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Growing strawberries at home as a business. Business plan for growing strawberries

At first glance, it seems that everyone loves strawberries and organizing such a business is great idea. And this is true, because what can you build on? profitable business, if not on food. But, before doing any business, you need to find out all its features - pros, cons and known problems (as well as, of course, ways to solve them).

Perhaps you should start your journey at home (for example, in bags using the Dutch method) - and if the room is warm, then too all year round you will receive fruits. Of course, growing strawberries at home will not be a million-dollar business, but rather additional income or hobby. But you can try different methods, varieties, and then go to the greenhouse.

Why do you need a strawberry business?

Usually the strawberry picking season is in early summer - competition is strong and it is difficult to enter the market. During the rest of the year, if you find garden strawberries anywhere, they cost fabulous money.

So why not try to harness your entrepreneurial flair and start growing strawberries in a greenhouse all year round? This is such a high profitability! But don't think it will be easy! Strawberries are a proud berry, and they need a lot of attention. And for growing all year round, you will need to create special conditions - but everything is possible if you pay attention to the issue (and not just read forums, blogs, social networks and watch videos about business ideas and motivation on the Internet).

Learn from the advice there, but choose only useful information. But information without practice is nothing!

Advantages and disadvantages of growing in a greenhouse

If you grow strawberries in a greenhouse all year round, you can get the following: competitive advantages:

  • year-round fruitfulness of strawberries;
  • high demand in the off-season;
  • a large number of wholesale buyers(remember winter and supermarkets?);
  • when grown on open ground the likelihood of the crop rotting/shrinking/deteriorating is higher than in a hydroponic greenhouse.
  • extremely high profitability – payback in one season.

However, there are also difficulties and disadvantages:

  • the need for artificial pollination of strawberries;
  • 7-8 times more investment compared to growing in open ground not all year round.
  • “broiler” increase in daylight hours is a big expense.
  • strawberries will be slightly different from those grown in the village.

Your experience in working with soil in general and berries in particular is also very important. If your experience is minimal, but you still want to do everything yourself, it’s better to look for information, watch a video on YouTube, look through our resource or any other forum - collect information. You shouldn't step on the old rusty rake of other people's mistakes, right?

Primary costs

Buying seedlings

Strawberries are plants that reproduce by “whiskers” - healthy, beautiful and fertile plants from “whiskers” of the 1st and 2nd orders are suitable for your seedlings. When choosing, you should pay attention to the development and tortuosity of the root system of the sprout. An important point is the choice of the variety(s) you intend to grow. The best varieties are Glima, Cambridge, Elsanta, Volya, Kama, Red Capulet, Vigee or anything else.

Carefully study the information about these (or others that you have chosen) varieties, read forums, blogs, ask friends who grow strawberries in their country house or village. It might even be worth doing a little market research and buying different varieties strawberries and ask different people you know which ones you like best - this way you will get the best and adequate ratios of one variety to another for your greenhouse.

Greenhouse construction

If you are going to grow strawberries in a greenhouse all year round, the kind you have probably seen many times in the countryside - it has a frame covered with plastic film - this is one of the cheapest options. Such greenhouses are scattered in abundance throughout the land and are used not only for strawberries, but also for many other plants. However, remember that the film is a poor thermal insulator - if it freezes, the crop may suffer.

There is also an option to make a glass greenhouse - this option is more expensive, but it can be heated.

There are also more modern greenhouses made of polycarbonate materials - the most expensive of greenhouses, but they last longer, are more reliable and have many other features. comparative advantage.

When starting a business, you don’t have to take into account the costs of workers - you can work independently, but carefully evaluate your own free time and qualifications.

Dutch growing method

It will help you save on growing strawberries during the off-season, i.e. in winter. The Dutch method can be applied even at home, and it will also generate significant income. This is a way to grow strawberries “in bags”. Yes, yes, don’t laugh, it’s true - strawberries are grown “in bags” - in this situation the bag acts as a mini-greenhouse and, as experience shows, this effective method.

You will need large bags that are filled with perlite and peat moss. Make holes in them in a checkerboard pattern - like a checkered sheet, with a diameter of 70-80 mm. Also, the bags must have an irrigation system.

To better understand the system, you should watch a video on the Internet describing Dutch greenhouses and read a place for delayed communication on the Internet - the forum. There are a lot of videos on the Internet about growing strawberries and wild strawberries in hydroponics - also a worthy option, much cheaper compared to growing in open ground.

However, not every variety of strawberry can be grown in hydroponics - find out the characteristics of the chosen variety.

Strawberry care

At first, your seedlings can be kept almost at home, but not on an open balcony, of course. Keep the seedlings in peat soil (available at garden stores). If you take soil from the garden or in the nearest village, you should fertilize it additionally - watch for the presence of nitrogen, phosphorus, potassium and magnesium. Your young seedlings need to be watered with clean warm water right to the roots, while avoiding drops of water getting on the leaves and berries. It may be worth looking towards drip irrigation. Think about the temperature in your greenhouse, as it is cold outside for strawberries. It is worth maintaining the temperature around 19 degrees.

Don't forget about lighting, pollination and regular fertilizer additions.

Product marketing problems

In order for your business to generate maximum income, you need to apply the best practices from the network (video) and do not hesitate to ask advice from experts - after all, only the wise learn from the mistakes of others, without making their own - do not be afraid to go to the forum and ask someone who has already grew strawberries at home, whether in bags, in hydroponics, or just at your grandmother’s in the village - you will not lose anything, but you can save money (sometimes significant) on the mistakes of others - which will only increase the profitability of your business.

So, if we talk about sales, then people running blogs and forums on the strawberry business advise following three in different ways:

  • Winter - sales through large stores.
  • Summer - sale at the market (hire a seller).
  • All year round - sale of berries to processors (strawberries, raspberries, wild strawberries, etc. - their interest is usually wide and constant).

The best sellers and businessmen will tell you that business security lies in diversification - so try to expand the circle of your clients so as not to lose income due to a broken contract or any other force majeure circumstances. Remember that your profit is in growing strawberries all year round, continuously, because your income in summer will be less than in winter, this is normal. Competition is your engine in winter, but also your brake in summer - after all, strawberries are grown in every village (sometimes even in a greenhouse, but quite rarely).

Profitability + Video

Profitability is a general economic term that characterizes the relationship between profit and cost (production costs) of products. The essence of the profitability of growing strawberries in a greenhouse (in hydroponics, soil or “bags” - it doesn’t matter) is to work all year round.

If we take into account all prices, including the purchase of seedlings in the nearest village, where the best (or almost the best) prices, rent, labor costs, taxes, fertilizers and maintenance - the average cost per 1 kg was 150 cents in 2012 (now about twice as much). If you grow in hydroponics, the costs are lower than if you grow in open ground. Accordingly, if you grow in bags using the Dutch method, the costs are lower than in hydroponics and open soil.

Take into account all costs when calculating profitability, be sure to take into account the error of calculations - what if you didn’t take something into account, what if everything goes a little differently.

Growing strawberries – promising direction business. The demand for berries of domestic origin has increased significantly over the past 4 years. This niche of the agricultural industry is just being explored by entrepreneurs, which means you have an excellent chance of successfully “joining” it.

Do you want to learn how to start a business growing strawberries, how to find buyers and get stable income? Read new article on our website!

Business and product description

Growing strawberries is a business with many advantages. Do you have any doubts? Let's find out!

Strawberries are a healthy, sweet berry. Russians buy it all year round. Peak demand is from May to October, when ground berries bear fruit. This direction is not yet well developed Russian entrepreneurs like growing herbs, potatoes, vegetables, so competition is still low.

Factors of profitability of a strawberry business:

  1. Reducing the volume of imported products.
  2. Growing using the greenhouse method does not depend on the season and climatic conditions.
  3. Different cultivation methods (hydroponics, open or closed ground).
  4. Some varieties produce two harvests per season.
  5. According to experts, the costs of starting a business pay off after the first harvest.
  6. High demand buyers even in the off-season.
  7. Annual increase in product prices (on average 25-45%).
  8. Business does not require significant starting investments.
  9. Strawberries are not fancy. She needs light, warmth and moisture.
  10. It will take only 2-3 months to “launch” the business.

Start your business in small town. In its suburbs it is cheaper to rent a plot of land. It is easier to enter the market and there is less competition.

Description of the sales market

Sales methods depend on the amount of products grown. Think over your sales routes at the stage of drawing up a business plan. The berry quickly loses marketable condition, you need to sell it quickly.

Let's look at ways to sell crops:

  • independent sale on the market. You will need: trading place, counter, refrigeration equipment for storing berries, scales, packaging for packaging goods;
  • sale to supermarkets, food stores, catering establishments. You will need: registration of individual entrepreneur, certificate of product quality from the laboratory;
  • wholesale trade companies engaged in the repurchase of products. You will need: registration of individual entrepreneurs, certificates of product quality.

You will get the maximum price per kilogram of berries only from retail sales On the market. Sales to stores and wholesale resellers are carried out at a low purchase price. This is a way to realize a large harvest.

Sales and Marketing

To increase sales and attract customers, advertising is needed.

  1. Bright outdoor advertising. Make effective advertising on cars delivering berries to supermarkets, above trading place in the market, near the greenhouses where the berries are grown.
  2. Advertisements in local newspapers.
  3. Use the Internet. Online trading platforms like Avito, social media, local forums - use them to find like-minded people, exchange experiences and find buyers.

The more information the consumer sees about you, the more trust you will inspire in him. Your task is to be remembered during the sales season for ground strawberries, so that during the “off-season” buyers have maximum confidence in your berries.

Position yourself as a producer of high-quality berries of domestic origin, focusing on the naturalness and taste of the product. Escort advertisements photographs of strawberries growing in a greenhouse.

Step-by-step production plan

Before installing the greenhouse and starting production, draw up detailed plan actions. Reflect in it all the stages that you have to carry out to produce and sell berries.

A plot of 6 acres is suitable for organizing a business. It is enough to allocate 50 square meters for a greenhouse. m., on 100 square meters you can grow strawberries in open ground.

Let's consider each point of the production plan in detail.

Step 1. Preparation and execution of documents

To sell strawberries to supermarkets and hand them over to wholesale companies, you need to register an individual entrepreneur. Select OKVED code: 01.13.21. It is responsible for the cultivation of berries and fruit crops. This activity relates to agriculture. Complete the Unified Agricultural Tax (USTA). His rate is 6% of profit.

To register as an individual entrepreneur you will need:

  • application for registration;
  • photocopy of all pages of the passport;
  • receipt of payment of the state fee for consideration of your application.

You can provide documents for registration in person or by mail.

Step 2. Installation of the greenhouse

A practical and reliable option is to install a polycarbonate greenhouse on a metal frame. The size and number of greenhouses depends on the scale of production.

It is rational to start with the construction of one greenhouse. To save money, build it yourself. There are many ready-made installation diagrams on the Internet. Choose one of them and adapt it to your project. Don't forget the foundation. It serves as the basis for the structure, protects against pests and freezing.

Step 3. Install the necessary equipment

Is the greenhouse installed? Proceed with installation of equipment.

To grow strawberries year-round you need:

  • irrigation system or a hydroponic system if you are using Dutch soilless growing technology;
  • shelving to increase the usable area of ​​the room and combine different growing technologies;
  • lighting;
  • heating;
  • ventilation system.

At first, you can water the plants manually with a hose. This is the most economical option. For a small greenhouse, a homemade drip irrigation system is suitable.

Another option for saving money at the start is using solar heating. We are not talking about solar panels, but about improvised means that accumulate heat. With them you will provide plants with heat and stabilize the temperature in the room.

Step 4. Selection and purchase of seedlings

At this stage you need good theoretical preparation. Explore agricultural forums, chat with those who have already succeeded in growing strawberries. For year-round cultivation, different varieties are needed: early, mid-season, late.

The most popular varieties: Honey, Darenka, Victoria, Sonata, Rusanovskaya, Octave, Alba.

Buy seedlings from those who professionally grow strawberries. These are greenhouse complexes and nurseries. Take several varieties to get to know their characteristics. Choose those that ripen faster and bear fruit longer.

Step 5. Pollination and berry care

The main principles of berry care are the creation optimal conditions humidity, light, temperature. Strawberries do not like overflow, so it is better to water them using the drip method. Along with water, additional feed is introduced through a drip system. This irrigation system is convenient for greenhouse production and open ground.

In open ground, flowers are pollinated by wind and insects. In greenhouse conditions, pollen is moved using fans. The second way is to transfer it from flower to flower with a soft brush. Flowers are pollinated by hand only on small plantations.

Plant flowering is affected by light. During the flowering period, plants need more light and warmth.

The video will tell you in detail about planting berries in greenhouse conditions, lighting and watering:

Organizational structure

At the initial stage, to maintain the strawberry beds, you will need two or three auxiliary workers, as well as two security guards (if you rented a plot for a greenhouse complex and did not build it in your yard).

Personnel cost table:

Job title Number of persons Salary per month (RUB) Expenses for the year (rub.)
Security guard 2 10 000 240 000
Handyman 2 15 000 360 000
Total: 50 000 600 000

As production volumes increase, the staff will expand. You will need a driver to deliver products to the place of sale, general workers, and an accountant. Hire an outsourcing specialist to reduce payment costs staff accountant.

At the initial stage, engage in production yourself. Many entrepreneurs who choose to produce herbs, mushrooms or other crops at home work themselves together with family members. This way you will save on personnel, try out production technologies, and get a feel for the specifics of the industry.

Financial plan

This part of the business plan reflects all the costs associated with starting a business. This includes the costs of purchasing materials for constructing a greenhouse, purchasing seedlings, advertising, wages employees.

Costs are divided into starting and ongoing.

They are displayed in the summary table:

Start-up costs Amount (rub.) Monthly expenses Amount (rub.)
Purchasing equipment for greenhouses 300 000 Rent land plot 35 000
Purchase of fertilizers and seedlings 150 000 Feed and fertilizers 25 000
Business registration in government agencies 2000 Staff salaries 50 000
Communal expenses 12 000
Taxes 8 000
Total: 452 000 Total: 130 000

The cost depends on how you grow garden strawberries and on what scale: at home, in closed greenhouses, in open ground, in bags, on racks with a hydroponic system in your own basement, or in several greenhouse complexes.

In addition to expenses in financial plan projected profit is included. The price of strawberries in the “off season” reaches 600 rubles. In summer it fluctuates between 230-270 rubles. The average net profit will be 150-170,000 rubles. If you organize sales of your products well, you will recoup your starting costs for the first harvest.

Risk factors

Risk factors for this agribusiness sector:

  • low yields due to violations of production technologies and climatic characteristics of the region;
  • plant diseases;
  • sales problems.

If you don’t want to depend on climatic conditions, set up greenhouse production that allows you to get a good harvest even in winter.

Reduces the risk of crop failure right choice seedlings, treatment of plants against diseases, compliance with production technologies. Invite a specialist for consultation. His recommendations will help you comply with technological conditions and properly organize the process of planting, care, and harvesting.

How to avoid implementation problems? Study the market, analyze competitors' offers, offer competitive prices, and actively advertise for yourself.

Berries that have lost their marketable appearance will be used for jam. Jam - another one profitable view business, but that's another story.

Additional details on this topic can be found in our article. Strawberries in a greenhouse all year round as a business.

Download business plan

The path of every entrepreneur begins with a business plan. It includes the goals and objectives of the project, calendar plan, costs of starting a business, description of risks, marketing plan, production plan.

What will writing a business plan give you?

  1. A clear action plan.
  2. Control of all production launch processes.
  3. Forecast of income and payback.
  4. Possibility of obtaining investments from a bank or government agencies.
  5. Insurance against errors and unnecessary expenses.
  6. Saving time and effort.

To prepare a business plan, it is not necessary to hire a specialist. Download a sample with calculations on the Internet.

You can't blindly follow a model. This is an example for drawing up a document reflecting the features of your project.

We have prepared one of these for you. This is a plan for the production and sale of vegetables in greenhouse conditions. It provides sample calculations, describes varieties, irrigation systems, etc.


The most profitable type of “strawberry business” is the industrial cultivation of berries in a greenhouse. It is considered profitable even taking into account the fact that it takes start-up capital for the purchase of equipment, purchase or rental of land, seedlings.

Yours the main task— establish sales, plant plants and harvest all year round.

(3 ratings, average: 5,00 out of 5)

    • Strengths
    • Business registration
  • 2. Sales of strawberries
    • Option 1. Sales through your own retail outlets
    • Option 2. Sales through stores and supermarkets
    • Staff
  • 4. Financial calculations
  • 4. Conclusion

The high profitability of sales of strawberry fruits is due to high demand among consumers and high cost relative to products with similar properties. The demand for strawberries, in turn, is ensured by excellent taste, appetizing appearance and some psychological aspects, for example, your favorite dessert or romance.

It is believed that fresh ripe strawberries are available only in the summer season; during the rest of the year they are used canned or frozen. Imported strawberries from abroad are mainly used to decorate sweet dishes and desserts, due to their high cost.

With the help of special technology and varieties of strawberries that bear fruit all year round, it makes sense to organize an enterprise for the production (growing) of strawberries with subsequent retail sale.

1. Business plan for growing and selling strawberries


  • high profitability of the project;
  • free market;
  • lack of strong competition.

Option 3. Home delivery service

The service is relevant in a large locality, as an additional implementation method. Exclusively new idea sales of strawberries. Supermarkets that deliver products to your home or to order do not focus on strawberries. A competently conducted marketing company and advertising.

To sell strawberries and draw up contracts with customers, you need to issue a number of permits:

  • declaration of conformity GOST R. Characterizes the test for standardization, compliance of the product with its description. Detailed features can be obtained from the SES authorities;
  • phytosanitary certificate. Data about the document and its execution are provided by Rosselkhoznadzor.

3. Basic means for growing strawberries and equipment for sales

Organization of strawberry cultivation

  • land plot area not less than 120 sq.m.,
  • greenhouse structures,
  • racks for growing strawberries,
  • drip irrigation system,
  • gardening tools and other equipment according to technology.

Organization of sales at a retail outlet

  1. commercial premises(roller shutters) on 5-8 sq. m.,
  2. refrigeration equipment for storing strawberries,
  3. refrigerated display case,
  4. electronic balance,
  5. containers for storage and packaging.


With established production, 1-2 workers are needed for maintenance:

  • strawberry picker, technologist. Collection and organization of strawberry cultivation.
  • strawberry picker, laborer, driver.
  • implementer on point of sale.

Requirements for personnel are a health certificate and a desire to work. In general, personnel are needed when expanding production, growing strawberries on 80 kV. m. can be serviced by yourself.

Watch the video - "A way to grow strawberries all year round"

4. Financial calculations

According to the technology, the predicted harvest 4.4 – 5.1 kg ripe strawberries per month from 1 sq. m.,

The minimum harvest per month will be 4.4 x 80 = 352 kg;

Analysis of the cost of strawberries is determined by the ratio of the sum of the prices of different periods to their quantity, on average the cost comes out 400-500 rub./kg.

The estimated profitability is 352 kg x 400 rubles. - costs = 140800 rub./month. minus variable costs and interest fixed costs, including deductions for depreciation.

4. Conclusion

Thus, selling strawberries is a profitable and profitable business. For this, it is important to draw up a business plan for growing and selling strawberries, what the costs and income from your activities will be.

Strawberry. Who doesn't know this berry? Everyone knows her and everyone loves her, even those who are allergic to her. Honestly speaking, in stores, in Lately The strawberries have become somewhat tasteless and even sour, so everyone is waiting for summer to come and strawberries from grandma’s or farmer’s beds to appear on sale. Despite the decent price of this berry, everyone is happy to buy and eat it. Therefore, looking at the business of different grandmothers and farmers, you wonder how to make money selling strawberries yourself. What to do and where to start? Why is it needed? strawberry business? What are the prospects for the strawberry business?

Strawberry growing business in farms successfully applied and brings considerable income. There are a lot of videos on the Internet about this activity, and they even sell courses where they talk about bumper harvests. Is this so? After all, many entrepreneurs believed in these stories and invested. The climate of the Urals and Siberia cannot be compared with the climate of the Volga region, and even more so Krasnodar region. The climate of Israel, where most of the strawberries sold here are grown, is generally difficult to compare with the climate in Russia.

But meanwhile, you can make money growing strawberries.

Ways to grow strawberries

There are three ways to grow strawberries:

    Growing berries in open ground;

    Growing berries in protected ground, using covering materials, in a greenhouse;

    Growing berries indoors (in containers, bags, pots or hydroponically). This method is often called the Dutch method.

Everyone knows the first and second growing methods. Growing using the third method is also possible, but this requires a warm climate. In our country, you can go broke heating a greenhouse for year-round cultivation of strawberries. Therefore, it is the first two methods (mostly simultaneously) of cultivation that are used in our country due to the seasonality of collecting and selling berries.

The main berry picking in Russia, in open ground, begins in June and ends in July. Therefore, if you buy special varieties of strawberries, you can grow them in May and August-September. Strawberry varieties must be productive and preferably self-pollinating. What varieties of strawberries should I buy? Buy those that may be suitable for your area. Strawberry bushes for business in open ground are used for two years, bushes planted in a greenhouse in protected ground - for one year.

Most strawberry varieties respond to day length. If the daylight hours are 16 hours, then the strawberries will bloom in 10 days and bear fruit in 35 days. If there are 8 hours of daylight, then strawberries will bloom in 14 days and begin to bear fruit in 48 days. Therefore, when grown in greenhouses, balconies, etc. To increase daylight hours to 12 hours, lighting should be used. The lamps are turned on from 8 to 11 o'clock and from 17-00 to 20-00. In cloudy weather, lighting should be present all day. Yellow lamps DNAT400 and DNAT600 are used for lighting. The height of the lamps above the strawberries is 1 meter. For an area of ​​3 m2 you will need one lamp. You can use fluorescent lamps with a plant spectrum.

Growing strawberries the Dutch way

Actually, the Dutch way of growing strawberries is to grow the berries in a greenhouse all year round, using special equipment, controlling humidity, lighting, and temperature. This method is suitable for big business, preferably with inexpensive heating. By the way, for those who want to taste their own strawberries in winter and gain some experience in early berry growing, we recommend using your own glazed loggias for this.

The advantages of the Dutch method are a stable harvest all year round and good profit, minimal risk of fruit damage from pests and diseases.

Under natural conditions, strawberries bear fruit and go into a dormant state. In the Dutch method of cultivation, fertilized bushes are replaced with new ones, from which they will receive a harvest within 40-70 days. Thus, with this method, the bushes are changed every 1.5 - 2 months and as a result, a stable harvest is obtained. Important point This method means having a sufficient number of strawberry seedlings, preferably self-pollinating varieties.

Harvesting seedlings

To do this, planting material is dug up, processed and stored under low temperature conditions (“frigo” technology). The average temperature in the refrigerator is -1C, the seedlings are laid along with the soil on the roots and packed in plastic bag. The best, i.e. Seedlings from two-year-old bushes bear fruit abundantly.

Many articles say that with the Dutch method, the yield can be up to 95 tons of strawberries per hectare.

As we noted above, with the Dutch method, strawberries are grown in pots, bags and special containers. IN shopping centers These special shelves or tall pots with special holes are sold. Such pots and shelves can be used for growing strawberries on balconies or verandas and places with limited space.

Soil preparation

The substrate for growing strawberries using the Dutch method must be moisture-intensive, breathable, and contain nutrients and microelements. Mats for laying are prepared from peat and perlite, mixed in equal proportions. Sometimes coconut fiber is added mineral wool. Soil from the field is not suitable for substrate due to the presence of various microorganisms that can lead to strawberries being damaged by various infections.

When growing hydroponically, the nutrient mixture must contain all the necessary microelements. When preparing nutrient solutions, the quality of the water used must also be taken into account. The ratio of nutrients may depend on the weather.

Strawberry care

Watering the substrate - drip irrigation. Bushes are also fed using the drip method. The solution is made from: water, ammonium nitrate and potassium chloride. Some people use chicken manure diluted 1:10. The acidity of the substrate should be neutral. Optimal temperature regime for growing strawberries from +18 to +25C.

Strawberry growing technology - home business

Buying or independently building a greenhouse

This is a question of questions. Because buy good greenhouse– it’s expensive, and building it yourself is difficult. But first you need to decide what kind of greenhouse you need.

In this article we will not consider the construction of an ordinary greenhouse such as a greenhouse, since we are going to make money by selling strawberries. Therefore, let's talk about the winter greenhouse. Winter greenhouses differ in functionality, location relative to ground level, architectural solution, by appearance building materials and by type of heating.

The type of heating for a greenhouse depends on its usable area. If you have a greenhouse of 15-20 m2, then stove heating is suitable. For larger greenhouses, water and electric heating, as well as biofuel heating, are recommended.

Water heating is a water heating boiler, with heating pipes and an expansion tank. Pipes are laid either in the ground or under racks with containers.

Electric heating can be cable or air. Cable heating resembles a “warm floor” system. Air electric heating is produced using special fan heaters.

Biofuel heating is the most economical type of greenhouse heating. The soil in the greenhouse heats up due to the release of heat during the decomposition of organic waste. Such organic waste is horse and cow manure, straw, sawdust and rotted bark. However, when using such heating, you should monitor the acidity of the soil.

The most interesting material for making a greenhouse is cellular polycarbonate. Arched greenhouses and greenhouses with straight walls are made from this material. An arched polycarbonate greenhouse can be assembled quickly, while a greenhouse with straight walls will require less heating costs. It should be noted that this comparison of heating costs applies only to arched greenhouses with a small radius.

We plan to build a polycarbonate greenhouse with an area of ​​100 m2 for our business; the usable area is 85 m2. Location – Ural region. Heating is biofuel and electric cable (from above). Extruded polystyrene foam is dug into the ground along the foundation (constructing a block wall on the north side will also help save on heating costs). We plan to grow strawberries in protected ground using covering material. Drip watering. Conventionally, we believe that 470,000 rubles were spent on equipment and construction of the greenhouse. We plant strawberries in the greenhouse in January, they will bloom in March, the first berries in April.

We also plan to grow strawberries outside, the usable area is 80 m2, we plan to allocate 20 m2 for seedlings in the greenhouse next year.

Strawberry planting patterns may vary. In our calculations we assume that 12 bushes can be planted per 1 m2. The average cost of seedlings is 30 rubles per bush. We have planned 165 m2 of usable area, so we should purchase 165 * 12 = 1980 bushes or in money - 59,400 rubles. We plant new seedlings in the greenhouse in May-June-July, and new berries in July-August-September. 85*12=1020 bushes or 30,600 rubles. Next year we will grow the seedlings ourselves.

Seedlings for planting

We plan to buy seedlings of different varieties. Strawberry varieties will be selected according to fruiting time: early, middle and late. You can get seedlings by planting seeds, but this is planned to be done later to find new varieties of strawberries that are more productive for cultivation.

Preparing the soil for growing strawberries in a greenhouse

To prepare the soil, we will purchase horse manure and straw. A layer of straw, manure, then fertile soil. Fertile soil is a mixture in equal proportions, consisting of turfy medium-loamy soil mixed with sawdust (take two parts of sawdust for seven parts of land) and peat (a glass of wood ash is added to one bucket of peat). Garden beds on the street - humus and fertile soil. Spent biofuel from the greenhouse in the fall can be placed on strawberry beds or fertilizer for other plantings. The cost of preparing the soil in the greenhouse and outside is conventionally considered equal to 150,000 rubles.

Other starting expenses will be 15,000 rubles. Total start-up costs amounted to 725,000 rubles. Conventionally, we believe that we will spend 15,000 rubles per month on electricity over five to six months. Other expenses will amount to 10,000 rubles. Total expenses – 825,000 rubles.

We believe that on average we will harvest 0.4 kilograms of berries from each bush. Strawberry varieties will be selected according to fruiting time: early, middle and late. Selling price for 1 kilogram is 800 rubles. Then in the first year we will receive revenue of 960,000 rubles. Net profit for the first year can be about 135,000 rubles. In the second year, net profit may already amount to 960,000 -(150,000+15,000*6+10,000) = 710,000 rubles, and the profitability of the business increases accordingly.

Conclusion. It is profitable to grow strawberries; everyone loves them. Therefore, if you have a passion for farming, then you can open this business; we first advise you to develop a business plan for growing strawberries. If you go on an industrial scale, then in order to sell berries to stores you will need to register your activity. It is better to register an individual entrepreneur with a simplified reporting system. Also, when selling berries, you will officially need to issue certificates for berries, fertilizers, a phytosanitary certificate and a declaration of conformity. Follow your dreams!

Growing fresh berries - good business. Especially when it comes to strawberries. But those who believe that this is only possible in the summer are deeply mistaken. Modern technologies allow us to produce tasty goods all year round. So the strawberry growing business can generate income constantly.

There are no competitors!

It must be said that fresh berries are in demand at any time of the year. Another question is that in winter there are only imported products of unknown origin (these berries don’t even smell like strawberries) at an incredible price. And many people want to buy fragrant and high-quality strawberries. So if you decide to grow strawberries for sale, you will have virtually no competitors. It is enough just to set a real price for it, and the strawberry aroma of natural berries will speak for itself.

Legal factor

If you decide to grow strawberries and sell them through trading network, you will have to register as individual entrepreneur. So, to legalize your activities and be able to trade your own harvest, you need:

  1. Pass the state registration And .
  2. Select OKVED code: 01.13.21. Growing fruit and berry crops.
    This group includes the cultivation of apples, plums, cherries, citrus fruits, apricots, peaches, currants, raspberries, gooseberries, strawberries (strawberries) and other fruit crops.
  3. Choose a tax system. Although in this case you will be classified as a producer of agricultural products (even if you do not own or lease garden plot, having an agricultural purpose) and will be able to take advantage of the opportunity to pay the Unified Agricultural Tax at a rate of 6% on net profit.

Features of the technology and necessary equipment

Let's try to draw up a business plan for growing strawberries and start with technology and necessary equipment. Many will be surprised, but growing strawberries in garden beds is a last century. Today, to cultivate this berry, you do not need to plant a garden and fertilize it with manure. You can grow strawberries right in your city apartment! The main thing is to approach the issue correctly.

Let's start with the fact that the fruiting period for strawberries indoors is September - May. In summer, there is no economic sense in growing berries this way. But in order to get fresh strawberries already in September, and then trade them in the winter, you will need to create a mother plantation (the preparatory period for a strawberry business is about four months). To do this, you need to plant either ready-made seedlings or seeds (this option is preferable) in small growing boxes. The germination rate of strawberry seeds is quite low, so at best, half of what you sow will germinate. The main thing is to moisten the soil well and illuminate the plants (they need light 12 hours a day). When the seedlings have more or less taken root, you should carry out the first picking, planting them in a checkerboard pattern, and after a month and a half you need to repeat the procedure, but plant the seedlings in ready-made containers for strawberries. After this, your plantation is ready to bloom and bear fruit. However, do not forget that strawberry bushes need to be renewed every couple of years. This can be done using your own rosette seedlings that will appear on the mother bushes. Thus, it turns out that you will receive new planting material completely free of charge from your own strawberry plantation, as a by-product of production.

If you start a plantation at the end of spring, then by autumn the strawberries will be ready to bear fruit, which means that you will receive your first income in October. As soon as the season ends (this will be at the end of May), the emerging flower stalks will need to be removed, preventing the strawberries from bearing fruit. This tactic promotes the production of new planting material, as the bushes will begin to grow mustaches, on which young rosettes will appear. It is these that can later be used to update the plantation.

  • Climatic conditions. The room must have the appropriate temperature - +22*C, humidity - 75%, good ventilation and special three-row shelving that will serve as beds. Both light and the required temperature will be provided by sodium lamps, but only on condition that their power is at least 400 W.
  • Plantation shelving. The height of the rack is 1.5 meters, the width is 1 meter, but the length can be any, as long as the room allows. Each rack should be divided into three rows and containers 20 centimeters high should be placed on them. The containers must be filled with a special substrate with the addition of humus, into which the strawberry bushes will then be planted.

  • Irrigation system. To grow strawberries at home, you must use a drip irrigation system, which is installed before planting. Can be purchased ready-made system(today they are sold in specialized stores), or you can mount it yourself by reading the manual on the Internet. In the latter case, you will only have to spend money on Consumables: water containers and plastic tubes through which watering will be carried out.

Choosing the right variety

  • the selected varieties must be remontant strawberries (this means that the plant blooms several times a year)
  • the formation of ovaries and berries must occur continuously
  • the berries of the selected varieties should be large, as well as brightly and evenly colored
  • strawberries should have a strong aroma and pronounced taste

Based on these criteria, you can choose one or several different varieties and start growing them.

How to sell the harvest?

If you have planted, grown and harvested strawberries, then new question: where and how to sell it. First of all, we recommend that you read this information. Although it’s worth thinking about how to sell a product at the business planning stage. Today there are several options:

But before you start trading, enter into an agreement with a supermarket or wholesale company, you need to take care of obtaining documents, without which trading strawberries will be illegal. It's about O:

  • GOST R declaration of conformity (to obtain it from the certification bodies, you will have to contact the SES and special laboratories and prove that your strawberries meet the requirements for similar products);
  • phytosanitary certificate (issued by Rosselkhoznadzor for all products of plant origin).

Expenses and income

Home business growing strawberries is quite a profitable business. But here it is important to correctly approach the organization of the work process and optimize costs.

If you plan to grow strawberries indoors in your own apartment, then your plantation will not be more than 80 square meters (even if the containers are installed in three rows). This means that the daily harvest will not exceed 10-12 kilograms of fresh berries. Therefore, you can serve and process (including packaging in baskets) all the strawberries yourself, without involving additional labor. Therefore, the costs of renting premises or land, wages for hired workers, special equipment, work clothes and additional packaging will not hit your pocket.

So, let's do the calculation necessary investments, expenses and income, taking into account that you will grow strawberries yourself in your home, without involving employees, and you will sell the berries through a wholesale company.

In order to start growing strawberries you will need 106,000 rubles.

Monthly costs for growing strawberries are minimal and only include electricity, since the lamps providing 12-hour illumination of the plants will also warm the room, raising the air temperature to required level. As for irrigation, there is no waste of water with a drip irrigation system.

Taking into account that a strawberry plantation organized on 120 square meters of area will be 80 square meters, the average monthly harvest will be 4 kilograms of berries per square meter, that is, only 320 kilograms. Let's calculate income:

Taking into account monthly expenses, the net profit will be 130,000 rubles. The profitability of such a business is 70%, and all initial costs for equipment, planting material and electricity during the creation of a uterine plantation will be recouped in two months of selling berries.