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Regulations on the enterprise's warehousing facilities. Order on the creation of a separate division

Actively developing enterprises sooner or later face the need to create separate divisions. In order to carry out this procedure according to all the rules, at a certain stage it is necessary to write a special order. It is from the moment of signing this document that the opening process begins. separate division.

What is a separate division

TO separate units include any departments of the company, including branches and representative offices, remote from the central office at fairly large distances. At the same time, only those divisions that have stationary workplaces can be considered as such (that is, they must be registered and operate at the same address for at least one month).

Have the right to open separate divisions only enterprises and organizations, individual entrepreneurs are exempt from such a need, because by law they can carry out their activities anywhere in the country completely freely.

Separate divisions are in no way independent legal entities; they operate strictly within the framework established by the parent company and have only the funds that it provides.

The creation of separate divisions must be carried out in a certain order, and any company must include information about this in its registration documents.

The procedure for creating a separate division

  1. Opening a separate division is not the most complex procedure, although it does cause some trouble. Let's start with the fact that the very possibility of its creation must be spelled out in the company's Charter (if such a clause is not there, then you first need to make changes to the Charter).
  2. Then, the corresponding decision must be made at the general meeting of founders and recorded in a special protocol.
  3. After this, at the enterprise
    • an order is issued
    • a specific package of documentation is collected, in which mandatory includes the company's constituent papers,
    • a statement is written to the territorial tax service,
    • V short term all interested parties are notified of the event government agencies, including social insurance funds.

Only after complete passage After all the stages described above, a separate unit can begin its activities.

Who writes the order to create a separate unit

Usually the direct executor of writing the order is an ordinary employee of the enterprise:

  • legal adviser,
  • personnel officer,
  • secretary,
  • head of a department directly related to the development of the organization.

However, in any case, this person, regardless of position, must have certain knowledge and skills in creating and approving administrative documents.

After drawing up the order, it is necessary to submit it to the director of the company for review and approval, since without his autograph it will not acquire legal force.

What is the basis for the order?

Every order issued, and this one is no exception, must be justified in some way. In this case, as a basis, you can refer to a specific article in the law, which gives enterprises and organizations the right to create separate divisions, or simply write something like: “In connection with the development of the enterprise,” “expansion of the organizational structure,” etc.

Sample order for the creation of a separate division

There are no unified standards for writing an order to create a separate division, so enterprises and organizations can create this document in any form or according to a model approved by accounting policy companies. One way or another, the order must contain a number of certain information, namely:

  • number, date and place of creation - the locality in which the company is registered and its full name;
  • reflect the fact of creating a separate division;
  • indicate its status (branch or representative office);
  • indicate the address where it will be located;
  • list the functions that are assigned to the department;
  • determine the order in which it should carry out its activities (as a rule, it is written here that the division is obliged to work as prescribed in the Charter of the parent organization);
  • note the fact that, according to the law, a structural unit is not a legal entity;
  • Finally, the order must indicate the persons responsible for its execution: this may be the director himself or some other employee of the enterprise (usually a deputy manager).

How to place an order

There are no rules for the execution of the order or its content, so it can be written on a simple blank sheet of A4 or even A5 format or company letterhead, either by hand or in printed form. At the same time, a printed version on letterhead will be much more advantageous, since it initially contains the details of the organization, legible text, and looks more solid.

The order is issued in a single copy, but if necessary, you can make an unlimited number of copies.

Requirements for order approval

The order must be mandatory certified by the director of the enterprise or any other person authorized to sign such documents.

In addition, those responsible for its implementation and those employees who are mentioned in it must put their signatures under it.

Their autographs will indicate that they have read and agree with the order.

How to store a document

After the document has been compiled and endorsed, it must be kept together with other administrative papers of the company in a separate folder, access to which should be strictly limited. After losing its relevance, the order must be transferred for storage to the organization’s archive for a period determined by law or established by its internal regulations. local acts(but not less than three years), then it can be disposed of.

The procedure and features of registration of a new structural unit of a branch of a foreign company


Good afternoon At the branch foreign company a division or department is created, and new positions are introduced for this purpose. A group is created to solve the problems facing this department and for this purpose employees are hired for new positions. What documents need to be drawn up, where to register, in which document that a certain division is being created in the branch, do you have forms for such documents? Thank you!


The structure of the organization is established based on the volume and content of the tasks solved by the organization, the focus and intensity of the information and documentation flows that have developed in the organization, and taking into account its organizational and material capabilities.

By general rule employers are free to determine the organizational structure in the organization (names of departments, their composition and hierarchy), staffing by positions and professions and the number of employees performing a particular job function. Consequently, departments can be assigned any name established by local regulations. In this matter, one should be guided by the principle of reasonableness and expediency. The name of a specific department should be selected based on the specifics of the organization’s activities and the tasks that the department faces.

The procedure for registering a new structural unit largely depends on the system of local regulations in force in your organization, other internal documents and established practices, which may also be reflected in the regulations for the creation of internal structural units. The decision to create a new structural unit is usually formalized by order. The content of the order largely depends on which documents must be amended when creating a new structural unit.

Thus, you need:

1. Issue an order to create a new structural unit(see sample below).

2. Make changes to organizational structure .

In many organizations, the organizational structure is approved as one of the internal documents. As a rule, it is drawn up in the form of a diagram, which allows you to visualize the relationships and interactions of departments and individual officials who are not part of any of the departments, key top managers. The creation of a new structural unit in this case requires changes to the current organizational structure. How changes are made depends on how the organizational structure was established. That is, the organizational structure can be stated:

Solely executive body-the head of the organization (i.e., the stamp “I approve” on the organizational structure);

A specially issued document (i.e. an order approving the organizational structure).

Changes to the organizational structure are made in a similar way.

3. Make changes to staffing table .

The creation of a new structural unit presupposes the presence of its internal structure. Consequently, the creation of a new structural unit will entail subsequent recruitment of personnel, for which it is necessary to make changes to the staffing table.

You can make changes in two ways:

  • issue an order to amend the staffing table (see sample below);
  • draw up staffing in new edition and approve it with the appropriate order (see sample below).

The choice of one option or another is within the competence of the employer. The procedure for making changes is presented below in the text.

4. Develop Regulations on the structural unit.

The place of the newly created structural unit in the organization as a whole, the tasks that management sets for a specific unit, as well as the functions that are required from the unit, the nature of its interaction with other structural units and other issues related to its functioning are traditionally reflected in the regulations on structural unit. It is not mandatory under current legislation. Nevertheless, its role is difficult to overestimate.

The regulation on a structural unit is a local regulatory act that determines the status of a structural unit and its place in the organization. It is advisable that the draft regulations be developed by the head of a higher structural unit or executive, under whose subordination this unit will be located. In this way, it will be possible to clearly record management's expectations of its introduction into the organizational structure.

5. Develop and approve job descriptions for employees of the structural unit

Development and approval job descriptions employees of the created structural unit is carried out in a manner similar to the development of the project and approval of the regulations on the structural unit. It should be noted that the Labor Code of the Russian Federation does not oblige the employer to have job descriptions for employees. However, their development, approval in in the prescribed manner and familiarizing employees with them is in the interests of the employer. After all, the instructions make it possible to initially minimize possible conflicts between employees and employers related to the fact that the manager’s point of view on determining the duties of a subordinate may “diverge” from the employer’s point of view. In addition, the job description disciplines both the employee and his manager.

After consistently implementing the above actions, you can begin to formalize the hiring of personnel in the created structural unit.

Sample order for the creation of a new structural unit


Moscow 02/01/2012

1. Create a department for the introduction of new technologies.

2. Appoint S.T. Minchenko as head of the department for introducing new technologies.

3. HR service Tekhstroyservis LLC prepare the following documents:

Make changes to the organizational structure;

Make changes to the staffing table;

Develop Regulations on the Department for the Introduction of New Technologies together with Minchenko S.T.;

Develop and approve job descriptions for employees of the department for introducing new technologies together with S.T. Minchenko.

4. Legal service Tekhstroyservis LLC will ensure compliance of the Regulations on the department for the introduction of new technologies and job descriptions of employees of the created department with the requirements of Russian legislation. Responsible - Zimko U.Yu.

5. The head of the labor protection department ensures that the job descriptions of employees in the department for introducing new technologies comply with labor protection requirements. Responsible - Shurochkina A.Ya.

General Director Gnedykh A.R. Gnedykh

We have read the order.

A copy was received for storage and use at the workplace.

Head of Department

Details in the System materials:

  1. Answer: How to create a staffing schedule

Assignment of staffing table

The staffing table is used to formalize the structure, staffing and staffing levels of the organization (Article 57 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation, section 1 of the instructions approved by Resolution of the State Statistics Committee of Russia dated January 5, 2004 No. 1).

Responsibility to draw up staffing schedule

The Labor Code of the Russian Federation does not say that every organization must have a staffing table. However, there are no documents abolishing the practice of drawing it up. At the same time, there are compelling arguments in favor of designing a staffing table:

  • staffing allows you to determine the number of employees needed by the organization, sums of money on their content and with the structure of the organization itself;
  • The staffing table can confirm the validity of applying tax benefits and attributing expenses to the cost of products (works, services, expenses).

Staffing form

From January 1, 2013, in connection with the adoption of the Law of December 6, 2011 No. 402-FZ, the use of unified forms is not mandatory for most organizations. The exception is public sector organizations. They still need to use it at work unified forms without fail.

All other organizations, when drawing up organizational and administrative documents, have the right to either continue to use unified forms or develop them independently.

Such conclusions follow from the totality of the provisions of Articles 7, 9 of the Law of December 6, 2011 No. 402-FZ and are confirmed by the letter of the Ministry of Finance of Russia dated December 4, 2012 No. PZ-10/2012.

Drawing up staffing schedule

The staffing table is an impersonal document. It does not indicate specific employees, but the number of positions in the organization and salaries for them. Employees are appointed to positions by orders of the manager after the approval of the schedule.

Change of staffing

Changes to the staffing table can be made at any time when there is a need, since the employer determines the frequency and frequency of changes in the staffing table independently (clause 1 of the letter of Rostrud dated March 22, 2012 No. 428-6-1). In addition to renaming positions, establishing a different salary, etc., in labor legislation There are separate procedures that can also lead to a transformation of the staffing table. For example, a reduction in the number or staff of employees (Article 180 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation), organizational or technological changes (Article 74 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation), etc.

Renaming an employee’s position and changing the size of his salary in the staffing table entails a change essential conditions employment contract. This means that before making changes to the staffing table, you need to issue an order to rename the position or change the employee’s salary, and then conclude a contract with him additional agreement To employment contract. In case of renaming a position, the employer must make a corresponding entry in work book employee (clause 4 of the Rules approved by Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of April 16, 2003 No. 225).

If the job title or salary is changed at the initiative of the administration for organizational or technological reasons, the procedure will be slightly different. It is necessary to notify the employee of upcoming changes two months in advance. If the employee does not agree to work under the changed conditions, send him a written offer of another job that matches his qualifications and health status. If there is no such job, offer a vacant lower position or lower paid job. If the employee refuses all offers or you do not have suitable job, formalize your dismissal under clause 7 of part 1 of Article 77 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation (refusal to continue work due to a change in the terms of the employment contract determined by the parties).

This procedure is provided for in Article 74 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation.

At the end of the procedure, make appropriate changes to the staffing schedule approved in the organization (section 1 of the instructions approved by Resolution of the State Statistics Committee of Russia dated January 5, 2004 No. 1). You can make changes in two ways:

The choice of one option or another is within the competence of the employer. In cases where the changes are of a single nature, for example, the name of an employee’s position has changed, it is more convenient to issue an order to amend the staffing table. Then the employer will reflect all changes made in the order itself, and in the staffing table in the “Note” section he will indicate the number and date of the order to make changes. If the changes are widespread or affect not only the names of positions, but also structural units, then in this case it will be more convenient to make changes by registering and approving the staffing table in the new edition.

  1. Answer: How to draw up a job description

Drawing up a job description

The obligation to draw up job descriptions is established only for government agencies(Article 47 of the Law of July 27, 2004 No. 79-FZ). An organization that is not a government agency cannot be fined for lack of instructions (letter of Rostrud dated August 9, 2007 No. 3042-6-0).

However, there are strong arguments in favor of creating a job description. Its presence will allow the organization:

  • justify the dismissal of an employee due to inadequacy of the position;
  • distribute responsibilities evenly between similar positions;
  • prove in court the legality of the imposition disciplinary action per employee;
  • correctly conduct personnel certification, etc.

A job description is drawn up for each full-time position.

Editor's advice: do not write personalized instructions, otherwise they will have to be approved again with each personnel change. If several employees occupy the same positions and perform the same duties, then it is enough to draw up a single job description for everyone and familiarize each employee with it. If employees occupy the same positions, but perform different duties, then it is better to rename the positions and call them differently.

The procedure for drawing up a job description is not regulated by law, so the employer independently decides how to draw it up. In practice, a job description can be drawn up as an annex to an employment contract or as a separate document. Similar explanations are contained in the letter of Rostrud dated October 31, 2007 No. 4412-6.

Job Description Sections

Regardless of the format, the job description usually consists of the following sections:

Chapter " General provisions»

In the “General Provisions” section, indicate:

  • the title of the position in strict accordance with the staffing table;
  • requirements for employee qualifications;
  • direct subordination (for example, an accountant reports directly to the chief accountant);
  • procedure for appointment and dismissal;
  • presence and composition of subordinates;
  • replacement procedure (who replaces the employee during his absence and who he can replace);
  • a list of documents that an employee must follow in his activities.

Section "Job Responsibilities"

In the “Job Responsibilities” section, list all duties assigned to the employee in accordance with assignment practices labor functions, which has developed in the structural unit. When compiling a section, you can use professional standards, All-Russian classifier classes OK 010-93, approved by Decree of the State Standard of Russia dated December 30, 1993 No. 298, and Qualification Handbook, approved by Resolution of the Ministry of Labor of Russia dated August 21, 1998 No. 37. They provide an approximate list of responsibilities for various positions.

In the “Rights” section, write down a list of rights that an employee has, within his competence, when performing job responsibilities.

In the “Responsibility” section, it is customary to specify the types of assigned responsibility in accordance with the law, depending on the employee’s job responsibilities.

If the job description is drawn up as an independent document, approve it by order of the head of the organization and introduce it to employees hired for the corresponding position, against signature (Part 3 of Article 68, Article 57 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation).

Deputy Director of the Department of Education and Human Resources of the Russian Ministry of Health

  1. Forms: Order to amend the staffing table

on changes to the staffing table

Moscow 08/30/2013

In connection with the optimization of the organization's structure

Make the following changes to the staffing schedule dated August 30, 2013 No. 15:

1. Rename the position of assistant accountant to junior accountant.

2. Enter in Production Department the following positions:

Electrician with a salary of 10,000 rubles;

Equipment adjuster with a salary of 15,000 rubles.

Reason: plan for optimization of the organization's structure, approved by order No. 99 dated August 27, 2013.

Head of HR Department

The following have been familiarized with the order:

  1. Forms: Order on approval of staffing table

TIN 7708123456, checkpoint 770801001, OKPO 98756423

full name of the organization

on approval of the staffing table

Moscow 08/30/2013

In accordance with section 1 of the instructions approved by Resolution of the State Statistics Committee of Russia dated January 5, 2004 No. 1,

Approve the staffing table No. 15 dated 08/30/2013 with a staff of 28 staff units with a monthly wage fund of 367,000 rubles.

Appendix: staffing table on two sheets.

Head of HR Department

The following have been familiarized with the order:

Petition from all personnel officers in Russia

There are annoying gaps in the Labor Code that complicate the work of personnel officers, although it costs nothing to eliminate them.

Sample order for opening a separate division

Sample order for opening a separate division (hereinafter referred to as OP) will help parent enterprises quickly formalize such a decision. You will learn about the contents of this order and how it is drawn up from the article below. You will also find a sample of this document there.

Conditions for creating an OP

When deciding to create an OP, it is important that at least 2 conditions are met:

  1. The division must be located geographically separately from the parent company, i.e. outside the jurisdiction of the division of the Federal Tax Service in which it is registered.
  2. Jobs must be created in the OP being created - even one is enough (letter from the Federal Tax Service of Moscow “On the need for registration...” dated 03/31/2010 No. 16-15/033302@).

The decision to create (open) an OP is usually made general meeting participants of the LLC (Part 1, Article 5 of the Law “On LLC” dated 02/08/1998 No. 14-FZ). According to Part 3 of Art. 55 of the Civil Code of Russia, an OP is not a legal entity, but is endowed with property and acts on the basis of a regulation approved by the organization that created it. The appointment of the head of the OP is made by the head legal entity.

Contents of the order to create an OP, sample

The order to create (open) an OP must reflect the following issues:

  • the fact of creation of the OP;
  • approval of the regulations on the OP;
  • definition of EP functions;
  • appointment of the head of the EP;
  • approval of the staffing table of the new structural unit.

The operative part of the order to open an OP, which is issued by the parent organization in any form, may look like this:

  1. Create a branch of Radugin LLC at the address: Moscow region, Mytishchi, st. Stroiteley, 5.
  2. Determine the following functions of the branch: retail goods of Radugin LLC in the city of Mytishchi, searching and consulting customers.
  3. Approve the position of the branch of Radugin LLC in Mytishchi.
  4. Appoint Oleg Valerievich Kolpakov as director of the branch of Radugin LLC in Mytishchi.
  5. Begin economic activity after equipping workplaces at the location of the branch in Mytishchi from 03/01/2017...”

The main thing is to take into account in the order to open an OP all the main points related to the start of its activities. In particular, an order should be issued to create an OP indicating the address of its location, determine what it will do and who will manage it. A sample order for opening an OP can be downloaded on our website.

Online magazine for accountants

If an enterprise plans to expand the territory of its activities, this requires registration order to create a separate unit. Sample from 2017– you will find in our consultation.

What is “separateness”

Before I tell you what it is order to create a separate unit, what it looks like and what should be reflected in it, you need to understand a little terminology. Namely, to explain: what is a separate division (hereinafter also referred to as OP).

This concept means a separate structure operating as part of an organization. This may be a branch, representative office or any other entity.

Even one single person working remotely can be considered a separate department. But it’s important not to confuse this with freelancing or other one-time forms of collaboration.

A general description and information about the activities of separate divisions can be found in special legal provisions:

  • Art. 55 Civil Code;
  • clause 2 art. 11 of the Tax Code.

However, these standards do not say what it should look like sample order for a separate unit.

Any OP has its own distinctive features:

  1. they can only be created by legal entities (individual entrepreneurs can also structure their business for expansion purposes, but this does not need to be formalized separately);
  2. cannot be located at the same physical address as the main office of the company;
  3. it is necessary to equip stationary workplaces. By such, the law means positions that exist for at least 1 month.

Where to start

The creation of a separate division occurs by drawing up the appropriate regulations on it. This document does not have a single form. But it is necessary to indicate all the main information:

  • addresses – actual and legal;
  • Name;
  • goals and objectives;
  • rights;
  • management composition, etc.

The company also produces order to create a separate unit, sample which some one doesn’t have either uniform form. Sometimes a separate order is issued to appoint the leadership of the OP.

Keep in mind: the creation of an OP must be reported to the Federal Tax Service within 1 month! (except for branches and representative offices)

Document on the creation of the OP

An order is the main document that must be issued when creating a separate unit. But the law does not require sending it to the inspection authorities (IFTS). It is used for internal needs.

As already mentioned, there is no single template for such an order. Therefore, it can be compiled in free form. The main thing is to provide basic information. Moreover, there is not much of it.

Enough to order to open a separate unit (sample see below) contained data on:

  • name of the OP;
  • its form (branch, representative office or other);
  • location address.

Document on the leadership of the OP

In any organization, it is necessary to document all employees. Only in the presence of such orders arise labor relations. And we're not just talking about ordinary workers. This also applies to management, which is confirmed by Art. 16 Labor Code of the Russian Federation.

As for a separate unit, and specifically the appointment of its head, then one must be guided by Art. 68 Labor Code. Main point, which should be taken into account when drawing up an order for the appointment of a manager - it should not contradict the contract that was concluded when hiring him.

As well as the order to create the OP itself, sample order for the creation of a separate unit in 2017 year does not have a mandatory form. Each company is free to choose it at its own discretion.

By the way: it is not necessary to create two individual documents. All this information - about the creation of an OP and the appointment of its head - can be reflected in one single order.


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Order on the formation of a new structural unit of the organization (approximate sample)

Sample document:


N 148 pr/k

On the formation of a department for working with government agencies and making changes to the staffing table

Due to the growing number of clients - bodies state power And local government, the need for their quality service and in order to optimize the structure of the organization,

I order:

1. Create a new department for working with government agencies within the Sales Department.

2. Appoint N.I. Sachenko as the head of the department.

3. Make the following changes to the staffing table: introduce a department for working with government agencies with the following staff:

The structure and staff of the warehouse are approved by the head of the enterprise. 2.2. The warehouse management is carried out by the warehouse manager. 2.3. The warehouse includes (specify positions): - ; - ; - ; - ; — . 3. MAIN TASKS OF THE WAREHOUSE 3.1. Uninterrupted supply of structural units of the enterprise with material and technical assets. 3.2. Safety of stored inventory items. 4. FUNCTIONS OF THE WAREHOUSE In accordance with the tasks assigned to it, the warehouse performs the following functions: 4.1. Reception, storage and release of inventory items, their placement taking into account the most rational use warehouse space, simplification and acceleration of search necessary materials, inventory, etc. 4.2. Ensuring the safety of stored inventory, compliance with storage regimes, rules for registration and delivery of receipts and expenditure documents. 4.3.

Warehouse Regulations

The responsibilities of the deputy(s) are determined (distributed) by the manager of the raw materials warehouse.

1.4.4. The deputy(s) and heads of structural divisions within the warehouse of raw materials and materials, other employees of the department are appointed to positions and dismissed from positions by order of the director of the enterprise upon the proposal of the head of the logistics department and in agreement with the head of the warehouse.

  1. Structure of the raw materials warehouse

The structure and staffing levels of the warehouse for raw materials and materials are approved by the director of the enterprise based on the conditions and characteristics of the enterprise’s activities upon the proposal of the head of the logistics department and in agreement with (HR department; department of organization and remuneration) 2.2.


The department includes (structural units, groups of specialists, etc.) 2.3.

In this case, at the beginning of each quarter, a balance sheet is compiled for the entire range of materials for a given warehouse (storeroom).

Material reports also indicate the amount (by receipts, expenses and balances) of material assets.

The amount is filled in (taxed) by the accounting service of the organization or by a specialist performing the accounting function, or by the warehouse manager (warehousekeeper).

Material reports with the attachment of all primary documents are submitted to the accounting service of the organization within the deadlines established by the organization.

The list of warehouses (storerooms) where monthly material reports are kept, the form of the report, the procedure for its preparation, presentation and verification are determined by the decision of the head of the organization upon the recommendation of the chief accountant.

Maintaining document flow for warehouse accounting of materials


When maintaining the balance method of accounting for materials in the accounting service, the accounting service employee checks all entries in the warehouse accounting cards with the primary documents and confirms with his signature the correctness of the balances in the cards.

Reconciliation of cards with documents and confirmation of transactions with the signature of the inspector can also be carried out in cases where the accounting service records materials using turnover sheets.
When maintaining accounting cards in the accounting service of the organization (first option revolving method) the accounting service cards are compared with the warehouse cards.
268. Financially responsible persons are obliged, at the request of an auditing employee of the accounting service, to present material assets to check the availability.

Current edition

Ensures, within its competence, the protection of information constituting state secrets and other information of limited distribution.

Carries out in accordance with the law Russian Federation work on acquisition, storage, accounting and use archival documents, formed during the operation of the warehouse.

The assignment to a warehouse of functions that are not within its competence is not permitted. 5. RIGHTS The warehouse, in order to solve the tasks assigned to it, has the right: 5.1.

Request, in the prescribed manner, information (materials) from the structural divisions of the enterprise on issues within the competence of the warehouse.

Create expert and working groups on the problems of supplying the structural divisions of the enterprise with material and technical assets.

Make suggestions on issues within the competence of the warehouse.

Warehouse order

In progress production activities The warehouse of the enterprise interacts with the following structural divisions: - , - , - . 7. RESPONSIBILITY 7.1. The warehouse manager bears full responsibility for the quality and timely fulfillment of the tasks and functions assigned to the warehouse by these Regulations. 7.2.

The responsibility of warehouse workers is established by current legislation and job descriptions.

The manager and other warehouse employees bear personal responsibility for the compliance of the documents they prepare and transactions with material and technical assets with the legislation of the Russian Federation.

8. CRITERIA FOR EVALUATING WAREHOUSE ACTIVITIES 8.1. Timely and high-quality implementation of set goals and objectives. 8.2. High-quality execution functional responsibilities.

Order on the appointment of a warehouse manager

Order appointing a person in charge and approving documents for fire safety For compliance purposes in the warehouse food products" " at the address of fire safety rules in accordance with the Rules of the fire regime in the Russian Federation. since 2018. I assume responsibility for fire safety, first aid and evacuation in the food warehouse.

Approve fire safety documents in accordance with the annexes.

Applications:(download)1. Instructions for fire safety in food warehouses.2.

Instructions for fire safety in administrative (office) premises.3.

Instructions “On actions in case of fire in a food warehouse.”4. Program for conducting initial, introductory, and repeated fire safety briefings in a food warehouse. (or a separate order for briefings)5.
For each personal account, a page (sheet) or the required number of sheets is allocated. In each personal account, the details specified in the warehouse accounting cards are provided and filled in. At the beginning or at the end of the book there is a table of contents of personal accounts indicating the numbers of personal accounts, names of material assets with their distinctive features and the number of sheets in the book. Warehouse books must be numbered and laced.

The number of sheets in the book is certified by the signature of the chief accountant or a person authorized by him and a seal (if there is a seal). (as amended.

Order of the Ministry of Finance of Russia dated October 24, 2016 N 191n) Warehouse accounting books are registered in the accounting service of the organization, about which an entry is made in the book indicating the register number.

The organization may establish a different procedure for preparing warehouse accounting books.

Warehouse order sample

I APPROVED (name of the position of the head of the enterprise) (full name, signature) » » g.

REGULATIONS on the warehouse 1. GENERAL PROVISIONS 1.1. The warehouse is a structural subdivision of the logistics department of the enterprise and reports directly to it.

1.2. The warehouse was created on the basis of the order of the head of the enterprise No. dated » » 1.3. The warehouse manager and employees are appointed and dismissed by order of the head of the enterprise upon the proposal of the head of the logistics department. 1.4. The warehouse is guided in its work by: - federal laws Russian Federation; — decrees and orders of the President of the Russian Federation; — decrees and orders of the Government of the Russian Federation; — laws of the subject of the Russian Federation; — Charter of the enterprise; - these Regulations. 1.5.
Based on duly drawn up and executed primary documents ( receipt orders, requirements, invoices, waybills, other incoming and outgoing documents) the warehouse manager (storekeeper) makes entries in warehouse accounting cards indicating the date of the transaction, the name and number of the document and summary operations (from whom it was received, to whom it was issued, for what purpose).

In cards, each operation reflected in a particular primary document is recorded separately.

When several identical (homogeneous) operations (on several documents) are performed on one day, one entry can be made reflecting the total quantity for these documents. In this case, the contents of such a record list the numbers of all such documents or compile a register of them.

Order for finished goods warehouse

Warehouse accounting of material inventories can be maintained using tools computer technology.

In this case, the operator (storekeeper) enters the information (details) provided in the warehouse accounting cards and the data from the primary accounting documents directly into computer equipment.

For certain periods of time, but at least once a month, a turnover sheet (tabulagram) is compiled for the movement of material assets, which reflects: - personal account numbers; — nomenclature numbers (if any); - names of material assets and their features; - unit of measurement; — price; — balance at the beginning of the reporting period; - arrival for reporting period; — expenses for the reporting period; — balance at the end of the reporting period. The columns “income for the reporting period” and “expenses for the reporting period” reflect transactions, as well as the totals of income and expenses.

Warehouse order on duty during the New Year holidays sample

Compliance with the legislation of instructions issued by the warehouse, orders issued, invoices issued, violations of accounting and reporting rules. 7.2.2.

Drawing up, approval and presentation of reliable consolidated reports.

7.2.3. Ensuring the safety of inventory items. 7.2.4. Providing enterprise management with information on warehouse operation issues. 7.2.5. Reliability and timeliness of providing heads of departments with information on the volume of stocks of raw materials and supplies in the warehouse. 7.2.6. Timely and high-quality execution of documents and instructions from the management of the enterprise. 7.3.

The responsibilities of raw materials warehouse workers are established by their job descriptions.

  1. Final provisions

(name of the manager's position

(Full name, signature)

"____"___________________ _____ G.



1.1. The warehouse is a structural unit of the logistics department of the enterprise and reports directly to ____________________________.

1.2. The warehouse was created on the basis of the order of the head of enterprise No. _____ dated "__"_______ ____.

1.3. The warehouse manager and employees are appointed and dismissed by order of the head of the enterprise upon the proposal of the head of the logistics department.

1.4. The warehouse is guided in its work by:

Federal laws of the Russian Federation;

Decrees and orders of the President of the Russian Federation;

Resolutions and orders of the Government of the Russian Federation;

Laws of the subject of the Russian Federation;

Charter of the enterprise;

By these Regulations.

1.5. The warehouse should have documents and materials on the following issues:

Regulatory and teaching materials on issues of organizing warehousing;

Standards and technical specifications for storage of inventory items;

Types, sizes, brands, grades and others quality characteristics inventory items and their consumption rates;

Organization of loading and unloading operations;

Rules and procedures for storage and warehousing of inventory items, regulations and instructions for their accounting;

Terms of contracts for the transportation and storage of goods, for rent storage facilities and equipment;

The procedure for payment for services rendered and work performed;

Methods for the effective use of office equipment and other technical means managerial work;

Internal labor regulations;

Labor protection rules and regulations.


2.1. The structure and staff of the warehouse are approved by the head of the enterprise.

2.2. The warehouse management is carried out by the warehouse manager.

2.3. The warehouse includes (specify positions):

- ___________________________________________________________;

- ___________________________________________________________;

- ___________________________________________________________;

- ___________________________________________________________.


3.1. Uninterrupted supply of structural units of the enterprise with material and technical assets.

3.2. Safety of stored inventory items.


In accordance with the tasks assigned to it, the warehouse performs the following functions:

4.1. Reception, storage and release of inventory items, their placement taking into account the most rational use of warehouse space, facilitating and accelerating the search for necessary materials, equipment, etc.

4.2. Ensuring the safety of stored inventory, compliance with storage regimes, rules for registration and delivery of receipts and expenditure documents.

4.3. Ensuring the availability and serviceability of fire fighting equipment, equipment and inventory in the warehouse and their timely repair.

4.4. Carrying out loading and unloading operations in compliance with labor safety standards, rules and instructions.

4.5. Collection, storage and timely return of loading details to suppliers.

4.6. Carrying out inventories of inventory items.

4.7. Maintaining records of warehouse operations and established reporting.

4.8. Development and implementation of measures to improve the efficiency of warehousing, reduce costs for transportation and storage of inventory items, and introduce them into the organization of warehousing modern means computing, communications and communications.

4.9. Organizes the maintenance of regulatory and reference information related to the functions of the warehouse.

4.10. Ensures, within its competence, the protection of information constituting state secrets and other information of limited distribution.

4.11. In accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation, carries out work on the acquisition, storage, recording and use of archival documents generated during the operation of the warehouse.

The assignment to a warehouse of functions that are not within its competence is not permitted.

To solve the tasks assigned to it, the warehouse has the right:

5.1. Request, in the prescribed manner, information (materials) from the structural divisions of the enterprise on issues within the competence of the warehouse.

5.2. Create expert and working groups on the problems of supplying the structural divisions of the enterprise with material and technical assets.

5.3. Make suggestions on issues within the competence of the warehouse.


6.1. In the process of production activities of the enterprise, the warehouse interacts with the following structural divisions:

- _____________________________________________________,

- _____________________________________________________.


7.1. The warehouse manager bears full responsibility for the quality and timely fulfillment of the tasks and functions assigned to the warehouse by these Regulations.

7.2. The responsibility of warehouse workers is established by current legislation and job descriptions.

7.3. The manager and other warehouse employees bear personal responsibility for the compliance of the documents they prepare and transactions with material and technical assets with the legislation of the Russian Federation.


8.1. Timely and high-quality implementation of set goals and objectives.

8.2. High-quality performance of functional duties.

Warehouse Manager: ___________/_______________/

Sample order for organizing accounting finished products

From _____________ No.___________

About the organization of accounting
finished products

In order to improve the organization of work on registration of production of finished cast iron products foundry, recording it at storage sites and writing it off for production


1. From January 1, 20____, carry out the removal of each batch of finished products, including semi-finished products, from the iron foundry to storage sites according to operational invoices with their execution in electronic system enterprises.
2. Additionally, the finished products of the iron foundry are reweighed at the weighing station with the obligatory note of the storekeeper about the weight of the products in the electronic system and the signature of the paper invoice.
3. The head of the quality service of the iron foundry must ensure the prompt entry of data on the acceptable products of each batch of accepted iron castings in the electronic system of the enterprise, no later than 17:00 hours of the reporting date.
4. Acceptance of products to the finished goods warehouse is carried out daily with prompt processing of electronic documents. Do not accept products into the warehouse without invoices and weight control by the weighing station (signature of the weighing warehouseman on a paper document).
5. Acceptance of products for engineering production carry out as castings are received according to invoices with prompt execution in the electronic system. The production director should appoint a person responsible for the acceptance of castings into the machine-building production shops.
6. Accounting departments enter the remains of unprocessed iron castings based on the results of the inventory as of 01/01/20____. into the electronic system of the enterprise, as the remains of semi-finished products at storage locations.
7. Release of unprocessed castings from storage areas is carried out on the basis of the “request-invoice” document. The “request invoice” is issued in 2 copies with a document number assigned; approval by the OMTS is not required. Submit 1 copy daily to the economic planning department.
8. The economic planning department will promptly enter information on the consumption of iron castings for the production of electric motors into the enterprise’s electronic system.
9. Head of department information technologies provide workers with workplaces for promptly entering information into the enterprise’s electronic system.
10. Control over the implementation of this order is assigned to the Director of Economics.
11. The specialist in working with documents of the administrative department will convey the order to the executors.



Commercial Director

Production Director

Foundry Director

Director of Technology and Quality

Director of Economics

Head of ICU

Appendix to order No.______ dated ____________

The procedure for recording and transferring private enterprise products
to storage areas.

1. The foundry production controller accepts the products of the iron foundry and promptly enters information about the accepted good products (each batch) into the enterprise’s electronic system, no later than 17:00 of the reporting date.
2. The head of the section (foreman) of the workshop presents the products accepted by the controller to the section foreman by name and quantity for its transportation to the recipient (finished product warehouse, machine-building workshop).
3. The site foreman draws up an invoice form MX-18 in the electronic system and prints it out. The invoice indicates the name and quantity of products loaded into vehicle.
4. The invoice is signed by the quality service controller; the workshop foreman and the section manager (foreman) of the workshop sign for the financially responsible person.
5. All containers must be marked and weighed. When loading products in containers, the total container weight is indicated in the consignment note.
6. An invoice is issued for each batch of exported products and handed over to the driver transporting the products.
7. The driver enters the weighing room to weigh the products and informs the weigher of the invoice number and the tare weight.
8. The weigh warehouseman weighs the vehicle with the products and containers, adjusts the resulting value for the weight of the vehicle and containers, and enters information about the “net” weight of the products into the electronic system. Additionally endorses a paper document.
9. If the actual weight of the product deviates from normative value more than 3%, the storekeeper will receive a warning message. In this case, the storekeeper makes an additional mark on the paper invoice “excess weight” so that attention is paid when accepting the products at storage locations.
10. Iron foundry products transferred to the processing area of ​​machine beds in the machine shop are not weighed.
11. Next, the products are transported to storage locations:
a. When transporting products to the finished goods warehouse, they are handed over to the storekeeper, he accepts the products, signs the receipt note and checks electronic document in system;
b. When transporting products to machine-building workshops, the products are handed over responsible person for acceptance of castings, appointed by the production director, he accepts the products, signs the receipt and posts the document in the electronic system.
12. The driver returns the issued invoices to the site foreman.
13. When transporting products from the GP warehouse to workshop No., they are also weighed on a weighing scale (with a minus sign).
14. Based on the results of the inventory carried out as of January 1, 20__, the accounting department enters the remains of semi-finished products (iron castings) into the electronic system at the actual storage locations: ferrous metal warehouse (electronic WIP warehouse), machine-building workshops.
15. The release of castings into production from the above storage locations is carried out according to the invoice requirements as follows:
a. the demand invoice is issued by the workshop forwarder who receives the casting in two copies, with the obligatory indication of the document number, in the “requested” column the signature of the workshop manager is placed (approval from the Department of Transport and Communications is not required);
b. the forwarder keeps one copy of the demand invoice, the other one is handed over either to the warehouseman of warehouse No. 2, if the castings are removed from warehouse No. 2, or to the PEO economist, if the castings are removed from the workshop warehouse;
c. the storekeeper of warehouse No. 2 or the PEO economist promptly carries out invoice requirements (as received) in the enterprise’s electronic system.
Organizational aspects:
1. It is necessary to label and rehang the container. Responsible: Head of Section No.
2. In the MX-18 delivery note, the molding section should be marked automatically. Responsible: Head of the ICU.
3. In SMEs, the issue of acceptance of cast iron products and release into production must be organizationally resolved. Responsible: heads of machine-building production departments.

Order to open a structural unit

___________________________________________________________ (full company name and location legal entity) ORDER N _____ of the Head on the opening of a structural unit _________________________________ "___"________ ___ city (name settlement) Due to production needs and ________________, in accordance with Art. 55 Civil Code of the Russian Federation, ___________ (indicate the position normative act) and clause __ of the Charter 1. Open _____________________________ department (management, etc.) ________________________________ at the address: ______________________________. (name of the legal entity) 2. Assign the following functions to the ____________ department (management, etc.): a) disseminate information about the activities of __________________________; (name of legal entity) b) carry out _______________________________________________________; (certain types of activities of a legal entity) c) contact government authorities regarding the activities of the ____________ department (management, etc.); d) take initiatives on various issues; d) ________________________________________________. (other) 3. Approve the composition of ____________ department (management, etc.) within the staffing limit of __________________________________________ in the number of __ (name of legal entity) people, including: chief; deputy chief; ___________ - ___ Human.

The procedure and features of registration of a new structural unit of a branch of a foreign company

Option: Make changes to the staffing table of __________________________________ (name of legal entity) in connection with the opening of ____________ department (management, etc.) in the number of __ people, including: chief; deputy chief; Deputy Head for Accounting and Reporting; ___________ - ___ Human. 4. Appoint ____________________________ as the head of ___________________ department (management, etc.). (surname, initials) 5. Provide the ___________ department (management, etc.) with the following property: __________________________________________________________________________. 6. The head of the ______________________________ department (management, etc.) ____________________________ organize his activities in accordance with (last name, initials) the daily routine of ________________________________. (name of the legal entity) (if necessary: ​​7. The head of _________________ department (management, etc.) ___________________________ organize its registration as (last name, initials) of a separate unit.) 8. I reserve control over the execution of the order. Head __________________ _______________________________ (signature) (last name, initials) M.P. Performer _________________________________________________________________ (last name, initials, office phone number)


Order to change the management structure

Order on the creation of a department for the introduction of new technologies

Moscow N 2 02/01/2012


  1. Create a department for introducing new technologies.
  2. Appoint S.T. Minchenko as head of the department for introducing new technologies.
  3. The personnel service of Tekhstroyservice LLC prepare the following documents:
  • draft order for the transfer of Deputy Head of the Development Department Minchenko S.T.

    Order on approval of the enterprise structure sample

    for the position of head of the department for the introduction of new technologies. Deadline: until 02/02/2011. Responsible - Kryukov R.A.;

  • draft order on changes to the staffing table in connection with the creation of a department for the introduction of new technologies. Deadline - until 02/05/2011. Responsible - R.A. Kryukov
  1. Transfer the general outline of job descriptions for employees of the organization to Minchenko S.T. to the HR department. to develop job descriptions for employees of the department being created. Deadline: 02/10/2011. Responsible - R.A. Kryukov
  2. Personnel service together with Minchenko S.T. prepare a draft Regulation on the department for introducing new technologies. Deadline: 02/15/2011. Responsible: Kryukov R.A., Minchenko S.T.
  3. Minchenko S.T. develop job descriptions for employees of the department for introducing new technologies.
  4. The legal service of Tekhstroyservis LLC must ensure compliance of the Regulations on the department for the introduction of new technologies and job descriptions of employees of the created department with the requirements of Russian legislation. Responsible - Zimko U.Yu.
  5. The head of the labor protection department must ensure that the job descriptions of employees in the department for introducing new technologies comply with labor protection requirements. Responsible - Shurochkina A.Ya.

General Director Gnedykh A.R. Gnedykh

We have read the order.

A copy was received for storage and use at the workplace.