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Work production project definition. Regulatory documentation for the development of PPR

A work project is specialized documentation that contains technological and organizational decisions regarding construction work with complex installation activities and the use of specialized mechanization tools. In our company you can order PPR for all types of construction work; the developers are experienced specialists with extensive work experience.

Tasks of development of PPR– search for effective steps to improve the quality and speed of construction, as well as reduce its cost. The presence of this project allows us to guarantee the completion of work on time, ensuring the proper level of labor safety for employees and in compliance with all fire safety and environmental standards.

Our specialists plan not only relevant activities, but also technical regulations for their implementation, so that all processes on the construction site are optimized and streamlined from the moment work begins on site.

Initial data for PPR

Everything is prescribed in the PPR legal requirements regarding labor protection, population and environment. Their ignorance does not relieve them of responsibility and may cause the suspension of construction work.

This project is the main technological and organizational document, without which it is impossible to begin work on the site. The following initial data is required for preparation:

  • development assignment with developer's notes;
  • design documentation;
  • topographical and engineering plan.

Composition and content of PPR

PPR structure:

  • scheduling;
  • construction plan;
  • technological schedules (supply of construction structures, equipment and materials, routes of movement of workers and mechanisms within the facility);
  • layouts of signs with geodetic information;
  • explanatory notes.

IN last section contains data regarding the implementation geodetic works, construction processes in winter period and laying temporary communications (power supply lines, water and heating mains).

The PPR also regulates the work and rest schedule for employees, contains calculations on the amount of energy resources required, information on the need to build camps for construction workers and other mobile auxiliary buildings, etc. It must include the following measures:

  • storage of installation structures, Supplies and equipment at the construction site;
  • environmental protection;
  • ensuring the safety of all construction processes;
  • labor protection.

Organizational and technological documentation

Construction organizational and technological documentation includes:

  • work flow diagrams detailed description their stages;
  • quality control schemes;
  • flow charts;
  • basic provisions regarding the implementation of installation and construction processes, drawn up as working documentation for typical mass-use construction projects;
  • other documents recording production decisions.

Responsibilities for developing the PPR

Preparing the work permit is the task of the general contractor. If subcontractors are involved in a number of construction and installation processes, they develop separate plans that regulate the production of specific specialized stages. Large construction organizations, as a rule, have their own design engineer who has the necessary qualifications to draw up PPR. Otherwise, this task is entrusted to individual design companies.

The work plan is approved

Regardless of whether the whole building or its separate part is being erected, the prepared work plan must be approved by the contractor (general contractor). The PPR of subcontracting processes is coordinated with the companies involved in the implementation of each specific series of technical assignments.

If construction is carried out on the territory operating enterprise, the project must be signed by its management. The document approved by all parties is sent to the construction site before all construction and installation work.

Possible consequences in the absence of PPR

Current legislative norms prohibit carrying out any construction work without the availability of a ready-made and agreed upon PPR or other specialized CTD. Approved design solutions must be carried out by contracting firms. Absence or non-compliance with a project is a frequent reason for the freezing of an object by regulatory authorities and the application of penalties.

Differences between PIC and PPR

Both documents are the basis of any construction project, however, they are radically different in content and are developed on different stages preparations for the start of construction. PIC is an indispensable part of the package project documentation, drawn up at the planning stage according to the technical specifications of the customer (developer). The construction organization is engaged in preparing the PPR on the basis of the available working documentation, as well as the completed and examined PIC.

The latter, as a rule, is the same for the entire construction project. It combines all organizational, design and planning solutions.

PPR can be either general or separate - for specific construction and/or installation work that requires the involvement of subcontractors. Any differences it contains from the contents of the PIC do not require mandatory approval from the general contractor or design company.

Price for a work project from RUB 30,000

The advantage of the services of our design organization is extensive experience in this field, multiplied by the professionalism of our employees. Clients are guaranteed comprehensive advice on project preparation.

2. Composition and content of PPR - work projects and technological maps.

2.1. By Decree of the Gosstroy of Russia dated April 19, 2004 No. 70 from January 1, 2005 instead of SNiP 3.01.01-85* “Organization construction production", SNiP 01/12/2004 "Construction Organization" was introduced.

2.1.1. At the same time, by Letter of the Ministry of Justice of the Russian Federation dated April 7, 2005 No. 01/2599-VYA, Resolution of the State Construction Committee of the Russian Federation dated April 19, 2004 No. 70, which approved SNiP 12-01-2004, was denied state registration.

2.1.2. Thus, from a formal point of view, SNiP 3.01.01-85* remains valid.

2.2. SNiP 12-01-2004 “Construction Organization” is advisory in nature and establishes for voluntary use general rules conduct of construction, procedures for monitoring the quality of construction and assessing the compliance of completed real estate objects (buildings and structures) with the requirements of project documentation and the terms of contracts.

2.3. As such, SNiP 12-01-2004 “Organization of construction” provides only for the presence of a project for organizing construction, but does not mention the existence of a project for the production of work, in contrast to SNiP 3.01.01-85 * “Organization of construction production”, which established (or before This establishes) the mandatory composition and content of work projects.

2.4. Return of the work production project as quality mandatory document as part of the organizational and technological documentation was carried out by Order of the Ministry of Regional Development of Russia dated December 27, 2010 No. 781, when the set of rules was approved and put into effect on May 20, 2011 - SP 48.13330.2011, which updated SNiP 12-01-2004 " Organization of construction". This set of rules (see clause 5.7.4) provides for the development of the PPR in full and in part. The work project must be developed in full:
- during any construction in urban areas;
- during any construction on the territory of an existing enterprise;
- during construction in difficult natural and geological conditions, as well as technically particularly complex objects - at the request of the authority issuing a construction permit or for construction, installation and special work.
In other cases, the PPR is developed by decision of the person carrying out construction in an incomplete volume.

2.4.1. The full scope of work project includes:
- calendar plan for the production of work on the facility;
- construction master plan;
- schedule for the arrival of building structures, products, materials and equipment at the site;
- schedule of movement of workers around the facility;
- movement schedule of the main construction machines by object;
- technological maps for performing types of work;
- layout of geodetic signs; explanatory note containing decisions on geodetic work, decisions on laying temporary networks of water, heat, power supply and lighting construction site and jobs;
- justifications and measures for the use of mobile forms of work organization, work and rest schedules; solutions for work execution, including winter time;
- need for energy resources; the need and connection of construction camps and mobile (inventory) buildings; measures to ensure the safety of materials, products, structures and equipment at the construction site;
- environmental protection measures; occupational health and safety measures in construction; technical and economic indicators.

2.4.2. The part-time work project includes:
- construction general plan;
- technological maps for performing certain types of work (as agreed with the customer);
- layout of geodetic signs; an explanatory note containing the main decisions and environmental measures; measures for labor protection and safety in construction.

2.5. In addition to the development of SNiP 12-01-2004 “Construction Organization” before its actualization, several methodological recommendations were developed and are still in effect, clarifying the content and procedure for developing work projects and technological maps:
- MDS 12-29.2006 “Methodological recommendations for the development and execution of technological maps”;
- MDS 12-81.2007 “Methodological recommendations for the development and execution of a construction organization project and a work execution project.”

2.5.1. MDS 12-29.2006 is a degraded copy of the “Guidelines for the development and approval of technological maps in construction for SNiP 3.01.01-85 * “Organization of construction production””.

2.5.2. MDS 12-81.2007 is actually a modified, towards simplification, copy of appendices 2-5 to SNiP 3.01.01-85 * “Organization of construction production”.

2.6. According to clause 6.2. MDS 12-81.2007 “Methodological recommendations for the development and execution of a construction organization project and a work execution project” work execution projects are developed for the construction of the facility as a whole and (or) its component parts, for the work of the preparatory period of construction, as well as for the implementation of certain types of construction installation work. As part of the project for the construction of the facility as a whole and (or) its components, the following are developed:
- calendar plan for the production of work on the facility;
- construction master plan;
- schedule for the arrival of building structures, products and materials at the site;
- schedule of labor requirements;
- schedule of the need for basic construction machines;
- technological maps for individual species works;
- maps (diagrams) for quality control of work;
- occupational health and safety measures;
- explanatory note.

2.7. The mandatory presence of a work project, its composition and content, depending on the type of work performed, is also provided for and regulated by other current regulatory documents.

2.7.1. Work on the construction of load-bearing and enclosing structures of buildings and structures, in accordance with clause 1.4. SNiP 3.03.01-87 “Load-bearing and enclosing structures” should be carried out according to an approved work plan (WPP), which, along with the general requirements of SNiP 3.01.01-85, must provide for:
- sequence of installation of structures;
- measures to ensure the required installation accuracy;
- spatial immutability of structures during their enlarged assembly and installation in the design position;
- stability of structures and parts of a building (structure) during construction; degree of enlargement of structures and safe working conditions. The combined installation of structures and equipment should be carried out according to the work plan, which contains the procedure for combining work, interconnected diagrams of installation tiers and zones, and lifting schedules for structures and equipment. If necessary, additional measures should be developed as part of the PPR technical requirements, aimed at increasing the construction manufacturability of constructed structures, which must be in in the prescribed manner agreed upon with the organization that developed the project and included in the as-built working drawings.

A work production project (WPP) is a project that contains decisions on the organization of construction production and the technology of construction and installation work. Together with the construction organization project (COP), the work performance project (WPR) contains measures for the most efficient organization of construction using modern means technology and information.

The goal of the work production project (WPP) is to use the most advanced construction technologies using high-performance and mobile mechanization equipment that helps improve quality, reduce the time and cost of work. The work execution project (WPP) ensures high-quality and safe execution of work within a given time frame, since it contains measures to meet the requirements of technical regulations in construction.

Solutions for work projects (WPP) must ensure the achievement of safety of capital construction projects.

  1. Basic regulatory and technical documents

System regulatory documents in construction is a set of interrelated regulatory and technical documents. The main ones are the Town Planning Code of the Russian Federation and the Law “On Technical Regulation”. For regulation production processes There are sets of rules - updated building codes and regulations (SNiP). Prescribes the mandatory development of a work plan, first of all, the set of rules SP 48.13330.2011 “Construction Organization”:

"5.7.2. Organizational and technological documentation includes a project for the production of work, as well as other documents that contain decisions on the organization of construction production and technology for construction and installation work, drawn up, agreed upon, approved and registered in accordance with the rules in force in organizations developing, approving and coordinating these documents”, as well as:

"5.7.4. The work project must be developed in full:

during any construction in urban areas;

during any construction on the territory of an existing enterprise;

during construction in difficult natural and geological conditions, as well as technically particularly complex objects - at the request of the authority issuing a construction permit or for performing construction, installation and special work.

In other cases, the PPR is developed by decision of the person carrying out construction in an incomplete volume.”

Construction norms and rules SNiP 12-03-2001 “Labor safety in construction” also establish requirements for the development of PPR:

“4.18. Organizations developing and approving construction organization projects (COP) and work performance projects (WPP) must include in them decisions on occupational safety that, in composition and content, comply with the requirements set out in Appendix G.

Carrying out work without PIC and PPR containing the specified solutions is not allowed.”

The PPR is a regulatory document for a specific construction site; it takes into account all mandatory requirements legislation for the production of work. Deviations from design decisions without agreement with the PPR developer are strictly prohibited.

List of main normative- technical documentation:

“Projects are developed, as a rule, by design or design and technology organizations. Having qualified engineering personnel, a construction organization can develop work projects on its own.”

“Projects for the production of works and technological maps for construction, installation and loading and unloading works using lifting machines are developed by specialists with experience in construction, trained and certified in the field of industrial safety of hazardous production facilities in the manner established by the Service” (Federal service on environmental, technological and nuclear supervision)

3 .2 In a relationshipSRO approvals

“The project for the production of works is drawn up according to working drawings based on the construction organization project for the work of the preparatory period of construction, for the performance of certain types of construction and installation work, as well as for the construction of the facility as a whole and (or) its components”

When developing a work project, standard organizational and technological documentation should be used: standards (standard projects) for organizing construction and work, technological maps for the production of certain types of work, methodological manuals.

The starting materials for the development of PPR are:

  1. development assignment issued by a construction organization as the customer of the work project;
  2. construction organization project and necessary working documentation;
  3. terms of delivery of structures, finished products, materials and equipment, use of construction machines and vehicles, provision of workers for builders in basic professions, production and technological equipment and transportation of construction materials;
  4. materials and results of technical inspection of existing enterprises, buildings and structures during their reconstruction, as well as requirements for construction, installation and special construction work.

3.4 Requirements for the composition and content of work projects

"6.2. The work project is developed for the construction or demolition (dismantling) of the facility as a whole and (or) its components, for the work of the preparatory period, as well as for the performance of certain types of construction and installation work or demolition (dismantling) work.

As part of the project for carrying out work on the facility as a whole and (or) its components, the following are developed:

  1. calendar plan for the production of work on the object (type of work);
  2. construction master plan or site plan for demolition (dismantling) work and adjacent areas;
  3. schedule for the arrival of building structures, products and materials at the site or the removal of dismantling waste from the site;
  4. workforce requirement schedule;
  5. schedule of demand for main machines;
  6. technological maps for certain types of work;
  7. maps (diagrams) for quality control of work;
  8. occupational health and safety measures;
  9. explanatory note."

3.5 Requirements for the approval procedure for PPR

“6.14. The construction project is approved by the chief engineer of the general contracting construction organization, and sections of the project for installation and special construction work are approved by the chief engineers of the corresponding subcontracting organizations. The approved design is transferred to the construction site before work begins.”

The work execution plan (WPP) must contain in full:

1. work schedule;
2. construction plan made on a geological basis;
3. arrival schedules at the facility:
− building structures, products, materials and equipment;
− movement of workers around the facility;
− movement of main construction vehicles around the site;
4. technological maps for performing types of work;
5. layout of geodetic signs;
6. Explanatory note containing:
− solutions for geodetic work;
− solutions for laying temporary networks of water, heat, energy supply and lighting of the construction site and workplaces;
− justifications and measures for the use of mobile forms of work organization;
− work and rest schedules;
− decisions on work performance, including winter time;
− demand for energy resources;
− the need and connection of construction camps and mobile (inventory) buildings;
− measures for the safety of materials, products, structures and equipment at the construction site;
− environmental protection measures;
− measures for labor protection and safety in construction;
− technical and economic indicators.

The work execution plan (WPP) in part must contain:

  1. construction plan made on a geological basis;
  2. technological maps for performing certain types of work (as agreed with the customer);
  3. layout of geodetic signs;
  4. explanatory note containing:

− main decisions;

− environmental protection measures;

− measures for labor protection and safety in construction;

If necessary, the work performance project (WPP) can be supplemented with other sections related to the implementation of construction and installation works at the request of the Customer, for which the corresponding items are included in the design assignment, which forms an integral part of the contract for the development of the work performance project (WPP).

4 .1 Schedule

The schedule plan is the most important document in the PPR. Compiled in specialized computer programs, for example, Microsoft Project.

"6.3. The work schedule for an object (type of work) establishes the sequence and timing of construction and installation work. According to the calendar plan, the need for construction machines, workers, delivery times for building structures, products and materials are determined. technological equipment».

4 .2 Stroygenplan

The choice of decisions on the organization of construction is carried out on the basis of variant study with the widespread use of criteria-based assessment methods, modeling methods and modern computer systems based on Autodesk autoCAD.

"6.4. The construction master plan is developed to the extent necessary to carry out work at the site. The plan indicates the location of permanent and temporary transport routes, networks of temporary water supply, sewerage, electricity, heat supply, cranes, warehouses, temporary inventory buildings, structures and devices used to support construction or demolition (dismantling) work.”

4 .3 Charts

Developer of the PPR according to the forms presented in the set of rules

“Technological maps are developed for individual (complex) types of work and for work performed using new technologies.

For other work, standard technological maps are used, for example, TK-25 for disassembly (dismantling), which are adjusted taking into account the specifics of this object and local conditions.

Technological maps are developed and executed in accordance with MDS 12-29.

Cards (diagrams) for quality control of construction work are developed to monitor and assess quality technological processes and operations. The map is drawn up according to the attached form.

This section of the work project must contain operational control schemes for the work performed; list of required inspection reports for hidden work; instructions on the timing of quality control of work with laboratory tests of materials, structural elements, temperature and humidity conditions, as well as on the procedure for testing individual units and systems of engineering equipment"

4 .5 Occupational health and safety measures

Solutions for work projects must ensure the achievement of safe work at construction sites!

“6.10. Occupational health and safety measures indicate typical (standard, for example, protective fences and canopies) and those requiring design elaboration (for example, fastening earthen slopes, temporary strengthening of structures) activities.”

"3.2. Guidance and reference materials for taking into account requirements, as well as developing solutions for labor protection and industrial safety in PIC and PPR are:

requirements of regulatory legal and regulatory technical acts containing state requirements for labor protection and industrial safety;

standard solutions on occupational safety, reference manuals and catalogs of technological equipment and protective equipment for workers;

instructions of factories - manufacturers of machines, equipment, equipment used in the process of work;

previously developed documentation on the organization of construction and execution of work"

4 .6 Explanatory note

An explanatory note is drawn up for the construction master plan. It should contain updated calculations and justifications for the need for construction in a temporary construction facility based on the natural (physical) volumes of work determined according to the working documentation (detailed design), as well as specific technical solutions for the selection of construction machines, mechanized installations, temporary buildings, structures, etc. When choosing certain devices, the specific capabilities of the construction organization must be taken into account.

"6.11. In general, the explanatory note should contain:

description and justification of decisions made in the project;

calculations of the need for electricity, water, steam, oxygen, compressed air, working drawings for temporary lighting of a construction site and workplaces, supplying networks to the facility from power sources;

a list of mobile (inventory) buildings and structures with calculation of their needs;

technical and economic indicators of the work project"

“6.13. In a work project, as a rule, the following technical and economic indicators are given: labor intensity, duration and cost of construction and installation work or demolition (dismantling) work. For a number of works, specific indicators can be given, for example, per 1 m, 1 m², 1 m³, etc.”

In addition, the following are described: measures to ensure the safety of materials, products, structures and equipment at the construction site.

5 A work project can be developed for the following types of work:

Project for the production of PPR works for the preparatory period;

Project for the production of PPR works for the installation of temporary fencing;

Project for carrying out PPR work on the construction of temporary roads;

Project for the production of PPR works for the installation of household premises (amenity camp);

Project for the production of PPR works for the installation of a wheel washing station;

Project for the production of PPR works for loading and unloading operations;

Project for carrying out PPR work on territory planning;

Project for the production of PPR works for dismantling buildings and structures;

Project for the production of PPR works for the demolition of buildings and structures using a mechanized method;

Project for the production of PPR works for the dismantling of building structures and structures using load-lifting cranes;

Project for carrying out PPR work for internal dismantling of buildings with strengthening of preserved structures;

Project for the implementation of PPR works for measures to protect communications and neighboring buildings;

Project for carrying out PPR work on demolition of buildings;

Project for carrying out PPR work for dismantling the building;

Project for the production of PPR work on dismantling structures;

Project for carrying out PPR work for the main construction period;

Project for the production of PPR works to carry out engineering and geodetic surveys;

Project for the production of PPR works for earthworks;

Project for the production of PPR works for the development of a pit;

Project for the production of PPR works for the development of a trench;

Project for carrying out PPR work for backfilling a pit;

Project for carrying out PPR work for backfilling a trench;

Project for carrying out PPR work on soil compaction;

Project for the production of PPR works on the installation of embankments;

Project for the production of PPR work on the development of excavations;

Project for the production of PPR works on vertical planning;

Project for carrying out PPR work on water reduction;

Project for carrying out PPR work on drainage system;

Project for the production of PPR works for zero-cycle works;

Project for the production of PPR works for installation of the foundation;

Project for carrying out PPR work on the installation of a monolithic foundation;

Project for carrying out PPR work on the installation of a pile foundation;

Project for the production of PPR works for the installation of bored piles;

Project for carrying out PPR work on soil stabilization;

Project for the production of PPR works for the construction of a “wall in the ground”;

Project for the production of PPR works for the construction of a “wall in the ground” from secant piles;

Project for carrying out PPR work on the installation of a retaining wall;

Project for the production of PPR work for the immersion of metal pipes;

Project for the production of PPR works for the installation of sheet piling;

Project for carrying out PPR work on the installation of a spacer system;

Project for carrying out PPR work on the construction of load-bearing structures;

Project for the production of PPR works for the installation of prefabricated reinforced concrete structures;

Project for the production of PPR works for the construction of monolithic structures;

Project for the production of PPR works for reinforcement works;

Project for the production of PPR works for the installation of formwork;

Project for the production of PPR works for concrete work;

Project for the production of PPR works for the production of monolithic works in winter;

Project for the production of PPR work on the connection and operation of a concrete pump;

Project for the production of PPR works for the connection and operation of concrete pumps;

Project for the production of PPR works for the work of distribution booms;

Project for the production of PPR works for the installation of wooden structures;

Project for the production of PPR work on the installation of metal structures;

Project for the production of PPR works for loading and unloading;

Project for the production of PPR works for facade work (facade finishing);

Project for the production of PPR works for roofing work;

Project for the production of PPR works for the installation and operation of scaffolding;

Project for the production of PPR works for the installation and operation of facade lifts;

Project for the production of PPR works for the installation and operation of remote platforms;

Project for the production of PPR works for the installation of protective and catching systems (ZUS);

Project for the production of PPR works for the installation of suspended platforms;

Project for carrying out PPR work on the installation of remote platforms;

Project for the production of PPR works for the construction and installation of scaffolding and protective screens;

Project for carrying out PPR work on waterproofing of building structures;

Project for carrying out PPR work on roof installation;

Project for the production of PPR works for the installation of stone structures;

Project for the production of PPR work on brickwork;

Project for the production of PPR works for the installation of walls made of sandwich panels;

Project for the production of PPR works for the installation of light enclosing structures;

Project for the production of PPR works for the installation of internal engineering systems and equipment;

Project for the production of PPR works for the installation of a staircase-elevator unit made of precast reinforced concrete;

Project for carrying out PPR work on the installation of a swimming pool;

Project for carrying out PPR work on the construction of tanks;

Project for the production of PPR work on the installation of technological equipment;

Project for the production of PPR works for the installation of communication equipment;

Project for the implementation of PPR works for the laying of underground utilities in an open way;

Project for carrying out PPR work on laying underground utilities using a closed method;

Project for carrying out PPR work for removal or relocation of underground utilities;

Project for the implementation of PPR works for the laying of above-ground utilities;

Project for carrying out PPR work on laying internal engineering communications;

Project for the production of PPR work for puncture;

Project for the production of PPR work for punching;

Project for carrying out PPR work on the installation of internal engineering systems and equipment;

Project for the production of PPR works for finishing work;

Project for the production of PPR works for the installation of doors;

Project for the production of PPR works for the installation of windows;

Project for carrying out PPR work on floor installation;

Project for the production of PPR works for the installation of self-leveling floors;

Project for the production of PPR works for the installation of anti-corrosion protection of building structures;

Project for the production of PPR works for the installation of utilities;

Project for the production of PPR works for the construction of subsidence wells and caissons;

Project for the implementation of PPR works for the installation of off-site engineering networks and communications;

Project for carrying out PPR work on relaying utility networks;

Project for carrying out PPR works for landscaping;

Project for carrying out PPRk works with cranes;

Project for the production of PPRk works for the tie-down, installation and operation of a tower crane;

Project for the production of PPRK works for the installation of a foundation for the installation of a tower crane;

Project for the production of PPRk works for the operation of a crawler crane;

Project for the production of PPRK works for the operation of a truck crane;

Project for the production of PPRK works for the operation of a floating crane.




VSN 193-81


Deputy Minister
installation and special
construction work in the USSR

K.K. Lipodat

Moscow 1985
Ministry of Installation and Special Construction Works of the USSR

The instruction establishes requirements for the composition, content, procedure for the development, consideration, coordination and approval of projects for the production of work on the installation and dismantling of building structures during the construction (reconstruction) of objects. With the entry into force of this instruction, the “Instructions for drawing up projects for the production of work on the installation of steel and prefabricated reinforced concrete structures" MSN 193-68. The instructions were prepared by employees of VNIPI Promstalkonstruktsiya Yu.M. Danilevich, V.S. Zilber, A.D. Sokolov and V.G. Shandarov (address for inquiries: 103473, Moscow, Sadovaya-Samotechnaya str., 13) and UkrPTKImontazhspetsstroy A.S. Belik and A.I. Schneider (252040, Kyiv, Rovenskaya st., 10a).


1.1. This instruction has been compiled in addition to the “Instructions for the development of construction organization projects and work production projects” SN 47-74 in order to reflect the specifics and in relation to the installation (dismantling) of building structures.1.2. The instruction establishes requirements for the composition, content, procedure for the development, consideration, coordination and approval of work projects (WPP) for the installation (dismantling) of building structures of objects*.________________ * In the future - for the installation (dismantling) of objects 1.3. When developing a PPR, one must comply with the requirements of: state and industry standards; chapters of SNiP and other regulatory documents on structural design, production and acceptance, as well as the economics of construction and installation work approved by the USSR State Construction Committee; regulatory documents approved by State Supervision Bodies and agreed with the USSR State Construction Committee ;departmental regulatory documents on installation and special works approved by the USSR Ministry of Montazhspetsstroy in the prescribed manner; orders and instructions of the USSR Ministry of Montazhspetsstroy and organizations to which the PPR developers are subordinate; technical specifications for the development of PPR.1.4. PPR solutions should provide for installation work to be carried out using the most advanced methods to ensure safety, high performance labor, cost reduction and reduction of installation work time with high quality of their execution, including: comprehensive mechanization of work in order to minimize the level of manual labor, as well as the most effective use installation mechanisms and vehicles; continuous production of work, ensuring uniform employment of workers and equipment; combining installation work with construction and with the work of specialized organizations, while unconditionally ensuring the safety of their implementation by each organization; choosing the direction of installation of building structures in plan and height, taking into account the front subsequent work (primarily those lying on the “critical path” of the work schedule); the use of advanced work production methods; the use of inventory buildings, fixtures and devices; ensuring the strength and stability of structures during storage, transportation, consolidation, tilting, lifting, installation and alignment , as well as installation mechanisms and devices under the influence of installation loads; creating safe conditions for workers by using the necessary means, devices and devices; for large industrial complexes, based on industry characteristics and specific working conditions of construction and installation organizations, the possibility of using the nodal method of construction organizations . 1.5. According to the importance and degree of complexity of the work, objects are divided into the most important, technically complex or with complex conditions for the work*, medium complexity and uncomplicated. For the most important, complex and medium-complexity objects, the PPR should be developed by design and design and technological organizations specializing in the development of the PPR for the relevant types of work.________________ * In the future, technically complex objects and objects with complex conditions for the production of work will be called complex objects.1.6. The list of the most important objects is compiled by the Main Directorate of the ministry with the participation of a specialized organization - the developer of the PPR, the list of complex and medium-complexity objects is compiled by the installation trust. 1.7. The organization-customer of the PPR (hereinafter referred to as the customer) is obliged to promptly (clause 2.3) transfer the terms of reference with the necessary initial data to the developer of the PPR and ensure the review, coordination and approval of the PPR. 1.8. The organization developing the basic provisions for the installation of structures of technically complex buildings and structures must establish a connection with the design organization of these objects at the stage of development of the project in order to: ensure the structural, layout solutions and construction plan solutions required by the installation conditions; take into account the requirements of the installation organization by the general designer when drawing up unit prices for the installation of structures in accordance with the required technology for the work. 1.9. The PPR for the installation of building structures must be linked to projects for the production of construction and other types of installation and special works. When developing a comprehensive PPR (for all or several types of installation and special construction work), its sections must be interconnected in terms of time and technology for performing the work. 1.10. The style of presentation of textual materials in the PPR drawings should be concise, the volume - minimal. The PPR should not contain the content of all-Union or departmental regulatory documents, limiting itself to references to them. 1.11. Decisions made in the PPR must be justified by appropriate economic calculations and calculations for unfavorable values ​​and combinations of loads and impacts possible during the period of installation work. Individual structural elements or parts of a building (structure) under construction, used for attaching mounting fixtures and devices to them, must be checked for the specified force impacts or these force impacts must be agreed upon with the developer organization of the relevant building (structure). 1.12. The procedure for developing, reviewing, agreeing and approving the PPR for the installation of structures of critical and complex objects should be as follows: establishing communication with the relevant design organization to resolve the issues specified in clause 1.8; developing basic provisions (basic technical solutions ) for the installation of facility structures in accordance with the requirements of section 3; consideration of the basic provisions for the installation of facility structures in accordance with clause 1.14; approval of drawings (in accordance with clause 1.15) containing solutions to fundamental issues of the production of work developed in the basic provisions; development PPR based on the selected variant of work execution and approval (at the discretion of the developer) of drawings containing solutions to fundamental issues of work execution; approval of the PPR by the chief engineer of the installation department. 1.13. The procedure for developing, reviewing, agreeing on and approving a work plan for the installation of structures of objects of medium complexity* and simple ones should be as follows: consideration of options for work work (if any; section 15); development and approval of drawings containing solutions to fundamental issues of work execution (clause 1.15) ;development of the PPR in full in accordance with the requirements of section 4; approval of the PPR by the chief engineer of the installation department.________________ * If there is a written request from the customer to develop the basic provisions for the installation of structures of an object of medium complexity, the procedure for their development, consideration, coordination and approval is established in accordance with requirements of clause 1.12 of this instruction. 1.14. Consideration of the main provisions for the installation of the most important facilities should be carried out by the Main Directorate of the ministry with the participation of the developer of the PPR and the trust; basic provisions for the installation of complex and medium-complexity objects - an installation trust with the participation of the installation management and the developer of the project design; installation options, if they are made as part of the PPR (Section 15), - the customer of the PPR with the participation of the installing organization and the developer of the PPR. 1.15. Coordination of drawings containing solutions to fundamental issues of work execution should be carried out with the installation organization, with the general contracting construction organization, with the organizations that own the installation cranes, with related organizations (at the discretion of the organization performing the work), and when using existing buildings and structures for installation work , tracks and territories located outside the installation site, or during the reconstruction of existing facilities - and with the management of the enterprise being reconstructed. Decisions related to the work of other organizations must be agreed upon with these organizations. Drawings containing solutions to fundamental issues of work execution and subject to approval, are: construction plan, organization of safe operation of cranes and calendar plan for installation work; at the discretion of the PPR developer, individual work safety measures and work schedules regarding the safe operation of cranes are also subject to approval. The approval of the above drawings or individual PPR solutions, including the issues specified in clause 1.11, is ensured by the PPR customer with the participation (at the request of the PPR customer) of the PPR developer.1.16. Separate sections of the PPR that determine the organizational preparation of installation work (drawings of structural warehouses, temporary structures, complex non-standard installation devices, list of installation mechanisms, etc.), as well as requirements for the manufacture of structures, installation of foundations and supports (Section 16), ensuring the implementation of accepted methods of work must be issued within a time period previously agreed upon by the parties (developer and customer of the project), established taking into account the conditions for the deployment of installation work.1.17. The chief engineer of the installation department, who approved the PPR, has the right to make adjustments to the PPR that take into account the actual conditions, but do not cause changes fundamental decisions performance of work that does not reduce their safety, quality and technical and economic indicators. When developing a PPR by a specialized organization Chief Engineer is obliged to inform her in writing about the changes made. If it is necessary to make fundamental changes to the PPR developed by a specialized organization due to objective reasons, the customer of the PPR must issue additional technical specifications for reworking the project. 1.18. The organization that developed the project plan oversees the implementation of project decisions. The procedure and conditions for its implementation must be determined by departmental regulations approved in the prescribed manner.1.19. When developing a PPR for the installation of critical, complex and medium-complexity objects, individual parts of the PPR from the composition specified in these instructions can, at the discretion of the PPR developer, be separated into independent projects. In this case, interlinking references must be made in the relevant projects.1.20. When developing a PPR for the installation of foreign facilities, in addition to these instructions, one should be guided by the “Instructions for the development of projects and estimates for construction abroad with the technical assistance of the USSR” SN 219.1.21. If there are changes or additions to the regulatory documents referenced in this instruction, the PPR should be developed taking into account these changes or additions.


2.1. Specialized design and design and technological organizations must carry out the development of PPR under an agreement with the customer on the basis of the technical specifications drawn up by the customer in the form of Appendix 1. The technical specifications must be attached (in 1 copy): a set of drawings (DM) and detail drawings of steel structures ( KMD), except for standard ones; a set of drawings (KL) of prefabricated reinforced concrete structures, except for standard ones; drawings of the relevant sections of the PIC, including a comprehensive network (calendar) schedule (if available as part of the documentation for the facility); copying from the general plan; data on the availability of electricity, water, steam, etc. Notes: 1. At the request of the PPR developer, the customer is obliged to submit architectural and construction drawings, design forces acting in structural elements, and other design materials, the need for which was identified during the development of the PPR. 2. If design engineering drawings are not available by the time the technical specifications are issued, they must be transferred to the PPR developer immediately upon receipt from the manufacturer. 3. If necessary, perform a calculation economic efficiency The PPR also includes estimates for the installation of building structures, the estimated cost of the facility under construction, as well as the entire construction production complex, which includes the facility under construction. 4. To develop a PPR for the reconstruction of a building, as-built and measuring drawings, a statement of inspection of the condition of structures, as well as conditions for carrying out installation work must be additionally attached. 2.2. When developing a PPR for the dismantling of structures, the following must be attached to the technical specifications: a set of as-built drawings; a statement of inspection of the condition of structures; a PPR for installation (if any); an estimate for the dismantling of structures; conditions and time for carrying out work on dismantling structures; copying from the general plan; data about the availability and connection points of electricity, water, steam, etc. 2.3. The terms of reference accompanied by the documentation listed in clauses 2.1 or 2.2 must be issued to the organization that developed the PPR no later than 6 months before the start of installation work.2.4. Design and estimate documentation for the structures being installed after completion of the development of the PPR must be returned to the customer upon his request.


3.1. The main provisions must be developed for at least two options for the execution of work and contain: a) general data (title page); b) an explanatory note; c) the fundamental development of the construction plan for each option; d) the fundamental development of work execution schemes (installation diagrams) for each option; e) preliminary design of complex fixtures and devices; f) enlarged schedule of installation work for each option; g) calculation of the technical and economic efficiency of options. Note: Developments of the construction plan and work flow diagrams for the corresponding option can be combined on one sheet. 3.2. The “General Data” sheet (head page) as part of the main provisions must be made on a separate drawing and contain: a list of drawings (in the form of Appendix 2); numbers of copyright certificates and applications for inventions used in the project, symbols not indicated on other sheets drawings; consolidated enlarged statement of quantities of work, made in the form of Appendix 3 (compiled if the PPR developer has the appropriate source documentation). 3.3. An explanatory note to the main provisions should contain: links to the basis for the development of the project (work plan, technical specifications, contract, source documentation and other materials); the name and list of projects with which this project is linked and requires joint work; a brief description of the object indicating features of space-planning and design solutions, including installation connections and other data that determined the accepted options (methods) for carrying out work; a brief description of the construction site indicating the features that affect the organization of installation work; justification and a brief description of the adopted fundamental decisions regarding the technology of installation work, including selection of basic installation equipment; links to drawings of newly developed progressive solutions, used inventions, new devices; links to drawings of basic safety solutions; indications of special requirements for the performance of work arising from calculations of mounted structures for unfavorable values ​​and combinations of installation and meteorological loads and influences (wind, ice, snow, temperature), as well as from the conditions of use of this or that installation equipment and devices; final indicators for calculating the technical and economic efficiency of options (according to the form of Appendix 4). 3.4. Options for the production of work (installation) should differ in decisions affecting labor intensity, level of mechanization, cost and timing of work. In this case, for comparison, one of the options should be adopted with traditional, widely used installation technology.3.5. Fundamental developments according to clauses 3.1 c, d must be carried out with a minimum amount of graphic materials. 3.6. The fundamental developments of the construction plan for each option must contain: only the fundamental solutions of clause 7.1 a, b, c, d, f, m (indicating the required power of the main energy resources, the breakdown of the facility under construction into stages of work, taking into account the requirements of clause 7.4); a statement of temporary buildings and structures (according to the form of Appendix 5) listing only the main positions. 3.7. The enlarged calendar plan for installation work must be carried out in accordance with the requirements of Section 11, but at the same time, labor costs and the number of machine shifts of mechanisms can be determined by one of the following indicators: by the number of lifts per shift by one crane; by the output planned for each installation trust per one worker; according to calculations. 3.8. Fundamental development of work flow diagrams must comply with the requirements of paragraphs. 8.1 and 8.2 and contain only fundamental decisions according to paragraphs. 8.3 d, f; 8.4 b, c; 8.5 a, b, c; 8.6 c, d; 8.7 a, c, d, e; 9.1 a, b, d (defining mainly the essence of the options under consideration and the difference between them), as well as a list of the main installation equipment, fixtures and rigging (in the form of Appendix 6). 3.9. When calculating the technical and economic efficiency of options, the option with traditional widely used installation technology (replacement equipment) should be taken as the base option. An option with minimum reduced costs calculated in accordance with clause 2.1 "Instructions for determining the economic efficiency of using new equipment in construction and rationalization proposals" SN 509-78, must be adopted for the development of PPR; when reducing the installation time of an object, the economic effect obtained by reducing the semi-fixed part of overhead costs must also be taken into account (SN 509-78 clause 2.18), and when reducing the time of the entire construction (by reducing the installation time of the object), the economic effect must be taken into account effect in the field of operation from the operation of this facility during the period of its early commissioning (SN 509-78 clause 2.20).3.10. Drawings in basic positions should be placed in the order established in clause 3.1.


4.1. The work plan for the installation of building structures of newly constructed facilities must contain: a) general data (title page); b) explanatory note; c) construction plan; d) work flow diagrams (installation diagrams), and, if necessary, specified in clause 8.9, technological maps; e) organization of safe operation of cranes (cranes); f) slinging schemes for lifted elements (blocks); g) calendar plan for installation work; i) safety decisions; j) operational quality control schemes - SOKK (in cases specified in clause 13.1); k) working drawings of temporary structures, installation devices and rigging; m) installation options (in the cases specified in section 15); m) additional technical requirements (DTT) for the design, manufacture of structures and construction work ( if necessary, determined by the PPR developer); p) project passport; p) technical calculations economic indicators PPR; c) calculations of mounted structures for unfavorable values ​​and combinations of loads and impacts (if necessary, determined by the developer of the PPR); r) basic calculations of installation devices. Notes: 1. The project for the production of geodetic works (PPGR), drawn up in cases regulated by Chapter SNiP III-2-75 “Geodetic works in construction” (clause 1.5), is not included in the PPR for the installation of building structures and is developed by a specialized organization or employees of geodetic services of relevant construction and installation organizations. 2. The welding project is not included in the PPR for the installation of building structures; it is carried out in accordance with departmental regulatory documents approved in the prescribed manner. General instructions for the production and technology of welding work, which do not require separate design development, should be given on the corresponding PPR drawings. 3. The passport and calculations made as part of the PPR are included in the list of general data drawings (title sheet), but are not issued to the customer. Executed with the established signatures, they are subject to submission to the archives, indicating the code and the archive project number assigned to them. The project passport must be drawn up in the form of Appendix 7. 4.2. By written agreement with the customer, for simple structures, single- and multi-story buildings or individual parts thereof, in cases that do not require the development of complex installation devices, the PPR can be carried out in a reduced volume and must contain: a) general data (title page); b ) an explanatory note indicating the general installation period; c) a construction plan with solutions to the issues of organizing the safe operation of cranes, if possible combined with work flow diagrams (installation diagrams) and slinging of elements; d) safety solutions. Note: Standard drawings and solutions should be used for mounting fixtures and slinging diagrams. Separate development of simple mounting devices is allowed.4.3. The drawings in the PPR should be placed in the order they are listed in paragraphs. 4.1 and PPR for the dismantling of structures and their installation during the reconstruction of individual objects should be carried out to the extent specified in clause 4.1 with a more in-depth study of the safety issues of work, determined by the conditions of the operating enterprise or the state of the dismantled (or reconstructed) structures. 4.5. At the discretion of the PPR developer, instructions for loading (unloading), installation (dismantling) of individual elements (blocks) and work flow diagrams (clauses 4.1 g and 4.2 c), as well as safety instructions (clauses 4.1 g and 4.2 d) when installing individual elements (blocks) can be made in tabular form in accordance with Appendix 8.


5.1. The “General Data” sheet (heading sheet) as part of the PPR must be made on a separate drawing and contain: a list of drawings (according to the form of Appendix 2); a summary statement of quantities of work (Appendix 3); summary statements of installation equipment, fixtures and rigging (Appendix 6 ), mechanized and hand tools (Appendix 10), if there are several of these statements in the project; otherwise, a link should be given to the corresponding drawing; numbers of copyright certificates and applications for inventions used in the project; symbols not indicated on other sheets of drawings. 5.2. Standard design documentation, which is referenced in the project drawings, as well as drawings of departmental albums (catalogs, normals, etc.), are included in the list of drawings in the “Reference Documents” section (Appendix 2), but are not sent to the customer.


The explanatory note to the PPR should be brief and contain only the basic information listed in clause 3.3.


7.1. The construction master plan (construction plan) of the installation site must contain or graphically depict (indicating the main dimensions and references): a) plans of buildings and structures under construction, as well as existing ones, underground and surface communications located in the work area and influencing the main decisions of the organization installation site; b) layout of railways, crane (rail) tracks, dead-end stops to them and roads, both existing and subject to construction, highlighting the tracks, roads and passages used by the installation organization for the movement of people, machinery and supply of structures; c ) location of temporary buildings and structures: inventory or non-inventory production and warehouse, service and sanitary facilities (workshops, logistics warehouses, offices, etc.); central and on-site storage areas (warehouses) of building structures; pre-assembly sites; trestles for installation cranes, conveyor lines, etc.; if necessary - organization of storage areas; d) connection points for electricity (indicating the required power) and, if necessary, other energy resources (compressed air, oxygen, etc.); e) location and, if necessary, directions of movement of installation mechanisms and special transport funds; places of installation and dismantling of cranes (crawler with a lifting capacity of 100 tons or more and rail); f) location of potentially dangerous areas and pits; g) diagram and design of crane tracks (the latter can be done on a separate drawing), temporary roads for movement and bases for work crawler, pneumatic wheel and truck cranes; i) general site safety and labor protection devices; fencing of the installation site, crane tracks, location of searchlight towers, transitions and crossings over railway tracks, entrances to and exits from the construction site; j) list of temporary buildings and structures (Appendix 5); k) calculation table electrical loads(Appendix 9); l) summary list of the main installation mechanisms (according to the form of Appendix 6). 7.2. For the facility under construction, the construction plan must contain the following information: a) grid of columns, span dimensions, length and width of the building, position of the main axes of the structure; b) breakdown of the building (structure) into spatially rigid sections (captures) subject to the next commissioning for production subsequent construction and installation works (in accordance with the technical specifications for the development of the PPR); c) a list of foundations and underground structures, tunnels, communications and retaining walls that are subject to preliminary strengthening or execution before the start of installation work; d) breakdown into stages of work (according to the data given in the technical specifications for the development of the PPR).7.3. On the organization diagrams of storage sites it is necessary to indicate: a) the location of sites for storage and, if necessary, enlargement of structures; b) the location of permanent and temporary buildings in the crane operating area; c) access roads and driveways between stored enlarged structures; d) location, binding and a list (in the form of Appendix 6) of installation equipment, fixtures and rigging for storing the structure (stops, racks, cassettes, conductors, etc.). 7.4. For complex complexes that require non-simultaneous demolition of existing buildings, multiple reconstruction of permanent and temporary railway tracks, highways, ground and underground communications, construction plans should be developed separately for each construction period.7.5. To draw up a comprehensive construction plan, the PPR developer is obliged to provide initial data at the customer’s request. 7.6. The construction plan must contain the necessary explanations for the drawing, which cannot be depicted graphically: relationships with related construction and installation organizations, requirements for the general contractor in terms of preparation of foundations and their backfilling, engineering preparation of the construction site, specific issues of labor protection and other explanations and requirements dictated by the features of the construction plan and methods of organizing and performing work.


8.1. Work flow diagrams should be developed for: loading, unloading and storage of complex spatial elements, ensuring the stability of which requires special solutions; large-scale assembly of structures into large-sized blocks; transportation of oversized structures within the construction site; tilting, lifting, installation, temporary fastening, alignment and design securing structures. 8.2. Work plans must include measures to ensure: the strength and stability of mounted structures; minimal labor costs; efficient use of mechanisms; mechanization of labor-intensive manual operations; safe working conditions; high quality of work. 8.3. Work plans must contain or provide for: a) development of special issues in accordance with paragraphs. 8.4- 8.7; b) list of installation equipment, fixtures and rigging (Appendix 6); c) list of mechanized and hand tools for labor-intensive manual operations, made in the form of Appendix 10; d) graphical representation of the method of slinging and lifting elements (enlarged blocks) of structures *;e) instructions providing for the compliance of the installed cranes with the conditions of construction and installation work in terms of lifting capacity, hook lifting height and boom outreach, while for the main elements (blocks) being lifted the following must be indicated: the total weight of the lift, the outreach of the crane on which the corresponding installation is carried out element and lifting capacity of the crane at this reach; f) solutions and requirements for safety precautions during work (section 11), not reflected in other drawings; g) technological sequence of installation of the facility structures.________________ * Hereinafter - structural elements (blocks). 8.4. Special issues of loading, unloading and storing complex spatial structures that require development are: a) the sequence of loading (unloading); b) the position of structures after unloading, during their storage and, if necessary, their temporary fastening; c) relative position cranes and vehicles, racks, stands, other devices, places and methods of storing structures, indicating the dimensions of the binding, if this is not reflected in the construction plan. 8.5. Special issues of the enlarged assembly of structures into large-sized blocks that require development are: a) diagrams of enlarged blocks with a specification of brands of sending elements and indicating the total mass of each block; b) calculation of the volume of work for making installation connections (if the original documentation is available); c) location of assembly racks, stands, conductors, storage locations for structures before and after consolidation, if these issues are not reflected in the general plan. 8.6. Special issues of transportation of oversized structures within the construction site that require development are: a) route plan; b) cross-sections of places with limited clearance, showing the proximity of transported structures to existing buildings and structures; c) characteristics of vehicles, dimensions and weight of transported structures ;d) diagrams of loads on underground structures from transported structures; e) diagrams and fastening units of structures on vehicles. Note: Transportation schemes for oversized structures must be agreed upon with the general contractor, and in the case of reconstruction of an existing enterprise, with the management of the enterprise. 8.7. Special issues of tilting, lifting, installation, temporary fastening, alignment and permanent fastening of structures that require development are: a) the position of structures before lifting or tilting (mainly structural elements with a length of more than 15 m or weighing more than 10 tons and large blocks weighing more than 5 tons ) indicating the position of the center of gravity; b) the position of structures after installation in the design position, as well as the position of previously installed structures. If necessary, a characteristic intermediate position should be given; c) the location and fastening units of lifting equipment and devices (not specified in clause 8.3) used for tilting, lifting and installation of structures; d) methods, diagrams and units of reinforcement of mounted structures to ensure their strength and stability during installation (if necessary); e) methods and schemes for verifying temporary and design fastening of structures after their tilting or lifting and installation (if necessary). 8.8. The drawings of work flow diagrams should provide basic explanations on issues that cannot be depicted graphically (specific conditions for lifting or lowering structures, the sequence of alignment and fastening, control of forces and loads, safe working conditions, etc.). 8.9. At the request of the customer, specified in the technical specifications for the development of PPR, for work performed using new methods, or individual complex work, technological maps may be included in the PPR. If there are standard technological maps for any types of installation work, a reference to them should be given in the PPR. 8.10. In technological maps for individual complex work or work performed using new methods, it is necessary to develop: a) work flow diagrams in accordance with the requirements of paragraphs. 8.3-8.8 without reference to a specific lifting mechanism or device. The latter is carried out on the corresponding drawings of work flow diagrams in the PPR; b) list of mechanized and hand tools (Appendix 10); c) slinging diagrams of lifted elements (blocks) in accordance with the requirements of section 10; d) work schedule combined with labor cost calculation, wages and machine time, developed in the form of Appendix 11. In this case, the schedule should be located to the right of the calculation table (according to the type of location of the calendar schedule for work production - clause 11.1); e) working drawings of non-standard installation devices; f) technical and economic indicators for the installation of the corresponding structural element (or group of elements), made in the form of Appendix 12;g) specific instructions and decisions on safety precautions for work (if necessary). 8.11. The method of slinging and lifting elements (blocks) of structures must contain instructions on: a) lifting mechanisms or equipment (cranes, pulleys, etc.), with the help of which the elements (blocks) should be lifted; b) load-handling devices (traverses, blocks etc.), with the help of which the elements (blocks) should be lifted; c) the number of points at which the lifted elements (blocks) should be slinged; d) the total mass of the lifted structure element (block) (taking into account the mass of the load-handling device ).8.12. Work flow diagrams and technological maps must contain basic instructions on electrical safety during work, drawn up on the basis of chapter SNiP III-4-80 “Safety in construction”, GOST 12.1.013-78 “Construction. Electrical safety. General requirements" and departmental regulatory documents approved in the prescribed manner. The need to develop the "Electrical Safety" section is fully determined by the customer of the project. In this case, he is obliged to order the development of a specialized organization. 8.13. Work flow diagrams and technological maps must contain basic instructions drawn up on the basis Chapter SNiP III-4-80, on the organization of sanitary and hygienic services for workers and providing them with personal protective equipment.8.14. The work plan and technological maps must contain instructions on the need to perform the work listed in Appendix 5 of SNiP III-4-80 , according to work permits.


9.1. The drawing(s) for organizing the safe operation of cranes must contain or provide for: a) installation diagrams of cranes linking them to the structure being installed (plans and characteristic sections); b) ensuring safe distances from overhead electrical networks and power lines, as well as safe distances for the approach of cranes (their protruding parts) to buildings, structures and storage areas for building structures, stacks of cargo, etc.; c) paths for workers to move around the installation site, entry points to the territory; d) conditions for installation and operation of cranes near slopes, pits; e) designation of permanent and potentially dangerous areas: f) fencing of crane tracks, instructions on installing grounding, location of the control load; g) parking places for cranes during breaks between work (if necessary, determined by the requirements for the safe performance of work by cranes); i) measures for safe operation of several cranes on the same or parallel tracks, as well as in conditions when the areas of action of the crane booms overlap; j) explanations (if necessary) of special conditions or requirements: technological sequence of individual operations performed by the crane, limitation of work due to meteorological conditions (wind, temperature, snow, ice), restrictions on the operation of cranes in an operating enterprise, etc.


10.1. Slinging diagrams for lifted structural elements (blocks), as a rule, should be made on one drawing and contain: a) general instructions (explanations) for slinging diagrams; b) graphical representation of slinging diagrams; c) a summary list of mounting devices and rigging, made according to form of Appendix 6; d) a table of slinging schemes, made in the form of Appendix 13, assigning a serial number to each scheme. The listed materials, including a graphic image (with name) of the slinging scheme of each lifted element (block) of structures, as a rule, should be placed on separate formats (sheets). If there are structures of the same type, you should develop a slinging scheme for the element (block) of the largest mass, and in other cases refer to the developed scheme. 10.2. A graphic image of the slinging diagram for each lifted element (block) of structures, as a rule, should contain: a) an image of the slinging of the element (block) indicating the lifting mass, the position of the center of gravity, the binding of slinging points, the size of the distance from the hook of the lifting mechanism to the top of the lifted element ( block); b) image of the load-handling device; if necessary, the following should be given: interface units of the load-handling device with the lifting mechanism and with the load being lifted; methods of unfastening an element (block).


11.1. The schedule for installation work must be drawn up in the form of Appendix 14 and contain: a) a calendar schedule for the production of work; b) a schedule for the need for workers; c) a schedule for the operation of the main installation mechanisms. To draw up a comprehensive network schedule, at the request of the customer, the PPR developer is obliged issue the initial data.11.2. The work schedule must be drawn up in accordance with the stages of work, broken down into separate spatially rigid sections (engages) of the structure (by spans, tiers, floors, expansion joints, etc.), which can be presented to related organizations for acceptance for production of subsequent types of work. In the schedule, in separate positions (lines), it is necessary to indicate all individual technological operations and processes that require the use of machines and workers of various qualifications for a significant time, including: preparatory and auxiliary works(which should be given, if possible, in one line, i.e. in general for the entire facility without division into spatially rigid sections); loading and unloading operations in a warehouse, sorting, packaging; transportation of structures within the construction site; consolidation of structures; installation, dismantling and relocation of cranes; installation of structural elements of each type (columns, crane beams, trusses, etc.); making installation connections (welding, installing bolts, etc.); installation and rearrangement of installation devices and scaffolding; arrangement and alignment of installation crane tracks; alignment and fastening of crane rails of overhead cranes and overhead crane tracks; partial (grips) delivery of crane tracks for overhead cranes used for subsequent work; installation and dismantling of conveyor line equipment; painting of structures (if it is provided for by the installation organization); maintenance of mechanisms, machines and tools; unaccounted for work indicating their volumes in % ( from 5 to 10%). Note: In agreement with the organization installing load-bearing building structures, the schedule should include the use of the main erection mechanism for the installation of overhead cranes or heavy process equipment (if any). 11.3. Labor costs and the number of machine shifts of mechanisms should be determined according to ENiR, VNiR, TNiR, local or design standards, as well as the number of lifts per shift using one crane.11.4. The work schedule must contain the final indicators: the volume of work, including the number of elements (blocks) being lifted, as well as the number of units of the main installation machines, mechanisms, equipment and vehicles, indicating the cost of their full* machine time for each brand.________________ * Total machine time includes the time required to complete the relevant construction and installation work, and scheduled technological breaks between the specified work. These data are used in compiling summary technical and economic indicators PPR.11.5. The schedule for the need for workers should be given under the work production schedule in the form of a diagram (Appendix 14). 11.6. The operating schedule of the main installation mechanisms is given below the schedule of labor requirements; for each mechanism under consideration, there should be a line showing the duration of work with a calculation of the total number of machine shifts for each of them. 11.7. If it is necessary to install building structures simultaneously with the performance of other types of construction and installation work, the PPR developer must take part in drawing up a schedule for the production of combined work, as well as measures to ensure the safety of their implementation. The schedule for the production of combined work must be carried out in calendar plan installation work or on a separate drawing and must contain instructions on: a) the time and duration of work on the installation of building structures; b) the time, duration and name of construction, installation and special work carried out in parallel with the installation of building structures, indicating the performing organizations; c) start and finish dates for combined work; d) measures to ensure the safety of work when combining the installation of building structures with other types of construction, installation and special work, indicating the organizations responsible for their execution. The duration of each type of work on the schedule shown in one line indicating their start and end times. Ensuring coordination with related organizations and approval of the specified schedule by the general contractor is the responsibility of the PPR customer. 11.8. Local network diagram should be developed only for the most important and unique objects (included in the list approved by the Ministry of Montazhspetsstroy of the USSR or the Minmontazhspetsstroy of the Union republics), for which the use of a network diagram is provided. In these cases, the PPR developer provides the initial data for drawing up a local network diagram (or draws up a local network diagram) and coordinates the final network schedule.


12.1. Design developments on safety precautions during work must contain solutions: on the strength and stability of mounted structures, safe conditions for work, slinging of lifted elements (regarding slinging methods - clause 8.11) and electrical safety - on work flow diagrams (section 8). If necessary, the work flow diagrams must specify measures to ensure fire safety, or provide a link to the "Rules" fire safety during construction and installation work"; on issues of slinging of lifted elements, in terms of slinging diagrams and assemblies for them, - on the slinging diagrams of mounting elements (section 10); on issues of safe operation of cranes - on the drawing "Organization of safe operation of cranes" (section 9) and on the schedule for the production of combined work (clause 11.7); regarding the organization of workplaces and passages to them - on the layout diagrams of scaffolding equipment (scaffolding diagrams): platforms, stairs, walkways, cradles, fences, protective flooring, etc. devices that ensure safety and convenience of access to workplaces and the performance of the work itself. If necessary, the drawings of the scaffolding diagrams must indicate measures to ensure fire safety of the work or a link to the "Fire Safety Rules for Construction and Installation Work"; fixtures (devices) and rope elements of the rigging equipment - on the working drawings of the mounting fixtures (section 14). 12.2. The layout diagrams of scaffolding means (scaffolding diagrams) must show: a) basic plans and sections of buildings, structures or parts thereof with the location of stairs and scaffolds with their fastening points to the mounted structures; b) attachment and fastening points of parts for installing assembly ladders and scaffolding; c) places and schemes for fastening fences and safety ropes; d) method of installation, rearrangement and dismantling of scaffolding means (carried out only at the request of the customer, specified in the technical specifications for the development of the PPR); e) list of scaffolding means and parts for their installation ( according to the form of Appendix 6); e) textual explanations of the general or special (if any) conditions for the location of scaffolding means. 12.3. If it is impossible or impractical to use scaffolding means and it is necessary to perform work directly from the mounted structures, the drawings must indicate the places and methods of attaching the safety belt carabiner.12.4. In the explanations for the conditions for the location of scaffolding means, it is necessary to indicate: the permissible number of people who can simultaneously be on the scaffolding means, lighting requirements (if it exceeds generally accepted standards), etc.


13.1. The PPR must contain links to the departmental albums of SOKK. The PPR developer must carry out individual operational quality control schemes only at the request of the PPR customer (stated in a letter or in the technical specifications) for the installation of new, complex and critical structures. SOKK must provide for control of: correct position, geometric shape of mounted structures (elements), quality of connections, forces in installation equipment (if necessary) and compliance of operations performed during installation with the requirements of current regulatory documents and PPR.13.2. The contents of SOKK are given in chapter SNiP III-1-76 “Organization of construction production”, clause 9.9.


14.1. The PPR must contain working drawings of non-standard temporary structures necessary for the installation of building structures (tracks of rail cranes, conveyor assembly lines, bulk assembly sites, on-site warehouses), as well as non-standard lifting and load-handling devices and other installation devices (including rigging). Subcontractors are required to provide the general contractor or, in agreement with him, the organization developing the PPR, with the basic data necessary for the design of roads, general site networks, etc. 14.2. Drawings of installation fixtures and devices should be developed taking into account the requirements of departmental regulatory documents approved in the prescribed manner, as well as the “Guidelines for the design of wooden structures of temporary buildings and structures” SN 432-71.14.3. Working drawings of steel structures of fixtures (devices) should be carried out taking into account the requirements of the standards of the design documentation system for construction (SPDS), as well as unified system design documentation - ESKD (in case of centralized manufacturing). In this case, the development of each mounting device (device) of possible mass use, as well as rope elements of rigging equipment (slings, rods, etc.) should, as a rule, be carried out on a separate drawing. Devices (devices) of the same type or rope elements should be carried out on one drawing with a corresponding table of variable dimensions. The specification in the working drawing of the rope element should be drawn up in the form of Appendix 15.14.4. Layout diagrams of fixtures and devices, their purpose and methods of use are given in work flow diagrams, in safety decisions and in technological maps, and for complex fixtures (temporary supports, overpasses, assembly stands, etc.) - in separate drawings: wiring diagrams with a list of shipping elements in the form of Appendix 6.14.5. Steel ropes used for safety (safety ropes, fencing) must be shown on the drawings with details for their fastening and tension.14.6. For each newly developed mounting device and device, it is necessary to draw up a passport in accordance with Appendix 16. The passport is compiled for the developer’s file cabinet and is not included in the PPR.


15.1. Installation options as part of the PPR are developed in the following cases: in case of significant changes in the situation at the installation site or the structures of the installed facility compared to the initial solutions; if it is necessary to compare possible sub-options of the previously selected installation option for the facility; if this is required by the technical specifications for the development of the PPR; if the main provisions for the installation of the facility have not been developed, but in the opinion of the developer of the PPR, a comparison of possible options is required. 15.2. Requirements for the composition, content and quantity of options developed as part of the PPR must comply with the requirements of Section 3.


16.1. Additional technical requirements (DTT) for the design, manufacture of structures and construction work are drawn up by the organization developing the PPR, to improve the manufacturability of installed structures in order to reduce labor costs and costs, ensure safety and improve the quality of work.16.2. The customer submits the DTT to: the design organization - on issues of improving layout and design solutions, as well as strengthening structures, including underground ones, taking into account the adopted technology for installation work; the manufacturer - on issues of manufacturing structures and the completeness of their shipment; construction organization - on issues organization of the construction site, installation of foundations and timing of their provision for installation. 16.3. In the DTT for a manufacturer of steel structures, it is necessary to provide for: a) dividing structures into sending elements in accordance with the “Instructions for the supply of steel structures by metal structures factories”; b) equipping sending elements with slinging, assembly, fixing parts and devices for field welding, installation of structures into the design position and their temporary fastening, as well as parts for fastening installation scaffolds and ladders; c) if necessary, the requirement for general or control assembly of structures of the entire structure or its individual parts in cases not specified by chapter SNiP III-18-75 "Metal structures . Rules for the production and acceptance of work"; d) a list of installation connections in which drilling of holes to the design diameter must be carried out at the installation site. 16.4. In the DTT for a construction organization, it is necessary to provide: a) the order of construction of foundations and underground structures, ensuring the systematic development of the work front and the possibility of implementing accepted installation methods; b) requirements for the construction of foundations in accordance with the accepted method of supporting and securing steel and reinforced concrete columns on them; c) installation of embedded parts in foundations and other building structures for securing installation devices; d) nomenclature and location of temporary buildings and structures (structure warehouses, paths for operation and movement of cranes and transportation of structures). 16.5. In the DTT for the design organization, it is necessary to provide: a) constructive solutions for installation connections; b) location of installation joints; c) reinforcement of structures to withstand installation loads; d) additional embedded parts in foundations, as well as mounting loops or holes for slinging reinforced concrete structures; e ) loads on foundations and underground structures (basements, tunnels) from installation cranes, vehicles and installation equipment. 16.6. DTTs must be made on drawings with an explanatory note justifying the proposed solutions.16.7. Sections of the DTT, developed after the release of drawings of the facility under construction and providing for changes in the layout or design solutions of the facility under construction, must be agreed upon with the design organization of the facility and transferred by the customer of the design work to the manufacturer and construction organization. 16.8. The coordination of the DTT with the manufacturer of structures, construction and design organizations is carried out by the customer organization of the PPR with the participation (at the request of the customer) of a representative of the organization of the developer of the DTT.


17.1. The explanatory note to the PPR must contain the final technical and economic indicators of the project (in the form of Appendix 4). 17.2. Calculation of the technical and economic efficiency of options, if they are developed as part of the PPR (section 15), must be carried out in accordance with the requirements of clause Calculation of the economic efficiency of PPR is carried out at the request of the customer (specified in the technical specifications for the development of PPR).

Annex 1


1. Customer of PPR

(Object name)

List of objects

Directive deadlines for work production


4. Customer of the object

(name and address of organization)

5. General contractor

(name and address of organization)

6. General designer

(name and address of organization)

7. Developer of PPR on civil works

(name and address of organization)

8. Developer of the work plan for installation of facility equipment

(name and address of organization)

9. Data on the supply of structures (metal and prefabricated reinforced concrete) 10. Type and timing of the ordered technical documentation 11. Planned output per 1 worker

12. Data on the breakdown of the facility into stages of construction (installation) in accordance with the agreement concluded with the general contractor
13. Data on installation mechanisms, lifting equipment and transport available to the installation organization

Name (brand) of mechanisms, equipment and transport

Execution, modification, characteristics

Quantity, pcs.


14. Other requirements, including special installation conditions (if any)
15. List of initial technical documentation attached to the terms of reference

Object name

Name of technical documentation

Designation and list of drawings

Technical documentation developers

Drawings of steel structures (KM, KMD)
Precast concrete drawings
Architectural and construction drawings
Copying from the general plan of the facility
POS drawings, including calendar or complex network diagram
Data on electricity, water, steam, compressed air, etc.
Estimate for installation of building structures
Estimated cost of the object

Appendix 2





Newly developed drawings

Applied drawings

Reference documents

¬ ¾ ¾ ¾ ¾ ¾ ¾ ¾ ®

¬ ¾ ¾ ¾ ¾ ¾ ¾ ¾ ®

¬ ¾ ¾ ¾ ¾ ¾ ¾ ¾ ®

¬ ¾ ¾ ¾ ¾ ¾ ¾ ¾ ®

¬ ¾ ¾ ¾ ¾ ¾ ¾ ¾ ®

Notes: 1. In the “Format” column, indicate the format of the document of this designation, if it is made on one sheet. If the document is made on several sheets, then an asterisk is placed in the “Format” column, and in the “Note” column the formats on which this document was made are indicated in ascending order. For example: A4, A2, A1. 2. In the “Designation” column indicate the full designation of the document. In the “Reference Documents” section in the “Designation” column, in addition to the document designation, if necessary, indicate the name and code of the organization that issued the document. 3. In the “Name” column indicate the name of the document in full accordance with the name indicated in its main inscription (stamp) or on title page. 4. In the “Quantity” column indicate the total number of sheets of the document. 5. In the “Note” column indicate additional information (clause 1 of these notes or, for example, information about changes made to the document). 6. The number of lines allocated for a title or a note to one document is not regulated.

Appendix 3






¬ ¾ ¾ ¾ ¾ ¾ ¾ ¾ ¾ ®

¬ ¾ ¾ ¾ ¾ ¾ ¾ ¾ ®

¬ ¾ ¾ ¾ ¾ ¾ ¾ ¾ ®

¬ ¾ ¾ ¾ ¾ ¾ ¾ ¾ ®

¬ ¾ ¾ ¾ ¾ ¾ ¾ ¾ ®

Notes: 1. When developing the PPR, you should indicate: for complexes - the name of the facilities under construction; for objects - the name of the mounted parts or structural elements. 2. As part of the basic provisions for the installation of facility structures, a consolidated enlarged statement of quantities of work is developed.

Appendix 4






1. Estimated cost of installation work
2. Scope of work
metal structures
precast concrete
3. Total number of lifts
4. Average weight of one mounting element
5. Labor costs
6. Output per person-day

t/person days

m 3 / person days

rub/person days

7. Total number of machine shifts
including by crane brands: ______________
8. Output per one (average) tap
including by crane brands: ______________
9. Duration of work (calendar)
Comparative indicators of the adopted option in relation to the base one
10. Economic effect
11. Increased labor productivity
12. Conditional release of workers

¬ ¾ ¾ ¾ ¾ ¾ ¾ ¾ ¾ ¾ ¾ ¾ ¾ ¾ ¾ ¾ ¾ ¾ ¾ ¾ ¾ ¾ ¾ ®

¬ ¾ ¾ ¾ ¾ ¾ ¾ ®

¬ ¾ ¾ ¾ ¾ ¾ ®

¬ ¾ ¾ ¾ ¾ ¾ ®

Appendix 5


Item no.




a brief description of


¬ ¾ ¾ ¾ ¾ ¾ ®

¬ ¾ ¾ ¾ ¾ ¾ ®

¬ ¾ ¾ ¾ ¾ ¾ ®

¬ ¾ ¾ ¾ ¾ ¾ ®

¬ ¾ ¾ ¾ ¾ ¾ ®

¬ ¾ ¾ ¾ ¾ ¾ ®

Note: The statement should include all temporary buildings and structures (including roads) necessary for installation work; in the statements for the Basic Provisions, only the main listed items should be indicated.

Appendix 6


Item no.

Name, brand


Weight in kg



Scaffolding means
Installation accessories and

¬ ¾ ¾ ¾ ¾ ®

¬ ¾ ¾ ¾ ¾ ®

¬ ¾ ¾ ¾ ¾ ®

¬ ¾ ¾ ¾ ¾ ®

¬ ¾ ¾ ¾ ¾ ®

¬ ¾ ¾ ¾ ¾ ®

¬ ¾ ¾ ¾ ¾ ®

Notes: 1. In the “Designation” column you should indicate the number of the drawing, GOST or TU. 2. At the end of each section, the total mass of metal consumption is indicated, and at the end of the table - the total mass of metal consumption for newly manufactured structures.

Appendix 7


Appendix 8

tabular form of instructions
(filling examples)


Appendix 9


Notes: 1. The characteristics of electrical receivers are indicated according to catalog data. 2. K m values ​​are taken according to the table. R n – standard power of electrical receivers (total power of installed electric motors).

Appendix 10



Type, brand, drawing designation

Manufacturing plant


¬ ¾ ¾ ¾ ¾ ¾ ¾ ®

¬ ¾ ¾ ¾ ¾ ¾ ®

¬ ¾ ¾ ¾ ¾ ¾ ®

¬ ¾ ¾ ¾ ¾ ¾ ®

¬ ¾ ¾ ¾ ¾ ¾ ®

¬ ¾ ¾ ¾ ¾ ¾ ®

Note: Standards for the need for tools for the installation of structures of one-story industrial buildings, for the installation of light structures, as well as brigade standard kits were developed by VNIPI Promstalkonstruktsiya.

Appendix 11



Description of work and production conditions

Scope of work

Per unit

For the entire volume

Number of units

Faucet brand

Machine time, machine hours

N.v.a. man-hour

Price, rub.

Labor costs, person-days

Salary, rub.

Appendix 12


Labor intensity, person-hours

Output per worker per day, kg

Costs, machine - see

Installation duration, h

¬ ¾ ¾ ¾ ¾ ¾ ¾ ¾ ¾ ¾ ®

¬ ¾ ¾ ¾ ¾ ¾ ¾ ¾ ¾ ¾ ®

¬ ¾ ¾ ¾ ¾ ¾ ¾ ¾ ¾ ¾ ®

¬ ¾ ¾ ¾ ¾ ¾ ¾ ¾ ¾ ¾ ®

Appendix 13


Mounting elements (blocks)

Slinging schemes

Load-handling devices

Total lifting weight, t


Type of work

Scheme number, designation of drawings

name, brand

lifting capacity

assembled weight, t

Newly developed drawings

Applied drawings

¬ ¾ ¾ ¾ ¾ ¾ ¾ ®

¬ ¾ ¾ ¾ ¾ ¾ ¾ ®

¬ ¾ ¾ ¾ ¾ ¾ ¾ ®

¬ ¾ ¾ ¾ ¾ ¾ ®

¬ ¾ ¾ ¾ ¾ ®

¬ ¾ ¾ ¾ ¾ ®

¬ ¾ ¾ ¾ ¾ ®

Notes: 1. In the “Type of work” column you should indicate, for example: installation, loading, unloading, etc. 2. In the “Assembled mass” column, the mass of the assembled lifting devices with the corresponding slings should be indicated. 3. In the “Total lifting mass” column, the mass of the structural element (block) being lifted should be indicated along with the mass of the corresponding load-handling devices assembled.

Appendix 14

installation schedule

with fill fragments


Appendix 15

SPECIFICATIONS FOR SLANGS (example of filling)

Position number




Weight, kg


GOST 7668-69 Rope 33-I-N-180: lzag 44 m
21380M-15 Connecting link MT
GOST 2224-72 Koush 105
394Р-125 ¸ 127 Rope clamp d =34,5

¬ ¾ ¾ ¾ ¾ ¾ ¾ ®

¬ ¾ ¾ ¾ ¾ ¾ ¾ ®

¬ ¾ ¾ ¾ ¾ ¾ ¾ ®

¬ ¾ ¾ ¾ ¾ ¾ ®

¬ ¾ ¾ ¾ ¾ ¾ ®

¬ ¾ ¾ ¾ ¾ ¾ ®

¬ ¾ ¾ ¾ ¾ ¾ ®

¬ ¾ ¾ ¾ ¾ ¾ ®

Note: in the “Designation” column you should indicate the number of the drawing, GOST or TU.

A work production project or WPR is a section of organizational and technological documentation, which includes instructions for the production of individual construction and installation works. The work production project is also used to plan and control the work performed. The PPR is developed on the basis of the PIC (construction organization project), which contains drawings and diagrams of the buildings (structures) being constructed.

The work project determines the order of construction, the volume of construction work, the number of work shifts, as well as the implementation and completion dates for individual types of work. PPR ensures the achievement of planned economic indicators, as well as calculated values ​​​​for labor productivity and the quality of work performed.

Requirements for the work project

  1. PPR is necessary when organizing work on the construction (demolition) of buildings or structures, both complete and partial. A work plan is required for the preparatory period of construction, as well as for each type of work separately. Requirements for the composition of sections of the PPR are set out in SP 48.13330.2011 “Construction Organization”.
  2. According to SP 48.13330.2011, work projects are being developed design organizations, which have engineering personnel with the necessary qualifications. They can prepare the PPR themselves construction organizations under the same condition.
  3. According to RD-11-06-2007, work permits for work using lifting mechanisms are developed by certified specialists in the field of industrial safety with relevant work experience.
  4. According to 190-FZ of December 29, 2004 legal entities And individual entrepreneurs can prepare project documentation provided that they are members of the SRO and have access to this species works
  5. According to SP 48.13330.2011, approval of the work plan is carried out by the chief engineer of the general contractor. Separate sections of the PPR for installation and special work approved by the chief engineers of subcontracting organizations. After approval, the work permit must be submitted to the construction site before the start of work.

SNiP 12-03-2001 “Occupational Safety in Construction” (Appendix G) establishes requirements for the development of a project for carrying out work to ensure occupational safety at the site. Without these decisions, construction work is not allowed.

Types of work projects

Based on the type of planned construction work, appropriate types of PPR are developed for their production. Work projects can describe both the full range of construction works and their individual types.

The project for the production of facade work regulates the procedure for carrying out work on the repair and reconstruction of building facades.

The project for the installation of scaffolding contains requirements for the installation and dismantling of scaffolding, the procedure for the supply of structural elements and the quality of installation work.

PPR for the preparatory construction period - determines the order and scope of work that must be performed to create technological conditions for the processes of the main construction period.

PPR for installation of metal structures - establishes requirements for materials and components of metal structures, as well as safety rules and procedures for loading, unloading and installation work.

A work plan for monolithic works is a necessary regulatory document for the construction of monolithic buildings and structures, usually consisting of a group of individual PPRs.

The project for the execution of roofing work determines the procedure for installing the roof according to the construction plan, and must comply with the standards for carrying out work at height.

Composition of a standard work project

  1. Construction master plan.
  2. Explanatory note, which contains decisions on geodetic work, laying temporary utility networks and lighting.
  3. Justifications and measures for the use of mobile forms of work organization.
  4. The need and connection of construction camps and mobile buildings.
  5. Security measures building materials, structures and equipment.
  6. List of environmental measures.
  7. Occupational health and safety measures.
  8. Technological maps by type of work.
  9. Schedule of receipt of construction materials, structures and equipment at the site.
  10. Schedule of movement of workers around the facility.
  11. Construction vehicle traffic schedule.
  12. Technical and economic indicators.

The composition of the work project in accordance with the requirements of the OATI mountains. Moscow

  1. Scheme of organization of the work site
  2. General scheme of work
  3. Explanatory note
  • situational plan, which is carried out on a scale of 1:2000 with design solutions;
  • description of the work location;
  • the customer's decision to carry out the work;
  • customer name;
  • initial design data;
  • description of the type, volume and duration of work performed;
  • description of the technological sequence of work;
  • organizational and technological scheme of work;
  • description of security measures;
  • description of the characteristics and type of fencing planned for use in the work area;
  • measures when crossing the roadway;
  • description of security measures, including traffic, when performing work;
  • drawings of technical solutions to ensure the safety and further operation of underground, surface structures and communications during work;
  • description of measures to restore damaged amenities;
  • fire prevention measures;
  • environmental protection and disposal of construction waste;
  • noise protection;

The composition of the work project in accordance with the internal standards of PPR EXPERT LLC

  1. Stroygenplan.
  2. Work organization diagram.
  3. Technological sequence of work.
  4. Calendar schedule.
  5. Workforce requirement schedule.
  6. Schedule of requirements for basic construction machines and mechanisms.
  7. Technological maps.
  8. Explanatory note.

The explanatory note contains:

  • application area;
  • brief description of the construction project;
  • organization and technology of work;
  • instructions for the performance of work (technological measures and regulations) for each type of work performed at the construction site, including in winter;
  • instructions on methods for implementing instrumental control over the production of work and the quality of construction;
  • list of used mechanisms and equipment;
  • occupational health and safety measures;
  • fire safety measures;
  • environmental protection measures;
  • safety and labor protection requirements.
  1. Scheme of organization of the work site carried out on an engineering topographical plan at a scale of 1:500 with design, organizational and technological solutions applied.
  2. General scheme of work carried out on a scale of 1:2000 with a diagram of the work area linked to the site plan.
  3. Construction master plan is an updated version of the construction master plan of the construction organization project, reflecting specific detailed solutions necessary for the implementation of design decisions. It is being developed in accordance with SP 48.13330.2011 “Construction Organization”. It indicates the location of temporary fences of the construction site, temporary roads, utility camp, storage areas for materials and products, external lighting points, transport routes, utility networks, communications, equipment and mechanisms used during construction. Decisions on the construction master plan as part of the PPR must be linked to the PIC. The construction master plan as part of the PPR is tied to a specific type of work.
  4. Work organization diagram contains a description of the sequence and methods of work.
  5. Calendar plan as part of a production project, work can be carried out using specialized computer programs, usually in the form of a Gantt chart, and includes the timing and sequence of planned work, indicating the volume of work, labor costs (person-hours, person-shifts, machines. -shifts), number of shifts and number of workers per shift. Based on the calendar schedule, a schedule for the need for workers and a schedule for the need for basic construction machinery and mechanisms (by day) are developed.
  6. Technological maps as part of the work production project, they are developed in accordance with MDS 12-29.2006 for certain types of construction and installation work, taking into account the characteristics of the given facility and local conditions. The technological map includes the technological sequence and the basic principles of labor organization when performing operations that are part of the work in question. It is also possible to develop technological maps for the operation of a single mechanism (crane, lift, etc.).
  7. Explanatory note contains a description and technological sequence of work, instructions on methods for monitoring production and quality of work, and measures for occupational safety. The note also contains a description of fire prevention measures, environmental protection and waste disposal and noise protection.

Depending on the type of work, the composition of the PPR may vary.

Preparation of a work project

The execution of work projects is carried out in accordance with the technical specifications.

The work project has the following structure:

  • Cover with the name of the construction site and the name of the contractor.
  • Title page.
  • Certificate of certification of PPR developers.
  • Contents of the PPR.
  • Explanatory note.
  • Drawings developed in accordance with established building regulations and rules.

Text and graphic materials of the PPR are drawn up on sheets standard formats A0-A4. GOST 21.1101-2013 establishes the position of frames and stamps for each format. For an explanatory note, you must use the requirements from GOST 2.105-95 “General requirements for text documents.”

Coordination and approval of the work project

The approval of the work project is carried out:

  • with the chief architect or head of the construction department in local governments;
  • in case of a justified deviation from fire safety standards, approval of the PPR at the local Ministry of Emergency Situations is required;
  • if the project involves carrying out work using tower cranes, then the PPR is agreed upon with the company that owns the cranes, or with the organization that installs them at the site.

The PPR for subcontracting work is agreed upon with the general contractor company.

Approval of the work project is carried out by the chief engineer or technical director general contractor organizations.

When reconstructing an existing building or structure on the territory of an enterprise, the work plan must be agreed upon with the director of the enterprise and the organization that ordered the work.

PPR for installation or dismantling of equipment must be approved by the following authorities:

  • coordination of the equipment transfer schedule with the management of the enterprise;
  • if the load on the equipment exceeds the rated values, then it is necessary to coordinate the installation or dismantling technological schemes with representatives of the manufacturer;
  • if building structures are used for installation/dismantling, then it is necessary to coordinate the technological schemes in the design and installation organizations;
  • in case of forced deviations from technical specifications for installation (manufacturer's plant) should be agreed upon technological schemes with the management of the enterprise and the equipment manufacturer.

Regulatory documents and SNIPs

The work project is the main regulatory document for the construction site where the work is being carried out. He must take into account all the requirements and norms approved by the legislation of the Russian Federation. Changing organizational and technological solutions during the course of work is not allowed. If necessary, they are carried out only after agreement with the organization that developed the PPR.

List of main regulatory documents according to which work projects are developed:

  • State standards SPDS and ESKD.
  • Town Planning Code Russian Federation- No. 190-FZ dated December 29, 2004
  • Federal Law “On Technical Regulation” No. 184-FZ of December 27, 2002
  • SP 48.13330.2011 “Construction organization”.
  • SP 12-136-2002 “Decisions on labor protection and industrial safety in construction projects and work projects.”
  • SNiP 12-03-2001 “Labor safety in construction. Part 1. General requirements."
  • RD-11-06-2007 “Methodological recommendations on the procedure for developing projects for the production of work with lifting machines and technological maps for loading and unloading operations.”
  • MDS 81-33.2004 “Guidelines for determining the amount of overhead costs in construction.”
  • MDS 12-29.2006 “Methodological recommendations for the development and execution of a technological map.”
  • MDS 12-46.2008 “Methodological recommendations for the development and execution of a construction organization project, a project for organizing demolition (dismantling) work, a work execution project.”

In addition to the above regulatory documents, when developing the PPR, other documentation regulating the implementation can be used. specific types construction work.

Examples of work projects

This section presents examples of projects for the production of work on already constructed construction projects. All documentation has been successfully coordinated and approved, and all design solutions have already been implemented in real projects.

Project for the installation of translucent structures for the Multifunctional Swimming Center. The work was carried out using a KS 55713-1 V truck crane.

Project for carrying out work for the dismantling of existing transition structures, installation of monolithic transition structures and filling of cavities from the “-10” mark to the “0” mark.