.

It’s probably not worth reminding the driver-entrepreneur that category “B” is not enough to work on a tonar. Category, permit to drive with a trailer plus business permits, approval from municipal authorities. You won’t be able to come and set up a tray in any place you like.

There is a certain list of documents that give permission to carry out this type of activity. This is not difficult to solve, but it is necessary to collect all the papers in order to avoid large fines. It is impossible to say unequivocally what exactly is necessary. The main requirements are listed. Normative base constantly changing. But if the package of documents is collected today, then nothing will have to be changed in the next year. Read also: How to open your own store. Store business plan.

Requirements for products sold

Regardless of where a product is sold or a service is provided, an entrepreneur must have a certain list of documents on hand. It is minimal for industrial goods and household chemicals. But any group of goods must have documentary evidence of compliance with established standards. Based on this, manufacturers issue special certificates. Any certificate or declaration has legal force.

If these are products produced directly on site, then the corresponding declaration is used. This is difficult for a newcomer to understand in such a business, but it is also impossible to explain what exactly is necessary to carry out this type of activity. The legal framework is constantly changing.

It is definitely fashionable to say one thing, Required documents It’s not difficult to prepare, it will all take 2-3 days. Each individual region has different requirements, but it is not difficult to meet them so that you can work calmly for at least a year.

When selling food products, you must have certificates. When offering home-made products to the consumer, a declaration is required.

What type of activity is most promising in a kiosk on wheels?

Don’t think that a kiosk on wheels will quickly bring in good money. It's like any other business, it's hard work every day. It is simply impossible to say unequivocally what exactly will sell better. Today a person can come to the outback simply by loading his car with bread. And tomorrow, when he trades in the city, the buyer will be looking for a completely different product. Behind short term Each entrepreneur will independently determine in which region and what the buyer needs.

But in an urban environment, few people can pass by the aroma of coffee mixed with the smell of fresh baked goods. Therefore, fast food with hot homemade cakes and coffee is the most popular option. Moreover, in urban conditions a businessman can offer:

  • fresh milk and dairy products from your nearest farm, a fairly demanded category that is lacking in the market;
  • meat, meat products;
  • confectionery;
  • kitchenware;
  • household chemical goods;
  • materials for repairs;
  • vegetables and fruits;
  • fish and fish products.

It is clear that the cost of all this should be lower compared to the price of the nearest store, hypermarket or bazaar. Moreover, the difference does not have to be significant. Just a couple of rubles is enough for people to go to the kiosk.

Financial questions

It is clear that such a business is developing approximately the same in all countries of the former CIS. In order not to mislead the reader, you can analyze the upcoming costs in connection with opening a business in Russian rubles. So what and how much does it cost:

  • paperwork for running a business and the stall itself - 10-100 thousand rubles;
  • acquisition cash register, if it is necessary at the legislative level - about 6-7 thousand rubles;
  • rental of a mobile kiosk - 10-25 thousand rubles;
  • buying your own kiosk - 100-150 thousand rubles;
  • equipment - from 10 thousand rubles;
  • purchase of goods - 10-15 thousand rubles.

It is worth recalling that these are approximate calculations based on the Russian ruble, to which it is necessary to add land rental, fuel purchases and depreciation vehicle. In reality, the total amount can change significantly in one direction or the other.

To all these costs it is worth adding unexpected costs. These are fines and, sadly, bribes. No matter how the fight against corruption and bribery is carried out, it exists and it is obvious that it will exist for a long time. A certain amount of money must be set aside for bribes.

Interesting but scary? Then the franchise

It is clear that every start of a business raises a lot of questions. Most newcomers to this business have doubts, so they are afraid to take a decisive and independent step. For such people, the most correct thing would be to take advantage of such an offer as a franchise. Hundreds of well-promoted brands have thousands of points on their wheels that they are ready to share with budding businessmen.

They are ready to help, provide everything necessary, including a kiosk on wheels, until the person understands that he has understood the essence of this business and can work independently.

The essence of the franchise in simple words

To put it simply, a well-known brand provides a kiosk on wheels, paid space, equipment, and products. An aspiring businessman begins to operate as a representative of a known company, but he pays part of the profit to his creditor. It is the lender, as a franchise, that lends money to small businesses to operate under a known brand name.

In other words, a person promotes his own business, taking advantage of the big name of a famous brand. This happens until he pays off the entire loan amount. After this, he is given the opportunity to continue working under this brand, or to promote his own brand with the money he earns.

This is quite an advantageous offer, since this type of loan is issued with minimal risks. If we talk about success in this type of activity, then more than 85 percent of entrepreneurs in a fairly short period of time were able to master this type of activity at the expense of another company and were able to create their own, profitable business on wheels.

In order to start a business using a franchise, you will still need some influence. This is a kind of entrance fee, which serves as a guarantee that a person is determined to work and make a profit. The minimum amount can be close to 4-5 thousand dollars, the maximum is simply unlimited. It all depends on how quickly the aspiring businessman wants to become independent.

Franchise pitfalls

This type of business is considered less safe for a novice entrepreneur. But, as in any other type of activity, there are certain pros and cons. If we consider positive sides, then there are not so many of them, but they are quite significant.

  1. Start own business under the aegis of famous brand. Many, difficult for a beginner, organizational matters An experienced person decides.
  2. Escort. It is convenient to open a tornado under the auspices of a well-known brand, since the kiosk itself on wheels and a full set of equipment are available for rent. Marketing, advertising company, search and contracts with suppliers, this is the task of company managers.
  3. Lack of guarantees to banks. It is quite difficult for a novice businessman to get a loan from a bank to develop a business. When franchising, the brand owner acts as a guarantor to the bank, and loan funds are issued without problems.

It is clear that starting your own business under the name of a well-known brand is much easier than promoting your name or the name of your future company on your own. But with all this on the positive side, negative points still there is.

  1. Strict requirements. You don’t have to set your own working conditions. It is necessary to fulfill all the requirements of the owner. This is the place of work, product range, operating hours, and so on.
  2. The rights of the parties apply only on the basis of the agreement. If suddenly the owner begins to incur losses and is forced to curtail his business, then the entrepreneur will have to close the business, even if he was doing well. The property is returned or redeemed, and the entrepreneur’s shoulders bear a heavy burden of credit debt.
  3. The entrepreneur does not have the right to choose suppliers. This applies not only to products, but also to equipment.
  4. The financial costs of registering a business, purchasing raw materials, legal responsibility for this and much more are borne by the entrepreneur himself.

That's not a lot the new kind entrepreneurial activity. Clearly established legislative framework Not yet. Therefore, before starting this type of activity, you need to think everything through carefully and not get involved if in doubt. There are not so few such offers, so the choice must be made slowly.

The “on wheels” service sector, familiar to Europeans and Americans, in our country so far has only fragmentary manifestations, although mobile trading platforms and food establishments are now at their best.

We will talk about promising niches, features and advantages of outbound trade using mobile shops in this article.

What is outbound trading?

They resorted to this method of selling goods back in Soviet times: after all, collective farm cars with vegetables and fruits, which traveled through villages and city markets on market days, are nothing more than a prototype of this format.

Then they were replaced by private entrepreneurs and informal traders with wide range: seedlings, chickens, piglets, equipment, household items and even clothes.

Retail units were predominantly in the form of trailers or truck bodies. Over time, trading regulations became more stringent and the stationary form took precedence, leaving the wheeled service option primarily for markets.

Street food on the hood

The last five years have seen the birth of the format for the second time. Increase in land rental prices, long-term processes for obtaining permitting documentation, difficulties with communications, and the struggle of big city officials with small architectural forms became the reasons for the transfer of kiosks to wheels.

Neat and comfortable streets appeared on city streets. mobile coffee shops, subsequently food points were added - hot dogs, shawarma, pancakes, hot pastries, Belgian waffles, etc.

In contrast to the undemanding appearance of their predecessors, these are now predominantly stylish, technically equipped commercial trailers, almost independent of environmental conditions.

The basic principles of the business are quite simple: an interesting format and food range, a good location (metro, office centers, passageways, other crowded places), quality goods and availability of appropriate permits and certificates.

Marketing and promotion are not needed in such a business; advertising is the object itself. And although this business is not extremely profitable (net income is about 20%), thanks to the large flow of consumers, within a year another point begins to operate

On my own

The niche of trade “from wheels” is filled more or less densely only in the capital and cities with millions of people. Although there is a well thought out new format or the product will make a profit.

For example, in great demand they use grill-bars “on wheels”, only recently mobile ice cream sellers have appeared, the idea of ​​automobile fresh bars to sell fresh juices, popsicles, etc. is in the air.

By the way, a seasonal idea is very relevant, which can be easily implemented with the same investment as a coffee machine, or even less.

A typical “compact car”, an electric generator, a high-quality juicer and clean containers for storing prepared washed fruits and vegetables – that’s all. There will be no competition yet, unlike the coffee trade.

A new trend in an old format is the emergence of coffee shops, restaurants, and bars “on wheels.” The red tram in which the bar is located became a pioneer many years ago, known to everyone who has visited Lviv. And although it doesn’t go anywhere, it has enough passengers.

In Kyiv, there are several trams (retro car, buffet car, cafe car), which can be ordered for holidays, weddings, discos or just for group recreation. Moreover, the trailers do not stand, but run.

Rural auto shop

Trading from wheels, but in a slightly different format, is extremely relevant today for rural areas, from which it once began. After all, unfortunately, villages and small towns, due to rapid urbanization and economic difficulties, the further they become, the more they become abandoned and lose the attention of business.

Often, residents of logistically inconvenient settlements have to travel to regional centers and cities to buy affordable things: food products(the selection in local grocery stores can be very limited), clothes, household appliances, phones and even medicines.

Therefore, if your enterprise produces cheeses, sausages, confectionery, consumer goods, children's and adult clothing - a branded auto store, like additional view distribution may be more successful than another stationary retail outlet.

However, for successful work it is not necessary to produce something. It's enough to do something simple marketing research. Travel around at least part of the settlements within a radius of 100 km from your location and study the needs of consumers.

Moreover, we should start with the more distant ones, because the closer to the city, the less relevant off-site stores are. And long distances are unprofitable in terms of fuel costs and the working hours of the sales driver.

The logistics of the route should also be carefully thought out, since staying at one point for the whole day is hardly advisable, and less than three hours is not enough.

You shouldn’t expect any tangible turnover in the first two months of work, because during this period only the acquaintance will take place local population with a new retail facility, and the entrepreneur will form a database of settlements - which ones make sense to go to, and which ones are unpromising.

You can decide on the future assortment by visiting local stores and taking a closer look at what is and is not available in the service sector.

Further actions are the production of remarkable and bright advertisements with information that a branded auto store with relevant goods will trade in the locality. Leave a free field in the layout for days of the week/date/time so that you can fill them out for each locality separately.

The driver or his assistant should post these advertisements at popular points in the village or city at the bazaar, near the post office, bus station or transport stop, hospital or pharmacy, school, etc. Also, for advertising purposes, vehicles should be equipped with a loudspeaker. By approaching a place of trade, you can attract a lot of customers in such a simple and cheap way.

Constantly broadcasting good music (but where it will not disturb residents) will also attract attention to your auto shop.

In addition, it is important to communicate with the population and study their needs, perhaps even collecting orders for subsequent flights. The success of this line of business depends on the right choice goods and reasonable markups on them.

Formats without analogues

It is much easier and more cost-effective to work with those formats that have no analogues. The field of “automotive” services is now in its infancy. Although in some places there are precedents - and with enough successful story. What can we say about Europe, where such democratic and fast formats correspond to the mentality of entire countries, and America, where, in fact, they first appeared.

Therefore, if outbound trade is more relevant for remote places, then some services will go “with a bang” even in big cities. You just need to know the demand and understand the consumer.

For example, most middle-aged people (especially office workers) complain of pain in the spine. The desire to “straighten your back” haunts hundreds of thousands of white-collar workers.

But in order not to go to a doctor or a special salon, there is always a reason: there is no time, there are no familiar specialists, it’s expensive. But, if a mobile express massage salon with the services of a vertebrologist and chiropractor came under the office center, the demand for services would be enormous.

And for this you only need a Gazelle or another car with an appropriate interior, which is equipped with a massage table, a screen - a locker room and, first of all, a certified specialist. Recommended cost and duration of the service: express “exercise” – $ 6-7 (15 minutes per manipulation) and a more thorough half-hour treatment session with, accordingly, twice the price.

Long-term massage services (for women, therapeutic, etc.) will also be relevant, but the location of such a car dealership should be close to large shopping and entertainment facilities, in residential areas. The category of express services includes mobile hairdressing and manicure salons (current in central areas with business activity).

The idea seems attractive given the demand for stationary express manicure points in shopping centers. But express hairstyle points (not yet common in our country) bring decent additional income owners of stationary salons in Israel.

Good ideas for expanding your business mobile way there may be many. Easy entry into a new business, a clear work plan and an equally easy exit without losses (after all, the most expensive investment is a car, which can easily be sold as a separate vehicle, and with all the equipment and permits as operating business) – arguments for trying.

The active development of trade in Russia did not affect many settlements in rural areas. In any region of the country you can find villages, hamlets, villages and hamlets where there are no retail outlets, and if there are, the assortment in them is quite poor. Therefore, the organization of outdoor trade and a mobile store as a business, reviews of entrepreneurs involved in this field confirm this, is a very promising commercial idea.

Organization of trade through a mobile store

To start a business in this direction, you need to purchase a small truck.

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Car selection

Currently, some car dealers offer ready-made car shops equipped with everything necessary: ​​display cases, shelving, and in some cases, refrigeration units. But you can take a standard van and equip it as you wish. Commercial vehicles, for example, Gazelle, Valdai, are best suited for organizing a car shop.

Important! The price of new cars suitable for such activities is quite high (can reach up to 1,500,000 rubles) and makes them inaccessible to most entrepreneurs. However, you can also purchase a used car for trading. It is important to make sure that the car is in good technical and sanitary condition, since the sale of certain groups of goods requires compliance with certain sanitary requirements.

Route planning

The second step in organizing outbound trade is forming a route for the auto shop and agreeing on its location. When planning your route, the following factors must be taken into account:

  • the number of settlements where it is planned to organize trade;
  • the distance of these points from each other;
  • the population size in them.

Based on this data, a route diagram and the order of its passage are formed. For example, it is planned to carry out trade in five villages located at a considerable distance from each other, and in opposite directions. The number of inhabitants in each of them is about 400-500 people. In this case, it is best to organize a trip to each point on a separate day: Monday - village 1, Tuesday - village 2, etc. This will allow you to reach the maximum number of customers, and will also reduce the cost of fuel and lubricants.

If you plan to serve several small settlements, for example, 6 small villages, each of which is home to no more than 150 people, and the settlements themselves are located in the same direction, then it makes sense to carry out trade on one day, being in each village for 1 o'clock.

To begin work, it is necessary to resolve all legal formalities.

Trading from a mobile shop - documents and permits

The auto shop is an object of non-stationary trade, therefore it is subject to relevant legal requirements. First of all, this is the availability of documents indicating state registration of the business.

To engage in this type of activity, it is enough to do this without difficulty. can be done quickly and free of charge using one of special services, for example, “My business.”

Important! When filling out application P21001, you must indicate OKVED codes, suitable for trade through a mobile store: subclass 47.8 “Retail trade in non-stationary retail facilities and markets.” Product groups can be different: food products, drinks, textiles, etc. Depending on what you plan to trade, the code will also change: 47.81; 47.82, etc.

Based on the results of the registration procedure, you will receive a State Certificate. registration. At the same time, it is worth deciding. As optimal system taxation for non-stationary trade can be recommended. However, this mode is allowed to be used subject to certain conditions, which can be found out in detail on the official website tax service

To organize the work, you will also need to agree on the location of the retail outlet. Trading from a mobile store requires permission only from the local administration of the locality where the activity is planned. As a rule, authorities are willing to accommodate entrepreneurs halfway and allocate convenient places for parking their auto shops.

Advice:Often the heads of local administrations give only verbal consent to the parking of a car shop in one place or another. But it is better to ask for an official permit, which will indicate: the specific address of the parking lot of the auto shop, the parking time, and the validity period of the permit.

Auto shop operation

Like any commercial business, organizing outbound trade requires careful study its concepts. The business plan of the auto shop should include the specifics of trade in rural areas. First of all, this is the range of goods.

How to create an assortment

Entrepreneurs with experience in traveling trade in rural areas note the following groups of goods that are in stable demand:

  • bakery products;
  • sausage and sausage products;
  • Fish and seafood;
  • cereals;
  • pasta;
  • canned food;
  • fruits;
  • sugar and confectionery;
  • flour;
  • salt;
  • tobacco products;
  • light bulbs;
  • batteries;
  • matches.

Often, customers themselves help create the assortment of products. All owners of auto shops are familiar with situations when they are ordered to bring this or that product next time. By the way, custom sales are another source of additional profit for a mobile store.

However, a food truck can also be specialized in nature, selling only one type of product, for example, fish and seafood. Lately, auto stores offering clothes, shoes, and stationery have become increasingly popular.

How to attract buyers

The key to the success of a universal mobile store is the stability of its appearance in populated areas - local residents should know that on this day they will be able to purchase everything necessary goods. Therefore, the owner of such a retail outlet does not need additional advertising, he is only required to always arrive on time.

For a specialized auto shop, additional advertising is often indispensable. In this case, you need to express yourself in some way. The experience of entrepreneurs shows that the most effective way is the preliminary posting of announcements about the arrival of the auto shop. But this method requires additional costs, especially if locality is located at a considerable distance. Some entrepreneurs in such cases resort to help technical means– they drive through a town or village and invite people to go shopping through a loudspeaker. This method of advertising gives a good effect.

A car shop as a business, judging by the reviews of entrepreneurs, is quite interesting, and with the right approach it can bring good profit. In this business, you need to be able to communicate with people and be prepared for any surprises. However, this is typical for any business activity. A store on wheels is a good option to start your first steps in the world of business, especially since the risk of loss is minimal.