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Functions of an entrepreneur at each stage of a startup. Three conditions necessary to create a successful startup

Last update: 03/03/2020

Reading time: 13 min. | Views: 10962

Hello, dear readers of the business magazine “site”! In this article we want to tell you what is a startup in simple words , how to create it and where to find sources of funding for the creation and development of projects.

How often do you hear the word startup these days? But it has already become almost colloquial and is found in Everyday life constantly. Some call it a startup exclusively, others believe that startup– this is generally any business project.

If among the readers there are aspiring entrepreneurs, novice investors, or at least financial theorists, then this publication will be useful to read. Because the story will be about the most basic concepts associated with the term " startup", the history of its origin, stages of creation And development of startup projects and sources of their financing.

So, from this article you will learn:

  • What a startup actually is - the main features and features;
  • How to independently create a successful startup project;
  • Where and how to find funding for startup projects;
  • Who is a startuper?

And the article is intended for those who know about financial undertakings of this type only by hearsay and want to get to the bottom of the truth.

In the article we described what a startup is, gave full definition the term “startup” in simple words, gave the main stages and key points in the creation and development of projects, and also cited relevant and interesting small business startup projects

In the distant 1939 in the United States, near San Francisco, which was a center in the development of new technologies, graduates of Stanford University, David Packard And William Hewlett, developed an idea, tested it in practice and called their project a startup(from English startup – launch, start).

Today this project is known as huge company, producing computers, laptops, office equipment and related software under the logo HP, or Hewlett-Packard.

Later, in 90s, many financiers and entrepreneurs argued over the definition of the term startup, calling the main characteristic feature That short term active activity of the company, then mandatory rapid growth, or the creation of a product or service in high-risk conditions.

The classic definition of the concept of startup is considered to be that formulated by successful American startuper Stephen Blank, namely:

« Startup “is a temporary structure aimed at finding and implementing a scaled business idea.” .

Simply put, startupthis is a new financial project, whose goal is rapid development and profit.

But is it really that simple? After all, if you rely on this short definition, then absolutely every newly created business can be proudly called a startup project.

It is not for nothing that new technologies were mentioned in the story about the history of the creation of the Hewlett-Packard company. After all, the first product released by HP was regular generator, where a simple incandescent lamp was used as a resistor.

This innovation (precisely an innovation!) made it possible to make the operation of the generator more stable, and at the same time reduce its cost. So the project became competitive And profitable.

Thus, the main characteristic of startups is precisely the use of some kind of activity as the basis of their activities. latest technology , no one else never tried before.

For example, opening a traditional cafe- this is an ordinary business project, but if the service in this cafe is carried out in some completely innovative way, which is ideologically justified and financially justified, then this is a startup project.

To others wrong opinion is the belief that a startup is necessarily a project created on the Internet. There are, of course, grounds for such a statement: now the Internet business sector is developing so actively that that almost all innovations are connected precisely with worldwide network . Therefore, most people who do not deeply understand the intricacies of business and new technologies call any Internet project a startup.

What other distinctive characteristics of startups exist?

  • Development and development of a product, service, idea, which is offered by a newly founded young company (to implement the project it is necessary to create a legal entity), always a team of like-minded people.

In this team, everyone has their own responsibilities, but they are united by the belief that the result of a common cause is necessary for people and can improve life in general.

No matter how pretentious it may sound, but practice shows, that only those startup projects that began precisely with the formation of such a global idea, were able to overcome all difficulties of growth and development and turn into long-term profitable business.

  • A startup project, like any other endeavor, needs cash injections.

But it so happens that startupers are almost always young people, students and even pupils who do not have enough funds to develop their project, and their task is different: they must develop an idea, a product, a service that they offer.

Therefore, an important part of working on a project is finding sources of funding. Moreover, the further the project moves, the more funding it requires. Who usually funds such projects and where to find these sources will be discussed in detail in the continuation of the article.

Startup is a completely young project, which is based on some absolutely new idea, not used by anyone before;

The project can be created in any sphere of life: medicine, trade, transport, services, and so on;

For successful development A startup project requires a close-knit team of developers and assistants, as well as sufficient funding until the project becomes self-sustaining and profitable.

The main problems of startupers and features when creating them

2. Features of Russian startups 📑

Separately, it should be said about the specifics of creating and developing startup projects in Russia.

Everyone knows that Russia lags far behind the West in the formation of the business sector. Therefore, what in the USA and Europe has long ceased to be a novelty and has acquired established forms, in our country is just going through a stage of rapid growth and formation. This statement applies in particular to startups.

Russia has never had a shortage of good brains and bright ideas. Today, there are also conditions for the implementation of interesting ideas. But as you know, every barrel of honey has its own fly in the ointment.

The main problems of startups in Russia

Analysts identify 3 (three) problems that Russian startups face:

Problem 1. Cash support

The problem arises almost immediately when the project begins to need financial support.

Finding sources of financing is not easy even for serious adult entrepreneurs who own an established profitable business and a good reputation. What can we say about young people who have neither reputation nor profits from their project?

Banks They ask for a high interest rate on the loan, which will have to be repaid in any case.

Crowdfunding in the Russian segment it is not yet so developed, and turning to Western sites is associated with the complexity of converting and withdrawing money. More details about what Russian sites exist and so on we wrote in previous issues.

Venture funds they put forward a lot of conditions before providing financial support to the young team.

All that remains is to rely on personal funds, the help of family and friends, or try to look for business angel, who will believe in the project and finance its development.

Overcoming this complexity, perhaps, primarily determines the success of the entire project as a whole.

Problem 2. Startup development time

Another problem is related to ignorance of the theory of startup promotion over time. In itself, such a project is characterized not just by development, but by rapid development. And is assigned to this stage from 6 (six) to 8 (eight) months. And then, if the project does not begin to make a profit and pay for itself, it's being closed.

In Russia unsuccessful startup projects drag on for years, sucking money out of the startupers and investors themselves and turning into unprofitable hopeless enterprises.

Problem 3. Project implementation

There is another one in Russia quite serious problem in the field of startup implementation.

It consists in the absence of large manufacturing companies interest in acquisition and further development successful innovative developments.

Whether this is due to the general policy of the state, which does not pay any attention to creating conditions for the emergence of this type of entrepreneurship, or whether the startup industry is simply still at a low level is difficult to say.

Let's hope that over time Russian startupers will have powerful support in the form of government agencies interested in the development of innovative technologies in practice and their implementation in existing industrial production.

At almost all stages of the development of a startup project in Russia, there are serious difficulties associated with the still imperfect ecosystem for such projects and the uncertainty of its future existence.

Stages of development of business projects + comparative table

3. Key stages of development of startup projects 📊

Like any project, a startup goes through several main stages along the way of its formation.

It’s worth mentioning right away that such a division is approximate And depends on the purpose And project focus, on the scope of his activities and other criteria, which will influence the speed of development, the amount and level of investment in the project, and the results of the start-up company’s activities.

This division is based on the development of the same Steven Blank, author of the book “ Four steps to insight", where he described a model for the gradual development of a startup and the careful use of investment funds. This model later became the basis of Eric Ries' lean startup philosophy.

Stage No. 1. The birth of a startup (pre-seed, or pre-seed)

This is the ideation stage. That same exceptional idea, which is based on some kind of innovative product, service, technology, capable improve and make life easier, modify an existing product, enhance the effect of the drug, and so on, depending on the field of activity of the creator of the idea.

At this stage a team of like-minded people is formed, assistants who believe in the effectiveness of the planned business, rough plan development of the idea, options for finding investors are considered, and a prototype of a product, service, or technology is tested, if it has already been created.

Funding is needed already at this stage, even minimum. Most often, personal funds of developers, their families and friends are used here.

If necessary and possible, it makes sense for a startup to contact business incubator, where he can be provided with office space with connected communications and different types services, from secretarial to legal and consulting.

Finding an investor at this stage is very difficult, since the project does not yet have any achievements by which to judge its effectiveness.

Nevertheless, it’s worth trying, since there are investment companies that specialize in investing in startups in the early stages of development.

Such organizations do not have a lot of capital, but at the same time they have a strong analytical apparatus to conduct an examination and calculate the prospects of an investment.

Stage No. 2. Formation of a startup (seed, or sowing)

At the seed stage of startup development, a working model already exists, a well-coordinated team has been created, where the functions of each of its members are clearly distributed, a detailed strategy has been drawn up for promoting the project to the market or in the user environment, formalized entity, the first steps have been taken in advertising and searching for investors.

The task of startups at this stage– debug the product promotion system and look for sources of financing.

Yes, it is these components that are more important than bringing the product, service, or technology itself to perfection.

Because attracting investors- a painstaking matter that requires time for direct search, negotiations, decision-making and conclusion of an agreement. Sometimes this can last a month or two, or even more.

During this time, it is quite possible to finalize the product and even make some profit, which will certainly have a positive effect on the investor’s decision to invest his money in such a promising undertaking.

Funding at this stage is already more serious, since it is necessary to pay for the work of team members, rent and maintenance of the office, if necessary, overhead costs.

Finding an investor at this stage– the task is also not an easy one. Investments are required more than at the initial stage, and there is no profit yet or it does not cover current expenses. On the other hand, there are fewer risks.

And here the ideal option would be to find business angel , a person who will calculate the prospects of the project And wishes to invest a certain part of his own funds in it V.

Another source of funding at this time is crowdfunding (crowdfunding ) - receiving funds from a community of people who are ready to contribute money to provide assistance, in this case, in the development of a promising startup project.

Stage No. 3. Early development of the project (Alpha version)

Stage early development characterized by the presence of an operating company that generates profit, occupies a prominent place in the market or other consumer environment, and is popular among users of the product.

The task of startups at this stage is becomes the final formation of a product, service, technology, correction of identified defects, inaccuracies, that is, bringing it to an ideal state.

At the same time, the promotion of the product on the market continues, with massive advertising in order to increase income or expand the consumer circle.

The need for additional funding still remains, since the costs of maintaining the company and implementing marketing plans are growing, and although there is profit, but does not cover all expenses.

To attract investors early development stageGolden time : They themselves find startups at this stage of formation. This is understandable, because you can already see the effectiveness of the idea itself, And company profitability, And other characteristics, indicating the prospects for further cooperation.

Here you can connect investment venture funds And business accelerators– organizations specializing in professional assistance to developed startups that are ready to grow into big businesses.

Stage No. 4. Startup expansion (closed Beta version)

Extension – this is the stage when the company has completed functional product, bringing constant profit. Marketing strategy at this stage, it has been worked out to the smallest detail, and the company is ready to scale, that is, increase sales volumes, distribute in related areas of activity, or attract a mass range of consumers.

An important task at this time Experts consider the correct construction of both the company itself and its relations with investors. What is meant? The owners of the company must decide on its future and, in accordance with this, distribute shares among themselves and formalize relations with investors legally.

If the founders intend to develop the business, especially when one of them is also a product developer, then it is more logical to direct efforts to obtain high profits.

Besides, preferably limitamount of investment from and place bets on business partners.

If the company is supposed to be sold or the project can function perfectly without the direct participation of the founder, then the work should be aimed at finding a suitable investor for whom want to buy a controlling stake at a reasonable price.

By retaining a small share, the startuper gets the opportunity to move on to other projects.

Stage No. 4. Project maturity (open Beta version)

Basically, the maturity stage says that a startup project has turned into a serious business, when a company occupies a leading position in the market or close to it, has a high return on investment, the company’s staff is a team of highly qualified specialists, and their work is well-functioning.

Most often, at this stage, the company begins issuing shares that generate income for its founders.

In other cases, the company is sold as a ready-made business.

There is no doubt that in the development of each individual project there may be a different number of stages. It depends on the goal set by the startup developer, the field of activity and overall strategy company development. And only one point remains mandatory for any startup project: Each of them needs an investor!

The main sources of funding will be discussed in the next part of the article.

We suggest studying the table, which describes what is needed for each stage of startup development, as well as where and what kind of financing is needed:

Stage What's available? What is necessary? Financing
Emergence (pre-sowing/pre-seed) A formulated idea, developers, a team of like-minded people.Drawing up a development plan, testing the product, searching for investors.Minimum level, use of personal finance, involvement of family, friends; business incubator.
Formation (sowing/seed) Working version (prototype) of the product, current team, detailed marketing plan development.Introducing the product to the market/attracting users, advertising, searching for large investors.Middle level, third-party investors, business angels, crowdfunding.
Early development (A-version) Operating company, profit, prominent place in the market/popularity among users.Finalization of the working version, correction of defects, promotion of the product to the market.High level: venture funds, investment companies, private investors, business accelerator.
Expansion (closed B-version) A finished functional product, stable profits, serious management, advertising.Concluding long-term contracts with partners, expanding the network, increasing the number of users.Distribution of shares between founders and investors, search for a major investor.
Maturity (open B-version) Leading position in the market, smooth operation, high profitability.Issue of shares, search for a buyer ready-made business. Full self-sufficiency of the company.

4. How to attract investment in startups - TOP 7 sources of financing for a Startup project 📋

How often does a situation happen in life when “ I have an idea, but no money"! And most often this happens with startup projects, which, as mentioned above, are created by young people who do not have sufficient funds to finance their project.

Fortunately, the opposite also often happens: “ there is money, but no idea" There are always people who cannot come up with an idea themselves, but have the gift of recognizing promising projects, know how to develop them and are not afraid to invest money in them.

We are talking about investors and investment organizations specializing in investing in startups.

But in reality, there are many more sources of funding. Each of them has its own distinctive features and capabilities at one or two stages of project development.

Investing in startups - finding an investor for a startup: main sources of project financing

This section of the article is devoted to a detailed analysis 7 (seven) main types, or sources, financing start-up projects.

1) Personal savings of startupers

Used at the stages of origin and formation, when idea of ​​a product, service, technology, as well as the business plan of the startup itself, are at the development stage, and there is simply nothing to offer to third-party investors yet. By the way, we talked about it in the last issue.

In addition, often the creator of the idea does not want to share all the details and subtleties of the model he is developing for fear of losing authorship and control over the development of the project.

In this case, attracting third-party investments is impossible, except for those that friends and close relatives are ready to make.

2) Funds from relatives and friends

They are used in the first stages of a project’s development, when there are already costs but no profit yet. At this point, friends and relatives can act not only as financial helpers, but also as first users of a product or service.

By the way, analysts claim that this source of investment for startups in Russia is very common and ranks second in terms of the volume of invested funds.

3) Crowdfunding

So-called crowd funding can be used by a start-up in the initial stages of project development.

What is crowdfunding? This is a voluntary collection of funds, and not only material ones, for holding events or creating objects and values social, social, political, cultural, scientific direction.

Crowdfunding is most often carried out via the Internet., and it is characterized by a clear goal setting, announcement of the required amount, drawing up an estimate, or cost calculation, and always openly informing the participants of the collection.

This type of financing is popular in the West since 2000 and since 2007developing in Russia. Internet platforms ( in Europe and the USA, And in the Russian-speaking part of the Internet), through which you can announce your project and ask financial assistance, will definitely offer the organizers to establish an award for participants.

Participation in the collection is rewarded in 3 (three) ways:

  1. Gifts or prizes;
  2. Obtaining a small share in a business project for which money is being raised;
  3. Receiving a share of future profits or return on investment.

Who mainly uses crowdfunding?

Most often, of course, money is collected to create music albums, filming, book publishing, social and charitable projects.

But, for example, in 2008, the well-known Barack Obama raised money only for the first stage of his election campaign through crowdfunding more than $250,000.

4) Credit

As mentioned above, credit– one of the most undesirable types of financing for a new project.

This is explained by quite understandable reasons, namely: startup – an enterprise with high risks, which are often difficult to calculate, it is also difficult to determine the level of profitability of the project.

Therefore, it is more logical to take out a loan for the development of such a business at later stages, when these risks have already decreased and profitability has increased.

5) Business angel (obsolete Russian “philanthropist”)

This is the name given to independent investors who invest personal funds at the earliest stages of a startup’s development and, on this basis, sometimes participate in project management.

At all, business angel – the dream of every startuper. In addition to money, they also have professional experience in the field of marketing and finance, and due to their interest in the success of the project, they can provide professional assistance at the stages of formation and early development.

But we must be aware that attracting a business angel at the first, most high-risk stages of project development will require transfer of a large share of the business into his possession.

If the startuper’s ultimate goal is to sell an existing business, then there will be no problem. But if the startuper intends to continue to engage in his enterprise, then the relationship with the business angel and his share of participation in the enterprise must be legally formalized at the very beginning of cooperation.

  • Firstly, if the startup is fresh and is of interest in social, scientific and public terms, then you can contact crowdfunding platforms, which have already been discussed here.
  • Secondly, if a startup project has a serious scientific, information, production or technological focus, then it makes sense to contact specialized sites and forums, where not only general business issues are discussed, but also where potential investors are present. They are also interested in finding profitable projects.
  • Third, you can contact directly through the websites and offices of investment and venture companies. As a rule, implementing government programs to support private business, it is these companies that hold seminars, conferences, competitions and exhibitions, where, in addition to information and advisory support, one can find future partners and investors.

Question 3. How to come up with a good idea for a startup project and bring it to life?

Good idea– this is where any successful startup begins. There are people who generate such ideas with enviable consistency.

But what should those who, having both the desire and ability to start their own business, cannot decide on an idea?

Experienced startupers advise the following:

  • An innovative idea should be on the surface. That is, it should be something ordinary, but imperfect. So imperfect or inconvenient that you want to correct it and thereby help all the people who are bothered by this imperfection. Therefore, take a closer look at your daily life and notice everything that needs improvement and correction.
  • Don't be afraid to fantasize! All latest achievements were once fiction, fantasy and seemed like a pipe dream. But they happened because someone was not afraid to turn a dream into reality.
  • Write down any ideas and interesting thoughts, it doesn’t matter whether you came up with them yourself or heard them from someone. And then try to try them on real life. It is possible that this is exactly how you will find one unique niche, where you can apply your talents.
  • If you feel like you've found something interesting, conduct research to see if your idea is needed. Internet forums, specialized websites on the problem, and conversations with potential consumers will help determine the relevance of the idea, the scope of its application and the direction of development.
  • If an idea is found and you are confident in its prospects, then start acting: make a plan, look for helpers And like-minded people And launch project to life. If you do not have sufficient funds even at the initial stages, try to save on everything you can and look for investors for subsequent development.
  • Be confident in yourself and your abilities, optimistic and determined to succeed. There will be many difficulties along this path, but the result is worth overcoming.

8. Conclusion + video on the topic 🎥

Modern life is developing at a rapid pace, which means that more and more new ideas will always appear that deserve attention and development. And since there are ideas, it means that there are opportunities to apply your abilities and talents.

In conclusion, we suggest watching a video about a startup (what is it, how is it created and promoted + examples of successful startup projects are given):

And the video “STARTUP SHOW from Dmitry POTAPENKO”, where young entrepreneurs present their small business start-up projects.

You just need to believe in your strengths, and, starting small, gradually move forward to high results and achievements.

Beginning new project every businessman strives to ensure maximum profit. Ultimately it shows. The difficulty is that each project is individual and take advantage of ready-made solutions and the rules are impossible. At the same time, the founder must constantly develop in order not to remain behind the rapidly developing world of business.

It all comes down to creating an effective financial model startup. However, often starting businesses do not have a clear idea of ​​what it is. Therefore, they may benefit from the rules of successful predecessors.

The financial model is a set of aspects of the project in the same units of measurement (money). To create a document, you do not need a degree in economics, but it is important to clearly understand the goals and objectives of the startup, as well as the method of achievement.

Therefore, the rules of successful startups that can be identified, although they will be true for any business, will require a clear understanding of a specific idea, based on which the unique principles of your startup and its financial model will be formed. Thanks to its presence, it becomes easier to understand how much money is needed for development and how to spend the budget effectively.

10 basic rules

There is no need to make all the mistakes yourself in order to learn a lesson. Based on experience successful businessmen, there are several rules that can help lead a startup to financial success. However, it is foolish to blindly follow them, because each decision depends on the features and nuances of a particular idea.

Examples of use by successful companies/entrepreneurs

It is difficult to believe in a dry theory, but each of the recommendations has found application in practice. Let's consider several successful projects in which they are successfully implemented.

Logical Choice Technologies

Development was successful until 2001, when costs began to grow faster than sales and the founders found themselves in a situation threatening imminent bankruptcy. Instead of panicking and closing the company, management came up with an innovative way to resolve the situation. This required excellent knowledge of the market, the help of experts and the ability to take into account negative experiences own business and competitors. In addition, employee training rules were introduced.

In a playful way, the company's managers were able to explain to employees the relationship between the numbers in the financial model, which increased everyone's contribution to the overall achievements and efficiency of the startup.

Despite the reduction in staff, the formed team was so strong that some employees refused to receive salaries in order to help the company.

The results achieved are discussed monthly. This allows you to adjust the business plan and company rules, as well as learn from your own mistakes.

Marlo Furniture

A large chain of furniture stores in Washington holds quarterly staff meetings at which each employee receives a document or presentation about the company's vision and key operating principles. The rules are strictly followed. At the seminars, the results of the past period are also summed up, and plans and forecasts for the next are announced.

To ensure that the measures taken lead to success, Marlon Furniture is actively working with the target audience, studying their feedback and preferences.

This allows you not only to be constantly updated on events, but also to increase the importance of each employee who feels responsible for the success of the startup. All rules in the organization are established through discussion.

Mostly Muffins

Overcoming the challenges of growing and developing a baking company to CEO Molly Bolanos was helped by following several rules:

  • Delegation of responsibilities - Molly stopped trying to do all the work herself, and distributed responsibilities among other people;
  • Detailed study of the client, development and implementation of new principles and rules of the company’s activities based on the collected information;
  • Regular adjustment of the development strategy, which includes clear setting of goals based on the current state of the market and the results of the previous period.

Using the recommendations and experience of successful businessmen, it is important not to forget about the uniqueness of your own project. This will allow you to approach any rules and their implementation wisely, achieving successful project growth and increasing profits.

Startup (start-up – start, launch) – general concept, uniting organizations and projects at an initial stage of development. There is no clear time period. The time frame varies from a couple of weeks to several months. Then the idea receives investment support and develops or, if the direction is unpromising, it is closed.

Many people have heard this word, but not everyone can define it. To better understand the issue, let's consider its features.

  1. A short history of existence. Few people have heard of the idea; there is practically no mention of it in the media. Therefore, it is difficult to make development-related forecasts.
  2. Setting up processes. This is the period when the company occupies a niche and develops an audience.
  3. Startups use innovations in management and organizational processes. The world's best companies have been pioneers in their field.
  4. The project is based on the enthusiasm of the creators and new ideas. Many people are inspired by a problem: commercial, scientific, social.
  5. Authors use all kinds of promotion methods: professional forums, thematic conferences, media to find.
  6. Commercial basis is optional. The sphere can be social, humanitarian, informational, scientific. This does not include research that affects the interests of a small part of society.

Hundreds of business projects are created every year. But few survive the initial stage, continuing to develop successfully. According to statistics, about 70% of young companies go out of business in the first year of existence. To gain recognition from the target audience, it is important to create a sought-after product.

History of the concept of a startup project

This word appeared in 1939 and was first mentioned in the field of information technology. It was associated with the emergence of companies seeking to present to the audience something that competitors had not yet had time to create or had not thought of creating. The peak of active growth of organizations occurred from the late 1990s to the mid-2000s. This time was called the “dot-com bubble” as many Internet companies were created. Therefore, many people mistakenly call all projects that appear on the Internet startups.

Then the concept migrated to other areas: scientific and social research, culture, entrepreneurship, economics. The scope has expanded, so any newly created organizations began to be called.

The number is increasing government programs, under which funds invest in startups and support business ideas. But don't underestimate the importance of initial capital. Without proper financial base, even with an innovative idea and an enthusiastic team, achieving high performance is difficult.

Components of a successful startup

There is no universal formula for success. Every area has its own laws. Economic techniques don't always work in science. External conditions change rapidly, you need to be able to adapt to them in time. Team, niche, idea, features of the product being promoted - all these factors determine the fate of a startup.

Let's consider general principles that will keep the company afloat:

  • professionalism of the team. If management has minimal understanding of the product being promoted or does not understand the issue, the idea is doomed;
  • innovation and appeal to the audience;
  • competent promotion: PR, publications in the media, promotion on the Internet;
  • Friendly team. Disagreements within the team will lead to an early closure;
  • high level of training. Work out all the details before launching an idea. Gaps will make themselves known, which will affect the attractiveness of the product to sponsors and target audiences;
  • search for investors. Without financial support, the business will not develop.

It is impossible to achieve success without work. Even for interesting idea you will have to spend time, money and effort searching for optimal ways to implement it, developing and planning. Therefore, a project is often founded not by one person, but by several partners.

Attracting investors to startup

One of the components of a successful startup is investment. Sites where you can not only collect valuable information are popular among founders. There are many opportunities to receive financial support:

  • funds conducting investment programs (competitions), each of which has its own terms of participation, amounts, and terms of financing;
  • venture companies;
  • business incubators offering work space, administrative, information support, access to databases;
  • technology parks uniting universities, research institutes, business centers;
  • business accelerators – express training programs for startup founders with further support in exchange for a share in the company;
  • often relatives or friends of the initiators act as investors, especially when we're talking about about small capital.

Project presentation for startup

Prepare a competent business plan, regardless of where you turn for support - a bank, fund or private investor. It is being prepared for a group of people, but it is possible that it will be focused on one person.

Don't miss our new article about Oleg Tinkov and his program.

Sponsors are exposed to many proposals, so boring startups are quickly forgotten. The project must “hook” with its novelty and competitiveness. Even if you think it's innovative and entertaining, someone else might have thought of it. Leave a brilliant impression of yourself and your idea.

Write down all the details in detail, from the relevance of the topic to economic calculations. During the presentation, do not go into details that potential investors do not have time for. Present the topic concisely so that the interlocutor can understand why the idea is profitable. A good startup has practical value.

A project that consists of promises that are not supported by demonstrable results and forecasts will not gain trust. If you want to get to know him in detail, include real numbers and facts in your presentation, rather than loud statements.

No one will support the first business plan they come across. A presentation is enough for investors to understand how promising a startup is and whether it is worth spending time and money on development. Make your presentation interesting, clear and concise.

The development of various industries makes it possible to increase the volume of products produced, as well as improve their quality. This is just one of profitable directions when introducing new technologies in business. Every industry strives to improve or modernize its functionality. Such types of optimization bring financial success to any project. More and more young people, having a sufficient level of knowledge, are trying to develop one of the priority areas in business. This could be information technology, programming, etc.

The Challenges of Startups

Thanks to such innovations, many companies with branches around the world are developing. However, at the initial stage, such proactive people are not always noticed. This leads to the fact that a business idea that has a positive economic effect is lost without ever being realized in reality. It's all about financing the project. Not everyone can raise the necessary amount to launch their own startup. Therefore, we have to look for opportunities on the side, attracting investors, sponsors, and investors.

Financing a startup in our country is a complex and multi-stage process. Old school businessmen are not yet fully open modern technologies and information innovation. Therefore, they do not always meet offers from young and beginning entrepreneurs. Another snag is the legislative regulation of the entire entrepreneurial activity. If the startup system in the West has been developing for more than 10 years, then in the post-Soviet space it only has to go through all the stages in order to implement the development and financing model for each truly worthwhile idea.

What is a startup

Without delving into economics, a startup is actually a start-up company that has a good idea for development and can make a profit in the future. However, the nuance of such an organization is that it does not have adequate funding to fully implement its project. This is exactly how young companies created by novice businessmen are perceived in Europe and America.

Funding a startup is a complex and step-by-step process. The problem lies in the individuality of each solution. Depending on the direction of the idea and the business model, investing in it can be full or partial. It is not uncommon for several investors to want to become participants and have a share. In addition, it is necessary to create an accurate economic model that allows you to calculate all possible risks when investing funds and the stages when the cost part will reach zero.

Russian startups are almost no different from European ones. The only difference is that domestic start-up projects appeared relatively late, which makes it possible to create companies based on the already established experience of their Western colleagues. In reality, each system, although it has common roots, has great differences due to financial and legislative regulation, as well as the mentality of the entrepreneurs themselves.

Innovative technologies in business development

Startup financing is especially active in new and smaller competitive industries. The constant modernization of the digital space leads to the fact that new ideas appear in synthesis with information technology and science. More and more on domestic market Thanks to this combination, our own software developments appear.

Computerization allows you to develop your business and raise profitability to a new level. It is this sector of startups that is most attractive for investment. Thanks to the large number various types existing enterprises in the country, there is an opportunity to improve the quality of their work through the implementation modern systems and automation of many work processes.

Phased development

Funding a startup is a multifaceted process. Here it is necessary to rely not only on future economic indicators, but also for the period of relevance of the idea during its implementation. Often, already at the stage of financing and launching a project, it loses its liquidity, so it is necessary to calculate such a nuance at the planning stage.

Each has its own purpose. It is simpler and less expensive to create a company and design the very future object for investment. It is during this period that a team of young entrepreneurs creates an exhibition model of an investment model for potential investors and those who in the future want to become involved in the development of this concept.

Types of investments in the project

Financing startups in Russia has its own characteristics, like any other investment industry. A young business is not without its advantages and disadvantages. All investment options are divided by the amount of expenses incurred. For example, to receive $1 million (approximately 67 million rubles) for the development of a project, you need to contact business angel communities.

This successful entrepreneurs, whose main task is to invest their own funds in various projects in order to further earn money on the development of new production models and information business. This action will provide an opportunity to develop the project to a certain stage. For further advancement, larger sums may be required, which can be obtained from banks or venture funds.

Financing technology

Financing of startups in Russia must be protected by civil law. This refers to a certain type of transaction. This makes it possible to legally regulate and assign rights and responsibilities to each party. The main type of investment in startups is round-robin.

The conditions for financing a startup of this type are that entrepreneurs invest not in a project, but in a business idea. At the same time, the investment amounts are small and are calculated based on potential future profits. Another form of investment is deferred. Its type of action resembles a framework agreement, when the previously transferred amount of money from the investor is allocated for each stage of business development.

Selection of investors

Financing startup projects is also complicated by the fact that you need to independently search for investors. In Russia, online platforms have not yet been well developed, where entrepreneurs with available funds select various startup platforms to invest in. The founders of a young company themselves, based on the required amount, must look for those who would invest in it.

Venture capital funds are one of the most common models for investing in young but profitable projects. However, they set a number of serious requirements when concluding an agreement. Therefore, it is important to assess all the risks and understand whether it will be profitable to cooperate with such structural divisions in the future, when the company begins to receive net profit.

Promotion through exchanges and the Internet

Sources of startup funding can also be found online. This is a more complex process, but many successful young companies received their first sources of funds through online platforms. There are entire forums and exchanges that are created for communication between investors and those who are looking for sources of financing.

However, each online platform also has a number of its own requirements. It is worth familiarizing yourself with the concept of patents and copyright law in advance so as not to become a victim of scammers who promise to invest money after reading internal information or technological process. Usually, after the data is transferred, such citizens or companies simply disappear.

Receiving grants

Funding for startups at the initial stage can also be provided from the state or regional budget. Large domestic corporations are ready to become investors for many young and ambitious projects. All you need to do is find the appropriate event and register according to the specified rules.

The form in which an idea is presented may vary. Therefore, it is worth familiarizing yourself with all the requirements in advance. Grants can reach up to 100 million rubles. However, only research institutes that have the opportunity to seriously approach the creation and modeling of the project can count on such funding.

Development loan

How to find funding for a startup if entrepreneurs refuse to invest in it? This is a difficult question. However, banks, noticing the activity associated with the development of entrepreneurship among the country's young population, began to develop financing programs suitable for them. Large institutions create extended credit limits for business development. All that is necessary is to submit a properly completed project.

Funding amounts may vary. It all depends on the assessment of the idea submitted for consideration. It is important to send to the bank not only the model of the future technology itself, but also to conduct a small study aimed at assessing all possible risks. It would also be useful to have a business plan that indicates all expense items, as well as the timing of the first profit and the business’s exit from a net loss.

Responsibility of the parties

How to spend startup funding and develop a project? Practice around the world shows that young entrepreneurs who have received large funds for their development are not always successful project, eager to get down to business right away. There are many high-profile cases of startups shutting down and their founders disappearing. As a result, they simply stole money and left for other countries, taking advantage of legislative flaws.

However, today the financing model, thanks to such incidents, has undergone many changes in positive side. Each of the parties to the transaction acquired new rights and responsibilities. If funds are spent inappropriately, startup participants may be brought to court. It is also noted that after several such cases, when unfortunate entrepreneurs received real sentences for fraud, the rest became more careful in spending the allocated funds.

What to pay attention to

An investor with full financing of a startup is a rather rare element of a young project. But there are also exceptions. Having formed own project, it is necessary to find a niche for its implementation. Successful cases often occur when young professionals create a separate company to develop an innovative solution for a specific application in another organization. This allows you to find the target audience where the technology will be needed in the future.

Once the concept is formed, you can send out offers to participate in the project to all potential consumers of this technology. This will not only attract attention to the project, but also create competition. According to the rule market economy, demand always creates supply.

Recently, the term “startup” can be heard almost everywhere.

It is directly related to business. By creating a competent startup and managing it correctly, its author can ultimately make a very significant profit. But more on that a little later.

The concept of "startup". Origin story

The term “startup” deciphers a new business idea that the author wants to promote in the specialized market, but this moment conducts market research.

Startup goal is the opening to the maximum effective business capable of quickly spending, bringing in more minimum costs, and also bring certain benefits to society. Most often, startup owners independently search for sources of financing for their project.

A startup can also be called a project that develops in conditions of uncertainty, needs to find the most effective solutions for optimization, and also requires capitalization.

The term was first used in the thirties of the last century in the USA. Two local students, Hewlett and Packard, decided to develop their own company. They didn’t think about the name “Start-Up” for a long time. Over time, this small organization was able to grow to a global giant. Today we know this company as HP (Hewlett-Packard). These guys were able to create a clear difference between a startup and other forms of doing business.

So, for example, it is not a startup. The reason is simple - the concept of this term is such that in order to receive the status of a “startup” there must be a unique idea that has not yet been implemented by other entrepreneurs.

Main features

Let's take a closer look with main features, with which you can distinguish a startup from other forms of business:

If you have not yet registered an organization, then easiest way do this using online services, which will help you generate all the necessary documents for free: If you already have an organization, and you are thinking about how to simplify and automate accounting and reporting, then the following online services will come to the rescue, which will completely replace an accountant in your company and save a lot money and time. All reporting is generated automatically and signed electronic signature and is sent automatically online. It is ideal for individual entrepreneurs or LLCs on the simplified tax system, UTII, PSN, TS, OSNO.
Everything happens in a few clicks, without queues and stress. Try it and you will be surprised how easy it has become!

The concept of “startup accelerator” is currently not very well known in Russia. But in the West it is very familiar to every self-respecting businessman. So what is an accelerator? Essentially, it is an organization that is dedicated to helping other companies wishing to enter the local or domestic market.

The accelerator offers to its potential residents a streamlined program. With its help, a team of enthusiasts (if the startup company consists of several people) hones the business model and acquires the necessary contacts. All this leads to a full increase in sales volume. Depending on the degree of expected business efficiency in the market, the program can last from three months to six months. As a rule, the accelerator offers . Resident companies may be located here in the acceleration process.

The earnings of accelerators are based on the fact that even before practical implementation in the form of company development on the market, they agree to take a certain share of the project.

Let's consider a specific example.

Vasya Pupkin decided to create a new electronic watch. He independently developed the concept, tested it, and made sure of its strength. But on mass production, registration of a patent, transport, tax and other expenses, he has no money.

Pupkin decided to turn to the accelerator for help. He showed him a business plan and stated that his project really has good prospects for development in the domestic market. The accelerator believed and gave the go-ahead, but on the condition that upon sale of the project he would be credited with 10% of the amount received.

In other words, the accelerator immediately takes 10% of the share for itself. Two years pass, Vasya Pupkin was able to successfully implement his idea on the market, his products are in steady demand. But here Google company decided to purchase the company. Vasya Pupkin thought for a long time, and finally decided to sell. The final transaction amount is $250 million. In this case, Vasya will receive 225 million, the remaining 25,000,000 will be received by the accelerator (10% of his share).

If you want your idea to really become popular and widespread in the market, we recommend adhere to the following rules:

How to turn your startup into a profitable business is described in the following video:

Examples of ideas

In 2006, Pavel Durov created from scratch a new forum for graduates, which he soon renamed into a social network. A simple forum turned into the largest social network in the CIS - VKontakte. At the moment, he is also creating a new email service, Telegram. In both the first and second cases, Durov was able to achieve success thanks to competent management and minimal financial costs. In the early stages, he spent money only on hosting fees. Pavel carried out the rest of the creation and development of the site together with a team of enthusiasts.

The same can be said about Mark Zuckerberger, the founder of the largest social network in the world of Facebook. Having a good command of programming languages, he created his own portal where users could communicate in a convenient form. Compared to many forums, the “social network” form was most liked by users. Thus, Zuckerberg became one of the most successful young entrepreneurs in the history of mankind.

It is absolutely not necessary to start promoting your startup in the IT field. You can start producing interesting gadgets, useful household items, and so on. If you decide to start providing services, try to make them as comprehensive as possible and introduce something new.

Review of platforms, markets, exchanges, conferences for opening and supporting new startups

The most popular platform for developing your own startup is Kickstarter. This is a project that attracts cash for the implementation of projects of a scientific, creative and production nature. A crowdfunding scheme is used here. In other words, caring users donate a certain amount sum of money, which is considered necessary. Founded in early 2009. When using the services of this portal, you need to focus on the attractiveness of your project. You must convince the investor that the idea you are proposing will make life truly convenient and comfortable.

AngelList- another platform that specializes specifically in . Using the presented service, you can not only raise funds, but also recruit employees to your team. For now Russian segment The site contains over 400 companies. The number of investors has already exceeded three thousand. What’s most interesting is that even if you were able to more or less get your startup on its feet, here you can find useful connections that can effectively develop your business.

StartupPoint– domestic platform. In terms of competition, it, of course, cannot compete with the portals described above, but its advantage is that it is more convenient to promote your business here Russian market. Over the years of its existence, it has managed to attract $3.5 million, which went towards the implementation of very interesting Internet projects.

Rules for presenting an idea to potential investors

If you want to attract people to your project who invest their money in your business, you must adhere to following rules:

The startup carries target make a profit from successful implementation new idea. In most cases it is required financial investments, but there are also exceptions. To get the maximum positive effect The author of a startup must control it at every stage of development. Finding and properly attracting investors will make it possible to ensure good results of joint cooperation.

The following video lesson will help you avoid mistakes when promoting your own startup: