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Mikhail Fridman producer. How did Mikhail Fridman get rich? Purchase of assets in the North Sea

Mikhail Maratovich Fridman

In 2007, the state was estimated at $ 13.5 billion (sixth place in terms of wealth among Russian entrepreneurs at the beginning of 2007 according to Forbes).

According to Forbes magazine in 2010, he takes 42nd place in the list of world billionaires published in March 2010, having a fortune of $ 12.7 billion.

Mikhail Maratovich Fridmanborn April 21, 1964 in Lvov, Jewish by nationality. He lived with his mother, father and grandmother, his mother had a decisive influence on his upbringing. He studied perfectly at school, attended a piano class in music school, was the organizer of the youth vocal and instrumental ensemble.

After graduating from high school, he entered the Moscow Institute of Physics and Technology (MIPT), but did not pass the competition. In 1982 he entered the faculty of non-ferrous and rare earth metals of the Moscow Institute of Steel and Alloys (MISIS), graduating in 1987. Mikhail Grushevsky (now an actor-parodist), Alexander Nikonov (writer and journalist), Alexander Kasyanenko (businessman) studied with him on the same course. Before M. Fridman, his cousin Dmitry Lvovich Fridman entered MISIS.

While studying at MISIS, he was a member of the Moscow student so-called. the "theater system" (or "theater mafia"), which was engaged in buying and reselling theater tickets. He was allegedly engaged in small fartsovka ("Profile", 05/22/2000).

On the way to the top

In the 3rd year of the institute under the auspices of the Komsomol organized a night youth club "Strawberry Glade", which functioned in the hall of the MISIS hostel in Belyaevo. In his student years, he met Peter Aven, who headed the Music Club of Moscow State University.

After school, he worked for one year at the Lvov Institute of Physics and Mechanics as a laboratory assistant. After graduating from MISIS, he worked in 1986-88. design engineer at the Elektrostal plant in Elektrostal, Moscow Region.

In parallel with the work at the factory founded and headed the cooperative "Courier" specialized in window cleaning. Together with Dmitry Fridman, he created the Helios and Orsk cooperatives that traded computers.

Since 1988 - Self employed (firms "Alfa-foto", "Alfa-Eco", "Alfa-Capital"). In "Alfa-photo" and "Alfa-Eco" he worked together with Oleg Kiselev.

In 1991, he created Alfa-Bank, from the time of foundation he has been the chairman of the board of directors of the bank.

In 1992, he attracted cosmonaut Alexei Leonov to the leadership of Alfa Group, who took over as vice president of Alfa Bank.

From 1995 to 1998 - Member of the Board of Directors of ZAO Public Russian Television (ORT).

Fridman vs. Khodorkovsky (Banking sector)

November 26, 1995 chairman of the board " Alfa Bank"M. Fridman, President of Inkombank Vladimir Vinogradov and President of Rossiyskiy Kredit Bank Anatoly Malkin issued a statement "On the financial problems of privatization, the relationship between the bank" MENATEP "and some government structures." The statement was caused by suspicions that the outcome of the investment competition and loans-for-share auction on state blocks of shares oil company Yukos is a foregone conclusion in favor of Mikhail Khodorkovsky's MENATEP bank. Inkombank, Rossiyskiy Kredit and Alfa-Bank said they were ready to form a consortium and compete with Menatep.

On December 5, 1995, Menatep Bank, as an authorized bank of the State Property Committee of the Russian Federation for holding an investment competition, refused to accept the application of a consortium consisting of Inkombank, Russian Credit and Alfa-Bank. According to a representative of the Menatep bank, instead of the $350 million required to participate in the investment competition, the consortium deposited $82 million and "provided a certificate showing their own and client's GKOs." Then the consortium submitted an application for the loans-for-shares auction, which was also not registered, since only participants in the investment competition are allowed to participate in the loans-for-shares auction.

On December 8, 1995, two companies became participants in the auction - Laguna CJSC and Reagent CJSC. The third application was received from JSC "Babaevskoe", which represented the interests of "Inkombank", "Alfa-Bank" and "Rossiyskiy Kredit". Commission for the investment competition, chaired by Deputy. chairman Russian fund of Federal Property (RFBR) Valery Fatikov, the application of JSC "Babaevskoye" was rejected, as the company did not deposit on the blocked account of the Ministry of Finance with the Central Bank of the Russian Federation cash equivalent to 350 million dollars. Considering required condition participation in the investment competition, before the start of the competition, JSC "Babaevskoye" sent official letter to the Commission with a request to withdraw their application.

The winner was the firm "Laguna", behind which stood "Menatep". The same company won the shares-for-shares auction by offering a $159 million loan.

On January 26, 1996, the Moscow Arbitration Court satisfied the claim of Menatep Bank against Alfa-Bank, Russian Credit and Inkombank for the protection business reputation. The court ordered the defendants to give a refutation of the information contained in their statement on the loans-for-shares auction of NK Yukos.

In June 1996, the appellate instance of the Moscow Arbitration Court rejected the complaint of AO Babaevskoye to invalidate the results of an investment tender and a shares auction for a block of shares in Yukos Oil Company and to cancel the decisions of the court of first instance. In April 1996, the Moscow Arbitration Court considered the claim of JSC "Babaevskoye" and recognized the results of the auction as legitimate.

Fridman and TNK (Oil sector)

In 1996, M. Friedman decided to go into the oil business and for this purpose buy the state-owned Tyumen Oil Company ( TNK), the summary plan for the privatization of which the State Property Committee approved on October 2, 1995. The intention of M. Fridman ran into resistance from the "red" management of TNK, headed by the chairman of the board of directors of TNK, the general director of Nizhnevatovskneftegaz, Viktor Paly, and the company's president, Yuri Vershinin, who planned the privatization of TNK in the interests of management and in alliance with other Moscow commercial structures (Rosinvestneft JSC, Diamant Bank, Stolichny Savings Bank).

In July 1996 Viktor Paly resigned as Chairman of the Board of Directors of TNK. The new chairman of the Council was the former Minister of Fuel and Energy of the Russian Federation Yuri Shafranik, who supported the plans of the Alfa group.

In December 1996, the first persons of TNK (including Yu.Vershinin and V.Paliy) and its subsidiaries Nizhnevartovskneftegaz, the Ryazan Oil Refinery, as well as the heads of JSC Rosinvestneft and the Stolichny Savings Bank sent a letter to Prime Minister V. Chernomyrdin with a request to extend for another three years the consolidation of a state-owned block of shares in federal ownership in the amount of 91% of the shares and for the same period to transfer him in trust management JSC "Rosinvestneft" (Vitaly Mashitsky) with the right of subsequent redemption.

On July 1, 1997, V. Paliy, speaking to reporters, stated that the situation with the privatization of TNK "cannot be called otherwise than state robbery in relation to a state company with the tacit consent of the state leaders" and said that "the organizers of this dirty business" are Yuri Shafranik , Petr Mostovoy and ("to our great regret") Alfred Koch.

On July 18, 1997, at an investment competition, a 40 percent state-owned stake in TNK was bought by the New Holding company, created by Alfa (M. Fridman) and the Acces / Renova group (Leonard Blavatnik and Viktor Vekselberg). The company "New Holding" undertook in 1997-98. to invest in TNCs 810 million dollars, of which 755 million dollars. during August 1997 (according to the terms of the competition, the minimum investment amount was 160 million dollars). According to Sergey Kiriyenko, Deputy Minister of Fuel and Energy of the Russian Federation, the funds received are supposed to be used first of all to pay off the budget debts of TNK enterprises. August 2, 1997 on extraordinary meeting shareholders of TNK, it was decided to liquidate the Board of Directors of the company and transfer its powers general meeting shareholders.

After the investment competition, the New Holding company owned 40% of the shares of TNK, the State Property Committee - 50.98%, other legal entities and individuals - 9.02%.

Having won the competition, Alfa Group actively began to reorganize the company. Almost completely changed the composition of the management of TNCs, all commodity and cash flows enterprises belonging to TNCs were transferred under the control of the parent company. The issue of control over economic activity the largest mining enterprise of the company - JSC "Nizhnevartovskneftegaz", the general director of which V.Paliy stubbornly did not want to cooperate with the new owners. September 14, 1997 in Moscow and Nizhnevartovsk held alternative meetings of shareholders of JSC "Nizhnevartovskneftegaz" (NNG). A meeting of shareholders supporting TNK and Alfabank and JV Renova was held in Moscow. Supporters took part in the meeting of shareholders in Nizhnevartovsk CEO NIS V.Palia (behind whom were such commercial structures, as the Moscow bank "Diamant" and Credit Investment Bank). The meeting of shareholders in Moscow decided to transfer powers executive body managing organization- Tyumen Oil Company. A new NNG Board of Directors was elected. December 11, 1997 Arbitration Court of Khanty-Mansiysk autonomous region decided to introduce external management for a period of one year at JSC Nizhnevartovskneftegaz (NNG). Fyodor Marichev, Vice President of TNK, has been appointed external manager.

In 1998, New Holding bought the remaining 50.98% of TNK shares from the State Property Committee. M. Fridman, L. Blavatnik and V. Vekselberg joined the new board of directors of TNK. Semyon Kukes became the new president and chairman of the board of TNK, and German Khan became his deputy and executive director.

On June 5, 1998, together with a number of leading Russian entrepreneurs, M. Fridman signed the "Appeal of representatives Russian business about the economic situation in Russia.

In July 1998, after the merger of Alfa-Bank and Alfa-Capital, M. Fridman became Chairman of the Board of Directors of OAO IKB Alfa-Bank.

Friedman against Sberbank

In October 2003, he spoke out against Sbebank, accusing Sberbank in many violations of fair competition. In late May - early June 2004, after the license was revoked from Sodbiznesbank and payments were stopped by Credittrast Bank, a crisis broke out on Russian market interbank lending. Due to liquidity problems that arose in connection with this, a number of banks stopped payments in June. Alfa-Bank was the leader among Russian banks in reducing balances on individual accounts from June 1 to July 1, 2004, which announced the introduction of a 10% commission for early withdrawal of deposits for its depositors. On October 6, 2004, Alfa-Bank and Fridman won a lawsuit against the Moskovskaya Pravda newspaper in the Moscow Arbitration Court. The reason for the lawsuit was Konstantin Laskin's article "A Bullet and a Pen", published in the newspaper on July 21, 2004. It discussed the versions of the murder of Paul Khlebnikov, the editor-in-chief of the Russian edition of Forbes magazine, including the version of Alfa- Group" and Fridman. The newspaper filed an appeal court, but it upheld the decision of the arbitration court. On October 20, 2004, the Moscow Arbitration Court satisfied Alfa-Bank's claim against the Kommersant publishing house and decided to recover 310.5 million rubles in compensation in favor of the bank. The reason for the bank's appeal to the court was an article in the newspaper "Kommersant" dated July 7, 2004 "The banking crisis has taken to the streets", which, in the opinion of the bank, caused him financial difficulties. Alfa-Bank believed that the Kommersant article violated Article 51 of the Russian law "On Mass Media", which forbade "the falsification of socially significant information, the spread of rumors under the guise of reliable reports." (Interfax, October 20, 2004).

Friedman vs. Berezovsky

On March 31, 2005, Boris Berezovsky filed a lawsuit in a London court for the protection of honor and dignity against Fridman in connection with his speech in the NTV television program "To the Barrier", during which Fridman accused Berezovsky of threatening him.

On April 21, 2005, the Boris Berezovsky-funded Foundation for Civil Liberties sent out to the editorial offices of several media in in electronic format a file called "Reference on the materials in relation to Fridman M.M., Kuzmichev A.V., Khan G.B., Blavatnik L., Vekselberg V.F.". It stated that in 1989, Friedman, Kuzmichev, Khan, Blavatnik and Vekselberg "conspired to create an organized group to ... commit fraud on a large scale." Friedman & Co. is credited with "seizure by defrauding shares Russian enterprises...", for example, the Tyumen Oil Company, "fraudulent control" over Nizhnevartovskneftegaz, "violation of currency, customs and tax laws", etc. Alfa-Bank's press release states that the information contained in the "certificate" , does not correspond to reality, and the authors of the document are trying to put pressure on the courts in the framework of the proceedings between Alfa-Bank and Kommersant and Berezovsky and Fridman (Vedomosti, April 22, 2005)

On May 26, 2006, the High Court of England completed consideration of Boris Berezovsky's claim against Fridman for the protection of honor and dignity. In the recording of the TV show "To the Barrier", Fridman, who had a polemic with the former chief editor of the Kommersant publishing house Andrei Vasiliev, said that Berezovsky, allegedly dissatisfied at the time with the competition in buying the publishing house, threatened him in a telephone conversation, uttering the phrase "We will kill you !". 10 out of 12 jurors confirmed the fact that Fridman caused damage to Berezovsky's reputation and considered that he should be compensated financially. Within three weeks, the defendant was obliged to transfer to the plaintiff £50,000. (Kommersant, May 27, 2006)


Controls the Gibraltar company AB holdindgs limited, which owns the Luxembourg firm Alfa finance holdins SA (founded in May 1999) ( authorized capital 40 thousand dollars), which in turn owns Alfa-Bank. Along with the Gibraltar company of M. Friedman, the co-founder of the Luxembourg "Alfa" is the firm Shapburg limited of a certain Olivier Peters (British Virgin Islands), which owns one of the 20 thousand two-dollar shares of Alfa finance holdins SA; directorial functions in the Luxembourg Alpha are assigned to one individual- manager Paul Joseph Williams, a British citizen, and two law firms - Virginia firms Shapburg limited and Quenon investments limited.

He is a co-owner of offshore companies TNK Industrial Holdings Ltd, TNK International Ltd (Virgin Islands), Sborsare (Cyprus) and through them - SIDANCO and TNK companies.

In 2001, he bought a mansion in Neuilly, a bohemian suburb of Paris, which previously belonged to actress Mireille Darc, Alain Delon's ex-wife. Neighbors - Mireille Mathieu, Belmondo, Sophie Marceau. (Profile, November 5, 2001).

In June 2001, Forbes Magazine listed Friedman as one of the richest Russians in the list of billionaires living on the planet. His fortune was estimated at 1.3 billion dollars.

In February 2002, Forbes Magazine in annual ranking the richest people in the world put Fridman in third place (after Mikhail Khodorkovsky and Roman Abramovich) in Russia and 191st in the world according to 2001 data. The magazine estimated his fortune at $2.2 billion. ("Kommersant", March 2, 2002).

According to the results of 2002, Forbes Magazine gave M. Fridman in February 2003 the same 3rd place in Russia and 68th in the world, estimating his fortune at $4.3 billion.

Since April 2003, he has been a co-owner (through TNK - that is, together with Vekselberg and Blavatnik) of Orenburgnefte.

In November 2005, European Business Magazine estimated Friedman's fortune at 8.3 billion euros.

In February 2006, the magazine "Finance" estimated Friedman's fortune in $11.4 billion(third place in Russia after Abramovich and Deripaska).

In March 2006, another Forbes rating Magazine, in which Friedman is ranked 50th in the world (state - 9.7 billion).

In October 2005, in an interview with The Wall Street Journal, he said that his stake in the Alpha group exceeded 40%. And all the assets of Alfa were estimated at $ 20 billion.

On November 23, 2005, as part of the road-show of its Eurobonds, Alfa-Bank distributed a memorandum stating that over 75% of its capital was controlled by members of the board of directors Mikhail Fridman, German Khan and Alexei Kuzmichev. The exact shares of the owners in the document were not called. At the same time, it was noted that none of them owned more than 50% of the bank. (Kommersant, November 24, 2005)

In May 2006, the Pyaterochka trade house named the shares of new beneficiaries that it should have had after the merger with the Perekrestok trading house. The head of Alfa Group, Mikhail Fridman, was to receive 21.9% of the shares of the combined company (in total, the co-owners of the group were to receive 47,8% ), Perekrestok managers Alexander Kosyanenko and Lev Khasis - 3.4% and 1.8%, respectively. Alexei Reznikovich was to become the owner of about 1%. (Vedomosti 04.05.2006)

CTF Holdings is "the company that Alfa Group calls its corporate center" (Vedomosti, August 25, 2004).

Mikhail Fridman started the business back in the late 80s, long before the era of privatization. He is one of the few who not only preserved it over 25 years of “perestroika”, but turned it into the largest financial and industrial group significant for the Russian economy.

Mikhail Fridman is a Russian businessman, ranked second in Russian ranking Forbes Billionaires 2016. His fortune is estimated at 13.3 billion dollars. In the Forbes world list, it is listed at number 63.

  • Place and date of birth. April 21, 1964, the city of Lviv
  • Education. 1986, Moscow Institute of Steel and Alloys
  • Capital. The main shareholder of the Alfa Group consortium, which includes in Russia: Alfa-Bank, a chain of food stores X 5 Retail Group (Pyaterochka, Perekrestok), Rosvodokanal, investment company A 1 . Owns a controlling stake in the international group LetterOne Holdings.

Mikhail Fridman is a closed person, emphatically far from politics. He gives few interviews, does not shine on the screens, does not participate in public battles. Many business analysts, both Russian and foreign, call him a brilliant entrepreneur, and the deals he made are considered unique in terms of the scope and size of the brought margin.

He says to himself: “I made mistakes, a lot of mistakes. But I would say this: statistically, the number of correct decisions exceeds the number of errors. Therefore, the overall balance is positive” (Snob interview, November 2015).

The beginning was simple: like everyone else

Friedman was born, graduated high school in provincial Ukrainian Lvov. The family was simple, and even the nationality - Jews, was quite ordinary there. Parents worked as engineers, the father was awarded the State Prize of the RSFSR as part of the development team. After graduating from school, he went to Moscow to enter the Physicotechnical Institute, and although he passed the exams for five, he was not accepted. Until now, he believes that the only reason is the “fifth column” in the passport. A year later, he entered MISiS, graduating in 1986.

He studied easily, and between times he managed to do everything in a row. He worked as a loader in a store, stood in line for theater tickets, which were exchanged for scarce goods and useful connections, and organized bard concerts in a student hostel. By distribution, he ended up in Elektrostal, as he himself says, thanks to existing connections, gifts and services. For two years of work, he earned a “odnushka” there, and exchanged it for a “communal apartment” in Moscow. He considers this deal the most successful in his life, and claims that it was more difficult to do this than to create the TNK-BP oil company.

So, energy, dexterity and the ability to make the necessary acquaintances showed up in Friedman from an early age. Interestingly, the degree of usefulness was determined not only by status, he also knew how to create strong friendships. Student comrades: Khan, Kuzmichev, Kosogov - subsequently became his business partners, and shareholders of both the Russian Alfa Group and the international LetterOne Holdings.

The student period includes Friedman's acquaintance with many people, thanks to whose support he subsequently developed his business: Pyotr Aven (Minister of Foreign Economic Relations under the Gaidar government), Vladislav Surkov (Deputy Head of the Presidential Administration), Alexander Kasyanenko ( Trading house"Crossroads"). Friedman knows how to keep in touch for years.

How the "business empire" was built

The holding invests in the energy and telecommunications sectors. In the spring of 2015, he acquired the German oil company Dea, and intends to create international Business, considering all oil and gas regions of the world, including America, the Middle East and Asia. According to Vedomosti, the company's profit for 2015 amounted to 15 billion dollars, which is 1.5 more than a year earlier. Friedman invested $200 million in Uber in early 2016. He is attracted technically modern ideas.

The British Financial Times writes about him: “Some experts believe that Friedman will be coldly received in the West when he tries to diversify assets outside of Russia. But Friedman has many friends in high places who will pave the way for him. Lord Browne, head of Friedman's new L1 Energy oil and gas venture, praised him this week, calling him "stubborn, hard-working, one of the most astute and driven businessmen I know."

It is no secret that most of the resources on earth are owned by a small percentage of people. As a rule, this percentage includes large businessmen who manage huge companies and, accordingly, have a multi-billion dollar fortune. However, some people have the opinion that this distribution of wealth is unfair, and that all billionaires are just crooks and deceivers.

In fact, this is not always true. In order to make a fortune, you need to have incredible intelligence and hard work. You should be completely dedicated to your work and show best qualities at work. However, this is not the most difficult part. It is much more difficult to be able to keep the state and properly dispose of it. An example of a person who has earned a multibillion-dollar capital by his own labor is the Russian billionaire Mikhail Fridman.


The path of Mikhail Fridman to wealth and fame was very difficult and eventful. During his life, he managed to participate in the creation of many projects and attract multimillion-dollar investments, but it is worth starting from the very beginning.

Mikhail Fridman was born in an ordinary Soviet family. In those years, all people lived almost the same way and received an average income, so the boy did not grow up in the most luxurious conditions. However, it is worth noting that his father was an outstanding scientist and once even received the USSR State Prize.

the first higher educational institution for the future billionaire was the Moscow Institute of Steel and Alloys. Mikhail Fridman, whose biography began precisely with MISIS, studied to be an engineer, but from childhood he wanted to become an entrepreneur. Subsequently, his dream came true. After graduating from the institute, Mikhail Fridman worked as a design engineer. He liked the work, but this was not enough for a young and ambitious person, so Mikhail began to engage in entrepreneurial activities.

First business

The first enterprise organized by Fridman was the Courier cooperative. At that time, this company was engaged in washing windows. The cooperative, of course, brought some profit, but there was no particular prospect for this, so a year later, Mikhail begins work on one of the main projects in his life. Together with M. V. Alfimov, G. B. Khan and A. V. Kuzmichev, who later also became billionaires, Fridman organizes the Alfa-Photo company. This was the first step towards the creation of one of the largest companies in Europe today, Alfa Group. However, in those days, Friedman's company was engaged only in the sale of photographic equipment.

Development of Alfa Group

In 1989, Mikhail Fridman founded the Alfa-Eco company. It was the first truly large firm in the career of an entrepreneur. It was created together with Swiss partners and dealt with heavy materials, in particular oil and metallurgy. It was Alfa-Eco that became a kind of foundation for the creation of Alfa Group. This firm began to bring very good profit, therefore, Mikhail has ample opportunities for investment and business development.

Two years later, Mikhail Fridman invested a significant part of his funds in the development of Alfa-Bank and headed its board of directors. After that, this financial institution began to develop very actively and subsequently became one of the largest in the CIS.

Mikhail Fridman now

On the this moment Mikhail Maratovich Fridman is in the top three the richest people Russia. According to Forbes magazine, his fortune exceeds $13 billion. In addition, he is a member of the board of directors. Russian Union industrialists and entrepreneurs, and also manages several other large firms.

Mikhail lives in London, but very often visits Russia. Mikhail Fridman's wife bore him two children, but now they are divorced. The entrepreneur has two citizenships: Russian and Israeli. Separately, it is worth noting the fact that in 2016 Mikhail Fridman stated that most he wants to spend his huge fortune on charity.

The businessman does not involve his children in the activities of Alfa Group and is not going to do so. He is convinced that they must achieve everything themselves and build their careers on personal achievements.


Mikhail Fridman, whose biography is full of various successes, is a prime example that not all rich people are greedy villains. He went from an ordinary Soviet engineer to one of the richest people on the planet. It is these people that young ambitious entrepreneurs should look up to.





Area of ​​interest

Personal life


Parents worked as engineers at the plant, and my father was even awarded a state award for developing identification systems for military aviation. After school, Mikhail decided to follow in the footsteps of his parents - he went to Moscow to enter the Physics and Technology Institute.

He passed the exams with flying colors, but did not pass the competition, after a failure he returned to Lvov, worked as a laboratory assistant at the Institute of Physics and Mechanics and was preparing for the second attempt - before the army he had a year left. But a year later, history repeated itself. Then Fridman easily entered the Institute of Steel and Alloys at the Faculty of Nonferrous and Rare Earth Metals. At the institute, he studied at the Faculty of Semiconductor Materials and

instruments together with his cousin Dmitry Lvovich Fridman. In his 3rd year, Mikhail Fridman organized an informal youth club "Strawberry Glade" - a prototype of modern nightclubs. At the institute, he was one of the leaders of the student

"Theater Mafia", students involved in the resale of tickets to the Bolshoi Theater.

In 1986-1988. works as a design engineer at the Elektrostal plant in the city of Elektrostal, Moscow Region.

In 1988 Fridman, together with his institute friends, organized the Courier cooperative, which specialized in window cleaning.

Since 1988 Mikhail Fridman is a private entrepreneur, the founder of the Alfa-foto company, which was engaged in a very versatile activity: it sold computers, copiers, and even exotic handmade oriental carpets.

Since 1989 - took over as director of the Alfa-Eco joint venture, 80% of whose capital is owned by the Courier cooperative and 20% by the Swiss company ADP Trading

According to media reports, a significant contribution to the replenishment of capital was the participation of Alfa-Eco in operations to convert rubles into dollars.

In the early 90s. Alfa-Eco was involved in the sensational "Fischer case" of $140 billion. As a result of the investigation of this case by law enforcement agencies, many transactions had to be curtailed.

In 1990 - creates "Alfa Capital".

Since 1991 - Chairman of the Board of Directors of Alfa-Bank.

From 1995 to 1998 - Member of the Board of Directors of ZAO Public Russian Television (ORT).

Since 1996 - Chairman of the Board of Directors of the Alfa Group consortium.

Since January 1996 - Founder and Vice-President of the Russian Jewish Congress (RJC), head of the RJC Culture Committee.

Since 1996, he has been a member of the Board of Directors of OAO SIDANCO Oil Company.

Since October 1996 - member of the council banking under the government of the Russian Federation.

In 1998 after the merger of Alfa-Bank and Alfa-Capital, he became Chairman of the Board of Directors of Alfa-Bank.

Since 1998 - Member of the Board of Directors of CJSC Trading House Perekrestok.

In February 2001 included in the Council for Entrepreneurship under the Government of the Russian Federation.

Since 2001 — Member of the Bureau of the Board of the Russian Union of Industrialists and Entrepreneurs


Summer 2001 Mikhail Fridman was included in the list of the richest people on the planet compiled by Forbes magazine. The magazine estimates that Friedman is worth $1.3 billion.

At the end of 2002 the same magazine estimated Mikhail Fridman's fortune at $4.3 billion. was $ 1.8 billion. According to the magazine EuroBusiness (Great Britain), the fortune of Mikhail Fridman (2002) reached 2.5 billion euros.

Mikhail Fridman owns approximately 70% of the total assets of Alfa Group.

For 2001-2002 Alfa Group acquired new assets: Alfa-Eco bought a 37.5% stake in the Volgograd Krasny Oktyabr plant; Insurance Company Alfa Garantiya received a license for 37 types of insurance activities; "Alfa-Capital" buys the insurance company "Ostra-Kyiv"; Alfa-Bank receives permission from the Antimonopoly Committee of Ukraine to acquire a controlling stake in Kyivinvestbank; Alfa-Eco, one of largest manufacturers alcohol in Russia, bought a 50% stake in the trading house "P.A. Smirnov and descendants in Moscow."


In the structures of the Russian government and in large private companies, people from Alfa-Bank and the Alfa Group are working today. In particular, Vladislav Surkov was Deputy Chairman of the Board of Alfa-Bank, and currently holds the post of Deputy Head of the Administration of the President of the Russian Federation; Alexander Abramov was the head of department at Alfa, now he is the deputy head of the Presidential Administration of the Russian Federation; Andrey Popov in the 1990s worked at Alfa, then was a deputy of the State Duma of the Russian Federation, currently heads the Main regional administration the President of the Russian Federation; Andrei Rappoport in 1991-1996 was the chairman of the board of Alfa-Bank, then he worked at Yukos, and now he is the first deputy of Anatoly Chubais at RAO UES of Russia.

Gleb Fetisov, delegated from the Voronezh region, works in the Federation Council. Prior to that, he worked for a long time at Alfa-Eco.

In 1998 Oleg Sysuev, who left the Presidential Administration of the Russian Federation, became the first deputy chairman of the board of directors of Alfa-Bank.PartnersMikhail Fridman's main partner is the president of Alfa-Bank, Petr Aven. The main partner of the Alfa group is Renova, controlled by Viktor Vekselberg, chairman of the board of the Tyumen Oil Company and co-owner of SUAL-Holding.

Dmitry Zimin, founder and president of OJSC VimpelCom, in which Alfa structures control 25% plus 1 share, is also a partner and manager of Alfa and its owners.


The main competing structure of Alfa Group is the MDM group. In particular, two oligarchic structures fought for a long time for control over Tagmet OJSC. Alfa-Bank fought with MDM-Bank for Conversbank. After the resignation of Alexander Rumyantsev (Minister of Atomic Energy, supporter of MDM) in the spring of 2001. Atomic scientists, with the support of Alfa-Bank, began to fight for the return of control over Converse, but MDM managed to bring its stake in Converse to 85% and emerge victorious.

Area of ​​interest


Recently, the telecommunications sector has been highlighted among the priorities of Alfa. At the beginning of 2001 in Alfa-Eco, a telecommunications department was created, headed by Stanislav Shekshnia, a specialist in this field. During the year, a controlling stake in OJSC Golden Telecom and a blocking stake in OJSC VimpelCom were purchased.

Alfa-Telecom LLC (a division of Alfa Group) in the summer of 2002. gained control over 32.39% of shares in Kyivstar GSM by purchasing a 50.1% stake in the Ukrainian company Storm, which owned a 32.39% stake in Kyivstar GSM.

Oil and gas

Alfa, together with Renova, controls the Tyumen Oil Company, which is actively expanding in the Russian and foreign markets, both in the production and sale of oil and oil products. In particular, in 2002-2003. TNK has been and is fighting for control over Slavneft. The TNK needs new refineries and gasoline distribution networks. TNK also aims to become a major independent gas producer. TNK, together with Yukos, controls the gas production company Rospan International and is considering plans to increase production and sale of gas, it is especially interested in exporting this fuel.

Financial services.

Alfa-Bank and Alfa-Insurance are among the leaders each in their respective sectors, actively capturing new market niches and regions.

Pipe and metallurgical industry

Versions about the purchase of the Ukrainian company Interpipe by Alpha structures have not yet been confirmed, but since the beginning of 2003. it was headed by the Russian manager Yevgeny Bernshtam, who before his new appointment worked as the first deputy chairman of the board of Alfa-Bank.

Consumer market, retail business, food

Alpha structures since 1994. owns a controlling stake in CJSC Trading House Perekrestok. United Food Company is an agricultural sub-holding of the Alfa Group consortium. The company controls eight sugar factories in the Krasnodar Territory, Oryol and Belgorod Regions and 10 elevators, which store about 30% of the grain grown in the Krasnodar Territory.

Personal life

According to colleagues, Mikhail Maratovich has a high capacity for work. Any employee can enter Friedman's office - Friedman's business principle: "If a person believes that he must tell me something personally, he should have such an opportunity." He likes to travel, jeep racing is especially revered. In 1997, while crossing the desert in Brazil, Friedman rolled over in his car and severely injured his head. The wife - before marriage, a classmate and a dormitory neighbor (according to other sources, the dormitories at MISiS are separate) - with her two daughters Katya and Laura constantly lives in Paris. According to rumors, Friedman practically does not maintain contacts with his wife. After the scandal with the wife of Alexei Mordashov (Mordashov's wife sued the head of Severstal for the division of property), Mikhail Fridman allegedly urgently increased the maintenance of his family. Parents permanently reside in Germany. Yuli Gusman, Mark Rozovsky, Marat Gelman and Evgenia Albats belong to a narrow circle of personal contacts.

Mikhail Fridman is the only representative of the "seven bankers" who has managed to maintain his bank since the early 1990s - which has been the largest private bank in Russia for many years. Of all the bankers who helped Boris Yeltsin win the 1996 elections, three more became billionaires: Fridman's partner in Alfa Group, and Bidzina Ivanishvili (No. 365 on the global Forbes list). Potanin and Ivanishvili, unlike Boris Berezovsky, Mikhail Khodorkovsky, Vladimir Gusinsky, Alexander Smolensky and Vladimir Vinogradov, managed to keep the business, but not the banks - their Onexim Bank and Russian Credit collapsed during the 1998 crisis.

Fridman was born in Lvov in a family of engineers and studied at the Moscow Institute of Steel and Alloys (MISiS). After graduating from the institute, he went to work in the city of Elektrostal near Moscow, but very soon received a Moscow residence permit. In 1988, together with his institute friends, he organized the Kurier cooperatives, which delivered food and washed windows, and Alfa-Photo, where he invited Mikhail Alfimov, academician of the Institute of Chemical Physics, as a scientific supervisor. In honor of the academician, the cooperative was named Alpha. In July of the same year, Friedman's personal earnings amounted to 10,000 rubles. A year later, friends founded the Soviet-Swiss joint venture Alfa-Eco, on the basis of which the Alfa Group was created. Initially, the company had six founders: Fridman himself, Oleg Kiselev (at that time a teacher at MISiS), German Khan, Mikhail Bezelyansky, Andrey Shelukhin and Alexei Kuzmichev. Later they were joined by Petr Aven and Andrey Kosogov. Kiselev withdrew from the founders back in 1992, and Shelukhin and Bezelyansky in 2000.

In 1991, Fridman, in parallel with Alfa-Eco, registered Alfa-Bank, which in 1997, together with Access / Renova Leonard Blavatnik (No. ". In 2003, British BP and TNK shareholders merged their Russian assets and created a joint company, TNK-BP. The purchase of other assets of Alfa, in particular VimpelCom, was carried out by the Alfa-Eco group, later renamed A1. Later, for telecommunications assets, a special company Altimo.

After selling his stake (25% stake) in TNK-BP in 2013 for $14 billion, Fridman and his partners set up an investment company in Luxembourg, LetterOne, which invested the proceeds from the sale outside of Russia. The main assets of LetterOne are the German oil and gas company DEA, which is soon to be merged with Wintershall from the BASF group, an English chain of stores healthy eating Holland & Barrett, VEON (former Vympelcom, 56.2%) and Turkish telecommunications company Turkcell (13.22%). In Russia, Alfa Group retains Alfa Bank, AlfaStrakhovanie insurance company, X5 Retail Group (47.9%) and A1.

Friedman has Israeli citizenship. He visits the Promised Land for Jewish holidays, and lives mainly in London, since 2015 he has been a resident of the UK. So far, he lives in a rented apartment: bought in 2016 for 65 million pounds, the mansion Athlone House will have to be restored and rebuilt for a long time.

First business As a student, he sold scarce theater tickets, created the Strawberry Glade club in the MISiS hostel in Belyaevo, arranged meetings, concerts and discos. In 1988, together with friends from MISiS, he organized the Courier cooperative, which was engaged in the delivery of products to the population. He earned his first big money cleaning windows.

Capital The main owner of the LetterOne Holdings group (the German oil and gas company DEA, VEON - 56.2%, Turkcell - 13.22%) and the assets of the Alfa Group consortium (Alfa Bank - 90.1%, "", - 47.9 %).

Number Alfa Group received $14 billion in March 2013 from the sale of its stake in TNK-BP to Rosneft.

Event By mid-2019, the merger of two German companies, DEA and Wintershall, should be completed. As a result, the largest independent oil and gas company in Europe will be created. L1 will receive a 33% stake in Wintershall DEA, BASF (owner of Wintershall) - 67%.

Deals In 2017, LetterOne acquired the British health food chain Holland & Barrett for £1.77 billion, and Pamplona Capital Management (which invests LetterOne's funds) acquired the American healthcare company Parexel for $5 billion.

Venture In February 2016, LetterOne invested $200 million in the Uber taxi service.

Plans L1 plans to fully buy out the second largest in Spain retail network DIA. So far, L1 owns 29% of the retailer's shares.

Brands"Beeline", "Pyaterochka", "Crossroads", "Borjomi".

Charity Alfa-Bank finances the Life Line charity foundation, which helps children with serious illnesses. Friedman is a co-founder of the Genesis Philanthropy Group, a charitable foundation that develops and strengthens Jewish identity among Russian-speaking Jews around the world. Genesis sponsored the creation of a new film (trilogy) by Leonid Parfenov "Russian Jews".

Hobby He is fond of cinema, music, chess. Fan of extreme travel on off-road vehicles. In 2015 he traveled to Iran. Most of the billionaire's constant companions, including members of the Forbes list, were afraid to keep him company at that time.

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