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Gas and oil wells history. Drilling oil wells in Azerbaijan

Depth of oil refining, raw materials 73. Annual economic effect of new technology 105.

In conditions of stabilization of raw material processing volumes, the indicator of oil refining depth (D), calculated by the formula, becomes important

At oil refineries, indicators characterizing the use of raw materials are planned as specific indicators specific gravity secondary processes, depth of oil refining, production of products from 1 ton of oil.

At the same time, with a significant improvement in the range and quality of products, which ensured an increase in product removal from 1 ton of raw materials, the depth of oil refining remained practically unchanged for a long time. This was due to the need for fuel and the structure of the country’s fuel and energy balance, in which the share of petroleum fuel. As a result of this structure of the fuel balance, hundreds of millions of tons of standard fuel were saved, however, the increase in consumption of boiler fuel limited the depth of oil refining and led to ineffective use of the main raw material - oil. The 25th Congress of our Party set the task of ensuring more rational and deeper oil refining.

Thus, an increase in the yield of light oil products from Romashkinskaya oil from 44.7 to 75.7% leads to an increase in profit per 1 ton of oil by 2.1 times, but at the same time, operating costs per 1 ton of oil increase by 2.4 times, capital - 2.5 times per 1 ton of light petroleum products by 42% and 48%, respectively. At the same time, to produce the same amount of light oil products at a greater depth of refining, less oil is required, its resources are saved, and, consequently, production and exploration costs are reduced. At the same time, the yield of raw materials for petrochemicals increases and product quality improves. Therefore, conclusions about the appropriate depth of oil refining must be made based on the overall national economic efficiency, i.e., taking into account the costs of oil refining, oil and gas production, the effect on the consumer from the use of higher quality fuel, from the provision of regions energy resources and transport costs.

In the European part of the USSR, which does not have sufficient fuel resources of its own, fuel oil occupies a significant share in the consumption structure. This situation will apparently continue for some time, and the depth of oil refining in these areas will be lower, given the general tendency to use oil more deeply and completely as a valuable and irreplaceable type of raw material.

The efficiency of oil refining is measured by specific capital investments per unit of raw material processed by process, costs associated with extracting products from 1 ton of oil, the range of product output, and the degree of depth of processing of the feedstock. The economic effect at the stage is calculated by determining the following indicators of the integral effect criterion, modern net value or current value, and assessing the total output in world prices.

Current stage of development Russian economy characterized by contradictory trends. Along with the growth in crude oil production and exports, Russia's leading oil companies are implementing programs for radical reconstruction of their oil refineries (refineries) in order to increase their economic efficiency. The strategic priorities for refinery modernization include a radical improvement in the quality of produced petroleum products and an increase in the efficiency of using petroleum raw materials, which is achieved mainly by increasing the depth of oil refining.

Production of petroleum products at the third stage planning period was described in five ways, taking into account different depths of oil refining and the ratios of diesel fuel and gasoline yields. At the third stage, when developing methods with the maximum yield of light petroleum products, the coefficients of the total consumption of raw materials in secondary processes were taken into account.

But in general, it is advisable to use the achievements of world practice in industry management in Ukraine, where with the development of oil refining, the importance of subjective factors increases, which, without requiring significant investment resources, can significantly influence the results of economic activity of a refinery. From the analysis of data in table. 2 it follows that such problematic issues as increasing the level of utilization of production capacities of oil refining plants, reducing the level of irreversible losses, increasing the depth of hydrocarbon processing, reducing downtime and others deserve special attention. In addition to the listed factors, to improve production efficiency at refineries, much attention is paid to energy saving issues.

Based on the depth of use of raw materials, enterprises with deep, shallow and medium depth of oil refining are distinguished. The first include enterprises with developed processes recycling, with processes for refining petroleum products and producing a wide range of petrochemical products. Modern large enterprises operate according to such schemes in many economic regions of the country.

Gases from oil refining are one of the largest sources of raw materials for the production of chemical products, the resources of which at oil refineries depend on many factors, for example, the method of oil refining, the capacity of the enterprise, the depth of oil refining, its composition, and the range of products.

Processing of raw materials at maximum capacity plants in the industry is increasing, which makes it possible to increase the depth of oil refining. Enterprises with deep processing include those that have developed processes for secondary processing and upgrading of petroleum products, producing a wide range of petrochemical products. Usually these are modern large enterprises. Plants with shallow oil refining are characterized by a significant volume of fuel oil production and a low share of secondary processes in the structure of oil refining.

Thus, resources hydrocarbon gases at an oil refinery, which can be used both for the production of additives for motor fuel and for other purposes, are directly dependent on the scale and specific gravity of petroleum product processing methods. The share of each of the methods used for processing crude oil at an oil refinery, in turn, depends on many factors, the main ones of which are feasibility studies for the depth of oil refining, a given range of target products, including motor and energy fuels, lubricating oils, etc. , as well as various intermediates for petrochemical synthesis. In this regard, there are significant differences in the development of the oil refining industry in several countries. Thus, in the USA, the main attention is paid to processes that ensure maximum gasoline production and increase its quality, i.e. catalytic cracking and, more recently, catalytic reforming, while reducing the share of thermal cracking. Already in 1959, the share of catalytic cracking capacity reached almost 50%, and catalytic

The depth of oil refining is determined by a number of technical and economic factors - capital costs in oil refining units (catalytic cracking units require large capital costs), the need of a given economic region for certain petroleum products and the emerging balance of energy fuel, the quality of feedstock, etc.

During the operation of the plants, as a result of changes in the scheme and depth of oil refining, as well as the quality and range of fuel products, gas production at the first two installations can vary widely, which is unacceptable in conditions of close cooperation between oil refining and chemical production at a petrochemical plant. Therefore, the introduction of heavy petroleum distillate feedstock into the design of pyrolysis installations creates a more stable and reliable base for petrochemical production.

Other important direction- creation of engines with fuel cells(using hydrogen and oxygen as fuel) and nuclear engines. The use of nuclear engines will have a serious impact on the consumption of boiler fuel, the share of which in the total production of petroleum products will decrease. Oil will be used to a greater extent for the production of motor fuels, oils, and raw materials for petrochemicals, which will increase the depth of oil refining and will affect the composition of processes. Ultimately, this will lead to an increase in the power of secondary processes - hydrocracking, coking, etc.

The yield of light fuel, all other things being equal, is naturally higher at plants that process raw materials with a high potential content of light petroleum products. New technological processes make it possible to significantly increase the depth of oil refining and expand the range of produced petroleum products. However, given the current state of the fuel and energy balance in the western regions of the country, replacing 1 ton of fuel oil with coal increases the reduced costs by 8-9 rubles. This determines the advisability of maintaining a lower depth of oil refining in the European part of the country while increasing the production of boiler fuel. At oil plants in Eastern and Western Siberia and Central Asia, on the contrary, deep oil refining with minimal selection of boiler fuel is economically feasible, since in Siberia the most economical types of fuel are Tyumen natural gas and coal open pit mining Kuznetsk and Kansk-Achinsk basins, and in Central Asia - natural gas from Uzbekistan and Turkmenistan.

One of the most pressing issues of the Russian fuel and energy complex is its modernization. All the country's oil refineries have been in operation for more than 30-35 years, and only the Achinsk Oil Refinery was built in 1983. It is not surprising, therefore, that the average depth of oil refining at Russian plants does not exceed 60-65 percent, while in developed countries it reaches 90 percent. The situation in the domestic gas industry is not the best either. The specific gravity of the processed gas does not exceed 6 percent, and that used as a chemical raw material - 1.5 percent.

At the same time, the existing technological production scheme, the quality and quantity of consumed raw materials and manufactured products, the characteristics of main and auxiliary installations, the operating parameters of general plant facilities and commercial production and other indicators do not ensure the rational use of petroleum raw materials and do not meet modern and future requirements for quality of petroleum products. Thus, the main production units were put into operation in the early 70s, the technological scheme ensures the depth of oil refining at only 55%, the share of secondary processes is only 20%, etc. All this requires serious reconstruction and modernization of production.

Based on the depth of use of raw materials, I distinguish between enterprises with deep, shallow and medium depth of oil refining. The first include enterprises with developed secondary processing processes, refinement processes for petroleum products, and a wide range of petrochemical products.

The rational use of heavy oil residues, their additional processing to produce new commercial petroleum products, is always an urgent task. One of the heavy oil refining residues that attracts the close attention of researchers and production workers is asphalt from the tar deasphalting process. It is known that part of the asphalt is used as a component of the raw material for the production of bitumen, but most of it is involved in the production of boiler fuels, which does not increase the depth of oil refining. For a number of years, the Ufa State Petroleum Technical University has been conducting research on the rational use of heavy oil residues, including asphalt from the deasphalting process (ADP).

Beginning with the tenth five-year plan, a decisive course was taken towards a more complete use of oil and its deeper processing. The Main Directions of Economic and Social Development of the USSR for 1981-1985 and for the period until 1990 indicate...increasing the efficiency of oil use and ensuring further deepening of its processing. . The deepening of oil refining is associated with the introduction of a large number of secondary processes of catalytic cracking, hydrocracking, thermal contact cracking, coking and other destructive processes. The depth of oil refining is estimated by the number of target oil products taken from the oil. In this case, the amount of target petroleum products is determined by subtracting from the total volume of processed raw materials the gross output of heating oil, irrecoverable losses and dry gas used for fuel. The increase in target petroleum products is associated with the destructive processing of residual products currently used as boiler fuel.

It should be noted that such significant shifts in the growth of oil and gas production occurred against the backdrop of a number of negative phenomena in the economy of our country, as a result of which extensive directions of development of the extractive and processing industries of the oil and gas complex prevailed. The lag in the development of equipment, technology and organization of production in this complex was accompanied by an increase in capital investments and the cost of production and processing of oil and gas, which negatively affected the depth of processing of oil, gas raw materials and the quality of the finished product. This is one of the important reasons for the increase in specific (per unit of production) and total consumption of oil and gas processing industry products in consuming industries, reducing their efficiency. The lag in the technology of using oil and gas products in consuming industries causes ineffective production

The Atyrau oil refinery has been operating in the region since 1945. The plant is one of the region's largest taxpayers; its work affects the state of the region's economy. The moral and physical wear and tear of the main equipment at the plant, the low depth of oil refining do not allow the proper processing of valuable petrochemical raw materials, in connection with which the Government of the Republic of Kazakhstan adopted a resolution on the reconstruction of the Atyrau Oil Refinery through a government loan, co-financing of the Japanese company Marubeni and NOC Ka- Zakhoil" in the amount of 308.0 million dollars. USA. The implementation of the project will make it possible to create competitive products at the level of world oil refining standards and export them to foreign and domestic markets.

A comparison of schemes with different levels of processing depth of hydrocarbon raw materials shows that the transfer of a refinery from a simple scheme to a classical one and then to a deep one (light output up to 90% and higher) is accompanied not only by an increase in the total specific capital investments from 116 million dollars to 1 million. tons of capacity to 184 and 307 million dollars per 1 million tons of capacity, respectively, but also by increasing the share of the active part of fixed production assets from 39.5% to 49.8% and 58.4%. Simultaneously with the noted trend, there was a reduction in capital costs for general plant facilities, including during the transition from a simple to a classical scheme by 2.1 times and from a classical to a deep one by 1.4 times. The data presented allow us to conclude that the optimal load and balance of production capacities at rational use capital-labor ratio is one of the most important factors, influencing the increase in the efficiency of refineries. At the same time, we should not forget that their importance in the formation of refinery performance indicators can be enhanced by improving the quality of both processed oil and produced petroleum products.

A special place is occupied by the problem of further deepening oil refining, caused by the growing need for raw materials for petrochemicals. For these purposes, it is planned to increase the capacity of catalytic cracking, coking and hydrocracking and thereby lay the foundation for deep oil refining. Thus, for oil refiners, the coming years should become years of intensification and reconstruction of secondary processes and, first of all, processes that increase the depth of oil refining.

Back in the 19th century. D.I. Mendeleev emphasized the need for qualified use of oil (oil, not fuel, can be heated with banknotes). However, until now in the USSR more than 160 million tons of fuel oil are burned annually under the boilers of power plants. The level of depth of oil refining (i.e., the ratio of the total amount of motor fuels, lubricating oils and hydrocarbon chemical raw materials produced from oil to the amount of oil processed) in the USSR does not exceed 60-62%, while in the GDR this figure is 78%. , and in the USA it exceeds 85%. In the coming years, it is necessary to sharply increase the depth of oil refining through the introduction of processes of catalytic cracking, hydrocracking, coking, pyrolysis of heavy oil fractions, as well as the production of various lubricating components based on them.

When calculating T.b. The need for fuel is determined primarily for installations that can only use certain types of fuel or products of processing of primary fuel resources. The identified need for such installations therefore serves as the basis for subsequent determination of the type, technology. layouts and production facilities, the capacity of fuel processing enterprises (oil refineries, coke and gas plants, liquid fuel production plants, etc.), and this makes it possible to determine the development of production of primary fuel resources necessary for their operation. Thus, when determining the required scale of oil production (or import), the need for people is first identified. contents in light petroleum products and diesel fuel (mainly for the needs of non-stationary energy engines - automobile and tractor park, aviation, diesel locomotives, etc.). Depending on the adopted technology. In oil refining schemes, the percentage of light oil products recovered may vary. As a rule, it ranges from 35 to 70%. The higher the yield of light petroleum products from crude oil, the more complex the process of its refining and the greater the capital investment required in the oil refining industry. And, on the contrary, the lower (to certain limits) the yield of light petroleum products, the lower the investment in oil refining and the higher the yield of dark petroleum products (fuel oil), which can be used as fuel in installations that do not have strictly fixed requirements for its quality characteristics of the fuel and energy balance of the region and. as a rule, it is dictated by nofebism in boiler fuel. It depends on the selection of light, petroleum products in primary distillation units and the composition technological scheme plant (increasing the share of coking, cracking and petrochemical processes leads to an increase in the depth of processing). Therefore, in areas well supplied with fuel resources (for example, Eastern Siberia, the Far East, etc.), deep oil refining with the selection of light oil products over 60% is advisable. At factories in such areas, a significant volume of secondary processes associated with the destructive processing of raw materials and petrochemical processes is provided. In areas with insufficient own fuel and energy resources, the fuel deficit is covered by greater production of boiler fuel at oil refineries. The depth of oil refining here should be minimal.

See pages where the term is mentioned Depth of oil refining, raw materials

:                                  Planning at oil and gas enterprises gas industry (1989) -- [

Refinery modernization is stagnating due to falling margins. The government is discussing measures to support the industry, the prospects of which depend on increasing the depth of processing.

Slowing down rearmament

The technical re-equipment program for Russian oil refineries was launched in 2011. At that time, quadripartite agreements were signed between 12 oil companies, the Federal Antimonopoly Service (FAS), Rostechnadzor and Rosstandart.

Oil industry workers have pledged to modernize their refineries to fulfill a long-overdue task - the transition to the production of higher quality types of petroleum products, primarily to ensure their supply to domestic market. Initially, the deadline for fulfillment of obligations was set at 2015. However, although oil companies have already invested more than 900 billion rubles in modernization since 2012, the modernization process is still far from complete.

Plans to introduce 126 raw material recycling plants in 2011-2015 were developed during the most high prices for oil and petroleum products. At that time, producers were generous with investments in the downstream sector, and the program to update oil refining capacities was one of the largest in the Russian fuel and energy sector. Then the plan was adjusted - the task was set to produce 115 oil secondary processing units for the period 2011-2020.

Now the modernization of the refinery continues, but its momentum, taken at the start, has been lost. This situation is typical for both independent plants and large enterprises owned by vertically integrated oil companies.

Market participants and experts explain this state of affairs by the fall in oil refining margins over the past few years. The tax maneuver, which came into force in January 2015, especially affected production profitability. It provides for a reduction in export duties on oil to 30% by 2017 (from 42% at the time of the introduction of this state regulation measure) with a parallel increase in the mineral extraction tax rate to 919 rubles. per ton in 2017 (from 857 rubles). As a result, the price of oil on the domestic market, at which refineries purchase it, has increased. The level of profitability of petroleum products production, according to Rosstat data, leading expert of Finam Management Dmitry Baranov, in January-June 2017 increased slightly and amounted to 3.04%. And last year, for some refineries, profitability was even negative, says Ekaterina Grushevenko, an expert at the energy center of the Skolkovo business school.

“The decline in oil prices and changes in the export duty rate undoubtedly had an impact on the entire oil refining industry, including leading to a change in the timing of implementation of several projects within the framework of quadripartite agreements,” says Dmitry Baranov.

Modernization as a challenge

One of the main tasks of technical re-equipment of Russian refineries is to increase the depth of oil refining. “Now in Russia it averages about 70-75%. If plans to modernize the refinery are more or less implemented, then we can expect that by 2025-2030 the depth of refining will increase to 80-85%,” Ekaterina Grushevenko calculated. In Europe this figure is 85%, in the USA - 96%. Another problem of Russian refining is the significant share of diesel fuel in the fuel basket of Russian refineries, explains Ekaterina Grushevenko. “Such a significant production of diesel is aimed at the European market, which is declining in demand and growing in the number of players. This creates uncertainty for the future,” she says.

The re-equipment of oil refineries is also extremely important due to the deterioration of the raw material base - oil in the fields currently being developed in Russia is becoming more viscous. At the same time, very few new large refineries are being built. “In recent years, we can recall the commissioning of the Taneco company (part of the Tatneft group of companies. - RBC+) Yaya Refinery and some others,” says IFC Markets analyst Dmitry Lukashov. In his opinion, the low growth rate of construction of new oil refining capacities is due, among other things, to the fact that in foreign markets Russian oil much more in demand than petroleum products.

Anna Kokoreva, Deputy Director of the Analytical Department at Alpari, also draws attention to the impact of sanctions on Russian oil refining. In her opinion, there are fears that the implementation of the refinery modernization program will continue to be delayed, since the technical re-equipment of enterprises requires imported equipment. Nevertheless, the situation will still develop gradually, notes Anna Kokoreva, because “refinery renewal will allow Russian companies to maintain their positions in foreign markets and maintain competitiveness, as well as increase refining volumes.” Based on the results of 2017, these volumes are unlikely to increase, but “already in 2018 the increase will be noticeable,” the analyst predicts. Anna Kokoreva expects refining profitability to increase in 2017 due to rising oil prices.

New support

The government admits that the high-cost modernization of the largest refineries, combined with an increase in the tax burden, has made many enterprises unprofitable—Deputy Minister of Energy Kirill Molodtsov spoke about this, in particular, in May. In this regard, the question of financial support for the industry from the state Last year I've been up several times already. In order not to stop technical re-equipment and to prevent the closure of a number of plants, which would threaten a sharp increase in motor fuel prices, this summer the Ministry of Energy sent proposals to the government to provide benefits to oil refiners. For example, this could be a reduction in cross-subsidization of the industry when transporting oil and petroleum products by rail. In addition, it is proposed to develop a special methodology to reduce the costs of operating refineries. The methodology, in particular, will contain a number of recommendations that will optimize oil delivery routes and finished products from factories. In addition, it is planned to enable refineries being modernized to enter into investment agreements with the federal executive authorities with a deferment in the payment of excise taxes.

According to the Ministry of Energy, the ongoing re-equipment of enterprises requires significant investments, so it is necessary to ease their tax burden. The FAS criticized this proposal from the ministry, and no decision has yet been made. In particular, the head of the FAS Fuel and Energy Complex control department, Dmitry Makhonin, said that subsidizing processors for the sake of fulfilling modernization agreements is the wrong decision. “The question is, where was the ministry when the parameters of the already existing tax maneuver were redrawn?” — the official was indignant.

However, experts are confident that the state must one way or another meet the needs of oil workers and independent refineries and help the industry, the well-being of which is of fundamental importance for replenishing the treasury.

Processing plants

During 2011-2016, according to the Ministry of Energy, 70 oil secondary processing plants were put into operation (12 plants in 2016).

Among the most major projects completed in 2016, the Ministry of Energy calls the construction of a hydrocracking complex with a capacity of 3.5 million tons per year at Volgogradneftepererabotka (LUKOIL), the construction of a catalytic cracking complex with a capacity of 1.2 million tons per year at the Kuibyshev Oil Refinery (Rosneft), construction delayed coking units with a capacity of 1.2 million tons at the Antipinsky Oil Refinery and a capacity of 2 million tons at the Taneco enterprise (Tatneft).

In 2011-2020, 115 oil secondary processing units should be put into operation, and by 2027 - 131 units.

Vladimir Khomutko

Reading time: 4 minutes


Calculation of oil refining depth

Oil refining depth (OPD) is one of the the most important indicators efficiency of the oil refinery.

It is a value that shows the ratio of the volume of commercial petroleum products obtained to the total volume of raw materials consumed.

In other words, how much useful production is obtained, for example, from one ton (or barrel) of oil. Deep allows for more efficient use of each barrel of “black gold”.

This parameter is calculated using the following formula:

GPN = ((Total volume of processed raw materials – Volume of fuel oil produced – Volume of production losses – Volume of fuel spent for own needs) / Total volume of processed raw materials) * 100%

The value of this indicator in Russia and abroad

The depth of oil refining in our country is on average at the level of 74 percent, in European countries - at the level of 85 percent, in the USA - 95-96 percent.

Agree, the difference is more than significant. This is explained by the fact that after the breakup Soviet Union Russia got 26 oil refineries, which by that time were obsolete both physically and morally. Eight of them were launched before the start of World War II, five were built before 1950, and another nine before 1960.

Thus, 22 out of 26 Russian oil refineries have been in operation for more than half a century. In addition, almost all the new oil refineries that were built in the USSR during the period from 1970 to 1980 were located on the territory of the former Soviet republics, which have now become independent states.

For example, from 1966 to 1991, seven new oil refining enterprises were built on the territory of the USSR, of which only one was on the territory Russian Federation. Of the remaining six, two remained in Kazakhstan (Chimkent and Pavlodar refineries), one each in Ukraine (Lisichansk), Belarus (Mozyr), Lithuania (Mazeikiai) and Turkmenistan (Chardzhou).

The only relatively new oil refinery that was launched after 1966 on Russian territory is the Achinsk Oil Refinery (the year of commissioning was 1982).

Another relatively new oil refining enterprise is Nizhnekamskneftekhim (city of Nizhnekamsk), which was launched in 1979 and still produces raw materials for the petrochemical industry.

In the early 90s of the last century, the depth of oil refining at Russian refineries was at the level of 64 percent. 80 percent of the equipment was morally backward.

By 1999, the depth of oil refining averaged 67.4 percent, and only Omsk Oil Refinery managed to raise this bar to 81.5%, which is comparable to the European average.

Despite the fact that Russia still lags behind developed world powers in terms of GPL, encouraging trends have emerged over the past 17-18 years.

So, for example, from 2002 to 2007, the volume of domestic oil refining grew steadily (on average about 3 percent per year in the period from 2002 to 2004 and 5.55 from 2005 to 2007 -Ouch). The average level of utilization of existing primary processing facilities in 2005 reached 80 percent, and in quantitative terms, processed annual volumes increased from 179 million tons in 2000 to 220 million tons in 2006.

In addition, deep oil refining complexes were built at several operating Russian refineries.

In 2004, a hydrocracking complex was launched at the Perm oil refinery, owned by the Lukoil corporation; in 2005, a catalytic reforming unit was launched at the Yaroslavl enterprise Yaroslavnefteorgsintez, owned by the Slavneft company, as well as at the Ryazan oil refinery (owned by the company " TNK-BP"), two complexes with high GOR were put into operation at once - mild hydrocracking and catalytic cracking.

Tatneft did not leave its competitors behind either. In 2010, this company launched a primary oil refining unit in Nizhnekamsk, with a capacity of 7 million tons per year. This installation became part of the Nizhnekamsk complex of petrochemical and oil refining enterprises TANECO.

At the end of the same year, the Nizhny Novgorod Oil Refinery began producing motor gasoline that corresponded in its quality characteristics EURO-4 standard.

Thus, the oil companies have fully implemented the program for modernizing domestic refineries, designed until 2011.

However, the process did not stop there. For example, NK Rosneft reconstructed five secondary oil refining units to increase the depth of oil refining:

  • at the Kuibyshev Refinery - a hydrocracking unit; diesel fuel hydrotreating units and catalytic reforming units;
  • at the Syzran and Komsomolsk refineries - one catalytic reforming unit each.

In 2001, work was completed ahead of schedule to put into operation an isomerization unit at the Slavneft-YANOS enterprise, capable of processing 718 thousand tons of raw materials per year.

The result of all the work done was that by 2013, fifty refineries were operating on the territory of the Russian Federation, of which 23 large refineries were located in the structure of vertically integrated Russian companies, eight are independent oil refineries with an annual capacity of more than a million tons of raw materials, and 15 enterprises whose capacity was less than a million tons of raw materials per year.

Thus, in 2013, oil refining in Russia reached 275 million 200 thousand tons, capacity utilization averaged 92.9 percent, and gas recovery rate - 72 percent.

During 2015, eleven new installations designed for secondary oil refining were put into operation in the Russian Federation, and in the same year the total volume of processed raw materials reached 282 million 400 thousand tons, and the level of oil refining depth reached 74.2 percent.

OJSC NK Rosneft is the leader of Russian oil refining. The Company includes 10* LARGE oil refineries in key regions, 30% of oil refining in the Russian Federation.

Rosneft is implementing the largest modernization program in the Russian Federation: over 30 construction projects and reconstruction of secondary processing plants with a capacity of more than 40 million tons per year.

* Including "YANOS"

Oil refining assets
OJSC NK Rosneft in the Russian Federation

Refinery modernization: progress status

Ryazan NPK Angarsk Petrochemical Plant Novokuybyshevsky Refinery Syzran Oil Refinery Kuibyshev Oil Refinery Komsomolsk Oil Refinery Tuapse Refinery Achinsk Refinery Saratov Oil Refinery Effect on the output of petroleum products
Primary processing
Vacuum block Processing depth
Isomerization Gasoline "Euro-5"
Cat. cracking Light output
Hydrotreating Euro-5 fuel
Reforming Gasoline "Euro-5"
Alkylation Gasoline "Euro-5"
Coking* Processing depth
Hydrocracking Light output
MTBE Gasoline "Euro-5"

* Delayed coking or flexicoking.

Product preparation
for transportation

Main results of 2015

In 2015, at all oil refineries of OJSC NK Rosneft, a large-scale complex of technical and technological measures was completed, which allowed the Company to completely switch to production for Russian market gasoline and diesel fuel only Euro-5 class. Technical regulations Customs Union Initially, the deadline for the transition to circulation in the domestic market of Euro-5 class gasoline and diesel fuel was set from January 1, 2016. Thus, the Company’s obligations to transition to the production of gasoline and diesel fuel of the highest environmental class completed ahead of schedule.

The volume of sales of petroleum products and petrochemicals in 2015 compared to 2014 increased by 1% and amounted to 97.4 million tons. The growth in sales is mainly due to the sale of reserves accumulated in 2014 and additional effective trading operations, which made it possible to compensate for some decrease in product output.

As part of the import substitution program, the Company began to produce and successfully operate in oil refining own catalysts for reforming and hydrogen plants. All catalytic cracking units have switched to using only domestic catalysts.

In the reporting year, the Company entered into a number of significant contracts for the supply of oil.

In 2015, OJSC NK Rosneft and the China National Chemical Corporation (ChemChina) signed a long-term contract for the supply of ESPO grade oil in a volume of up to 2.4 million tons per year until July 2016.

The long-term agreement for the supply of oil to Poland was extended for three years (from February 1, 2016 to January 31, 2019), the terms of which provide for an increase in supplies by up to 25.2 million tons of oil.

Despite the worsening macroeconomic conditions, the Company increased the volume of high-margin oil supplies in the eastern direction (+18.5%), increased sales of gas (3.8%) and oil refining and petrochemical products. Thus, the Company managed to limit the negative effect of a decline in oil prices by 16.3% in ruble terms and by 47.3% in dollar terms in 2015.

The company fully fulfills its obligations for oil supplies under long-term contracts. All of the Company’s obligations for the supply of petroleum products to the domestic market are also being exceeded; the volume of supplies of Euro-4/5 class motor fuels to the Russian Federation has been increased by 30% by 2014.

Oil refining capacity of the Company in 2015

Refinery Project capacity
at the end of the year, million tons
Processing volume,
million tons
Light output
Tuapse 12,0 9,6 51,2 %
Achinsky 7,5 6,3 55,5 %
Angarsk Petrochemical Plant 10,2 9,1 63,4 %
Komsomol 8,0 7,0 58,2 %
Ryazan NPK 18,8 16,2 54,5 %
Saratov Oil Refinery 7,0 6,1 44,9 %
Slavneft-Yanos* 7,5 7,6 55,5 %
Samara group: 24,1 20,9 56,0 %
Novokuybyshevsky 8,8 8,3 55,4 %
Kuibyshevsky 6,8 6,2 54,9 %
Syzransky 8,5 6,4 57,9 %
Mini-refinery 5,4 1,9 -
LINIK 8,0 - -
Refinery JV ROG* 13,4 10,8 79,2 %
Mozyr Oil Refinery* - 1,4 -

* In the share of OJSC NK Rosneft.

Structure of commercial petroleum products output, million tons

Refinery Naphtha Motor gasoline Kerosene Diesel
Fuel oil Others
Tuapse 1,8 - - 3,1 4,3 0,3
Achinsky 0,2 1,0 0,2 2,1 2,0 0,6
Angarsk Petrochemical Plant 0,2 1,3 0,5 3,0 2,1 0,8
Komsomol 0,9 0,4 0,3 2,5 2,6 0,2
Ryazan NPK 0,5 2,9 1,1 4,0 4,9 2,2
Saratov Oil Refinery - 1,0 - 1,7 1,6 1,5
Slavneft-Yanos* 0,2 1,3 0,6 2,0 2,5 0,5
Samara group: 0,7 3,3 0,4 7,0 6,5 1,5
Novokuybyshevsky 0,3 1,3 0,4 2,6 2,2 0,8
Kuibyshevsky 0,2 0,9 - 2,1 2,3 0,2
Syzransky 0,2 1,1 - 2,3 2,0 0,5
Others (including mini-refineries) 1,2 1,9 - 0,9 0,1 2,4
Refinery JV ROG* 0,5 2,0 0,7 4,8 0,4 2,8

Oil refining

55,3 %

output of light petroleum products at the Company's refineries in the Russian Federation in 2015

66,5 %

refining depth at the Company's refineries in the Russian Federation in

The company is the largest oil refiner in Russia. The refining volume at Russian refineries in 2015 amounted to 84.7 million tons, which was the optimal level for the Company given the current level of demand and price conditions for oil and petroleum products. At the same time, the yield of light petroleum products increased from 54.8% in 2014 to 55.3% in 2015, and the depth of refining - from 65.3% in 2014 to 66.5% in 2015 due to an increase production of vacuum gas oil and optimization of secondary processes.

The decrease in total oil refining (including the Company’s foreign refineries) to 96.9 million tons (-3%) in 2015 compared to 2014 is primarily due to the redistribution of volumes to higher-margin sales channels in the context of the negative impact of the tax maneuver on profitability of the refining segment and the deterioration of the macro environment, as well as the temporary suspension of the Company’s refining at the Mozyr Oil Refinery under a processing agreement in the first quarter. 2015 and the corresponding redistribution of oil to more profitable sales channels.

In 2015, Russian refineries increased the production of Euro-4/5 class motor fuels that meet the requirements of the Technical Regulations of the Customs Union. In the reporting year, the share of production of Euro-4/5 class gasoline was 95%, Euro-4/5 class diesel fuel - 73%; compared to similar indicators in 2014, 73% and 54%, respectively.

Main refining achievements in 2015

84.7 million tons

refining volume at Russian refineries

96.9 million tons

Volume general processing Companies (including foreign refineries)

The Company's activities in the field of oil refining in 2015 were aimed at meeting the market demand for high-quality petroleum products by continuing to implement the refinery modernization program and switching to the production of Euro-5 environmental class fuels. Priority areas of activity also included import substitution and the development of our own engineering and technological base.

1. Implementation of the modernization program for Russian refineries

The refinery modernization program in the Russian Federation continues, which involves construction and reconstruction technological installations to increase the depth of refining, the yield of light petroleum products, as well as the quality of produced motor fuels to provide the Company’s sales channels with petroleum products that meet the requirements of the Technical Regulations of the Customs Union.

2. Transition to the production of Euro-5 motor fuels

In December 2015, a large-scale set of technical and technological measures was completed at all oil refineries of OJSC NK Rosneft, which allowed the Company to completely switch to the production of only Euro-5 class gasoline and diesel fuel for the Russian market.

3. Import substitution, development and production of new products

  • As part of the import substitution program, the Company began to produce and successfully operate its own catalysts for reforming and hydrogen plants in oil refining;
  • All catalytic cracking units at the Company's enterprises have switched to using only domestic catalysts;
  • A composition of a lubricating additive for RT and TS fuel has been developed to replace the imported Hi-Tech-580 additive. The additive has been tested with positive results;
  • The Company's refineries began using the modernized depressant additive VES-410d produced by the Angarsk Catalysts and Organic Synthesis Plant.

Novokuybyshevsky Refinery

OJSC "Novokuibyshevsky Oil Refinery"

In 2015, the plant processed 8.3 million tons of crude oil, producing Euro-4/5 fuels by 2.3 million tons more than in 2014. The refining depth was 70.9%.

The main investments in 2015 were aimed at maintaining existing facilities, constructing a hydrocracking-hydrotreating complex and carrying out design work on other investment projects for modernizing the plant.

Novokuibyshevsk Oils and Additives Plant

In 2015, the implementation of the Development Program for the production of high-quality oils for projects for the construction of a complex of hydraulic processes (stages I and II) continued at the plant’s production site, and work was also carried out on environmental and infrastructure projects.

The implementation of the Program will make it possible to achieve a level of sustainable development, increase the profitability of the oils business of OJSC NK Rosneft and the competitiveness of the plant’s products.

Kuibyshev Oil Refinery

In 2015, the volume of crude oil refining amounted to 6.2 million tons, the refining depth was
61.0%. In 2015, 2.3 million tons more fuels of Euro-4/5 environmental standard were produced compared to 2014.

In 2015, the main investments were directed towards the construction of a catalytic cracking unit with auxiliary facilities and an MTBE unit. Investments continued in the construction of a vacuum gas oil hydrotreating unit, hydrogen and sulfur production units, as well as in maintaining existing capacities.

Syzran Oil Refinery

In 2015, the volume of oil refining amounted to 6.4 million tons, the depth of refining was 67.6%, which is 1.6 percentage points higher than in 2014. The production of Euro-4/5 environmental standard fuels increased by 1.2 million tons more compared to 2014

In 2015, the main investments were aimed at implementing comprehensive program modernization of the plant, including the construction of a catalytic cracking complex, an MTBE production unit and a diesel fuel hydrotreating complex, as well as maintaining existing capacities.

In November 2015, work was completed on the reconstruction of the catalytic reforming unit LCh-35 / 11‑600, including bringing it to industrial safety standards.

Ryazan NPK

The volume of petroleum feedstock refining amounted to 16.2 million tons. The refining depth was
68.6%, which is 3.3 percentage points higher than the 2014 result.

In 2015, the main investments were directed to maintaining existing capacities, as well as to continuing the implementation of a comprehensive enterprise development program.

As part of the ongoing modernization program, a low-temperature isomerization unit, a PSA unit, and a VT-4 vacuum unit have now been put into operation, and the first stage of reconstruction of the diesel fuel hydrotreating unit has been completed.

Saratov Oil Refinery

In 2015, the enterprise processed 6.1 million tons, the processing depth was 72.0%.

In 2015, a program for the long-term development of the enterprise was developed, and projects related to maintaining existing facilities were carried out.

Tuapse Refinery

LLC "RN-Tuapsenefteprodukt"

In 2015, the plant processed 9.6 million tons, which is 1.0 million tons more than in 2014.

In 2015, investments were directed to the implementation of large-scale reconstruction projects of the plant, including the construction of complexes of hydrocracking-hydrotreating and reforming-isomerization units with associated general plant facilities.

In 2015, the vacuum block of the ELOUAVT-12 installation was put into operation, which made it possible to ensure the production and sale of vacuum gas oil, as well as a number of general plant facilities.

Achinsk Refinery

In 2015, the volume of crude oil refining amounted to 6.3 million tons. The refining depth was 66.1%.

Since 2015, all motor fuels have been produced in accordance with the requirements of the Technical Regulations of the Customs Union. Motor fuels of Euro-4 and Euro-5 standards were produced in 2015 by 0.8 million tons more than in 2014.

In 2015, the main investments were aimed at implementing a comprehensive plant modernization program, including the construction of a hydrocracking and hydrotreating complex, as well as maintaining existing capacities and restoring the LK-6Us unit.

Angarsk Petrochemical Plant

In 2015, the enterprise processed 9.1 million tons of oil, the refining depth reached 73.8%, which is 1.4% higher than in 2014. Increased production of Euro-4/5 environmental class fuels compared to 2014 amounted to 0.9 million tons, including the production of Euro-4/5 class motor gasoline increased by 0.7 million tons.

In December 2015, construction of an MTBE production plant was completed, which will contribute to further growth in production volumes of environmentally friendly fuels
in 2016

In 2015, the main investments were aimed at implementing a comprehensive plant modernization program, including projects for the construction of catalytic cracking gasoline hydrotreating units, sulfuric acid alkylation units and a diesel fuel hydrotreating complex with associated off-site facilities, as well as maintaining existing facilities.

Komsomolsk Oil Refinery

In 2015, the volume of crude oil refining amounted to 7.0 million tons, the refining depth was
62.8%, which is 2.0 percentage points higher than in 2014. Motor fuels of the Euro-4/5 environmental standard were produced by 0.2 million tons more than in 2014.

In 2015, the main investments were aimed at implementing a comprehensive plant modernization program, including the construction of a hydrocracking-hydrotreating complex, as well as maintaining existing capacities.

In 2015, the installation of metal structures and equipment for hydrocracking-hydrotreating units, sulfur and hydrogen production, and construction of general plant facilities was carried out.

The implementation of the project for the construction of the ESPO-Komsomolsk Oil Refinery branch pipeline with all the necessary infrastructure has begun. The construction of the facilities will be carried out by JSC AK Transneft.

Eastern Petrochemical Plant

Work and financing of the VNHK project in 2015 were carried out in accordance with the project implementation schedule approved by the Board of Directors of OJSC NK Rosneft.

By Order of the Government of the Russian Federation No. 2602-r dated December 17, 2015, measures were approved state support(“Road Map”) aimed at facilitating the implementation of the strategic investment project construction of the Eastern petrochemical complex.

Currently, design and survey work on the VNHK project is ongoing, the completion of which is expected by the end of 2016.


The company owns shares in several mini-refineries in the Russian Federation, the refining volume of which in 2015 amounted to 1.9 million tons. The largest among the mini-refineries is the Nizhnevartovsk Oil Refinery Association, the refining volume of which amounted to 1.5 million tons.

Major achievements in the field of petrochemistry, gas processing and catalyst production in 2015

660 thousand tons

raw materials were processed by Angarsk Polymer Plant JSC and produced 441 thousand tons of high-margin petrochemical products

0.97 thousand tons

amounted to the refining volume of the Novokuybyshevsk Petrochemical Company, and the volume of commercial product output was 0.85 million tons


The company produces petrochemical products in Russia at the enterprises of JSC Angarsk Polymer Plant (APP) and JSC Novokuybyshevsk Petrochemical Company (NNC).


In 2015, AZP processed 660 thousand tons of raw materials and produced 441 thousand tons of high-margin petrochemical products with high added value. The main product is polyethylene high pressure, propylene, BDF (butylene-butadiene fraction).

In 2015, measures were implemented aimed at increasing the yield of target products and production efficiency, as well as increasing the safety and reliability of the operation of production facilities.


In March 2015, the acquisition of the petrochemical holding SANORS by OJSC NK Rosneft was completed. During the year, measures were taken to integrate new assets into the Company's structure.

During the period from the moment it entered the Company’s perimeter on March 13, 2015 until the end of 2015, the volume of refining at the Novokuybyshevsk Petrochemical Company amounted to 0.97 million tons, and the volume of commercial products produced was 0.85 million tons. NOC produces a wide range of petrochemical products. The main types of commercial products are methyl tert-amyl ether, synthetic technical phenol, synthetic ethyl alcohol, technical acetone, liquefied hydrocarbon fuel gas for household consumption of the SPBT brand and other LPGs, phenolic resin, para-tertiary butylphenol, etc.

In 2015, a number of measures were carried out aimed at increasing the operational efficiency of the enterprise, including technical re-equipment of equipment, optimization of natural gas supply, implementation of a scheme for the separation of para-tertiary butylphenol, as well as maintaining production capacity.

Gas processing

The total capacity of the Neftegorsk and Otradnensky gas processing plants in the Samara region is 1.8 billion cubic meters. m of gas per year.

In 2015, the Neftegorsky and Otradnensky gas processing plants processed 410 and 257 million cubic meters. m of associated gas, respectively. Currently, gas processing enterprises continue to implement a comprehensive program of technical re-equipment and replacement of physically and morally obsolete equipment with modern block units that will improve production efficiency and the level of automation.

The Zaykinskoye gas processing enterprise, which is part of the oil and gas production subsidiary of PJSC Orenburgneft, includes the Pokrovskaya integrated gas treatment plant (PUKPG) and the Zaykinskoye gas processing enterprise, with a total capacity of 2.6 billion cubic meters. m of gas per year.

In 2015, the Zaykinsky GPP (ZGPP) processed 2.44 billion cubic meters. m of associated gas (including PUCPG - 313 million cubic meters, ZGPP - 2.13 billion cubic meters).

Catalyst production

As part of the import substitution program, the company began production of catalysts and additives that are not inferior to imported analogues

As part of the implementation of the import substitution program for catalysts and additives,
In 2015, JSC Angarsk Plant of Catalysts and Organic Synthesis (AZKiOS) produced and supplied gasoline reforming catalysts to JSC Syzran Refinery, LLC RN-Komsomolsk Refinery and JSC Ryazanskaya NPK. The AZKiOS catalyst for hydrogen production, loaded in 2015 at Syzran Oil Refinery JSC, shows good results that are not inferior to imported analogues. Depressant-dispersant additives VES-410D, produced at the Angarsk Catalyst Plant, which improve the low-temperature properties of diesel fuels, were also supplied to the Syzran Refinery and demonstrated their high efficiency.

At Novokuibyshevsky Catalyst Plant LLC, the implementation of an investment project for the construction of a catalyst regeneration plant “outside the reactor” continues. Commissioning of the installation is scheduled for 2016. The installation is necessary for the regeneration of catalysts that ensure the production of Euro-5 fuels on the territory of the Russian Federation, without the need to export them abroad for restoration.

Brief overview of international projects in the field of oil refining

Ruhr Oel GmbH (ROG)

~21 million tons

amounted to the total volume of oil supplies from NK Rosneft and Rosneft Trading S.A. for refining to Germany, including for other shareholders of the ROG refinery, in 2015, which corresponds to approximately a quarter of crude oil imports into the country

OJSC NK Rosneft owns 50% in the joint venture Ruhr Oel GmbH (ROG) in Germany. Ruhr Oel GmbH owns shares in four refineries in Germany (Gelsenkirchen - 100%; Bayernoil - 25%; MiRO - 24%; PCK Schwedt - 37.5%), as well as shares in five oil supply pipelines and in sea terminals in the North, Baltic, Mediterranean and Adriatic seas. JV Ruhr Oel GmbH (ROG) is No. 1 in Germany in terms of oil refining volumes (21.3 million tons in 2015, the Company’s share is 10.8 million tons), with a refining depth of more than
95%, and also a leader in sales of motor fuels and petrochemical products.

The total volume of oil supplied by NK Rosneft and Rosneft Trading S.A. for processing to Germany, including for other shareholders of the ROG refinery, in 2015 amounted to about 21 million tons, which corresponds to approximately a quarter of crude oil imports into the country.

In November 2015, Rosneft completed the purchase from Total of 16.67% in PCK Raffinerie GmbH - the PCK Schwedt refinery, located in Schwedt an der Oder in Germany. The primary oil processing capacity of this plant is 11.5 million tons per year, the Nelson complexity index is 9.2. PCK Raffinerie GmbH owns a 45% share in the German part of the Druzhba oil pipeline, a share in the marine crude oil terminal in Rostock, the Rostock-Schwedt oil pipeline, and a product pipeline to the distribution terminal in Seefeld near Berlin, also owned by PCK Raffinerie GmbH. As a result of the transaction, the total share of Rosneft in the PCK Schwedt refinery increased from 18.75% to 35.42%.

In December 2015, Rosneft and BP signed a legally binding Agreement on the dissolution of the joint venture Ruhr Oel GmbH (ROG) as part of the previously begun restructuring process of this oil refining and petrochemical joint venture in Germany. After completion of the restructuring process, which is expected before the end of 2016, Rosneft will become a direct shareholder and increase its participation shares in the Bayernoil refinery to 25% (from 12.5%); MiRO refinery - up to 24% (from 12%); PCK Schwedt refinery - up to 54.17% (from 35.42%). Rosneft will also increase its share in the Transalpine oil pipeline (TAL) from 5.5% to 11%. BP, in turn, consolidates 100% of the Gelsenkirchen refinery and the DHC Solvent Chemie solvent production plant.

Both transactions will allow Rosneft to continue implementing its strategy in the field of oil refining in Europe and move to a qualitatively new level of operating activities. The transactions are aimed at maximizing added value for the shareholders of OJSC NK Rosneft.

Mozyr Oil Refinery

The company carries out oil refining in the Republic of Belarus under a processing agreement at the Mozyr Oil Refinery. The Company's indirect share of ownership of this refinery through OJSC NGK Slavneft is 21%. The volume of refining of crude oil from OJSC NK Rosneft in 2015 amounted to 1.4 million tons. The refining depth at the Mozyr Oil Refinery was 73.5% in 2015.

Saras S.p. A.

OJSC NK Rosneft is a minority shareholder of Saras S. p. A. since 2013
In October 2015, as part of asset optimization and implementation effective management portfolio OJSC NK Rosneft reduced its participation in Saras S.p. A. with 20.99% of the issued share capital of Saras S. p. A. up to 12%. At the same time, the Company will retain its representation on the Board of Directors of Saras S. p. A. The sale of shares was carried out to institutional investors and was carried out with a yield of more than 38% of the initial purchase price.

The main asset of Saras S. p. A. is the Sarroch refinery in Sardinia - one of the largest refineries in the Mediterranean region with a processing capacity of up to 15 million tons of raw materials per year. The Sarrok Refinery is integrated with a large power generating plant with an installed capacity of 575 MW.

Structure of oil sales in 2015–2014, million tons

Increasing the efficiency of sales of oil and gas, petroleum products and petrochemicals

Oil sales

The company monitors on an ongoing basis economic efficiency oil monetization channels, which allows maximizing the share of high-margin channels in the overall sales structure. Thus, in 2015, their share increased to 51% of the total oil volume (in 2014 - 40.2%).

In the reporting year, the Company supplied 84.4 million tons of oil to refineries in Russia, which is 3% lower than the level of supplies in 2014 (86.6 million tons). The decrease in supply volumes is primarily due to the redistribution of volumes to higher-margin sales channels in the context of the negative impact of the tax maneuver on the profitability of the refining segment.

OJSC NK Rosneft pursues a policy aimed at ensuring a balance of oil monetization channels, including refining at its own oil refining facilities in Russia and Germany, export sales under long-term contracts and on the basis of spot sales during tenders, as well as sales at domestic market.

In addition to oil supplies to its own refineries in Russia, in 2015 the Company supplied 3.7 million tons of its own oil to the plants of the Ruhr Oel GmbH joint venture in Germany, which is 12% more than the volume of supplies in 2014.

In 2015, OJSC NK Rosneft continued oil refining according to the processing scheme at the Mozyr Oil Refinery (Republic of Belarus), but the volume of supplies amounted to only 1.4 million tons, which is almost 2 times less than the volumes supplied in 2014. Decrease in volumes processing is due to a decrease in the processing margin and, as a consequence, a decrease in the efficiency of this scheme as a whole. The Company sold products obtained as a result of processing at the Mozyr Refinery for export to non-CIS countries, used them to meet the needs of its own retail assets in the domestic market of the Russian Federation, and also sold them on the domestic market of Belarus and Ukraine.

The total volume of oil sales to third parties in 2015 amounted to 114.5 million tons, including
5.4 million tons of oil sold on the domestic market. The volume of oil exports amounted to 109.1 million tons. Among the export directions of oil sales, the most economically attractive for the Company is the eastern direction - supplies via pipeline to China, sales in the ports of Kozmino and De-Kastri. The volume of high-margin supplies in the eastern direction in 2015 amounted to 39.7 million tons (including 26.6 million tons via pipeline and sea transport to China in accordance with long-term contracts, and the remaining volume through the ports of Kozmino and De-Kastri ), which is 18.5% higher than last year. In addition, the Company exported 60.4 million tons of oil to North-Western, Central and Eastern Europe, the Mediterranean countries and other non-CIS destinations. Exports to the CIS amounted to 9.0 million tons.

The main part of the Company's export supplies is carried out through the facilities of the Transneft company, represented by main pipelines, and ports. In the reporting year, export deliveries were carried out mainly using the following transport routes:

  • pipeline by water transport- 100.3 million tons, which amounted to 91.9% of the total oil exports. 42 million tons of this volume were exported through ports (14.9 million tons - Primorsk; 6.0 million tons - Novorossiysk; 8.6 million tons - Ust-Luga; 12.9 million tons - Kozmino, including 3, 6 million tons to China under a long-term contract), and approx. 58.0 million tons - through a pipeline in the direction of China (23.0 million tons), Belarus (8.3 million tons), Central and of Eastern Europe(26.2 million tons);
  • by rail and mixed transport - 5.3 million tons, or 4.9% of the total volume of export supplies. These are mainly supplies via the Caspian Pipeline Consortium (CPC) oil pipeline (4.6 million tons) and by rail to Belarus (0.7 million tons).

In addition to the above routes, in 2015, 3.5 million tons of the Company’s oil were shipped through the De-Kastri export terminal, which is more than 2 times higher than the same figure in 2014, due to an increase in production at the North Chayvo field. The De-Kastri export terminal with a capacity of 12 million tons per year belongs to the consortium of the Sakhalin-1 project, in which Rosneft OJSC owns a 20% stake.

The volume of supplies through the port of Kozmino in 2015 in the direction of China as part of the fulfillment of obligations under concluded long-term contracts amounted to 3.6 million tons (due to a change in the direction of supply from the Skovorodino-Mohe direction).

In 2015, the Company supplied 4.6 million tons of oil and gas condensate through the pipeline of the Caspian Pipeline Consortium, including against the Russian Federation quota managed by AK Transneft OJSC. The pipeline of the Caspian Pipeline Consortium (CPC) runs from Tengiz oil field in Western Kazakhstan to the port of Novorossiysk. OJSC NK Rosneft has been participating in the CPC project since 1996 through the joint venture Rosneft Shell Caspian Ventures Ltd. (share in the project - 7.5%). The company owns 51% of the shares in the joint venture, Shell owns 49%.

Oil supplies under long-term contracts

In 2015, the Company continued to supply oil to Glencore, Vitol and Trafigura under contracts for the supply of Urals oil through the ports of Novorossiysk, Primorsk and Ust-Luga on an advance payment basis. These contracts are a stable long-term channel for the supply of oil, and the sales prices under these contracts correspond to the prices received by the Company at regular tenders.

During 2015, supplies under these contracts amounted to 14.68 million tons, including:

  • Glencore - 8.34 million tons;
  • Vitol - 4.60 million tons;
  • Trafigura - 1.74 million tons.

In 2015, the Company continued to supply oil to the China National Petroleum Corporation under previously concluded long-term contracts. The total volume of supplies to CNPC in 2015 amounted to 26.6 million tons, including 7 million tons in transit through the territory of the Republic of Kazakhstan.

In 2015, supplies to BP Oil International Limited continued under a long-term contract on an advance payment basis, which provides for export supplies of petroleum products with the possibility of substitution with oil for 5 years. During the year, 1.3 million tons of fuel oil and 0.6 million tons of oil were supplied under this contract.

Expanding cooperation in oil and petroleum products trading

In June 2015, OJSC NK Rosneft and the China National Chemical Corporation (ChemChina) signed a direct contract for the supply of oil to Chinese company. The contract provides for the supply of ESPO grade oil in a volume of up to 2.4 million tons per year until July 2016.

As part of the BRICS summit, held in Ufa in July 2015, Rosneft and the Indian company ESSAR signed a long-term contract for the supply of oil for subsequent refining at the Vadinar refinery (India). The document was signed in continuation of the agreements reached during the visit of Russian President Vladimir Putin to India in 2014, and provides for the supply of a total of 100 million tons of oil over 10 years.

Sales of petroleum products

The company significantly increased sales volumes of petroleum products for export - up to 61.5 million tons in 2015 (2014 - 57.6 million tons).

In 2015 it was implemented successful implementation petroleum fuel (VGO), which is produced at the Komsomolsk, Angarsk and Tuapse refineries. This made it possible to expand the range of petroleum products supplied by the Company to foreign markets, including the markets of the Asia-Pacific region.

Successful negotiations were held with key buyers in the Mongolian market on the terms of contracts for the annual period 2015–2016, as a result of which agreements were reached to maintain price formulas and volumes at the level of at least 2014. Thus, in 2015, there were 777 thousand tons of gasoline, diesel, fuel oil and kerosene were supplied (24% more than 2014 volumes), which allowed the Company to increase its presence in the Mongolia market to 80%. All contracts are concluded on the basis of the purchase of minimum monthly volumes.

Petroleum products sales structure, million tons

Sales of petroleum products on the domestic market

The volume of sales of the Company's petroleum products on the Russian domestic market in 2015 amounted to 29.7 million tons (2014 - 31.5 million tons).

OJSC NK Rosneft is the largest exchange-traded seller of motor fuels in the Russian Federation. In 2015, the Company actively participated in the sale of petroleum products through the exchange channel, while maintaining sales efficiency compared to alternative export channels. The share of the Company’s sales from the total volume of exchange sales in 2015 increased relative to 2014 for motor gasoline by 4% and amounted to 30.1%, for diesel fuel by 4% and amounted to 35.4%. The company exceeds the volume standards for sales on the stock exchange, approved by a joint order of the Federal Antimonopoly Service of Russia and the Ministry of Energy of Russia dated January 12, 2015. Thus, according to the results of 2015, 18.2% of the production volume of motor gasoline, 10.4% of diesel fuel, 15.4% of kerosene and 3.1% of fuel oil were sold on the exchange with established standards of 10%, 5%, 10% and 2 % respectively.

In accordance with the Policy of OJSC NK Rosneft, meeting the needs of federal customers for petroleum products is a priority area of ​​the Company’s activities. In 2015, the needs of military units of the Russian Ministry of Defense stationed in the Central and Eastern Military Districts, as well as units of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, the Ministry of Emergency Situations and the FSB of Russia were fully met. In the course of expanding cooperation with federal clients
in 2015, by decree of the Government of the Russian Federation, the Company was determined sole supplier motor fuels for more than 50 structural divisions investigative authorities. Work in this direction with other federal customers will continue in 2016.

Sales of petroleum products on the domestic market, million tons

Sales of petroleum products in neighboring countries

In 2015, the Company continued to provide a stable and uninterrupted supply to the Armenian market in the amount of 60% of the country's demand, using tanker and ferry logistics.
Based on the results of the year, 169 thousand tons of high-quality gasoline and diesel fuel produced by the Company’s Russian refineries were supplied to the market. In addition, a purchase and sale agreement was signed for a 100% stake in Petrol Market LLC, which owns a network of 22 gas stations and 3 oil depots (including the oil depot facility of the ABIT LLC bitumen plant).

In addition, OJSC NK Rosneft supplies gasoline and diesel fuel to the Kyrgyz Republic, to its subsidiary sales enterprise CJSC Bishkek oil company", for further sale through our own network of gas stations, as well as wholesale. The total volume of petroleum products supplied in 2015 amounted to 54 thousand tons. The company managed to increase the volume of supplies to the Republic of Kyrgyzstan, the assets of which were acquired at the end of 2014. This made it possible to significantly expand its presence in the retail petroleum products supply market of the Republic of Kyrgyzstan - market share is occupied in Bishkek about 30 %.

Despite the difficult political and economic situation in Ukraine, the Company continued to supply petroleum products in order to meet the demand of Ukrainian consumers. The volume of supplies of petroleum products by the Company to Ukraine in 2015 amounted to 123 thousand tons.

The company continues to actively work to expand the international geography of its activities and diversify supply routes. During 2015, supplies to its own retail network in Georgia began, and preparatory work was carried out to implement new trading and logistics business opportunities for the joint venture based on the assets of the holding company Petrocas Energy International Limited, 49% of whose shares were acquired at the end of 2014. Thus, in 2015, long-term contracts were signed for the supply of diesel fuel produced by OJSC NK Rosneft with the largest European end consumers - Mabanaft GmbH & Co. KG. and Motor Oil Hellas.

Fuel quality control at all
stages - from production to refueling

Gas sales

16 %

The Company's share in the domestic gas market at the end of 2015.

~35 %

trading volume was provided by the Company on the St. Petersburg International Exchange Exchange platform

The company supplies natural, dry stripped and associated petroleum gas to consumers of the Russian Federation. Associated petroleum gas is supplied to the Company’s own processing plants (GPPs), as well as to gas processing complexes of PJSC SIBUR Holding. Natural and dry stripped gas are supplied to consumers through the gas transmission system of PJSC Gazprom under a gas transportation agreement. Natural and dry stripped gas is supplied to both end consumers and regional sales companies in almost 40 regions.

The long-term development strategy of OJSC NK Rosneft provides for the Company to occupy a leading position among independent gas suppliers in the domestic market of the Russian Federation.

In the absence of the opportunity to export gas through gas pipelines, the Company is developing trading competencies and finding options for optimizing supplies in the domestic market in order to maximize profits.

In conditions of increasing competition for consumers, the main strategic goal in the field of monetization of the Company's gas resources is to ensure guaranteed sales of growing gas production volumes by concluding long-term supply agreements with the largest solvent consumers. Thus, in 2015, the following long-term contracts were concluded with the Company’s current consumers:

  • long-term agreement with JSC E. ON Russia" with a total volume of 4.4 billion cubic meters. m of gas for a period of 5 years;
  • long-term agreement for the supply of gas to Evraz Group enterprises with a total volume of 14 billion cubic meters. m for a period of 10 years.

At the end of 2015, the volume of gas sales by Rosneft OJSC on the domestic market amounted to 58.03 billion cubic meters. m, including Western Siberia and the Ural Federal District - 31.13 billion cubic meters. m, in the South of Russia - 2.69 billion cubic meters. m, on Far East- 0.78 billion cubic meters m, in the European part of Russia and other regions - 23.43 billion cubic meters. m.

IN Sverdlovsk region The company provided about 87% of the region's gas needs, delivering to both industrial and social consumers.

The increase in sales volumes in 2015 compared to 2014 was due to the start of supplies under new contracts concluded in 2014. The growth was accompanied by an increase in the average sales price by 8.1%, including due to the indexation of gas prices on the domestic market RF. In June 2015, the Federal Tariff Service of Russia (from July 21, 2015 - FAS) made a decision to increase wholesale prices for gas from July 1 of this year by 7.5%, and transportation tariffs for independent producers by main gas pipelines- by 2% on average in the Russian Federation, which contributed to increasing the efficiency of the Company’s gas sales, including to distant supply regions. During 2015, OJSC NK Rosneft took an active part in the development of exchange trading natural gas on the site of the St. Petersburg International Commodity and Raw Materials Exchange CJSC, launched in October 2014, which made it possible to support the development of the exchange as a tool for the rapid sale of gas and ensure trading liquidity.

In 2015, the Company participated in gas trading at three balance points (Nadym CS, YuzhnoBalykskaya CS and Vyngapurovskaya CS) with gas delivery for the next month. At the end of the year, the Company’s share in the total volume of gas sold on the exchange platform to consumers was about 35% (2.4 billion cubic meters).

The company contributed to the launch of a new tool - day-ahead deliveries, which was launched in October 2015 and will allow bidders, among other things, to optimize uneven gas consumption.

Retail sales

As of the end of 2015, the geography of the Company's retail business covered
59 regions of Russia, from Murmansk in the north to the North Caucasus in the south and from Smolensk in the west to Sakhalin in the east. In addition, the Company has retail assets in Abkhazia, Ukraine, Belarus, Kyrgyzstan and Armenia.

As of December 31, 2015, the Company’s network of operating gas stations included 2,557 owned and leased stations, including 194 gas stations in Ukraine, the Republic of Belarus, Abkhazia and Kyrgyzstan. Owned and leased gas stations had 1,819 shops, 691 cafes and 174 car washes. At 80 gas stations there were minor repair stations and Maintenance cars.

As of December 31, 2015, the Company's marketing subsidiaries had 135 operating oil storage facilities with a total capacity of 2.6 million cubic meters. m. The company conducts Full time job to optimize and improve the efficiency of oil tank farms. During 2015, 9 oil depots were closed that did not meet the technical and operational requirements of the Company, with low turnover and high unit costs. At the remaining oil depots, measures are being taken to automate and modernize them. These measures are aimed at reducing the risk of oil product losses and increasing the industrial and environmental safety of these oil depots.

The company's own fuel tanker fleet includes about 1,000 tankers. The company is taking measures to reduce operating costs for the delivery of petroleum products by fuel trucks, including by optimizing logistics.

The main directions of development of the retail business in 2015 were increasing the efficiency of indicators both by income and expense methods, including, on the one hand, the development of related business and small wholesale sales, and on the other, the optimization of operating costs and expenses.

As part of expanding the non-fuel offer for the Company's clients, the number of gas stations with cafes has been increased. In order to provide customers with a level of service based on the highest international service standards, partnership projects are being developed with the Italian companies Pirelli and Autogrill.

For the convenience of our clients, websites for retail ( and small wholesale ( business have been launched, as well as mobile app"Rosneft".

The volume of retail sales of petroleum products in 2015 amounted to 10.9 million tons, while sales of petroleum products at 1 gas station averaged 11.7 tons per day. The Company's retail business demonstrates stable results against the backdrop of a general decline retail market petroleum products in the Russian Federation, ensuring that the sales volumes of petroleum products at 1 gas station in the Russian Federation remain at the 2014 level.

At retail the Company sells gasoline, diesel fuel, packaged oils and liquefied gases.

Sales of petrochemical products

In 2015, OJSC NK Rosneft sold 3.2 million tons of petrochemical products, which is 3% higher than the same figure last year. This volume includes 2.2 million tons of petrochemical products sold abroad (including 2 million tons produced at the plants of the joint venture Ruhr Oel GmbH), and 1 million tons on the domestic market. In the fourth quarter of 2015, annual tenders were held for the sale of the Company's petrochemical products in the amount of 1 million tons, which makes it possible to evenly distribute the sales volumes of petrochemical products and establish long-term relationships with customers.

In 2015, about 80% of petrochemical products were sold through tenders and contracts with a formula price.

A significant event that influenced the development of the petrochemical business in 2015 was the integration of OJSC NK Rosneft with CJSC Novokuybyshevsk Petrochemical Company, as a result of which the Company became the third largest producer liquefied petroleum gas in Russia.


Aviation refueling business

Rosneft occupies a leading position in the Russian jet fuel market with a share of about 32%, which is ensured through the sale of aviation fuel through 20 controlled refueling complexes and 19 partner refueling complexes.

The company expanded the volume of supplies of jet fuel to airlines by signing agreements to extend refueling stations and attract them to new airports (Aeroflot, S7 Group, Ural Airlines OJSC, Asiana, Korean Air, Polar Airlines OJSC, LLC "I Fly", JSC "AK "Saratov Airlines", LLC "AP "Severstal"). As a result, the share of jet fuel sales to airlines in 2015 increased by 1% compared to
since 2014 and amounted to 65%.

As part of the project to reach international market aviation fuel supply The company began supplies to the key player in the aviation fuel supply market of Kazakhstan, KazMunayGasAero LLP. A large wholesale contract was concluded with Magnay Trade LLC for the supply of aviation kerosene to Mongolia. Agreements were signed with major international resource suppliers: Shell, WFS and Air BP, agreements of intent with one of the largest German refueling operators - AFS GmbH - for refueling the Company's clients at the largest airports in Germany and with the Vietnamese fuel company Petrolimex.

However, as a result of a decrease in purchasing power and, as a consequence, a decrease in the volume of transportation in the Russian Federation, the sales volume of jet fuel in 2015 decreased by 5.9% compared to 2014.

Rosneft is the market leader
aviation fuel

Bunkering business

The activities of OJSC NK Rosneft in the bunkering business cover all the main sea and river bunkering ports in Russia and a number of foreign destinations. The volume of bunker fuel sales decreased by 25%, to 3 million tons, in 2015 compared to 2014 due to the redistribution of fuel oil volumes for export due to changes in the price environment and a reduction in export duties from January 1, 2015.

In 2015, initiatives were implemented to maintain and expand the Company’s presence in the bunkering market, including:

  • The product line of bunker fuels has been expanded due to the launch of production at the Company's refineries of two types of distillate fuel DMF-I (at ANKhK, RNPK, Komsomolsk Refinery) and DMF-III (at ANKhK, Komsomolsk Refinery), as well as the following types of marine residual fuel - RMG380 ( ANHK, Komsomolsk Oil Refinery), RMG500 (ANHK, Komsomolsk Oil Refinery), RMG700 (ANHK), which fully meet the bunker fuel quality requirements for international standards;
  • export supplies of marine fuel for bunkering of fishing vessels in fishing areas in the North Pacific Ocean were carried out;
  • the volume of sales of bunker fuel on the rivers of the Volga-Don basin, the Siberian Federal District and the Khabarovsk Territory was increased to 477 thousand tons in 2015, which is 12% higher than the same indicator in 2014.

Sales of bitumen products

Volume of sales bituminous materials in 2015 decreased by 13% compared to 2014 and amounted to 1.8 million tons. The decrease is due to a reduction in bitumen production volumes in favor of an increase in fuel oil production due to changes in the price environment.

On the domestic market in reporting period 97% of total sales were sold.

In 2015, in addition to existing export destinations (Mongolia, Armenia, Ukraine, Belarus), export shipments were organized to the Baltic countries and Kyrgyzstan.

Sales of lubricants

Total volume of product sales lubricants The company's sales in 2015 amounted to 779 thousand tons, which is 6% higher than the sales volume in 2014. At the same time, 457 thousand tons were sold on the domestic market (59% of the total volume).

The volume of sales of premium oils in the reporting period amounted to 55 thousand tons, which is 14% higher than the same indicator in 2014 (48 thousand tons).

In 2015, a number of initiatives were implemented to expand the Company’s presence in the oil market, including:

  • as part of expanding the geography of sales abroad, representative offices were opened in Kazakhstan, China and Turkey;
  • agreements have been reached and work is underway to replace imports with the Company’s oils in more than 80 large enterprises RF;
  • 7 strategic agreements on partnership in the field of petroleum product supply were concluded with largest companies RF;
  • a program was launched to develop sales of the Company’s lubricants at official AvtoVAZ service stations;
  • a large-scale advertising campaign on promotion motor oils Companies in Russia, the Republic of Belarus and the Republic of Kazakhstan, including TV, radio, Internet, outdoor advertising and advertising in the press;
  • range expanded, sales launched new products: Rosneft Plastex line of premium lubricants; ash-free all-season hydraulic oils Gidrotec ZF HVLP; hydraulic oils for operation in equipment with high degree wear wear Gidrotec OE HLP and Gidrotec OE HVLP; specialized electrical insulating oil MEI-20.

Production planning and logistics

Main results of activities in 2015:

  • The Company's oil and petroleum product shipment plan has been completed.
  • The refinery's production program and directions for selling petroleum products were optimized as part of the monthly formation of production plans and balances for the distribution of petroleum products.
  • The cost of renting tank cars has been reduced, railway costs have been reduced by organizing direct dispatch routes on the railway and monitoring the loading level of tank cars through thermal imaging monitoring.
  • New effective logistics channels for the sale of oil and petroleum products were organized and existing channels were optimized: oil shipment by rail to China in transit through Mongolia from the Meget shipping point, transshipment of VGO in Tuapse and Vanino, transshipment of fuel oil in the port of Slavyanka, multimodal scheme for export shipments of VGO through the terminal in Nizhnekamsk, reduction in the cost of transshipment in the port of Taman and ports of Estonia.
  • In conditions of an unfavorable hydrological situation, a business plan for river transportation was carried out. A river transportation scheme has been organized using barge tug trains, transshipments and loadings on the roadsteads of Volgograd and the lower Don.
  • A record was reached for transshipment volumes at the Company's terminal in Tuapse (16.3 million tons).
  • The transaction to acquire the shipping assets of Prime Shipping LLC has been completed. The acquisition of a logistics asset with a modern and safe fleet will allow the Company to strengthen its position in the river transportation market and increase the efficiency of its operating activities.
  • Increased shipment of motor fuels by motor transport (instead of railway) from the Company's refineries directly to gas stations, bypassing oil depots, over short and medium distances, which allowed the Company to achieve savings in transportation costs.

Logistics infrastructure facilities of the Company

25 million tons

petroleum products - volume of transshipment through the Company’s terminals

8.6 million tons

petroleum products - volume of transshipment through the new deep-water berth in Tuapse

Petroleum products transshipment terminal of JSC RN-Nakhodkanefteprodukt

The terminal is used mainly for the export of petroleum products produced by the Komsomolsk Oil Refinery, the Angarsk Petrochemical Company, and the Achinsk Oil Refinery. The terminal is also used for transshipment of petroleum products to the domestic market for the Magadan, Kamchatka regions and on the island. Sakhalin. Transshipment capacity is up to 7.5 million tons of petroleum products per year.
The terminal is implementing a program for the reconstruction of production assets, aimed at bringing them into compliance with new industrial, environmental and fire safety.
In 2015, investments continue to be made at the terminal for the reconstruction of the tank farm, process pipelines and utility networks. In 2015, the volume of transshipment of the Company’s petroleum products through the Nakhodka terminal (including bunkering for export and the domestic market) amounted to 6.8 million tons.

Terminal for transshipment of petroleum products LLC RN-Arkhangelsknefteprodukt

The terminal transships petroleum products of the Company and third parties for export,
and also provides bunker fuel transshipment services. In 2015, the volume of petroleum products transshipment (including bunkering) through the terminal amounted to 1.9 million tons. Since 2014
The terminal continues to implement a program for the reconstruction of production assets, aimed at improving their industrial, environmental and fire safety.

Petroleum products transshipment terminal LLC RN-Tuapsenefteprodukt

The capacity of the terminal, located in close proximity to the Tuapse Oil Refinery, is 17 million tons per year. The terminal is used mainly for the export of petroleum products produced at the Company's Tuapse, Achinsk and Samara refineries. The terminal is implementing a program for the reconstruction of production assets, aimed at bringing them into compliance with new industrial, environmental and fire safety requirements and joint development of production capacities with the Tuapse Refinery to ensure future cargo turnover. In 2015, the technical re-equipment of the truck loading area was completed and reconstruction continued technological equipment on the berths of the oil district of the commercial port and utility networks, construction of treatment facilities. In 2015, the volume of transshipment of the Company's petroleum products through the Tuapse terminal (including bunkering for export and the domestic market) amounted to 13.8 million tons, and taking into account the transshipment of petroleum products from third-party producers - 16.3 million tons, including transshipment through the new deep-water berth 8.6 million tons of petroleum products.

RN-Nakhodkanefteprodukt terminal provides
transshipment of petroleum products in the Far East

Key achievements:

Complete transition to the production of only Euro-5 class gasoline and diesel fuel for the Russian market.

As part of the ongoing modernization program:

  • isomerization units were put into operation at the Kuibyshev Oil Refinery, Novokuibyshev Oil Refinery and Ryazan Oil Refinery;
  • reconstruction of catalytic reformers was carried out at the Syzran Refinery and Kuibyshev Refinery;
  • The construction of an MTBE unit at the Angarsk Petrochemical Plant was completed.

Key achievements:

  • Oil supplies in the eastern direction increased by 18.5%, to 39.7 million tons
    in 2015
  • Oil supplies to China amounted to 30.2 million tons, an increase of 21%.
  • Under long-term contracts, the volume of supplies to China increased by 18%, to 26.6 million tons.

Priorities of activity in 2016:

The Company's absolute priorities are increasing transportation efficiency, optimizing shipment patterns and reducing costs for the Company. In 2016, the Company will continue to implement measures aimed at achieving these goals:

  • Further optimization production programs Refineries and sales of petroleum products in the most profitable directions;
  • Development and implementation of a program for the accumulation of motor fuels in order to provide motor gasoline during periods of increased demand;
  • Reducing logistics costs when transporting products various types transport, cost optimization of the Company’s own logistics assets;
  • Organization of new efficient logistics schemes, for example, reloading the Company’s refineries with “light” oil through delivery by rail and water transport;
  • Effective contracting of the fleet for the implementation of the Company’s river oil export program during the 2016 navigation period in the context of the expected unfavorable hydrological conditions.