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Operator of electronic computers standard. Job description of a computer operator

The activities of specialists involved in software development are regulated by professional standards. This document defines required level qualifications of the employee and characterizes the main labor actions within the profession of “programmer”.

Why do we need a professional standard?

A professional standard is a document that defines the set of knowledge, skills and abilities of a specialist necessary to achieve goals in the process of professional activity or a separate job function.

This document gives the employer a clear understanding of which employees to assign which functions, as well as establish the correct titles for their positions. The professional standard is developed by the Ministry of Labor, approved by the Ministry of Justice, and regulated by the Labor Code.

Is it necessary to apply

There is an opinion that professional standards are mandatory only for government organizations, but not for private companies. Articles 57, 195.1, 195.3 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation indicate that the criteria contained in this document are established for all organizations and do not depend on the type of legal form.

The professional standard should not be perceived as a single monolithic requirement, mandatory in its entirety. This is a multi-structural document, it contains both mandatory and optional clauses.

The Ministry of Labor clarifies that an employee may be subject to several standards, so he does not infringe on freedom in any way legal entities in planning the work process and creating job descriptions.

The set of criteria and rules described within the standard is not normative and mandatory requirement, forcing the manager to change the job responsibilities of employees established at the enterprise.

In terms of mandatory requirements, we can only talk about two points of the professional standard:

  1. The part that regulates qualification requirements.
  2. Clauses establishing job titles.

If an employee’s work is associated with various restrictions or gives the right to receive benefits and compensation, then his position must be specified in employment contract the same as in the professional standard.

Employee non-compliance professional standard does not give the employer the right to fire him. Dismissal is possible only if the certification results are poor or it is not possible to transfer the employee to another position in the company that matches his knowledge and skills. To improve qualifications to the level of professional standard, an employee may be offered specialized training.

The main purpose of this document is compare qualification requirements with each job function carried out by an employee within a certain profession, and also characterize the function itself.

Document structure

The standard for the profession “programmer” was put into effect by decision of the Ministry of Labor of the Russian Federation No. 679n dated November 18, 2013.

  1. General information about the profession, types of activities, goals.
  2. A list of general and private functions, the required level of qualifications for each of them.
  3. A detailed description of all work processes and the knowledge and skills required for their implementation.
  4. Information about the compilers of the standard.

Main responsibilities

The professional standard assigns several main types of actions to the programmer:

  • writing code and diagnosing errors;
  • code testing and redesign;
  • combining individual modules, compliance with technical documentation regulations;
  • determining program requirements;
  • software architecture development.

Established requirements according to the document

The general work function of a programmer includes several types of activities defined by the corresponding positions. Each has its own requirements for a specialist.

Junior Specialist

For such work, a diploma of secondary specialized education is required. No professional experience required.


A specialist of this level must have secondary specialized or higher education. Candidates who have worked in the field of software development for more than six months are appointed to this position.

The specialist needs to know:

  • methods of automatic testing of programs;
  • software diagnostic mechanisms;
  • integrated development environments;
  • methods for obtaining numerical values ​​of various software properties;
  • organization of program evaluation;
  • programming languages.


A mandatory requirement is to have a higher specialized education. The employee must have worked in this field for more than a year.

The specialist needs to know:

  • methodology for combining modules and components;
  • mechanisms for interaction between software and the user and equipment;
  • software deployment processes;
  • data processing methods;
  • programming languages.


This position can be filled by professionals with 3 years or more of experience in programming. Higher education Necessarily.

The specialist needs to know:

  • functionality of the current software and hardware environment;
  • basic development tools and their capabilities;
  • methodology for designing and creating software;
  • database creation technology.

Differences in specializations

The main differences are as follows:

  • A software technician works with ready-made programs and performs certain tasks using them;
  • a software engineer develops programs that are subsequently used by a technician;
  • A computer operator is a kind of advanced PC user with more in-depth knowledge of specific programs used in a certain area.


A software engineer uses ready-made software in his work. With the help of it, he carries out technical tasks, processes all kinds of data, and ensures the proper operation of computing equipment.

He can participate in writing simple codes. His responsibilities also include: accounting technical documents, monitoring the register of completed tasks, troubleshooting hardware problems.

Main functions:

  • creation of data processing tools;
  • transmission and storage of information;
  • maintaining the functionality of the computer system;
  • conducting settlement transactions;
  • implementation of simple technical data processing processes.

Software engineer

A worker in this profession must have advanced knowledge in structured programming, understand types of software, and master all kinds of information processing techniques. The ability to understand formalized programming languages ​​and maintain technical documentation is preferred.

Main functions:

Computer's operator

A computer operator (electronic computer) is an employee who enters various types of data into a computer, processes it and stores it. This position may also be called “PC (personal computer) operator.”

To work in this position, it is not enough to be an advanced PC user. A specialist must have database management skills and be able to use different operating systems and programs. In addition, you need to know the principles of record keeping and the basics accounting.

The labor process of a computer operator includes:

  • preparation of documents for the company's operating activities;
  • copying documents;
  • entering text data in compliance with the rules of the Russian language;
  • filling out and maintaining a database;
  • replying to emails;
  • printing of documents;
  • systematic accounting of work files;
  • maintaining performance computer equipment.

If you decide to connect your life with programming, the video will help you decide how to start from scratch.

Computer operator and his job responsibilities

A computer operator is a specialist involved in entering information into a computer, storing data and processing it. The vacancy itself is usually called “computer operator” (computer is an electronic computer) or “PC operator” (PC is a personal computer). These names describe the activities of the same specialist.

However, in order to work as a PC operator, it is not enough to be an experienced computer user. This position requires skills in using a variety of operating systems, programs, and databases. In addition, the specified specialist must know the basics of document management, accounting and personnel work.

Using existing knowledge, the PC operator enters information, monitors the correctness of its display, draws up various tables, fills out logs, statements, etc. The specific job responsibilities of a computer operator are established by the employer in a job description, which each organization develops independently, taking into account the characteristics of its work and direction activities.

Job description structure for a PC operator

The legislation does not establish unified form job description for a computer operator, however, employers, when developing this document, usually try to use the structure generally accepted in personnel records management. This structure allows you to take into account all the main points that determine labor activity PC operator.

Traditionally, a job description consists of the following sections:

Don't know your rights?

  1. General provisions. This part of the document establishes the basic requirements for a PC operator, such as:
    • education;
    • experience;
    • professional skills.

    In addition, this section lists regulatory and local documents that a specialist must be familiar with before starting work, determines the procedure for his acceptance, dismissal and replacement, indicates the place of the staff unit in the overall organizational structure and the employee’s immediate superior.

  2. Job responsibilities and rights. This part of the job description is the main one, since with a careful approach in the process of developing the document, it allows you to take into account the entire range of powers of the specialist.
  3. Responsibility. This section sets out a list labor violations, for which the employee can be punished, and can directly determine the punishment. However, it must be remembered that labor legislation At the same time, it prohibits tightening the employee’s liability in comparison with the norms of the law. However, in many cases the entire content of the section comes down to common phrases that the employee may be held accountable in accordance with current legislation.

Basic requirements for a PC operator

Towards the education of a PC operator, high requirements, as a rule, is not presented. In most cases, general secondary or secondary specialized education with the ability to work with certain programs and bases is sufficient. True, at the same time, a candidate for the position of computer operator, depending on the field of activity of the organization, may be required to have any additional professional skills (for example, knowledge foreign language, basics of accounting or personnel records).

Requirements for a specialist’s work experience are determined by the employer based on specific circumstances. So, if it is expected to perform simple work or work in a program specially developed at the enterprise, the applicant may not be required to have any work experience at all. If the work of a PC operator involves any additional labor functions(formation of documents, data analysis, etc.), work experience from 1 to 3 years may be required.

Typical job responsibilities and rights of a computer operator

When determining the job responsibilities of a computer operator, each employer proceeds from its own realities, however, there are also a number that are characteristic of almost any organization.

In most cases, the job responsibilities of a computer operator include:

  • technical preparation of documentation for the current work of the organization;
  • making copies of documents using copying equipment;
  • typing text information in compliance with spelling and punctuation rules;
  • entering into various databases information necessary for the operation of the organization;
  • working with email;
  • printing and organizing documentation;
  • monitoring the condition of the equipment used and timely informing management about the need for its repair or replacement.

The labor rights of a computer operator are inextricably linked with his duties, since their purpose is to facilitate the employee’s performance of his functions. The main job rights of this specialist include:

  • right to receive work information related to the performance of official duties;
  • the right to interact with other services of the organization within the framework of the functions performed;
  • the right to a place of work that meets safety and legal requirements.

In conclusion, it remains to say that a reasonably defined circle official rights and duties of a computer (PC) operator will allow the employee to carry out work activities efficiently and productively, therefore this section requires the most careful study taking into account all the features of the enterprise. Particular attention should be paid to this section when developing also because the employee has the right not to carry out any other instructions other than those determined by him. job responsibilities in the employment contract and job description.




OST 9 ON 02.1.9-2002

Official publication


First Deputy Minister

education Russian Federation

Date of introduction:

"_______"____________________ 2002





OST 9 ON 02.1.9-2002



Education: initial vocational education

Profession: electronic computer operator

machines OST 9 PO 02.1.9-2002

Profession: computer operator


Basic standard vocational education The Russian Federation for the profession “Electronic computer operator” (federal component) was developed in accordance with the List of professions for primary vocational education, approved by Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of December 8, 1999 No. 000, and includes the documents:

a) professional characteristics;

b) federal component of educational content.

Professional characteristics reflect substantive parameters in the form of practical and theoretical foundations activities.

In the structure of the federal component of the content of education (professional cycle), blocks are identified educational material, subject areas and educational elements, indicating specific levels of their mastery.

The names of the educational elements in the standard indicate the specific content of the activity that the graduate must master as a result of training. The ratio of theoretical and practical training is determined by the educational program documentation.

The standard of primary vocational education provides for the use of the following levels of mastery:

Level 1 - recognition of previously studied objects, properties, processes and performance of professional activities with support (hint);

Level 2 - independent performance (from memory) of typical activities;

Level 3 - creation and execution of an algorithm for atypical activities.

When presenting the federal component, the following order is adopted:

The names of the blocks are written in capital letters and have continuous numbering;

The names of subject areas within blocks are highlighted in capital letters, the subject area number contains the block number and the serial number of the area within the block;

The number of the main generalizing educational element includes the number of the subject area and the serial number of this element;

Nodal educational elements are listed with a red line after the main generalizing educational element to which they relate;

For a number of educational elements and some subject areas, characteristics characterizing them are identified, which follow the name of the subject area or educational element after a colon;

The characteristics of the main generalizing educational element or subject area apply to all the underlying educational elements included in them;

For educational elements after which the level of mastery is not indicated, the first level is assumed;

A level of mastery other than the first level is indicated in parentheses immediately after the educational element or sign and refers only to it.

Working curricula and programs for organizing training are developed by educational institutions of primary vocational education based on the Model curriculum(OST 9 PO 01.03-93), this standard for the profession and taking into account the exemplary educational program documentation developed by the Institute for the Development of Vocational Education of the Ministry of Education of the Russian Federation, as well as national and regional conditions.

The standard of initial vocational education is interdepartmental in nature and applies to all forms of training in this profession, both in state and non-state educational institutions and has legal force in all constituent entities of the Russian Federation.


1. Profession of primary vocational education

Operator of electronic computers.

Profession by All-Russian classifier workers' professions, positions employees And tariff categories(OK 016-94):

Operator of electronic computers and computers (3rd category).

2. Purpose of the profession

The operator of electronic computers (computers) performs input and information processing on electronic computers, prepares computer equipment and peripheral devices for operation.

3. Qualification

In accordance with the List of Professions of Primary Vocational Education, the profession “Electronic Computer Operator” belongs to the 3rd level of qualification and requires obtaining a secondary (full) diploma. general education.

The level of graduate qualifications in primary vocational education professions is established in accordance with the current system tariffs by profession OK 016-94 and others regulations labor authorities.

Practical foundations of professional activity

Theoretical basis
professional activity

General professional parameters

Conducting the process of information processing on a computer.

Basic definitions of computer science. Properties and units information. Concept of software.

The main stages of information processing on a computer. The sequence of actions in the process of recording, storing, accumulating, converting, reading, copying information.

The concept of computer architecture.

The system unit, its main components, their functions, communication, placement, specifications, execution. Types of cases.

Main characteristics and types of internal and external computer memory.

Role computer technology V automated systems management.

Performing input/output of information from data carriers and communication channels.

Information input/output devices and additional devices, their types, purpose, operating principles, connection methods. Types of information media and communication channels. Techniques for entering information into a computer and its subsequent output.

Preparation for operation of computer equipment and peripheral devices.

Rules for turning on, rebooting and shutting down the computer and peripheral devices.

Maintaining established documentation.

Types, purpose, content, rules for maintaining and preparing documentation.

Working with the keyboard.

Functions and groups of keys on the keyboard, options for keyboard combinations. Methods of working using the ten-finger method.

Kinds keyboard trainers, rules for their use in work.

Work in the main operating systems, loading and managing them.

Operating systems (OS) - terms and definitions. Types of OS, their purpose and features. Structure-

ra, properties and capabilities of the OS. Techniques for working in the OS. Basic operators and OS functions.

Types and use of system utilities for setting up and maintaining computers.

Working in shell programs (file managers), performing basic operations with files and directories.

Basic file managers, their characteristics and capabilities. Rules and techniques for working in shell programs, basic menu commands and dialog boxes. Types of operations with files and directories. Methods of presenting information on panels. Techniques for creating and editing user menus.

Managing the work of text editors.

Purpose and types of text editors, their functionality. Basic elements of the on-screen interface. Contents of program menu and toolbar options. Rules for working with documents, methods and means of placing, editing, formatting and illustrating text

hundred. Requirements for saving, printing and closing documents.

Working with spreadsheets, processing text and digital information in them.

Purpose, capabilities and use of spreadsheets, principles of their construction and organization of work with them. Basic elements of the on-screen interface. Menu and toolbar options. Rules for entering, processing, formatting, editing data and performing computational operations. Techniques for constructing information processing algorithms.

Diversity, habitat and categories of viruses. Paths and mechanisms of spread and action of viral programs, forms of manifestation; preventive measures.

Types of anti-virus programs, principles of their operation, configuration methods and how to work in them.

Maintaining the sanitary condition of equipment and workplaces in accordance with regulations.

Physiological and hygienic fundamentals labor process, sanitation requirements.

Basic provisions of labor protection legislation.

Safety rules at the enterprise and in workshops.

Information technologies: definition, tools.

Computer technology: history of appearance and development, main stages and directions, scope of application.


Basic information about electronic computers.

Electronic computers (computers) (2): purpose, social aspects of application, classification, terminology, types and generations of computers, prospects. The meaning and place of computers in automated systems control systems (ACS), automation systems for scientific experiments.

Computer architecture (2): definition, basic information. Types of architectures.

Computer structure (2): concept, diagrams, interaction of main devices.

System board (2): functions, technical characteristics, design, typical elements and components, interconnection.

Computer memory (2): types, structure and organization. Principles of information storage (2). Internal memory (2): functions, structural scheme, construction features. Internal memory devices (2): types, properties, main parameters and characteristics, relationships. External memory (2): types, parameters, storage materials, rules of use.

Microprocessors and coprocessors (2): main characteristics

sticks, purpose. Microprocessor and memory (2): methods of information exchange. Controllers, buses and ports (2): purpose, basic information.

Input devices (keyboard, mouse, trackball, joystick) (2): varieties, types, functions, device, operating principles, control methods, operating rules. Keyboard (2): basic methods and techniques. Keys on the keyboard (2): functions, groups, keyboard shortcut options. Training programs for practicing keyboard techniques at a speed of 160-180 beats per minute: types, application (2).

Output devices (monitors, printers, disks) (2): types, classes, purpose, device, principle of operation, rules of use, operation. External memory devices (storage drives on magnetic, optical and magneto-optical disks) (2): types, parameters, principles of operation. Drives and disks (2): interaction.

Additional devices (tablet, scanner, fax modem, streamer) (2): purpose, main functional units, application. Ultra-high-capacity magnetic drives (2): parameters, use.

Computer work (2): General requirements, rules, recommendations.

Peripheral connection (3): rules, reliability, connection methods. Storing program data in a computer (2): basic methods.

Rules for turning on, rebooting and shutting down the computer (3).

Entering text from the keyboard (average speed 160-180 beats per minute) (2).


Computer software

Software (2): history of development, terms, definitions, composition, structure. Changing software versions: purpose, frequency.

System, utility and application programs (2): basic concepts. Interface (2): definition, types, characteristics.

Operating systems (OS) (2): definition, types, structure, functions. User interaction with the OS (2). OS file systems (2): terms, definitions. OS utilities (2): types, purpose, properties.

MS-DOS (2): basic information, functionality, composition, structure. Rules for working in MS-DOS (2). Files (2): types, functions. Basic commands: categories, classification, input methods (2). Operations with files, directories, disks (2): types, methods of execution.

Windows class OS (2): types, capabilities, main similarities and differences, requirements for hardware resources. Windows User Interface (2): general information. Desktop and panels (taskbar, control panel, toolbar) (2): purpose, rules for working with them. Basic commands of menus and dialog boxes (2). Windows programs (2): varieties,

functionality. Techniques for working in Windows (2): sequence of basic operations, tools, methods. Rules for starting and shutting down programs (3). Methods for creating folders and shortcuts (2). Changing the design and settings of the main elements. reference Information(3): methods of obtaining.

Performing work in Windows (2).

Shell programs (2): types, versions, characteristics, purpose, advantages and disadvantages, capabilities, rules and methods of work, prospects. Interface (2): structure. Basic commands of menus and dialog boxes (2): types, purpose. Operations with files and directories (2): types, sequence of actions, results. Methods of presenting and processing information (2).

Saving, printing and closing documents in shell programs (2): implementation requirements.

Performing work in shell programs (2).

Application programs(2): varieties, functions.

Text editors (2): varieties, applications, properties.

Editing text (2): general information. Working with documents (placing, editing, formatting, illustrating, design) (2): basic requirements, techniques, tools. Text editor Word (2): characteristics, purpose, application, main elements of the on-screen interface. Menu

programs and toolbars in Word (2): contents of options. Criteria efficient work in Word (2). Requirements for saving, printing and closing documents (3).

Spreadsheets (2): purpose, capabilities, design principles, scope of application. Data processing (2): types of operations, execution rules, main methods, requirements for implementation. Software product Excel (2): organization of the program. Basic elements of the screen interface (2): types, purpose. Program menu and toolbar (2): contents of options. Working with cells, lists, databases, tables (2): types, examples, basic techniques. Diagrams (2): general information, main components, principles of data organization, procedure for creating diagrams. Data exchange between Excel and Word applications (2): basic methods.

Databases (2): types, purpose, organization, scope. Access database management system (2): performance characteristics. Principles of design, creation and modification of databases (2).

E-mail: concepts, basic functions. Outlook Express program: purpose, principles of operation of the program, main elements of the window, features of setting up the interface and basic parameters. Mail messages (2): operating rules. Methods of application address book(2). Perform basic operations with text files (2).

Text processing using text editors (2).

Data processing using spreadsheets (2).

Creation and work with databases (2).


Data archiving

Archives and archiving (2): purpose, terms, definitions. Archiver programs: types, properties (2), main operating modes (2), dialog boxes, commands (2).

Archiving and unarchiving files (2): basic rules, stages, sequence.


Information about computer viruses

Computer viruses (2): concept, diversity, habitat, categories. Virus programs (2): ways and mechanisms of spread, actions, forms of manifestations. Preventive measures (2).

Anti-virus programs (2): types, operating principles, configuration methods, operating procedures in them.


Data protection

Information protection (2): concept, purpose. Protection of information in computers, computer networks, automated control systems (2): principles, methods, means.



Multimedia: concepts, definitions.

Multimedia hardware (sound cards, video cards, microphones, speaker systems) (2): types, connection methods, functions. Adapters and converters, hardware

Compression methods, graphics acceleration, graphics processors: purpose, use, functionality.

Multimedia programs: types, properties, settings, application. Sound and video files (2): formats, rules for working with them.


Technology of modernization of electronic computers

Computer modernization (2): purpose. Upgrade: concept, definition.

Types and timing of events maintenance equipment and apparatus.

Installation software products(2): rules, sequence of actions, recommendations.

Updating software products (2): methods, main stages, sequence, conditions.

Perform software installations and updates (2).

Setting up and optimizing computer operation (2): basic algorithms, methods of implementation, results.
Performing computer operation settings (2).


Causes of failures

Sustainability of computing systems: concepts.

Factors influencing failures (2): classification, nature, forms of warnings, content of computer messages. The most common malfunctions and failures (2): causes, possible prevention.

Finding and eliminating simple problems in the operation of hardware and equipment (2): basic rules, techniques for solving problematic situations. Methods for resolving device conflicts (2).

Diagnostic programs (2): types, properties, launch rules, evaluation of diagnostic results.

Carrying out diagnostic measures (2).


Information about networks and technologies

Computer networks (2): concept, varieties, purpose, scale, prospects, use.

Local computer networks: concepts (2), characteristics, capabilities, models, diagrams (2). Basic elements of a local network: types (2), methods of connecting to each other (topology). Networks with centralized control: models.

Basic access methods. Data transmission systems: basic information.

Hardware local networks: composition, configuration, functions (2).

Network software: terms (2), definitions, composition, structure. Network OS: varieties, functions. Network applications: types, application.

Responsibility of users for the functioning of the network.

Working in local computer networks: rules, main stages, sequence.

Global computer network Internet (Internet) (2): terms, definitions, scale, capabilities, services provided, structure, informational resources, connection conditions.

World Wide Web (WWW) (2): basic information about the system. Web browser (2): types, functions.

Internet addressing principles (2).

Hardware (2): basic requirements. Network equipment components (2): types, purpose, configuration.

Internet software (2): terms, definitions, composition, structure, functions, requirements and methods of use.

Working on the Internet (2): main stages, sequence, rules, techniques, features. WEB sites, pages: general information, operating rules, use.


Computer Graphics Basics

Computer graphics(2): purpose, application, fixed assets, prospects.

Graphic programs (2): varieties, purpose, properties, scope of application. Graphic packages (2): types, advantages, disadvantages. Graphic formats (2): types.

Exporting and importing graphic files (2): basic rules.

Programs for creating bitmap(2): types, operating principles, application.

Elements of the screen interface (2) types, purpose, methods of use.

Menu commands (2). Toolbar (2): fixed assets.

Create a bitmap (2).

Programs for creating vector graphics (2): types, essence, disadvantages, advantages, application, principles of operation, basic elements of the screen interface, program menu options and toolbars, basic actions.

Working with objects and groups of objects: types of operations, execution rules, methods, means, basic actions. Ways to use color.

Working with texts (2): basic requirements, capabilities, sequence of operations, methods, tools, examples.

Working with perspective and volume: general concepts.

Programs for creating raster graphics (2): types, characteristics, disadvantages, advantages, application and principles of operation, basic elements of the screen interface, program menu options, toolbars and palettes.

Drawing: rules, requirements for creating a new drawing,

means (2), basic techniques. Ways to use color.

Images: types of combinations, methods of color design, formatting, transformation. Using graphic objects made in other graphic formats and vice versa: rules, techniques.

Three-dimensional modeling programs: purpose (2), area of ​​use (2), features of work. Basic commands and functions.

Working with simple objects: techniques, tools. Methods for changing the properties and characteristics of objects.

System computer-aided design: concept, purpose, scope (2), capabilities.

AutoCAD software package: functions. Creation of drawings: general information, fixed assets.

Distribution of training time by profession

“Electronic computer operator”

under the section “Vocational training”

Number of hours

based on the average (full) general


on the basis of basic general education with secondary (complete) education

general education

Duration of training

1 year 3 years

Professional training

Time reserve






Director of the Institute

professional development

D. Philosopher Sc., professor

Deputy director of the Institute

professional development

Education Ministry of Education of Russia,

Head of Development

Head laboratory of methodological

provision of professions

mechanical engineering and communications, Ph.D.


With. n.s. laboratory of methodological

provision of professions

mechanical engineering and communications


Institute of Educational Management

Russian Academy of Education

Letter No. 74/1-74 dated 01/01/2001

Initial management

vocational education

Ministry of Education of Russia

Head of Department, Doctor of Economics n.,