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Gazprom industrial practice for students. Is it possible to get a job at Gazprom and what is needed for this?


Report on practice at JSC Gazpromneft-NNG

Introduction 3

1.Report on the implementation of the general practice program

1.1 General characteristics of the enterprise 4

1.2 Incentive systems in the organization 5

1.3 Remuneration of employees in the organization 8

  1. Report on the completion of individual tasks for information support course design 13

Conclusion 14

References 15


Practice is one of the most important components educational process. It allows you to apply the knowledge gained during the study of the theoretical part of the educational process and acquire certain production skills. Practice, in turn, allows the student not only to apply the acquired knowledge and skills, but also to study the activities and structure of the organization in which he is practicing, for possible improvement in the future.

This work is a report on the internship at the Gazpromneft-Muravlenko Branch of OJSC Gazpromneft-NNG.

The purpose of the internship is to familiarize yourself with the area and types of future professional activity, as well as to analyze the activities of the enterprise. To achieve this goal, the following tasks must be implemented:

  • Studying organizational structure enterprise and operating on this enterprise control systems.
  • Familiarization with the content of the main work and research carried out at the enterprise.
  • Acquisition of practical skills in future professional activities, most in depth - in its individual sections.

Report on the implementation of the general practice program

Gazpromneft-Muravlenko OJSC Gazpromneft-Noyabrskneftegaz is one of the subsidiaries of OJSC Gazprom Neft, the largest vertically integrated company in Russia, the main activities of which are exploration and development of oil and gas fields, sales of extracted raw materials, as well as production and marketing of petroleum products.

The company's proven oil reserves exceed 4 billion barrels, which puts it on a par with the twenty largest oil companies in the world.

The Gazprom Neft company operates in the largest oil and gas regions of Russia: Khanty-Mansi Autonomous Okrug, Yamalo-Nenets Autonomous Okrug, Tomsk and Omsk regions, as well as in Chukotka Autonomous Okrug. The company's main processing facilities are located in the Omsk, Moscow and Yaroslavl regions, as well as in Serbia. In addition, Gazprom Neft is implementing production projects outside of Russia - in Iraq, Venezuela, and other countries.

The company's mission is to provide energy resources to consumers High Quality, conduct business honestly and responsibly, take care of employees and be a leader in efficiency, ensuring long-term and balanced growth of the Company.

The company's strategic goal is to become a major international player of Russian origin, possessing a regionally diversified package of assets across the entire value chain, actively participating in the development of regions, and possessing high social and environmental responsibility.

Today Gazpromneft-Muravlenko is one of the main production assets, the second in terms of production among all production divisions of the Gazprom Neft Company.

The operated area of ​​the Branch is more than 400 square meters. kilometers. The main activities of the enterprise are the development, production and preparation of hydrocarbon raw materials. The operating stock of the enterprise consists of more than 4,000 wells, 2,800 of which are production wells.

The company is developing 13 fields. The Gazpromneft-Muravlenko Fund, along with new fields, includes oil fields at the last stage of development with naturally decreasing returns of hydrocarbons. For more efficient subsoil use at such deposits, the most modern geological and technical measures and advanced exploration and production technologies are used.

Every month Gazpromneft-Muravlenko produces about 650 thousand tons of oil, 400 million cubic meters natural gas, extracts about 150 million cubic meters of associated petroleum gas from oil. The constant process of applying our own innovative solutions at all stages of production allows us to increase the efficiency of the Branch.

Gazpromneft-Muravlenko consists of 16 workshops:

  • 9 Oil and gas production workshops;
  • 2 Oil preparation and pumping workshops;
  • Pipeline maintenance and repair shop;
  • Oilfield equipment repair and maintenance workshop;
  • Reservoir pressure maintenance workshop;
  • Gas collection, preparation and transportation workshop;
  • Chemical analysis workshop.

The Branch's prospects are entrusted to the further development of the Yety-Purovskoye field, the North-Yangtinskoye field, the Sutorminskoye field, drilling of the Vyngayakhinskoye, Sugmutskoye, Krainey, Romanovskoye and East Pyakutinskoye fields.

Geological exploration work is underway at a number of licensed areas (at the Valyntoiskoye and Romanovskoye fields). In the near future, development of the Valyntoy oil fields will begin.

Priority tasks for the coming years are to increase oil and gas production through the use of latest technologies during geological and technical activities, involvement in work hard-to-recover reserves and work towards “inorganic” growth, as well as achieving better specific operating indicators, achieving maximum efficiency basic production facilities through a cost optimization program and infrastructure reengineering, implementation innovative technologies and pilot testing of best practices among oil companies.

The production structure of an enterprise has a great influence on the economy of the enterprise. Rational construction of the production structure of an enterprise is a prerequisite for an expedient division of labor.

Fig. 1 Production structure of the Gazpromneft-Muravlenko Branch of OJSC Gazpromneft-NNG

In the Gazpromneft-Muravlenko Branch of OJSC Gazpromneft-NNG, the type of organizational management structure is a matrix structure; this structure is characterized by multi-level management and a significant amount of management at each level. Total number The company's employees are about 2,700 people.

The organizational structure of the Gazpromneft-Muravlenko Branch of OJSC Gazpromneft-NNG is attached to APPENDIX A.

1.2. Organization of labor remuneration at the Gazpromneft-Muravlenko Branch of OJSC Gazpromneft-NNG

The organization of remuneration is understood as a set of measures aimed at remuneration for work depending on its quantity and quality. When organizing labor, the following measures should be taken into account related to labor standardization, tariff standardization of wages, development of forms and systems of remuneration and bonuses for workers.

In the Gazpromneft-Muravlenko branch of OJSC Gazpromneft-NNG, the collective agreement stipulates that the guaranteed part of the Employees’ wages is the tariff rate, salary (official salary), which are established based on the Employer’s current tariff schedules for remuneration of labor and other employees, approved by personnel groups (production, administrative, support) and regional coefficient in the amount of 80% of the salary and a northern bonus in the amount of 70% of the salary. (Law of the Russian Federation dated 02/19/1993 No. 4520-1 “On state guarantees and compensation for persons who worked and lived in the Far North”. This law is supported by another document: List approving the Resolution of the Council of Ministers of the USSR dated 11/10/1967 No. 1029" (as amended on April 24, 2007, No. 245) as well as by grade.

A grade is a group of positions that have approximately the same value for the enterprise. The procedure and principles of the “Grading” system are established by the local normative act Society.

Official salaries of managers, specialists and other employees are approved by the staffing table, taking into account the individual grades assigned to Employees.

An individual grade is assigned to the Employee within the grade ranges established for each position and depending on the professional qualification level, business qualities and the performance of each Employee.

A change (increase or decrease) in the tariff rate or salary (official salary) is made on the basis of an annual analysis of the labor market and re-tariffing, an individual assessment of the Employee (assignment of additional functions in combination with the growth of the employee’s competence, assessment of the quality and performance of work for the previous assessment period) in compliance labor legislation standards.

The employee has the right to systematic professional development and professional excellence, which is one of the criteria for the growth of his salary, within the limits of vacancies, according to the approved staffing table managers, specialists and other employees and staffing arrangements of workers.

1.3. Incentive system at the Gazpromneft-Muravlenko Branch of OJSC Gazpromneft-NNG

An effective personnel motivation system is the key to productive work of employees and ensures the achievement of the Company’s business goals.

The company is building complex system motivation, which is based on competitive wages, rewards for results and a social component. This system is focused on the Company’s business strategy and stimulating the productive work of employees.

The motivation system for employees of the company OJSC Gazpromneft-NNG, Branch Gazpromneft-Muravlenko, combines material and non-material incentives aimed at the productive work of enterprise employees.

The company maintains the average market level of wages in the industry labor market. Employees' wages are reviewed annually. The cumulative increase in average wages since 2009 has been 35%. The average salary of the Company's employees in 2012 remained virtually at the level of 2011 and amounted to RUB 59,828.

Gazprom Neft attaches great importance Also non-material motivation employees. The Company has developed the concept of non-material motivation, which has become the basis for systematic work in this direction. The system of events that has developed at Gazprom Neft allows employees to feel their value to the Company and the importance of their contribution to overall success. It includes professional skill competitions, sports competitions and recreational activities, corporate communication sessions. The Company annually awards two types of honorary titles, which are corporate badges of distinction in work: “Honorary Worker of Gazprom Neft” and “Veteran of Gazprom Neft”. The assignment of these titles is carried out within the framework of an award campaign and is regulated by the corporate standard “Procedure for organizing an award campaign.”

The Company's enterprises have collective agreements and other provisions and norms that provide for various social benefits and payments to employees in excess of those established by law. The company's social package includes voluntary medical insurance, accident insurance, food, financial assistance, vouchers, travel, sanatorium vouchers and other benefits.


Management of labor movements of specialists

in an oil transportation company

1.Theoretical aspects of labor movements

1.1 Concept of purpose, types of labor movements

Kibanov A.Ya.; Artemov O.Yu. Arkhipova N.I., Ermakova I.N., Ovchinnikova N.V. Theory and practice of working with personnel

1.2 Organization of career and professional advancement, career management and work with a reserve for replacement vacant positions

Kibanov A.Ya.; E.V. Maslov. Enterprise personnel management

2. Toolkit for managing labor movements in an organization

2.1 Information and methodological support for managing labor movements of specialists in the organization

Kibanov A.Ya.; Travin V.V. Dyatlov V.A. Fundamentals of HR Management

2.2 Indicators of career and qualification promotion of specialists

Kibanov A.Ya.; Personnel management: Textbook for universities / Ed. T.Yu. Bazarova, B.L. Eremina

3. Practical aspects of specialist career management

3.1 Analysis of management of professional and qualification promotion of a specialist

Kibanov A.Ya.; Control labor resources: Textbook. Allowance; Regulations on the procedure for searching and selecting personnel in the divisions of OJSC Sibnefteprovod

Kibanov A.Ya.; Labor economics (social and labor relations). Ed. ON THE. Volgina, Yu.G. Odegova; Regulations on working with personnel reserve JSC AK Transneft

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The company annually hosts internships for students from Gazprom's flagship universities located in St. Petersburg.

If you are interested in completing an introductory or pre-graduate internship, you must send your resume or motivation letter indicating the duration of the internship in the HR Department and labor relations Human Resources Department.

In accordance with Labor Code Russian Federation, Federal law dated July 27, 2006 No. 152-FZ “On Personal Data”, we ask you to print and fill out the Applicant’s Consent to the processing of personal data when sending a resume and/or other documents (including copies thereof) containing personal data to LLC “ Gazprom Invest" and send it along with a resume or motivation letter to the postal address of Gazprom Invest LLC (Startovaya St., 6, lit. D, St. Petersburg, Russian Federation, 196210) to the Personnel and Labor Relations Department of the Work Directorate with the staff.

Please note that a resume or motivation letter sent without a completed and signed Consent of the applicant to the processing of personal data when sending a resume and/or other documents (including copies thereof) containing personal data to Gazprom Invest LLC is not will be accepted for consideration.

The processing of personal data is carried out both using automation tools, including in information and telecommunication networks, and without the use of such tools.

The consent comes into force from the date of its signing and is valid for 30 days from the moment Gazprom Invest LLC makes a decision that my candidacy does not meet the requirements for vacant positions.

Internship for students is carried out without conclusion employment contract. Students who have successfully completed an internship have the opportunity to participate in a job competition and apply for admission to the staff if appropriate vacancies are available.

For many Russians, working for Gazprom, which tops numerous employer ratings, is the personification of success and prosperity. It is not surprising that a fairly widespread opinion is that you can get a job in this organization only through an acquaintance or being a highly professional specialist with many years of experience behind you.

Nevertheless, you can get a job at Gazprom in the same way as any other job: as you know, there are no barriers for persistent and persistent people who have the necessary qualifications. Specialists come and go, so there is always a need for competent personnel and professionals in their field.

First of all, you need to decide where exactly you want to go to work: Gazprom includes many subsidiaries for the production, transportation, and storage of oil and gas. Moreover, the company includes banks and media structures.

Before hiring, you need to realistically assess the level of potential wages: as a rule, it is the market average or slightly above the average. High salaries received by top managers of the enterprise.

At the same time, Gazprom has built and clearly streamlined a system of incentives and bonuses.

The longer a person works for the benefit of the enterprise, the more productively, the higher his salary.

What are the ways of employment?

Getting a job starts with finding suitable vacancies and declaring yourself as a qualified specialist. To get a job at Gazprom, you need to complete certain actions.

These actions will definitely give the desired result:

  • browse websites for vacancies in the organization of interest (this can be regular job search websites or a specialized Gazprom website where advertisements for vacant positions are published);
  • look at the vacancies of organizations and departments that are divisions of Gazprom (you can start your career in the company in smaller specialized organizations, where it is easier to try your hand at gaining the necessary skills and experience);
  • prepare a high-quality resume and send it to e-mail to those e-mail addresses that are listed on the website of Gazprom and its divisions (nothing prevents you from taking the initiative; perhaps the candidate’s resume will be taken into account when the relevant positions are vacated);
  • subscribe to Gazprom's newsletters, follow the events taking place in oil and gas industry, and perhaps that’s where it will be necessary information about vacancies and employment opportunities.

Of course, no one has canceled the “acquaintance” method of employment either. As with other organizations, it works great. As a rule, when vacant positions appear, candidates are first sought among acquaintances, and only after that they resort to other search methods.

To work from the university bench

Another way to find employment in a company should be highlighted separately. It is suitable for those candidates who think about their future career and only choose which direction of activity to connect their life with.

The fact is that Gazprom pays great attention to personnel training. The company cooperates with many universities throughout the country. As a rule, these are technical universities, since the corporation needs technical specialists.

Theoretically, you can get into the corporation through Gazprom VNIIGAZ LLC, which is rightfully considered a source of personnel and takes an active part in the life of the organization.

It can be a good help to do an internship in subsidiaries Gazprom (the list of enterprises that recruit for internships can be found directly at universities).

Having proven yourself well in practice, you can count on receiving recommendations and subsequent employment.

In addition, you can get a job at Gazprom by taking part in one of the many competitions for young specialists, during which the most talented university graduates are selected. Competition winners are automatically employed.

Requirements for applicants

Gazprom, as one of the leading companies, applies modern methods recruitment, therefore, having decided to submit a resume for one of the vacant positions, it is necessary to carry out thorough preparation. You should find out the maximum amount of information about the vacancy you are interested in, adjust your resume according to the requirements, adding suitable wording in it. After this, you should be patient and prepare to undergo a series of interviews and checks, including from the security service.

The employer will need to prepare documents about the education received, work book, letters of recommendation With previous places services. During interviews, candidates are asked what they want from the job and what the company can offer, so it is important to first study the main activities and expected areas of responsibility.

It must be taken into account that the competition for filling vacancies is usually quite serious.

On average, seven people apply for engineer positions, and three or more people apply for blue-collar jobs.

When hiring, candidates' education, professional training, work experience, business and personal qualities are taken into account.

There are usually several interviews with candidates:

  • with a specialist responsible for recruiting personnel in a certain structural unit;
  • with the head of the relevant department;
  • with the head of the branch, which includes the relevant department.

When employed at leadership positions there may be additional interviews, for example, with a deputy general director companies.

Features of working at Gazprom

The company provides its employees with full social package, because of which many people strive to find a job here. Vouchers, medical insurance, paid vacations - all this is received by employees who have signed contracts with Gazprom.

The organization provides its employees with opportunities for free sports and provides support to young people, which can be manifested, for example, in the form of loans for the purchase of real estate or in the form of non-repayable financial assistance. At the same time, benefits are provided not only to Gazprom employees, but also to members of their families.

The company also pays great attention to improving the qualifications of its employees. They are constantly learning something new, undergoing training, and exploring new methods of organizing work.

Gazprom employs true professionals who daily prove their training, qualifications, endurance and resistance to stress through personal work. Therefore, everyone who is ready for this can try their hand at this organization.

Work at Gazprom Neft -
means striving for more:

· Create and be proud of what you create

· Create history for future generations

· Solve interesting problems

· Create and apply new approaches

· Gain opportunities for self-realization


About company

Gazprom Neft - vertically integrated oil company, whose main activities are exploration and development of oil and gas fields, sale of extracted raw materials, as well as production and marketing of petroleum products.

The structure of Gazprom Neft includes more than 70 oil production, oil refining and marketing enterprises in Russia, near and far abroad countries, employing more than 56 thousand people. The company processes about 80% of the oil produced, demonstrating one of the best production and refining ratios in Russia. In terms of oil refining volume, Gazprom Neft is one of the top three largest companies in Russia, it ranks fourth in terms of production volume.

Gazprom Neft operates in the largest oil and gas regions of Russia: Khanty-Mansi and Yamalo-Nenets autonomous okrugs, Tomsk, Omsk, Orenburg regions. The company's main processing facilities are located in the Omsk, Moscow and Yaroslavl regions, as well as in Serbia. In addition, Gazprom Neft is implementing production projects outside Russia - in Iraq, Venezuela and other countries.

Gazprom Neft products are exported to more than 50 countries and sold throughout the Russian Federation and abroad through an extensive network of its own sales enterprises. Currently, the company's gas station network includes almost 1,750 stations in Russia, the CIS countries and Europe.

The main shareholder of Gazprom Neft is OJSC Gazprom (95.68%). The remaining shares are in free circulation.



Gazprom Neft has an adaptation program for young specialists, including mentoring and training for the development of corporate and professional competencies. The program is aimed at unlocking potential and determining the optimal career path for young professionals in the company.

Forming educational standards industry, Gazprom Neft acts as a partner of the country's leading universities, providing them sponsorship for the development of the scientific, material and technical base, and career guidance for students.

Gazprom Neft enterprises operate a program of personalized scholarships for students.

Every year, the company and its subsidiaries organize student internships, the successful completion of which allows not only to develop the first professional skills, but also to receive an invitation to work.



Gazprom Neft is convinced that effective and sustainable business development is inextricably linked with national economic competitiveness, social well-being, and conservation of natural resources.

The company is an active social investor in the regions where it operates.

Gazprom Neft is a large taxpayer and employer. The company invests in the modernization of production and advanced training of workers, and acts as a customer for products from local manufacturers.

Gazprom Neft has adopted a program social investment“Native Towns”, aimed at developing the urban environment and social infrastructure of the regions of presence. Employees of Gazprom Neft and its subsidiaries take an active part in volunteer programs in the regions where the company operates.



The corporate culture of Gazprom Neft is based on the principles
which is shared by all our employees.

  • Honesty

We are open and honest with each other, the company, our partners, competitors and society. Our words do not differ from our deeds.

  • Leadership

We take initiative and strive to be the best in everything we do. We set ambitious goals and take personal responsibility for the results.

  • Responsible owner mentality

We treat the company's assets and resources with care, taking care of their safety and growth.

  • Mutual respect
    and trust

We respect ourselves and others, solve complex problems together, trusting each other's professionalism, and help colleagues to be successful.

  • Winner mentality

We are positive and believe in success, are not afraid of difficulties and develop competencies to effectively solve large-scale problems.

Both experienced specialists and students who have received their diplomas dream of working at Gazprom today. Many of them are sure that this requires having good connections or paying a tidy sum of money. Actually this is not true. What attracts Russians to work at Gazprom? What qualities, knowledge and skills do you need to have to become an employee of this company? You will find answers to these and other questions in the article.

general information

To begin with, we note that the Gazprom company rarely turns to recruitment agencies to find employees. But this does not mean that an ordinary person without connections and a fat wallet will not be able to get a job there. Moreover, if we're talking about about an excellent specialist.

Have you decided to radically change your field of activity, but don’t know how to get a job at Gazprom? Then you need to listen to the recommendations of experts. Let's consider the main points that should be taken into account:

1. A well-written resume

To get to a prestigious place, you need to “advertise” yourself. There is no need to invent or embellish anything. Just take a notebook sheet and make a list of your If you contact recruitment agency, then you will be asked to fill out a form indicating your level of education, experience and place of work. Please attach it to your resume to confirm your words. Thanksgiving letters, diplomas and certificates. All this can help you get a vacant position.

Many people are interested in how young people get jobs at Gazprom. After all, they just graduated from the university. And indeed, it plays an important role in this matter. If you don’t have one, we recommend that you first get a job with a small company that also specializes in the gas sector.

3. Knowledge of English

If you are going to work in the management sector, then you cannot do without it. Does your English leave much to be desired? Then sign up for special courses. As soon as you reach the desired level, you can contact a recruitment agency to find a suitable vacancy at Gazprom.

4. New acquaintances

When asked how they get a job at Gazprom, most Russians answer: “Of course, through connections.” There is some truth in this. But only a few choose this method. If one of your relatives works at Gazprom, this does not mean that you, too, will end up in the largest gas production company any day now. Here we need certain ones. Often the opposite happens: good specialist cannot get a job at Gazprom simply because he does not have relatives who work there and tell him where to apply. In this case, you can do things differently. Meet those who work at Gazprom. How to do it? Social networks will come to the rescue. New acquaintances will provide a lot of useful and interesting information. If any suitable position becomes vacant, they will certainly inform you.

About company

Gazprom needs no introduction. After all, it is the largest in Europe and the world gas company. Today it has more than 300 thousand employees living in different parts of our country. Gazprom provides the broadest opportunities for career growth. Particular attention is paid to retraining personnel and increasing the level of qualifications of workers.

Employment Fraud

We must understand that Gazprom is a reputable and very respected company. That's why people from the street are not accepted there. Even the most well-known recruitment agencies in the country do not always receive information about vacancies available at Gazprom.

On various Internet resources you can see advertisements that a certain agency will help you get a job at Gazprom for a substantial fee. Don't believe it! These are ordinary scammers. Gazprom has its own recruitment agency with branches in several cities of the Russian Federation. Only there you can get true information about working in the company.

What specialists does Gazprom need?

If you think that a gas production company only hires engineers and managers, you are very mistaken. IN this moment There is a shortage of technical specialists. Which ones? Primarily mechanics and turbine specialists. at Gazprom she is also an honorary and highly paid employee. The company is looking for drillers, installers, welders and others. There are more than 100 specialties in total.

Good start and career growth

If you have a diploma from an oil and gas university, then when you get a job at Gazprom, you can count on a salary of $2,000. And this is not the limit. It all depends on your professional skills and efforts.

Don't expect to be offered a high position right away. The leadership position still needs to be earned through blood and sweat. According to statistics, almost 80% of Gazprom’s leading specialists began building their careers from the bottom.

Shift work at Gazprom

In connection with the launch major projects(“South Stream”, “Yamal”, Sakhalin” and so on), the company announces an additional recruitment of specialists ready to work on a rotational basis. Not only Russians, but also citizens of the CIS can apply.

The following working conditions are provided:

  • Food and accommodation at the expense of the company.
  • Choice of shift schedule 30/30 or 60/30. Maximum term- 6 months.
  • Official employment, health insurance and provision of a full social package.
  • It is possible to pay for travel to the place of work (subsequently 50% of the amount will be deducted from the salary). This point is discussed individually.
  • The average monthly salary is 87-188 thousand rubles. It all depends on the specialty, work experience and other parameters. In general high level wages is explained by the fact that people have to work in difficult conditions. Engineers, drillers and drivers have to carry out the tasks assigned to them in severe frost, snowfall, and intense heat. And they do it very well.

Working at Gazprom: employee reviews

Before joining a company, you should find out the opinions of former or current employees. Thanks to this, you will be able to weigh the pros and cons and draw the appropriate conclusions.

The main advantage of working for Gazprom is the high salary, which is always paid on time. This is stated by almost 80% of people who left their reviews. Another obvious plus is opportunities for career growth. The best employees At the end of the quarter, six months and year, cash bonuses and other bonuses are expected.

Gazprom management tries to create the most comfortable conditions for its subordinates. First of all, we are talking about hot food and comfortable work clothes. Gazprom employees, regardless of their specialty and position, receive a full social package and medical insurance.


Now you know how to get a job at Gazprom. To get a good position with high salary and a full social package does not necessarily have to have good connections and a large amount of money bank account. Only thanks to the presence of professional skills, knowledge and abilities you will be able to get a vacancy for short term line up successful career at Gazprom.