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Main components and stages of strategic management. Self-test questions The concept of strategy and stages of the strategic management process

Accelerating changes in the environment, the emergence of new demands and changing consumer positions, increasing competition for resources, internationalization and globalization of business, development information networks, making possible lightning-fast dissemination and receipt of information, wide availability modern technologies, the changing role of human resources, as well as a number of other reasons, have led to a sharp increase in the importance of strategic management.

There is no single strategy for all companies, just as there is no single universal strategic management. Each company is unique in its own way, therefore the process of developing a strategy for each company is unique, since it largely depends on the company’s position in the market, the dynamics of its development, its potential, the behavior of competitors, the characteristics of the goods it produces or the services it provides, the state of the economy, cultural environment and many other factors.

At the same time, there are some fundamental points that allow us to talk about some general principles for developing a strategy for a company’s behavior in the market and implementing strategic management. These include the strategic management process.

Strategic management - this is management that relies on human potential as the basis of the organization, orients production activities to consumer requests, responds flexibly and carries out timely changes in the organization that meet the challenge from the environment and allow achieving competitive advantages, which together allows the organization to survive in the long term while achieving its goals.

Objects of strategic management are organizations, strategic business units and functional areas of the organization.

Subject of strategic management are:

Problems that are directly related to the general goals of the organization;
- problems and solutions related to any element of the organization, if this element is necessary to achieve goals, but is currently missing or insufficient.
- problems associated with external factors that are uncontrollable.

Strategic management problems most often arise as a result of numerous external factors. Therefore, in order not to make a mistake in choosing a strategy, it is important to determine what economic, political, scientific, technical, social and other factors influence the future of the organization.

The core of strategic management is a system of strategies, which includes a number of interrelated specific business, organizational and labor strategies. Strategy is an organization's pre-planned response to change. external environment, the line of her behavior chosen to achieve the desired result.

Key characteristics of the strategic aspect of managing an organization in comparison with operational management, which has been widely used in business for more than 20 years, are presented in Table 1.

Table 1 - Key characteristics of the management aspect of an organization
Distinctive feature Operational management Strategic management
Main purpose of the organization Production of goods and services Long term survival
Way to achieve the goal Efficient use of internal resources Search for new opportunities in competition, adaptation to external changes
The importance of the time factor Focus on the short and medium term Long-term orientation
Role of staff An employee is one of the organization’s resources, a performer of work The employee is the basis of the organization, the source of its well-being
Performance criteria Profitability and rational use of production potential Flexibility and willingness to change

The essence of strategic management lies in answering the following questions:
- What is the current position of the enterprise?
- what position would it like to be in in 3, 5, 10 months?
- how to achieve desired result?

To solve the first question, an information base with relevant data for the analysis of past, present and future situations is needed.

The second question reflects such an important feature for strategic management as its focus on the future. It is necessary to define the mission and goals of the organization.

The third question is related to the implementation of the chosen strategy, during which adjustments to the two previous stages may occur. The most important components of this stage are the available or accessible resources, the management system, the organizational structure and the personnel who will implement this strategy.

Thus, essence of strategic management consists in the formation and implementation of an organization’s development strategy based on continuous monitoring and assessment of ongoing changes in its activities in order to maintain the ability to survive and operate effectively in an unstable external environment.

Strategic Management Process includes the following main elements and stages:
- strategic analysis;
- strategic planning;
- organizing the implementation of strategic plans;
- implementation of strategic objectives;
- assessment and control of strategy implementation.

Strategic Analysis requires a clear understanding on the part of management of what stage of development the enterprise is at before deciding where to move next. This requires effective Information system, providing data for the analysis of past, present and future situations.

Well-conducted business diagnostics of strong and weaknesses the activity of an enterprise gives a real assessment of its resources and capabilities, and is also the starting point for developing a strategy. Knowledge of the competitive environment in which the company operates is also important.

Along with the analysis internal environment, the organization also needs to diagnose the external environment in order to know the opportunities and threats of development in the future. Analysis of the external environment is carried out in the following areas: economics, politics, market, technology, competition, international situation and socio-cultural behavior.

Thus, strategic analysis is the most important stage of management in developing an effective strategy.

Strategic planning - this is the process by which the further development of the enterprise is determined based on its goals. This process is based on a systemic analysis of the enterprise’s activities, an assessment of the strengths and weaknesses of these activities, opportunities and risks, and ends with the development of a strategic action plan.

Depending on the type of goals developed distinguish between marketing, production and financial strategy .

Development marketing strategy ends with recommendations for improving the range, entering new markets, improving marketing communications and etc.

The result production strategy becomes a solution to issues of ensuring production new technology and technologies, reducing production costs, optimizing inventories of raw materials and finished products, etc.

Financial strategy can only be developed after all other functional strategies have been determined. It summarizes recommendations on marketing, production, logistics, personnel and justifies ways to provide enterprises with financial capital to implement the overall strategy.

A strategic financial plan shows not only the volume and direction of investments and expenses required by the enterprise, but also the optimal way to ensure an increase in its competitiveness and improve its financial position. Only by developing a financial strategy and defining all strategic activities in in monetary terms, you can further evaluate the results of its implementation through the organization operational planning and management.

Organization of implementation of strategic plans involves the formation of the future potential of the enterprise, coordination of the structure and management system with the chosen development strategy, creation of a corporate culture, coordination of the actions of managers in the formation and implementation of the chosen strategy, which consists of coordinating strategic decisions at various levels and consistent consolidation of the goals and strategies of structural units at higher levels management.

It is also necessary to remember about motivation as a function of strategic management, which is associated with the development of a system of incentives that encourages the achievement of set strategic results.

Implementation of the strategy - the process in which strategy is translated into actions based on developed programs, budgets and procedures, and it is also the process of carrying out strategic changes in the organization, transferring it to a state in which the organization is ready to implement the strategy.

The implementation of the chosen strategy involves adjusting the previous stages. Management activities are aimed at modernizing (if necessary) the management system, bringing it into line with strategic goals organizational structure firms, allocation of necessary resources, as well as personnel training.

Strategic decisions at this stage include:
- reconstruction of the enterprise;
- implementation new products and technologies;
- organizational changes legal form enterprises, production and management structures, wages, etc.;
- entering new markets;
- also acquisition (merger) of enterprises, etc.

Strategic decisions have a number distinctive features. The main ones:
- innovative character;
- focus on long-term goals and opportunities;
- the complexity of formation, provided that the set of strategic alternatives is uncertain;
- subjectivity of assessment;
- irreversibility and high degree risk.

Evaluation and control of strategy implementation - provides stable feedback between the implementation of strategy and the goals of the organization. Strategic control is aimed at finding out to what extent the implementation of strategy leads to the achievement of the company's goals and consists of continuous monitoring of the process of implementation of strategic plans.

Control is designed to identify impending dangers in advance, identify errors and deviations from accepted strategies and policies of the enterprise.

So, we see that the strategic management process is continuous, cyclical and interconnected at all its stages. Its effective implementation ultimately determines the efficiency of the enterprise in the long term.

Stages of strategic management:

Environmental analysis;

Strategy formation;

Strategy implementation;

Evaluation and control of strategy implementation.

Environmental analysis is considered the initial stage of the strategic management process, as it provides the basis for defining the mission and goals of the organization and developing strategy. External environment - a set of variables, threats and opportunities that are outside the enterprise and beyond the short-term control of management. The internal environment is a set of variables (strengths and weaknesses) located within the organization and controllable by management over the short term.

Formation of strategy - definition of mission and goals (long-term and short-term). Strategy formation is the process of determining the mission and goals of an organization, as well as choosing a strategy for achieving these goals.

Strategy implementation is the process in which strategy is translated into action based on established programs, budgets and procedures, and it is also the process of introducing strategic changes in the organization, moving it to a state in which the organization is ready to implement the strategy.

Evaluation and control of strategy implementation - provides stable feedback between the implementation of the strategy and the goals of the organization. Strategic control is aimed at determining the extent to which the implementation of strategy leads to the achievement of the company's goals.

Requirements for a strategic manager

In today's complex and rapidly changing environment, a fundamental role is given to those who manage the development of strategy, i.e. strategic managers. According to E. Wrapp (University of Chicago), the most successful strategic managers should have the following qualities:

Be well informed, which provides for the possibility of making a wide range of management decisions at different levels of management. Managers must create a network of information sources in different parts of the organization that will enable them to remain within operational realities;

Be able to manage your time and energy, and, therefore, effectively distribute and know when to delegate responsibility and when to get involved in private decisions;

Be good politicians, have the art of achieving consensus based on your ideas, and not “pressure” with authority to promote them, act as a member or leader of a coalition, and not as a dictator;

We shouldn’t, like experts, “go in cycles.” The changing world requires a certain amount of flexibility from the strategic manager. He must be ready to maneuver and adapt to the emerging situation. This does not mean that the company should act without specific goals, but it must be prepared to adjust them;

Contribute to the promotion of the program in private areas.

Tasks of a strategic manager

A strategic manager is a person who leaves an imprint on the activities of the organization and on its main independent divisions. The main task of a strategic manager is to ensure the activities of the organization (preserving the “health” of the organization) while moving in a certain direction.

IN in a broad sense The task of managers is to choose the structure that best meets the goals and objectives of the organization, as well as the internal and external influences affecting it. external factors. The “best” structure is the one that best allows the organization to effectively interact with its external environment, allocate and direct the efforts of its employees productively and efficiently, and thus satisfy customer needs and achieve its goals with high efficiency.

Strategic managers are often called complex managers. They differ from functional managers, who provide implementation of individual business functions (human resources, procurement, production, sales, customer service, accounting), and occupy a unique position in the company, managing the organization in a strategic sense.

Functions of strategic management

Strategic management - justification and selection of long-term goals for the development of an enterprise and increasing its competitiveness, their consolidation in long-term plans, development targeted programs ensuring the achievement of the intended goals. The most important, promising issues should be dealt with directly CEO or the owner of the company, who can be assisted by assistants (headquarters). Otherwise, he will eventually have to give way to another person who actually performs these functions.

Strategic management involves the implementation of the following functions:

a) determining the company’s goals taking into account the market situation;

b) determining the means to achieve these goals;

c) segmentation, that is, dividing a common goal into subgoals;

d) development of appropriate long-term plans and programs.

All types of management are interconnected. Any manager performs administrative functions, manages staff, and participates in choosing the goals of his activities and the means of achieving them. Director of a small enterprise and even more so individual entrepreneur performs all or most of the functions itself. Only with an increase in the size of the company does it become possible to assign them to different employees or management departments. However, in all cases it is advisable to distinguish and analyze types of management, since they are characterized by special means and methods of management, skills and techniques. Strategic management is the basis of enterprise management. Establishing development goals and means of achieving them determines the tasks of all types of management.

Strategic Management Process includes five interconnected stages that logically follow from one another, and there is a stable feedback and mutual influence between them.

Analysis of the external and internal environment is usually considered the initial stage of strategic management, since it serves as the basis both for determining the mission and goals of the organization, and for developing a strategy of behavior in the surrounding competitive environment, allowing to implement the mission and achieve goals. The internal environment and the external environment are studied in the process of strategic management primarily in order to reveal the opportunities and threats that the organization must take into account when determining its goals and ways to achieve them.

The external environment of an organization includes the macro environment and the immediate environment. Analysis of the macroenvironment is carried out on the basis of studying the influence on the organization of such factors as the state of the economy, legal regulation and management, political processes, natural environment and resources, social and cultural components of society, scientific, technical and technological level development of society, etc.

Analysis of the immediate environment is associated with the study of those components of the external environment with which the organization is in direct interaction. These are suppliers, buyers, competitors, market work force. An organization can significantly influence the nature and content of interaction with its immediate environment and actively shape additional features and prevent the emergence of threats to its further existence.

An analysis of the internal environment shows the potential and internal capabilities that an organization can count on to successfully compete, achieve its goals and implement its mission, as well as, if necessary, adjust them. In addition, the internal environment provides the opportunity for a normal existence for the organization’s personnel, providing them with work, participation in management, profits and capital, developing social protection measures, etc.

The analysis of the internal environment is carried out in the following areas: the organization’s personnel, their potential, qualifications, interests, etc.; management organization; production, including all stages of its overall cycle - from research and development to operational planning; or other main activities of the organization; organization finances; marketing; organizational culture and etc.

The study of the organization's environment, carried out in the context of strategic management, allows:

When analyzing the external environment, identify the opportunities that open up for the organization and which it must use to strengthen its position in the market, or threats to its activities, i.e. reveal undesirable circumstances that may worsen the market situation;

When analyzing the internal environment, determine the strengths of the organization, its advantages that need to be used to realize opportunities (i.e. this is the base on which the organization relies in competition and which needs to be strengthened), and the weaknesses that worsen the state of the organization, which it is necessary to neutralize, correct, get rid of them.

Defining the organization's mission and strategic goals for its implementation is the second stage of the strategic management process. A mission is a clear statement of the purpose of an organization, a statement of why and for what reason it exists.

The mission must reflect the following aspects: the scope of the organization’s activities, i.e. what product is offered to customers or clients, in what market it operates and sells its product; the organization's targets, reflecting what it strives for, the solution of what problems is decisive in its activities in the future; values ​​or principles that are fundamental to the organization's activities; what technologies in the field of production and management does the organization use, what are its strengths and opportunities for successful implementation of activities in the long term; the image that the organization has.

Strategic Goals specify the mission of the organization, presenting it in a form accessible to manage the process of their implementation. A goal is a desired specific state of individual characteristics of an organization towards which its activities are aimed. Setting goals is a guide to action: what results need to be achieved and when, and who is responsible for it.

The importance of establishing the goals of the organization lies in the fact that the goals are the starting point for developing activity plans, a system for motivating personnel, assessing the results of their work, monitoring and evaluating the activities of departments and the organization as a whole.

Formulating and choosing a strategy- the next stage of the strategic management process. It represents the definition of the main direction, the nature of the movement, the path by which the organization can achieve its goals.

Choosing a strategy from several strategic alternatives means focusing on a strategy that has advantages over others and is most suitable for achieving the organization's goals.

Defining the mission, setting goals and choosing a strategy are management decisions made by the top management of an organization to select the main directions of its development, which is reflected in the strategic plan. A strategic plan is a document containing the purpose of the organization, directions of its development, long-term and short-term objectives.

At the stage strategy implementation a set of actions is being carried out aimed at increasing business activity in financial, organizational and other areas, to strengthen staff motivation, develop corporate culture and internal structure of the organization in order to achieve the intended results.

Stage assessment and control of the implemented strategy associated with the emergence of new circumstances, changes in external and internal environmental factors affecting the organization, which leads to the need to adjust the chosen strategy. At the same time, goals can be clarified, the organization’s activities can be reoriented, its policies, budget, structure, production and management technology, areas of work with personnel can be changed, remuneration systems can be revised, etc. Management decisions, adopted on these and other issues, should improve the organization's strategy and ensure its competitiveness.

Strategic HR Management is the management of the formation of an organization’s competitive labor potential, taking into account current and upcoming changes in its external and internal environment, allowing the organization to survive, develop and achieve its goals in the long term.

The goal of strategic personnel management is to ensure the formation of the organization’s labor potential in a coordinated and adequate manner to the state of the external and internal environment for the coming long period.

The competitive labor potential of an organization should be understood as the ability of its employees to withstand competition in comparison with employees (and their labor potential) of similar organizations. Competitiveness is ensured through high level professionalism and competence, personal qualities, innovative and motivational potential of employees.

Subject Strategic personnel management is carried out by the organization's personnel management service and senior line and functional managers involved in their activities.

Object Strategic personnel management is the total labor potential of the organization, the dynamics of its development, structures and target relationships, policies regarding personnel, as well as technologies and management methods based on the principles of strategic management, personnel management and strategic personnel management.

The competence of an organization's personnel is a set of knowledge, skills, experience, knowledge of methods and techniques of work that are sufficient to effectively perform job duties.

Competence should be distinguished from competence, which is a characteristic of a position and represents a set of powers (rights and responsibilities) that a certain body has or should have and officials according to the laws, regulatory documents, charters, regulations.

Assessing the activities of organizations that have the opportunity to use advanced methods of personnel management, we can highlight three established types of organizations.

1st type. They deal comprehensively with strategic planning issues and apply elements of strategic personnel management.

2nd type. Use methods strategic planning personnel.

3rd type. Delegate functional tasks of a strategic nature to the personnel management service. Develop personnel development strategies and focus on them in their activities.

Organizationally, the strategic personnel management system is built on the basis of the existing organizational structure of the personnel management system. At the same time, there are three main options for the organizational design of the strategic personnel management system.

1. Complete isolation of the system into an independent structure (but at the same time there is a danger of separation from the operational practice of implementing strategies).

2. Separation of the strategic management body into an independent structural unit (strategic management department) and the formation of strategic working groups based on units of the personnel management system.

3. Formation of a system of strategic personnel management without separation into structural units (but at the same time, strategic management issues are given a secondary role).

The most effective option is to create a “headquarters” strategic department within the framework of the personnel management system and coordinate the activities of other departments on strategic planning issues, when some of the personnel of existing divisions of this system are assigned responsibilities for the “strategic personnel management” function.

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The strategic management process is a set of sequential actions aimed at achieving the goals set for the organization in a dynamic, changing and uncertain environment, allowing for optimal use of existing potential and remaining responsive to external requirements.

Main stages of strategic management:

Environmental analysis;

Defining the mission and goals of the organization;

Formation and choice of strategy;

Strategy implementation;

Evaluation and control of strategy implementation.

The model of the strategic management process is presented in the diagram (Fig. 1.1).

Rice. 1.1. Strategic Management Process

Environmental analysis is the initial process in strategic management, as it creates the basis for determining the mission and goals of the organization and developing a strategy for its development.

The internal environment of the organization is analyzed in the following areas: marketing, finance and accounting, production, personnel, management organization.

When analyzing the external environment, economic, political, social, international factors, as well as competitive factors, are examined. In this case, the external environment is divided into two components: immediate (direct impact environment) and macroenvironment (indirect impact environment).

Purpose strategic analysis serves to identify threats and opportunities in the external environment, as well as the strengths and weaknesses of the organization (this is the so-called SWOT analysis).

The process of defining mission and goals consists of three sub-processes:

Formulating the mission of the organization, which in concrete form expresses the meaning of its existence;

Defining long-term goals;

Definition of medium-term goals.

The formulation and choice of strategy involves the formation of alternative directions for the development of the organization, their assessment and selection of the best strategic alternative for implementation. In this case, special tools are used, including quantitative methods forecasting, development of future development scenarios, portfolio analysis.

The implementation of strategy is a critical process, since it is the process that, if successfully implemented, leads the enterprise to achieve its goals. The implementation of the strategy is carried out through the development of programs, budgets and procedures that can be considered as medium-term and short term plans implementation of the strategy. The main components of successful strategy implementation:

The goals of the strategy and plans are communicated to employees in order to achieve on their part an understanding of what the organization is striving for and to involve them in the process of implementing the strategy;

Management promptly ensures the receipt of all resources necessary for the implementation of the strategy, forms a plan for implementing the strategy in the form of targets;

In the process of implementing the strategy, each level of management solves its own problems and carries out the functions assigned to it.

The results of the strategy implementation are assessed, and with the help of the system feedback monitoring of the organization’s activities is carried out, during which adjustments to previous stages may occur.

As can be seen from the diagram, the strategy development process is iterative (cyclical). Thus, the definition and selection of a strategy can occur at the stage of analysis of the external environment, and the assessment of the strategy will require additional external analysis. In addition, changes in strategy lead to the need to monitor and annually adjust strategic decisions and plans.

Also, the strategic management process includes five main components that form the following chain of perspective-targeted decisions.

Vision ® Business Area ® Mission ® Strategies ® Programs and Plans

A vision is an image of the possible and desired future state of an enterprise. It allows the entrepreneur to decide on the type of activity and the position he would like to occupy in the market.

A business area is a type of activity associated with a specific economic unit, program, etc. Defining a business involves assessing its prospects and understanding its specific place and capabilities in relation to competitors. Issues of identifying a business in a competitive environment are reflected in the mission statement of the organization.

The mission, or socially significant role of an enterprise, is a qualitatively expressed set of main business goals.

In other words, the mission is a collection of target areas business. Within each direction, a system of goals can be identified that are achieved through the implementation of the strategy.

Strategy is an integrated model of actions designed to achieve the goals of the enterprise. The content of a strategy is a set of decision-making rules used to determine the main directions of activity. The tools for implementing the strategy are programs and plans that are designed to solve the problems of distributing resources, powers and responsibilities among departments (employees) involved in the implementation of the strategy; development of operational plans and programs.

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