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Leonid Mikhelson topped the Forbes Russian rating of billionaires. Forbes Russian rating of billionaires headed by Leonid Mikhelson The richest Russians according to forbes

Every year, Forbes magazine, which is responsible for educating the electorate in terms of finance and economics, compiles lists of the wealthiest people. different countries. Let's get acquainted with the list richest people in Russia in 2016 according to Forbes.

1. Leonid Mikhelson

Leonid Mikhelson is the richest person in Russia in the Forbes ranking for 2016. The sixty-one-year-old entrepreneur joined the engineering business by inheritance from his father, who was once engaged in the construction of an oil pipeline. After graduating from the institute, the future billionaire began to work on the path of gas. Starting as an engineer, he soon became the head of the trust founded by his father, which was one of the first in the region to go through the process of corporatization and transfer entirely to private hands. Subsequently gas company was renamed into Novatek OJSC, where Mikhelson is to this day the largest shareholder and chairman of the board. In addition to Novatek, he holds the post of chairman of the board of directors in the Sibur petrochemical holding. He organized a foundation representing the interests of contemporary Russian art in the West, was awarded a couple of significant awards from the state. Leonid Mikhelson's fortune is $14.4 billion.

2. Mikhail Fridman

The second place in the ranking of the richest people in Russia in 2016 according to Forbes was taken by Mikhail Fridman with a fortune of 13.3 billion US dollars. Having exchanged half a century, Friedman for this moment lives in the capital of Great Britain, has dual citizenship - Russian and Israeli. In his hypothetical work book one can add participation in the board of such conglomerates as Alfa Group and VimpelCom, has weight in the Russian Union of Entrepreneurs and Industrialists and the Russian Jewish Congress. Although Mikhail was born into an engineering family, and also graduated from the Institute of Steel and Alloys, he won his first financial victories on a different front. The window cleaning company gave Friedman the first big profits, which later became the basis of his future fortune. doing trade computer technology, photographic materials and other goods, nevertheless found out for himself that working in the oil business would bring big profits. Most of the enterprises organized by him have the prefix "Alpha", which, as it were, indicates the importance of Friedman in the circles in which he rotates.

3. Alisher Usmanov

In his sixty-two years, this richest entrepreneur in Russia has managed to do a lot, for which in 2013 he was included in the list of fifty most influential people in the world. Winner of several state awards, philanthropist and big businessman Alisher Usmanov ranks third among the richest people in Russia with 12.5 billion US dollars. Since childhood, he had a sense of purpose, which led him, in the end, to the first places in various significant lists. Worked in senior positions in many banks and financial companies, was related to the gas and mining and metallurgical business, mobile operators and the Internet business. Alisher Usmanov helps the development of Russian sports and spends hundreds of millions of dollars each for charity. It is related to the gratuitous return to Russia of some valuable collections of art objects.

4. Vladimir Potanin

Vladimir Potanin is in fourth place in the Forbes ranking of the richest billionaires in Russia this year. The fortune is $ 12.1 billion. This person was related not only to business and entrepreneurship. At one time he worked in the government Russian Federation. He gained his skills, most likely, working in the system foreign trade Soviet Union from where it passed to private business. Private investment and mining metallurgy became a natural result of Potanin's many years of practice on the waves of entrepreneurship. At one time, he managed to obtain controlling stakes in the companies Svyazinvest and Norilsk Nickel, through participation in financial transactions through banking structures. Not the last place in Potanin's life is occupied by charity and social activities. He has weight in the Russian Geographical Society, the Russian Ministry of Defense and the Union of Industrialists. He has an impressive list of state awards.

With $11.4 billion, Gennady Timchenko is ranked 5th in the Forbes magazine ranking. Russian-Finnish entrepreneur, born in Leninakan, but currently holding Russian and Finnish citizenship. The activity of the sixty-three-year-old businessman extends from hockey to Russian-Chinese business relations, from investments in transport structures and energy, to participation in the Board of Trustees geographical society. The personality is quite multifaceted. Gennady Timchenko started his activities in foreign trade, and in the early 90s of the XX century he settled in Finland, where he settled in senior positions in Finnish companies. At the moment, he has shares in companies dealing with gas, oil, coal, as well as some investments in the insurance, banking business and other financially profitable organizations. He is intensively engaged in social activities and charity, he is seen in friendly relations with the current Russian president.

6. Alexey Mordashov

Like most of his colleagues on the list, Mordashev began with work on institute engineering education, but with the goal of achieving some heights, unlike most engineers, he was able to find his path to entrepreneurial activity. The beginning of financial success can be considered the assumption of the position of financial director of a metallurgical plant in the city of Cherepovets, later renamed Severstal OJSC. Having received good financial support in the field of metallurgy, Mordashev began to establish international relations, as a result of which he flickers in ties with Siemens and the World Steel Association. The owner of more than a dozen government awards and a fortune of $10.9 billion.

Seventh in the list of the richest businessmen in Russia is Viktor Vekselberg with a fortune of $ 10.5 billion. Over his sixty years, he managed to join science as a simple researcher and even head of a laboratory, which is why he is currently the president of the Skolkovo Foundation. In the nineties of the XX century, Viktor Vekselberg held senior positions at enterprises related to the Russian aluminum production, and has also been seen in oil refining companies. He is one of the ardent supporters of investing in the economy of the Russian Federation on a long-term basis. He is the founder of the Link of Times Foundation, which plays an important role in the return of many cultural values ​​to their historical homeland. Viktor Vekselberg has a significant role in the Union of Industrialists of Russia, and is also the recognized leader of the Federation of Jewish Communities of Russia.

8. Vladimir Lisin

Sixty-year-old entrepreneur Vladimir Lisin boasts an impressive list of diplomas from a variety of educational backgrounds, and with a net worth of $9.3 billion, he is one of the richest people. He started as a simple locksmith, who later worked his way up to the first lines of various financial ratings. Lisin's main sources of income at the moment are participation in the metallurgical industry and transport logistics. Was seen in banking and participation in the management of shipbuilding companies. Doctor of Science and honorary metallurgist, is the author of more than four dozen public publications, including ten books and several patents for inventions. In connection with his passion for shooting sports, Vladimir Lisin allows himself to give up entrepreneurial affairs and act as a commentator on the Match! Arena".

The main activity of this rich man in Russia is oil structures, which was most likely the result of heredity - Vagit Alekperov's father was an oilman. He started as a simple oil production operator, and therefore knows the activity, which is called “from the inside”. Climbing up the career ladder from operator, senior engineer, to the highest managerial levels, he managed to get to the ministerial chair. Working all his life in the field of oil production, and holding not the last positions in such organizations as Surgutneftegaz, Bashneft and Lukoil, the billionaire allowed himself to devote time to social activities, for which he was repeatedly awarded by the government, as well as scientific activities - on he is currently an honorary professor and a member of the Russian Academy of Sciences. Alekperov's fortune is measured by 8.9 billion dollars.

The last place among the 10 richest people in Russia in 2016 according to Forbes was German Khan, with a fortune of $ 8.7 billion. This billionaire, before becoming a major investment entrepreneur, managed to get acquainted with the work of a locksmith and tailoring. Later worked on the wave wholesale trade, after which he got to the oil companies, as deputy chairman of the board. Having completed several large deals on the reorganization of large oil conglomerates, he currently oversees international investment projects from Alfa Group, which support the oil and gas sector. Except oil industry well versed in banking, which is why it is a member supervisory board responsible for financial operations in the Alpha group of companies.

Forbes magazine is a world-famous print publication specializing in the global economy. It was named after Bertie Charles Forbes, who founded it in 1917. Since 2004, the Russian version of the magazine, Forbes Russia, has been published in Russia. Probably the most anticipated news that Forbes announces annually is the rating of billionaires around the world. What changes have taken place over the year? Who headed, and indeed entered the list of Russian billionaires? We will talk about this and much more in the article.

The history of the Russian version of Forbes

Russia was the fifth country in the world to start publishing the magazine on its territory. The first issue, as already mentioned, was published in 2004. CJSC Axel Springer Russia took over the implementation of the project. After 5 years, an electronic version is created Russian magazine Forbes.

The printed edition has managed to change many editors over the decade. And less than a year ago, Axel Springer Russia CJSC sold the publishing rights to ACMG, which is headed by businessman Alexander Fedotov. I must say that this decision was forced due to changes in Russian legislation on the share of foreign managers of local media. In fact, this was a direct clash between the owners of Vedomosti and Forbes, because it is these publications that touch on serious political and economic topics and, moreover, have a significant contribution from foreign owners. It is worth noting that the Forbes magazine, from the date of its foundation, adhered to its own views and was independent of other people's opinions and influence.

The first billionaires of Russia in Forbes

In 1997, for the first time, the magazine included Russians in its list, who at that time had a good fortune. These were the leaders:

  • Lukoil company - Vagit Alekperov;
  • ONEXIM Bank - Vladimir Potanin;
  • Yukos - Mikhail Khodorkovsky;
  • Gazprom - Vyakhirev Rem;
  • group "Most" - Gusinsky Vladimir;
  • Berezovsky Boris (deputy secretary of the Security Council of the Russian Federation).

The list has since been updated. However, one of the managing enterprises is still among the richest people on the planet. This is Vladimir Potanin, who in 2015 topped the list of Russian billionaires.

The results of the Forbes magazine rating in 2016

On March 1 of this year, the latest rating of billionaires in Russia and around the world was published. The list included 77 citizens of the Russian Federation. The size of the state of each of them has not changed much over the past year. But it is known for certain that 20 oligarchs have become even richer. There were also newcomers, which we will talk about a little later.

The economic situation in the world in recent years has not been stable. This, of course, has affected the fortunes of billionaires. The total amount of funds available to Russian oligarchs in 2016 decreased by almost 54 billion conventional units compared to last year. The financial situation of the majority of wealthy persons has changed, in connection with which the list has been updated. Forbes status information the richest people world for 2016 is reflected in the table:

top ten billionaires in the world
Information about the oligarch Place in the Forbes ranking Wealth, billion US dollars Country of Residence Source of funds
Bill Gates, 60 1 75 USA Microsoft
Ortega Amancio, 79 2 67 Spain Zara
Buffett Warren, 85 3 60.8 USA Berkshire Hathaway
Carlos Slim Elu, 76 4 50 Mexico telecommunications
Bezos Jeff, 52 5 45.2 USA Amazon
Zuckerberg Mark, 31 6 44.6 Facebook
Allison Larry, 71 7 43.6 Oracle
Bloomberg Michael, 74 8 40 Bloomberg L.P.
Charles Koch, 80 9 39.6 Koch Industries
David Koch, 75 10

As you can see, mostly men of retirement age can boast of big money, there are, of course, young lucky ones. The largest number of billionaires, as in other years, falls on the United States. The leader of the list which period is Bill Gates, the world-famous creator of the Windows operating system.

Where are ours?

As you can see, the oligarchs of Russia are still not so rich as to get into the top ten Forbes. The richest man in the country is only in 60th place in the general list. His fortune is estimated at 14.4 billion dollars. And this person, completely unexpected for many readers, is Leonid Mikhelson. "Why unexpected?" - you ask. The head of Novatek was not even included in the top five billionaires according to the Russian version of Forbes magazine last year. In just a year, he was able to break through from 7th place to the leaders.

The top ten people with a huge fortune by Russian standards also included:

List of Russian billionaires: top 10
Full name, age Place on the Forbes Russia list Place on the Forbes list Wealth, billion dollars Source of funds
Mikhelson Leonid, 60 years old 1 60 14.4 OAO Novatek
Fridman Mikhail, 52 years old 2 63 13.3 Alfa Group
Alisher Usmanov, 62 years old 3 73 12.5 USM Holdings
Potanin Vladimir, 55 years old 4 78 12.1 Interros
Timchenko Gennady, 63 years old 5 85 11.4 Bank Rossiya, Transoil, Sibur
Mordashov Alexey, 50 years old 6 93 10.9 Severstal, Power Machines
Vekselberg Victor, 59 years old 7 98 10.5 Rusal, Sulzer
Vladimir Lisin, 60 years old 8 116 9.3 UCL Holding, NLMK
Alekperov Vagit, 65 years old 9 124 8.9 Lukoil
Khan German, 54 years old 10 128 8.7 Alfa-Bank, Retail Group

In total, 77 Russians entered the Forbes world list in 2016, which is 11 people less than last year.

The main "ups" of the capital of the year

This year, the leader of the list of Russian billionaires has changed. They became Leonid Mikhelson - "gas" and "oil" tycoon, shareholder of Novatek. He was able to increase his fortune by 23%, which allowed him to make an unthinkable breakthrough: from 105th place in the world ranking to 60th! It is also worth noting that before that, Mikhelson had never been included in the list of Russian billionaires.

But this successful businessman in terms of capital growth, Mikhail Gutseriev, the head of the board of directors of RussNeft, jumped in one year. He was able to climb 577 steps higher and took 205th place in the world ranking. His fortune has almost doubled. At the end of 2015, he was ranked 16th in the Forbes Russia rating. It will not be surprising if next year he becomes Russia's leader in equity. With such rapid growth, you should expect great achievements from the billionaire.

From heaven to earth?

The ups were followed by downs. How many billionaires in Russia have lost their positions in a difficult economic and political year? Despite the fact that Fridman and Usmanov retained their position in the rankings (2nd and 3rd respectively), their capital slightly decreased. M. Fridman lost almost 9% of his money, and Usmanov - about 13%. Vladimir Potanin, an entrepreneur and politician who became the leader of the Forbes Russia ranking of the richest people in Russia in 2015, felt the changes more tangibly. His losses amounted to about 22%, which in money equivalent equates to $3.3 billion. Due to the decrease in his capital, he lost his position in the 2016 list, moving to the 4th line.

But most of all, Oleg Deripaska, the owner of the Basic Element holding, was unlucky. The entrepreneur dropped 624 places down in the Forbes World Billionaires Ranking. More than four billion were irretrievably lost.

More about the leaders: Mikhelson Leonid

sixty year old Russian entrepreneur increased his capital by 2.7 billion dollars in 2015, which led him to leadership in the rating of Russian billionaires. By the way, he is not far behind the 50 richest people in the world according to Forbes magazine, where he ranks 60th. The total amount of his fortune is equal to 14.4 billion dollars.

This is one of the main shareholders of OAO Novatek and Sibur Holding, which specialize in the production of gas and petrochemical products. Part of the funds is also brought by a share in Promsvyazbank. Mikhelson is passionate about art, which he expresses by sponsoring exhibitions in Russia and the United States.

"Silver" oligarch Mikhail Fridman

Compared to 2015, Friedman has maintained his position on the Forbes Rush list, although he has lost some of his fortune ($1.3 billion). This year he owns $13.3 billion. He is the head of the financial and industrial investment group Alfa Group.

Has been stable since 2010. The owner of such brands as Pyaterochka, Beeline, Perekrestok. Mikhail Fridman, through Alfa-Bank, is involved in charity work, helping children with severe cardiac diseases. Has dual citizenship (Russia, Israel).

Usmanov Alisher

The owner of a fortune estimated at 12.5 billion dollars. Over the past year, he lost almost 2 billion, but retained his position on the Russian Forbes list. He has several business empires, which bring him a good income. Among them: Metalloinvest, Megafon, Kommersant.

Invested in Facebook in its infancy social network. Three years ago, Usmanov invested in Chinese assets: the Internet retailer Alibaba, the production of Xiaomi smartphones. In addition, the billionaire is a co-owner of the Arsenal football club (London).

Newly minted Russian oligarchs

Dollar billionaires of Russia every year replenish the Forbes list. In 2016, the magazine published four new surnames previously unknown to the public. Of course, in the overall ranking they are still far behind the leaders. But who knows, maybe next year one of them will enter the 20 oligarchs of Russia.

1126 place was taken by Mikhail Shishkhanov. A fairly young entrepreneur, head of PJSC "Binbank". At 43, he already has a fortune estimated at $1.6 billion. On an equal footing with him is Gutseriev Sait-Salam, one of the members of the directors of the RussNeft company. Leonid Boguslavsky is a little behind his comrades. He ranks 1476 in the Forbes ranking and has a net worth of $1.2 billion. Together with him, the public was introduced to Kirill Shamalov, very young by oligarch standards (33 years old), he has $ 1.2 billion and shares 1476th place in the world ranking with Boguslavsky.

In addition to new faces, Forbes welcomed entrepreneurs temporarily absent from the 2015 list: Viktor Kharitonin (Pharmstandard), Dmitry Pumpyansky (Sinara), Boris Rotenberg (SMP Bank) and private investor Megdet Rakhimkulov. Each of them freely owns one billion dollars. Together, the "new" oligarchs took 1649th place in 2016.

Those who left the rating

Consequences economic crisis affected everyone, and billionaires are no exception. Of course, few of them impoverished to zero. But the losses were tangible. For many entrepreneurs, this has resulted in elimination from the list of the richest people in the world. In 2016, 19 Russians left the rating, including: Nikolai Tsvetkov (Uralsib), Mikhail Balakin (head of SU-155), Rustam Tariko (Russian Standard Bank). Their fortune is estimated at 1.1 to 1.7 billion dollars. At the moment, they have returned to the finish line and will now fight for the title of "more successful entrepreneur with the “younger” generation of Forbes.

Young billionaires of Russia

Business develops, despite any obstacles. The most dexterous, brainy and far-sighted soar skyward, flying over millions of their fortune. At some point there comes new stage in their lives and careers: the first billion dollars. Of course, it is difficult to reach such heights on your own without the help of an inheritance. The process of conquering the pinnacle of the glory of the oligarch can take a long time.

By the standards of Forbes, the average age of the nominees is 45 years. This is the period of maturity of a person, when behind him there is already a significant life experience and stability of the financial situation. All those who are not yet forty years old are considered young. Are there many of these in the world? And how many of them are Russians?

Forbes Russia celebrates 7 lucky people who, despite their small years, already have financial achievements:

  1. Shamalov Kirill (33 years old) - takes a seat on the board of directors of Sibur. In 2016, he took 64th position on the Forbes Russia rich list. His fortune is estimated at 1.2 billion dollars.
  2. Vyacheslav Mirilashvili (32) is almost a billionaire, he has $0.95 billion in cash in his hands. Serves as the fund manager of Vaizra. It occupies the 85th place in the ranking of the oligarchs of Russia.
  3. Pavel Durov (31 years old) is the founder of the VKontakte social network and the Telegram program, well-known among young people. For 2016, he owns a fortune of $ 600 million and takes 136th position in the Forbes Russia rating.
  4. Elena Rybolovleva (27 years old) - the former wife of Dmitry Rybolovlev, received her fortune of $ 600 million thanks to an amicable agreement in the divorce process. Engaged in investments. In the Russian Forbes list, it is in 142nd place.
  5. Deni Bazhaev (20 years old) is a young co-owner of the Alliance Group, the owner of $ 500 million and 155 lines in the rating of Russian oligarchs.
  6. Ivan Tavrin (39 years old) - owner of $ 400 million, head of PJSC Megafon. He founded his own business. According to the results of 2015, it takes 194th place in the Forbes Russia rating.
  7. Vitaly Yusufov (36) – Investor, $400 million owner. It is located on the 196th position of the list of the Russian version of Forbes.

Young oligarchs have every chance to conquer the first positions of Forbes. Many of them achieved results on their own, without the help of relatives and other people's finances.

Russian billionaires are well-known figures, founders of large industrial and financial enterprises. Each of them has its own history of the path to success. Over the past year, there have been many victories and failures that have made changes to the Forbes list. But troubles, like victories, temper morale. Already next year it will be seen how they defended their cause with success and dignity and once again became one of the richest people in Russia.

If you take the combined fortune of all 77 billionaires from the latest Forbes list ($283 billion) and divide it by children (in total, billionaires have 243 children), you get a little more than a billion each. Forbes decided to see which of the heirs was the luckiest. The list includes 20 families, where each child accounts for at least $1.82 billion. The total number of children is 47. Formally, this list cannot be called a rating of heirs - for example, we did not take into account marital shares in the calculations. For simplicity, we divided the entire fortune of a businessman into all his recognized children. It turned out an interesting picture - the children of Roman Abramovich, for example, were not included in the list. The billionaire has seven of them, and each accounts for only $1.1 billion. But on the list you can see Iskander Makhmudov's junior partner at UMMC Andrey Kozitsyn - his only daughter can still claim $2.4 billion. To date, the richest heir ($8.9 billion) is Yusuf Alekperov, the only son of Lukoil president Vagit Alekperov. This place was supposed to be Victoria Mikhelson, the daughter of the main owner of Novatek and Sibur, Leonid Mikhelson, but it suddenly turned out that her 60-year-old father had recently had a son. The businessman's fortune had to be divided in half. Billionaires raise their heirs in different ways. Alekperov, for example, did everything for his son to stay in Russia and continue his work. Yusuf received a specialized education and, at the insistence of his father, worked as a simple engineer in various Lukoil companies. The main owner of Alfa Group, Mikhail Fridman, on the contrary, gives his children complete freedom of choice. He does not want to "create a dynasty" and is not going to employ any of his four children. The children of billionaires - no matter where they study, in Russia or abroad - prefer the specialties "economics" and "management". The most popular higher educational institution, oddly enough, remains MGIMO. The same institution was the most popular among their fathers.

1. Vagit Alekperov

Wealth: $8.9 billion Child: Yusuf Alekperov (1990) Share of one child: $8.9 billion Only son largest shareholder Lukoil Vagit Alekperov has ceased to be one of the most enviable suitors in Russia. In April 2016, he posted on Instagram a photo from the marriage ceremony with a blonde named Alice. Shortly before that, he boasted to his subscribers of the second red diploma. The first he received at the Russian State University of Oil and Gas. Gubkin with a degree in petroleum engineering. The second - in the specialty "Economics and Management". Yusuf wants to continue his father's business - the billionaire bequeathed to him a stake in Lukoil on the condition that he would not sell or divide it.

2. Andrey Melnichenko

Wealth: $8.2 billion Child: Tara Melnichenko (2012) Share of one child: $8.2 billion The owner of Eurochem and SUEK married in 2005 Sandra Nikolic, the former lead singer of the Belgrade group Models, consisting of four Serbian professional models. One of the members of the group - Ivan Berendik - became the wife of an American multimillionaire, today the executive director of Bell Laboratories, Thomas Yermolyuk. Melnichenko's daughter Tara is four years old, she does not go to school yet. The girl travels all over the world with her parents - Melnichenko has her own homes in Russia, the USA, Great Britain, France, Switzerland and Monaco.

3. Leonid Mikhelson

Wealth: $14.4 billion Child: Victoria Michelson (1992); son (2015) Percentage of one child: $7.2 billion The daughter of Leonid Mikhelson, the main owner of Novatek and Sibur, Victoria specializes in contemporary art. She studied art history at New York University, and her father created a foundation in Moscow in 2009 that actively supports young Russian artists and organizes their exhibitions in the West. The name of the Victoria - The Art of Being Contemporary (V-A-C Foundation) is in honor of her daughter. She does not actively participate in its work, but is aware of all projects, said a representative of the fund. Michelson, who is 60 years old, recently had a second child - a son.

4. Alexey Kuzmichev

Net worth: $6.7 billion Child: Alexis Kuzmichev (2009) Percentage of one child: $6.7 billion Partner of Mikhail Fridman and German Khan in Alfa Group Alexei Kuzmichev married for the first time in his 40s to Svetlana Uspenskaya, a former employee of American PR - agency Hill & Knowlton, which in November 2002 helped Alfa resolve the situation with the catastrophe off the coast of Spain of the tanker Prestige, which was transporting fuel oil owned by Alfa. Today Svetlana is engaged in her Project Perpetua - with the help of well-known figures of contemporary art, arranges fundraising events for charitable programs. Kuzmichev's son Alexis goes to school in Paris.

5. Sergei Galitsky

Wealth: $5.7 billion Child: Polina Galitskaya (1995) Share of one child: $5.7 billion The daughter of the owner of the Magnit network graduated from a gymnasium in Krasnodar and is now studying at the Kuban State University at the Faculty of Economics. Five years ago, Galitsky told the Vedomosti newspaper that he would be upset "if ... his daughter was interested in [his] business." “I want a normal child to grow up with me, and I don’t want my daughter to be in business, because a woman and business are different concepts.” He believes that he has no right to "model her life" to his liking. Nevertheless, Forbes admitted that he dissuaded Polina from entering the faculty foreign languages which she really wanted.

6. Viktor Vekselberg

Wealth: $10.5 billion Child: Irina Vekselberg (1979); Alexander Vekselberg (1988) Percentage of one child: $5.25 billion The daughter and son of Renova Group owner Viktor Vekselberg graduated from Yale University. Alexander stayed in the US and works at the Renova venture fund Columbus Nova Technology Partners (CNTP), which invests in American startups. Irina lives in Moscow, together with her husband-entrepreneur, brings up a son and a daughter. After graduation, she worked as an analyst at Citigroup, was engaged in M&A at Renova, and today is an adviser to the head of the international investment company New Age Capital Partners, which specializes in Russian-Chinese transactions. Renova Group is one of the largest clients of the company.

7. Iskander Makhmudov

Wealth: $4 billion Child: Jahangir Makhmudov (1987) Share of one child: $4 billion international school Hult business. He returned to Russia to take over his father's business. In 2009, he was an adviser to the general director of Aeroexpress (Makhmudov Sr. is a shareholder). In 2010, he left for Goldman Sachs and returned two years later. Lived in Yekaterinburg, worked in the service of the Mining Director of UMMC-Holding. In 2015, he moved to Chelyabinsk and became deputy general director of the Chelyabinsk Zinc Plant, which is part of the holding. Resting, like his father, on the hunt.

8. Dmitry Rybolovlev

Wealth: $7.7 billion Child: Ekaterina Rybolovleva (1989); Anna Rybolovleva (2001) Share of one child: $3.85 billion Eldest daughter former owner Uralkali Ekaterina married Uruguayan financier Juan Sartori in October 2015. The wedding took place on the Greek island of Skorpios, which Rybolovlev gave her. The date was not chosen by chance - 47 years ago, on October 20, 1968, this place was the wedding of the former owner of the island, Aristotle Onassis, and Jacqueline Kennedy. Skorpios is not the first generous gift from his father. In 2011, when Catherine was studying at Harvard University, he bought her a penthouse in New York for $ 88 million. The billionaire does not indulge his youngest daughter, Anna. She lives in Geneva with her mother Elena Rybolovleva.

9. Gennady Timchenko

Wealth: $11.4 billion Child: Natalia; Xenia Frank (1985); Ivan Timchenko (1995) Percentage of one child: $3.8 billion Gennady Timchenko's eldest daughter Natalya studied English literature at Oxford University. A few years ago, she returned to Russia, where, according to Forbes sources, she took up cinematography. The youngest daughter Xenia graduated with honors from the University of Edinburgh, where she studied philosophy and French. Her husband Gleb Frank is the son of Sovcomflot CEO Sergei Frank. Ksenia is a member of the Board of Directors transport company"Transoil". Timchenko's son Ivan is studying at the University of Geneva, studying international relations.

10. Mikhail Fridman

Wealth: $13.3 billion Child: Laura Friedman (1993); Katya Friedman (1996); Alexander Ozhelsky (2000); Nika Ozhelskaya (2006) Per Child Percentage: $3.3 billion "I don't want to start a dynasty," Friedman told the Financial Times in April 2016. He does not intend to hire his children for Alfa Group or LetterOne. His eldest daughter Laura graduated from Yale University in 2015, where she studied economics, and during her studies she danced with the YaleDancers ballet troupe. Middle daughter Katya is studying history at Yale. Son Sasha is studying at a prestigious private school Kent school. Sasha is friends with the son of another member of the Forbes list, Oleg Tinkov Pasha. Together they come up with IT projects, such as the Apple Tech Info information site. The youngest daughter Nika still lives with her mother in Moscow.

11. Vladimir Lisin

Wealth: $9.3 billion Child: Dmitry Lisin (1981); Yuri Lisin (1984); Anastasia Lisina (1998) Share of one child: $3.1 billion The children of NLMK owner Vladimir Lisin avoid publicity. Even the eldest, Dmitry, has not yet given a single interview and has never hit the lenses of photographers. But for several years he has been helping his father manage assets: he is on the board of the First Freight Company, Volzhsky and Northwestern Shipping Company, Tuapse Commercial Sea Port and Rumedia media holding. He devotes most of his time to Business FM and Chocolate radio stations. The middle son, Yuri, according to his father, is busy with venture projects, and Anastasia is finishing school this year and wants to enter one of the Russian universities.

12. Mikhail Gutseriev

Wealth: $5.9 billion Child: Said Gutseriev (1988); Sofia Gutseriev (1990) Percentage of one child: $2.95 billion The son of the founder of the BIN group, Mikhail Gutseriev, Said lived in England for 17 years and received a second citizenship there. After graduating from the prestigious Harrow School, he entered Oxford at the Faculty of Archeology and Geology. Then he studied at the University of Plymouth with a degree in oil and gas industry management. He worked in the oil trader Glencore, at the end of 2014 he returned to Russia and headed the third oil company of the BIN group - Forteinvest. In April 2016, Said got married. The wedding was celebrated first in Moscow, then in London. Gutseriev's daughter Sophia is studying at Moscow State University at the Faculty of Foreign Languages.

13. Vladimir Potanin

Wealth: $12.1 billion Child: Anastasia Potanina (1984); Ivan Potanin (1989); Vasily Potanin (2000); Varvara Potanina (2012); son (2014) Percentage of one child: $2.4 billion The older children of co-owner and CEO of MMC Norilsk Nickel Vladimir Potanin Anastasia and Ivan Potanin have long had a common interest - aquabike. Over the years of performances at Russian and world competitions, they have won several dozen championship titles. Both are no longer involved in professional sports. Ivan works as an analyst at the international investment company LR Global, while Anastasia helps her father run the Rosa Khutor ski resort and recently organized the Artis non-profit project, which aims to popularize young Russian artists.

14. Andrey Kozitsyn

Wealth: $2.4 billion Child: Maria Kozitsyna (1999) Share of one child: $2.4 billion medal "For Special Achievement in Education", after which she entered the Faculty of Economics high school economy. Friendship with daughter on social media commercial director"UMMC-Holding" Igor Kudryashkin Nastya and the daughter of the CEO " trading house UMMC" by Eduard Chukhlebov Maria.

15. Petr Aven

Wealth: $4.6 billion Child: Denis Aven (1994); Daria Aven (1994) Share of one child: $ 2.3 billion The twins of the chairman of the board of directors of the Alfa Group banking holding, Peter Aven, will graduate from Yale University in 2016. Denis, who studies economics and mathematics, in May - July 2015 completed an internship at the international investment company Lazard, which specializes in financial advisory and asset management. His sister Daria is fond of art and had an internship at Sotheby's. Both are among the best students at the university, so that Aven, a member of the Presidential Council at Yale University, can only be proud of them.

16. Sergey Popov

Wealth: $4.5 billion Share of one child: $2.25 billion It is not easy to find out anything about the heirs of the former owner of MDM Bank, Sergei Popov. The businessman avoids publicity and requires employees to make every effort so that the media does not mention his last name. The businessman's acquaintances told Forbes that he has two younger children. school age. Their potential legacy is several billion dollars in a trust registered in Jersey. Popov received this money after the division of the MDM Group business with Andrey Melnichenko and the sale of assets. Businessman - founder charitable foundation Agat, which helps young entrepreneurs.

17. German Khan

Wealth: $8.7 billion Child: Eva Khan (1995); Eleanor Khan (2001); son (2005); son (2012) Share of one child: $ 2.2 billion The eldest daughter of Alfa Group co-owner German Khan Eva lives in London, studies art history at the Courtauld Institute of Art and paints herself. Her works can be bought at, they cost from 20,000 to 70,000 rubles. During her studies in London, she completed an internship at auction house Sotheby's, then at the Jewish Museum and Tolerance Center and at the Russian Tatler. Her younger sister Eleanor studies at one of the prestigious schools in the UK and is fond of drawing.

18. Leonid Fedun

Wealth: $3.9 billion Child: Anton Fedun (1985); Ekaterina Fedun (1988) Percentage of one child: $1.95 billion The son of Lukoil co-owner Leonid Fedun Anton lives in London. He graduated from the University of Surrey with a degree in Management and Tourism and from the Regents School of Business. He completed a hotel management course at the Australian Bond University and today manages his own five-star The Ampersand Hotel in London. In parallel, he works as a director of the Garlick Hill Hotel Project. Ekaterina is a PR specialist. She graduated from MGIMO, and then the Regents School of Business. In 2014, she married Yukhan Geraskin, then the manager of FC Spartak, owned by her father. The appointment of Geraskin to the post of general director of the club did not take place.

19. Viktor Rashnikov

Wealth: $3.8 billion Child: Olga Rashnikova (1977); Tatyana Rakhno Percentage of one child: $1.9 billion The youngest daughter of MMK owner Viktor Rashnikov, Olga, has been working for her father's company for 11 years. She has worked her way up from Senior Manager of Economics to Chief Financial Officer and Member of the Board of Directors. In the middle of the 2000s, the elder Tatyana also took part in the management of the company, but then, as the billionaire himself said, she decided to take up own business. According to SPARK-Interfax, Tatyana Viktorovna Rakhno owns the Reconstruction construction company and Teatralny Roman LLC, which specializes in organizing theater and opera performances and concerts.

20. Alexey Mordashov

Wealth: $10.9 billion Child: Ilya Mityukov (1986); Kirill Mordashov (1999); Nikita Mordashev (2000); Maria Mordashova (2009); Anastasia Mordashova (2012); Daniil Mordashov (2014) Percentage of one child: $1.8 billion Alexey Mordashov is married to his third marriage. He divorced his first wife Elena Mityukova in 1996, when his son Ilya was 10 years old. Later, the ex-wife decided to sue the businessman 32% of Severstal. From his second wife he has two sons - Cyril and Nikita. “It is disturbing that he had little contact with his son while he was growing up. And I also don’t communicate much with younger children, ”Mordashov told Vedomosti in 2001. Now the billionaire devotes more time to his family - in 2015, on Metallurgist's Day, he came to Cherepovets with his third wife Marina and two daughters. The eldest, Masha, studies at the Wunderpark school in New Riga, which was opened by her mother.

The notorious crisis situation affected not only ordinary citizens. Sharks Russian business it also failed to get out of the water dry: over the past year, the total income of the country's richest people has decreased by more than 70 billion dollars.

Representatives of the business publication Forbes in early 2016 23 dollar billionaires were missing.

Influential magazine counted 88 businessmen whose income in dollar terms is measured in amounts with nine zeros. But the crisis, the fall in oil prices, the introduction of economic sanctions and other troubles failed to harm the mastodons of domestic business. You are invited to familiarize yourself with the list of the richest Russian entrepreneurs.

The well-known Russian politician, who ran for the presidency of the Russian Federation in 2012, turned out to be more successful in his usual entrepreneurial field. 50-year-old Moscow businessman, despite the loss of 1 billion dollars, strengthened his position in the list Russian billionaires. His income is estimated at 9.9 billion dollars, and Mikhail Dmitrievich earns his hard-earned money by controlling such assets:

  • shares of Uralkali;
  • stake in UC Rusal;
  • insurance company "Consent";
  • a block of shares in the investment company Renaissance Capital;
  • publishing group "Live!";
  • RBC Media Group.

Mr. Prokhorov occupies the top lines not only in Russian ratings. Israeli " Forbes "made a list of the richest Jews in the world, where Mikhail Dmitrievich took the honorable 16th place.

The Russian businessman, permanently residing in Switzerland, suffered considerable losses, amounting to 4.6 billion dollars. But this did not stop him from remaining one of the wealthiest people in Russia with an income of 10.7 billion. The 63-year-old native of the Armenian SSR owns the private investment company Volga Group, investing mainly in transport, infrastructure and energy assets.

In the property of Gennady Nikolaevich are:

  • production company "Aquanika", producing drinking water;
  • 89% of the shares of Sakhatrans;
  • 63% of the shares of Stroytransgaz;
  • 50% of the Hartwall Arena sports complex (Finland);
  • 49.1% of the shares of the insurance company Sovag AG (Germany), etc.

An interesting fact: in 2014, the entrepreneur entered the TOP-3 of the “Kings of the State Order” rating, compiled by Forbes. In total, the volume of government orders for companies owned by a businessman exceeds 40 billion rubles.

A businessman who has set a kind of anti-record, having suffered the maximum losses among the billionaires of the top ten. His losses over the past year exceeded 5 billion dollars, and his current fortune is now estimated at 11.6 billion. The 59-year-old native of Ivanovo, during his long career, has been both a simple electrician at Yuzhkuzbassugol and a member of the board of directors of the country's largest metallurgical companies.

Lisin owns the following assets:

  • 85.54% of NLMK shares;
  • 100% of the shares of the UCL holding.

The transport company Universal Cargo Logistics is engaged in rail transportation. It also includes the VBTH division, represented by shipping and shipbuilding companies, and the UCL Port division, which provides stevedoring services. The headquarters of the holding is located in the Netherlands. The total profit of the enterprise for the past year is 110 billion rubles, which is 25.6 billion less than in 2014.

The businessman, who was awarded the Order of the Badge of Honor and the Order of Merit for the Fatherland, II degree, lost $3.9 billion last year, and his fortune is estimated at $11.7 billion. Novatek is a Russian gas production company headquartered in the Yamalo-Nenets Autonomous Okrug (Tarko-Sale). OAO Novatek ranks second in terms of gas production in Russia.

Michelson's second source of income is the Sibur company, which is the largest petrochemical holding in the country. The company is registered in Tobolsk, but its headquarters is located in the capital. The main activity is the processing of associated petroleum gas. Subdivisions in the field of rubber and polymer production have also been created.

The permanent president of Lukoil does not lose his grip. In the Forbes rating, he managed to improve his position by 1 line, despite the losses incurred, which exceeded $ 1.4 billion. The current fortune of the businessman is more than 12.2 billion. During his long career, Vagit Yusufovich has repeatedly held senior positions, such as:

  • General Director of Kogalymneftegaz;
  • Deputy Minister of Oil gas industry THE USSR;
  • first Deputy Director of Bashneft;
  • Chairman of the Board of Directors of Imperial Bank.

Alekperov's business extends beyond Russia. In the Republic of Belarus, he owns one of the largest private filling networks, a joint manufacturing enterprise with the Naftan company (Novopolotsk). Mr. Alekperov is the owner of a dozen state awards, including the Order of Merit for the Fatherland, II - IV degrees.

Alexey Mordashov, a 50-year-old father with many children, is one of the few entrepreneurs who managed to increase their income during the crisis. The businessman's fortune grew by $2.5 billion and amounted to $12 billion. The following assets bring income to Alexei Alexandrovich:

  • 79% shares of OAO Severstal;
  • 100% shares of OJSC Power Machines;
  • 88% of the shares of Nord Gold;
  • 14% of the shares of TUI (European tourism concern);
  • grocery store "Utkonos";
  • cellular operator "Tele2".

Alexey Mordashov is a member of the Council for Entrepreneurship and Competitiveness under the Government of Russia. He also chairs the committee on the WTO and trade policy Russian Union of Entrepreneurs. Mordashov owns half of the sanctions bank " Russia ”, which receives the salary of the President of the Russian Federation Vladimir Putin.

Viktor Feliksovich is one of the most significant figures in Russian business. He is a member of the bureau of the board of the Russian Union of Industrialists and is the president of the Skolkovo Foundation. The Renova group of companies, which owns the following assets, helps him increase his fortune:

  • 57% of Akado telecommunications holding;
  • 44,4 % machine-building enterprise Oerlikon (Switzerland);
  • 40.5% of the metallurgical concern Schmolz + Bickenbach AG (Germany);
  • 30.2% of the manufacturer industrial equipment Sulzer AG (Germany);
  • 5.7% stake in the world's largest primary aluminum producer Rusal.

Previously, Vekselberg owned a large stake in TNK-BP, but sold it in 2013 for $7 billion. Despite 3 billion losses, following the results of the past year, his fortune is estimated at 14.2 billion dollars.

The founder of USM Holdings lost more than $4.2 billion in 2015 and ceased to be the richest man in Russia. The businessman's fortune is estimated at 14.4 billion, and a native of the Uzbek SSR earns his capital by owning such assets:

  • 64.6% Mail.Ru Group;
  • 56% of Megafon;
  • 39.9% of the VKontakte social network, etc.

The businessman owns the publishing house "Kommersant", the TV channels "U", "MuzTV" and others included in the "YuTV-Holding". The Metalloinvest enterprise, which is also owned by the businessman, is the country's largest supplier of iron ore. Almost a third of the Russian businessman owns the British football club Arsenal.

Mikhail Maratovich firmly holds his position. With a loss of 3 billion, he retained the second line in the prestigious Forbes ranking, who estimated his fortune at 14.6 billion dollars. The Russian businessman, originally from Lviv (Ukraine), is a co-owner of the country's largest financial and industrial group, Alfa Group. It controls the following assets:

  • "Alfa Bank";
  • Alfa Insurance;
  • Rosvodokanal;
  • stake in X5-Retail Group (Perekrestok, Karusel, Pyaterochka, etc.);
  • a stake in the Turkish mobile operator Turkcell;
  • 49.5% of the car dealer holding "Independence".

Israeli citizen permanently residing in London.

The 54-year-old Russian businessman and politician, whose fortune is estimated at $15.4 billion, can be safely called an entrepreneur from God. After all, in the conditions of the crisis, he managed to increase his fortune by 2.8 billion, “flying up” in the Forbes list by 7 lines up. Vladimir Olegovich owns one of the largest investment companies in the country, Interros, which brings him such impressive income.

The company manages the following assets:

  • shares of Norilsk Nickel;
  • media holding "ProfMedia" (TV channels "TV-3", "2x2", "Friday");
  • ski resort "Rosa Khutor" (Krasnaya Polyana, Krasnodar Territory).

Mr Potanin is CEO Norilsk Nickel is included in the TOP-500 most influential people on the planet according to Foreign Policy magazine (USA). Vladimir Olegovich received his Order of Merit for the Fatherland, IV degree, for his active participation in ensuring the victory of Sochi's bid to host the XXII Olympic Games. People Those who are far from business (mainly undergraduates and teachers from 75 domestic universities) know about Potanin thanks to the scholarship program he established.


Roman Abramovich did not get into the TOP-10 of the richest people in Russia, who did not suffer financial losses at all over the past year. However, he also failed to increase his capital, and with a fortune of 9 billion dollars, he occupies only the 12th line of the list. Total in the 12th annual ranking influential magazine, there are 200 names. The "poorest" entrepreneur was 51-year-old Eduard Chukhlebov with a modest income of $400 million. He is the general director of the UMMC Trading House.

American Forbes on Tuesday, March 1, published the annual, 30th in a row - anniversary - rating of world billionaires. The list includes 77 representatives of Russia, 11 less than a year earlier: big business continues to suffer losses due to the crisis in the economy, the collapse of oil prices and the sanctions war with the West. Leonid Mikhelson, co-owner of Novatek and Sibur, headed the Russian part of the rating - for the first time in history. Read more about the ten richest Russians and four newcomers from Russia in the list - further.

1. Leonid Mikhelson
Wealth: $14.4 billion
YoY change: + $2.7 billion
Place in the world ranking: 60

Leonid Mikhelson is the main shareholder of Russia's largest independent gas producer Novatek and the petrochemical holding Sibur. He also owns a minority stake in Promsvyazbank. Mikhelson's partner in Novatek and Sibur is Gennady Timchenko. Another co-owner of the petrochemical holding is Kirill Shamalov, who is referred to by the media as the alleged husband of Katerina Tikhonova, the alleged daughter of Vladimir Putin. Shamalov acquired a stake in Sibur from Timchenko after American sanctions were imposed against a longtime acquaintance of the Russian president. At the end of 2015, the Chinese Sinopec bought 10% of Sibur for $1.3 billion. Mikhelson is an avid art collector and sponsors exhibitions in Russia and the United States. His father was the director of the construction trust Kuibyshevtruboprovodstroy - the largest in the system of the Ministry of Construction of the Oil and Gas Industry of the USSR.

2. Mikhail Fridman
Wealth: $13.3 billion
Change for the year: - $1.3 billion
Place in the world ranking: 63

Together with his longtime student business partners German Khan and Alexei Kuzmichev, he controls Alfa Group, Russia's largest financial and industrial investment group. In 2013, the state-owned Rosneft bought 50% of oil TNK-BP, which billionaires owned on a parity basis with British BP, from Mikhail Fridman, Viktor Vekselberg and Leonard Blavatnik for $28 billion. Friedman earned $5.1 billion from the deal. In 2013, this money was partly used to launch a new Alfa structure - LetterOne Holdings S.A. (L1), on the balance sheet of which were the foreign assets of the investment group and who was entrusted with control over M&A transactions abroad. In particular, L1 acquired the German oil and gas company Dea RWE in 2015 for $5.7 billion. major projects Alfa is the second largest Russian retailer X5, shares in the telecommunications holdings VimpelCom and Turkcell. A native of Ukraine, Friedman moved to Moscow as a young man to attend university. In 1989, together with Khan and Kuzmichev, he founded the Alfa-Eco company, which laid the foundation for the construction of one of the main business empires in Russia. Two years later, the partners created Alfa-Bank, now the largest private bank in the country.

3. Alisher Usmanov
Wealth: $12.5 billion
Change for the year: – $1.9 billion
Place in the world ranking: 73

Alisher Usmanov, who topped Russia's Forbes list for several consecutive years, runs one of the country's most sprawling business empires. Among its assets are the metallurgical holding Metalloinvest, Russia's second largest mobile operator Megafon, and the publishing house Kommersant. In 2014, the billionaire sold 12% of the USM Holdings management holding to his longtime junior business partners and key top managers. Usmanov is a member of a number of important lobbying organizations, including the Russian Union of Industrialists and Entrepreneurs. In 2013, he was awarded the Order of Merit for the Fatherland, IV degree. One of Facebook's early investors, three years ago, the businessman sold all the shares of the social network and focused on Chinese assets - he has a stake in the Alibaba online retailer, Usmanov invested $ 500 million in smartphone manufacturer Xiaomi. The billionaire is also a co-owner of the London football club Arsenal. In 2015, Usmanov made more headlines for his public initiatives: he loaned 1 billion rubles to the Russian Football Union to help the organization pay off Italian coach Fabio Capello.

4. Vladimir Potanin
Wealth: $12.1 billion
Change for the year: – $3.3 billion
Place in the world ranking: 78

Last year, the leader of the Russian Forbes list, Vladimir Potanin, a former employee of the USSR Ministry of Foreign Economic Relations, in 1991 met his future partner Mikhail Prokhorov, then head of the Soviet International Bank for Economic Cooperation (IBEC). In 1993, the partners created Oneximbank, which lured IBEC to serve its clients. Oneximbank has become a platform for the construction of the Interros holding. At the loans-for-shares auctions, the tandem of billionaires gained control of the metallurgical giant MMC Norilsk Nickel and the Sidanco oil company. In 2007, Potanin and Prokhorov decided to split the business. Potanin, a former deputy prime minister in Viktor Chernomyrdin's government and George Soros' investment partner in Svyazinvest, has concentrated his assets in Interros. With state support, the billionaire became the largest private investor in the Winter Olympics in Sochi - he built the Rosa Khutor ski resort. In May 2014, Potanin divorced his wife Natalia and married a second time to a subordinate named Ekaterina, the couple already had a child. Natalia sued ex-husband- it requires 50% of the billionaire's assets. In the fall of 2015, the Moscow City Court dismissed the claim, Natalia challenged this decision on appeal. The litigation continues.

5. Gennady Timchenko
Wealth: $11.4 billion
YoY change: + $0.7 billion
Place in the world ranking: 85

The co-founder of Gunvor Group, one of the world's largest commodity traders, Gennady Timchenko sold a 43% stake in the company to another of its founders Torbjorn Tornquist in March 2014, the day before he was on the US sanctions list - according to US authorities, the billionaire is included in the near circle of Vladimir Putin. Timchenko, in response to Washington's actions, only stated that "everything in this life has to be paid for, including friendship with the president." In 2015, he continued the sale of assets, including shares in the SK Most and ARKS construction companies and the Sogaz insurance holding. Timchenko's assets today are shares in the Sibur petrochemical holding, the Transoil railway operator and the Stroytransgaz construction group. The businessman also chairs the board of directors of the Kontinental Hockey League and is president of the St. Petersburg hockey club SKA, winner of the 2015 Gagarin Cup.

6. Alexey Mordashov
Wealth: $10.9 billion
Change for the year: – $2.1 billion
Place in the world ranking: 93

Alexey Mordashov, the main owner of the metallurgical giant Severstal, left the post of the company's CEO in 2015 after standing at the helm for 19 years. He also guaranteed Russian President Vladimir Putin that he would refrain from short-sighted investments (against the backdrop of the sale of Severstal's North American assets). In addition to the steel industry, Mordashov's business empire extends to tourism (operator TUI), gold mining (Nordgold), heavy engineering ("Power Machines"). A hereditary metallurgist, he literally grew up at the enterprise, quickly built a career and became financial director, and then bought up the shares and became the main owner of Severstal himself. Mordashov is a member of the boards of trustees of the Bolshoi Theatre, the Tretyakov Gallery, the Valaam Monastery and the National Chess Federation. He speaks fluent German and is interested in poetry, art and winter sports.

7. Viktor Vekselberg
Wealth: $10.5 billion
Change for the year: – $3.7 billion
Place in the world ranking: 98

The Russian authorities entrusted Viktor Vekselberg with one of the most ambitious projects- Skolkovo innovation city: the billionaire heads the fund of the same name, which oversees the development of the national analogue of Silicon Valley. Since 2010, the fund has issued grants to Vekselberg structures, including $13 million for Hevel, an innovative energy company. In 2013, the businessman, together with billionaire partners Mikhail Fridman and Leonard Blavatnik, sold a 50% stake in TNK-BP to the state-owned Rosneft for $28 billion and received $7 billion from the deal. He spent part of the funds to buy 25% in the Swiss steel company Schmolz +Bickenbach. In 2014, the entrepreneur also acquired Octo Telematics, an Italian manufacturer of software for insurers. Vekselberg has a 6.2% stake in Bank of Cyprus. His industrial conglomerate Renova is a strategic investor in the Swiss market. Among the main assets are shares in the industrial groups Oerlikon and Sulzer. In 2015, Vekselberg spent nearly $1 billion to double his stake in Sulzer to 63%. A native of Ukraine, the future billionaire earned his first money selling scrap metal. In the 1990s, he founded the holding company SUAL. In 2007, SUAL merged assets with the Rusal group and mining Glencore - this is how the world's largest aluminum producer UC Rusal was born, where the billionaire retains a minority stake. In addition, Vekselberg has stakes in petrochemical, consumer and telecommunications businesses. He owns a large collection of art, including nine Faberge Easter eggs, which the billionaire bought from the Forbes family for $100 million. In November 2013, Vekselberg opened a private museum in St. Petersburg, where he exhibited his treasures. In February 2014, the businessman presented a three-room apartment in the Azimut Hotel he built in Sochi to Olympic figure skating champions Tatyana Volosozhar and Maxim Trankov. Athletes will need their own housing in the capital of the 2014 Games in order to realize the dream of creating a children's school, the philanthropist reasoned. In 2015, Renova handed over Azimuth to the All-Russian Children's Center.

8. Vladimir Lisin
Wealth: $9.3 billion
Change for the year: – $2.3 billion
Place in the world ranking: 116

Vladimir Lisin made a fortune in steel and freight. He began his career as an electrician in the Yuzhkuzbassugol association. After graduating from the institute, he worked at metallurgical enterprises, went from assistant to a steelmaker to deputy general director of the Karaganda Metallurgical Plant. In 1991, together with his leader, who became the Minister of Metallurgy, the future billionaire moved to Moscow. He soon became a partner in the Trans-World Group, which grew within a few years into Russia's leading exporter of aluminum and steel. By that time, Lisin had accumulated rich experience in the management of metallurgical production, so that during the division of assets in 2000, he naturally received ownership of the industry giant, the Novolipetsk Iron and Steel Works. The billionaire also controls the logistics holding UCL, which owns Freight One. His most famous hobby outside of business is shooting: Lisin built Europe's largest shooting complex, Lisya Nora, in the Moscow region. In January 2016, the billionaire criticized the Russian defense complex for incompetence in the production of sporting firearms.

9. Vagit Alekperov
Wealth: $8.9 billion
Change for the year: – $3.3 billion
Place in the world ranking: 124

Vagit Alekperov heads Lukoil, Russia's largest independent oil producer, which is exploring the West Qurna-2 field in Iraq, one of the most promising in the world. In 2016, the company plans to invest $1.5 billion in the development of its projects. Alekperov is not considered the closest associate of Vladimir Putin, but this did not save Lukoil from US sanctions - restrictions against the company were introduced in September 2014. The main owner of the company plans to transfer the share by inheritance to his son Yusuf - on the condition that he does not sell the asset and the family remains the largest co-owner of the oil giant. Passed all career stages in oil industry, at the sunset of the USSR, the future billionaire even managed to work as an industry minister. In 1991 he privatized three large deposits and created Lukoil. Alekperov is the author of the book Russian Oil: Past, Present and Future and the founder of the Our Future fund for regional social programs, which actively supports social entrepreneurship.

10. German Khan
Wealth: $8.7 billion
YoY change: + $0.8 billion
Place in the world ranking: 128

German Khan, together with Mikhail Fridman and Alexei Kuzmichev, owns Alfa Group, the largest private financial and industrial group in Russia. He served as an executive director for a long time. oil company TNK-BP, which he left in March 2013, after the state-owned Rosneft bought out a 50% stake in Alfa and its partners for $28 billion. Khan earned $3.3 billion from the deal. In 2013, together with other Alfa members, he used part of the funds to create LetterOne Holdings S.A. (L1), which specializes in investments in foreign assets (for example, the German oil and gas company DEA was acquired for €5.1 billion). Khan joined the board of directors of L1. The company is headquartered in London, where in 2010 the billionaire bought a mansion worth $91 million. A native of Kyiv, he moved to Moscow, having entered the university. Together with Fridman and Kuzmichev, Khan founded the Alfa-Eco trader in 1989. Two years later, the partners created Alfa-Bank, now the largest private bank in Russia. In the late 1990s, Alfa gained control of TNK and entered into a joint venture with British BP. Other assets of the group include mobile operator VimpelCom and retailer X5 Retail Group.

Newcomer: Mikail Shishkhanov
Wealth: $1.6 billion
Place in the world ranking: 1110

In 1992, as a student Russian University Friendship of Peoples, Mikail Shishkhanov began working in the BIN Group, founded by his uncle, billionaire Mikhail Gutseriev. Since 1994 he has been working at Binbank, today he is in the status of its head. He also oversees the group's construction assets. Under the leadership of Shishkhanov, BIN completed a series of transactions in the financial sector in 2015, including the purchase of MDM Bank from billionaire Sergei Popov and a non-state Pension Fund at Raiffeisenbank.

Newcomer: Sait-Salam Gutseriev

In 1999-2008, State Duma deputy, Sait-Salam Gutseriev, since 1993, has been working in senior positions in the BIN Group, founded by his older brother Mikhail Gutseriev. In the group, he is a junior business partner. Sait-Salam oversees BIN development projects, in particular, manages the National and Sheraton hotels in the center of Moscow. The group's rental income in 2015 was $430 million.

Newcomer: Leonid Boguslavsky
Wealth: $1.2 billion

Leonid Boguslavsky has been in the IT business since the mid-1980s. In the early 1990s, he managed to be a partner of Boris Berezovsky in the LogoVAZ company and a Russian representative of the Oracle software corporation. In 1992, the businessman exchanged a stake in LogoVAZ for a subsidiary of the company, the LVS system integrator. Four years later, Boguslavsky sold LVS to the auditor PricewaterhouseCoopers for $10 million. The entrepreneur made the bulk of his fortune on successful venture investments, the most successful of which, in the Russian search giant Yandex, was made in the early 2000s. Boguslavsky invests through ru-Net and RTP Ventures funds. Among his latest investments are the German Delivery Hero, the American DataDog, the Indian SnapDeal and FreeCharge.

Newcomer: Kirill Shamalov
Wealth: $1.2 billion
Place in the world ranking: 1466

Kirill Shamalov - younger son a longtime acquaintance of Vladimir Putin, co-owner of Rossiya Bank Nikolai Shamalov. According to media reports, he is allegedly the husband of Katerina Tikhonova, the alleged daughter of the President of Russia. Shamalov Jr. is a graduate of St. Petersburg state university. At the age of 26, he became vice president of the Sibur petrochemical holding. In 2014, the entrepreneur acquired 17% of Sibur from another longtime acquaintance of Putin, billionaire Gennady Timchenko. In total, today Kirill Shamalov owns 21.3% of the holding - he is the second co-owner of Sibur after Leonid Mikhelson. In December 2015, the Chinese state company Sinopec acquired 10% of Sibur for $1.339 billion.