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Job responsibilities of an engineer. Job Descriptions

IN serious companies who strictly adhere to production standards, applicants for the position of VET engineer are required to meet quite high requirements. This position should be occupied by a specialist with specialized higher education and having at least 3-5 years of experience in this specialty. These high requirements are not the whim of the employer, they are determined by the responsibility that is assigned to this specialist.

Often, not only safety depends on it production processes, but also the safety of those consumers who purchase goods and equipment produced by this company. This is especially important in an area such as construction, where adherence to technology is a guarantee of reliability, safety and durability of the objects being built. Therefore, it is important that the VET engineer knows all the intricacies technological processes of this production and was able to ensure their accurate and scrupulous implementation, because the quality of the manufactured products primarily depends on this. Ability to understand project documentation, assess its compliance with the requirements of regulations and standards, knowledge of these regulations and standards, as well as methodological and instructional industry documents are also necessary for VET.

What are the responsibilities of a technical equipment engineer?

Of course, at each specific workplace job responsibilities may differ, they are determined by the job description, which an employee hired for the position of technical equipment engineer reads and signs on his first working day.

If, for example, he works in, his job responsibilities will include, in particular:
- technical supervision of construction and installation works;
- checking the compliance of volumes and structures with the approved design estimates and working drawings, as well as existing building regulations and rules, state and industry standards, technical conditions, labor protection standards;
- resolving operational issues related to replacing materials used and changing design solutions without compromising the quality and safety of construction projects;
- maintenance and control over estimate documentation for objects;
- construction work and checking the compliance of completed objects with estimate documentation;
- coordination of estimated costs with customers;
- resolution of controversial issues with subcontractors;
- checking estimates according to form KS2 from subcontractor companies;
- maintaining reporting documentation;
- participation in technical acceptance of objects.

We bring to your attention typical example job description leading engineer, sample 2019/2020. should include the following sections: general regulations, job responsibilities of the leading engineer, rights of the leading engineer, responsibilities of the leading engineer.

Job Description for Lead Engineer belongs to the section " Industry-wide qualification characteristics positions of workers employed at enterprises, institutions and organizations".

The job description of the leading engineer should reflect the following points:

Responsibilities of the Lead Engineer

1) Job responsibilities. Under the guidance of the responsible person or topic (task) leader, participates in conducting scientific research or carrying out scientific and technical developments. Organizes the collection, processing, analysis and systematization of scientific and technical information, provides high quality and timeliness of work completion, compliance of developed projects with current standards, as well as modern achievements of science and technology. Manages the design of circuits for various purposes, testing tools, control, equipment, laboratory mock-ups, drawing up descriptions of the device and principles of operation of the designed products, objects, as well as the implementation of the necessary calculations and justifications adopted during the development technical solutions. Organizes various tests and analyzes their results. Manages the installation and commissioning of equipment during testing, research of prototypes (batch) of designed products or experiments, ensuring compliance with the requirements for safe work, participates in the implementation of developed new technical solutions and projects, provides technical assistance and carries out supervision during manufacturing, installation, commissioning , testing and commissioning of designed facilities. Organizes the implementation of developed technical solutions and completed developments. Studying specialized literature and other scientific and technical information, achievements of domestic and foreign science and technology, as well as operating experience of designed facilities for the purpose of using it in ongoing research and development. Prepares reviews based on summarizing the results of completed research and development, as well as domestic and foreign experience, reviews and conclusions on technical documentation received from third parties. Participates in the examination scientific works, in promoting scientific and technical achievements, in preparing publications, applications for inventions and discoveries, as well as in the work of seminars, conferences, scientific and technical societies. Prepares sections of reports on work performed. Supervises engineers and technicians involved in joint research or development activities.

The lead engineer must know

2) When performing his duties, the leading engineer must know: guidance materials defining the directions of development of the relevant sector of the economy, science and technology; prospects for its development; methods of research, design and experimental work; domestic and foreign achievements of science and technology in the relevant field of knowledge; special literature in the field of the problems being developed and related to them; standards, technical specifications and other design and design guidelines technical documentation; basics of patent science; requirements for labor organization during design; economics, organization of labor and production; basics labor legislation; rules and regulations of labor protection.

Qualification requirements for a leading engineer

3) Qualification requirements. Higher professional education and work experience in the specialty for at least 5 years.

Job description of a leading engineer - sample 2019/2020. Job responsibilities of the leading engineer, rights of the leading engineer, responsibility of the leading engineer.

I approve...................................................

(name of company)

(job title)

(Full name.)

“…..” …………………. 20….. g.

Job description

(name, enterprise, organization)

1. General Provisions

1.1.Engineer belongs to the specialist category.

1.2. For the position:
-engineer a person with a higher professional education is appointed without presenting requirements for work experience;
-engineer III category- a person with higher professional education and work experience as an engineer for at least 3 years;
-engineer II category- a person who has a higher professional education and work experience as an engineer of category III for at least 3 years;
-engineer category I- a person who has a higher professional education and work experience as an engineer of category II for at least 3 years.

1.3. Appointment to the position of engineer and dismissal from it is made by order of the director of the enterprise upon presentation

(the head of the relevant structural unit/ other official)

1.4. The engineer reports directly to:

(head of structural unit / chief engineer / other official)

1.5. During the absence of the engineer, his duties are performed by a person appointed in in the prescribed manner, which acquires the corresponding rights and is responsible for the proper performance of the duties assigned to it.

1.6. In his activities, the engineer is guided by:
- orders and instructions from management;
- instructions on the direction of activity of the structural unit;
- the charter of the enterprise;
- labor regulations;
- this job description.

1.7. The engineer must know:
- directive and administrative documents, methodological and regulatory materials regulating the production and economic activities of its structural unit of the enterprise;
- profile, specialization, organizational structure enterprises;
- prospects technical development and features of the enterprise’s activities;
- theoretical basis organization of labor and production;
- principles of operation, technical characteristics, design features used by the shop technical means and materials;
- basic requirements for technical documentation, materials and products produced by a structural unit of the enterprise;
- current standards, technical conditions and instructions for drawing up technical documentation;
- computer equipment, communications and communication equipment necessary to perform the work;
- methods of research and technical calculations;
- rules and requirements for implementation production work;
- basics of labor legislation;
- internal labor regulations;
- rules and regulations of labor protection, safety precautions, industrial sanitation and fire protection.

2. Job responsibilities

Using computer technology, communications and communications, performs work in the field of scientific and technical activities in design, construction, information services, organization of production, labor and management, metrological support, technical control, etc.;
- develops technical documentation, methodological and regulations on the implementation of developed projects and programs;
- seeks opportunities to reduce the production cycle of work performed, participates in the preparation of the process of their implementation and provides the enterprise division with the necessary technical data, documents, materials, equipment, etc.;
- carries out work on standardization of technical means, systems, processes, equipment and materials;
- conducts technical and economic analysis, comprehensively justifying decisions made and implemented;
- draws up work schedules, orders, applications, instructions, explanatory notes, maps, diagrams and other technical documentation, as well as established reporting according to approved forms and within established deadlines;
- studies, analyzes, summarizes and systematizes information, technical data, indicators and work results;
- carries out examination of technical documentation, supervision and control over the condition and operation of equipment;
- monitors compliance established requirements, current norms, rules and standards;
- provides methodological and practical assistance in the implementation of projects and programs, plans and contracts;
- participates in work related to testing equipment and putting it into operation;
- organizes scientific research and experiments, tests new technology, rationalization and invention in order to increase production efficiency and labor productivity, reduce costs, rational use production resources;
- organizes training and advanced training for workers;
- carries out individual official assignments of his immediate superior.

3. Rights

The engineer has the right:
- get acquainted with the draft decisions of the enterprise management concerning its activities;
- submit proposals for improvement of work related to the responsibilities provided for in these instructions for consideration by management;
- report to your immediate supervisor about any shortcomings identified in the process of performing your official duties; production activities structural unit and make proposals to eliminate them;
- request personally or on behalf of the immediate supervisor and receive from the heads of departments of the enterprise and specialists necessary information;
- to involve, with the permission of management, specialists from individual structural divisions in solving the tasks assigned to them;
- require timely, complete and high-quality provision of reliable information from employees of the structural unit;
- demand from the management of the enterprise to ensure organizational and technical conditions for its implementation official rights and responsibilities;
- demand provision of normal working conditions.

4. Responsibility

The engineer is responsible for:
- for the consequences of decisions made by him that go beyond his powers established by the current legislation of the Russian Federation, the charter of the enterprise, and other regulatory legal acts;
- for failure to fulfill (improper performance) of their official duties provided for by these instructions, within the limits determined by the current labor legislation of the Russian Federation;
- for committing an offense in the process of carrying out their activities - within the limits determined by the current administrative, criminal and civil legislation of the Russian Federation;
- for causing material damage and damage business reputation enterprises - within the limits determined by the current labor, criminal and civil legislation of the Russian Federation.

5. Other

This job description has been developed and approved in accordance with the provisions of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation and other regulations governing labor relations in the Russian Federation.


Head of the legal department

……………….…………… / ……….… "…..." ………………………20 …. g./>    (full name / signature)

I have read the job description

……………….…………… / ……….… "…..." ………………………20 …. g./>    (full name / signature)

There are special specific requirements. And they determine whether a person is a good specialist in his field or not. The engineering profession, like any other, is subject to similar requirements. In an employment contract, as a rule, they are described in the same way as the basic rights and job responsibilities of the employee.

Instructions for the engineer

Let's take an example of the following instructions. In form it is close to the real documents used to draw up employment contracts. But the article will not be written in an official style, that is, this is not an example of a contract, and the formatting will be more in a journalistic style. We will try to reveal the main job responsibilities of an engineer.

General provisions

1. Only a person who has graduated from a higher educational institution can get a place.
2. Appointment to this position can only be general director the company, factory, production or plant where the engineer applies in order to fill a vacancy.
3. The work experience of the applicant appointed by the enterprise may vary. However, it is approximately 3-5 years. The category to which the engineer's skills must correspond must be no less than the second. Further, as experience is gained, it increases along with length of service.
4. The engineer is obliged to familiarize himself with the documents that describe all working conditions.

5. You need to know the principles by which the work process should take place by heart. Read in detail technical characteristics equipment.
6. Know what materials are used in production and how to handle them.
7. Know the standards of work and the methodology for organizing the work process.
8. The engineer is obliged to obey the orders of the chief engineer and fulfill all requirements placed on him.

Additional items included in the job responsibilities of an engineer

An engineer uses various types of Computer Engineering, therefore it is his responsibility to apply it in practice. He must possess scientific skills in the field of construction, design, information services, production organization. It is also necessary to understand how technical control and metrological support.

What should he do? To answer this question, you need to read a document such as the engineer’s job description. It says: he can analyze the technical and economic situation in production, make decisions that are justified for many reasons, look for opportunities to reduce the work cycle, and provide enterprise departments with all the necessary data, documents, materials, and equipment.
Another task is to participate in the commissioning of equipment and its testing. Various reports and reviews are generated on work issues, and conclusions are drawn on these issues. Responsibilities also include drawing up work schedules, orders, applications, instructions, explanatory notes, maps, diagrams, and other technical documentation.


What rights does an engineer have? Oddly enough, in the documents we're talking about not only about the engineer’s job responsibilities, but also about his rights.

1. Advanced training. This right is that as seniority increases and certain work experience accumulates, an engineer has the right to establish himself in a higher category of specialty.
2. Participate in the activities of production, enterprise and propose those changes that, in his opinion, will help in successful functioning the same production or enterprise.
3. Pass certification, which will help the engineer increase his rank, i.e., qualifications.
4. Use materials, documents, equipment and everything that is necessary for work.


This point suggests that engineer is not a simple specialty. As in many other cases, a person is responsible for his actions. He is responsible for the following categories:
1. Compliance with internal regulations at the workplace. That is, he must obey the rules of discipline that are assigned by management.
2. Completed work. He is also responsible for it.
3. Compliance with the law. The activities of an engineer must be carried out within the framework of the current legislation of the Russian Federation.
4. Maintaining documentation. Everything must be clearly and correctly stated in the documentation. And, of course, be combined with the actual situation.

If an engineer violates these rules, he is liable under the legislation of the Russian Federation. The nature of the punishment depends on the nature of the offense or
crime committed by an engineer.

Operating mode

The engineer's job description also provides legislative coverage of the specialist's working regime. It stipulates the internal work schedule days established at the enterprise by top management. If a production need arises, the engineer has the opportunity to go on a business trip. In cases where the use of vehicles is required, a company car may be allocated.

This general characteristics what job responsibilities of an engineer exist. They discuss what each specialist should and should not do. But often in an enterprise each of them has their own profile. In each case, the specialist makes decisions within his competence.

Chief engineer's work

In addition to the main ones, the job responsibilities of the chief engineer include monitoring compliance technical discipline. He has the right to enter into agreements for the introduction of new technologies, the development of modern technical equipment, organizational work projects and the like.

Additional rights of the chief engineer include the right to sign on some documents related to the work process. Besides, Chief Engineer has the right to train other employees within the framework of assigned tasks. He is at his disposal to answer all questions that relate to the profit of the enterprise, the organization of the work process, advanced training of workers, the volume and duration of work performed. The position implies a situation where the chief engineer is the liaison between senior management and other specialist engineers.

Other categories of specialists

1. Labor protection engineer.
Here, the job responsibilities of a simple engineer are supplemented by the development of effective programs to improve working conditions and prevent work-related injuries and illnesses associated with professional activities. Its task is to maximize the safety of the work process when specialists perform tasks in production. A labor safety engineer solves all problems related to working conditions, assessing their acceptability, and so on. Conducts regular training of employees on industrial safety rules.
2. Leading engineer.
His activities are related to computers and other electronic computing equipment. Therefore, it is necessary that this specialist is well versed in electronic systems and other things related to information support. Also, a leading engineer can participate in production activities, helping to speed up the work process and make it more efficient by developing programs designed for this.
3. Technical engineer.
Its task is to directly ensure the functioning of the work process at the proper level. The technical engineer is obliged to monitor the completion of installation and construction work within the prescribed time frame.
4.Energy engineers.
Experts in this field calculate how much energy resources a company uses. Next, the corresponding conclusions are drawn. Energy engineers are responsible for ensuring that fuel and other energy consumption standards are met.


The most important thing in any enterprise is that all of the above specialists not only comply with the job responsibilities of an engineer, but also know the relevant laws and other documents related to the work process directly or indirectly.

These are, in particular, the following regulations and safety rules:
1. Legislative and regulatory legal acts that regulate the production, economic and financial and economic activities of the organization.
2. Federal, regional and local authorities state power and management, revealing the highest priority areas in the development of the economy and the corresponding industry.
3. Fundamentals of environmental legislation.
4. Fundamentals of labor legislation. Labor Code Russian Federation and other laws and regulations.
5. Rules and standards for safety and security labor activity, industrial sanitary standards and fire protection methods.

Engineers are specialists with higher technical education. They are divided into two main groups. The first of them is design engineers. Their function is to create new technologies and technical processes. The second is process engineers. Their task is to serve a variety of technologies and technical processes. Engineers work in all spheres of the national economy.

General provisions of the instructions

The job description includes several sections. First comes - general provisions instructions. This section regulates the working relationship between the employer and the engineer, the main provisions: hierarchy, who can fire, general requirements.

The “general provisions” section includes the following items:

Responsibilities and tasks

Engineers' job description responsibilities vary widely. This is due to the fact that these workers have very different functions depending on the company they work for.

In particular, instructions for an energy engineer may include the following list of responsibilities:

Requirements for a specialist

For engineers with a certain category Along with compulsory higher education, the following experience requirements are also provided:

  • for an engineer of the third category - work as an engineer without a category for three years;
  • for an engineer of the second category - work in the previous category for three years;
  • for an engineer of the first category - work in the previous category for three years.

Responsibility and rights

For an engineer at an enterprise, the responsibility comes:

The engineer has the following rights:

  • gain access to draft local legal acts that, among other things, regulate its activities;
  • propose to the head of your structural unit measures aimed at increasing the efficiency of his work;
  • notify the person to whom he is directly subordinate about shortcomings discovered by him in the course of performing his duties in the work of production at the enterprise (or its divisions) and propose measures to eliminate them;
  • request information or documents that he requires to perform his functions, either independently in accordance with the rules of the instruction, or with the approval of a managerial employee;
  • require company employees to assist in the performance of their duties.

Pros and cons of the profession

This profession has both its advantages and disadvantages.

In particular, the advantages of being an engineer are:

As for the disadvantages, the following points can be listed among them:

  • negative impact on health harmful factors arising in production, including radiation (thermal, electromagnetic, etc.), vibration, noise, significantly deviating from normal, both low and high, temperature, non-standardized illumination, and hazardous factors- electric current, moving mechanisms, as well as biological and chemical factors;
  • increased level of injuries at work;
  • It is relatively difficult to obtain a quality education in a specialty and then get your very first job.

Here is a video that will help you decide on a profession and, possibly, choose the profession of an engineer.