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Personnel management (HR) as a science and scientific discipline. Personnel management as a science: subject, history, relationship with other sciences What the science of personnel management studies

Personnel management (HR) as a science and scientific discipline

1. Modern scientific approaches to studying the problem of PM.

UE is based on the results of the following sciences:

1. Physiology of work, studying the effects labor processes on the physiological characteristics of a person, its conclusions are used in the development of work and rest regimes, design of workplaces, determination of parameters production environment(noise, air temperature, vibration, gas pollution) and the work performed (pace of movement, weight of goods moved, monotony of labor).

2. Labor psychology, which studies the psychological and socio-psychological characteristics of a person in the field of work, its findings are used in professional selection of the organization of collective work, management in conflict situations, development of motivation systems.

3. Ergonomics, which serves as the scientific basis for the design of human-machine systems, which are based on the results of engineering psychology, technical aesthetics, labor psychology, design theory, general systems theory and establishes the correspondence of technical means to human anthropometric data.

4. Sociology of labor, which studies the relationships between people and social groups in production cooperatives.

5. Labor law, concentrating on the legal aspects of labor and management, its position is used in hiring and firing, developing incentive systems, and managing social conflicts.

6. Labor organization - a system of scientific knowledge on rational use work force Due to the effective combination of living and embodied labor, its results are used in the design of labor processes and jobs, determining optimal working conditions, rationing and remuneration.

7. Labor economics, which studies the problems of labor productivity and efficiency, labor market and employment, income and salary, labor planning and salary.

2. The concept of UE,

PM is a complex of management influences (principles, methods, means and tools) on the interests, behavior and activities of employees in order to maximize their use human resources.

The object of the management program is the personnel of the enterprise.

UE subjects:

1. Managers at all levels who implement the management function in relation to their subordinates.

2. Employees of the enterprise personnel service.

The subject of PM is social and labor relations in the field of industrial relations, studied from the perspective of the most effective use of the organization’s personnel potential.

3. Duality of UP.

The duality of management is due to the duality of management subjects, and therefore they distinguish between centralized and decentralized management.

The centralized management program is carried out by the personnel services of the enterprise, concentrating on normative and methodological office work and legal support UP systems

Decentralized PM is carried out by the heads of structural units and is associated with the organizational, technical and socio-psychological support of the PM system.


Parameter name Meaning
Rubric (thematic category) Production




1. Personnel management in the organization’s management system 4

2. Personnel management as a social system 24

3.Personnel policy and HR strategy of the organization 47

4. Personnel planning in organizations 70

5. Organization of recruitment and selection of personnel 88

6. Organization of activities and functions of personnel services 106

7. Formation of the organization’s team 127

8. Cohesion and social development team 146

9. Personnel assessment in the organization 162

10. Management of the development and movement of the organization’s personnel 188

11. Managing the process of staff release 222

12. Social partnership in the organization 234

13.Efficiency of personnel management 248

14. Means of information and methodological support for discipline 258

1.1 Personnel management as a science.

1.2 Systems approach to personnel management of the organization.

1.3 Social and psychological factors of personnel labor behavior

1.4 Stages historical development personnel management.

Personnel Management is a relatively young science. Although a large number of her ideas and theories arose at the beginning of the 20th century. and even earlier. Long time they developed within various sciences related to production and activities, mainly commercial, as well as non-commercial, primarily government organizations.

Taking into account the dependence on the sciences within which the ideas of personnel management were researched and developed, appropriate terms were used to characterize this science. Thus, in the USA, personnel management developed mainly within the behavioral sciences, which had a direct impact on the name of this discipline. There, despite the fact that the process of isolating personnel management into an independent science was completed in the 70s of the 20th century, even today it is usually called differently: “organizational behavior” or “human resource management” (sometimes these terms characterize relatively independent sciences, and in addition, “organizational behavior” is interpreted as the core, the most important component"human resource management").

In Germany and some other countries of continental Europe, the science of personnel management has traditionally been associated, first of all, with enterprise economics, which is reflected in the name of this discipline - “personnel economics” or “personnel management.”

In the USSR, there was no special science of personnel management and there was no missing basis for its subject - the market environment; nevertheless, personnel management was studied within the framework of economic, sociological and psychological sciences.

Human resource management as a science exists at two levels:

‣‣‣ theoretical (the goal is to obtain new knowledge by describing and classifying phenomena, establishing cause-and-effect, functional and other relationships and patterns between them, predicting typical organizational situations);

‣‣‣ applied (personnel management deals with the issues of changing and transforming real production situations, developing specific models, projects and proposals to improve the efficiency of using workers).

There is a close relationship between the two levels of personnel management: on the one hand, theory acts as a methodology specific analysis and design, on the other - data applied research form the basis for constructing hypotheses and developing theory.

The complex, integrative nature of personnel management affects the structure of knowledge of personnel management as a science; its core consists of its own, specific knowledge, which reflects, firstly, the influence of different characteristics of employees on their attraction to the enterprise, selection and organizational behavior and, secondly, means and techniques practical use established relationships in order to ensure the economic and social efficiency of the enterprise.

Thus, personnel management studies a person in the unity of all his manifestations, which affect all processes in the enterprise: from his attraction to effective use of all its potential.

A person takes part in production activities as its multifaceted subject:

‣‣‣ economic (producer and consumer of goods);

‣‣‣ biological (carrier of a certain physical structure and health);

‣‣‣ social (member of a certain group);

‣‣‣ political (citizen of the state, member of a political party, trade union, other interest groups);

‣‣‣ legal (owner of certain rights and obligations);

cultural (bearer of a certain mentality, value system, social norms and traditions);

‣‣‣ moral (one that shares certain moral norms and value orientations);

‣‣‣ confessional (an atheist or one who professes a religion);

‣‣‣ emotional-volitional (one that has a certain character and psychological composition as a whole);

‣‣‣ smart (one who has a certain intelligence and a certain system of knowledge).

All these and some other aspects of personality, under certain conditions, to a greater or lesser extent influence the employee’s behavior in the world of work.

Human resource management studies and considers the influence of all aspects of a person on organizational behavior. This is the main specificity of this science, which determines its approach to the study of its subject, as well as its structure and content.

Personnel management is also based on theories that relate to the above-mentioned aspects of man. These include the following concepts:

1. Economic theories that cover different areas of economic science. These are, first of all, labor market theories. By reflecting processes in the field of labor demand and supply, they help explain a number of phenomena in the field of personnel management. The conclusions of labor market theories are important for developing strategy and making operational and tactical decisions in the field of attracting labor, maintaining qualified workers at the enterprise, stimulating workers, reducing staff turnover, stabilizing the team, creating a sense of loyalty to the enterprise among staff, strengthening corporate culture etc. Other areas of economic science are also of great importance for personnel management, in particular: planning theories, economic informatics, as well as economic theories and methods.

2. Psychological theories (general psychology, psychological theories of behavior, psychoanalysis, social psychology, communication psychology, occupational psychology).

3. Sociological concepts. their impact on personnel management is varied. It manifests itself primarily in theories of groups and organizations.

4. Labor and social law.

5. Political science theories.

6. Conflictology.

7. Labor sciences: ergonomics, labor physiology, labor psychology, labor sociology, labor technology, labor pedagogy, labor medicine, anthropometry (a science that develops ways to measure the capabilities of the human body and the organism as a whole), etc.

Such complex interdisciplinary content of the science of personnel management is determined by a large number of parties, aspects of a person that influence his behavior in the enterprise. The complexity and syncretism of personnel management in no way denies the specificity and independent (within certain boundaries) nature of this science. All data from other sciences are reinterpreted and developed in it from the point of view of providing the enterprise with the optimal quantity and quality of workers and their potential in order to increase the competitiveness of the enterprise in the market.

The practical significance of personnel management is as follows:

‣‣‣ ideal practice design personnel management, development of theory, strategy, technology, methods and means of personnel management;

‣‣‣ rationalization, deep critical understanding of practical people management and its orientation towards the requirements of economic (business) and social efficiency;

‣‣‣ encouraging managers to change models, technology, style, methods and means of managing workers on the basis of alternatives offered by science.

For practicing managers, human resource management can offer three types of services:

‣‣‣ on the basis of the connections between different organizational phenomena studied within the science of personnel management, it is possible to develop and test different theories or models in the field of personnel management. The theories that have been tested can, in turn, help a manager understand the consequences of his actions by explaining to him: “If you do X, you will most likely get Y”;

‣‣‣ By systematically studying behavior (both in real and in laboratory, simulated organizations), the science of personnel management can offer the manager a wider variety possible options behavior than he could use before. Combined with beautiful theory, an expanded and enriched repertoire of managerial behavior increases the number of alternatives for action;

‣‣‣ by increasing the number of possible behavioral alternatives, the most important consequences of which can be scientifically foreseen, research within the science of personnel management helps the practicing manager trace the evolution of his future actions and their possible consequences. This increases the likelihood of formation optimal option behavior.

Personnel management as a science influences the real life of enterprises, becoming the property of people engaged in the field of management and production. This happens due to its transformation into an academic discipline. The emergence of personnel management as academic discipline took place mainly in the first decades after the Second World War. Specialized departments of personnel management, as a rule, combined with some other, mainly economic disciplines, first appeared in the post-war period in the USA in the 70s and became widespread in other countries. Western Europe. Thus, in Germany, the first department of “Personnel Management” was created in 1961. Today this subject is taught in almost all universities, higher schools management and business, as well as in many others educational institutions America, Western Europe and other regions of the world. Human resource management is included in learning programs almost all higher educational institutions. A large amount of literature on the issue is published HR management͵ There are a number of associations and associations in this area, for example, the International Association of Personnel Management, the American Society of Human Resource Managers, etc.

Modern operating conditions of enterprises place qualitatively new demands on HR managers, making it extremely important to increase the intensity of their work, the ability to value time, master a set of organizational and psychological qualities, and provide a creative approach to work. In this regard, improving the quality content of the activities of HR managers is of particular relevance.

At the same time, in Ukraine there is a situation where sufficient attention is not given to personnel management, the technology for developing and making personnel decisions is imperfect and scientifically unfounded, and in most cases there is no focus on achieving social efficiency in personnel management. This is due to the existence of a number of problems in the field of personnel management in enterprises.

Thus, personnel management services in enterprises, as a rule, have a low organizational status and are considered as an auxiliary, service department with a narrow range of functions performed. At the same time, the level of competence, as well as the organizational, legal and socio-psychological culture of employees is not high enough personnel services. Both HR managers and line managers, in most cases, lack the skills to organize work on final financial and economic indicators using personnel activities. This problem is caused not only by the low level of professional and social competence of personnel managers. It is a consequence of enterprise managers’ misunderstanding of the place and role of human resources services in solving common problems and achieving the goals of the enterprise.

This causes incomplete, insufficiently effective implementation (and in some cases, failure to perform) such important functions (procedures) of personnel management as: planning the qualitative and quantitative composition of employees, Information Support personnel management systems, socio-psychological diagnostics human resources, analysis and regulation of relationships in the team, management of industrial and social conflicts, formation of a stable work team, planning the business career of employees, professional and socio-psychological adaptation of new employees, analysis and assessment of human resources, formation personnel reserve, as well as personnel marketing.

At present, many enterprises do not have regulations on personnel services, personnel technologies have not been developed, and it is typical for the personnel service low level coordination of activities with other structural divisions of the enterprise.

Scientific methods of recruitment, assessment, placement and training of personnel are poorly introduced into the practice of personnel services, which reduce both the economic and social efficiency of personnel management.

The next problem in the field of personnel management is that managers of personnel services most often do not show interest in the means of identifying and understanding the expectations, moods, and social orientations of both work groups and individual employees. This, in turn, limits the ability of the enterprise manager to create a “single team”.

Τᴀᴋᴎᴍ ᴏϬᴩᴀᴈᴏᴍ, in modern conditions Objectively, it is extremely important to improve personnel management at enterprises. At the same time, measures should be developed to improve the efficiency of personnel management both at the inter-organizational and intra-organizational levels. Regarding the inter-organizational level, it should be noted that in market conditions, the development of human resources requires cooperation and cooperation. Thus, interorganizational connections make it possible to combine the intellectual resources of enterprises in order to introduce various types of innovations into their activities. At the intra-organizational level, executives and managers must realize the shortcomings of the traditional concept of personnel management and the extreme importance of developing a new personnel policy and corporate management philosophy. This will facilitate the achievement of social partnership in the team, the coordination of economic and social interests of individual workers and work groups.

However, at this time, personnel management is a necessary component of managerial, economic and a number of other areas higher education. It is extremely important not only for managers who have experience, or for future managers directly involved in managing people, but to a greater or lesser extent for all modern specialists, since it ensures their social competence. Training managers in the basic principles and methods of personnel management will help them develop an understanding of the importance of correct, scientifically based work with people, increase the prestige of personnel services and increase the efficiency of using the human factor in the enterprise.

The subject of the discipline "Human Resource Management" is the totality of social relations that arises in the process of the general activities of employees.

The purpose of the academic discipline "Personnel Management" is for students to obtain theoretical knowledge in effective management by the workforce of the enterprise based on the use of scientific principles and methods developed by domestic and foreign specialists, and the positive practical experience of progressive enterprises.

PERSONNEL MANAGEMENT AS A SCIENCE - concept and types. Classification and features of the category "PERSONNEL MANAGEMENT AS A SCIENCE" 2017, 2018.

Concept of management

Control is a comprehensive concept that includes all activities and all decision makers, which includes the processes of planning, evaluation, project implementation and control.

Management theory as a science arose at the end of the last century and has since undergone significant changes.

The very concept of " scientific management“was first introduced into use not by Frederick W. Taylor, rightfully considered the founder of management theory, but by Louis Brandeis, a representative of American freight companies, in 1910. Subsequently, Taylor himself widely used this concept, emphasizing that “management is a genuine science based on precise certain laws, rules and principles."

For the past 50 years, the term human resource management has been used to describe the management function devoted to hiring, developing, training, rotating, securing, and terminating personnel.

- a type of activity for managing people, aimed at achieving the goals of a company or enterprise by using the labor, experience, and talent of these people, taking into account their satisfaction with work.

The modern approach to definition emphasizes the contribution of satisfied employees to corporate goals such as customer loyalty, cost savings and profitability. This is due to the revision of the concept of “personnel management” in the last decade of the twentieth century. In place of the contradictory relationships between employers and employees, in which the work environment of the organization was dominated by strict regulation of procedures for interaction with employees, an atmosphere of cooperation has arrived, which has the following features:

  • collaboration within small working groups;
  • focus on customer satisfaction;
  • significant attention is paid to business goals and staff involvement to achieve these goals;
  • stratification of organizational hierarchical structures and delegation of responsibility to work group leaders.

Based on this, we can highlight the following differences between the concepts of “personnel management” and “human resource management” (Table 1):

Table 1 Main distinctive features of the concepts “personnel management” and “human resource management”
  • Reactive, supporting role
  • Emphasis on execution of procedures
  • Special Department
  • Focus on staff needs and rights
  • Personnel are seen as costs that need to be controlled
  • Conflict situations are regulated at the top manager level
  • Agreement on pay and working conditions occurs during collective bargaining
  • Remuneration is determined depending on internal factors organizations
  • Support function for other departments
  • Promoting change
  • Setting business objectives in light of HR implications
  • Inflexible approach to personnel development
  • Proactive, innovative role
  • Focus on strategy
  • Activities of all management
  • Focus on people requirements in light of business objectives
  • Personnel are seen as investments that need to be developed
  • Conflicts are regulated by work group leaders
  • Planning of human resources and employment conditions occurs at the management level
  • Competitive wages and employment conditions are established in order to stay ahead of competitors
  • Contribution to added value of business
  • Driving change
  • Full commitment to business goals
  • Flexible approach to

In terms of meaning, the concept of “Human Resources” is closely related and correlates with such concepts as “personnel potential”, “labor potential”, “intellectual potential”, exceeding in scope each of them taken separately.

At the same time, an analysis of the content of vacancies in this category - manager/manager/consultant/specialist - indicates that there is no fundamental difference between “personnel” and “human resources” specialists.

In a modern approach, personnel management includes:
  • planning the need for qualified employees;
  • compilation staffing table and preparation job descriptions;
  • and formation of a team of employees;
  • work quality analysis and control;
  • development of professional training and advanced training programs;
  • employee certification: criteria, methods, assessments;
  • motivation: wage, bonuses, benefits, promotions.

Personnel management models

In modern conditions, in global management practice, various personnel technologies and personnel management models are used, aimed at more fully realizing labor and creative potential to achieve overall economic success and satisfy the personal needs of employees.

Generally modern models Personnel management can be divided into technocratic, economic, modern.

Specialists and researchers developed countries The following models of personnel management are distinguished:

  • management through motivation;
  • framework management;
  • management based on delegation;
  • entrepreneurial management.

Management through motivation relies on the study of the needs, interests, moods, personal goals of employees, as well as the possibility of integrating motivation with production requirements and goals of the organization. Personnel policy under this model is focused on the development of human resources, strengthening the moral and psychological climate, and the implementation of social programs.

is the construction of a management system based on motivation priorities, based on the choice of an effective motivational model.

Framework management creates conditions for the development of initiative, responsibility and independence of employees, increases the level of organization and communication in the organization, promotes increased job satisfaction and develops a corporate leadership style.

Management by delegation. A more advanced system of human resource management is management through delegation, in which employees are given competence and responsibility, the right to independently make decisions and implement them.

At the core entrepreneurial management lies the concept of intrapreneurship, which received its name from two words: “entrepreneurship” - entrepreneurship and “intra” - internal. The essence of this concept is the development of entrepreneurial activity within an organization, which can be represented as a community of entrepreneurs, innovators and creators.

In modern management science and practice, as evidenced by the above analysis, there is a constant process of improvement, renewal and search for new approaches, concepts, ideas in the field of human resource management as a key and strategic resource business organizations. The choice of a particular management model is influenced by the type of business, corporate strategy and culture, organizational environment. A model that functions successfully in one organization may be completely ineffective for another, since it was not possible to integrate it into the organizational management system.

Modern management models

Human resource management concept

Human resource management concept— theoretical and methodological basis, as well as a system of practical approaches to the formation of a personnel management mechanism in specific conditions.

Today, many people recognize the concept of personnel management of the famous Russian management scientist L.I. Evenko, which identifies four concepts that have developed within three main approaches to personnel management:

  • economic;
  • organic;
  • humanistic.


20-40s XX century

Usage(labor resources use)

Economic(employee - carrier labor function, "living appendage of the machine")

50-70s XX century

(personnel management)

Organic(employee - subject labor relations, personality)

80-90s XX century

Human Resource Management(human resource management)

Organic(an employee is a key strategic resource of the organization)

Human control(human being management)

Humanistic(not people for the organization, but organization for the people)

The economic approach gave rise to the concept of using labor resources. Within this approach the leading place is occupied by technical rather than managerial training of people at the enterprise. At the beginning of the 20th century. Instead of a person in production, only his function was considered - measured by costs and wages. In essence, it is a set of mechanical relations, and it should act like a mechanism: algorithmically, efficiently, reliably and predictably. In the West, this concept was reflected in Marxism and Taylorism, and in the USSR - in the exploitation of labor by the state.

Within the organic paradigm, the second concept of personnel management and the third concept of human resource management consistently emerged.

The scientific basis of the concept of personnel management, which developed since the 30s, was the theory of bureaucratic organizations, when a person was considered through a formal role - position, and management was carried out through administrative mechanisms (principles, methods, powers, functions).

Within the framework of the concept of human resource management, a person began to be considered not as a position (structure element), but as a non-renewable resource- element social organization in the unity of three main components - labor function, social relations, the state of the employee. IN Russian practice This concept has been used in fragments for more than 30 years and during the years of perestroika it became widespread in the “activation of the human factor.”

It was the organic approach that defined new perspective personnel management by deducing this type management activities beyond traditional functions organization of labor and wages.

At the end of the twentieth century. with the development of social and humanitarian aspects, a human management system was formed, where people represent the main resource and social value of the organization.

Analyzing the presented concepts, it is possible to generalize approaches to personnel management, highlighting two poles of the role of man in social production:

  • person as a resource production system(labor, human, human) - important element production and management process;
  • a person as an individual with needs, motives, values, relationships is the main subject of management.

Another part of the researchers considers personnel from the perspective of the theory of subsystems, in which employees act as the most important subsystem.

Taking into account all of the listed approaches to analyzing the role of a person in production, we can classify known concepts in the form of a square as follows (Fig. 2).

The ordinate axis shows the division of concepts according to their inclination towards economic or social systems, and on the x-axis - by considering a person as a resource and as an individual in the production process.

Personnel management is a specific function of management activity, the main object of which is a person included in certain groups. Modern concepts are based, on the one hand, on the principles and methods administrative management, and on the other hand, on the concept of comprehensive personality development and the theory of human relations.

Personnel management in the unity of its various functions, subjects and methods is the subject of science "personnel management"

At the same time, this multifaceted social activities and various aspects of its influence on the enterprise, man and society are the object of analysis of many sciences

Personnel management is a relatively young science. Although the abundance of her ideas and theories arose at the beginning of the 20th century and even earlier. For a long time they developed within the framework of various sciences related to the production and activities of mainly commercial as well as non-profit, primarily government organizations. Depending on the sciences within which the ideas of personnel management were researched and developed, appropriate terms were used to characterize this science. So, in. In the USA, personnel management developed mainly within the behavioral sciences, which directly influenced the name of this discipline. There, despite the fact that the process of identifying personnel management as an independent science was completed in the 60-70s of the 20th century, it is still called differently today: “organizational behavior” or “human resource management” (sometimes these terms characterize relatively independent sciences, moreover, “organizational behavior” is interpreted as the core, the most important component of “human resource management”.

V. Germany and other continental countries. In Europe, the science of personnel management has traditionally been associated, first of all, with enterprise economics, which is reflected in the name of this discipline in other words - “personnel economics” or “personnel management”.

In the USSR, the special science of personnel management did not exist and the most important basis of its subject - the market environment - was missing, however, personnel management was studied within the framework of economic, sociological and psychological sciences.

Human resource management as a science exists at two levels:

Theoretical (the goal is to obtain new knowledge by describing and classifying phenomena, establishing cause-and-effect, functional and other relationships and patterns between them, predicting the types of their organizational situations)

Applied (personnel management deals with the issues of changing and transforming real production situations, developing specific models, projects and proposals to improve the efficiency of using workers.

There is a close relationship between the two levels of personnel management: on the one hand, theory acts as a methodology for specific analysis and design, on the other hand, applied research data forms the basis for constructing hypotheses and developing theory.

The complex, integrative nature of personnel management is manifested in the structure of knowledge of personnel management as a science; its core consists of its own, specific knowledge, reflecting, firstly, the influence of the characteristics of employees on their attraction to the enterprise, selection and organizational behavior and, secondly , means and techniques for the practical use of established relationships in order to ensure the economic and social efficiency of the enterprise.

Thus, personnel management studies a person in the unity of all his manifestations that influence all processes in the enterprise: from his attraction to the effective use of his full potential

A person participates in production activity as its multifaceted subject:

Economic (producer and consumer of goods);

Biological (carrier of a certain physical structure and health);

Social (member certain group);

Political (citizen of the state, member of a political party, trade union, other interest groups);

Legal (owner of certain rights and obligations);

cultural (bearer of a certain mentality, value system, social norms and traditions);

Moral (what shares certain moral norms and value orientations);

Confessional (an atheist or one who professes a religion);

Emotional-volitional (having a certain character and psychological makeup in general);

Smart (having a certain intelligence and a certain system of knowledge)

All these and some other aspects of personality, under certain conditions, to a greater or lesser extent influence the employee’s behavior in the world of work.

Human resource management studies and considers the influence of all aspects of the individual on organizational behavior. This is the main specificity of this science; it determines its approach to the study of its subject, as well as its structure and content.

Human resource management is also based on theories related to the above-mentioned aspects of man. These include the following concepts:

1. Economic theories covering various areas of economic science. These are, first of all, labor market theories. Reflecting processes in the field of labor demand and supply, they help explain a number of phenomena in the field of personnel management. The conclusions of labor market theories are important for developing strategy and making operational and tactical decisions in the field of attracting labor, retaining qualified employees at the enterprise, stimulating workers, reducing staff turnover, stabilizing the team, creating a sense of commitment among staff to the enterprise, strengthening corporate culture, etc. Other areas of economic science are also of greater importance for personnel management, in particular: planning theories, economic computer science, as well as economic theories and methods.

2. Psychological theories (general psychology, psychological theories of behavior, psychoanalysis, social psychology, communication psychology, occupational psychology)

3. Sociological concepts and their influence on personnel management are varied. It manifests itself primarily in theories of groups and organizations

4 labor and social law

5. Political science theories

6. Conflictology

7. Labor sciences: ergonomics, labor physiology, labor psychology, labor sociology, labor technology, labor pedagogy, occupational medicine, anthropometry (a science that develops methods for measuring the capabilities of the human body and the organism as a whole) and others.

Such complex interdisciplinary content of the science of personnel management is determined by a large number of parties, aspects of a person that influence his behavior in the enterprise. The complexity and syncretism of personnel management in no way denies the specificity and independent (within certain limits) nature of this science. All data from other sciences are reinterpreted and developed in it from the point of view of providing the enterprise with the optimal quantity and quality of workers and their potential in order to increase the competitiveness of the enterprise in the market.

The practical significance of personnel management is as follows:

Ideal design of personnel management practices, development of theory, strategy, technology, methods and means of personnel management;

Rationalization, deep critical understanding of practical people management and its orientation towards the requirements of economic (business) and social efficiency;

Encouraging managers to change models, techniques, style, methods and means of managing workers based on alternatives offered by science

For practicing HR managers, we can offer three types of services:

Based on the relationships between various organizational phenomena explored within the science of personnel management, various theories or models in the field of personnel management can be developed and tested. Theories that have been tested can, in turn, help a manager understand the consequences of his actions by explaining to him: "If. You do X, you are likely to get. B";

By systematically studying behavior (both in real and in laboratory, simulated organizations), the science of personnel management can offer the manager a wider variety of possible behavioral options than he could previously use. Combined with good theory, an expanded and enriched repertoire of managerial behavior increases the number of alternatives for action;

By increasing the number of possible behavioral alternatives, the most important consequences of which can be scientifically predicted, research within the science of personnel management helps the practical manager to trace the evolution of his future actions and their possible consequences. This increases the likelihood of developing an optimal behavior.

Personnel management as a science influences the real life of enterprises, becoming the property of people engaged in the field of management and production. This happens due to its transformation into an academic discipline. The emergence of personnel management as an academic discipline occurred mainly in the first decades after the Second World War. Specialized departments of personnel management, usually combined with some other, mainly economic disciplines, first appeared in the post-war period. USA in the 60-70s and became widespread in other countries. Western. Europe. So, in. Germany's first café "Human Resource Management" was established in 1961. Today this subject is taught in almost all universities, higher schools of management and business, as well as in many other educational institutions. America. Western. Europe and other regions of the world. Human resource management is included in the curriculum of almost all universities. A large amount of literature is published on the issues of personnel management; there are a number of associations and unions in this area, for example. International Association for Human Resource Management. American Society of Human Resource Management, etc.

Modern operating conditions of enterprises place qualitatively new demands on HR managers, necessitating a higher intensity of their work, the ability to value time, possess a range of organizational and psychological qualities, and provide a creative approach to work. In this regard, improving the quality content of the activities of HR managers is of particular relevance.

At the same time, in Ukraine there is a situation where not enough attention is paid to personnel management, the technology for developing and making personnel decisions is imperfect and scientifically unfounded, and in most cases there is no focus on achieving social efficiency in personnel management. This is due to the existence of a number of problems in the field of personnel management in enterprises.

Thus, personnel management services at enterprises, as a rule, have a low organizational status and are considered as an auxiliary unit serving a narrow range of functions. At. This level of competence, as well as the organizational, legal and socio-psychological culture of personnel service workers, is not high enough. Both HR managers and line managers, in most cases, lack the skills to organize work for final financial and economic indicators using personnel activities. This problem is caused not only by the low level of professional and social competence of HR managers. It is a consequence of enterprise managers’ misunderstanding of the place and role of human resources services in solving common problems and achieving the goals of the enterprise.

This causes incomplete, insufficiently effective implementation (and in some cases, non-fulfillment) of such important functions (procedures) of personnel management as: planning of the qualitative and quantitative composition of employees, information support of the personnel management system, socio-psychological diagnostics of human resources, analysis and regulation relationships in the team, management of industrial and social conflicts, formation of a stable workforce, planning the business career of employees, professional and socio-psychological adaptation of new employees, analysis and assessment of personnel potential in the formation of a personnel reserve, as well as marketing personnel.

Currently, many enterprises do not have regulations on the personnel service, personnel technologies have not been developed, and there is a low level of coordination of the activities of the personnel service with other structural divisions of the enterprise.

Scientific methods of recruitment, assessment, placement and training of personnel are poorly introduced into the practice of personnel services, which reduces both the economic and social efficiency of personnel management

The next problem in the field of personnel management is that managers of personnel services often do not show interest in the means of identifying and understanding the expectations, moods, and social orientations of both work groups and individual employees. This, in turn, limits the ability of the enterprise manager to create a “single team”.

Thus, in modern conditions, an objective need has arisen to improve personnel management at enterprises. At the same time, measures should be developed to improve the efficiency of personnel management at both inter-organizational and intra-organizational levels. As for the interorganizational level, it should be noted that in market conditions, the development of human resources requires cooperation and cooperation. Thus, interorganizational connections make it possible to combine the intellectual resources of enterprises in order to introduce various types of innovations into their activities. At the intra-organizational level, executives and managers must understand the shortcomings of the traditional concept of personnel management and the need to formulate a new personnel policy and corporate management philosophy. This will help achieve social partnership in a team, coordinating the economic and social interests of individual workers and working groups.

Thus, currently, personnel management is a necessary component of managerial, economic and a number of other areas of higher education. It is necessary not only for managers with experience or for future managers directly involved in managing people, but to a greater or lesser extent for all modern specialists, since it ensures their social competence. Training managers in the basic principles and methods of personnel management will help them develop an understanding of the importance of correct, scientifically based work with people, increase the prestige of personnel services and increase the efficiency of using the human factor in enterprises.

The subject of the discipline "Human Resource Management" is a set of public relations arising in the process joint activities workers

The purpose of the academic discipline "Human Resources Management" is for students to obtain theoretical knowledge on the effective management of the workforce of an enterprise based on the use of scientific principles and methods developed by domestic and foreign experts, and the positive practical experience of progressive enterprises.

The main objectives of the course "Personnel Management": to equip students with modern scientific management methodology and means of influencing the team, to master the most effective, progressive forms of personnel management and means of support stable activity enterprises in market conditions relative.

As a specific area of ​​scientific knowledge, personnel management is the subject of developing a scientific theory focused on identifying the significance of this process for the development of an enterprise and its influence on achieving its economic and social efficiency.

Assuming various research approaches, correlated with the goals of the subject managing it, conditions and rules environment, personnel management is an independent section of management science and, in accordance with this, can be the subject of scientific knowledge.

According to philosophers, modern science is disciplinary organized and consists of various areas of knowledge that interact with each other and at the same time have relative independence. If we consider science as a whole, then it belongs to the type of complex developing systems, which in their development give rise to more and more new relatively autonomous subsystems and new integrative connections that control their interaction. Formed at the “junction” of economics, psychology, law, social pedagogy, medicine, taking into account the ethnic characteristics of the population and based on the principles of general management, personnel management thus presupposes an “interdisciplinary” approach to its research and, standing out as an autonomous scientific subsystem, implies it in during the classical process of cognition.

The logic of scientific knowledge distinguishes, first of all, two levels of knowledge - empirical and theoretical - and the corresponding two interrelated, but at the same time specific types of cognitive activity: empirical and theoretical research. The empirical - as the initial stage - is characterized by the collection of facts that record the external manifestations, properties of an object or phenomenon. Theoretical knowledge is already the deepening of human thought into the essence of the phenomenon of reality. If the methods of empirical research are observation, description and other similar ones, then the methods of more advanced theoretical research are modeling, creating hypotheses and theories.

Philosophical thought is inclined to believe that the results of scientific activity are reflected precisely in theories (from the Latin theoria - consideration, research). Stipulating the fact that theory can be both a starting point scientific research, and its result, scientists currently define it as any scientific unity of knowledge in which facts and hypotheses are connected into some integrity, i.e. such scientific knowledge in which facts are brought under general laws, and the connections between them are derived from the latter. To any theoretical knowledge, due to the fact that a theory inevitably has a hypothetical element, there is a moment of uncertainty mixed in; it acquires a probabilistic character, and the discovery of every fact consistent with this theory increases the degree of its reliability, and the discovery of a fact that contradicts it makes it less reliable and probable.

In accordance with the functions and tasks performed, two large groups of theories are distinguished:

– explanation, i.e. comprehension of reality through descriptions, classification of types, explanations and predictions, meaning that relationships are known through theories (the theoretical goal of science);

– transformation, i.e.

E. creation by theories of prerequisites for changing or transforming reality (the pragmatic goal of science).

As an autonomous subsystem of management activities, personnel management is an established and developing direction in the American and Western European scientific schools and, relative to them, a relatively new direction, devoid of a long-term, objective basis of knowledge, in domestic science.

Depending on the importance attached to explanation and transformation, three main areas of personnel management as a science can be distinguished:

1) Theoretical-oriented personnel management focuses on theoretical scientific goals. This means, first of all, the need to present an explanation of the reasons, factors, specific content, evolutionary expectations of certain aspects of working with people. Judgments of a transformative or organizational nature are permissible in this direction as a likely concomitant result. The study of personnel management from a theoretical perspective is most effective with the involvement of related disciplines– psychology, theory of organization, history;

2) personnel management as a technology with a focus on a pragmatic scientific goal. The theoretical scientific goal in this direction loses its dominant role; the focus becomes the development of recommendations for practical changes with a meaningful neglect of deep theoretical research;

3) personnel management as an applied science. The focus here is on pragmatic (from the ancient Greek pragma - business, action) scientific goals with the simultaneous pursuit of a theoretical scientific goal, since theory serves as the basis for the qualified development of recommendations for organization and transformation.

The theory of personnel management can be built different ways: using deduction - moving from the general to the specific, or through formulation general provisions; through induction - ascent from observation and description of a phenomenon that takes place in reality, to concepts and judgments, from the individual, the particular - to the general.

It is important for the formation of the theory of personnel management to take into account the factors influencing its construction, including taking into account the fact that the theory of personnel management presupposes a certain spatio-temporal area of ​​action, where the spatial limitation is due to unequal different countries norms and sociocultural environment, as well as the stage of internationalization of business.

In addition to the main function - a certain (from the personnel perspective) explanation and forecasting of the impact on the development of the enterprise, the theory of personnel management performs a number of other, no less important functions, distinctive feature which is not a direct, but an indirect connection with the original tasks of the theory. It's about about heuristic and socio-political functions.

The heuristic potential of the theory lies in the fact that the process of its formation and constant development, conducting empirical research and creating more advanced theories enriches the discussion about working with personnel in science and practical life, allows us to anticipate and take into account weakly manifested, but potentially active phenomena and trends . For example, in the 80s and even 90s. XX century A change in the personnel management paradigm seemed debatable, but the anticipation of the emergence of human resource management turned out to be real. The current debate is the gradual transition of the functions of the personnel service to functional managers (production, marketing, logistics, etc.).

Even if there is insufficient confirmation of a theory, open discussion of its subject has a “political” impact. Depending on its specific content, the theory develops in recipients of information and users the ability to make critical assessments, form public resonance and leads, on the one hand, to further development the result of scientific activity in the field of personnel management, on the other hand, to changing norms of behavior, improving work in groups, eliminating discriminatory phenomena, and correcting gender asymmetry.

Consequently, as a specific area of ​​scientific knowledge, personnel management can be the subject of developing an appropriate scientific theory, focused on identifying the significance of this process for the evolutionary development of an enterprise or the impact on achieving its economic and social efficiency.

More on the topic Human resource management as a science:

  2. Personnel as an object of management, concept and features of personnel management, management methods
  5. Basic categories characterizing personnel management. Main areas of personnel management and their relationship
  6. Concept “Developmental personnel management”. Systematization of manager competencies in the field of personnel management