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As a student I was looking for a job. How to find your first job as a full-time student

To begin with, you need to pay attention to the fact that this category of those wishing to find a job can devote work time not very much in large quantities. Therefore, there may not be big earnings, but you can still earn money.

A more common way of earning money for older students is to work as a promoter, or in other words, a distributor. This work mainly consists of visiting institutions, enterprises, organizations, and individuals offering products from different companies. You have the ability to attract the attention of your interlocutors and interest them, then this job is suitable for you.

Working as a courier is often in demand among young people. You can find such work in organizations that sell equipment, representative offices of online stores; for a courier, knowledge of the area and transport routes is important.

One of the opportunities to earn extra money is to get a job as a waiter or bartender. Often this work involves working in the evening and even at night, which can negatively affect educational process. Also, to work in these professions, a health certificate is often required, obtaining which is a labor-intensive process.

Earnings using physical labor. At repair shops construction sites Often, auxiliary workers are in demand to perform simple operations that require certain physical skills. This type of work is more suitable for young men.

Knowing how to use a computer can also be helpful in your job search.

Often in demand are both simple typists and specialists who can work as graphics and media editors, not to mention those who have knowledge in programming. Moreover, such work can be either one-time or permanent. You can try yourself in the SEO niche and take on website promotion. But this work is not as simple as it might seem. You need experience and knowledge of the principles of search engine ranking of websites.

There are many employment options. It is important to remember that when looking for a job, the main thing is desire, determination, perseverance, and then the result will not keep you waiting long.

As a rule, a student looks for a job in two cases: either simply for the sake of money, or to get some other practice related to his profession.

In the first case, finding a job is not so difficult. The main thing you need to decide is the field of activity in which you would like to work. The most common types of work among students are waiters, bartenders, promoters (distributing leaflets and conducting promotions), couriers, posting advertisements, freelance employees of call centers (by phone or providing assistance by phone), many are engaged in the distribution of goods ( cosmetics, perfume, watches or clothes, as well as Appliances. Less common are loaders, taxi drivers, cashiers, salespeople, trainers (aerobics, for example), and merchandisers.

I note that most of the listed jobs are classified as professions “without social training.” As a rule, when combined with study, these types of work do not bring a lot of income, but they are suitable as pocket money. An exception may be the work of a waiter or bartender, since in decent places they leave good tips, but as a rule, the schedule is quite strict.

Finally, you got the call and you were invited for an interview. Your dream job is so close, the last obstacle remains - . How can you beat all your competitors and convince the employer that you are the person who will do this job best? Here are some tips to help you cope with this difficult task:

  1. Get ready . Don't be lazy, fill it out properly. It is also advisable to write on a piece of paper questions that you may be asked. Questions can be searched on various sites. Once the list of questions is ready, think about the answers to them. It is possible that some questions will be asked during the interview.
  2. Appearance. Maybe I will say a banal thing, but come in clean and tidy clothes. Well, of course, don't forget to clean your shoes. It is advisable that your outfit be stylish and relevant. If you don’t know what to wear, choose a classic suit. It will always be fashionable, stylish and relevant.
  3. Tell the truth . As you know, lying is no good. Think about it, would you hire a liar? I think no.
  4. Know how to prove what you said . A strong interlocutor is one who can prove everything said and argue. No employer has ever liked empty words.
  5. Confidence . An interview is always stressful. Don't be afraid to admit that you don't know how to do something, but say that you are a fast learner. An anecdote can defuse a tense situation; smile more often, they love optimists. For example, if you are interviewing for a realtor, show that you understand what direction the market is going now, that real estate sales are currently on the rise.

The most important thing is to always be prepared if you are rejected. Don't think that you are like that bad specialist, that's why you were rejected. Perhaps you are too good specialist for this work. The employer is afraid to hire you, knowing that they will not be able to offer growth in the future. Perhaps the employer did not understand you.

Some employers like to ask provocative questions in order to find out your mental state. Always keep your emotions to yourself, not to sports. I hope these tips will help you successfully pass the interview and get the job. Good luck.

Simple rules for a successful interview

Some are very useful tips:

  • First of all, try to introduce yourself politely and smile when starting the interview.
    Be polite and make sure to turn off your mobile phone in advance.
  • Wait until the interlocutor starts the conversation first, and carefully ensure that your answers to the questions asked are adequate and correct - without using excessive gestures or nervous movements.
  • It is very important to tune your interlocutor psychologically, to tune him into the same wavelength as you - this is expressed in an involuntary, easy imitation of his gestures. This is a mirror reflection effect that works very accurately.
  • You should not overload the interviewer with stories about your problems and it is advisable to avoid sensitive topics - political views, attitudes towards sex, religion, criticism of former superiors and other inappropriate topics that are not relevant to the case.
  • Think about your answer for a short time, but don’t answer without thinking first.
  • In response to a tricky question about your main shortcomings, it would be wiser to choose one that is not very noticeable.
  • Be vigilant and prepared for personal questions - your future employer has the right to know whether your family situation will affect your future productivity.
    To a simple question about your future salary, say a real, not a fictitious amount.
  • Don’t be passive during the interview: You have the right to ask about the work schedule, probationary period, company activities, salary, social package. The more information you take during the interview about your future work, the higher the probability of making the right choice.
  • Concentrate on the question being asked and answer easily and naturally. You shouldn't ask a question just to have one. It is better to clarify questions regarding planned positions and areas of responsibility during the interview first. The salary level is usually discussed after the main tasks are fully agreed upon.
    Listen carefully to your interlocutor.
  • Don't make premature predictions about the interview results.
  • Both positive and negative attitudes make it difficult to be a smart negotiator.
  • Be sure to believe in yourself and your talents! Even if you yourself don’t believe in your worth, no one can believe you, even if you have a special gift for what you do.

How to find a job in Moscow - what awaits nonresident students in the capital?

At first glance, finding a job in the capital seems impossible. This occupation really turns out to be difficult for people who are not qualified or do not want to work. For job seekers with perseverance, dedication and professionalism, work can be found quickly.

You can get a job in both a private and public institution.

People with blue-collar skills can easily find jobs in manufacturing based on advertisements. state enterprises, cargo or public transport. Qualified specialists with cargo transportation skills who arrived in the capital are engaged in road transportation of cargo in various volumes, dangerous, oversized cargo within the country and abroad.

Specialists are attracted to the capital by stable salaries that exceed pay in the provinces.

Those who cannot get a job at state-owned enterprises find work with private entrepreneurs. People who do not have a profession also try to find employment in the private sector of the economy.

Private organizations hire general workers, loaders, security guards, waiters, and security guards. Private owners rarely comply labor Code. No paid vacations, sick pay. You have to save money by working your butt off and don’t forget to register with law enforcement agencies. There is also other additional income.

There are many vacancies in the private sector and non-residents can change to a better one in another profession that is not prestigious for Muscovites.

Applicants who have skills managerial work or foreign languages, can negotiate decent wages. Such categories manage to register legally as programmers, secretaries or translators with an entry in work book according to the labor code.

If you have the initial capital and the spirit of a businessman, you can open your own trading point or rent a container on the wholesale market and start retail trade. Your income will depend on the range and turnover of goods, relationships with law enforcement agencies.

How to write the theoretical part of a course work?

Another topic course work the student receives it at the beginning of the new semester. Everything immediately seems complicated and incomprehensible, and taking on new job I don't want to at all. However, it is necessary to cope with panic, since you will still have to go to defense and, of course, not empty-handed.


How can a student make an appointment with a doctor?

Students also get sick, so they periodically need medical help. You should not take various pills without permission; it is required individually consult with your doctor, determine the diagnosis and proceed to effective treatment, rather than superficial self-medication.


How can a student earn 100 thousand rubles?

Every student strives for financial independence, and I was in the same line. I wanted to live for my own pleasure, go to cafes, go to the gym and beauty salon, but you can’t get around much on a scholarship, especially not an increased one.


Is a poor student a lazy student?
The student was always poor: in the times of Belinsky, Lenin, and Brezhnev. Why is our generation worse? Of course, on a scholarship of 40 rubles it was still possible to live somehow (my parents even managed to get married), drink beer and even sometimes buy some sneakers and go to Dombay. But that's earlier. Now everything is bad with Stepukha. Especially in regions where she is also detained. But unlimited opportunities appeared and all thanks to the rampant wild capitalism.

What ways of applying talents and abilities have appeared in the modern pupil of Alma Mater? We conducted a small study, interviewed working students at Moscow State University, Higher School of Economics, Moscow State Pedagogical University, Bauman Moscow State Technical University, Textile Academy and Moscow Aviation Institute. We received information about the most popular vacancies for students from a Moscow recruitment agency.

Some preliminary remarks
A student will be able to work full time or at least on a flexible schedule only by the 4th year, if the studies are not evening. In this case, everything is generally simple - the form of education itself dictates how to get a full-time job and ensure your livelihood. But what should the “diaries” do???

Way up
It happens that the shortest and easy way to a successful career - communication with teachers and professors. They are your potential employers; as a rule, they see the student in action, know him at work, and assume what can be expected from him. It is especially important to collaborate with your supervisor in order to get a job in your specialty today, even while studying as a full-time student. I have succeeded in this more than once. Political scientists, sociologists, economists, lawyers - and students of all other professions that involve “practice” should take every opportunity to work in a research center or government agencies, even if you don’t get a penny for it. But the first step - starting to work - is the most difficult and necessary. If you don't do it on time, you can end up in a vicious circle, like many of my classmates. By the end of the fifth year, they did not know where they would work or what they would do. Those who were forced to work part-time while studying found themselves stuck. At least they had a choice.

Employer's opinion:
The director of a very famous political center answers: The main problem of today's students is laziness and reluctance to work for free at first. Many, many times I offered low-paid jobs to guys, and those who agreed underwent some kind of testing. Having seen them in action, I lobbied them to other institutes and centers. So a poor student is truly a lazy student.
There are circumstances that may complicate employment:
- Labor Code
- Strict study schedule and attendance requirements
- Lack of necessary equipment and communications (for example, no telephone)
- Registration. This issue is relevant in Moscow and St. Petersburg.

Summer, summer warmed by the sun...
Of course, we can’t help but mention summer work, both in Russia and overseas. On the Internet or in the magazine “Education Abroad” you will find a lot of organizations involved in exchanges and summer employment. Abroad, you can live with a family, engage in babysitting, teach a language (mostly Russian), and collect vegetables and fruits. In Russia, many employees go on vacation in the summer, and then publishing houses major campaigns hire students for temporary part-time work. Often the nosy ones stay there. At least the employer will know about you, the head of the HR department will keep it in mind next time. And you can save a lot of money in three months.


Baby sitter or mustachioed nanny
Personally, I wouldn’t trust my baby to a student. Probably, this is a prejudice, because until recently I myself did not have a child. And one day my little nephew tore up my passport and ran into the bathroom to immediately drink ACYU. Lucky: it was without chlorine. I will not give my child into the hands of the young, only to his grandmother. But it also happens differently: young people are trusted, considered advanced teachers and paid well. And they drive off to the restaurant.
By the way, you can walk the owner’s dogs with your children and charge double the fee. Nanny pays pretty well. BUT remember, dear students, that you MUST LOVE CHILDREN VERY MUCH in order to tolerate their sweet presence.
Fitness, skiing, aerobics instructor
If you are athletic and do skiing and aerobics regularly, you have your own technique or “class”, come to numerous sports clubs: a very convenient schedule, a combination of the pleasant (the sport that makes you happy) and the useful (payment for it). Look for a list of all sports institutions in the magazines “Afisha” and “Leisure”.
If you have completed or completed medical school or are currently studying at a medical school, try to get a massage therapist certificate. You can work part-time at home or get a job in a salon. A manual therapy session costs from 100 to 400 rubles, depending on the qualifications of the massage therapist and the client’s wallet.


Consultants, sellers.
The application field is very broad: from the market to the salon cellular communications and cars. Sellers of household appliances and cell phones. In the market, salaries are more modest, it all depends on the owner - there is a chance of being deceived. Sellers of ice cream, newspapers, equipment - usually related to weather conditions, bring in little money.
My sister and I got a job with Georgians in grocery store. No matter how much they weighed it, when recalculating it came out “minus”. And when the boss said: “That’s it, girls, I’ll give you a ride home today” in a white sports Ferrari, we decided “We’ve had enough!” They barely made it.
Stock market trader (internship)
Typically, working on the stock exchange is suitable for economics students. The internship lasts from a month to three, there is a chance to gain an additional specialty and improve your financial situation. Look for vacancies through acquaintances or on advertisement sites, but not in the section on work for students.
Sales Manager
The requirements are the same as for sellers: the ability to competently sell products, but in large quantities and in groups of five. It’s a good idea to acquire your own client base, expand your social circle and find... a suitable job in your specialty. The salary is usually a percentage of the transaction, but there is also a salary. The company loves its students.


Secretary-assistant, reception
In my fourth year, I managed to work as a secretary for $150 a month. I think that this is also a good way to get to know the organization you are interested in from the inside, and promotion is often possible. Does this interfere with your studies? Yes, because usually the working day is from 14 to 21 or from 13 to 20.
Presentations are often held at exhibitions, in stores and on the street. For this purpose, young students, tall and not very tall, are attracted. This thing is called “proba-girl”. You must be able to offer cigarettes, perfumes, cheeses and everything else. You can earn 100-300 rubles at a time. I tried to sell cheeses, it is very easy and can be fun. However, they didn’t take me to exhibitions: I wasn’t tall enough! Look for advertisements on the Internet, on student websites and in newspapers free ads in the “work for students” section.
Waiter - vacancies come across in newspaper advertisements, in addition to a salary of at least $100 in Moscow, there is a chance to get tips, although for some reason it is not customary to pay them in Russia. A type of such “night work” is a big drawback - a bartender.
Stas, student of the Faculty of Philosophy of Moscow State University:
I worked as a bartender throughout my first year: every other day or two. A lot of drinks, women, cigarettes and... money. I was very rich compared to my friends, I furnished the whole house with appliances, but... I drank a lot. I had to leave: I almost flew out of the University and ruined my health
For girls, working as a waitress can be dangerous: they have to return home at 2-3-4 o'clock in the morning, sometimes from a remote area. To get a job as a waiter or bartender, go around to cool clubs and talk to the manager, they probably have open vacancies.
Sergey, MIREA graduate:

the whole group was doing “hack work” - a truck or train arrived that needed to be urgently unloaded. They paid me so much that I completely dressed in jeans, which were fashionable at that time, and bought myself some furniture. We all looked for orders together, came to companies, and then recruited a whole database. By the way, this is how I got my permanent job, not as a loader, of course.


Paging operator
A necessary condition is shift work, sometimes during the school day. In addition, it is better to have a pleasant voice, good diction and fast typing speed. To do this, download a regular keyboard simulator from, drum for a couple of weeks, and you will learn to type 200 characters per minute. By the way, it helps a lot in working on coursework and diplomas. The operator's earnings are small - on average 80 dollars, this is due to progress - pagers are dying out as cellular communications become cheaper.


Public Works
These include various cleaning of leaves, painting of fences. Suitable when there is no money at all, because they pay little. Where are they distributed? In the trade union committees of your university.

ON FOOT! Feed the wolf's feet

Many types of grinding involve legwork. If you have more than enough energy, don’t suffer from radiculitis, have a travel card and a desire to earn extra money, then there are many offers here. But almost all of them are labor-intensive, take a lot of effort, and... bring in little money. But still enough for books.

Couriers are needed everywhere: in a travel agency, in a powerful newspaper, in an online store. There are special delivery services: in various stores, postal services, subscription at home. The salary cap is $200, in a very good scenario. Usually you get 15-20 rubles for one trip. 2-3 departures per evening, and 60 rubles in your pocket.

Advertisement Poster
Usually pensioners do this; the work is dusty, that is, sticky. In the summer it can even bring pleasure, but in the winter there is frost and sun, your hands are cold, the weather whispers “and these pennies were given to you.” At any stop there are these same advertisements looking for posters. Rip to your heart's content and call. The arithmetic is simple: there will be no free money here, you will get 40-50 dollars for hard work. But you can sleep during lectures.
Marketing research
The task is simple: go around street vendors and tent vendors, find out prices, write it all down in a notebook. They pay 100 American money a month for this. In principle, it’s easier than coating pillars and stops with glue. And there is no penalty for “posting in the wrong place.”
VTsIOM, FOM, ROMIR - these are your potential employers. I liked this kind of work, despite the November mud and crisp snow. You cheerfully hand out questionnaires and conduct interviews. It’s especially fun when you’re young and beautiful - a pleasant way to meet native Muscovites of the same age. The money for two weeks of work was enough for my friend and I to have lunch at Delhi-France, which, you see, is not so little. About 20-30 dollars. There are a lot of such sociological and pseudo-sociological firms that appear during elections, so don’t miss the distribution of elephants. There are two problems: the time limit is from 18 to 22, the reluctance of respondents to open the door to strangers.
Signature Collector
You will have to do the same thing, plus campaign for the deputy. Sometimes you don't have the courage to do this. Our experience in collecting signatures (a very lucrative business, depending on which headquarters you end up in) is fun and entertaining. We confused names and dates, organizations and people. Several times we almost got into fights with the residents if there was herring in the beer and they stuffed direct mail into boxes. A good training for people who lack self-confidence is to push an unwanted candidate onto people in the middle of dinner.


Tutoring is a universal way to earn extra money. Everyone does this - from undergraduate students to retirees. The requirements for tutors are different: some like young, some experienced teachers (teachers of Russian language and literature, foreign languages, mathematics, history, chemistry and physics are in demand). The fee for an hour for a tutor is 10-20 dollars, depending on the size of the wallet of the parents of the careless student. Difficulties are usually associated with the location of the classes: if your apartment is overcrowded or is in a state of permanent renovation, you will have to give up tutoring...
But you can come to the students yourself.
Abstracts, coursework, diploma projects
You can make money on nets or just busy people. You can write in any specialty, fortunately there is the Internet! Look for orders among classmates by posting advertisements on the walls of the university and near schools. The diploma costs at least 100 dollars, on average 250. Especially the graduation project. Coursework is cheaper, but also worth the money.


It would be a sin not to translate texts given your knowledge of the language and perfection of technology. All famous writers earned money as translations, but they didn’t have winlingvo. Take any translator program, type the text into it and correct computer errors. Payment for translations - per page: 1-5 dollars per sheet. Basically, technical translators are required, and not everyone can do this. To receive orders, place an advertisement in newspapers about work and online analogues. Don’t forget about the so-called “word of mouth”: a person who liked your translation will definitely recommend you to someone else. It is better to work with publishers directly if your language proficiency is high.
You are mistaken if you think that only journalism graduates work as journalists. The new media is full of qualified specialists who write articles. It turns out that they do it not much worse than the sharks of the pen... And sometimes much more professionally. If you consider yourself an IT specialist, feel free to contact Computerra, Info=Business, and Netoscope. They pay for articles from 5 to 20 dollars, depending on your luck.
Editor, proofreader
The next area of ​​application of your abilities: editing, proofreading - in a word, text manipulation. Proofreading - correcting punctuation and spelling errors. Editing is a more complex process: it can be technical, literary, or scientific. Sometimes you have to shorten the text, look for logical errors, and review. This type of activity was almost always remote, and the payment was piecework. The market is saturated with offers, since it is necessary to edit texts even with the advent of the Internet... To our joy. Proofreading is paid differently, from about 20 rubles per sheet. However, the work requires innate or acquired literacy, editing skills, attentiveness, accuracy and, as a rule, higher philological or editorial education. It is preferable to look for editorial vacancies in publishing houses or through the labor exchange.
Media monitoring
If you are good at processing information, then try to “monitor” the media (press, television or Internet), i.e. read newspapers, watch the news, highlighting the strategic line of events.
The main skills required for this activity: analytical thinking, the ability to express your thoughts in a literary manner and highlight the main thing.
Typing and scanning
Feel free to post recruitment advertisements near educational institutions in your city and wait for orders if you type “touch” A page costs about 4-5 rubles, it takes up to 5 minutes with excellent printing speed. Typing brings in income, but keep in mind that it is quite difficult to find orders in the fall and almost impossible in the summer, since the main customers are graduate students, dissertators and students. As the session approaches, the number of orders increases like an avalanche, and the payment is good. Among the disadvantages: costs for cartridges, a constantly working printer, flickering letters in the eyes, overwork.
If you have a scanner at home and you understand the text recognition program ABBYY FineReader, then you can get some “increase in pension” by scanning rare books or photographs. The difficulty is finding a customer.


Office applications
Another way to earn money is to teach “neophytes” how to work on a computer (initial skills in working with Windows, Word, Excel, Access, mastering programs: Photoshop, Adobe Illustrator). Emergency training is in particular demand on the eve of interviews, so it is better to post advertisements “urgent assistance in finding a job” near labor exchanges and recruiting agencies. Demand for data entry (Access) operators is high. The work is easy, if you know Access, otherwise, you can learn this from the help in the program itself or from a book. Preliminary familiarity with Excel spreadsheets will help you master this program faster. What will you need to do? Enter data received via email into a form or table. Send the results to the employer by mail, by telephone, dictation, or by fax. Payment, as usual, is piecework: 1 dollar - one entry. Such vacancies are published on many recruiting sites.
Web designer
Layout of pages, creating logos, developing entire websites is an excellent field of activity for born designers. Artemy Lebedev loves talented guys very much, so with an average degree of genius they will turn a blind eye to student status. A very profitable business.
Labor Code and us
Soon the Federal Assembly will wrap up all the readings and debates on the Labor Code, and then it will need to be carefully studied... In the meantime, those who have not turned 18 (which means first-year students) find it difficult to get a job, regardless of the form of study. The problem is that our Labor Code, like almost any normal Russian document, is incomplete, outdated, etc., and contains very vague formulations about “harmful production and heavy hazardous work.” There is talk of a ban on recruiting students and pregnant women, but there is no clear list of threats to their lives and the employer’s wallet. Hence the conclusion: a cautious boss will not hire you until you are 18 years old. What if the inspector thinks that working on a computer spoils your eyesight and is terribly harmful to a young, growing body???
In addition, it is impossible to get a job at a distillery or engage in activities related to the transportation of the green serpent.

As you can see, there is a vast expanse of activity before you. If you're lucky, you'll be able to get a job in your specialty or save up for a good additional education or vacation. Money makes a person free. Especially if he is YOUNG!!!

2 460 0 Hello! In the article you will find information about what work a student can do during school hours and during summer holidays, about options for online and offline earnings, about what methods are effective for employment.

Where can a full-time student work?

When starting work, a person must adhere to a certain schedule and labor regulations. But in the case of full-time students, the situation is somewhat different. You can’t skip classes, but work also requires presence, and here everything will depend on what kind of company it is and how you can come to an agreement with the bosses and teachers.

Therefore, a student’s employment during studies must be ensured in such a way that it minimally overlaps with the time of study, or so that the full-time student does not have to constantly be present at the workplace.

And here, when selecting a job, you should focus on the following parameters:

  • Part-time vacancies. Such vacancies are often found in the service sector. Sometimes even the schedule is variable, that is, one day you need to leave in the morning, and the next - in the afternoon. Some large companies They even position themselves as organizations where students can work.
  • Remote employment vacancies. Certain types of professions today do not require mandatory presence at the workplace. These are, for example, journalists, photographers, programmers, and working on the Internet.
  • Summer vacancies. Summer part-time work is the most common way for students to find employment. Working in the summer, you will not have to worry about missed classes and upcoming detention hours.
  • For students from the 3rd year and older, you can try searching vacancies by specialty, with an eye to further employment. If we can reach an agreement, this is an excellent option, since everything practical lessons it will be possible to work on this enterprise with real data, and not on fictitious companies.

Options for offline and online earnings for students

These types of earnings differ in that working online requires a computer and Internet access. These types of employment are often remote and have a fairly flexible schedule. But also the level wages significantly lower.

The most common options for making money on the Internet:

1. Surveys, paid comments, earnings on clicks and likes, etc. There are many such opportunities on the Internet, you can do this at any time, but the earnings there are very small; to earn a significant amount, you will have to constantly surf the Internet, answering many questions or filling out hundreds of questionnaires.

2. Writing and proofreading of various texts (copywriter, rewriter, editor, proofreader). To do this, you can try to become a performer on some text exchange, where thousands of texts are sold and bought every day. Income is also small, but larger and more stable than in the first option. In addition, after gaining some experience, you can try to get a job in one of the many resources that entertain their readers with news and various articles.

3 . Work using professional skills. If a student has any skills in a certain field, then you can try to make money on them. For example, if you have drawing skills, especially using graphics tablets and various special programs, you can try yourself as a designer. And guys with technical knowledge and programming skills can easily try their hand at web programming. There are also photographers and videographers who run their own channels on the Internet.

4 . Position in any Internet project:

  • smm manager;
  • Sales Manager;
  • operator;
  • social network group administrator;
  • Content manager;
  • online consultant;
  • information business assistant;
  • Web Designer;
  • editor, etc.

5 . Working on freelance exchanges. By becoming a member, you can perform various one-time tasks for customers (correct text, edit video, come up with a slogan, make changes to the website, etc.)

All types of offline work can be divided into the following categories:

  • Work for money. In this case, the student can get a job in any organization, and often such earning options do not coincide with his future profession. This happens when students, in search of a source of income, get jobs as couriers, sellers, loaders, waiters;
  • Work as an investment in the future. Working conditions and salary levels are sometimes unsatisfactory. But when a student gets a job, he motivates himself by the fact that this is an investment in the future, so that by the time he receives his diploma he will already have some practical experience in his specialty, the necessary contacts, and can easily get a good job, perhaps in the same company. For example, a future heating engineer working part-time as an assistant engineer in a company that provides heating and water supply services. Or a future teacher working in an educational center as a teacher.

In any case, working offline involves more effort, because, as a rule, in this case, presence in the office, live work with clients, and communication with work colleagues is required. Of the similar vacancies, the following can be recommended to a full-time student:

  • Sales Manager;
  • merchandiser;
  • call center operator;
  • Poster of advertisements;
  • promoter;
  • interviewer;
  • babysitter;
  • vacancies in the service sector: salesperson, waiter, bartender, administrator in a hotel, cafe or fitness center, etc.;
  • courier;
  • security guard.

It is worth remembering that the less qualified the job, the lower it is paid and the less it contributes to professional development. For example, vacancies such as a courier or an advertisement poster are more suitable for a first-year student than for a future university graduate.

How to look for a job as a student?

To find a job, you should use as many methods as possible and cover all information channels as much as possible:

  • Through friends. Ask your classmates, classmates and acquaintances about vacancies for students. Perhaps someone is already working and can recommend you to their superiors. In this case, the likelihood of employment will increase, since employers are not always willing to hire students unless it is their company policy. In addition, you can get useful tips and recommendations on which job options are best suited, how to combine work and study, etc.
  • In the Internet. Look for vacancies on job boards on the Internet. Today there are many of them, from ordinary to highly specialized ones, which offer only vacancies. Such boards have convenient filtering mechanisms with which you can select interesting vacancies.
  • Ads. Study advertisements on the doors of organizations and companies, especially in the service sector. Often on the door of a restaurant or cafe there is an advertisement that they are looking for an employee. If you find a job close to your place of study or home, you can save on long journeys from point A to point B.
  • Contact companies that are interesting. Select companies you would like to work for and study their websites; they may be looking for employees. But even if they don't currently have any openings, you can submit your resume. Some companies collect submitted resumes and then use them when a vacancy arises.
  • Work at a university. You can simply contact the head of the department or dean with a question: perhaps the university needs a methodologist or secretary. Then it will be even easier to combine work and study.
  • Content exchanges. If you plan to make money on the Internet by doing programming, design or copywriting, then you should use the services of many exchanges where such specialists post their portfolios.

Advantages and disadvantages of combining work and study

Working while studying has a number of advantages:

  1. Financial independence. This is exactly why many people start working.
  2. Professional experience, if you managed to get a job in a company close to your specialty. Everyone knows that obtaining a diploma does not miraculously open the doors of companies; employers are reluctant to hire employees without work experience.
  3. Self-organization skills. Since a working student exists in constant conditions of time pressure and the need to manage many things, he is forced to learn to use time rationally.
  4. Expansion of contacts. While studying, a student interacts only with teachers and students like him. And while working, he has to communicate more actively, including with people who can help him develop professionally.

Disadvantages of working for students:

  1. High fatigue, lack of rest.
  2. Not enough time spent studying which may lead to certain difficulties in completing tasks.
  3. Lack of time for personal matters and leisure. While classmates go for a walk around the city or celebrate some event, a student who works has practically no time left for other things.
  4. Fewer opportunities for close interaction with fellow students.

But in general, an early start to a career characterizes a student as an adult who is capable of responsibility and plans for his future. And here what is more important is not the amount of temporary earnings, but the level of the company, the specifics of its activities, the main tasks that the student himself performs, and the experience that he accumulates.

Where should a part-time student go to work?

For a part-time student, in terms of employment, everything is a little simpler. Apart from a couple of months a year, the rest of his time is free. But at the same time, many of these students have already managed to start a family or previously received another education. Therefore, they are usually more interested in work than full-time students.

If a student receives higher education for the first time, the employer is obliged to provide him with paid leave. It is better to immediately choose a job that corresponds to the specialty you are acquiring in order to hone your knowledge in practice and accumulate professional experience.

And, nevertheless, part-time students have much more freedom in choosing a suitable vacancy. Employment options may be as follows:

1. By direction:

  • work in the specialty (architect, programmer, marketer, journalist, lawyer, teacher, etc.);
  • work in a field other than your specialty (sales manager, administrator, photographer, designer, editor, writer, etc.);
  • temporary part-time work (waiter, courier, operator, salesperson, etc.).

2. By type of employment:

  • offline (manager, engineer, accountant, taxi driver, lawyer, teacher, tour guide, etc.);
  • online (copywriter, proofreader, Internet project administrator, sales manager, web designer, etc.).

3. According to schedule:

  • full time work day;
  • part-time (courier, operator, administrator, work in the teaching field, etc.);
  • flexible schedule (for example, remote work).

Part-time education involves a lot of work on self-preparation, so it is important to start investing in your future career as early as possible, understanding the intricacies of your chosen profession.

Students most often want money and experience from work. Money is needed for living, work experience is necessary for future career. There are other goals - to survive the conscription age, to find a warm place to go on maternity leave and others, but this is secondary.

Therefore, there are essentially two strategies for where and how a student can get a job:

    look for “easy” money and simple work;

    look for a promising place that will give a good start to your career (sometimes it can even be free work).

It's up to you to choose the path. In this article I will talk about both options and review vacancies without experience requirements.

Finding a simple job

If interested Additional income, the easiest thing is not to think about the future, about a career, but simply look for what is closer to home, more convenient in terms of schedule and higher in terms of money. If you set a goal, a student without work experience can find a job in 2-3 days - this is realistic.

Every chain of cafes or restaurants has an advertisement like “Do you want to work for us? Fill out the form." In the same way, you can fill out a form on the website. In fact, this is the whole approach to finding a job for pocket money. I took the cafe as an example.

In a similar way, you can go to any job site and find entry-level vacancies.

Types of employment

The employment can be any - permanent, part-time, remote. There are also jobs with flexible hours and freelancing. Each type has its own nuances.

Permanent employment- most quick way gain the necessary skills and experience. There are many good vacancies. There is only one minus - you need to work all day.

Part-time and flexible hours allow the student to combine work and study. There are fewer good jobs under such conditions, but you can find them if you want.

Remote employment provide the opportunity to work from home and from any city and country. Common in the IT field (you can program at home), journalism and some other areas. The downside is that if you don’t have experience, it will be difficult to get it, because you won’t have an experienced colleague nearby and all your questions will have to be asked to Google.

Jobs without experience requirements

To understand more clearly where it is easier for a student to find a job, you can choose one of popular professions. Go to any job site and choose what you like.

What to choose from:

    Salesperson, Sales Manager, Customer Service Manager, Sales Representative or agent. There are a wild number of such vacancies. They are called differently, but the essence is the same - you need to work with clients.

    Office Manager, Secretary, Assistant Manager, Office Administrator. A lot of such specialists are needed.

    Trainee, assistant, intern, assistant in different industries - banks, insurance, accounting, restaurants, advertising, law, etc. A student without experience can easily get a similar internship job, since there are plenty of vacancies on the market.

    Loader, storekeeper, warehouse worker, laborer and other working professions. Simple manual work, no experience required, everything is taught on the spot.

    Courier. Even schoolchildren are hired for this type of work.

    Driver. You need to have a license, some driving experience and your own car.

    Waiter. Often you don’t need to know anything at all.

    Merchandiser. The man who is on retail outlets arranges the goods “as they should” and monitors the speed of product sales.

    Call center operator. It is necessary to answer stupid and smart questions from clients - they usually train on the spot.

    Cook, pastry chef, culinary specialist. You need to be able to cook well.

    Maid, hotel administrator, hostess.

And many many others. Among the industries you can find medicine, construction, working with children, collections, design, logistics, floristry, etc.

Summer job

Similarly, through a job site, a student can find a job for the summer: select a vacancy, call and agree on a 2 or 3 month contract. They will understand this and appreciate your honesty.

In addition to vacancies, there are many student work camps (local or on-site). This option is not the most expensive, but it is more romantic. Yes, and you can leave your parents for several weeks.

Search for a promising job

If you want to start building a career and you need experience, then it makes sense to look not for a place that will be closer to home or better in terms of money, but one that will be more interesting in terms of responsibilities and more promising in the future.

There is a step-by-step system for how a student can find Good work and it begins with self-determination - who to be.

1. Who do you want to work with? First, it is important to choose a direction - programming, teaching, repair, banking, logistics, etc. If you can be more specific, that will be great. For example, not just banking, but trading securities. Or not just logistics, but warehouse management.

2. Career plan for 3 years. Having a plan like this in your head will make it easier for you to look for a job, evaluate employers, prepare for an interview, and pass it. Planning for the future makes life easier.

Why am I writing about three years and not another period? There are several reasons for this:

    Serious vacancies often require at least three years of experience.

    If you work in one field for three years and don’t jump anywhere, you can grow a lot professionally. At the same time, start earning decent money.

    It's easy to grow in three years necessary connections. Yes, you won’t recognize the entire industry, but some part of it can be recognized well.

A career plan may involve acquiring necessary skills, solving problems, or participating in projects. You can also set yourself a goal to get into the desired company (for example, choose an industry leader). You will add all this to your resume in the future. These achievements will sell you and you will no longer need to prove anything to anyone.

3. First job. When taking the first step, the main thing is to adequately assess your strengths and not inflate your expectations. Of course, you shouldn’t lower your expectations and self-esteem either.

The most common reason for long job searches is “I don’t know what I want.” The second is inflated expectations. Knowing little and wanting a lot is a fairly common phenomenon among young professionals. Therefore, evaluate your abilities carefully and carefully. Otherwise, you can look for a job for six months or even more.

To understand the requirements of employers and try them on yourself, study the vacancies. Find interesting offers, call, chat with an HR specialist, ask your questions. Market research will help you assess the situation correctly.

Feel free to consider starting positions. During the interview, you can discuss your growth and the employer’s expectations from you. In 6 months you can gain first experience, master the necessary skills and become productive. This is already a reason to discuss an increase in salary or position. If the negotiations do not lead to success, you can re-enter the labor market and find a better job.

And finally, about one popular difficulty.

Typical problem: no experience = no job

Yes, without experience you can’t get into every position, but there are plenty decent work, which you can still get a job at.

Many people care not about experience, but about your skills. Some companies are simply tired of receiving resumes from those who don’t know or know anything at all. That’s why they put up a barrier and write about experience in the requirements. Not all companies do this, but it still happens.

It is important for you to show and prove that you have the necessary skills. The designer must be able to draw, so he needs to prepare a portfolio of work. The programmer needs to show how his programs work. The chemist needs to describe his research and its results. And so on.

There are vacancies that require no experience.. You just have to want to find them. For example, it’s difficult to get a job as a designer without experience, but I found five open entry-level vacancies (it took 4 minutes).

There are many vacancies for interns, assistants and assistants available in the public domain. In a word, there is a choice.