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What do you need to sell candy? How to open a candy store

Undoubtedly, you, like many people in our country, love sweets and when you plan to start your own business, the question arises what exactly. We have an answer for those with a sweet tooth; we suggest organizing a sweet shop. And if you don’t know what to sell in your future candy store, then there’s no need to worry. After all, we will tell you how to open a sweets store from scratch and give some features of this business.

In a sweets store, it is recommended to sell, of course, the sweets themselves and various confectionery. Working in such a coveted sweet business can bring good income, although you will still have to face some difficulties. However, if you approach this matter competently, then something like this will bring good profit. But everything is worth telling in more detail.

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What is a candy store?

I think we can start with the fact that a sweet shop is a store that specializes in selling candy, cookies, cakes, pastries, ice cream, marmalade, caramel, cocktails and other sweet products. It must be said that the number of such stores is growing at tremendous speed. This is explained by the fact that the demand for such products is increasing, and opening this store does not require special knowledge. In addition, this business does not require serious financial expenses.

How much does it cost to open a candy store: Income of a candy store

Having your own candy store is profitable. Therefore, many people are interested in the question how to open a candy store. So, businessmen who are already quite long time building their own sweet business, they report that if you initially invest about 500,000 thousand rubles in such a store, then after 7-12 months you can get good money. In addition, such a store will become successful if, on average, about 200 customers come into it per day, who will buy sweets for about 100-150 rubles. However, big profits can be made, naturally, during holidays and pre-holiday days, but you should also not forget that you will also have less profitable days. Non-profitable days include, for example, days on which people want to buy something cold. Therefore, to attract additional customers, you should sell cool drinks and ice cream in your sweets store.

Approximate costs of opening a candy store

If you want to know how much it costs to open a sweets store, then in our time it is possible to open such a store, even with approximately 200,000 rubles available. Most of from these money will go to pay rent for the store premises. Be prepared for the fact that the landlord may ask for advance payment several months in advance. On average, the room is approximately 50 square meters. it will cost you 20-30 thousand rubles. per month.

You need to prepare money for other expenses. So, you need to spend on:

  • payment for electricity - approximately 3000 rubles;
  • salary to the seller and accountant - 25,000 rubles;
  • advertising and signboard – 2000 rub.;
  • equipment - 100,000 rubles;
  • taxes - approximately 4000 rub.
  • detergents, napkins and other small items – 1000 rubles;
  • containers for garbage – 2000 rub.
  • cosmetic repairs and decoration of the premises - 30,000 rubles.

How to open a candy store from scratch: Setting up the store's activities

A candy store is a profitable business. However, to open such an activity, you need to do the paperwork.

  1. So, in order to open a store and start your business, you will need to register as an entrepreneur, as an individual or as entity. This process is quite easy for anyone to handle. In order to register, you will need to come to the city administration, go to the department of the state registration service, or submit documents through a single window. There you will be given an invoice, according to which you will need to pay a fee of about 800 rubles. Next, you go to the bank and pay. You bring the receipt of payment of the fee back to the registry.
  2. After you have submitted all the documents, you will be told when the extract from the Unified State Register. Regarding registration, you can only apply at your place of residence, even if you plan to open a store in another city, otherwise you will be denied registration.
  3. After receiving the extract, you will still need to obtain a work permit from the state sanitary and epidemiological service and the fire service.

Easier said than done. All this will not be as simple as it seemed at first glance and may drag on for a long time, so it is best to have available funds to resolve their claims more quickly.

How to choose a store premises

In order to choose the location of your future store, you need to listen to the following recommendations.

  1. So, let's start with the fact that it is best not to open a store next to supermarkets, and even less so next to hypermarkets, since your assortment will be almost the same, but they will have it cheaper.
  2. Decide for which category of citizens you will sell sweets, if any middle class, then it is best to place the store near densely populated areas or near major stops. If the store is located on the way to a bus stop and a large number of people pass nearby, then it is more likely that your store will be visited by many customers. Also, a good store location can be on the road to a kindergarten or school, and the more people come across your store, the more profitable your business will be. It is also a good option to locate a store in large shopping and entertainment centers.
  3. The store must also be selected by area; it must accommodate: display cases, shelving, refrigerators and a counter. The area that will be quite enough for a sweets store will be approximately 50 square meters. You also need to take into account the area for buyers; if the room is less than 40 square meters, then buyers will simply have nowhere to stand during rush hour. Well, if you are planning to make a mini-cafe - a store where you can buy a cup aromatic tea or coffee and a snack and cake on the spot at a table, then you need to take a room with an area of ​​more than 55-60 square meters.
  4. It is not necessary to create some kind of complex and expensive interior design; it will not increase sales.
  5. The store must be clean, light and smell delicious. Delicious smells can be achieved not only with fresh baked goods or sweets, but also with special room fragrance sprays.

How to open a candy store without investment: Equipment for a candy store

Equipment for a candy store:

  • For candies you will need racks with approximately 6-9 sections. They can be corner and wall-mounted, and also come in different designs. There are metal confectionery shops, they are distinguished by a good stable design; also on such racks there is the possibility of installing a mirror, and they also have several sections on each shelf. approximate cost such a section (without mirror elements) – 4500 rub.
  • To such racks you can add two shelves at an angle and barriers. You can place sweets and chocolate in boxes in them, but you will have to add another 800 rubles to the cost of the rack. You will also need display cases and counters for cookies and chocolate.
  • You need to purchase a counter for the seller. Typically, such counters are made of chipboard and cost around 2500-3 thousand rubles. a piece.
  • You will also need a confectionery refrigerated display case with a temperature from 0 to + 10 degrees. You will need 1-2 of them. To store cakes and pastries in such refrigerators, you need to set the temperature from +1 to +8 degrees. Such display cases are suitable not only for storing products, but also for displaying them. Such a display case costs about 35 thousand rubles. When choosing this display case, it is worth considering its capacity in order to put as much product there as possible, due to this, fewer refrigerated display cases will be required and, naturally, there will be less energy consumption. Pay attention to the glass of the display case, it should be curved, then the overview of the goods will be better.
  • Of course, it is impossible to do without a refrigerator for storing food. They come in two-door and one-door versions. The average cost of such cabinets is from 15 thousand rubles. up to 30 thousand rubles
  • Don't forget about the scales, as there will be quite a lot of goods by weight. Scales come in regular and check-printing types. Such scales will cost you 3,500 rubles. (regular), and 25 thousand rubles. with check printing.
  • You will also need tables and chairs. The main requirements for them are practicality and sustainability. They will cost around 2 thousand rubles.

Business idea for a candy store: Staff for the store

In order to understand the essence and structure of this business, it is best to start working as a seller yourself. And the point here is not about saving money, you just need to clearly know and understand how it all works. While working in a candy store, you will need to decide on the assortment (what they sell most, etc.), find out when the rush hour is, and so on.

When you are ready to hire a salesperson, you can place an ad in the newspaper or go online and find a job seeker there. The hardest thing for you will be to teach him to work with clients, yes, so that satisfied clients come back again, so look for a salesperson with experience in sales to spend less time training him.
Be sure to choose a clean, friendly person.

Confectionery store assortment

The choice of assortment should be made based on the location of the store. If it is located in a prestigious area with many boutique banks and so on, then emphasis should be placed on unusual and exclusive products. If your store is in a residential neighborhood, where in addition to your store there are many others, then you should expand your assortment and periodically hold promotions and discounts so that people buy and come to you.
In order to form an assortment, you need to observe the preferences of customers and, based on their desires, create and maintain an assortment. But sometimes you should add new products to your assortment, because... everything gets boring sometimes, but everyone likes to try something new.

Here is an approximate assortment of a regular confectionery store. So, in the store it’s worth blowing up:

  • 75 types of chocolates,
  • about 25 types of caramels,
  • chocolate candies in boxes about 30 types,
  • marshmallows and marmalade - 30-40 types of cookies and the same amount of chocolate,
  • oriental sweets,
  • bakery products,
  • all kinds of drinks, both hot and cold,
  • ice cream (especially good for summer),
  • cakes and all possible pastries.

The markup on the product is approximately 20-35%, but you also need to take into account the prices of competitors. If you charge a couple of rubles less for 1 kg of cookies, then customers from your competitors will come to you. If the shelf life of cakes and pastries is coming to an end, they can be discounted by 50%. To always have fresh products, it is best to order cakes and pastries from local confectionery manufacturers.


If you decide to open your own confectionery shop, then do not forget, you must have your own “trick”. You will succeed. The main thing is to love your job.

Current ideas for making money

A confectionery shop, delicious pastries and sweets - this business idea is the dream of many aspiring entrepreneurs. In this high-calorie collection you will find 16 business ideas for those with a sweet tooth and guides to launching these startups that are relevant in 2020.

1. Cake to order

Cake is the favorite sweet of a huge number of people. Baking cakes is a hobby that can develop not only into an additional source of income, but also into your own small business. For such a startup in the “home-baked” format, even in the complete absence of cooking equipment, 30 thousand rubles will be enough. However, today few people will be surprised by a simple cake like Napoleon, so you need to think carefully about the ideas for decorating your cakes. An excellent option for advertising sweets would be to post photos of cakes on Instagram.

Current direction catering in recent years became pies. This business idea is attractive due to its fairly low competition and simple technological process baking pies. To open a cafe selling pies that can accommodate 36 visitors, you will need 1.24 million rubles, which will pay off in approximately 7 months of operation.

3. Yogurt

A yogurt bar is a small island-style point in a shopping center that sells sweets, in particular frozen yogurts with various toppings. To open such an island on an area of ​​4-6 square meters. meters will require about 655 thousand rubles. The net profit of a yogurt bar per month can be about 100 thousand rubles. The menu can be supplemented with sandwiches and drinks.

To open your own smoothie bar in an island format of 5-6 sq. meters in a shopping center will require about 465 thousand rubles. and it will be able to bring in about 80-100 thousand rubles. per month. The advantages of smoothie bars include a relatively free niche, small investment, simplicity of technology for preparing drinks and the fashion for smoothies. The profitability of smoothie bars reaches 80%.

5. Bakery

Bakery is one of the most popular areas of small business. Baking is a product of daily demand. Investments in opening your own bakery are small, and if consumer tastes change, you can instantly adapt to new trends. You can open your own mini-bakery if you have 885 thousand rubles, which can be repaid within 7 months of operation.

6. Ice cream

10. Waffles

Waffles of unusual varieties and types are a trend in the catering business. These are Hong Kong pimply waffles with fillings, and well-known, but domestically “pumped up” Belgian waffles, topped with cream, fruit, ice cream, yogurt and all kinds of toppings, and much more. Mostly waffle startups are storming shopping centers with their islands. The threshold for entering the business is 350 thousand rubles.

11. Donuts

Selling donuts is a great option for a mini-cafeteria or a department in the food court of a shopping center. The markup on these products can reach 1000% without much damage to demand. The technology for baking donuts is quite simple, and there are many both manual units and automated systems that can improve productivity.

12. Caramelized fruits

Caramel fruits on sticks are sweets that are popular abroad and are regulars at holiday and city fairs. The most common delicacies include caramelized apples and chocolate-covered bananas, but in principle the scope for imagination in this business is unlimited. A caramelization machine costs from 15 to 30 thousand rubles, and 70 thousand rubles are enough to start in the format of a seasonal street outlet.

Ready ideas for your business

13. Figured chocolate

Chocolate is an excellent earning option not only for large entrepreneurs, but also for beginning chocolatiers who are ready to offer the buyer an exclusive product self made. The technology for producing handmade chocolate can be learned from video recordings of master classes on YouTube. You can also open a figured chocolate store that deals only with sales finished products. To open such a store you will need about 400 thousand rubles, and the net profit will be 80-200 thousand rubles.

14. Peanut butter

Peanut butter is one of the symbols of America and at the same time completely free niche on Russian market. The advantages of this business idea can be called the simplicity of the production technology, and the disadvantage is the weak “recognizability” of the product, which will require the entrepreneur to actively promote the product at city fairs and constantly go “to the people.”

15. Oriental sweets

Oriental sweets such as baklava, halva, kyata, shaker, which have become traditional, are produced by many confectionery shops and are often found in grocery stores, but these products are far from exhausting the sweet riches of the East. An attractive format for your business, in which you will definitely have no competitors, would be to open a specialized confectionery store for oriental sweets.

Read the guide to the production of oriental sweets

The most popular format for selling marmalade is shopping island in a shopping center with an area of ​​up to 5 sq. meters, selling marmalade by weight. The cost of opening such a point, taking into account display cases and equipment, will be no more than 400 thousand rubles. The markup on these delicacies is about 100%. Opening your own marmalade production with minimal production volumes will require 1 million rubles.

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Reading time: 11 minutes. Views 119 Published September 29, 2018

Stores specializing in the sale of sweets and candies are no different from other retail outlets. In order to create such a project, an entrepreneur needs to go through a standard registration procedure. Main feature The area under consideration is the issue related to the storage conditions of products. To store most of the assortment, the entrepreneur needs to purchase specialized refrigeration chambers. This expense item should be in mandatory included in financial model the project being developed. Below, we propose to consider the question of how to open a sweets store from scratch and discuss the specifics of this area.

In Russia, business related to food always brings profit, since people will never disappear the need for food, especially sweets

What sweets are more profitable to sell?

To begin with, the future businessman must carefully study the selected market sector. Visiting the stores of future competitors provides important analytical information. Before you start creating a business plan, you need to analyze in detail pricing policy other stores, the size of their product line and even the interior design of retail outlets. Such actions will make it possible to identify manufacturers of sweet products that produce the most popular products. It is with these manufacturers that it is necessary to conclude contracts for the supply of goods.

Many budding entrepreneurs admit several gross mistakes when organizing such a business. According to experts, at the first stage of work it is necessary to carefully consider the following points:

  1. Poor assortment. After opening a store, an entrepreneur needs to attract as many customers as possible. The key to success in this direction is an assortment that satisfies the needs of each visitor.
  2. Crowded product line. In every matter it is very important to observe moderation. Candies, cookies and other sweet products have a limited shelf life. If the entrepreneur does not have time to sell all the products before the end of this period, he will have to dispose of the goods, which will entail serious losses.

At the first stage of building a business, the product range should include no more than a hundred items. In order to correctly select the products that will be presented in the store, it is necessary to carefully study the choice of customers. That is why it is very important to comprehensively study the actions of competitors and their sales volumes. As practice shows, high consumer demand extends to truffles, caramels and sweets with fruit fudge. In addition to the above products, customers of sweet shops often purchase nut soufflé and chocolate candies based on liqueur.

You can dilute the product line with gift sets. These could be boxes of expensive chocolate or cookies. It is very important to include popular chocolate bars. Also, according to experts, it is possible to add specialized products for diabetics or low-calorie products to the product line. Such actions will allow you to reach an additional audience and attract new customers. In the first stages of project promotion, any experiments can negatively affect the profitability of the enterprise. New items should be introduced into the product line with the utmost care. You should start trading a little-known product only with minimal volumes.

Sweets are a common product in any city, however, the larger the city, the greater the demand

Registration of a trading business

As we noted above, this area is no different from other areas of commerce. In order to obtain permission to conduct trade, an entrepreneur needs to contact the Federal Tax Service and register with the tax authorities. At this stage you need to make a choice between one of two organizational forms. Creating an individual entrepreneur allows the owner point of sale engage in retail sales of cookies and sweets. However, when using this form, the entrepreneur is very limited in his activities. LLC owners can cooperate with major suppliers not only from Russia, but also from foreign countries.

At the same stage, the entrepreneur must choose one of the forms of taxation. Many business experts recommend using a common system. Its main advantage is the absence of strict requirements of control authorities, which is typical of special tax regimes. During the passage state registration the entrepreneur needs to carefully study everything SES standards, Rospotrebnadzor and other authorities. In case of non-compliance state standards, the entrepreneur may not receive documents permitting trade. Having fulfilled all the requirements of the control authorities, the entrepreneur needs to once again apply to the above authorities for permission to open a store.

One of the important stages of preparation is the execution of agreements with various municipal services. The presence of agreements on garbage removal and disinfection is mandatory requirement government agencies. A fire alarm must be installed in the hall where trading will take place. You also need to remember that every employee working in a grocery store must have a sanitary passport.

How to open a candy store

Before opening a candy and cookie store, the future business owner must go through many difficult stages. You need to understand that the speed of business development depends on the quality of preparation for the implementation of this project. As practice shows, projects in a similar format have high speed payback. The only explanation for this fact is the widespread demand for sweets. Before starting to create a business, an entrepreneur needs to carefully analyze the chosen area. The issue of profitability deserves special attention. the project being created. Many beginners often face the problem of lack of financial resources due to various errors in making calculations.

If such a situation develops, the entrepreneur needs to reduce costs as much as possible, otherwise it will be necessary to attract borrowed investments. Before going to investors or credit organizations, it is necessary to think in advance about methods for repaying financial obligations. According to experts, financial questions are of paramount importance. You need to start preparing accounting reports long before opening a store.

Calculating costs at each stage will allow you to timely adjust the trajectory of business development and gain full control over the current situation.

Our priority is to sell only the highest quality, fresh sweets at the best price.

Selecting a room

The main criterion for selecting real estate is compliance with the chosen concept. Most newcomers in this segment begin their journey by organizing a small confectionery shop. In order for this project to use high demand among the consumer masses, you need to carefully consider the location of the outlet. As practice shows, best choice There will be space for rent on the ground floor of an apartment building. Many experts recommend that beginners choose areas of new buildings. This step will minimize the risk of opening a store next to competitors.

Another best option is renting square meters on the territory of a large shopping center. This choice will eliminate the need to obtain permitting documentation. In addition, placement on the territory of a shopping center guarantees the presence of large client traffic immediately after opening. However, before making a final choice, it is necessary to carefully analyze the level of competition in a particular location. The presence of similar retail outlets within a radius of five hundred meters can have an adverse effect on the profitability of the store. It should also be understood that most potential clients They will visit their competitors, thanks to their established image.

Many experts in this business They recommend that beginners choose those properties that are located next to kindergartens, schools or large offices. Such placement guarantees high traffic. Another interesting option is to open a store near a tea shop. The question of choosing premises for an elite store requires more careful study. In this case, it is more advisable to choose central city squares. You should also remember that in order to win the attention of a potential audience, you will need to focus on the quality of the products offered.

Retail store equipment

When developing a business plan for a candy store, it is necessary to include in the financial model of the enterprise all the costs of furnishing the rented premises. As practice shows, buying trade equipment takes up the lion's share of the budget. Many businessmen save their money by renting necessary equipment. Many providers provide similar services. Another way to save on commercial equipment is to buy used units. However, in this case, the risk of receiving faulty devices increases significantly.

In addition to standard retail racks and display cases, you will need to purchase specialized equipment. This category includes refrigerated display cases and freezers. The presence of these units will significantly increase the shelf life of goods presented in the store. Also in this expense item you need to include the costs of purchasing and registering cash registers. Soft drinks can be used to complement chocolate, cookies and candies. Demand for products presented in this product line increases significantly during the summer months. To store drinks, you will need to purchase a vertical refrigerator with a transparent door.

Opening a candy store is quite promising idea for business

Filling with assortment

A rich assortment is the best way to attract the attention of potential customers. As we said above, small shops should offer their visitors at least a hundred product items. In order to create such a large product range, you will need to cooperate with several suppliers. Many experts recommend that beginners enter into contracts with large retail chains. Such cooperation will allow us to obtain products from well-known brands. Interaction with small wholesale companies allows you to obtain original products at a minimal cost. However, before ordering a large batch, you need to independently evaluate the taste of the products offered.

At the time of opening a store, the product range should include no more than fifty different items. At this stage, it is very important to adjust the assortment taking into account the wishes of customers. Having formed the initial client base, the entrepreneur needs to carefully study the tastes of customers. Determining the most popular products is the key to a successful enterprise. It is very important that the selected suppliers can provide both low-cost products and products aimed at customers with high paying ability.


In the first months after opening a retail outlet, the business owner must independently stand behind the counter. This will allow you to learn from your own practice all the pros and cons of the chosen direction. Only after several months of work can you begin to select candidates for the role of salespeople. To organize continuous work, you will need to hire two employees who will work in shifts.

When selecting candidates for sales positions, it is very important to pay attention personal qualities applicants. It is very important to choose polite and attentive people who will help visitors choose products that suit their desires. Since the job of a salesperson involves constant interaction with money, it is very important to choose honest and responsible people.

Advertising and store promotion

This line of business does not require large expenditures on marketing and advertising. The main method of attracting customers is a sign above the store. IN the store sign must be made in accordance with the style used in the design trading floor. You can interest potential customers by organizing a small tasting of new products. One more effective method marketing is a pre-holiday sale. Every customer visiting the store should remain confident that this is where he will receive the greatest benefit.

You can attract clients at the very first stage of work using unusual ideas. Creating gift sets and “edible bouquets” significantly increases interest among potential clients. It is very important to correctly calculate the cost similar products. Residents of residential areas are unlikely to be able to afford to purchase a “bouquet” of elite sweets. At a certain stage of work, the need to carry out advertising campaign disappears completely. In this case, the level of store traffic will depend solely on the quality of the goods offered.

To register a business that runs a candy store, one of two forms of ownership is suitable

Initial costs

To open a small retail outlet, two hundred thousand rubles is enough. The bulk of the budget is allocated to paying rent and purchasing specialized equipment. The average monthly cost of renting space sufficient to accommodate a candy store varies from twenty to thirty thousand rubles. Purchasing commercial equipment will take about half of the budget.

The next major cost item is employee salaries. Wage one salesperson should include a salary (from fifteen to twenty thousand) and an allowance as a percentage of total revenue. The initial expenses item must necessarily include the costs of paying for utility services and tax payments. The amount of this article is about ten thousand per month.

Business profitability

According to analysts, the sale of sweets is a highly profitable project. They note that consumer demand increases significantly during the holidays. However, there are times when sales volumes drop to almost zero. Typically, chocolate and candy are less in demand during the summer months. At this time you need to introduce into the assortment different kinds ice cream and soft drinks.

The business plan for a candy and cookie store should be based on calculations of the profitability of the project. To achieve financial well-being, you will need to reach a sales volume of 200-300 transactions. As a rule, the average cost of a check is about one hundred rubles. This means that the daily revenue must be at least twenty thousand. Reaching this figure guarantees a quick return on investment.

Conclusions (+ video)

The commercial direction under consideration is one of the promising options for beginners. Compilation turn-based strategy development of your own business guarantees the achievement of your goals. When drawing up a business plan, it is very important to think in advance about ways to attract customers and the pricing policy that the store will adhere to. This step will allow you to decide target audience and find out about the desires of potential buyers.

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What is the article about?

Almost every grocery list contains the mysterious item “...and something for tea.” Thanks to this, the shelves of sweets in stores continue to delight the eye with an abundance of goods. But still, we visit some retail outlets more often, and some - only as a last resort. How to prevent your project from ending up like the last option? How to make your candy business prosper? Let's try to figure it out.

How to open a candy store from scratch?

You have decided to become a food entrepreneur. Open a candy store – good idea, which will quickly pay for itself, since everyone loves sweets. Don't worry about the lack of new products, because the range of delicacies is huge.

First, you need to draw up a business plan, carefully outline the costs, estimate the level of revenue taking into account competition and the number of potential clients, and decide whether it is profitable to start a business. This will help determine what you need start-up capital. If you are planning a store with further expansion, it makes sense to increase the business plan by adding more calculations.

Think carefully before borrowing money to start a process. If the business does not go well, it will be difficult to repay debts. Have you decided to use the services of lenders? Then you need to calculate the interest rate on the loan. Using a special formula for this, you will see the full cost of the loan, including various fees, penalties and additional expenses.

Advice: Be sure to keep accounting records at every stage of store promotion. This way you can really see the economic situation and control it.

Do not forget that selling candy as a business can become profitable income for the whole family. So, what milestones await you ahead?

Business registration

Newcomers to this field need to register as individual entrepreneur or LLC (company with limited liability). The next step is to obtain a taxpayer certificate. There are different categories of taxes, but it is more convenient to use the general taxation system.

Important: plus OSNO ( common system taxation) is the absence of restrictions on income, the number of people working for you, and the size of retail space. From time to time it is worth checking to see if you have accumulated debts. For this there is affordable way– find out the debt by last name.

It is necessary to comply with the established standards of the Fire Service, Rospotrebnadzor, Sanitary Service and other organizations. All requirements must be met in accordance with the law. When everything is done, you can invite employees of these structures for a consultation to make sure that everything is done correctly, otherwise, to correct errors.

Don’t forget about regular procedures - disinfection, disinfestation, garbage removal, etc. In order to carry out this work efficiently, enter into contracts with the relevant services. For safety, it is also necessary to install a fire alarm. Over time, when you start hiring sellers, be sure to get health records for each of them.

Selecting a room

Before you start looking for premises, decide on the format of the future project. Beginners in this business usually start with small confectionery shops. Factors to pay attention to:

  • Location. The best option– this is placing a shop in a residential area, for example on the first floors of new buildings. Their owners are happy to rent out rooms. Remember also shopping centers and grocery stores. To open a point, you no longer need many documents and special permits. You will also be provided with a flow of customers who will pass by your department when visiting the store.
  • Competition. When choosing a room, find out who your neighbors will be. If there are large supermarkets nearby, this may adversely affect your income. Of course, co-location with another candy store will not bring anything good: customers trust trusted places. It is best to have various institutions nearby: office buildings, schools, kindergartens. A great combination: sweets and a tea shop nearby. These products complement each other, because often after purchasing tea a person goes to buy confectionery.

If you are planning to open an expensive chocolate store, then you should approach the selection of premises more carefully. It is more profitable to place it as close as possible to the city center, where reputable firms and companies are located. Having completed this condition, you will win the attention of wealthy clients, for whom the key issue is not the cheapness of the product, but its quality.

Advice: if you plan to expand the range in the future or add something to the store, for example, open children's Cafe, make sure there is a suitable area.

Equipment purchase

It usually takes lion's share investments. In addition, it is good to have experience to gain quality equipment. To reduce costs, you can use a rental service. Some companies provide a similar service. Another way to save money is to buy used equipment, its price is several times lower. There are many similar offers on the Internet, for example, someone purchased equipment for a burger shop, started working, but due to low demand, the business had to be closed. If the equipment remains, certain universal elements (for example, a counter) will be useful to you.

Main components of commercial equipment:

  • refrigerators;
  • air conditioners;
  • racks for placing chocolate products, cookies, cakes, pastries;
  • counters with display cases;
  • cash machine;
  • trade scales;
  • lighting.


  • a special refrigerator for storing sweet drinks or ice cream;
  • coffee machine;
  • furniture for holding a tasting in the hall or for organizing a mini-cafe: tables, chairs, hangers, dishes, etc.;
  • products for selling sweets: bags, napkins, spoons, gift packaging.

Advice: During the hot season, cold drinks, cocktails, and ice cream will bring good profits. To protect visitors from the heat, it is worth purchasing large sun umbrellas, as well as special tables and chairs for use under open air. The opportunity to relax and drink something cooling in the fresh air will attract visitors.

Supplier search

There are 3 criteria that will help you find suitable suppliers and attract buyers:

  1. Brand. When choosing a partner, you decide between large and small companies. Who to work with? It is advisable to cooperate with large regional wholesalers, as this opens up the opportunity to deal with well-known brands. It's no secret that people choose what is recognizable, which is why candies that are actively advertised on television and in the press always sell better. However, by purchasing products from small suppliers, you can not only save money, but also purchase an interesting and original product. So stick to the middle ground as there are pros and cons to everything.
  2. Price. There are several factors that influence pricing. You need to calculate how close the supplier is and whether the delivery is free. And if not, how much does it cost? Sometimes suppliers cheat by claiming the lowest price but adding hidden fees.
  3. Range. This is perhaps the key point in business. The wider the selection of products, the greater the chances of selling something. Your starter kit for a novice confectionery seller will consist of 30-40 units of products. It is very important to maintain a stable assortment. Since some regular customers will come to you for specific products, you need to always have them on the shelf, because if they don't see them, the customer may not come again. Conduct constant monitoring and assess the situation in your reserves. That is, the supplier must be reliable in terms of its ability to provide the required range.

Try to eliminate unpopular products and replenish your shelves more often with new, high-quality sweets. Focus on a different contingent of buyers, acquire both cheap and luxury products. In addition, take into account not only your tastes, but the preferences of different categories of people in your area. This will, of course, affect the number of regular customers.

To stay competitive in the market, you need to constantly come up with fresh ideas for your store. For example, you can supplement purchased chocolate and candies with the sale of fresh desserts own production. Exclusive cooking is the key to success. Customers will be delighted with both the quality and your creativity.

Advice: Sell ​​cookies, cakes and chocolate drinks along with candy. This will improve your store's sales and image.


At first, you should work independently. This is the only way to understand all the basic processes and control your business at the initial stages. Over time, you will need help. If the store is small, then 2-3 employees will be enough. The work schedule must be in shifts. Best option- if the sellers are responsible, permanent and knowledgeable about the product. It is also important that staff have the following qualities:

  • politeness;
  • attentiveness;
  • honesty;
  • sociability;
  • pliability and gentleness.

Advice: Since the above qualities are most often possessed by middle-aged and older women, try to hire them.

When you move to a completely new professional level and it becomes difficult to cope alone, you will need the entire arsenal of workers:

  • sellers (4-5);
  • accountant (probably working remotely);
  • movers.

Idea: To check the quality of service in your store, use the “mystery shopping” service. Under the guise of a client, the hired person tries to pay attention to the most important points for the business. As a result, you will receive a report indicating your employee’s score for each parameter being checked.

Conducting an advertising campaign

There is no need to spend a lot of money on expensive advertising. A simple street sign will suffice to get you started. Also take care of the “operating mode” sign. A proven scheme that attracts many people remains tasting. It wouldn’t hurt to organize a seasonal or holiday sale or create gift sets. It is important to accustom your customers to the fact that you can always find interesting and profitable offers. This will expand your audience.

  • Website of the company you will be working with. Be sure to pay attention to the functionality of the Internet resource, since it is by its content that you can judge the skill of the workers. If they couldn’t make a good website for themselves, they won’t do it for you either.
  • Collaborate with those who have experience. Showcasing your work, advertising company will provide a portfolio. Perhaps there will be only one project, but it must be done with high quality.
  • It is important to remember multifunctionality advertising agency. It's easier to collaborate with people who can do everything and provide a wide variety of services. This way you will significantly save time and effort. Only printing products need to be ordered separately. This is better than printing leaflets and business cards on a printer, just keep in mind that printing houses have a minimum circulation. You can compare prices in several of them and then place an order. It is likely that those who make it cheaper will not have worse quality.
  • Clearly defined deadlines. It is best to discuss them in writing. It is difficult to make a claim against the failure of a verbal agreement.

Many go to high level sales due to the fact that they make business cards and leave them in places that are popular with the population

If these conditions are met, soon marketing and its costs will no longer be your headache. The products you will sell will no longer need additional advertising; queues will line up for them. But still the first time the best way attracting people can be the price. It should be slightly lower than that of competitors. Then she will attract attention.

Interesting advertising idea is the preparation of unusual “edible bouquets”. IN Lately they have become fashionable as a form of confectionery art and generally arouse curiosity. The bouquet consists of chocolate or other products wrapped in bright, beautiful candy wrappers. You can give a gift to your loved ones and friends. The demand for goods will especially increase during the holidays. Understanding customer needs allows you to become a popular and sought-after seller.

What candies and sweets are more profitable to sell?

When attracting customers, it is very important to form the right assortment. Two extremes must be avoided:

  1. Too many. The goods will deteriorate because the business is just gaining momentum and people don’t know you yet.
  2. Poor selection of sweets. Your task is to attract as many customers as possible, but a boring, small assortment is not able to do this.

At first, the optimal quantity is 30-40 types of loose chocolates and approximately 5-8 types of caramel. Focus on customer tastes to know which sweets are the most popular. Analyze the choice of customers in neighboring stores and take note of it, buy exactly these sweets. But still most in demand I always enjoyed the following delicacies:

  • truffles;
  • chocolates with praline;
  • chocolate with wafer layer;
  • products with caramel and fruit fudge;
  • high-quality jelly (fruit, berry, chocolate, caramel);
  • sweets with liqueur;
  • nut souffle.

Among caramels, large candies of various colors and flavors, as well as products coated with chocolate glaze, are very popular. Even if your store mainly specializes in loose candies, it is advisable to supplement your customers’ choice with filled bars, chocolates in gift boxes and chocolate bars different types. Many successful businessmen have noticed that it is profitable to offer unique products that have not yet become popular. These can be low-calorie sweets; they are a worthy replacement for chocolate ones (such sweets have become popular among children and those who are losing weight). These sweets are based on berries, fruits, dried fruits and even rose petals. In addition, these products can be safely mixed with high-calorie chocolate and get delicious results. Therefore, we include the following new items among the interesting and fresh ideas:

  • fruit pastille;
  • dried apricots and prunes in chocolate;
  • candies with raisins;
  • healthy muesli bars.

Selling candy as a business is possible even for a novice entrepreneur. To achieve success, it is important to find a good location for the store, correctly formulate the assortment and set the optimal trading margin that will suit both the owner of the outlet and customers. Your own confectionery store will pay for itself in a year, and then will bring a stable profit.

How to start your own candy business

Depending on your financial capabilities, the following are suitable for selling sweets:

  • small stationary store;
  • Department ;
  • a counter in a grocery store, subleased;
  • kiosk in the metro or underground passage;
  • mobile mini market.

It’s worth starting work with a small store or department. At successful business expansion possible. You can formulate the idea of ​​a retail outlet and assortment yourself or purchase it.

Another option is to enter into an agreement with a specific confectionery factory and promote exclusively their products. This approach will help to obtain favorable price conditions, but will significantly limit the assortment.

Which candies are more profitable to sell? We create an assortment

To attract customers, it is important to formulate the assortment correctly. It should not be too large; unclaimed candies will spoil. However, a meager assortment will also not work; it will not be able to attract a sufficient number of buyers. The optimal option is about 30 varieties of loose chocolates, at least 10 varieties of caramel.

When choosing candies, focus on consumer preferences. To do this, just go to the nearest supermarket and observe what customers prefer. Marketers note that truffles, chocolates with a praline body and a wafer layer, products with a fondant-whipped body, as well as high-quality candies with fruit jelly, liqueur, nuts or soufflé are in high demand.

Loose candies should be supplemented with chocolate bars, filled bars and boxed products. The assortment should include inexpensive sets for family tea parties and luxurious gift options. Domestic products are preferred, they are much more affordable and are perceived by the consumer as more natural.

What do you need to open a candy store?

Business plan

Before opening a candy store, you need to make detailed business plan. It is necessary to calculate all upcoming expenses: rental costs, costs of organizing a legal entity, purchasing equipment, salaries of sellers and purchasing goods. Put an amount in your plan for unforeseen expenses, they will definitely come.

Business registration

Register a legal entity. For retail is more suitable, it will help pay tax according to a simplified scheme. If you plan to open several retail outlets, each can be registered as a separate individual entrepreneur.

Premises for a candy store

Pick up suitable premises for a point of sale. It can be quite small; sublease in the premises of another store is possible. A wonderful companion The mini-confectionery will have a department selling sausages or dairy products. Customers stopping by to buy groceries for dinner will definitely grab some sweets for tea.

A good opportunity to create passive income is a wise investment of money. Find out how and where to invest money correctly from the new book Territories of Investment.

Necessary equipment

Select your equipment. For a novice entrepreneur, the format of counter trade is more convenient. This will help avoid theft; one salesperson per shift is sufficient to serve customers. To trade, you need a counter with scales and a cash register, several closed stands and display cases, as well as open plastic cassettes into which candies are poured. Good lighting is necessary to ensure that the product is presented as effectively as possible. It is advisable to provide the premises with air conditioning so that customers feel comfortable.


Find suppliers. It is advisable to place a bet on the most popular brands; they can be found at large regional wholesalers. Don’t forget about small producers, as they often produce tasty and unusual products at very attractive prices. Think about possible expansion of the range. Sweets and chocolate should be complemented with cakes, cookies, gingerbread and other sweets. They can be purchased from small bakeries and. The assortment should include tea bags and instant coffee, which are related product and significantly increase the amount of the average check.

Store employees

Hire salespeople. To work in small store 2 employees working in shifts are enough. Focus on middle-aged and older women, they are interested in a good job and have a better understanding of the product. It is very important that salespeople are polite, attentive, sociable, engaging and supportive a good relationship with regular customers.

To attract buyers, it is important to have competitive advantage. Among the main advantages for consumers:

  • low prices;
  • fresh and high-quality product;
  • a wide range of; frequent new products;
  • possibility of tastings;
  • competent sellers who can give the right advice.

It is important to maintain the stability of the assortment. Many regular customers come for a certain product and get upset when they don’t find it on sale. Constantly evaluate inventory, removing unpopular items and offering new items as often as possible. Watch out for advertisements. Candies that are actively advertised on television and in the press always sell better.

Organize seasonal or pre-holiday sales and create gift sets. This approach will help expand the consumer audience. Actively advertise your store by handing out flyers and posting promotions. Teach your customers that you can always find something interesting and profitable.

If the owner of the premises increases the rent or imposes other unfavorable conditions, find another location for the store. Mobility is the key to success for a small retail outlet. At proper organization trade, you can easily find new customers, and especially loyal regular customers will come to the new address.