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Commercial gis from world manufacturers. CAD and GIS in the modern economy Spatial data infrastructure

Modern information technologies for business are a real chance to reduce costs, increase productivity, become mobile, see prospects, and quickly make informed decisions. The main potential for cost reduction is the effective organization of supply and sales logistics, which allows reducing costs by 30 to 40%. Today GIS technologies allow us to solve this problem. What they are, what their features are, what tasks they help solve and what effect they give - this will be discussed.

From a technical point of view, GIS (geographic information system) is a complex software and hardware responsible for the accumulation, storage and visualization on maps of any spatial information available to the enterprise, identifying relationships between objects, modeling processes and phenomena unfolding in space. Drawing of source data and the results of their analysis on a map, the ability to easily add and remove thematic layers, change the scale and detail of the information picture; the use of interactive maps and the ability to see the development of a process of interest in space and time - all this allows you to comprehend a huge amount of information, see and understand how objects and phenomena interact with each other. This means making the most informed decisions, doing it faster and more reasonably.

Such geo abilities information systems important for any field of activity. This is why the GIS visualization, data management and spatial analysis tools provided around the world are effectively used to solve problems as diverse as:

    asset and data management: systems integration, territorial and service management, branch management and client base;

    planning and analysis: forecast and risk assessment;

    business processes: dispatch services, data collection, monitoring, inspection, route planning;

    situational centers: decision support, open access to information.

Today, GIS is successfully used in government administration, structures of the Ministry of Emergency Situations, urban management, and environmental management. There are even industries where entire areas of core business activity are practically impossible without GIS. So, oil companies These technologies are used in field exploration, planning and drilling, pipeline maintenance, environmental protection, transport management, etc.

As an example of how GIS transforms business, let's look at an industry cluster where companies involved in the development are united oil fields on the Norwegian shelf. There is a division of labor between these companies - some cluster members operate drilling platforms, others develop optimal well drilling schemes for them, and others control seismic activity. The constant operational exchange of various geoinformation within the cluster made it possible to change the organization of work in such a way that, having reconstructed technological processes By increasing their efficiency and establishing feedback connections, it was possible to extend the operation of some wells for ten years, without attracting investment in replacing equipment.

GIS technologies have no less influence on the service sector and network trading enterprises. In the US, for example, ten out of ten largest retailers use them. And at the same time, they completely hide information about the nature of the problems being solved, considering even this information itself (not to mention the direct effect of GIS on business processes!) as a great competitive advantage. However, you can understand how useful the use of GIS in retail can be without their help. Along with the influence of GIS on efficiency, common to all areas of activity, management activities in retail, such decisions suggest where to open retail outlets and how to optimize logistics and delivery of goods to consumers.

GIS in retail - choosing a location

Choosing a location is one of the important decisions for companies involved in retail trade, banking, real estate activities.

A good location is determined by three groups of factors: management, infrastructure, environment (figure “Factors of a good location”). Taking each of them into account is important to achieve successful results, and underestimating them can lead to serious business losses.

Control factors mainly include internal organization operation of retail outlets. These are store management, customer service, product range, cleanliness, atmosphere, layout.

Infrastructure includes elements associated with the unique layout of the building and its surroundings, such as parking, signage, retail space, and landscape architecture.

Factors environment- consumer demand, transport load, generating enterprise traffic ( shopping centers, hospitals, airports, stadiums), population demographics.

The whole variety of existing factors and methods for choosing a location (from field research to complex methods for modeling the placement of retail outlets) can be taken into account using GIS. Moreover, the calculations must be repeated many times - for any change in the places of accumulation and flows potential clients, when opening shopping and business centers, building roads or when competitors appear.

Traveling salesman problem

Organizing logistics and choosing the location of a retail outlet are variations of one of the most famous combinatorial optimization problems - the classic traveling salesman problem (traveling sales intermediary, trader). It consists of finding the most profitable route that passes through the specified cities at least once and then returns to the original city. The conditions specify the criterion for the profitability of the route (shortest, cheapest, aggregate criterion, etc.) and the corresponding matrices of distances, costs, etc. And the computer finds the best trajectories and traffic schedules, the transition to which allows you to reduce fuel consumption and deliver more products without involving additional transport, do it faster. And this is already money, and a lot of it.

The algorithm for solving the traveling salesman problem is known, but in the recent past the possibility of its application in real life limited by the high cost of computing resources. Let’s say, about 15 years ago, the workstation needed for such calculations cost $20,000 or more, and that’s just hardware! Since then, a unit of computing power has fallen in price by about 10,000 times. Modern GIS allow you to carry out calculations literally in real time, prompting optimal solutions, despite the constantly changing situation in the city.

Where are the cards?

The most important basic element of GIS is its cartographic basis, which provides not only a visual and intuitive display of spatial data, but also the spatial connectivity of all elements of information. The map serves as a substrate on which business data is superimposed: sales volumes, location of territorial units and transport of the enterprise; transport and passenger flows; placement of residential neighborhoods, shopping and business centers, etc. At first glance, it may seem that this is not much different from well-known geographic information services for consumers (Google, Yandex, OpenStreetMap, WikiMapia, etc.). Of course, here you can find a street or a museum, post a photo, print out a map. It is very comfortable. However, true GIS goes much further.

Essentially, high-quality, up-to-date maps in a form “understandable” for modern GIS are important element infrastructure that promotes business development in a specific region and in the country as a whole. Based on it, it is much easier to develop development scenarios. In the West, such an infrastructure was created about 30 years ago. Moreover, a very large amount of information is available for free in the form of web services. Unfortunately, in Russia the situation is much worse. Until recently, there were simply no readily available, free maps on which businesses could overlay their own information. The situation changed dramatically when Rosreestr launched a government services portal, making both maps available to the public for the entire territory of the country, and Additional information about cadastral plots, valuable for many categories of consumers.

However, this can only be considered the first, although fundamentally important step. To fully unleash the potential of GIS technologies, there is not enough, for example, a single navigation graph and a single address register for the entire country. This means that for arbitrary settlements it is impossible to understand whether there is a road route between them. And for most of the country’s territory, it is impossible to create a service that calculates the geographic coordinates of an object based on its postal address. Without this, many optimization tasks in the field of transport and public services stall.

The market is changing GIS

GIS technologies are universal. To create a GIS for any purpose, the same technologies and software products(SP) responsible for the creation, management, analysis and visual presentation of spatial data. However, in each project they are “mixed” in different combinations, providing a specific enterprise with a solution to its cost optimization problems. The implementation of the project requires a good knowledge of the characteristics of the enterprise and the scope of its business, a thorough study of product lines, the ability to correctly install and configure software, fit it into the information system and integrate it with its various elements. In addition, it is necessary to create documentation and train users and specialists who will support the operation of the system.

In cost estimates, all this intellectual contribution, which turns a set of hardware and software into a working solution, is usually classified as design work, the share of which in the company’s turnover reaches 20-40%.

Two more articles of this estimate are interesting, separately taking into account desktop and server software. Using desktop GIS, professionals in this field create, edit and analyze geographic information, identify relationships and trends that are extremely difficult to track in the original tabular data and build models that describe real processes or predict the development of a situation. GIS server elements are designed for something else. They form an enterprise infrastructure for working with spatial data (management of special repositories of maps and geoinformation, their publication on the Internet, integration with regular business applications and databases, work of mobile users, and much more). The need for server software increases sharply as representatives of business units begin to work directly with GIS, and GIS itself moves from a specialized “niche” solution to the rank of critical infrastructure elements of the enterprise.

The increasing share of business users in relation to professionals is a global trend. With the help of GIS functions integrated into business applications, users solve their daily tasks: plan marketing companies, control sales, carry out routine maintenance and repairs technological equipment, manage real estate and land plots of the enterprise, etc.

A few years ago, this trend took hold and Russian market GIS, which was clearly manifested in the change in the structure of consumption of products and services. Let's show this using our company as an example. During the crisis year of 2009, sales fell by almost 30%, and in 2010 they increased by 58%. The growth in 2010 compared to 2008 was 12%.

At the same time, there was a redistribution of demand from desktop products (the share of sales fell from 33 to 27%) in favor of server products (from 18 to 23%). And the share of design work in total sales increased from 10 to 29% (see table).

The change in demand suggests that enterprises have moved to create infrastructure and applications that are used not by a narrow circle of GIS specialists, but by users from business departments, marketing, etc.

Cloud revolution

The traditional form of GIS, when an enterprise deploys all its elements (cartographic information, server and desktop software) within its information system, meets the prevailing paradigm for the implementation of information technologies in large enterprises. However, complete control over the situation comes at a price, and at a high price. It is necessary not only to purchase and configure software and “mapping bases” for your data, but also to create a technical infrastructure, launch support processes for a working system, and promptly carry out its maintenance and updating. At the same time, there is a risk of making a mistake with the choice of the capacity of this infrastructure and the implemented GIS functions. And correcting any such error results in new costs. Naturally, this scheme greatly limits the availability of GIS, preventing small and medium-sized businesses from accessing them. Until recently, the situation was a dead end, but now there is an alternative: GIS as a cloud service.

Maps, space and aerial photographs, all kinds of information useful for business and even mathematical models for processing it become available to any enterprise via the Internet in the form of standard geographic information web services. Thus, on the American portal ArcGIS online you can find thousands of free and commercial services, and Rosreestr, through its portal, provides free access to electronic maps of Russian territory and cadastral information.

All this and much more can be taken and used in business without creating any infrastructure at all. All you need is a browser and good connection to the Internet. Cloud services are always available, they have such important qualities, such as almost unlimited scalability, ease of connecting and disconnecting specific information arrays, and for commercial services - the ability to pay only for the resources used. Moreover, you can transfer your data to the cloud, limiting access to it if necessary. From web services, like from cubes, you can very quickly put together the desired specialized business application, and no special qualifications are required for this. You can, for example, take a map of the desired area, overlay on it a map of roads and transport, places where consumers congregate, and the location of your own and competing retail outlets. And apply sales data to the resulting “pie”. It is important that you can work with such an application not only on regular computers or laptops, but also on mobile devices, say, iPad tablets.

The advantages of the new service-oriented cloud paradigm - the absence of delays and uncontrollable implementation costs, the risk of incorrectly selected hardware and software configuration - are so obvious and significant that large organizations have begun to use it (usually in combination with the classic GIS deployment scheme). But the true revolution in cloud GIS has been for small and medium-sized businesses, which for the first time have access to technologies that provide enormous competitive advantages.

Dynamics of sales of GIS technologies

Turnover structure, %

Rates of growth

Selling desktop product licenses

Server products

Design work

Software from other developers

Sales volumes, total

Business cases

Corporate GIS in the energy sector

GIS of JSC MOESK (Moscow Regional Electric Power Company network company). In 2009, a decision was made to actively implement and use modern information technologies to increase work productivity, control and accounting of business facilities, and efficiency of execution production functions. The systems chosen for implementation were 1C financial accounting, electronic certification of electrical distribution network facilities and GIS technology. It was assumed that the systems would be implemented simultaneously, taking into account the need for their interaction when using data.

At the first stage, we collected all information resources in the center on a single corporate server - with the possibility of organizing regional nodes. It was supposed to provide the function of public access to the information resource.

Having determined the necessary GIS functions, we chose a software platform (ArcGIS) with a set of elements of server and client components to form a corporate GIS.

The use of the system in production activities is associated with the analytical capabilities of GIS. For example, the task of calculating the possibility of adding new users to an existing network significantly reduced the search time for options. Another example is the analysis of the wear and tear of substations in comparison with repair work planning schedules.

Data storage by systems: technical information on production facilities is stored in the electronic certification system, and information about users is maintained in the 1C system. GIS will retain the integration function of consolidation, presentation and analysis production information companies in a single resource.

A GIS division has been formed, specialists have been trained, the first results have been obtained, plans are being formed for the large-scale use of the unique capabilities of GIS technologies by the company's employees: the development of various alternative scenarios and the preparation of reports and documentation, accompanied by detailed cartographic materials.

GIS in production process scientific center TNK-BP

The development and implementation of GIS were aimed at covering bottlenecks when working in the general information field of the corporation.

When surveying various user groups, the expected results from working in the GIS environment included: General requirements to the system and information resources. The most important of them:

  • structure of data, organization of storage and access to it, since half of the specialist’s working time was spent searching and verifying information;
  • completeness of data, taking into account all historical material;
  • data quality, reliability and relevance.

The instrumental capabilities of GIS made it possible to organize efficient storage of various types of data and ensure their use in different systems and projects in multi-user and offline access mode.

A GIS environment was also created for entering, viewing and adjusting various information resources. This requirement was met using GIS functionality such as the use of converters for reading and converting heterogeneous formats. The digitization mode made it possible to convert raster images into vector objects.

The quality of data, their reliability and relevance are ensured by the coordination of databases of different software (data processing technologies) with a spatial geodatabase within a single centralized resource. An additional guarantee of information quality is the visual assessment and verification of the position of objects in coordinate space.

Optimization of transport flows using GIS systems at a small wholesale trade enterprise

Optimization of traffic routes when delivering goods around the city to confectionery company(Volzhsky Biscuit LLC) allowed:

  • guarantee timely delivery of goods to the customer;
  • reduce fuel costs;
  • provide rational use fleet resources.

We implemented a GIS-based transport management system. Based on the analysis of the road network, we built an electronic transport map of the city in shapefile format, placed retail outlets on it and modeled optimal routes for the delivery of goods.

Results: delivery time was reduced by 15 minutes, and the route length by an average of 2.67 km by reducing the time cars spent in line for unloading and visiting more retail outlets in the city.

Cost savings on fuel and lubricants amounted to about 7% compared to the usual period.

Mileage reduction is at least 9%, which led to a reduction in fuel costs and vehicle maintenance costs due to increased service intervals, as well as a reduction in wear and tear.

Transport dispatching and minute-by-minute monitoring of the operation of vehicles made it possible to eliminate left turns, reduce idle runs, and optimize transport and transportation routes.

The implementation of the system made it possible to effectively organize business processes - to refuse to attract additional staff and relieve existing ones while significantly improving the quality of their work and the efficiency of the data being prepared, and significantly reducing the number of telephone conversations with drivers.

GIS technologies in business processes of the company's pharmacy chain 36.6

Came to GIS from tabular analysis of the solution various tasks and used it in the pharmacy chain's workflow as an analytics tool to identify consumer needs in a timely manner.

The path was not easy. From creating a series of electronic maps of the pharmacy chain to visually assess the location of pharmacies in the city and analyze the competitive environment, we moved on to monitoring the territorial distribution of our customers.

The simultaneous display of several characteristics of the territory made it possible, on the basis of multifactor analysis, to determine the economically beneficial factors for locating new trade and service enterprises, to identify zones of influence, accessibility, etc.

It became possible to quickly and clearly assess the competitive situation in territories using several indicators and compare the economic efficiency of pharmacies (the share of active checkpoint users, their satisfaction with goods and services, profit, assortment of pharmacies) with the help of statistics and the construction of graphs and diagrams.

In the future - solving logistics problems associated with home delivery of medicines. Experience shows that when a critical mass of clients using such a service is reached, the use of GIS becomes necessary.

The main aspects of the application of geoinformation systems in the economy of the

Russian Federation

b A Moscow


UDC 911.2 DOI 10.24411/2413-046Х-2018-15096 Budikin Alexander Evseevich,

Master's student at the Mining Institute, direction: Technosphere safety (profile: Managing the safe development of the technosphere), Department of Technosphere Safety, North-Eastern Federal University named after M.K. Ammosov

Andreev Dmitry Vasilievich, senior lecturer of the Mining Institute, Department of Technosphere Safety, North-Eastern Federal University named after M.K. Ammosov

Budikin A.E., [email protected]

Andreev D.V., [email protected]

Annotation. The article examines the features of the use of geographic information systems in the economy of the Russian Federation. Examples are given of various areas where geographic information technologies are actively used. The conclusion is made about the active implementation of geographic information systems in the economy of the Russian Federation with the aim of actively developing the economic potential of the country.

Summary. The article examines the specific features of the use of geographic information systems in the Russian economy. Examples of various references are given where geographic information technologies are actively used. The conclusion is made about the active implementation of geographic information systems in the Russian economy. Key words: geographic information systems, economics, areas of application.

Key words: geographic information systems, economics, applications.


Today's trends economic changes in the Russian Federation are established by the influence of a difficult combination of globalization processes, circumstances of regional progress and instruments of macroeconomic regulation. At the same time, the multi-vector nature of the influence exercised is largely strengthened due to the significant differentiation of the regions of the Russian Federation according to the stage of socio-economic development. A certain instability significantly reduces the effectiveness of economic and spatial progress of the state’s territories and complicates finding ways to implement established economic and social vectors.

The process of globalization, which generally adjusts the entire socio-economic system, regularly creates new conditions in the interaction of the market system and the country. In this regard, national economic regulation is focused on eliminating the failures of the market economy and achieving economic equilibrium.

One cannot but agree with the fact that in recent decades a lot of automated technical systems collection, processing and preliminary analysis information. But, as experience shows, none of these systems is able to produce final analytical products that, in terms of their quality, would satisfy all the requirements for them, on the basis of which appropriate economic decisions can be made. In this regard, the issue of using geographic information systems for the purposes of economic and spatial regulation is attracting increased attention and is considered by us as a key tool for developing measures to improve the system of economic regulation of sustainable spatial development in Russia, maximizing the interests of the regions and the state as a whole.

Areas of application of geographic information systems in the Russian economy

Geographic information systems are multifunctional tools for analyzing consolidated tabular, text and cartographic business data, demographic, statistical, land, municipal, address and other information. Geographic information systems transfer information about the world around us to a map, allowing not only to analyze all the information in the system, but also to visualize it. Such a system consists of a huge number of detailed layers, combined geographically and tied to a specific coordinate system. It is important that the data in the system is in dynamic connection with

map, all data changes are automatically displayed on the map. GIS allows you not only to track system changes in real time, but also to switch between layers, highlighting blocks of information on the map related to a specific operational task. Such a powerful technology allows us to solve a huge number of problems, both global and private. Geographic information technologies can serve all of humanity, preventing environmental disasters or helping to solve problems of overpopulation in certain regions. But GIS can also benefit individual companies. Nowadays, geographic information technologies are actively used in such areas as natural resource management, agriculture, ecology, cadastres, urban planning, but also in commercial structures- from telecommunications to retail.

As practice shows, GIS have proven themselves for a long time and are used everywhere: in government bodies - to support decision-making, in territorial planning - for drawing up master plans for the development of territories, in cartographic and atlas support - for the production of various cartographic products and in many other areas.

The scope of application of GIS technologies extends to solving problems where cartographic and spatial information is used. On this moment Further areas of application have clearly emerged:

1. Cartography and engineering geodesy (formation and updating of maps and plans);

2. Management of engineering networks and communications;

3. Management of protection (ecology) and creation of natural resources;

4. Management of companies and businesses (including transport and cargo transportation, territorial and economic research, etc.);

5. Management of territories (including land use, property);

6. Spatial navigation;

7. Information communication in society.

The first application area serves both its needs and demonstrates the spatial basis for all other areas. Spatial navigation and information communication are considered areas accessible to absolutely everyone at the moment, the remaining areas provide management services.

When managing a business, modern commercial organizations use GIS to determine the location of, for example, new supermarkets, namely the warehouse location and service area are established using delivery and

influence of competing warehouses. Geographic information systems are also used for supply management. In addition to solving logistics problems, the use of geographic information technology makes it possible to reorient marketing efforts to meet the average needs of the population of specific areas to quickly respond to the requests of any person who lives in a given area. This reorientation formed newest direction in marketing activities - geomarketing, which clearly demonstrates the advantages of using geographic information systems in entrepreneurial activity. The final result of such work is considered to be the best satisfaction of the needs of customers and clients, both in the present and in the future, and, as a consequence, the development of the company and its consistently greater competitiveness. Consequently, it must be said that without GIS, entrepreneurship will not have a high innovative position, since entrepreneurship is closely related to the environment, which presupposes a certain economic, technological and geographical situation, without which further progress is impossible.

In every area of ​​the administration’s work, the use of geographic information technologies is permissible. They are used at command posts of monitoring centers and the Ministry of Emergency Situations. Geographic information systems currently represent a key component of every municipal or regional management information system.

To protect the environment in the constituent entities of the Russian Federation, certain environmental safety centers have been formed, which are equipped with modern geoinformation technologies. The devices of these services used digital maps that were created by aerial geodetic companies of Roscartography, and sometimes they themselves generated map data based on existing paper ones.

It is very effective to use the apparatus of forming buffer zones and cartographic algebra problems in environmental geographic information systems. GIS can currently solve a large number of problems that are vital for the country’s economy, including problems using three-dimensional terrain. Additionally, it is worth noting that in the field of geographic information technologies

The forest management services of the Russian Federation, as well as the departments of geological exploration and environmental management, are considered advanced.

The next example of the use of geographic information systems in the Russian economy is to determine transport and urban planning in terms of investment attractiveness. Assessment of the ability of construction, recreation areas and pollution, as well as prices for the sale of housing is carried out on the basis of information about the territory integrated in the geographic information system, where the formation of zones of a combination of factors and regulations based on buffer zones is determined. In the field of transport, geographic information systems have significant potential for planning and supporting transport infrastructure. At the moment, this is very rational, since there is the ability to use ORB receivers to create a certain control over the movement of heavy vehicles and other vehicles. It is clear that for today's companies, including organizations that directly manage territories, geographic information systems are considered the most optimal means of storing information about a site. It is also worth noting that GIS should be actively used in the field of state and municipal property management. Without the use of geographic information systems, the state will use these types of property irrationally. In this regard, a situation may arise when the transfer of state property to the private sector will be effective, but sometimes it will be dangerous for the well-being of the country's citizens.


Thus, it can be stated that the use in the practice of economic and spatial regulation of the development of Russia of an extensive apparatus of economic and mathematical modeling of processes, events, situations, mechanisms and procedures for the behavior of economic agents has recently been considered as an effective tool for researching and forecasting options for their development. Perhaps the modern task of geographic information technologies is precisely to increase their accessibility and versatility, the depth of their penetration into all spheres and economic activities of the country. Potentially, such integration of the national economy into the geoinformation space can open up a huge variety of opportunities for developing the economic potential of our state.


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3. Turlapov V.E. Geographic information systems in economics: Educational and methodological manual. - Nizhny Novgorod: NF SU-HSE, 2007.

4. Borisov A.I. Foreign policy of state and municipal property management // Problems and prospects of economics and management. : materials of the III International. scientific conf. (St. Petersburg, December 2014). - St. Petersburg: Satis, 2014. - VI, 76 - 79 p.

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Geographic Information System (GIS) is an Automated Information System (AIS) designed for processing spatiotemporal data, the basis for the integration of which is geographic information (digital maps)

GIS technologies: is a set of methods and techniques practical use achievements of geoinformatics for manipulating spatial data, their presentation and analysis

ELEMENTS OF CARTOGRAPHY Nomenclature - a way of designating (identifying) sheets (fragments) of a geographic map l Basic cartographic projections: Gauss-Kruger projection (CIS) Mercator projection, UTM (common in the West) Topology - a set of integrity rules and software tools that determine the behavior of spatially related geographic objects and object classes l

Features of data organization in GIS Spatial graphic information (point, linear and polygonal or areal objects) l Thematic (attributive) information characterizing spatial objects l Layer-by-layer organization of data (thematic layers, time slices and vertical levels) l Raster and vector representation of data ( advantages of vector representation: it takes up less space in computer memory, has the property of scalability) l

1. 2. THEMATIC SECTIONS OF GIS Land and real estate Territorial administration and municipal GIS Environmental management Engineering communications and networks Surveys, design, construction Navigation, communications, transport Education Geodesy Cartography, GIS Remote sensing of the Earth Defense, law and order, emergency situations, data protection Technologies Health Care Demography and statistics

1. 3. WHAT CAN GIS DO FOR ECONOMISTS? Perform spatial queries and analysis Improve integration within the organization Make more informed decisions Provide a variety of information requested by planning authorities Create versatile electronic maps

APPLICATION OF GIS IN ECONOMY Analysis and tracking of the current state Planning business activity Optimization according to various selection criteria Support for decision-making Selection of the safest routes Analysis of the risk of material investments Demographic studies Determination of demand for products tied to the territory Geocoding of GIS and spatial data analysis Geographical reference of databases on land cadastres, real estate ... Assessment of economic risk and damage to emergencies Forecast economic efficiency for sectors of the national economy Mobile GIS GIS and logistics (product distribution processes) GIS in the tourism business, etc.

GIS and banking services optimal location of branches collection efficient management of GIS resources and education GIS educational institution Distance learning methods Economic geoinformatics

Municipal GIS l l l l Development planning Resource management Socio-economic activities GIS IN TOUR BUSINESS Search for a tour (type and place of vacation, booking tickets, visas, excursions ...) Travel agencies Travel routes (Europe, Asia, Africa, ...) GIS service (world weather, currency of the world...)

BUSINESS GIS APPLICATIONS GIS for demographic analysis GIS for customer and partner communications GIS for product delivery and routing GIS for location selection and analysis GIS for marketing analysis and planning Internet service delivery (Web mapping) GIS data GIS software for business people: Arc. View Gis with additional modules - Arc. View Business Analyst; Business Map PRO; Atlas Gis; Arc. Logistics Route

1. 4. PRECEDORS to GIS l Digital cartography l Geosurvey l DBMS l CAD l Earth Remote Sensing l Photogrammetry (techniques for processing aerospace images)

1. 5. GIS CORE INCLUDES: l l l Tools for entering data into the computer environment Software and technological tools for converting coordinate systems and transforming map projections Tools for storing and manipulating positional (metric and topological) and non-positional (thematic, semantic) attributes in the database using the Rastrovo DBMS -vector operations Measuring operations, including calculation of lengths of segments, calculation of areas, perimeters, etc.

GIS CORE INCLUDES: (continued) Polygon operations (overlaying polygons, determining whether a point belongs to a polygon, a line to a polygon...) l Analytical and modeling operations (searching for the nearest neighbor, choosing the optimal route, analyzing networks, constructing buffer zones) l Surface analysis (creation and processing DEM, calculation of slope angles and exposures, determination of visibility zones...) l

GIS CORE INCLUDES: (continued) Outputting data and documenting results using various devices l Cartographic graphics for monochrome and color reproduction of maps (selecting and changing the palette of color fills, shading, editing the map legend) l Digital processing of remote images (filtering, summary of sheets, linking to a geographical basis, thematic classification of images) l

Tutorial is devoted to the basics of geographic information systems and technologies (GIS technologies). The history of the emergence and development of GIS technologies, areas of application, classification and market of GIS, issues of their use to solve various applied problems related to management and business are considered. The functional organization of software for instrumental GIS platforms is shown. The review of technologies for input and processing of spatial information outlines the most important data sources, such as: existing maps, Earth remote sensing (ERS) data, global positioning systems (GPS) data, data in exchange formats of other systems. Common exchange formats for spatial data are given. Considered structural organization GIS based on thematic layers, maps and projects, as well as data models that form the basis of GIS technologies. The mathematical basis of the map is considered: popular geographic coordinate systems and their projections onto the plane, including the Gauss-Kruger projection and UTM. The range of tasks of spatial analysis, methods of working with data are shown: SQL queries, thematic mapping, diagrams, dialog forms and macros (using the example of the GeoGraph GIS). The manual is intended for senior undergraduate students, master's students or graduate students of economic universities; it may also be useful to teachers of higher educational institutions who want to get acquainted with the basics of geographic information technologies and apply them in their activities.

The text below is obtained by automatic extraction from the original PDF document and is intended as a preview.
There are no images (pictures, formulas, graphs).

Scientific and educational laboratory quantitative analysis and economic modeling V.E. Turlapov GEOINFORMATION TECHNOLOGIES IN ECONOMY Educational and methodological manual Nizhny Novgorod NF SU-HSE 2007 UDC 332.1 BBK 65.04 T 61 Turlapov V.E. Geographic information systems in economics: Educational and methodological manual. – Nizhny Novgorod: NF GU-HSE, 2007. – 118 p. The textbook is devoted to the basics of geographic information systems and technologies (GIS technologies). The history of the emergence and development of GIS technologies, areas of application, classification and market of GIS, issues of their use to solve various applied problems related to management and business are considered. The functional organization of software for instrumental GIS platforms is shown. The review of technologies for input and processing of spatial information outlines the most important data sources, such as: existing maps, Earth remote sensing (ERS) data, global positioning systems (GPS) data, data in exchange formats of other systems. Common exchange formats for spatial data are given. The structural organization of GIS is considered based on thematic layers, maps and projects, as well as the data models that form the basis of GIS technologies. The mathematical basis of the map is considered: popular geographic coordinate systems and their projections onto the plane, including the Gauss-Kruger projection and UTM. The range of tasks of spatial analysis, methods of working with data are shown: SQL queries, thematic mapping, diagrams, dialog forms and macros (using the example of the GeoGraph GIS). The manual is intended for senior undergraduate students, master's students or graduate students of economic universities; it may also be useful to teachers of higher educational institutions who want to get acquainted with the basics of geographic information technologies and apply them in their activities. UDC 332.1 BBK 65.04 © V.E. Turlapov, 2007 © NF SU-HSE, 2007 2 Contents 1. Emergence and development of GIS technologies.............................. ........................................5 1.1. History of the emergence of GIS......................................................... ...........................................5 1.2. Areas of application and examples of application of GIS technologies....................................7 1.3. General functional components of GIS................................................................. ..............11 1.4.Software of modern GIS platforms.................................... ..........13 2. Russian geoinformatics market: state, problems, prospects. ...............15 2.1. State of the geoinformatics market in the Russian Federation in 2006 .............................. ...............................15 2.2. Main trends and problems of market development................................................... ....21 3.Principles of GIS organization.................................... ...........................................23 3.1. Layer, map and project, as the basis for organizing information in GIS...................23 3.2.Spatial objects of layers and their models...... ...........................................25 3.2. 1.Vector models........................................................ ........................................................ ............ 26 3.2.2.Vector topological models.................................... ........................................................ 27 3.2.3.Raster models.................................................... ........................................................ ................ 29 3.2.4. TIN models.................................... ........................................................ ............................................... 31 3.3. Problems of spatial analysis solved by modern GIS.....................31 4.Mathematical basis of the map.................... ........................................................ ................33 4.1. Map, its meaning and information complexity.................................................... ......33 4.2. The concept of map projections. Classification of projections by distortion and projection methods.................................................... ...........................34 4.2.1.Projecting an ellipsoid onto a plane and associated distortions...... ............... 35 Relationships between distortions and distribution of distortions on the map ............................ 37 4.2.2 .Classification of projections according to the type of meridians and parallels of the normal grid..... 37 4.3. Selecting a coordinate system........................................................ ........................................41 4.3.1.Geographical coordinate system. ........................................................ ........................... 41 4.3.2. Common geographic coordinate systems and map projections......... ........................................................ ........................................................ ....................... 42 4.3.3. Comparison of the Gauss-Kruger projection with UTM ............... ................................................... 45 4.4 . Layout and nomenclature of topographic maps......... ........................................47 5. Transformations of coordinate systems for layers and maps ...........................................49 5.1.Plane transformations ........................................................ ....................................52 5.1.1.Shift and rotation by two points... ........................................................ ........................... 52 5.1.2.Affine transformation............ ........................................................ ........................... 53 5.1.3. Projective transformation.................. ........................................................ .......................... 53 5.1.4.Quadratic transformation.................. ........................................................ ..................... 54 5.1.5.Transformation by polynomials of the 5th degree.................. ........................................................ 54 5.1.6. Local affine transformation................................................................. ........................... 55 5.2. Converting map projections.................................................................... .....55 6.Sources and means of input/output of spatial information................58 6.1. Remote sensing data (RSD)............................................................ ............59 6.2.GPS receiver data.................................... ........................................................ ..........59 6.2.1. Operating principle of GPS receivers.................................... ........................................................ 59 6.2.2.NMEA protocol for GPS data exchange................................................. ............................... 63 6.2.3.Using GPS devices in GIS...... ........................................................ .............. 66 6.3. Source data formats in GIS GeoGraph.................................... ...............................68 3 7.Creating a project and geodatabase. Queries, thematic maps, forms, diagrams, macros.................................................... ........................................................ ...............71 7.1.Project and geodatabase................................. ........................................................ ..............71 7.2.Creating a layer database.................................... ...................................................77 7.2.1.Tables.................................................... ........................................................ .......................... 77 7.2.2.Requests........... ........................................................ ........................................................ ............... 80 7.2.3. Topics. Thematic mapping................................................................... ...................... 80 7.2.4.Forms.................................. ........................................................ ........................................................ ...... 81 7.2.4. Macros........................................................ ........................................................ ........................ 83 7.2.5. Diagrams........................................................ ........................................................ ..................... 85 8. Database tools.................................. ........................................................ ......87 8.1.QUERIES as an implementation of the relationship "spatial object - object attributes".................................. ........................................................ ...............................................87 8.2. QBE REQUESTS................................................... ........................................................ .......89 8.2.SQL QUERY.................................... ........................................................ ....................98 8.3.Examples of spatial analysis problems.................................... ....................................104 8.3.1.Construction of buffer zones..... ........................................................ .................................... 104 8.3.2.Logical overlay of layers...... ........................................................ .................................... 107 9. Data exchange formats in GIS..... ........................................................ ....................109 9.1. Exchange format VEC (GIS IDRISI) ............................................... .......................109 9.2. MOSS (Map Overlay and Statistic System) exchange format .............................................109 9.3. Exchange format GEN (ARC/INFO GENERATE FORMAT - GIS ARCI/NFO) ................................................... ........................................................ ........................................................ ....110 9.4. Exchange format MIF (MapInfo Interchange Format - GIS MAPINFO) .......... 111 Questions for self-control ............................ ........................................................ .................115 Literature................................... ........................................................ ........................................116 4 1. Emergence and development of GIS technologies 1.1. History of GIS The abbreviation GIS literally stands for geographic information system or geographic information system. A GIS can be thought of as a set of hardware and software tools used to capture, store, manipulate, analyze, and display spatial (originally geographic) information. The term geoinformation has now come to mean something more than its expanded version. Why, we will become clear later. The first GIS is considered to be the system created in 1962 in Canada by Alan Tomlinson, which was called the Canadian Geographic Information System. The first GIS consisted of entire rooms occupied by computing equipment and many shelves filled with punched cards with spatial and descriptive information about objects (coordinates). Due to the high cost, such GIS were few in number and available only to large government organizations, as well as organizations managing the exploitation of natural resources. The development of GIS in its modern understanding and role as a technology is undoubtedly associated with the rapid development of information technologies in general and, first of all, with the development of the hardware base. Three sources of the birth of GIS technologies. GIS technologies are designed to work with any data that has a spatiotemporal reference, which has led to their rapid dissemination and widespread use in many branches of science and technology, and above all, in areas related to the use of maps and plans. The value of the card can hardly be overestimated in various areas of human activity and society as a whole. Digital geodesy and digital cartography (Automated Mapping, AM) have become a natural extension of traditional sciences and the first of three sources of GIS technologies. They learned to describe, structure, store and process spatial geodetic and cartographic information well, and solve problems of cartographic algebra. The second source was the development of database management systems (DBMS), which provided rational methods for storing all types of information and real time access to data even if it is distributed storage, and sometimes thanks to it. Ordinary (non-spatial) data that is somehow related to spatial data is called attribute information in GIS. Already these two components have powerful potential, which has made it possible to effectively develop digital cartography and automation of management of engineering networks and communications (Facilities Management, FM). The spatial information of FM systems was largely 5 based on information about utility network designs built in computer-aided design (CAD) systems. In the late 1980s, the first environmental GIS appeared in the United States. During this time, the Wilderness Society and the Sierra Biodiversity Institute conducted the first mapping of old-growth forests using GIS technologies, aerial and space imaging. In the early 1990s, the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service began a project to analyze the system of protected areas using GIS (GAP analysis) and its correspondence to the diversity of ecosystems across all US states. However, these GIS still required rather expensive software and hardware (high-performance workstations), and did not reach the level of mass technology. The development of the computing and networking capabilities of a mass-produced personal computer to the level of a workstation's capabilities made it possible to take the third and final step to reach the level of mass technology. The first publicly available, fully functional GIS capable of running on personal computers appeared in 1994 (ArcView 2.0). Since that time, the rapid development of GIS as a mass technology began. GIS technologies have made great strides in life and various mass tasks: management; trade, transport and warehousing; Agriculture; ecology and environmental management; healthcare; tourism; construction; optimal investment, etc. The basis for the attractiveness of GIS technologies is: the clarity of the spatial representation of the results of database analysis; powerful data integration capabilities, including the possibility of joint research of attributive information factors that have spatial intersection; the possibility of changing spatial information based on the results of a joint analysis of attribute and spatial data bases. If we talk about the beginnings digital cartography, the world's first digital terrain model (DTM - Digital Terrain Model) was created in 1957 by MIT professor Miller. It was a digital terrain model and was intended for road design. Subsequently, DMMs began to be used in other areas. Cartographers and surveyors realized that they could serve as the basis for mapping automation. In the USSR, the first attempts to create a DEM were made in the 1960s. But already in the early 70s and 84, satellites were launched that provided global coverage of the globe with stereo imaging to create 1:50,000 scale maps of unsurpassed quality. 6 As we enter the second decade of the GIS information revolution, one of the most basic user requirements for spatial data—high-quality 3D data—still remains the most challenging. People involved in 3D modeling and software development to simulate the movement of objects in space need digital models relief and terrain (DEM and DTM), an increasing number of specialists are considering the option of moving from two-dimensional to three-dimensional geographic information systems. 1.2. Areas of application and examples of application of GIS technologies The scope of application of GIS technologies extends to solving problems that use cartographic and spatial information. Today, the following areas of application have fully developed: 1. cartography and engineering geodesy (creation and updating of maps and plans); 2. management of engineering networks and communications; 3. management of protection (ecology) and development of natural resources; 4. enterprise and business management (including transport and cargo transportation, territorial and economic analysis, etc.); 5. management of territories (including land use, property); 6. spatial navigation; 7. information communication in society. The first area of ​​application serves both its own needs and provides a spatial basis for all other areas. Spatial navigation and information communication are areas available today to almost anyone, the remaining areas are served by management. Navigation and information communication in society. Using GIS web services similar to the Google site ( Fig. 1.1. Measuring in Google the length of the path along the streets on the map of N. Novgorod. 7 Fig.1.2. The center of N. Novgorod in the form of a satellite image in the Google Earth system Fig. 1.3. A section of the city with the exact coordinates of its topographic reference in Google Earth Business management. Western business firms use GIS to select the location of new supermarkets: warehouse location and service area are determined by modeling delivery and the influence of competing warehouses. GIS is also used for supply management. 8 Territory management. The tasks of managing a district, regional or municipal economy are one of the largest areas of GIS applications. In any area of ​​administration activity (land survey, land use management, replacement of office work technology, resource management, taking into account the state of the actual- Fig. 1.5. An example of an analysis of the dynamics of income from property and real estate, prior to the use of negative and positive color ranges (GIS MapInfo) of important highways) applicable GIS technologies. They are used at command posts of monitoring centers and the Ministry of Emergency Situations. GIS is today an integral component of any municipal or regional management information system. To protect the environment in the constituent entities of the federation, special centers environmental safety (ECS), equipped with modern GIS technologies. The GIS of these services used digital maps created by aerial geodetic enterprises of Roscartography, and sometimes they themselves prepared such maps based on existing paper maps. Particularly effective in environmental Fig. 1.6. GIS (based on GeoGraph) of the Center for Environmental Safety GIS apparatus for constructing buffer zones and tasks of the Nizhny Novgorod region: more than 80 cartographic algebra. Ecological general geographic and more than 60 ecological layers; volume constantly GIS today are able to solve many problems with updated information, more than 30 files, including about 500 fields vital for the region, including problems using three-dimensional terrain. Forest management services of the Russian Federation, geological exploration and environmental management departments are also advanced in the field of GIS. 9 Engineering networks. Organizations providing public utilities, most actively use GIS to manage engineering communications (pipelines, cables, transformers, substations, etc.). Similar problems are solved by the engineering services of large enterprises. The tasks of GIS in this area of ​​application often include predicting the behavior of utility networks in response to deviations - Fig. 1.7. GIS for management of engineering communications based on AutoCAD Map is different from the norm, as well as tools for designing networks on the terrain and mapping the laying of communications. Recognized leaders in engineering GIS are the powerful AutoCAD Map and AutoCAD Civil tool systems from Autodesk. Problems of urban planning and its investment attractiveness. Assessment of the possibility of construction, encumbrances, pollution zones, recreation areas, construction costs and selling prices of housing based on information about the territory integrated into GIS - construction of zones for a combination of factors and regulations based on buffer zones and overlays. Transport. GIS has enormous potential for planning and supporting transport infrastructure. Today this is especially effective, since it is possible to use GPS receivers to monitor the movement of heavy vehicles and other vehicles. Obviously for everyone modern organizations, especially for organizations that directly manage territories, GIS is the best way to store information about, above and below an area of ​​land or sea. 10

Spatial data is data about
spatial (geographical) objects, about them
location and properties. Almost all objects
localities can be classified as spatial. These objects
characterized by the presence of a certain set of properties,
the most important of which is the indication of location.

Spatial data infrastructure

* The concept of IPD can mean a complex
including technologies, joint strategic
initiatives, common standards, financial and human
resources, as well as related actions necessary for
collection, processing, distribution, use,
maintaining and storing spatial data.
* The spatial data infrastructure of the Russian Federation is
geographically distributed system, which implies
the ability to create spatial products and,
accordingly, IPD nodes both on the basis of state
institutions at federal, regional and municipal
levels and IPD nodes of commercial enterprises.

Geographic information systems

* Geographic information systems (GIS) are automated
systems whose main functions are collection,
storage, integration, analysis of spatial geodata and
their graphic visualization in the form of maps or diagrams.
* Currently, GIS is being integrated with automated
inventory systems, design, navigation,
management, etc.
* Modern GIS are information management
systems, functionality of which significantly
broader than geographic information systems
* GIS is a tool for working with a large number of
information and database.

Geographic information systems

Geographic information systems

Geographic information systems

Geographic information systems


* Geoportal is an electronic geographical resource,
located on a local network or the Internet. Often under
geoportal understands any published
cartographic document. But the concept of a geoportal is much more
more broadly, it is a catalog of geodata (cartographic and
descriptive information), accompanied by basic or
expanded capabilities of geographic information systems
(viewing, editing, analysis of spatial data),
accessible to users via a web browser.


* The following are the main stages of work when creating
* Collection of the necessary set of geodata (cartographic
information, attribute data, satellite images,
accompanying documentation in the form of reports, graphs,
tables, etc.).
* Preparation of data for integration into specialized
software for publishing on the Internet.
* Design and creation of a web interface of the future
geoportal, as well as direct integration
prepared data.
* Placing a geographical resource on the Internet.

Geoportals Scale of geoportals

Based on territorial coverage, geoportals are divided into global (GoogleEarth),
state (federal), regional and municipal.
* Federal geoportals in Russia
Geoportal Spatial data infrastructure of the Russian Federation, Public cadastral
map, Federal GIS Territorial
Planning, ROSCOSMOS Geoportal, Information System
remote monitoring Federal agency forest
farms, Geoportal of the Ministry of Natural Resources, Land Atlas
agricultural purposes, Government program Available
Wednesday, Epidemiological Atlas of the Volga Federal District,
Federal Geographic Information System of Industrial Parks.
* Regional geoportals in Russia
Arkhangelsk region, Belgorod region, Republic of Buryatia, Voronezh
region, Kaluga region, Kirov region, Komi Republic, Krasnoyarsk
edge, Nizhny Novgorod Region, Novosibirsk region, Omsk region,
Samara region, Republic of Tatarstan, Tyumen region, Ulyanovsk
region, Chelyabinsk region, Chuvash Republic, Sakha Republic, Yamalonetsky autonomous region, Yaroslavl region.
* Municipal (city) geoportals of Russia
Cartographic Fund of Volgograd, Electronic Atlas of Moscow, Municipal
portal of Novosibirsk, Municipal portal of Samara, Regional
geographic information system of St. Petersburg, Electronic Atlas of St. Petersburg, Geographic information system of the Togliatti urban district