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What documents should be in personnel records? HR documents that every organization should have

In the process of emergence and documentation labor relations a lot of documents are generated under the general name “personnel documentation”. In the specialized literature, a complex of personnel documents is systematized according to various criteria.

For example, By purpose, there are two large groups of personnel documents:

1. Documents for recording personnel personnel, which include orders for hiring, transfer to another job, granting leave, dismissal, employee personal card and others. The main part of the documents on personnel was included in the unified forms of primary accounting documentation for recording labor and its payment, approved by the Resolution of the State Statistics Committee Russian Federation dated January 5, 2004 No. 1 “On approval of unified forms of primary accounting documentation for recording labor and its payment.”

2. The second group consists of documents related to the implementation of functions of personnel management and labor organization (Internal Rules labor regulations, Regulations on the structural unit, job descriptions, Structure and staffing levels, Staffing table). IN " All-Russian classifier management documentation" OK 011-93, approved by the Decree of the State Standard of the Russian Federation of December 30, 1993 No. 299, these documents were called "documentation on organizational and regulatory regulation of the activities of an organization or enterprise."

Another principle of systematization of personnel documentation is also applied, namely According to typical personnel procedures, the following types of personnel documents are distinguished:

1. Hiring documentation:

· Application for a job;

· Contract of appointment to the position;

· The order of acceptance to work;

· Protocol general meeting labor collective about hiring.

2. Documentation for transfer to another job:

· Application for transfer to another job;

· Idea of ​​transfer to another job;

· Order to transfer to another job.

3. Documentation for dismissal from work:

· Letter of resignation;

· Order of dismissal;

· Minutes of the general meeting of the labor collective on dismissal.

4. Documentation for registration of vacations:

· Vacation schedule;

· Application for leave;

· Order on granting leave.

5. Documentation for registration of incentives:

· Idea of ​​encouragement;

· Order of encouragement;

· Minutes of the general meeting of the labor collective on incentives.

6. Documentation for registration disciplinary sanctions:

· Report of violation labor discipline;

· Explanatory note about violation of labor discipline;

· Order to impose a disciplinary sanction;

· Minutes of the general meeting of the labor collective on the imposition of disciplinary sanctions.

In reality, the composition of personnel documents can be much wider or can be adapted to the specifics of work for a particular employer.

In addition, documenting labor relations occupies an important place in labor legislation.

Labor Code The Russian Federation establishes the need for documentation labor relations:

· employment contract must be included in writing(Article 67 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation);

· hiring is formalized by order (instruction) of the employer, with whom the employee gets acquainted with signature (Article 68 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation);

· work books are maintained for all employees (Article 66 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation);

· upon a written application from the employee, the employer is obliged, no later than three working days from the date of filing this application, to provide the employee with copies of documents related to work (copies of an order for employment, orders for transfers to another job, an order for dismissal from work; extracts from the work record book ; certificates of wages, accrued and actually paid insurance contributions for compulsory pension insurance, period of work with a given employer, etc.) (Article 62 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation);

· mandatory issuance of an order (instruction) on the application of a disciplinary sanction (Article 193 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation);

· termination of an employment contract is formalized by order (instruction) of the employer (Article 84.1 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation).

This also includes unified forms primary accounting documentation for the accounting of labor and its payment, the maintenance of which in accordance with paragraph 2 of the Resolution of the State Statistics Committee of the Russian Federation dated January 5, 2004 No. 1 “On approval of unified forms of primary accounting documentation for the accounting of labor and its payment” is mandatory for all organizations operating in the territory Russian Federation, regardless of the form of ownership.

Currently, the following unified forms for personnel registration are in force:

No. T-1 “Order (instruction) on hiring an employee,” No. T-1a “Order (instruction) on hiring employees,” No. T-2 “Employee’s personal card,” No. T-2GS (MS) “ Personal card of a state (municipal) employee", No. T-3 "Staffing table", No. T-4 "Registration card of a scientific, scientific and pedagogical worker", No. T-5 "Order (instruction) on the transfer of an employee to another job", No. T-5a “Order (instruction) on transferring employees to another job”, No. T-6 “Order (instruction) on granting leave to an employee”, No. T-6a “Order (instruction) on granting leave to employees”, No. T- 7 “Vacation schedule”, No. T-8 “Order (instruction) on termination (termination) of an employment contract with an employee (dismissal)”, No. T-8a “Order (instruction) on termination (termination) of an employment contract with employees (dismissal)” ", No. T-9 "Order (instruction) on sending an employee on a business trip", No. T-9a "Order (instruction) on sending employees on a business trip", No. T-10 "Travel certificate", No. T-10a "Office assignment for sending on a business trip and a report on its implementation", No. T-11 "Order (instruction) on encouraging an employee", No. T-11a "Order (instruction) on encouraging employees."

In addition, the Resolution of the State Statistics Committee of the Russian Federation dated January 5, 2004 No. 1 approved unified forms for recording working hours and settlements with personnel for wages:

No.T-12 “Working time sheet and calculation of wages”, No.T-13 “Working time sheet”, No.T-49 “Payroll sheet”, No.T-51 “Payroll sheet”, No.T-53 “Payroll”, No. T-53a “Payroll Registration Journal”, No. T-54 “Personal Account”, No. T-54a “Personal Account (svt)”, No. T-60 “Note-calculation on granting leave to an employee” , No. T-61 “Note-calculation upon termination (termination) of an employment contract with an employee (dismissal)”, No. T-73 “Act of acceptance of work performed under a fixed-term employment contract concluded for the duration of the certain work».

Local regulations- acts containing norms labor law, developed to regulate labor relations, taking into account the specifics of labor for a particular employer and the establishment by the employer of working conditions within its competence in accordance with labor legislation and other regulatory legal acts containing labor law norms, collective agreements, and agreements.

The composition of local regulations that are mandatory for each employer, according to the interpretation of the norms of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation, includes:

· Staffing table (Article 57 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation);

· Internal labor regulations (Articles 56, 189, 190 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation);

· Documents establishing the procedure for processing personal data of employees, their rights and obligations in this area (Articles 86, 87, 88 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation);

· During shift work, each group of workers must work during the established working hours in accordance with the shift schedule (Article 103 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation);

· Vacation schedule (Article 123 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation);

· Rules and instructions on labor protection. The employer is obliged to provide safe conditions and labor protection; rules and instructions on labor protection must be drawn up and brought to the attention of employees against signature (Article 212 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation).

These personnel documents are among those that are primarily checked by inspectors of the Federal Labor Inspectorate.

Based on the above provisions, the entire complex of personnel documents can be divided into two types:

1. Mandatory personnel documents, the availability of which is directly provided for by the Labor Code of the Russian Federation for all employers ( legal entities and individual entrepreneurs).

This type of personnel documents includes local regulations provided for by the Labor Code of the Russian Federation (Articles 57, 86-88, 103, 123, 189, 190, 212, Labor Code of the Russian Federation) and therefore mandatory for each employer and documents created in the process of origination and documentation labor relations in accordance with the requirements of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation (Articles 62, 66, 67, 68, 84.1, 193 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation). The former are associated with the organizational and normative regulation of labor relations and the establishment of the regime and working conditions for a particular employer, the latter serve to record the personnel of workers.

2. Optional personnel documents that the employer can accept as part of local rule-making, their list, and the procedure for maintaining them are determined by the employer independently.

Optional personnel documents are advisory in nature; they also contain labor law norms and are necessary to regulate labor relations. Such personnel documents include, for example, provisions on structural divisions, personnel regulations, job descriptions, regulations on employee certification and others.

Thus, the general composition of personnel documents is determined directly by the employer, taking into account the requirements of current legislation, the scale and specifics of the organization of work, with the exception of those documents and unified forms of primary accounting documentation for labor accounting and remuneration, which are mandatory for each employer.


First of all, you need to remember that the current Labor Code of the Russian Federation (hereinafter referred to as the Labor Code of the Russian Federation) requires that the organization create a number of local (i.e. local) regulatory documents.

Mandatory local regulations are:

  • Internal Labor Regulations (ILR).
  • Regulations (or instructions) on the protection of employee personal data.
  • Safety instructions.
  • Staffing table (unified form T-3).

All these documents are valid until replaced by new ones.

  • The vacation schedule (unified form T-7), in accordance with Article 123 of the Labor Code, is drawn up annually, no later than two weeks before the start of the calendar year and is a document mandatory for both the employer and the employee (with the exception of preferential categories of employees) .
  • A shift schedule is necessary in those organizations where shift work is used.
  • Regulations on labor standards and regulations on production standards should be drawn up in those organizations that use a piece-rate form of remuneration for workers.


In addition to the listed documents, the organization, at its discretion, can create other documents - optional local regulations. In particular, these may be:

  • regulations on structural divisions approved by the director of the organization;
  • job descriptions for employees and labor (or work) instructions for workers;
  • instructions for personnel records management are a very useful tool for an employee performing the functions of a personnel officer, as it significantly facilitates his interaction with linear and functional managers;
  • album of document forms for personnel records;
  • provisions on certification - if the organization conducts periodic certification or certification based on test results;
  • personnel regulations;
  • collective agreement.

All these documents are also valid until replaced with new ones.


Such documents include:

  • First of all, this is an employment contract, drawn up, in accordance with Articles 57 and 67 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation, in writing, in two copies. One copy of the employment contract is issued to the employee against receipt, and the second is kept by the employer - either in personal file employee, or in the case “Employment contracts with employees”;
  • then a personal card is created for each employee (unified form T-2). Personal cards can only be stored in a separate file;
  • personal files of employees are not required, but since this is a very convenient dossier for each employee, most personnel officers prepare them. Let us repeat that we are not obliged to conduct personal affairs, but if such a decision is made, then it is necessary to conduct them according to the strict rules provided for processing personal affairs. However, you can simply create files or folders for each employee for the convenience of the HR officer. These folders store copies of all documents related to specific employees;
  • Work books of employees are documents of strict accounting and reporting, therefore they must be stored in a safe, permanently locked with a key. Work books are drawn up in strict and strict accordance with the Rules for maintaining and storing work records, production of work book forms and provision of them to employers, approved by Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation dated April 16, 2003 No. 225, and Instructions for filling out work books, approved by Decree of the Ministry of Labor of the Russian Federation dated October 10, 2003. No. 69.


The employee responsible for maintaining personnel records is obliged to prepare draft orders for personnel and organize their endorsement by the relevant officials and signing by the head of the organization. Personnel orders must be stored and registered separately from personnel orders. These include orders for which Goskomstat has developed unified forms:

  • about hiring an employee - form T-1;
  • on hiring employees - form T-1a;
  • on transfer of an employee to another job - form T-5;
  • On the transfer of employees to another job - form T-5a;
  • on granting leave to an employee - form T-6;
  • on granting leave to employees - form T-6a;
  • on termination (termination) of an employment contract with an employee (dismissal) - form T-8;
  • on termination (termination) of an employment contract with employees (dismissal) - form T-8a;
  • about sending an employee on a business trip - form T-9;
  • on sending employees on a business trip - form T-9a;
  • on employee incentives - form T-11;
  • on employee incentives - form T-11a.

In addition to these orders, personnel officers have to draw up in any form (or create their own unified forms for them) the following types of orders:

  • on combining positions (professions);
  • on replacing a temporarily absent employee without release from basic duties;
  • on imposing penalties;
  • on early removal of penalties;
  • about changes in the employee’s personal data;
  • on assignment of rank;
  • about involvement in overtime work;
  • about employment on weekends (holidays);
  • about duty;
  • on the establishment or removal of personal allowances;
  • about changing the operating mode.


I would especially like to say that personnel officers have to prepare a number of orders for their main activities. Of course, these orders will be registered and stored together with other orders of this category, but their preparation and further work with them is the responsibility of the personnel officer. These are, in particular, the orders:

  • on approval of the staffing table;
  • on changes to the staffing table;
  • on making changes (additions) to the vacation schedule;
  • on introducing changes (additions) to local regulations;
  • on the cancellation of unlawfully or erroneously issued orders for personnel, etc.

We have already named some unified forms for personnel records that should be in every organization. (Please note that in the article addressed to readers who are involved in personnel work, we do not consider documents on remuneration. This is a topic for conversation with accountants). However, in addition to them, any personnel officer must be able to draw up

  • travel certificate - form T-10;
  • official assignment - form T-10a;
  • a note-calculation on granting leave to an employee - form T-60 (front side);
  • settlement note upon termination (termination) of an employment contract with an employee (dismissal) - form T-61 (front side);
  • act of acceptance of work performed under an employment contract concluded for the duration of a specific job - form T-73 (this type of fixed-term employment contract is extremely rare, therefore even experienced personnel officers with many years of work experience often did not have to deal with form T-73 ).


Nowadays, there are three ways to register:

  • the simplest - in magazines;
  • more advanced - using a card index;
  • and the most advanced, convenient, fast - with the help of appropriate computer programs.

Secretaries are free to choose the most appropriate method for them in each specific case for registering documents related to the main activities of the company. But registration of personnel documents can only be carried out using journals. In the event of a labor dispute, computer registration by the court or state inspection labor may not be recognized. But it is necessary to prove that this or that document was actually created on the day indicated in the “date” requisite! The outcome of the case depends on this.

So, what kind of HR document logs should an organization have:

  • A journal for registering employment contracts (which can be registered as orders - during the calendar year, starting with the new year, starting the numbering anew. Or you can do it the same way as, for example, staffing tables are registered - for the entire period of the organization’s activities, i.e. from the very first employment contract , once concluded with the first employee, and until the very last, which will someday be concluded, apparently, shortly before the liquidation of the company);
  • register of personal cards (T-2);
  • a log of personal files of employees (if they are kept);
  • order logs (the number of logs is determined depending on the size personnel document flow. All personnel orders can be registered in one or more journals - up to the point that for registration different types orders, different journals may be used);
  • log of acts (about refusals to familiarize with documents, about absenteeism, about violations of internal labor regulations, etc.);
  • a book recording the movement of work books and inserts for them (stored, like work books, in a safe).

On an optional basis (but this is very useful from the point of view of proof), logs are kept for recording employee statements, reports and explanatory notes related to personnel work.

Accounting books are needed to record:

  • Overtime work;
  • used and unused days annual paid leave
  • time off provided to employees, etc.

Warning card

In many cases, the Labor Code requires that employees be warned in a timely manner about the occurrence of certain events. Therefore, it is extremely useful to keep a file of warnings (paper or in electronic format) about these events:

  • the end of the test period (dismissal of employees who fail the test is possible only if they were warned about this in writing, indicating the reasons, at least three days in advance - Article 71 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation);
  • expiration of the employment contract (it is also necessary to warn the employee in writing at least three days before dismissal - Article 79 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation);
  • annual paid vacations (the employee must be notified of the start time of the vacation no later than two weeks before its start - Article 123 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation);
  • In addition, you can make “reminders” about any other events (employee birthdays, etc.) for the convenience of work.

Currently, probably, no profession has such a range of names as the profession of a personnel officer. In One qualification directory you can find seventeen positions that are in one way or another related to personnel work. This circumstance makes us think about the differences between these positions and the functional load of each of them. Particularly relevant and acute today is the question of what you should prescribe for yourself in job description ordinary personnel inspector. We will try to consider the responsibilities of this employee in as much detail as possible.

Importance of HR Department

Many organizational leaders still believe that the purpose of the HR department is narrowly focused, related only to office work. However, today our country, following the West, has embarked on the transformation of the personnel service into a department engaged in management labor resources, because it is the personnel officer who is the most important link between the employee and the employer.

Currently, a personnel specialist is primarily a manager, the same can be said about a position such as a personnel inspector, whose responsibilities today often include not only processing and maintaining documentation. This is especially true for small companies, where the HR inspector may be responsible for personnel selection, training and many other functions.

Number of personnel

The names and number of divisions of the personnel management service depend on the size of the enterprise, its traditions and the specifics of its activities. This should take into account the size of the organization, the direction of business, strategic goals enterprise, stage of its development, number of employees and priority tasks in working with personnel.

In large organizations, the HR department may include several departments. For example, department wages, employment department, training and development department, office management and accounting department. IN small organizations all functions of the personnel service can be performed by only one specialist - the personnel inspector, whose duties in fact should include a minimum list of functions: personnel records management and personnel selection.

Service specialists

HR departments or services are usually headed by a middle manager: the head of a service or department, who reports to the HR director. Departments can be divided into smaller units - groups or sectors, headed by managers who report to service heads.

In medium-sized enterprises (100-1000 employees), the organization of the personnel service most often involves the presence of the following employees:

  • records management specialist;
  • labor law specialist;
  • recruitment specialist;
  • development and training manager,
  • trainer or training manager;
  • benefits and compensation manager;
  • corporate events manager.

In smaller organizations (number of employees up to 100 people), almost all functions of these employees are job responsibilities HR inspector.

Requirements for a personnel officer

Of course, all of the above positions cannot be combined by a single specialist - a human resources department inspector. The responsibilities of this employee are primarily related to personnel records management. Therefore, when hiring, relatively low professional requirements are imposed on a potential candidate for this position.

The qualification directory informs that a personnel inspector must have a specialized secondary education (his work experience does not matter) or secondary education (special training and professional experience of at least three years are required).

HR inspector: responsibilities

So, the functions of this specialist are as follows:

  • maintaining records of the personnel of the enterprise;
  • registration of various personnel transactions (reception, transfer, dismissal);
  • registration and maintenance of personal files of employees, making changes to them;
  • accounting, storage and filling out work books;
  • accounting of work experience;
  • preparation of certificates of employees’ work activities (past and present);
  • registration of pension insurance cards and other documents necessary for assigning pensions to employees and their families, compensation and benefits;
  • accounting for the provision of vacations, monitoring how vacation schedules are drawn up and observed.


The responsibilities of a human resources inspector often include recruiting personnel for vacant positions. This work is related to the placement of information in various sources about the available vacancy, including cooperation on this issue with the employment service, appointment and interviews with an explanation to the applicant of the nature of the vacancy, working conditions and salary level, determining the general level of the applicant for vacant position, his experience and degree of professionalism.

Often, the job responsibilities of a personnel department inspector involve conducting competitive selections among specialists applying for a vacant position. The personnel officer develops recruitment measures and monitors the passage of future employees through the tests established when concluding an employment contract with them.

Additional functional responsibilities of the HR inspector

There are some additional features that are most often referred to as personnel work. What other tasks should the HR inspector solve? Responsibilities may include:

  • preparation necessary materials for certification, qualification, competition commissions, nomination of employees for awards and incentives;
  • studying the reasons why staff turnover occurs, developing and implementing measures to reduce it;
  • preparing documents for filing in the archives;
  • control over labor discipline;
  • organization of advanced training and professional retraining;
  • organizing examinations to confirm qualifications;
  • development of a system for assessing personal and business qualities employees, motivating them for career growth;
  • registration of service certificates and their issuance;
  • formation and efficient use personnel reserve.

Military registration

Many employers believe that the functional responsibilities of a personnel department inspector include military registration of enterprise employees. According to the Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation No. 719 of November 27, 2006 “On approval of the Regulations on military registration”, the number of employees carrying out this activity, must be directly proportional to the number of employees to be accounted for.

In particular, in an enterprise where there are less than five hundred citizens registered with the military, the records are kept by one employee who performs these functions part-time. Thus, a personnel inspector in an organization where the number of registered military personnel does not exceed five hundred people can deal with military registration, but only on condition internal part-time job. And if there are a larger number of people to be counted, a separate staffing unit should be allocated for these purposes.

The work of personnel officers in a crisis

IN Last year management of enterprises faced sad circumstances financial crisis when it is necessary to reduce the volume of production of goods and services, reduce its own costs, including by reducing the number of personnel. Against this background, there is an increasing need personnel workers in possessing the qualities of full-time psychologists who are forced to manage the emotional background in the team and find words of consolation, for example, handing notices to colleagues about their dismissal.

The role of HR is increasing as human resources become increasingly important to an organization's financial success. In this regard, the traditional responsibilities of HR officers do not disappear. Administered personnel services There remain issues of personnel records management, remuneration, hiring and training of specialists. However, the HR department is an integral element of competent enterprise management. Good luck in job!

It is important for each employee to have documentary evidence of his work activity at the enterprise. First of all, it can help confirm the length of service. The higher it is, the higher the sick leave payment, and in the future - the amount of the pension. The list of mandatory personnel documents drawn up when concluding a working relationship is as follows:

  • employment contract. For information on drawing up a contract, see the material;
  • employment history. We wrote about the filling rules in the article;
  • medical book. It is necessary if the employee’s work involves harmful or hazardous conditions labor. You will learn about that by following the links;.
  • educational documents to determine whether the future employee's education meets the requirements. We also invite you to read the material on how to deposit;
  • according to form T-1;
  • employee personal card (form T-2). The form for this form can be found in our article.

Don’t forget that each new employee should be familiarized with his signature and given timely training!

Documents during the work process

During the course of work, an employee may be transferred to new position. In this case, the following papers are drawn up:

  • order on the basis of which the employee is transferred (form T-5). You can see what a sample of filling out this form looks like in;
  • additional agreement. For example, when or .

To release an employee on vacation, the employer issues an order to grant vacation, drawn up in form T-6. Find out how to fill it out in the article. We also invite you to read the information on how to apply.

Documents upon dismissal

To document the termination of an employment contract, the following papers are required:

  • resignation letter (if the employee decided to leave the company due to own initiative). , read in our text;
  • severance agreement. We invite you to familiarize yourself with, as well as termination of the contract;
  • dismissal order drawn up in form T-8 or T-8a (if a contract with several employees is terminated). You can learn about the filling rules from the material.

Local acts

Any company can adopt its own local regulations, which should not contradict the laws of the Russian Federation. The purpose of such documents is to improve working conditions and increase the level of discipline at the enterprise. The absence of local acts, as well as their incorrect execution, may lead to adverse consequences for the employer. What mandatory personnel documents should be prepared in the organization:

  • staffing table (form T-3). More details in the article “;
  • , on the basis of which the number of hours worked and salary calculations are monitored (forms T-12 and T-13), etc.

These required documents must certainly be accepted by the management of large organizations, since they lay the foundation for labor relations.

Micro-enterprises can afford simplified personnel records. They are allowed to use a standard employment contract.

Responsibility for improper maintenance of personnel documentation

Correct and timely preparation of personnel documents is the direct responsibility of the employer. If the mandatory personnel papers are not properly completed, he may be held accountable.

You can select following methods penalties related to office work in the personnel sector:

  • disciplinary sanctions provided for Art. 193 Labor Code of the Russian Federation, the maximum measure for which is dismissal;
  • in accordance with the provisions of the Code of Administrative Offenses of the Russian Federation - the norms for bringing to administrative responsibility for the lack of documents are reflected in Art. 5.27, 5.27.1 Code of Administrative Offences.


  • Art. 13.20 Code of Administrative Offenses punishes 300-500 rubles. officials for violation of document storage rules;
  • Art. 5.39 imposes a fine of 1000-3000 rubles. on responsible persons for failure to provide the requested information personnel records to an employee, for example, for refusing to issue a copy of a work record book.

In accordance with the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation:

  • Art. 137 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation provides for punishment in the form of a fine of up to 350,000 rubles. or corrective labor for disseminating personal information about an employee;
  • Art. 183 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation applies measures in the event of disclosure of trade secrets.

From this article you will learn:

  • What are the activities of the HR department?
  • What documents are required for the activities of the HR department?
  • What are the features of planning as a type of activity of the HR department?

Human resources departments in organizations are usually part of human resource management services and perform their functions. But their responsibilities are not limited solely to formal work related to the relationship between the employer and the staff: reporting, office work, etc. Perhaps in Soviet times everything was exactly like this, but now the activities of the personnel department are diverse and multifaceted work. Let's take a closer look at it.

Functions and activities of the HR department

The HR department plays an important role in the company, and its position in organizational structure of an enterprise reflects the significance of its activities. Some even believe that the HR department is business card organization, its face, since it is this unit that everyone faces new employee hired.
The main function of HR departments is the search, hiring of personnel and ongoing interaction with labor collective. Limiting the activities of the HR department only to the selection of new employees and their employment is a bad decision for business. Without close interaction with the existing team and knowledge of the specifics of the company’s functioning, it is impossible to correctly recruit new staff.

Nowadays, work with personnel is a set of organizational and other measures and actions that are necessary for the fullest use of business abilities, skills and abilities of personnel. A competent, motivated staff of employees interested in fruitful work is the goal of any HR department. Without this unit, which selects, records and supports employees, it is difficult to imagine the functioning of a successful modern organization.

The activities of the HR department at the enterprise are aimed at performing the following functions:

  • identify the need for new employees, search for and hire employees together with department heads;
  • analyze staff turnover and look for ways to reduce it;
  • draw up staffing schedules for specialists;
  • draw up personal files of employees, at their request, issue the necessary certificates and photocopies of documents;
  • carry out all operations with work books: accept, store and issue them, fill them out in accordance with current standards and registration norms according to the Labor Code of the Russian Federation;
  • create a vacation schedule, take care of their accounting (also in accordance with labor legislation);
  • organize certifications for staff, prepare career development plans;
  • create plans for staff development.

Necessary documentation for the activities of the HR department

  1. Staffing table (Article 57 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation).

Before starting to recruit personnel, the human resources department is required to formulate and approve the staffing schedule from the company management. Based on it, the quantity is already determined current vacancies. You can rely on this document when arguing in court the legality of dismissing an employee due to personnel reduction. The staffing schedule will be required by the court in any labor relations case, and if this request is ignored or an incorrect schedule is submitted, the employer will lose the chance to win the dispute.

  1. Employment contract.

Preparation of a package of personnel documents begins with an employment contract concluded with the employee in writing, with signatures of both parties. It must reflect working conditions and remuneration that comply with labor legislation and satisfy both the employer and the employee. Completing these papers is one of the most important tasks that the HR department solves in its current activities.

  1. Labor regulations.

This internal regulation is mandatory for any company. It establishes the procedure for hiring and dismissing personnel, lists of rights and responsibilities, responsibilities of the employer and employee, work and rest hours, methods of motivating employees, types of disciplinary sanctions and many other aspects of labor relations.

  1. Order (instruction) on hiring.

Based on this document, the new employee is allocated workplace, assign the necessary property to him. The HR department prepares it along with an employment contract addressed to the employee. Personnel officers and the new employee’s immediate supervisor introduce him to business correspondence, necessary acts, etc.

  1. Work books.

This is the main document reflecting the work activity and length of service of a citizen. When applying for a job in a company, a person is required to present it (except for cases when he is hired for the first time or his employment contract does not provide for part-time work). The employer, represented by the personnel department employees, must maintain work records for each employee who has worked at the enterprise for five days or longer. The storage of work records also has its own requirements: it is allowed only in metal safes or cabinets, to which only a responsible specialist (appointed by a special order) has access.

  1. Book of accounting of work books and inserts in them.

In this book, the worker signs upon dismissal and receipt of the work permit. It must be laced and numbered, contain seals and a signature. This is monitored by the HR department.

  1. Agreement on full financial responsibility.

The activities of the HR department include signing agreements with employees on full financial responsibility. This is done in cases where an employee receives any material assets for storage, processing, sale (vacation), transportation, or use during production. Only an adult citizen can be financially responsible.

  1. Vacation schedule.

Employers are required to maintain a vacation schedule for employees in accordance with Form No. T-7 (approved by Resolution of the State Statistics Committee No. 1 of January 5, 2004). In addition to formal requirements, legislative norms apply to this document. This is the observance of the right of certain categories of workers to leave at a certain time or chosen by them; granting leave to persons working part-time, simultaneously with their leave at their main place of work, etc. Documenting rest time is part of the activities of the HR department, as well as recording time worked.

  1. Regulations on remuneration.

One of the goals of the HR department is rational use available human resources, taking into account the specifics of the company’s activities and the current market situation. For this purpose, labor standardization and remuneration systems are usually used. The accepted remuneration procedure is fixed in the internal normative act enterprises - Regulations on remuneration.

  1. Regulations on bonuses.

This is another internal document of the company regulating remuneration issues. It is prepared by the HR department, and approved by the head of the organization by a special order. Bonuses - additional, above the standard salary, cash payments to employees - are necessary in order to encourage them for high-quality productive work and motivate them for further professional development.
They are awarded to those employees who meet pre-approved bonus conditions. This circle of persons, as well as the conditions for issuing bonuses and their size for each position or specialty (or the maximum value) are described by the Regulations on bonuses.

  1. Time sheets.

They are actively used in the activities of the HR department regarding employees with flexible schedules, for whom it is necessary to constantly calculate the total work time. Documents of this type take into account the time actually worked for the month of each such employee (for each day of the month), indicating his full name and personnel number.
The maintenance of these time sheets is carried out by a timekeeper or other employee obliged to engage in this activity by order of the company management. Accounting for hours worked is necessary for the full-fledged activities of the accounting department, which calculates salaries, and the human resources department, which controls the work of personnel.

  1. Regulations on the protection of personal data of employees.

This document contains information about what the company’s goals and objectives are in the field of personal data protection, in which departments and on what media this information is stored, in what ways it is collected and processed, which employees have access to it, what activities are carried out to protect data from unauthorized access by company personnel and third parties. The Regulation on the protection of personal data of employees prepared by the HR department must be signed by the head of the company.

Planning as an activity of the HR department

Planning has two aspects. In a general sense, this is the name for activities aimed at developing a company’s strategy and policy, as well as selecting methods for their implementation. In essence, this work comes down to writing plans - official documents of a certain type.
An important component of this activity of the company is personnel planning. His tasks are to provide for the company by human resourses in the right quantity and quality, optimal use of existing labor, improve social relations at the enterprise.

There are two approaches to personnel planning:

  1. Independent (from companies that prepare, select personnel).
  2. Subordinate to the main plans - financial, commercial, production (for all other organizations).

Therefore, personnel planning, as a rule, is secondary and is determined common system drawing up a corporate plan, and implementing activities related to personnel are included in other programs, being their addition and specification.

Activities such as personnel planning make it possible to determine:

  • the company's need to replenish its staff: how many employees will be needed, where and when, what training they should have;
  • professional qualification schemes for any position in each department (requirements for different categories of employees);
  • ways to reduce unnecessary workers and attract necessary ones;
  • optimal use of personnel according to their potential;
  • strategies for personnel development, improving their qualifications;
  • models of fair remuneration, methods of motivating employees, providing them with social bonuses;
  • costs for the package of measures taken.

Like any other planning, personnel planning is subject to a number of principles.

The key rule today is to involve as many company personnel as possible in the planning process and as early as possible, from the very beginning of drawing up the plan. For social projects, formed by HR departments, this principle is paramount, for all others it is desirable.

The second rule of planning HR activities is consistency. Economic activity the company is continuous, the staff is also in constant motion, therefore planning should be an ongoing process, and not a one-time action. In addition, this principle includes the requirement to take into account prospects and continuity (so that future plans are drawn up on the basis of previous ones). The results of past projects should be taken into account when constructing new ones.

The principle of constancy of planning, to which HR departments at an enterprise are subject in their activities, ensures the implementation of the third rule: flexibility. Flexible plans (including those related to personnel) - those in which any decision can be adjusted at any time, if necessary. This quality is achieved by the presence of so-called cushions, which provide freedom of maneuver (within reasonable limits, of course).
Another important principle of personnel planning is cost-effectiveness: the costs of the HR department’s activities in analyzing and drawing up plans should not exceed the effect of their implementation.
Formation necessary conditions allowing to fulfill the plan - no less important rule any planning.
All these provisions are universal and apply at any management levels, not only in relation to personnel. And each case, of course, will have its own specifics.
Thus, when planning the activities of any department of the company, we must take into account the principle bottlenecks: the overall productivity of the team corresponds to the productivity of the laziest and slowest employee. However, more high level, When we're talking about about the activities of the entire company, this principle does not work.
One of the goals of the HR department, which carries out personnel planning, is to ensure the best development of potential and full use of the abilities of employees, their motivation, taking into account the consequences management decisions accepted in the company (social, financial, etc.).
Personnel today are the main factor influencing the efficiency of an enterprise. The success of planning can be judged by whether the company's strategic goals are achieved.