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Business plan for receiving a subsidy sample. Drawing up a business plan to receive a subsidy from the employment center: how to increase your chances of receiving preferences

Recently, the word “subsidy” has gained high popularity.

Increasingly, people are using it, while implying only a narrow range of areas where the subsidy can be applied. Many are sure that this is just an opportunity for low-income citizens to receive some assistance from the state in paying utility bills.

Beginning entrepreneurs often don’t even think about the fact that the state can pay under the same conditions as ordinary citizens, namely, without requiring a return.

It’s hard to believe that a small business subsidy is not a loan at all, and there is no need to repay it. Moreover, this is not even an investment, and no one will demand a percentage of the profit from the entrepreneur.

The state is interested in business prospering, since new enterprises not only increase the productivity of the region, but also create new jobs. But you still need to prove this with calculations and facts, presenting the information in the form of a sensible business plan.

Considering that this money will not be required back, there are many who want to get one financial assistance.

Therefore, in addition to a well-drafted plan, there are a number of conditions under which this amount will be accrued. And yet there are certain circumstances in which the state still has the right to demand a return.

1. Conditions for receiving subsidies for small businesses

Despite the fact that this assistance is required by law, not everyone can receive it. This would, at a minimum, be disadvantageous for the state and the employment service.

If an entrepreneur applies for a subsidy, it must be drawn up correctly, calculations must be made down to the smallest detail, and all expenses must be confirmed.

But even if all the conditions are met, there is a list of requirements for who can receive funds for the development of small businesses from the state.

Requirements for a candidate applying for a small business subsidy

  1. Age from 18 years (adult).
  2. Below retirement age (does not receive a pension).
  3. Must be a member of the employment center.
  4. Not an active entrepreneur.
  5. Does not receive payments from the state (disabled people, etc.).
  6. Not on parental leave (women on maternity leave).
  7. If students, then correspondence courses (not full-time).
  8. Not registered with law enforcement agencies, in custody or under investigation.

2. What types of subsidies are there?

Existing subsidy programs for small businesses in Russia differ only in their purpose. The amount of payments and selection criteria differ depending on the industry it belongs to. this type activities.

The most advantageous sectors for the state are:

  • agriculture (livestock farming, etc.);
  • production activities;
  • activities aimed at social development countries;
  • scientific activity.

It is also worth considering the fact that in different regions and regions of the country there are completely different industries that need to be developed.

There is no point in hoping for major assistance in developing the production of packaging materials if this region There are already a sufficient number of factories that fully satisfy the demand for their products.

For example, in the city of Moscow, the maximum subsidy amount for one individual entrepreneur will be up to 300,000 rubles, and then only if all conditions are met to the maximum. On average, the amount you can hope for will be about 60,000 rubles.

Before addressing the question of whether an entrepreneur is hoping for a subsidy, you need to carefully study what areas there are “gaps” in your region.

Local job centers will be happy to help close them, while providing jobs for people who have the right skills and education.

Also, there is such a concept as a subsidy for participation in a specialized exhibition .

This means that individual entrepreneurs return the amount that was spent on taking part in the event, according to their activity profile. But such assistance cannot amount to more than 70% of the money spent, and also no more than 300,000 rubles.

Sometimes, the help of government services is that it returns part of the amount of interest on a loan that was issued to organize a small business (no more than 5,000,000 rubles). In this case, the amount of the loan itself is not compensated.

It is also important that the loan agreement must indicate what the funds are used for, since it cannot be cars, or working capital of the enterprise.

Another type of subsidy is consider partial refund of leasing payments . Since, in this case, you can also demand assistance from the state in the amount of up to 30%, up to 5 million rubles.

3. How to register at the employment center to receive subsidies for small businesses?

Since from what is written above it is clear that there is no way without the employment service, you will need to register with them. You must visit the center that corresponds to your place of registration, taking with you a stack of certain papers. The address you need can be found here -

We are talking about the following documents:

  1. Passport of a citizen of the Russian Federation.
  2. Taxpayer identification number.
  3. Diploma of completion educational institutions(if you have a higher/secondary specialized education, then about graduating from a university, if not, then about graduating from school).
  4. Work book.
  5. Documents from your last place of work (optional).

More detailed list The documents they require can be found on the information boards in the center you visited or on the website (

Organizations may send a registered person to several interviews. He has no right to refuse them. Therefore, before carrying out your small business development plan, you will have to visit several workplaces.

It is important to know: if a registered citizen refuses the vacancies offered to him (does not come for an interview), he can apply again only 10 days after the refusal, after which he will again be offered several vacancies.

4. How to draw up a business plan to receive a subsidy?

When creating a development plan for your small business, which is needed to receive a subsidy, you must take into account all the state requirements. This means that in addition to the standard set of documents and calculations, you need to provide something that indicates the seriousness of your intentions.

A business plan should consist of the following parts:

  1. Information about .
  2. Type of activity and goals of the company (Charter).
  3. Codes entrepreneurial activity OKVED.
  4. Research of the field of activity (demand and supply).
  5. Marketing research.
  6. Agreement to rent or purchase premises.
  7. Agreement with suppliers of raw materials and equipment.
  8. Enterprise funds (current and non-current).
  9. Possible markets.
  10. Number of jobs created.
  11. Calculation of enterprise expenses.
  12. Approximate calculation of income and net profit.
  13. Payback periods.
  14. The amount of required investment.

This list can continue depending on what exactly the company will do. Obviously, in the case of production, additional licenses will need to be provided.

In general, you can initially understand whether a given small business is profitable for the state in order to determine whether it is worth counting on a subsidy or not.

What details of the business plan will reduce the chance of receiving a grant for a small business?

    The amount of required investment in the business is inaccurate.

    You should not round it to an even number, as this may cause mistrust on the part of any investor.

  1. Small plan business development indicates a frivolous attitude towards the project. You shouldn't even try to promote a small business project with a plan of up to 20 pages.
  2. Lack of tables with calculations, graphs and studies, and any other evidence that any work has been done.

5. Features when receiving subsidies for small businesses

a) In what situations will you have to return funds to the state?

Receiving a subsidy is absolutely free of charge, but, nevertheless, there are certain conditions, or rather exceptions, in which you may be required to return the funds issued.

Their list includes the following cases:

  • not spent during the first year (if not the full amount of the payment has been spent, the balance must be returned);
  • not provided Required documents to confirm the intended use of money;
  • deadlines for submitting all reports were missed;
  • misappropriation.

What cases are considered intended use?

  1. For the purchase of production equipment.
  2. For raw materials and supplies for manufacturing products.
  3. Purchase of blanks.
  4. Purchase or rental of premises for production.

b) What increases the likelihood of receiving a subsidy?

  1. Business means the creation of new jobs. The more employees you need, the higher your likelihood of receiving a subsidy.
  2. The chances will be higher if your small business offers high income to specialists in various fields.
  3. If this is production or scientific activity, the purpose of which is to produce innovative products.
  4. If an entrepreneur contributes a large amount of personal funds to a small business.
  5. Providing partnership agreements or contracts with suppliers, landlords, etc. for a long period.
  6. The entrepreneur has experience in the field in which he plans to open an enterprise.
  7. The idea has high profitability, since, in this case, all invested funds will be returned to the state under the guise of paid taxes.

6. Positive points and disadvantages when receiving subsidies for small businesses in Russia

If such a phenomenon as a subsidy had only a positive side, more and more entrepreneurs would turn to the state instead of looking for investors and taking out loans for business.

But anyone who has ever encountered government services (even a clinic) understands: this is all bureaucracy, which has a number of nuances.

Instead of simply registering a business and starting to implement plans, you will need to go through a long chain of employment center employees who will send each other several times.

All this takes a lot of time + you will need to collect a lot different documents, certificates and seals, an approximate list of which you saw above.

We should not forget that not every business will receive, but only that which will benefit the state.

However, there is a bright side: the money will not have to be returned if you spend it on your small business as intended. And this is a significant plus, because not a single hundred companies were “ditched” due to a lack of funds to pay off huge loans or invest in development.

If you have the time and desire to do everything right, the small business grant option will be a significant help.

7. Options for where to find investments other than subsidies

Are you missing out on subsidies for small businesses? Don't rush to get upset. After all, there are investors who are looking for a startup in which they can invest money in order to make a profit in the future.

Although this method of obtaining funds for a business does not operate on a free basis, there are no such strict requirements and restrictions + the conditions are more loyal than when receiving the same loan from a bank. All you need to do for this is to provide interesting idea and a sound business plan.

Here are some of the investment companies you should consider:

  • "Runa Capital" is an international fund, knowledge of English is welcome (,
  • "Almaz Capital" ( – invest in the IT sector,
  • resource "Investtalk" ( and others.

Conclusion on the feasibility of subsidies for small businesses as an investment

It's obvious that small business subsidy will not fully cover the bulk of the costs for most business ideas. However, this will greatly simplify the task for a novice entrepreneur.

It’s hard to disagree that this is much more profitable than loans. At a minimum, because a huge debt will not hang like a stone over the enterprise and slow it down in case of the slightest difficulties.

How to get free money for business from the state?

The diagram is very interesting, pay close attention:

But this option is only suitable if the entrepreneur has enough endurance, time and effort. Otherwise, it is better to seek financial help from investors or find co-founders who are also ready to invest a considerable part of the funds in this business.

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Many citizens dream of having their own business. However, often grandiose plans to realize a long-standing dream collapse due to a basic lack of funds.

Finding the minimum amount to start your own business is very difficult. After all, to receive a loan from a banking organization, you need to submit documents confirming a stable and high income.

It is natural that most of Beginning businessmen are citizens who have lost their permanent place of work and do not have serious security. There is no need to despair; you can always draw up a business plan to receive a subsidy for business development.

Life is structured in such a way that every person is overtaken by that “black streak” when he loses workplace. Some give up, others begin to act and look for ways to resolve the situation. Of course, you can spend a lot of time thinking, but the most successful and surest strategy is working for yourself. Low level earnings, hellish working conditions, exorbitant demands from the boss - all these are complaints from the citizens of our country. And each of them dreams of own business, but... There are just a lot of these “buts”.

Let's try to figure out where to get funds for our own business and analyze in detail government subsidy programs.

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Due to mass unemployment in the country and a catastrophic shortage of jobs, the Russian government decided to subsidize small businesses.

A subsidy involves receiving a certain amount of money for specific purposes. It is usually provided to citizens free of charge and without obligation to return. the main objective state program Give an opportunity active development of small businesses, provide assistance to budding entrepreneurs and increase the number of small businesses in the country.

Subsidizes entrepreneurs authorized government agency . Subsidies are provided for unemployed citizens who want to open their own business. They can receive funds at the employment center at the place of registration. If a citizen registers as unemployed and draws up an impeccable business plan with accurate calculations, the state will pay the subsidy in full and one-time. Every citizen must understand that a subsidy is not a loan, it is a payment for a year of registration at the labor exchange.

Regarding targeted subsidies for starting your own business or expanding existing business, benefits are paid by Entrepreneur Support Center. It is worth noting that they carry out their activities in well-coordinated cooperation with municipal authorities.

Issued funds can be invested to the following:

In addition, receiving benefits provides presence of mandatory conditions, namely:

  • A person applying for a subsidy, at the time of submitting an application to the Employment Center, should not be registered as an Individual Entrepreneur or an Organization with limited liability. This means that you need to register a small business after receiving a subsidy.
  • A number of subsidy programs oblige the future entrepreneur to invest his own funds in the business. Usually their minimum amount is higher than 65% of the subsidy amount.
  • The center does not provide benefits for the development of businesses related to tobacco products and alcoholic beverages.

Before drawing up a business plan, it is necessary to carefully consider the priority areas of business activity for the region in which it will be carried out. Ideas that develop the region are rewarded with subsidies.

Priority areas of commercial activity

The state provides support the following directions commercial activities:

It is necessary to choose a direction based on material capabilities, labor and natural resources, as well as the location of the region in which it is planned to develop commercial activities.

The business plan should amaze and attract the attention of the management of the Employment Center. Therefore, take enough time to compile it. An ideal business plan a priori cannot fit on one page. Thoroughly think over and write down all the details your future business.

Specify the following information:

  • Your competence, skill, talent.
  • Knowledge, skills, degree of education.
  • More specifics, facts and calculations.

Don't go too far in praising yourself. Restraint and substantive information are the key to a positive decision by the commission.

What characteristics are used to evaluate a business plan? What criteria will add advantages to it?

Let's look at them in more detail:

  1. The presence of a social direction. The main document developed for business must contain information about the social significance of the future project. This means that business will be based on the interests of citizens and will bring undeniable benefits to society.
  2. Providing new jobs to the population. Even if your plans do not include hiring staff, you need to write the opposite in your business plan. Emphasize that your project involves the creation of several jobs. In this case, the chance of receiving benefits will increase several times. This is explained by the fact that the Employment Center submits reports on the issuance of subsidies to the highest governing body and the effectiveness of the project under consideration should work to improve the situation in the country.
  3. Project profitability. Based on the fact that your plans include creating a commercial enterprise, its existence is impossible without generating income. Make the necessary preliminary calculations of profitability and payback, using inflation indicators as the basis for calculation operations.
  4. The purpose of the subsidy. Target direction, for which the future businessman needs funds, is considered a significant criterion when making a decision on issuing a subsidy. You are required detailed description costs so that the management of the Employment Center has a general picture of the waste of allocated funds. Listed above are examples of the most common needs of entrepreneurs.
  5. Investment of personal funds. Your independent investment must significantly exceed the amount of the subsidy. For example, if the size state aid amounted to 70 thousand rubles, your own contribution to the business must be at least 140 thousand rubles. Business plan with this initial capital has a better chance of winning.

There are no general rules for drawing up a business plan from scratch.

You can make your own changes to the above plan, make a selection of sections for your personal project, depending on the chosen area of ​​activity.

So, you need to start designing from the title page. Write information about yourself and what the name of your organization will be. Dedicate a few lines to information about financial indicators. Briefly outline the benefits of your activity, the purpose for which the business will be carried out, and what the essence of the work as a whole is. Focus on competition, how you differ from them, what products will be supplied to consumer market, and what significance it will have for society. Do not make complex and abstruse constructions from information. The business plan should serve as proof that the region needs your company, remember this.

In this section you need to provide up-to-date information about the market conditions in which your commercial activity will be carried out. Expand the topic of the main directions in this area, what is the forecast for development in the near and not so near future.

You must show the scale of the sales market and confirm with facts the capabilities of such an enterprise.

Need to produce market analysis today, provide information on price changes over the past 5 years, mention the forecasts of significant experts, and the prospects for the development of your chosen direction. Describe in detail the work of your organization in the overall market scheme, how market changes may affect your activities, what risks may arise and, finally, what extreme measures you are willing to take for the sake of the stability and prosperity of your business.

How detailed do you need to describe the state of the market? There is no need to go into details. About the scale market opportunities you could write a whole book. The volume of research, in your case, should correspond to the level of the organization and the amount of expected profit in the future.

Although, if you plan to open your own business in a residential area of ​​the city, such a detailed assessment of the direction of commerce will add seriousness to your intentions, which will have a beneficial effect on the final decision of the commission.

Be sure not to miss such nuances as ways to enter a given market and whether there is a risk of seasonal losses. Give examples of the activities of other enterprises in this area. Be objective about the size of the future production, present your thoughts realistically and apply more facts. Mention the opinions of renowned experts as often as possible.

An ideal business plan involves Availability of production research. The target audience for which your products will be intended is an important aspect of the success of the enterprise. First, indicate which market you are choosing: consumer or industrial.

Consumer products require thorough audience analysis, namely:

  1. Indicate where the necessary raw materials and equipment will be purchased, as well as their cost and terms of sale of the finished product.
  2. How many citizens are you willing to provide work for and what is their salary?
  3. Justify with calculations the cost of initial goods or products, as well as the costs of labor protection and technical safety.

A business plan for receiving a subsidy for business development is a completely feasible idea if you choose the highest priority area of ​​activity for a small enterprise. Good luck to you in your endeavors!

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Types and procedure for receiving subsidies for starting a small business in 2017 from the Employment Center

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Recently, there has been an increase in the number of private entrepreneurs, which indicates the expansion of small businesses. Having good idea, opening your own business is quite simple. The state stands on the side of those who want to develop and participate in economic development countries. But there is one drawback - the need for large financial investments. But here there is an alternative - drawing up a business plan to receive a subsidy from the employment center.

Legislative regulation of the issue

On April 19, 1991, it came into force. According to the norms of this legal act, every citizen is provided with state guarantees and conditions for employment and protection from unemployment. In other words, the government undertakes to provide assistance (including financial assistance) to persons wishing to work.

What is needed to receive a subsidy: conditions and restrictions

First of all, you need to understand that the right to apply for a state subsidy is guaranteed only to the unemployed who are registered with the employment center and receive. In case of official employment, subsidies will be denied. Also to others mandatory conditions can be attributed:

  • the applicant for financial preferences must be an individual who is not registered as an individual entrepreneur (only after approval of the business plan will one begin to obtain individual entrepreneur status);
  • readiness for personal financial investments in the development of the enterprise, which must be at least half of the amount of approved subsidies (in some cases, this figure may vary, depending on the nature of the organized economy);
  • The minimum settlement period for a business plan is two years (this is not mandatory requirement, and advice that will increase the chances of getting Money).

As for restrictions, it is not practiced in the year whose activities will be related to the sale of alcohol and tobacco products.

Compliance with the requirements for a business plan to receive a subsidy will allow you to formulate the correct document. Which in turn affects the receipt of preferences.

Structure of a business plan for receiving a subsidy

A correctly drawn up and completed document is 90% of success. Therefore, it is better to use a sample business plan for receiving a subsidy, which will be relevant for specific type employment. Not approved by legislator uniform form document, but it is customary to use the following sections:

  • a title page that displays brief information about the project name and its owner;
  • autobiography of the applicant (resume);
  • set goals that the project will help implement;
  • basic information;
  • analysis market conditions development in a specific area;
  • production plan;
  • marketing policy planning;
  • profit and expenses;
  • recording possible risks, their causes and ways to eliminate them.

In addition, it would be a good idea to display the following information on the project pages:

  • the prospect of providing new jobs to the population;
  • whether the plan will pay off is one of the main questions, so special attention should be paid to the prospects for financial enrichment;
  • displaying the value of the work being carried out for the population (if economic activity(for example, growing plants, breeding animals) has a positive effect on the lives of citizens, then the chances of receiving a subsidy will be much higher).

This structure is not the only correct one. It is allowed to change items, delete them, as well as add new sections.

Instructions for drawing up a business plan

When drawing up a business plan to receive assistance from the state, you need to be precise and concise. A brief summary of the main points and an emphasis on important details will increase the chances of approval of the drafted document.

Important! You can also prepare a presentation or short video about your future entrepreneurial activity. This will prove the applicant's interest in preferences.

Title page, summary and purpose of the project

The title page should display data that immediately explains to the commission what will be discussed. In particular:

  • personal information of the applicant for assistance;
  • name of the project indicating the type of economic activity;
  • city ​​and year of drawing up the business plan.

Having looked at this sheet, the commission should be interested in the contents of the folder; otherwise, it will be quite difficult to convince them of their aspirations.

Next is the resume. Essentially, this is a document that describes in detail all sections of the project, focusing on important details. It is better to prepare the report at the very end, when other details have been worked out and displayed.

There should not be only one goal. There may be several tasks that the applicant for payments sets for himself. It is better to display several tasks at once, including social and economic ones.

Market analysis

This is one of the most important sections not only for the commission, but also for the applicant himself. A detailed acquaintance with the work of competitors in the chosen field will allow you to decide whether your project is feasible and how to improve production.

When analyzing domestic market You need to pay attention to the following points:

  • the number of competitors and the characteristics of their activities;
  • advantages and disadvantages of competitors' operating methods;
  • developing ways to develop the ability to compete with more experienced representatives.

This chapter should indirectly touch upon financial questions, especially with regard to the payback of the project. There is no need to tighten the section too much. It will be enough to use up to two pages of text.

Production plan

The pages of this chapter will display practical principles for implementing the compiled program. You need to pay attention to the following points:

  • how equipment will be purchased (with a list of suppliers and terms of purchase displayed);
  • calculation of volumes of raw material consumption, its sources and procurement costs;
  • prospects for job creation;
  • calculation of work productivity, as well as the approximate cost of business results;
  • approximate selling price of the product.

Thanks to such points, the profitability of the project is assessed.

Marketing plan

An important point is whether the work will be organized within a specific region or throughout Russia. This affects the order of sale of goods and the possibility of obtaining a good income. The following items will be displayed.

Today, many businessmen are trying to get money from the state to develop or open their own business. It is worth noting that this opportunity is available to many today. Here it is worth acting wisely and drawing up. Of course, the sample of this document is also important here. If you study it in detail, you will not have any difficulties when receiving subsidies.

Subsidy restrictions

Before you start preparing your personal information, you need to talk about what restrictions on subsidies are available from the Employment Center.

  • To be able to receive a subsidy, the citizen who submits an application to the Center for this purpose must not be an active entrepreneur or the head of an LLC. It follows that opening an individual entrepreneur should be done only after a citizen can receive a subsidy.
  • Many programs under which subsidies are issued imply the following: the applicant for the subsidy will invest personal funds in the development of his business. The minimum amount, in this case, should be around 60 percent. But for a certain program, as a rule, a personal percentage is regulated.
  • The Employment Center does not provide subsidies to businessmen who produce and sell alcohol and tobacco products.

Based on this, if all the conditions described above are met by the entrepreneur, then he will need to start developing a clear and competent business plan. It, in turn, must be approved by the Central Planning Commission. To do this, in your business plan you will need to describe in more detail the organization of production, as well as calculate profitability and indicate all expenses, justify pricing, indicate legal form(LLC or IP), determine the taxation system.

A business project should be drawn up for two years in order to be able to show the commission its importance and thus increase the chances of receiving a subsidy. The business plan must be submitted to the commission good impression and arouse the interest of the head of the Employment Center department. Based on this, we advise you to describe your skills, abilities and education in your personal business project. It is also necessary to provide clear numbers and facts. But there is no need to over-praise yourself, as this may negatively affect the commission’s decision.

Business plan for providing subsidies for business development: criteria and principles

Social orientation. In your business plan you should write about the social significance of your personal project, i.e. to what extent it will be important and useful for society. Let's say a project related to production or services will have the greatest likelihood of providing a subsidy, in contrast to a project that will involve intermediary activities.

Creation of new jobs. We advise you to indicate in your business plan your desire to create new jobs, since the chances of receiving a subsidy will increase significantly, unlike other projects in which a businessman creates one job for himself. As a rule, this circumstance is due to the fact that the central bank is obliged to provide a report on the effectiveness of the funds provided by the highest authority. Based on this, in order to significantly increase the likelihood of approval of your business plan, it should indicate that in the future you want to create 4-6 jobs.

Payback and profitability. Since your plans include conducting commercial activities, its main goal, in addition to social significance, is generating income. In this case, you need to take into account that when planning financial flows from own business, they need to be discounted (reduced by the average bank interest rate).

Targeted use of the subsidy. This criterion is one of the most significant. The employment center pays great attention to it. You need to describe in great detail in the business plan the areas of expenses, so that the commission considering this project can clearly understand for what specific purposes you intend to spend the allocated funds. It is best not to mention in the plan that government subsidies will be spent on rent or advertising. We recommend that you indicate the following expenses of the state subsidy: the acquisition of various tangible assets, equipment necessary for the operation of the enterprise, machine tools, raw materials for production, payment for some intangible assets (programs, patents, technologies).

Personal investments. How more money you want to invest in a personal business project, as opposed to government subsidies, the more chances you have for a positive outcome. We recommend that the overall ratio of personal investments to subsidies be approximately 1 to 2. For example, if your plans are to receive a subsidy in the amount of 59,000 thousand rubles, and personal funds are equal to 120 thousand rubles, then this business plan will have a huge chance of success.

There is no structure of a business plan for providing a subsidy; there is no single template for competently drawing up a business project necessary for issuing a subsidy. We advise you to use the following business project structure:

Main sheet. Name of the project and company. Objective of the project. Summary. Information about the project (financing methods, participants).

Market analysis (competition, pricing, current market conditions).

Marketing and production plan.

Financial plan.

Risk Analysis .

You can also either change or supplement the above sections and adapt them to your personal project, since the main content of a business project, as a rule, will depend on the chosen activity.

Instructions for creating a business plan

Here you can see a business plan for receiving a business development subsidy for free. Now let's talk about writing a resume. We will describe all the most important and main points in these sections of the business plan below. There is no need to create a very complex business project. It is important to be able to prove that your business project will be profitable and socially significant.

Main title page. Objective of the project. Summary. It is necessary to draw up a business plan with title page. It must indicate the name of the project and the full name of the citizen wishing to receive the subsidy. A few lines should also be given to the monetary indicator:

  • expenses,
  • profitability,
  • payback.

Then you need to briefly describe the main goals, essence and main advantages of the project. In these sections, special attention should be paid to what specific differences competitive companies has your business project, what products or services it will produce, what its social significance. In this case, we advise you to write about your personal desire to create several new jobs and solve some social problems.

It should be noted that the resume should be compiled last, since it is the conclusion of your business project. It is compiled on the basis of all sections. But still, it is necessary to decide immediately on the main goals of the project.

Business plan for receiving subsidies for business development. Sample:

Market analysis. The next stage is a basic analysis of the state of affairs of your business, or, more simply, market analysis. In this section, you should determine the main trend in the development of your industry, the main influences on the project, the nature of supply and demand, market size, etc. As for the latter, it should be 3-4 pages. In addition to this, you also need to indicate analogues of the goods/services being manufactured, the presence of future competitors, write about their weaknesses and strengths, conduct a market analysis by segment.

You should take a look at the video on the topic: How to write a business plan for business development.

Production plan. Then you need to move on to creating production plan. The main basis of the production plan is a description of work and production processes, and a program for the sale of goods. In this section it is necessary to indicate: how your manufacturing process where and how it will be purchased necessary equipment and equipment, raw materials and consumables - the main supplier, conditions and prices, how many jobs you plan to create, what will be the cost of paying employees, justification for the price of depreciation, production assets, cost of goods/services.

Marketing plan. This section should be entirely devoted to the main segments and market analysis, justification for the sale of goods and positions of your business, i.e. you must answer the following questions: what will your the target audience, what volumes your product will be sold, what main differences you will have, unlike your competitors. In addition to all of the above, you will need to describe how your product or service will be sold, what its cost will be, strategy competition And advertising company. You also need to indicate advertising costs and the main ways to promote your products.

Financial plan. The main point financial plan is a reflection of all outgoing and incoming cash flows your business, in other words, your income and expenses. In this section, you need to calculate the main volumes of financing, estimated profit by period, payback period, profitability, break-even points, variables and fixed costs, tax payments. When calculating incoming financial flows, it is necessary to discount, since in the future, the price of money will be reduced taking into account inflation.

Risk analysis. The financial section of a business plan is an analysis of the risks that your business may face in the future. It must be aimed at describing manageable risks: financial, market and production.

Medium-sized businesses in the Russian Federation are the basis for the stability of the state’s economy. Becoming an entrepreneur is quite easy, it is more difficult to close a business. To regulate an important part of the country's economy, a policy to support small and medium-sized businesses in the Russian Federation has been developed. It provides for the provision different types non-repayable financial assistance - subsidies and grants.

The subsidy for individual entrepreneurs for business development is designed to stimulate the development of commercial activities in the state in order to expand the tax base, reduce unemployment, ensure self-employment of the population, create a competitive environment and fill the market with certain goods and services.

The subsidy allows you to start a small business from scratch by receiving the funds needed for this. In addition to helping to increase the number commercial structures and business entities – individuals– it performs a regulatory function. Often, such assistance from the state is provided to businessmen who wish to start or expand commercial activities in a certain area of ​​the economy that is currently underdeveloped.

Subsidy is an effective incentive for small business development

Legislative framework on subsidies for individual entrepreneurs

The possibility of receiving, rules and procedures for providing such assistance are established by the laws of the Russian Federation and by-laws. In particular these are:

  • Federal Law N 209-FZ dated July 24. 2007 It regulates the development of small and medium-sized businesses in the Russian Federation;
  • Order of the Ministry of Economic Development of the Russian Federation. It determined the procedure for providing this type of assistance to SPD (business entities);
  • Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation dated April 15, 2014 N 316. It established the conditions for providing subsidies for the development of entrepreneurial activity. This normative act guarantees of its receipt are also provided.

Local government agencies can also adopt their own regulatory acts that establish rules and influence the provision of subsidies for starting a small business.

Changes in 2019

This year it will work perfectly new system issuing subsidies for individual entrepreneurs. Self employed will be able to choose the option that suits him from more than two hundred business plans in more than 75 areas of economic activity.

Subsidies for private business development will not be provided for organizing or expanding a business for:

  • insurance;
  • lending;
  • production of excisable goods;
  • provision of banking services.

The following will be financed:

  • Purchase of various equipment, vehicles, machines. Assistance will be provided provided that they are not sold for at least three years from the date of purchase;
  • Renting real estate. No more than 20% of the money received can be spent on this;
  • Acquisition software, licenses for its use;
  • Franchising;
  • Purchase working capital that are needed to run your own business (raw materials, supplies). No more than 20% of the funds received are allowed to be spent on these purposes.

In addition, money can be spent on improving working conditions in order to increase productivity and on improving the place of work.

In addition to subsidies, grants may be provided to entrepreneurs wishing to start a certain business.

Also, the process of issuing subsidies will involve a new register of small and medium-sized businesses, which will be generated automatically. Only a businessman included in this register will be able to receive financial assistance.

Features of calculating subsidies for individual entrepreneurs in 2019

The main feature of providing such financial assistance is its non-refundability. The state benefits from the emergence of a new taxpayer, new jobs and the expansion of the competitive environment in a certain type of economic activity.

When receiving a subsidy, an individual entrepreneur enters into an agreement with the Employment Center, which imposes certain obligations on him. One of them will be reporting on the use of funds received.

Reporting is provided after 3 months from the date the merchant receives assistance. Confirmation of the intended use of funds is sales receipts, bills, receipts, invoices and other documents.

If the recipient of the funds does not provide reporting for the entire amount or does not document the fact that the funds were spent for their intended purpose, the money will need to be returned. You will also have to do this if he was engaged in commercial activities and was registered as an entrepreneur for less than a year. These conditions exclude the possibility of the emergence of fly-by-night companies.

Drawing up a business plan to receive a subsidy is a troublesome and responsible task.

Who is eligible for a subsidy from the Employment Center

Unemployed people registered with it can receive a subsidy from the state at this institution. These individuals must meet certain criteria. In particular:

  • their age must be over 18 years;
  • they must be registered for at least 30 days, provided that during this period they have not found a suitable job.

These are the main criteria.

To register for unemployment, you must meet certain requirements and submit a package of documents (passport, copy of TIN, work book).

Who will not be able to receive government subsidies?

The following persons will not be able to receive financial assistance to start their own business:

  • dismissed from their last place of work by court decision;
  • minors;
  • those who have reached retirement age;
  • those who were previously in prison or convicted of criminal offenses;
  • full-time students;
  • unemployed people who systematically violate the rules;
  • former businessmen, if no more than 6 months have passed since their deregistration.

If you fall into one of the categories, you shouldn't even try to get a subsidy.

Types of financial support for entrepreneurs

Subsidies for starting a small business can be provided by:

  • Employment center;
  • local administration;
  • Department of Entrepreneurship.

At the same time, from the fund that promotes the development of entrepreneurship in the scientific and technical field, you can receive financial assistance in the amount of 20 million rubles during a calendar year. This fund provides funding for 6 major programs.

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The program is aimed at sponsoring young scientists aged from 18 to 28 years. You can receive a maximum of up to 400 thousand rubles.


Through this program, financing is provided for enterprises involved in the implementation of any innovations. Money is allocated on the condition that the implementation period does not exceed 2 years.


The purpose of this program is to ensure the development of scientific companies.


The program is designed to stimulate the development Russian companies who are engaged in the implementation of any innovations together with their foreign partners.


This subsidy program individual entrepreneurs is aimed at providing support to companies that have already completed the development and implementation innovative technologies and are working to launch the product into serial or mass production.


The purpose of this program is to ensure fruitful and effective interaction large companies with small entrepreneurs who are engaged in scientific developments in one or another area of ​​economic activity.

How to get a subsidy for opening an individual entrepreneur

If a person is not registered with the Employment Center, but wants to receive a subsidy, he needs to take the following steps:

  1. Choose the type of activity that he will develop. The state determines a list of priority industries from which to choose;
  2. Create a business plan. Important points At the same time, the logical structure of the document and its clear purposeful nature are important. If a person cannot draw up a plan correctly, but is a talented businessman, he can turn to professionals involved in the formation of such documents;
  3. Register as a business entity. To do this, you need to submit to tax service special statement. Maximum term registration in tax authorities– 5 working days;
  4. Submit an application for a subsidy for the development of small businesses to the authorized government body;
  5. To make a plan approximate expenses and income, calculate the future profitability of business activities. It will need to be submitted to the commission for consideration;
  6. Collect all the necessary documents, which include: passport, TIN, income certificate and others.

Financial support can also be obtained from private foundations. But at the same time, dealing with the state is easier and more profitable. Unemployed citizens, former military personnel, disabled people, and university graduates have priority rights to receive subsidies. For projects of equal importance, their business plans are given preference. At the same time, the amount of the subsidy and the nuances of receiving it, which are priority for subsidizing the economic sector of a particular region, are established by regulatory acts of local authorities. All this must be taken into account if you are planning to receive financial assistance for the development of your own business from the state.

It is not always possible to get the required amount. A maximum of 300 thousand rubles is allocated for business. But at the same time, you need to ask for more than the subsidy can cover, for example, 500 thousand rubles. If you indicate that exactly 300 thousand are needed, this will arouse suspicion.

There are other types of financial support. For example, repayment of loan amounts under the “Young Family” program is carried out only for investment in housing. In addition, there are other conditions for participation in it - the recipient’s age must not exceed 35 years, the marriage must be officially registered. The Young Family program has been extended until 2020.

In addition to subsidies, financial assistance is also a grant. It is issued in installments over a certain period of time. The grant amount significantly exceeds the subsidy amount. The distribution of payments over time allows you to evaluate the success of an entrepreneur at one or another stage of the implementation of his own business plan. For example, they may cut the next payment or refuse it altogether. To confirm the intended use of funds and business success, the merchant must provide reporting before each subsequent tranche. A grant also differs from a subsidy in that, as part of its provision, the enterprise can be supplied with equipment and materials required for conducting business activities.

Procedure for obtaining a subsidy for a business

When receiving it at the Employment Center you must:

  1. Register and receive unemployed status;
  2. Write an application for benefits;
  3. Consult with an employee of this institution on all issues related to the provision of a detailed type of assistance for the development of small businesses;
  4. Register as a business entity;
  5. Provide the Employment Center at your place of residence with a certificate of registration of SPD;
  6. Write an application in the prescribed form to receive a subsidy for the development of small businesses;
  7. Take the test after completing a series of specialized free seminars and lectures;
  8. Develop, execute and submit a business plan that mandatory must contain the goal, main cost items, payback period and possible risks.

State financial assistance from the Department of Entrepreneurship Development is provided on a competitive basis. A notice of its holding is published in the media. If the competition has begun, you must submit an application in the prescribed form within 30 days and attach a package of necessary papers to it.

You can find information about the competition for subsidies for small business development in the periodical press of government bodies

What documents need to be provided?

When contacting the Employment Center you must submit:

  • original and photocopies of the passport of a citizen of the Russian Federation;
  • work book and copies of all pages that contain notes about work activity;
  • certificate of registration with authorities pension fund as a payer of insurance premiums;
  • certificate of assignment of an individual tax code;
  • certificate from previous place work on income for the last three months;
  • diploma, certificate and other materials confirming a certain level of education;
  • other documents.

When contacting the Entrepreneurship Development Department, you will need to submit:

  • Constituent documents for the company;
  • A certificate from the Employment Center confirming completion of a course of thematic lectures and seminars in the field of organizing and running a business;
  • Certificate of passing the test;
  • Certificates of absence of debts on taxes and other mandatory fees;
  • Passport of a citizen of the Russian Federation;
  • Application for a grant;
  • Business plan;
  • A certificate from the bank about opening an account indicating the details;
  • A document indicating the absence of administrative or criminal proceedings against a legal entity or individual entrepreneur applying for a grant.

The rules for receiving a business grant will not change in 2019.

The business plan must have:

  • title page;
  • Company name;
  • a resume of an aspiring businessman, on the basis of which it will be possible to adequately assess his skills and experience in a certain field of activity;
  • the goal to be achieved as a result of the project;
  • comprehensive analysis of the market situation;
  • project implementation plan;
  • marketing analysis;
  • calculation of expenses and income;
  • risk analysis and development of measures to minimize them;
  • additions.

Once submitted, your business plan will be assessed against certain criteria. They need to be known and taken into account when drafting if you want to increase your chances of receiving a subsidy or grant. What they will pay close attention to:

  • the reality of achieving goals;
  • the effectiveness of the chosen method;
  • relevance of the problem being solved;
  • the number of new jobs that will be created after the implementation of the business plan;
  • social significance of the project;
  • payback;
  • the amount of personal financial investments;
  • simplicity and conciseness of data presentation.

The business plan will be reviewed by a commission. It is she who will decide whether or not to issue financial assistance from the state for a specific project.

It is important to show the commission that you are truly a worthy applicant for receiving funds

Passing the commission

When the package of documents has been collected and the business plan has been developed, all materials are submitted to the commission responsible for selecting projects. It is created when local authorities state power. The maximum period for consideration is 7 working days, after which she notifies her decision in writing. If you are rejected, you can submit another business plan within a year.

If a positive decision is made, the materials you submitted are transferred to the service that makes the selection best business plan. There are no clear deadlines during which the selection will be made. Meetings are held as business plans are received.

You can receive a cash subsidy for the development of entrepreneurial activity quite quickly, but you must be aware of full responsibility for the funds received from the state and meet certain criteria. In addition, the state provides money for the implementation of entrepreneurial initiatives in specifically designated types of activities, i.e. your plans and ideas must correspond to them. To find out all the nuances of providing payment, you can contact a lawyer for a free consultation.