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Reading range and reading preferences of high school students. Identifying the reading range of schoolchildren during a survey

Kondratyeva O.N. Russian State Library for Youth: Reading Youth and the Future of Russia

Reading youth and the future of Russia

(Review of the activities of regional youth and children's and youth libraries of Russia according to reports for 2007)

Chief Librarian of the Russian State Youth Library

Reading is a unique cultural phenomenon. It also performs an important social protection function that goes far beyond meeting information and educational needs. Scientists have found that active and productive reading, especially fiction books, is an integral part of the life of a civilized person, developing his imaginative thinking and creative capabilities in any field of activity.

That is why the decline in interest in reading, which has been observed in recent years in many countries around the world, is alarming not only among specialists in book and library science, but also among the general public. Enthusiasts of the book community librarians, teachers, cultural figures, book publishers stating that in Russia social significance problems of reading are not sufficiently understood, they are trying to introduce these problems into the list of priorities of state policy in the field of culture. The result of these efforts to support reading as essential element culture, a tool for increasing the intellectual potential of the nation was the “National Program for the Support and Development of Reading”, adopted by the government in 2007. (M.: MTsBS, 2007. 56 p.)

The national program emphasizes: “Reading is the most important way to master basic socially significant information, professional and everyday knowledge, cultural values ​​of the past and present, information about historically enduring and current events, normative ideas, which forms the basis, the system core of multinational and multi-layered Russian culture... Reading is the most powerful mechanism for maintaining and increasing the richness of the native language.

Understanding, assessing and mastering current changes in Russia and in the world, especially rapid ones in the context of globalization, their integration into the context of an already existing socio-cultural space largely depends on the degree of mastery of written culture, recorded in printed materials and concentrated in special institutional structures educational and scientific institutions, libraries, archives, publishing houses, agencies for the distribution of printed materials. And this is possible only with a level of reading competence that ensures the efficiency of search, selection, organization and awareness of the use by members of society of information (texts) that is necessary and meaningful to them.”

the main task National program support and development of reading is formulated as follows: “to arouse interest in reading among the younger generation and return to the rank of active readers numerous groups of relatively educated working Russians who determine the present of Russia, lay the foundations of its future and who, for various reasons, have almost stopped reading over the past 20 years. In other words, it is necessary to create conditions in the country for the mass intensification of reading processes, improving the quality and diversity of the literature read in all fields of knowledge, exchanging opinions about what they read, and increasing the prestige of reading as a cultural value.”

Since reading is now the only intellectual technology for mastering the knowledge accumulated by mankind, it is quite obvious that the foundation of the information culture of society should be precisely the culture of reading, the foundations of which are laid in the family, in the library, educational institutions. The level of intelligence of a nation, the stability of its development and prosperity, and the competitiveness of the country directly determine the level and quality of reading of the younger generation in society.

Meanwhile, the proportion of Russians who do not read at all or read only occasionally is increasing. The percentage of systematically reading young people decreased from 48 in 1991 to 28 in 2005; traditions of family reading are being lost: in the 1970s, 80% of families regularly read to children, today only 7%. The choice of professional, fiction, and mass literature indicates its simplification and undemandingness even in the intellectual environment. Proficiency in the native language is deteriorating: native speech de facto becomes more primitive; In youth, professional and business environments, the use of English words is increasing, replacing in some cases even established Russian-language analogues. According to the results of international studies of functional literacy PISA, over 10% of Russian schoolchildren are functionally illiterate, while in leading countries this figure does not exceed 1%.

Publishing policy is shifting towards the publication of literature of reduced (in terms of the complexity of forms and content) information value. The purely entertaining component of reading and the desire of people (especially younger generations) to minimize the cost of intellectual effort when reading are increasing; the demand for “high”, most developing and informative professional and fiction literature is decreasing, even in large libraries. The growing discrepancy between reader demand and the supply capabilities of medium- and small-scale libraries, especially in small towns and rural areas, entails a decline in public interest in them. Value guidelines in literary culture are being lost: there are no authoritative persons initiating the fashion for reading quality literature; In society there is an opinion that the role of books and libraries is diminishing in comparison with the Internet and will generally come to naught with the full development of its capabilities.

Fostering a culture of reading, information culture, providing solutions to basic life problems youth: training, mastering professional activities, self-education, formation of ideological, moral foundations of the individual; promotion of reading in non-reading or poorly reading environment of problem youth all these tasks are called upon to be solved by youth and children's and youth libraries with extensive experience, human resources, modern methods and technologies. These libraries are the most important participants in the implementation of the National Program for the Support and Development of Reading, in line with which they build their popularization of books and the promotion of reading among readers.

Employees of youth libraries and specialists in youth reading were among the first in the country to realize the seriousness of the situation with the “reading crisis” of boys and girls, teenagers, thanks to research and observations, having a fairly complete picture of the decline in the prestige of books and reading among their categories of readers. Back in 2003, at the RGLB at a meeting of directors of youth libraries on the topic “Reading as one of the spiritual resources of society,” the speeches of leading librarianship experts, sociologists, and journalists clearly voiced concern about the state of youth reading. It was proposed to consolidate the efforts of the entire cultural community of the country to create a national program for the support and development of reading, to raise this acute problem at the government level.

Many regional libraries, as if anticipating the “creation and support of centers for the development of reading competence of citizens on the basis of public libraries” recommended in the National Program, began to create Reading Centers on their base. For example, Novosibirsk Regional Youth Library in 2005 it declared itself as a Youth Reading Center. Pskov Regional Library for Children and Youth named after. V.A. Kaverina how the Reading Center developed activities to implement the “Road to Reading” project jointly with the Pskov Regional Association of Adult Education (PRAOV). It stimulates the innovative focus of promoting reading in the spheres of life of adults and children. Sverdlovsk Regional Library for Children and Youth positions itself as a Center for Children's and Youth Reading and as a center for assistance in organizing reading guidance for children and youth in regional and youth libraries. Chelyabinsk Regional Youth Library Since 2005, the first direction in its activities has been the implementation of its role as a Youth Reading Center.

In some cases, the Reading Center refers to a division within the library that promotes the development of reading technologies and provides psychological assistance to young readers and their parents. Thus, the report says: “The library has a Reading Center, where a professional psychologist can provide effective assistance to young readers in introducing them to the best works of world literature. Professional psychological assistance is also provided to parents who today are concerned about how and what their children read.”

For many years now, youth and children's libraries have been guided in their work by city, regional or regional projects and programs aimed at uniting state, public, private and personal initiatives in promoting books and reading. Declared by Presidential Decree Russian Federation The Year of the Russian Language 2007 encouraged libraries not to miss such a great opportunity to even more actively promote books and reading. So, Murmansk Regional Children and Youth Library developed the “Time to Read in Russian” program for librarians in the region, which included 8 events: Time to read poetry. Time to read aloud. Time to read before bed. Time to read the classics. Time to read thoughtfully. Time to read funny books. Time for young people to read. Time to read with the whole family.

State Youth Library of the Republic of Buryatia named after. D. Batozhabaya together with the Ministry of Culture and Mass Communications of the Republic of Buryatia, they developed a Modular Program for promoting reading among young people and nurturing the information culture of the individual “READIMER: time to read!” The program is aimed at achieving the following strategic goals:

increasing the status of books and reading among adolescents and young people; formation of an information culture of a young person’s personality; development of program activities to improve information and library services for adolescents and young people.

Solution expected tactical tasks: carrying out socially significant events to promote books and reading; propaganda among teenagers and young people of the best works of print; formation of knowledge, skills, and information activity skills in the younger generation; interaction with interested structures working in the field of youth socialization.

Promotion for Tatyana’s Day “READER has been launched: the Year of Reading in Youth begins!”; Issuing a personalized library card to the first reader who signed up that day “HURRAY!” First reader! Exhibition-congratulations “Happy Tatyana’s Day! Happy Year of Reading!” Promotion for Valentine's Day: Exhibition-mood “Love as a mood, love as an obsession”; Reader rating “If I were a poet...”. Youth Book Week “Reading+”: Exhibition-recommendation “READER of success!”; Thematic days“Reading+...” in the program: book exhibitions, reviews, meetings with interesting people; round table on reading problems “Library and youth: with books into the future.” Promotion to International Day families: reader benefit exhibition “Family portrait against the backdrop of the library”; library rating "Family READER". Action for the All-Russian Library Day: “Library and reader: face to face”; exhibition-portrait “What librarians read, what readers read”; reader rating “Vote for your librarian!” Promotion for Mother’s Day “READING”: Exhibition-recognition to “Dear Mother”; reader rating “Mom’s Favorite Book.” New Year's promotion: reader rating “My Personal Booker”.

This program also includes a permanent exhibition dedicated to the Year of Reading “The Reading Man”, events to promote fiction “READER: a sign of quality!” and events dedicated to the 100th anniversary of the birth of academician D.S. Likhachev (memory exhibition “Service to Russia: Dmitry Likhachev”, problematic conversation “The greatest value of a people is its language...” D. Likhachev”, exhibition “Only a word lives given" for the Day of Slavic Literature, literary and moral readings "Reasonable, Good, Eternal" (based on the works of Yu. Bondarev, V. Bykov, V. Rasputin, N. Evdokimov).

This also includes a special program for maintaining summer recreational areas “Summer Reading for the Heart and Mind”, which involves holding evenings game programs, educational conversations, quizzes and lessons in various areas: reading promotion, environmental, patriotic, aesthetic education and local history. The implementation of the Program began on Children's Day.

Lipetsk Regional Youth Library During 2007, she worked on the regional target comprehensive reading program “We will preserve you, native speech.” The ideas of reviving the traditions of the Russian language led the library staff to organize the regional Book Festival of the same name. This event was one of the most widespread and significant in the library’s work in 2007.

The book festival “We will preserve you, native speech!” has started. on Buninsky land in the Stanovlyansky district. Specialists from the innovative methodological department of the youth library have developed a program for its implementation within the framework of a targeted comprehensive program designed for a year. The opening of the festival, whose motto is “Young Russia is reading!”, took place on May 16 in the regional center, the village of Stanovoe, the birthplace of I. Bunin. It is here that a monument was erected to the creators of Slavic writing, the enlightenment brothers Cyril and Methodius (there are only three such monuments in Russia). The Stanovlyans were the first in the region to launch a consistent struggle for the purity of the Russian language, for a culture of communication and community life. The prominent cultural figure M.M. Stakhovich took part in the opening of the festival.

Within the framework of the Festival, numerous meetings took place with cultural figures and masters of art, as well as meetings with famous Russian and Lipetsk writers and poets, performers of original songs, presentations of new books and the most talented authors, performances of the Book Theater of the Lipetsk Regional Youth Library, benefit performances and honoring of the best readers , games, competitions and olympiads in the Russian language. A traveling book exhibition “Opening a book, you open up the world!” was developed and sent to rural libraries in the Stanovlyansky district: carefully selected 300 copies of new books were accompanied by methodological recommendations with interesting forms of work.

The Festival then moved to high schools and rural libraries, cultural palaces and summer performance areas in the area. Sets of books by the best Russian and contemporary authors were donated to school, rural, district and city libraries. The Festival's baton was taken in turn by the Zadonsky, Chaplyginsky and Khlevensky districts.

During the implementation of the project, mechanisms for regional corporate interaction were developed on the promotion of socially significant ideas to increase the prestige of culture, reading, and the Russian language. This is an exchange of experience, promotion promising ideas For project activities, development of a regional project to support reading for youth in the Lipetsk region, including creation and mutual use of electronic information resources (corporate databases, links to websites), electronic delivery of documents to remote users, release of jointly prepared publishing products, holding regional events in support of the Russian language , books, reading. All events within the framework of the Festival were actively reflected in the media. .

This targeted comprehensive reading program is particularly interesting because it covers an entire area and goes beyond it. A valuable result of the festival was the concern for school, rural, district and city libraries in the region, which received donated sets of books by contemporary authors.

The main event of 2007 for the library community of the Chelyabinsk region was the Year of Reading, announced by the Governor of the Chelyabinsk Region. It officially opened on February 26th in regional theater dolls Creative spaces for various libraries operated in the foyer. On the site Chelyabinsk Regional Youth Library an electronic presentation of the exhibition of youth literary associations “Live, think, feel, love, make discoveries...” was demonstrated, poems were read by Chelyabinsk poets: N.I. Godina, N.A. Yagodintseva, N.B. Rubinskaya; A literary quiz was held. In the foyer of the theater, young library employees acted as “live” advertisements for the Year of Reading at CHYUB.

As part of the regional program of the Year of Reading, “youth competitions were held in regional libraries: “It’s prestigious to read!” (for the best young reader) and “Know Ours” (on knowledge of the work of Ural writers). The festive opening of the regional Youth Book Week “Temptations of Book Spring” took place at the Chelyabinsk Puppet Theater. High school students, students, students gathered here vocational schools(230 people) from 22 cities and districts of the Chelyabinsk region. A creative master class was conducted by poetess N.V. Pikuleva. He preceded the announcement of another competition literary “It’s time for love and tender sadness...”. This was done in an unusual way: paper airplanes with the terms of the competition were launched into the hall. At the poetry festival in the reading room of the regional youth library, 283 people from 33 cities and districts of the Chelyabinsk region took part in awarding the winners of this competition.

The library produced a program on the regional radio called “Drop Everything and Read.” Topic “Business reading for youth.”

In September 2007, the Book and Reading Festival “Chelyabinsk Reading” took place on the pedestrian street of the city of Kirovka. The site of the regional youth library was called “Literary Through the Looking Glass” and immediately attracted attention with the “Persons of the Reading Nationality” stand, which featured photographs of the library’s most active readers and information about their favorite books. The site was brightly decorated with mock-ups of book covers under the heading “Literary names of the new century” (A. Ivanov “Gold of Rebellion”, E. Grishkovets “Planka”, D. Bykov “ZhD”, etc.), as well as drawings and illustrations for works of art , made by students of the children's art school.

Here you could sign up for the library: each newcomer was given a gift and a holiday library card. When a reader came to the library, he received a permanent ticket.

The competition was also interesting entertainment sites. Colleagues from the libraries of the cities of Korkino and Kyshtym performed successfully in it. CHYUB received support and assistance from its partners: ChelSU, Municipal Educational Institution Secondary School No. 59, children’s art school arts, family entertainment center "Gorki", the company "Kantsburo" and the Chelyabinsk regional branch of the Russian Children's Fund.

Another CHOYUB site was super active during the festival on Kirovka quilt “Bookshelf of a Chelyabinsk resident”. In October, CHYUB hosted open lessons reading. On this day, nine different events were held in the library, which were attended by 277 students from schools, vocational lyceums, and colleges.

The library's exhibition work during the Year of Reading was varied. “Has a classic become a bestseller?”, “Teenbook. Ru: Curious, because young people read it”, “Book temptations of autumn”, “Eruditions are not born, they become them... here”, “It’s fashionable to read, it’s unfashionable not to read”, “The most prestigious! The most intelligent! The most extravagant”, “Everything passes, but books remain”, “Is this book the book of your dreams? Read and find out!” enjoyed constant reader success. The popularity record was broken by the author's exhibition of the library director Z.P. Sergeeva. It was called “Elections 2007. Results of reader voting.” The section titles contain encrypted abbreviations of well-known political parties in Russia. Thus, the exposition made it possible to present a wide variety of literature, and the originality of its presentation immediately attracted the attention of visitors.

Throughout the year, a competition continued among municipal libraries in the region for the best project to promote books and reading among the population, “Reading means creating.” Another professional competition was successful: the reading preferences of librarians “The Book is a Little Life”.

A large-scale event of the Year of Reading was the Ural Library Assembly “National Program for the Promotion of Reading: Ural Option” (November 2007), in the preparation and holding of which the regional youth library also took part.

The final event of the Year of Reading at CHYUB was the regional workshop “Information technologies in support of education and reading” for specialists serving youth in municipal libraries in the region.

It is worth noting that in the Year of Reading, a new form for the region was born - the action “Bibliographic route “Book novelties in the Chelyabinsk outback”. Author of the idea Head of the organizational and methodological department of CHYUB T.R. Eliseeva. The essence of the action: a team of leading specialists from regional libraries (a kind of book landing party) travels to small towns and districts and holds various events for their residents; The municipal library hosting guests receives a set of books as a gift. The first territory of “landing” Korkinsky municipal district (October 2007). The action was successful: both residents and organizers were satisfied.

The year of reading in the Chelyabinsk region, full of many exciting events, contributed to creative development librarians and readers, the growing popularity of the library among young residents of the city and region. CHOYUB has new friends and partners.

Krasnodar Regional Youth Library was the initiator of a new relevant and original project “Dialogue of National Literatures”: “The Literary Caucasus: Hear the fiery word of the wise.” The virtual dialogue is conducted on the library website. Writers, literary critics, scientists, philologists, and young readers of libraries from the republics of Adygea, Kalmykia, Dagestan, and the Krasnodar Territory took part in it.

The library carries out extensive work to attract a wide variety of people to read social groups youth pupils, students, working and non-working youth. Particular attention is paid to non-reading and little-reading youth, the so-called risk group. For five years, the library has been implementing an original project: “Biblioacademy: Forge of Bookworms.” Classes are held here for pupils of the Temporary Detention Center for Juvenile Offenders. The topics of the lessons, for example, are: “Pushkin poet of the world”, “Hero of our time: XIX XXI century”, “At the literary map of Kuban”.

Special summer reading programs contribute to a high level of library services for youth in summer camps: in the cultural and health center "Premiere" and the labor and recreation camp "Ivanushka". Over the summer period, more than two thousand young readers were attracted to reading. For them, library staff held about 30 public events, organized 35 book exhibitions, and about 60 viewings and discussions of videos based on works of fiction.

Comprehensive program Year of reading Children and Youth Library of the Republic of Karelia, on the basis of which all the work was built, was integral part Program “Year of Reading in Karelia”.

This program contained: organization of summer readings; children's and youth book week; “All class to the library” campaign; Literary Festival “Time to Read!”; republican competition"Reading Leader"; VI international competition creative works of children and youth “Magic Christmas in the Nordic Countries”; Interregional competition of creative works of children with disabilities “We”; participation of library readers in the IV republican competition of young poets “Northern Lyre”, photo competition “Reading Barents”.

The Children's and Youth Library of the Republic of Karelia, in addition to the already listed events, held competitions: 25 questions about Sweden, Book hit of the family, Name for the book island, Astrid Lindgren's Book Universe, Books build bridges, Time to read time to take pictures! Intellectual all-around

The Summer Reading Program is unusual. It was called “Through the Northern Countries in 90 Days” and was dedicated to the history, culture, and literature of the neighboring countries of the Barents Sea region. Excellent literary and applied works were submitted to the competition jury of this program, and a photo competition “Reading Barents” was held separately. The award ceremony for the program winners looked solemn. All of them were rewarded with invitation cards to the “Time to Read!” Literary Festival.

For the republican competition of creative works “I, you, he, she with a book Friendly family! (“Family Book Hit”) accepted family creative works made in any literary genre (short story, essay, review, etc.). The works were presented in the form of a handwritten book, a magazine and contained information about the role the book played in the reading biography of family members; the history of its appearance in the home library; serious and humorous events related to the book. Competition materials were considered for three age groups: families with children under 7 years old; families with children 8-12 years old; families with children over 13 years old. On All-Russian Library Day, the results were summed up and an exhibition of family creative works submitted to the competition was opened.

Since 2001, every year the library, together with the Norden Society for Friendship with Sweden, has held International exhibition-competition of creative works for children and youth “Magical Christmas in the Nordic Countries”. Competition entries are considered in three age groups: preschoolers, students 7-12 years old and students 13-17 years old. The winners of the competition are determined in three categories: Christmas card, Christmas Christmas tree decoration, Christmas handwritten book.

As part of the Year of Reading in the Republic of Karelia, the Literary Festival “Time to Read!” was held in Petrozavodsk, organized by: the Ministry of Culture and Public Relations of the Republic of Karelia, the Ministry of Education of the Republic of Karelia, the Administration of Petrozavodsk, the Library Association of the Republic of Karelia, Children and Youth Library of the Republic of Karelia, National Library of the Republic of Karelia and Science Library Petrozavodsk State University.

On October 17, the grand opening of the Literary Festival “Time to Read!” took place at the National Theater of the Republic of Karelia. Before the start of the performance by the children's group of the folklore ensemble "Karyala", the guests were offered an entertainment program; in the foyer of the theater, children were given medals with the symbols of the Year of Reading in Karelia. An awards ceremony took place for children, winners of various literary competitions held in the republic as part of the Year of Reading. Memorable prizes and diplomas were presented to the winners by the Director of the Children and Youth Library of the Republic of Karelia V.A. Sakina and the President of the Library Association of the Republic of Karelia, Director of the National Library of the Republic of Karelia I.A. Dobrynina.

On the same day, the “Book Boom” discussion, organized by the Children and Youth Library of the Republic of Karelia, took place within the walls of the National Library of the Republic of Karelia. The discussion was moderated by the famous children's literary critic Ksenia Moldavskaya (Moscow) and Deputy Minister of Culture and Public Relations of the Republic of Karelia Alexey Makarov. The meeting was attended by writers: Sergey Georgiev (Moscow), Sergey Makhotin (St. Petersburg), Nadezhda Vasilyeva (Petrozavodsk), as well as director of the Samokat publishing house Irina Balakhonova (Moscow), director of the Mysterium bookstore Alexander Makarov and librarians from the National , Children and Youth Libraries of the Republic of Karelia, centralized library systems Petrozavodsk and the republic.

The main topic of the discussion was the question of what a book should be like today from the point of view of a writer, publisher, reader, parent, teacher. All participants in an interesting and meaningful discussion noted that the main criterion for a good book is its quality; books must be written in a literate literary language, contribute to the development of moral values, and satisfy the reading needs of different age categories of readers.

In the fall, during the Year of Reading, residents of Petrozavodsk were surprised by an unusual sight: activists of the student organization of the trade union of Petrozavodsk State University and students of Pushkin Lyceum No. 10 took part in a procession and rally in support of reading “Time to Read!” More than 100 people gathered on Student Boulevard - the city’s youth, librarians, writers, and festival guests. Karelian writers M. Tarasov, A. Vedeneev, S. Zakharchenko and young aspiring writers read their poems here.

As part of the Literary Festival, librarians of the republic and readers met with representatives of the Moscow publishing house “Samokat”. During the festival, employees of the publishing house held a meeting with students of the Department of Scandinavian Literature of PetrSU, at which the students became acquainted with the repertoire of books produced by the publishing house. Director of the publishing house Irina Balakhonova and editor Marina Kadetova introduced them to the history of the creation of the publishing house, presented printed products published by Samokat and even revealed small secrets of the production of children's books.

Literary critic Ksenia Aleksandrovna Moldavskaya introduced specialists from municipal libraries of the republic serving children and adolescents to the catalog “100 best books for children” and made a presentation of the best children's books published in the first half of 2007.

The Children's and Youth Library of the Republic of Kazakhstan operates a Literary Club for schoolchildren. Anyone under the age of 18 who not only loves fiction, but he also writes poetry and prose. The club is led by teacher and writer Vadim Slutsky. Club members create a literary magazine “Elf”, where the works of Club members are published. In the Year of Reading, the first issue of the magazine took place; it contained poems and prose by six authors, illustrated by students of the Republican School of Arts No. 1.

A great advantage of the library’s work under this program is the coverage of young people with all kinds of campaigns to promote books and reading. It should also be noted that the Children and Youth Library strives for broad partnership in its activities. Friendly creative ties with the Norden Society for Friendship with Sweden and with neighboring countries in the Barents Sea region add their own specificity to the work of the library and attract young readers with new opportunities.

The very informative website of the Children and Youth Library of the Republic of Karelia is colorful, playful and funny, attractive for children and teenagers, it offers special information for parents who are interested in reading their children.

Kemerovo Regional Youth Library developed a comprehensive library program “Revival of reading traditions”. It was adopted with the aim of increasing the prestige of reading among young people and reviving the traditions of family reading. The main objectives of the program: changing the policy of acquiring fiction: active replenishment of the fund of modern fiction; creation of an Experimental Center for the Development of Youth Reading with the aim of developing new forms and methods for promoting reading and introducing them into the work of the library; carrying out major events aimed at supporting reading and promoting books (the “Most Reading Family” competition); promotion of reading ideas through publishing, advertising activities; the best experience of Kuzbass libraries in promoting reading among young people.

A new “bibliocollection” was prepared, “Rainbow Perspectives, or More Color,” in the models of which they tried to combine literature and color. Received further development a form of book fashion show, the models of which were created under the impression of plots and images of fiction. The fashion show models repeated all the colors of the rainbow from red to purple and reflected the work of a particular writer or a specific literary work. The audience was offered a variety of literary color associations. For example, the color red reflects the courage and greatness of the heroes of the “Iliad” and “Odyssey” of the great Homer, and the sweeping lines of the poems of Vladimir Mayakovsky. In orange the enthusiasm of the great schemer Ostap Bender, in green the environmental friendliness of the literary landscapes of Bunin, Prishvin, Paustovsky. The names of the models reflected the characteristics of each color “Blue Dream”, “Yellow Pleasure”, “Green Balance”, etc.

The event turned out to be very entertaining and musical. It made it possible to attract the attention of young people to fiction. Many of the spectators wanted to read the books whose titles were read at the show and compare their perception of the “color” of a particular work.

On the Day of Increased Book Appetite, the premiere of new forms took place: “Book Cafe”: tasting of literary novelties, “Book Bistro”: blitz competition. The organizers defined book appetite as a feeling associated with the need for a book, for reading. In the Book Cafe, the story about new books was stylized as a real menu. For example, the “Sea platter” section contained two delicious dishes of Japanese literary exoticism: a “sea cocktail” from the works of Yukio Mishima and a “sushi bar” from the works of Haruki Murakami. The series of dishes “Roast with Spicy Sauce” included an easily digestible dish Daria Dontsova’s work “A Figure of Lightly Shocking”, covered with a crispy crust of adventures, sensations and unexpected clues in Thomas Swan’s book “The Hunt for Cezanne”. And a thin, elegant dish, seasoned with a bitter sauce of murder, deception and blackmail Alexandra Marinina’s novel “Spring for a Mousetrap”. Ended unusual review I wish everyone present a pleasant book appetite!

Readers could demonstrate their knowledge of fiction in the blitz competition “Book Bistro”, containing questions from I. Krylov’s Demyanova fish soup, familiar from school, to Mexican dishes from Laura Esquivel’s wonderful novel “Chocolate in Boiling Water”. The winner received a small incentive prize.

Already well-known works of world literature were presented to readers from a new perspective in the literary slide gallery “Book Beauties”. What kind of book beauties are they, famous heroines of famous works? Helen, who provoked the Trojan War with her irresistible beauty, Prosper Merimee’s indomitable Carmen, or the most beautiful woman in the Russian novel, Anna Karenina.

As part of a comprehensive reading program, the library carried out active exhibition work. The subscription included mini-exhibitions from the “Literary Calendar” series, which informed readers about the 2007 anniversaries. “The Generous Palette of a Novelist”: an exhibition dedicated to the 105th anniversary of John Steinbeck, “Eternal Values ​​of Life”: the 70th anniversary of the birth of V.G. Rasputin, “Give me the peace of your libraries...”: to the 70th anniversary of the birth of B. Akhmadulina, “Heart full of light”: to the 115th anniversary of K.G. Paustovsky, “The gift of feeling and understanding”: to the 70th anniversary of A.V. .Vampilova, “Problems of the Human Heart”: the 110th anniversary of the birth of W. Faulkner, “Star of Fate and Hope”: the 70th anniversary of the birth of V. Tokareva.

Exhibitions from the “Territory of Reading” series, dedicated to fiction, were exhibited in the reading room. In January, an exhibition reception “Big Book Light” was organized, dedicated to the books anniversaries of 2007. This and “There is such a profession...”: an exhibition dedicated to people of different professions. An exhibition on fiction “The World of the Family in Literary Light” was prepared for the Year of the Family, sections of which included topics: literature about childhood, family sagas, problems of single people, works dedicated to mothers, the problem of fathers and children in literature. As part of the Week, there was an exhibition recommendation “Get away from the regime of the extinguished sun.” TO summer holidays An exhibition-trip “Through the Merry Pages of Books” was prepared.

As part of the program “Revival of Reading Traditions,” the Department of Musical Literature will help educational process, organizing leisure activities for youth, he worked on the program of musical and aesthetic education of youth “Reading with Admiration.” Its goal is to develop interest in reading among high school students based on the synthesis of three types of arts: music, literature and cinema, the main idea is to educate and develop interest in reading among modern high school students, teenagers and young people using all means of propaganda, including new media. Various forms of conducting classes were used: literary and musical compositions, multimedia evenings, video lessons, musical and aesthetic hours, etc.

During the year, the following events were held: “Screen adaptation of literary classics”, “Popular literary characters in books and on the screen”, “There is no sadder story in the world...”: literary and musical images of W. Shakespeare’s tragedy “Romeo and Juliet”, “Roman A. S. Pushkin “Eugene Onegin” and Tchaikovsky’s opera”, “Music on the pages of L. N. Tolstoy’s novel “War and Peace”.

To help young readers navigate the general flow of literature and stimulate reading activity, library staff have prepared a series of booklets “Delicious” reading for biblio-gourmets: The Aroma of Books.” The booklets are laid out on the subscription; perhaps, after reading them, readers will want to take the recommended books home. The booklets are also displayed on the library website in the “Book Gadgets” section. In 2007, the following booklets were prepared: “Modern Poetry”, “Hot” New Products”, a recommendation guide “In Memory of tomorrow: Fantasy", addressed to readers interested in modern domestic and foreign fantastic prose. A guidebook for young people, “There are many worlds in this world, or Reflections on women’s literature...” was also published.

Vologda Regional Youth Library named after. V.F. Tendryakova In her activities she was guided by the Year of Reading and Year of the Russian Language programs. The goal of the program “Interactive Forms of Promoting Books and Reading” of the Vozhegodsk Central Bank of the Vologda Region was to cultivate literary taste using the best examples of classical and modern Russian literature, foster patriotism, and identify the creative abilities of young readers in the region. Librarians set themselves the task of actively promoting books and reading, more fully and vividly revealing to the reader the uniqueness of the Russian language. During the erudite competition “Culture of Oral Speech”, the oral magazine “Great Russian Word”, the themed evening “Kind speech, that there is a stove in the hut”, the conversation “Pure Word”, the business game “Speak competently”, it became clear to what extent young people speak their native language, in what direction should teachers, librarians and readers themselves make efforts so that the native language of young readers becomes richer, more expressive and more cultural.

From this, far from exhaustive review, it is clear that in 2007, youth and children's libraries worked purposefully, most of them according to the targeted comprehensive programs Year of Reading and Year of the Russian Language. Those library teams who organically brought together these large programs did the right thing.

The scale of implementation of such programs is gratifying: the activities of libraries covered the widest circles of reading, little reading and even non-reading youth of various social strata and categories, from students to young delinquents, from creative youth to disabled teenagers.

This work of libraries was given weight by the support of the administrations of regions, regions, cities and villages, creative partnerships with libraries, creative centers, foundations, museums, art schools, branches of Writers' Unions, and with many public organizations. The ability of library management to find reliable partner sponsors of projects and programs is of considerable importance, since it is well known how, unfortunately, culture and libraries are still financed in our country.

The desire of libraries, when implementing the Year of Reading and Year of the Russian Language programs, to expand the field of their activities and go far beyond the boundaries of the region, region and even the country is noticeable. There are many such examples. One of them is the project of the Krasnodar Regional Youth Library “Dialogue of National Literatures”: “The Literary Caucasus: Hear the Fiery Word of the Wise”, the work on which includes youth libraries of the Caucasian regions and republics. The Children and Youth Library of the Republic of Karelia cooperates widely with neighboring countries. Evidence of this is the summer reading program “Through the Northern Countries in 90 Days”, as well as the International Exhibition competition of creative works of children and youth “Magical Christmas in the Northern Countries” held annually by the library, together with the Norden Society for Friendship with Sweden. Lipetsk Regional Youth Library relay race for the Book Festival “We will preserve you, native speech!” transferred first to the Zadonsky district, Chaplyginsky and Khlevensky districts of the region, and then to the libraries of the Voronezh region.

Most libraries within their programs pay serious attention to promoting classical literature among young readers, which is especially important today against the backdrop of a more than modest number of hours devoted to the study of classics in educational programs schools, colleges, lyceums. For example, the Murmansk Regional Children's and Youth Library, having developed the “Time to Read” program for librarians in the region, specially dedicated one of its eight events to the classics. The program “Interactive Forms of Promoting Books and Reading” of the Vozhegodsk Central Bank of the Vologda Region aimed to educate literary taste using the best examples of classical Russian literature. The Kemerovo Regional Youth Library offered its readers an interesting and unusual program “Reading with Admiration”, which is based on literary classics. Within its framework, four blocks were identified: 1. “Scarlet Sails” (8th grade students); 2. “Romeo and Juliet” (9th grade students); 3. “Fathers and Sons” (10th grade students); 4. “The Master and Margarita” (11th grade students). In the Chelyabinsk Regional Youth Library, among others, there was a constantly running book and illustration exhibition “Have the classics become a bestseller?”

It is impossible not to note the diversity and creative use of forms and methods of library work, both traditional, and the most original and new, born in the process of implementation comprehensive programs Year of reading and Year of the Russian language. Libraries began to use such mass forms of work as rallies and processions, bringing the propaganda of books and libraries directly to the streets and squares of cities and villages, using posters, banners, chants, and leaflets - in a word, everything that has always been considered a part of political crowds , rallies and processions. Thus, the youth of Petrozavodsk gladly participated in the procession and rally in support of reading “Time to Read!” During the procession, students attracted the attention of passers-by with chants and slogans promoting books and reading (such as: “I’m not going to a party, I’ll spend the evening reading a book!”, “I have no use for the INTERNET, better than books no friend!”), and presented flags and medals with the logo of the literary festival.

An example of the use of new technologies is the already mentioned project of the Krasnodar Regional Youth Library “Dialogue of National Literatures”: “The Literary Caucasus: Hear the Fiery Word of the Wise,” which is carried out in virtual form on the library’s website.

Libraries give preference in choosing forms of work with books to active, playful, intellectual forms, such as literary festivals, various events, creative competitions, propaganda teams, quizzes, business games.

The result of the activities within the framework of the programs was the birth of new creative ideas to promote books among young people, involve more and more young men and women in the process of reading, and not only business, and intensify the work of regional libraries. Thus, in the Chelyabinsk Regional Youth Library, new non-traditional forms of promoting reading were created: the library route “New Books in the Chelyabinsk Outback”; quilt “Bookshelf of a Chelyabinsk resident”, photo collage “Faces of the “reading nationality” with photographs of the best young readers and their favorite books; promotions “One book one city”; book exposition-rating “Elections 2007. Results of reader voting”; competition of reading habits of librarians “The Book is a Little Life”; multimedia mix “I will never forget this fight” about the work of V.S. Vysotsky; electronic presentations of the book and reading festival “Reading Chelyabinsk”, regional Youth Book Week “Temptations of Book Spring”, “Reading Trolleybus”, etc.

The librarians of the Kemerovo Regional Youth Library brought a lot of invention, imagination and taste into their work. Here is the form of a book fashion show, the models of which were created under the impression of plots and images of fiction, with the new “bibliocollection” “Rainbow Perspectives, or More Color”, in the models of which they tried to combine literature and color; here is also the Day of Increased Book Appetite, when the premiere of new forms took place “Book Cafe”: tasting of literary novelties, “Book Bistro”: blitz competition; here is a literary slide gallery “Book Beauties”.

Throughout the year, on the library’s website, under the heading “Book Gadgets,” information was posted on new additions to the fiction subscription with annotations. Young readers could get acquainted with new literature on “Novinka Day”, when all the books received were displayed on a subscription.

I would especially like to emphasize the desire of the staff of youth and children's libraries to infect the young reader with their creative attitude towards reading, books, literature, to make him want to try his hand at literary creativity, which is supported and welcomed in libraries. Libraries publish almanacs of the creativity of their readers, such as, for example, the oldest of them, “Primrose” (Irkutsk Regional Youth Library) or the literary magazine “Elf” (children’s and youth library of the Republic of Karelia).

A lot of attention was paid to youth libraries within the framework of programs and the revival of family reading traditions. Thus, the Murmansk Regional Children's and Youth Library, in the “Time to Read in Russian” program developed for librarians in the region, also included the “Time to Read with the Whole Family” campaign. State Youth Library of the Republic of Buryatia named after. D. Batozhabaya within the framework of the Modular Program for promoting reading among young people and nurturing the information culture of the individual “READ: Time to Read!” prepared and carried out an event for the International Day of the Family: these were the Reader’s Benefit Exhibition “Family Portrait against the Background of the Library”; library rating "Family READER". The Children and Youth Library of the Republic of Karelia organized a republican competition of creative works “I, you, he, she with a book - a friendly family!” (“Family Book Hit”)

The Kemerovo Regional Youth Library held a competition among its readers “The Most Reading Family”, prepared for the Year of the Family an exhibition on fiction “The World of the Family in Literary Light”, sections of which included topics: literature about childhood, family sagas, problems of lonely people, works dedicated to mothers, the problem of fathers and children in literature. This library is generally a leader in active creative activities to promote books and reading among young readers, standing out noticeably from among all regional libraries.

It is characteristic that, along with large public events that were widely held by libraries, they also paid much attention to individual forms of work with young readers. These are primarily competitions, quizzes, as well as individual conversations, recommendations and consultations.

Youth and children's libraries were also concerned with questions about what books our young readers need today. These problems were devoted to: a round table on reading problems “Library and youth: with books into the future”, an exhibition-portrait “What librarians read, what readers read” (State Youth Library of the Republic of Buryatia named after D. Batozhabai). . The Children's and Youth Library of the Republic of Karelia organized the “Book Boom” discussion. Its main burning topic was the question of what a book should be like today from the point of view of a writer, publisher, reader, parent, teacher, librarian.

A year of generally successful implementation of national programs has led to the fact that libraries began to more carefully assemble their collections, selecting what is truly significant, and think through the entire range of planned activities. The ranks of readers have increased significantly. I would only like to wish the teams of all these libraries to analyze in more detail everything that has been done, to reflect this in more detail in the reports, citing specific figures and promising generalizations. Such an analysis is sometimes absent in a number of reports from libraries serving young people; descriptions of specific actions predominate, which reduces the impression of the effectiveness of the activities of libraries as methodological centers.

Problems of youth reading in Russia come to the fore as problems of national importance. The country's cultural community has already realized that the future of Russia and its position in the world in the information age largely depend on their decisions. The successful implementation of the National Reading Program requires the friendly joint efforts of everyone who is professionally involved in educating the younger generation.

Youth and children's and youth libraries, as is clear from the material presented above, have accumulated a wealth of experience in introducing young readers to reading and books, in the creative use of a whole arsenal of means and methods. The process of supporting and developing reading among young people, guided by the skillful hand of professionals, is already yielding significant results. Russian boys and girls will read!


Prime Minister Dmitry Medvedev approved the Concept for the development of children's and youth reading. It is planned to introduce a state order for the publication of books for children, children's literature will begin to be reviewed by expert councils, and family reading will become part of the so-called responsible parenthood. Among the goals of the program is the formation of civic, spiritual and moral guidelines for young people.

Dmitry Medvedev announced the adoption of the Concept for the development of children's and youth reading in Russia at a meeting with children's writers, publishers and librarians as part of the book festival on Red Square in Moscow. He explained that he signed the document on June 3. “It seems to me that the situation with children’s book publishing is not critical, but requires the attention of the state,” Mr. Medvedev noted.

Supervisor Federal agency on press and mass communications, Mikhail Seslavinsky reported: since 2008, 10-11 thousand children's books have been published per year, but the circulation has decreased significantly - from 149.8 million copies in 2008 to 81.2 million in 2016. Mr. Seslavinsky noted that interest in reading is declining all over the world, and industry representatives listed to the Prime Minister the measures necessary, in their opinion, to correct the situation. Thus, children's writer Andrei Usachev asked to initiate a literary award. General Director of the Russian State Children's Library Maria Vedenyapina proposed creating an Internet portal with research on how children read books. Book publisher Alexander Alperovich considers it necessary to support regional book festivals.

The concept, published on the website of the Russian government, lists what will be done to support children's reading. There will be competitions and grants for writers, and the books of the winners will be published under government orders. The created interdepartmental expert councils will begin to review children's literature. The state will support the printing production of children's and youth books and periodicals, and library collections will be systematically updated. “Previously, 350 million rubles were allocated for this, but now they have dropped to 50 million rubles. We can increase this figure to 300-350 million rubles,” promised Dmitry Medvedev.

In addition, it is planned to introduce benefits and subsidies for the development of book trade in the regions.

Family reading will be declared an element of responsible parenthood. The media and libraries will be involved in the implementation of this point. Art reading circles will receive support.

It is planned to create Internet platforms with e-books and even mobile games with literary themes. In bachelor's and master's programs there will be profiles such as "editor of children's literature", "specialist in media promotion of children's literature", "teacher-librarian". A reading support program will be developed in the coming months and adopted before the end of the year. In 2018 there will be held Scientific research: how much children read, what problems does book publishing have, how well do teachers and librarians know the methods of introducing reading. In 2019, measures will be implemented in pilot regions, and from 2020 - throughout the country. The main goal of the program is to increase reading activity, as well as to form high civic, spiritual and moral guidelines in the younger generation.

“The problem is not with children, but with the fact that parents don’t read. We need to read aloud to children under eight or nine years old and discuss what they read,” psychologist Alexey Adollamsky, who uses leisurely reading as psychotherapy, told Kommersant. “Any support is beneficial,” says children’s writer Eduard Uspensky. “We need grants, competitions, congresses of children’s writers, holidays. But it is important who will do all this: if they are living people, then good. But, as a rule, these are officials, who only sluggishly hold meetings." He gave an example from the experience of Holland: “There in one city, all the city leaders read excerpts from their favorite books and told why they love these books. The hall was filled with children, and their eyes sparkled.”

Lunacharsky advised librarians to read to children more often and at the same time draw their attention to the musicality, colorfulness, expressiveness of the phrase and show how and with what this was achieved, encourage their imagination, teach them to enjoy not only the content, but also the form of the work.

Lunacharsky did not believe that the issues of pedagogy of children’s reading had already been developed, and with his statements he seemed to be calling for an in-depth study of these problems in common system educational work with children.

It is difficult to overestimate the importance of Lunacharsky’s works and his activities in the field of literature for children and youth. Suffice it to say that, following fresh traces of what he had done, the First All-Russian Conference on children's literature, the Resolution of the Central Committee of the All-Union Communist Party of Bolsheviks on the publishing house "Young Guard" was prepared and adopted in 1931, in 1932 the Resolution on the creation of the critical and bibliographic journal "Children's Literature" and, finally, the Resolution on the organization of the publishing house of children's literature.

Lunacharsky's works on children's and youth literature had a significant influence on the entire course of the literary process, including the development of literature for children and youth, and the pedagogy of children's reading. A fighter for the implementation of Lenin's demands for literature, for the creation of literature imbued with the spirit of party spirit, Lunacharsky laid the foundations of Soviet children's literature, its theory and criticism. Lunacharsky's fundamental principles on aesthetic education remain unshakable and can be taken into account today to solve many problems in children's literature. These provisions need to be studied and developed in modern conditions.

Nadezhda Konstantinovna Krupskaya wrote: “I don’t know another person who could do what Anatoly Vasilyevich did for public education in the early years, during the years of the struggle for the Soviet system.”

Many writers of the older generation experienced the beneficial influence of Lunacharsky. Let us give just one example: sending his book “Shvambraniya” as a gift to Lunacharsky, Lev Abramovich Kassil wrote: “I am sending you a book because it seems to me: you, exactly you, with your sensitivity and combination of the deepest revelations with graceful humor, will be able to discern in this book... something that, it seems to me, has eluded the critics... The epilogue of the story does not say which book the grown-up hero quotes. I’ll tell you - he quotes your book about Victor Hugo..."

The importance of Lunacharsky's literary heritage for Soviet culture and literature was also discussed in an editorial in the magazine "Communist": "The Party highly values ​​and effectively uses all the best in his heritage."

We offer readers the first collection of selected works by Anatoly Vasilyevich Lunacharsky, dedicated to the problems of children's literature, children's and youth reading.

The collection opens with the section: “A.V. Lunacharsky about himself,” in which we publish one of his many autobiographies. We chose it because it clearly highlights the author’s reading range in childhood and adolescence and talks about the influence of the books he read on him.

Lunacharsky's views on children's literature, children's and youth's reading are determined primarily by the principles of communist education of a person, to the development of which he made a significant contribution. This dictated the selection of the section “What kind of person we want to create” in the collection. It opens with two essays by A.V. Lunacharsky about V.I. Lenin, since it was in him that Anatoly Vasilyevich saw the ideal of a person in a communist society and called on youth to strive to ensure that the image of the leader became the life ideal of the younger generations of our country. In addition, this section contains, with significant abbreviations, articles and reports in which Lunacharsky formulated the main tasks of communist education and defined the role of literature and art in the moral and aesthetic education of children and adolescents.

It is known that Lunacharsky considered children's literature as a natural and organic part of all Soviet literature. Therefore, we considered it necessary to highlight a section in the collection: “Art and Communist Construction,” in which we present in excerpts or with significant abbreviations those articles, speeches, speeches by Lunacharsky, in which he formulated the distinctive features of the creative method of socialist realism, examined actual problems theories and criticism of Soviet literature that are directly related to literature for children and youth.

In the section "On Children's Literature, Children's and Youth Reading" we tried to present as fully as possible Lunacharsky's works on the work of those Soviet writers whose books were included in children's reading, as well as his articles and speeches in which he analyzed the state of children's literature of the 20s years, considered the features of literature for children, the problems of its theory and criticism.

Lunacharsky’s merits are great in promoting the best works of classics of Russian and world literature. In the section "Read the classics!" we publish only two articles in which Lunacharsky called on the younger generation to read and study classical literature, although there were much more such articles.

In one collection it is not possible to present all the works of A.V. Lunacharsky on children's literature, children's and youth reading. We hope that subsequent editions of the collection will be replenished with new materials that have not yet been studied enough or are stored in archives.

The collection ends with comments indicating the place and time of the first and one of the latest publications of each material, and is given a brief description of individuals mentioned by Lunacharsky. In this section we have used some comments available in the collected works of A.V. Lunacharsky, his collections of articles on literature, upbringing and education of schoolchildren.

At the end of the collection there is an index of names and a short list of works that discuss the views of A.V. Lunacharsky on literature and art for children.

N. B. Medvedeva

A.V. Lunacharsky about himself

From the article: “Memories from the revolutionary past”*

My childhood was spent under the strong influence of Alexander Ivanovich Antonov1, who, although he was an active state councilor and served as manager of the control chamber in Nizhny Novgorod, and then in Kursk, was a radical and did not at all hide his sympathies for left-wing aspirations.

As a very tiny boy, I sat curled up in a chair until a relatively late hour in the morning, listening to Alexander Ivanovich read to my mother “Notes of the Fatherland”2 and “Russian Thought”3. The comments that accompanied the reading of Shchedrin or some other suitable material sank into my soul.

In my conversations with my peers, as a boy, I acted as a fierce opponent of religion and monarchy. I remember how, having climbed up to the silversmith who lived in our yard, I grabbed a small icon, I don’t remember which saint, and, knocking it on the table in front of the open-mouthed silversmith’s apprentices who were dining at that time, I shouted in the most arrogant way that I imagine God will strike me for such an insulting attitude towards his close associate and that I consider the lack of immediate punishment for my insolence to be clear evidence of the non-existence of God himself.

Despite the fact that I was the “master’s son,” the silversmith grabbed me by the ear and dragged me to my mother, completely indignant and frightened by this behavior, which almost led him to believe that I was none other than the little Antichrist. It took my mother some difficulty to calm the silversmith, although both she and Alexander Ivanovich Antonov, in whose house we lived at that time, reacted to this not only good-naturedly, but even with humor, not without a tinge of approval.

There were no less comical cases of propaganda against absolutism. But all these imitations and antics, inspired by revolutionary and semi-revolutionary conversations in my family, were only the background against which the pattern of my early, but firm and life-long political convictions began to emerge.

At this time, I was very disdainful of the gymnasium program4, considering the gymnasium and everything emanating from it as a pernicious beginning and a worthless attempt by the tsarist government to take possession of my soul and fill it with content harmful to me, so the teachers considered me a capable boy, but lazy. Meanwhile, I studied myself with enormous diligence, and to numerous lessons in new languages, music and diligent reading of the classics of Russian fiction, I added serious study, for example, Mill’s “Logic”5 and Marx’s “Capital”. It was precisely at this time, in the 4th grade of the gymnasium, that I studied the first volume of “Capital” up and down. Although I later re-read it several times, I first became acquainted with it at the age of 13, strange as this may seem, and now, when I need to remember something from a great book or quote it, I , picking up the volume, I vividly remember that oilcloth sofa on which I used to sit in front of the lamp, chewing something and re-reading each chapter two, three times, covering it the whole system the notes I invented with blue and red pencil.

Fiction is a powerful factor of socialization, through which a person becomes familiar with the experience of human history, experiences the peculiarities of relationships between people, and learns cultural norms, patterns and values. The reading status of children and adolescents is part of overall reading and literacy problems modern Russia generally. Traditional statements by teachers such as: “children don’t read,” “the computer has completely replaced the book,” “children only read Harry Potter” are not without foundation. In this regard, two problems can be identified: firstly, leisure reading today is being replaced by television and computers, and secondly, if teenagers read, they do not read what, in the opinion of the older generation, deserves attention. It is obvious that the state of reading of modern schoolchildren deserves the close attention of scientists, psychologists and school teachers, who simply need to be aware of the reading interests of adolescents.

Let's start with an analysis of the self-conceptions of a reading teenager, which is described in the work of V.Ya. Askarova, N.K. Safonova. “A reading teenager in the world of adults: the search for harmony.” The picture of teenage reading with its priorities, assessments, and reading preferences sharply contrasts with the one that adult organizers of children’s and youth reading would like to see. The phenomena of the crisis in children's and youth's reading are not only not becoming less pronounced, but are definitely progressing. It turned out that among adolescents the situation of “sluggish reading” - reading-non-reading is widespread and from the category of spontaneous, unconscious phenomena is included in the category of obvious and accountable to consciousness. “Out of 630 respondents representing territorial entities of the region of different status, 98% confirmed that reading does not occupy any serious place in their lives. It is characteristic that teenagers operate with plural categories: “we”, “our class”, “our guys”, “our generation”, which indirectly indicates the typicality of this situation.”

Claiming that “reading is outdated”, “reading is not fashionable”, “reading has become uninteresting”, teenagers see the main reason for this in the rapid invasion of new information technologies into all spheres of life - school, home, leisure life outside the home; they claim that they stopped reading “because the computer came out, mobile connection and other technology, “get information on the Internet,” “many more interesting means of obtaining information and knowledge have appeared.” The result of the statements is a categorical conclusion: “it’s the 21st century, books are already hopelessly outdated,” “computers will fill everything,” “the generation of computers is coming!”

Teenagers' attitude towards the use of new information technologies is pragmatic: they “get” and “download” information. Information here is perceived as a draw; it is kaleidoscopic, torn; it is easy to manipulate - pulling, cutting, gluing. From this perspective, the book is perceived as too clumsy, voluminous, and requires immeasurably more time and labor. It is no coincidence that the teenagers themselves, characterizing the shortcomings traditional reading, they say exactly this: “it takes a long time to read and is too lazy”, “I don’t want to sweat over books.” In reading, adolescents recognize a mainly instrumental function, using it as a means of training and honing the necessary intellectual properties and qualities: “you develop your thinking and memory,” “you develop speech, you write better,” “reading develops spelling and thinking.”

In addition to the “useful” properties, teenagers also note the “pleasant” properties of reading - it can be a source of entertainment: “it’s captivating and interesting,” “a book can lift your spirits,” “reading helps you relax and have fun,” “it’s a way to kill time when you’re bored.” “,” “reading relieves fatigue and overload from a person,” etc. The entertaining effect of reading is seen by teenagers in a fairly wide range: from the elementary “fun” produced by an “interesting plot” to very complex sensations associated with the holistic impact of the book, involving the reader in its artistic space: “it’s great when you experience it with the characters,” “You are drawn into the world of fantasies and fairy tales.”

In the context of the indicated reading preferences, teenagers’ judgments about a “good” and “bad” book are of interest. When determining the qualities of a “good” book, teenagers ranked “smart” and “simple” in first place. A “smart” book is, first of all, informative, it “carries a lot of useful information”, here you “get useful information", "you find useful thoughts." “Simple” is accessible in content, language and style of presentation; it is written “without boring descriptions”, here “everything is clear”, there is “simple ordinary speech”. The teenager categorically does not accept the complexity of the book, classifying it as one of the qualities that characterizes a “bad” book.

“What kind of book do teenagers consider “interesting”? First of all, this is a book that has a “fascinating plot”, “fascinating situations”, “captivates with situations”, Askarova V.Ya., Safonova N.K. claim in their work. - Moreover, “positions” and “situations” must certainly be within the life experience of a teenager: books should be “about us”, “about our modern life”, “where we read to ourselves”. Librarians note that teenagers are reluctant to take books where peer heroes represent past eras. The social upheavals of recent decades have led to a weakening of intergenerational ties and a break in cultural tradition. For a modern teenager, there is not an axis of time, but a specific segment of it - a discrete worldview and a narrowed identity have manifested themselves as character traits modern young man. Perhaps this discreteness of perception becomes the reason that teenagers are not inclined to plan and think through their reading life at least one step forward? The most common reading situation, indicated by teenagers, is “I read according to my mood”, “I read whatever comes to hand.”

Especially for this work, we conducted a survey of high school students in order to determine the detailed reading range of high school students. The survey was carried out using electronic resources- through social media, and through the Pskov Regional Library for Children and Youth named after. V.A. Kaverina. 46 people were interviewed, including 29 girls and 17 boys aged 14 to 17 years.

High school students were asked the following questions:

Which books related to fiction have you read in their entirety? Last year. Write down everything you remember?

What books have you enjoyed the most over the past few years? Why? (It was interesting, exciting, informative, I learned a lot of new things, etc.)

What books have you read over the past few years that you didn't like at all? Why?

What influences your choice of book (teachers, friends, parents, television, Internet, etc.)?

What are your hobbies, interests, hobbies? Does your choice of books have anything to do with this?

Information for statistics: indicate your gender, age, class, city

Based on the results of the survey, it was possible to find out that 24 people prefer fiction, 17 people read scientific or educational (only for study), 5 people give the same preference to both fiction and popular science literature. To the second question, students gave detailed answers, which helped us identify the main reading range of modern high school students. Among the books read over the past year, novels from the Twilight series by S. Mayer (15), novels by S. Lukyanenko (13), books by Paolo Coelho (10), books by M. Mitchell “Gone with the Wind” (8) received the most votes. . Young readers mainly prefer books by modern foreign authors who write mainly in the genre of fantasy and detective stories: “The Silver Pieces of Judas” by S. McBain (author of “The Da Vinci Code”), “The Sapphire Tablet” by S. Gilbert, “The Chronicles of Narnia” by K. Lewis, "The Mystery of the Sick Shoes" by E. Quinn, "The Lord of Storms", "The Lord of Swords", "The Silver Hand" by M. Moorcock, "The Prince of Light" by R. Zelazny, "The Phoenix and the Mirror" by E. Davidson, "The Broken Sword" , "Children of the Sea King" by P. Anderson, "The Dragon's Wanderings" by E. McCaffrey, "The Miners" by M. Norton, "The Angel of the West Window" by G. Meyrink, "This Mad Universe" by E. Russell, "Hogbens, Dwarves, Demons" G. Kuttner, "Fight Club", "Pygmy" by Ch. Palahniuk, "The Stranger", "The Book of Complaints" by M. Fry, "The Sicilian" by M. Puzo (author of "The Godfather"), "Anatomy of Fear" by J. Santlaufer, "Ecumene" G.L. Oldie, “The Story of Doctor Dolittle” by H. Lofting.

Also in the questionnaires there are names of works by foreign authors, which can already be classified as classics of world literature: the collection of short stories “Ghosts of Lexington”, “Norwegian Wood” by H. Murakami, “Sherlock Holmes” by A. Conan Doyle, “The Three Musketeers”, “The Two Diana" by A. Dumas, fairy tales "A Thousand and One Nights"; "The Invisible Man", "The Time Machine", "The Island of Dr. Moreau" by H. Wells, fairy tales different nations, fairy tales by V. Hauff, "The Lionheart Brothers", "Roni, the Robber's Daughter", "Mio, my Mio" by A. Lindgren, "The Adventures of Baron Munchausen" by E. Raspe, "The Mischievous Jester and the Clever Rogue Till Eulenspiegel", "Tartaren" from Tarascon" by A. Daudet, "The Legend of Doctor Faust" by I. Shpis, "Pilgrimage to Earth" by R. Sheckley, "Jean-Christophe" by R. Rolland, "Perfumer" by P. Suskind, a collection of stories by O. Henry, "Portrait Dorian Gray", stories by O. Wilde, plays and stories by B. Shaw, books by E.T.A. Hoffmann, E. Poe.

Of course, the reading range of high school students is influenced by the school literature curriculum; they read a lot of Russian classics. The questionnaires included such works as “War and Peace” by L. Tolstoy, “The Master and Margarita”, “Heart of a Dog”, “Morphine”, “Theatrical Novel” by M. Bulgakov, “The Fate of a Man” by M. Sholokhov, “Crime and punishment", "The Idiot" by F. Dostoevsky, "Hero of Our Time" by M. Lermontov, "Oblomov" by I. Goncharov, "Fathers and Sons" by I. Turgenev, a collection of stories by A. Chekhov, "The Golden Knight" by N. Gumilyov, " Portrait", "Nevsky Prospekt" by N. Gogol, "Doctor Zhivago" by B. Pasternak, stories by I. Bunin, "The Pit" by A. Platonov, plays by Ostrovsky, novels and short stories by V. Shukshin, "Cavalry" by I. Babel, "History Russian State" by N. Karamzin.

High school students also pay attention to modern Russian literature; the following works were named in the questionnaires: “Step into Immortality” (about the sixth company of Pskov paratroopers) by O. Dementiev (18 people), “Life and Fate” by V. Grossman, a collection of stories “Laugh better than torment" by E. Asadov, "Poltergeists" by I. Vinokurov, "The Fourth Height" by E. Ilyina, "Conquerors", "The Sword and the Rainbow" by E. Khaetskaya, "One Hundred Years Ahead" by K. Bulychev, "Duhless" S. Minaeva, "Metro 2033" by D. Glukhovsky, "The Life and Extraordinary Adventures of Soldier Ivan Chonkin" by V. Voinovich, "Steep Route" by E. Ginzburg, "The Day of the Oprichnik" by V. Sorokin", "Asphalt", "Traces on Me ", "Planka" by E. Grishkovets, "The Witcher" by A. Sapkowski, "Inhabited Island", "Beetle in an Anthill", "Waves extinguish the wind" by the Strugatsky brothers.

In the answer to the third question, it was necessary to write which books high school students started reading and did not finish. They were named: “Eugene Onegin” by A. Pushkin, “War and Peace” by L. Tolstoy, “Harry Potter” by J.K. Rowling (“didn’t finish it”), “Oblomov” by I. Goncharov (“I didn’t have time, but I’ll definitely read it in full”), “End of the Chapter” by J. Galsworthy (“left for later”), “The Adventures of Gulliver” by J. Swift ( “I can’t handle this nonsense in my life”), “The Brothers Karamazov”, “Poor People” by F. Dostoevsky, “Anna Karenina” by L. Tolstoy, “Germinal” by E. Zola, “The Pit” by A. Platonov (“if not for program - I wouldn’t read it”), “The Gulag Archipelago” by A. Solzhenitsyn, “Hearts of Four” by V. Sorokin, “Azazel” by B. Akunin, “Notre Dame Cathedral” by V. Hugo, Hoffmann, “volumes of Pushkin” (“I don’t finish reading due to lack of time"), "several subsequent books by Sapkowski from the Witcher series" ("in comparison with the 1st and 2nd books, it was as if another person wrote - gray, tedious, drawn out"), "Behold, I am creating" V. Rybakova.

Among the books that were most liked by young readers were (answer to the fourth question of the questionnaire): the series “Keeper of Swords” by N. Perumov, “2012. Chronicle of the Apocalypse” by A. Medvedev, “Full Route” by A. Chubanyan; “Labyrinth of Reflections” by S. Lukyanenko; "There and Back Again" by J.R. Tolkien (“it was interesting, exciting”), “The Chronicles of Narnia” by C. Lewis, “Eragon. Return" by C. Paolini, "Iceberg" by J. Rollins, "Harry Potter" by J.K. Rowling (all books), works by M. Bulgakov (“I love the depth of thought and writing style”), N. Gumilyov (“hidden subtext”), A. Chekhov (“accuracy, realism, true description of reality”), collections “Blue Dragonflies Babylon”, “Blackberry, Holy Abode”, novels “Conquerors”, “Sword and Rainbow”, “Ulfila” by E. Khaetskaya (“I like Khaetskaya’s language, interesting narration and religious motifs”), “all the works of A. Belyaev” (“ It’s an entertaining and informative read, I like the mixture of hectic life with dry science”), “Ecumene” by G.L. Oldie (“an exciting book that you immerse yourself in”), “all Hugo”, “all the Strugatskys”, “The Master and Margarita”, “Fatal Eggs” by M. Bulgakov, “Fight Club” by Ch. Palahniuk, “Steppenwolf” G. Hesse, "Gilles Blass" by A. Lesage, "Stop the plane - I'll get off", "Legends of Invalid Street", "Monya Tsatskes - Standard Bearer" by E. Sevely, "Steep Route" by E. Ginzburg, "old, classic fantasy" , “Book of Complaints” by M. Fry (“fascinating and pleasant to read, with a philosophical meaning, unusual”), “The Idiot” by F. Dostoevsky (“strong, interesting to learn in such detail from the inside human characters and motives, an atmosphere of anguish”), “Chapaev and emptiness" by V. Pelevin (“interesting, allows you to look at the world in a completely different way, gives you a chance to hope that everything is possible”), “almost everything from Poe, Wilde, Shaw”, works by F. Pullman (“interesting for their extraordinary style , ideas"), M. Puzo "The Godfather" ("classic..."), "Roadside Picnic", "A Beetle in an Anthill" by the Strugatsky brothers ("an excellent cocktail - science fiction and detective"), works by E. Grishkovets (“I don’t single out specific books, I like his style and the theme of his work - depicting the life of ordinary modern people"), "The Gulag Archipelago" by A. Solzhenitsyn.

In response to the fifth question, readers named books that they did not like at all. Many students answered “there are none” or “if you don’t like it, I don’t read it,” “I don’t remember,” one student answered: “You cannot be critical of literature. It’s hard to pick at least one classic work to qualify as “didn’t like.” But still the following works were named: “Tanya Grotter” by D. Yemets (“just a terrible book, a complete stupidly altered plagiarism”), “Blue Lard” by V. Sorokin (“I didn’t like it”), “three books by Akunin, I don’t remember what specifically,” “Who can live well in Rus'” by N. Nekrasov (“boring, I don’t like poetry”), “The Thunderstorm” by A. Ostrovsky (“pretentious, naive, something outdated”), “Hearts of Four” by V. Sorokin ( “a lot of incomprehensible things have been piled together and at the same time a lot of things are disgusting”), “War and Peace” by L. Tolstoy (“not enough time”), “Notes of a Hunter” by I. Turgenev, “Iliad” by Homer (“boring”).

The choice of books of reading high school students is influenced by teachers (school curriculum), friends (swap books, share impressions), parents, relatives (buy books, advise), the Internet (to a greater extent), cinema, some students answered that no one and nothing influences except them own desires and moods. Also, the choice of books is sometimes associated with the favorite hobbies of high school students, for example, watching films, playing a musical instrument (“the choice of books is sometimes associated with the mood that is determined by playing the piano”), their own literary activity (writing stories), historical reconstruction(study of history), study of ancient civilizations. Some hobbies of high school students require reading scientific and specialized literature, such as a passion for computers, information technology, psychology, philosophy, anime, clay pigeon shooting (the student had a desire to study psychological literature on this topic), cars. Several students indicated that their hobbies are not related to the choice of books, but mainly include sports (football, basketball, snowboarding, kickboxing, alpine skiing), embroidery, drawing, graffiti, love of animals, small children, and visiting clubs. 17 people noted that they have no hobbies.

The answers to the questions in the questionnaires of some students were detailed, it was noticeable that the person was interested in literature, reading, answered questions with interest, and was intellectually developed. Several questionnaires (5) were completely uninformative; the student answered “no such thing” to almost all questions; the answers were monosyllabic and dry. But in general, the guys were interested in filling out the questionnaires.

Based on the results of this survey, we can conclude that the reading range of high school students is quite diverse - the children read both foreign authors and Russian (Soviet) ones, and give preference to the fantasy genre (S. Mayer, S. Lukyanenko, N. Perumov, S. McBain, K Lewis, R. Zelazny, J.K. Rowling, J. Tolkien, C. Palahniuk, M. Fry), science fiction (A. Belyaev, the Strugatsky brothers, G. Wells), detective (E. Quinn, J. Santlaufer, E. Poe, A. Conan-Doyle), many high school students prefer the classics (in some questionnaires there were no other works except classical literature) - M. Bulgakov, O. Wilde, B. Shaw, V. Hugo, A. Chekhov, G Hesse, F. Dostoevsky, N. Gumilyov, B. Pasternak, etc. Many students like modern Russian prose - the works of E. Ginzburg, A. Solzhenitsyn, E. Khaetskaya, E. Grishkovets, V. Pelevin, K. Bulychev, O. Dementieva, E. Ilina. They also do not forget about fairy tales (fairy tales of the peoples of the world, stories by A. Lindgren, fairy tales by V. Gauf, fairy tales “A Thousand and One Nights”), because some of the high school students still feel like children.

If we talk about the reasons for choosing such literature, then most often students choose reading for entertainment, to escape into a fairy-tale world (fantasy, detective stories, fairy tales), reading to solve their ideological problems, solve important existential issues, for self-development, broadening their horizons (works of classical literature), high school students especially like to read works about modern man who are close and understandable to them, which reflect events close in time to young readers (E. Khaetskaya, E. Grishkovets, V. Pelevin), while classical literature is more difficult for them to perceive , since to master it you need a fairly high reading culture. Some students in grades 10-11 do not know literary trends and have a poor understanding of the chronology of events, the peculiarities of composition, language and style of the writer.

And some high school students do not like to read at all, which is reflected in their questionnaires. In a study organized in 2007-2008. One of the tasks of the National Library of the Udmurt Republic was to identify factors influencing the lack of interest in reading among high school students. Three focus groups were held, the participants of which were schoolchildren from the city of Sarapul, the village of Uva and the village of Alnashi. (It is emphasized that these young people practically did not read fiction; that is, we're talking about about the audience, which comes to the attention of researchers quite rarely). It turned out that respondents perceive reading, on the one hand, as something natural that they use without thinking, and on the other hand, as something that causes difficulty, tension, and boredom. In many ways, the relationship between these two aspects of perception depends on the topic, content and, importantly, the volume of a particular text. Books often meet with sharp rejection among schoolchildren who read little. In particular, the majority of respondents expressed their reluctance to read any thick book (this even applied to romance novels preferred by girls). Typically, they also do not want to read books that have already been made into a movie (even if such books would be given away for free). Magazines for teenagers evoked a more positive attitude among focus group participants: light texts and bright pictures are perceived more easily and are similar to the television picture they are used to. Research data indicate that young people tend to satisfy their needs for entertainment and leisure activities to a lesser extent with the help of books. Videos, music, TV, hobbies, friends are cited as reasons for lack of time for reading by schoolchildren who do not like to read

In 2005, employees of Omsk municipal libraries conducted a study “Reading. The view of youth”, which covered more than 1000 young people aged 15-24. One of the methods was a street express survey. More than 25% of respondents in response to the question “What book are you reading now?” answered that they did not have time to read; 19% said they don't read anything and 2% said they don't like to read.

Work to identify the reading range of adolescents has also been carried out by other researchers. The journal “Homo legens” published a study by N.G. Malakhova “I read because I like to read a little.” About the motives of reading among teenagers,” which showed that respondents aged 15-16 years (58 people) named works included in the school curriculum as their favorite books. The researcher believes that this is most likely due to a slight narrowing of the range of reading (compared to the sample of 8-9 grades), caused by the greater workload of teenagers, the increase in the volume of works studied in literature lessons, what they read and love, mainly what they ask (Griboyedov, Pushkin, Lermontov, Shakespeare, Bulgakov, Dumas, Turgenev, Bronte). “Adventure teenage literature and the classic detective story are losing their positions somewhat, although they are still mentioned quite often (“The Moonstone”, “The Headless Horseman”, “Captain Blood’s Odyssey”, “Ivanhoe”, etc.). The classic (Brontë, Mitchell) and modern romance novels, represented by a variety of names mentioned once, as well as the modern - translated and domestic - detective story are strengthening their positions. And although the individual range of preferences is very large (from “Jonathan Livingston Seagull” by R. Bach to “Simply Mary” without an author), the general trend is already visible: works are read for school school curriculum(they also turn out to be the most beloved, and for relaxation - what can be bought in underground passages (modern domestic and translated detective stories, horror films, romance novels)."

Also, research to determine the reading range of adolescents was carried out by the Pskov Regional Library for Children and Youth. V.A. Kaverina. 67 people took part in the study, of which 41 were girls, 25 boys - students of grades 8-9 of educational secondary schools and a technical lyceum in Pskov. When asked what students read, 7 people named works of Russian classical literature, 27 people named works of modern Russian literature, and 27 people named works of foreign literature from the 19th-20th centuries. - 30 people, popular science books - 3 people. The most read authors were: D. Dontsova, V. Ivanova, D. Emets (“Tanya Grotter”), J. Rowling (“Harry Potter”), D.R. Tolkien (The Lord of the Rings), A. Dumas (Queen Margot, The Count of Monte Cristo), D. Defoe (The Adventures of Robinson Crusoe), A. Pushkin (The Captain's Daughter). Among other works of Russian classics are mentioned: A. Ostrovsky “The Thunderstorm”, V. Korolenko “The Blind Musician”, I.S. Turgenev “Fathers and Sons”, A.S. Pushkin “Eugene Onegin”, M.Yu. Lermontov "Hero of Our Time". Popular science books include “Encyclopedia of the Circus”, “Lawyer at Home”, “The Uninhibited Manager”. When asked about their motives for reading, the students answered that they read these books because they like an exciting, interesting plot, in which there are many adventures, unexpected turns of events, described cheerfully, with humor and from which “it is impossible to put down”

As for the fantasy genre, the staff of the Pskov Regional Youth Library named after. V.A. Kaverina conducted a study, “The Phenomenon of Children’s Bestsellers,” in which they analyzed why children are so interested in books of this genre, and especially books about Harry Potter, and why the characters in this book are so close to them. It turns out that the point is not at all in the “promotion” of this author and not in advertising, and not in the fact that the guys are “escaping” reality into a fairy-tale world. “Children do not escape reality by immersing themselves in Magic world Harry Potter,” write the staff of the youth library, “They comprehend the complexities of the real world by projecting the magical world onto it. Readers clearly separate the world of the author’s fantasy from the world of reality and are aware that the real world is much more complex than the world of the book.”

Analyzing the reasons for the popularity of these literary genres, it should be noted the predominance of the narrative type of speech, according to which the plot is built according to the traditional scheme: beginning, climax and denouement, and the narration is based on the principle of “life-likeness”. Socially characteristic characters act in a typical setting, facing difficulties already familiar to most readers, therefore “mass literature” is emphatically social. “The problem of reading interests of schoolchildren can also be approached from the position of age-related socio-psychological characteristics of adolescents entering adolescence,” writes E.V. Sinotina. - In the process of reading, the teenager recognizes his own experiences in the hero’s life circumstances, identifying himself with the character, and appropriates someone else’s life experience. It is customary to identify crisis situations, which include worries about the death of loved ones, serious illness, career failure, loss social status, and crises of personality development that arise during a change in internal psychological position. For a teenager, a way out of the current situation is always important. It is no coincidence that psychologists talk about the psychotherapeutic effect of fiction.”

It is worth paying attention to the fact that often the choice of literature for reading occurs under the influence of reader fashion, as a result of widespread advertising or in the wake of interest in video products, as in the case of Ch. Palahniuk, B. Akunin, whose works have been repeatedly filmed. Some researchers believe that familiarization with a book is, rather, illusory in nature: the reader is not concerned about the book itself and its comprehension, but about what impression the very fact of getting to know it will make on others.

Thus, mass literature as a component of the modern cultural process is socially and psychologically in demand among high school students. “Popular literature? part of the modern cultural process, and it must not only be taken for granted, but also known and studied with children. Under appropriate conditions (creation of a special learning situation in the classroom, availability of assignments related to personal reading experience), high school students willingly participate in discussions about what they read. It is important that the subject of discussion during the discussion is not only the texts of literary works, but also the responses they received in the press and on television. A literature teacher can cultivate the reading culture of teenagers by comparing works that are interesting to high school students with classics of world literature that have spiritual potential.”

Other researchers of this problem, for a number of reasons, are concerned about the decline in youth’s interest in free reading. “Firstly, the emotional and intellectual spheres of a student’s development are impoverished. Secondly, books about art are disappearing from reading topics, and mysticism, fantasy, detective stories and romance novels prevail. Such works cannot have a positive influence on the formation of aesthetic and moral standards among students, or on expanding their vocabulary.” As for schoolchildren’s love of reading, when analyzing the data presented in various publications, one can sometimes notice that objectively similar reading pictures are interpreted differently and even oppositely, because separate numerical indicators are given. Such paradoxes are probably due, first of all, to a certain instability of ideas about what can be considered the norm for a particular reader group and what is a deviation. But there is another important reason - of a methodological nature. A direct question about love of reading is hardly worth asking respondents over 9-10 years of age. Teenagers (and even more so young people) have already accumulated enough experience; they implement various reading practices, which are not always based on a love of reading (after all, even free, leisure reading is often associated not with a love of reading as such, but with an interest in the topic ). Therefore, 70-80% of positive answers to the question whether high school students like to read can only be regarded as answers from those who do not have a negative attitude towards reading (that is, those who have a “normal” attitude towards reading). Phrases like “I like to read”, “I don’t like to read” can be (and often are) present in questionnaires and questionnaires as answer options to questions about the reasons or motives for reading. Then the respondent’s choice of just such an answer (instead of or together with options such as “I read for school assignments”, “I read when I have time”, “I read on topics that interest me” - etc.) will be an indicator of his real attitude towards reading and the real place of reading in his life.

The predominance of business, functional motives in the reading of young people (in particular, those related to obtaining an education), the constant increase in the importance of such motives has been noted by researchers and practitioners for several decades. Purely entertaining motives are also playing an increasingly important role in the formation of reading circles. The development of media culture and the rapid growth of Internet technologies are “shifting” the traditional structure of reading - both mass and “elite”; This especially applies, of course, to young people. Here, for example, is how V.P. describes the current situation. Chudinova is the author of numerous publications on the problems of children's and adolescent reading: “Reading of the younger generation is becoming more and more functional and utilitarian. Teenagers are increasingly reading like adults: on the one hand, reading is getting information necessary for studying, on the other hand, it is “light reading” as entertainment (reading illustrated magazines, comics, books with lighter, simpler and shorter texts, as a rule, not of high artistic merit)".

The results of the studies are alarming about the unsystematic nature of reading: students often read everything they can get their hands on. This suggests that many do not yet have established reading interests. Of course, developing a reader is a difficult matter. Reading interests also depend on the attitude towards books in the family, on parents, on the reader’s age and level of development, on the books in the reading circle, on peers and comrades. But, despite all this, it seems to us that the leading place remains with the language teacher and the literature lesson.

April 19-21, 2018 in the city of Staraya Russa, Novgorod region in the Scientific and Cultural Center of the House Museum of F.M. Dostoevsky held the 20th International Youth Readings “The Works of F.M. Dostoevsky in the Perception of Readers of the 21st Century”. This year's readings were mainly dedicated to the 150th anniversary of the novel "The Idiot". Organizers scientific conference Novgorod State United Museum-Reserve and the Institute of World Literature named after. A.M. Gorky Russian Academy of Sciences.

More than 40 schoolchildren, students, graduate students, teachers, university professors, researchers at academic institutes, and free researchers of Dostoevsky’s work from Russia and Italy took part in the readings. Russian participants came from Moscow, St. Petersburg, Nizhny Novgorod, Samara, villages and cities of the Novgorod region (Veliky Novgorod, Pola, Kholm, Parfin). Researchers from Italy and China also took part in the readings. A total of 24 reports were presented for discussion during the readings. In addition, during the readings, a round table was held, at which a number of reports were heard, and a seminar on the topic: “The novel by F.M. Dostoevsky's "The Idiot": about human nature."

Tatiana Kasatkina

The permanent scientific director of the readings since their establishment is Tatyana Kasatkina, Doctor of Philology, Head. Department of Literary Theory of IMLI named after. A.M. Gorky RAS, Chairman of the Commission for the Study of the Creative Heritage of F.M. Dostoevsky Scientific Council "History of World Culture" RAS. The goal of the April Youth Readings formulated by her is to “organize a platform for meeting people (primarily very young people, school students, but in general - collaboration people of different ages (pupils, students, graduate students, teachers)) interested in a deep understanding of reality, the ability to master complex texts and create adequate concepts of the analyzed reality. The basis of such understanding lies in developing the ability to perceive the text not as a silent object of analysis, but as a person entering into communication.”

The expert council of the 2018 readings included: a teacher of Russian language and literature of the highest category of the Municipal Educational Institution Secondary School of the village of Pola, Novgorod Region, Honored Teacher of the Russian Federation Irina Evlampieva, Doctor of Philology Sofya Kaganovich, Advisor to the Rectorate of Novgorod State University. Yaroslava Mudrogo, Candidate of Philological Sciences Nikolay Podosokorsky, Candidate of Philological Sciences, senior researcher at the Department of Literary Theory of the IMLI RAS Anna Gumerova, Candidate of Philological Sciences, senior researcher at the Department of Literary Theory at IMLI RAS Valentina Sergeeva, Secretary Russian society Dostoevsky Natalya Schwartz, Candidate of Philological Sciences, Associate Professor of the Department of Russian and Foreign Literature of Novgorod State University named after Yaroslav the Wise Irina Abramovskaya, Candidate of Sciences, Professor of the Second Beijing Institute of Foreign Languages ​​Zhang Biange.

The following topics were raised in the reports and at the round table: “The ambiguous motive of laughter in the novel by F. M. Dostoevsky”, “The theme of calligraphy in the novel by F. M. Dostoevsky “The Idiot””, “The novel by F. M. Dostoevsky “The Idiot” and “ Woe from Wit"," "Prayer for the Cup" by Prince Myshkin - the role of gospel stories in the novel "The Idiot"", "The role of interpretation of the Apocalypse in the novel "The Idiot"", "An extraordinary man in the novel "Crime and Punishment" by F.M. Dostoevsky and F. Nietzsche’s book “Thus Spoke Zarathustra””, “Characteristics of a holy fool in the image of an “underground man”: the experience of reading F. M. Dostoevsky’s story “Notes from Underground””, “Translation of F. M. Dostoevsky’s “Eugenia Grande” Balzac" and others.

According to a member of the expert council of the readings, literary critic Nikolai Podosokorsky, “Old Russian youth readings are distinguished by a very special atmosphere - here at the forefront is not just scientific communication and the exchange of observations on various literary texts, but a truly lively and equally respectful philosophical dialogue of people who have completely different life and cultural experiences and, at the same time, united by a sincere and deep interest in considering the fundamental problems of modern Russian and European cultures. Dostoevsky's texts in this sense are an invaluable source for accessing highest level understanding issues of human nature and his relationship with society and the world.”

Zhang Biange

Chinese professor Zhang Biange told Nikolai Podosokorsky the following about the readings: “In general, I really liked the readings. Russian schoolchildren in Staraya Russa simply amazed me - they not only have fresh ideas, but also ready-made ways of working with text. It is also very important that they "read the Bible. It is obvious that the church and Orthodox education play a big role here. It is immediately clear that without reading the Bible they would not be able to understand everything so deeply. This is my most important impression. I see that they are the bright future of Dostoyevistics."

Vitaly Antonov

Philological readings “Works of F.M. Dostoevsky in the perception of readers of the 21st century" represent unique project 19 years of cooperation secondary school, universities, museums and academic science in the study and popularization of the work of F.M. Dostoevsky, viewed through the prism of Russian and world culture. Over the years, schoolchildren and students from the Novgorod, Voronezh, Kirov, Leningrad, Nizhny Novgorod, Novosibirsk, Samara, Smolensk, and Ulyanovsk regions, as well as from Moscow, St. Petersburg, Tatarstan and other regions of the country took part in the readings.

Since 2015, the readings have been held as international ones - lyceum students and literature teachers from Italy and China take part in them. In June 2009, Youth Readings received the stamp "Russian Academy of Sciences. Institute of World Literature named after A.M. Gorky." Participants of the April readings whose reports are recognized expert advice the most prepared, participate in the youth section of the International Old Russian Readings "Dostoevsky and Modernity", held annually in May.

The readings are the culmination of the annual cycle of the program “Russian Literature as an Interlocutor and Friend,” which includes:
- autumn preparatory seminar for teachers-philologists;
- the April conference (Youth Readings itself) with a detailed discussion of the reports of schoolchildren and students and a final round table;
- youth section at the International Readings “Dostoevsky and Modernity”, held annually in Staraya Russa, in the Museum of F.M. Dostoevsky in May.

Irina Evlampieva

Head of the House-Museum F.M. Dostoevsky in Staraya Russa Natalya Kostina

04/19/2018. Morning session of the first day of readings. Part 1. The moderator of the meeting is Tatyana Kasatkina. Audio recording.

Secretary of the Russian Society F.M. Dostoevsky Natalya Schwartz

Valentina Sergeeva

04/19/2018. Morning session of the first day of readings. Part 2. The moderator of the meeting is Tatyana Kasatkina. Audio recording.

Irina Abramovskaya

04/19/2018. Tatiana Kasatkina. "Francis of Assisi in The Idiot: Immediate Context." Report at the XX International Youth Readings “Works of F.M. Dostoevsky in the perception of readers of the 21st century."

04/19/2018. Round table “Around the novel by F.M. Dostoevsky's "The Idiot" Presenter - Tatyana Aleksandrovna Kasatkina. XX International Youth Readings “Works of F.M. Dostoevsky in the perception of readers of the 21st century." Audio recording.

04/20/2018. Morning session of the second day of readings. Part 1. The moderator of the meeting is Irina Evlampieva. House-Museum of F.M. Dostoevsky in Staraya Russa. Audio recording.

04/20/2018. Morning session of the second day of readings. Part 2. The moderator of the meeting is Anna Gumerova. House-Museum of F.M. Dostoevsky in Staraya Russa. Audio recording.

Sofya Lvovna Kaganovich

04/20/2018. Tatyana Kasatkina: “Any understanding is a step in order to move on... For Dostoevsky, the essence of humanity is the essence of its shared existence. Joint understanding, sympathy in the literal sense of the word. As Mitya will say in “The Brothers Karamazov”: “Everyone is a child!”, all of huge humanity is one “child” that the Lord raises on this earth, so that it grows beyond the borders of this earth. So maybe nothing more important than that, what we call “youth readings” cannot exist, because only a child grows and as long as he is a child. As soon as we become isolated in the scales, the husks of adult life, we begin to move in circles and we lose this aspiration, this linearity... and God forbid we never lose it.”

Final words at the XX International Youth Readings “Works of F.M. Dostoevsky in the perception of readers of the 21st century." House-Museum of F.M. Dostoevsky in Staraya Russa.

04/21/2018. Tatiana Kasatkina. Seminar “Roman F.M. Dostoevsky's "The Idiot": about human nature." Part 1. Audio recording.

father Alexander Ranne

04/21/2018. Tatiana Kasatkina. Seminar “Roman F.M. Dostoevsky's "The Idiot": about human nature." Part 2. Audio recording.

Maria Danchuk

Zhang Biange

Tatyana Magaril-Ilyaeva