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Full outsourcing of Internet marketing based on KPIs. About marketing outsourcing Marketing outsourcing in the IT market

For market sustainability, Russian companies need to reconsider marketing strategies, cost structure, demand regulation mechanisms, taking into account the reduction of commercial risks in order to provide service and timely satisfaction of customer requests.

Global competition, appearance on Russian market new players require the use of new technologies for market participation. IN modern world Business leaders are increasingly turning their attention to outsourcing, defining it as new strategy management. The agenda is to do what you can do best, and, if possible, acquire what can be most profitable for the company.

As a result, market participants follow the path of specialization in specific functions and tasks. In other words, dividing a business project into separate components, transferring individual species execution of works to highly specialized companies under an outsourcing scheme is a strategic direction for effective commerce.

The outsourcing sphere is a set of firms and companies operating in the market for beneficial interaction by transferring corporate functions to third-party outsourcers, taking into account business environment factors, trends and patterns.

It is necessary to take into account that the outsourcing sphere, in addition to direct participants, also integrates other target audiences that directly affect the performance of a commercial structure. These are, first of all, clients, competitors, government bodies management and control, potential investors.

IN last years the number of strap-suppliers in the outsourcing market included India, the Philippines, Mexico, China and Eastern European countries as representatives of the “new economy”, which is experiencing a significant rise in the sphere of production and use information technologies.

In conditions where the struggle for clients forces them to improve the quality of their goods and services, domestic companies are forced to focus on issues of efficiency, cost-effectiveness and reducing business risks.

Removing the solution of individual tasks from direct operational management while maintaining control over their implementation allows for significant progress towards “eroding” the company’s overhead, tax and social costs as a result of “transferring” them to third parties.

In a general sense, commercial outsourcing is the transfer of certain functions of the customer company to the execution of an outsourcing company.

Outsourcing allows companies to focus on the core business and shift all the difficulties auxiliary functions to companies that can successfully implement them.

In world practice, outsourcing as a way of organizing production has long been recognized as a means of increasing the efficiency of a company.

The presence of a long-term outsourcing strategy at a company is, according to leading analytical agencies, a necessary condition successful development commerce and its adaptation to rapidly changing market conditions. As a result of this strategy, there is a restructuring of internal corporate processes and external relations of the company with other subjects of economic relations.

This allows for a more rational distribution of the company's fixed assets, freeing up its internal resources, increasing the efficiency of performing main functions, and significantly reducing and controlling production costs.

The customer company, using outsourcing of secondary functions, can concentrate on the leading areas of its activities, gain access to the best production technologies and attract first-class specialists, share risks, and sometimes gain additional access to finance. Thus, interest in outsourcing as a business area is explained primarily by economic motives. By delegating execution of a task or function service company, the customer has the opportunity to control the result and reduce total costs.

As a result of this strategy, there is a restructuring of internal corporate processes and external relations of the company with participants in market interaction.

According to international analysts, today the 1000 leading companies in the world are fully consumers of offshore and local outsourcing. Moreover, they use it wherever possible.

Offshore outsourcing - outsourcing with the participation of outsourcing companies outside the customer country (for example, offshore IT-outsourcing).

A logical question arises: to carry out the work in your own country or to outsource it to offshore companies? If a decision is made to make changes to the management process, then the task of more clearly than ever before and carefully managing all of it comes first. components. The process will have to be more accurately synchronized with partners, suppliers and customers.

More than a third of Russian top managers named such factors as extremely important: fast connection to the Internet; free access to the company’s website for clients at any time convenient for them, as well as daily data backup; absence of failures in the database management system (DBMS) and the enterprise resource planning system ( ERP); presence of corporate Email; efficiently operating data networks and telephone network; timely reflection of virus and hacker attacks.

Taking into account the specifics of Russia, we note that among the most frequently outsourced services, personnel selection is in first place, catering for employees is in second place, information technology is in third place, and accounting is in fourth place. wages, on the fifth - the execution of certain types of construction work.

Many Russian business technologies are in high demand abroad.

For example, the product of the Russian company SecuraVista, which simulates potentially dangerous events when protecting objects, is in great demand in the United States. Another Russian company, Aplana, is building its development strategy taking into account the ratio of sales and provision of services in a “50:50” mode outside and inside Russia.

The definition of outsourcing reflects the diversity of its interpretation from the perspective of: a) way of thinking; b) principles of management; in branch economic activity; d) synergistic effect from the flexible use of outsourcing philosophy.

The term "outsourcing" comes from a combination of English words outside resource using- “use of external resources.” In other words, this is the targeted selection of individual business processes and their delegation to a third party.

In the scientific literature there are a number of terms similar to outsourcing.

For example: shrinking - reduction, compression of the organization, downsizing - reduction of organization; deleyering - limiting the number of management levels; spin off - restructuring or spin-off of business units.

There is a methodology opposite to outsourcing, the so-called insourcing, i.e. inclusion in the corporation of functions previously performed by other market entities.

The beginning of the history of outsourcing should be attributed to the craft production of the 18th century. In his activities, the artisan depended on suppliers of raw materials, on customers and other artisans, i.e. from many cooperative connections.

The most significant industrial organizations that controlled world capital were created in late XIX- early 20th century Their dominance continued until the 1960s. In the 1970s They are being replaced by smaller companies, for which not only control over capital has become important, but also a new management philosophy - the concept of optimizing costs, increasing labor productivity and reducing order execution time.

If in the 60-70s. last century, the concept of outsourcing involved delegation to perform certain functions, then in modern conditions outsourcing takes on strategic importance in the field of company management and restructuring.

The origins of practical outsourcing as a method of industrial cooperation and high technology management in industry dates back to the period of the “great confrontation” between two great managers - Henry Ford

(1863-1947) and Alfred Sloan (1875-1966) and the automotive industry giants they led - companies Ford And General Motors.

In 1921, Sloan's company was on the verge of collapse, but by 1935, having introduced new project, he brought out General Motors leaders in the automotive industry.

The core of the project was the outsourcing methodology applied by Sloan 70 years before the term was coined. Outsourcing to General Motors was used in two directions: in organizing the company management system and organizing production. Sloan's practice confirmed the conclusion that specialized firms perform individual functions better than corporate division performers General Motors.

According to Henry Ford, the philosophy of outsourcing is as follows: if a company cannot do something better and cheaper than its competitors, then there is no point in doing it. It is advisable to delegate this work to someone who will perform it with obviously better results.

The meaning of outsourcing comes down to a simple formula: concentrate all resources on the type of activity that is core for your company, and transfer the remaining (supporting, related) functions to a reliable and professional partner.

The company is considered a pioneer of modern outsourcing EDS ROSSA PEROTA, which in 1963 offered the concern FR1TO LA Y paid services for the implementation of its information functions. Therefore, until now, outsourcing has been associated primarily with the provision of information functions.

According to J. Heywood, “Outsourcing is the transfer of an internal division or divisions of an enterprise and all associated assets to the organization of a service provider offering to provide a certain service for a certain time at an agreed price.”

Practice has shown that the majority of business participants (84%) positively assessed the use of outsourcing system services.

Many experts believe that outsourcing has become widespread due to the development information systems and technology and attribute the beginning of the “era of outsourcing” to the 1960s, specifically to 1962, the date of the founding of the worldwide famous company Electronic Data Corporation (EDS).

The main goal of the outsourcing system in a commercial structure is to reduce total costs and the execution time of a received order in a quality improvement mode to most fully satisfy customer requests.

Thanks to the use of an outsourcing system, it becomes possible to increase the efficiency of company management, regardless of its workload and, first of all, as a result of improving the quality of execution. At the same time, there is a reduction in costs for your own infrastructure, since only the services of the outsourcing company are paid.

Delegating support processes helps managers focus attention and resources on core activities.

The concept of outsourcing is an expression of corporate philosophy in the form integrated system goals, objectives, principles of organization, use of external companies aimed at quality and service satisfaction of the needs of consumers and customers.

In Fig. Figure 16.6 shows a diagram of the outsourcing concept, which reflects the interdependence between the demands of consumers, customers and outsourcing service providers. Along with the goals, objectives, and principles of organizing outsourcing, the main component of the presented concept is feedback, reflecting the degree of satisfaction of the end consumer.

To make a decision about outsourcing, you need to determine:

  • the significance of each position of the business process, taking into account the complexity of execution, the cost of work and the availability of corporate resources;
  • which parts to purchase or manufacture yourself, and which to purchase under an outsourcing contract;
  • reasons for the impossibility of ensuring the required quality, level of cost reduction, release of scarce resources, equipment, highly qualified work force;
  • criteria for refusing outsourcing due to the lack of reliable suppliers, possible potential dependence on the supplier’s monopoly, decreased efficiency in making management decisions and control;

Rice. 16.6.

Criteria for ensuring quality and reducing service time.

World experience shows that many trading companies rarely have their own repair equipment, transport workshops, marketing services, and logistics professionals. These commercial structures are forced to intensively use outsourcing services.

As a rule, there are many professional firms that undertake technological, management, marketing, PR and many other functions.

It is known that labor productivity in Russia is five times lower than in the United States. This is caused not only by differences in technology and personnel characteristics, but also by different approaches to business philosophy. In particular, the share of outsourcing in the West is significantly higher than in Russia.

The classification presented in Table 1 can help make informed decisions on the use of outsourcing services. 16.1. When transferring a PR project for execution to a third party highest degree important

Table 16.1

Classification characteristics of outsourcing

take into account these classification characteristics, highlighting industry characteristic, by type of service, execution time and form of organization.

Classification characteristics of outsourcing: industry; by specialization; by forms of organization; by type of service; according to order execution time.

Industry characteristic classification of outsourcing involves taking into account the specifics of the main sectors of the national economy.

For example, industrial outsourcing involves the transfer under a contract for the performance of certain functions in the field to third parties material production finished products, as well as functions material support and sales.

In practice, industrial outsourcing is used in cases where a manufacturing company decides to transfer a separate process for the manufacture of an intermediate product to an external manufacturer.

In addition, it is possible to sell part of your divisions to other companies and further interact with them within the framework of outsourcing. Several cooperation options are often used:

  • partners provide raw materials and technology, and the company provides equipment and workers. In this case, the partners send an employee who controls the production process;
  • partners order products from the company, and the company, using own technologies, raw materials, people, markets its product under someone else's brand.

The outsourcing scheme can be laid out initially, when organizing production. Examples include activities advertising agencies, using the printing power of printing houses, or wine trading houses that purchase wine materials and bottle their own brands of wine.

In fact, this is a long-known form of cooperation, which was very successfully used in the assembly shops of Japanese automobile giants in the 80s. last century. Moreover, the degree of partnerships was already quite high then. Thus, at the factories of the Toyota and Nissan concerns, in the event of a violation of the delivery schedule by subcontractor companies, the stocks of components would only be enough for two to three hours of work. Today, Toyota, as part of the use of production outsourcing, is actually engaged only in the design, assembly and sale of products, and most parts and components are produced by third-party, often small, enterprises. Thanks to this production organization scheme, great benefits are achieved for the customer company.

For example, the volume of components in the total cost passenger cars, produced by leading automobile companies Japan Toyota and Nissan account for over 70%; produced by the German corporation Volkswagen reaches 60%, the same figure for the American corporations Ford and General Motors - 50%.

In Germany, subcontractors account for 45% of total production in the transport engineering industry, 70-80% in the steel industry, and more than 25% in the manufacturing industry as a whole.

Big specific gravity makes up management outsourcing material flows, including inventories (purchase, storage and delivery to the customer), selection and justification of profitable cargo delivery channels, use of transport and provision of services.

Trade outsourcing reflects the need to transfer many functions from outside commercial structures spheres of commodity circulation for execution by external organizations.

In the trade sector, until the recent past, most companies operated on the principle of self-sufficiency. They tried to carry out all the processes themselves, right down to “screwing in the light bulbs.” With coming market relations It turned out that it is more profitable to carry out marketing research, organize the purchase of goods for resale, and formulate an assortment policy with the involvement of external organizations. main reason intensification of outsourcing - intense competition and difficulty in creating a portfolio of orders.

Financial outsourcing is typical in terms of performing audits, servicing electronic business cards, maintaining accounting, providing leasing and factoring services.

Construction outsourcing has become widespread since 2000 in the development and financial justification of construction business projects, landscape design, operation of security and heating systems, and sales of finished objects. Business projects in electrical, plumbing, and facility improvement are in great demand within the framework of outsourcing. Procurement in the construction industry is one of the most important components of doing business.

The leaders in the use of outsourcing are domestic companies Don-Stroy, Tigi Knauf, Moszhilproekt, NP Stroyivest, Techiocom, etc.

The sign of specialization highlights the need to take into account the practice of the outsourcing services market with the allocation of functional outsourcing to transfer management functions in certain areas of business to third parties; operational - in terms of transfer production functions; resource - from the position of acquiring external resources (procurement organization) to replace outdated or already used ones.

Depending on the organizational feature classifications should be highlighted:

  • maximum, or complete, outsourcing - an agreement under which the staff (and possibly assets related to the main activities of the company) are transferred to the service provider for the duration of the contract;
  • transformational outsourcing - the company invites a service provider who fully carries out the work of the department, developing and creating a new final product and subsequently transferring it to the client. Such outsourcing differs from full outsourcing only in that the transfer of employees and assets is not final: after the completion of the project, the client regains full control over them. Such services are identical to those of regular consultants. The only difference is that with transformational outsourcing, the supplier acts quite independently of the client’s personnel;
  • interior outsourcing is expressed in redistribution internal functions for the purpose of better performance by our own structural divisions or corporate affiliates. Internal functions, as a rule, can include financial management, personnel management, as well as logistics functions for distribution, purchasing, warehousing, sales;
  • external outsourcing is aimed at transferring to a third party the execution of most auxiliary corporate functions. As a result, the share of an individual company in the cost of the finished product is reduced, as well as the level of taxation;
  • joint outsourcing aims to create a new joint venture to exploit future business opportunities. In joint outsourcing, the parties are partners. This type outsourcing introduced British company EDS in the 1990s It is assumed that for better performance of certain types of work it is advisable to create new company. In this form, the parties to the agreement are equal partners. The profit received is proportionally divided between the partners, and the customer receives a share of the share capital of the newly created enterprise.

Outsourcing in the form of joint venture. It involves the creation of a new company to develop future business opportunities. The client's personnel and assets are then transferred to the joint venture rather than to the service provider.

The purpose of such a scheme is not only to improve the quality of work of the transferred unit, but also to develop goods and services that will be sold to a third party.

Subsequently, both the customer and the service provider will be able to fully use their capabilities to create a new product, and the client will share the costs of its development with the outsourcer. The joint venture benefits from the client's specialized knowledge of its market.

The relationships that arise from outsourcing are enhanced by the fact that the client or supplier receives an equity stake in the partner.

If the supplier takes such a step, then this can be regarded as a demonstration of its intention to act in the interests of its client. At the same time, if the client includes a share in share capital supplier, this serves as an additional means of ensuring the security of the joint business.

On the Russian market, a clear example is the German company Tigi Knauf. On the initiative of management, on the principles of outsourcing, the company was created in 2002 independent company"Tigi Knauf Marketing" to perform certain types of work on studying the sales market, organizing purchasing and sales building materials;

  • offshore outsourcing involves the use of an outsourcer located in another country, taking into account cheaper labor, an attractive tax legislation regime, high performance labor and other characteristics that guarantee quality, professionalism and timely execution of the order;
  • global outsourcing - an outsourcing company presents its products or services all over the world without specific reference to any territory.

For example, a company from its central office manages contractors around the world, maintaining control over the implementation of adopted strategies. This is the case, for example, in the automotive industry - Toyota, Honda, Chrysler corporations, which delegate 70% of business processes to third-party contractors. Outsourcing in the telecommunications sector is promising.

By type of service there are:

  • marketing outsourcing - most popular in terms of developing competitive forms and methods for creating product, pricing, communication, and service policies based on comprehensive marketing research of market conditions, consumer segmentation, trends and patterns;
  • production outsourcing - transfer to third parties of the execution of certain technological processes material production of high-quality products. At the same time, the execution of orders for the production of non-standardized equipment, blanks and components, logistics and sales of finished products is often outsourced;
  • legal outsourcing reflects high demand in commerce in terms of the redistribution of national property, determining the reliability of partners, the purity of trade transactions, and the execution of contracts;
  • most popular view outsourcing is information product software. Outsourcing IT has long become an independent industry with long-term contracts for software. Multinational companies such as IBM, Global Services, EDS, P&G have long had independent outsourcing divisions;
  • PR consulting outsourcing services have received wide appreciation in terms of shaping public opinion in order to increase the company’s image, its popularity and significance in society;
  • recruit outsourcing is used in the field of providing highly qualified specialists for organizing business processes. The so-called recruitment services not only provide the supply of specialists in the field of marketing, logistics, and public relations, but also engage in their training and professional reorientation.

Based on time highlight:

  • outsourcing on a long-term basis, when contracts are concluded for a period of more than five years, which is typical for enterprises in the automotive industry, information technology industry, and precision engineering;
  • urgent outsourcing (on a one-time basis) - provision of emergency services via the Internet or by telephone. The range of emergency services is wide, it includes work on design, finance, accounting, audit, support software and so on. Highly qualified specialists in the field of consulting, public relations, marketing, and organization of social events are hired on a one-time basis;
  • seasonal outsourcing is caused by climatic fluctuations and is used in practice in organizing the work of companies in the construction industry, tourism business, light industry.

In the rapidly changing modern market conditions The principles reflecting the outsourcing management system are of particular importance.

In our opinion, the fundamental principles of creating an outsourcing system include: the principle of organizational behavior; professionalism of management; motivation; optimization of order placement; economic feasibility.

The main stages in the formation of outsourcing management principles are:

  • 1) methodological support initial conditions for creating a system of outsourcing management principles to solve a particular corporate problem;
  • 2) taking into account and systematizing possible barriers (obstacles) with their differentiation into general, typical, objective, subjective and unforeseen due to random circumstances;
  • 3) the final stage of formation of the principle with a clear interpretation of the main components and provisions in order to make timely adjustments management decisions on the company's market participation.

The system of principles for organizing outsourcing for the implementation of a PR project is shown in Fig. 16.7.

The principle of organizational behavior is decisive in the implementation of an outsourcing system.

The main components of this principle are: quality of execution of adopted strategies; prevention of business risk; service potential and corporate culture.

Rice. 16.7.

Component of the quality of execution of adopted strategies

implies adherence to a clear sequence of operational outsourcing - from organized research of market needs, program development to actual execution in accordance with the general purpose of the outsourcing agreement.

The entrepreneurial risk prevention component is decisive in achieving commercial success. Business risk reflects the uncertainty of processes associated with consumer demand, its various trends within the framework of market laws, forces and environmental factors.

Service potential reflects the compliance component corporate opportunities accepted obligations, including high quality customer service, quality assurance standards. The presence of a beautiful interior, architectural design, convenient parking for vehicles, competent consultations, preventive repairs and many other areas of service create an attractive image of the outsourcing company and contribute to its progressive development.

Corporate culture is designed to make the outsourcing company stand out among its main competitors. It is the style of interaction within the team and with external contact audiences that creates the necessary image and creates a positive public opinion, helps to establish contacts with government agencies, investors and partners.

The principle of management professionalism (competence of the service provider) is used for the successful implementation of outsourcing programs. He accumulates knowledge and ability to manage personnel, unpredictable market situations using a high culture of psychological interaction, elements of motivation and incentives for performers, as well as crisis management mechanisms.

To perform work in outsourcing mode, the service provider, in addition to high professionalism, requires popularity and recognition of a highly qualified specialist in this field. It is desirable that the outsourcing service provider be favorably located towards its consumers. The company must be fluent in marketing philosophy, advanced forms and methods of logistics.

The main components of the principle are information security, adapting mechanisms for the prevention of conflicts and crisis situations.

The principle of professional management is fundamental in the outsourcing management system. Its observance presupposes fluency in market laws, high competence of management and its ability to create a high-quality team of like-minded people that promptly responds to crisis “collapses”, “black” PR, and attacks from competitors.

Information security, taking into account reliability and sufficiency, is necessary to create effective portfolios of orders, investments, and securities. The creation of an information bank of market data is based on marketing research- panel studies, expert surveys, interviews, various qualimetric assessments of consumer satisfaction. Recently, in many countries of the world, including Russia, consumers are defending their rights to receive reliable and comprehensive information about products, their quality, impact on health, and the environment.

The goal of preventing internal corporate conflicts is to prevent a negative impression of the company in the eyes of the public, increasing its image and popularity rating.

As you know, the most common causes of corporate conflicts are unrealistic goals and strategies corporate activities, lack of interest among the performers of outsourcing programs, lack of a control system, evaluation of the performers’ work and incentive elements.

The principle of motivation. For high-quality execution of outsourcing work, the service provider must clearly understand the incentive system, which will function until the end of the agreement. At a minimum, the contract must take into account risk factors and the share of profit that the parties will divide among themselves.

The component of moral and material incentives for performers is a value component aimed at high-quality performance of outsourcing functions, development of creative initiative and search.

This subtle toolkit is decisive in preventing conflicts, supporting initiatives of performers to increase the scale of activity, updating the product range, using effective forms material flow management.

In addition to the first three principles, the principle of optimal order placement is of great importance for achieving outsourcing strategies, i.e. comparison of the content of the outsourcing strategy developed by the upper echelon of the management hierarchy and its material implementation through the tactics of implementation by specialists of invited departments in specific market situations. This principle permeates all stages of outsourcing activities, especially when implementing process flow management.

The ability to delegate authority to third parties becomes real with the flexible use of a complex outsourcing mechanism. As a result, the company, as a rule, occupies a strong position in its sales markets.

The results of the execution of an outsourcing contract are reflected in the implementation of the principle of economic feasibility.

The main components of this principle are: the market orientation of the company in order to timely form and identify unmet demand in society; unity of outsourcing strategy and tactics for its implementation; assessment of competitive advantage in conditions of free enterprise and equal partnership; implementation of timely control and accounting.

Assessment of competitive advantage when performing certain types of work predicts financial stability companies when using an outsourcing system. This component allows you to develop your own business strategy, which includes the main components of commercial success: time + quality + price + + service.

The control and accounting component facilitates the implementation feedback, brings completeness to the outsourcing process. Thanks to timely adjustments to planning and management decisions, the company's management achieves the intended results. The main elements of this principle are accounting, audit, labor safety, and ecology.

Control as a management function is complex activities the company's leadership in searching for new effective forms and methods of outsourcing to gain a strong position in the market and flexible adaptation to factors of the internal and external environment.

Outsourcing control is aimed at assessing the reaction of buyers, meeting the planned sales volumes, obtaining real income, reducing the cost of work and the overall risks of market participation.

The main tool of the control system is accounting, aimed at regulating and streamlining outsourcing activities through measurement, registration, collection and evaluation of results. The main components of accounting and control are the availability of information, its completeness and accuracy.

Any company, subject to the listed principles of outsourcing management, can make informed decisions in the field of PR to improve marketing activities to stabilize market stability. As a result, the company receives significant competitive advantages and the opportunity to gain greater market share.

Benefits of outsourcing:

  • 1) from a strategic level, outsourcing allows you to: focus on your core business; reduce the need to invest in non-core assets; respond flexibly to changes in the market (crises, defaults) and within the company (reorganizations, restructuring, mergers, acquisitions), etc. At the same time, the tactical advantages of outsourcing appear: no need to expand the company’s staff; reduction of overhead costs associated with the function: cost of jobs, employee training, Information support and etc.; professional liability guarantee provided by the outsourcing company;
  • 2) saving resources. For many Russian companies the problem of modernization is urgent production technologies, updates model range, promoting products on the market. In conditions of saving personnel and financial resources enterprises are closing individual production facilities, optimally placing orders between external organizations, due to which they get the opportunity to develop priority areas. In the presence of a competitive environment, it is this factor that is decisive when making a decision on outsourcing;
  • 3) improving quality. World experience shows that companies rarely have the ability to provide every stage production process, distribution, procurement and sales organization, as well as service clients. Production specialization has long existed abroad: companies focus on a specific business process. This ensures high quality and relatively low prices. At the same time, competing companies can buy production components from the same supplier;
  • 4) cost reduction. By concentrating management and finance on priority areas of activity, companies achieve improved product quality. This in turn brings additional sales and profits, which ultimately significantly exceed the costs of outsourcing. Outsourcing in general, as a rule, reduces the costs of servicing a business process;
  • 5) increasing labor productivity. Labor productivity in Russia is approximately five times lower than in the United States. This is explained not only by differences in technology, but also by different approaches to business. In particular, the share of outsourcing in the West is significantly greater than in Russia. Outsourcing allows professionals to focus on main job, thereby increasing the productivity of your labor;
  • 6) advanced technology. A specialized company gets acquainted with new developments earlier than any company in the industry. By outsourcing, other companies receive advanced technologies without spending time and resources on their development.

Various companies resort to outsourcing services for different stages his production activities: marketing research to assess market conditions, use of IIP-consumer segmentation promotions, positioning, promotion trademark and image formation.

Check out the reviews!

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“In front of us stood a very serious task, we introduced a completely new brand to the market of the Rostov region. Was implemented A complex approach to solving the problem. The result exceeded all expectations...

The site got into the top 5 for key queries just a few months after the site was launched. We have a steady flow of clients. Thanks to the site, we immediately received several large orders, and the investment paid off in the first months of the project. I would like to note the website agency’s approach; we did not get a subcontractor, but a staff of freelancers; manager Konstantin kept in touch at any time of the day and was always ready to answer all our questions. I am sure that in the future, when creating additional projects, we will turn to the Internet marketing agency “roobin”"

see customer review

“Over the past two years, we have encountered outsourcing, freelancers, and studios, and this has not always been a successful experience. We had unpleasant situations, we lost more than 2 million rubles, and I personally almost lost my job because... He personally bore all responsibility for the work of the contractors...

“Over the past two years, we have encountered outsourcing, freelancers, and studios, and this has not always been a successful experience. We had unpleasant situations, we lost more than two million rubles, and I personally almost lost my job because... He personally bore all responsibility for the work of the contractors...

However, we did not give up and continued to search for a contractor to delegate lead generation processes via the Internet. Not right away, but we managed to find the right contractor in the person of the internet marketing agency #roobin, since, having hit our stride, we already knew what we wanted. We did not risk concluding a contract for a year and signed the first contract for six months in order to verify in practice that the stated results were achieved. And now, in a little more than a quarter, we have achieved all our targets, almost doubling the growth schedule! I went for a promotion and became the head of the department. I recommend #roobin specialists as reliable, decent contractors and super-professionals in the field of Internet marketing.”

see customer review

“We decided to move marketing processes outside the company in order to reduce the costs of maintaining our own, ineffective employees, who did not even justify their salaries, not to mention profits, and also to increase the flow of orders and brand awareness in the federal market for the production of cargo lifts...

“We decided to move marketing processes outside the company in order to reduce the costs of maintaining our own, ineffective employees who did not even justify their salaries, not to mention profits, and also to increase the flow of orders and brand awareness in the federal market for the production of cargo lifts.

Employees of the Internet marketing agency #roobin took on the task, helped develop a company development strategy, divided it into PI and achieved the KPI metrics stated in the contract before the agreed period.”

see customer review

“Despite the fact that I have not been the director of the BVN Engineering enterprise for 10 years, I am constantly working on solving the problems of my company. About 1.5 years ago, the need arose to diversify our production and increase sales of clothing for mountaineering and tourism...

I spent a long time working on the question: which of the companies in the field of promotion can I cooperate with? In the end, I chose the company #roobin. From the moment we began our cooperation to this day, we have been working quite effectively. The market share began to grow, sales volume in the B2C market increased 7 times!”

see customer review

Previously, many companies tried to solve all issues internal forces, but today, more and more often, entrepreneurs talk about outsourcing tasks that are not directly related to business. And if 10 years ago managers were ready to outsource only cleaning and Maintenance, then today the list has expanded significantly.

Office work, personnel selection, PR support, many big brands removed from their regular positions. In attempts to optimize processes, even marketing is being outsourced. Gleb Kashcheev, director of business development at Sendsay (a comprehensive platform for email and SMS marketing - editor's note) will talk about how to do this, why, as well as the obvious advantages and pitfalls that come along the way.

- Gleb, first of all, tell me, in what cases should marketing be outsourced?

As is always the case in business, the deciding factor is cost. If a company's costs are reduced by outsourcing a process, this is a reason to think about it. For example, if a company cannot provide a full workload for a designer, then an external specialist is more profitable. I would especially like to note the issue of marketing automation, since without the appropriate tools this is almost impossible.

Usually, when a company is faced with the need to use specialized solutions and services for marketing purposes, the first desire is to create its own or purchase a ready-made boxed one with subsequent integration. However, if you count the cost of development, and especially support (and this is at least two employees on staff with a full salary and taxes), then the option of a cloud solution, which can also be considered an outsource, is almost always cheaper.

Gleb Kashcheev

- In what cases is it inappropriate to outsource marketing?

Naturally, cost is not the only criterion for switching to outsourcing. Firstly, some processes are, in fact, business-defining and require constant monitoring of the performer. In this case, outsourcing is not fully applicable. On at least one of final stages it must always involve a person on staff.

Secondly, there are situations when marketing activity is associated with personal contacts with customers, in particular, when it is aimed not at attracting new customers, but at increasing the loyalty of existing customers and increasing repeat sales. In this case, outsourcing is associated with the risk of leaking customer data. Therefore, additional data security requirements arise for contractors. In the case of SaaS solutions we're talking about on a certificate of compliance with the law on personal data, for example. This guarantees the safety of customer data transferred to outsourcing in this case.

- Are there any disadvantages to outsourcing marketing?

Most often, these are risks associated with the loss of control over the performers - both in terms of the quality of work and in terms of timing - especially when it comes to private freelancers. If we talk about external marketing automation tools, the risks are minimal and are associated only with the threat of leakage of clients’ personal data, which I already mentioned above. The presence of certificates and licenses confirming the safety of data storage can serve as a guarantee of security.

Suppose we outsource marketing work not to one integrated agency, but to several - market research to one, email marketing to another, strategy to another, etc. What can you recommend for coordinating the work of all counterparties and further measuring efficiency? After all, the poor results of one participant in the process can be directly related to the poor performance of the work of another participant.

Of course, when building complex chains of contractors, the company must understand the increase in risks and, most importantly, the increase in costs for these marketing activities, since the work of the employee who controls the entire chain increases many times over. Typically, the division of one set of marketing activities among different contractors is due to complex tender processes within large company and the presence of long-term contracts with the agency for a certain area of ​​work.

Sometimes, in the case of marketing channel automation tools, a company carries out a complex and expensive integration with a certain SaaS service, and then realizes that, in addition to the service itself, it also requires expert consulting services on the use of a marketing channel, and the service with which the integration was carried out , does not provide the necessary services. In this case, additional agencies are hired for consulting services, strategy development, etc.

Of course, a scheme with a single contractor covering the entire range of marketing activities in a specific channel is more profitable and safer. From a business point of view, it is worth choosing universal contractors - for example, those who will develop a strategy for the development of a marketing channel, provide automation services, and work on design with creativity. This will allow you to subsequently avoid problems with building and controlling long chains of contractors within one activity.

- Can you give examples of successful marketing outsourcing from your own practice?

The most illustrative example will probably be our recent work with a resource for the online sale of tickets for events - The client came with a base of 80,000 inactive subscribers that he wanted to revive. The task of developing a strategy fell on the shoulders of our company, although the client’s involvement was maximum. This is exactly the case that I spoke about above - the customer company must have a specialist who supervises the process and takes an active part in the work at every stage.

In collaboration with the client, we analyzed the current state of affairs, developed an action plan, then analyzed the results and adjusted the process as necessary. The result of joint work brought from an almost “dead” base 5.1% of subscribers who filled out a questionnaire indicating preferences, and 18.7% of recipients who showed interest in the received mailings.

There can be many similar cases, for almost any client’s task. The main thing is to choose a professional partner and closely interact with him. Then the results will be excellent for both parties.

Today, up to 80% of companies use outsourcing of marketing services. Business development involves the need to develop marketing strategy, writing and adjusting plans, serious ongoing investments in advertising. It will not be possible to get by with one-time promotions and periodic, sometimes chaotic, information dumping on social networks. Such events will not provide required level sales and will not create an attractive company image.

The manager is faced with the question of choosing what to prefer:

  • own marketing department - for a large company this is a minimum of 3-4 people;
  • delegation of work to an outside company.

Both solutions have advantages and disadvantages.

Why is marketing outsourcing needed and who is it for?

Before ordering a service, it is worth deciding what marketing outsourcing means. There are two options:

  1. transfer the work of this area to a third-party contractor completely;
  2. use the services of an outsourcer one-time, to perform any tasks.

In the first case, the company receives clearly controlled, systematic work. In the second - fast high-quality execution individual tasks. The first option is usually more profitable, since it meets the main requirement - continuity of ongoing activities. Collaboration on an ongoing basis increases the level of responsibility of the performer. One-time orders should be preferred for projects that require highly specialized knowledge, if you have your own marketing specialists who will coordinate and monitor the work. For example, for SEO website promotion.

When ordering a full package it is assumed:

Why delegate marketing authority?

  • wages and taxes on them;
  • payment for training and advanced training of employees;
  • equipment of additional workplaces.

Outsourcing of marketing services involves:

  • attracting highly qualified specialists to implement the ordered project;
  • the ability to use the services of additional marketers;
  • quick replacement of an employee in case of his absence.

In addition, agency employees receive money not for the time spent on work, but for the result, which is much more profitable.

There is also time savings - on planning and coordinating the work of an entire department. By delegating authority to an outsourcer, the company gets the opportunity to engage in core activities more efficiently.

By offering outsourcing services, we guarantee that Komus Contact is:

  • experienced professionals;
  • high results in projects of any level of complexity;
  • payment for results (the cost of work is negotiated with the client individually).

Order services on the website or by phone.

Optimize your company's business processes by outsourcing marketing tasks

Your specialists do not have time to cope with all promotion tasks, and you need to involve third-party professionals? Are you looking for a team of experienced marketers? We will take upon ourselves the solution of any issues to improve your company in the eyes of consumers: from the formation to the implementation of a development strategy. Outsourcing of marketing services will help relieve your specialists, get fresh ideas, and build a long-term successful strategy promotion and even reduce the company’s costs for maintaining additional staff.

What benefits will you get by outsourcing your marketing?

  • Saving time and effort
    Your company will only need one employee who will supervise the work of our team of specialists. We will handle all the hassle of choosing tools and promotion channels, developing a strategy and bringing ideas to life. Our company has specialists in all areas of marketing who work harmoniously and professionally.
  • Saving money
    Often, outsourcing marketing is cheaper than maintaining an in-house promotion department. You overpay the most when you can’t keep a designer, SMM specialist or other employee on staff for the whole day. After outsourcing your marketing, 10 of our professionals will work on the development of your company. Calculate how much it will cost you to pay and equip workplaces for so many specialists on staff.
  • Lack of staff turnover when temporary promotion projects arise
    It happens that a company has temporary marketing tasks that cannot be assigned to the shoulders of existing internal specialists. In this case, it is much less painful and, often, more profitable to enter into a temporary contract with an outsourcing company than to recruit new team to the staff, and then disband.

It is a common practice for companies to turn to different contractors to solve specific marketing problems. In this case, you have to control a long chain of specialists and put up with longer approvals for the work done. We offer to increase the efficiency of promotion and shift the solution of complex marketing tasks onto the shoulders of our professionals.

Pass it on marketing functions our specialists and optimize your company’s business processes in Perm.