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Ideas for business, goods from China. Business plan for selling goods from China

Thicknesser is a widespread type of planer that has found practical use in the woodworking industry. Using this machine, beams and boards are planed, but after mandatory processing with a jointer. The processing thickness of the material is adjustable.

What is a thicknesser

Thickness gauge or surface gauge is a tool for drawing marking lines on a workpiece parallel to the selected baseline, or for transferring dimensions from drawings to the workpiece.

Usually it is a stand with a clamp in which the scriber is fixed.

Thicknessers can be made of hardwood and are a block with a rectangular hole in which one or two slats are secured using a wedge or screw. At one end of the slats there are pointed metal pins. A thicknesser with two slats is used, for example, for marking tenons and sockets for them in carpentry.

To simultaneously draw a larger number of lines or in cases where there is no need to change dimensions, a bracket can be used instead of a thicknesser. The bracket is a wooden block with a protrusion into which the required number of nails is driven.

Planing thicknessing machines are:



The first type of machines is distinguished by the fact that their knife shaft processes the material on one side. Machines of the second type process the workpiece in parallel from the top and bottom sides.

The engine power of such machines can range from 1 to 44 kW. The processing width reaches 135 cm, and the thickness varies from 0.5 to 16 cm. The machine shafts have diameters from 10 to 16.5 cm. Each shaft can have from 2 to 4 knives.

The range of such machines on the market is quite wide. It is represented by both foreign and domestic models, which are similar in basic characteristics. However, the functionality of foreign models, their strength and reliability are usually higher in comparison with domestically produced machines. But the price of our machines is lower than their foreign analogues. The cheapest thicknessing machines are Chinese-made models.

We focus on the fact that in 80% of cases the reviews regarding machines manufactured in Europe are positive, in our country - in 50% and in China - only in 30% of cases.

This is interesting: read our other articles - ““, “” and ““.

Below we give short review some models of planer thicknessing machines:

1. Thicknesser JET JPM-13 CSX.

The maximum processing width is 33 cm, the height of the pass is 25 cm, and the removal of chips per pass is 0.4 cm. The equipment has three knives. The planing shaft rotates at a speed of 4800 rpm. In one minute the machine produces 14.4 thousand cuts. The feed rate is 6 m per minute. The knife shaft has a diameter of 6.8 cm. The values ​​of output power M are 1.1 kW/S1 100%, input power M is 2 kW/S6 40%, output power T is 1.5 kW/S1 100% and input power T – 2.8 kW/S6 40%. Unit weight – 90 kg.

Instructions Thicknessing machine JET JPM-13 CSX

2. Thicknessing machine Corvette-220.

Such a unit is powered from a network with a voltage of 220 V. The power size is 1.5 kW. The spindle rotates at a speed of 5000 rpm. Maximum material processing values: thickness - 20.3 cm, width - 38.1, depth - 0.4 cm. The shaft is equipped with three knives, it has a diameter of 7.5 cm. Automatic feeding is carried out at speeds 4.8 and 7, 6 m/min. The weight of this model, depending on the configuration, can be 220 or 245 kg. As for the size of the package, it is 83 x 62 x 113 cm.

The models of thicknessing machines discussed above have proven themselves in practice. In any case, they are reliable, durable, and highly productive, which is the reason for their widespread use. It is noteworthy that they are of interest to enterprising people, since through them they can establish a good business.

The approximate price of these machines with delivery is 55,000-60,000 rubles.

How to do thickness planer DIY household

This video will tell you how to do it at home in a simple way You can make your own thickness planer.

See another excellent instruction for the home craftsman - ““.

Many people have heard that you can make money by reselling goods from China. However, not everyone knows how to start acting and find their niche. Selling goods from China as a business has been popular in Russia for several years and brings income to many citizens. You can start working in the field without starting capital.

Business with China for resale without investment

Beginners can start making money from scratch, even if they have no starting capital. Business in Chinese goods is profitable due to the low prices for clothing, equipment, etc. in China. If you resell even with a small margin, you can make a profit without leaving your home. Business with China on resale without investment is an order from a supplier of goods already paid for by clients (prepaid).

In this case, the dropshipping scheme is used:

  1. They choose what they want to sell.
  2. They find a supplier with whom they agree on cooperation on the principle of dropshipping.
  3. They start earning money.

It is important to consider that parcels from China costing up to 1 thousand euros do not require customs clearance. Thanks to this, you can handle significant supplies. If the price of the parcel is more than 1 thousand euros (about 65 thousand rubles), then you can negotiate with the supplier so that when sending it, he will lower the cost, then the goods will cross the border without problems. You can sell things from China through your own one-page websites, social networks, and retail outlets.

Business with China for resale with investments

To start working on a large scale, initial capital is required. Money is needed for promotion, payment for the first delivery, advertising, etc. For delivery, you can use different options, but the most reliable is transportation by road. It is important to choose the right supplier who has an export license. Only if you have this document will it be possible to transport purchased products to Russia.

To start a business with China for resale with investments legally, you need to adhere to the following rules:

  1. Buy from the supplier only goods with certificates and warranty cards.
  2. Go through customs clearance at the border officially and pay the state duty.
  3. Prepare documents for imported products from China.

How to start a business with China

There are a huge number of paid and free videos on how to turn cooperation with China into profit (for example, the Chinese Compote portal, a video tutorial from Chinaberry). Whether or not to undergo training is up to everyone to decide for themselves. However, it is worth focusing on several mandatory stages of a startup. To start a business with China, you need the following:

  1. Choose an idea: what to sell, to whom, how much money you can earn. For example, copies of iPhones, clothes for children, dishes, etc.
  2. Niche testing: creating a website, advertising, analyzing the number of applications from buyers.
  3. Sales method: your own online store, Avito, retail outlet, Instagram, VKontakte, etc.
  4. Find a platform for purchasing products: Aliexpress, Taobao, Alibaba and others.
  5. Order the first batch of goods and start selling.

How to build a business with China

If you believe reviews and video courses about this area of ​​work, it becomes clear that it is better to choose a supplier yourself, checking the reliability of the company and production. To do this, entrepreneurs who are ready to invest in business are recommended to go to China. If this is not possible, then you can read reviews about the seller and choose only stores with high ratings. You need to decide with the supplier what postal service Products will be delivered to reduce shipping times. Many work through an intermediary, but this increases costs.

To build a business with China, you need to remember several conditions, what you need to do to start cooperation:

  1. Ask the owner of the company for everything required licenses, certificates, certificates.
  2. Compare the company's legal address with its real one.
  3. Find out on the Internet what is located near this company.
  4. Be sure to request copies or scans of the company's bank documents in Chinese.

How to work directly with China

To significantly reduce average costs, it is recommended to do without intermediaries and personally cooperate with manufacturing factories in China. However, this option involves expanding the scope of work. You will have to trade a wide variety of goods, depending on the chosen specifics. Working directly with China is much more profitable, especially for businessmen involved in household appliances, furniture, branded items, fur coats. Manufacturers are more willing to make discounts and make concessions.

Thanks to the rapid pace of economic development, China has become one of the largest arenas in which one can connect one's business activities. Many commercial projects in China are not particularly unique; however, they are distinguished by their noticeable economy and wide variability. Introducing the selection best business ideas with China, which in the future can bring very good dividends.

To start working in the information business, it is important to learn how to compose and check a unique trade offer

In the 21st century, information is one of the most valuable resources. Moreover, the forms of its presentation can be completely different and diametrically opposed: video lessons, oral consultations, coaching, books, etc. In this regard, based on deep knowledge in any field, it is possible to give them an economic expression. The information here will act as a commodity that can be very valuable to many people. Before launching an information business project with China, you will have to carefully study the scope of market circulation. It will be necessary to work through a large number of existing cases, examples and successful strategies to promote this sector of business activity. After this, you will be able to create a unique selling proposition that is likely to pay off for your audience. An effective scheme for such a business idea with China is the following development:

  1. An aspiring entrepreneur is studying the market for Chinese products. He checks various categories goods on demand, supply, their maximum price.
  2. By acquiring information about a product, a businessman can begin to formulate a commercial offer for it. The characteristics of the product, its value, forms of sales and possible dividends should be described here.
  3. Further, the organizer of the case gives his commercial offer form of the product and offers it to potential buyers.
  4. The entrepreneur begins to constantly increase the audience of his customers and promotes his information business to the masses.

Create a landing page or group in in social networks, where you notify people that you can help them create ready-made business with China on resales. Give examples of the return on investment of specific products and demonstrate that they are really popular among the population. The most popular products that are involved in the information sales business are:

  • Copies of various world brands. Many people are not ready to constantly buy original products, since their prices are often very inflated. Inform your audience about worthy Chinese replicas on which you can build a business;
  • Electronic devices. Chinese manufacturers quickly respond to the emergence of all kinds of innovations, such as smart watches, action cameras and more. Buyers usually prefer these analogues in order to try them out and learn how they work.
  • Unusual accessories and classic gifts. While the manufacturer has not yet started selling any product, Chinese innovators are already producing additional cases, straps and films for it. Sell ​​information about what accessories will become popular in the near future and develop your business project in this way.

The benefit of such an idea lies in the minimal financial investments. Expenditures here can be made solely on advertising. However, gradually the need for it should disappear. If your information business turns out to really work, then reviews about it will quickly spread in the business community. Among the disadvantages of organizing a business of this kind are: high competition in the field of information business. This area employs many competent specialists who react with lightning speed to market offers.

Business with Alibaba Group

It is advisable to work on Alibaba services only with the Alibaba Escrow payment system, since financial risks in this case are significantly reduced

Alibaba is Chinese public company, involved in the field of Internet commerce. This platform is engaged in establishing connections between small and medium-sized businesses around the world. The operating income of this product marketplace is 50% higher than the combined figure of eBay and Such statistics open up enormous scope for business ideas, which can be expressed in the following:

  • Trading Alibaba shares. A couple of years ago, the company appeared at auction on one of the New York stock exchanges. Since then its emission securities show stable and high growth. This is an excellent investment that is guaranteed to bring enormous income. On this moment the price of one share is 150 US dollars.
  • Affiliate system. Alibaba, like other large platforms, has the form business cooperation between the seller and partners. With its help, you can attract new customers to the service and provide for yourself passive income. Start looking for profitable supplies from China for everyone. Find great deals and organize your logistics company.

Establishment business relations with Alibaba Group contains unmatched advantages. This company pays out over $5 million annually to webmasters who drive traffic. Thus, this business idea is one of the well-funded ones. Getting into its sector will allow you to enrich yourself with useful entrepreneurial experience and find reliable colleagues.

Only affordable Chinese equipment helps small businesses get back on their feet, gradually replacing unreliable Chinese ones with reliable European ones.

However, favorable prices Available from Chinese suppliers only for large wholesale orders. This is a disadvantage, since at the initial stage of business, entrepreneurs usually do not have the necessary resources for such volumes of work. Because of this, you may have difficulty attracting new customers.

Here, as in any type of business activity, there are risks. History knows of cases of collapse of even the largest cross-border companies. Therefore, when purchasing Alibaba shares and working with this service, you always have some chance of being left in the red.

Group purchases from China

Group purchases from China - one of the types of dropshipping

Joint acquisitions from China are an extremely simple and effective business model with minimal investment.

To implement it, it is best to turn to thematic forums or communities on social networks. There are specialized platforms where people join groups to jointly purchase a batch of goods from a supplier at a wholesale price.

Options for implementing such a business idea could be as follows:

  • You can become a group buying organizer from China. To do this you will need to open checking account in one of the banks in your region. Then organizational issues should be resolved. You will need a large audience that needs to be collected and united. Create a public page on social networks and offer your followers the best suppliers of Chinese goods. Promise good discount for products of the category with which you have decided to work. In this case, income will be the difference between the purchase price of Chinese products and the cost of their sales.
  • You can act as a supplier for organizers joint purchases. Here you need to choose a specific niche. For example, children's toys, jewelry, men's and women's accessories. Write down the conditions joint procurement and publish the characteristics of the products you offer. Working with a small assortment in this matter will be much easier, and purchasing from a Chinese supplier will be much more profitable.

Such commodity circulation allows its participants to save material resources, since the transaction is completed Retail Stores. Only the services of the purchase organizer (a small percentage) and transportation costs are paid.

The disadvantages include long delivery times for items from China. You will have to constantly be in touch so that clients do not worry or doubt the organizer’s honesty. Thus, most free time will need to be devoted to being in the “asset” status.

The main risk of such a business model is losing money. The goods may be of the wrong size, cut, color, style, which will provoke buyers to refuse them and not pay you.

Providing intermediary services

The main type of mediation of transactions with China is dropshipping

Often, buyers of Chinese goods are faced with a situation where the things they need are, for some reason, impossible or difficult to purchase. Intermediary agents come to their aid, taking on all the functions of agreeing on the terms of the transaction and completing it themselves.

What is dropshipping? This is the remote sale of goods without goods. You can sell a batch of goods without seeing this batch, and the goods themselves will be sent to the buyer directly from the factory.

To implement this idea, you will need the ability to have a good understanding of the online shopping system of all Chinese platforms. You will help customers:

  • Find and select the things you need;
  • Buy goods and deliver them to your warehouses;
  • Negotiate with transport services regarding sending parcels;
  • Organize the passage of goods through customs control;
  • Deliver the order to a specific destination.

Organization similar business requires solving a set organizational issues, however it will be worth it. Trade turnover with China has reached global scale, and many domestic entrepreneurs need products from the Middle Kingdom.

The disadvantages include the extreme scrupulousness of intermediary services: it is necessary to have warehouses located on the territory of the PRC; negotiate with transport services, it is advisable to know Chinese etc.

With correct legal registration of intermediary agreements, entrepreneurs can avoid most of the risks. However, the settlement of disputes with clients and partners will be allocated long time, which may result in losses for the business.

At making the right choice where the machine is placed, profits can be made around the clock

Net vending machines- very popular and current business not only in Russia, but throughout the world. The desirability of mediation with the PRC in this matter is explained wide range similar technical devices in this country and their low cost.

  1. Decide what type of goods you will sell through vending. They can act as food products, as well as other things not intended for consumption.
  2. Put your business into legal form. You can register as an individual entrepreneur, LLC, etc.
  3. Buy necessary equipment. In this case, you can use such Chinese services as Taobao, AliExpress, ChinaBuye, etc.
  4. Place the devices in areas where there are large crowds of people - shopping and entertainment centers, in office complexes, etc.
  5. Start receiving your first dividends.

The profitability of such a business is determined by a low input financial ceiling. You can start your business by purchasing just one or two devices. An original approach will also play a significant role in this matter. For example, in China, live crabs are cooled and placed directly into a vending machine.

Disadvantages include the possibility of vending machines breaking down and their great dependence on location.

The main risk of organizing such a business may be the possible unprofitability of vending. All this will depend on the thoroughness of the development of the business plan and its implementation.

Business on high-margin goods

When ordering small quantities of goods, delivery in many cases is provided free of charge

The term “margin” refers to the difference between price and cost. Some products of the People's Republic of China have the remarkable property of high margins. This means that you can buy cheap Chinese items through foreign suppliers and sell them at a noticeable margin.

Google or other services can help you find such products. search engines. Based on the dedicated Google Trends web application, we can conclude that good demand will currently use:

  • Beard care products;
    The horizontal axis of the graph displays time, and the vertical axis shows the frequency of search queries for something specific to the total number of queries in the world.
  • Coconut oil based products;
    Under the main graph of the application you can see the distribution of popularity by language, region and city
  • Wireless headphones;
    Additionally, the application has the ability to display news related to search queries in the world
  • 3D printing;
    On this graph you can track the increase in popularity over a certain period of time.
  • Speakers with Bluetooth & Wifi, etc.
    Based on the graph obtained by the application, you can see that the popularity and demand for speakers with Bluetooth & Wifi function is increasing every year

Google Trends is a public web application Google Corporation, based on Google search, which shows how often a certain term is searched in relation to the total volume of search queries in different regions of the world and in different languages.

All you have to do is purchase a batch of such goods and sell them at your own price. To find clients, use the two most effective options:

  • Creating a one-page website and launching teaser advertising on it;
  • Creating a VK public page and purchasing advertising from other public pages of this social network.

Markup of high-margin goods for Russian market should average 2,500 rubles. Thus, with 10 orders per day you will receive an income of 25,000, which is a very profitable result.

The weaknesses of such a business will be the lack of secure transactions on many Chinese online platforms. When working with a Chinese supplier, be prepared for the fact that you take on all the risks of cooperation.

You can minimize risks and gain practical knowledge of selling high-margin goods at the marathon " » . Product ideas, sales schemes and algorithms, vivid examples successful business, as well as all the necessary reference Information and contacts of trusted suppliers.

Opening your own store on Aliexpress

Through the Aliexpress platform you can buy various products in the cheapest, safest and fastest way. necessary goods, without leaving home

Anyone can start own business on the Aliexpress global trading platform. The difficulty is that registration requires the potential seller to reside in China. If you are actually located in another place, then you will have to look for an intermediary or go to the Middle Kingdom yourself. It is also possible to open an account in the name of a friend in China whom you can trust.

  1. Log in to seller.aliexpress.
  2. Fill out the form with your address Email, password, first name, last name, etc.
    In order to avoid the imposition of fines or certain sanctions, all information during registration must be accurate
  3. Enter your phone number in the special field, to which you will later receive an activation code.
    For successful authorization on the site, confirmation via an activation code is required
  4. Scan or photograph your visa and China entry stamp. After verification, you will become a full-fledged Aliexpress seller.
    The difficulty of opening a site is that you need to link your place of residence, as well as a stamp of entry into the Celestial Empire

In Russia, partnerships with Chinese services continue to gain momentum. This is because it will be possible to conduct business from anywhere in the world where there is an Internet connection. The main thing is to have accounts in Chinese banks and withdraw profits through them.

One of the disadvantages is the fact that buyers generally trust only trusted sellers. For some time you will have to build up a rating, receive positive reviews and ratings from those with whom you have already collaborated.

The risk of such a business plan is expressed in the possibility of unstable operation of a foreign service. The Chinese side will defend its trading platform and not provide you with any warranty, which may result in damages.

Export to China

China not only exports goods own production, but also purchases products for the population and industrial development

Business with China can be built not only on the resale of Chinese goods. The Celestial market is a very promising sales location with a potential reach of more than 1 billion people. The most popular products in China are agricultural products, semi-finished products, chocolate, candies, pine nut etc.

  1. Study the Chinese market and pricing procedures.
  2. Decide on the segment of future buyers.
  3. Prepare export contracts and insure the goods.
  4. Go through the customs registration procedure in the Russian Federation and customs clearance in China.

Such a business idea will require a lot of financial and time investment. But it is worth considering that the prospects for this area are very high. Export Russian goods in China is growing steadily.

The main risk for a domestic entrepreneur will be that foreign market will not accept your product. You may not be able to withstand competition with other manufacturers and run your business at a disadvantage. Therefore, analyze the demand well, offer the Chinese side several test samples and conduct surveys among buyers. Based on this, you can design an effective business model.

Business idea for cargo transportation from China to Russia

Shipping convenient with uniform documentation and lack of paperwork

Rail, road and sea freight transportation is a guarantee of stable transportation of goods. The largest flow of products to near and far abroad countries comes from the People's Republic of China. Therefore, a cargo transportation business idea is an excellent option for a profitable business.

  1. Pass state registration and receive a certificate of the right to carry out international transportation of all types.
  2. Make a purchase Vehicle and equipment.
  3. Rent office space to guide your business strategy.
  4. Swipe advertising company to attract customers.

Your profit will directly depend on the number of clients. At the initial stage, income will be expressed in small cash receipts. However, such entrepreneurial activity maybe in a year and a half.

It is worth taking a closer look at the area of ​​maritime cargo transportation. The Chinese government is actively developing the shipbuilding and maritime industries. Plus, ports of all countries of the world establish unified system documentation, which greatly simplifies the paperwork process.

The disadvantage of the idea of ​​cargo transportation is the large initial financial investment. It will take about 1.5 million rubles to launch such a project.

Opening an offline store of things

Some brand companies have branches in China, so the cost of such things has become significantly lower

Buyers of Chinese products can be divided into two categories. Some of them don’t mind waiting several months for ordered goods and saving on their purchase price. Others, on the contrary, are not ready to bother for so long with the delivery of their orders. For the second segment of consumers, opening an offline store will be an excellent alternative to online shopping.

Your profit will be expressed in the markup on Chinese goods.

To organize your point of sale you will need:

  1. Register as an individual entrepreneur.
  2. Buy the necessary products and rent premises.
  3. Engage in the design of the store, spend money on advertising and wages employees.

Selecting a supplier will be the most difficult and important part of organizing such a business. Assess the reputation of your counterparty, determine whether he has genuine legal address and read reviews about it.

It is best if the first batch turns out to be a trial one. Do not order in bulk at once, but check the quality of the product yourself.

The main risk for an entrepreneur in this matter will be the possibility of falling for scammers. There are still underground factories operating among Chinese manufacturers that may not supply goods or do so in violation of the terms of the contract.

Business with China continues to delight all interested parties with the variety of its opportunities. The main thing is to decide on your ambitions and clearly set the goals you want to achieve.


Hello, dear readers! It's time to summarize all the information about Business with China into one complete guide. There are a lot of articles on the site, and today I have put everything together so that you can get one complete picture in your head about doing business with China in the resale of goods and you know where to start!

  1. What do we mean by business with China and how does it work;
  2. Where to start a business with China in the resale of goods and what is needed for this;
  3. Where to buy goods, how to do it and how to sell.

As usual, I write everything from personal experience. So, a complete guide to doing business with China!

What is business with China and what is its essence?

When I talk about business with China, I mean the resale of goods from China. Those. bought goods in China, sold them in Russia. This will be discussed further. Resale only!

I won't touch on manufacturing in China because it is a very labor-intensive process. And if you have money for it, then it is better to spend it on consulting specialists in this field. Therefore, do not ask me questions regarding production in China if you do not have at least several million rubles for this. Nobody in China will make you 10 pieces of something. Production is measured in thousands. I'm talking about conveyor (factory) production, not underground production.

Why business with China is still considered profitable

It has always been profitable and will continue to be profitable for a long time. Just look around in your apartment and you will understand that most electronics and household appliances are made in China, clothes are sewn in China, etc. Everything is brought from there!

Fact No. 1. Russia will not learn to produce stylish clothes, good electronics, etc. for a long time. I love my country, but nothing can be done about it, I have no faith that everything will change quickly in Russia. I would be only too glad, but alas, for now we have what we have.

Fact No. 2. Although many people can already order goods from China on the same Aliexpress, there will always be those who find it easier to buy from you in Russia and receive their purchase now or in a few days than to wait a month, or even more, for the order to arrive from Aliexpress . If it were otherwise, the stores in Mega and other shopping centers would have been empty for a long time.

Fact No. 3. China is the world's largest counterfeiter famous brands. Many brands have production in China, and within a month after the release of any brand new product, exact copies (counterfeits) appear on the Chinese markets at a price several times lower. Nobody can compete with China in this, which means we will always buy the goods we need there.

There are many more things that could be listed, but I think that 3 facts are enough.

Is it possible to start a business in China without investments or only with investments?

Business with China without investments is not possible! No way. At a minimum, you will need investments for goods, advertising, a website, etc.

You will say that there is dropshipping with China. I agree! But no one has canceled investments in the website and advertising (at least).

Possible with investments. But only initially you need to calculate the amount of investment to implement your idea.

Who can do business with China

Now I will give several criteria that are mandatory, in my opinion:

  1. You must have an interest in this. If you are interested in Buy and Sell activities, then this is for you.
  2. You must have free time. The more, the faster you will receive the results of your labors.
  3. You should have at least a superficial understanding of how online sales work and know the types of advertising.
  4. You must have at least a modern computer or laptop.
  5. You must be a confident PC and Internet user.
  6. You must be able to see immediately what is profitable and what is not.
  7. You should not have any questions about what markup to make on the product, etc. This is easy to check by comparing prices in China with your competitors in Russia and making a calculation for the 1st grade level of the school (Sale price - price in China = markup). In any commerce, no matter whether it is China or not, you must be able to count, especially money.
  8. You must be able to find products that are in demand.
  9. You should not have the last of your money, but free money, which you don’t mind losing if something happens.
  10. You must be prepared to learn a lot of new information.

And you don’t need to believe all sorts of pseudo-gurus on the Internet that you can start a business with China without investment, spending 20 minutes a day on it and working from your phone. All this is a temptation to buy information courses. There is only 1 course that really teaches and in which there is a real breakdown of sales of goods from China. But you can read about it below if you are interested.

Where to start a business with China in the resale of goods

Below will be step-by-step instruction, but because a lot has already been written on my website, I will provide links to some points so that you can read more.

Step 1. Idea for business with China - what to sell

First you need to find an idea:

  1. What do you want to sell;
  2. Why this particular product;
  3. How will you sell it;
  4. Who is your potential client;
  5. How much can you earn from this;
  6. Where in the end is it better for you to purchase goods?

I will talk about many things in more detail below. But after your analysis, the idea should look like this.


  1. I will sell bags;
  2. Because it has no dimension, but has constant demand;
  3. Since the assortment is large, it will be an online store + a group on VKontakte + an Instagram account;
  4. I will initially focus on the female audience, because... they change them more often, in the future I will add a men’s range;
    Or will I start selling first? man's bags, because I understand this product and know that their prices are often higher, which means a higher markup + I am a man myself and understand the male audience better.
  5. After looking at 100 sites selling men's bags and sites where they can be bought in China, I saw that you can mark up 100% on the product, which will allow you to double the money invested in the product from the sale. By investing 20,000 rubles. I will receive 40,000 rubles. Let’s subtract money for advertising, etc. from this. it still works out good profit. + there is a run-up for discounts.
  6. Since I don’t have money for wholesale, and I need to test it on a smaller amount first, I’ll stop at the Taobao website. If I live in Moscow, then it still makes sense to go to the Sadovod market.

Example 2:

  1. I will be selling the Scholl Heel File;
  2. Because this product is actively advertised even on TV and there is a great demand for it;
  3. Since there is only one product, I will sell through the Landing Page (one-page website) + VKontakte group + Instagram account. I will use contextual advertising for traffic to a one-page site.
  4. Women and girls from 20 to 45 years old with average and above average income (since with a low income they are better off buying pumice).
  5. Having looked at 100 competitors’ websites, the average price for this file is 2000 rubles, but in China I can buy it for 600 rubles. Good twist. If you consider that there are thousands of requests on the Internet, you can make good money.
  6. Since I have one product, I will consider purchasing on the 1688 or Taobao website. If I live in Moscow, then it still makes sense to go to the Sadovod market.

And the more detailed your diagram and your analysis, the more accurate the results will be. I advise you to choose more than 10 niches, analyze and test each one, and then engage in those that are most interesting and profitable for you.

What is profitable to sell from China?

The answer is simple - anything! Everything you can sell and what EXACTLY will be profitable for you to sell.

You should initially approach this from the profit side: “This product costs 1000 rubles in Russia, but I found it in China for 200 rubles. It’s profitable, buy for 200, sell for 1,000.” And not vice versa!

I can’t tell you what exactly to sell you. Because Everyone has a different vision of the market and not everyone can sell everything. Selecting a product is an individual process for everyone. I know people who earn hundreds of thousands a month from women's bracelets. But I wouldn’t be able to sell women’s bracelets the way they sell, which means I wouldn’t be able to earn the same amount of money. I hope you understand what I mean?!

To find ideas for business with China, the following articles will help you:

Step 2. Where and how to buy goods in China wholesale and retail

The basis of those sites where you can purchase goods:

  1. Taobao
  2. Aliexpress
  3. Alibaba

The first 2 are retail, the second 2 are wholesale. I work with Taobao for retail and 1688 for wholesale! But very often I look for suppliers on Alibaba (I don’t buy there, but I look for suppliers and correspond with them!!!)

But you can also buy in Russia (Moscow) at.

To work with these sites and, in principle, to find suppliers, the following articles will help you:

For purchases on all sites except Aliexpress you will need an intermediary, because purchasing on your own is very problematic and sometimes risky! The intermediary buys your goods without risk for a percentage and sends them to you in one order. Issues with customs also fall on the shoulders of the intermediary, so you simply receive your goods in your city. It's convenient and simple!

You can find your own intermediary, or you can use mine. I wrote about him in the article: .

Step 3. Test the niche

When you have collected a list of ideas, analyzed the demand, and found a product, then it’s time to start testing the niche. I wrote about this in detail in an article about.

In short, the process consists of quickly creating a website (can be copied from competitors), setting up test advertising with a minimum budget and receiving applications for the purchase of your products. If there are a lot of requests, then it is worth purchasing goods and starting active sales. If not, then we test another idea. We continue this way until the tests show positive results.

By testing BEFORE purchasing products, you save a lot of money!

Step 4. How to sell and ship goods from China to customers

There are many ways to sell:

  1. Social networks (Vkontakte - groups, Instagram - account);
  2. Online store
  3. Notice boards (Avito)
  4. Single-page sites (Landing Page)
  5. Offline store (outlet)

I can’t tell you anything about offline sales, because... did not open brick-and-mortar stores. I only worked on the Internet.

Here is a selection of articles on sales tools:

Here are articles on sending products to customers and accepting payment:

Step 5. What we have as a result

Let's go through the first 4 steps and in the end we get:

  1. You have chosen a product, decided on a niche;
  2. You know where to buy goods;
  3. You have tested the products and you still have those that gave the best results after the test;
  4. You know how you will advertise and sell products;
  5. All that remains is to purchase goods and increase advertising and sales volumes.

Business training with China

I am self-taught, I have not studied with anyone and now I am not teaching anyone. But I didn’t come to the product business as a newbie in the Internet business; I knew how to make websites myself, set up advertising, etc. Accordingly, I studied only the product part, but still spent a lot of time, effort and money on self-study and tests, which were not always successful.

If you don’t want to spend a lot of time getting your head around, you can learn from someone.

I only recommend one person to you , who can really teach the commodity business on the Internet is Roman Kolesnikov. Here is information about his course. There are also free lessons!

This is the only person I know who is primarily engaged in business selling goods and only teaches in addition! Those. he is truly a practitioner, whose knowledge is growing every day, because he is still in this business. Over all this time, he has achieved good results and often shares them on the pages of my website!

He will teach you from scratch how to achieve success in sales. Chinese goods, starting from searching for products, ending with setting up advertising, creating a website and working with clients. FROM AND TO.

But, I repeat once again, it’s up to you to study or not. Roman's course is just my recommendation for those who have decided to study and are wondering who to go to. If such a course had been available when I started, I would definitely have taken advantage of it.

I am often asked to give some advice to beginners. I also collected these:

  1. Start with little money and gradually increase your turnover. Any undertaking carries the risk of being left with nothing. Therefore, try with minimal investment, and when everything starts to work out, invest more money.
  2. If you are completely new to business with China, then I would advise you to learn from someone (I wrote above), because the market is developing very quickly and you may not be able to keep up with your competitors by learning on your own. But here everything is purely individual.
  3. Analyze competitors, products and demand as deeply as possible. It’s not always enough to just point your finger and say: “I want to sell this...”. You may want it, but will they buy it? Therefore, first of all, evaluate the requests on the Internet (I gave the link above to assess the demand), look at prices on Chinese sites, prices from competitors, and then decide whether it’s worth trying or not.
  4. If you are not interested, then better not start. Burn out quickly. This has long been proven in any business. Routine is everywhere and at first you will have to do most of the work.
  5. Don’t believe those who say they will teach you to work 2 hours a day and earn big money, this is a scam. It has long been proven.
  6. All products need to be touched. Therefore, order the product for yourself, touch it and then sell it. This way you will be more confident in the quality of the product and will be able to tell more about it.
  7. At first, do everything yourself, and then delegate. Otherwise, you won't be able to grow quickly.
  8. Don’t focus only on sales in your city, don’t make my mistakes. Sell ​​immediately throughout Russia.
  9. Don't be afraid of competition, it exists in any business. And where there is no business, there is no business.
  10. Be honest with customers, provide excellent service, fight for the quality of the product and come up with all sorts of promotions, discounts, gifts, etc. Make your client happy and then the client will make you happy.

Business with China and laws

Everyone must understand that any business activity must be registered and taxes must be paid on any income. Therefore, business with China is the same business and the same rules apply. Which means:

  1. You need to register a business (IP or LLC);
  2. Pay taxes;
  3. Have documents for the goods.

But I’ll make a reservation right away. Everyone, without exception, starts earning money without registering or paying taxes. This is logical! And I would advise you to try it first, and when things get going and you start getting stable income, then register your business.

May the gentlemen forgive me. authorities, but personally, I don’t see the point in registering a business for those who have sold 3-10 products and can’t do any more. In this connection, the activity ceases. But when you have been working profitably for several months and know that you will continue to do this, then you need to register the business. If, when registering an individual entrepreneur, they had done the first year without taxes and contributions, then I would have changed my opinion, because... no one loses anything. But not yet.

We have been working as individual entrepreneurs for a long time and there is nothing scary about it, as many may think.

(makes the work much easier).

  • If your products are subject to mandatory certification, then an article about.
  • That's all. Nothing complicated!

    Answers to frequently asked questions

    — Is it possible to start a business with China without investment?

    No. Only with investments, but possible with minimal ones.

    — How much income should I start with as an individual entrepreneur?

    As long as your conscience allows it. There are no such amounts. By law you need to open immediately from day one! If logically, then I described above. But there are no definite amounts, it all depends on you.

    — Is it possible to purchase in China without an intermediary?

    You will get a bunch of hemorrhoids, believe me! Everyone who doesn’t believe and tries, then asks me questions like: “Nikolai, what should I do, the goods were detained at customs” or “Nikolai, what should I do, all the goods came to me defective.” To avoid all this, there is an intermediary.

    — Give me the contacts of your intermediary!?!

    In the article about the intermediary (given above), I wrote where to go for an intermediary. Those who apply through the site (Ask a Question) all receive contacts of a person I have verified in China.

    - Nikolay, advise me, of course it’s not free!

    I do not provide consultations, paid or free. If you want to learn, I gave a link to Roman’s course above, he’s a pro!

    - If I don’t understand anything about this, I don’t have a computer, only a phone, how can I start?

    No way! Better look for something else for yourself. And in some cases it is better to look for a job. I'm not judging you, I just can't help you.

    Do you think no one asks such questions? Catch:

    As questions come in, I will add them here.

    In conclusion, I would like to wish you good luck in all your endeavors! Do what you like, learn and become better! Read my website, or better yet, subscribe to new articles, there’s a lot of interesting stuff here!

    Best regards, Schmidt Nikolay