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IP sewing production. Where to start sewing production? Registration of LLC and individual entrepreneur

The sewing business is ideal for creative people, housewives and women who are in maternity leave. Also, anyone who has skills in needlework and wants to have success can achieve success in their sewing business. Additional income without leaving your own apartment.

Video: How to make a sling with your own hands for newborns

What to sew for sale: DIY bags

Do it yourself, the process is not easy, you need to have a lot of patience. Anyone can even make a bag, but it can be done beautifully by a person who must love it. If you have a passion for needlework, then it’s never too late to learn. Many women different ages, love exclusive things. But mostly these are young girls, 25-35 years old, who like to look beautiful.

In order to start a business with sewing bags. If you are familiar enough with a sewing machine, then you don’t need to learn. If not, then you will need to pay from 600 to 2000 rubles, it all depends on how long you will study.

There are many subtleties when sewing bags, and for this you will need to go to additional courses. It is possible for beginning seamstresses to develop in the professional field. Next, you need to collect information. You will need to go online and watch a few lessons. First you will need to collect 15 models of different bags. This will be enough for you for the first time.

In the future, you will be able to make your own bag models, and you will not need courses. First you need to buy sewing machine, it doesn’t have to be very expensive. Buy a sewing and embroidery machine so that it has access to a computer.

With these features on your machine, you will be able to create a variety of designs, which will increase the value of your work. The costs of materials directly depend on you. Depending on how many you have, there will be so many orders, and never buy too many at once. Try not to throw anything away. After all, you can sew a fashionable bag from small pieces of fabric. The income from this business depends on you. When decorating bags, pay as much attention as possible, because the appearance of the bag is the most important thing. Take ideas from famous designers. It will cost you 400-600 rubles to make a bag, depending on what you will make it from. You can sell it for 2000 - 3000 rubles, again depending on what design is on the bag, then the price can reach up to 6000 - 7000 rubles. Write your plan.

Important! Don’t try to offer your bags to branded stores; they won’t take them. Try to offer your bags to your friends, this is more best option. If you decide to earn a lot, open your own website and sell bags through it. You can invite partners, and together create a website and sell your products on it.

This is very profitable, and a lot of visitors will come to your site. Use your imagination, your business idea will definitely work and you will succeed.

Tailoring clothes with ethnic themes is an interesting idea for business

The freshness and novelty of this business will be the main advantage. Fast payback business will allow you to bring your business to an average level with good profits within a short time. Having grasped the essence, you can generate interesting ideas design and style.

Clothing with ethnic motifs, adapted to modern people always looks very beautiful. And for a seamstress this is not just a job, but an exciting hobby that brings in income. By studying the customs and color of the peoples of the world, you can create exquisite masterpieces. There are many lovers of this type of clothing these days. And your type of small business will be profitable.

If you decide to develop your sewing business in this direction, you will need to spend a considerable amount of time studying the literature. Look for original stories abroad. You should also think about how sales will be carried out. finished products. Don’t forget that you can open your own threads on the forums for free, tell us about your sewing business. If the business is in demand, you can create own online store to trade not only in hometown, but also send orders throughout the country.

DIY slings for newborns

Perhaps this is one of the most original, but at the same time simple ideas for home earnings. The entire process of making a sling will take barely a few hours. You also don’t need start-up capital, but free time and the desire to work won’t hurt. Having won the trust of your customers, start sewing children's clothes. It is not difficult to organize tailoring for newborn babies. Sewing for children will not leave you without sales of finished products. A sewing workshop with your own hands allows you to earn good money.

A sling is a piece of fabric that allows a mother to take her baby with her while doing almost any task. At the same time, the woman’s hands are free, and the load on the spine is regulated by the way the sling is put on. If you decide to start making such a thing for children, then you will need to get a little theoretical training. There is a lot of freely available information on the Internet on how to sew slings with your own hands.

The simplest is a sling scarf. This is a fabric whose length ranges from two to six meters and width from half a meter to a meter. The material used is as natural as possible (knitted sling) so that the child and mother do not feel discomfort during use. Popular models for making: sling backpack, sling scarves.

How to make a sling with your own hands for newborns

For sewing the simplest DIY sling with rings you need:

  • 1. Prepare a rectangle of fabric 220 cm long and 80 cm wide.
  • 2. Finish the edges.
  • 3. Thread one edge of the fabric into both rings and sew it up.

How to sew sling scarf(Fig. 2).

The clothing business involves making clothes and household accessories.

A business in the clothing industry will definitely bring profit if you have a creative approach.

You can open a salon of designer clothes, a production of soft toys, or a workshop for the production of workwear. The possibilities are limited only by your imagination.

What to consider in a business plan for clothing production

When opening a sewing enterprise, determine the direction of production:

  • clothing - household, special, everyday, children's, adult;
  • fabric toys;
  • home textiles;
  • other accessories.

Plan production volumes - the chosen figure will depend starting investments into the business, the size of the premises and the number of staff.

Industrial workshop for mass tailoring of clothing

Having chosen the direction of work, register commercial structure- LLC or individual entrepreneur. The list of documents for registration is presented in the table.

Table: lists of documents for registration of LLC and individual entrepreneur

Applications are reviewed within five working days. Based on the results, you will be invited to the local tax office and given a package of documentation for a legal entity or entrepreneur. After registration, open a bank account and order a company seal.

When drawing up a business plan, take into account the legal requirements for production premises, make a list of equipment and plan the hiring of employees.

Calculate the costs of starting production and monthly expenses. Analyze demand and draw conclusions about possible sales volumes and business returns.

Below are examples of business plans for a production workshop and a mini-atelier.

How to choose the type of business - small, medium or large

There are three types manufacturing enterprises: small, medium and large.

Small enterprise for the production of exclusive clothing models

To open a small enterprise, it is enough to have premises and 400,000 rubles. for the purchase of equipment and consumables.

The average production volume is 25–50 products per day.

A small-scale sewing business is suitable for entrepreneurs who have limited capital and want to produce exclusive items and sell them at prices above the market average.

To organize a workshop with a capacity of 150–200 products, costs of about 5,000,000 rubles are required. At the same time, a powerful workshop pays for itself faster due to wholesale sales of products to large retail chains.

Analyze the regional specifics of the market and identify possible buyers. Find out in what volumes sellers purchase goods on the market, and in what volumes - Network shops. Think over the range of products, focusing on the needs of customers and your resources.

Sewing technology

The process of manufacturing garments consists of the following stages:

  • model design;
  • designing and transferring the model to fabric;
  • fabric cutting;
  • sewing, finishing of the product.

The fashion designer draws an image of the future item, and then forms it from fabric on a mannequin

A fashion designer does the modeling. He draws up a sketch of the future product, selects colors and types of fabrics. The designer converts the sketch into a drawing, calculates the dimensions of the parts and the amount of material. He also makes patterns and technical documentation.

In an atelier or sewing workshop, the functions of a fashion designer and designer are performed by a cutter - he communicates with the client, takes measurements, cuts out parts, and brings the product into compliance with the specified parameters.

The cut parts are sent to the sewing workshop, where they are turned into a finished product.

Opening a garment factory or workshop to produce goods for sale

In garment factories, products are produced in batches for wide consumption. The workshop is equipped with one or more production lines. The advantages of a workshop over a home workshop are the possibility of installation affordable prices and sales of large quantities of products.

Premises requirements

So, you have decided to open a clothing workshop. Now choose a room suitable for production. The workshop area depends on the number of goods produced.

So, to produce 100 units of product, 60–70 sq.m. are needed. area.

Before renting a premises, invite fire and sanitary inspection authorities to inspect it and obtain permission to operate.


Having finished renting the premises, proceed to purchasing equipment. Make a list of required units, including:

  • sewing machine;
  • overlock;
  • machine for cutting fabric;
  • household iron;
  • steam generator;
  • cutting knife;
  • button apparatus;
  • tables and racks;
  • Consumables- threads, tailor's scissors, chalk and others.

Overlock is a machine for processing the edges of fabric, one of the key ones in the sewing industry.

The total costs for equipment are 250,000 rubles, for fittings - 50,000 rubles.

Required Personnel

The success of the clothing business depends 70% on the level of personnel training. Opening small production, hire:

  • two cutters;
  • three seamstresses;
  • cleaning lady;
  • order taker.

At first, the designated number of employees is sufficient. Later, you will be able to involve fashion designers, designers, and highly specialized seamstresses in your work.

Pay your staff according to the “salary + interest” system. Create a production plan and reward employees with financial bonuses for achieving their goals.

Raw materials and consumables

Explore the wholesale databases of fabric manufacturers. Select suppliers based on the price-quality ratio. If you can negotiate direct contracts with the bases, you will save on supplier markups and reduce production costs.

When studying business, ask questions on forums, search successful entrepreneurs in your region and adopt their experience, make acquaintances, including with suppliers.

Ideally, find a mentor willing to accompany your business. He will tell you where to find high-quality fabrics and accessories, how to purchase equipment and organize the sale of goods.

What is better to sew: assessment of options for making children's, women's clothing, workwear and other types

To find out what products will be in demand in the region, work in several directions simultaneously.

Combine the tailoring of evening dresses with the production of fabric souvenirs, and the production of workwear with the production of accessories for the garden.

Make sure that the combinations are not absurd - it is strange when a company that produces hammocks and canopies produces chiffon scarves.

After selling the first batch of goods, analyze the demand again and clarify the portrait target audience. Reconsider pricing policy if necessary. So, if you sew summer sundresses of a simple cut, and your consumer is young mothers, you should not inflate your prices.

Study not only demand, but also supply in the market. Look into competitors' stores, see what they produce and at what prices they sell. Don't try to steal the ideas of other entrepreneurs - use your own ideas to attract buyers.

To prevent your business from burning out at the very beginning, calculate your income and expenses. Determine the payback period of the business. An example of calculations for a workwear sewing workshop with a productivity of 75 products per day is given in the tables below.

Table: initial investment

Table: monthly expenses

Table: Projected Income

The level of income and profit of an entrepreneur depends on the volume of products produced, consumer demand, availability client base and trade partnerships.

Sales organization

Possible distribution channels sewing products:

  • Network shops;
  • private entrepreneurs;
  • direct sales;
  • trade via the Internet.

At the initial stages, agree with the owners of small stores about the supply of your goods for sale. Connect later large networks, and then create your own online store.

: master class on sewing production

Where to start opening a mini-atelier or workshop at home

Opening a home studio is easier than opening a sewing workshop. To do this, you just need to have a modern sewing machine and equip a room in your apartment as a workshop.

To develop your business, purchase equipment and organize an advertising campaign. Print and distribute leaflets, create an advertising website or group on a social network.

Study fashion magazines and try to find a “zest” for your products to attract customers who value exceptional things.

A workshop equipped in an apartment must be organized

Premises, equipment, personnel

When you're ready to expand your business and move into rental space, create a business plan. Choose a room of 60–80 square meters. m., corresponding SES standards and fire authorities, with good ventilation and electrical network at 380V.

Buy 2-3 sewing machines, racks, an overlocker, a couple of tables and mannequins. Hire employees if you are willing to provide them with wages. The key workers of the atelier are the administrator, the cutter and the seamstress.

Starting capital and payback forecast

Below are tables calculating the costs of opening a mini-atelier with the number of employees - 3 people and output - 1 product per day.

Table: costs of starting a business

Table: monthly expenses

Table: projected income and payback

As you can see, a small studio quickly pays for itself, but does not bring much profit to the owner. To increase your income level, you need to expand your business or focus on producing exclusive items at high prices.

How to promote a sewing business

To make your studio successful, establish a work schedule that is clear and convenient for clients. If you are located in mall, let the opening hours coincide with the center's work schedule.

Create a business card website with a clear description of your services and a group on a social network to maintain contact with customers.

If you sew clothes, pay special attention to customers with a non-standard figure - once you please them, and they will come back for new wardrobe items regularly.

Comply with the deadlines and quality of order fulfillment. Best advertisement- conscientious work of the staff and polite customer service.

Reviews of businessmen who opened a clothing production

A small-scale sewing business is suitable as a part-time job for entrepreneurs who are not ready to take responsibility for maintaining employees. But if desired, the mini-atelier can be expanded and transformed into an automated sewing factory that generates income.

  • Daria Volkova
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Business plan for sewing production: how to open a sewing workshop from scratch

It often happens that seamstresses who previously accepted orders at home open their own workshops, and sometimes even entire production facilities.

Indeed, this business is a very profitable activity.

This is obvious, if only because its products are invariably in demand among the population.

If you are thinking about how to open a sewing shop, then remember that there is very high competition in this industry.

Even in small town there is at least one sewing workshop or own production, so you have to fight for your “place in the sun.”

In addition, the clothing business requires quite a significant start-up capital.

At the beginning of your journey, you will face serious costs for renting premises, purchasing everything necessary for work: equipment, raw materials and supplies, as well as hiring labor. As for the payback period of the invested funds, it is almost unpredictable. Everything here is deeply individual and depends on the market situation and your personal strategy.

When opening a sewing business from scratch, it is better to specialize in the production of something specific.

For example, winter overalls for children are an excellent option, because this is a very specific thing that is made from a very specific material and has its own customers. This operating strategy is optimal.

Enterprise registration

So, let's look at how to open a sewing business step by step:

The first step is to register the workshop as a legal entity.

To do this, you can choose one of two main organizational forms: society with limited liability(in other words, LLC) or individual entrepreneur (IP). If you decide to register as an individual entrepreneur, then you will need to submit the following set of documents to the tax office:

  • a receipt confirming the fact of payment of the state duty (it is 800 rubles);
  • your completed application (form P21001 is used), certified by a notary;
  • If you plan to conduct accounting under a simplified taxation system, you should submit an application for transition to this system(form number 26.2-1);
  • a copy of all pages of the Russian passport of the person submitting applications and documents to the inspection.

The set of documents provided to the government agency will be reviewed by it within five working days. After given period The tax office will make a decision. If it is positive, the individual entrepreneur will be given:

  • an extract from the Unified State Register of Individual Entrepreneurs (in other words, from the register of individual entrepreneurs);
  • notifications confirming that an individual has registered with the relevant tax authority and territorial division of the Pension Fund;
  • Rosstat certificate containing a list of statistics codes provided to the company.

The next step is making a stamp (costs from 500 rubles), as well as opening a bank account (the process takes several working days and requires a cost of approximately 2,000 rubles).

If, when deciding where to start sewing production, you preferred an organizational and legal form such as an LLC, then the set of documents that you should provide to the tax office will be slightly different. It will include:

  • completed application (Form 11001);
  • LLC charter;
  • a decision on the creation of a legal entity (if it has one founder) or a protocol on its opening (if the company has several founders);
  • a receipt confirming payment of the state fee in the amount of 4,000 rubles;
  • passports of all founders (notarized copies);
  • application for transition to the simplified tax system (form number 26.2-1) (in the event that accounting is supposed to be conducted according to this system).

Tax authorities study the documents and make a decision within 5 working days. If the response from the tax inspectorate is positive, then the founders of the LLC will be issued:

  • charter;
  • registration certificate;
  • extract from the Unified State Register of Legal Entities;
  • certificate that the LLC has been registered with the relevant tax authority;
  • notifications of registration with the Pension Fund and the Federal Compulsory Compulsory Medical Insurance Fund;
  • certificate from Rosstat containing the statistics codes assigned to the organization.

According to current legislation, the authorized capital of an LLC being opened cannot be lower than the minimum limit of 10,000 rubles.

After receiving approval from the tax authorities, you will need to register with bodies such as the Social Insurance Fund, Rosstat and the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation, which usually takes several days. Then you need to make a stamp (two days) and open a bank account (about three days).

As a rule, the following OKVED codes are chosen for clothing production:

  • 18.2 – creation of textile clothing and accessories;
  • 18.22 – sewing outerwear;
  • 18.21 – creation of special clothing;
  • 18.24 – other clothes and accessories.

Also, in accordance with legal requirements, to carry out activities it is necessary to obtain permission from the State Fire Supervision Authority and Rospotrebnadzor.

Search for premises to rent

When drawing up a business plan for clothing production, you must first of all decide on the premises in which it will be located.

The size of the premises will directly depend on the planned scale of activity. For example, to sew about 100 pieces of clothing per day, you need a workshop with a size of 70 square meters.

That is, the more products you plan to sew, the larger the room you will need to rent.

It is best to open a sewing workshop in the industrial zone of the city. In this case, you can find a large workshop at an affordable price. Before signing the lease agreement, be sure to make sure that the premises fully comply with SES requirements and other regulatory organizations.

Sewing production can also be carried out at home. In this case, the equipment necessary to carry out the operations performed by her is installed in the apartment of each seamstress.

This is how the process is organized: one seamstress prepares the patterns, the second sews them, the third processes the edges of the products.

In this case, there is no rent, since there is no need for a specialized workshop.

Equipment needed for a sewing workshop

If you are thinking about how to open a sewing business, then take into account in your calculations the need to purchase the following equipment:

  • sewing and cutting machines;
  • overlock;
  • heat and wet treatment plants;
  • steam generator;
  • a button machine and an automatic machine that takes up loops;
  • cutting equipment and cutting knife;
  • interoperative tables;
  • Supplies.

The total cost of purchasing equipment will be about 250 thousand rubles. This is an approximate figure; costs can be more accurately estimated by knowing the volume of work, the number of employees and the workshop area. To purchase fabric and accessories, you will need about 50 thousand rubles.

How to select personnel for a sewing workshop

The success of the clothing business largely depends on the skill level of the employees who work in it.

Therefore, the recruitment process needs to be given close attention. Employees must have work experience as well as completion diplomas educational institutions.

Their politeness and ability to communicate with clients is also important.

If you don't have enough money to make up a staff of only highly qualified employees, then it is quite possible to hire several experienced specialists and several beginners. There is a high probability that, having gained knowledge in your workshop, they will continue to work for you in the future.

As for the salary, it can be thought of this way: a percentage of revenue in addition to the fixed salary.

This will encourage staff to work more efficiently.

Most likely, at the initial stage you will only need seamstresses, but as your business grows, you will hire other specialists: seamstresses, fashion designers and order takers.

How to start a sewing business

And, most importantly, use all the methods available to you to attract customers. As for suppliers of raw materials, there are a lot of them on the market today.

Manufacturers you are interested in can be found at wholesale stores or on the Internet, in addition, you can enter into contracts with them directly.

Products can be sold in shopping pavilions, in shops and markets.

Remember that your business will develop only if you produce truly high-quality products.

Only then, having convinced yourself of the excellent qualities of your products, will return to you for new purchases.

When planning to open a sewing shop, be sure to draw up a competent business plan. This plan and proper organization The work of the enterprise will bring you good profits in the future.

Sewing business for beginners: what is better to sew?

How to open a sewing business, what is best to sew - these questions are asked by many aspiring entrepreneurs who are no strangers to sewing skills.

Opening such a business will interest people who love and know how to sew.

If you don’t have any sewing skills, you can become a co-owner of a sewing shop and deal with purely organizational issues.

The clothing business is an unlimited space for the implementation of creative and design ideas. This type of activity is multifaceted; any direction can become good source income.

For example, you can sew exclusive, designer clothes to order, create soft toys or small fabric souvenirs.

If you don’t want to choose a direction of activity, you can open a sewing workshop for clothing repair. Such services are always in demand.

Search for target audience

When choosing sewing as a business, it is important to decide who exactly to work for. First, we need to monitor all organizations in the district that are involved in similar matters. The list of services offered must be varied in order to attract consumers.

Of no small importance is the need of local residents for these services and their level of income.

Hardly residents small town will go to a designer clothing boutique, they will be more attracted small store or an atelier that repairs clothes and sews simple things.

To understand exactly where to start a sewing business, you need to draw up a small business plan in advance.

It is necessary to include the following sections: consumables, list potential clients, estimated income, specifics of the services offered, possible payback periods for the business.

Typically this type entrepreneurial activity can be issued as individual entrepreneur. As practice shows, the name plays an important role in the clothing business. The client is attracted by a bright and memorable sign that stands out from the rest.

Possible costs

It is important from the very beginning to agree with suppliers of fabrics, threads and necessary accessories. This will help save on consumables.

As for equipment, it all depends on the size of the organization. If this is a home sewing business, then it is enough to have 1 sewing machine and an overlocker.

As the enterprise grows and gains momentum, it will be necessary to purchase additional sewing equipment.

Several ideas for organizing a sewing business

Today, there are quite a few areas in the sewing business that may be of interest to consumers:

  1. Sewing clothes for pets is good idea for those who want to open a small workshop at home. In European countries, such a business is considered the most profitable. Today in our country this niche is not fully occupied, so there is still an opportunity to make money in this direction. The initial costs will be disproportionately less than what would be required to open a studio.
  2. The idea of ​​sewing ethnic clothes may seem unpromising and very specific at first glance, but it is precisely this that allows you to quickly find your client. This is explained by the fact that it is difficult to find similar clothes in regular stores, and there are many people who prefer ethnic style. They will be happy to order clothes from you. This business It’s easy to organize within your apartment without spending money on renting additional space or purchasing expensive equipment. The process of tailoring ethnic clothes is creative except professional qualities You will also have to realize your design potential. To make your business successful and recognizable, you can run your own blog or advertise in in social networks.
  3. Sewing slings for young mothers - current direction sewing business. Young active mothers who do not want to be tied to the house and strollers will be happy to order such a necessary item from you. You can master such a business both at home and in rented premises. Sewing a sling is not that difficult, you just need to be careful and have some imagination in choosing a design. Such a business from scratch will generate good income if you advertise your activities.

Some useful tips for those who want to organize a sewing business:

  1. You need to understand the sewing business in order to perform the entrusted work efficiently. A good place to start is to take a sewing course or talk to a person who understands this matter and has some experience.
  2. If you are hiring female workers, then the seamstresses must have a certain level of knowledge and experience.
  3. It is better to decide in advance on the specifics of the enterprise and its volume. This will help you avoid unnecessary purchases of equipment and supplies.
  4. It is necessary to draw up a business plan. It’s easier to write down the main aspects of running a business on paper so that you don’t get distracted by little things during your work.
  5. To avoid trouble, you need to register your business. This will require some financial costs and time, but this will ensure peace of mind.

A sewing business is impossible without problematic situations. The most common of them:

  • lack of sales;
  • labor shortages to process existing orders;
  • lack of experience among hired workers.

Before you do something like this, you should think everything through clearly. You should not take risks if you have no experience or skills in sewing. You must be passionate about your idea and have an irresistible desire to achieve success in the clothing business. This is the only way to achieve good results and high profits.

Business plan for clothing production - starting a business from scratch

People will always have a demand for quality clothing, despite high competition and economic instability in the country.

The sewing business niche has just begun to actively develop in our country, so you don’t have to worry about the future profitability of this business.

We present detailed business a sewing production plan that will allow you to properly organize the business and calculate profitability and payback.

Business plan for sewing production

At the stage of forming a business plan, it is important to note all the risks and prospects of such production. If you approach the implementation of the project correctly, you can get a good stable income.

Sewing business: definition

This type of production belongs to the light industry. This creative direction can be directly linked to making a profit by making clothes and then selling them. The main thing in the sewing business is competent implementation and clearly thought-out strategies.

In the video you can learn the typical mistakes of beginners.

. Common mistakes when starting a sewing business

Pros and cons of sewing

TO positive aspects businesses include:

  1. Fast and high return on business.
  2. High cost of the average check.
  3. Possibility of long-term storage of products in the warehouse.

Sewing business

To the negative:

  1. Expensive rental of premises, difficulties in finding the optimal location.
  2. Low demand for specific products.
  3. High level of competition in the sewing business.

Choosing the current direction

There is a huge selection of different areas in the clothing industry. You can focus on tailoring clothes for children or only for adults, workwear, and seasonal items. You can sew not only clothes, but also household items or accessories.

Sewing business

It is very important to take into account the demand for a product in a certain area; for this you need to monitor the market. Careful analysis will be required to achieve a reasonable ratio of income and expenses.

At first, you can specialize in several niches to find yours. However, it is important not to overdo it; the combination of prom dresses and hammocks for summer cottages looks quite ridiculous.

Production technology from A to Z

The entire stage of sewing consists of 5 points: design, construction, cutting, sewing and finishing. Let's look at each in a little more detail.

Cutting shop

The first point is that modeling is done by a designer or fashion designer. He draws up a sketch of the future product, determines color scheme and suitable fabric.

The design is carried out by the designer, who must transfer the designer’s sketch into the form of a drawing. He calculates the parts and material that will be needed for sewing. At the same time, he draws up patterns and the necessary technical documentation.

In a sewing workshop, the first two steps are usually performed by the cutter. This is the person who combines the functions of a fashion designer and designer. The main stages - cutting, sewing and final finishing - take place in the sewing workshop by professionals in their field.

It is very important to establish clear production technology. This will allow the most productive use of existing equipment and labor.

Business plan: main steps


When creating a clothing production, it is necessary to register the business with local authorities and pass a Fire Inspection inspection.

You will also have to create an accounting department with the necessary documentation and storage facilities.

Production problems will be eradicated at the very initial stages thanks to reporting, as information about the actual state of affairs will be generated.

If production involves transportation, issues related to logistics need to be resolved early.

At the first stages, production or a sewing workshop is formalized as entity. There are two forms of organizations: LLC and individual entrepreneur. Let's compare the package of documents for these types of organizations:

A package of documents for any type of organization is usually reviewed within 5 days.

If tax service makes a positive decision, the entrepreneur is given an extract from the Unified State Register of Individual Entrepreneurs, OGRNIP or individual entrepreneur number, acts of confirmation of registration with the Federal Tax Service and the Pension Fund and a certificate from Rosstat. The LLC's package of documents differs only in the extract from the Unified State Register of Legal Entities and the organization's charter.

After these events, it is necessary to make a seal of the organization, its cost starts from 500 rubles. In addition, it is important to open a bank account. All costs will be about two thousand rubles.

When opening a limited liability company, the authorized capital is established; its minimum amount must be 10,000 rubles.

Selecting a room

Finding an area to locate a business that will meet all the requirements is an important step.

At first, saving on rent will not hurt; it can be achieved by renting premises in remote areas of the city.

The production premises must be equipped with heating, water supply and electricity.

Cutting shop

The dimensions of the room depend entirely on the planned production volumes. If you plan to produce 200 items of clothing daily, then for comfortable and fruitful work you will need a room measuring at least 140 square meters.

Employees for sewing production

Workers are an integral part of this sector.

At the initial stages, the business will need experienced employees who can ensure the success of the garment production.

It is worth remembering that in addition to seamstresses, such a production will need designers, managers to receive orders, accountants, mechanics, managers and support workers.

A little later, if resources allow, you can train inexperienced specialists on the basis of production, who will then become permanent employees. The percentage of beginners and inexperienced employees in production should be no more than 40%.

The optimal number of employees for a sewing workshop, according to various sources, ranges from 11 to 23 people. They can be grouped into different teams to ensure shift work.

The most optimal method when forming wages is a fixed rate with an added percentage of revenue.

In addition, you can reward employees with additional financial bonuses for achieving goals. This way you can motivate employees to do large amounts of work and encourage them to produce efficiently.


Equipment and consumables for work

To organize and effectively process sewing production you will need:

  • automatic programs for clothing design;
  • cutting equipment;
  • sewing and embroidery machines;
  • irons, steam generators and ironing boards;
  • washing machines;
  • printers for printing on fabrics and other specialized equipment.

Equipment for sewing production does not have to be new. Many businessmen who started sewing, purchase used cars. This saves costs, but also carries certain risks. Old machines can quickly break down.

The total cost of equipment for a workshop with average production indicators will be about 200-300 thousand rubles. Specific figures depend on the type of production and its volume.

The purchase of consumables is an integral and constant cost item in sewing production. Therefore, it is important to find reliable suppliers of fabrics and accessories.

It is necessary to familiarize yourself with their reputation in advance to ensure business stability. The best solution will direct cooperation without intermediaries.

Purchasing an initial base of fabrics and accessories will cost approximately 60-100 thousand rubles.

Marketing plan

In any business, it is important to consider the nuances of marketing. When drawing up a business plan, it is necessary to calculate profitability and determine specific points of sale of the product.

Product promotion

To promote it, it is important to regularly conduct advertising campaigns. A base of regular customers should be created already in the first stages of the workshop’s operation.

To do this, you need to sell products in all kinds of profitable retail outlets.

It's important to remember high quality manufactured products, otherwise there will be no influx of new customers.

Approximate expenses and planned profit

The average initial investment costs are:

  • Documentation and registration from 10 to 20 thousand rubles.
  • Repair if necessary from 20 thousand.
  • Equipment from 200 to 800 thousand.
  • Logistics and other expenses from 20 thousand.
  • Total initial costs from 330 to 1210000.

Monthly expenses:

  • Rent of premises from 30 to 50 thousand.
  • Fabrics and consumables from 50 to 300 thousand.
  • Salaries for employees range from 75 to 100 thousand.
  • Utilities from 15 thousand.
  • Logistics from 20 thousand.
  • Total: from 190 to 485 thousand rubles.

Projected revenues:

  • Wholesale price one product from 700 rubles to 1500 thousand.
  • The volume of products sold per month is approximately 500 pieces.
  • Average monthly income is from 350 to 750 thousand.
  • Average profit including monthly expenses from 160 to 265 thousand.
  • The payback period for the business is six months.

It is worth understanding that specific numbers depend on production volume, individual characteristics business.

Sewing business: smart investment or risk

For successful opening sewing production, it is important to familiarize yourself with all the intricacies of the light industry. Detailed business plan, tailored to specific conditions, will be helped by experienced economists and lawyers.

Risk or smart investment

In such a difficult task as sewing, it is important to focus on the needs of customers. One of the main tasks is to maintain high level product quality.

Don’t forget about the high competition in this industry.

If you have not only the skills, but also the steely grip to keep your business afloat, the clothing industry will pay off for you.

. Business plan for opening a clothing production

How to start your own sewing production?

    • Registration of a workshop as a legal entity
    • Search and rental suitable premises
    • Sewing shop equipment
    • Recruitment of personnel for clothing production
    • Organization of the sewing workshop

Seamstresses who previously worked at home are opening their own workshops, and sometimes a whole manufacturing facility. I would like to note right away that this business is quite a profitable activity. It's easy to explain. After all, goods of this kind have always been in demand among the population.

When opening a sewing business, you need to remember that there is a lot of competition in it. In every more or less large city in our country there is a sewing production or sewing workshop.

To open your own business in this area, you will need a considerable start-up capital. The main expense items will be for renting premises, purchasing equipment, hiring employees and purchasing necessary materials.

It is difficult to name the payback period, since this indicator is unpredictable. Experts recommend opening a workshop that will specialize in something specific. For example, sewing children's winter overalls.

That is, a specific thing and from a specific material. This is the most optimal strategy for operating a sewing enterprise.

Let's consider step by step how to open a sewing production

You can open your own business as an individual entrepreneur (individual entrepreneur) or LLC (limited liability company).

If it was decided to register the company as an individual entrepreneur, then the tax office will need to collect and submit the following documents:

  • paid receipt of state duty for registration of individual entrepreneurs (800 rubles);
  • application in form P21001. It must be certified by a notary;
  • if accounting will be carried out according to the simplified taxation system, then it is necessary to write an application for the transition to the simplified tax system in form No. 26.2-1;
  • a copy of all pages of the applicant’s internal passport.

Review of a set of documents for opening an individual entrepreneur takes five working days.

If the decision to open an individual entrepreneur is positive, the entrepreneur is issued:

  • extract from the Unified State Register of Individual Entrepreneurs ( single register IP);
  • notification of registration with the tax authority individual;
  • notification of registration in the territorial PFS of an individual (Pension Fund);
  • from Rosstat certificate of issuance of statistics codes.

After registration, the individual entrepreneur must make a stamp (from 500 rubles) and open a bank account (from 2 thousand rubles).

If the choice was made in favor of an LLC, then the following set of documents is provided to the tax office:

  • application on form 11001;
  • LLC charter;
  • if there is only one founder, then the decision to establish an LLC. If there are several founders, then a protocol on the creation of a legal entity is provided;
  • paid receipt of state duty (4 thousand rubles);
  • notarized photocopies of passports of all founders;
  • if accounting will be carried out according to the simplified taxation system, then it is necessary to write an application for the transition to the simplified tax system in form No. 26.2-1.

The period for consideration of the application by the tax authority is five working days.

If the response to the application is positive tax office gives:

  • LLC registration certificate;
  • LLC charter;
  • certificate in form 1-3-Accounting for registration with the tax authority;

    extract from the Unified State Register of Legal Entities;

  • notification of registration in Pension Fund Russia (PF);
  • certificate of registration with the TFOMS (territorial compulsory health insurance fund);
  • certificate of issuance of statistics codes from Rosstat.

It will take a few more days to register with the Pension Fund, Social Insurance Fund and Rosstat. It will take two days to produce the organization's seal. Opening a bank account takes on average three days. Authorized capital The LLC must have at least 10 thousand rubles.

OKVED codes:

  • 18.2 - production of textile clothing and clothing accessories;
  • 18.21 - production of special clothing;
  • 18.22 - production of outerwear;
  • 18.24 - production of other outerwear and accessories.

In accordance with Federal law RF No. 52-FZ dated March 30, 1999, it will also be necessary to obtain permission from Rospotrebnadzor and Gospozharnadzor.

Starting to choose a suitable premises for a workshop directly depends on the planned scale of production.

Let's give an example: to sew 90-100 units of fabric per day, the area of ​​the room should be about 70 square meters. m.

The more products the workshop produces, the larger the rental space will be needed. It’s good to open your own workshop in one of the city’s production zones.

The premises for rent in such places are suitable in size. and the rental price is low. Before signing a rental agreement for a premises, find out whether the selected premises meets all the requirements of the SES and other inspection companies.

You can start a sewing business at home. In this case, it will consist in the fact that for each seamstress at home, special equipment is installed that works for specific sewing operations.

It turns out that one seamstress makes the patterns, another processes the edges of the product at home, the third does the stitching, etc. In this case, there are no rental costs, since the workshop is not needed.

All work on the production of goods is carried out by seamstresses at home.

To equip a sewing workshop, you will need the following:

  • sewing machine;
  • cutting machine;
  • heat treatment unit;
  • wet processing unit;
  • interoperative tables;
  • automatic loop take-up machine;
  • button apparatus;
  • overlock;
  • steam generator;
  • cutting knife;
  • cutting equipment;
  • Consumables.

Equipment costs will amount to about 250 thousand rubles. A more accurate amount can be announced if you know the volume of work, production area and number of employees.

The cost of purchasing accessories and fabric will be 50 thousand rubles.

The success of this business depends more than half on the skill level of the employees working in it. Therefore, close attention should be paid to personnel selection.

Employees must have at least minimal work experience, certificates and diplomas from professional educational institutions.

It is equally important that they all be polite and friendly in their interactions with clients.

If you don’t have enough money for highly qualified employees, you can hire several professionals and help them with novice specialists without work experience. There is a high probability that, having gained experience, these young employees will remain in production.

For productive work of staff, it is better for seamstresses to set their salary according to a formula, a small salary plus a percentage of revenue. This will create an additional incentive to work.

At the initial stage of work, when there are few orders, you can only hire seamstresses.

As the business grows, additional order takers, cutters and fashion designers will be needed.

To attract potential customers at the beginning of work you need to use all possible methods.

There are a lot of suppliers of raw materials for clothing production on the market. You can find them on the Internet, at wholesale stores, or enter into contracts directly with manufacturers.

Sales of goods can be carried out through shops, markets, pavilions selling textile products.

When organizing the work of a textile business, you need to remember that only by producing high-quality products will this business develop.

Buyers, having learned about high-quality products produced in a particular workshop, will buy goods there.

Before opening a sewing workshop, you need to draw up a business plan for production. A correctly drawn up plan and subsequent competent organization of the workshop will bring good profits to its owner.

How to open a sewing production? This may seem like a very tempting and interesting activity. But, in fact, this is a rather complex, labor-intensive and multi-step process.

By opening your own sewing production, you will join the light industry industry of your country. And in this industry there are many enterprises that produce the widest range of sewing products, ranging from underwear and bed linen to workwear.

If you feel like you have the makings of a good organizer and are not devoid of creative abilities, then most likely the sewing business is something that you need to take seriously.

Opening your own clothing production, now that more and more consumers want to dress with taste and even chic, is a very promising activity.

The profitability of this type of business is also high because fashion has an invariable tendency to constantly change and the demand for new models, styles and colors will never dry up.

Intelligence card: Open a sewing production.

Regardless of what kind of production you have planned for yourself, be it a small elite atelier aimed at producing expensive, one-piece clothing, or it will be a full-scale sewing production producing a wide range of goods from the textile industry, you still cannot do without drawing up a detailed business plan.

We analyze the market before opening a clothing production

Like any other business, clothing production should not be opened until the regional market in which it is planned to sell the company’s finished products has been calculated. Do not think that detailed market analysis is a simple matter. In fact, he will demand from you great forces and effort.

But believe me, the efforts will pay off handsomely in the future. Before cutting the blue ribbon at the doorstep of your enterprise, you must find out which clothing products are in short supply in your region, identify those goods that are offered to the buyer in obvious excess, determine which textile products are clearly overpriced, and which are clearly inadequate balance between quality and asking price tags.

Conduct the analysis carefully, scrupulously, visiting as many different retail outlets as possible.

The knowledge gained from analyzing the regional clothing market will help you in negotiations with customers and distributors of your products. You can confidently offer them products that are in short supply or products that will be competitively priced.

Searching for distribution channels for your future clothing production

Once you're done with that, start looking. good channels sales of finished products. Their list may include enterprises and organizations that need your products, entrepreneurs from clothing markets, curtain and textile stores, and clothing stores.

When negotiating with your potential resellers, be sure to listen to their opinions regarding pricing and quality of products required by customers. Don't be dismissive of their opinions. As a rule, these are experienced sellers and they will be able to tell you a lot of useful things.

After such negotiations, you will already decide exactly what you will sew and to what extent you will do it.
If you do not have experience in this area or do not have a certain education, find an assistant who will calculate for you the cost of producing a unit of finished product. The production of a particular product model should begin only after carefully weighing all the pros and cons and conducting a thorough study of the expected costs and income.

Believe me, if you are going to open a sewing production, then without drawing up a detailed business plan, your project may be doomed to fiasco.

Open a sewing production: let's decide on equipment

A small enterprise with a finished product output of 20-50 models per day will require you to spend 15-18 thousand dollars. It is clear that the more products you want to produce, the more you will have to spend. An amount of 150-200 thousand North American dollars invested in the business will allow us to have a production facility with an output of 180-200 finished products for a work shift of 8 hours.

It is clear that there are intermediate options and those named sums of money very exemplary.

Don't forget that big manufacturing process will also require large purchases of production equipment.

Practice has shown that large sewing enterprises have a narrow specialization, producing, for example, only shirts, or coats, workwear or hats. Often, a narrow specialization will require you to use special sewing equipment. Among it, most likely, there will be installations for ironing and steaming and cutting knives.

But they are not the main mechanisms in highly specialized sewing production. You will never be able to do without automatic and semi-automatic special sewing machines, which are classified as very expensive equipment. Before you start buying them, you must decide how many of them you need and what operations can be performed with their help. It is also important to determine how you will arrange them in your rental space.
If you have difficulties with this, then before opening a sewing production, order a project from experienced technologists.

For example, in order to open a small sewing production with up to 10 employees, you will need the following equipment:

  • Universal single needle sewing machines(for sewing garments) - 8 pieces. You can buy inexpensive and quite acceptable quality Chinese or Korean cars;
  • Semi-automatic loop machine for sewing straight buttonholes (preferably imported) - 1 piece;
  • Overcasting machines (overlockers) - 2 pieces. It is better to take one 3-thread and one 5-thread (for simultaneous stitching and overcasting);
  • Button semi-automatic machine - 1 piece (sometimes you can do without it).

If you plan to produce suits and coats, then you cannot do without purchasing an eyelet buttonhole machine for sewing figured buttonholes with eyes.

It is more expedient to purchase equipment for opening a small sewing production through the purchase of used equipment.

The cost difference between used machines and new equipment is quite significant. So, new machines for a small workshop will cost 15 thousand “green”, while the same machines on which someone has already worked will cost 5 thousand of the same “green”.

Don't forget to be presentable marketable condition It will be impossible to shape the finished product unless it is subjected to steaming and ironing. This means that you should be prepared to pay for the purchase of an ironing table and a set of iron, steam generator and vacuum pump.

It is impossible to cut blanks without a cutting table and a knife. Depending on the volume of fabrics to be cut, select the type of knife (vertical or circular knife).

It is also rational to install operating tables in the aisles between machines. Now you understand how much you need to take into account and not forget to organize a profitable sewing production.

Create a competent, clear and detailed business plan in preparation for open a sewing production, and then you will avoid mistakes and accurately calculate the amount of required investment.

Motivation for opening a clothing production

Let me ask you the following question to understand why some people have many clients and others have few. Let's start with this simple question:

In your opinion, which motivation affects people more, negative or positive? What is your biggest motivation?

Let's look at an example of positive motivation. If you have many clients, you will begin to earn a lot, achieve some specific big goal of yours, for example, build a house by the sea, buy a new car, educate your children, and travel the world.
Or negative motivation. There will be few clients, you will lose money, you will be limited in income, etc.
What do you feel moves you forward more, positive motivation or negative motivation?
What would you prefer: pull a nail out of your foot or eat your favorite, beautiful, a delicious cake, what will you do first?
Either you take out the nail first, fill the wound with brilliant green, iodine, and then, when the pain is over, you return to the cake, or you immediately eat the cake, then pull out the nail.

Most people will first pull out the nail, you will immediately have CIPPR, you will become a person with a very short incubation period, instantaneous, within a second you will make a vital decision, and believe me, you will not have time for cake.
This example very clearly demonstrates the speed of decision making when exposed to various types motivation. If you have strong negative motivation, then you make decisions faster and move much faster in attracting clients.
Positive motivation in the form of a cake, yes, for some people this will also be motivation, but at the same time the movement occurs slowly and unwillingly

Let's return from all these allegories, after all, to sewing, to quickly attracting a large number of clients.
What happened in express coaching to create client flows?
I selected 23 applications from 10 people and 9 out of 10 people made a jump in their income and in the number of clients. How did this work for 9 out of 10 people?

It worked out very simply - negative motivation. The terms of the coaching were as follows: people paid about $90 for coaching, the money for coaching was not returned if the participant did not pass the coaching, and homework was given at the end of each lesson. A person who did not do his homework was not allowed to the next lesson, and he was eliminated from coaching. Yes, it was tough, there were no sweet cakes, the theme at work was that if you didn’t homework, you are not allowed to the next lesson, and you have wasted your $90 down the drain. By the third lesson, most people have already made back their $90. As a result, people received 120 units of orders each, or the number of customers increased 5 times. Do you think they made back their $90? Yes, 10 and a hundred times they fought them off. They had a very simple alternative: either you work, and you work in a rather harsh regime, or you leave coaching, no money is returned to you, we say goodbye forever. It was this kind of negative motivation that worked effectively.

Negative motivation is extremely important in the clothing business, and not only in the clothing business. Is this an unpleasant thing, a negative motivation? Yes. Does it hurt? Yes, it can feel like a nail driven into your leg, but I assure you that it allows you to act much faster and more efficiently.

How many people reading this will do something to increase the percentage of their clients? Only a few will do it. Why waste time if you don't apply knowledge?

That impulse, that emotional charge that I tried to convey to you, it fades quite quickly. Because we live in society, and society influences us from a variety of sides. Of course, I’m very glad that I’m passing on some positive things, some of my best practices, but, unfortunately, according to the “80 to 20” rule, the vast majority will not make the decisive leap in increasing the number of clients and income.

Remember one more point that I am trying to convey to you: negative motivation is extremely important for you personally.

In this article:

Sewing production is a specific business that requires careful planning and clear organization. The idea of ​​organizing a sewing workshop came to many bright minds, but not everyone managed to make such a project successful. How to organize a sewing production and not go broke? Let's try to figure it out.

This type of business can generate considerable income, which is why competition in this area is quite high. To make a profit, you need to calculate all the numbers and work out at least the simplest business plan.

Also, ideally, you should already be familiar with sewing at least at a basic level. For example, you like to sew clothes for yourself and your loved ones. If not, then it would be advisable to take a sewing course, read the necessary literature and talk with people who understand the issue.

The fact is that opening a tailoring studio is not so difficult. The difficulty lies in the fact that for the smooth functioning of production, a number of specialized devices may be needed. All this equipment is extremely expensive, so you need to know exactly what equipment you will need for your specific workshop and in what quantity.

What do you need to know to open a studio?

The production of clothing, linen and other garments usually requires an industrial scale - production volumes that are too small simply will not cover all costs. This in itself dictates several important rules:

Large-scale production + bulky equipment = large premises;

You will need a considerable staff of workers;

A significant amount of raw materials will be required to avoid production downtime.

Based on all this, significant start-up capital is required, and the huge volumes of necessary raw materials and a large staff ensure that variable costs will also be solid.

Here is a list of equipment you may need:

  • Single needle sewing machines;
  • Cutting table with cutting knife;
  • Overlockers;
  • Loop semi-automatic devices.

To open a tailoring business, you may also need a semi-automatic button machine, equipment for wet-heat treatment of products, additional furniture, for example, tables, chairs, etc. The price of equipment can vary several times. The final price is influenced by various factors, namely:

  • Brand (manufacturer) of equipment;
  • Its age (new equipment can be 2 or more times more expensive than used equipment);
  • Delivery of equipment to your site (if you order from abroad, you will also have to pay duties).

Cost calculation

The rule for calculating costs is this: the more products you plan to produce per work shift, the higher the costs will be, since you will need:

  • More equipment;
  • More complex equipment will be needed (for example, industrial sewing machines instead of conventional ones; semi-automatic lines);
  • Larger room;
  • More workers.

The required starting capital can be in the range of 25-250 thousand dollars, depending on the size of the workshop and production volumes.

In addition, the location of the equipment inside the future workshop is of decisive importance. Everything needs to be arranged so that workers don’t have to constantly run from one end to the other. Production should flow smoothly (like a conveyor line).

If you do not have experience in designing sewing workshops, it is best to order a workshop design from sewing production technologists. Design development will, of course, add to the cost of your project.

Organization of sales of goods

Sales channels are perhaps the most important aspect of selling any type of product or service, be it computer online game, carpet cleaning or sewing production. Indeed, why produce something (or provide services) if it cannot be sold? For clothing products, distribution channels are of decisive importance.

The fact is that you essentially only have 3 channels: the Internet, local stores and markets. Of course, you can also open your own store or even a chain. But this will require significant additional funding, which may not be available at first.

Over time, if your business becomes successful enough, you will be able to sell your products in other cities or chain stores. At first, groups on social networks, local specialty stores and markets are exactly the sales channels you should target.

If you are thinking about starting a sewing business from scratch and don’t know how to do it, then our article is for you. We will talk about how to choose premises, equipment, form a staff of professionals and reveal other nuances of running a clothing business.

Video: how to open a successful sewing business

Sewing: how much can you earn by sewing children's clothing? Sewing ethnic-themed clothing is an interesting business idea. Once you get the essence, you can generate interesting design and style ideas. ★★★★★

Equipment for sewing production

The clothing business will not get off the ground if there is no necessary equipment. This is perhaps one of the most important elements such work. And basic capital investments. Remember: "the miser pays twice." Invest in quality equipment. Sometimes, it is better to take a used one, but of high quality. Naturally, when material resources There is not enough to purchase the means of production, find a reasonable balance. Make a list of the first things you need to buy for your budding sewing business. Here are the basic equipment you will need:

  • clothing design programs;
  • straight stitch sewing machine;
  • hemming machine;
  • cutting table;
  • dummy;
  • household iron;
  • overlock for finishing edges and seams;
  • ironing board;
  • steam generator;
  • racks;
  • electric cutting knife;
  • tables;
  • bracket;
  • desk;
  • computer;
  • lamps;
  • mirror;
  • washing machine;
  • fire extinguishers;
  • cash machine;
  • consumables: threads, scissors, patterns, rulers, chalk, pins and more.

The amount of sewing equipment depends on the scale of production and available capital. Buy better industrial equipment, since it is more reliable and more suitable for sewing large volumes. To save money, you can rent sewing machines that have already been used before, but there is no guarantee that they will last long.