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Cheese production as a business: a detailed development plan. Cheese making at home as a business Documents for cheese production


Manufacturing products as a business has fewer risks and pays off faster than manufacturing industrial goods. This matter is especially relevant during the period of sanctions and import substitution policies. If you start own production cheese, you can get yours profitable business for the long term.

The significant content of protein, microelements and vitamins in the product makes it popular even among people who adhere to proper nutrition. The consumption of cheeses is increasing annually by 3–5%; buyers are striving to purchase a high-quality, homemade product at affordable prices.

Business registration

Mini-cheese factories and the production of fresh cheese at home must be officially registered. You can register an enterprise as an LLC or individual entrepreneur. For a small mini workshop that plans to manufacture and sell a product only to the public, it is enough to register an individual entrepreneur.

The legal form of an enterprise for the sale of cheeses, LLC, is suitable for a cheese factory that will sell goods to counterparties: stores, retail chains. In addition to the general taxation regime, an LLC can use a simplified system.

For agricultural goods from manufacturers there is special mode taxation – Unified Agricultural Tax (Unified Agricultural Tax).

The business of producing dairy products is registered as a peasant farm. A tax rate of 6% is levied on net profit from production.

Cheese making and mini cheese factories relate to the production of food products, so the enterprise engaged in production will need a license.

Finished cheese products must have a certificate of conformity and approval from Sanpin. To complete it you will need: an application, a certificate of sanitary compliance at the cheese factory, title documents legal entity, veterinarian certificate, contract, product label sketch.

Market research

The basis of a successful cheese business is studying competition, market needs, consumer preferences, step by step plan and experience in running a business. The mini workshop produces a small volume of products and sells them within the region. You should not choose varieties of cheese that are made by competitors. Choose other recipes.

To drag consumers you need to set low price, but then your small cheese business will not pay off soon. It is better to start producing a different type of product in your workshop and position it as a new product. You can organize production from scratch in the village.

In production dairy product cheese factory there are more than 2 thousand varieties of recipes that are produced by different factories. The most popular of them:

  • Pressed uncooked cheese "Cheddar", "Gouda", "Maasdam", "Edam" has a yellow color and a hard rind. The inner mass is tender or spicy, salty. During production, products are kept in storage for up to a year. During the production of such cheeses there will be high competition business.
  • The fresh product has a cheesy consistency and is formed without pressing. The most popular are “Adygei”, “Mozzarella” with buffalo milk, “Feta”, “Suluguni”, “Mascarpone”.
  • When producing cheese from sheep or goat milk, the product has an unusual taste and smell; popular varieties are “Chevre” and “Shabishu”. Depending on the technology used in the enterprise, the product may have mold. The demand for homemade cheese made from goat or sheep milk is different from the demand for a product made from cow's milk; the business will have its own characteristics.
  • In the mini workshop at the cheese factory, rennet bases are used in the production of processed products “Yantar” and “Sausage”. The product also contains additives, spices, and fillers.

Cheese production as a business has great prospects and paths to constant development. In addition, the domestic cheese business in Russia is experiencing significant growth. When opening the production of hard cheese, you need to strictly follow the technology and purchase. But mini production will become increasingly profitable due to the constant demand for the finished product.

The cheese business requires the following documents:

  • the right to purchase or lease land for the construction of a workshop;
  • registration of a mini-workshop;
  • signing contracts;
  • obtaining licenses and certificates finished products.

For the legal form, use or. Both of these options can significantly reduce the amount of taxation. For large-scale production, a more suitable option is LLC.

Cheese as a product requires certification. You need to fill out a declaration: the cheese must comply with OKP code 92 2511. To obtain a declaration, submit the following documents:

  • application;
  • the applicant's constituent documents;
  • Contract;
  • health certificate;
  • brand label layout;
  • veterinary certificate.

What types of cheese are there, and what is it made from?

Cheese business plan includes production different varieties, namely:

  • hard cheeses (Russian, Swiss, Dutch);
  • semi-hard cheeses (Roquefort, Latvian, spicy);
  • soft (Slavic, amateur);
  • pickle (Suluguni, Adyghe, feta cheese).

Each type of cheese requires a special production method and equipment. Therefore, immediately decide what kind of cheese you will make.

The composition of raw materials affects the quality final product. There are some rules that you must follow under any circumstances:

  • milk can only be taken from large farmers, who must have certificates confirming the quality of their products;
  • active acidity level - from 6.8;
  • exclusion of antibiotics;
  • fat content - about 3.5.

Main raw materials: milk, cream, skim milk, food grade pepsin, starter cultures (bacterial, biological), enzyme preparations, salt, paraffin wax compounds.

All raw materials must comply.

How cheeses are made

Factory setup

Yours will be located on an area of ​​350 square meters. m. and will include:

  • production workshop;
  • territory for fermentation;
  • salting area;
  • room for refrigeration chambers (preferably 2 pieces).

The premises must meet the requirements. Make sure there is an access road for trucks.

Workshop equipment:

  • boilers for making cheese;
  • buffer tank for grounds;
  • press.

Equipment for sourdough:

  • starter;
  • unit for automatic dosing of starter;
  • milk supply equipment;
  • heater;
  • steam sterilizer.

The salting room requires:

  • pumps that control the supply of brine;
  • pools for salting cheese;
  • containers for finished products.

What equipment is needed for a mini plant?

Cheese production technology

This is a complex biochemical process that consists of several stages:

1. Preparing milk

Milk should have sufficient protein. This will help increase the amount of finished product with low consumption of raw materials. First, the milk is purified, then cooled to 7-8 C. These processes require special filters and plate coolers.

2. Coagulation of milk, obtaining a homogeneous mass

Milk coagulation lasts 12-24 hours. At the same time, it gains acidity. Raw and pasteurized milk require the same amount of aging. Add a starter of lactic acid bacteria to pasteurized milk. The milk is cooled to curdling temperature. Then normalization occurs on cream separators. Pasteurization occurs in pasteurization-cooling units (temperature 74 – 76 °C). The process takes 20 seconds.

Heat treatment of raw materials kills vegetative forms of microorganisms. Preparations for folding are underway. Coagulation occurs at a temperature of 32°C and takes 30 minutes. The acidity should be around 21 degrees Turner.

3. Salting cheese, product formation

After drying the cheese grain, 70% of the whey is removed and the process of salting the hard cheese begins. Salted brine is introduced into the grain. Mixing lasts 30 minutes. After which the formation stage begins.

Using a pump, the grain is removed to the whey separator and enters the molds. Self-pressing begins (1 hour) with regular turning. Next, a special press is used (4 hours), which increases the active acidity.

4. Drying(10 days) and coating with a paraffin-polymer alloy.

Sales of products

This point should be worked out at the initial stage of cheese as an enterprise. Start sales from the nearest regions and gradually move on to large-scale sales. Depending on the success of the enterprise, you can expand the range of products from hard cheeses to the production of cottage cheese, sour cream, and glazed cheese curds.

Sales of hard cheeses are in the lead at an average price. Expensive products account for only 10% of sales.

The main buyers are supermarkets. Set up sales directly to cafes and restaurants without the intermediary of stores.

When you take a leading position in domestic market, you can think about exporting products.

Financial indicators of production

Even if you open a mini-factory, the investment in the business will be significant. You will need about 30 million rubles.

Raw material costs(5,000 kg/1 month):

For 1 kg. 9 liters of hard cheese are needed. milk.

Staff salaries:

Main costs:

Expense itemCost, rub
Workshop setup5 000 000
Rent (for 1 month)5 000
Production Line1 200 000
Delivery and installation of equipment900 000
Purchase of raw materials (for 1 month)457 000
Taxes130 000
Utilities (for 1 month)10 000
Salaries (for 1 month)167 000

Business profitability

Output per month – 5,000 kg.

Average cost – 250 rubles.

Revenue per year – 15,000,000 rubles.

Business profitability – 21%.

Payback – 4 years

Other dairy business ideas

1. . To open you will need initial capital in the amount of 4.2 million rubles. Payback can be achieved within 18 months. The constant demand for cottage cheese contributes to the rapid development of business, and not only in the Russian market.

2. . We will tell you how to open your own dairy production plant. Just keep in mind that purchasing and setting up equipment will cost you 10 million rubles.

3. . Fermented milk products never lose their customers. In particular, this is due to the usefulness of the products. Because starting capital about 8 million rubles. you can safely open a factory.

Cheese making is promising direction for small businesses, since demand in this market consistently exceeds supply. At the same time, the costs of cheese production are low, but the difficulty is in obtaining the certificates necessary for the work.

Market prospects

Cheese is a very popular milk processing product among the population. Both children and adults love cheese. It is much healthier than milk, as it is rich in calcium.

Everyone loves cheese

Each Russian consumes on average 244 kg of milk and dairy products per year, while the norm recommended by the Ministry of Health is almost 100 kg more. Consumption of milk and dairy products is expected to increase by 35–40% globally over the next 10 years.

However, in Russia over the past few years, the consumption of dairy products, including cheese, has been declining. Thus, in 2010, consumption of cheese and cheese products per capita in Russia amounted to 5.43 kg, and in 2014 - already 4.69 kg.

Table: cheese consumption in Russia from 2010–2015 (in kg per capita)

Year 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015
Cheese and cheese products 5,43 5,29 5,51 5,47 4,69 5,16

However, in 2015–2016 a slight increase was recorded. In particular, Russians began to eat 10% more cheese and cheese products in 2015 and another 5.8% more in 2016. At the same time, consumers note that the range of dairy products in stores is not wide enough. The potential market capacity is 10 times higher than current production volumes.

Russians consider the range of cheese in stores insufficient

Since 2014, Russia has stopped exporting cheese from the European Union, the USA and Canada. Before this, 50% of the market came from foreign cheeses. Imports of cheeses from Europe were offset by products from Belarus, Serbia and Armenia.

After the introduction of sanctions, the structure of cheese imports to the Russian Federation changed in favor of Belarus

After the introduction of sanctions, active import substitution began: in 2015, the production of cheese and cheese products increased by 17.6%. At the same time, Russian producers and importers have not yet been able to fully replace the supply of elite European cheeses, in particular Swiss cheese. Therefore, the production of elite cheeses is a very promising direction.

Cheesemakers' revenues and profits are growing steadily

At the same time, more and more mini-dairies are appearing that produce high-quality products. The experience of Italy is indicative - most of Cheese in this country is made precisely in mini-dairies.

Italians are happy to share the secrets of cheese making

In what form to open a business

Most often, cheese makers organize peasant farming. If you plan to sell cheese through stores, an LLC would be preferable, since retail chains prefer to work with legal entities (for tax deductions). Individual entrepreneurs are less often opened - this form is more suitable for retail trade.

When registering an enterprise, you must indicate OKVED code 10.51.3. – “Production of cheese and cheese products.”

Choosing a tax system

The form of taxation depends on the turnover of your production. If you are going to start with a small volume of products, then a simplified taxation system is suitable - 15% of income or 6% of profit. Usually at the initial stage the costs are high, so it would be more appropriate to pay 6% of the profit. Individual calculations as part of your business plan will help you determine exactly which form of taxation to choose.

Familiarize yourself with all tax payment options - this will help you choose the optimal system

Cheese factory business plan

Writing a business plan is a mandatory preparatory stage, which will allow you to determine the volume of investment, payback period, and cost of cheese. The business plan includes risk assessment, competitor analysis, etc. If you want to get a bank loan or a subsidy from the state, a business plan is simply irreplaceable.

Registering a business: necessary documents and permits

If you are going to run a business legally, you will have to undergo mandatory certification. This is a rather complicated and expensive procedure, but without a quality certificate you won’t be able to get it on store shelves. If you plan to sell cheese through friends, rely on word of mouth and advertisements on the Internet, then you can do without certification.

The production and sale of cheese is regulated by technical regulations Customs Union 033/2013 “On the safety of milk and dairy products.” Certification is carried out using a declaration form. Certification centers will help you draw up a declaration. The cost of their services differs by region. Obtaining a declaration will cost 7 thousand rubles. (for a year) or 15 thousand rubles. (for 3 years). Maximum term for which the declaration is issued - 5 years.

Declaration can be carried out according to one of five schemes. Receiving a declaration involves the following steps:

  1. Collection and analysis of evidence.
  2. Production control. This stage is provided only by schemes 1, 4 and 6 days.
  3. Testing of specially selected samples of cheese and cheese products.
  4. Acceptance of the declaration by the applicant - if satisfactory results were obtained during the previous stages.
  5. Registration of the declaration in the Unified Register.
  6. Applying a single sign of circulation in the Customs Union to the packaging of cheese and cheese products.

Evidence materials include:

  • cheese research protocols;
  • documents on state registration of the enterprise as an individual entrepreneur or legal entity;
  • previously issued certificates - if they were issued, but under scheme 6d their presence is mandatory;
  • description of raw materials, production equipment, processes associated with the release of cheeses into circulation;
  • regulatory documents - technical regulations, GOSTs, etc.;
  • shipping documents or supply contracts - provided when choosing schemes 2 and 4 d;
  • other documents that can confirm the compliance of cheeses with the requirements of technical regulations.

Certification according to the declaration form requires the preparation of a large number of documents, but it clearly indicates high quality manufactured products

Permission from Rospotrebnadzor

To sell cheese, you must have permission from Rospotrebnadzor. To obtain permission you must provide:

  • state registration certificate;
  • taxpayer certificate;
  • equipment list;
  • technological production maps;
  • premises rental agreement;
  • confirmation that employees have undergone a medical examination;
  • ventilation documents;
  • waste removal agreement.

What regulations regulate cheese production?

Cheese making is regulated sanitary rules and SANPIN standards–96 “Production of milk and dairy products”. This is a voluminous document that defines the conditions for cheese production: what the premises and equipment should be like, how to organize laboratory control, describes occupational hygiene, requirements for deratization, disinfection, etc.

It would be useful to study GOSTs, for example, general technical specifications for cheeses are prescribed in GOST R 52686–2006, for semi-hard cheeses - in GOST R 52972–2008.

Cheese production is regulated by GOSTs and SANPINs


There are many manufacturers of cheese factories designed for different volumes of milk processing. At the same time, there are many inexpensive mini-factories. For example, there is a company called Sfoggia (Italy), which produces cheesemakers with a capacity of 120 and 360 liters. In two 8-hour shifts, such a cheese factory (with a capacity of 360 liters) can turn up to 1,400 liters of milk into cheese. This will produce about 210 kg of cheese.

Mini cheese factories are quite affordable

Among the Russian manufacturers, one can highlight the Barnaul company Molekspert, which produces Cheese-Master 150. Their cost is from 150 thousand rubles. (with a capacity of 700–1000 liters per day). This allows you to get 7–9 kg of hard cheese or 13–15 kg of soft cheese.

Equipment for a cheese factory includes a stainless steel container, which is heated in various ways.

The container for cheese production must have a volume of at least 50 liters

It is necessary to purchase racks, press tables, salting basins, and cheese molds. If you produce hard cheeses, you will need ripening chambers. Some of the equipment can be made independently: for example, a press table will replace heavy plywood.

Technological process

Cheese production using Sfoggia equipment includes the following steps:

  1. Adding milk to the cheese maker for pasteurization.
  2. Cooling the milk and adding the starter.
  3. Adding rennet diluted in water, which turns the milk into a dense mass.
  4. Slicing the hardened curd.
  5. Separating grain from whey in a special bath.
  6. Placing the cheese in a salty solution.
  7. Ripening of the product in a special chamber.

For hard cheeses, the longest process is ripening. It can take up to several months.

Hard cheese matures from several months to a year

Where to get raw materials

Mini-cheese factories are beneficial for farmers who have their own large cattle dairy direction. After all, purchase prices for milk are quite low, so milk processing will allow us to obtain more competitive products.

If you are planning to organize only cheese production, you need to find reliable suppliers- farms in your region. With a processing volume of 500–1500 liters per day, the needs will cover 1–2 farms.

It is better to start with cheeses made from cow's milk - it is both cheaper and more popular. But you can try making cheese from goat milk, and even from buffalo milk.

Milk will be provided by farms

What should the room be like?

Small batches of cheese can be produced in premises with an area of ​​20–100 square meters. If you don’t have your own workshop, you can rent it.

The above SANPIN regulates what a room for cheese production should be like. The main requirements include:

  • all communications (hot and cold water, heating, ventilation, sewerage);
  • daylight;
  • furniture made of plastic or metal;
  • availability of fire extinguishers and fire shields;
  • tiling walls to a height of up to 2.5 m;
  • painting the rest of the walls with safe paint.

A small cheese factory, equipped with everything necessary for startup and meeting sanitary standards

Staff for the cheese factory

Of course, it is advisable to have an experienced technologist in the workshop who will ensure the production of high-quality cheese. At the same time, producers of mini-dairies provide very detailed instructions, allowing even an uninitiated person to understand the making of cheese. But in this case, be prepared for unsuccessful experiments that will cost you a pretty penny.

In general, 3–4 people are enough to operate a cheese factory. If possible, send them for training. It makes sense to learn the secrets of craftsmanship from Italian masters.

All employees working in production must have health certificates.

It is better to have an experienced technologist in production

Search for sales channels

Market assessment is the most important step on the way to successful business. Each type of cheese has its own target audience. For example, if you intend to produce luxury cheeses, you can sell them through small grocery stores in elite residential areas. The first step is to test the market to identify its preferences.

Try selling cheese to friends and acquaintances. If the product is tasty and of high quality, and costs less than store-bought, you can easily create client base. Can be connected social media, local forums are free sales channels. It is good to sell cheese on the market - by renting a point and confirming the quality of the products directly in the laboratory on the market. If you intend to expand, offer your product small shops. Getting into large retail chains is much more expensive and difficult, and competition is high.

Assortment of cheeses made Russian manufacturers, is quite wide today

What kind of cheese to produce

When making cheese, a by-product is whey, which many also successfully sell.

Small cheese factories allow you to prepare not only cheese, but also other dairy products: cottage cheese, sour cream (5–7 kg from 100 liters of raw materials), kefir, yogurt, koumiss, tan, ayran.

Cheese production in Russia is gradually growing

How much should you invest in a cheese factory?

The amount of investment in a cheese factory varies widely and depends on many factors: what equipment you will purchase, whether you will work in production yourself or hire employees, whether you have your own premises or need to rent, who will deliver the cheese to points, etc. In most cases, the initial investment is less than 1 million rubles.

Cheese cost

The cost is calculated based on the type of cheese, purchase prices for milk and sourdough.

Let's say you decide to produce 3 tons of cheese per month with the purchase price of milk being 25 rubles. per liter You will need to purchase approximately 20 thousand liters of milk. Example calculations for production:

  • total costs for raw materials - 500 thousand rubles;
  • sourdough and enzymes - 7 thousand rubles;
  • utility bills (water + electricity) – 20 thousand rubles;
  • rental of premises - 100 thousand rubles;
  • staff salaries - 120 thousand rubles;
  • containers and packaging - 25 thousand rubles;
  • Fuel and lubricants - 20 thousand rubles;
  • other expenses - 30 thousand rubles.

Total - 822 thousand rubles.

Thus, the cost will be 274 rubles. per kilogram (we divide the total costs by 3 thousand kg). Determine the trade margin yourself by studying the range of cheese prices on the market. The markup can be 30–80% or even more.

Only a competent calculation will allow you to determine the true cost of the product you produce.

How much can you earn

In the first 12 months from the start of cheese production, you can earn an income of up to 850 thousand rubles. monthly, net profit is about a million rubles annually. Subsequently, income grows by an average of 1.15–1.2 times per year.

Example of payback calculation

Payback depends on production and sales volumes, markups, capital and operating expenses. Let's say you decide to produce 100 kg of hard cheese per day.

Capital investments:

  • purchase of a turnkey mini-cheese factory Cheese-Master 150 + delivery and installation - 300 thousand rubles;
  • preparation of premises (repairs) – 200 thousand rubles;
  • personnel training - 30 thousand rubles;
  • organizational expenses (including business registration) – 50 thousand rubles;
  • other expenses - 50 thousand rubles.

Total - 630 thousand rubles.

Fixed monthly expenses:

  • rental of premises (50 sq. m.) – 30 thousand rubles;
  • salary + insurance premiums(4 people) – 80 thousand rubles;
  • utility costs - 30 thousand rubles;
  • advertising - 20 thousand rubles;
  • other expenses - 50 thousand rubles.

Total - 210 thousand rubles.

Planned income:

  • production volume per month (22 working days) – 2200 kg (100 kg per day);
  • selling price for 1 kg - 200 rubles;
  • cost of raw materials per 1 kg - 35% or 70 rubles;
  • monthly revenue (minus costs for raw materials) – 286 thousand rubles.

Hence the profit before tax will be: 286 – 210 ( fixed costs) = 76 thousand rubles.

From this amount we subtract the simplified tax system (15% of profit) and get a net profit of 64.6 thousand rubles. The payback of the project, subject to 100% shipment of manufactured products, will occur after 10 months of operation of the cheese factory.

The pricing scheme for cheese shows that the product is not a high-margin product, so its production will become profitable in about a year

Table: pros and cons of your own cheese factory

The main risks of a cheese factory

The main risks include:

  1. Creating a cheese recipe: a long preparation stage is required before production begins, selecting the most successful options and ingredients.
  2. Influence seasonal factor on the quality of the product. The quality of cheese directly depends on milk, the biochemical composition of which is constantly changing as animals eat different herbs in different seasons. To do this, you need to carefully select suppliers who closely monitor the diet of their animals.
  3. Failure to fulfill sales plans. Active work is required to find new sales channels, establish feedback with the end consumer, clarifying his preferences and wishes, competent interaction of sales consultants with clients.

It is clear that the opening of a cheese factory - promising business, the success of which depends on how you organize sales of the product. The main difficulty is the mandatory certification of products.

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In this article:

The attractiveness of the cheese market Russian businessmen was estimated a few years ago, when domestic production began to grow. Modern tendencies persist to this day: the product is in demand on the market.

To produce high-quality cheese, it is necessary to strictly follow the technology and maintain the product at the optimal temperature in the room.

We prepare documents for a cheese manufacturing enterprise

Before starting production activities and purchasing equipment, you should take care of obtaining the necessary permits and completing the appropriate documentation.

This cost estimate will include:

  • obtaining the right to purchase (lease) land and build;
  • business registration;
  • conclusion of contracts;
  • licensing and certification of products.

All this should be taken care of in advance, otherwise unforeseen circumstances may arise already in the process of making hard cheese.

As for the choice of organizational and legal form, it would be preferable to carry out activities through an LLC (with a simplified form of taxation) or individual entrepreneur. Both options will significantly reduce your taxes.

Since cheese is a product of the dairy industry, its certification is a mandatory procedure.

For example, on Russian cheese it is necessary to obtain a declaration of code conformity OKP 92 2511. It is issued to the manufacturer or to a contract, indicating the exact quantity of the batch.

The following documents must be provided:

  • application;
  • the applicant's constituent documents;
  • Contract;
  • phytosanitary registration certificate;
  • label layouts;
  • veterinary certificate.

We purchase a mini workshop for the production of hard cheese

To establish the production process, it is necessary to purchase specialized equipment, which will consist of:

  • long-term pasteurization baths, volume 100 liters;
  • paraffiner, volume 75 l.;
  • IPKS baths, volume 200 l;
  • cheese press;
  • two cheese molds;
  • 2 refrigerators;
  • desktop.

Long-term pasteurization bath


IPKS bath

Basic requirements for feedstock

The taste of hard cheese depends on the quality of the main components.

Compliance with the following conditions is mandatory:

  • milk should come exclusively from healthy cows;
  • the level of active acidity on the pH meter should not be lower than 6.8;
  • absence of antibiotics;
  • basic level of fat content, within 3.5 - protein content not less than 3.0% - receiving temperature not higher than 12°C

Agreements should be concluded with milk suppliers, which specify the above requirements for the quality of milk, its quantity, payment terms, deferment (if necessary), and delivery methods.

Russian cheese production technology

Cheese production technology is a complex biochemical process that occurs under the influence of microflora and enzymes and requires strict consistency in the manufacturing process.

Cheese production stages:

  • milk preparation;
  • coagulation of milk and obtaining a homogeneous mass;
  • cheese ripening;
  • salting cheese.

Hardware flow diagram

Hardware technology system cheese production is shown in the following photograph:

In cheese making, special requirements are placed on the quality of raw materials.

Preparing milk

It must contain a sufficient amount of protein, thus increasing product yield and reducing raw material consumption. First of all, milk must be cleaned and cooled to prevent the development of microflora and subsequent spoilage. This process uses milk filters or separators.

Cool the milk to a temperature of 7-8°C on plate coolers of the required capacity.

Milk ripening

Milk ripening occurs from 12 to 24 hours, during which time it gains acidity.

Excerpt necessary for both raw purified milk and pasteurized milk. A starter of lactic acid bacteria (or a rennet component) should be added to pasteurized milk.

The use of fresh milk with the addition of ripened milk is allowed (ratio 2 to 1).

After this, the milk should be cooled to coagulation temperature. Its normalization is carried out in cream separators, and pasteurization is carried out in pasteurization and cooling units at temperatures of 74-76 ° C for about 20 seconds. With the help of heat treatment, vegetative forms of microorganisms are destroyed, enzymes are inactivated and milk is prepared for coagulation (up to a temperature of 32°C). The acidity of milk before the coagulation process should be at least 20-22 Turner degrees.

Rennet coagulation

In the cheese bath, it is prepared for rennet coagulation, namely, a bacterial starter is introduced; solution of chloride and calcium. If necessary, add rennet. To make Russian cheese, a starter culture of lactic acid and aromatic streptococci is often used (in an amount of 0.8-1.1%).

Quite often in production process Use mature milk (a fifth of the total amount) to increase the calcium content and the quality of the curd. The addition of rennet ensures the formation of a strong curd in a short time.

The milk coagulation process occurs at a temperature of 32°C for half an hour. The resulting clot is cut and dried for 45 minutes, and the third part of the whey is removed. In order to speed up dehydration, it is recommended to carry out a second heating of the cheese grain (t 40°C - 30 minutes).

Dry the cheese mass after the second heating for 50 minutes.

Thus, the duration of the entire treatment is about 2-3 hours. The grain size should be 5-6 mm.

Cheese salting process and product formation

Salting hard cheese carried out at the very end of drying the cheese grain, having previously removed 70% of the whey. Concentrated salty brine is added to the grain, stirring for 30 minutes. Now you can proceed to molding the product.

Using a pump, the cheese grain is fed to the whey separator, from where it is poured into molds.

Self-pressing should occur within an hour, provided that it is turned over once. After this, using specialized equipment (press), the cheese mass is pressed for another 4 hours, where its active acidity increases significantly.

The cheese is dried for 10 days, after which it is coated with a paraffin-polymer alloy.

It is also necessary to carry out technical and chemical control of cheese production to ensure compliance with generally accepted standards.

Cheese production business plan

Costs of raw materials, premises and equipment for a mini cheese production plant

To start production activities a mini-factory needs a production facility with an area of ​​300 square meters with installed engineering and technical communications. It will house a cheese production workshop, a warehouse for finished products and a living room for employees. It can be purchased or rented.

Let's assume a monthly rental cost of 5,000 rubles.

Price production line will be 207,880 rubles (capital costs).

Working capital will consist of:

  • procurement of raw materials;
  • monthly payroll.

To prepare 1 kg. hard cheese (containing 45% water) requires 9 liters of milk. The average cost of 1 liter is 16 rubles. Ferment of lactic acid and aromatic streptococci: 1 dose for every 1000 liters.

Based on monthly production – 5,000 kg. hard cheese, the costs will be:

  • Milk - 35,000 liters x 13 rubles = 455,000 rubles;
  • Sourdough starters - 45 pieces for 30 rubles = 1350 rubles;
  • Payment utilities per month will be 10,000 rubles.

Thus, the cost of the finished product will be 466,350 rubles per month. (5,596,200 rubles per year).

We are recruiting staff:

  • director – 30,000 rubles;
  • technologist – 22,000 rubles;
  • cheese maker – 18,000 rubles;
  • storekeeper - 15,000 rubles;
  • 3 workers – 30,000 rubles.

Total payroll: 115,000 rubles per month (1,380,000 rubles per year).

Revenue and profit from the sale of cheese

Calculation of annual revenue: monthly output x cost of 1 kg. cheese = 5,000 x 250 rubles x 12 months. = 15 million rubles.

Gross annual profit(revenue-cost) = 9,403,800 rubles.

Total costs, taking into account the initial investment in equipment, are 7,184,080 rubles.

Profit before tax ( gross profit– total costs) = 2,219,720 rubles. Profit after tax (15%) – 1,886,762 rubles. This will be the amount of net profit.

Profitability ratio(net profit/revenue) will be 20.06%.

It should be noted that if you purchase a functioning mini-workshop, it becomes possible to save up to several million rubles.

Main areas of cheese sales

Define pricing policy and proposed markets for the produced hard cheese are needed at the initial stage of developing a business plan for a mini-factory.

In the first months, you can sell products in the region where the production facilities are located. And only then, as the volume of products increases, it will be possible to increase the sales market in other areas.

Enterprises that produce mainly hard cheeses subsequently expand their range by producing cottage cheese, sour cream, glazed cheese curds, etc.

The main advantage of such products is the short production time (one to two days). Thus, the profitability of the enterprise increases.

According to sales statistics, hard cheeses with an average price are in the lead. Elite varieties with high fat content cannot reach even 10% of total consumption. It turns out that target audience there will be a buyer with an average level of income.

Therefore, it will be more profitable to produce hard varieties of cheese in the middle price segment.

Of course, the main consumers will be shops and supermarkets, cafes and restaurants, with which long-term and mutually beneficial cooperation should be established. Later, after overcoming the payback period, it may even conquer international market, selling products for export.

Reading time: 9 minutes. Published 12/13/2019

In our country, consumers have a positive attitude towards such a valuable food product as cheese. Today this is one of the most profitable types activities, so why not start creating and developing your own cheese factory.

Cheese factory from scratch: where to start?

Legal registration of production and resolution of all organizational issues- this is the first thing you need to do when opening a cheese factory. It should be understood that this is a food production industry, so be careful to comply with all legal requirements in relation to this facility.

Registration of production

First of all, you need to register your business. You can choose the opening option farm(taxation 6%), or organize a joint-stock company - in this case, the enterprise will be on the simplified tax system and pay taxes in the amount of 15%.

The second question is the choice of premises. It must fully comply with the requirements of fire supervision and sanitary standards. Of course, it is also necessary to obtain documents for permission to operate from the fire inspectorate and the SES.

Licensing and certification of products is the third and mandatory point that must be completed before you start marketing your products.

Cheese certification

Cheese is food product, therefore it is necessary to obtain a certificate for it, which is issued either to the manufacturer or to the contract. A declaration is drawn up indicating the batch number and the exact quantity of the product.

Documents for SES permission

The SES permit is the basis for opening a cheese factory; to obtain it, you must provide the following documents:

  • Certificate of state registration organization (production).
  • Taxpayer certificate.
  • Technological production maps, list of equipment used.
  • Premises rental agreement (or certificate of ownership).
  • List of employees, confirmation of medical examinations they have undergone.
  • Floor plan, if reconstruction work has been carried out, it is necessary to provide a project of the work carried out.
  • Passport or project documentation for ventilation.
  • Certificate from the statistics department with a stamp.
  • Agreement for waste removal and scheduled disinfection.

After receiving all permits, licenses and certificates, it is necessary to conclude agreements for the sale of products.

What cheeses are popular among manufacturers - the range of cheese dairies in comparison

The most pressing issue is the choice of cheese variety. Indeed, what kind of cheese is better to produce in order to quickly get the desired benefits? An analysis of the market in your region, as well as the presence and number of competitors, will help answer this question.

Important tip: do not try to start producing several varieties at once, start with 1-2, maximum 3 varieties, and in the future you will be able to evaluate the dynamics and pace of sales, after which you will decide to expand the range.

Today, domestically produced cheeses are popular in Russia, but foreign varieties continue to be in demand. Moreover, technology imported products are already familiar to Russian cheese makers, which is why many well-known foreign cheeses are produced in Russia by analogue.

Table 1. The most purchased cheeses in Russia

Russian cheeses Dutch cheeses Swiss cheeses
Russian cheese

The variety is semi-solid, the structure is plastic, the taste is slightly sour. Fat content 45-50%. Shelf life: 30 days.

Dutch cheese

The variety is firm, the taste is slightly spicy. Structure – plastic, color – milky white or light yellow.


Solid grade, no holes. The taste is pleasant, nutty and fruity. It melts easily, so it is recommended for soups.

Kostroma cheese

The variety is semi-hard, easy to cut, the structure is elastic, the slices do not break when bent. Shelf life: 45 days.


The structure is dense, soft, creamy taste without bitterness (its presence indicates poor quality), the slice does not break.


A hard variety, covered with a yellow-brown crust, the taste is spicy, with a sweetish tint.

Adyghe cheese

The recipe is extremely simple, prepared on the basis of milk, enzyme and whey. It does not require a period of maturation, but the shelf life is no more than 35 days.


It has a characteristic nutty taste, an oily texture, and there are obvious large spherical holes.


The variety is semi-solid, with a pronounced milky smell, delicate, oily structure.

In general, any of these and other types of cheese can be produced not only in Russia, but also in other countries of the world, regardless of its origin.

What equipment will you need to make cheese?

The cheese production process begins with the preparation of raw materials. Milk is the basis of any cheese, so it should always be good quality, otherwise the reputation of your production can very quickly damage your business.

To check the quality of raw materials, the following conditions must be met:

  • Milk must be brought only from healthy cows (veterinary certificate and other supporting documents).
  • The pH meter readings are at least 6.8.
  • The fat content of the product is no more than 3.5%.
  • Protein composition of at least 3%.
  • No antibiotics included.
  • The temperature of the milk when taken is not higher than 12 degrees.

If you plan to store raw materials, a separate refrigeration equipment for these purposes.

Cheese production requires a complex of instruments and equipment. With their help, the cheese is prepared step by step. This complex includes the following equipment.

Long-term pasteurization baths

These are special containers in which the cheese grain is formed. During pasteurization, a coagulating enzyme is added, cutting and mixing of raw materials occurs. On large production large-scale analogues of such baths are used. The operating principle of such equipment has remained virtually unchanged over the past few decades. You can only observe the improvement of the main components.

Main elements of equipment:

  • Closed type tank.
  • Washing.
  • Mixing and cutting tool.
  • Automatic serum selection.
  • Equipment management software.

Molding equipment

There are two types - horizontal and vertical. The main work is carried out with the layers under the whey layers. There is a less expensive way - molding cheese in bulk. In this case, perforated buckets are required, and forming equipment and whey separators are not needed.

The forming equipment consists of a bottom, a pressing mechanism, and a unit for cutting the whole cheese board into bars.

Containers for salting cheese

These are usually large bathtubs with a capacity of at least 200 liters, made of stainless steel. Here the cheeses are aged in a special brine.


At this stage, the cheeses are covered with a special paraffin or polymer layer for further storage and ripening. The heated parfiner packs the cheese bars tightly.

Racks for storing and ripening cheese

Typically, racks and containers are mobile, with free air circulation.

The principle of cheese dairies is identical in most production facilities in our country and abroad. The higher the level of your equipment, the less time it takes to make quality cheese .

Cheese production technology and its features. Cheese factory production diagram

A thorough study of all stages of production allows you to competently draw up a business plan. The purchase of equipment directly depends on what type of cheese you plan to produce and in what volume.

In general, in Russia all types of cheese are in approximately equal demand, but studying and analyzing the market of your region is still necessary, because there may be a tendency towards a shift in favor of a certain type of product.

The cheese production technology looks approximately the same and consists of the following steps:

  • Purchase and preparation of raw materials . The milk must be cooled to 7 degrees; manipulation is performed using a plate cooler. At the same stage, the necessary filtration and purification of the raw materials is carried out.
  • Obtaining a granular consistency of the workpiece . Milk ripening lasts from 12 to 24 hours, during which time the product also gains acidity. A special mixture of bacteria or calcium chloride is used as a starter. IN last years Rennet is increasingly being used to shorten the ripening time of cheese.
  • Forming cheeses.
  • Product pressing.
  • Salting process.
  • Cheese ripening to the state of hard cheeses with a dense structure.
  • Storage and subsequent distribution finished products.

Despite the fact that the technology seems to be a simple, non-labor-intensive process, it still requires compliance with special conditions, including the temperature factor. Therefore, any cheese production, even the most low-budget one, must have a technologist responsible for all stages of production.

Cheese factory production diagram

The main diagram is presented to your attention technological process cheese factories .

Business plan for cheese production - profitability and payback period of the cheese factory

To produce a minimum volume of products (100 kg of cheese per day) one-time capital costs and monthly, ongoing expenses are required.

One-time costs:

  • Acquisition finished equipment, including delivery and full installation - 300 - 320 thousand rubles.
  • Preparatory work in the premises (repairs, general cleaning) – 200 thousand rubles.
  • Personnel training – 30-35 thousand rubles.
  • Business registration, organizational expenses – 45-50 thousand rubles.
  • Others additional expenses 50 thousand rubles.

Total: 650 thousand rubles (“+” “-” 20 thousand rubles).

Fixed monthly costs:

  • Rent of premises for a cheese factory with an area of ​​up to 50 sq. meters 30-40 thousand rubles.
  • Staff salaries (for 4 people, including insurance contributions) are 80 thousand rubles.
  • Utility bills 30 thousand rubles.
  • Advertising needs 20 thousand rubles.
  • Other (unforeseen, additional expenses) 50 thousand rubles.

Total: 210-220 thousand rubles.

Expected income:

  • Cheese production in 22 working days – 2200 kg (at the rate of 100 kg per month).
  • The price of cheese for release for sale is 200 rubles per kg.
  • The cost of raw materials for the production of 1 kg of cheese is 70 rubles.
  • The total cost of raw materials per month is 154 thousand rubles.
  • Monthly revenue is 440 thousand rubles.
  • Monthly revenue minus raw material costs is 286 thousand rubles.

From the revenue, we subtract the amount of regular expenses for the month and get the result of 76,000 rubles (“+” “-” 10 thousand rubles). Tax must be deducted from this amount; if you have a joint stock company, then it is 15%. We receive a net monthly income of approximately 65,000 rubles. The payback of the business in this case will occur within 10 months.

Risks associated with the development of cheese production: what should you consider when opening a cheese factory?

Risks are always present, so you should always be aware of them.

In the case of a cheese factory, they may be associated with the following factors:

  • Sales market . Before starting production, it is necessary to conduct a market analysis, evaluate opportunities and alternatives, and draw conclusions. Particular attention should be paid to the demand for cheeses in your region and the presence of a competitive base. The product must be sold in a timely manner, then there will be opportunities for development and losses will be minimized.
  • Product storage . In the premises where the production is located, there must be a storage space with a certain temperature conditions. Vehicles for transportation must also be equipped with a refrigerator.
  • It is important to choose a reliable milk supplier (raw materials). The optimal price-quality ratio is an ideal tandem for production, but things don’t always work out that way. Remember, the quality of your products and the reputation of the cheese factory depend on the quality of milk.

A competent approach to organizing a cheese factory allows you to get a truly profitable business. There is no need to rush things; it is better to spend time on the project than to remain without profit for a long time.