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Intensive production means. Indicators and methods for determining the intensification of agricultural production

A general indicator of the level of intensity is the sum of the cost of fixed production assets and current production costs(without depreciation) per unit of processed area. It can be expressed by the following formula:

U= (Ф0+Пз)/Зп;

where U is the level of intensity, rub./ha;

Ф0 – cost of fixed production assets, rub.;

Pz – the amount of production costs (without depreciation), rub.;

Zp – land area, hectares.

It's direct and main indicator level of intensity of agricultural production. It most fully reflects the essence of intensification, that is, the concentration of materialized and living labor per unit of land area. If the denominator takes into account the entire cultivated land area, then it expresses the level of intensity of the entire Agriculture, and if the denominator indicates the area of ​​arable land, then this indicator used to characterize the intensity of farming.

To analyze the achieved level of intensity, the main indicator can be divided into additional ones. For example, they separately determine the cost of fixed production assets per hectare of land area (U=F 0/Zp) and the amount of current production costs in in monetary terms per unit of land (U = Pz/Zp). The size of fixed agricultural production assets reflects the amount of production assets involved in increasing the economic fertility of the land and creating new consumer values. This indicator is widely used in economic research. The change in the level of intensity of agriculture can be judged by the growth of capital availability, which is determined by the ratio of the cost of fixed agricultural production assets per hectare of land.

Fixed production assets, as is known, function inextricably linked with working capital and ensure their rational use in the production process. In this regard, the indicator of the size of current production costs in monetary terms per hectare of land area allows us to further reveal the main indicator of intensity.

This indicator does not take into account all fixed assets used on farms, but only that part of them that was consumed in the production process when growing crops and obtaining livestock products. Size consumed working capital and depreciation of fixed assets can be determined from the annual reports of farms. This indicator is the most accessible and widely used in practice and scientific research when determining the level of intensity. Production costs per unit of cultivated area vary significantly by zone.

Indicators characterizing the level of intensification.

When considering agricultural intensification, it is necessary to distinguish between two aspects: the level of production intensity and the economic efficiency of intensification.

The level of intensity of agricultural production reflects the degree of concentration of means of production and labor on the same land area. To determine the level of intensity, a system of indicators is used, which includes both general and specific, both cost and natural indicators.

The main indicators of the level of intensity of agricultural production (I) include the following:

1. Total agricultural costs (sum of fixed agricultural production assets and production costs without depreciation) per 1 hectare of land area, rub.:

I1 = (Fo + PZ – A)/PL

where Фo is the cost of fixed agricultural production assets, rubles; PP – production costs, rub.; A – depreciation of fixed assets, rub.; PL – area of ​​agricultural land, hectares.

2. Cost of production assets (fixed and working capital) per 1 hectare of agricultural land, rubles:

I2 = (Fo + Fob)/PL

where Fob – production revolving funds, rub.

3. Cost of fixed agricultural production assets per 1 hectare of land area (capital equipment), rub.:

4. The amount of current agricultural production costs per 1 hectare of agricultural land, rubles:

The given indicators characterize the intensity of all agriculture. In conditions of inflation and sharp price increases, in order to objectively assess the level of production intensity, it is necessary to compare actual and standard intensity indicators. To determine the level of farming intensity, the following indicators are used:

1. Total costs of crop production per 1 hectare of arable land.

2. Cost of crop production assets per 1 hectare of arable land.

3: The amount of current production costs of crop production per 1 hectare of arable land.

4. Power supply energy resources(in hp) per 100 hectares of arable land or sown area.

5. The volume of applied fertilizers (mineral and organic) per 1 hectare of arable land.

6. Density of mechanized work - the volume of mechanized work (in terms of floor hectares) per 1 hectare of arable land.

Indicators of the level of livestock farming intensity are as follows:

1. The total costs of livestock farming per conventional head.

2. The cost of livestock production assets per conventional head.

3. The amount of current livestock production costs per one conventional head or one head of the main herd.

4. Feed consumption per head of livestock.

5. Level of mechanization production processes.

6. The share of pedigree animals in the total population.

If the increased concentration of means of production in the industry indicates its intensification, then an increase in production per hectare while simultaneously reducing labor and capital costs per unit of useful effect indicates the effectiveness of intensification.

The economic efficiency of intensification reflects the ratio of the obtained result (effect) and the costs or resources that determined this result. There are three possible types of this relationship: the additional effect exceeds the additional costs associated with the intensification of production - efficiency increases and the invested funds ensure expanded reproduction; the additional effect is equal to the costs - the efficiency remains the same, only simple reproduction is possible; the additional effect is less than the costs - the efficiency of investments decreases, intensification is carried out ineffectively.

The economic efficiency of intensifying agricultural production is characterized by a system of indicators:

– volume of gross output (gross and net income) per 1 ruble. total costs; 1 hectare of land area; 1 rub. fixed agricultural production assets; 1 rub. production costs; per 1 employee or 1 person/hour; crop yields;

– animal productivity;

– unit cost of production;

– level of profitability.

The economic efficiency of agriculture largely depends on the level of production intensity. IN last years There has been a downward trend in the intensity of agriculture, although value indicators have increased sharply. The growth in cost indicators of intensity is explained by repeated revaluation of fixed production assets, increased prices for materials and other means of production, and increased wages.

Under the current conditions, it is impossible to objectively study the level of agricultural intensity in dynamics based on cost indicators, but these indicators can be used to determine the intensity of production in compared farms.

In conditions of inflation, violation of price parity for agricultural and industrial products, rural producers began to purchase less equipment, fertilizers, plant and animal protection products, and others material resources. All this caused a decrease in the level of agricultural intensity.

The fall in production intensity has led to a decrease in the economic efficiency of agriculture.

Indicators characterizing the economic efficiency of intensification.

Fundamental in modern approach to the intensification of production is the compliance of each of its directions with environmental requirements and taking into account the objective laws of nature when carrying out specific activities. It is impossible to carry out normal reproduction without spending on environmental restoration.

This aspect has not been analyzed by economics in the past. However, the intensive development of society noticeably aggravates ecological problems, and first of all they manifest themselves in large cities, as well as in industries distributed over large territories, among which agriculture takes precedence.

As agricultural intensification expands and deepens, it affects not only the economic and social spheres, but also actively invades nature. In the agro-industrial complex, like in no other sector of the national economy, production processes are intertwined with natural ones and are highly dependent on them. In addition, the agro-industrial complex, being one of the main users of natural resources, largely determines the state of the environment.

The most environmentally dangerous direction of agricultural intensification is the chemicalization of agriculture, which accounts for three quarters of the volume of mineral fertilizers produced in the country, almost all pesticides, retardants and other artificial products. These means, to one degree or another, affect not only the yield of agricultural crops, but also environment, and not always positively. In some cases, negative results caused by the use of chemical agents are negated positive effect. This cannot be ignored, since environmental issues affect the interests of both individuals and society as a whole.

The intensification of chemicalization in agriculture should be understood as the process of improving the use of appropriate means, accompanied by an increase in the yield of agricultural products while simultaneously reducing the cost of its unit based on increasing the economic fertility of the soil and the safety of the resulting crop, subject to compliance with the basic laws of ecology.

Current state agriculture presupposes the need to develop a comprehensive environmental and economic assessment of the activities of both the enterprise and individual technological measures. Ecological economic efficiency– this is a cumulative assessment of the results of production or activities, including indicators economic effect taking into account economic and social consequences expressed in monetary form.

An ecological-economic approach should be used when assessing all areas of agricultural intensification.

Increasing the economic efficiency of agricultural intensification requires comprehensive consideration of natural and economic conditions, active use of land, logistics and labor resources. Costs invested in the development of agriculture must be spent rationally, so that for each unit of expenditure, farms receive the largest amount of output and maximum profit.

Economic efficiency of intensification agricultural production is determined by a system of indicators, among which the following are of paramount importance:

Gross output per unit of land area. This indicator can be determined by the formula:

where Ei is the economic efficiency of intensification, rub./ha;

VP – cost of gross output, rub.;

Zp – land area, hectares.

The gross output of the economy is estimated at comparable prices. This makes it possible to use this indicator in dynamics, as well as to compare the activities of a number of farms operating under the same conditions.

An increase in the yield of products per hectare while simultaneously reducing the cost of its production indicates high level efficiency of intensification. In this case, every ruble invested in agriculture brings not only additional products that offset costs, but also allows you to receive additional net income.

Gross income per hectare of agricultural land;

where VD is gross net income, rub.

This indicator expresses a more rational use of additional investments made in more advanced means of production, advanced technology, highly productive varieties agricultural crops and livestock breeds, etc.

Net income or profit per unit of agricultural land;

extensive intensive agricultural income

Ei=BH/Zp or Pr/Zp,

where NH is net income, rub.;

Pr – profit, rub.

This indicator is known to be of particular importance. Since net income is the main source of additional investments, further expansion and strengthening of production depends on its size. Consistent intensification of agriculture leads to a higher return on additional investments, and, consequently, to an increase in net income.

The economic efficiency of agricultural intensification can also be characterized by such indicators as Ei - the size of gross output (gross and net income) per unit of labor input:

Ei=VP/T or VD/T or BH/T,

where T – labor costs for production, man-hour.

VP is the output of gross output (gross and net income) based on fixed and current production assets;

Ei=VP/(Fo+Co) or VD/(Fo+Co) or BH/(Fo+Co),

where F0 is the cost of fixed production assets, thousand rubles;

С0 – cost of working capital, rub.

Thus, the economic efficiency of agricultural intensification is expressed in an increase in production per unit of land area, in a reduction in the costs of material and living labor per unit of production

Production intensification

development process social production, based on an increasingly complete and rational use technical, material and labor resources based scientific and technological progress. Intensive development differs from extensive, which boils down to increasing production capacity on the same technical basis, increasing the material resources used and the number of workers. Characterizing the development of production, K. Marx wrote in Capital that “ certain intervals of time, reproduction occurs, and, moreover, if we consider it from a social point of view, reproduction on an expanded scale: expanded extensively, if only the field of production expands ; expanded intensively if more efficient means of production are used” (Marx K. and Engels F., Works, 2nd ed., vol. 24, p. 193).

The intensive development of production under capitalism is aimed at increasing the profits of capitalists while increasing the intensity of labor. I. p. - important factor V competition capitalist entrepreneurs. Social consequences of capitalist industrial production - increased exploitation of workers, increased occupational diseases and industrial injuries, increased unemployment.

Socialist industrial production is aimed at increasing the efficiency of social production in every possible way while simultaneously increasing the well-being and cultural level of the working people and eliminating heavy labor. manual labor, the gradual erasure of the differences between mental and physical labor. The main sources of socialist industrial development are scientific and technological progress, improvement of the organization of production and labor, improvement of the system and methods of management and planning. Socialist industrial production provides for a normal intensity of labor, based on the scientific organization of labor and a creative attitude towards it, on the high conscious discipline of all workers.

The specific forms of industrial production under socialism depend on the characteristics of each sector of the national economy. IP in industry - widespread, economically justified introduction of progressive equipment, new types of materials, raw materials and fuel, highly efficient complex mechanized and automated technological processes,improving the quality of products, improving the organization of production based on its further specialization and cooperation, improving the use of equipment, space, raw materials, materials, fuel and energy, accelerating production processes. IP in construction - increasing the level of industrialization, transforming construction into a complex mechanized process of assembling buildings and structures from standardized elements manufactured by industry; equipping construction with high-performance equipment, reducing construction time, improving its quality. In agriculture, industrial development is the improvement of farming standards based on further electrification, chemicalization, comprehensive mechanization, land reclamation, and introduction into production. latest achievements agronomic and biological sciences, advanced technology and production organization. The effectiveness of industrial production lies in increasing production and national income while simultaneously increasing labor productivity and capital productivity and reducing the material intensity of manufactured products.

The degree of industrial production in the industry of the USSR is characterized, for example, by the following data: labor productivity increased in 1971 compared to 1940 by 5.2 times; the cost of industrial production fixed assets in mechanical engineering and metalworking increased in 1970 compared to 1960 by 178%, and the total volume of production in this industry by 213%; at public power plants specific consumption standard fuel per 1 supplied kWh electricity decreased from 645 G in 1940 to 360 G in 1971; The utilization rate of the useful volume of blast furnaces improved from 1.19 m 3 on 1 T in 1940 to 0.592 in 1971, and the average daily steel output from 1 m 2 The hearth area of ​​open hearth furnaces increased during this time from 4.24 T up to 9.16 T.

The development of a socialist economy occurs through the use of both intensive and extensive factors. As socialist production improves, the relationship between extensive and intensive factors changes in favor of the latter. At the present stage of communist construction, industrial production has become the main source of development and increase in production efficiency. It occurs in the context of a scientific and technological revolution and covers all sectors of the national economy.

Lit.: Materials of the XXIV Congress of the CPSU, M., 1971; Heinman S. A., Problems of intensification industrial production, M., 1968; Afanasyev V.G., On the intensification of the development of socialist society, M., 1969; Factors economic development USSR, ed. A. I. Notkina, M., 1970; Intensification and reserves of the economy, M.; 1970.

B. I. Maidanchik.

Great Soviet Encyclopedia. - M.: Soviet Encyclopedia. 1969-1978 .

See what “Intensification of production” is in other dictionaries:

    Increasing production efficiency based on: the use of the latest equipment and technology, as well as advanced methods of labor organization; on the rational use of labor, material and financial resources. See also: Production... ... Financial Dictionary

    Encyclopedia of Sociology

    production intensification- Growth in production based on a more complete, efficient and rational use of technical, material and labor resources based on scientific and technological progress... Dictionary of Geography

    production intensification- the process of production development, based on the increasingly complete and rational use of technical, material and labor resources on the basis of scientific and technical progress. Intensive development differs from... ...

    INTENSIFICATION OF PRODUCTION- – one of the areas of increasing production efficiency associated with increasing production volume, more effective use material, labor and financial resources as a result of the introduction of scientific and technological progress... Brief dictionary economist

    INTENSIFICATION OF PRODUCTION- English intensification of production; German Intensivierung der Produktion. Increasing production efficiency, based on the use of the latest equipment and technology, advanced methods of labor organization, rational use of labor,... ... Dictionary in Sociology

    - (from Latin intensio tension, strengthening and...fication), strengthening, increase in tension, productivity, effectiveness (for example, intensification of production) ... Modern encyclopedia

    Intensification- (from Latin intensio tension, strengthening and...fication), strengthening, increasing tension, productivity, effectiveness (for example, intensification of production). ... Illustrated Encyclopedic Dictionary

    Consistently increasing investment of means of production and labor per unit of land area, and in livestock farming per head of livestock, application of scientific achievements and advanced experience, improvement of farming methods and technology... ... Great Soviet Encyclopedia

    Intensification- (from Latin intensio tension, strengthening and facio do) strengthening, increasing tension, productivity, effectiveness: See also: intensification of production ... Encyclopedic Dictionary of Metallurgy


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Ministry of Education Russian Federation

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Voronezh State Architecture and Construction


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Scientific supervisor: Doctor of Economic Sciences, Professor

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I Intensive type of production and its characteristics

1.1 The essence of production intensification

1.2 Options for expanded reproduction

1.3 Types of production intensification

II New quality of economic development

2.1 Comprehensive intensification

2.2 What's New in Economic Growth in the 1990s

2.3 The relationship between intensification and efficiency under socialism

III Intensification construction production

3.1 Intensification system of capital construction

3.2 Assessment of intensification of construction production

3.3 Production assets

3.4 System of indicators expressing the socio-economic efficiency of construction production





The problem of assessing the intensification of construction production has been studied by many domestic scientists. However, it should be noted that to date there are not only generally accepted indicators and methods for assessing its level, but even a generally accepted understanding of it. This paper examines production intensification in detail.

Intensification as a concept, it is initially a process. In our case, this is the process of intensifying construction production. Therefore, when analyzing and assessing the level of intensification of construction production, it is necessary to consider it as a process and, accordingly, analyze and evaluate the actual dynamics of change and the comparative level of the components of this process. Naturally, it is also necessary to evaluate the result of this process - the achievement of economic results from the intensification of the use of production resources required for its implementation.

Construction production includes:
processes of construction and installation work at construction sites;
manufacturing processes construction products, semi-finished products, assembly units in auxiliary production of construction and installation organizations;
production services for the processes of construction and installation works and the manufacture of products, semi-finished products, assembly units in auxiliary industries (purchase and delivery of building structures, materials, raw materials, horizontal and vertical transport of building structures and materials on construction sites, organization and maintenance work construction sites, organization and production management, etc.).

Therefore, as components of the process of intensification of construction production, when analyzing and assessing it, it is proposed to consider and take into account:
intensification processes of construction and installation works;

intensification production processes in the manufacture of building structures and products, semi-finished products, assembly units in auxiliary industries;
intensification production processes in service industries and maintenance of construction and installation organizations.

But, considering the process of intensifying the use of production resources when creating construction products, it is necessary to keep in mind that the design and structural solutions of the buildings and structures being erected have a significant impact on the degree of use of production resources during construction and installation work. There is no need to prove that, firstly, different design solutions for the same structural elements require different costs of labor, materials, energy, machine operating time and, secondly, not all applied design and structural solutions for elements of buildings and structures are technologically advanced in execution and economical in terms of production costs. Therefore, as an important component and factor in the intensification of construction production, one should also accept the rationality of design and structural solutions of buildings and structures, the development and use of less resource-intensive building structures.

Since the process intensification of construction production is quite multifaceted and multifaceted, as follows from the above, it is unlikely that its content and quality can be assessed using one single indicator. Therefore, this work uses a system of indicators that allows us to assess the level of intensification of construction production for all its components for the organization as a whole, production areas, construction projects and sites, individual construction and installation works, and their complexes.


1. 1 The essence of production intensification

In the very general view the economic growth means a quantitative increase in production results. The main macroeconomic indicators used to calculate the economic growth of the public economy are gross national product (GNP) and national income (NI). Accordingly, indicators of economic growth are the ratio of real GNP or NI of one period to similar volume indicators of another period. These indicators are measured as percentages and are called growth rates (or growth). To achieve greater accuracy of the analysis results, economic growth indicators are calculated per capita.

There are two types of economic growth: extensive and intensive.

For extensive type economic growth is achieved by using more resources while maintaining the same technical basis of production. The main factors of extensive growth are an increase in the number of employees, an increase in the number of pieces of equipment and the amount of natural resources. As a result, production output per employee remains the same. (Appendix 1)

A more complex type of economic growth is intensive(French intensif - tension). His main hallmark- increasing efficiency production factors based on technical progress.
With this type of expanded reproduction, a new factor of economic growth appears - increasing the efficiency of all traditional factors. Due to this production function is transformed. Its simplest expression is:

Y = AF (K, L, N).

In this formula, A is the total productivity of factors. The formula shows: if the cost of production factors does not change, and their total productivity A increases by 1%, then the volume of production also increases by 1%.
True, in industrialized countries the first or second type of economic growth cannot be found in its pure form:
they are combined in some ratio. For example, calculations for the USA showed the following. In 1950-1985. The annual increase in GNP amounted to 3.2%. Of these, 1.2% of the increase (or 40%) was achieved due to the total efficiency of production factors.

Intensive expanded reproduction has a number of features. It is more progressive, since a new “engine”—the achievements of science and technology—begins to play a decisive role in raising the efficiency of the material conditions of production. In this regard, the production of scientific and technical information is developing on a societal scale, which is ultimately embodied in increasingly efficient means of production. At the same time, the cultural and technical level of workers increases.
With an intensive increase in production, the barriers to economic growth generated by the known limitations of natural resources are overcome. The most beneficial factor in expanding production is resource conservation. For example, to save 1 ton of standard fuel (7000 kcal) by using new technology, requires 3-4 times less costs compared to the costs of extracting the same volume of fuel.

Meanwhile, intensification is associated with a deep progressive restructuring of the structure of the national economy, extensive training of proactive and highly professional workers. The peculiarities of the intensive type of expanded reproduction are that very high rates of economic growth are impossible with it. At the same time, scientific and technological progress can cause unemployment, which increases in labor-abundant regions of the country.

In market theories, the factors of economic growth of both types listed above are usually called factors of aggregate supply. In addition to them, the importance of aggregate demand factors, as well as distribution factors, is emphasized. The role of the former is to ensure full deployment of the expanding volume of resources by increasing the level of total expenditure (C + I + G + Xn). Distribution factors are designed to ensure not only the full involvement of resources in economic circulation, but also their most efficient use.

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Production intensification

INTENSIFICATION OF PRODUCTION- increasing the size of production through the use of more efficient means of production, more perfect forms organization of labor and technological processes that embody the latest achievements of scientific and technological progress, better use of available production potential.

In contrast to the extensive path of development, characterized by a quantitative increase in the means of production on the same technical basis, the intensification of production involves a qualitative renewal of production, transferring it to a new technical basis.

According to K. Marx’s definition, “at certain intervals of time, reproduction takes place... on an expanded scale: expanded extensively, if only the field of production expands; expanded intensively if more efficient means of production are used” (Marx K., Engels F. Soch., vol. 24, p. 193).

Intensification of production is a more economical way to develop production compared to its extensive expansion, since it leads to saving labor costs and material resources per unit of production and improving the final results of production. Intensification of production - necessary condition increasing the efficiency of social production.

The strategic course of the XXVII Congress of the CPSU to accelerate the socio-economic development of Soviet society presupposes a revolutionary restructuring of the economy, associated primarily with the transfer of the national economy to an intensive path of development. The objective need to intensify production in the USSR is determined primarily by the needs of a radical renewal of the material and technical base of society, a revolutionary transformation of the productive forces based on the highly effective achievements of the scientific and technological revolution.

In addition, the factors for the extensive expansion of production are increasingly exhausted: in the 80-90s, the influx of new labor resources into material production sharply decreases as a result of changes in the demographic situation in the country and the expansion of the non-productive sphere due to the rapid development of science, culture and the service sector; The reserves of natural resources in the European part of the USSR are decreasing, the conditions for their extraction are becoming more complicated, etc.

A sharp turn to the intensification of production means that in the management of economic construction at all levels the focus is transferred from quantitative indicators to quality and efficiency, from intermediate results to final results, from the expansion of production assets to their renewal, from the increase in fuel and raw materials resources to improving their use, for accelerated development knowledge-intensive industries; Structural and investment policies are being restructured accordingly.

The main lever for intensifying the national economy is the cardinal acceleration of scientific and technological progress, the widespread introduction of new generation equipment, fundamentally new technologies that ensure highest performance and efficiency. In this regard, in the twelfth five-year plan, a deep technical reconstruction of the national economy was begun on the basis of the most modern achievements of science and technology.

At the same time, a radical reform of the economic mechanism is being carried out in order to give it an anti-cost character. The role and independence of associations and enterprises is increasing, their interest and responsibility for achieving the highest final results on the basis of full economic calculation, self-sufficiency and self-financing, establishing a direct dependence on the level of income labor collectives on work efficiency. The role of the human factor in the intensification of production is increasing as a result of the development of all aspects of socialist self-government of the people, strengthening of material and moral incentives to work, improvement of social living conditions, growth of political consciousness and labor activity of workers, and increase in cultural and technical level.

As a result, qualitative factors for expanding production are increasingly being used: increasing labor productivity, improving and better using existing production fixed assets, increasing production output with less expenditure of all resources, etc. An important role in enhancing the intensification of production is also played by the deepening of all-round cooperation of socialist countries, development of socialist economic integration.

In the period 1986-2000. There is a consistent transition to a comprehensive intensification of production, which means the progressive development of all aspects of production, expressed in a simultaneous increase in labor productivity, an increase in capital productivity, a decrease in material intensity and an improvement in product quality.


(from Latin intensio - tension, strengthening and racio - doing) - strengthening, increasing tension, productivity, effectiveness. I. production - the process of development of societies. production, main on an increasingly complete and rational use of technical, material and labor resources on the basis of scientific-technical progress. Intensive development is usually contrasted with extensive development (from the Latin extensivus - expanding, lengthening, i.e. associated with a quantitative increase, distribution), which comes down to increasing production. capacity at the same technical level. base, increasing the material resources used and the number of employees. I. agriculture - growth in agricultural production. products per unit. land area (head of livestock) based on more advanced applications means and methods of production - complex mechanization, chemicalization of villages. farming, land reclamation, agro-industrial integration, scientific achievements, advanced experience, etc. I. labor - increasing its intensity. It is measured by the amount of labor and expenditure. employee in the process of production per unit. time.

Big Encyclopedic Polytechnic Dictionary. 2004 .



See what "INTENSIFICATION" is in other dictionaries:

    - (lat.). An increase in productive power in any activity or enterprise, for example, agriculture on a given estate, etc. Dictionary of foreign words included in the Russian language. Chudinov A.N., 1910. INTENSIFICATION [French... ... Dictionary of foreign words of the Russian language

    Strengthening, addition, addition, increase, increase, rise, growth, growth; deepening Dictionary of Russian synonyms. intensification see strengthening Dictionary of synonyms of the Russian language. Practical guide. M.: Russian language... Synonym dictionary

    intensification- and, f. intensification f. Increased tension, productivity; And. agriculture, a consistent increasing investment of means of production and labor per unit area, and in livestock farming per head of livestock, the application of scientific achievements... ... Historical Dictionary of Gallicisms of the Russian Language

    - (from Latin intensio tension, strengthening and...fication), strengthening, increase in tension, productivity, effectiveness (for example, intensification of production) ... Modern encyclopedia

    - [te], intensification, pl. no, female (book). Action under Ch. intensify. Farm intensification. Ushakov's explanatory dictionary. D.N. Ushakov. 1935 1940 ... Ushakov's Explanatory Dictionary

    Intensification- (from Latin intensio tension, strengthening and...fication), strengthening, increasing tension, productivity, effectiveness (for example, intensification of production). ... Illustrated Encyclopedic Dictionary

    Increase in labor intensity and productivity. Dictionary of business terms. 2001... Dictionary of business terms

    - (from Latin intensio, tension, strengthening and...fication), strengthening, increasing tension, productivity, effectiveness... Big Encyclopedic Dictionary

    INTENSIFY [te], I’m ruining, I’m ruining; anna; owls and nesov., that (book). Make (make) intense (in 2 meanings), more intense. I. labor. Ozhegov's explanatory dictionary. S.I. Ozhegov, N.Yu. Shvedova. 1949 1992 … Ozhegov's Explanatory Dictionary

    - (French intensification, Latin intensio tension, strengthening) the process and organization of production development, in which the most effective means of production are used, as well as the expansion of production. Flow conversion process... ... Wikipedia

    - (from Latin inten sus tense and facio I do) English. intensification; German Intensivierung. Strengthening, increasing tension, productivity, reality. Antinazi. Encyclopedia of Sociology, 2009 ... Encyclopedia of Sociology


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