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How to open your own clothing store from scratch - a sample business plan. What you need and where to start to open your own clothing store Opening a women's clothing department

One of the most popular areas in small business is the clothing trade. But many aspiring entrepreneurs cannot imagine how they can open and develop their own business in this area. The format of the outlet is not so important, be it a boutique, a women's, children's or workwear store, or a showroom. The problems and production nuances will be the same.

Business has undergone significant changes since the nineties. Previously, clothes were brought to Russia by shuttles and sold in special markets. Today people buy clothes in specialized stores or shopping centers. Individual entrepreneurs no longer transport products, but purchase them from factories or suppliers.

Choosing a point format is an integral part of starting a business. Today there are more than enough of them. The most popular store options:

  • Second hand.
  • Stock.
  • Multi-brand.
  • Mono-brand.
  • Franchise trader.
  • Boutique.

Second hand

This establishment sells clothes that have previously been used by someone. In Europe and other countries there are companies that buy clothes from the population for little money. Then employees sort the items and send them to the chain stores.

The main criterion for clothes that end up in second-hand stores is the degree of wear and tear. The price for which the product will be sold will depend on this.

The markup in such stores may be around at 200-250 percent. You don't need a lot of start-up capital to open it. Organizing such a business is relatively simple, and the demand for such establishments among the population is quite high.


Stock stores specialize in items that were not sold out in previous seasons. You can also find branded clothing that is in surplus.

The markup at such points is usually does not exceed 90-100 percent, so this is where you can buy quality items at low prices.


Multi-brand establishments are aimed at middle and high-class buyers. They feature products from leading designers. This store sells clothing from several brands, thereby providing customers with a wide choice.

When opening, you need to take into account that there will be many competitors. When organizing the trading process, you need to hire qualified sellers, and also pay special attention to merchandising.


As a rule, only one brand is represented here. Such establishments are aimed at middle and high class buyers. Buyers usually belong to a narrow circle of clients point of sale. The store presents high requirements to the staff, since it is necessary to maintain long-term relationships with customers.

By franchise

A store opened in this way can be either a profitable project or a failure. On the one hand, trading through a franchise has the advantages of a popular advertised brand, help and support from the franchisor. On the other hand, it can become a disadvantageous business, since purchases and monthly deductions can be expensive.

To open such a business, you must have start-up capital. In addition, you need to carefully follow the instructions from your superiors. The essence is quite simple: you have capital, you are offered to run a business using a well-promoted brand. Your task is to divide the profits between the franchisor and yourself.

Usually you need to make some kind of down payment, the amount of which varies greatly from company to company. Next you must pay monthly payments from total sales. Also, some franchises may charge advertising fees.


A boutique is a small store, within 15-20 square meters. They mainly sell clothes from expensive brands.

The target audience is clients with average and high level prosperity. Opening such an establishment will be quite expensive, so it is necessary to look for an individual approach to almost every client. However, only qualified salespeople should be hired.

Directions of the establishment

Stores can also be divided into several areas:

  • Men's clothing.
  • Female.
  • Children's.

Based on market analysis, we can confidently say that It's best to open a store women's clothing , since women pay increased attention to their wardrobe.

Step-by-step instructions for organizing such a business are presented in the following video:

Company registration

To sell clothes, you need (IP) or (LLC). To open a small store in a small or medium-sized city, registering as an individual entrepreneur is better suited. This will allow the businessman to save on taxes and other obligations.

You also need to purchase cash machine and register it. It is best to do this after you have rented the retail space.

Selecting a point location

The location of your store will determine the flow of customers and, accordingly, income. To choose the best place, you can ask your friends where they prefer to buy things. You can also conduct a survey on social networks and determine where people like to go shopping the most.

There are several location options:

  • Shopping and entertainment centers.
  • Separate store.

If the store is located in a shopping center, then it has some advantages:

  • There is a large flow of customers in the shopping center.
  • The rent for retail space is not that high.

The disadvantage may be that best places the shopping center is already occupied. Renting other places can be an unprofitable solution, since the profit received depends on the location of the point. You should not rent a place that is located on the top floors, as there may be very few buyers there.

It is advisable to open a separate establishment only in a place where it will intersect with a large flow of customers. For example, you should not open a clothing store for young people in a residential area of ​​the city.

The advantage of a free-standing point is that it is owned by the owner, and he is responsible for it.

Let's consider each option separately:

  • It is best to open a second-hand store as a free-standing store with a small area.
  • The stock version will also work great as a separate room.
  • It is advisable to place a multi-brand in a shopping center, preferably on the 1st or 2nd floors.
  • Mono-brand, as well as multi-brand, can be opened in a shopping center on the 1st or 2nd floor. It can also be located as a separate establishment.
  • The decision on the location of the outlet selling clothing under a franchise will be decided by the franchisor, who will analyze the market and potential competitors.
  • The boutique should be opened as a separate store. At the same time, you need to take care of its presentable appearance.

Necessary equipment

Before opening an establishment, you should take care of purchasing necessary equipment.

For a clothing store you need to buy:

  • mannequins on which the presented products will be hung;
  • showcases and racks;
  • fitting booths, hangers;
  • cash machine;
  • special scanners for credit cards.

Supplier search

After you have chosen the direction of the establishment, registered a company, rented premises, purchased equipment, you need to find suppliers. The supplier must first of all deliver on time quality goods, able to satisfy the tastes of visitors.

Finding suppliers will not be very difficult. Factories can become suppliers from Europe, America, China, and Russia. The main problem may be finding an original product that will set you apart from competing stores.

Note! To find an interesting product for your establishment, you can attend special clothing exhibitions and fashion shows.

If you want to work with a specific brand, then you need to contact the supplier for delivery. You can find contacts of such companies on the Internet or ask friends who are engaged in the same business and work with this brand.


Naturally, you will need to hire professional sales consultants. These employees will determine how often customers purchase products from your store. Revenue, in turn, will depend on this.

A qualified specialist must have a presentable appearance, confidently understand the product, and be able to find an individual approach to each client.

The point's revenue depends approximately 70 percent on the actions of sellers, so it is important to select good specialists who already have experience in sales.

You can place recruitment advertisements in newspapers, television and radio. You can also provide information on the Internet or use the services of recruitment agencies.

In addition to salespeople, you need to hire accountant, cleaners, administrator, security guards.

Don't forget that employees need to be constantly motivated. This will improve the quality of their work and productivity. It is necessary to carry out certification activities once a year.

Also remember that salespeople will have to be trained if someone does not have the required work experience.

Costs, sources of financing

The costs will roughly look like this:

  • Registration of an individual entrepreneur – 2,000 rubles.
  • Obtaining permits – 10,000 rubles.
  • Rent – ​​30,000 rubles.
  • Design and decoration – 100,000 rubles.
  • Purchase of goods – from 200,000 rubles.
  • Advertising – from 20,000 rubles.
  • Payment to employees – 180,000 rubles.
  • Equipment – ​​from 70,000 rubles.

Possible sources of funding:

  • Loan for small business development.
  • Private investor.
  • Own or borrowed capital.


You can advertise your location using television, radio, social networks. On the first day of sales, you can give special loyalty cards that will give a discount on goods.

On the first day you can also organize a competition with a drawing of various prizes. Don't forget about gifts for visitors during the holidays.

Possible profit

On average, a clothing store can pay for itself in 1-2 years. If the business organization has been properly structured, the products are of high quality, and an acceptable price policy, then the projected revenue can be reached within six months.

Remember that when opening such an establishment, it is necessary to constantly update the product range to maintain constant demand for your product.

You have already worked as an administrator for a year, you know the basics of marketing and management, you have a great desire to start a business, which means it’s time for you to open own store.

The peculiarities of the Russian climate are such that everyone needs to dress, so the clothing trade was, is and will be a profitable business.

At the same time, no matter what you sell, fur coats, jeans, underwear or dresses - the algorithm of actions will be the same. The article describes how to open your own clothing store from scratch (business plan), outlines the sequence of actions, and highlights important nuances.

Drawing up a concept for a future store

Any business begins with analyzing the situation and creating an image, a model of the future enterprise. First, on a large sheet of paper, you need to answer the following questions in detail:

  1. Are you ready to run your business independently or as a franchise?
  2. Formulate the mission of the business: what problem will I solve for customers?
  3. Carry out positioning: in what price category do I want to work: economy, premium, branded items? Who are my customers, why will they come to me?
  4. Who are my competitors? What methods do they use to attract customers?
  5. How can I stand out among my competitors?

When working on the concept, they pay special attention to the name of the store. It should be light and memorable, associated with the product.

A clothing store for doctors can be called “Fashionable Doctor”, and the stock trade can be carried out under the guise of “Eurodress”.

Business plan for a clothing store with calculations

So, what does it take to open a clothing store? Based on available materials, it is written detailed business plan. The document must reflect the following points:

  • store concept;
  • marketing research;
  • selection of retail space (size, method of ownership);
  • legal aspects;
  • conditions of work with suppliers;
  • forecast of expenses and income, calculation of expected profit.

It is convenient to format the calculations in the form of a table. This is what the estimate looks like for opening a children's clothing store with an area of ​​50 m2 in a residential building in a residential area of ​​a large city:

Name Amount, rub. Notes
Legal preparation of documents 1 000
Renting premises 55 000 every month
Cash register, scanner for bank cards 20 000
Redecorating 10 000
Signboard and shop window design 9 000
Equipment (showcases, mirrors, stands with brackets, children's corner) 40 000
Purchase of goods 400 000 of necessity
Sellers' salaries 40 000 for now for 2 people per month, the duties of administrator and accountant are performed by the director
Advertising (flyers, newspaper announcements, discount cards) 20 000 of necessity
Unforeseen expenses, risks 30 000
Total 625 000

Yes, it’s possible that something will go wrong in the future, but a plan is not a dogma, but a conditional scheme of actions; there is always the opportunity to make adjustments, changes, amendments. However, having the shoddiest plan is better than not having one.

The preparatory stage of work is completed. The success of the business will depend on how carefully the main points are worked out. The peculiarity of the main stage is that you do not need to adhere to a specific sequence; you can act in all six directions in parallel. Helpers will come in handy here; part of the work will fall on their shoulders.

Children's clothing is always in demand, because the birth rate is growing, besides, children grow quickly and parents buy new clothes again and again. – read and decide whether to open your own business.

You will find a business plan for an online store of children's goods.

Jewelry shop can become a profitable business, but before opening it, you need to study many nuances. This article will give useful recommendations if you decide to start this kind of business.

Features of legal registration of business

There are two main forms of doing business when opening a store:

  1. For a small store or department in a shopping center, it is enough to prepare the documents of an individual entrepreneur. In this case, taxes can be paid according to a simplified scheme.
  2. If a large salon is opened on an area of ​​more than 100 square meters, the company is registered with limited liability. To complete documents please contact: tax authority at the place of residence.

Except tax service conclude lease agreements, supply of products, communicate with representatives of the fire service, supervisory and regulatory authorities.

After the lease agreement for the space is signed, they purchase a cash register and, if necessary, a scanner for reading bank cards.

Experience shows that you should read the texts of lease and supply agreements especially carefully. Professionals advise creating short, concise documents; it’s easy to get lost in a 30-page footcloth. In addition, in such paper it is easier to hide “traps”, conditions, if not observed, there is a risk of being subject to large fines or additional payments.

Search for suppliers and goods

Working with suppliers is a constant scrupulous work, at the head of which you need to put priorities own business.

A tangle of problems that will have to be untangled: selection of a product line, correct sales analysis, prioritization when choosing suppliers, meeting delivery deadlines, suboptimal logistics and much more.

Therefore, before concluding long-term cooperation, they agree on the supply of small quantities of goods and monitor popular items of goods. When they find reliable companions, they value these relationships in the future.

Attend fashion shows, exhibitions, and fairs. Meet representatives of clothing manufacturing companies.

If you want to sell clothing from a specific brand, then do not be afraid to contact the company directly. Write a letter asking for cooperation to the company’s official website, find out contacts on the Internet or from friends who are engaged in a similar business.

Finding the ideal premises for a clothing store

“For a retail store, three conditions are important - location, location and location.” This phrase very accurately conveys the importance the right choice space for a future clothing store. Here are a few criteria to guide you:

  • Estimation of flow characteristics. How many customers from your target audience pass by? Specifically your potential buyers? For example, it makes sense to sell youth club clothes on the central avenue of the city, and open stock options in a residential area, near a transport stop.
  • Matching the purchase context to the desires of the flow. What is the purpose of buyers, do you meet their expectations? In a large suburban shopping center, families go on vacation, which means it makes sense to offer formal office attire, as well as clothing for active recreation or children's products.
  • Convenience for clients. How to get to the store? Are the steps of the stairs comfortable? Is our department too high? Is it possible to park a car? Is it stuffy in the room, are the ventilation and air conditioning working?
  • Possibility of designing a showcase, banner with a name and logo. A window can serve as a showcase; the main thing is to effectively design the mannequins so that representatives of the target audience “catch the bait” while it’s still on the way.

Clothes store interior

While the crisis continues in the country, it’s time to rent premises in large shopping centers and on the central streets of the city. Now you can find premises at a low price, or negotiate a discount.

Attractiveness and convenience of the boutique

For the convenience of visitors, it is important to organize the space, because the volume of sales will depend on this. Design development for a large clothing store is usually entrusted to a designer.

Special lighting, a system of mirrors, wide aisles, conveniently located shelves and brackets, clothes sorted by size, and clear navigation will make the store cozy for customers.

Women's clothing store

The following equipment is purchased and installed: fitting booths, racks and display cases, hangers and hangers, and a reception desk. They are thinking through the issue of equipping a warehouse and utility rooms for employees. Highlight cash for the purchase of video surveillance and electromagnetic frames at the entrance.

Personnel search

One boorish saleswoman will drive a dozen customers away from the store, another. Therefore, it is important to be careful about business qualities employees. Here is an approximate list of positions, which is adjusted to the needs of a particular store:

  • accountant;
  • sales consultants;
  • administrator;
  • security guard;
  • cleaning woman.

Looking for employees through friends recruitment agencies, free boards advertisements

The personnel management system is a delicate thing and requires specific skills, so they are developing criteria for selecting a future salesperson and a system for training him job responsibilities, motivation for successful sales, setting goals (the opportunity to climb the career ladder).

Marketing policy and sales promotion

Competent sales marketing can be compared to a bridge from opening your own store to the successful prosperity of the project. Peculiar The final stage, which will continue as long as the clothing store is open.

They think about where representatives of the target audience often gather, accidentally leave information about the store in the car showroom (if they sell men's suits), post leaflets on poles (if you have opened a second-hand store), write articles in local newspapers (about the opening of a new store “Clothes for the whole family”, offer a discount to those who present a text or coupon).

Discount and savings cards, seasonal sales and discounts on certain groups of goods work well to attract customers. Buyers will appreciate it!

If each point is carried out correctly, the clothing store will generate constant and stable income.

Do you want to open a store, but lack funds? Then consider opening a consignment store. and what costs will be needed at the initial stage, read on our website.

Video on the topic

One investor decided to retire in 15 years. Every month he invests 20 thousand rubles.

The goal of the experiment is to live on dividends in the amount of 50 thousand rubles per month. A public portfolio will allow you to follow movements and, if desired, join it. @dividendslife

The specifics of the store are such that the opening can be planned either based on the available space, or on the assortment you want to work with. I suggest you consider general principles choosing the territory and area of ​​the store.

Clothes can be sold both in the Shopping Center and in a separate retail establishment. A shopping center is an excellent solution when opening a middle-class clothing store on an area of ​​up to 150 m2. Good traffic will ensure stable revenue, and most problems with advertising and approvals will be resolved by the administration of the shopping center. This option is ideal for large cities.

A separate store is worth opening if you decide to work with an elite or, conversely, stock assortment. Such stores also pay for themselves quite well in small towns and central regions.

Documents accompanying the product

When working with suppliers or purchasing on your own, do not forget to take care of the documents. Women's clothing is not a product subject to mandatory certification, but must have a GOST R declaration of conformity, which is issued by certification bodies.

When filling out a declaration of conformity to GOST R, you must provide a certain package of documents. For products manufactured in Russia:

  • Regulatory documentation for certified products
  • lease agreement for occupied space or other document certifying ownership
  • quality certificates for materials used

For registration declarations for imported clothing necessary following documents:

  • application for registration of a declaration of conformity GOST R
  • copy of the contract
  • company charter
  • state registration certificate OGRN, TIN
  • description of the product (composition, properties, appearance, scope, etc.)
  • quality certificates of the country of origin

Necessary approvals

While documents for the goods are being prepared, you can take care of the documents for the store. To open a retail trade enterprise, approvals from Rospotrebnadzor and the Fire Department are required. If a store opens in a shopping center, then the administration of the center takes care of all these documents, but in a free-standing store the entrepreneur will have to take care of everything himself.

For Rospotrebnadzor it will be necessary to make a PLC (program production control for carrying out laboratory research and testing factors production environment And labor process at workplaces). This program will spell out all the points on which you need to report to Rospotrebnadzor and the frequency of their implementation.

This usually includes all the necessary measurements for the store, compliance with sanitary standards, monitoring the maintenance of employee health records, and schedules for various briefings. The program is done once.

To obtain a conclusion from the Fire Inspectorate, it is necessary to equip the premises with a fire alarm, an evacuation plan, fire extinguishers and take a package of documents to the regional unit of the State Fire Supervision. This usually includes an application for the issuance of a conclusion, a lease agreement, documents for an individual entrepreneur, a store BTI plan, and an agreement on installing an alarm system.

After the inspector leaves to familiarize himself with the facility, he may issue an order to eliminate the deficiencies found. But if most of measures have been completed, then they are usually allowed to open a store according to letter of guarantee. Naturally, all claims will need to be eliminated over time.

You will also need to approve the storefront, conclude an agreement for garbage removal and landscaping. Somewhere they require landscaping around the store. All requirements can be found at the Administration of the district in which the store is located.


Next, you need to think about how you are going to present the product on the sales floor. Wall-mounted clothing equipment is the same type and differs only in material, color and design. The ideal solution is modular systems such as Global or Solo, they allow you to perfectly display the product due to different types weight

It is advisable to purchase so-called island equipment and tables for displaying goods: they will allow you to create a direction for customers and beautifully present the goods. These are the basics of merchandising, the science of how a product can sell itself. It is advisable to install mannequins in the sales area that will demonstrate clothes “live.”

Fitting rooms should be comfortable and bright. Mirrors should be positioned so that when trying on you can see how the product looks from behind.

In addition to equipment for displaying clothes, you need a computer, a cashless payment terminal and a cash register registered in tax office. However, when choosing UTII as a taxation system, individual entrepreneur gets the opportunity to work without a cash register. Then you can limit yourself to purchasing a check printing machine or work on sales receipts.



At the same time, we are recruiting personnel. The number of people working in a clothing store depends not on the area, but on the customer traffic.

significantly increases sales

In season, which occurs twice a year in the clothing trade (August-October and April-June), it is necessary to bring more people into the work shift. The rest of the time you can work with a minimum staff, strengthening the team on weekends.

Usually on an area of ​​100-150 sq. three or four salespeople and a cashier can handle it. In more small store You can limit yourself to 2-3 people. It is necessary to think in advance about the requirements for personnel, the need for training and certification, since trade turnover will largely depend on the friendliness and competence of the sellers in the hall.

A clothing store is a promising type of business with a high markup on goods, profitability is ~20% with a payback period of 1.5 years. According to the MarketMasters agency, the turnover rate of clothing retail trade in Russia is increasing by 3% annually. Moscow accounts for ~40% of all purchased clothing! In this article we will look at how to open a clothing store from scratch step by step with an example of a business plan with calculations.

Advantages and disadvantages of opening a clothing store

Main the target audience clothing store: women of any age, men aged 18 to 40 and children. Let's look at the key advantages and disadvantages of starting a clothing store.

More than 50% of stores in Moscow are opened as franchises! For the clothes sold it is necessary

Types of store Peculiarities
Second hand Sale of used clothes from Europe. Attracts visitors with low prices. I have an opportunity quick start, since large initial investments are not required. It is recommended to open in small cities with low purchasing power of the population. Markup on goods ~200%
Stock The store specializes in selling clothes from last season. The main factor in attracting visitors low prices. Markup on goods ~300%
Multi-brand Selling clothing from many different brands. It is more difficult to organize sales and staff training than in the first two cases. Focus on middle class population. Markup on goods ~400%
Mono-brand Targeting one brand (often opened as a franchise) and a specific visitor. Markup on goods ~500%.
Boutique Sale of expensive exclusive clothing for wealthy buyers. Requires maximum costs to open. Markup on goods ~1000%.
Special shop Sale of specialized clothing: clothing for workers, for medical workers, for the military, for firefighters, for schoolchildren, for children. (cm. " ")

The sale of clothing refers to impulse goods, i.e. It is often purchased spontaneously, so to stimulate sales it is recommended to organize sales, promotions, savings cards with discounts, and bonuses for multiple purchases.

According to Gomkomstat, the leader in clothing turnover is the Central Federal District (~50%) and, in particular, Moscow (~40%). Retail turnover of clothing in St. Petersburg amounted to ~3%.

The main production facilities are located in the Central region of the country (~40%), the North-Western district accounts for ~19% and the Volga region ~18%. If clothing production is being considered, it is recommended to organize it in districts with maximum capacity.

Opening a clothing store: general concept

There are two ways to open a clothing store: purchase a franchise (ready-made solution), or open it yourself. Both methods are characterized by their disadvantages and advantages. If you decide to open a store yourself, then in order to quickly understand the basic business processes of the store, It is recommended to get a job as an administrator in one of the existing.

How to open a clothing store from scratch: registering a business

To register a clothing store with the tax authorities, an individual entrepreneur or LLC is created. The table below analyzes the main benefits as well as necessary list documents for each form of business. When registering according to OKVED, select your main activity: 52.42 “ Retail clothing”, 52.42.1 – “Retail trade of men’s, women’s and children’s clothing”, 52.42.8 – “Retail trade of clothing accessories (gloves, ties, scarves, belts, suspenders, etc.)”.

Form of business organization Benefits of use Documents for registration
IP ( individual entrepreneur) Used to open a small clothing store (50-80m²). Number of personnel 3-5 people
  • receipt of payment of state duty (800 rubles);
  • a certified statement from a notary in form No. P21001;
  • application for transition to UTII or simplified tax system (otherwise it will be OSNO by default);
  • a copy of all pages of the passport.
OOO ( limited liability company) Used for opening a large clothing store (>80 m²), attracting additional financing, scaling, capital construction
  • application in form No. Р11001;
  • LLC charter;
  • decision to open an LLC or protocol if there are several founders (partners);
  • receipt of payment of state duty (RUB 4,000);
  • copies of the founders’ passports certified by a notary;
  • application for transition to UTII or simplified tax system.

In law authorized capital LLC cannot be less than 10,000 rubles!

The optimal choice of taxation system for a clothing store will be UTII(single tax on imputed income), to switch to this system there should be a municipal law on the possibility of using UTII (up to 100 personnel and the cost of fixed assets up to 100 million rubles). The interest rate is 15%. The advantage of this tax is that it is tied to the physical data of the store: area, number of employees, etc. This is beneficial when opening a large store.

If, when organizing a company, the simplified tax system is chosen, then It is recommended to choose tax accrual on income with an interest rate of 6%.

Finding suppliers for a clothing store

Main clothing suppliers: Türkiye, China, Europe, Russia. Goods from China and Turkey are attractive due to their low prices, which allows for a markup of 200-300%. For example, for a women’s skirt on taobao it costs ~$8 (500 rubles), on domestic market can be sold for 1500 rubles.

To search for suppliers in China via the Internet, use,

Business plan for a clothing store: searching for premises

When creating a store, the key point is to find a location and premises. Location is a key success factor in offline business. It is necessary to locate the store in close proximity to customer traffic.

For a children's clothing department and a lingerie store, a room with an area of ​​12-20 m² is sufficient. This is enough to accommodate a warehouse, shop windows, fitting room and cash register. A fur shop or wedding dress salon will require ~25-70 m². The specificity of the goods here is such that it will be necessary to increase the sales area and warehouse space.

In megacities (Moscow, St. Petersburg) rent of 1 m² starts from 1,500 rubles. Renting a small women's clothing department (about 20 m²) will cost 30,000 rubles. In the periphery, rent starts from 1,000 rubles/m²; a similar store will require about 10,000 rubles.

The most expensive rent premises in shopping centers (shopping centers), since they are places where the maximum traffic of people accumulates. The rental price in a shopping center for 1 m² reaches 20,000 rubles.

Master class: “How to open a clothing store from scratch”

Estimation of costs for commercial equipment

We will evaluate the type of equipment needed and financial costs. When purchasing display cases and racks, the concept of the store and the type of clothing are taken into account (for fur clothing and underwear you need miscellaneous equipment), passability.

Let's consider a set of equipment for the store:

  • Cash register – 12,000-30,000 rubles. (price depends on modification). Additional expenses: Device registration and maintenance.
  • Shelving – refers to the main furniture of the trading floor; one rack costs 1,000-20,000 rubles. A store needs 4-10 shelves.
  • Showcases – will be needed for displaying accessories or expensive items. Prices start from 2000-3000 rubles. A showcase with an exclusive design and lighting can cost up to 22,000 rubles. For a boutique you need 2-6 showcases.
  • Shelves or brackets – from 600 rubles. for simple models.
  • Mannequins - from 1500 rubles, 10 mannequins in the sales area will be enough.
  • Hung - 2500-9000 rubles. (depending on size). Some stores use hangers almost as the only thing retail store equipment. The need for them is up to 15 pieces. Occasionally, hangers are supplied with hangers, but usually hangers are ordered separately. 100-150 pieces will be enough.
  • Mirrors are necessary in fitting rooms and the sales area. The cost of a floor mirror is about 3,000 rubles. You also need to purchase wall mirror panels (several pieces).

The cost of purchasing equipment will be ~100,000-500,000 rubles.

In some types retail stores additionally required: a counter for a cashier, banquettes in fitting booths, etiquette pistols. In wedding salons, a sewing machine is needed to fit a dress.

The most famous equipment suppliers: Tritix, Play, Uno, Style, Market, Joker, Primo. Most of them except for sale ready-made solutions They offer custom creation of individual trading systems.

Personnel costs

For an average store, the total number of staff will be 4-6 people. The team will have 2-3 sales consultants working in shifts. Hall employees simultaneously perform the duties of an administrator and/or cashier and room cleaner. To reduce costs for wages accountant, accounting is transferred to outsourcing companies. This allows you to reduce costs by ~25,000 rubles. per month!

The best criterion for employee salaries is the average wage level in the industry. The average salary level for workers can be viewed on the website Typically, staff earnings are piecework-bonus (fixed salary + percentage of sales). average salary seller/consultant – 14,000-25,000 rubles. It is necessary to instruct sellers in communicating with buyers. A smile and an attentive attitude increases sales.

The entrepreneur creates a wage fund (payroll), which takes into account the amount issued to the staff.

Approximate payroll calculation for the year:

4 sellers x 12,000 rub. = 48,000 rub./month.

48,000 rub. x 12 months = 576,000 rub. (payroll per year).

Additional expenses of the entrepreneur: payments in Pension Fund(PFR), Fund Social Insurance(FSS) and the Compulsory Health Insurance Fund (MHIF). The interest rate of the Pension Fund is 22%, the Social Insurance Fund is 2.9%, the Compulsory Medical Insurance Fund is 5.1%. As a result, social security costs amount to 30%.

Revenue and net profit of the business

To calculate revenue for the year, calculate average revenue from 1 client (average bill). The average bill of 800 rubles is a good indicator. It is planned that 10 customers will visit the store; the daily revenue will be ~8,000 rubles.

Annual revenue will be ~2,700,000 rubles. If the opening costs were about 1,400,000 rubles, then payback is achieved within 1.5 years. It may take 1-2 years to achieve stable profits, which is a good indicator.

Assessment of the attractiveness of a business by the magazine website

Business profitability

(3.5 out of 5)

Business attractiveness


Project payback

(3.0 out of 5)
Ease of starting a business

(3.5 out of 5)
The clothing store is promising business in large cities: Moscow, St. Petersburg, Kazan, Yekaterinburg. The payback period for initial costs is ~1.5-2 years. The business has seasonal sales (August-October, April-June), which will require additional staff and stocks. Key Factors The success of a business is: location close to visitor traffic, and the possibility of a markup on goods of more than 300%.

In this article we will look at the question of how to open a clothing store, what is needed for this, an example of a business plan for opening it.

The profit of a clothing store - boutique - will directly depend on the type of product sold - “luxury” brand clothing, exclusive, economy class, etc. For example, the markup on luxury clothing will be up to 100%, and for things for the middle class of consumers – up to 200%. In any case, this type of business is quite profitable.

Boutique business is perhaps the most profitable both in Russia and in Europe and the USA. According to experts, the annual turnover of funds in this industry is incredibly high. New ones are being built all over the world shopping centers and shops selling everything from cheap Chinese consumer goods to expensive glamorous exclusives.

Business plan

We present to you for free ready-made example a business plan for opening a clothing store that will help you start your own business in the trade sector. With this example, you can estimate your future expenses and income when running a business.

Plan implementation scheme:

  1. registering an individual entrepreneur;
  2. choosing a supplier;
  3. rent (buy) premises;
  4. we hire staff;
  5. we sell the goods.

How to open a clothing store

So, let's look at information on how to open a clothing store from scratch, point by point.

Choosing a format

It is necessary to decide what format the boutique will have - mono-brand (sells products of only one brand) or multi-brand (respectively, several companies and brands).

The first case is preferable if you plan to work under a franchise or under an agreement directly with the manufacturer. Although such a clothing store is losing a certain segment of customers, nevertheless, by selling an already promoted brand, it has a chance to earn the favor of the buyer.

The multi-brand format is more dynamic and flexible. The owner himself chooses the range of goods and its price category. As a rule, such boutiques offer clothes for different budgets, which attracts visitors.

Franchise store

Franchise agreement

Buying a franchise is a common way to start your own business. Sales specialists believe that only an entrepreneur who already has experience in the fashion industry can build his own clothing store from scratch. So, the franchise agreement - a good option, if you have not had the opportunity to try yourself in this field before.

When purchasing the rights to sell a well-promoted brand, an entrepreneur is 80% sure that his business will do well. Why 80% and not 100? Because a lot depends on the location of the clothing store and the specifics of the market (city, country). The system into which the new boutique is included has been working for a long time and brings profit to its owners, and these are certain guarantees.

In addition, along with the product, the entrepreneur receives recommendations on its implementation, personnel selection, and marketing policy.

How to choose a franchisor?

To do this you need to answer a number of questions:

  • what is the price segment of the clothing boutique;
  • profitability of the franchisor's store (sample finances);
  • what are the advertising costs for this brand;
  • who makes up the competitive environment of your clothing store;
  • how unsold goods will be returned to the supplier;
  • what is the franchisor's strategy and the degree of its penetration into our market.

The downside of a franchise is its cost. The price for a brand of a domestic manufacturer will cost about 50 thousand dollars. Brands from foreign manufacturers are two to three times more expensive.

Choosing a retail space

There are a number of recommendations on where it is more profitable to open your own clothing store from scratch. For example, experts advise not to save on the space of a boutique, because the number of sales directly depends on the square footage of the sales area. IN small store the buyer feels as if there is too little choice of clothing.

One of optimal options clothing store locations are shopping centers focused on the sale of clothing. It is believed that, despite competition, sales levels in trading floors higher than in stand-alone stores.

When choosing a location for a clothing store, the following are taken into account:

  • image of the outlet;
  • competition in your market segment;
  • intensity of pedestrian flows near the store;
  • the level of financial and economic development of the region;
  • availability of other outlets, cafes, bio-toilets, parking in the neighborhood.

Trade inventory

To organize a clothing store, you will need the following equipment: racks, shelves, a counter, several mannequins, a cash register, hangers, a fitting room, mirrors. Furniture elements and their price will depend on the style of the boutique's interior.

Store design

Image influences the flow of visitors. In branded clothing stores concept appearance processed by design and marketing specialists. But even if you do not claim a unique design for your store, you will still have to do repairs and prepare the premises for work.

Product suppliers

As a rule, owners of multi-brand boutiques purchase from distributors of certain brands or travel to buy goods abroad (Turkey, Bulgaria, China, Europe, America). Having decided on the assortment, you need to choose the best supplier, taking into account the ratio of quality and price.

Working staff

Personnel play a significant role in trade. A fashion store is no exception. Selecting good sales consultants is another component of successful work. In addition to external data and the ability to communicate with a client, an employee must understand fashion, have a sense of style, and be able to choose what suits the client.

The number of sellers depends on the size of the clothing store and the assortment sold. Most often, a salesperson's salary is piecework: a fixed rate plus a percentage of sales. The staff of a large store also includes a director, manager and accountant.

Advertising and Marketing

Business risks

Main risks when trading clothes:

  • Unpredictability fashion trends . The dynamics and variability of fashion can ruin a clothing store: today the product is popular and quoted, but tomorrow it is no longer there.
  • Insufficient demand. To prevent this problem, it is important to work on creating the image of the outlet.
  • Shortage or overstocking of goods. Newbies in business often face this problem. The fear of “half-empty shelves” results in excessive purchases, and as a result, the ruin of a clothing store.

Approximate costs

So, how much does it cost to open a business like this:

  • Franchise – from 45-47 thousand dollars.
  • Rent of retail premises – from 1.5 thousand dollars/month.
  • Equipment for a clothing store – from 3.5 thousand dollars.
  • Repair – from 5 thousand dollars.
  • Advertising – $500-1000
  • Purchase of the first batch of clothing – from 10 thousand dollars.
  • Salary – from 3 thousand dollars/month.
  • The total initial cost of opening a clothing store from scratch is from 70 thousand dollars.

Business income

Trade margins can range from 50% to 200% or more.

In this situation, the payback will be from one and a half to two years.