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Business ideas for auto parts. How to start a business selling auto parts

The business of selling auto parts has a high profitability of up to 25% and a payback period for the initial investment within 1 year. Every year there is an increase in the number of cars in Russia and the CIS by 10-15%, and the auto parts market is growing accordingly. First of all, the number of foreign cars is increasing. The number of sales of parts through online stores is also growing. In this article we will analyze how to open an auto parts store from scratch and minimal investment and give an example of a business plan with calculations.

Analysis of the auto parts market in the Russian Federation and the CIS

The secondary and primary markets for auto parts are divided. The primary market is the sale of parts for the direct production of the car, the secondary market is the sale of parts through services and stores.

In Russia, according to the analytical agency AUTOSTAT, the share of the primary market is 24%, the secondary market is 76%. Auto parts for domestic cars lead the secondary market. Thus, spare parts for domestic cars account for 58%, and for foreign cars 42%.

One of the factors increasing competition in this market is the unification of parts, when the same elements are used for different brands. There are mergers and acquisitions of small companies by larger ones. One of the negative market trends is the increase in the number of counterfeit parts (from 30 to 50%). In addition, there is a large share of gray imports of original parts.

According to the marketing agency DISCOVERY Research Group, the share of buyers (aged 20-50 years) of auto parts through online stores is 15%, while in the UK it is 70%. The annual growth rate of auto parts sales via the Internet is ~25%. This makes the development of Internet commerce promising for the Russian Federation and the CIS. The figure below shows the top 10 global manufacturers of auto components.

According to PwC analysis

Advantages and disadvantages of an auto parts business

Let's look at the main advantages and disadvantages of a store selling auto parts.

Advantages Flaws
A large number of potential clients, stable growth cars (foreign cars) in big cities: Moscow, St. Petersburg, Ekaterinburg, Kazan, Novosibirsk Complex warehouse and commodity accounting of a large number of small parts. Additional costs for storage facilities
High profit margins on auto parts ensure high profitability A high percentage of defective parts can lead to high costs and a decrease in the store’s reputation
Minimum initial investment A large number of large stores

How to open an auto parts store: business plan

Form of doing business

Taxation of an auto parts store

When an entrepreneur switches to special modes taxation, all other types of taxes are not paid. To switch to preferential tax regimes, the annual income of an individual entrepreneur must not exceed 60 million rubles.

Retail sale of auto parts is one of the types of activities that are subject to UTII (unified tax on imputed income). It should be noted that go to Individual UTII the entrepreneur is obliged if a law on the use of UTII has been adopted in the region. The tax period is a quarter. The declaration is submitted by the owner quarterly before the 20th day after the end of the quarter, and is paid by the 25th. Tax rate - 15%. If there are more than 50 employees, then it is necessary to report via the Internet. It should also be noted that if the activity of an entrepreneur also involves a type of activity using the simplified tax system, then he must keep separate records! In case of further expansion of activities and increase in sales volume, you will need to become a VAT payer. The reporting form will be - 3 personal income tax.

Stages of opening a store

First of all, you need:

  • search for contacts of suppliers of the required brand;
  • purchase or rent premises;
  • register as a private entrepreneur;
  • hire workers.

Before opening an auto parts store, it is important to familiarize yourself with some legal issues. It is not necessary to register as a legal entity.

Choosing a location and premises for a store

Location selection is key important point success in this business . Let's consider the main aspects of choosing a location and premises:

Selection of suppliers

Typically, auto stores enter into an agreement with two or three major suppliers, mainly with official representatives. Necessary information Dealer locator is available on the Internet. You should read all reviews regarding a specific supplier. In case of frequent complaints about defects or low-quality products from a particular supplier, it is better to look for another. Poor quality goods will ruin the reputation of your store.

After selecting your main suppliers, you should decide on specific products that will allow you to differentiate yourself from your competitors. It can be original accessories high quality or rare oil. Usually the highest markup is on accessories, so this item is worthy of attention. It is important to expand the range of auto parts as much as possible to attract more customers.

Some suppliers deliver goods free of charge when ordering over a certain amount. This is an important additional bonus for you at first, because transportation costs add 2-5% to the cost of the goods. Agree on the possibility of returning defective products, because defects occur even from trusted manufacturers.


You need to prepare to be in the store every day for the first time, playing the roles of purchasing manager and salesperson. Supervision and training of new personnel to the standards of your business is necessary. Often, a buyer coming to a store with a spare part does not know its purpose or name. The seller must learn to quickly navigate and select either an analogue or the same spare part. Therefore, the staff must be experienced and have a great desire to work.

With gaining experience sales staff capable of resorting to various tricks, such as selling bypassing the cash register using the “left” product. You need to prevent this immediately and decisively. A surveillance camera to monitor trading areas can help here, as well as encouraging workers with decent wages, depending on the revenue received by the store. Create comfortable working conditions to make it more profitable to work honestly. In case of repeated theft, it is better to fire one or two guilty employees.

Calculation of costs for a store with an area of ​​50 m²

Before, how to open an auto parts store area of ​​50 m², you need to consider the following costs:

  1. Documents when applying for legal assistance - 4,000-10,000 rubles. There is no need to save on this, take care of your health and time.
  2. Trade equipment - per 1 m² total area including warehouse - 1000 rubles. In our case, no less than 50,000 rubles. Savings of 20-30% are possible when using used furniture (for example, for a warehouse that is inaccessible to the visitor's eye).
  3. The initial purchase of goods is no less than 2,000,000 rubles.
  4. Repair of the premises - about 50,000 rubles.
  5. Advertising upon opening (flyers, billboards) - 50,000 rubles.
  6. Signboard - 50,000 rubles.

Total 2210000 rubles. This is the required starting amount to open a store.

We will calculate the required amount of expenses to support the operation of the business, regardless of profit:

  1. Salary of employees (4 people) - 80,000 rubles. The amount depends on the region and is taken conditionally.
  2. Rent of premises - no less than 50,000 rubles. If the premises are in Moscow or in the center of a metropolis, then the amount will increase significantly.
  3. Taxes - 10,000 rubles.
  4. Utility costs - 20,000 rubles.

Total - 160,000 rubles per month.

Income calculation

The markup on accessories is up to 100%, and on expensive spare parts - from 30%, the average markup is 50%. Having goods worth 2,000,000 rubles in a store with an area of ​​50 m² in a busy place, you can earn more than 1,000,000 rubles.

Let's calculate the income of an auto parts store:

  • Revenue - 1,000,000 rubles;
  • Cost - 660,000 rubles;
  • Monthly expenses - 160,000 rubles;
  • Net profit - 180,000 rubles/month.

So, business profitability is 18% ( net profit/revenue).

We calculate the payback period long-term investments: 2,210,000 rubles divided by 180,000 rubles, we get a little more than 12 months.

Due to the low barrier to entry into the business and its high profitability, the auto parts market is characterized by very tough competition. Therefore, it is important to choose your own specialized niche, in which you will need to distinguish yourself with high quality service. Examples of such niches:

  • right-hand drive Japanese cars (rare parts, can be brought to order);
  • foreign and domestic trucks (heavy wear and tear due to commercial use);
  • domestic passenger cars (often break down).

The most popular products, regardless of niche:

  • engines;
  • bumpers;
  • side doors;
  • brake lights;
  • headlights;
  • side mirrors;
  • hubs;
  • racks;
  • pendants.

To simplify the work of a sales manager, you can use special programs. The manager will have access to information from a single source. The saving of his working time will be 30-50 hours per month. The payback period for such a program is 1-2 months. One of the good options for such a program is “Auto Business Assistant”.

For a motorist, the most valuable qualities in a salesperson are the competence and ability to help in selecting the necessary part and to adequately assess its quality. The customer will become more loyal if it is possible to return a defective part. When selling, it is important to give it a guarantee, which is provided by law. It is important to create in the client the feeling that he has purchased the best at the best price, and if something happens, the money will be returned to him.

Not the best option is lure by penny discounts or reduced prices. This will alienate those customers who believe that good things don’t come cheap. In addition, your credibility, which accumulates over the years, may suffer.

So, after assessing all the risks and expenses, you can start your own interesting, but difficult business of trading auto parts. Income will gradually increase over the years if everything is done correctly.

Having set out to open your trading business on automobile spare parts, you must understand that in addition to financial profit, this activity will require great responsibility from you.

Otherwise, you will lose time, money and, possibly, the respect of people close to you. In such matters, you need to move prudently and consistently towards the intended goal.

Pros and cons of business

Positive points:

  • the possibility of a high markup on certain spare parts up to 80%;
  • stable daily profit;
  • low taxes, grace periods for tax payments;
  • the opportunity to organize trade through an online store.

As in all trade sphere, there are negative sides to this business:

  • lengthy paperwork procedures, sometimes unpleasant communication with officials for the legal opening of a store;
  • unscrupulous suppliers;
  • with a large assortment, periodic careful inventory accounting is necessary;
  • you will have to communicate with capricious customers with inflated demands on your services;
  • costs for warehouse space;
  • periodic preparation of tax reports.

In our country, under certain circumstances, some negative aspects can be turned into a positive result. For example, at the initial stage, an entrepreneur pays taxes under preferential options for about 2 years. At the end of the grace period, you can re-register documents in the name of a relative or trusted person. Thus, by changing the owner, you will remain on preferential terms indefinitely.

Types of spare parts stores

There are so many automotive vehicles that it is simply impossible to organize a trading business in spare parts, having an assortment for all types. The equipment is divided by purpose:

  • cars;
  • trucks;
  • bus passenger transport;
  • special construction equipment, dump trucks, tow trucks, bulldozers and much more;
  • agricultural machinery, tractors, dump trucks, combines.

In addition, all these types are divided into brands, different manufacturing companies, domestic and foreign parts. To decide what type of spare parts you are going to sell, you need to thoroughly study the market in your region, its needs, the availability of nearby suppliers of spare parts, the prices and conditions under which they sell the goods.

Most promising direction— trade in spare parts for foreign passenger cars. Having studied the needs of the market, you can choose one brand of car or several. It is very profitable to enter into an agreement with the manufacturer of a certain brand and become its official dealer in the region, then you can receive original spare parts at low prices without intermediaries. But for this you need to place large wholesale orders.


In most cases, business development requires initial capital. The cost side of trading spare parts includes the following items:

  • rent of store premises;
  • rental of warehouse space for spare parts;
  • purchase of commercial equipment;
  • when trading through an online store, purchasing several computers and paying for the creation and maintenance of a website;
  • payment to employees;
  • the cost of the spare parts themselves;
  • certain transport costs, car rental or payment for fuel and lubricants for your own transport.

Practice and statistics show that to open a mid-level store you will need not less than one million rubles. This is a classic option, everyone should proceed from their own conditions and capabilities.

Registration of the legal form of an enterprise

The correct choice of the legal form of the enterprise in the future determines how successful your business will be, and registration makes your activity legal. Depending on the form you choose, the cost of fines for various violations, the order and amount of taxes paid are determined.

There are several legal forms enterprises: open and closed joint stock companies, LLC and individual entrepreneur. The distribution of rights and responsibilities in each option is different; in our case, the most popular and simplest option is an individual entrepreneur.

To register in tax authorities You must submit a whole package of documents:

  • registration application;
  • passport and its photocopy;
  • TIN and its photocopy;
  • receipt of payment of state duty;
  • for foreign citizens - registration documents in Russia, identity cards certified by a notary.

In order not to waste time and not make unnecessary mistakes, it is more advisable to entrust this to law firms or consulting centers for a reasonable fee. According to the law, registration takes 5 days.

Choosing a suitable room

For successful trading There are generally accepted conditions by which the location of a store is determined. This should be a place where people gather: thoroughfares and intersections, market squares, city center on the first line of main streets. Such places provide greater traffic and save money on advertising. A large attractive sign in front of the entrance or a sign at the intersection of public routes will be enough.

The floor is of great importance - the first would be preferable. Basements may be raw and will require additional expenses for lighting.

For large stores, it is imperative to provide a parking space for visitors’ vehicles, and think through exit and entry routes.

U large store with high traffic, the room should have high ceilings and a good ventilation system.

Please note the condition electrical network, it is advisable that the wiring be new, and that all devices correspond to the power that you plan to consume. It is very important what condition the heating and water supply systems are in. There is no need to strive for large areas; rent in such places is not cheap; proceed from your needs, taking into account development prospects.

Selection of personnel and assortment

Depending on the volume of trade you plan, you will need various specialists:

  • sellers;
  • forwarders;
  • accountant.

It is advisable to invite experienced, proven employees who have worked in this business. Sellers must have a good knowledge of the assortment, technical terminology, names of parts, where they are stored, quickly navigate among retail equipment and deftly serve customers - the image of your store depends on this.

When choosing an assortment, you need to have a good understanding of the local spare parts market, know what large enterprises located in the region, what equipment they have and in what condition.

You can learn a lot of useful things from ordinary drivers about what and who will soon need it in what quantity. This is one example - information about potential buyers needs to be collected from all available sources, profitable offers must be made, and contracts must be concluded with enterprises and service centers.

Keep a close eye on pricing policy, adjust trade markups on spare parts, do not allow higher prices than competitors. Ideally, the price should be slightly lower, if your capabilities allow it.

Advertising and customer search

Use traditional advertising methods: banners, newspapers, internet, television ticker, leaflets and various promotions. Advertising agencies They require constant monitoring of the fulfillment of their obligations, and their services are not cheap.

Targeted advertising is effective. One such example is when you learn about the spare parts needs of a transport company, do not waste time and act. Place posters in front of their gates, in front of the windows of the purchasing managers, with lucrative offers on the parts they need. Put it in mailboxes officials brochures of your product range and indicate that prices are flexible and negotiable.

Doing business on the Internet

Having a store selling auto parts, you can combine trade using an online store. This will bring you new clients, including from other cities. And in your city, you can use the services of couriers for delivery or even deliver them yourself.

You can only use the online store when working to order. Then you will save a decent amount on renting premises, personnel and purchasing unnecessary parts and can spend it on creating and promoting a website.

Statistics show that to open small online store required investment not less than 50 thousand rubles. At the same time, at first there will be few applications, and sales turnover is low, because the store needs time to create its audience and find regular customers. For full-scale promotion of an online store throughout the country you will need not less than 300 thousand rubles and not less than six months.

Video about the opening of a store selling spare parts

The video contains useful and detailed information about opening and running this business:

This material can serve as a sample for writing a business plan for an auto parts store when obtaining a loan from a bank, for attracting a financial partner, obtaining state support and simply to justify the feasibility of the investment Money to your business.

Project Description

We present to your attention a sample business plan for an auto parts store opened in a city with a population of 120 thousand people.

Despite high competition, the sale of auto parts is profitable direction business, since this market in Russia shows annual growth of 20%. Opening a store with a large assortment of goods for both domestic and foreign cars in our city will be beneficial from both an economic and social point of view.

Socio-economic indicators of project implementation (for state support)

  1. Registration of a new small business entity;
  2. Creation of 3 new jobs;
  3. Receipt to the city budget N up to 80 thousand rubles per year.

Economic indicators of the project implementation, according to business plan calculations:

  1. Profit - more than 1 million rubles per year;
  2. According to preliminary calculations, the payback period for the project is about 2 years;
  3. Profitability - 25%.

It is planned to spend 400 thousand rubles on opening a business. own funds and attract 1,700 thousand credit funds from one of the city banks:

Which tax system to choose

The organizational and legal form will be individual entrepreneurship. The choice of this OPF was due to the inexpensive and simplified procedure for registering activities. As tax systems A patent system will be applied, and the cost of a patent for an auto parts store for a year will be 36 thousand rubles.

IN this moment Practical activities to implement the project have begun:

  1. Produced registration entrepreneurial activity , OKVED code 50.30.2 - Retail automobile parts, assemblies and accessories;
  2. A preliminary rental agreement for accommodation has been concluded point of sale on the street Lenina building 101 with a retail area of ​​40m2 and warehouse at the same address with an area of ​​15m2. The rental price for 55m2 will be 30,000 rubles per month. The premises do not need renovation;
  3. Search completed wholesale suppliers auto parts and Supplies on favorable terms.

Description of products and services

The assortment of the outlet will include spare and consumable parts for cars of both foreign and domestic production. In addition to the goods presented on the display cases and shelves, the store will also work on orders from the catalogue. In general, the procurement department will work according to the principle: the most running positions must always be in stock. These products include:

  • Engine oil;
  • Wheel disks;
  • Tires;
  • Filters (oil, air, fuel);
  • Light bulbs;
  • Candles;
  • Wipers;
  • Oil seals;
  • Hardware, washers, screws, caps;
  • Clamps, pipes;
  • Alternator and timing belts;
  • Tools;
  • BB wires;
  • Auto chemical goods;
  • Gaskets;
  • Grenades;
  • Steering tips;
  • Silencers;
  • Bearings;
  • First aid kits and pumps;
  • and so on.

In this case, the client will be offered spare parts different manufacturers at distinctive prices, such as “original” or “non-original” spare parts.

The price level will be slightly below the average price level for spare parts in retail outlets in our city. And thanks to a well-thought-out logistics system, orders will be delivered in the shortest possible time.

Marketing plan

First, let's determine the market capacity. According to statistics, in Russia there are about 270 cars per 1000 residents, that is, every fifth person has their own car. Our city is home to 120 thousand residents, respectively, they account for about 20 thousand cars.

The most popular car brands include: Lada, Chevrolet and KIA.

Of the total volume of the auto parts market, 52% of sales come from domestic cars and 48% from foreign cars.

The ratio of purchased components for domestic cars and foreign cars:

On average, each car owner spends about 15 thousand rubles on maintaining his car (without gasoline and insurance). These are mainly costs for engine oil, tires, filters, and spare parts.

It follows that the capacity of the auto parts market in our city is: 20 thousand (cars) * 15 thousand rubles (car expenses) = 300 million rubles per year.

It should be noted that the demand for spare parts will only grow in the near future, as the number of car owners and, accordingly, the number of cars increases. According to statistics, the growth rate of this market is about 20% per year.

Competitors. According to the research, there are about 30 retail outlets in the city that sell a similar group of goods, 10 of which are large service stations that have their own retail departments (We recommend reading: “Service station business plan.”

In close proximity to our outlet there are:

  1. Station Maintenance with its own sales department. They mainly sell on pre-orders;
  2. Motor oil center. The main range is oils, filters and other consumables;
  3. Retail outlet of 5m2 in a small shopping center. They sell only by catalog with delivery within a week.

Let's carry out comparative analysis strong and weaknesses our competitors:

Competitors Characteristic conclusions
Strengths Weaknesses
ONE HUNDREDCar owners who use the services of a service station order spare parts from their storeLow range of spare parts and consumables from the warehouse, mostly all goods are made to order. Delivery of the order takes more than a week. Relatively high pricesYou can compete through lower prices, more wide range and fast delivery of spare parts
Motor Oil CenterLarge range of motor oils at low pricesDue to the specific specialization in motor oil There are no other types of consumables and spare partsYou can compete through a wider range and faster delivery of spare parts
Retail outlet in a shopping centerLow prices, Fast shipping orderThere is almost no product in stock; they sell only by catalogYou can compete due to a wider range of goods in stock

Advertising and marketing activities

  1. Advertising in the media, development of a business card website for our store;
  2. Advertising on billboards, distributing flyers and business cards;
  3. Discount for regular customers, promotions (free oil change);

The level of trade markup on goods will average 40-50%. The sales season is in spring and autumn.

Planned sales volume in in monetary terms(revenue) is as follows: The monthly dynamics of revenue is presented in the form of a graph: To achieve the break-even point of sales, it is necessary to sell goods worth 315,000 rubles per month.

Production plan

We will only work with large wholesale organizations, which have been operating in the wholesale supply of auto parts market for more than one year and have proven themselves only with the best side. These are companies such as Part-Com, Pasker, the Auto-Alliance group of companies, etc. Delivery of goods to the store will be carried out transport companies. Planned staffing table our organization: Increased demands will be placed on staff, in terms of:

  1. Good knowledge of vehicle structure and spare parts;
  2. Ability to communicate with clients;
  3. Experience in sales (preferred).

Calendar plan

The list of activities to start the project and their cost can be presented in the form of a calendar plan: To launch the project, you will need 30 days and 2.1 million rubles of starting investments.

How much money do you need to open an auto parts store?

To open a retail outlet, an investment of 2.1 million rubles will be required. Of them own funds amount to 400 thousand rubles and 1,700 thousand rubles are planned to be raised in the form of a bank loan.

Financial plan

The main expense item for an entrepreneur will be material costs, that is, the purchase of goods for the purpose of subsequent resale. Quite large expenses for the entrepreneur, in addition to wages, there will be payment of insurance contributions to the Pension Fund and the Social Insurance Fund: 36 thousand rubles per year for individual entrepreneurs and 30% monthly of employees’ wages. A complete list of all costs, as well as calculation of gross and net profit, is presented in the table - forecast of store income and expenses:

How much can you earn by opening an auto parts store?

Net profit based on annual sales results will be slightly more than 1 million rubles. The profitability of an auto parts store, according to business plan calculations, is 25.7%. This figure is higher than any bank deposit. This suggests that the investment in the business will be fully justified. Return on investment should be expected in no earlier than 24 months.

This is a full-fledged finished project, which you will not find in the public domain. Contents of the business plan: 1. Confidentiality 2. Summary 3. Stages of project implementation 4. Characteristics of the object 5. Marketing plan 6. Technical and economic data of the equipment 7. Financial plan 8. Risk assessment 9. Financial and economic justification of investments 10. Conclusions

Where to start a business

Starting any business requires careful preparation, thoughtful actions and a well-developed business plan. The auto parts store is no exception to general rule. This business is primarily for men. But even if you have a good driving record or have previously worked in a car repair service, it’s still worth learning. After all, trading is a new business and requires different skills. First, you need to decide what exactly you will sell: spare parts for foreign or domestic cars, or just covers, mats, etc.

It is also worth paying attention to your competitors: what is being sold in your area, at what price, what is in more demand? Competition in this niche is quite high, so you need to think carefully about your business plan and how you can attract a buyer. An auto parts business can be successfully combined with another car-related business, such as a car wash. Or invest in the car this way, which will bring significant profits in 2-3 years.

Do you love cars and have a good understanding of them? Find out how to open an auto parts store from scratch. With the right approach, this business will provide good income.

♦ Capital investments – 400,000 rubles.
♦ Payback – 6–10 months.

Business related to cars can be safely called a man's business, because not every woman will dare to open a car shop or service station, because she will doubt what kind of business it is. retail store equipment need to be purchased, how to form it correctly client base and product range.

If you love cars, have a good understanding of them and are looking for a startup to launch, then be sure to check out how to open an auto parts store from scratch.

With the right approach and due diligence, this business will give you a good income and will pay off in a short time.

How to open an auto parts store: preparatory stage

It's not enough to just say to yourself, “I want to open an auto parts store.”

You must first do the preparatory work to understand how profitable this business is in your area. locality and whether it makes sense to invest money in commercial equipment, renting premises for an auto parts store, etc.

So, you can properly organize the preparatory work of an auto shop if:

  1. Study the theoretical basis. Even if you have experience working with cars, it's a good idea to fill in the gaps in your knowledge.
  2. Decide what exactly your auto parts store will do:
    • sell spare parts for domestic or foreign cars;
    • sell specialized equipment or something lighter: detergents, floor mats, seat covers, stickers, etc.;
    • your auto shop will service one brand of car, for example Peugeot, or you will supply equipment for different foreign cars.
  3. Analyze the products and prices of competitors whose outlets are located in the area in which you are going to open an auto parts store in order to avoid their mistakes.
If you decide to open an auto shop from scratch and have no experience in this type of activity, then you will probably need some advice from those who have profitable stores auto parts:
  1. If you are in doubt where to start, start by drawing up a business plan for an auto store with specific calculations, according to real estate prices, salaries and commercial equipment in your region.
  2. Don't wait for customers at an auto parts store, because such tactics are ineffective.
    It is necessary to establish contacts with taxi drivers and service stations to supply them with spare parts, which many entrepreneurs do not want to do.
  3. Don’t immediately fill your auto store with spare parts for different foreign cars.
    Let you always have universal goods in stock (oils, antifreeze, glass washers, lubricants, etc.), and bring everything else only by pre-order.
  4. It is necessary to establish close cooperation with suppliers.
    If you fail to get the customer the spare parts he needs two or three times, he will move to another auto store.
  5. Learn to have an excellent understanding of car spare parts so that you can understand, just by looking at a part, what exactly the buyer needs to order.
    Often car enthusiasts (especially female representatives) bring some kind of screw with the words “I want to order the same” and you must immediately name the part being shown to you.
  6. You shouldn’t limit yourself to just servicing foreign cars.
    Selling parts for models of the domestic automobile industry is a very profitable business.
    Spare parts for domestic cars are bought much more often because they are cheaper, and foreign cars break down much less often.
  7. The auto parts market is a business area that is constantly changing.
    You need to keep track of these changes in order to offer customers only the most modern and high-quality products in your auto parts store.
  8. Think about what to name your establishment.
    “Auto shop” is too trivial, but you shouldn’t come up with something exotic and hard to remember.
    Remember that your main clients are men, and they will not appreciate creativity.
  9. If you do not have enough funds to open a real auto store, you can start an online auto parts store.
    If you offer customers spare parts and universal products at a price lower than in regular stores, you will quickly create a customer base.
  10. The competition in this business is quite high, so even at the initial stage of launching a startup, you need to form competent competitive advantages your auto parts store.
    It could be:
    • reasonable prices for auto parts and accessories (even if your spare parts cost 20–30 rubles lower than those of your competitors, you can quickly build a reputation as “the cheapest auto store in the city”);
    • speed of delivery of ordered parts;
    • work with official suppliers;
    • high quality products;
    • various promotions. For example, “Buy the most expensive oil, get a salon fragrance for free,” etc.

How to open an auto parts store: advertising

If you are going to open a modest stall at the local market, then there is no need to spend money on a large advertising campaign.

But for large car dealerships who dream of conquering the market and attracting as many as possible in a short time wholesale clients(taxi services, car carriers, etc.), without serious advertising campaign not enough.

To quickly notify citizens about the opening of a new auto parts store:

  • advertise in newspapers, radio and television;
  • order a poster for the newspaper free ads to the appropriate page, for example, “buy and sell cars”;
  • print business cards and promotional brochures to distribute in the area in which you decide to open an auto shop.
  1. Satisfied customers who will tell their acquaintances, friends and relatives that such a wonderful store has opened.
  2. Your acquaintances with potential clients: taxi drivers, car mechanics, service station owners, etc.
    Go to meet them instead of waiting for them to randomly drop by your auto shop.

How to open an auto parts store: calendar plan

Since auto shop owners do not have to obtain special licenses to operate, and you don’t have to buy special commercial equipment to operate the shop, your main concerns will be: finding premises that would be located in a high-traffic area, contracts with suppliers, and forming an assortment.

You can realistically handle all this in 4–5 months.

Building search and renovation
Personnel search
Purchase of the first batch

How to open an auto parts store: main steps

Opening an auto shop is not much different from opening a hardware store.

You have to go through the same steps: registration, search suitable premises, buy commercial equipment, recruit personnel, create an assortment, search for suppliers and clients.

Auto shop registration

In order to open a car shop from scratch, you need to officially register.

Choose one of two business forms that suit you: individual entrepreneur (individual entrepreneur) or LLC (limited liability company).

If you are going to sell auto parts, equipment, etc. only individuals, then IP is enough.

If you want to work with legal entities, for example, if you supply your goods to a company that deals with road transportation, you will have to register as an LLC in order to be able to do this.

If you already have experience in entrepreneurship and enough money to open a large-scale business, then register as an LLC.

If you are new to this business and have decided to start a modest business, then it is better to limit yourself to individual entrepreneurs and simplify the registration procedure for yourself.

Premises for an auto parts store

Fun fact:
In Havana, one of the entertainments offered to tourists is to drive a Ford or Cadillac from the 50s. But tourists don’t see what’s under the hood of a “classic American car.” And there are parts from the Volga, Zhiguli and the Belarus tractor.

It is very important to open an auto store in an area with high traffic and locate it so that you don’t have to search for your shop for a long time.

Auto parts stores located in markets, near bus stops, etc. bring good profits.

When choosing a location, make sure that there are no other auto stores nearby, otherwise you will have to fight for every client.

It is also important to remember that your clients are motorists, which means you cannot do without parking.

But the area of ​​the premises depends on the size of the store you want to open. Both small stalls and premium establishments located on 100 square meters operate successfully on the market.

Ideally, the area of ​​an auto parts store should be at least 30–40 square meters. meters, in order to place in it not only shopping room, but also a warehouse, a service room and a bathroom.

There is no need to invest a lot of money in repairs.

Male clients will definitely not appreciate the refinements of the interior, and women will visit you infrequently.

The main thing is that the auto shop has the necessary equipment to demonstrate your product in the most favorable light.

Auto parts store equipment

Depending on the size of the auto parts store you want to open, choose equipment so that the product looks attractive and the customer can immediately find what he needs.

You cannot do without this minimum:

Expense itemAmount (in rub.)
Total:100,000 rub.
Shelves and racks
20 000
Glass showcase
15 000
Cash machine
10 000
Computer with printer
25 000
Other30 000

Auto shop staff

Owners of small auto shops, which are more reminiscent of stalls, at the first stages of launching a startup prefer to do without outside help, performing the functions of a salesperson, a cleaner, an accountant, and a manager.

You can follow their example, but keep in mind that it is quite difficult.

In addition, ideally your store should be open on both Sat and Sun to improve sales figures.

It’s better to hire a salesperson with whom you will work in shifts (for example, 2/2 days), and on the free days you will deal with ordering goods, accounting, and perform management functions.

You should also consider hiring a cleaner to come once a day.

Suppliers for auto parts store

Finding suppliers in the age of Internet technology is easy.

You should do this as soon as you decide to open an auto parts store to determine the direction of your business.

You shouldn’t try to cover all possible car models, otherwise you won’t succeed.

It is better to limit yourself to servicing a few brands and be sure to expand the range with universal products: mats, covers, oils, antifreeze, glass washers, interior fragrances and more.

Deal only with licensed suppliers of auto products, otherwise sooner or later you will face dissatisfaction with customers who will complain that you sold them a low-quality product.

Do not purchase a lot of spare parts, agree to work with suppliers “to order” and with deferred payment.

Break off relations with those suppliers who often let you down (they promise to send the ordered spare part and do not do so), because your business depends on the speed of delivery.

For those interested in starting a startup dedicated to the automotive business,

We invite you to watch the following video:

How much does it cost to open an auto parts store?

This business is one of those startups that do not require huge amounts of money to launch.

You won’t have to pay for licenses allowing you to operate, make European-quality renovations in your store, or purchase expensive equipment.

If you try, it’s quite possible to keep it within 350,000–400,000 rubles.

This amount can be much higher if you decide to open a large auto parts store with an area of ​​50 sq. m. and higher.

In this case, you will have to spend half a million or more just to purchase goods, so as not to leave the storefronts empty.

Expense itemAmount (in rub.)
Total:380,000 rub.
Registration20 000
Repair and equipment of the store*90 000
Retail store equipment100 000
Purchase of the first batch of spare parts100 000
Advertising10 000
Additional expenses60 000

*You can save money if you buy not new furniture, but one that has already been used but is in good condition.

True, this is not all the expenses that await businessmen who decide to open an auto parts store.

Every month, in addition to profit, you will have expenses, without which it is impossible to imagine any business:

*The amount you will spend on renting the premises may be significantly higher. It all depends on the region in which you live and the attractiveness of the area in which you decide to open your auto store. This should be taken into account when.

Download a ready-made business plan for an auto parts store with quality guarantee.
Contents of the business plan:
1. Privacy
2. Summary
3. Project implementation stages
4. Characteristics of the object
5. Marketing plan
6. Technical and economic data of equipment
7. Financial plan
8. Risk assessment
9. Financial and economic justification for investments
10. Conclusions

If I decide to open an auto parts store, how much can I earn from it?

The profit of auto shop owners is very individual.

The markup on goods that you sell in your auto parts store can range from 30% (for particularly expensive parts) to 100–120% for inexpensive universal goods.

Do not inflate your prices, otherwise your customers will be lured away by other auto stores. But it’s not worth trying to expand your customer base by dumping prices.

So you will work at a loss.

For an auto parts store to be profitable, you need at least 20 customers to visit you every day, making purchases worth at least 400 rubles.

Of course, these are very conditional indicators, because someone will visit you to buy a Christmas tree fragrance for the salon for 50 rubles, and someone will need a part for 10,000 rubles.

But even if we take the minimum indicators, it turns out to be a very good amount of monthly earnings for a car shop: 400 rubles x 20 people = 8,000 rubles per day.

In a month with such indicators, an auto parts store will earn about 250,000 rubles. 150,000 of the indicated amount will be spent on the purchase of the next batch of goods, rent, payment of personnel services, taxes and other expenses, but 50,000 - 100,000 will be the profit of the owner of the auto parts store.

You will be able to demonstrate similar sales figures when you build a customer base.

This will take you at least six months, and if you independently begin to establish contacts with taxi drivers, auto carriers, and ordinary motorists, you will promote your own business in every possible way.

If before launching a startup you study everything related to the topic “ How to open an auto parts store", you can avoid the unpleasant surprises that novice entrepreneurs suffer from.

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An auto parts store, especially focused on foreign cars, has fundamental differences from most retail outlets. The owner has to professionally know cars as a technical object, since the goods sold by him at retail or in small wholesale affect the safety of vehicles.

“Despite the fact that manufacturers are responsible, problems can be very serious,” says Andrei Mikhailov, director of the Auto-Rhino store. - I have had threats against me because I allegedly sold counterfeit goods that caused an accident. Therefore, I do not advise amateurs to go into this business, if only because you will not be able to prove that you are right.”

On the other hand, many experts consider this business an interesting entrepreneurship that guarantees in most cases stable income. So, let's figure out where to start. trade in auto parts, and what you need to know to make your business successful.

The right thing

In order for there to be demand, the product must be in demand. This axiom fully applies to sales of parts and assemblies for automobiles. This is evidenced by the annual 10-15% growth in capacity Russian market this direction. Experts are confident that, despite the rising value of the currency, in two to three years auto parts worth $65 billion will be sold in Russia.

"It's huge and dynamically developing segment of the economy, which every day involves more and more new participants,” states Michael Wales from the UK, project specialist “ Automotive Russia" “We can safely predict the opening of new stores.”

In other words, from the point of view of macroeconomic indicators, your own auto parts store can be considered a profitable endeavor. I wonder what the sellers themselves think about this? Here is one of their opinions:

“In Russia, especially in the provinces, there is a cult of cars. Now there is demand from customers from the first and second waves of mass purchases of foreign cars. These are people who purchased their imported “iron horses” in 2005 - 2010. It’s time for them to either sell the car cheaply in conditions, or put their existing equipment in order. Most often they do the second. The demand for auto parts is growing steadily.”

Specialization and Marketing

Sellers, and even experts, still advise opening specialized stores. “I have ten years of experience in shopping in various cities,” writes forum member Prometheus_1974. - Do not mix spare parts from VAZ and foreign cars. Although there is a rapprochement, these are fundamentally different businesses.”

This is the first. Secondly, experienced marketers strive for diversification and believe that retail should cover 70-80% of the turnover, and the remaining 20-30% should be tied up in small wholesale contracts:

“...end consumers of spare parts, such as large banks, factories, large and medium business, that is, those who have their own vehicle fleet, advises AndreiZ from Izhevsk. “In this case, the requirements are somewhat different: accuracy of work with documents, high quality of spare parts and, of course, commission (no comment).”

Thus, a businessman who plans to open his own store must clearly build a sales concept, that is, decide on the type of cars for which he plans to sell spare parts, and on the range of potential customers.

Practical advice

A novice businessman will definitely face the problem of selecting a special code for each spare part in relation to the type of car brand. If this topic is not relevant for experienced sellers, then novice marketers will have to “sweat” for catalogs, which, by the way, are not cheap. However, they can be downloaded via torrent, although this is “long and tedious.”

Meanwhile, Andrei Mikhailov believes that There is no universal assortment in auto stores, since each area has its own statistics. But in any case, answering the question of how to open your own auto parts business, he advises starting with consumables, in particular with all types of light bulbs, filters, brake pads, spark plugs, assorted oils and auto chemicals.

For example, according to many directors, the top products in spare parts stores today are:

  • Mann oil filters (20-30% of market capacity);
  • spark plugs NGK V-Line (40%);
  • Brembo brake discs (10%);
  • Castrol Magnatec 10W-40 oil (35%).

In general, for small and medium-sized cities with a population of up to 500 thousand people, the emphasis should be on spare parts for cars with a price tag of 500-700 thousand rubles. Therefore the choice commodity items must be appropriate.

“Count how many customers left you because your oil was expensive? - asks AndreiZ from Izhevsk. - Perhaps it would be easier to just make a slightly lower discount on Esso-Mobil? If you still decide to supplement your assortment with cheap oils, then choose oils from second-line brands, but not obvious outsiders in quality. I can recommend something like “Ravenol”, but in no case “Zik”, “Hado” and “Mannol”. Everything written can be successfully extended to other product items.


Since the range of spare parts differs in the regions, the starting conditions required to open a retail outlet will also vary. Some will need millions of rubles to start in a prestigious center, others will focus on residential areas, believing that 600 thousand rubles will be able to satisfy the initial hunger trade turnover. Both will be right in their own way.

However, “’s easier to open a store if you already have a car service,” Andrei Mikhailov is sure. “In this case, you will clearly know what “your local car owners” are ordering, who, at the request of your master, will go to your store.” If you have your own workshop for two or three boxes, then starting a store will not require much money, say 700-800 thousand. “And the profit will appear in three months,” the entrepreneur is sure.

However, you can also focus on ready-made business plans, compiled consulting companies. Some of them recommend having a starting budget of 6,000,000 rubles, promising a three-year payback period.

In other words, the break-even point can be passed in one quarter, or, as in the famous proverb, they wait three years for the promise. It all depends on the professionalism and preparation of the startup owner.