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Test work for the KSK group in the discipline "maintenance and repair of computer systems and complexes."

  • 1. System software.
  • 1. basic software
  • 2. operating systems
  • 3. utilities
  • 2. Application software.

Software is understood as a set of software and documentary tools for creating and operating data processing systems using computer technology. In the most general terms, computer software can be divided (depending on its purpose) into system, instrumental and application (like any classification, this division is arbitrary).

Software is either data for use in other programs or an algorithm implemented as a sequence of instructions to the processor.

The software is designed to:

ensure the operability of the computer;

facilitate user interaction with the computer;

expand computing system resources;

increase the efficiency of resource use;

increase user productivity and quality of work.

In computer jargon, the word “software” is often used, from the English software, which in this sense was first used in an American Mathematical Monthly article by Princeton University mathematician John W. Tukey in 1958. In the field of computing and programming, software is the collection of all information, data and programs that are processed by computer systems.

System software.

System software is a set of programs that provide effective management components of a computer system, such as a processor, RAM, input/output channels, network and communication equipment, etc. System software organizes the process of information processing in a computer and ensures normal work environment for application programs, it is designed to control a computer, organize problem solving and user interaction with computer hardware. It is so closely related to the hardware that it is sometimes considered part of the computer. The richer the system software, the more productive the work on the computer becomes.

System software includes operating systems, service software (shells, utilities, anti-virus tools) and maintenance programs (test programs, monitoring programs).

Basic software.

Basic software occupies a special position in computer architecture. On the one hand, it can be considered as component hardware, on the other hand, it is one of the software modules operating system.

Operating system.

An operating system (OS) is a set of special software designed to control computer booting, launching and executing other user programs, as well as planning and managing the computing resources of a personal computer. It provides control of information processing and interaction between hardware and the user.

Operating system features include:

  • · carrying out a dialogue with the user;
  • · data input, output and management;
  • · planning and organizing the program processing process;
  • · distribution of resources (RAM and ultra-fast memory, processor, external devices);
  • · launching programs for execution;
  • · various auxiliary maintenance operations;
  • · transfer of information between various internal devices;
  • · software support for peripheral devices.

The main need of the OS is that it hides from the user complex unnecessary details of interaction with the equipment, forming a layer between them.

One of the most important functions of the OS is the automation of information input/output processes and control of the execution of application tasks solved by the user.

Based on the functions they perform, operating systems can be divided into three groups: single-tasking (single-user), multi-tasking (multi-user) and network.

Single-tasking operating systems are designed for one user to work on one specific task at a time. Their appearance was stimulated by the creation of a large class of personal computers. An example of such an OS is the MS DOS operating system, which was widely used until the early 1990s.

Multitasking operating systems provide shared use of a PC in a multiprogram time-sharing mode, while the PC memory contains several task programs and the processor distributes computer resources between tasks. Examples include the operating systems UNIX, OS/2, Microsoft Windows 95, Microsoft Windows 98, Microsoft Windows 2000, Microsoft Windows Me, Microsoft Windows XP.

Network operating systems are associated with the emergence of local and global networks and are designed to provide access to all resources of a computer network, for example, Novell Net, Microsoft Windows NT, UNIX, IBM LAN operating systems.

Depending on the number of simultaneously processed tasks and the number of users that can serve the OS, there are four main classes of OS:

single-user single-tasking: - support one keyboard and can only work with one (in this moment) task;

single-user, single-task with background printing, which allow, in addition to the main task, to launch one additional task, oriented to print information. This speeds up work when printing large volumes of information;

single-user multitasking, which provides one user with parallel processing of several tasks;

multi-user multi-tasking - allow several users to run several tasks on one computer. These operating systems are very complex and require significant machine resources.

In order to be complete, the OS must at least contain the following main components.

File system.

Drivers for external devices.

Command language processor.

One of the primary tasks of the operating system should be considered managing the disk drive and access to it. It is no coincidence that early PC operating systems contained the abbreviation DOS (Disk Operating System) in their name. The file system is used for this. Any application program has access to the file system, for which all programming languages ​​have special procedures. For a personal computer, the file system is to a certain extent the basis of the system software.

Support for a wide range of external devices is one of the most important functions of the OS.

In modern operating systems, there is an intermediate level between application programs and hardware, a kind of buffer called API (application programming interface). An API provides the programmer with the ability to call specific general-purpose procedures that access specific hardware resources. As new equipment appears, the API is updated, but this is not enough.

Drivers ensure correct operation of the hardware. Drivers are programs that expand the capabilities of the OS to manage input/output devices, RAM, etc. Using drivers, you can connect new peripheral devices or non-standard equipment to your computer. Each type of external device has its own driver. Standard device drivers form groups basic system input/output (BIOS), which is often stored in the ROM of the PC system unit.

Every OS has a command language that allows you to perform certain actions - accessing a directory, launching application programs, etc. Analysis and execution of user commands is carried out by the OS command processor.

To communicate with the OS, a shell is often used - this is what the user sees on the monitor screen when working with the system. Essentially, this is an application program that is loaded on top of the OS and implements a command language that allows the user to access system functions. A shell is just a utility for entering information that provides convenient access to the operating system, but is not part of the OS.

File management and job scheduling programs are ready-to-execute programs (files): utilities, programming systems, tool systems, integrated software packages, computer graphics systems, database management systems (DBs), application packages and programs.

Communication programs are programs designed to organize the exchange of information between computers.

Testing, monitoring and diagnostic programs are used to check the correct functioning of computer devices and to detect malfunctions during operation, indicating the cause and location of the malfunction.

Memory management programs provide more flexible use of the computer operating system.

Printing programs output information to the printer.


Another set of programs are utility programs. This is the totality software products, providing the user Additional services in working with a computer and expanding the capabilities of operating systems. These are various service programs used when operating or maintaining a computer - editors, debuggers, diagnostic programs, archivers, anti-virus programs and other auxiliary programs. These programs make it easier for the user to interact with the computer. They are accompanied by programs that ensure the operation of computers on the network. They implement network protocols for exchanging information between machines, working with distributed databases, and teleprocessing information.

Maintenance programs are understood as a set of software and hardware tools for diagnosing and detecting errors during the operation of a computer or computer system as a whole. They include tools for diagnostics and test monitoring of the correct operation of the PC and its individual parts, as well as special programs for diagnostics and control of the computing environment that automatically check the functionality of the system. These programs are used to check the performance, setup and technical operation of computer equipment by the personnel who service it. The results of such programs are displayed in a visual form and can be useful to a user with at least a qualification as a computer operator.

Utilities are auxiliary programs; they expand and complement the corresponding capabilities of the operating system (OS), mainly for maintaining the disks and file system of the computer.

Packers are programs that allow you to record information on floppy disks in a more dense form, that is, create smaller copies of files, as well as combine several files into one (archive).

Anti-virus programs are programs designed to prevent infection by computer viruses and eliminate the consequences of infection. Anti-virus protection software provides diagnostics (detection) and treatment (neutralization) of viruses. The term "virus" refers to a program that can multiply, infiltrate other programs, and perform various unwanted actions.

Application software

Application software is directly aimed at solving professional problems, reducing labor intensity and increasing user efficiency in various fields human activity. These programs allow you to almost completely automate tasks solved by the user. The programs of this group are very diverse: from simple text information processing programs to powerful publishing systems; from solving simple computing problems to powerful professional mathematical calculation systems and accounting programs.

Currently, hundreds of thousands of different application programs have been developed and used for various applications.

The most widely used programs are:

  • · preparing texts (documents) on a computer - text editors;
  • · preparation of documents of typographic quality - publishing systems;
  • · creating and editing images - graphic editors;
  • · processing of tabular data - spreadsheets;
  • · processing of information arrays - database management systems;

Text editors and publishing systems provide the ability to prepare documents on a computer. Text editors (NotePad - developed by Microsoft) are capable of performing basic editing functions: typing, making corrections, saving, working with fragments. Word processors ( Microsoft Word, - Microsoft development), in addition, have various design capabilities, and some allow you to create documents intended to be viewed not in paper form, but on a computer ( electronic documents). Publishing systems automate the process of layout of printed publications. Publishing systems are distinguished by advanced means of controlling the interaction of text with page parameters and graphic objects, but have weaker capabilities for automating text input and editing. It is advisable to apply them to documents that have been pre-processed in word processors and graphic editors.

Spreadsheets allow you to work with large tables of numbers. The main purpose of spreadsheets is processing various types data presented in tabular form, for example, financial planning, accounting documents, small engineering calculations. The main advantage of spreadsheets, in comparison with word processors (where tables can also be maintained, small calculations and sorting can be performed), is that the contents of some cells can change automatically in accordance with changes in the contents of others, in other words, formulas can be stored in cells. In addition, table editors have the ability to maintain small databases and visualize data in the form of various tables, charts and graphs, i.e. Table maintenance tools and spreadsheet calculation tools are supported by the ability to create visual reports. They are widely used in accounting, analysis of financial and trading markets, means of processing the results of scientific and economic experiments, i.e. in automating regularly repeated calculations of large volumes of numeric and text data representing tabular structures. The most popular spreadsheet editors are Lotus1-2-3 Quatto Pro, Microsoft Excel, Super Calc, etc.

Database management systems (DBMS) allow you to work with large volumes of structured data - databases (usually table structures). The functions of a DBMS include: data description, data access, search, data selection according to certain criteria. Most modern DBMSs allow you to create small data processing programs in built-in languages ​​and have design capabilities that allow you to create a report based on the collected and processed data. Even unskilled users can easily work with such DBMSs, since all actions in them are carried out using menus and other interactive tools. However, it is often necessary to solve problems that involve many different types of objects and, accordingly, many information arrays connected to each other by various relationships. In such cases, it is necessary to create specialized Information Systems, in which the necessary data processing is performed in the most natural way for users - with a convenient presentation of input data, output forms, graphs and charts, search queries, etc. To solve such problems, more complex DBMSs are used, which make it possible to describe data and actions with them using special tools (usually programming languages). An example program for this Microsoft Access class.

Graphic editors allow you to create and edit pictures on your computer screen. These include raster and vector graphics editors, three-dimensional graphics processing programs (3D editors). Raster editors use rasters to represent images, i.e. a collection of dots that have their own color and brightness. They are convenient for processing photographs and objects with soft color transitions. The basis of vector representation is a line (its equation). Vector editors are convenient for working with drawings and hand-drawn pictures. Three-dimensional graphics editors are used to create spatial graphic compositions that allow you to trace the interactions of three-dimensional objects with each other and three-dimensional objects with a light source. Typically, the user is given the ability to draw lines, curves, color areas of the screen, create inscriptions in various fonts, etc. Most editors allow you to process images obtained using scanners, as well as display the resulting images in such a way that they can be included in a document prepared using a word processor or publishing system. Some editors provide the ability to obtain images of three-dimensional objects, convert raster images into vector format, professional color processing tools, etc.

Software tools for solving applied mathematical (statistical) problems allow you to perform mathematical calculations: solving equations and systems of equations, etc., some packages allow you to perform analytical (symbolic) calculations: differentiation, integration, etc. Some of them allow you to display graphs of functions (specified in tabular or analytical form), surface level lines, scatter plots, etc. TO this species Software includes programs such as MatCad, MatLab.

Individual programs, being a powerful tool for solving a range of applied problems, cannot fully satisfy the user. For example, it can be convenient to process a sample of data provided by a DBMS using spreadsheets; the results, presented in the form of visual tables, are placed in a report, which is a text document that was compiled in a word processor. For collaboration Several programs also require unification of the formats of the processed files. Such software packages are called integrated software. The most common product of this class is the MS Office package. Integrated systems combine the capabilities of a database management system, a spreadsheet processor, a text editor, and business graphics, and sometimes other possibilities.

Translators usually work resident, i.e. in any text on foreign language you can select the fragment to be translated and after pressing a certain key combination, a window with the translation is presented or possible options word translation.

Games are very common, a huge number of them have been created. Among them, the following typical scenarios can be distinguished: games of anticipation (skill), gambling, strategy, logic games, educational games.

Entertainment - application programs, allowing you to view slides, listen to sound files, video files.

Application software deals with solving narrower problems, as well as problems of a professional nature in various subject areas. special purpose, which includes: information systems, expert systems, systems computer-aided design and etc.

Information systems (IS) provide ample opportunities in:

enterprise management - a warehouse, office document flow;

accounting - these are systems that have the functions of text, spreadsheet editors and DBMS. Designed to automate the preparation of initial accounting documents, enterprises and their accounting, regular reports on the results of production, economic and financial activities in a form acceptable to tax authorities, extra-budgetary funds and statistical accounting bodies;

analysis of economic and financial activities; they are used in banking and stock exchange structures. They allow you to monitor and predict the situation in financial, trade and commodity markets, analyze current events, and prepare reports.

Expert systems are further development systems, database management. They are designed to analyze data stored in knowledge bases. Unlike DBMSs, which allow data manipulation operations, expert systems perform logical data analysis and have self-learning functions.

Computer-aided design systems - allow drawing and designing various mechanisms using a computer; they are used in mechanical engineering, construction, and architecture. They allow you to create drawing documentation adapted to a specific subject area, and also have reference books and calculation tools. Such programs as AutoCAD, ArchCaAD, etc. have become widespread.

Anything man-made that has value to humans must be maintained in order to fulfill its function. This especially applies to computer technology. So, it is necessary to ensure that all components work, that a lot of dust does not settle inside closed boxes, and much more. You have to make sure that even the wires and connectors do not move away from their places. To avoid problems, it is initially necessary to design and install everything necessary. Manufacturers cope well with these tasks (if we talk about computers and smartphones). But what can be said about why additional intervention is needed? For example, service computer networks and systems. After all, this is not an easy task! By the way, depending on the complexity, they sometimes say “maintenance of computer and intelligent systems and networks.” What is it, how does it happen, what skills are needed? Let's talk about this.

What is meant by system maintenance?

This is a necessary, although not feasible, task, which involves designing, installing and laying cables, as well as setting up the operation of equipment. If you have experience, maintaining computer systems and networks is not difficult. When deciding to do everything yourself, you need to decide on the point from which the connection will go, what route it will take, how it will all be attached, and much more. When setting up computer systems, it is also necessary to solve a whole range of issues: what software to use, how to optimize the operation of equipment, what restrictions to set, how to connect to a local/worldwide network. Do you see? There is a lot of work to be done. And this is not as easy as it might seem at first glance. Therefore, in order to avoid problems with sagging and interfering wires, you have to decide how everything will be done and secured so as not to affect the aesthetic appearance rooms. It should be noted that it makes sense to lay a computer network if more than 3 are used. The fact is that if there are two of them, then the most rational solution is to connect directly. When there is only one computer, then there is really nothing to talk about.

Maintenance of computer systems and networks - what is it and how is it implemented?

Let's focus more on the technical part. Three main components of computer network maintenance:

  1. Integrated design.
  2. Installation cable routes.
  3. Wiring.

When talking about computer network maintenance, it is impossible to make such an exact list, since it is potentially huge. Let's focus on the most important elements:

  1. Setting up the necessary software.
  2. Optimization of the operating system, RAM, registers.
  3. Checking the functioning of the hardware using the BIOS and eliminating possible problems.
  4. Cleaning disks from junk that has not been used for a long time.
  5. Carrying out diagnostic and restoration work.

Integrated design

What is meant by this? This includes creating a plan of what will be done and how. The following technologies can be used:

  1. Using
  2. Using wireless technologies.
  3. Use of optical developments.

It is necessary to think about what should be laid and how, what will be used for fastening and what are the optimal paths. It also provides for the presence of routers, routers, servers and many other units computer equipment, which is needed for the full operation of large networks.

Installation of cable routes and laying of wires

This is necessary for a more detailed implementation decision:

  1. Use of trays or cable ladders.
  2. Application of plastic boxes.
  3. Use of corrugated pipes.
  4. Application of sewer technology.

Diagnostics, cleaning and restoration of computer systems

First, about diagnostics. It is necessary to check all disks for errors, the same action applies to RAM. Then, using special software, registers are cleaned and applications that are not used for long periods of time are removed. They also defragment the information that is in the physical disks. And at the very end, they check and restore the functionality of damaged disk sectors (if these problems exist).

Operation optimization

An important component when talking about maintaining computer networks and systems. The fact is that for this it is necessary to audit the operation of the registry and clean it of debris, check applications that run along with the operating system and negatively affect the loading speed. At the same time, you can configure the processor so that it shows its maximum (but the negative side of this approach is increased energy consumption and a 10-20% reduced service life).

Also, to obtain greater performance, it will be useful to disable visual effects and, accordingly, speed up the execution of your own. This procedure will be especially useful for office computers, which usually cannot boast of significant performance. There are still optimization opportunities, but they are more likely to relate to individual programs, such as development special parameters settings or working with system files to ensure future execution of the application at the hardware level.

The choice between your own forces and a hired company

It is advisable for professionals to do this type of work. When creating everything with your own hands, you must take into account that you may have to drill the walls (which implies the presence of the appropriate tool) and you need a supply of wires and connecting parts. Maintaining computer systems and networks at home is much easier than at work. You can forget about all this if the work is done by professionals, but there is a problem that they need to pay an amount that is approximately 1000-2000 rubles. In addition, servicing computer networks and systems by professionals will allow you to do all the necessary actions faster than doing it yourself. Although the latter option will provide valuable experience, which will be useful nowhere else.


As you can see, it's not very difficult. Of course, working with a computer is easier due to the presence of many recommendations on what and how to do, besides, it does not require manual dexterity, you just need to start the necessary processes, and the machine will do everything itself. This is such a thing - maintenance of computer networks and systems.

≫ How to do Maintenance do-it-yourself computer? Step-by-step instruction

Published: May 12, 2015

Buying a home computer is always a great joy for the whole family. Access to the Internet, access to a huge amount of various information, work, study and recreation - this is only a small part of what a computer can provide us.
But quite often it happens that after three or four months, the joy of their owners begins to be overshadowed by problems arising with the PC. The computer suddenly turns off, freezes, the operating system constantly reboots or malfunctions. Most users do not even suspect that some of these problems could have been avoided if they carried out timely maintenance of their “digital friend”, and on their own.

Reasons for personal computer failure

  • Technical defect. No one is safe from its manifestation. Unfortunately, it is practically impossible to identify it upon purchase, but, as a rule, it appears for the first time during the operation of the device, and very rarely after a few months.
  • Infecting your computer with viruses. All viruses behave differently. Some can sit unnoticed and quietly for years, while the actions of others appear immediately - they can delete files, encrypt them, copy your personal data over the Internet, etc. In any case, this can lead to excessive load on the computer and damage to the operating system and as a consequence - to fatal errors in her work.
  • Incorrect operation of the software. The problem is due to both the imperfection of the environment for creating software and the mistakes made by programmers during development.
  • Overheating of system unit components. It is this reason for PC failure that is the main reason in the absence of basic, regular maintenance. Overheating of components occurs due to a violation normal cooling chips, for this reason the cooling components - radiators and fans (“coolers”) gradually become clogged with dust and dirt and cease to function properly.

What will be needed for maintenance?

Despite the apparent complexity, almost any user can perform maintenance. To do this we need simple tools:

  1. Toothpick.
  2. A can of compressed air (sold in computer stores) or a vacuum cleaner.

If you don't have a Phillips screwdriver, you can purchase one at any hardware store. Ask the sales consultant to show you a screwdriver with which you can unscrew the screws on the system unit and choose from those offered the one that suits you best in terms of ease of use.

A can of compressed air is also an optional attribute for maintenance if you have a good vacuum cleaner that has a reverse mode. (Such vacuum cleaners not only suck in air, but can also blow it out, creating a directed jet under pressure). The canister performs the same function, the only difference is that its air stream is more powerful than that of a vacuum cleaner, so using it as a blowing device is more preferable.

Maintenance procedure

Maintenance frequency

This maintenance should be performed at least once a month. But if, upon inspection of the system unit, it is discovered that dust accumulations are very large over a month, then the frequency of this operation should be increased.

Don't be afraid to damage something inside– if you do everything carefully, then the likelihood of damage from dust being sucked in or blown out is zero, but the benefits will be obvious. When the system unit's chips become overheated, not only the chips themselves suffer, but also the connectors in which they are installed or soldered. Constant overheating gradually destroys the structure of the motherboard and the “footprint”, and accordingly, the service life of the device sharply decreases.

Having performed this operation once, it is easy to make sure that there is nothing difficult about it, and in the future, it will become as commonplace as cleaning dust in your home.

Complex or network) consists of technical and system maintenance of the system and its use for its intended purpose - for data processing. Maintenance ( technical operation) - ensuring the operability of the system by creating the required operating conditions (power supply mode, temperature, etc.) and carrying out preventive and repair work. The main indicator of the quality of maintenance is the availability factor of the system (components), which characterizes the proportion of “time during which the system (components) is operational. An increase in the system availability factor is achieved by reducing equipment downtime due to preventive and repair work. On the efficiency of maintenance the following factors most significantly influence: 1) operating conditions of the system (stability of power supply, temperature, cleanliness of the environment, etc.): 2) reliability and maintainability of the system, degree of perfection of monitoring and diagnostic tools; 3) maintenance mode and qualifications of operating personnel; 4) completeness data about failures and failures technical means. To improve the efficiency of maintenance, systems provide means for storing data on errors, failures and failures. Data is accumulated by recording the state of the system at the time of the error detected by built-in monitoring tools or programs. Data is recorded by the operating system in a special system log - an area of ​​the magnetic disk drive. Data from the system log is periodically or, if necessary, printed and used by maintenance personnel to identify sources of errors, failures and failures in order to carry out preventive and repair work.

System maintenance

Systems maintenance (systems maintenance) - ensuring the efficient use of the system, aimed at reducing the cost of data processing, increasing system performance, quality of user service, etc. The main tasks of systems maintenance: 1) selection and adaptation of operating systems, including general system software; 2) setting up the operating system for the workload - organizing and selecting system operating parameters that provide the required quality of user service and maximum performance; 3) improving the system configuration - the composition of the device and the connections between them. All tasks of system engineering operation come down to mutual agreement of the configuration, system operating mode and workload to ensure the required quality of user service - organizing the necessary data processing modes, increasing productivity, reducing response time and the cost of data processing. The choice of operating system is made based on the configuration of the computer system (processor performance, RAM capacity, composition of external memory and input/output facilities), the need for data processing modes (focused, telecommunications, network, batch, interactive, etc.) and basic properties of the workload (composition and characteristics of tasks solved by the system). The operating system adapts to the configuration of the computing system and the needs of users by generating a variant that must contain the necessary means of managing devices and memory, methods of accessing data, and providing the required data processing modes. In this case, RAM and external memory are divided into areas provided to system and application software. The system-wide software includes the necessary tools for automating programming, processing symbolic and graphical information, database management, teleprocessing, etc. The resulting version of the operating system determines the possible operating modes of the computer system and data processing up to the values ​​of the parameters that establish the level of multiprogramming, the value of the processor time quantum, the number of system input-output processes and other indicators that are set and changed during the operation of the computer system by configuring the operating system for the current workload.

Setting up the operating system

When generating an operating system, the workload can only be approximately predicted. Moreover, it changes over time. Therefore, tuning the operating system for a real workload is carried out on a running computer system and is repeated several times. The purpose of the setup is to increase system performance and ensure the required processing speed - required time answer. Configuration comes down to assigning operating system parameters: multiprogramming level, processor time slice, buffer sizes, job and task scheduling algorithms, memory and device management algorithms, etc. The information necessary for configuring the operating system is collected during operation of the computer system using a performance assessment system, containing monitors and means for processing measurement data. The functioning of a computer system is assessed by a combination of the following characteristics: 1) resource intensity of the work performed, workload and system load; 2) system resource loading and structural loading; 3) system-wide - performance, response time and process profiles. By analyzing the recorded Characteristics, overloaded and underutilized system resources are identified and narrow places, negatively affecting performance and response time. Using operating system settings, you can change the level and structure of resource load profiles of processes and, therefore, performance and response time. The effect achieved by changing the tuning parameters is predicted either heuristically, based on a priori ideas about the degree of influence of the parameters on the system characteristics, or using performance models. The way information is stored in system memory has a significant impact on performance and response time. Thus, the intensity of access to external memory strongly depends on which operating system modules are declared resident and located in RAM. The access time to magnetic disk drives significantly depends on the order in which data sets are placed on the drives and within each drive. Monitors are used to determine the intensity of access to each drive (data volume) and data set, as well as the distribution of the intensity of access across drive cylinders. By redistributing data across volumes, uniform loading of external storage devices is ensured, and consequently, access time to external memory is reduced. 3a by moving data sets within each volume, access time to drives is reduced. Systematic work on measuring and analyzing the functioning of a computer system and tuning the operating system allows you to optimize the values ​​of setting parameters. In this case, further tuning cannot provide significant improvements and to improve performance it is necessary to improve the system configuration: increase the number of devices or use devices with higher characteristics.

Computer system configuration

Improving the configuration of a computer system is carried out similarly to configuring an operating system. With the help of measurements, the necessary data on the functioning of the computing system is obtained, in particular, data on device loading. If the load of individual devices or groups of relative devices is close to the limit and the operating system settings are not able to change the load, it is necessary to increase the number of corresponding devices, for example, magnetic disk drives, communication channels, or use devices with best characteristics. In order to evaluate the effect obtained by improving the system configuration, performance models are used to predict system characteristics and identify best option configuration development. Changing the configuration entails the need to carry out work to configure the operating system for the new configuration and workload. The possibilities for evolutionary development of configuration and improvement of processing mode to meet changing requirements may be exhausted. Then there is a need for qualitative changes - a complete replacement of the computer with a more productive one or one that is preferable in other respects. In the practice of systematic exploitation, this task is called the selection task. In a strict formulation, the selection problem is a complex multiparameter and multicriteria optimization problem, the methods for solving which are far from complete. In practice, the problem is solved in the conditions of choosing from a certain number of industrially developed or planned for release systems. The basis for the choice is resource assessments and experience in using available funds. To select, the following data must be obtained: 1) on the use of available resources by tasks of various classes; 2) on the use of resources to provide various processing modes (batch, online).


The forecast of changes in the volume and composition of the load, processing modes and maintenance requirements should be based on appropriate organizational and technical and economic prerequisites. The difficulty of forecasting lies in the fact that in order to obtain a reliable forecast it is necessary to have data on the resource intensity of various classes of tasks and their impact on computer use indicators. To obtain such data, it is necessary to analyze the entire process of using a computer in a specific field of application. The forecast of needs for computing resources is associated with planning and economic data, for example, with a planned change in the volume of output or the volume of design and other work. The forecast results should determine the required service intensity for the main resource types (processor and I/O devices) for each task class and processing mode. The second stage of selection is to compare the predicted resource requirements with the characteristics of potentially possible configurations. Initially, the processor performance is selected, which should be sufficient to process the task flow. The performance estimate is obtained by summing the service intensity across different task classes for batch and online mode and operating system. Based on the obtained assessment, the nominal processor performance is selected. Choosing an input/output system configuration consists of determining the composition of peripheral devices, including channel equipment, sufficient for the predicted load. The I/O throughput, primarily disk memory, needs to match the predicted I/O throughput, subject to online response time constraints.


  • Aven O. I., Gurin N. N., Kogan Y. A. Quality assessment and optimization of computer systems. M.: Nauka, 1982.
  • Larionov A. M. Computational complexes, systems and networks. Leningrad: Energoatomizdat. Leningrad branch. 1987.
  • Ferrari D. Assessing the performance of computing systems: Transl. from English M.: Mir, 1981.

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Ministry of Information and Communications of the Republic of Tatarstan

State budget educational institution average vocational education"Kazan Electrotechnical College of Communications"

about passing industrial practice

Maintenance and repair of computer systems and complexes

Completed by: Davletshin E. A., student of group 405 KSK

Kazan, 2014


Mark from the practice manager from the enterprise

On-the-job training

Safety precautions. Behavior rules.

Introductory tour of the enterprise.

Familiarization with the equipment.


Installing the printer.

Cleaning the printer.

Setting up a printer network.

Installing software for the printer.

Configuring printer software.


Refilling printer cartridges.

Printer diagnostics.

PC diagnostics.

Setting the print media.

Test printing on the printer.


Plotter installation.

Cleaning the plotter.

Setting up a plotter network.

Configuring plotter software.

PC diagnostics.


Printer diagnostics

Printer diagnostics

PC diagnostics.




Head of Practice ______________________________


2.1 Maintenance and repair of computer systems and complexes



Goals of industrial practice

The goals of industrial practice in the direction of 230000 Informatics and Computer Science in the specialty 230113 Computer systems and complexes are:

§ formation and development of general and professional competencies in the field of the chosen specialty,

§ acquisition and formation of necessary skills, abilities and experience practical work to solve professional problems in the conditions of a specific enterprise (organization) of the city and region

§ organization of independent professional activities, socialization in specific form activities.

Tasks of industrial practice

The objectives of industrial practice in the direction of 230000 Informatics and computer technology in the specialty 230113 Computer systems and complexes are:

§ consolidation, deepening and expansion of acquired theoretical knowledge, skills and abilities;

§ mastery professional competencies, production skills and new working methods;

§ mastering the norms of the profession in the motivational sphere: awareness of motives and spiritual values ​​in the chosen profession;

§ mastering the basics of the profession in operational area: familiarization and mastery of the methodology for solving professional tasks (problems);

§ study of different aspects of professional activity: social, legal, psychological, hygienic, technical, technological, economic.

Place and time of practical training

Location - KNPO VTI

Head of practice from the organization - Gimadiev Rustem Ferlisovich

Structure and content of industrial practice

Industrial practice is a mandatory type production work, is included in the section “Educational and Industrial Practice” of the Federal State Educational Standard for Secondary Professional Education in the field of training 230000 Informatics and Computer Science in the specialty 230113 Computer systems and complexes.

The total labor intensity of industrial practice is 5 weeks, which is 180 hours.

This practice includes the following modules:

PM.03 Maintenance and repair of computer systems and complexes

MDK.03.01 Maintenance and repair of computer systems and complexes

flash drive software

Chapter I. a brief description of enterprises

1.1 Brief description of the enterprise

Acquainted with production activities enterprise/organization and briefly describe it.

1.2 Scheme of organization of the enterprise structure

Describe the structure and infrastructure of the organization. The system of relationships between its individual divisions, the main areas of activity, relations with partners.

Draw the structure of the enterprise and the interaction between structural divisions and partners using graphic editors.

1.3 Computer base and software of the enterprise

Familiarize yourself with the office equipment and software used in the enterprise. Analyze the feasibility of their choice. Compile a combined register of computer equipment and software. Describe the computer (processor, memory, video, etc.) and software (name of OS, names and versions of application, service and other programs).

1.4 Used in the enterprise information Technology and systems

Familiarize yourself with the specialized programs used at this enterprise/organization and describe them. Execute short description software, do a search and comparative analysis with analogues (highlighting the advantages and disadvantages of the software used).

1.1 1.5 Occupational health and safety

Structure of GBOU SPO "Kazan Electrotechnical College of Communications"

Register of computer equipment and software



Software license, validity period

Secretary's computer

Celerone 336 processor

Office 206, building A

MSDN until 10/17/2013

ASUS motherboard integrated with video and network 100 MB 3.2

LGPL perpetual

RAM 2048Mb

CorelDRAW Graphics Suite X4

Hard drive 160.0 Gb

Adobe Creative Suite 4

unlimited, educational

Power supply 350W

Autodesk® 3ds Max® Design 2010

unlimited, educational

Mouse PS/2, Genius NetScroll Eye, (optical, 2 buttons + 1 scroll, PS/2)

LGPL perpetual

PS/2 keyboard

NERO 6 Enterprise Edition

volume licenses, perpetual

Monitor 19" Xerox XM7-19W TFT

ESET NOD32 Antivirus

Mozilla Thunderbird 3.0.4

LGPL perpetual

ABBYY PDF Transformer 2.3

Double GIS 3.0

Chief engineer's computer

Processor Pentium Dual Core E5400 OEM (2.70GHz, 800FSB,2Mb, EM64T, LGA775)

Office 208, building A

MS Windows XP Professional, sp3

Motherboard MSI G41M4-F (S775, iG41, DDR2, PCI-E16x, SVGA, SATA, GBLan, mATX, Retail) 3.2

RAM DDRII 2048Mb (pc-6400) 800MHz Kingston

List of installed software

install.txt (CCleaner)

"1C:Enterprise. Accounting" 7.7 (network version) 02.02.2012

"1C:Enterprise. Calculation" 7.7 (network version) 02/02/2012

1C:Enterprise 8.2 ( 1C 09/28/2010 249.00 MB

1C:Databases 09.09.2012

7-Zip 4.42 11/22/2007

ABBYY FineReader 9.0 Corporate Edition ABBYY 02/15/2008 288.00 MB 9.00.710.5522

ACDSee Pro 2.5 ACD Systems International 01/12/2010 91.37 MB 2.5.358

Adobe Audition 3.0 Adobe Systems Incorporated10/12/2009 3.0

Adobe Flash Player 11 ActiveX Adobe Systems Incorporated 09/08/2012 11.3.300.271

Adobe Flash Player 11 Plugin Adobe Systems Incorporated 09/08/2012 11.3.300.271

Adobe Photoshop 7.0 Adobe Systems, Inc. 08/25/2010 7.0

Adobe Reader 8.1.1 Adobe Systems Incorporated 01/14/2008 86.41 MB 8.1.1

Advanced Archive Password Recovery ElcomSoft LLC 09.09.2012 4.0

Advanced IM Password Recovery (remove only) 09.09.2012

Ashampoo HDD Control 2 v.2.1.0 Ashampoo GmbH & Co. KG 09/08/2012 2.1.0

Ashampoo WinOptimizer 9 v.9.04.31 Ashampoo GmbH & Co. KG 09.09.2012 9.04.31

AST-Test_Player 3.0.4001 AST-Centre 11/20/2007

ATI - Uninstall utility 11/20/2007 10/6/1017

ATI Catalyst Control Center 2.007.0815.2325

ATI Display Driver 06/11/2008 8.401-070815m-052022C-ATI

AVS DVD Player version 2.2 Online Media Technologies Ltd. 04/09/2008

AVS DVDMenu Editor Online Media Technologies Ltd. 05/13/2008

AVS DVDtoGO 1.4.2 Online Media Technologies Ltd. 04/09/2008

AVS Video ReMaker 2.4 Online Media Technologies Ltd. 05/13/2008

AVS4YOU Software Navigator 1.2 Online Media Technologies Ltd. 05/13/2008

Canon LASER SHOT LBP-1120 09.09.2012

CCleaner Piriform 08/22/2012 3.22

CheckXML 07/26/2010

Corel VideoStudio 12 Corel Corporation 11/10/2010

CrazyTalk Avatar Creator Reallusion 09/25/2009 4.5.3214.3

CrazyTalk Cam Suite Reallusion 09.25.2009 1.0

Facemoods Toolbar 04/11/2011

FileZilla Client 3.2.1 02/13/2009 3.2.1

Firebird Firebird Project 06/02/2008

FoxTab PDF Converter FoxTab 04/11/2011

Google Chrome Google Inc. 29.10.2009 21.0.1180.89 06/14/2011

Guardant driver 09/08/2012

HPSSupply Organization name 01/29/2010 0.96 MB

Startup Registry

startup.txt (CCleaner)

Yes HKCU:Run AlterGeoUpdater AlterGeo C:\Documents and Settings\All Users\Application Data\AlterGeo\Update for Html5 geolocation provider\html5locsvc.exe

Yes HKCU:Run ctfmon.exe Microsoft Corporation C:\WINDOWS\system32\ctfmon.exe

Yes HKCU:Run ICQ ICQ, LLC. "C:\Program Files\ICQ7.2\ICQ.exe" silent loginmode=4

Yes HKCU:Run IncrediMail IncrediMail, Ltd. C:\Program Files\IncrediMail\bin\IncMail.exe /c

Yes HKCU:Run MSMSGS Microsoft Corporation "C:\Program Files\Messenger\msmsgs.exe" /background

No HKCU:Run ooVoo.exe ooVoo LLC C:\Program Files\ooVoo\oovoo.exe /minimized

No HKCU:Run swg "C:\Program Files\Google\GoogleToolbarNotifier\GoogleToolbarNotifier.exe"

Yes HKLM:Run AlterGeoUpdater AlterGeo C:\Program Files\AlterGeo\Html5 geolocation provider\html5locsvc.exe

Yes HKLM:Run Ashampoo HDD-Control 2 Guard Ashampoo Development GmbH & Co. KG "C:\Program Files\Ashampoo\Ashampoo HDD Control 2\AHDDC2_Guard.exe"

No HKLM:Run autodetect C:\WINDOWS\system32\SupportAppXL\AutoDect.exe

Yes HKLM:Run AVP Kaspersky Lab ZAO "C:\Program Files\Kaspersky Lab\Kaspersky Internet Security 2012\avp.exe"

No HKLM:Run BluetoothAuthenticationAgent Microsoft rundll32.exe bthprops.cpl,BluetoothAuthenticationAgent

Yes HKLM:Run CAP3ON CANON INC. C:\WINDOWS\system32\spool\drivers\w32x86\3\CAP3ONN.EXE

Yes HKLM:Run CAPON CANON INC. C:\WINDOWS\system32\Spool\Drivers\w32x86\3\CAPONN.EXE

No HKLM:Run facemoods "C:\Program Files\\facemoods\\facemoodssrv.exe" /md I

Yes HKLM:Run "C:\Program Files\Mail.Ru\Guard\GuardMailRu.exe" /gui

Yes HKLM:Run MAgent Mail.Ru C:\Program Files\Mail.Ru\Agent\magent.exe -LM

Yes HKLM:Run snp2std Sonix C:\WINDOWS\vsnp2std.exe

No HKLM:Run UVS12 Preload Ulead Systems, Inc. C:\Program Files\Corel\Corel VideoStudio 12\uvPL.exe

No HKLM:Run vmware-tray VMware, Inc. C:\Program Files\VMware\VMware Workstation\vmware-tray.exe

No Startup Common USB modem Beeline.lnk C:\PROGRA~1\ZTEMF1~1\USB-~1\UIMain.exe

Yes Startup Common Status Window Canon LASER SHOT LBP-1120.LNK CANON INC. C:\WINDOWS\system32\spool\drivers\w32x86\3\CAP3LAK.EXE

No Startup Common Status Window Canon LBP-810.LNK CANON INC. C:\WINDOWS\system32\spool\drivers\w32x8

Chapter II. Description of the technology for performing a practical task

2.1 PM. 03 Maintenance and repair of computer systems and complexes

Theoretical material is selected according to individual practical assignments

Practical material

Individual practical task selected according to the completed module: MDK.03.01 Maintenance and repair of computer systems and complexes.

2.2 Individual practical task

USB drive repair. Main types of faults.

Modern USB drives and memory cards are not very reliable. Their cases break, connectors and power circuits fail, microcircuits fail, and finally, the firmware fails and defects multiply. Many users have already experienced at least one flash drive failure, after which they wondered: is it possible to fix it yourself?

Practice shows that 50-60% of malfunctions can be treated using simple methods that do not require special training or equipment.

Let's look at the main types of malfunctions of USB drives, their causes and the possibility of self-repair.

1. Mechanical problems

For flash drives, these are defects in the case, damage to the cap and other moving parts, damage to the USB connector and printed circuit board. SD cards have delamination of the case and loss of the slider that blocks recording in the reader. Both drives do not like moisture and do not work when flooded.

If the USB connector is bent or broken, the flash drive is inoperative; at best, it is recognized only once and will not last long. A cracked board requires repair, which is not always successful. An SD card with a broken slider becomes read-only; nothing can be written to it. An SD with a delaminated casing can be difficult to insert into and remove from the slot; using force only worsens the situation.

The cause of mechanical damage is for the most part user negligence. Flash drives are inserted crookedly into the USB port of a computer or laptop; they are touched with a hand or foot. Outside the computer, flash drives are dropped on the floor, people step on them, etc. The drives end up in the washing machine, under spilled coffee, and just in the dirt. Folding and retractable structures suffer from excessive effort - their parts wear out. Wear is accelerated in an aggressive environment (for example, in a key ring). If the cap is lost, dust and moisture enter the USB connector, damaging the contacts.

Mechanical repairs aim to restore the functionality and reliability of the flash drive. This includes gluing or replacing the case, selecting a cap to replace a lost one, etc. On a loose USB connector, the mounting ears and the contacts themselves are soldered. A bent connector must be straightened with extreme caution: adjacent tracks on the board may break, making repairs more difficult. On SD cards, instead of the lost slider, you can glue a piece of a match. Contacts are cleaned with a cotton swab and an alcohol-gasoline mixture. When working, you must avoid static - cards are sensitive to it.

2. Electrical faults

This is primarily a failure of the controller, as well as defects in the piping elements - filters, resistors, capacitors, stabilizer, quartz. These parts exhibit breaks, shorts, and deterioration of parameters. Electrical faults include violations of current-carrying paths and contacts with parts. Assembly defects often appear (cold soldering, etc.).

IN similar cases The flash drive shows no signs of life, or is defined in the OS as an “unknown USB device”. In particular, this happens when the flash memory chips are in unreliable contact with the board. If the soldering is poor, the device can only work in a certain position. It happens that defects appear only with heating, but a cold flash drive works fine. Gradually, periods of performance narrow, reaching complete failure.

Electrical damage to flash drives and memory cards can also include the ingress of water and other liquids. The causes of electrical damage are surges in supply voltage, static discharges, as well as overheating of drive parts, primarily the controller. So, with an increased voltage of 5 V, the flash drive heats up much more, and an intense data flow can finish it off. Mechanical loads, as well as falls and impacts, contribute to the appearance of soldering defects. If the quartz is cracked or detached from the board, the flash drive is recognized as an “unknown device” and, of course, does not work. Non-contact of the controller with the board has the same effect.

Hardware repair is already required here. Using a thin soldering iron and a technical hair dryer, soldering is strengthened and damaged contacts and tracks are restored. Defective parts are replaced. As for “drowned” flash drives, they are treated similarly to other gadgets. The board is washed from salts and dirt, then immersed in isopropyl alcohol (it displaces water from the cracks) and finally dried with warm air.

3. Software problems

This includes many cases when a flash drive has no visible damage, when connected to a USB port it shows signs of life - the indicator blinks and is even recognized in the OS, but does not provide access to data. The drive has the wrong capacity (zero, 1 MB, or a couple of terabytes), and any time it is accessed, the messages “Insert disk”, “No access to disk”, etc. are displayed.

The main reason is damage to the microprogram, or firmware. The firmware includes unchangeable controller microcode and service data in flash memory, which are updated quite often. Another reason for failures is failures of the flash memory itself. Each chip contains a reserve capacity to replace faulty pages. Defect management is one of the main functions of the firmware, and if the intensity of reassignments exceeds the threshold, then a block is placed. Sometimes a flash drive is write-only: the data is visible and readable, but when you try to delete a file or format it, the message “The disk is write-protected” is displayed. NAND memory is damaged when written, but reading can be left in mild cases.

5. Dispensary

Preventing a breakdown is easier than fixing it. Proper use of flash drives and memory cards eliminates many problems. Here are some simple recommendations.

· The life of USB drives is reduced by mechanical stress, temperature changes, dampness and aggressive environments. Other threats include static discharges, strong electromagnetic fields and radiation. Protect flash drives from all this.

· Regularly check the file system of USB drives using built-in OS tools - this eliminates most logical errors.

· It is not advisable to use it in intensive recording mode (working accounting databases) - its resource and reliability decrease.

· Remove memory cards from the slot in mobile devices less often and do not work with them when the battery is low. Before removing, wait until operations are completed and turn off the power.

· Remove USB flash drives from the port only in a safe manner. The drive often fails when it is pulled out while recording.

· If the flash drive starts to malfunction (falls off, freezes, etc.) - do not rush to treat it with service utilities, they lead to data loss. First, copy important files to another medium, and only then proceed with the repair.


During the internship, practical skills were acquired in installing fire safety systems.

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