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15 problems of technological leadership in the oil industry. Oil industry of the Russian Federation, future problems - course work

OJSC Rosneft is not only the leader of the Russian oil industry, but also the largest oil and gas company in the world. The activities of OJSC Rosneft are aimed at searching and exploration of hydrocarbon deposits, production of oil, gas and gas condensate, implementation of projects for the development of offshore fields, processing of extracted raw materials, sales of oil, gas and their processed products in Russia and abroad. Karavaev V. Regional development and cooperation // International trade. - 2009. - No. 4., P.251

The company is included in the list strategic enterprises Russia. The main shareholder of OJSC Rosneft is OJSC ROSNEFTEGAZ, which owns almost 70% of the shares and is fully owned by the state, 20% belongs to BP, and the remaining 10% is in free float.

OJSC Rosneft produces more than 40% Russian oil. It carries out development by 12 enterprises located in Western and Eastern Siberia, Timan-Pechora, Central Russia, the southern part of European Russia and the Far East. The company also owns a 20% stake in the Sakhalin-1 project, included in Rosneft’s financial statements using the proportionate consolidation method, and also produces oil and gas through four production joint ventures accounted for using the equity method: Tomskneft - 50, 0%, Udmurtneft - 49.54%, Polar Lights - 50.0% and Verkhnechonskneftegaz - 25.94%. Rosneft [ Electronic resource] URL: (access date: 04/15/2014)

Oil production.

Rosneft produces more than 40% of Russian oil and successfully implements a strategy for sustainable production growth, including through the introduction of the most modern technologies. Production of oil and liquid hydrocarbons increased by 72% and amounted to 4,196 thousand barrels per day. (organic growth 1%).

The company stabilized oil production at largest enterprises Western Siberia, including Samotlorneftegaz, Nizhnevartovsk, Varyeganneftegaz and Nyaganneftegaz. The efficiency of work in mature fields is determined, first of all, by the use of new technologies that increase the oil recovery factor, including the massive introduction of horizontal wells with multi-stage hydraulic fracturing, sidetracking, waterflood control, as well as simultaneous separate production and injection. In 2013, Samaraneftegaz achieved an increase in liquid hydrocarbon production of 2.9% due to the drilling of deposits discovered in license areas acquired in 2011-2012, and increasing the efficiency of geological exploration through the expanded use of 3-dimensional seismic.

In 2013, production from new operating fields (Vankor, Verkhnechonskoye and Uvat group) amounted to 19% of the total production of liquid hydrocarbons.

At the same time, the Company continued to implement measures to improve efficiency and control operating costs for production, which in 2013 amounted to 4.8 US dollars/barrel, which is the best specific indicator among public oil companies in the world.

Gas production.

At the end of 2013, OJSC NK Rosneft became third largest producer gas in P Russia, producing 38.17 billion cubic meters. m. The record growth in gas production more than doubled is primarily due to the integration of large gas assets as a result of the acquisition of TNK and the consolidation of Itera Oil and Gas Company. In 2013, the prerequisites were created for further development gas business of the Company through organic production growth. Thus, the Rospan project is actively developing (development of the East Urengoy and Novo-Urengoy license areas), and an integrated project for the development of gas deposits of the Kharampur field has been approved. In 2013, gas sales amounted to 39.07 billion cubic meters. m., including in Western Siberia - 24.02 billion cubic meters. m, in the European part of Russia - 10.42 billion cubic meters. m, as well as outside the Russian Federation - 0.94 billion cubic meters. m.

Rosneft has huge potential to further increase production due to the presence of a significant amount of reserves.

Realization of gas potential is one of strategic objectives"Rosneft". The company plans to expand its presence in the gas market and is already actively developing this line of business, concluding long-term direct contracts for the supply of gas with major consumers. By 2020, the Company plans to produce 100 billion cubic meters of gas per year, doubling its share in the domestic gas market (to about 20%).

Entering the LNG market is one of the options for monetizing Rosneft’s gas reserves. Together with ExxonMobil, the Company is considering the possibility of building a plant for the production of liquefied petroleum gas. natural gas in the Far East with a capacity of 5 million tons per year. Rosneft is considering various options for marketing the products of the future plant. The company has already contracted LNG volumes with Japanese companies Marubeni and Sodeco. Steady demand for LNG in the Asia-Pacific countries guarantees Rosneft a stable market for this project.

Part of the production volumes of the future plant are contracted by one of the world's largest traders, the Vitol company, which allows Rosneft to diversify possible risks in the global LNG trading market.

Currently, Rosneft is successfully implementing a program to increase the level of use of associated petroleum gas to 95%.


Rosneft accounts for more than 20% of Russian oil refining. In Russia, the Company owns 11 large oil refineries with a favorable geographical location. This allows us to significantly increase the efficiency of supply of produced petroleum products. In addition, Rosneft owns shares or controls seven refineries outside Russian Federation.

In 2013, the Company's Russian and foreign refineries processed more than 96 million tons of oil (organic growth of 1%). In 2013, the production of motor gasoline and diesel fuel of Euro-4 and Euro-5 standards amounted to 18 million tons.

Rosneft is currently implementing projects to expand and modernize its refineries in order to improve the balance between production and refining, as well as to increase the output of high-quality products with high added value that meet the most modern environmental standards.

As part of the plant modernization program, in October 2013, the largest primary oil refining unit in Russia, AVT-12, was launched at the Tuapse Oil Refinery with a capacity of 12 million tons per year. In the fourth quarter, the main large-capacity cargo was delivered production equipment to the Komsomolsk Refinery, Achinsk Refinery, Novokuibyshevsk Refinery, Kuibyshev Refinery, Angarsk Petrochemical Plant and Syzran Refinery. The company successfully competes in retail market petroleum products and aviation fuel market. The client base of the high-premium “wing” channel has been expanded by attracting new counterparties. At the end of 2013, the volume of supplies under contracts with airlines increased to 67.8 billion rubles, which is 23% more than in 2012.

Export terminals.

A distinctive feature of Rosneft is the presence of its own export terminals in Tuapse, De-Kastri, Nakhodka, Arkhangelsk, which can significantly increase the efficiency of exports of the Company’s products. Rosneft is currently carrying out comprehensive programs their expansion and modernization in order to ensure that these capacities correspond to the planned export volumes.

Gas station network.

One of Rosneft’s strategic objectives is to increase sales volumes own products directly to the end consumer. To this end, the Company is developing a retail sales network.

The main goal of the Company's sales activities is to increase the volume of sales of high-quality products with high added value directly to the end consumer. To achieve this goal, Rosneft is expanding its sales network, primarily in strategically important regions, systematically increasing the number of gas stations equipped with retail space, cafes, car washes and service stations. The company owns one of the largest sales retail chains. Today it is more than 2400 gas stations and complexes throughout Russia.

Environmental Safety

In the field of security environment The Company pays special attention to preventive measures aimed at minimizing the negative impact on the environment. The Rosneft company is implementing a Target Environmental Program for 2009-2014, aimed at modernizing environmental structures and equipment. In connection with the intensification of the Company’s work on the shelf in 2012, a program was formed environmental work for the Arctic Scientific Center of the Company, draft cooperation agreements have been prepared with the Ministry of Emergency Situations of Russia, Roscosmos and the Ministry of Transport of the Russian Federation.

IN modern conditions The level of technological development is one of the main factors of the competitiveness of an oil company. Technological leadership is ensured by innovation, which consists of constant implementation latest technologies and equipment, using best international practices, improving the quality of management and control over business processes, as well as continuously improving the competence of specialists. The Rosneft company recognizes the need for an innovative path of development, actively accumulating scientific potential in close cooperation with industry research institutes, universities, small and medium-sized innovative enterprises industry.

Program innovative development NK Rosneft is the most important part of its development concept. Innovations are aimed at modernizing the production base, creating and introducing new technologies to solve production tasks. These are replenishing reserves, increasing the oil recovery factor, maximizing the full use of associated petroleum gas, effective implementation of offshore projects, increasing the depth of oil refining, increasing energy efficiency, minimizing capital and operating costs, as well as ensuring environmental and industrial safety. The innovative development program of OJSC NK Rosneft is designed to respond to the global challenges facing it and will ensure the achievement of its strategic goals.

The system of goals of the Innovative Development Program includes: Rosneft [Electronic resource] URL: (access date: 04/15/2014)

1. Ensuring the development of Rosneft as a high-tech energy company.

2. Providing technological leadership in key competencies: oil and gas production, oil refining.

3. Maintaining specific capital and operating costs at the level of the best global industry indicators.

4. Increasing the energy efficiency of production to achieve the best world level.

5. Compliance with high international standards environmental and industrial safety.

In 2013 - Rosneft and ExxonMobil signed final agreements on the creation of an Arctic research and design center and technology exchange. The Arctic Center will provide a full range of services in the region scientific research and engineering developments.

In 2009, Rosneft OJSC was fined (5.3 billion rubles) for violating antimonopoly legislation. The fine was imposed for abuse of a monopoly position in the wholesale petroleum products market, which resulted in the withdrawal of goods from circulation, which led to an increase in prices in the wholesale segment of the petroleum products market, creating conditions of discrimination in the sale of petroleum products to individual counterparties. These actions led to an increase in prices in the wholesale markets for motor gasoline, diesel fuel and aviation kerosene in early 2009.

In 2011, Rosneft OJSC was again fined 1.8 billion rubles. for abuse of a dominant position by establishing and maintaining a monopoly high price for diesel fuel and aviation kerosene at the beginning of 2011.

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Ministry of Science and Education of the Republic of Belarus

GPBEI SPO Oktyabrsky Petroleum College

named after S.I. Kuvykina

production refining oil gas


R 130109 SD VD 01 05 PZ

Completed Art. gr.4Gd2-12

VC. Silantiev


E.V. Rakhmanova

  • annotation
  • Geography
  • Resource base
  • Geological exploration
  • Oil production
  • Gas production
  • Recycling
  • Export terminals
  • Gas station network
  • Corporate governance
  • Environmental Safety
  • Science and innovation


Rosneft is the leader of the Russian oil industry and the largest public oil and gas corporation in the world. The main activities of OJSC NK Rosneft are the search and exploration of hydrocarbon deposits, the production of oil, gas, gas condensate, the implementation of projects for the development of offshore fields, the processing of extracted raw materials, the sale of oil, gas and their processed products in Russia and abroad. .

The company is included in the list of strategic enterprises in Russia. Its main shareholder (69.50% of shares) is OJSC ROSNEFTEGAZ, 100% owned by the state. 19.75% is owned by BP, the remaining 10.75% of shares are in free float.


The geography of Rosneft's activities in the exploration and production sector covers all the main oil and gas provinces of Russia: Western Siberia, Southern and Central Russia, Timan-Pechora, Eastern Siberia, the Far East, the shelves of the Russian Federation, including the Arctic. The company also operates in Belarus, Ukraine, Kazakhstan, Turkmenistan, China, Vietnam, Mongolia, Germany, Italy, Norway, Algeria, Brazil, Venezuela and the UAE, in Canada and the USA (Gulf of Mexico).

9 large refineries and 4 mini-refineries of Rosneft are distributed throughout Russia from the Black Sea coast to Far East and 7 refineries are located outside its borders (shares in 4 refineries in Germany, a share in the Italian oil refining company Saras S. p. A and the Mozyr Oil Refinery in Belarus, as well as the Lisichansky Oil Refinery in Ukraine), and the sales network covers 56 regions of Russia.

Resource base

According to the results of an audit conducted by DeGolyer & MacNaughton according to the SEC classification, which provides for an assessment until the end of the period of profitable development of fields, as of December 31, 2013, the proven hydrocarbon reserves of Rosneft amounted to 33,014 million barrels. AD Including liquid hydrocarbon reserves (oil, condensate, wide fraction of light hydrocarbons - NGLs) amounted to 25,191 million barrels. (3,398 million tons), gas reserves - 46,941 billion cubic meters. ft (1,329 billion cubic meters).

DeGolyer & MacNaughton also audited Rosneft reserves according to the PRMS classification. Proven reserves (1P) of hydrocarbons as of December 31, 2013 amounted to 41,771 million barrels. B.E., including 30,782 million barrels. (4,161 million tons) of liquid hydrocarbons (oil, condensate, NGL) and 65,937 billion cubic meters. feet (1,867 billion cubic meters) of gas.

At the end of the year, Rosneft OJSC had proven hydrocarbon reserves for 24 years, including 20 years for oil and 50 years for gas. The majority of the reserves are classified as traditional, which makes it possible to effectively increase production.

The volume of proven reserves is largely based on the results of development of existing fields, taking into account their geological and technological potential. At the same time, the Company is actively preparing new large deposits Eastern and Western Siberia, including Suzunskoye, Tagulskoye, Lodochnoye, Yurubcheno-Tokhomskoye, Russkoye, Kynsko-Chaselsky group. Also, the introduction of new technologies, in particular drilling wells with long horizontal trunks using multi-stage hydraulic fracturing, will make it possible in the medium term to bring into development a significant amount of oil reserves, including hard-to-recover ones (shale oil). Thus, the potential of probable reserves, which amount to more than 70% of proven hydrocarbon reserves, will be confidently involved in development.

As of December 31, 2013, the average estimate of the Company's prospective recoverable hydrocarbon resources was 339 billion barrels. AD (46 billion toe), which is almost 70% higher than the level at the end of 2012. The increase in resources is associated with geological exploration work in the Company’s areas in the Kara Sea, Laptev Sea, Black Sea, as well as with the receipt in 2013 of licenses for new shelf areas in the Barents, Pechora, Kara, East Siberian, Chukchi Seas and the Laptev Sea.

Geological exploration

OJSC NK Rosneft has the largest hydrocarbon resource base on land and the continental shelf. The strategic priority of the Company’s activities is the systematic replacement of over 100% of production with new reserves and improvement of the quality of reserves.

Rosneft is systematically increasing investments in geological exploration. In 2013, investments in the Company's geological exploration work (in share) amounted to RUB 83 billion. (21% of work is on the shelf, 19% in Eastern Siberia). This made it possible to complete 35 thousand linear km of 2D seismic exploration (92% of the work is on the shelf, 2% in Eastern Siberia), 12 thousand sq. km of 3D seismic exploration (21% of the work is on the shelf, 16% in Eastern Siberia), drill and complete testing of 90 prospecting exploration wells (13% are in Eastern Siberia). As a result of the complex of geological exploration work, 6 fields and 70 new deposits were discovered.

In 2013, Rosneft replaced more than 179% of oil and condensate production with new reserves (according to SEC methodology) - this is the best result among the largest international oil and gas companies. As of January 1, 2014, the Company's prospective oil and condensate resources within the Russian Federation amount to 46 billion toe. Compared to the 2012 estimate, prospective resources increased by 6.5 billion toe, mainly due to the acquisition of new areas and revaluation of areas on the Arctic shelf.

Rosneft places high priority on carrying out the optimal volume of geological exploration work and increasing its efficiency. Rosneft implements the bulk of geological exploration projects in the most promising oil and gas regions of Russia (Western and Eastern Siberia, the Volga region, the shelf of the southern seas). In 2014, Rosneft continues effective additional exploration of mature fields and geological exploration activities in new areas of Eastern Siberia and the Yamalo-Nenets Autonomous Okrug.

OJSC NK Rosneft occupies a leading position in the development of Russian continental shelf. In 2013, the Company, together with its partners, completed an unprecedented program of geological exploration in offshore areas, including 32.5 thousand linear. km of 2D seismic and 2.6 thousand sq. km of 3D seismic, engineering and geological surveys to prepare 12 sites for exploratory drilling, and also acquired 19 new licenses for geological study, exploration and production of hydrocarbons in areas of the Arctic shelf, Okhotsk and southern seas. The total number of licenses the Company has for the development of the Russian shelf is 46 licenses with a total volume of hydrocarbon resources exceeding 43 billion tons of oil equivalent.

Oil production

OJSC NK Rosneft is the leader in the production of liquid hydrocarbons in the world. The company produces more than 40% of Russian oil and is successfully implementing a strategy for sustainable production growth, including through the introduction of the most modern technologies. Oil and liquid hydrocarbon production increased by 72% and amounted to 4 196 thousand bbl/d (organic growth 1%).

The company has a unique portfolio of fields in terms of the size of reserves and their recovery potential. Oil production at mature fields was about 80%. In 2013, production growth was shown by the mature fields of Samaraneftegaz OJSC in the Volga-Ural region (2.9%), as well as new operating assets - the Vankorskoye field (17.8%) and the Verkhnechonskoye field (7%) in Eastern Siberia and the Uvat a group of deposits in the south of the Tyumen region (18.4%).

At the same time, the Company continued to implement measures to improve efficiency and control operating costs for production, which in 2013 amounted to 4.3 US dollars per barrel, which is the best specific indicator among public oil companies in the world.

In 2014, the Company’s task is to further stabilize production at mature assets, plan to increase production at new fields and prepare for commissioning industrial operation new fields based on Vankor.

Gas production

At the end of 2013, OJSC NK Rosneft became the third largest gas producer in Russia, producing 38.17 billion cubic meters. The record growth in gas production more than doubled is primarily due to the consolidation of new assets, the consolidation of NGK LLC "ITERA", as well as with the implementation of programs for the rational use of associated petroleum gas in LLC RN-Yuganskneftegaz and CJSC Vankorneft and the implementation of effective geological and technical measures (GTM) for the gas well stock in LLC RN-Krasnodarneftegaz.

In 2013, the prerequisites were created for the further development of the Company’s gas business through organic production growth. Thus, the Rospan project is actively developing (development of the East Urengoy and Novo-Urengoy license areas), and an integrated project for the development of gas deposits of the Kharampur field has been approved.

Gas sales in 2013 amounted to 39.1 billion cubic meters. m., including 24.0 billion cubic meters. m - in Western Siberia, 10.4 billion cubic meters. m - in the European part of Russia, 3.1 billion cubic meters. m - in the South of Russia, 0.5 billion cubic meters. m - in the Far East and 0.9 billion cubic meters. m - outside the Russian Federation. The total sales volume increased by 3.5 times compared to 2012 due to the integration of new assets.

Rosneft has enormous potential to further increase production due to the presence of a significant amount of reserves. Realizing gas potential is one of Rosneft’s strategic goals. The company plans to expand its presence in the gas market and is already actively developing this line of business, concluding long-term direct contracts for the supply of gas with major consumers. By 2020, the Company plans to produce 100 billion cubic meters of gas per year, doubling its share in the domestic gas market (to about 20%).

Entering the LNG market is one of the options for monetizing Rosneft's gas reserves. Together with ExxonMobil, the Company began implementing a project for the production of liquefied natural gas (LNG) - "Far Eastern LNG" - with the aim of effectively commercializing gas reserves on the shelf of Sakhalin Island. The plant's design capacity is 5 million tons per year with possible expansion in the future; the launch is planned for 2018-2019. Rosneft is considering various options for marketing the products of the future plant. The company has already contracted LNG volumes with the Japanese companies Marubeni and Sodeco. Steady demand for LNG in the Asia-Pacific countries guarantees Rosneft a stable market for this project. Part of the production volumes of the future plant is contracted by one of the world's largest traders, the Vitol company, which allows Rosneft to diversify possible risks in the global LNG trading market.

The Company is currently successfully implementing a program to increase the level of associated petroleum gas use to 95%.


In 2013, the Company’s Russian and foreign refineries processed 90.1 million tons of oil, while refining in Russia accounted for almost a third of general processing in the country. The structure of OJSC NK Rosneft includes nine large oil refineries in Russia: Komsomolsky, Tuapse, Kuibyshevsky, Novokuybyshevsky, Syzransky, Achinsky, Saratov Oil Refinery, Ryazan Oil Refinery Company and Angarsk Petrochemical Company.

In Russia, the Company also owns four mini-refineries in Western and Eastern Siberia, Timan-Pechora and the south of the European part of Russia with a total capacity of 0.6 million tons of oil per year, as well as a share in the Strezhevsky mini-refinery in Western Siberia. In Germany, Rosneft owns shares in four oil refineries with a capacity of 11.5 million tons (in the Company's share).

The Company is currently implementing a large-scale program to modernize its processing facilities, which will allow it to increase its processing depth to 81% and ensure compliance with the terms of quadripartite agreements. In 2013, the Rosneft refinery continued to implement measures for a complete transition to the production of petroleum products that meet the requirements of the Euro-5 environmental standard, increasing the depth of refining, increasing the operational efficiency of oil refining, environmental and industrial safety. As a result of the modernization of oil refineries, the production of motor gasoline and diesel fuel of Euro-4 and Euro-5 standards at the Company’s Russian refineries amounted to about 15 million tons.

The company is creating a powerful oil refining center in the Russian Far East and Eastern Siberia to meet the growing needs of the region for high-quality fuel at competitive prices and in sufficient quantity. Stable supplies of high-quality fuel to industrial consumers and the region’s retail network will create additional favorable conditions for economic development Russian Far East. As a result of significant modernization of the capacities of the Komsomolsk and Achinsk refineries and the Angarsk Petrochemical Plant, as well as the development of the Eastern Petrochemical Company project, Rosneft will increase its competitiveness when exporting to the markets of the Asia-Pacific region.

Export terminals

A distinctive feature of Rosneft is the presence of its own export terminals in Tuapse, De-Kastri, Nakhodka, Arkhangelsk, which improves the planning process, helps optimize costs and can significantly increase the efficiency of exporting the Company's products. Currently, Rosneft is implementing comprehensive programs for their expansion and modernization in order to ensure that these capacities correspond to the planned export volumes.

Gas station network

One of Rosneft's strategic goals is to increase the volume of sales of its own products directly to the end consumer. To this end, the Company is developing a retail sales network.

The main goal of the Company's sales activities is to increase the volume of sales of high-quality products with high added value directly to the end consumer. To achieve this goal, Rosneft is expanding its sales network, primarily in strategically important regions, systematically increasing the number of gas stations equipped with retail space, cafes, car washes and service stations.

The company owns one of the largest retail distribution networks. As of December 31, 2013, the Company’s network of operating gas stations includes 2,627 owned and leased stations, including 150 gas stations in Ukraine, 40 gas stations in the Republic of Belarus and 3 gas stations in Abkhazia. Own and leased gas stations have 1,850 shops, 424 cafes and 207 car washes. At 91 gas stations there are minor repair stations and Maintenance cars. Every seventh car in Russia is refueled at gas stations/filling stations of the Rosneft distribution network.

NK Rosneft successfully competes in the retail market of petroleum products and the aviation fuel market. The company acquired additional fueling complexes at airports and expanded client base high-premium channel “in the wing” (high-premium channel) by attracting large counterparties. As a result, the volume of jet fuel sales in 2013 almost doubled compared to 2012, and currently Rosneft is the market leader in jet fuel sales with a share of 34%.

Corporate governance

When implementing its development strategy, Rosneft aims to both increase the Company's shareholder value and achieve the highest standards in management. The Company is firmly convinced that these two goals are interconnected. A commitment to transparent and responsible business management is critical to maintaining investor confidence and ensuring that all our shareholders receive the maximum return on their investment over the long term.

System corporate governance OJSC NK Rosneft is aimed at protecting the rights of shareholders, the successful and sustainable development of the Company, and ensuring that the Company's management makes effective and responsible decisions. Rosneft is continuously improving the corporate governance system in accordance with the principles of corporate governance generally recognized by the world economic community. The most significant evaluation criteria the effectiveness of the Company's corporate governance system are information openness, professionalism and responsibility of management.

As part of its efforts to improve information transparency and openness, the Company pays primary attention to improving the efficiency of interaction with shareholders and investors. On an ongoing basis, Rosneft operates telephones and electronic mailboxes for requests from shareholders and investors. A call center for shareholders, including a hotline, has been organized. As part of its interaction with institutional investors and analysts, Rosneft holds regular presentations of its financial results according to IFRS, meetings in Russia and in the largest financial centers of the world, teleconferences.

Transparency of financial statements - important element corporate governance. On February 1, 2013, Rosneft was the first among the world's largest oil and gas companies to publish a complete audited consolidated financial statements according to IFRS for 2012

One of the most convincing evidence of the application of the principles of strong corporate governance in practice is the composition of the Board of Directors and its committees. Members of the Board of Directors of OJSC NK Rosneft are experienced managers who enjoy high authority in the business community. For more effective consideration of issues at meetings of the Board of Directors, on many of the most important topics, the permanent Committees of the Board of Directors provide their recommendations - the Personnel and Remuneration Committee, Committee on strategic planning and the Audit Committee.

Environmental Safety

In the field of environmental protection, the Company pays special attention to preventive measures aimed at minimizing the negative impact on the environment. The Rosneft company is implementing a Target Environmental Program for 2009-2014, aimed at modernizing environmental structures and equipment.

In connection with the intensification of the Company’s work on the shelf, in 2013, a transaction was completed to create Arctic Science Center LLC (ASC) together with ExxonMobil. At the initial stage, the Arctic Center will conduct work in such areas as safety and environmental protection; ice, hydrometeorological and geotechnical research; preparation of recommendations in the field of ice management; development of design criteria, and evaluation and creation of field development concepts. The Arctic Center will use the existing developments of Rosneft and ExxonMobil to create environmentally friendly and more efficient technologies.

The strategic goal of OJSC NK Rosneft is to achieve unconditional leadership in setting standards in the field of environmental protection in the Russian Federation. oil and gas industry, as well as their compliance with recognized international practices.

Science and innovation

OJSC NK Rosneft is a leader in the process of high-quality modernization and innovative changes in the Russian oil and gas industry. The Company’s efforts are aimed at developing the intellectual and technological potential of the industry based on the powerful foundation of the Russian oil and gas school - “one of the best in the world?” - ?and in partnership with leading companies in the international oil business.

Technological leadership is ensured by innovation, which consists of the constant introduction of the latest technologies and equipment, the use of advanced international experience, improving the quality of management and control over business processes, as well as the continuous improvement of the competence of specialists. Rosneft is aware of the need for an innovative path of development, actively accumulating scientific potential in close cooperation with industry research institutes, universities, small and medium-sized innovative enterprises in the industry.

The Rosneft innovative development program is the most important part of its development concept. Innovations are aimed at modernizing the production base, creating and introducing new technologies to solve production problems. These include replenishing reserves, increasing the oil recovery factor, maximizing the full use of associated petroleum gas, effective implementation of offshore projects, increasing the depth of oil refining, increasing energy efficiency, minimizing capital and operating costs, as well as ensuring environmental and industrial safety. The innovative development program of OJSC NK Rosneft is designed to respond to the global challenges facing it and will ensure the achievement of its strategic goals.

The system of goals of the Innovative Development Program includes:

1. Ensuring the development of Rosneft as a high-tech energy company.

2. Providing technological leadership in key competencies: oil and gas production, oil refining.

3. Maintaining specific capital and operating costs at the level of the best global industry indicators.

4. Increasing the energy efficiency of production to achieve the best world level.

5. Compliance with high international standards of environmental and industrial safety.

Taking into account the results of the analysis of the technological challenges facing the Company, 20 priority areas of innovative research of Rosneft were identified:

1. Geological exploration and study of strata;

2. Geology and mining;

3. Construction of wells;

4. Oil and gas production technologies;

5. Construction and operation of ground infrastructure facilities;

6. Non-traditional sources hydrocarbons (viscous oils, bazhens, gas hydrates, oil from coal);

7. Non-hydrocarbon raw materials;

8. Shelves;

9. Information Technology"Upstream";

10. Oil refining technologies;

11. Petrochemical technologies, GTL;

12. Development of own catalysts;

13. Development of new oil refining products;

14. Processing of heavy oil residues;

15. Information technologies "Downstream";

16. Engineering support for the implementation of new technologies by corporate design institutes;

17. Energy saving;

18. Ecology;

19. Alternative energy;

20. Knowledge dissemination systems and general corporate information technologies.

In 2013, OJSC NK Rosneft continued to work to build up the intellectual and technological advantage of the Company by financing advanced developments of its own research and development center, supporting the activities of the country's leading scientific and educational universities, as well as creating joint research centers with progressive international companies.

Volume of costs for innovative activity The company's revenue in 2013 amounted to 148.1 billion rubles, while R&D costs amounted to 23.2 billion rubles. Number of applications for patents securing the Company’s intellectual property for inventions, utility models and software, amounted to 52 units, which is almost three times more than patent applications registered in the previous year.

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    Meaning oil and gas industry for the country's economy. Structure of the gas and oil industry in Russia. Contemporary issues and further prospects for the Russian oil and gas industry. Development and formation of the country's fuel and energy balance.



Meaning considered oil and gas services, the types of services in the fuel and energy complex were determined, the main business models for the development of the oil and gas service market were identified, the effectiveness of bit service in well drilling was assessed, the main problems, trends and prospects for the formation of an effective oil and gas service market were studied. .

In the article value of oil and gas service is considered, types of services in the energy industry are defined, main business models of development of the market of oil and gas service are determined, an assessment of efficiency of drill service in drilling wells is carried out, the main problems, tendencies and prospects of the development of an effective market of oil and gas service are investigated .

Keywords:oil and gas service, types of oil and gas service, business models, efficiency of service in the fuel and energy complex, trends in the service market in Russia .

Key words:oil and gas service, types of oil and gas service, business models, efficiency of service in energy industry, tendencies of the service market in Russia .

Concept « oil and gas complex"(OGC), along with oil refining and other components, includes two most important ones: oil, gas production and oil and gas services. Both components are integral elements of a single technological cycle of the oil and gas industry. The problem is that the vast majority of oil and gas producing countries in the world do not have the necessary intellectual, technological and industrial potential to properly provide national production with their own high-tech services. Only three countries in the world have such potential: the USA, Russia and China. Therefore, the rest of the world is forced to turn to the services of companies in these countries and depend on them.

Oil and gas service- is a means of ensuring the energy and environmental security of the country. The service ensures the required level of production and transportation of oil and gas, and is the information basis for environmental safety on land, sea and in the subsoil during oil and gas production.

Oil and gas services are one of the most important engines for transferring the country's economy from a resource-based focus to high technology. The global market for oil and gas equipment and services is represented by high-tech, knowledge-intensive and capital-intensive products, which are based on the achievements of the military-industrial complex. Close interaction between the oil and gas and defense complexes is mutually beneficial to both industries and the country’s economy as a whole.

Currently, three countries are world leaders in the development of equipment and technology for oil and gas services: the USA, Russia and China. These countries develop and produce the most complete range of oil and gas equipment, equipment, technologies and have the largest service and intellectual potential to carry out work from prospecting and exploration of fields to the most complete extraction of the oil and gas reserves contained in them.

Among the factors determining the leadership of these countries in this area, the main ones are: the presence of a large fuel and energy complex, which creates the need for new equipment and technology and serves as a testing ground for their development; the presence of a developed military-industrial complex creates the prerequisites for technological leadership in service through the use of the latest achievements in defense technology; high level of academic and industrial science ensures the competitiveness of equipment and services offered to the world market; developed system and high level of education of the population reproduces the intellectual potential of leadership.

Today, service companies are one of the main driving forces of innovative development of the fuel and energy complex in Russia. Their main task is to ensure stabilization of production in old oil-bearing provinces and to accelerate the development of unprofitable fields with hard-to-recover reserves.

Services in the oil sector (oil service) include a number of activities: drilling wells (primarily production and exploration); current and major repairs of wells; seismic research and geophysical work; infrastructure construction; application of methods for enhancing oil recovery and production intensification; technological and general transport services; production, maintenance and repair of oilfield equipment.

Currently, three main models for the development of services prevail in the Russian fuel and energy complex.

The first business model, in which the company uses its own divisions to provide main production with auxiliary oilfield services, is quite widely used in the Russian market. A number of the largest Russian oil and gas companies, such as Gazprom, Gazprom Neft, Surgutneftegaz, Tatneft, have retained oil service divisions or even separate enterprises and maintain them at a high competitive level.They have a reliable parent company market that is not accessible to third parties, are usually equipped with the most advanced equipment and technology, are well equipped, and have a solid staff social package. The presence of the parent company's resources allows them to develop these divisions and invest in technological and management innovations.

The second business model for the development of the domestic oil and gas sector is associated with the arrival of foreign service companies. All the leaders of the world oil and gas services are represented here - these are the American companies Schlumberger, Halliburton, Baker Hughes, Weatherford.

Founded in 1919, Halliburton provides products and integrated services for the entire oil and gas life cycle, from oil and gas exploration, development and production, field operations, equipment maintenance, refining and refining, to infrastructure and well abandonment. . Halliburton has the world's most extensive experience in providing services to oil companies and is constantly ready to develop advanced technological solutions that allow them to obtain maximum economic returns from the exploitation of resources. Schlumberger, being the largest oilfield services company, provides a wide range of services related to the development of oil fields - geological exploration, drilling, well testing, well workover, oil production stimulation, well cementing, well completion. Largest customers Schlumberger in Russia - Rosneft, Gazprom, Gazpromneft, TNK-BP, Lukoil, NOVATEK, Surgutneftegaz, etc.

Without encountering opposition from the state and domestic oil and gas service companies, they are increasing their presence in the Russian market year after year by acquiring independent companies.

The third business model for organizing and developing oil and gas services involves the separation of service structures from oil and gas production enterprises and the subsequent receipt of services on the market. During the period of reform of the Russian fuel and energy complex, many oil and gas producing companies, freeing themselves from non-core assets, which included oil service divisions, formed the basis for the creation of independent domestic service companies operating in the fuel and energy sector.

The PetroAlliance company has long occupied a prominent place in the service sector of the oil and gas industry. Services provided by the company: seismic exploration; capital repairs of wells; cementing; reservoir modeling; geophysical survey of wells, etc. The Oil Technology Overseas company was created to provide scientific, technical and technological services in the oil and gas complex. LLC "Drilling Company "Eurasia" is one of the largest drilling companies in Russia, it is engaged in the construction and repair of wells. The company's teams work in all oil regions of Russia.

CJSC "Siberian Service Company" is another largest drilling company operating in the Yamal-Nenets Autonomous Okrug, Tomsk Region, Samara Region, Krasnoyarsk Territory, Khanty-Mansi Autonomous Okrug. SSK's activities are currently carried out in two main oil and gas basins of Russia - West Siberian and Volga-Ural. The company provides the following range of services: construction of drilling rigs; construction of wells for all purposes; production of plugging works; capital repairs of wells; provision of services for organizing production management, etc. However, the resource provision of these companies is not comparable to the capital of foreign oil services. Thus, the majority of Russian independent service companies cannot provide the variety and required level of quality of services.

The Komi Republic is one of the leading regions for oil and gas production in Russia. Many companies servicing oil and gas fields operate on its territory.

Usinsk branch of Integra LLC, Usinsk branch of BC Eurasia LLC, Usinsk branch of RN-Burenie LLC, Ukhta Burenie branch of Gazprom Burenie LLC created to organize highly efficient production for the construction of industrial, social, and environmental facilities, including the organization of drilling, casing, development, capital and underground repairs of wells, and enhanced oil recovery.

An enterprise with foreign investment, Komi-Quest LLC, has existed since 1992. Its founders are OJSC Komineft and Quest Petroleum Exploration GmbH (Austria). Today Komi-Quest LLC carries out repair and insulation work, eliminates leaks in the production casing, accidents that occurred during operation or repair, treats bottomhole zones, examines and transfers wells to use for other purposes, puts them into operation injection wells. High oil recovery is achieved by oil workers through the use of modern Russian and Western technologies. The best equipment, tools and production technologies affect the quality of work performed.

Oil and gas services in the Komi Republic are provided by Schlumberger, Halliburton and PetroAlliance.

Currently, experts give positive assessments regarding the prospects for the development of the domestic oilfield services market, despite the fact that during the global financial crisis There was a narrowing of the oil services market. Moreover, the sector of production of new equipment suffered the greatest losses (more than 50%). The volume of geophysics and exploration drilling has also decreased.

The oil and gas services market at the beginning of 2011 looked something like this: the leading place was occupied by the service divisions of vertically integrated companies (43%), followed by the drilling company Eurasia Drilling Company Ltd. (17%), followed by Schlumberger (11%), Integra (7%), Baker Hughes (3%) and Halliburton (3%).

Since 2011, there has been a rapid restoration of Russian oil and gas services: the volumes of both geological exploration and production drilling are increasing. The new general scheme for the development of the oil industry assumes drilling in 2010-2020. more than 50 thousand production wells.

Today, the service market in the fuel and energy complex is characterized by a certain stability. Market participants strive to make the most of emerging opportunities and strengthen their positions. It is expected that in 2012 the Russian oilfield services market will amount to $24.2 billion, and in 2015 - $35.9 billion. Drilling and well workover will continue to be the dominant sectors. Total spending on these types of services will reach $28 billion in 2014.

The dynamics of the development of the oil and gas services market in Russia are presented in Figure 1.

Rice. 1. Dynamics of development of the oil and gas service market in Russia, billion dollars.

Currently, service companies are one of the main driving forces of innovative development of the fuel and energy complex in Russia. Their main task is to ensure stabilization of production in old oil-bearing provinces and to accelerate the development of unprofitable fields with hard-to-recover reserves.

Development of new oil and gas provinces is underway, primarily in Eastern Siberia and the Russian part of the Caspian Sea. Service companies also expect a large volume of work at fields that have already been put into operation, where the priority remains the stabilization of production volumes.

According to expert estimates, the production sector of oilfield equipment in Russia, especially the construction of drilling rigs, may also significantly increase. The analytical company Douglas-Westwood estimates the need for their replacement in 2011-2012 at more than 200 units per year, while in 2009 it was 100, and in 2010 - 120 units. According to the company's forecast, in By 2013, another 190 units will need to be put into operation.

The post-crisis period of development of the oil and gas services market was marked by an important event. The largest drilling company in Russia in terms of volume of work performed, Eurasia Drilling Company, provides construction and major renovation wells, at the end of 2010 entered into an agreement of intent with one of the world's largest oil service companies - Schlumberger. According to this document, the parties must exchange assets in the field of oil and gas services. The transaction amount, according to experts, should be $280 million. The agreement also provides for Schlumberger to become the primary service provider for 200 drilling rigs operated by Eurasia Drilling Company for five years.

Such an alliance for Eurasia Drilling Company will allow it to expand its customer base and open up access to the partner’s technologies, and for Schlumberger, the exchange of assets will allow it to optimize its work in Russia.

Oil and gas service experts note two main trends characteristic of the current state of the Russian service market:

The formation of a competitive environment that occurs as a result of the withdrawal of service divisions from vertically integrated oil companies;

Creation strategic alliances between national oil service companies and international corporations.

The separation of service assets into separate companies is an already established trend in the Russian fuel and energy complex, the reasons for the withdrawal service work There are several reasons for outsourcing: 1) oil service costs for companies using the services of external contractors are half as low and amount to about $15 per ton of oil produced, while oil companies using their own service units spend from $18 to $30; 2) improving the quality of service work as a result of the fight for the client; 3) outsourcing of oil and gas services made the oil company more transparent and understandable for investors.

The most important problem of the global economy of the oil and gas industry is the development of methodological approaches to assessing the effectiveness of oil and gas services.

In this regard, an assessment was made efficiency of bit service in drilling wells at the Bovanenkovskoye field. Well drilling is carried out by the Ukhta Burenie branch of Gazprom Burenie LLC. The wells at the field are directional, 1737 meters deep, consisting of four casing columns: direction, conductor, technical and operational columns . Gazprom Burenie LLC entered into an agreement for bit service with Urengoy Burtech LLC, the purpose of which is to increase the economic efficiency of drilling operations by reducing the construction time of production wells at the Bovanenkovskoye oil and gas condensate field by increasing the drilling speed compared to the indicators provided for in the technical design for well construction.

Cost calculation results bit service per well is presented in Table 1 (developed by the author).

The results of calculating the cost of bits included in the total estimated cost of constructing a well at the Bovanenkovskoye field are presented in Table 2 (developed by the author).

Table 1

Cost of bit service per well at the Bovanenkovskoye field

Bits diameter, mm

Drilling interval

Cost of 1m of drilling, rub. (without VAT)

Cost of services by interval, rub. (without VAT)

Cost of services by interval, rub. with VAT 18%


1 046 611,54

1 235 001,70

table 2

Results of calculating the cost of bits per well at the Bovanenkovskoye field

Name of works

Drilling interval

Cost, rub.

Directional drilling

130 605,39

Drilling under extension Direction

Total costs (in 1991 prices)

Total costs including K - 49.69

43 615,84

Drilling for conductor

Total costs (in 1991 prices)

Total costs including K - 49.69

454 488,89

Drilling for an intermediate column

Total costs (in 1991 prices)

Total costs including K - 49.69

261 631,76

Drilling for filter liner

Total costs (in 1991 prices)

Total costs including K - 49.69

712 857,06

Total for the well

1 603 695,20

Based on the data given in the tables, we can conclude that the saving of bit service per one well in the field is 368.7 thousand rubles, and per annual volume construction of wells, savings per year will amount to 3.7 million rubles. Consequently, using the services of a bit service is much more profitable and profitable than purchasing, transporting and storing bits on your own.

Apparently, 2012 may become decisive in the confrontation between Russian and foreign businesses for domestic market oil and gas services. If national business, with the conscious support of the state, takes over, then foreign service companies will gradually be forced out Russian market and the struggle for the global market for high-tech oil and gas services will begin.

Oil and gas service specialists note that the basis for effective interaction between service and oil and gas production companies is the transparency of processes. The main goal of vertically integrated oil companies is to reduce costs for oil and gas services and improve the quality of services due to the ability to control the timing and cost of work performed by contractors. And the task of oil service companies is to effectively manage their own resources based on a detailed understanding of the processes and assets of the production company.

The lack of legal regulation of the relationship between oil and gas production and independent service companies is one of the main problems of oil and gas service. Other main problems of the service sector in the Russian fuel and energy complex include: strengthening the market position of imported equipment, mainly Chinese-made; weak positions Russian companies in the “premium segment” (geophysics, directional drilling) in the absence of the majority of service companies having investment resources to modernize production.

Further development of oil and gas services will depend on the following factors: state policy in the field of oil and gas services; built relationships with oil and gas producing companies; availability of technologies that reduce costs and increase production efficiency; compliance with safety regulations, etc.

Thus, summing up what has been said, we can draw the following general conclusions.

Oil and gas services are a complex of services on the scale and quality of which the well-being of the Russian oil and gas complex, the main supplier of funds to the state budget, decisively depends.

Services in the oil sector include a number of activities: drilling wells (primarily production and exploration); current and major repairs of wells; seismic research and geophysical work; infrastructure construction; application of methods for enhancing oil recovery and production intensification; technological and general transport services; production, maintenance and repair of oilfield equipment.

In conclusion, we can say that translation issues are associated with the full development of oil and gas services Russian economy on high technologies that provide solutions to problems of energy efficiency, resource conservation, and energy security. All conditions exist for the development of oil services as an independent business, and the size and growth of the market make it tempting. In this regard, oil and gas services are the most dynamically developing segment of the Russian oil industry.


    Alexandrov V. Readiness number one. Oil and gas services are restoring their pre-crisis potential // Oil of Russia. Oil service. - 2011. - No. 1 (8). - pp. 18-21.

    Baskaev K. Stormy work. Oil and gas services did not suffer from the financial crisis as much as market players feared // Oil of Russia. Oil service. - 2010. - No. 1 (7). - P. 16-22.

    Was there an Apocalypse? Domestic oil and gas services are quickly recovering after the global financial and economic crisis // Oil of Russia. Oil service. - 2011. - No. 1 (8). - P. 6-9.

    Dudyreva N.V. Study of the oilfield services industry in Russia. Service. - M.: Republic, 2009. - P. 180-210.

    Tiron D.V., Pavlovskaya A.V. Problemsdevelopment of oil and gas services. Socio-economic problems of development of enterprises and regions: collection of articles of the 13th International Scientific and Practical Conference. - Penza: Privolzhsky House of Knowledge, 2011. - pp. 114-117.


  1. Aleksandrov V. Readiness number one. Oil and gas service restores the pre-crisis potential//Oil of Russia. Oil service. - 2011. - No. 1 (8). - R . 18-21.
  2. Baskayev K. Rough work. Oil and gas service suffered from the financial crisis not so strongly as players of the market had supposed//Oil of Russia. Oil service. - 2010. - No. 1 (7). - R . 16-22.

    Was there an Apocalypse? Domestic oil and gas service is quickly restored after global financial and economic crisis//Oil of Russia. Oil service. - 2011. - No. 1 (8). - R . 6-9.

    Dudyreva N. V. Research of oilfield services in Russia. Service. - M: Republic, 2009. - R . 180-210.

    Tyron D.V., Pavlovskaya A.V. Problems of development of oil and gas service. Social and economic problems of the development of enterprises and regions: collection of articles of the 13th International scientific and practical conference. - Penza: Volga House of knowledge, 2011. - R . 114-117.

Every year on February 8, the domestic scientific community celebrates its professional holiday - Russian Science Day, established by decree of the President of the Russian Federation in 1999.

NK "" is actively developing its scientific potential in close cooperation with industry research institutes, universities, small and medium-sized innovative enterprises in the industry.

The current program of innovative development of NK "" is aimed at the creation and implementation of new technologies to solve production problems, the effective implementation of offshore projects, the modernization of the production base, replenishment of reserves, increasing the oil recovery factor, rational use associated petroleum gas, increasing the depth of oil refining, increasing energy efficiency, minimizing capital and operating costs, as well as ensuring environmental and industrial safety.

The company is actively replacing imported technologies in the technological chain for the production of high-quality petroleum products. To date, all oil refineries of NK "" have made the transition to using only domestically produced catalysts in all catalytic cracking units.

In 2015, specialists from the corporate research center LLC RN-TsIR completed the development and production of pilot batches of domestic catalysts for the hydrotreating and isodewaxing of diesel fractions, which ensure the production of high-quality summer, winter and arctic diesel fuels with ultra-low sulfur content of Euro5 class, as well as gasoline pre-hydrotreating catalysts for involving gasoline fractions of secondary thermal processes in a mixture with straight-run feedstock into the catalytic reforming process. The promising product is characterized by high activity, improved strength characteristics and a long service life.

"" has consolidated its leadership in the development of domestic GTL (Gas-to-liquid) technologies. Scientists at the corporate research center have developed catalysts that make it possible to effectively process natural and associated petroleum gas into synthetic hydrocarbons (synthetic oil). The catalysts have been successfully tested at the laboratory level and have already proven their high performance characteristics.

In addition, RN-TSIR developed technology and launched a pilot plant for the synthesis of a unique petrochemical catalyst, which allows the creation of domestic polymer and composite materials, as well as new generation oils from previously unclaimed raw materials petrochemical production. The technology is protected by Russian and international patents

The company is working to reduce the dependence of the Russian market lubricants from imports. For this purpose in research center The company is developing technologies for producing high-index mineral and synthetic base oils to create finished oils in the premium segment, including for the production of lubricants for Arctic purposes. Along with this, scientists have developed a new line of mineral oils high degree cleaning – white oils. Such oils can be used where indicated high requirements to the purity of the materials used, including in medicine, veterinary medicine, food, and textile industries. In terms of their physicochemical and immunological parameters, they are significantly superior to imported analogues, which is extremely important in the production of various biological products, in particular vaccines.

To increase the efficiency of the well stock and increase production volumes at the Samotlor field, in 2015, specialists from NK "" carried out 20-stage hydraulic fracturing for the first time in Russia. The implementation of the project will make it possible to drill out the marginal zones in which reserves not involved in development are concentrated. Drilling and development of reserves in these zones have not been carried out to date due to their low efficiency.

NK "" is not only the leader in oil production and refining in Russia, but also acts as a driving force for the scientific study of the Arctic region. The Kara-Winter 2015 expedition has become the largest in the world over the past 20 years in terms of volume and scope of work.

As part of the Chukotka Summer 2015 research expedition, the Company almost completely restored the weather observation system in the Arctic. Now 7 modern weather stations of Rosneft operate in four seas of the Arctic Ocean.

Based on the results of complex expeditions, NK "" released a unique Atlas of hydrometeorological and ice conditions of the seas of the Russian Arctic, which has practically no analogues among both Russian and foreign geographical publications.

In the field of developing innovative solutions for the implementation of environmental programs, scientists from the Faculty of Biology of Moscow State University named after M.V. Lomonosov specifically for NK "" developed a drug capable of decomposing oil and oil products at low (including negative) temperatures. The principle of operation of the drug is based on the use of cold-loving bacteria (psychrophilic microorganisms) capable of absorbing oil as a food substrate, turning pollution into carbon dioxide, water and the biomass of the bacteria themselves.

NK "" continues to develop strategic partnership with the country's leading universities, scientific centers and institutes of the Russian Academy of Sciences, as well as foreign scientific organizations. The company provides support to schools, universities, secondary vocational educational institutions in all major regions of its production activities. About those who will come to work in 5–10 years oil company cares today, forming a reliable personnel reserve in general education and vocational schools.

For several years, NK "" and its subsidiaries have been working closely with 47 leading universities in the country, including Moscow State University named after M.V. Lomonosov, Russian State University of Oil and Gas named after I.M. Gubkina, Far Eastern Federal University and etc.

The continuous influx of new technologies ensures cooperation with the Russian Academy of Sciences and the world's leading scientific centers.

Since 2011, when "" began implementing an innovative development program, the number of patents owned by the Company has more than doubled.

OJSC "NK" congratulates all its employees and partners on the Day of Russian Science!