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Selling goods from wheels. Opening a stall on wheels

The active development of trade in Russia did not affect many settlements in rural areas. In any region of the country you can find villages, hamlets, villages and hamlets where there is no retail outlets, and if there is, then the range in them is rather meager. Therefore the organization outbound trade and a car shop as a business, reviews of entrepreneurs involved in this field confirm this, is a very promising commercial idea.

Organization of trade through a mobile store

To start a business in this direction, you need to purchase a small truck.

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Car selection

Currently, some car dealers offer ready-made car shops equipped with everything necessary: ​​display cases, shelving, and in some cases, refrigeration units. But you can take a standard van and equip it as you wish. Commercial vehicles, for example, Gazelle, Valdai, are best suited for organizing a car shop.

Important! The price of new cars suitable for such activities is quite high (can reach up to 1,500,000 rubles) and makes them inaccessible to most entrepreneurs. However, you can also purchase a used car for trading. It is important to make sure that the car is in good technical and sanitary condition, since the sale of certain groups of goods requires compliance with certain sanitary requirements.

Route planning

The second step in organizing outbound trade is forming a route for the auto shop and agreeing on its location. When planning your route, the following factors must be taken into account:

  • the number of settlements where it is planned to organize trade;
  • the distance of these points from each other;
  • the population size in them.

Based on this data, a route diagram and the order of its passage are formed. For example, it is planned to carry out trade in five villages located at a considerable distance from each other, and in opposite directions. The number of inhabitants in each of them is about 400-500 people. In this case, it is best to organize a trip to each point on a separate day: Monday - village 1, Tuesday - village 2, etc. This will allow you to reach the maximum number of customers, and will also reduce the cost of fuel and lubricants.

If you plan to serve several small settlements, for example, 6 small villages, each of which is home to no more than 150 people, and the settlements themselves are located in the same direction, then it makes sense to carry out trade on one day, being in each village for 1 o'clock.

To begin work, it is necessary to resolve all legal formalities.

Trading from a mobile shop - documents and permits

The auto shop is an object of non-stationary trade, therefore it is subject to relevant legal requirements. First of all, this is the availability of documents indicating state registration entrepreneurship.

To engage in this type of activity, it is enough to do this without difficulty. can be done quickly and free of charge using one of special services, for example, “My business.”

Important! When filling out application P21001, you must indicate OKVED codes, suitable for trade through a mobile store: subclass 47.8 “Retail trade in non-stationary retail facilities and markets.” Product groups may be different: food products, drinks, textiles, etc. Depending on what you plan to trade, the code will also change: 47.81; 47.82, etc.

Based on the results of the registration procedure, you will receive a State Certificate. registration. At the same time, it is worth deciding. As optimal system taxation for non-stationary trade can be recommended. However, this mode is allowed to be used subject to certain conditions, which can be found out in detail on the official website tax service

To organize the work, you will also need to agree on the location of the retail outlet. Trading from a mobile store requires permission only from the local administration of the locality where the activity is planned. As a rule, authorities are willing to accommodate entrepreneurs halfway and allocate convenient places for parking their auto shops.

Advice:Often the heads of local administrations give only verbal consent to the parking of a car shop in one place or another. But it is better to ask for an official permit, which will indicate: the specific address of the parking lot of the auto shop, the parking time, and the validity period of the permit.

Auto shop operation

Like any commercial business, organizing outbound trade requires careful study its concepts. The business plan of the auto shop should include the specifics of trade in rural areas. First of all, this is the range of goods.

How to create an assortment

Entrepreneurs with experience in traveling trade in rural areas note the following groups of goods that are in stable demand:

  • bakery products;
  • sausage and sausage products;
  • Fish and seafood;
  • cereals;
  • pasta;
  • canned food;
  • fruits;
  • sugar and confectionery;
  • flour;
  • salt;
  • tobacco products;
  • light bulbs;
  • batteries;
  • matches.

Often, customers themselves help create the assortment of products. All owners of auto shops are familiar with situations when they are ordered to bring this or that product next time. By the way, custom sales are another source of additional profit for a mobile store.

However, a food truck can also be specialized in nature, selling only one type of product, for example, fish and seafood. Lately, auto stores offering clothes, shoes, and stationery have become increasingly popular.

How to attract buyers

The key to the success of a universal auto shop is the stability of its appearance in populated areas– local residents should know that on this day they will be able to purchase everything necessary goods. Therefore, the owner of such a retail outlet does not need additional advertising, he is only required to always arrive on time.

For a specialized auto shop, additional advertising is often indispensable. In this case, you need to express yourself in some way. The experience of entrepreneurs shows that the most effective way is the preliminary posting of announcements about the arrival of the auto shop. But this method requires additional costs, especially if the settlement is located at a considerable distance. Some entrepreneurs in such cases resort to help technical means– they drive through a town or village and invite people to go shopping through a loudspeaker. This method of advertising gives a good effect.

A car shop as a business, judging by the reviews of entrepreneurs, is quite interesting, and with the right approach it can bring good profit. In this business, you need to be able to communicate with people and be prepared for any surprises. However, this is typical for any entrepreneurial activity. A store on wheels is a good option to start your first steps in the world of business, especially since the risk of loss is minimal.

Trade is the engine of progress. Running a business in trade is quite difficult, but those who were able to achieve success are incredibly satisfied with the result and do not want to give up continuing their activities. Opening your own store or at least a stall is a great way to start in big world business. The advantage of this business is that it is understandable to most. The ways of development and growth are clear: one stall turns into a store, one store into a chain of stores. This service will always be in demand, and if possible, provide a network favorable prices You are guaranteed to have a wide and loyal clientele.

One of the interesting ways to start a business is to open your own stall on wheels. This could be a small trailer from which you can conduct trade. Or it could be a van converted into a stall. Such trade always has the opportunity to provide the buyer with everything necessary. Plus, you are not tied to any particular area - you can always get behind the wheel and move your store to the other side of the city, where there are more customers.

Stall on wheels: where to start?

Obviously, the first step in such a business is choosing what to trade. We'll go into more detail about the options later. Now we need to figure out how to make the right choice.

It is necessary to take into account many factors specific to your city, or to the city where you are going to trade. Is there a large tourist flow in the city, how many people use the metro, how many people live in the city, is it possible to provide the stall with an uninterrupted supply of necessary products.

Selection and purchase of "wheels"

You need to start searching for a suitable van by analyzing websites that sell cars. There are two options:

  • purchase of a ready-made van;
  • purchase of a van and its further conversion.

We’ll talk about the second option later; initially we need to consider the option of buying a ready-made kiosk on wheels. This is a great option if you plan to sell standard products and do not need to purchase additional equipment, such as a special gas grill for cooking. Meets these requirements most of modern vans.

With the proper skill, you can find much more interesting options, including prepared vans in which you can find all the necessary equipment for running a business. In any case, in order to save time in the future, it is necessary to provide for the following points in the vehicle:

  • presence of opening windows;
  • good technical condition.

The right van for you can cost different amounts of money, depending on various factors. A finished van can cost either five hundred thousand or one and a half million: it all depends on the installed equipment.


If you bought an ordinary van, then the stage of its conversion begins, during which it turns from a simple minibus into a full-fledged retail outlet. At this stage, you need to decide what you plan to trade.

If this is selling souvenirs, or you are planning to open a kiosk, then it is enough to simply equip a place for the seller, as well as some display cases so that buyers have the opportunity to choose a product. If you have made a choice in favor of catering, then the task here is more difficult. Required to buy necessary equipment for cooking, place a ventilation system.

Optional equipment

Additional equipment that is required to be purchased includes the following:

  • Seller's place. This should be a fairly comfortable chair, since there is no way to stand up and stretch in the van.
  • Cash register equipment. If you plan to engage in a “white” business, then you can’t go without a cash register.
  • Heating system. To prevent your seller from freezing in winter, you will have to spend money on a good heating system - it should work as independently as possible from the car system, so as not to waste fuel.


A retail pavilion on wheels is a very convenient type of business. To date, no more reliable way has been invented to earn your living. There are no high profits here, but a minimum profit is guaranteed. Plus, you can provide it yourself. The speed and success of trading depends on your product and the place you choose to sell.


The obvious advantage of mobile shopping pavilion on wheels - mobility. If trade does not take place at one point, you can always get behind the wheel and move to another point - it is enough to have the appropriate permission. We will talk about the legal side of the issue later.


However, despite the advantages, there are also some disadvantages. The main problem is that this type of business has fairly low profitability and it is very difficult to ensure a truly high profit. You can always face the fact that some batch of goods will not be sold and you will incur serious losses.


You will have to face this disadvantage and you need to be prepared for it. Before you find your favorite place, you will have to spend a lot of time. And even then, trading from your van can be extremely unstable: on some days you will have a lot of buyers, and on others - none. And there are no obvious reasons why such volatility occurs. Because of this, some people prefer to purchase several vans at once, placing their own seller in each of them. Thus, the issue of unstable trading will not have such a strong impact on the final profit.

What can you sell at a stall?

The advantage of a stall on wheels is that you have virtually no restrictions on what you can sell. It could be souvenirs, or just a newsstand, or a point Catering. You can open your local market if you have a constant source of fresh produce, such as meat, poultry, or fruits and vegetables. Such trade brings in very good income and can ultimately result in serious business development, which later becomes a store or even a network of such stores. Of course, business development can only be ensured if there is an understanding of how to conduct business. Therefore, you need to decide what to trade. It is best to choose something in which you have skills and knowledge. For example, chefs can open a catering facility. People with tourism education can engage in attracting tourists to buy souvenirs.


Selling souvenirs from a mobile kiosk is an interesting trading option. You need to find a suitable point with a high tourist flow. This could be one of the attractions of your city, or some point of interest among tourists: a large store, a popular street. It is best to purchase souvenirs in bulk, before the start of the tourist season. This way you can get the best price.

Newspapers, books

Another interesting option is opening a kiosk on wheels. This option is perfect for residents of large cities where there are no strict restrictions on trade and parking. The idea here is simple: batches of fresh newspapers and magazines are purchased daily. Additionally, you can buy guidebooks if the city is popular with tourists. It is also possible to purchase small souvenir products: jewelry, toys. In general, everything that, in theory, a person who simply passes by your kiosk might need.

Then you need to find a parking space in good location, from where trade will be conducted. This could be a walk-through place near the metro or near a bus stop public transport. During the season, parks and attractions are also suitable. In short, any place where tourists can gather.

Public catering

Creating a catering outlet is also an interesting option that you can think about. However, here it is worth considering possible difficulties in obtaining permission to trade from inspection authorities. The fact is that no one will issue such certificates without proper checks. And to provide the necessary conditions working in a cramped van is incredibly difficult. At the same time, of course, it is clear that nothing is impossible and with proper preparation it is possible to open a catering outlet. It is also worth considering the option of opening a point of sale already finished products. You can purchase it from the manufacturer, or make your own.


A favorite dish of residents of all cities. Today, opening your own establishment that serves shawarma is a win-win option. For such an establishment, you will have to buy a stove, a special spit, and take care of the availability of gas equipment and safety precautions. As soon as everything you need is connected and configured, you can immediately start trading. It has been proven that classic shawarma attracts a lot of hungry customers.


Another interesting option is selling pies and baked goods. There is one undeniable advantage here: there is no need to purchase and install expensive equipment in the van. Firstly, you can agree with manufacturers on deliveries: every day, before the start of the working day, you can stop by to pick up goods for sale. Secondly, you can install similar equipment at home. In this option it is exactly the same, there is no need to install stoves in the van. This will significantly reduce the cost of converting a mobile kiosk.

Seasonal goods

Another interesting option is selling seasonal goods. Here it is worth considering what seasonal goods are available in your region and how best to organize their delivery to your outlet. Seasonal products may be of interest to tourists and visitors to the city. The demand for seasonal goods among pensioners is also known - this is worth taking into account when choosing a place to trade. It may be near a hospital or post office.

Trading on the market

If you know gardeners or farmers, then it is quite possible to start trading at the market. You can trade meat, poultry, and fish. Or, if possible, vegetables and fruits. This business has the huge advantage that you will hardly need to modify the van in any way. It is enough to buy scales and containers for storing products.

This option is also suitable for farmers and gardeners themselves: they buy a small van and spend several hours every day to sell it at the local market. As a result, the profit of the enterprise can increase significantly and please gardeners.

Market analysis

It is quite difficult to analyze the trade market from kiosks on wheels - it is necessary to take into account seasonal factors, traffic and much more. However, if you try hard, you will notice that the main profits are taken by the owners of catering establishments who deal with shawarma or fresh baked goods. It has a banal smell that attracts customers. However, in other areas the situation is no worse. It is much more important to find a good place to trade.

Possible profit

When calculating profits in such an enterprise, it is worth considering many factors. The first thing you need to focus on is trafficability at the point where you plan to do the main implementation. If traffic is high, then you can count on good profit margins. In theory, if you have 200 customers per day (20 per hour) with an average check of 200 rubles, then your daily revenue will be about 40,000 rubles. Monthly - a little more than a million rubles. Let us subtract from here the costs of purchasing goods, maintaining equipment, and maintaining a vehicle, and we get about fifty thousand rubles in profit per month. After paying taxes and fees, there will be about forty left. Keep in mind that these are approximate figures that are relevant for some districts of Moscow and the Moscow region. In the regions, the final figures will be different.

The legal side of the coin

As far as legal registration For a business like this, there are many factors to consider. In theory, you don’t even have to register and trade exclusively in cash, but this way you take risks and limit the circle of your clients - after all, many people prefer to buy goods using a card. And in general, there is a trend in society to refuse cash.

Therefore, when opening a business, we will deal with full registration and prepare all documents. At least we'll show you how to do it.

Business registration and paperwork

So, you need to start registering a business by choosing a form of ownership. This could be an individual entrepreneur or an LLC. Most often, an individual entrepreneur is enough to run a business of this level, however, if you are planning to start selling alcohol, then it is better to choose an LLC. Yes and if it is planned further development company, then the choice in favor of an LLC will be much more logical.

An individual entrepreneur should be opened if you want to limit yourself to only one point and one van, from which you do not plan to sell alcohol. In this case, registration is simple and takes literally one day. You need to submit the relevant certificates and applications to the local tax authority, purchase a stamp and cash machine. In the future, it is necessary to submit income declarations to the tax authority. In general, there will be no problems with accounting - at this level they simply cannot exist.

The process of opening an LLC is not much different, except that you will need to deal with a little more paperwork. It is required to draw up the company's charter (standard charters can be found on the Internet), open a bank account, and determine the relationship between the company's participants, if any.

If we are engaged in catering

If you are planning to open a public catering establishment, then you may have to obtain appropriate certificates stating that you have passed all the necessary checks and that your products and cuisine comply with the stated standards. More detailed information about the process of passing all inspections can be obtained from the relevant committee in the authorities regional authorities. Don’t be afraid that officials will begin to twist your arms and demand bribes - you are not Bill Gates and most likely no one will be interested. Moreover, it is even beneficial for clerks from the city administration that you do business - for this they receive additional rewards and bonuses.

There is nothing new in this format. For decades now, so-called auto shops have been delivering goods and products necessary for life to remote villages and settlements, and along the sides of the highways there are sellers of seasonal (watermelons, melons) and not so seasonal (hides, handicrafts) goods. Recently, trade from wheels has received a new development: mobile coffee shops have been traveling around the cities, and, judging by the appearance of more and more new brands on the streets, they are in demand by consumers. In addition to fulfilling their direct business objectives, mobile coffee shops solve another one: they develop the market and make wheel trading familiar to consumers. This means that you can successfully sell not only coffee from a truck.

Fashion designer Henry Holland has turned a former ice cream truck into a mobile pop-up shop. Following the concept, he plans to sell limited collections from this truck. It may not be the most budget-friendly option initially, but such “retail space” can be used many times.

Important. You need to prepare for pop-up trading in advance. In particular, if you do not want to run from government officials who will sooner or later become interested in you, you should obtain the appropriate permissions. From the point of view of Russian legislation, a pop-up store on wheels is a non-stationary retail facility; the rules for its organization are given in federal law"About the organization trading activities in the Russian Federation." In general, to obtain the required permission, you must contact local authority self-government regulating trade, write an application and provide:

  • notarized copies or copies with the presentation of the original charter / certificate of state registration / certificate of state registration of a citizen as an individual entrepreneur,
  • certificate of registration with the tax authority,
  • certificates of absence of debt on accrued taxes,
  • fees and other obligatory payments to budgets of any level for the past calendar year,
  • a list of workers involved in servicing in small retail trade, indicating education and qualifications, information on passing a medical examination.

But, of course, there may be local nuances, so before making any decisions, consult a lawyer for advice.

Another example of trading from a car, this time Russian. Found in an article about the problems of small retail mobile trade, which, by the way, is interesting not only because of the presence of this frame.

Advice. Map out several options for where to install your pop-up store in advance. If we're talking about about trading from a car, think over the route and agree with the owners/tenants of the areas where you plan to stop. In your choice, take into account the degree of traffic of places, the presence of your target audience and permitting opportunities. For example, if your audience is young people who are interested in sports, look for places near skate parks, horizontal bars, and outdoor basketball courts.

This is the Hex Bus, a 1963 Volkswagen minivan converted into a Hex pop-up store for high-tech consumer goods. He travels around the States and sells, among other things, unique items that you won’t find anywhere else.

Important. A good USP is the key to the success of a pop-up store. You can’t just figure out a counter and expect good sales and attracting a new audience. Offering an exclusive is one option. Another option is a unique price offer (see example above, “All books for 50 rubles”). When inviting customers with your newsletter, tell them why they should find your pop-up and spend their time and money.

This is a pop-up store on wheels from Walmart and P&G. The truck body is covered with selling “photo wallpapers”, which depict products and QR codes. I scanned the code (with the retailer’s app) and bought the product; if the receipt is more than $45, delivery is free. Apparently, the truck also delivers “large Supplies» (diapers, etc.) and serves as a mobile pickup point. Good idea, by the way: not only sell from wheels, but also give out goods previously purchased in the i-store. Today in one area of ​​the city, tomorrow in another, and so on.

Advice. Find a partner to organize a pop-up store. Your ideal partner for such (as well as for any other) promotions is a store operating in a related niche. Sport equipment - sports nutrition, auto gadgets - wheels and tires, toys - children's furniture, etc. Firstly, the entire event will cost less for each of the parties, secondly, the audience will be twice as large, thirdly, two heads are better than one, accordingly, the pop-up store can take on a more interesting look, a script will appear behind the action , the route will be thought out from start to finish.

And this is a real boutique on wheels. Inside the Caravan Shop there is a fitting room, a waiting area with cushions and lots of beautiful things.

Important. You will invite part of the pop-up store’s audience with a newsletter, but the majority of your potential clients will be classified as “passing by”. To attract them, display bestsellers and/or the most original, interesting products. In addition to attracting attention, this approach will help you capture more impulse purchases. Keep the rest of the assortment in strict order: service in a pop-up store must be fast, otherwise the very impulse that made the passerby pay attention to you will fade away.

There are also wheels here, but they are all metal. And choosing a route for such a pop-up store won’t really work. This - grocery store in the subway, a South Korean invention.

Advice. Be prepared to accept cards and have enough change to give change. Once again: some (many) of your customers will act impulsively, and any obstacle - refusal to accept cards for payment, lack of change - will be destructive to this impulse.

Is it worth starting a business organizing outbound trade - real story entrepreneur.

There is a holiday in the city. On the streets there are concert venues and shopping arcades. And, as an indispensable attribute of folk festivals, there are sellers of balloons, head horns and other carnival accessories. From the outside, this work seems very fun and interesting, and solid business people Sometimes such business is not taken seriously.

Legislative regulation

First of all, the absence of a stationary retail outlet is not yet a reason for unauthorized trading in any place you like. Usually, local administration sets certain rules for outbound trading, and for placing a retail outlet you must obtain written permission. During festive events a placement plan is drawn up and approved shopping facilities . When trading on territory owned by any business entity, a lease agreement is drawn up.

Further, Balloons and carnival accessories belong to the category of toys, which means they are subject to the Technical Regulations of the Customs Union “On the Safety of Toys” and, accordingly, this product is subject to certification. Until February 2014, you can still work using previously issued national certificates, and after that - only using “union” certificates.

Flying balloons are inflated with helium. It is an inert gas that does not burn or explode. However, the cylinder itself is under high pressure(100 - 150 atmospheres), and therefore represents a source increased danger. The helium cylinder must be protected from heating above 60 degrees; in the summer heat in the sun, be sure to put a thick fabric cover on it. Forty-liter cylinders weighing 80 kilograms are usually used in a vertical position; they must be securely installed and secured to prevent them from falling.

Using cylinders indoors, such as concert halls or shopping centers is not prohibited, but the administration may have its own opinion on this matter, so such issues should be discussed. Transportation of helium cylinders to small quantity personal transport is allowed. However, in order to have arguments in a possible dispute with traffic police officers, it is better to familiarize yourself in detail with the relevant regulations.

Features of outbound trade

- It’s a troublesome matter!

There are a number of unpleasant aspects in outbound trading that you need to come to terms with in advance. The main thing is trade under open air May be only successful in good weather. If it is very cold or too hot outside, people are not in the mood for festivities, and rain and sleet can also ruin the goods. Specifically for balloons, even moderate winds are unfavorable - when the balloons spread along the ground or fly out of your hands, they are much less likely to be purchased.

In the cost of the goods you will have to include additional transportation costs, as well as labor costs for assembly and disassembly commercial equipment and loading and unloading. Due to daily display and constant feeling by customers, products quickly lose marketable condition .

Another necessary evil - petty theft of goods(although sometimes they can skim off the proceeds unnoticed!). Here you can only include possible losses in the price, although, of course, you need to monitor the product to minimize losses. When particularly busy trade is expected, ask one of your relatives or friends to at least just stand near your counter.

Do not forget that latex balloons, depending on their volume and weather conditions stay in the air from several hours to days. Of course, a large bunch of floating balloons looks nice and attracts buyers, but you will simply have to throw away the unsold balloons. Balloons made of foil plastic fly for a long time (if you’re lucky, up to two weeks), but in the rain the colorful coating peels off from them.

And further. All holidays become for you stressful workdays. Are your loved ones and you yourself ready for this? Well, then read on.

Nuances of competition

There are sometimes too many people willing, figuratively speaking, to get money out of thin air in a limited space. For example, on City Day, especially the anniversary, dozens of traders come from settlements located sometimes hundreds of kilometers away. And entertainment products sell well when there is high demand for them. If there is a queue near the tent, new customers line up behind it. If you can calmly come up and buy a balloon, for some reason many people are in no hurry to do it. As a result, fifty retail outlets on one site will collectively sell fewer balloons than would be sold by five stalls.

Therefore, the rule is: tell as little as possible to anyone about when, where and at what holiday events you traded or are going to trade. Don't brag that you were somewhere successful trade .

Is it necessary to cut off competitors? low prices? When a neighbor sells at a higher price, take a closer look; perhaps such balls or horns can be bought for more than you sell them for. And if, on the contrary, a competitor has some products much cheaper than yours, do not rush to rewrite the price tag. Calculate - perhaps, in order not to scare away buyers, it is more profitable to remove this product from the shelf for one day than to sell it almost at cost. The main thing is that you don’t have to lower prices just to annoy someone.


First of all, you don’t stand still, you constantly move and reach new groups of customers. Your product does not have time to “set the teeth on edge” of nearby buyers. Even if you have a permanent location (for example, in a city park), you are always ready to move for a day or two to another site where mass celebrations are held.

At festive events, especially traditional ones for a given locality, shoppers are pre-prepared to buy fun trinkets, and not only for children. Trade is especially brisk when people have already managed to cheer themselves up at the festive table. Therefore, “air sellers” have the opportunity to successfully work with a relatively small range of goods (especially if there are no competitors on this trading platform).

The relatively low cost of commercial equipment allows almost anyone to try their hand at selling balloons. Some people don’t even bother purchasing collapsible tents and tables - put a special case with pockets on the cylinder, and sell for yourself. Or you can simply inflate a bunch of balloons, for example, in the interior of your car, and then peddle them among people walking.

Calendar of outdoor events

The main season for outbound trading is from mid-April to mid-October. Well, there are, of course, winter holidays, for example, Maslenitsa and Valentine's Day, but there are few of them. The dates of some events are widely known, but information about the timing of various celebrations in urban neighborhoods and nearby settlements will have to be specifically found out. To do this, it is enough to regularly call the officials responsible for organizing holidays. You can create a calendar for yourself a year in advance, but plans are always likely to change, so it’s better to keep your finger on the pulse of events.

Use vehicle as a stall or kiosk in Russia will become much easier. The Ministry of Industry and Trade has prepared draft amendments to the trade law that ease the requirements for mobile retail facilities. The document has been published for public discussion.

The amendments eliminate the main difficulty that everyone who wants to trade “from wheels” faces - tying a mobile trading facility to the ground. To this day, car stall owners must only occupy a certain plot of land and pay rent for it. To get a plot of land, you need, among other things, to win an auction for its lease, approve the location of a retail facility in the city’s location scheme, and resolve the issue of connecting to communications.

Amendments to the Ministry of Industry and Trade propose introducing two new types of retail outlets into the law - a “non-stationary retail facility”, which is not firmly connected with land plot and can be located “regardless of the presence or absence of a connection to utility networks,” and “a mobile retail facility,” including “cars, auto shops, auto stores, toners, trailers, tankers.”

It is proposed to introduce simplified placement and registration rules for these categories. They are expected to be approved in more detail by a separate government act. It is likely that amendments to the Rules will also be required traffic. Since counters on wheels will most likely be placed in specially designated areas. Which, apparently, will have to be determined by local authorities.

In July, when it became known about the upcoming amendments, Deputy Minister of Industry and Trade Viktor Evtukhov said that the department thus wanted to expand sales channels for domestic producers. First of all, food. After all, mobile forms of trade most often specialize in covering temporarily growing demand in crowded places. First of all, the demand for food.

The ministry believed that easing the rules could help create 108 thousand new jobs in trade itself, as well as 30 thousand in related infrastructure. “By 2019, enterprises of the Russian automotive industry may sell about 48 thousand trucks for use as auto shops and auto cafes,” the deputy minister suggested. “Private investment in the auto industry will amount to at least 33.6 billion rubles. Also, at least 24 billion rubles of private investments will be received by manufacturers of specialized commercial equipment - these are, as a rule, small businesses.For the functioning of mobile facilities, there will be a need to create additional gas stations, car washes, tire shops, comprehensive car services, overnight layover and re-forwarding sites, logistics and warehouse complexes,” said Evtukhov.