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Business plan for growing onions. Growing green onions business

  • 1 Growing green onions per feather
    • 1.1 Business relevance
    • 1.2 Subtleties of organization
    • 1.3 Selecting varieties for growing green onions
    • 1.4 Growing technologies
    • 1.5 Demand
    • 1.6 Business registration
    • 1.7 Financial calculations
    • 1.8 Calculation of profit and methods of implementation
    • 1.9 At home
    • 1.10 Commercial offers
  • 2 Business plan for growing green onions
    • 2.1 How much money do you need to start a green onion growing business?
    • 2.2 Fixed expenses
    • 2.3 Sales of green onions
    • 2.4 How much can you earn by growing green onions?
    • 2.5 Which OKVED code to indicate when registering a business
    • 2.6 What documents are needed to open a business
    • 2.7 Which tax system to choose
    • 2.8 Do I need permission to open?
    • 2.9 Technology of starting a business
  • 3 How to open an onion growing business from scratch: profitability, costs
    • 3.1 Advantages and disadvantages of onion growing business
    • 3.2 Practical recommendations onion production
    • 3.3 Harvest on open ground
    • 3.4 Forcing onions in a greenhouse
    • 3.5 Methods to increase green onion yield
    • 3.6 Which form of doing business should I choose?
    • 3.7 General investment costs, profitability of the business project
  • 4 We are drawing up a business plan for growing green onions: where to start?
    • 4.1 We draw up a business plan
  • 5 Ready business plan for growing green onions in a greenhouse
    • 5.1 How much money will be required to open
    • 5.2 Fixed costs faced by the owner
    • 5.3 Implementation finished products
    • 5.4 Amount of possible earnings
    • 5.5 Step by step plan greenhouse opening
    • 5.6 Which equipment should you choose?
    • 5.7 OKVED code
    • 5.8 List of required documentation
    • 5.9 Tax system
    • 5.10 Permission to open
    • 5.11 Opening technology

What the article is about:

Growing green onions per feather

Business relevance

Green onions are not only a source of valuable vitamins, but also a wonderful option for starting your own business. Annually this product produced in large quantities for sale. In 3-4 months you can set up small business, having studied the market and mastered cultivation technology and distribution channels.

Sales organization is a key issue. You should not believe articles that state that “the main thing is to grow a good harvest, and the buyer will be found.”

Experienced businessmen grow onions all year round: in the warm season - in the field, in a greenhouse - in winter.

The profitability of this business depends on organizational issues and on average is 30% in winter and 50% in summer.

To grow green onions for sale, you need to take into account a number of additional factors and pitfalls, which will be discussed in the article.

Subtleties of organization

This business idea has many advantages and features that every aspiring businessman should take into account:

  1. Relatively short production cycle - you can get the first harvest of green onions in a month.
  2. Low labor costs - on average, about 1 hour of working time is spent to process 10 m². This means that one worker can cultivate about 80 m² of land per day.
  3. Personnel for planting seeds, cultivating soil, and harvesting may be poorly qualified.
  4. Some technologies make it possible to grow onions using racks in 3-4 tiers, which significantly increases the productivity of the plot.
  5. Exist special conditions for growing onions: lighting from 12 to 15 hours a day, temperature regime– 15-18º C, watering (peak need 4 liters per 1 m²).

Choosing varieties for growing green onions

High yields can be achieved through the use of multi-primed species. For industrial cultivation, the following varieties of onions are often used for greens:

  • Leek - characterized by a wide feather, juicy rich taste. Productivity – 20 kg/9 m².
  • Batun - oblong leaves of light green color, bright rich taste. The plant can be cut up to three times. Productivity – 25-35 kg/9 m².
  • Shallots are characterized by resistance to bad weather conditions and have long, unfading feathers. Productivity – 45 kg/9 m².
  • Egyptian is a resistant variety that can grow and develop even in slight frost. Productivity – 35-40 kg/9 m².

Growing technologies

There are several basic ways to grow onions:

1. Planting in open ground with daily watering. The first planting is carried out in the spring after frosts. Instead of bulbs, you can use seeds (preferably from Dutch or Japanese producers).

Advantages of this method:

  • low costs for organizing a business;
  • simplicity.


  • dependence on the season (no more than three harvests per year depending on weather conditions and varieties);
  • use of large plots of land.

2. Greenhouse method. Its advantages:

  • simplicity;
  • maximum profitability;
  • use of a small area due to tiers;
  • independence from weather conditions.


  • high cost of the project (for building a greenhouse, installing shelving, organizing irrigation, etc.).

3. Hydroponics is a method of growing plants in artificial gardens without soil.

Home hydroponic installation is a progressive agricultural growing technology that produces high yields.

Remember how in childhood school activities the teacher wrapped the bulb in wet cotton wool, and after two weeks it sprouted. This is the essence of hydroponics in its primitive form.

Advantages of the technology:

  • maximum profitability;
  • use of small areas;
  • there is no need to spend money on fertilizing the soil;
  • you can grow onions on shelves;
  • independence from weather conditions;
  • reduction in the time required for forcing feathers to marketable condition (about 16 days).

Hydroponics has one drawback: it is expensive. But this method is one of the most promising, suitable for those who want to build a reliable and stable business.


Onions contain almost all the vitamins and microelements necessary for humans and improve immunity. Therefore, green onions are in demand all year round. Only the price of the product changes - in the summer it is cheap, in the cold season the price increases several times.

Business registration

Industrial cultivation of onions as a business requires mandatory registration with government agencies. Without proper registration, no wholesale buyer will cooperate with you. First, you need to choose a form of doing business – LLC or individual entrepreneur.

Each of them has its own advantages and disadvantages. You can register yourself; to do this, contact the tax office at your place of residence.

If there is not enough time to collect documents, this can be done by a specialized law firm for a fee.

Financial calculations

If you want to build a serious business with big profits, choose high-tech methods. Despite the need large investments, you will get a profitable business that will quickly recoup your investment.

Let's look at the approximate costs for installing a hydroponic system. They largely depend on the level of automation, materials, and varieties. Onion cultivation will be carried out in own premises 50 m² in size by installing shelving - which will increase the total area to 80 m².

Financial business plan: starting investments:

  • purchase of lamps – $150;
  • purchase of wires (100 meters) – $50;
  • lighting installation – $50;
  • shelving (2 floors) – $200;
  • shelving tubs, $500;
  • installation of a working surface (for preparing planting material) – $150;
  • hydroponic technologies (without automation): compressors, hoses, pumps – $400;
  • additional hydroponic installations – $300.

As can be seen from the calculations, the initial costs are $1,800.

Monthly costs for 1 cycle of growing green onions:

  • purchase of sedimentary material – $150;
  • lighting costs – $10;
  • heating costs (in cold weather) – $40;
  • watering costs – $20.

Total – $220 per month.

Profit calculation and implementation methods

Based on the example, the output in one cycle can be approximately 550 kg of finished product - green onions. For further implementation, you can choose one of the methods:

  1. independent sale;

By organizing several sales points, you can set the price for 1 kg of onion feathers at $4. This will add organization costs trading place And additional staff. If you plan to sell the product in bulk, the price will drop to $2.

Each of the proposed options has its pros and cons. If found wholesale buyer, then in 16-22 days you can earn $1,100 (550 kg x $2). The net profit in this case will be $880 (1100-220).

At home

If you are not ready to invest a lot of money at the start of your business, you can organize growing onions at home for a small part-time job. The technology is absolutely simple.

In the warm season, you can plant onions in your garden plot; in winter, you can install small racks in your apartment or organize a place on the windowsill.

In this case, starting investments are needed to install small racks and purchase seeding material ($100-200).

Forcing green onions in the basement:

Commercial offers

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Business plan for growing green onions

  • How much money do you need to start a business growing green onions?
  • Fixed expenses
  • Sales of green onions
  • How much can you earn by growing green onions?
  • Step-by-step plan for starting a green onion growing business
  • How to choose equipment for business
  • Which OKVED code to indicate when registering a business?
  • What documents are needed to open a business?
  • Which tax system to choose
  • Do I need permission to open?
  • Business opening technology

We present to your attention a business plan (technical economic justification) discoveries greenhouse farming for growing green onions with total area 500 sq. m. This is a small greenhouse complex that can actually be located in the conditions of a personal subsidiary plot.

How much money do you need to start a business growing green onions?

Let's start by calculating the financial costs of organizing the project. According to some reports, it costs about 4,000 rubles to build one square meter of a greenhouse with partial automation and microclimate.

Accordingly, the construction of a greenhouse measuring 500 square meters. m. will cost 2 million rubles. In addition, it is worth considering the cost of purchasing planting material (50 thousand rubles.

), registration of a land plot (150 thousand rubles), installation of communications (100 thousand rubles) and purchase of a car for transporting grown products (500 thousand rubles).

Thus, the minimum investment to open a business will be 2.8 million rubles.

Fixed expenses

The main expenses of a greenhouse farm for growing green onions are related to wages and energy costs.

To provide normal operation The farm needs: 2 greenhouse workers (planting, cutting, packing plants), 1 handyman, accountant (possible for outsourcing), driver (product delivery).

The wage fund for such a team is at least 100 thousand rubles per month or 1.2 million rubles per year.

At a price of 6 rubles per kW/hour, annual electricity costs will be 739,896 rubles.

Approximately 16,500 cubic meters are consumed for gas heating. meters per year (for a greenhouse of 500 sq. m.

), what in in monetary terms corresponds to 32,871 rubles of funds spent.

Other expenses are associated with the purchase of packaging material, fertilizers, seeds, costs of renting a land plot (if the plot is not owned), and payment of taxes (STS). Approximately, this costs about 1.4 thousand rubles per square meter. For a greenhouse measuring 500 sq. m. will require 700 thousand rubles per year.

Hence, the total annual cost of maintaining the greenhouse is 2.64 million rubles.

Download a greenhouse business plan from our partners, with a quality guarantee.

Sales of green onions

The sale of green onions, according to the business plan, will be carried out in several ways:

  • Make wholesale deliveries to retail grocery stores and retail chains. To work with stores, large volumes of production and high-quality packaging of goods (for example, in stretch film) are required.
  • Offer green onions to wholesale resellers. In this case, the price will be slightly lower, but there will be no need for packaging the goods and less headaches with sales.
  • Supply the product to processing industries and enterprises in the sphere Catering(cafes, restaurants).

How much can you earn by growing green onions?

Green onions are a profitable plant. From one kilogram of planting material (bulbs) you can get up to 2 kilograms of green onions.

Some technologies (for example, bridge planting) make it possible to place up to 800 bulbs on one square meter. On one square meter you can grow up to 5 kg of green onions in a month. Accordingly, from 500 sq. m.

The output will be about 2500 kg per month. Wholesale price green onions in spring - winter period equals 150 rubles. per kilogram.

Thus, the revenue of the greenhouse farm, subject to 100% sales of all grown products, will be 375 thousand rubles. In a year, taking into account the non-seasonal summer period (income is 2 times less), you can earn up to 4 million rubles.

The profit of a greenhouse farm for growing green onions, according to business plan calculations, will be: 4,000,000 - 2,640,000 = 1,360,000 rubles. With such indicators, the project pays for itself in just over two years. Business profitability is 51%.

This is a full-fledged finished project, which you will not find in the public domain.

Business plan: 1. Confidentiality 2. Summary 3. Stages of project implementation 4. Characteristics of the object 5. Marketing plan 6. Technical and economic data of the equipment 7. Financial plan 8. Risk assessment 9. Financial and economic justification of investments

10. Conclusions

  1. Conducting a situational analysis greenhouse business in the region.
  2. Market research.
  3. Drawing up a business plan.
  4. Purchase of greenhouses, arrangement of warehouses.
  5. Business registration.
  6. Purchase of seed material.
  7. Preparation of equipment.
  8. Starting a business.

To grow green onions, it is necessary to equip the room with instantaneous water heaters, with the help of which warm watering of the plants will be carried out. It is ideal when the crop is grown on purchased soil using fertilizers. For lighting you will need ultraviolet light lamps.

All equipment can be purchased in specialized stores. Many offer discounts for bulk purchases.

You can shorten the growing period for greens and increase productivity by using the aeroponics growing method. The technology will require special equipment costing about 4 thousand rubles. for 1 sq. m. It is advisable to use it for areas over 100 sq. m. m.

Don’t forget about equipment for packaging finished products. It is easier and more profitable to purchase devices in online stores.

Which OKVED code to indicate when registering a business?

  • 12.2 – entrepreneurship in the field of agriculture.
  • 12.1 – growing vegetables.

What documents are needed to open a business?

Growing green onions for your own purposes is not a commercial activity.

But if you engage in a business of growing greens, you will need to register with tax service.

To legalize your activity, it is enough to register an individual entrepreneur by providing a photocopy of your passport, an application and a receipt for payment of the state duty.

Which tax system to choose

For a business growing green onions, it is best to apply the Unified Agricultural Tax of 6%.

Do I need permission to open?

Running a greenhouse business does not require licensing or certification.

Business opening technology

You can grow onions for greens in glass, polycarbonate or film greenhouses. Glass greenhouses are much more expensive, but allow you to grow greens year-round.

Film greenhouses are most often used by entrepreneurs at the initial stage of doing business. Polycarbonate greenhouses are the golden mean for growing.

The modern device is durable, durable and allows you to grow crops in the cold season.

Onions can be grown in 2 ways: from sets and seeds. The choice of agricultural technology depends on the equipment and the desired result.

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How to open an onion growing business from scratch: profitability, costs

The business of growing green onions has high profitability and return on initial costs (~1 year) and year-round demand.

Green onions contain more than 7 beneficial vitamins that maintain health and immunity.

The production itself does not require complex technological equipment, and the use of hydroponics and aeroponics systems significantly increases productivity. In this article we will look at a business plan for growing onions from scratch with calculations.

Advantages and disadvantages of onion growing business

Green onion feathers are a source of various vitamins and useful substance: phytoncides and enzymes. Green onions contain in 100 g: the daily requirement of vitamin C to maintain immunity, phosphorus to strengthen tooth enamel, vitamin A (beta-carotene), vitamin B1 (thiamine) - regulates protein, carbohydrate and fat metabolism, B2 (riboflavin), B3 (niacin), B9 (folic acid), E (tekeforol) - has a positive effect on hair, nails and skin. Green onions are used to treat vitamin deficiency and reduce the level of bad cholesterol in the blood - this makes it a healthy and attractive product.

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Let's consider several agricultural points to increase productivity:

  1. The quantity and quality of onion feathers are not related to the size of the bulb itself. It makes no sense to use a root crop weighing 50 grams and a diameter of 5-6 cm for forcing. Such planting material can only be planted if the bulb has already begun to germinate.
  2. The optimal size of root vegetables for organizing a business project is from 25 to 40 g and with a diameter of no more than 4 cm. The root vegetable itself should not be damaged!
  3. Determine in what conditions green onions will be grown - in the field or in greenhouses. Polycarbonate greenhouses are recommended because they have good illumination and transparency. The best varieties for the greenhouse are: Troitsky, Bessonovsky and Spassky onion varieties. You can increase productivity by using multi-bud onions(feather yield can be up to 10 kg per 1 sq.m.)!
  4. To harvest a quick harvest, the temperature in the greenhouse should not fall below 10-15 degrees; lamps can be used to maintain it.
  5. It is better to plant onions in greenhouses next to tomatoes, eggplants or beets - this will saturate the soil with the necessary elements.
  6. To reduce the cost of purchasing planting material, the cost of which ranges from 5 to 10 rubles per kilogram, it is more advisable to grow root crops from seeds (“chernushki”).

One of the fastest planting methods is the strip method, when onions are planted in furrows made at a distance of 1-4 cm and after the gap is covered with earth.

Let's consider the technology of growing onions in industrial scale. There are two approaches to onion production: growing in open ground and in a greenhouse.

Outdoor harvest

Not only seeds – “nigella”, but also small bulbs – wild oat – are used as planting material. Fine root vegetables are obtained as a result of dense sowing of onion seeds.

Oatmeal is planted in open ground several weeks before the first frost; with the onset of spring warmth, the first shoots appear. On average, onions take 21 days to grow. In March, it is necessary to remove snow from the area, water the onions with warm water and apply fertilizers that stimulate growth.

As a result of such actions, the harvest will be obtained two weeks ahead of schedule.

Onion seeds are planted for the purpose of growing planting material and feathers for sale.

If you plan to get wild oatmeal, carry out sowing work from the second half of spring until the beginning of summer. Best time to start a business - autumn.

Planting for onion feathers is carried out from August to September, the seeds are left to overwinter in the ground and the first harvest is harvested in the spring.

Forcing onions in a greenhouse

According to experts, the use of greenhouse space significantly increases the profitability of the project (Read: business plan for opening a greenhouse in a country house).

To obtain a large harvest, planting material is soaked for twelve hours in water at a temperature of +35-38 degrees and then kept at a temperature of +29-30 degrees for 24 hours.

The planting method is chosen depending on the time of year and the degree of illumination. The bridge scheme is used for forcing until the second half of February.

Methods for increasing green onion yield

To increase the yield of onion feathers, you can use the following approaches:

  • Loosening the soil - allows you to deliver oxygen to the onion horse system. Do not allow the formation of a hard crust on the soil surface! 2-3 days after watering, it is necessary to loosen the soil.
  • Watering onions - water is one of the main nutrient media for feather growth, so you should water it 2 times a week! If the climate is extremely hot and dry, the frequency of watering can reach 3 times a week. Also, the younger the onion, the more moisture it requires.
  • Fertilizing onions - when watering, nitroammophoska solutions are added to the water to enhance feather growth. It is recommended to use fertilizer after the first cut to stimulate further feather growth.
  • Weed removal - Keep the soil clear of weeds and other crops. If dill is planted between the beds when growing onions, this is not done when growing onions.
  • Covering the bed for the winter - in winter, the onions are covered with 3-3.5 cm of humus or straw and peat.

Growing a crop is only half the success, the other half is the sale and sale of onion feathers. The product is perishable, so it is important to create a sales network even before planting.

On average, the monthly production volume will be from 300 to 500 kg, the cost varies from 10 to 60 rubles per kilogram, depending on the season of the year. In winter, the cost does not fall below 100 rubles, since below this threshold it is no longer profitable. Let's consider possible points of sale of the crop:

Which form of business should you choose?

Let's analyze various shapes business in the table below.

Form of business organization Benefits of use
Private household plot (private household plot)This form is used only individuals to sell products to large distributors. Possibility of organization if you have a plot of up to 2 hectares, simple requirements: you only need to obtain a certificate from the local administration that this plot belongs to you and is used for growing onions.
IP (individual entrepreneur)This form is used for self-selling products. Individual entrepreneur status gives the manufacturer legal force and allows him to organize the implementation himself. Possibility to create a sales network. The process of product certification is becoming more complicated.
LLC (company with limited liability) This form is used for additional business financing through agricultural loans and when hiring employees. Suitable for working with stores and wholesale warehouses.
Peasant farm (peasant farm)This form is used to attract partners to your business. Peasant farms simplified by the form of LLP (limited liability partnership), as well as individual entrepreneurs and LLCs, are endowed with legal force. It is possible to work with stores and wholesale suppliers.

Initially, you can register as a private household plot and start selling in small quantities, to set up all production processes and sales channels.

Private household plots do not pay taxes on any volume of production.

To scale production and increase sales, you need to register as individual entrepreneur.

For an individual entrepreneur optimal choice of taxation system for producers of agricultural products, a single agricultural tax (USAT).

Tax rate - 6%

-lesson “Unified Agricultural Tax”

Total investment costs, profitability of the business project

Investment costs for the implementation of the project: costs for registering private household plots, individual entrepreneurs, LLCs or peasant farms (~10,000 rubles), rent of a land plot, technical equipment, planting material

Area for planting onions

The minimum production area that can provide profit is one hundred square meters for growing feathers and 30 m2 for storing the crop. If you follow all recommendations and technological process on one hundred square meters you can grow from 300 to 600 kg. onion feather.

Practical lesson on creating a greenhouse

Watch a practical video tutorial on how to make a greenhouse with your own hands for growing green onions.

Technical equipment

In this expense item, you need to take into account the lighting system, watering, heating, and equipment for processing seedlings. If you plan to sell the crop to supermarkets, you will need Consumables for product packaging.

Planting material

This is the main expense item, because the quality of the planting material determines the volume of the harvest and the demand for it, and therefore the profitability of the entire project.

The half-bridge planting method requires 3 to 6 kg. for every square meter, the yield ranges from 12 to 15 kg. per square meter.

With the bridge planting method, the volume of planting material increases to 8-12 kg. per square meter.

It must be taken into account that financial investments when growing crops in open ground and in greenhouse conditions, they differ.

The profitability of a business in the field under favorable circumstances can reach 50%, while economic efficiency of the project in the greenhouse does not exceed 30%. There are objective justifications for this:

To organize a green onion business, you need a starting capital of at least 100-150 thousand rubles, the payback period is from 6 to 12 months.

Also, if you do not have your own land plot, the cost of the project will increase by the amount of rental payments.

One of the highly profitable types of business is growing roses in a greenhouse; the profitability of such a project reaches 300%.

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We are drawing up a business plan for growing green onions: where to start?

  • We draw up a business plan
  • Assessing our capabilities
  • Choosing seedlings
  • Care and prevention
  • Deciding on sales options

Growing green onions as a business is characterized by high returns, which are due to the stable demand for products throughout the year, the unpretentiousness of onions compared to other crops, as well as high profitability, since this business requires relatively small initial investments.

We draw up a business plan

There are a lot of pitfalls in green business. But the most important thing that you should have when implementing a project for growing green onions, in addition to desire, is a solid business plan, when drawing up which you should pay special attention to the following issues:

  • study of demand, selection of product sales options;
  • identification and assessment of production options (growing in open ground, greenhouse, garage, basement, etc.), cost analysis;

This is the most important thing that will make up your business plan. The more carefully you approach this section, the less likely it is that unexpected costs will arise in the future that could negate all your efforts;

  • drawing up a production map (selection of varieties, planning the harvest schedule).

Establishing the process is half the battle; it is important to learn how to manage it correctly. Therefore, the next step towards implementing your business project is planning a cost-effective harvest schedule.

Compose " production plan" This is necessary in order to get the maximum return at the most suitable periods (on New Year, Easter, March 8, etc.

), when the demand and cost of greens increase 2-3 times.

Of course, it is easiest to plant and harvest in the summer.

The ideal option in this case would be to have your own plot of land, since seeds, fertilizers and a greenhouse are all you need.

During the warm period of the year, growing green onions gives the greatest return, the profitability is at least 50-60%.

When choosing a place to grow, you need to take into account the climatic conditions in your region. Please note that green onions grow and feel great at temperatures of 14-17 degrees above zero. In the southern regions, a greenhouse covered with plastic film is suitable.

The cost of this material is significantly lower than that of glass and polycarbonate, but it copes remarkably well with the functions assigned to it, perfectly transmitting sunlight and heat.

Can be used in colder climates polycarbonate greenhouse, but it will cost more.

Some entrepreneurs practice growing greens in greenhouses using the hydroponics method, in which plants are not planted in soil, but their roots are placed in a special liquid enriched with a complex of nutrients.

This method of growing green onions has two serious advantages. Firstly, this will significantly shorten the growth period.

Secondly, this method makes it possible to use a multi-level system of beds in special hanging flowerbeds in greenhouses, which will increase the volume of the harvest several times over.

However, it should be noted that this approach to organizing the cultivation of green onions has a serious disadvantage. According to many experts, onions grown using the hydroponics method are significantly inferior in taste to crops harvested from the ground.

Firstly, in this case you will provide your future harvest with a stable microclimate and optimal temperature conditions, and you will be able to minimize the dependence of the result on external weather conditions.

Secondly, the process of watering and fertilizing greenhouse beds is much simpler and better quality than the entire garden as a whole. And with timely watering and weeding, the yield of cold-resistant crops will increase at least 2 times.

Thirdly, growing green onions in a greenhouse from March to November will allow you to increase your yield by 5-6 times by extending the gardening season.

If there is no suitable free plot of land, you can start a business in a garage or cellar. It should be noted that by planting onions at different periods in protected and open ground, you can get optimal returns, getting a harvest throughout the year.

Onions can be planted as bulbs and their seeds can be sown. In greenhouses, greens are usually grown from bulbs.

Growing plants from seeds is not The best decision, the sprouts turn out weak, grow slower and require more care.

It is the bulbs that have properties that are significantly superior to those of seeds: onions grow several times faster and differ favorably in taste.

For planting, purchase quality material.

Producers from Holland (varieties Dutch Yellow, Red Baron, Spirit F1, Exhibition, Margit F1) and Japan (varieties Nagaoka King, Nubuka Green) achieved the greatest selective effect of their seedlings. Among the products of German breeders for early greens, pay attention to the Stuttgarter Riesen variety.

To get maximum results when drawing up a business plan for growing green onions, pay special attention to the selection of types and varieties of planting material, as well as methods for growing green onions in different time of the year. Knowing the basic biology of different onion varieties and their growing requirements will allow you to maximize your profits.

For example, onions are not suitable for growing in a greenhouse in autumn and winter, since at this time they are deeply dormant. In addition, this bow is particularly demanding of light.

In the fall, you need to plant perennial varieties of onions, they do not have a dormant period: multi-tiered, slime, chives. Already from November you can plant onions.

From December you can profitably grow in winter greenhouses shallot.

The main conditions for growing quality products are healthy, nutritious, weed-free soil and uniform moisture. It is equally important to ensure regular loosening of the soil throughout the entire period of growing green onions.

The use of high-quality fertilizers and chemicals to combat insect pests will help minimize losses during the growth of green onions.

Do not believe manufacturers who claim that they do not use chemicals when growing greens - this is just a publicity stunt.

Currently, there are many gentle chemicals, the use of which will not only protect your products from pests, but also give them excellent marketable condition. Include the appropriate expense item in your plan.

When drawing up a business plan for growing green onions, the issue of selling the crop is of no small importance. The simplest and least troublesome way is to sell to wholesale buyers. The main disadvantage of this option for selling greens is the minimum price.

You can rent a spot at the food market. The price of the product is an order of magnitude higher than that of wholesalers, but it also has its disadvantages - additional expenses for renting a retail space and paying the seller.

An excellent alternative distribution channel is to supply products to a store, supermarket or restaurant.

If you choose direct sales through stores as an option for selling onions, be sure to include the cost of packaging finished products in your business plan for organizing the cultivation of green onions. Therefore, contact food packaging suppliers in advance and conclude appropriate contracts.

When choosing marketing options, remember that green onions are a delicate, perishable product that cannot be stored for long. This will protect you from unwanted problems and losses.

Take the process of getting acquainted with this type of business extremely carefully. If you pay close attention to each point of your business plan, you can avoid many unnecessary problems and turn growing green onions into a highly profitable and, possibly, family business.

Ready-made business plan for growing green onions in a greenhouse

Fresh vegetables are especially popular among the population.

Most preference is given to vegetables from local producers who do not use chemical elements to maintain freshness and extend shelf life.

In connection with this fact, we can safely assume that a business plan for growing green onions in a greenhouse will find its buyer and will have large sales volumes.

How much money will it take to open?

An example of a business plan for growing green onions in greenhouses begins with preliminary calculations of all the costs that the owner of the organization will face. In our case, the greenhouse will be built from scratch.

In addition to all this, we will need to buy planting material, which will cost 50 thousand rubles. 150 thousand rubles will be required to register a land plot.

To bring communications to the greenhouse, we will give another 100 thousand rubles. The most important thing in all this is the purchase vehicle for transportation of finished products to the place of their sale.

The cost of its purchase will be 500 thousand rubles.

Growing onions in a greenhouse

Thus, in order to open your own business and draw up a business plan for growing onions from scratch, you need to have 2 million 800 thousand rubles on hand.

Fixed costs that the owner will face

The main expenses of a greenhouse that will be encountered in the process of growing onions are the payment of employees of the organization and costs associated with electricity.

For the greenhouse to fully operate, two employees will be required to maintain it, whose responsibilities will include planting onions, cutting them and packaging them for transportation.

One general worker, driver, for delivery of the finished product to retail outlets. We will outsource all issues related to accounting to a third party under an outsourcing agreement.

The amount of wages for all employees will be 100 thousand rubles every month and 1 million 200 thousand rubles annually.

Also, the main costs will go to public utilities. It will cost about 740 thousand a year and about 62 thousand rubles monthly to pay for electricity. Gas heating will cost us almost 33 thousand rubles per month.

The remaining costs of the greenhouse will be related directly to the finished product itself - its packaging, transportation, purchase of fertilizers and new material for the next planting. For all this, as well as for paying taxes, you will have to spend 700 thousand annually or about 58 thousand monthly.

Thus, in order to maintain the greenhouse throughout the year, we will need to spend 2 million 540 thousand rubles.

Sales of finished products

A ready-made business plan for growing green onions in a greenhouse also assumes the presence of sales channels.

There are several options:

  1. Deliver products to grocery stores in batches based on wholesale purchases. But for this we need high-quality packaging for onions and large production volumes.
  2. Carry out wholesale sales through resellers. There are both pros and cons here. The purchase cost will be much lower, but you won’t have to worry about packaging the finished product.
  3. Organize supplies to public catering chains.

Sales of onions to wholesale buyers

Amount of possible earnings

A sample business plan for growing green onions in greenhouse conditions also includes preliminary calculations for possible earnings. It is important to know that from one kilogram of planting material we can already get 2 kilograms of finished products.

There is a special planting technology, thanks to which up to 800 bulbs can be planted on one square meter of land and a harvest of 5 kilograms can be harvested.

Therefore, if we have a greenhouse with an area of ​​500 square meters and we plant it all using this technology, we will be able to harvest 2.5 thousand kilograms of green onions every month.

Thus, if you adhere to the figures provided by the business plan for growing green onions, then when deducting constants from this amount monthly expenses we will receive a net profit of the organization in the amount of 1 million 360 thousand. Full return on investment in this business will occur two years after the start of sales.

Step-by-step plan for opening a greenhouse

This stage includes the following steps:

  1. The first step is to conduct market research and determine the popularity of this type of product among buyers.
  2. Study in detail possible sales channels.
  3. Develop a business plan for growing green onions.
  4. Register your future business.
  5. Buy the required amount of material for sowing.
  6. Prepare equipment.
  7. Start launching your business.

What equipment should you choose?

In order to start growing onions, we will need to purchase flow-through water heaters for the entire greenhouse. With their help, watering with warm water will occur. To illuminate and promote rapid growth, you should buy ultraviolet lamps.

We must buy all this from specialty store and preferably in bulk, which will be much cheaper than buying individually.

With all this, do not forget about the packaging material of the finished product.

Flow system for greenhouse

OKVED code

In our case, two codes may be suitable: 12.2 - entrepreneurship in the agricultural sector and 12.1 - growing vegetables.

List of required documentation

If you grow vegetables for own consumption, then you do not need to obtain any permission.

But, if it is subject to sale, then we must register with the tax office. For the business to be legal, registration of an individual entrepreneur is required.

To do this, we just need to provide a passport, an application and pay the state fee.

Tax system

In our case, it will be the unified agricultural tax, and its size will be 6%.

Permission to open

Greenhouse business is not classified as licensed and is not subject to certification.

Opening technology

To grow green onions, you can use three types of greenhouses: glass, film and polycarbonate.

The third option is the best, as it has great durability and allows you to grow vegetables all year round.

The onion itself can be grown both from seeds and from sets.

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Businessman, investor.
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30.11.2017 Sofia Romkina

The idea of ​​organizing a business on green onions is not new and is based on objective prerequisites: consumer demand and physiological characteristics of the plant.

Demand stimulates supply

In the autumn-spring period, when there is an acute shortage of vitamins in the body, the “feather” of green onions is perhaps the most affordable product, both in price and nutritional value, because 100 g of “feather” covers a person’s daily need for ascorbic acid , since this amount contains 85 mg of vitamin C (the body requires 50 mg).

  • Read also:

In addition to vitamins, onion greens contain a large amount of biologically active substances (phytoncides, enzymes, etc.) that have a positive effect on the body.

Waste turns into income!

Often, during storage, onions begin to sprout, and the quality of the product decreases sharply. Therefore, pragmatic owners invented an ingenious way of turning worthless products into a source of good income.

Worth knowing: How to build your own?

Components of success

For the production of green onions to become a profitable business, it is necessary to thoroughly know all the technological nuances.

  • It is naive to believe that a huge bulb will give more “feather” when forced. Bulbs weighing 40-50 g (with a diameter of more than 4-6 cm) are no longer suitable for forcing, of course, unless we are talking about discarded ones that begin to germinate during storage. The highest “feather” yield comes from planting material weighing from 25 to 40 g (diameter 3-4 cm).
  • The chosen cultivation technology, as well as knowledge of special techniques that stimulate the speedy production of marketable products, are of no small importance.
  • Green onions can be grown in the field or in greenhouses.
  • In the agricultural technology of green onions, there are two methods of planting. With the bridge pattern, the bulbs are planted close to each other. The half-bridge scheme provides for sparse planting, with a distance between the bulbs of 1-2 cm.
  • Growing green onions for sale in large quantities requires appropriate investment. Even if you purchase planting material from wholesale suppliers or directly from the manufacturer, then on average it will cost from 5 to 10 rubles. per kilogram, depending on the batch size. To minimize costs, it is advisable to grow planting material yourself from biological seeds - “chernushka”.

Profitability issues

It is possible to predict the prospects of any type of business only with a thorough analysis of expected expenses. Forcing onions in open ground and growing onions in a greenhouse in winter differ in terms of investment. The profitability of the “greenhouse option” is estimated at approximately 30%, and the profitability of “field” farming reaches 50% or more.

  • The profitability of forcing in open ground is much higher than greenhouse production, since in the latter case additional costs for heating and providing light conditions are inevitable. On the other hand, green onions increase in price around the holidays.
  • Possible financial risks should not be discounted: a sharp decrease in the purchase price, the quality of the seed, etc.

Economic justification

Growing onions as a business has its own economic justification, which has been repeatedly confirmed in practice. To assess profitability, it is quite appropriate to take into account the costs of growing onions in protected soil conditions, as the most expensive.

Production area

To grow green onions, you will need an area of ​​at least 1 hundred square meters (100 m3), plus about 30 m3 for organizing storage. From this area you can get 300-600 kg of green onions in 1 month.

The business of growing onions for sale is traditionally considered profitable. Onions are always consumed, they are added to many dishes, okroshka, salads and consumed fresh. By organizing your own business to grow onions, you can be sure that they will buy it from you. Another encouraging fact is that small financial investments are needed to start a business. You can open a mini-farm even on own plot, installing a small greenhouse of 25-40 sq.m. and spending no more than 100 - 200 thousand rubles on construction...

But it is most profitable to grow onions for feathers (green onions). This can be understood simply by comparing prices. In supermarkets, a bunch of onions costs from 25 rubles, while a kilogram of turnip onions costs only 15-20 rubles. The difference is obvious. In addition, there is no difference in the complexity of cultivation.

Even in greenhouse conditions with 1 sq.m. receive up to 15 kg of green mass per month. With an average price of 150 rubles/kg, a greenhouse of 100 sq.m. brings the farmer at least 200 thousand rubles in revenue for 30 - 40 days of work.

We take into account seasonality

The easiest and cheapest way to grow onions is in open ground. You planted the bulbs in May - June and harvested them all summer. Although it will be very difficult to make money in this case, since there is a lot of competition during the season, and the price of onions becomes minimal. But starting from August and until May of next year, the price of green onions does not fall below 120 rubles per kilogram, and in the winter months it rises to 200 rubles. This is where the main income begins.

But not many people are suitable for the year-round method of growing green onions due to the cost of building a greenhouse and compliance with the technology. To obtain decent volumes of products, you will need to build a heated greenhouse with an area of ​​100 square meters. m. The costs of such a structure range from 300 to 700 thousand rubles, depending on the material used and its cost. Onions are forced into the greenhouse from October to May, and then into open ground.

Choosing an onion variety

The best option is the cultivation of multi-tiered or Egyptian onions. Unlike leeks and baton onions, multi-tiered onions have a thin feather. But these are not all the advantages that make this variety attractive for cultivation. The main advantage of the Egyptian onion is that it does not have a rest period. It doesn’t matter what time of year you planted it: summer, winter, spring or autumn. The variety grows and can be forced at any time. Other advantages include the high winter hardiness of the variety, low need for lighting and convenient propagation by aerial bulbs (bulbs).

The duration of forcing Egyptian onions is from 25 to 40 days. From 1 kilogram of planting material 2 kg of onion feathers grow. Planting material is obtained in summer time in open ground. To grow planting material, allocate an area of ​​0.1 (1/10) of the area that is sown in the greenhouse.

Who to sell onions to

The main thing in this matter is the constant demand for the product. Green onions are readily purchased at any time of the year, as they are natural vitamins. Here are just a few options for selling green onions:

  • Sales to small wholesale resellers. Just go to trading platforms on the Internet and look at the ads: “I’ll buy onions in bulk.” They called and offered. There will always be people willing to buy your batch at a low price.
  • Sales of onions to cafes and restaurants. It’s a little more complicated here, since you’ll have to personally negotiate with the management of establishments that already work with certain suppliers. If you offer more profitable terms, then they will be willing to cooperate with you.
  • Working with grocery stores and vegetable stalls. Here, price, quality, volumes and delivery times will also be decisive factors.
  • Selling onions on our own in food markets. Advertisements for the sale of onions in bulk can also be posted on the Internet. In this case, buyers will find you themselves.

Subtleties of business

You need to be careful when purchasing planting material. It is not recommended to do this at the market, since local sellers will never tell you whether the onions are processed or not. It is better to buy planting material from farms who are specifically engaged in growing onions for forcing.

To obtain high-quality feathers, it is necessary to use professional lighting in greenhouses. For onions, the blue spectrum is used and DRL lamps are installed.

Regular watering and moisture control are required to produce juicy onions. When soil moisture is high, onions rot. Optimal temperature for growing plants in greenhouses: +20 degrees. in the daytime and +15 degrees. at night.

Harvesting begins when the length of the onion feather reaches 20 cm or more. The day before harvesting, the plants are watered abundantly so that the harvest looks more vigorous, juicier and heavier.

Growing green onions in a greenhouse - video

Reading time: 11 minutes. Published 11/16/2019

Growing green onions is a universal activity and possible even with minimal investment. The profitability of a business directly depends on the volume of plants produced, and onions can be grown almost anywhere: on a windowsill in a residential building, in a greenhouse, in a garage, in a basement.

Technology for growing green onions - what kind of room should there be for growing green onions?

Growing onions, as well as, in closed equipped premises guarantees year-round income. In this case, human participation in the process is reduced to the simplest actions: primary processing raw materials and collection of greens.

Despite the unpretentiousness of the plant, you should still observe general recommendations on cultivation. This will reduce time costs and get a good harvest.

There are three characteristics that determine ideal conditions for the growth of green onions:

  • Comfortable air temperature.
  • Sufficient room lighting.
  • High-quality soil irrigation.

The size of the business premises is also important, which affects the volume of products produced.

The room must be dry, not infected with mold or fungi and, if possible, light.

Let's give possible options premises for growing green onions:

  • Greenhouse

The simplest summer greenhouse is made of a wooden frame, which is covered on top with a thick plastic film. You can assemble such a structure yourself using available materials and tools.

In the warm season, greenhouses and greenhouses do not require additional lighting or heating. Natural air temperature and sunlight will be sufficient for plant growth.

Growing green onions in a greenhouse is the most environmentally friendly way, since such conditions are as close as possible to natural ones.

  • Basement and garage

An alternative to a greenhouse can be a basement or garage. However, these premises require additional preparation. The first step is to insulate them. The materials used are safe thermal insulators, for example, based on polyethylene foam or polystyrene foam.

The next stage is the installation of shelving. They can be purchased ready-made or made independently, for example, from wood. If necessary, such racks are disassembled and transported to a new location.

A good design for long-term use should be metal, for example, welded from a profile or pipes. Naturally, it will require more significant investments.

Growing green onions in a basement or garage requires the creation of the following favorable conditions:

  1. Heating . For maximum onion growth, it is necessary to maintain a temperature range from +18 to +22 °C. Any devices can be used as heaters, but it is worth remembering that electrical devices will require significant energy costs;
  2. Lighting . The brighter the light in the room, the richer the color of the onion feather. Therefore, if possible, the room should be equipped with fluorescent lamps;
  3. Ventilation . The air in the basement or garage must be constantly circulated. It is advisable not just to install internal fans, but to organize the supply of fresh air from the street. This will give the plants a more comfortable environment and prevent the development of mold and mildew indoors.
  • Windowsill

The easiest way to grow onions is on a windowsill. A loggia is well suited for this. In the summer, no additional tricks will be needed, but in the winter, the loggia should be insulated and glazed. If the windows face north, you can arrange artificial lighting.

With good lighting and air temperatures from +23 to +27, green onions will grow 30 cm in approximately 2-2.5 weeks.

How to properly grow green onions for sale, features of planting material for growing green onions

Almost anything can be used as planting material: soil, sand, sawdust. There are options in which onions grow without soil and feed exclusively on water. This method is called hydroponics.

  • Earth and sand

This is the standard planting base for the plant. If you grow onions in a greenhouse at plot of land, it is recommended to fertilize and loosen the soil.

Flaw: In all other cases, you will need to purchase special mixtures. The soil should be universal and have an acidity of 6 to 7 ph.

  • Sawdust

Sawdust is a cheap material. Their main property is looseness and the ability to retain moisture. However, this environmental material does not contain nutrients, so additional mineral fertilizers will be needed.

Plants planted in sawdust will not require too frequent watering. When cut, ripe green onions will remain clean (unlike those growing in soil mixture).

Sawdust has one drawback – with prolonged use, they begin to rot, and mixed with the remains of onion roots, they turn into compost and require replacement.

Growing green onions hydroponically assumes that the plant will be fed not from the soil, but thanks to the circulating medium supplied to the roots. This medium can be based on water or a solid porous substance that has excellent moisture retention and good air permeability.

Coconut fiber is ideal as a substrate. It is absolutely natural, capable of swelling greatly and accumulating water, while allowing air to pass through.

The system for planting onions must contain channels filled with a solid substrate or blown with an air-nutrient mixture. The bulbs are placed in these channels. As needed, it is allowed to flow through the ducts water solution, rich in minerals.

The order of placing hydroponic layers is as follows:

  1. Onion roots.
  2. Organic substrate.
  3. Net.
  4. Nutrient solution.

The most important aspect of this growing method is high-quality aeration (air saturation) of the roots. Therefore, the mesh and nutrient solution should be placed at a distance of about 5 cm from each other.

The yield of onions growing hydroponically will be higher, and the cost of purchasing planting materials will be lower.

Equipment and appliances for growing green onions indoors

Growing onions for greens can be made as simple and convenient as possible by using various devices. For example, use professional phytolamps that stimulate plant growth as a source of artificial light.

Drip irrigation systems are perfect for watering onions in greenhouses. With their help, water consumption is noticeably reduced, and the liquid itself is evenly distributed throughout the planted area.

There are entire installations designed in the form of racks, into which light sources and containers for soil are built. Such equipment is already ready for use; all that remains is to place the onions in it and water it until the harvest is obtained.

There are commercially available hydroponic systems that work as follows:

  1. On the water.
  2. On the substrate.
  3. On aeroponics (air).

This equipment can be used immediately; all that is needed is to purchase the raw materials and prepare the nutrient mixture.

Planting and growing green onions on a feather - how to grow green onions in winter?

Green onions can be successfully produced at any time of the year. However, this will entail considerable additional investments - at a minimum, you will need to organize heating and lighting. Even if you use a garage or basement for business, in which it is already necessary to install sources of artificial light, you will need heating devices.

If the volumes in the soil are relatively small, you can pre-treat the onions before planting. This will speed up the germination process several times.

The procedure is:

  • The bulbs are placed in a container and completely filled with cold water.
  • After one hour, all the water is drained.
  • Planting in the ground is carried out within a day.

To grow green onions in a greenhouse in winter, you should pay attention to the quality of the structure and organize favorable conditions inside it.

If you plan to run a business for the long term, it is advisable to build a greenhouse thoroughly:

  • The frame is made of metal or durable wooden profile.
  • Make the base of the greenhouse.
  • Coat all ceilings and structures with paint or primer.
  • Cover the greenhouse with durable polycarbonate film.

The growth rate of green onions directly depends on the air temperature environment or premises:

  • At 12C ° Onions ripen for about four weeks.
  • At 17C ° – about 26 days.
  • At 20C ° – about 22 days.
  • At 22C ° – about 20 days.
  • At 25C ° – about 2.5 weeks.

It is better to grow green onions in the cold season using winter and frost-resistant plant varieties. They adapt better to lower temperatures and will be able to produce higher yields under less favorable conditions.

Is winter and summer cultivation of green onions profitable - the real reasons for selling an onion growing business

This business is considered quite profitable, but there are always parameters that can greatly influence profitability. Naturally, due to the unequal amount of mandatory expenses, summer and winter onion cultivation has noticeable differences.

In summer:

  • In the greenhouse – plants develop only due to sunlight. Auxiliary sources of heat and light are not needed.
  • In the basement and garage – heating devices are either not required at all, or must operate at minimum power (for example, in a cold basement).
  • On the windowsill – Green onions grow on their own using sunlight. The room temperature does not need to be adjusted.

In winter:

  • In the greenhouse – the structure itself must be made of more expensive and durable materials. Inside the greenhouse you need to create a comfortable microclimate using additional sources of heat and sometimes light.
  • In the basement and garage – higher quality thermal insulation materials may be required. You also cannot do without heating devices.
  • On the windowsill – if you use a loggia for growing onions, it will need to be glazed, insulated and, possibly, heated.

During the cold season market price green onions increases, which compensates for the necessary expenses. An undoubted advantage is the possibility of more long-term storage already cut greens. Not every activity is necessarily successful.

There are a number of reasons that may hinder the development of the business and prompt the owner to think about selling the business:

  1. Lack of personal vehicles . If onions are grown in a greenhouse outside the city, and for marketing they need to be transported, one a passenger car not enough. In this case, it is appropriate to use a small cargo transport, since the harvest volumes can be impressive, and the greens must retain their presentation and not be wrinkled. If there is no opportunity to purchase a vehicle, doing business can be very difficult.
  2. Unprofitability . Growing onions in winter entails another cost item - lighting and heating. If your greenhouse, garage, or basement is located in an inconvenient location or in an area with high energy rates, the cost of maintaining the desired temperature can have a significant impact on profit margins.
  3. Increase in price of raw materials . In a lean year, the price of onions increases greatly, which adversely affects the cost of green products.
  4. Lack of market . Not every green onion producer has his own outlet for the sale of grown goods. Very often, finished products are sold in bulk at prices 1.5-2 times lower than retail prices. If supply exceeds demand, the purchase price may be reduced to an unacceptable minimum, making the business unprofitable.

Real business plan for growing green onions for sale

All initial potential costs can be divided into three categories:

  • Purchase or rental of premises/land.
  • Improvement of the premises (construction, insulation).
  • Technical equipment (racks, instruments, installations, containers).

These costs are in addition to regular expenses:

  • For the purchase of raw materials (bulbs, mineral fertilizers, water).
  • For transportation of finished products.
  • To maintain the necessary microclimate (lighting, heating, ventilation).
  • On wages workers.

Not all items are mandatory, since the premises for growing onions may be owned and attract additional labor will not need.

Business advantages:

  • Unpretentiousness to conditions and rapid plant growth.
  • Minimum financial investment.
  • Fast payback for small volumes.

Example of a business plan for growing onions in a greenhouse:

Name Options
Land area 100 sq. m.
Effective area 75 sq.m.
Average growth period of green onions 3 weeks (21 days)
Volume of grown products for 1 month 350 – 550 kg green feathers
Wholesale cost of planting material 8 RUR/1 kg
Cost of 1 kg of green feather from 10 to 60 rub.
Possible losses of green crops (due to climate, weather, etc.) 30%
Wholesale cost of selling 1 kg of onions in summer 30 50 rub.
Wholesale cost of selling 1 kg of onions in winter 200 rub.
Amount of onions sold per day by large producers 1000 – 3000 kg
Amount of onions sold per month by average producers 1500 kg
Size starting capital required to start a business 100 – 150 thousand rubles.
The amount of monthly profit at the very beginning of the business when using an area of ​​75 sq.m. 20 thousand rubles.
Monthly profit for growing 3000 kg of onions per month 150 thousand rubles.

The profitability of a business for growing onions in a greenhouse is about 30% in winter and more than 50% in the warm season

This difference is explained by the costs of heating and renting a greenhouse. Depending on the scope of the activity, a business can pay for itself in a period of several months to several years.

Even at the business planning stage, it is necessary to take care of the market for finished products. This point can be decisive in assessing the profitability of the entire business. Even with the most modest investments, the profit margin depends on the ability to profitably sell the grown green onions.

Continuing our topic about business in rural areas, we decided to look at growing onions as a business. It turned out that you can earn a decent amount of money from this simple activity. So, if you decide to make money on your own business, we offer you the option of growing onion crops.

Growing onions as a business: what to grow and how?

For the purpose of sale, you can grow different onions: bulb or feather. And each of these species has its own characteristics in cultivation, sale, and circulation. All this affects the business, its expenses and income. To show a clear example with specific numbers, we took the most common and unpretentious onion as the basis for our article - onions.
Onions are grown in warm conditions. It will take about 4 months for it to fully mature. During this time, young feathers can be cut off and sold, and after the expiration of the period, the root crops themselves can be put up for sale.

It is easier to grow onions from purchased sets - these are already formed young onions, which after 1 week will already send out the first shoots to the surface. The average purchase price of onion sets is 100 rubles per 1 kg. For such a business you will need at least 200 kg, it will cost 20,000 rubles.

What else is needed to grow onions?

Of course, you will need land. Onions should be planted at the rate of 200 grams of sets per 1 m2. That is, for our 200 kg we will need 1000 m2, or 10 acres of land.
In a business like growing onions, in addition to the “embryos” themselves, fertilizers will be required. The onion crop itself is unpretentious, but you can’t do without fertilizers either. Here's what we need:
Superphosphate (30g per m2)
Potassium chloride (17g per m2)
Nitrogen fertilizers (8g per m2)
Phosphorus fertilizer (10g per m2)
Potash fertilizers (10g per m2)
On average, for each m2 the price of all the above fertilizers together will be about 15 rubles. And to fertilize the entire plot of 1000 m2 - 15,000 rubles.

Let's summarize all costs

Considering the information above, to grow onions on 10 acres of land we will need:
Onion sets, 200 kg – 20,000 rubles.
Fertilizers – 15,000 rubles
Total: 35,000 rubles

Profit from the sale of onions

From planted sets, full-fledged onions grow in 4 months on average. The yield is about 7 kg per m2, that is, from ten acres after 4 months we will collect 7 tons. The average selling price of onions is 20 rubles per 1 kg. It turns out that selling 7 tons at retail price will bring us an income of 140,000 rubles.
Don’t forget about a secondary method of making a profit – selling green onions. In our case, in 4 months you can get 0.5 kg of greenery from 1 m2, and 500 kg from the entire plot. At a price of 150 rubles per 1 kg, you can get 75,000 rubles from the entire green harvest.

We get that the income for 4 months from 10 acres is 215,000 rubles, and the net profit is 190,000 rubles.
Residents warm regions It is much easier to start such a business, but those living in the middle zone should not despair. By increasing the volumes in the scheme we have presented, you can ensure yourself a profit in one summer that will last for the whole year.

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