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Study of subjective control. Subjective (organoleptic) methods of technical diagnostics

When selecting applicants for leadership positions When forming teams, there is often a need to determine how responsible a person is, to find out how much he “controls himself” in various professionally significant situations, to assess the degree of his activity and emotional maturity.

The level of subjective control is a generalized characteristic of the personality, which manifests itself in a similar way in different situations. Psychologists believe that the level of subjective control is associated with a person's sense of responsibility for what is happening "here and now", as well as for long-term consequences, that is, with social maturity and individual independence. For the first time, methods for diagnosing such a personality characteristic were tested in the 60s in the United States. The most famous among them is the scale of locus of control ( locus of control scale) developed by J. Rotter ( J. B. Rotter). This scale is based on the position that all people are divided into two types - internals and externals - depending on how they evaluate what causes various events in their lives and who is responsible for them. Every person can be valued on the scale "internality-externality". Internals have an internal locus of control, externals have an external one. The differences between the two types of localization of control can be significant in terms of the success of professional activity (the internal locus of control significantly correlates with the index of professional success).

People of the internal type evaluate all significant events that happen to them as the result of their own activities. They work more productively in solitude, more active in the search for information. In addition, internal personalities are better at work that requires initiative. They are more decisive, self-confident, principled in interpersonal relationships, not afraid to take risks. Research shows that internal leaders are capable of exercising directive leadership successfully.

An external personality, on the contrary, interprets all the events taking place in her life as depending not on her, but on some external forces (God, other people, fate, etc.). Since the externals do not feel able to influence their lives in any way, to control the development of events, they relieve themselves of any responsibility for everything that happens to them. At the same time, they are characterized by greater conformity, more compliant and sensitive to the opinions and assessments of others. In general, external personalities turn out to be good performers, working effectively under the control of other people.

In domestic practice, it is used methodology for studying the level of subjective control (USK), created by E. F. Bazhin, E. A. Golynkina and A. M. Etkind at the Leningrad Psychoneurological Institute. V. M. Bekhterev based on the scale of J. Rotter. The authors of this technique proceed from the fact that the direction of subjective control in one and the same person may have variations in different areas of life. Therefore, USC includes a number of scales that measure not just internality-externality, but also the manifestations of this characteristic in such areas as attitudes towards achievements, failures, health and illness, as well as in the sphere of family, industrial and interpersonal relations.

This experimental psychological technique makes it possible to relatively quickly and effectively assess the level of subjective control formed in the subject over various life situations.

to study the level of subjective control (USK)

Instruction: You are offered 44 statements that describe various ways human interpretation of the most common social situations. Read each statement carefully, rate the extent to which you agree or disagree, and mark the answer sheet number corresponding to your choice:

3 - totally agree
+2 - agree
+1 - agree rather than disagree
-1 - Disagree rather than agree
-2 - disagree
-3 - completely disagree

Try to use the full range of ratings.

Answer sheet
Full Name




Promotion is more about luck than personal ability and effort.
Most divorces are due to the fact that people did not want to adapt to each other.
Illness is a matter of chance; if you are destined to get sick, then nothing can be done
People are lonely because they themselves do not show interest and friendliness to others.
The fulfillment of my desires often depends on luck.
It is useless to make an effort to win the sympathy of other people.
External circumstances, parents and well-being affect family happiness no less than the relationship of spouses
I often feel like I have little influence on what happens to me.
As a rule, management is more effective when it fully controls the actions of subordinates, and does not rely on their independence.
My grades in school depended more on random circumstances (such as the mood of the teacher) than on my own efforts.
When I make plans, I generally believe that I can
implement them
What many people think is luck or good luck is actually the result of long, focused efforts.
I think that the right lifestyle can help health more than doctors and medicines
If people are not suitable for each other, then no matter how hard they try, they still will not be able to establish family life.
The good that I do is usually appreciated by others.
Children grow up the way their parents raise them.
I think that chance or fate does not play an important role in my life.
I try not to plan too far ahead because a lot depends on how things turn out.
My grades in school depended most of all on my efforts and degree of preparedness.
In family conflicts, I often feel guilty for myself than for the opposite side.
People's lives depend on circumstances
I prefer a guide where you can decide for yourself what to do and how to do it.
I think that my lifestyle is in no way the cause of my illnesses.
As a rule, it is an unfortunate set of circumstances that prevents people from succeeding in their business.
After all, for bad management The organization is responsible for the people who work in it.
I often feel that I can’t change anything in the existing relationships in the family.
If I really want, I can win over anyone
The rising generation is affected by so many different circumstances that the efforts of parents to educate them are often futile.
What happens to me is the work of my hands
It can be difficult to understand why leaders act the way they do.
A person who has not been able to succeed in his work, most likely, did not show enough effort.
More often than not, I can get what I want from my family members.
The troubles and failures that occurred in my life were more often to blame for other people than myself.
You can always protect a child from a cold if you follow him and dress him correctly.
AT difficult circumstances I prefer to wait until problems resolve themselves
Success is the result of hard work and little depends on chance or luck.
I feel that more than anyone else, the happiness of my family depends on me.
I have always found it difficult to understand why some people like me and others don't.
I always prefer to make a decision and act
on your own, rather than relying on the help of other people
or to fate
Unfortunately, the merits of a person often remain unrecognized, despite all his efforts.
AT family life there are situations that cannot be resolved even with the strongest desire
capable people who failed to realize their potential should only blame themselves
Many of my successes were only possible thanks to the help of other people.
Most of the failures in my life came from ignorance or laziness and depended little on luck or bad luck.

Results processing

Processing of test results is carried out in several stages. The number corresponding to the choice determines the number of points received for each answer. First, using the keys, the scores for each scale are calculated (simple summation). At the same time, points for answers to questions with a “+” sign are summed up with their own sign, and for questions with a “–” sign - with the opposite sign.

Keys to scales

1. Scale of general internality (I o)

2. Scale of internality in the field of achievements (I e)

3. Scale of internality in the field of failures (I n)

5. Scale of internality in the field of industrial relations (I p)

7. Scale of internality in relation to health and disease (I h)

As a result of scoring for each of the scales, so-called "raw" scores are obtained, which must be converted into standard scores (walls). To do this, use a special table.

Table for converting "raw" scores to standard scores

Click image for larger version

The scores obtained in the walls are entered in the table:

Final table of results

The results expressed in the walls are compared with the norm (5.5 walls). An indicator above 5.5 walls indicates an internal type of control in this area, below 5.5 - an external one.

The results can also be presented as a graph or as a profile.

Example of a USC chart

USK profile example

Interpretation of the results

Psychologically, a person with high rate of subjective control possesses emotional stability, perseverance, determination, sociability, high self-control and restraint. Man with low subjective control emotionally unstable, prone to informal behavior, uncommunicative, poor self-control and high tension.

The scale of general internality (I o). High rate on this scale corresponds to a high level of subjective control over any significant situations. Such people believe that most of the important events in their lives are the result of their own actions that they can control them. They feel their own responsibility for these events and for the way their life as a whole develops. Subjects with low level subjective control do not see the connection between their actions and significant life events for them. They do not consider themselves capable of controlling their development and believe that most events are the result of chance or the actions of other people.

Scale of internality in the field of achievements (I e). High rate on this scale corresponds to a high level of subjective control over emotionally positive events and situations. Such people believe that they themselves have achieved everything that was and is in their life, and that they are able to successfully achieve their goals in the future. Low rate on a scale indicates that a person attributes his successes and achievements to circumstances - luck, good fortune or the help of other people.

Scale of internality in the field of failures (I n). High rate on this scale reflects a developed sense of subjective control in relation to negative events and situations, which is manifested in a tendency to blame oneself for various troubles and suffering. Low rate indicates that the subject is inclined to attribute responsibility for such events to other people or to consider them the result of bad luck.

Scale of internality in the field of family relations (I s). High rate And c means that a person considers himself responsible for the events taking place in his family life. Low rate And c indicates that the subject considers his partners responsible for the situations that arise in his family.

Scale of internality in the field of industrial relations (I n). High rate on this scale indicates that in the organization of its production activities man relies mainly on himself. He believes that he can influence his relationships with colleagues, manage them and be responsible for them; thinks he professional career, promotion depends more on himself than on other people or external forces. Low rate indicates that a person has a tendency not to take responsibility for their professional successes and failures. Such a person believes that not he himself, but someone else - bosses, colleagues, luck, etc. - determine everything that happens to him in this area.

Scale of internality in the field of interpersonal relations (I m). High rate And m indicates that a person considers himself able to control his formal and informal relationships with other people, to arouse respect and sympathy for himself. Low rate , on the contrary, indicates that a person cannot actively form his social circle and tends to consider his interpersonal relationships as the result of partners' activity.

Scale of internality in relation to health and disease (I h). High rate indicate that the subject considers himself responsible for his health: if he is sick, he blames himself for this and believes that recovery largely depends on his actions. Man with low rate on this scale, he considers the disease the result of an accident and hopes that recovery will come as a result of the actions of others, primarily doctors.

For professional diagnostics, the most informative are the results on the scale of internality in industrial relations (I p). Results on other scales make it possible to build a multidimensional profile. Since most people are characterized by a more or less wide variability of behavior depending on specific social situations, the characteristics of subjective control can also change in a person depending on whether the situation seems to him complex or simple, pleasant or unpleasant, etc.

The level of subjective control increases as a result of psychological correction. At the same time, it should be remembered that internals prefer non-directive methods of psychological correction; and externals, as individuals with increased anxiety and prone to depression, are subjectively more satisfied with behavioral methods.

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1. Criteria for the formation of physical culture

2. Objective control

3. Subjective control




Physical education, regardless of the forms of its implementation, whether it is sports training or physical culture and health work, in terms of content is, first of all, a specialized socio-pedagogical process. However, the object of this process is a very complex self-regulating biological system - the human body, which is in constant interaction with its natural and social environment. In this regard, it is obvious that the effectiveness of the training process is determined by the optimal correspondence of the means and methods used. physical education health status, functional capabilities, age-related individual characteristics of those involved in physical culture and sports.

In modern socio-economic and environmental conditions, when the health of the population, and especially the younger generation, has deteriorated significantly and, unfortunately, continues to deteriorate rapidly, such a rational approach to the implementation of the process of physical education as a mandatory component of valeological policy, especially in the conditions of modern general average and higher education, becomes of fundamental importance. Otherwise, the motivation for physical exercises decreases, the effectiveness of the training process and the level of sportsmanship decrease, sports longevity decreases, and conditions are created for the development of a number of pathological conditions. Any mistake of a coach, teacher in case of incorrect organization and implementation of the physical education process has a very high price- the health of those involved.

Numerous comprehensive studies have objectively proved that systematic physical exercises have significant complex and diverse effects on the human body, especially noticeable in critical and sensitive periods of ontogenetic development. Only properly organized classes under the supervision of a doctor in compliance with the principles of sports training strengthen health, improve physical development, increase physical fitness and performance of the body, and contribute to the growth of sportsmanship. Irrational organization of training sessions, performance physical work, in terms of direction, volume, intensity that does not correspond to the individual morphofunctional and physical capabilities of the body involved in physical culture and sports, the lack of regular medical supervision, neglect of the methodological instructions of a trainer, teacher, doctor, can have a very high price - harm health.

In the process of physical education, it is recommended to use various types of control, during which the functional state of various organs and physiological systems of the body of those involved is monitored. Operational or current subjective control reflects the daily reactions of the organism of those involved in physical activity performed by the most variable morphological and functional indicators (for example, body weight, heart rate, blood pressure, etc.).

The number of control indicators may be different, but it is important to learn how to methodically correctly determine individual indicators, correctly formulate and evaluate them. Therefore, the main criteria for selecting indicators that are recommended to be systematically entered into an individual subjective control diary are the degree of their informativeness (objective and / or subjective) about the current physical, morphofunctional, psychophysiological state of the body, as well as the availability of methods for their practical determination and evaluation in natural conditions of implementation. training process and recovery without the use of special equipment. A sports doctor, a coach should explain to students how to keep a diary, how to evaluate this or that indicator, and most importantly, explain to them what effect each of the diagnosed indicators has on their health.

1. Criteria for the formation of physicaleculture

The criteria by which one can judge the formation of a person's physical culture are objective and subjective indicators. Based on them, it is possible to identify the essential properties and measure of the manifestation of physical culture in activity. These include:

The degree of formation of the need for physical culture and ways to meet it;

Intensity of participation in physical culture and sports activities (time spent, regularity);

The nature of the complexity and creative level of this activity;

Expression of emotional-volitional and moral manifestations of a person in physical culture and sports activities (independence, perseverance, purposefulness, self-control, collectivism, patriotism, diligence, responsibility, discipline);

The degree of satisfaction and attitude to the activities performed;

Manifestation of amateur performance, self-organization, self-education, self-education and self-improvement in physical culture;

The level of physical perfection and attitude to it;

Possession of means, methods, skills and abilities necessary for physical improvement;

Consistency, depth and flexibility of assimilation of scientific and practical knowledge on physical culture for creative use in the practice of physical culture and sports activities;

The breadth of the range and regularity of the use of knowledge, skills and experience of physical culture and sports activities in the organization of a healthy lifestyle, in educational and professional activities.

Thus, the formation of a person's physical culture can be judged by how and in what specific form personal attitudes to physical culture, its values ​​are manifested. The complex system of the needs of the individual, his abilities appears here as a measure of the development of the physical culture of society and a measure of creative self-expression in it.

In accordance with the criteria, a number of levels of manifestation of the physical culture of the individual can be distinguished.

The pre-nominal level is formed spontaneously. The reasons for it lie in the sphere of consciousness in relation to students and are associated with dissatisfaction with the program offered by teachers, the content of classes and extracurricular activities, its semantic and general cultural potential; complicated interpersonal relationships with the teacher. Students have no need for cognitive activity, and knowledge is manifested at the level of familiarity with the educational material. The connection of physical culture with the formation of the personality of the future specialist and the process of his professional training is denied. The motivational sphere is dominated by a negative or indifferent attitude. In the classroom, such students are passive, the scope of extracurricular activities is rejected. The level of their physical abilities may be different.

The nominal level is characterized by the indifferent attitude of students to physical culture and the spontaneous use of its individual means and methods under the influence of classmates, leisure, emotional impressions of a sports spectacle, television or film information. Knowledge is limited, unsystematic; the meaning of classes is seen only in strengthening health, partly in physical development. Practical skills are limited to the simplest elements - morning exercises (occasionally), certain types of hardening, outdoor activities; direction is personal. Sometimes students of this level can take part in some types of physical culture and sports activities of a reproductive nature at the request of the teacher. The level of health and physical fitness of such students has a wide range. In the postgraduate period, they do not show initiative in taking care of their health, physical condition.

The potential level is based on a positively conscious attitude of students to physical culture for the purpose of self-improvement and professional activity. They have the necessary knowledge, beliefs, practical skills and abilities that allow them to competently perform a variety of physical culture and sports activities under the supervision and with the advice of teachers and experienced comrades. Cognitive activity is manifested both in the field of sports spectacles and in the development of popular science literature.

Orientation towards self. Great importance give emotional communication and self-expression in the process of classes. They use partial physical self-education, guided by personal motives. They are active in public physical activity only when prompted from outside (teachers, the public, the dean's office). After graduation, they show physical culture and sports activity only when they find themselves in a favorable environment.

The creative level is typical for students who are convinced of the value and the need to use physical culture for the development and realization of the capabilities of the individual. These students are inherent in the thoroughness of knowledge in physical culture, they possess the skills and abilities of physical self-improvement, organization healthy lifestyle life, the use of physical culture for rehabilitation at high neuro-emotional stress and after illness; they creatively introduce physical culture into professional activities, into family life. After graduating from the university, they show initiative in amateur activities in many areas of life.

The boundaries of the selected levels are movable. They indicate the presence of contradictions, the main of which is the discrepancy between modern requirements to the professional and personal development of the future specialist and his real level. And this is the driving force behind the development of his physical culture.

2. Objective control

Physical exercises have unusually strong, complex and diverse effects on the human body. Only properly organized classes under the supervision of a doctor, in compliance with the principles of sports training, strengthen health, improve physical development, increase physical fitness and performance of the body, and contribute to the growth of sportsmanship. Wrong organization classes, neglect of methodological instructions, the implementation of the volume and intensity of physical activity without taking into account the state of health and individual characteristics involved, the lack of regular medical supervision can be harmful to health.

The mass attraction of older and older people to physical culture and sports requires especially in-depth medical control over them. According to the state and physical fitness, gender and age, as well as other indicators, this group of trainees is divided into the following medical groups:

1st - practically healthy people who do not go to doctors with complaints, who have sufficient physical fitness for their age.

2nd - persons with age-related changes, accompanied by small deviations of a functional nature with sufficient compensation, or initial forms of diseases, often characteristic of the aging process, as well as practically healthy people with insufficient physical fitness.

3rd - persons with reduced functional adaptation, deviations in the state of health of a permanent or temporary nature, with poor physical fitness.

Persons of older and older age with significant deviations and over 75 years of age can be sent to the offices of physiotherapy exercises of medical institutions for classes under the supervision of doctors.

In the absence of contraindications, the subject is issued a certificate giving the right to engage in physical exercises in a sports and recreation group. Depending on the dynamics of the state of health and physical fitness in the process of regular classes, the student can be transferred to one or another medical group.

An important component of medical examinations are medical and pedagogical observations and control over loads. In addition, sanitary and hygienic control is carried out over the places of employment, and sanitary and educational work is carried out among those involved.

The doctor takes part in the methodological work, gives appropriate recommendations, and conducts consultations. At the same time, he should be guided by the table of restrictions and contraindications.

All students involved in physical culture and sports according to the curriculum or on their own must take medical examinations. Additional medical examinations are held before competitions, after illnesses, with adverse subjective feelings, in the direction of a teacher of physical education.

If we evaluate the importance of control in the process of physical education from an objective point of view, then independent control over the physical and functional state of one's own body allows, firstly, to obtain data on the denser dynamics of its current state, which is important objective information about the state of health of those involved for the doctor , the trainer, the teacher, the practitioner himself, which, if necessary, can help the specialist to correctly diagnose deviations in the state of health of those involved, identify and eliminate their possible causes (physiological and / or pathological), correctly plan and correct the training process in time; secondly, it allows students to gain practical experience in the correct independent use of methodological methods for determining and evaluating the physical and morphofunctional state of their own body, which, unfortunately, coaches and teachers often do not have; thirdly, it allows you to gain experience in self-assessment of the adequacy and effectiveness of physical activity, taking into account the individual characteristics of the body involved, which is very important for self-control over their own physical health, training regimen; fourthly, it allows students to independently master the basic fundamental and applied modern valeological knowledge and, on their basis, form conscious value orientations for physical self-improvement and health preservation, for an active positive attitude towards their health, to the organization of a healthy lifestyle.

3. Subjective control

A meaningful procedure of subjective control at the personal level helps those involved in physical culture and sports to get to know their body better, teaches them to monitor their own health.

In a broader, global sense, subjective control can be considered as a factor in ensuring the valeological safety of those involved in the process of physical education, which should be understood as the protection of their health in the implementation by a teacher, trainer of the educational and training process, educational, scientific and methodological (research, experimental and experimental ) activities without prejudice to individual health and full development of those involved in physical culture and sports .

Of fundamental importance for the acquisition and improvement of the practical experience of independent observations of the physical and morphofunctional state of their own body by those involved in physical culture and sports is the detailed methodological and physiological substantiation of the above main indicators of subjective control.

Body weight, an important somatometric indicator of the morphofunctional state of the body, is recommended to be determined daily in the morning, on an empty stomach, on the same medical scales, in the same clothes. If it is not possible to weigh yourself every day, you can limit yourself to one day a week at the same time. At the initial stage of the training process, body weight usually decreases, then stabilizes and then gradually increases due to an increase in muscle mass. With a sharp decrease or increase in weight, you should consult a doctor.

The pulse is an important physiometric indicator of the functional state of the body. A well-trained healthy person has a lower resting heart rate (40-55 bpm) than an untrained person (60-80 bpm). In the morning, the pulse is less. The optimal limits of heart rate change under the influence of average physical loads in physical culture classes are 130-150 beats/min, under the influence of significant training loads - 180-200 beats/min. After intense physiologically acceptable training loads, the pulse returns to normal after 40-50 minutes. Otherwise, we can talk about a state of overwork due to insufficient physical fitness or deviations in health.

Arterial pressure (BP) is one of the main characteristics of the functional state of the cardiovascular system, primarily the system of regulation and the state of the arterial vascular bed. control fitness wellness man

Systolic blood pressure (SBP or BPmax) is the maximum pressure level recorded in large arterial vessels during systole. SAD is common characteristic work of the cardiovascular system. The value of SBP depends on peripheral resistance at the level of arterial vessels and the value of systolic blood ejection. At rest, SBP in healthy people is 100-125 mm Hg. Art. During exercise, the value of SBP increases and in a healthy person can reach 160-220 mm Hg. Art.

Diastolic blood pressure (DBP or BPmin) characterizes the pressure in large arterial vessels during the total diastole of the heart. At rest, DBP is 60-80 mm Hg. Art. The value of DBP during exercise can decrease to 50-40 mm Hg. Art.

Pulse arterial pressure (PAD=SBP-DBP) at rest is 35-55 mm Hg. Art. and after exercise can increase up to 100 mm Hg. Indirectly this indicator characterizes the state of smaller peripheral vessels (arterioles, venules, capillaries) that provide microcirculation and metabolic processes at the level of cells and tissues.

One of the most important hemodynamic parameters is mean arterial pressure (BPmean = ((SBP+DBP)/2). With physical fatigue, BPmean increases by 10-30 mm Hg. The above changes in blood pressure are the most important adaptive reactions of the circulatory system during muscular activities .

The assessment of the type of response of the cardiovascular system to physical activity is based on the assessment of the direction and severity of changes in basic hemodynamic parameters (HR, SBP, DBP, PBP) under the influence of standard physical activity, as well as the rate of their recovery. There are five main types of response of the cardiovascular system to physical activity: normotonic, dystonic, hypertonic, hypotonic, stepped.

The most rational, reflecting the body's good adaptability to physical activity, the type of reaction is the normotonic type, which is characterized by an increase in heart rate, an increase in SBP (by 15-30%) and PBP (the percentage of PBP increase is within the same limits as and the percentage of increased heart rate when performing loads of various intensity), a decrease in DBP (by 10-35%), a quick recovery of heart rate and blood pressure to the initial values ​​(after 20 squats - after 3 min., after 15 seconds of running at a maximum pace - after 4 minutes, after 3 minutes of running at a pace of 180 steps per minute - after 5 minutes).

For objective subjective control of the state of fitness, it is recommended to use functional tests that allow assessing the state of the cardiorespiratory system - the main functional life support system during muscle activity.

It is most expedient for the purpose of subjective control to use functional tests of Stange and Genchi with maximum breath holding to assess the body's resistance to hypoxia;

orthostatic test to assess the state of the autonomic link of the nervous regulation of cardiac activity; a six-moment functional test to assess the level of fitness;

12-minute motor test by K. Cooper to assess the physical condition; stepergometric testing to determine the absolute and relative values ​​of the PWC 170 indicator, characterizing the level of general physical performance;

maximum oxygen consumption (MOC), characterizing the aerobic performance of the body;

the index of the Harvard step test (HST), which characterizes the level of special physical performance (fitness), taking into account the state of the body during the recovery period;

Rufier index, which characterizes reactivity, the level of fitness of the cardiovascular system.

Informative for the purposes of subjective control are also the actual and due values ​​of VC, characterizing the functional state of the external respiration system;

actual and due indicators of basal metabolism, characterizing the reserve energy capabilities of the body;

life index indicators;

the values ​​of the mass-height index Quetelet I, characterizing the degree of fatness;

silt indicators (strength of the right and left hands, backbone strength, power indices); indicator of the quality of the reaction (RQR) of the cardiovascular system during physical activity;

Robinson index (double product) characterizing functionality heart muscle during exercise; Skibinsky index characterizing the state of the cardiorespiratory system;

index of functional changes (IFI), vegetative Kerdo index (IC=DBP/HR), which characterizes the functional state of the system of nervous regulation of the circulatory system;

coefficient of economization of blood circulation (KEK = (SBP-DBP) x heart rate), characterizing the level of functional tension in the work of the cardiovascular system.

It should be noted that in the process of subjective control, not only the numerical value of the determined functional indicator is important, but, first of all, the dynamics of the values ​​of the studied indicator under the influence of systematic physical exercises in the same student. For this purpose, it is recommended that the simplest (in terms of the resulting physical and functional stress of the body, as well as instrumental equipment) functional tests be carried out weekly, and more complex (according to the same criteria) - monthly. The first specialists include orthostatic and six-moment functional tests. It should be clarified that functional testing requires a minimum of technically uncomplicated equipment, namely: a metronome, a step test step, a tonometer, an air spirometer, a stopwatch. A description of the methods of recommended functional tests is contained in educational literature, quite accessible both for coaches and teachers, and for those involved in physical culture and sports in the system of general secondary and higher physical education and non-sports education.

Based on a large number of studies, the recommended intensity of exercise for recreational purposes is at the level of 60-90% of the maximum heart rate, 50-85% of the IPC or the maximum pulse reserve (which is calculated as the difference between the maximum increase in heart rate during exercise ((220-age) x 0.82) and resting heart rate) for 20-60 minutes 3-5 times a week.

The methodological basis of this concept is the idea of ​​a living organism as an open thermodynamic self-regulating system, the stability of which, in accordance with the laws of thermodynamics, depends primarily on its energy potential, in particular, on the level of aerobic capacity. In this regard, the IPC indicator is considered as the main quantitative and qualitative criterion for assessing the level of individual physical health of a person. The ratio of lung capacity to body weight (vital index) is also proposed as an important indicator of somatic health.

A number of authors have proposed formalized (in points) methods for rapid assessment of the physical condition of those involved in physical culture and sports according to the simplest clinical and physiological indicators that have fairly high correlations with the level of the individual's aerobic energy potential. For subjective control, an express assessment system according to G.L. Apanasenko and R.G. Naumenko (1988), including such indicators as the Quetelet I mass-height index, life index, strength index according to hand dynamometry, Robinson index, heart rate recovery time after 20 squats in 30 s, general assessment of the level of individual physical health in points. When comparing the above indicators, five levels of health are distinguished: low, below average, average, above average, high.

R.M. Baevsky proposed to determine the index of functional changes (FII) as a criterion for the adaptive capabilities of the organism, for the calculation of which only data on heart rate, SBP, DBP at rest, height, body weight and age are required. Pre-hospital screening based on the assessment of IFI, with all its simplicity, provides a systematic approach to assessing the functional state of the circulatory system as an indicator of the adaptive capacity of the organism.

Under the influence of stress factors (systematic intense physical activity), the transition from premorbid states (from physiological stress of adaptive mechanisms) to premorbid and pathological ones (poor adaptation and failure of adaptation) occurs gradually and can be traced by the dynamics of IFI.

The duration and nature of the training load as indicators of subjective control make it possible to objectively explain the causes of deviations in the functional state of the body involved.

The level of development of motor abilities, determined by the results of motor tests, allows you to track the extent to which the functional capabilities and motor abilities of those involved in the process of physical culture and sports are actually realized.

The amount of energy expenditure, determined by the tabular calculation method, during the implementation of the training load, along with the subjective assessment of the feeling of hunger during the day, are indirect criteria for assessing the energy balance in the body. Physiologists say that for the normal development and functioning of the human body, it is necessary to spend 1200-1300 kcal per day on muscle activity. It is the lack of physical activity that is the cause of many diseases and deviations in physical development, especially among students.

Determination of individual chronobiological and biorhythmological characteristics of the body is necessary to obtain objective information about the periods of the most optimal physical and functional activity of the body involved in micro-, meso-, macrocycles of motor activity. Individual phase characteristics of biorhythms (positive, negative phases, critical days) can be considered as criteria for assessing long-term rhythmic fluctuations in physical, mental performance, emotional reactivity of the body.

Observation of sports results is the most important stage of subjective control, which makes it possible to quite objectively assess the correctness of the use of means and methods of physical education. If the results of competitive activity improve or remain at a stable level, the health of the athlete does not cause concern, since it is in the sports result that the degree of perfection of the functions of all body systems is fixed. The state of overtraining is characterized first by a cessation, and then by a sharp decrease in the growth of sports results.

Well-being is an important subjective assessment of the general condition of the body during physical exertion. It can be qualitatively assessed as good, satisfactory, bad. When feeling unwell, the nature of unusual sensations is indicated. Various deviations in the state of health are reflected in appetite. Appetite can be described as good, bad, satisfactory, reduced.

Sleep is an important period of the functioning of the body, during which the restoration of its functional reserves and working capacity takes place. The duration and depth of sleep, its disturbances (difficult falling asleep, restless sleep, insomnia, lack of sleep) are noted.

Violations of the sports regime for subjective reasons also make it possible to explain various deviations in the state of the body of those involved in physical culture and sports.

Sweating is assessed as profuse, large, moderate, reduced. The intensity of sweating depends on microclimatic conditions, the type of physical activity, and the amount of fluid consumed.

Pain in the muscles, in the right hypochondrium, in the region of the heart, headaches can be associated with general fatigue of the body as a result of a violation of the daily routine, forcing training loads, as well as chronic diseases. Muscle pain in novice athletes, after breaks in training, is a natural phenomenon. In case of prolonged pain, you should consult a doctor.

The desire to exercise is characteristic of healthy people. With deviations in health, the desire to exercise decreases or disappears.

The need for a detailed methodological substantiation of the content and significance of the procedure of subjective control in the process of systematic physical culture and sports is associated, first of all, with the fact that, as an anonymous survey of a significant number of those involved, including athletes, unfortunately, none of them has even elementary practical experience of subjective control, for example, a conscious habit to determine the pulse before and after exercise. It turned out that teachers and trainers do not require subjective control from those involved in keeping a diary. We hope that specialists in the field of physical education will treat this problem with due attention and practical interest, understanding the fundamental valeological significance of subjective control for optimizing the process of physical education and maintaining the health of those involved in physical culture and sports.


In the context of the foregoing, experts recommend systematic self-control of the following objective and subjective indicators of the individual health of those involved.


body mass;

mass-height index Quetelet I;

composition of body weight by muscle-fat component;

strength indicators;

pulse before and immediately after the completion of training sessions, as well as 40-50 minutes after the completion of classes;

proper, maximum, backup heart rate;

blood pressure indicators (systolic, diastolic, pulse, mean);

actual and due values ​​of lung capacity (VC), indicators of basal metabolism;

indicators of PWC 170 (level of general physical performance), MPC (maximum oxygen consumption), IGST (index of the Harvard step test), life index (LI);

indicators of the quality of the response of the cardiovascular system to physical activity (RCR), the Rufier index, the vegetative Kerdo index, the Robinson index (double product), the Skibinsky index, the index of functional changes, the blood circulation economization coefficient (CEC);

type of reaction of the cardiovascular system to physical activity;

results of orthostatic test, functional tests of Stange and Genchi;

fitness index according to six-moment functional test (modified Martinet test);

assessment of physical performance according to the index of the modified Cooper test;

indicators of the development of motor abilities (according to the results of motor tests);

the duration and nature of training loads, the time of their implementation;

energy consumption during the performance of physical loads of general and special orientation; results of competitive activity; chronotype;

phase characteristics of individual physical, emotional, intellectual biorhythms. Women need to note in the diary the frequency and nature of the menstrual cycle.

Subjective indicators of subjective control: well-being, complaints, sleep patterns, appetite, degree of hunger during the day, violations of the sports regime (whether or not), pain, sweating, desire to exercise.


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There are two methods of control - subjective and objective. The subjective method of control means the identification, measurement and evaluation of knowledge, skills, abilities, depending on the personal ideas of the examiner. This method of knowledge assessment is suitable for final control, as it does not have strict limits.

Objective control refers to control that has the necessary accuracy, reproduction

output of results.

A tool that allows you to objectively assess the quality of assimilation is a criterion-indicative test, which combines control task and a standard by which to judge the quality of assimilation.

However, as practice shows, it is not always possible to achieve the required degree of objectivity and efficiency of control in training. Subsequently, this often reduces the understanding of the educational activities of students.

For the operational control of knowledge and skills in mathematics of students high school commonly used didactic materials- specially selected and systematized exercises.

The planned learning outcomes in mathematics, set in the program in the form of certain requirements for the knowledge and skills of students, make it possible to use such a form of control as tests.

The test differs from the usual knowledge control in that for it (the task) it is necessary to prepare a standard in advance, with which the student's answer is compared. The standard is necessary in order to accurately determine the degree of assimilation of the learning content by the student, which is characterized by the assimilation coefficient calculated by the formula: AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA

where e is the number of test operations performed by the student correctly, p is the total number of operations in the test.

But this is the case in the conditions of differentiable educational systems based on individualization and differentiation, variability and alternativeness of educational systems and educational institutions, flexibility and dynamism of educational and program documentation, its predictability and adaptability to changing conditions.

The modern actualization of the problems of assessing the quality of education in Russia occurs under the influence of a number of factors. First of all, there is a rethinking of the values, goals, place and role of education in connection with radical changes in society.

Hence, the requirements for the level of education and development of modern man, and above all, for the level of his spiritual, moral development, are sharply increasing.

Standard vocational education should serve as a social guarantee for members of society and ensure their competitiveness in the domestic and world labor markets.

The need to introduce standards is due to the fact that in connection with the targeted orders of enterprises for workers and specialists, the introduction of market relations between enterprises and educational institutions, there is a danger of reducing the intellectual potential of society by reducing the content and volume of general scientific and general professional training.

The introduction of vocational education standards is also of international importance: in matters of establishing the equivalence of documents on education necessary for the implementation of an equal exchange of students, the recognition of documents on education when hiring graduates of higher and secondary vocational educational institutions in Russia, the CIS and far abroad, when transferring to the next degree of education (in higher education, postgraduate study).

The ongoing reform of education requires the use of fundamentally new pedagogical technologies. The success of activity in the market conditions is determined by the ability to make non-standard decisions, determination, vigor, and enterprise.

These qualities are difficult to form without individualization and differentiation of education, without taking into account the interests, inclinations and abilities of students.

The solution of these problems necessitates the search for means of revealing the individuality of the individual. The experience of the Western education system forces us to turn to the practice of testing, which has become widespread in the educational process.

Tests differ from traditional assessments and control of students' knowledge by the objectivity of measuring learning outcomes, since they are guided not by the subjective opinion of teachers, but by objective empirical criteria.

A test (from the English word test - test, task) is a system of tasks that allows you to measure the level of knowledge acquisition, the degree of development of certain psychological qualities, abilities, personality traits.

Introduction of test control

The introduction of test control significantly increases the motivation for learning and the interest of the student.

The introduction of the test form of control on the subject was carried out in stages.

At the first stage, only the entrance control was carried out in the test form, and the final goal of the entrance test is to obtain information about the initial level of knowledge of students. The success of studying any course depends on the degree of assimilation of those concepts, terms, provisions that were studied at the previous stages of training. Therefore, the entrance test includes tasks that check the level of assimilation of the main educational elements this course. When checking, first of all, gaps in knowledge are determined, which is very important for productive self-education. test assessment knowledge training

The final test (examination) summarizes educational material, checks the formed knowledge and skills. The results of the first checks showed that students need to be prepared for the examination test, using test tasks during the current and midterm control.

Multiple choice assignments are especially good because each student is given the opportunity to clearly imagine the volume mandatory requirements, objectively evaluate their progress, receive specific instructions for additional, individual work.

Tests can be successfully combined with other forms of control, providing information on a range of quality characteristics knowledge and skills of the student.

The work on creating tests and evaluating their effectiveness is quite complicated and long.

Firstly, it is necessary to evaluate the quality of each test - its compliance with the program and the real abilities of students, while taking into account the strong time constraints on their performance of test tasks. If compliance with the program can be checked by referring only to the literature, then checking the "feasibility" of each test and even each task in one individual test is possible only after testing in practice.

Secondly, it is desirable to evaluate the entire group of tests - to what extent they capture the entire program material, or at least the most significant part of it.

And, finally, the main thing is that the compiled tests must be used in practice several times in order to select the most effective, most informative of them.

Systematic implementation of tests is difficult due to the relative complexity of creating a quality test.

1.3 Method "Subjective locus of control" Rotter

The concept of "Locus of Control" was introduced into practical psychology by J. Rotter as a personal variable that reflects the perception of one's own actions and the surrounding influence on a person and one's position in this system. Thus, there are external (external) and internal (internal) locus of control. Under the internal locus of control is meant the individual's expectations regarding his actions in a particular situation and the results obtained as a result of these actions. People with an external locus of control believe that the main reason for events in their lives external causes, which do not depend on their actions.

According to Rotter himself, it makes no sense to consider reinforcements as the only possible and most probable for a certain type of behavior, since the purpose of the technique itself is, first of all, to determine the causal relationships between the appearance of reinforcement and the individual's own actions.

The desire of people to achieve their goals lies in their positive expectations of a favorable outcome of the measures taken, which, accordingly, implies their readiness and ability to control situations by their own actions. Otherwise, even if a person can actually directly influence the outcome of the case, but does not take any action, because he is sure of a negative outcome, relying on previous experience or faith in managing the events of his life by higher and independent forces.

The beginning of a thorough study of control began in the 50-60s of the last century by William James and E. Jerry Fares under the leadership of J. Rotter himself. The main hypotheses that scientists tried to test in their work were subjective assessments of personality control. They have long noticed a tendency to abandon the actions of people who have received the expected results from actions, as well as the persistent attempts of other individuals to achieve what they want, even if there are several obstacles to achieving the goal. Thus, the reason for such actions is the person's confidence in the justification and ultimate reward of the efforts spent or the advance expectation of a bad result.

On the other hand, the same person may behave in different situations without following the general trend in the established locus of control. If in one case he decided to take action and took some measures to implement them, then in another similar situation he decided to give up any effort. This behavior is predominantly characteristic of people who rely largely on success and random events to achieve desired result. Thus, the feeling of control of a person is influenced by his confidence in achieving success and the specifics of the situation itself.

External and internal control, created by J. Rotter, can be considered the greatest success of his career. This development is intended to determine the strength of the relationship between human actions and external influences and accidents, as well as the consequences of the measures taken. The scale consists of 29 statements, which are expressed in different variations: in terms of a person's confidence in his ability to control a particular situation and in terms of his lack of any abilities for the same situation.

Among these 29 statements, 6 are secondary and are not taken into account in the overall standings. Their presence in the questionnaire was planned by the developer himself to improve its accuracy and reliability, since insignificant statements distract the respondent's attention. On the other hand, the Rotter method of determining the locus of control can be considered as pairs of statements designed to display:

a) consistency of behavior and its consequences;

b) competence in the implementation of these actions.

The first point confirms the subjectivity of the assessment of the expectation of positive results, and the second - the presence of necessary abilities and skills for the implementation of certain actions and the natural expectation of their success.

Also, the subjectivity of the results obtained on the test can be reflected in the assessment of one's capabilities that does not correspond to reality and confidence in a positive result. For example, a person has all the knowledge on a certain action and at the same time, relying on certain factors beyond his control, cannot take an action to achieve a result. On the other hand, a person who does not have such skills is ready to simply take responsibility for the implementation certain work and at the same time hope for a favorable outcome.

Thus, this technique is suitable for assessing a person's readiness for certain actions based on confidence in their abilities. At the same time, you should not use the technique for predicting and predicting human behavior, since (it was shown above), this test does not give a clear definition of the patterns in the manifestation of activity by an individual even in similar situations.

In table. 2 shows the statements of Rotter's "Subjective Locus of Control" methodology. To correlate the answer to the internal or external type of subjective control, it is necessary to use the key that determines whether each of the above statements belongs to an external or internal influence on the actions taken.

Table 2. Method "Subjective locus of control" Rotter

Statement a)

Statement b)

Children get into trouble because their parents punish them too often.

Nowadays, troubles happen to children most often because parents are too soft on them.

One of the main reasons why immoral acts are committed is that others put up with them.

Immoral acts will always happen, no matter how hard others try to prevent them.

In the end, deserved recognition comes to people.

Unfortunately, the merits of a person often remain unrecognized.

The notion that teachers are unfair to students is wrong.

Many students don't realize that their grades can depend on random circumstances.

The success of a leader largely depends on a good combination of circumstances.

Capable people who did not become leaders did not use their opportunities themselves.

No matter how hard you try, some people will still not like you.

Anyone who has not managed to win the sympathy of others simply does not know how to get along with others.

Heredity plays a major role in shaping the character and behavior of a person.

Only life experience determines the character and behavior.

I often noticed the truth of the saying: "What will be - that will not be avoided."

In my opinion, it is better to make a decision and act than to hope for fate.

For a good specialist, even testing with passion is not difficult.

Even a well-trained specialist usually does not stand up to scrutiny with prejudice.

Success is the result of hard work and little depends on luck.

To succeed, you need to seize the opportunity.

Every citizen can influence important government decisions.

Society is run by people who have been promoted to public office, and there is little that the average person can do.

When I make plans, I am generally convinced that I can carry them out.

It is not always prudent to plan far ahead, because a lot depends on how things turn out.

There are people about whom it is safe to say; that they are bad.

There is something good in every person.

The fulfillment of my desires is not connected with luck.

When they don't know what to do, they flip a coin. In my opinion, in life you can often resort to this.

Leaders are often made by a happy coincidence.

To become a leader, you need to be able to manage people. Luck has nothing to do with it.

Most of us cannot influence world events in any significant way.

Taking an active part in public life, people can control the events in the world.

Most people do not realize how much their life depends on random circumstances.

In fact, there is no such thing as luck.

You should always be able to admit your mistakes.

As a general rule, it's best not to highlight your mistakes.

It's hard to know if a person really likes you or not.

The number of your friends depends on how much you like others.

In the end, the troubles that happen to us are balanced by pleasant events.

Most failures are the result of lack of ability, ignorance, laziness, or all three reasons combined.

With enough effort, formalism and callousness can be eradicated.

There are things that are difficult to fight, so formalism and heartlessness cannot be eradicated.

Sometimes it's hard to know what leaders are basing themselves on when they nominate a person for promotion.

Rewards depend on how hard a person works.

A good leader expects subordinates to decide for themselves what they should do.

A good leader makes it clear what each subordinate's job is.

I often feel like I have little influence on what happens to me.

I do not believe that chance or fate can play an important role in my life.

People are lonely because they do not show friendliness to others.

It is useless to try too hard to win people over: if they like you, then they like you.

The nature of a person depends mainly on his willpower.

The character of a person is formed mainly in the team.

What happens to me is the work of my own hands.

Sometimes I feel that my life is developing in a direction that is not dependent on my willpower.

I often can't understand why leaders do things the way they do.

After all, the people who work in the organization are responsible for the poor management of the organization.

The testing methodology is a mandatory reading to select two options for one statement. Even if it seems that it is possible to accept both statements as true, it is necessary to make a choice in the direction of the more acceptable and probable for a particular situation.

The results are processed according to the following key (Table 3).

Table 3. Key to Rotter's Subjective Locus of Control

The transfer of the received amount of "raw" points is made using the following formula:

where: - the value of scores for the total amount of external and internal locus of control;

The total number of matched positive and negative responses on the scale of external and internal locus of control.

People who can be classified as externals according to the Rotter method differ in the external orientation of protective behavior. The external wants to be involved in any external situation and at the same time he does not have 100% confidence in its favorable outcome. However, in the case of such, he will not miss the opportunity to demonstrate achievements to others. Any failures and impossibility to complete a task for people with this locus of control are the result of an unfavorable set of circumstances and the intervention of random factors. They rarely take responsibility for the impossibility of achieving the goal on themselves. At the same time, they are in dire need of constant “feeding” from those around them with sincere regret and sympathy for failures. If an external is successful, he may not always be able to remember the people who supported him before. this moment. In addition, without such support from the external, the quality of work and the desire to do it will constantly deteriorate.

The behavior of people with an internal locus of control indicates their orientation inward - all the actions that they perform have various consequences that depend solely on themselves. Moreover, if the internal did not even make a mistake, and some external factors that influenced the success of the final result of the work, then he will look for additional features predict and prevent the occurrence of such factors in the future.

It can be said that internals are characterized by long-term reflection on actions and miscalculation of their consequences with a probability of success. At the same time, actions similar to externals (toss a coin, throw dice, ask a child, etc.) are absolutely unacceptable and meaningless. A detailed study of the problem, careful collection of information, long-term preparation for making a decision - these are the invariable attributes of the work of the internal. The external, as a rule, having made some decision and received the result, continues to work in the same mode. For an internal, failure after deep preparation can be fatal and cause serious consequences- Depression, disorders and greater susceptibility to stress.

According to J. Rotter, R. Cattell and J. Digman, internals in real life responsible positions with serious obligations are more suitable. As practice shows, it is they who mainly occupy them. The lack of striving for set goals arises from optionality, irresponsibility, negligence or apathy. Moreover, the desire to achieve the desired is driven by orderliness, accuracy, responsibility, diligence, regularity and perseverance.

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Methodology of E. Bazhin (1984) developed on the basis of D. Rotter's locus of control scale. This experimental psychological technique is a tool for identifying indicators of the level of subjective control as a quality that characterizes a person's tendency to attribute responsibility for the results of their activities to external forces or their own abilities and efforts.

Method for studying the level of subjective control (USK) suitable for use in clinical psychodiagnostics, in professional selection, family counseling, in schools when examining students (starting from the 9th grade), etc. Developed at the Leningrad Psychoneurological Institute. V. M. Bekhtereva.
For the first time, such methods were tested in the 60s in the United States. The most famous of them is the J. Rotter locus of control scale. This scale is based on two fundamental provisions.
1. People differ among themselves in how and where they localize control over significant events for themselves. Two polar types of such localization are possible: external and internal. In the first case, a person believes that the events happening to him are the result of the action of external forces - chance, other people, etc. In the second case, a person interprets significant events as the result of his own activity. Each person has a certain position on a continuum that extends from the external to the internal type.
2. The locus of control characteristic of the individual is universal in relation to any types of events and situations that he has to face. The same type of control characterizes the behavior of a given person both in case of failures and in the field of achievements, and this applies to different degrees to different areas. social life.
Experimental work has established the relationship of various forms of behavior and personality parameters with externality-internality. Conformal and compliant behavior is more characteristic of people with an external locus. Internals, unlike externals, are less inclined to submit to the pressure of others, to resist when they feel that they are being manipulated; they react more strongly than externals to the loss of personal freedom. Individuals with internal loci of control perform better alone than under supervision or videotape. The opposite is true for externals.
Internals and externals differ in the ways of interpreting different social situations, in particular, in the ways of obtaining information and in the mechanisms of their causal explanation. Internals are more actively searching for information and are usually more aware of the situation than externals. In the same situation, internals attribute greater responsibility to the individuals involved in the situation. Internals avoid situational explanations of behavior to a greater extent than externals.
Studies linking internality-externality with interpersonal relationships have shown that internals are more popular, more sympathetic, more self-confident, and more tolerant. There is a connection between high internality and positive self-esteem, with greater consistency between the images of the real and the ideal "I". Internals were found to be more active than externals in relation to their health: they are better informed about their condition, take more care of their health, and seek preventive care more often.
Externality correlates with anxiety, depression, and mental illness.
Internals prefer non-directive methods of psycho-correction; externals are subjectively more satisfied with behavioral methods.
The most important dynamic characteristic of a developing personality is the tendency to take responsibility. It has been established that many problems of teaching and educating students are associated with "learned helplessness". It develops in those cases when a person is convinced of his inability to control and change the situation, and it becomes “obvious” for him that the causes of what is happening lie outside the field of his activity. And this, in turn, leads to a decrease in self-esteem and a refusal to active action.
The central psychological process of adolescence - the formation of self-identity - also correlates with the development of a person's ability to ascribe responsibility for the results of their activities. High levels of self-identity testify to the ability of a person to take responsibility in difficult life situations. Low levels of self-identity, characterized by the presence of various psychological problems, are associated with the tendency to attribute responsibility to external forces.
The USK questionnaire consists of 44 items. In contrast to the school of J. Rotter, it includes items that measure externality-internality in interpersonal and family relationships; it also includes items that measure CFR in relation to illness and health.
To increase the spectrum possible applications questionnaire, it is designed in two versions, differing in the format of the answers of the subjects. Option A, intended for research purposes, requires a response to
6-point scale (-3, -2, -1, +1, +2, +3), in which the answer "+3" means "strongly agree", "-3" - "strongly disagree" with this item . Option B, intended for psychodiagnostics, requires answers on a binary scale "agree - disagree".

Instruction.“We ask you to answer each of the 44 items of the questionnaire using the answer options ¾ “agree”, “disagree”.

You answer by putting a “+” sign in the required column ¾ agree,
"-" ¾ disagree.

Questionnaire text

1. Promotion depends more on luck than on the ability and effort of a person.
2. Most divorces happen because people didn't want to fit in with each other.
3. Illness is a matter of chance; If you are destined to get sick, then nothing can be done.
4. People find themselves lonely because they themselves do not show interest and friendliness to others.
5. The fulfillment of my desires often depends on luck.
6. It is useless to make efforts in order to win the sympathy of other people.
7. External circumstances - parents and well-being - affect family happiness no less than the relationship of spouses.
8. I often feel like I have little influence on what happens to me.
9. As a rule, management is more effective when it fully controls the actions of subordinates, and does not rely on their independence.
10. My grades in school often depended on random circumstances (for example, on the mood of the teacher) than on my own efforts.
11. When I make plans, I generally believe that I can carry them out.
12. What many people think is luck or good luck is actually the result of long, focused efforts.
13. I think that the right lifestyle can help health more than doctors and medicines.
14. If people do not fit together, then no matter how hard they try, they will still not be able to establish family life.
15. The good that I do is usually appreciated by others.
16. Children grow up the way their parents raise them.
17. I think that chance or fate does not play an important role in my life.
18. I try not to plan too far ahead because a lot depends on how things turn out.
19. My grades in school depended most of all on my efforts and degree of preparedness.
20. In family conflicts, I often feel guilty for myself than for the opposite side.
21. The life of most people depends on a combination of circumstances.
22. I prefer leadership where you can decide for yourself what to do and how to do it.
23. I think that my lifestyle is in no way the cause of my illnesses.
24. As a rule, it is an unfortunate set of circumstances that prevents people from succeeding in their business.
25. In the end, the people who work in it are responsible for the poor management of the organization.
26. I often feel that I can’t change anything in the existing relationships in the family.
27. If I really want, I can win over almost anyone.
28. The rising generation is affected by so many different circumstances that the efforts of parents to educate them are often futile.
29. What happens to me is the work of my own hands.
30. It is difficult to understand why leaders act in this way and not otherwise.
31. A person who could not succeed in his work, most likely did not show enough effort.
32. More often than not, I can get what I want from my family members.
33. In the troubles and failures that were in my life, other people were more often to blame than myself.
34. A child can always be protected from colds if he is monitored and properly dressed.
35. In difficult circumstances, I prefer to wait until problems resolve themselves.
36. Success is the result of hard work and little depends on chance or luck.
37. I feel that the happiness of my family depends on me more than on anyone else.
38. It has always been difficult for me to understand why some people like me and others don't like me.
39. I always prefer to make a decision and act on my own, rather than relying on the help of other people or on fate.
40. Unfortunately, the merits of a person often remain unrecognized, despite all his efforts.
41. There are situations in family life that cannot be resolved even with the strongest desire.
42. Capable people who failed to realize their potential should only blame themselves for this.
43. Many of my successes were only possible with the help of other people.
44. Most of the failures in my life came from inability, ignorance or laziness and depended little on luck or bad luck.

Processing completed answers should be carried out according to the keys below, summing up the answers to the items in the “+” columns with their own sign and the answers to the items in the “–” columns with the opposite sign.


1. io

As shown by studies conducted on normal subjects, the answers to all items of the questionnaire have a sufficient spread: none of the halves of the scale was chosen less often than in 15% of cases. The results of filling out the questionnaire by individual subjects are converted into a standard system of units - walls and can be visually represented in the form of a subjective control profile.
Indicators of the USK questionnaire organized in accordance with the principle of the hierarchical structure of the activity regulation system - in such a way that they include a generalized indicator of an individual USC, invariant to particular situations of activity, two indicators of an average level of generality and a number of situational indicators.
1. Scale of general internality (Io). A high score on this scale corresponds to a high level of subjective control over any significant situations. Such people believe that most of the important events in their lives were the result of their own actions, that they can control them, and thus they feel their own responsibility for these events and for how their life as a whole develops. A low score on the Io scale corresponds to low level subjective control. Such subjects do not see the connection between their actions and the events of their lives that are significant for them, do not consider themselves capable of controlling their development and believe that most of them are the result of a case or the actions of other people.
2. Scale of internality in the field of achievements (ID). High scores on this scale correspond to a high level of subjective control over emotionally positive events and situations. Such people believe that they themselves have achieved all the good things that have been and are in their lives, that they are able to successfully pursue their goals in the future. Low scores on the Id scale indicate that a person attributes his successes, achievements and joys to external circumstances - luck, good fortune or the help of other people.
3. Scale of internality in the field of failures (In). High scores on this scale indicate a developed sense of subjective control over negative events and situations, which manifests itself in a tendency to blame oneself for various troubles and suffering. Low Ying scores indicate that the subject is inclined to attribute responsibility for such events to other people or to consider them the result of bad luck.
4. Scale of internality in family relations (IS). High IS values ​​mean that a person considers himself responsible for the events taking place in his family life. Low IC scores indicate that the subject considers not himself, but his partners to be the cause of significant situations that arise in his family.
5. Scale of internality in the field of industrial relations (IP). High Ip indicators indicate that a person considers his actions an important factor organization of their own production activities, in the emerging relationships in the team, in their advancement, etc. Low Ip indicators indicate that the subject is inclined to attribute more importance to external circumstances - management, workmates, luck or bad luck.
6. Scale of internality in the field of interpersonal relations (Im), the degree of responsibility for relationships with other people.
7. Scale of internality in the relationship of health and disease (From). High I values ​​indicate that the subject considers himself largely responsible for his health: if he is sick, he blames himself for this and believes that recovery largely depends on his actions. A person with low I considers health and illness to be the result of an accident and hopes that recovery will come as a result of the actions of other people, primarily doctors.
The validity of the CSC scales is demonstrated by their associations with other personality characteristics, measured in particular with . A person with low subjective control (who believes that he has little influence on what happens to him, and tends to consider his successes and failures as a consequence of external circumstances) is emotionally unstable (factor -C), prone to informal behavior (factor -G), uncommunicative (factor +Q), he has poor self-control (factor -Q3) and high tension (factor +Q4). A person with a high subjective control index has emotional stability (factor +C), perseverance, determination (factor +G), sociability (factor -Q2), good self-control (factor +Q3) and restraint (factor -Q4). It is essential that intelligence (factor B) and many factors associated with extroversion - introversion do not correlate either with Io or with the situational characteristics of subjective control.
Subjective control over positive events (achievements, successes) is more correlated with the strength of the ego (factor + C), self-control (factor + Q3), social extraversion (factors + A; -Q2) than subjective control over negative events (troubles, failures). On the other hand, people who do not feel responsible for failures are more likely to be more practical, businesslike (factor -M) than people with strong control in this area, which is not typical for subjective control over positive events.