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From January 26, 1991 10. On approval of lists of production, work, professions, positions and indicators giving the right to preferential pensions



In accordance with Article 14 of the USSR Law “On pension provision for citizens in the USSR”, the USSR Cabinet of Ministers decides:
1. Approve:
a) List No. 1 of industries, works, professions, positions and indicators in underground work, in work with particularly harmful and especially difficult working conditions, employment in which gives the right to an old-age pension on preferential terms (attached);
b) List No. 2 of industries, professions, positions and indicators with harmful and difficult working conditions, employment in which gives the right to an old-age pension on preferential terms (attached).
2. Establish that, in accordance with the Law of the USSR “On pension provision for citizens in the USSR,” the application of Lists No. 1 and 2 is carried out taking into account the certification of workplaces.
3. Heads of enterprises (associations) and organizations must ensure timely preparation for the entry into force of Lists No. 1 and 2. Conduct certification of workplaces and take the necessary measures to improve working conditions. Determine the list of jobs, the names of professions and positions whose employees are provided with preferential pensions in accordance with these Lists, and familiarize workers with them.
Instruct the USSR State Committee for Labor and social issues provide explanations on the procedure for applying these Lists.
4. The USSR State Committee for Press must, within 3 months, by order of the USSR State Committee for Labor and Social Issues, publish a collection of regulations on preferential pensions and long-service pensions.
5. Instruct the USSR State Committee on Labor and Social Issues to continue with the participation of the General Confederation of Trade Unions of the USSR, the Ministry of Finance of the USSR, the State Planning Committee of the USSR, the Pension Fund of the USSR and others interested organizations work to consider the received comments and additions on Lists N N 1 and 2, guided by paragraph 9 of the Resolution of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR "On the procedure for enacting the USSR Law "On pension provision for citizens in the USSR".
Proposals on these issues must be submitted to the USSR Cabinet of Ministers by June 1, 1991.

Prime Minister

Business manager

1.1. LIST N 1

(as amended by Resolutions of the Cabinet of Ministers of the USSR
dated 08/09/91 N 591, dated 07/23/91 N 497; Regulations
Council of Ministers of the RSFSR dated 02.10.91 N 517)

10100000 I. MINING WORKS

10100000 Mining. Geological -
exploration work. Construction,
reconstruction, technical re-equipment and
major repairs of mines, mines, mines,
subways, underground canals, tunnels and
other underground structures

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On approval of lists of production, work, professions, positions and indicators giving the right to preferential pension provision

With changes and additions made
resolutions of the USSR Cabinet of Ministers
dated July 23, 1991 N 497,
dated August 9, 1991 N 591

In accordance with Article 14 of the USSR Law "On pension provision for citizens in the USSR" the Cabinet of Ministers of the USSR DECIDES:

1. Approve:

a) List No. 1 of industries, works, professions, positions and indicators in underground work, in work with particularly harmful and especially difficult working conditions, employment in which gives the right to an old-age pension on preferential terms (attached);

b) List No. 2 of industries, jobs, professions, positions and indicators with harmful and difficult working conditions, employment in which gives the right to an old-age pension on preferential terms (attached).

2. Establish that, in accordance with the Law of the USSR “On pension provision for citizens in the USSR,” the application of Lists No. 1 and 2 is carried out taking into account the certification of workplaces.

3. Heads of enterprises (associations) and organizations must ensure timely preparation for the entry into force of Lists No. 1 and 2. Conduct certification of workplaces and take the necessary measures to improve working conditions. Determine the list of jobs, the names of professions and positions whose employees are provided with preferential pensions in accordance with these Lists, and familiarize workers with them.

Instruct the USSR State Committee on Labor and Social Issues to provide clarifications on the procedure for applying these Lists.

4. The USSR State Committee for Press must, within 3 months, by order of the USSR State Committee for Labor and Social Issues, publish a collection of regulations on preferential pensions and long-service pensions.

5. Instruct the USSR State Committee on Labor and Social Issues to continue, with the participation of the General Confederation of Trade Unions of the USSR, the Ministry of Finance of the USSR, the State Planning Committee of the USSR, the Pension Fund of the USSR and other interested organizations, to consider the received comments and additions to Lists No. 1 and 2, guided by paragraph 9 of the Resolution of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR "On the procedure for enacting the USSR Law "On pension provision for citizens in the USSR".


List N 1
production, work, professions, positions and indicators in underground work, in work with particularly harmful and especially difficult working conditions, employment in which gives the right to an old-age pension on preferential terms

I. Mining operations

II. Ore preparation, beneficiation, agglomeration (agglomeration, briquetting, pelletizing), roasting of ores and non-metallic minerals

III. Metallurgical production (ferrous metals)

IV. Coke, pitch coke, thermoanthracite and coke-chemical production

V. Production of generator gas and production of gases in the process of metallurgical production

VI. Production of silica products

VII. Metallurgical production (non-ferrous metals)

VIII. Chemical production

IX. Production of explosives, initiating substances, gunpowders and ammunition equipment

X. Processing of oil, gas, gas condensate, coal and shale

XI. Metalworking

XII. Electrical production and repair of electrical equipment

XIII. Production of electronic equipment and radio equipment

XIV. Production of building materials

XV. Glass and porcelain-faience production

XVI. Production of artificial and synthetic fibers

XVII. Pulp and paper production

XVIII. Production of medicines, medical and biological preparations and materials

XIX. Health care institutions

XX. Printing production

XXI. Transport

XXII. Work with radioactive substances, sources of ionizing radiation, beryllium and rare earth elements

XXIII. General professions

XXIV. Nuclear energy and industry

10100000 I. Mining operations

10100000 Mining. Geological exploration work. Construction, reconstruction, technical re-equipment and overhaul of mines, pits, mines, subways, underground canals, tunnels and other underground structures

10101000 1. Underground work in mines, mines and mines for the extraction of minerals; in geological exploration; in drainage mines; in the construction of mines, mines, mines

1010100a a) All workers employed full time in underground work

1010100b b) Managers and specialists of underground areas

1010100в c) Managers of mines, mine administrations on the rights of mines, mines and mines

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1 CABINET OF MINISTERS OF THE USSR RESOLUTION of January 26, 1991 N 10 ON APPROVAL OF LISTS OF PRODUCTIONS, WORKS, PROFESSIONS, POSITIONS AND INDICATORS GIVING THE RIGHT TO PREFERENTIAL PENSION SECURITY (as amended by Resolutions of the USSR Cabinet of Ministers dated N 591, dated N 497; Resolutions of the Council of Ministers RSFSR from N 517) In accordance with Article 14 of the USSR Law "On pension provision for citizens in the USSR" the Cabinet of Ministers of the USSR decides: 1. Approve: a) List No. 1 of production, work, professions, positions and indicators in underground work, in work with particularly harmful and particularly difficult working conditions, employment in which gives the right to an old-age pension (old age) on preferential terms (attached); b) List No. 2 of industries, professions, positions and indicators with harmful and difficult working conditions, employment in which gives the right to an old-age pension on preferential terms (attached). 2. Establish that, in accordance with the Law of the USSR “On pension provision for citizens in the USSR,” the application of Lists No. 1 and 2 is carried out taking into account the certification of workplaces. 3. Heads of enterprises (associations) and organizations must ensure timely preparation for the entry into force of Lists No. 1 and 2. Conduct certification of workplaces and take the necessary measures to improve working conditions. Determine the list of jobs, the names of professions and positions whose employees are provided with preferential pensions in accordance with these Lists, and familiarize workers with them. Instruct the USSR State Committee on Labor and Social Issues to provide clarifications on the procedure for applying these Lists. 4. The USSR State Committee for Press must, within 3 months, by order of the USSR State Committee for Labor and Social Issues, publish a collection of regulations on preferential pensions and long-service pensions. 5. Instruct the USSR State Committee on Labor and Social Issues to continue, with the participation of the General Confederation of Trade Unions of the USSR, the Ministry of Finance of the USSR, the State Planning Committee of the USSR, the Pension Fund of the USSR and other interested organizations, to consider the received comments and additions to Lists N N 1 and 2, guided by paragraph 9 of the Resolution of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR “On the procedure for enacting the USSR Law “On pension provision for citizens in the USSR”. Proposals on these issues must be submitted to the Cabinet of Ministers of the USSR before June 1, 1991. Prime Minister V. PAVLOV Administrator M. SKABARDDNYA Approved by the Resolution of the Cabinet of Ministers of the USSR of January 26, 1991 N LIST N 1 OF PRODUCTIONS, WORKS, PROFESSIONS, POSITIONS AND INDICATORS IN UNDERGROUND WORK, IN WORK WITH ESPECIALLY HARMFUL AND ESPECIALLY HARD WORKING CONDITIONS, EMPLOYMENT - 1 -

2 WHICH GIVES THE RIGHT TO AN AGE PENSION (OLD AGE) ON PREFERENTIAL CONDITIONS (as amended by Resolutions of the USSR Cabinet of Ministers dated N 591, dated N 497; Resolutions of the Council of Ministers of the RSFSR dated N 517) I. MINING WORK Mining. Geological exploration work. Construction, reconstruction, technical re-equipment and overhaul of mines, mines, mines, subways, underground canals, tunnels and other underground structures. Underground work: in mines, mines and mines for the extraction of minerals; in geological exploration; in drainage mines; on the construction of mines, mines, mines a a) All workers employed full time in underground work b underground sections c c) Heads of mines, mine administrations on the rights of mines, mines and mines c Chief engineers c Chief mechanics c Chief power engineers c Directors, chiefs d d) Workers, managers, specialists and employees engaged in underground work for 50% or more of the working time per year (in the accounting period) d Gas meters d Miners geological work d Miners on surveying works d Loggers d Fasteners d Workers and specialists involved in installation, dismantling, repair and adjustment of equipment d Electrical mechanics (fitters) on duty and equipment repair workers engaged in servicing shafts, pits and lifting machines d Geologists d Section geologists d Chief geologists d Geophysicists d Hydrogeologists d Chief engineers of mine construction and equivalent departments, their deputies (assistants) for production, underground construction and safety d Chief surveyors, their deputies d Chief mechanics of mine construction and equivalent departments, their deputies (assistants) d Chief power engineers of mine construction and departments equivalent to them, their deputies - 2 -

3 (assistants) d Dispatchers of internal mine transport d Mining dispatchers d Managers of mining operations d Managers of underground warehouses of explosive materials d Deputy (assistants) chief engineers for production, safety, technology (chief technologists), drilling and blasting (drilling, blasting ) work, ventilation, underground transport d Deputies (assistants) for production (mine construction) of directors (chiefs) of mines, mine administrations on the rights of mines, mines and mines d Deputies (assistants) of chief mechanics, chief power engineers d Engineers employed in shifts d Engineers (leaders, 1-2 categories and without categories) for commissioning and testing, performing work in underground conditions. Instruction of the Ministry of Social Protection of the Russian Federation from N 1-53-U explains that State inspectors (chief state inspectors) in mines, mines and mines with underground work preferential pensions should be assigned according to List No. 1, Section I as mining and technical district inspectors in mines, pits and mines with underground work d Mining and technical district inspectors in mines, mines and mines with underground work on work on drainage, communications and air services d Foreman of mining production sites d Foreman (senior foremen) control d Foreman of production sites d Mechanics (senior mechanics, shift mechanics) d Mechanics for lifting installations (lifting mechanics) d Heads of mine excavation (mining workshops), their deputies (assistants) d Shift supervisors d Heads of mine construction and equivalent departments, their deputies (assistants) for production and underground construction d Section managers, their deputies (assistants) performing work in underground conditions d Mining standardizers d Standardizers mining district technicians d Technicians of all specialties (1-2 categories and without categories) for setup and testing, performing work in underground conditions d Technical managers, their deputies (assistants) d Timekeepers in underground work (underground) d Electricians (senior electricians) d Electromechanics (senior electromechanics) d Power engineers (senior power engineers) d e) Managers and specialists of departments, - 3 -

4 parties, offices and other enterprises and organizations and their branches, performing work in underground conditions, employed in underground work for 50% or more of the working time per year (in the accounting period) d Chief engineers, their deputies (assistants) for production d Chief surveyors , their deputies d Chief mechanics, their deputies d Chief power engineers, their deputies d Mining engineers for occupational health and safety d District mine surveyors d Foreman, mining foremen d Mechanics d Heads of departments (batch, offices of enterprises and branches), their deputies for production d Heads of sections, their deputies (assistants) d Mining department standard-setters d Electromechanics d Power engineers Note. Workers listed in paragraphs “d” and “e” who are employed in underground work for less than half the working time per year (in the accounting period) are assigned a pension according to List N e) All employees employed full-time in underground maintenance the above-mentioned workers and employees (medical staff of underground health centers, workers of underground telephone communication etc.) Underground work during construction, reconstruction, technical re-equipment and major renovation: mine workings, subways, underground canals, tunnels and other underground structures a a Reinforcement workers a Concrete workers a Hole drillers a Blasters a Car (dump truck) drivers a Underground miners a Insulators a Fasteners a Wingers a Bulldozer operators a Drilling rig operators a Crane operators ( crane operators) a Drivers of motor vehicles a Drivers of pumping units a Drivers of loading machines a Drivers of underground self-propelled machines a Drivers of lifting machines working on “blind” shafts a Drivers of hoisting and mobile scaffolding a Drivers of tunneling complexes a Drivers of scrapers a Drivers of scraper winches - 4 -

5 a Drivers of single-bucket excavators engaged in tunneling a Electric locomotive drivers a Motor operators of ventilation units engaged in tunneling a Sinkers a Distributors of explosive materials a Stem workers a Transporters a Chassers a Electrical and gas welders a Electricians servicing substations engaged in tunneling a Electric welders on automatic and semi-automatic machines a Electric welders manual welding a Electrical mechanics - installers of underground mining and tunneling equipment a Electrical mechanics at excavation a Electrical mechanics (fitters) on duty and equipment repair b b) Workers, managers, specialists and employees engaged in underground work for 50 percent or more of working time per year (in the accounting period ) b Miners at surveying works b Installers of mining equipment engaged in excavation b Chief engineers, their deputies for production, underground construction, safety b Chief surveyors, their deputies b Chief mechanics, their deputies b Chief power engineers, their deputies b Engineers for mining works of underground sections b Surveyors of all types b Foreman of mining sections b Shift mechanics b Mechanics of underground sections b Shift supervisors b Heads of departments, their deputies for production, for underground construction b Section managers, their deputies (assistants) b Heads of mines, their deputies ( assistants) b Mining standards b Technicians of underground sections b Technical managers, their deputies (assistants) b Electromechanics of underground sections, their deputies (assistants) b Power engineers of underground sections Note. The workers listed in paragraph “b”, employed in underground work for less than half the working time per year (in the accounting period), are assigned a pension according to List N. Coal mines of Korkinsky, Vakhrushevsky and Volchansky coal deposits, as well as sections (quarries) and mines for the extraction of minerals with a depth of 150 meters and below - 5 -

6 Workers, managers and specialists employed full time in open-pit mines, quarries and mines, except for workers employed on the surface Production of mountain wax (brown coal wax) and ozokerite a a Operators of mountain wax production a Operators of pouring machines a Workers engaged in manual pouring of ozokerite b b Masters, senior foremen supervising workers listed in List N Mine rescue units (stations) a a Sample collectors in mines (mines) a Respiratory workers b (command staff) b Platoon commanders, their deputies (assistants) b Squad commanders, their deputies (assistants) b Unit commanders, their deputies (assistants) b Point commanders, their deputies (assistants) II. ORE PREPARATION, BENEFICIATION, PEGULATION (AGGLOMERATION, BRIQUETTING, PELLETING), ROASTING OF ORES AND NON-MERALS a a Sinterers a Bunkerers engaged in the delivery of hot sinter and pellets a Cupola workers a Hot sinter unloaders a Dust unloaders a Gas workers a Furnaces at sintering and roasting and rumblers - drillers a Dosers engaged in filling in crushing departments a Hot return dosers a Crushers engaged in crushing hot sinter a Loaders - unloaders of cupolas and furnaces a Conveyor drivers engaged in transporting hot sinter and pellets a Crane operators (crane operators) employed in transportation of hot sinter and pellets a Cooler operators a Transfer chute operators working on hot sinter a Mixing drum operators working with ore containing 2 percent dust - 6 -

7 or more crystalline (free) silicon dioxide, and on hot return a Drivers of electric locomotives of quenching cars a Burners a-1753a Workers engaged in the mixing of ore and non-metallic minerals (including mixing in the production of pellets), containing 2 percent or more crystalline in the dust ( free) silicon dioxide: bunkerers, screeners, dosers, crushers, conveyor drivers, mill drivers, feeder drivers, chargers a-1753b Workers engaged in crushing, grinding, grinding, sorting and beneficiation of ferrous metal ores, non-metallic minerals and mining chemical raw materials containing in dust there is 2% or more crystalline (free) silicon dioxide: bunker operators, screeners, dosers, crushers, conveyor operators, mill operators, feeder operators engaged in supplying dry raw materials; separators (dry grinding); crane operators (crane operators) (as amended by Resolution of the Cabinet of Ministers of the USSR No. 591) a Transporters involved in the delivery of hot sinter and pellets b b Masters, senior foremen employed in hot areas of work and in areas of crushing, grinding, grinding, and ore mixing , non-metallic minerals containing 2 percent or more of crystalline (free) silicon dioxide in the dust. Enrichment of ores and sands during the extraction of non-ferrous, precious metals and diamonds a a Leaching operators a Operators - hydrometallurgists employed in autoclaves and leaching a Gold ore enrichment operators a Screeners employed in crushing sections (branches) a Closers a Dosers employed in the preparation of xanthate a Crushers employed in crushing sections (branches) a Loaders of crushing and grinding equipment a Feeder operators engaged in crushing a Drying plant operators a Roasters a Melters a Samplers employed full time in collecting samples containing cyanide or crystalline (free) silicon dioxide a-1753a Workers (technological and repair personnel ), employed in work using cyanide solutions a-1753b Workers engaged in enrichment by crushing, grinding, grinding and mixing of ore and non-metallic minerals containing dust - 7 -

8 2 percent or more crystalline (free) silicon dioxide: dosers, conveyor operators, dry grinding mill operators, chargers a-1753v Workers processing sludge a-1753g Repair service workers engaged in repairing equipment at the places of its installation in areas (workplaces) ) operating industries, where the main workers leading the technological process enjoy the right to preferential pensions according to List No. 1: mechanics - repairmen, electric and gas welders, manual electric welders, electricians for the repair and maintenance of electrical equipment a Reagent solvents involved in the preparation and use of xanthate a Dryers engaged in the drying and quarting of concentrates b b Masters, senior foremen b Masters, senior foremen in the repair of equipment where cyanide solutions are used III. METALLURGICAL PRODUCTION (ferrous metals) Blast furnace production a a Bunker foreman a Casting machine foreman a Blast furnace bunkerers a Blast furnace riders a Blast furnace plumbers a Blast furnace gas workers a Pig iron desulfurization forges a Blast furnace forges a Loaders unloading hot sinter onto bunkers a Bucket cars a Scale car drivers employed in tunnels and under-bunker rooms a Metallurgical production crane operators engaged in hot work a Casting machine operators a Hoist operators employed in hot work a Charge feed operators employed in bunkers and in under-bunker rooms a Electric locomotive drivers metallurgical shops employed in tunnels a Refractory workers engaged in hot work a-1753a Repair service workers engaged in repairing equipment at the sites where it is installed in areas (workplaces) of existing production facilities, where the main workers conducting the technological process enjoy the right to preferential pensions according to List No. 1: mechanics - repairmen, electric and gas welders, manual electric welders, electricians - 8 -

9 for repair and maintenance of electrical equipment a Skip operators a Slingers engaged in hot work a Charge transporters engaged in delivering charge to incompletely mechanized blast furnaces a Metallurgical production waste cleaners engaged in removing flue dust and cleaning gas pipelines a Slag workers b b Masters, senior craftsmen employed in hot areas of work Production of steel and ferroalloys. Preparation of compositions and repair of metallurgical furnaces a a Foremen of the mold yard a Pitch cookers engaged in cooking resin and drying the bottoms a Cupola workers a Gas workers a Ferroalloy furnace forges a Charge loaders a Hot metal stampers engaged in manual branding and stamping at the end of the workpiece a Ladle workers a Machinists for hydrocleaning and lubrication of molds a Distributor machinists (without remote control) a Drivers of filling machines a Drivers of filling machines a Drivers of metallurgical production cranes engaged in hot work a Drivers of fire cleaning machines a Drivers of filling machines a Drivers of hoisting machines engaged in hot work a Drivers transporting hot metal a Mixers a Setters of stoppers a Burners, a Melters of deoxidizers a Melters of synthetic slag a Melters of ferroalloys a Preparers of compositions for casting smelts a Preparers of steel-pouring ditches a Helpers of steelmakers of converters a Helpers of steelmakers of open-hearth furnaces a Helpers of steelmakers of out-of-furnace steel processing plants - 9 -

10 a Helpers of steelmakers of electroslag remelting installations a Helpers of steelmakers of electric furnaces a Calciners a-1753a Workers of repair services engaged in repairing equipment at the places of its installation in areas (workplaces) of existing production facilities, where the main workers leading the technological process enjoy the right to preferential pensions according to List No. 1: mechanics - repairmen, electric and gas welders, manual electric welders, electricians for the repair and maintenance of electrical equipment a Steel pourers a Mechanics - repairmen engaged in hot repairs of ferroalloy furnaces for the smelting of ferromanganese and ferrovanadium a Steelworkers of converters a Steelworkers of open-hearth furnaces a Steelworkers of installations non-furnace processing of steel a Steelworkers of electroslag remelting installations a Steelworkers of electric furnaces a Slingers employed in hot areas of work a Thermists of rolled steel and pipes engaged in manual loading of hot metal or in constant employment in hot work a Ferroalloy cleaners a Chargers employed in servicing smelting furnaces ferromanganese, ferrovanadium and manganese steels a Slag workers a Electrode workers a Manual welders engaged in building casings for ferroalloy furnaces for smelting ferromanganese and ferrovanadium b b Masters, senior foremen employed in hot areas of work and work with harmful conditions labor (as amended by Resolution of the Cabinet of Ministers of the USSR No. 591) Rolling, wheel-rolling, bandage-rolling, fork-rolling, sheet metal, tinning, galvanizing and lead production. Production of rail fastenings, cutting and stripping of hot metal. Heat treatment. Production of calibrated metal a a Aluminizers a Crystallization operators engaged in the production of vitriol a Neutralization operators engaged in work with hydrochloric acid a Regeneration operators employed in work with hydrochloric acid a Centrifugation operators employed in the production of vitriol a Electrolytic degreasing operators

11 a Rollers of sizing mills engaged in hot rolling a Rollers for the assembly and handling of stands, constantly engaged in the handling of stands in hot areas of work a Rollers of hot rolling mills a Pitch cooks a Gas workers a Gas cutters engaged in cutting the ends of rolled products in a hot state a Loaders of thermal furnaces a Heaters engaged in manual loading a Bevelers - stackers a Hot metal stampers engaged in manual branding or stamping into the end of a workpiece a Boilermakers engaged in cleaning the furnaces of furnaces and tunnels a Blacksmiths on hammers and presses a Blacksmiths - stampers a Blacksmiths - stampers on rotary machines a Sheet metal tinkers a Hot tinkers a Tinkers (galvanizers) using the electrolytic method a Loading mechanism operators employed in hot areas of work a Metallurgical production crane operators engaged in hot work a Operators of fire cleaning machines a Operators of hammers, presses and manipulators a Press operators engaged in hot work and reversible steam engine operators rolling mills, employed in hot rolling a Telpher operators engaged in hot work a Metal heaters a Processors of surface defects of metal a Refractory workers engaged in hot work a Operators of control stations engaged in hot work a Operators of control stations for continuous pickling, degreasing, tinning, galvanizing units , varnishing and annealing, employed in pickling, tinning, aluminum-zinc-plating, lead-plating, galvanizing departments a Operators of hot-rolling mill control stations a Lead-plating workers a Hot-dip galvanizers a Helpers of hot-rolling mill rollers a Metal planters a Rolled and pipe straighteners engaged in straightening hot rolled products a Pressers of wheels and tires engaged in hot work a Pressers - stitchers of rail fastenings engaged in hot stamping a-1753a Workers of repair services engaged in the repair of equipment at the places of its installation at sites (workplaces) of existing production facilities, where the main workers conducting technological process, enjoy the right to preferential pensions according to List No. 1: mechanics - repairmen, electric and gas welders, manual electric welders, electricians

12 for the repair and maintenance of electrical equipment a Workers engaged in forging, bending and riveting tubes using the hot method a Hot metal cutters a Slingers employed in hot areas of work and in work with hazardous working conditions a Rolled and pipe heaters engaged in manual loading or permanently employed in hot areas of work a Picklers a Hot metal cleaners a Waste collectors from metallurgical production engaged in removing scale during hot rolling of metal a Roll stackers engaged in hot work a Slag workers b b Masters, senior foremen employed in hot areas of work and work with harmful working conditions (as amended by Resolution of the Cabinet of Ministers of the USSR No. 591) Pipe production: pipe rolling, pipe welding, electric pipe welding, pipe drawing, pipe foundry, fittings, balloon, thermal and galvanizing; preparation and cutting of metal a a Crystallization operators engaged in the production of vitriol a Centrifugation operators engaged in the production of vitriol a Pipe asphalters a Foreman of hammer departments a Cupola workers a Rollers of rolling machines engaged in rolling in cylinders in a hot state a Rollers of hot pipe rolling mills a Rollers furnace pipe welding mills a Pipe drawers engaged in hot work a Gas workers a Charge fillers in cupolas and furnaces a Welders of pipes and cylinders a Metal pourers a Pourers - pipe casters a Heaters engaged in manual loading of hot metal a Tilt operators - stackers employed at heating stations furnaces a Hot metal stampers engaged in manual branding a Blacksmiths on hammers and presses a Blacksmiths - stampers a Loading mechanism operators engaged in hot work a Metallurgical production crane operators employed in hot areas of work and in work with hazardous working conditions a Machinists in hammers, presses and manipulators

a Operators control posts engaged in hot work a Operators of control posts of hot-rolling pipe mills a Lead rollers a Hot-dip galvanizers a Melters a Helpers of rollers of hot-rolling pipe mills a Metal planters a Rolled and pipe straighteners engaged in hot work a Hot pipe pressers employed in piercing presses a-1753a Workers of repair services engaged in repairing equipment at places where it is installed in areas (workplaces) of existing production facilities, where the main workers leading the technological process enjoy the right to preferential pensions according to List No. 1: mechanics - repairmen, electric and gas welders, electric welders for manual welding, electricians for the repair and maintenance of electrical equipment a Hot metal cutters a Welders for furnace welding of pipes a Slingers engaged in hot areas of work a Rolled and pipe heaters engaged in manual loading of hot metal a Etchers a Pipe casters - molders a Hot metal cleaners a Rolled steel stackers engaged in hot work a Slag workers b b Masters, senior foremen employed in hot areas of work and in work with hazardous working conditions (as amended. Resolutions of the Cabinet of Ministers of the USSR dated N 591) Production of hardware a a Heaters employed in lead, cyanide baths, baths with molten salts and thermal pickling units a Wire tinkers employed in hot tinning a Hot galvanizers IV. COKE, PIT-COKE, THERMOANTHRACITE AND COKE-CHEMICAL PRODUCTION

14 Coke, pitch coke and thermo-anthracite production a a Operators of all types, except those employed in coal preparation and gas purification a Barillette workers a Gas workers for coke ovens a Door workers a Loaders - unloaders of thermo-anthracite ovens a Cabin operators - tilters a Hatch operators a Coke machine operators a Coke loading machine operators a Drivers metallurgical production cranes employed in hot areas of work a Bridge loader operators employed in hot areas of work a Operators of dry coke extinguishing installations a Drivers of electric locomotives of extinguishing cars a Fire retarders employed in hot areas of work a-1753a Repair service workers engaged in repairs of equipment in areas its installation in areas (workplaces) of existing production facilities, where the main workers leading the technological process enjoy the right to preferential pensions according to List No. 1: installers of equipment for coke-chemical production, installers of process pipelines, mechanics - repairmen, electric and gas welders, electric welders of manual welding, electricians for repair and maintenance of electrical equipment a Rammers a Slingers employed in hot areas of work a Tunnellers a Tunnelers - motorists of skip lifts a Cleaners employed in cleaning coke-pitch equipment b b Foreman, senior foremen employed in hot areas of work and in work with hazardous working conditions Coke and chemical production a a Operators of all types, including those employed in gas desulfurization, engaged in the production of products in the presence of harmful substances of hazard classes 1 or 2 in the air of the working area, as well as carcinogens a Foreman at the main production sites, where all workers are included in the List N a Crushers engaged in crushing in the presence of harmful substances of hazard classes 1 or 2 in the air of the working area, as well as carcinogens a Metallurgical crane operators

15 industries engaged in hot work areas and in work with hazardous working conditions a-1753a Workers of repair services engaged in repairing equipment at the places of its installation in areas (workplaces) of existing production facilities, where the main workers leading the technological process enjoy the right to preferential benefits pension provision according to List No. 1: installers of equipment for coke-chemical production, installers of process pipelines, mechanics - repairmen, electric and gas welders, electric welders of manual welding, electricians for the repair and maintenance of electrical equipment a Workers on chemical production mechanisms engaged in work in the presence of harmful substances in the air of the working area 1 or 2 hazard classes, as well as carcinogens a Chemical product pourers in the presence of harmful substances of 1 or 2 hazard classes in the air of the work area, as well as carcinogens a Scrubbers - pumpers engaged in work in the presence of harmful substances of 1 or 2 hazard classes in the air of the work area , as well as carcinogens a Drainers are pourers engaged in work in the presence of harmful substances of hazard classes 1 or 2 in the air of the working area, as well as carcinogens a Slingers employed in hot areas of work and in work with hazardous working conditions a Cleaners engaged in cleaning equipment b b Masters, senior foremen employed in hot areas of work and in work where there are harmful substances of hazard classes 1 or 2 in the air of the working area, as well as carcinogens V. PRODUCTION OF GENERATOR GAS AND OBTAINING GASES IN THE PROCESS OF METALLURGICAL PRODUCTION a a Gas workers a Gas generator workers VI. PRODUCTION OF SINA PRODUCTS a a Workers engaged in crushing, grinding and grinding non-metallic minerals containing 2 percent or more of crystalline (free) silicon dioxide in the dust VII. METALLURGICAL PRODUCTION (non-ferrous metals) Preparation of raw materials and charge. Briquetting at copper-sulfur plants and factories

16 a Crushers a Batch loaders Roasting, Waeltzing a a Operators - hydrometallurgists a Bunkerers a Crushers a Loaders - unloaders of kilns engaged in hot work a Batch loaders engaged in hot work a Boiler room operators (firemen) a Crane operators (crane operators), employed in hot work areas a Mill operators engaged in cinder grinding a Feeder operators a Roasters a Refractory workers engaged in hot work a Furnace workers on Welz kilns a Furnace workers for the recovery of nickel powder a Repair service workers engaged in repairing equipment at the sites where it is installed in areas ( workplaces) of existing industries, where the main workers leading the technological process enjoy the right to preferential pensions according to List No. 1: mechanics - repairmen, electric and gas welders, manual electric welders, electricians for the repair and maintenance of electrical equipment a Slingers employed in hot areas of work a Transporters a Transporters engaged in hot work and maintenance of elevators b b Masters, senior foremen Batch sintering a a Agglomerators a Unloaders of hot sinter a Furnaces for sintering and roasting a Screeners a Screeners - drillers a Hot return dosers a Crushers a Batch loaders a Crane operators (crane operators) employed in hot work areas a Mill operators a Exhauster operators a Roasters a Secondary sludge processors a Repair service workers engaged in the repair of equipment at its installation sites in areas (workplaces) of existing production facilities, where the main workers conducting technological

17 process, enjoy the right to preferential pensions according to List No. 1: mechanics - repairmen, electric and gas welders, electric welders of manual welding, electricians for the repair and maintenance of electrical equipment a Calciners a Mixers a Slingers employed in hot areas of work a Transporters employed in the return of hot sinter a Cleaners of slag and recycled materials a Chargers engaged in the charging of sinter b b Masters, senior foremen Drying of charge and middlings a a Bunker operators a Loaders a Stokers of technological furnaces a Repair service workers engaged in repairing equipment at its installation sites in areas (workplaces) operating industries, where the main workers leading the technological process enjoy the right to preferential pensions according to List No. 1: fitters - repairmen, electric and gas welders, electric welders of manual welding, electricians for the repair and maintenance of electrical equipment a Dryers a Transporters b b Masters, senior foremen under management workers provided for by this subsection Receiving metal by smelting and electrothermal methods a a Unloaders of hot sinter a Unloaders on dumps engaged in the transportation of hot slag a Crushers a Charge loaders a Converters a Stokers of technological furnaces a Crane operators (crane operators) employed in hot areas of work a Feeder operators employed in workshops a Filling machine operators a Refractory workers engaged in hot work a Melters a Repair service workers engaged in repairing equipment at its installation sites on sites

18 (workplaces) of existing industries, where the main workers leading the technological process enjoy the right to preferential pensions according to List No. 1: mechanics - repairmen, electric and gas welders, electric welders of manual welding, electricians for the repair and maintenance of electrical equipment a Casters of non-ferrous metals and alloys a Slingers employed in hot areas of work a Transporters engaged in the transportation of hot metal a Slag and recycled materials cleaners employed in the transportation of hot slag a Product cleaners engaged in the cleaning of silicon a Chargers a Slag workers a Electrode workers employed in electric furnaces and settling tanks b b Craftsmen , senior foremen Refining of metals a a Bunker workers a Charge loaders a Stokers of technological furnaces a Crane operators (crane operators) engaged in hot areas of work a Hoist operators employed in hot areas of work a Roasters a Melters a Repair service workers engaged in repairs of equipment in the field its installation in areas (workplaces) of existing production facilities, where the main workers leading the technological process enjoy the right to preferential pensions according to List No. 1: mechanics - repairmen, electric gas welders, manual electric welders, electricians for the repair and maintenance of electrical equipment and non-ferrous metal pourers and alloys a Slingers employed in hot areas of work a Slag workers b b Masters, senior foremen Hydrometallurgy, leaching, production of cadmium and vitriol a a Operators - hydrometallurgists a Operators for the production of artificial scheelite a Acid-resistant - gummers

19 a Mill operators engaged in dry grinding a Burners a Solderers for vinyl plastics a Solderers for lead (lead solders) a Melters a Furnace workers for the production of zinc sulfate a Repulpators a Chlorinizers a Aqueous solution electrolysers b b Masters, senior craftsmen Production of carbon materials, masses and products from them a a Gas operators a Dosers a Loaders - unloaders of roasting and graphitizing furnaces a Anode pourers a Crane operators (crane operators) engaged in roasting, calcination and graphitization a Mill operators a Screening unit operators a Telpher operators engaged in roasting, calcination and graphitation a Burners a Refractory workers engaged in hot repairs a Operators servicing dust and gas collection installations a Pitch melters a Pressers of electrode products a Calciners a Impregnators a Mixers a Standers a Slingers engaged in calcination, roasting and graphitization a Molders of electrode mass a Chlorinizers of electrode products a Chargers b b Masters, senior masters, with the exception of those employed machining electrodes Alumina production a a Sinter operators a Operators - hydrometallurgists engaged in evaporation, diffusers, carbonization of alumenate solution a Carbonization operators a Hot sinter unloaders a Crushers a Stokers of technological furnaces

20 a Mill operators a Roasters a Refractory workers engaged in hot repairs a Calciners b b Masters, senior foremen in the shops of carbonization, sintering, calcination and evaporation of alkalis Production of metals by the electrolytic method in molten metal a a Anode workers in aluminum production a Forklift drivers employed in transportation of molten metal, fluoride salts, alumina and chlorination products a Drivers of electric and trucks involved in the transportation of molten metal, fluoride salts, alumina and chlorination products a Pourers - metal pourers a Loaders involved in the unloading and loading of charge, alumina, fluorine salts and anode mass a Crushers engaged in crushing electrolyte a Anode pourers a Cathode operators a Non-ferrous metal foundry operators a Compressor unit operators engaged in pumping chlorine a Crane operators (crane operators) engaged in hot work areas a Reloader operators a Pneumatic transport operators a Filling machine operators a Telpher operators engaged in hot work areas a Pin-type crane operators engaged in servicing electrolyzers a Installers repairing baths a Melters a Repair service workers engaged in repairing equipment at its installation sites in areas (workplaces) of existing production facilities where the main workers, leading technological process, enjoy the right to preferential pensions according to List No. 1: mechanics - repairmen, electric and gas welders, electric welders of manual welding, electricians for the repair and maintenance of electrical equipment a Casters of non-ferrous metals and alloys a Slingers employed in hot areas of work a Molders of electrode mass a Liners - fireclay workers for bathtub repairs a Chlorinators a Chlorine conductors a Chargers a Molten salt electrolyzers a Electrical mechanics - contact workers b

21 b Masters, senior foremen b Equipment repair technicians engaged in the repair of electrolyzers Production of fluoric acid and its salts a a Absorption operators a Cooking operators a Salt production operators a Evaporation operators a Hydrometallurgical operators a Dosing operators a Wet classification operators a Neutralization operators a Settling operators a Gas purification operators a Alumina sulfate preparation operators a Decomposition operators a Drying operators a Filtration operators a Centrifugation operators a Bunker operators a Drivers of electric and trucks involved in the removal of cinder a Unloaders at dumps a Gas generator operators a Gummiers of metal products, except those employed in protective coating shops (as amended by Resolution of the Cabinet of Ministers of the USSR No. 591) a Reagent dosers a Crushers a Loaders - unloaders a Loaders - furnace unloaders a Technological furnace stokers a Ventilation and aspiration unit operators a Boiler room operators (stokers) a Crane operators (crane operators) ), employed in hot areas of work a Mill operators a Pumping unit operators a Roasters a Refractory workers a Dust and gas removal installation operators a Solderers a Pressers a Repair service workers engaged in the repair of equipment at its installation sites in areas (workplaces) of existing production facilities, where the main workers leading the technological process enjoy the right to preferential pensions according to List No. 1: mechanics - repairmen, electric and gas welders, electric welders of manual welding, electricians for the repair and maintenance of electrical equipment hot work areas

a Operators for the preparation of chemical solutions engaged in the preparation of hypochlorite a Drying operators a Cathode operators a Loading mechanism operators a Crane operators (crane operators) a Mill operators a Vinyl plastic soldering operators a Lead soldering workers (lead solders) a Melters a Repair service workers engaged in repairing equipment in the field its installation in areas (workplaces) of existing production facilities, where the main workers leading the technological process enjoy the right to preferential pensions according to List No. 1: mechanics - repairmen, electric gas welders, manual electric welders, electricians for the repair and maintenance of electrical equipment and non-ferrous metal pourers and alloys a Slingers employed in hot areas of work a Transporters engaged in hauling away trolleys with cathode and anode metal, raw materials, pitch a Slurry workers for electrolyte baths, except for those employed in the washing of raw materials and scrap a Aqueous solutions electrolysis workers a Electrical mechanics - contact persons a Product cleaners, a Solderers for vinyl plastic

CABINET OF MINISTERS OF THE USSR RESOLUTION of January 26, 1991 N 10 On approval of Lists of production, work, professions, positions and indicators entitling the right to preferential pension provision (as amended

Decree of the Government of the Republic of Kazakhstan dated December 31, 2013 No. 1562 On approval of the list of productions, works, professions of workers in favor of which mandatory professional

Decree of the Government of the Republic of Kazakhstan dated December 31, 2013 1562 “On approval of the list of productions, works, professions of workers in whose favor contributors make mandatory professional pension contributions

346407, Rostov region, Novocherkassk, st. Lengnika, 17 R/account 40702810500060002565 in FCB Petrocommerce in Rostov-on-Don, BIC 046015986, c/s 30101810300000000986 INN 6150080528 KPP 615001001

Consolidated statement results of special assessment working conditions Name of organization: JSC "EVRAZ United West Siberian Metallurgical Plant" Name Number of jobs


Section V. Summary statement of the results of a special assessment of working conditions Table 1 Number of jobs and number of employees occupied in these jobs Number of jobs and

GOVERNMENT OF THE SVERDLOVSK REGION DIRECTION 02.25.2016 N~ 151-RP Ekaterinburg On approval of the List of workers’ professions, the work of which is directly related to the implementation industrial production

10 Appendix 1 to the Minutes of the meeting of the National Council under the President Russian Federation By professional qualifications dated November 27, 2014 6 LIST OF PROFESSIONAL STANDARDS recognized

Technical operation and maintenance of electrical and electromechanical equipment (by industry) Qualification of technicians Additional training working profession repair and maintenance electrician


1. A.1. Basics industrial safety INDUSTRIAL SAFETY A. General requirements industrial safety B. Special Requirements industrial safety B.1. Industrial safety requirements

List of vacancies as of 12/02/2013 175001/1328 OPERATOR Permanent 10000-12000 4 5 187007/1228 ABSORPTION OPERATOR Permanent 14000-15000 1 3 general (11 classes) 3 shifts 114002/1328 EQUIPMENT ABSORPTION CHIC Constant

List of educational programs, professional training programs in accordance with the annex to the educational license dated January 24, 2012 2391 p/n Code Name of profession, specialty, program Level

PUBLIC JOINT STOCK COMPANY "NEFTEAVTOMATIKA" TRAINING CENTER PRICE - LIST for additional services vocational education and advanced training, the following abbreviations are used: PP for

Information on the availability of vacancies in the structural divisions of Uzbekugol JSC (for management, engineering and technical positions) as of 0..207 Name Number of vacancies By executive office


Public Joint Stock Company "Machine-Building Plant named after M.I. Kalinin, Yekaterinburg" - Regional Interindustry Center for Additional Professional Education (DPO Center) department 91 leads

Comprehensive assessment work places foundry according to working conditions A.M. LAZARENKOV, S.A. KHOREVA, Belarusian National Technical University Since 008 in the Republic of Belarus in pursuance of the resolution

Appendix 1 to the Law of the Donetsk People's Republic of 03/06/2015 16-INS MINING WORKS subsection 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 Names of production, workshops, professions and positions DEVELOPMENT OF FERROUS AND NON-FERROUS DEPOSITS

GOVERNMENT OF THE CHELYABINSK REGION DECREE dated 08/03/2016 417-P Chelyabinsk On introducing amendments to the resolution of the Government of the Chelyabinsk Region dated 04/01/2016 162-P Government of Chelyabinsk

LLC "Stroy-Expert Consult" 191023, St. Petersburg, emb. Fontanka River, 59, office 519 INN 7816543847 KPP 781601001 OGRN 1127847413484 INDUSTRIAL SAFETY Speed ​​Efficiency Quality Code Area

INDUSTRIAL SAFETY The educational center Conducts pre-certification preparation for certification on industrial safety issues. In pursuance of Federal Law 116-FZ “On industrial safety of hazardous


On approval of lists of industries, workshops, professions and positions, work in which gives the right to a state pension on preferential terms and in preferential amounts: (together with “List No. 1 of productions,

LIST OF VACANCIES FOR THE 2nd QUARTER OF 2017 The Usolsky potash plant under construction invites you to work TECHNICAL DIRECTORATE MINE Underground mine ventilation section DEPUTY HEAD

MINISTRY OF LABOR, SOCIAL PROTECTION AND DEMOGRAPHY OF THE PENZA REGION (Ministry of Labor of the Penza Region) ORDER February 12, 2014 24-OS Penza On approval of the list of priority professions (specialties)

REGULATIONS on the competition creative works students educational institutions Asbestovsky urban district on the topic “I would go to the plant, let them teach me”, dedicated to the 95th anniversary of education

Profession code Range of tariff categories ETKS Name Cost in rubles 1. 10047 Battery operator 1-5 5000 2 10062 Anti-corrosion operator 3-4 5000 3 10179 Hydrogenation operator 3-6 5000 4. 10202 Operator

Programs professional retraining and increase in workforce for 2013 1 2 3 4 Name educational program Type of training Number of hours 1 Concrete worker Retraining 152 2 Driver

LIST OF VACANCIES FOR THE 1st QUARTER OF 2017 The Usolsky Potash Plant under construction invites you to work CONSTRUCTION DIRECTORATE Construction Control Department civil works Higher professional

JOINT STOCK COMPANY "NEFTEAVTOMATIKA" TRAINING CENTER PRICE LIST for services for additional vocational education and advanced training the following abbreviations are used: Article 73 Federal

Vacancies as of November 19, 2012 Profession AUTOMOTIVE BODY WORKMAN 10000 1 AUTO ELECTRICIAN 12000 1 AGRONOMIST 9000 1 AGRICULTURAL CHEMIST 9000 1 MIDWIFE 8000 1 Hood OPERATOR 7000 1 CONCRETER WORKER 8000 10 LIBRARIAN 4611

Summary statement of the results of a special assessment of working conditions Name of organization: Joint-Stock Company"GOZ Obukhov Plant" Table 1 Number of jobs and number of employees,

Training in the CPC Production. U T V E R J D A Y General Director of the State Autonomous Institution of the Chechen Republic Further Professional Education "UPK" of the Ministry of Construction of Chuvashia V.P. Knyazev " " January 0. Specialties for which training is carried out at the State Autonomous Institution of the Chechen Republic Further Professional Education "UPK"

Registered with: EKOSTANDART Technical Solutions LLC Table 2 Individual workplace number Name of workplace (profession, position) chemical biological aerosols mainly

LLC "UC Security Management" 445000, Russian Federation, Samara region, Togliatti, st. Industrialnaya, 4, lit. A3, office 304, PO Box 2975 INN 6324056237 / KPP 632401001 Account 40702810354400002511 Volga Bank


Appendix 1 to the LICENSE for the right to operate educational activities dated April 27, 2011 Registration 66892 Ministry of Education of the Moscow Region name of the licensing authority Society

Long Products Plant Balakovo Vacancies for 0 year Applicants for vacancies who wish to work at ZAO Severstal Long Products Plant Balakovo must send a resume in one of the following ways (of your choice):

176 p/n Profession, position Types of flushing and neutralizing agents Issue rate for 1 month 1 2 3 4 UT, Standards Service Metrology Group 1 Metrology engineer, 2 Electrical mechanic for automation maintenance

COMMISSION FOR STATE REGULATION OF PRICES AND TARIFFS IN THE BELGOROD REGION Belgorod ORDER November 20, 2009 11/48 On approval of the price list for paid educational services provided


Profession - coal preparation operator Qualification 2-3 categories Profession code - 11036 CURRICULUM Name Total including: theoretical practical Basics of coal preparation 52 46 6 production

Resolution of the Ministry of Labor of the Russian Federation of May 22, 1996 N 29 “On approval of the explanation “On the procedure for applying lists of production, work, professions, positions and indicators, giving in accordance with Articles 12,

The goal of the program is to study the theoretical foundations and basic provisions that ensure safety during seismic exploration, perforation and blasting operations; blasting in fields,

B Special industrial safety requirements B.1. Industrial safety requirements in the chemical, petrochemical and oil refining industries B.1.1. Operation of chemically hazardous production facilities


Vacancies as of October 22, 2012 Profession AUTOMOTIVE BODY WORKMAN 10000 1 AUTO ELECTRICIAN 12000 1 AGRONOMIST 9000 1 AGRICULTURAL CHEMIST 9000 1 MIDWIFE 8000 1 Hood OPERATOR 7000 1 CONCRETER WORKER 8000 10 LIBRARIAN 4611

Demand and supply in the labor market as of July 31, 2017 TsZN Uvinsky district Unemployed citizens registered Section OKVED Category Profession average level number, wages,

List of blue-collar professions for which vocational training is provided The TechnoProgress Training Center provides vocational training in blue-collar professions according to programs developed in accordance with

Smelter of non-ferrous metals and alloys Area of ​​professional activity Metallurgical production Professional standard 27.040 Smelter of non-ferrous metals and alloys Position (worker’s profession)

Summary statement of the results of a special assessment of working conditions Name of organization: Company with limited liability"Joint Company "RUSVIETPETRO" Name Quantity

Main programs vocational training workers and employees. (Training is conducted face-to-face (group classes), remote form training 1 Chemical water treatment operator Profession Rank Duration of training


Working specialties: Forklift Battery operator Polycondensation operator Sterilization operator Argonist Reinforcement worker Asphalt concrete worker Concrete worker Forest feller Asphalt mass cooker Rigging work



N 04-14/12-14





The Ministry of Health of the USSR announces Resolution of the Cabinet of Ministers of the USSR dated January 26, 1991 N 10 “On approval of Lists of production, work, professions giving the right to preferential pension provision.”

In accordance with Article 14 of the USSR Law “On pension provision for citizens in the USSR”, the Cabinet of Ministers decides:

1. Approve:

a) List No. 1 of industries, works, professions, positions and indicators in underground work, in work with particularly harmful and especially difficult working conditions, employment in which gives the right to an old-age pension on preferential terms;

b) List No. 2 of industries, jobs, professions, positions and indicators with harmful and difficult working conditions, employment in which gives the right to an old-age pension (old age) on preferential terms.

2. Establish that, in accordance with the Law of the USSR “On pension provision for citizens in the USSR,” the application of Lists No. 1 and 2 is carried out taking into account the certification of workplaces.

3. Heads of enterprises (associations) and organizations must ensure timely preparation for the implementation of Lists No. 1 and 2. Conduct certification of workplaces and take the necessary measures to improve working conditions. Determine the list of jobs, the names of professions and positions whose employees are provided with preferential pensions in accordance with these Lists, and familiarize workers with them.

Instruct the USSR State Committee on Labor and Social Issues to provide clarifications on the procedure for applying these Lists.

4. The USSR State Committee for Press must, within 3 months, by order of the USSR State Committee for Labor and Social Issues, publish a collection of regulations on preferential pensions for long service.

5. Instruct the USSR State Committee on Labor and Social Issues to continue, with the participation of the General Confederation of Trade Unions of the USSR, the Ministry of Finance of the USSR, the State Planning Committee of the USSR, the Pension Fund of the USSR and other interested organizations, to consider the received comments and additions to Lists No. 1 and 2, guided by paragraph 9 of the resolution of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR "On the procedure for enacting the USSR Law "On pension provision for citizens in the USSR".

For information and guidance, we send:

1. Extraction from List No. 1 of production, work, professions, positions and indicators in underground work, in work with especially harmful and especially difficult working conditions, employment in which gives the right to an old-age pension (old age) on preferential terms (Appendix 1 ).

2. Extracting from List No. 2 industries, jobs, professions, positions and indicators with harmful and difficult working conditions, employment in which gives the right to an old-age pension on preferential terms (Appendix 2).

3. Explanation “On the procedure for applying Lists No. 1 and 2 of production, work, professions, positions and indicators that give the right to an old-age pension on preferential terms,” approved by Resolution of the Cabinet of Ministers of the USSR dated January 26, 1991 No. 108, approved by Decree of the USSR State Labor Committee of February 28, 1991 N 52 (Appendix 3).

This letter may be reproduced in required quantities.

Deputy Minister

health care of the USSR


Appendix No. 1

to the letter from the Ministry

health care of the USSR








11800000 1. Chemical-pharmaceutical and pharmaceutical production

11801010 Production of medicines and intermediate products belonging to the groups: adamantane, acridine, barbituric acid, benzene, benzoxazine, hydrazine, halogen-containing compounds, diazepine, imidazole, indole, coumarin, organometallic compounds, morpholine, naphthalene, piperazine, piperidine, pyrimidine, pyrrolidine, pteridine , purine, sydnone, sulfur-containing compounds, steroids, sulfamilanides, sulfones, thiadiazine, phenol, phenothiazine, furan, quinazoline, quinoline, quinoxaline, quinone, quinuclidine, cyanocontaining compounds

11801020 Production of heterocyclic five-membered compounds with two or more heteroatoms, spiro compounds, organic compounds of sulfur, phosphorus and arsenic, acetoacetic and diethyl ethers, unsaturated hydrocarbons

11801030 Production of alkaloids and glycosides related to potent substances, prostaglandins, antitumor antibiotics and drugs, synthetic hormones

11801040 Work with the use or production of: azo and diazo compounds, hydrazine, dimethyl sulfate, isocyanates, halogens and their organic compounds, nitro, nitroso and amino products, cyanide salts and cyanide-containing compounds, carbon disulfide, phosgene, ethylene oxide, azides and nitrides , thionichloride, phosphorus oxy- and sulfochlorides; lead, mercury, manganese, nickel, cadmium and their compounds, diethyl ether

1180100a a) Workers

1180100a-10065 Operators of all types

1180100a-11871 Medical dosers

1180100a-12700 Capillary

1180100a-15066 Ampoule fillers

1180100a-16961 Preparations for the production of biosynthetic medicinal products

1180100a-17531 Workers at work in the boxes

1180100a-18871 Sterilizers of materials and preparations

11802000 2. Production of diagnostic kits for AIDS and hepatitis B, as well as bacterial and viral preparations using pathogenic microorganisms and poisons of biological origin belonging to groups 1-2

1180200b-17541 Workers employed in boxes and box rooms


12300000-17541 Employees of a healthcare institution who constantly and directly work with radioactive substances with activity in the workplace exceeding 10 millicuries of radium 226 or an equivalent amount of radiotoxicity of radioactive substances, as well as

12300000-17541 gamma therapeutic devices

12300000-20426 Radiologists, as well as doctors permanently employed in cath labs, angiography and fluorography rooms

12300000-24713 Nursing staff of X-ray departments (rooms), as well as nursing staff permanently employed in X-ray angiography rooms


12201000 1. Work at enterprises, research institutes, laboratories, design and development organizations and medical institutions

12201000-1754a Workers, managers and specialists constantly employed in conditions of radiation or beryllium hazards in experimental, pilot-production and enlarged laboratory installations, in pilot workshops for testing or improving technological processes of industrial production, processing of radioactive raw materials, industrial use of atomic energy, industrial or experimental production of radioactive substances, beryllium and products made from them

12201000-1754b Workers, managers and specialists constantly engaged in work with radioactive substances with activity in the workplace exceeding 10 millicuries of radium 226 or an equivalent radiotoxicity amount of radioactive substances and in the repair of equipment under these conditions

12201000-1754в Workers, managers and specialists constantly engaged in the production of products from beryllium and its compounds, as well as in technological process production of products from metal-ceramic beryllium, including equipment repair, contaminated with beryllium under conditions of beryllium hazard

12202000 2. Work on research, transport, pilot industrial nuclear reactors, on their prototypes and critical assemblies and pulsed reactors, experimental thermonuclear installations and powerful isotope gamma irradiation installations with an irradiator activity of 5 x 10E2 curie and higher

12202000-17541 Workers, managers and specialists constantly and directly engaged in operational, repair, adjustment and experimental work in conditions of radiation hazard

12203000 3. Work in storage facilities and warehouses of radioactive substances

12203000-17541 Workers, managers and specialists constantly employed in conditions of radiation hazard, receiving, repacking, packaging, storing and issuing radioactive substances and sources with activity exceeding 10 millicuries of radium 226 or an amount of radioactive substances equivalent in radiotoxicity

12204000 4. Chemical production of rare earth elements

12204000-17541 Workers, managers and specialists constantly engaged in the specified technological process and equipment repair

12205000 5. Other work

12205000-1754a Workers permanently and directly employed in portable radioisotope flaw detection (gamma flaw detection) installations for scanning materials and products in industry and construction

12205000-1754b Workers constantly and directly involved in X-ray installations in industry, as well as their adjustment and setup

Appendix No. 2

to the letter from the Ministry

health care of the USSR

dated April 29, 1991 N 04-14/12-14



22501000 1. Chemical-pharmaceutical and pharmaceutical production

22501000 Production of vitamin B12, sodium benzoate, hydroperite, calcium sulfate, freak, calcium chloride, terpin hydrate, validol, collargol, nitrous oxide, ASD drug, tanalbin, mustard plasters, adhesive plaster, glutamic acid, ethyl acetate, hexachlorane emulsions, bacterial preparations (except those listed in section XVIII of List No. 1), packaging of the MAP preparation, ointments and emulsions containing volatile, potent fillers, peloidin, barium hydroxide;

22501000 production of drugs associated with the use of harmful organic solvents of at least hazard class 3, production of ready-made medicines(forms) from drugs and products listed in section XVIII of List No. 1 and in this section

2250100a a) Workers

2250100a-10065 Operators of all types

2250100a-11318 Rollers

2250100a-19691 Spreading specialists

22503000 2. Production of antibiotics (except those listed in section XVIII of List No. 1) and medical preparations obtained by microbiological synthesis

2250300a a) Workers

2250300a-10065 Operators of all types

2250300a-16961 Preparations for the production of biosynthetic medicinal products

2250300a-17471 Viewers of medical products engaged in production finished products antibiotics

22507000 3. Production of products and preparations of non-medicinal value obtained by microbiological synthesis in workshops, departments, areas and individual installations in the presence of harmful substances in the air of the working area of ​​at least hazard class 3

22507000-17531 Workers employed full time in the technological process of the specified production

22504000 4. Production of suture material from animal raw materials

2250400a a) Workers

2250400a-10729 Operators for preparing chemical solutions

2250400a-12152 Placers for surgical suture material

2250400a-12336 Manufacturers of catgut

2250400a-15031 Winders for materials and semi-finished products

2250400a-19348 Packers

2250400a-19651 Grinders for medical products

22505000 5. Production of veterinary biological chemical-pharmaceuticals and biological plant protection products obtained at biological enterprises, production laboratories, workshops, departments, sites and individual installations

22505000 in the presence of microorganisms of groups 1-2 and harmful substances of at least hazard class 3 in the air of the working area

22505000a a) Workers

2250500a-10065 Operators of all types

225-500a-16961 Preparations for the production of biosynthetic medicinal products

2250500b b) Specialists

2250500b-20278 Biochemists

2250500b-23619 Senior microbiologists, microbiologists

22506000 6. Productions listed in section XVIII of List No. 1 and in this section

2250600a a) Workers

2250600a-11752 Granulators

2250600a-11871 Medical dosers

2250600a-11899 Dragers

2250600a-12150 Distributors of medical products

2250600a-12196 Ampoule sealers

2250600a-12700 Capillary workers

2250600a-13038 Inspectors of medical products, including quality control department (on interoperational control)

2250600a-13265 Laboratory assistants of all types, including workshop laboratories

2250600a-14236 Tabulating operators

2250600a-14523 Dishwashers and ampoules (chromic mixture, acid, alkali)

2250600a-15066 Ampoule fillers

2250600a-16771 Ancillary workers working full time in workshops (areas, departments)

2250600a-17467 Viewers

2250600a-17469 Viewers of ampoules with injection solutions

2250600a-17471 Viewers of medical products (on interoperational control)

2250600а-1753а Workers employed in the boxes

2250600a-1753b Workers engaged in processing, disposal of solid, liquid, gaseous waste, cleaning of containers, chemical equipment, washing, processing of old hazardous chemical products, neutralization, cleaning of industrial Wastewater, degassing, neutralization of harmful vapors and gases; lining and thermal insulation, gumming of closed containers

2250600a-17629 Pourers for sterile solutions

2250600a-17876 Ampoule and tube cutters

2250600a-18559 Repairmen

2250600a-18598 Pouring machines (acids and alkalis)

2250600a-18871 Sterilizers of materials and preparations

2250600a-19217 Transporters

2250600a-19258 Industrial premises cleaners

2250600a-19293 Stackers-packers engaged in packaging open drugs

2250600a-19293 Stackers-packers engaged in capping

2250600a-19413 Moulders of medical preparations, semi-finished products and products

2250600a-19865 Electricians for repair and maintenance of electrical equipment

2250600b b) Managers and specialists

2250600b-20257 Bacteriologists, including workshop laboratories

2250600b-20273 Biochemists, including workshop laboratories

2250600b-23175 Laboratory assistants employed in production and workshop laboratories

2250600b-23185 Foreman (senior foremen), heads of departments, shifts and sections involved in processing and disposal of solid, liquid, gaseous waste; cleaning containers and chemical equipment, washing, processing containers of harmful chemical products, neutralization, cleaning

2250600b-23185 industrial wastewater, degassing, neutralization of harmful vapors and gases; thermal insulation, lining and gumming of closed containers

2250600b-23289 Control masters (on interoperational control)

2250600b-23187 Masters (senior masters)

2250600b-23607 Mechanics of workshops, departments, sections

2250600b-23619 Microbiologists, including workshop laboratories

2250600b-23901 Heads of departments and their deputies

2250600b-24043 Shift supervisors

2250600b-24097 Heads of sections (installations)

2250600b-24125 Heads of workshops and their deputies

2250600b-25062 Technologists

2250600b-25174 Pharmacologists, including workshop laboratories

2250600b-25211 Chemists involved in production and workshop laboratories


22600000-1754a Workers employed in anti-plague institutions

22600000-1754b Workers directly serving patients:

2260000a a) in tuberculosis and infectious diseases institutions, departments, offices

2260000a Nursing staff

2260000a Junior medical personnel

2260000b b) in leper colonies:

2260000b Nursing staff

2260000b Junior medical personnel

2260000в c) in psychiatric (psychoneurological) treatment and preventive institutions and departments of children's homes

2260000v Junior medical staff

2260000v Nursing staff

2260000 g) in boarding homes for the mentally ill, orphanages for mentally retarded children of the social security system:

2260000g Nursing staff

2260000g Junior medical staff

2260000d e) in underground hospitals located in waste salt mines:

2260000d Doctors, paramedical and junior medical personnel

2260000d Workers constantly working underground to maintain hospital mine workings in normal condition

2260000e) burn and purulent departments

2260000e Doctors, paramedical and junior medical personnel

2260000g) in departments and chemotherapy rooms of oncological institutions (divisions)

2260000zh Doctors, paramedical and junior medical personnel

2260000zh Junior medical staff in children's oncology departments

22600000-1754в Employees of healthcare institutions who constantly and directly work with radioactive substances with an activity in the workplace of at least 0.1 millicurie of radium 226 or an equivalent radiotoxicity amount of radioactive substances

22600000-14467 Junior nurses(nurses) of pathology departments, autopsy rooms, morgues

22600000-14467 Junior nurses caring for patients employed in X-ray departments (rooms)

22600000-1754g Medical and pharmaceutical workers infected with the human immunodeficiency virus while on duty.


23301000 1. Work on research, transport and pilot industrial nuclear reactors and their prototypes

23301000-1754a Workers, managers and specialists constantly engaged in the purification of process water from induced radioactivity and radioactive fragments, as well as in repairs technological equipment cleaning devices in conditions of radiation hazard

23301000-1754b Workers, managers and specialists constantly employed inside buildings, ship structures in the storage of technological equipment and nuclear equipment power plants, where work is carried out on grades 1 and 2

23302000 2. Work at enterprises, research institutes, laboratories, design and development organizations

23302000-17541 Workers, managers and specialists constantly engaged in work with radioactive substances with an activity in the workplace of at least 0.1 millicurie of radium 226 or an equivalent radiotoxicity amount of radioactive substances and in the repair of technological equipment under these conditions

23303000 3. Geological exploration work on the surface related to radioactive substances

23303000-17531 Workers constantly engaged in work with radioactive ores

23304000 4. Work in industrial and sanitary laboratories at enterprises, organizations, medical institutions and inspections of Gospromatomnadzor and departmental radiation safety services

23304000-17541 Workers and specialists constantly engaged in maintenance nuclear reactors, nuclear power plants and production of radioactive substances and beryllium, under conditions of radiation or beryllium hazard

23305000 5. Work on accelerators, neutron generators with a neutron output of 10E9 neutrons per second or more

23305000-1754d Workers, managers and specialists who constantly and directly work in conditions of radiation hazard during extreme and operational work

23305000-17541 Workers and specialists engaged in equipment repair (for actual time worked)

23306000 6. Work on the burial and transportation of radioactive substances; work on decontamination, degassing and dust removal of work clothes and equipment contaminated with radioactive substances and beryllium

23306000-17541 Workers, managers and specialists constantly engaged in loading, unloading, reloading, transportation, collection, processing, storage and burial of radioactive substances, radioactive waste and beryllium, as well as decontamination and degassing of equipment, premises, vehicles, collection, repair , decontamination and dust removal of workwear

23306000-1754з Workers of sanitary inspection rooms (showers)

23307000 7. Other workers

23307000-12582 Testers of parts and devices, foremen and senior foremen involved in testing electro-ray tubes on stands at voltages of 25 kV and above

23307000-17541 Workers engaged in work in areas exposed to radioactive contamination as a result of accidents at nuclear facilities, where, in accordance with the decision of the USSR Government, restrictions on the consumption of locally produced food and personal subsidiary plots were introduced

Appendix No. 3

to the letter from the Ministry

health care of the USSR

dated April 29, 1991 N 04-14/12-14







In accordance with Resolution No. 10 of the USSR Cabinet of Ministers of January 26, 1991, the State Committee on Labor and Social Issues explains:

1. Lists of production, work, professions, positions and indicators that give the right to an old-age pension on preferential terms (hereinafter referred to as the “Lists”) must be applied regardless of departmental subordination, the forms of ownership and management used in enterprises and organizations, and also in collective farms and other cooperatives (hereinafter referred to as “enterprises and organizations”).

The Lists are applied in the same order in pilot production of research, design and educational institutions.

2. Workers whose professions and positions are provided for in Lists No. 1 and 2 enjoy the right to an old-age pension on preferential terms if their working conditions during the period of work after the entry into force of the USSR Law “On Pension Provision of Citizens in the USSR” meet the conditions ( indicators) specified in the Lists, which must be confirmed by the results of certification of workplaces at enterprises and organizations.

3. The right to a pension on preferential terms is available to employees engaged in performing work provided for in Lists No. 1 and 2 during a full working day.

Full-time work means performing work under the conditions provided for in the Lists for at least 80% of the working time.

At the same time, performing preparatory, auxiliary, routine repair work, as well as work outside one’s workplace in order to ensure the performance of one’s labor functions does not deprive the employee of the right to preferential pension benefits.

4. Pensions for combined jobs, professions and positions (taking into account paragraph 3) for workers and employees employed in industries, professions and positions provided for in Lists No. 1 and 2 should be assigned:

a) according to List No. 2 - if the combined work, professions and positions performed are provided for in List No. 1 and in List No. 2;

b) on a general basis - if one of the combined jobs, professions and positions performed is provided for in List No. 1 or List No. 2, and the other is not provided for in the Lists.

5. Employees of specialized enterprises, organizations, workshops, sites and others structural divisions(repair, repair and construction, installation, etc.), employed full time directly in production workshops, departments and areas at work, in processions and positions provided for by the Lists for a given production, preferential pensions should be assigned to the following sections of Lists No. 1 and 2, as well as to employees of production structural units.

In these cases, the length of service giving the right to preferential pension provision is calculated according to general rules, if employees of specialized enterprises, organizations, workshops and other structural divisions are constantly engaged in work that gives the right to this benefit (clause 3 of this clarification). If these workers are not constantly employed in these jobs, the special (preferential) length of service is calculated based on the time actually worked.

6. When transferring an employee who enjoys the right to preferential pension provision to another job due to production needs or to provide patronage assistance in carrying out agricultural, construction and repair work on collective farms and other agricultural enterprises, the time of such work, not exceeding one month during the year, is equal to the previous work.

7. When a woman is temporarily transferred from work provided for in Lists No. 1 and 2 to another job due to pregnancy or breastfeeding, the time of such work is equal to the previous work.

In the same manner, the time when a woman did not work due to pregnancy or breastfeeding until the issue of her rational employment was resolved in accordance with a medical report is counted towards the length of service giving the right to a preferential pension.

8. The length of service giving the right to preferential pension provision includes the time of paid forced absence in the event of improper dismissal from a job giving the right to the specified pension, and subsequent reinstatement to this job.

9. For citizens who were unjustifiably brought to criminal liability, repressed and subsequently rehabilitated, the time of detention, the time of serving a sentence in prison and exile is equivalent to the work that preceded the arrest.

It is counted towards the special length of service and work time of rehabilitated citizens while serving their sentences in places of deprivation of liberty at jobs provided for in Lists No. 1 and 2. This length of service is calculated in accordance with Article 69 of the USSR Law “On Pension Provision of Citizens in the USSR”.

The time spent serving correctional labor without imprisonment at the place of work in the workplace provided for in Lists No. 1 and 2 is counted toward the length of service, which gives the right to a pension on preferential terms, if the court has decided to count the time serving correctional labor toward the length of service.

10. If Lists No. 1 and 2 indicate productions without listing professions and positions, all employees of these productions enjoy the right to a pension on preferential terms, regardless of the names of professions or positions held.

For example, List No. 1, Section X includes workers, managers and specialists employed full-time in the production of carbon black. Consequently, all workers engaged in this production, regardless of the name of their profession and position, enjoy the right to a pension on preferential terms.

11. In cases where Lists No. 1 and 2 provide for workers performing certain works, the right to a pension on preferential terms is enjoyed by all workers, regardless of the name of their profession, who perform these jobs.

For example, List No. 1, Section II includes workers engaged in crushing, grinding and grinding non-metallic minerals containing 2 or more percent of crystalline (free) silicon dioxide in the dust. In this case, all workers engaged in such work, regardless of the names of their professions, have the right to a pension on preferential terms.

12. If the Lists include professions of workers under a general name, then workers of all names of these professions, including chief, senior, and their assistants, have the right to preferential pension provision.

13. Sections of the Lists “General professions”, as well as subsection 5 of section XI of List No. 1 and subsection 12 of section XIV of List No. 2 “Other metalworking professions” apply regardless of which enterprises and organizations carry out the work provided for in these sections and subsections

For example, manual electric welders and gas welders listed in List No. 2, Section XXXI, are entitled to a pension on preferential terms, regardless of where they work: machine-building plant, railway transport, textile factory, metallurgical plant, etc.

14. If Lists No. 1 and 2 include mechanics, electricians (category of workers), electricians and electricians without indicating the nature of the work they perform, then workers of these professions enjoy the right to a preferential pension, regardless of whether they are engaged in repairs or maintenance of equipment in this production .

Mechanics, electricians and electricians engaged in the repair and maintenance of control and measuring instruments are entitled to a pension on preferential terms only in those industries in which they are provided for in Lists No. 1 and 2.

15. Specialists whose positions are provided for in Lists No. 1 and 2 enjoy the right to a pension on preferential terms, regardless of education and qualifications.

For example, List No. 1, section I, subsection I, paragraphs “d” and “e” includes standard-setters for mines and mines and local mining standard-setters. In this case, the right to a pension on preferential terms is also enjoyed by standard-setting engineers of mountain mines and mines, local mining standard-setting engineers and local mining standard-setting technicians.

16. Foremen enjoy the right to a preferential pension according to Lists No. 1 and 2 as workers:

a) when they are expressly provided for by their profession in the Lists.

For example, foremen of filling machines in blast furnace production (List No. 1, section III, subsection I); foremen (exempt) of enterprises railway transport, employed at washing and steaming stations (trains, points) - List No. 2, section XXVIII, subsection I, etc.);

b) when they supervise the workers provided for in the Lists and fully perform all the work assigned to these workers, i.e. exempt foremen, for example, drifter foremen, molder foremen.

17. Equipment repair technicians, craftsmen technical control(OTC) and laboratory workers enjoy the right to pensions on preferential terms only in those industries in which they are directly provided for in Lists No. 1 and 2.

18. If Lists No. 1 and 2 provide for deputy managers without indicating the nature of the work they perform, then they enjoy the right to a preferential pension, like managers, if they are engaged in the technical process of production or in the repair and maintenance of equipment.

Assistants and deputy managers of all titles, except for assistant foremen, enjoy the right to preferential pensions only in those cases if they are expressly provided for in Lists No. 1 and 2.

Assistant foremen enjoy the same right to preferential pensions as foremen.

19. In cases where Lists No. 1 and 2 provide not only the names of professions or positions, but also indicators on working conditions associated with the use or presence in the air of the working area of ​​harmful substances of certain hazard classes, then when determining the employee’s right to preferential benefits pension provision should be guided by State standard USSR 12.1.005-88 "General sanitary and hygienic requirements for the air of the working area."

This GOST provides a list and establishes maximum permissible concentrations of harmful substances in the air of the working area, which, depending on the characteristics of their effect on the human body, are divided into four hazard classes: extremely dangerous substances (class 1), highly hazardous substances (class 2), moderately dangerous substances hazardous (class 3), slightly hazardous substances (class 4).

20. In the sections “Chemical production” of Lists No. 1 and 2, the right to preferential pension provision is granted to employees employed in production, the products of which, in accordance with the all-Union classifier of industrial and agricultural products, belong to the following sections: products of inorganic chemistry, organic synthesis, petrochemical, rubber and asbestos; fertilizers; polymers; plastics; rubbers; materials for paint and varnish, phototechnical, household chemicals; synthetic dyes; chemical reagents and high-purity substances. In this case, preferential pensions are assigned regardless of the departmental affiliation of production.

Sections "Chemical production" of Lists No. 1 and 2 consist of two subsections "A" and "B". Subsection "A" includes enterprises of the chemical and petrochemical industries, subsection "B" includes individual workshops, sections, departments, installations operating as part of enterprises in other industries and the national economy.

The classification of enterprises into the chemical and petrochemical industries is carried out in accordance with the all-Union classifier of sectors of the national economy, depending on the nature of their main type of activity.

For example, if in the “Mechanical Engineering and Metalworking” industry there are enterprises engaged only in the manufacture of plastic products, then such an enterprise should be classified as a chemical industry and its employees may enjoy the right to preferential pensions in accordance with subsection “A” of section “ Chemical production". In the event that an enterprise classified as a mechanical engineering and metalworking industry has a workshop (site, department) whose workers are engaged in the manufacture of plastic products, then they should be granted preferential pension benefits under subsection "B" of the section "Chemical Production" ".

The issue of preferential pension provision for workers in production facilities that are part of enterprises classified in accordance with the classification of sectors of the national economy as the chemical and petrochemical industries, the names of which are not provided for in subsection “A” of the section “Chemical production” of Lists No. 1 and 2, should be resolved in in accordance with subsection "B" of this section of Lists No. 1 and 2.

In order to realize and respect the right of citizens to preferential pension provision, rules have been established on the application of Lists 1 and 2 harmful professions RF, according to which a certain category of workers has the right to retire earlier than the majority of other citizens. If there is documentary evidence of the fact and period of work in special conditions classified by Lists 1 and 2 as harmful (difficult) working conditions, the employee can apply to the Pension Fund management with an application to assign him an early old-age insurance pension.

Hazardous professions according to Lists 1 and 2

Explanations on how to determine special work experience and apply Lists 1 and 2 of hazardous occupations in the Russian Federation are contained in Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation No. 665 dated July 16, 2014. For convenience, let us briefly formulate the main points:

  • List 1 is subject to application if the employee was engaged in underground work, as well as work with hazardous working conditions, or the work took place in hot shops high temperature ambient air or direct contact with sparks/fires;
  • When employed in jobs where working conditions are recognized as work with difficult working conditions, you should look at List 2.

In practice, a situation is possible when an employee is simultaneously employed in several jobs from different Lists (for example, is a part-time worker); in this case, List 2 must be applied.

To ensure that when assigning an early insurance pension to an employee there are no problems with the Pension Fund, the employer should take into account the requirements for the names of hazardous professions provided for in Lists 1 and 2. Therefore, even at the stage of hiring and paperwork, including staffing table, work book, employment contract with the employee, his personal card, the employer should familiarize himself with the procedure for applying the Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation No. 665 of July 16, 2014 and indicate the name of the position (profession) and labor function employee as indicated in Lists 1 and 2.

If the job title (or job function) does not match, there is a risk of negative consequences for the employee: the Pension Fund of Russia employee may be denied early retirement. In this regard, the employee can be recommended to try to prove the identity of the names by enlisting the legal support of the Russian Ministry of Labor, set out in letter No. 3073-17, No. 06-27/7017 dated 08/02/2000. Government bodies recognize the employee’s right to preferential pension provision subject to necessary requirements for the emergence of such a right, despite the different names of the same profession.

List 1: particularly hazardous conditions

Establishing the fact that the nature of an employee’s labor function for a particular employer is associated with particularly harmful or particularly difficult working conditions, as required by List 1, is carried out through workplace certification.

The employer, as well as the relevant state (municipal) bodies, at the request of the employee, are obliged to provide him with a certificate about the nature and period of work. These documents will be provided further in Pension Fund and are the basis for calculating the employee’s preferential length of service and early retirement in old age.

The right to an early preferential old-age pension according to List No. 1 with particularly harmful conditions is granted to an employee whose profession is identical to the profession from List 1, subject to the conditions that:

  • the employee has a full employment(that is, at least 80% of his working time the employee performs work in particularly harmful and particularly difficult working conditions) and
  • the fact of working under special conditions can be documented.

The main, but not the only document confirming the fact of work in special conditions is employment history. The legislator does not limit the employee’s right to provide other documents, which the Pension Fund is also obliged to accept to calculate the insurance period to establish a preferential pension. This can be a certificate from the employer about the period and nature of the work, the employee’s personal card, an employment agreement drawn up according to the rules in force at the time of its conclusion, certificates of wages, orders and other documents. The employee's right to provide additional documents enshrined in paragraph 11 of the Rules for calculating and confirming the insurance period for establishing an insurance pension, approved by Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of October 2, 2014 No. 1015.

Work experience in a position included in the list of preferential professions with hazardous working conditions is at least 10 years for men and 7 years and 6 months for women.

List of 2 preferential professions

An employee’s work will also be counted towards special length of service if his work (position, profession) and indicators with harmful and difficult working conditions are included in List 2.

When including work from List 2 in special experience, one should take into account the explanations of the Ministry of Labor of the Russian Federation dated May 22, 1996 No. 5 on the procedure for applying preferential Lists 1 and 2.

The pension fund is obliged to grant the employee an early preferential old-age pension, including special work experience in the calculation, if:

  • position of an employee from the lists 1 and 2 of hazardous professions of the Russian Federation,
  • the employee has a full-time job (that is, at least 80% of his working time, the employee performs work in particularly harmful and especially difficult working conditions, including business trips, sick leave, vacations (annual, additional), time for lunch breaks).

Special rules for calculating special work experience provide that:

  • when production volume is reduced and an employee is transferred to part-time work (working week), length of service should be calculated based on the time actually worked;
  • The periods of work during which study leave was granted shall not be included in the calculation of special length of service.

Preferential pension provision according to Lists 1 and 2

Despite the next pension reform currently being carried out in the country, aimed, among other things, at increasing the retirement age, which already from January 1, 2017 affected some citizens who are state and municipal employees, as well as persons employed in political positions, the order preferential pension provision remained the same.

The essence of preferential pension provision is that men can retire at old age not at 60, and women when they reach 55, but several years earlier.

This means that those employees whose work (position, profession) is included in Lists 1 and 2 of hazardous professions of the Russian Federation, subject to the requirements:

  • about work experience at mentioned works for men at least 10 years and for women - 7 years 6 months, and
  • having at least 20 years of insurance experience for men, 15 years for women,

then these employees are entitled to preferential pension benefits. This means that men can retire at age 50, and women at age 45.

When working at least half of the required period in jobs included in the list of preferential professions with hazardous working conditions, and subject to compliance with other requirements of the law (including the required minimum insurance period and the period of work in hazardous and hazardous conditions labor) men and women can also count on a special procedure for assigning an insurance pension - the generally established retirement age for all Russian citizens is subject to reduction by one year for each full year of such work.

In conclusion, we will indicate the regulatory framework governing relations regarding the assignment of pensions, including, among other things, preferential pension provision in connection with the performance of work under harmful and dangerous working conditions. This:

  • Federal Law of December 28, 2013 No. 400-FZ “On Insurance Pensions”. Part 1 of Article 30 of the Federal Law of December 28, 2013 No. 400-FZ regulates the right to early assignment of an insurance pension;
  • until 01/01/2015 was subject to application the federal law dated December 17, 2001 No. 173-FZ “On labor pensions in the Russian Federation” (