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Small business ideas with minimal investment in a small town. Business ideas with minimal investment - the best ideas

Opening your own business is an opportunity to work only for yourself, and not for someone or under someone, to be personally responsible for the results, and to influence the level of profit yourself. But for some reason, many people believe that owning their own business is something unattainable, because you need a lot of money to start. Now we will try to convince you otherwise.

The main thing is the so-called entrepreneurial spirit: a huge desire for development, climbing up career ladder, perseverance in achieving goals and a clear vision of the result.

Do you think all owners of global brands started with a round sum in the bank for a successful start-up? Even without referring to specifics, we can say with confidence that no.

Of course, opening almost any business requires a certain material base. First of all, you need to decide on the required amount. If it is not so big, then it will not be difficult to get it. We will describe to you a series available ways, and you select the optimal one, based on the desired amount and actual capabilities.

One quick tip: make a realistic assessment of the likelihood that the business will take off and you can return the money to whoever you took it from (if we're talking about about an amount that exceeds pocket expenses for several months). Statistically, 45% of new projects have a future further development- that's a plus. But it follows from this that 55% of them burn out.

The information presented below is based on the experience of the most successful business exchanges:

  • Borrow from family or friends. This is enough good decision: you will not need to pay interest, there are no strict deadlines for returning the money. But many are inclined to believe that material issues between close people often spoil relationships.
  • On credit from the bank. It's possible, but be careful. Firstly, all these promised “0%” rates are always with a trick (otherwise why would the bank just lend money for a while?). As a result, there will still be an overpayment, and not such a small one. Secondly, if the business fails and the money cannot be returned on time, then you will have to deal with banking structures.
  • Search for investment partners. You may find support from complete strangers who will be fascinated by your idea and see it as an opportunity for further development. Roughly speaking, you take a person for a share. In this case, you must conclude an agreement between the parties. All nuances of cooperation must be regulated in writing.
  • Borrow from other companies. If your plan looks promising, then there will be people who will provide you with the necessary amount for certain time. Of course, they expect to receive a profit in the future (% or share in the company). There are many nuances to this topic that you can fall for. Therefore, before you act, you should study this option very carefully.
  • Make money yourself. This may take a little longer, but it will be the most reliable. The well-known Soros started out selling coffee in a shop, and now he is on the list of 20 richest people planets. We also advise you to consider the option of temporary employment in “menial” jobs abroad.
  • Sell ​​something from your property(apartment, car, equipment). You will be your own investor.
  • Receive subsidies from the state to develop your own business. This method is good because if it fails, you won’t have to return the money. But in order to get them, you will need to defend your business plan and perform a number of other actions aimed at protecting the relevance of your idea. You can get somewhere around 300 thousand rubles. When considering a proposal, criteria such as the innovativeness of the idea, job prospects and overall demand will be taken into account.
  • Get a grant for business development(free of charge). Theoretically, such a gift can be obtained from fairly large and highly developed corporations.
  • If you have some other project “afloat”, then you can redirect finances from it to the development of a new business ( "diversification of capital").

Think carefully about which method is right for you. It would be ideal to make do with your own funds.

What is needed to organize such a business?

The lack of start-up capital is not yet a reason to refuse to open your own business. This is more of an excuse for those who imagine themselves to be the owner of a mega-corporation tomorrow. If you are one of them, then you need to moderate your ambitions a little and direct them in a practical direction. This is the first.

Second. Do you need original or just current idea. Ask yourself the following questions:

  • What do I want to do?
  • What am I good at?
  • What is currently relevant in the services or goods market?
  • How will I be different from similar existing companies? How new service or will the product be better than the old and proven ones for the buyer?
  • What will be my uniqueness? It is not necessary for your idea to be “know-how”, but it is still worth distinguishing yourself.
  • How long will it take for the project to pay off in the future?
  • What will I lose if I go broke? And, by the way, no matter what the outcome, you gain the main thing - invaluable life experience.

If you are stuck at the stage of choosing a business idea with a minimum of required investments, we will try to help with this.

Small business ideas with little investment

Using an Internet search, you can find an unlimited number of ideas. Not every one, of course, will suit you, but here are the most popular, promising and quick-paying ones:

  1. Holiday decoration: You definitely won’t need huge start-up capital compared to, for example, starting a business producing goods. If you have extensive experience interacting with children or feel comfortable in the teaching sector, go for it.
  2. Real estate agency: You will act as an intermediary between the seller and the buyer. However, you will have to learn enough nuances that need to be taken into account when solving housing issues. It is also worth knowing that an unscrupulous apartment seller will be your responsibility.
  3. Room decoration: the main thing is a creative approach to business. Events happen every day and every year. If the holiday is large enough, you will definitely need designers.
  4. A la “husband for an hour” - repair, cleaning, repair services and other useful things. This will always be relevant, since taps constantly break down and drains become clogged.
  5. Wedding agency: It is often discovered by those who have personally gone through the “seven circles of hell” of pre-wedding red tape.
  6. Can be arranged seasonal business : in summer – sale of lemonades, and in winter – hot chocolate and coffee.
  7. Courier service(correspondence, cargo, lunch delivery).
  8. If your specialization allows you, you can open a law office (or another direction consulting services).
  9. It has become a very popular destination "hand-made": for example, it is possible to produce natural soap or jewelry (it is advisable to think over a personal page on the Internet; you can also put the product up for sale on supermarket shelves or in beauty salons). The good idea is that very little investment will be required, and in practice you will be able to evaluate what value your product provides to the consumer and what can be improved.
  10. Opening of the shooting gallery(bow-crossbow, for example): even in large cities you will have little competition, the costs come down to rent, purchasing equipment and recreating a specific atmosphere in the room (total will be about 4 thousand dollars).
  11. An interesting and tempting new product for adults and children - Oculus Rift. This new toy for teenagers, which adults also enjoy using. Oculus is a big step in the field of computer games. With the help of special glasses, the real world in atypical conditions is very realistically recreated. The device costs about $2,000. Almost all toys for him are in beta testing, but are quite playable. If you are interested, read more about this invention. It is enough to rent 1-2 square meters in any large supermarket!
  12. Solarium: Everyone wants to look tanned even in the cold season. The purchase of the device and other expenses will pay off in 5-6 months. But everything will depend on how well you choose the location of the salon. Also keep in mind that such a business has a seasonality principle.
  13. Musical accompaniment at events: All necessary equipment will cost about $1000 (amplifier, speakers, remote control). Then you can slowly expand - buy light, a strobe light. The investment will pay off in about a year.
  14. Healthy food business: Now the cult of healthy eating from central Europe is sweeping the post-Soviet countries like a wave. Catch the wave before someone else does!
  15. Tutoring.
  16. Coffee shops, mobile coffee machines(+ sell chocolate cigarettes at the same time). A good coffee machine costs about 3 thousand dollars. It will pay off in 1-1.5 years.
  17. Installation of a dry toilet: always a relevant service, especially in crowded places.
  18. Organization of training seminars: The topic will depend on your knowledge and imagination. You can teach guys to meet girls beautifully, and girls to be independent and attractive. It is not necessary to read in-depth scientific reports. Just teach what you know. You will need to rent a space and advertise the event.
  19. Selling goods through vending machines(water, chewing gum, beer, cigarettes): the equipment will not be cheap, but you can consider buying used or renting. The undeniable advantages are the minimum rent for the territory for the machine, the absence of the need to hire people and pay them salaries. The main thing is to find a profitable location (profitable and with minimal possibility of vandalism).

And many, many other options. Observe the world around you and its needs, show your imagination!

Also note that it is not necessary to have specialized education to open your own business.

When you decide on an idea, think about the volume of upcoming expenses: rent of premises, necessary equipment, personnel, advertising methods (cheap and cheerful - this is in a newspaper with free advertisements, distributing leaflets, advertising services through friends).

It’s also worth considering the infrastructure: personnel policy, transport, logistics, communications, energy supply and much more.

The video below shows some more interesting ideas:

Ideas for a small town

In order to develop and earn money, it is not necessary to go where there are more people. You can start quite successfully in a small town - this is much less competition, and maybe even a monopoly.

What other benefits of growing a business in a small town?

  • Many business niches are empty; you can be an innovator and thereby arouse increased interest in the product or service being presented.
  • An advertising campaign will be relatively cheap (due to territorial features and the rapid dissemination of information).

Which products will be most relevant? Do some research, observe, ask around. It all depends on how much the area has been overrun by huge corporations. Everyone has their own concept of “small town”.

We work from home

A home business can be combined with your main job without compromising each activity. This is an excellent option for people whose main activity is already closely tied to home (for example, maternity leave) or there are other factors that force them to be at home quite often. Most often, this business is carried out by women.

For example:

  • breeding animals (pedigreed animals for sale or farm animals for meat and wool);
  • growing vegetables;
  • embroidering cross-stitch patterns or other types of needlework (candles, clothes) - whatever you know.

In principle, there are many options. Most of them are based on certain skills (mostly creative ones). If you have developed imaginative thinking and your hands have grown from the right place, combine a pleasant hobby with the opportunity to earn money.

Internet business

This method of earning money can also be done without interrupting your main activity - additional income, seeking to open up new prospects and opportunities:

  • Resales. The scheme is quite simple: we buy interesting goods on Chinese sites at a very low price. wholesale price, create a page in in social networks, we place the goods at current prices, advertise and try to sell!
  • Creation of a website that will offer a certain range of services (as a platform for posting advertisements).
  • Offering certain services (photos, original articles), you can act as an organizer-intermediary, and assemble a team.
  • Organizing access to unique content for money.
  • There are also a lot of ways to organize your business, in which the emphasis is on providing services to help in the development of other people’s sites (advertising, graphic and text content, promotion).

And many other options. The Internet is an endless, unlimited space for earning money.

As you can see, starting your own business is achievable. All you have to do is identify your best skills and put them into practice. Don't expect millions right away. They move towards success in measured steps, not in kilometer-long steps. The main thing is don’t be afraid to start. Without trying, you will never know what will work and what will not. Be decisive, a little arrogant and thoughtful to the smallest detail. And you will catch luck by the tail.

Many people dream of opening own business. Some people talk about it, while others keep their dream somewhere deep in their souls. In order to start working for yourself, in principle, you need three components. This is a financial investment, mental abilities and a great desire to succeed. Some people think that to run their own business you need huge cash. In fact, this is not always the case. For a business, it is not necessary to save money for several years or take out a bank loan. We can start profitable business with small investments.

Business with small investments

Small start-up capital- this concept is flexible. It can be either 500 rubles or 5 thousand. Agree, now both of these amounts are not huge, especially for starting a business. You can open a business with such amounts. On the Internet you can find thousands of examples of successful business projects that began to develop from tiny amounts.

Almost all citizens are interested in their business. After all, how pleasant it is to work when you know perfectly well that almost everything you earn with blood and then will fall into your pocket, avoiding the wallets of the ever-harmful bosses. But in a highly profitable and highly profitable business with minimal investment money will need to be made in another way. As you may have guessed, it will be your strength and intelligence.

You can notice that everyone wants to receive money, but do nothing. This does not happen, of course, unless you are the offspring of rich parents. You will receive income, but perhaps not the first time. But you should never despair, because in fact, everything ingenious is simple. The best part about starting a business with a tiny investment is that you risk virtually nothing.

After all, many people are stopped by the fear of losses. If you are not afraid of losing anything, then why not take a risk? After all, in a good situation, you can get real financial independence. Moreover, this is money that you didn’t even dare to dream about when working under your boss.

How to start a fast-paying and effective business with minimal investment?

To start a business with small investments need an idea. Of course, approximate thoughts can be gleaned from the Internet. If you find something really interesting, stop and think about this idea. It is important that the business is profitable specifically for your settlement. After all, in the city some services are most often needed, while in the countryside others are more valued. Although there are many things that are necessary even in a small village.

Remember that your business should bring not only financial income, but also peace of mind. That is, you should do something that will be really interesting to you. Therefore, you need to open a business that you have a passion for, then everything will definitely work out! If you have loved flowers since childhood and hate repairs, then there is no point in opening a construction company; it is better to think about your own flower shop.

Once you have decided on an idea that you think will be profitable for your locality, you need to. This is a project according to which your business will develop. Everything must be included in it. important points developments of events.

You must register your business with the tax office. But if you are going to open any business at home, you don’t have to rush with registration. For example, if you make homemade soap in small quantities, government agencies have absolutely no need to know about it.

But if after some time the production is well established, and you decide to open your own stall, then it’s time.

Franchise: small investment + patience = high income

Franchise business using the example of Avtolandia

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This is an idea that can be used to build a new company or a new line of activity in an existing business. It is usually used to create goods or services that can be sold for money. The ability to transform it into a viable business must be supported by a feasible and well-designed proposal, which can then be sold for a certain amount to interested investors or companies before the idea itself is implemented. It can also be sold by concluding a contract for its sale with the manager, or other methods of compensation can be used.

An idea applied at the right time, when demand for the goods or services mentioned in it is expected to increase, can lead to the creation of a highly profitable business or the growth of an existing one. In conditions of increasing high competition in many industries, projects have begun to appear aimed at creating goods/services for which there is currently no demand at all. They are aimed at creating demand by offering the market completely new products.

How to come up with a new idea? Generation techniques

As a rule, a successful business idea is generated either by experts in a particular industry or by newcomers who come from other fields and are not burdened by the traditions and cliches of the chosen industry. That is, the latter can come, for example, from financial sector into the fashion industry.

For generation, you can use a structural analysis of existing industries, markets, business models, and processes. Usually analytical notes are written, SWOT analysis, variants of PEST analysis, or Porter's Five Forces Analysis are carried out. Brainstorming techniques are often used.

It is common to think that business means strict business suits, a Lamborghini Urus for 20 million, Rolex watches, meetings in Moscow City and other stereotypical attributes. This is not entirely true, because these attributes are only consequences of the hard work of entrepreneurs. Most of them started from scratch. Many did not have the money for the grand launch of their enterprise, so they managed as best they could. If in your heart you are already racing with all your might in a brand new sports car, but you have no money in your pocket, then we recommend exploring business ideas with minimal investment. Perhaps you will like some of them and it will be the first step towards a big goal.

Toilet paper businessman

If you don’t know the expression “toilet paper businessman,” then you haven’t read Mike Mikalowitz’s book “Startup Without a Budget.” It is dedicated to people like us - entrepreneurs without money.

The main point of the book is that we must do the most with the least. He compares creating a business with minimal investment to the unpleasant situation when you went to the toilet, relieved yourself and discovered that there was no food in the stall. toilet paper. Of course, you won't go with a dirty spot, but will use all sorts of ways to wipe yourself, including lecture notes, a juice glass, or store receipts. It's the same with business. If you don't have a budget you have to try every method, try everything and eventually you will achieve your goal.

You may not have money for equipment, but you can buy used equipment on Avito. The budget for attracting clients may be zero, but there is free ways attracting clients that you can use.

A good example

Do you think it’s realistic to beat Starbucks and a hundred other coffee shops in St. Petersburg with a budget of 50,000 rubles to attract customers? Most will say that the niche of coffee shops is completely filled and it is impossible to break into it. But that's not true.

There is a coffee shop Sokol COFFEE in St. Petersburg. It is absolutely standard, they sell regular coffee and the owner did not have millions of rubles to attract buyers, but at the same time people who hardly drink coffee come to them. They have a really big flow of customers and people love this coffee shop.

They achieved this with one simple idea: hiring several artists to paint a portrait of the customer on the cup while the coffee is being prepared. As a result, visitors took pictures of themselves on Instagram and thereby advertised this coffee shop themselves.

This is one example where with a minimal budget you can increase profits many times over. Therefore, the excuse “I don’t want to open a business because I don’t have money” is not relevant.

How to determine demand for an idea?

To understand which business will be profitable and which will be unprofitable, you must conduct a niche analysis, especially if your investment is minimal. Every ruble counts, so you can’t just throw money away.

The first thing you need to do for analysis is to open This is a service from Yandex that allows you to analyze search queries by quantity, region and season. It’s immediately worth noting that 50% of the population in Russia uses Yandex, the other half uses Google. This means that all results can be safely multiplied by two.

Let’s give a trivial but clear example: we are going to start selling Christmas trees and don’t know the demand and when to do it. Let’s enter the query “Buy a Christmas tree” and see that in Yandex at the time of writing this article (in March), almost 17,000 people want to buy a Christmas tree, together with Google there will be 34,000.

By going to the “By region” tab, we can determine that the Christmas tree in Yekaterinburg is on this moment 379*2=758 people want to buy.

And the “Request History” tab will demonstrate that the demand for Christmas trees begins in November.

We recommend that you play around with this service and try entering various queries there. If the entered query returns zero values, do not be upset and think that no one needs your idea. People themselves do not know what they want until they are offered something. Perhaps your idea will become new within the city or even within the country.

You need to earn 1 ruble and repeat it a million times

Many people think that business is something very complicated. This is partly true; any enterprise that brings in millions of rubles has a large number of complex business processes.

But in fact, any business idea can be summed up in one sentence: “Earn 1 ruble and repeat it a million times.” All that is required of you at the first stage is to figure out how to earn a ruble. You have to figure out how to do it.

When you learn to earn one ruble at a time, you need to start thinking about how this can be repeated a million times. For example, you made an interesting toy for children with your own hands and sold it on Avito for 500 rubles. Congratulations, you have figured out how to earn a ruble. Now this needs to be repeated many times. This is where business processes come into play. You hire an assistant and make twice as many toys. Then you hire a third or fourth assistant and earn four times more. To make even more profit, you need to somehow learn how to produce even more toys. You hire an engineer who assembles a toy production line and sells hundreds of times more.

This is roughly how business is done, so first of all you must find a relevant idea that will bring you at least some money.

Of course, there are niches where scaling is very difficult and you may hit a ceiling at some point. Then you can sell the business, start a new one at the same time, or do something else so that your income continues to grow.

No one will tell you about good ideas

Usually, new million-dollar business ideas with minimal investment come to everyone's mind, but not you. Have you ever looked at an idea and thought, “Why didn’t I come up with it?” So these people who come up with such ideas do not sit idly by.

Even if you put a brilliant entrepreneur in a locked room for 60 hours and wait for him to come up with profitable idea- he won't do it. The brain can generate good ideas only based on lived experience. If your experience in IT is zero, then you are unlikely to be able to come up with a brilliant IT startup that will be used all over the world.

A great example is Mark Zuckerberg. He created the first version of Facebook with his own hands in just a few days. But the insight did not come to him that this idea would be popular just like that. He studied hard to program, developed a huge number of unsuccessful projects, had a huge number of failures behind him, but at some point everything came together and he created Facebook.

The conclusion to be drawn from this is - try to do business. If you are waiting for a certain moment, waiting for you to come up with a brilliant business idea, then we recommend that you stop doing this and start taking action. You have a huge number of failures ahead, the sooner you understand which business ideas do not work for you, the faster you will find a good idea.

Should you take out loans or debt for your business?

The rich get richer and the poor get poorer - that's true. The more money you have, the easier it is to start a business. But if you don’t have enough money, then there are two options: look for a current niche and open a business with minimal investment, or take out loans and debts.

When it comes to debt for the sake of business, entrepreneurs are divided into two categories. The first ones claim that if you decide to start your own business, then you need to immerse yourself in it completely and cut off all the ways back. That is, you need to quit university, work, borrow money and a loan. Then you simply will not have the option of not achieving success; in this case, the brain works more actively, because it understands that there is no other choice.

Another category considers the first to be complete cretins and in no case recommends doing all this. If you belong to the second category, then this article is written just for you. Next, we will look at what kind of business you can open with minimal investment and without quitting your job.

I want to sell my apartment and car for business!

Also, we would like to make a small warning for those who decide to go to great lengths. Yes, you can quit your job, accumulate loans, debts and sell your car. But under no circumstances should you sell your apartment. Real estate is a great asset. You can rent it out. It’s not worth investing in a business apartment that you are not sure about or haven’t earned a ruble yet! If you have an extra apartment, then sell it and invest in business only when you are 100% sure that it will pay off.

Why is the goal important?

Surprisingly, many people don’t set any goals for themselves at all. If you are one of them and want to start your own business, then it’s time to give up this habit.

Business goals are the compass for the ship. You must understand in which direction your business is moving. You need to take a big goal and break it down into subgoals, thereby creating a route map to success.

A good example: we produce with our own hands and sell 100 toys per month. Next year we want to earn 10 times more. To earn 10 times more we need to produce 1000 toys. It is impossible to do this with your own hands, which means you need a conveyor. The conveyor costs 100,000 rubles, which means the subgoal is the purchase of the conveyor.

Goals should be clear and written on paper. And most importantly, sub-goals must be achieved, then you will move forward and achieve success!

If you are looking for an idea for your business with minimal investment, then the first goal will be to earn at least 100 rubles in any niche. The subgoal will be to understand which business idea works, and for this you need to test at least 10 pieces.

Top 10 bad business ideas

We want to protect your money and tell you where you don’t need to go with minimal investment. These are terrible ideas and there is a 99% chance you will lose time, money and earn nothing from it.

Bad Idea 1: Franchises

The first item in our top is franchises. We may be robbing ourselves and many others of our lives by talking about this, but 99% of cheap franchises will not bring you any profit.

The idea of ​​a good franchise is to scale your business, which is already profitable. Such franchises are usually expensive and the investments are large.

Good franchises are:

  • McDonald's
  • Subway
  • Fix Price
  • and others

The main goal of a bad franchise is not scaling your business, but selling the franchise. They may offer you to open a cool business with quick payback and large incomes. In this case, the investment will be 100-200 thousand rubles. Therefore, don’t even think about opening a franchise business with minimal investment; they will make money for you, but you won’t be able to recoup your investment.

Bad Idea 2: Soap Making

The second bad idea is soap making. This topic has become very popular among novice entrepreneurs. Thousands of people make soap of any shape, color and then try to sell it to someone.

The difficulty in this niche is that the entry threshold is too simple. It is too easy to make soap, so a huge number of people began to do it. The number of offers greatly exceeded the demand, and those who were smarter began to open stores that sell all the necessary accessories for making soap.

If you don't have a large marketing budget (and if you're reading this article, you probably don't), then trying to make big money in this niche is pointless. If you can earn more than 10,000 rubles a month in this niche, then this will already be a huge achievement.

Bad Idea 3: Mining Farm

As you probably know, the cryptocurrency boom has passed. Bitcoin has become worth much less and those who have accumulated debts and invested money in miners are now head over heels in problems. We highly discourage investing in this niche for the following reasons:

  • Huge competition- again, due to the too simple entry threshold, competition grew in this niche at lightning speed, but in the end, those with more money won, as usual.
  • Unstable market- even if Bitcoin or some other cryptocurrency rises to millions of rubles again, do not invest money in it. This is a market that is too unclear and unpredictable. The rate can rise for months, and when you invest money, it will fall sharply and you will lose your money.

Learn from the mistakes of others and do not invest in cryptocurrency.

Bad Idea 4: Vending

Vending machines are small boxes that handle sales without human intervention.

Such machines do the following things:

  • Food trade- For example chocolate bars, water, crackers or chips.
  • Sales of piece goods- headphones, shoe covers, toys, condoms.
  • Providing services— massage chairs, ticket sales.
  • Entertainment— booths for printing photos from Instagram, games for children.

All this is sold according to the principle of bad franchises. The most profitable thing for the owner of a vending business is selling to someone else. By purchasing such a device, you get a huge number of problems. But the main disadvantage is that in most cases they are not in any demand and you do not make a profit.

An exception may be when you are the owner of some premises and decide to install such a device, for example, in your store. You won't have to pay to rent a place, and it's worth trying a new source of income.

Bad Idea 5: Stalls

Some people believe that opening a small stall is simple, cheap, and the profit in a good location will be large. There are some here underwater rocks. To obtain permission to install a kiosk, you need to obtain many permits from the city administration. If you want to do this next to a culturally significant object, then placing it is even more difficult.

The second pitfall is that all the good places where you can stay relatively easily in a crowded place are occupied.

Even if you find a good place, buy cheaper or make a stall in your garage, you will still need investments for the goods that will be sold in it and for marketing. Therefore this idea is not suitable.

Bad Idea 6: Small Store

This is an absolutely crazy idea that you hear from aspiring entrepreneurs. They have 300-500 thousand rubles and they want to open small store, in the hope that it will quickly pay for itself and make a profit.

Minimal investment will force you to save on employees. You will have to work independently and look for relatives or friends as helpers. But this is not the main problem.

The problem is that you will have to save on rent. Nice room with high cross-country ability is relatively expensive and you will not be able to afford it. You will have to rent a cheap, small room with poor repairs in an impassable place. Let’s say you can do the repairs yourself, but it’s very difficult to attract customers to a store that is located in an unknown location.

In any case, you will need money for marketing, but you don’t have it, so this idea will fail.

Bad Idea 7: Renting an Island

There are the same problems with renting islands as with small shops. In a walkable shopping center, the rental cost will be too high. In a deserted place, there is only one way to attract customers - by selling. unusual goods that cannot be found in other stores.

The problem is that it will take a large amount of money to purchase these products, and our article assumes that we will help you find business ideas that you can start with minimal investment.

If you don’t have a huge batch of interesting goods on hand that will find demand among buyers, then this idea is out of the question. The only option may be to produce goods with your own hands and sell them on the island. But this idea is difficult to implement, since you will have to attract at least one relative who will trade your products while you produce new ones. Also, in this case, a large assortment is important, and its development can take a huge amount of time.

Bad Idea 8: Large Purchase of Products

An important mistake that new entrepreneurs make that we want to talk about is purchasing large quantities of goods. Entrepreneurs involved in the resale of goods after the first few sales feel confident in their abilities too early and make the next order too large. They invest almost all their money in one large batch and the result is that they simply stop buying the product. Yes, they managed to make a few sales, but this does not mean that things will go exactly the same in the future.

If your business is built on the fact that you resell goods, then monitor the market, analyze competitors, analyze the people who bought goods from you. And most importantly, do not buy in large quantities. Make your purchases varied.

Bad Idea 9: Slow Implementation

Slowness equals business failure. If you are a slow person, stop being slow and become faster. There are very objective reasons for this:

  • Competitors- your enemies are not asleep and are also thinking about how they can make money. If you delay the implementation of your idea, someone else may implement it.
  • Fast growth— the more mistakes you make along the way, the faster you will understand how not to do it, but how to do it. If you spend months thinking about implementing an idea, it will not lead to anything good. You are not Vanga and you cannot know whether the idea will work or not. Therefore, the most correct option would be to implement your ideas with a C grade, but the main thing is to quickly and look at the result.

Bad Idea 10: Stocks

Traders, offers to open a PAMM account, investing in stocks - you won’t make money from all this. This is not a business, it’s difficult to make any forecasts here and, of course, many companies are trying to make money from you.

The real way to make money in stocks is through large investments for the long term. For example, if you had invested a large sum in Tesla shares in 2013, you could now make good money.

Their shares grew by 528% and if you had invested 1,000 rubles in 2013, you would now have 5,280 rubles. Excellent growth, but unfortunately, we cannot predict which company will take off and which will fall apart. There is no point in investing small amounts, but analysts are involved in investing large amounts. At the same time, we all need to wait for the company to grow over the years, so this idea does not suit us.
You should start investing in stocks only if you already have a good business that generates a lot of income and you want not to lose your money, perhaps even increasing it.

This is where the analysis of bad ideas ends and we move on to the good ones!

103 good business ideas with minimal investment

We want to not only give you a fish, that is, tell you which business is profitable to open with minimal investment and which is not, but also give you a fishing rod so that you yourself can search and identify profitable niches. All 103 ideas are divided into 10 blocks and in each of them you will find instructions for finding a good business idea.

Sell ​​your dream

“Sell your dream” may not sound like a great phrase and may be misunderstood by many, but it holds great potential in finding niches.

It will be much easier to explain it using the example of a specific company. In order not to advertise, we will not voice the name of the owner and the name of the company. There was an entrepreneur who really loved traveling with a large group of people because it was more fun and interesting than traveling alone. He loved not just a holiday in Turkey, but some kind of extreme hikes, such as climbing a mountain, but this requires money. Equipment for riding motorcycles in India, equipment for climbing a mountain, all this is expensive and ordinary people who want to relax on their vacation are rarely attracted to this type of vacation. As a result, he opened a company organizing travel for entrepreneurs with a large average check. Now he travels to the most unusual corners of the earth with his clients and makes money from it.

From this we need to draw the following conclusion: if you dream of something, be sure that you are not the only one. Organize a business around your dream, find clients who dream of the same thing and offer them to make their dream come true for money.

Below are examples of such business ideas.

Idea 1: Organizing parties

The easiest way to sell a dream is to organize parties. This topic is especially popular among young people. At all times, young people loved to have fun, drink and meet new people. You can negotiate with various clubs to host events, then advertise on social media and profit from ticket sales.


Regularly setting aside profits will allow you to collect a large sum, which will allow you to create your own club in which you will hold your parties. This way, you won't have to share your profits with anyone.

Idea 2: Local tourism

Roughly speaking, this is the organization of excursions to small regional cities. We assure you that if you travel through any region of Russia, you will be able to find many interesting locations where you can bring city tourists.

Agree with local residents of small towns that they will treat your tourists to some folk food or drinks, as well as conduct excursions. Then look for people who want to visit folk corners native land and earn money.


In the future, you can organize more tours and involve other people to delegate business processes.

Idea 3: Creating a community of interests

In the 21st century, people have a huge variety of interests and hobbies. There are feminists, fighters, lovers of domestic cars, people suffering from depression and many others from whom you can make money.

A great example would be a feminist club that only women can join. There they discuss pressing issues, and participation in it is paid.


Creation of a huge community of interests that will generate profit by holding events in large cities and branches in small ones.

Idea 4: Fashion photo studio

The era of Instagram has arrived and people want to have beautiful photos on their profiles. The demand can be satisfied by opening a photo studio with an unusual interior. It should not just have bare white walls, but have some zest and provide services for organizing professional photo sessions.

An interesting option if you organize photo sessions with unusual animals, such as foxes, leopards or owls.


Scaling such a business is a very difficult process. At some point, you may hit the ceiling in your small city and then the only point of growth will be the opening of similar studios in other cities.

Idea 5: City Tours

More often the target audience of such a niche are foreigners. There really is a demand in many cities, but it is very difficult to find foreigners eager for city tours. If you feel confident in marketing, then this niche is for you. The downside is that in some cities there are no foreigners at all, or at least tourists from other cities. Another disadvantage is the monthly profit ceiling of 50,000 rubles for a city with a population of 500,000 people.


A good growth point is to conduct excursions to neighboring cities. It is very difficult to find other development options in this niche.

Idea 6: Organizing concerts

Currently, music is in real demand. There are a huge number of musicians that people want to see in their cities. Open social networks and look for someone you could organize a concert with.

And we are not talking about some major musicians like Alla Pugacheva. We are talking about unpopular artists who are loved by young people. If none comes to mind, then open social networks and look for them. There really are a lot of them.


Further developments can take two directions: organizing large concerts, or organizing large parties.

Idea 7: Organizing dates

A business with the most minimal investment is organizing dates. As a rule, guys who want to impress their girlfriend apply for such services. How to organize dates is up to you and your client to decide, but the options may be as follows:

  • On a boat with a musician
  • On horseback
  • In the forest
  • Decorating the apartment for a date
  • etc.


There is a specific model for increasing profits in this niche. For example, you can provide clients Additional services selling flowers and toys. Or dating services will be associated with secondary businesses. For example, you are organizing a date on a carriage. Instead of renting horses, you can buy them and hire an employee who will manage them.

Idea 8: Recording studio

Many people dream of becoming cool musicians who gather crowds of thousands. Give them the opportunity to launch their careers from your recording studio. Some small towns don't have them at all, so there's simply no competition.

The important point is that you must invest in marketing. Few people will be ready to just take the first step towards their dream.


Business expansion can be the opening of points in neighboring cities, or the opening of a related business, such as a music school.

Idea 9: Extreme Maze

Remember the Fort Boyard show where people completed various tasks to get a prize? Did you want to take part in it when you watched it? Of course yes, and you are not alone!

Organize some kind of test strip and conduct an advertising campaign in the city. The most important thing is to ensure the safety of your attraction, people should not get hurt, so everything should be as soft as in a trampoline center.


If you can do something cool and unique, then it is quite possible to develop a business by selling a franchise. At the first stages, you can open new points based on the principle of dividing shares, and then open a full-fledged franchise.

Idea 10: Mini golf

Full golf is very expensive and is considered the game of aristocrats. Another thing is mini golf. It is very popular in the USA, but not at all popular in Russia.

Low popularity does not mean low demand, because bowling was once unpopular in our country too. This means you need to open mini-golf and take care of quality marketing.


Creation of a complete entertainment center is a very real prospect. You can open a full-fledged center that will have mini golf, attractions for children and other family entertainment options.

Idea 11: Paintball club

The advantage of this niche is that you can open it with minimal investment. To hold games you need some kind of site, you can rent the most illiquid space and it will suit you just fine. There is no need to make repairs or carry out communications. Just purchase equipment for the game, find a site and attract customers. This niche will always be relevant.


Unfortunately, simple ways there is no development here. It is difficult to expand, it is difficult to find new clients, so there will be difficulties in increasing profits.

Business and events

In business you should always keep your finger on the pulse and these are far from empty words. Any event that happens in our world is beneficial to someone. You need to recognize this and learn to make money from it.

Read news from all areas where you can create your own business in the future. And it’s better, of course, to read all the news in general, then you will have more information and are more likely to come up with some kind of million-dollar idea.

For event analytics use:

Experience is very important in finding event ideas. Here, only the brain that has the most experience can generate an idea. Therefore, we recommend reading other people's stories, news and business articles.

An event is a lightning-fast thing. Today you can earn millions on it, but tomorrow nothing. If you are interested in a stable business that has been running for years, then this is not for you. But if you want to snatch several million rubles in a month, then below we will give examples of such events on which you can make money.

Idea 12: LOL Dolls

More than a million search queries per month, hundreds of thousands of participants on social networks, a huge number of videos on Youtube - all this is about the LOL doll.

It is a very popular toy for children. The demand for it is simply huge and if you can’t make money from it, it can only mean that your entrepreneurial skills are not enough yet. Try it various ways sales, social networks, online stores, traffic arbitrage. You can try to come to any store with a presentation about this doll and offer to purchase a batch of these toys from you. In general, there are a huge number of ways to make money from this.

Idea 13: Agriculture

Sanctions have affected Russia and this is a plus for agriculture. You can choose any niche: breeding fish, crayfish, gobies. Or growing: berries, fruits or vegetables.

You can make money on anything at the moment. Many entrepreneurs have understood this and have long been actively pouring millions of rubles into the domestic Agriculture. And of course, a huge advantage is that you can start any business in this niche with minimal investment. It will be enough to find a plot outside the city and start your own business there.

Idea 14: Organizing rap battles

This topic will be completely incomprehensible to people over 35, but the younger generation can make money on it.

The most watched battle in history took place in Russia. It has been viewed more than 40 million times and this attracts a huge audience that is interested in it.

In order to somehow make money from this, first of all you must find local battle rappers who are ready to battle among themselves, then negotiate with the bar where the event will take place. Next is carried out advertising campaign in social networks. You keep the profit from the tickets sold, and the bar makes money on drinks.

Idea 15: Coworking

If more than 200,000 people live in your city, then you simply must open a coworking space and start earning money. The 21st century has given birth to a huge layer of people who do not go to regular work, but earn money on the Internet. These are programmers, designers, copywriters and many others. All of them, as a rule, work from home and simply lack the work environment and communication.

A coworking space is an office where people come to work.

The number of remote workers is growing every year, so if your city doesn’t yet have a good coworking space, you should definitely open one.

Idea 16: Flowers for rent

Many people consider this topic wild, and some earn millions of rubles in February and March. February 14 and March 8 are holidays when any girl wants to receive a beautiful bouquet of flowers as a gift.

Not everyone has boyfriends, but all girls want to upload a beautiful photo on their social networks with a beautiful bouquet of flowers. Therefore, they resort to flower rental services.

The business model is simple: you advertise on social networks that you provide beautiful bouquets for hire. For the holidays, you buy beautiful bouquets and hire couriers who travel with them and take pictures of the girls.

There are times when a girl does not need a simple bouquet of flowers and she asks the guy to order flowers for hire instead. Yes, all this sounds crazy, but it brings profit, the main thing is to conduct a good advertising campaign on social networks.

Idea 17: Bears made from roses

Rose bears are a trend for 2019. Most likely, in the future it will be more difficult or even impossible to make money on it. Produce them or resell them. They are in great demand and girls love them. If it lasts until 2020, then an excellent option would be to make money on New Year, February 14 and March 8.

Most likely, this trend will fade away very soon, so we once again urge you to monitor social networks and other sources of information to understand what people are buying and what they are not.

Idea 18: Isolated Internet in Russia

A bill to isolate the Internet has appeared in Russia. What can she threaten? It threatens pessimists with something bad, and optimists with profit. If the Internet is isolated in Russia at some point, this will be an excellent growth point for entrepreneurs who work in the IT field. Users will have to switch to Russian analogues of Instagram, Twitch and other services that simply won’t exist. If you manage to quickly create some kind of project that people need, then you can become a millionaire.

Idea 19: Services of Santa Claus and Snow Maiden

Everything is simple here. Every year and every home where there is a child needs Santa Claus and Snow Maiden. Most likely, there is no need to explain what they do.

Some people wonder why there isn't a ton of competition in this niche? The thing is that this business is more likely for young entrepreneurs. You can earn money on it once a year. And for most, it is not interesting to repeat this every year.

By doing business in this niche, we don’t just mean congratulating children. You can rent out costumes for those who want to make money from it. Or create a full-fledged business for earning money for students: conduct a global advertising campaign for parents, and then the same for students with an offer to earn money on New Year’s Eve.

Idea 20: Trade Christmas trees

New Year, of course, is a major event on which you can make money in a hundred different ways. One of these is the Christmas tree trade. Of course, it’s difficult to earn millions of rubles in this niche in one new year. Although if you grow them on a huge plot of land and then sell them yourself, then this is quite possible. But usually Christmas trees are simply purchased from suppliers and then resold somewhere.

You can sell Christmas tree decorations as additional products.

Idea 21: Toys for children

Children's toys are one of those niches that lends itself very strongly to events. For example, the cartoon “How to Train Your Dragon 3” is released and with it the number of sales of dragons in children's stores increases sharply.

To understand which toys are in demand, you need to analyze the Internet and large corporations because they are pouring huge amounts of money into Analytics department. For example, we can look at what is currently being sold in the Happy Meal at McDonalds and also start selling the same or similar product.

Fashion trends

Business built on fashion trends is very similar to an event business, but in this case the enterprise can exist for a huge amount of time and then transform into something else.

The essence of searching for ideas in this method is the following: something happens or something develops and you make money from it. To make things more clear, just check out the ideas below.

Idea 22: 3D Printing

Scientists are already trying to produce living human cells using a 3D printer. We're not scientists, of course, but we can still find useful uses for this thing.

There are two options for earning money:

  • Printing to order
  • Or the production of some products and their sale

In principle, the first and second options can be combined.


In the future, you can grow into a large organization producing custom products. Also, 3D printing technologies do not stand still and most likely, in the future this direction will become very popular and profitable.

Idea 23: Creating a 3D model of a person

This topic is very unusual and requires a competent approach to marketing. The point in this case is simple, you invite a person or a couple of lovers to your studio. You analyze their body from all sides, since the business will be built from scratch, and investments should be minimal. Body analysis will be using a simple camera. Then, based on the images, a 3D model is built and printed.

To succeed in this niche, you must be a good marketer because you will have to package the business beautifully and convince them that they need this 3D model.


In small towns, such a business will bring a maximum of 90,000 rubles per month. Larger cities can expect very decent profits.

Idea 24: Quests

Everyone loves quests, and those who don’t just never went to them! In Russia, this niche is quite fresh and unfilled. You can come up with a cool scenario, decorate the premises with your own hands, then run an advertising campaign and start making money.


If you can come up with it interesting scenarios and there will always be a large flow of people on your quests, then you can try opening a business in shares. You invest 50%, and the remaining half is another entrepreneur. After opening several of these quest rooms, you can begin to create a full-fledged franchise.

Idea 25: Filming with a quadcopter

Quadcopters have given our world a huge amount beautiful shots. They fly high and record high-quality videos.

Many people want to get a beautiful video from some significant moment in their life. For example, from a wedding. And this is where you can offer aerial filming services.

The most logical way to find clients is to collaborate with wedding agencies. Offer them your services, and they will offer your services to their clients, taking a certain percentage for themselves.


The best development option would be to provide video shooting and editing services.

Idea 26: VR attraction

VR has been on the market for several years now and it’s already difficult for them to surprise anyone, but do you know about Kat Walk VR? This new system to destroy monsters: you stand in the center of a treadmill rotating in all directions, put on VR and pick up a machine gun.

Residents of many cities have not yet played this game, so such a device could be installed in any shopping center.


Unfortunately, there are no options for developing such a business. At best, you can sell this device when profits begin to fall significantly.

Idea 27: Barbershop

Modern men are becoming more and more demanding of their appearance. They are no longer satisfied with an ordinary haircut for 200 rubles at the first hairdresser they come across. This is very good for entrepreneurs because beautiful packaging from a hairdresser to a barbershop increases the cost of the average bill by 5 times. However, there is no significant difference in the services provided.


This niche is not easy, but here it is possible to grow into millions in profits by opening several more barbershops or beauty salons.

Idea 28: Yoga outdoors

Even 20,000 rubles will be enough to implement this business idea. All you need: mats and additional equipment for yoga classes.

You will gather groups of people who want to work out on the Internet, and then take them all out into nature in your own or rented car. Well, you can conduct classes on the shore of some beautiful lake.

The only difficulty here is assembling a group. This needs to be done with the help of social networks and competent marketing.


If you can gather a large base of regular customers, then in winter, in any case, they all need to be sent indoors. The logical direction of development in this business would be to open a yoga center.

Idea 29: Stress Relief Room

These rooms work on the following principle: a client comes to you, you give him hammers, axes and a helmet with glasses, and then he smashes your room to smithereens.

The only difficulty here is that after each session you do not have equipment and you constantly need to look for it somewhere. Tables, chairs, TVs and other things that can be found in any office or apartment. A good option would be to buy such things on Avito.


It is quite possible in a city with a population of 500,000 people to reach a monthly net profit of 100,000 rubles.

Idea 30: Alcohol Museum

It’s worth noting right away that for such an establishment you will need a liquor license.

The essence of an alcohol museum is that a client comes to you, you guide him through the exhibits, tell him something interesting and let him try various drinks. Any drink has some kind of history, just use Wikipedia and remember it.


After your performance, tipsy clients will want to continue their adventures, and it would be an excellent option if you can place a small bar or restaurant nearby.

Idea 31: Clothes rental

The number of celebrations and events has increased significantly in modern Russia and buying a new suit or dress for each is quite expensive. Suit and dress rentals come to the rescue.

Such services are usually used for a wedding, for some other holiday or for a photo shoot.


The reality of business is that small town It’s difficult to make a profit of more than 80,000 rubles, but it’s quite possible that renting clothes will be your first step towards opening a full-fledged store.

Idea 32: Order pick-up point

People are increasingly shopping online. This is a good trend, the growth of which has not yet stopped. Buyers do not like Russian Post at all for poor quality and long delivery of goods, so in order to somehow make money on this, we can create a point for issuing orders from an online store.

To organize a business you do not need any special equipment. The most important thing is to find a good location in a densely populated area, since we will receive income for the delivery of each product.


In the future, this business will bring in significantly more money due to the growth of trade turnover on the Internet.


An intermediary is a person who connects the seller and the buyer. You can grow and earn millions in this niche, the main thing is the right approach.

In the market you can become an intermediary of absolutely any service. Let's give an example from practice. Since its inception, the organization has been promoting websites in search engines. They have a lot of experience behind them, and at some point an idea came to their mind: should we become a mediator? They created a regional website about eyelash extensions, promoted it in search engines and received a flurry of clients. Of course, they don’t know how to extend eyelashes and all clients go to a beauty salon, with which they share the profits.

The bottom line is, if you have learned to search for or attract clients, then this is very good, because there will be no problems with monetizing them. Contact any office and offer them a flow of your clients and they will agree in any case.

Idea 33: Selling other people's goods

Dropshipping is the sale of other people's goods. Your task is to find a client, and payment, delivery and further service lie on the shoulders of the organization.

The main question here is where to find a customer for a particular product? They are usually searched using the Internet. Advertising is purchased on websites, social networks and contextual advertising. The costs here are quite small by business standards. Your main task is to ensure that the cost of attracting one client is no more than your percentage of the sale.

Idea 34: Realtor

Everyone always needs apartments: either buy or rent, or vice versa. This market is quite incomprehensible to the average person, so realtors come to the rescue. You can start work alone, and when you have enough experience, you can grow into a full-fledged real estate agency.

A huge plus is that demand can be found in any city. Of course, in the first stages you will not earn so much, but in the future such a business can bring in hundreds of thousands of rubles.

Idea 35: Freight transportation

Here your task is to find a person who needs to transport the cargo, and then a driver with a truck and several loaders (the number depends on the size of the cargo).

This business niche is perfect for men who want to start a business with minimal investment. The main part of the expenses in this niche is advertising. You spend some of the money on advertising, and send all the clients you can attract to the performers. The proportions by which you will divide the profit depends only on your ability to negotiate.

Idea 36: Apartment renovation

The same idea also includes the construction of buildings, cottages or bathhouses. The essence is the same, we are looking for clients and an organization engaged in repairs, and then connecting them.

The average bill in this niche is quite high, so from attracting one client you will receive good profit. The competition here is also very strong. All customer acquisition channels are already very crowded and without experience in marketing, at first you will have to spend a small amount on tests to understand what and how it works.

Idea 37: Website development without skills

Nowadays, every business has an old website that needs to be updated or created from scratch, if this new business. The point here is this: web site development studios themselves cope with attracting clients from the Internet, but they do not work at all with offline ones.

They do not call organizations with proposals to improve the site, and as a result, increase sales. Take the portfolio of a website development company, then find the worst and oldest websites of existing organizations and offer them site improvement services.

Of course, without experience, nothing will work here and perhaps 50 or 200 calls you will receive refusals. But this can be done with minimal investment of money and time.

Idea 38: Legal services

When a person develops legal problems, at first he tries to deal with them on his own. He reads codes, articles on the Internet, then realizes that this is just a huge topic that he cannot handle and is looking for someone to help him.

Services here are expensive, so even a small percentage will bring you a good profit. The best way to find potential clients is through advertising on the Internet, but if you have some other interesting options, then that's very good!

Idea 39: Equipment rental

Often some people require some kind of specialized technique. For example, a tractor, crane, quadcopter or something else. To make money here you need to create some kind of page on the Internet to which you will send clients and order advertising (contextual, targeted, or some other).

Idea 40: Holding shows and celebrations

Carrying out various events requires special organization. This especially applies to weddings and graduations. The easiest way to make money from this is to find an organization that does this and offer them your clients.

Where can you find clients? You can find them, for example, in communities about weddings. Place an advertisement there that you provide wedding planning services and send clients to this organization and receive a certain percentage.


Reselling goods can be the first step to opening your own store. It is worth noting that if you find a product that is in demand and sell it several times, you can be intoxicated with the feeling of success. After that, you invest all your money in a large batch of goods and your sales plummet. We strongly discourage making large purchases, because you may be left with a large batch of goods that you will not be able to sell.

Idea 41: Joint procurement

Let's say you want to start a business with a small investment in the resale of some product, but in order to get good discount You need to order a large batch of goods from wholesalers. The best way out of this situation would be to team up with other similar budding entrepreneurs, chip in and make this purchase jointly.

As a result, you will receive the quantity of goods you need at a low price and by reselling them you can make good money. We recommend grouping from 2 to 10 people.

Idea 42: Cars

There is always a great demand for cars. Since we have to fit within a small budget, it’s worth starting a career with domestic cars.

An interesting option would be to expand your business idea a little. You buy a car, fix it up in your garage, and then sell it for a higher price. In the future, it is quite possible to grow to the point where you can open your own car dealership.

Idea 43: Equipment for business

Most businesses close in the first year and you can make good money from this. To cover losses, entrepreneurs sell their equipment: shelving, display cases, furniture, etc. If it is not too worn out, it can be bought at a low price and then resold.

This business idea does not require large investments and in the future you can open your own used equipment and furniture store.

Before you start buying equipment, we recommend that you first test the demand for it. To do this, try placing ads on Avito for the sale of this or that product and see what people buy and what they don’t.

Idea 44: Smart vacuum cleaners

Smart vacuum cleaners are becoming more and more in demand. They solve a really pressing problem and their owners like them.

You can earn money on them in the following ways:

  • Buy a small batch and sell them individually on various websites or social networks.
  • Agree with the owner of a small store household appliances that you will supply him with smart vacuum cleaners and purchase large quantities from manufacturers for this. You will take a certain percentage for yourself, and if you can come to an agreement with several stores, then it is quite possible that you will be able to make a good profit.

Idea 45: Chinese goods

Quite a popular topic that is slowly becoming obsolete. There are already a huge number of businessmen on various message boards who are trying to sell their goods.

It is important not to make a mistake in choosing a product and to purchase exactly the one for which there will be demand, so first of all you need to do some niche analysis. We should immediately warn you that a certain percentage of goods from China is coming defective. Stores just throw it away and you should do the same and not try to sell it to someone.

Idea 46: Broken equipment

This business idea is perfect for men with golden hands. We open bulletin boards and look for various broken equipment. As a rule, it is sold very cheaply. You buy it, fix it, and then sell it.

To increase profits, in the future it is worth hiring assistants who will help you repair equipment. You can agree with them on a fixed salary, or work with them by sharing some percentage of the proceeds. Of course, to check the viability of the idea, you should start working alone or together, and only then hire additional employees.

Idea 47: Autoparsing

Another business idea that is perfect for men. You buy a wrecked car, then dismantle it into parts and sell them. For such a business, you will definitely need a garage to store those spare parts. Ideally, have two garages, in the first you will work, and in the second you will store spare parts. Over time, there will be a lot of them, some will lie around for months and you will really need some kind of warehouse.

Before purchasing any car, do not forget to take care of sales channels and analyze demand.

Idea 48: Bluetooth headphones and speakers

Modern people love to listen to music. And at the moment, Bluetooth headphones and speakers are especially popular. There are many options for reselling them, and the investment is small.

You can:

  • Resell used equipment
  • Sell ​​new equipment from manufacturers individually
  • Become an intermediary between the manufacturer and some small store

At the moment this is a really popular product on which you can make good money with minimal investment.

Idea 49: Pawnshop

This is the best idea if you are looking to open a business with minimal investment. Just rent a room in the city center, place a beautiful “Pawn Shop” sign and wait for customers.

Of course, to organize such a business you will need some amount of money with which you will buy things, but you can start with 100,000 rubles.
If such a business model in your city turns out to be successful, then in the future you can open several more similar points that will generate profit.

Idea 50: Vapes and electronic cigarettes

Very popular products with high markups are vapes and electronic cigarettes, as well as liquids for them. You can buy them from suppliers in Moscow, and then come to your city and sell them.

We recommend that you immediately make yourself known on the market by selling at a low price. Then, in the first months of work, you will be able to put together a large database of positive reviews that will force future customers to buy the product from you.

With your own hands

This block is more suitable for men, although some ideas can be used by women as well. If you have a garage or a summer house, then you can open a small business with minimal investment. The main idea here is that you will produce something with your own hands and sell it.

All business ideas born in a garage have global perspectives. For example, you came up with something that you can produce and sell. You can’t make millions on your own, so you hire people to help you. We started working alone, then hired one assistant and doubled our profits, then hired another and tripled our profits. At this rate, it is quite possible to grow into a large organization that produces something.

Idea 51: Souvenirs

The most important thing in this case is to find distribution channels. You can produce souvenirs and sell them online on bulletin boards, on your own website, or offer your products to retail or wholesale stores.

This niche has a low barrier to entry. A very large number of people can make, for example, a matryoshka doll. So you have to come up with some unusual ideas for souvenirs that people will want to buy. Such a home business will not require large investments from you; the bulk of the costs will go to the purchase of equipment, Supplies and attracting clients.

Idea 52: Cleaning apartments and cleaning furniture

If you don’t mind dirt, then apartment cleaning and furniture cleaning can be a great option. You purchase the necessary equipment and consumables, then place advertisements that you provide cleaning services and earn money.

Once you find channels for finding clients and accumulate a large number of positive reviews, you can hire an assistant who will help you clean. In this niche, it is quite possible to start a business from scratch and then grow to a large cleaning company.

Idea 53: Selling your skills

Let's say you know how to masterfully open various locks. Very often people require such services because they forget their keys. You can provide your skills for money.

The greater the demand for your skills, the better off you will be in the long run, because you will be able to hire help and earn more. And if the demand for your skill is too low, then sooner or later you will hit a ceiling in your city and you will have to move to another city or country to earn more.

Idea 54: Own clothing brand

This idea is only suitable for those who are well versed in fashion and marketing. In fact, all clothing is produced approximately the same way and when buying an expensive item, you pay first of all for the brand. The main task of a clothing manufacturer is to make the brand as popular as possible.

This is a rather difficult idea to implement, but quite realistic. A good place to start is by offering your services to artists or companies that need branded apparel. They, as a rule, do not have time for this, and you can shoulder the tailoring and all the logistics.

Idea 55: Car repair

One of the most profitable garage business ideas is car repair. The difficulty here is only in attracting customers. Usually in such cases, word of mouth works well, you provide your services efficiently and cheaply, then your clients tell their friends about you and generate new clients.

What services you provide depends only on your skills and budget. For some renovation work expensive equipment is required, and with a minimal budget you cannot afford it, so you need to start small.

Idea 56: Equipment repair

A profitable idea is to repair equipment: smartphones, computers, washing machines or something else. Repair services greatly increase the price tag for their services and you can easily bypass them by providing your services cheaper.

To create a flow of clients, we recommend ordering professional website development and promotion. If your budget is extremely limited, you can offer your services on message boards. In the future, when there is a stable demand for your services, you can hire an assistant.

Idea 57: Toy production

There has always been and will always be a demand for children's products. You can produce toys in your garage and then sell them to retailers or wholesale stores. If the toys are of great interest among buyers, then a flurry of new orders will fall on you. To complete them all and not lose potential profits, you can hire employees who will help you.

In addition to regular stores, toys can be sold online.

Idea 58: B2B niches

The abbreviation B2B stands for “Business to business” or in the Russian version “Business for business”. Your clients in this case are other businesses.

For an example of such cooperation, find several companies that do apartment renovations. Their customers order faux countertops for their kitchens and they have to source them from somewhere. You can make engineered stone countertops in your garage and sell them for favorable price such construction companies.

There are a lot of options for working in the B2B segment, just look at other businesses and think about what they need.

Idea 59: Apartment decoration

Those with golden hands and some marketing skills can put together a small team that will deal with finishing apartments or some other renovation work.

There is always a demand for such services in any city. The most important thing is to accumulate a portfolio and a large number of positive reviews about you. Then clients will come to you.

You can start this business without any investment at all, then hire a team, and in the future create a full-fledged construction company.

Idea 60: Production of playgrounds

The cost of one playground can exceed 200,000 rubles. And even if you fulfill one order per month, you will make some profit. A huge advantage in this niche is that there is now a great demand for playgrounds. They are simultaneously needed for new houses and for old yards.

The prospects for development here are quite large. You can start with your region, and in the future produce playgrounds for the whole of Russia. It is worth noting that this is not the simplest production, so already at the first stage you may need assistants if you find a large order.

Idea 61: Carrying cargo on Gazelle

To start this business you need to invest in the purchase of a Gazelle, then you need to find movers and clients. There will be difficulties with the latter, because you are not the only one who wants to make money.

You can search for clients not only on the Internet, but also using standard methods: distributing business cards, advertising in the elevator or in the newspaper.

When you find the most profitable channel for attracting clients, you can retire and hire a driver.

Idea 62: Making furniture

You can start a business in your garage by making furniture. You can produce cased or soft ones, and then sell them in stores or on the Internet.

A much more profitable option is selling online, but in this case you will have to spend a lot of money to attract buyers. If you have no experience in this topic, then it is much better to simply negotiate with some stores and sell your products to them.

It is quite possible to earn more than 50,000 rubles from this if you work alone. Having put together a full-fledged team, profits can increase several times.

Idea 63: Tile production

Another profitable business idea that can be implemented with small investments is the production of tiles. The best option would be if you find several construction companies who will need your tiles.

Of course, you can try to sell it online, but this option will be more difficult.

No less important factor here is the product quality. If you are unable to produce high-quality tiles, then it is better to choose some other idea.

Idea 64: Production of metal structures

An extremely promising direction in which you can start your own business with a small initial investment. At the first stages of work, you can produce some simple metal structures and gradually take on more and more complex and expensive orders.

Most of the investment will go towards purchasing equipment, consumables and attracting customers. In the future, you cannot do without employees, so as soon as you start receiving a lot of large orders, you immediately need to take care of hiring staff.

Idea 65: Making stoves

A profitable and relevant idea is the manufacture of stoves or fireplaces. A beautiful portfolio is especially important here. No one wants to put an unsightly fireplace in their home, so this is something to keep in mind. For the sake of your portfolio, you can make beautiful stoves or fireplaces for your friends and relatives, or at a big discount for clients.

An excellent way to attract customers in this niche is the Internet, so we recommend investing in advertising and a marketer.

Idea 66: Auto-selection

Everyone wants to have a good car minimum price, but not everyone is ready to understand the huge number of small nuances. If you are a car lover, then you can go into auto selection. Investments here are minimal; it is enough to buy a minimum set of equipment and get to work. The only thing you can't buy is experience. Therefore, first of all, you need to think about whether you should get into this niche or not.

The topic of cars is very popular on the Internet and to attract customers you can order advertising from some auto blogger.

In the Internet

The Internet erases many boundaries. You can make millions by being on the beach, but it takes hard work. A huge advantage is that you can open such a business at home with minimal investment. You can start with 1,000 rubles in your pocket, and in a few years become a millionaire.

It will be a huge plus if you own English language. Then you can earn not only from Russian market, but also abroad. Also, do not forget that IT is a rapidly changing environment. Today you figured out how to earn one hundred thousand rubles a week, and tomorrow the market has changed and you are left with nothing.

If you have learned how to make good money on the Internet, then we highly recommend diversifying your risks and investing the money you earn in some other business.

Idea 67: Youtube Channel

The minimum set of investments in this niche is a phone with a good camera and a computer for editing videos. Next, interesting ideas are required from you. If you have something to tell or show to a large audience, then you can make very good money from it.

Girls make various videos about relationships and love, and men can post some extreme videos or educational videos, for example, on repairs.

For 1000 views direct affiliate program Youtube will pay you from 2 to 10 dollars depending on the topic. To somehow increase your profits, you can offer advertising in your videos to direct advertisers.

Idea 68: Your own website

Quite a complex idea that requires your skills: marketer, copywriter, programmer and designer. You can invest any amount of money in your own website, and after six months you can earn 10% of this amount monthly.

This is a very complex niche, and if you feel that you don’t understand it well, we recommend that you improve your knowledge by taking various training courses, or choose some other direction. A huge advantage of this niche is that you can open a business and assemble a team without leaving home. All you need in terms of equipment is a laptop with Internet access.

Idea 69: Yandex Zen

Yandex Zen is a resource where you can publish your articles and make money from them. There are two development options here:

  • You write articles yourself.
  • You order articles to be written. The size of one article is approximately 5,000 characters, the cost of such an article will be approximately 150-200 rubles.

If you choose the first option, then you have no risks. You simply write articles, analyze which topics readers like best and write on them. If you are going to create a full-fledged business and invest in purchasing articles, then it is very important that many people read the articles in order for them to pay off.

Idea 70: Twitch

Twitch is a platform for streaming. It usually hosts game streams, but recently regular communication with people has become quite popular.

To make money on this site, you must have a large number of viewers and subscribers who will watch your advertising and send you donations.

The most important thing here is to produce some interesting content live. If you are a beautiful girl, then you already have a major advantage, because for the most part Twitch audiences are men, and a beautiful girl will certainly interest them.

Idea 71: Marketing agency

Everyone always needs clients, and if you are well versed in digital marketing, then you have every chance of starting your own agency.

You can search for clients online or offline. Regular stores, beauty salons and other establishments very often forget that they can get clients from the Internet. You can remind them of this and offer your services to attract customers from the Internet.

To start a business you don’t even need an office. In the first stages, you can work from home. The most important thing you should have is a large portfolio that will prove that you are a competent specialist.

Idea 72: Web studio

The main activity of web studios is website development. Of course, they can engage in attracting clients and organizing marketing campaigns, but still, the main specialization is website development.

If you know how to draw beautiful designs or do programming, then to start a business you even need to invest money. It is enough to find a second partner who will program or draw a design, depending on what you can do yourself.

In the event that you do not have the skills, you will have to invest a small amount to hire two employees.

Idea 73: Accounting services

Many companies require outsourced accountants; they pay them about 3-5 thousand rubles a month, and this saves them from hiring a full-fledged accountant on staff.

You can negotiate with several such companies and earn good money without leaving your home. In the future, it is quite possible to open a large company that will provide accounting services.

Idea 74: Social Networks

Social networks are a great investment idea. There are many options here: the thematic community on VKontakte or Odnoklassniki, Instagram is more often chosen by girls, Twitter with the publication of some interesting things.

You can start such a business with 100 rubles, the most important thing is to publish interesting content that users will like.

It should be noted that the older the social network, the more difficult it is to break into it, since all the niches are already occupied. The exception would be to create communities around a fast-growing idea. For example, mining has suddenly become popular, those who created a community on this topic in time made great money, but now it is already very difficult to get involved in this topic.

Idea 75: Article Writing

A huge number information resources need some articles and you can make money from it.

The options here could be the following:

  • Write articles yourself
  • Or become an intermediary between the customer and the contractor

It is unrealistic to earn millions here, since on average they pay from 20 to 50 rubles for 1000 characters, depending on the complexity of the requirements.

The specifics in this niche are as follows:

  • Copywriting— writing articles from scratch. You are given a topic, a plan, and you must write an article on it.
  • Rewriting- rewriting other people's articles. You are given sources from where to get information and you must rewrite it yourself.

The ceiling in this topic is 50,000 rubles if you are going to fulfill orders yourself. As an intermediary, you can, of course, earn more.

Idea 76: Translation of texts

An excellent option would be if you speak a foreign language, or better yet, several at a good level. Then you can make money by translating foreign texts. Such services are required not only for students, but also for large organizations, so you can ensure a stable flow of clients.

In the future, you can hire assistants and become an intermediary, earning a percentage of orders.

Idea 77: Traffic arbitrage

Traffic arbitrage is the real digital marketing. The idea is that you choose a client and advertise to them. For each client you bring, you receive a certain amount of money, and your task is to ensure that the cost of attracting one client is lower than the amount you will be paid for it.

Quite a difficult niche. Here you need to understand how to correctly write headlines and descriptions for advertisements, as well as choose pictures wisely.

At first you will not earn anything at all and all the money will go to testing advertisements. When you have accumulated enough experience, only then will you be able to make some profit.

Look west

The world does not stand still and every year more and more come into our lives. modern technologies: electric vehicles, 5G networks and much more. All these innovations come, as a rule, from the West. Therefore, if you have problems finding business ideas, just look at countries with a more developed consumer culture, such as the USA.

The ideal option is to simply come to another country and not lie on the beach, but walk around the shops, streets and see where they make money. You will probably see at least 10 business ideas that do not yet exist in Russia.

If you don’t have the opportunity to go abroad, we recommend studying foreign language, read foreign news and watch programs. In general, you need to get as close as possible to Western culture, at least with the help of the Internet, and then you will see some ideas that work for them.

Idea 78: Pickup courses

Many guys have difficulty meeting girls. They behave incorrectly, lack self-confidence and need help. This is why pickup courses are created, where experienced men teach others the intricacies of treating girls.

The smaller the city's population, the less you will earn. Therefore, we do not recommend even trying to engage in such courses with a population of less than 200,000 people.

Idea 79: Exotic store

This idea is more suitable for large cities; it is that we will sell exotic products that cannot be found in regular grocery stores.

By exotic products we mean rare fruits and vegetables for Russia, but it is possible if you sell some unusual semi-finished products or meat.

Such a store can attract a lot of attention and your investment will pay off very quickly. On the other hand, you may make some mistakes and never recoup your investment.

This niche is extremely unusual and if you do not have a specific plan for how to work in it, then it is better to choose some other business idea.

Idea 80: Production of dog houses for restaurants

Almost no restaurants or cafes allow pets, so potential customers have to refrain from going to the cafe if they went out for a walk with their dog. This can be corrected by placing a dog house with a lock. As a result, the owner has peace of mind because his dog is completely safe while he dines, and the restaurant owner receives new dog breeder clients.

Idea 81: Home delivery of groceries

This idea is also not yet sufficiently developed in Russia and is more relevant for large cities. Its essence is that you choose the delivery of some products and you deliver them to your home or office.

Of course this is great idea, but because low level solvency of the population, people are simply not ready to give money for it.

In large cities, people earn more and can afford to save time on going to the store.

Idea 82: Animal Hotel

We all sooner or later leave for other cities or countries for leisure or business. And at such moments it appears serious problem Who should I give my cat or dog to? People have to run around to friends and relatives and offer to look after your pet for a couple of weeks.

To save people from these worries, you can open a small hotel for animals; you will feed and care for them while their owners are away. Such a business does not require large investments and is suitable for any city.

Idea 83: Plant Hotel

This idea is very similar in meaning to the previous one. People are leaving somewhere and they need to leave their flowers somewhere. People care much less about plants than they do about their pets, so opening a hotel for plants is worth it along with the previous business idea.

As an independent business, it will be difficult for such an idea to survive in a small town.

Idea 84: Summer cinema

An interesting option would be to open a summer cinema. Such a business will not require large investments from you; all you need is to find a site with a good lawn and rent the land from the state. If you can’t find a site with a good lawn, then find any other one. It is desirable that it be located closer to the city center.

Then you need to purchase a projector and a large canvas on which the films will be shown. It wouldn't hurt to open a small store where you can buy drinks and popcorn.

Idea 85: Storage service

People have always had a need to store things. Over time, their number increases and those who live in small apartments face problems with storing them. Of course, it would be a shame to throw them away, so you can offer storage services to such people.

Most often, you will be given some seasonal items for storage. For example, a Christmas tree that is needed only in winter or a bicycle that is needed only in summer.

This business idea is already being actively promoted in large cities of Russia and will very soon come to small towns.

Idea 86: Mobile application development

Any restaurant wants to be fashionable and in trend, then customers will come to them. Some people order development for this mobile applications for Android or iOS. These are the kinds of applications you can develop. Just hire programmers, a designer and go around offering your services to different establishments.

Even if all the restaurants refuse your services, there is no reason to despair, because at least you will have a team of programmers and designers who are ready to develop something. All you have to do is find clients!

Idea 87: Entering the Western market

This is perhaps the most profitable business idea with little investment. Look at the Western market and think about how you can enter there. Try collaborating with foreign businesses, stores or customers.

A huge advantage of the Western market is that you can earn much more there than in Russia. This happens for two reasons:

  • Western market is bigger
  • People's purchasing power is higher

Without knowledge of the language, it will be even more difficult to break through, so it’s time to open textbooks if your knowledge is lame.

Without leaving home

A profitable option would be to organize some kind of home business; the investment will be minimal, since you will not have to rent an office, hire a large number of employees and purchase expensive equipment.

All that is required of you is skills and hard work, only then will you be able to succeed in your home business, and over time, grow into a full-fledged large business.

Idea 88: Tutoring

By tutoring we mean not only some school subjects. You can be a tutor in music, drawing, English for adults, makeup, eyelash extensions or any other area where training is required.

At the first stages, expenses will go only to attracting new clients, but in the future you can organize a full-fledged training center and hire external teachers.

Idea 89: Growing microgreens

Microgreens are rich in vitamins and are often used in food. You can create a small vegetable garden at home and sell the products to cafes and restaurants.

On the scale of your home or dacha, you can make a profit of 50,000 rubles. Of course this is not serious amount and to earn more you need to expand by taking over more areas. It is quite possible to grow several times and provide microgreens to a large number of restaurants in your city.

Idea 90: Animal Breeding

Another home business idea is animal breeding. Of course, by law it is prohibited to have a large number of animals in an apartment, but if you have your own country house, then this is a different matter.

It is better to breed purebred cats. It's easier than with dogs and they take up less space.

Idea 91: Equipment rental

If you have some rare specialized equipment lying around your house or garage, you can make money on it by renting it out. Of course, you won’t make millions from this, but the investment is quite small.

Also, there are some risks that your equipment will not be returned, so be sure to take some money or things as collateral.

Idea 92: Freelancing

A freelancer is a person who carries out other people’s orders for money and such a person usually works from home. To become a freelancer you must have some skills that are in demand on the Internet. Programmers, designers, and marketers enjoy great controversy.

It is worth noting that you work from home and your customer can be anyone. This means that it is much more profitable to work for foreign clients, since they pay more for the work.

In the future, when you accumulate a large number of positive reviews, you can hire an assistant or organize an entire team for programming or web design.

Idea 93: Infobusiness

If you know something and can do it, then all you need to do is package your knowledge and sell it. It is up to you to decide in what specific form to package the information. For example, you know how to cross-stitch, in order to teach other people to do it as skillfully as you do, you can write a book, conduct webinars or film a video course.

You can teach anything: how to make money, how to lose weight, how to find a husband, and so on. The most important thing in this niche is to gain the trust of people and convince the masses that you are not trying to sell some useless product.

Idea 94: Painting pictures

This option home business suitable for creative people who can draw beautiful pictures. You can draw portraits to order, or paint famous people, or some other paintings and sell them on the Internet.

No less important point here is marketing. You will have to invest a certain amount of money in promoting your social networks.

Women's business

A really large number of girls believe that niches somehow differ based on gender. This is not at all true, if you are looking for how to open a business for a girl, this does not mean at all that you should lose sight of other business ideas with minimal investment.

However, in some niches, it is still easier for beautiful girls to work than for men. It is these business ideas that we will talk about further.

Idea 95: Sexual Mastery Courses

The first niche may already scare away 90% of girls, but since such businesses exist, we consider it our duty to talk about them. If you're confused by such things, you can skip this idea.

The bottom line is that over time, relationships go wrong. better times and sex does not bring the same emotions that it used to have. Such courses involve teaching girls various things that they did not know about before.

Of course, you need to understand what to teach girls yourself, so if you have little experience in this topic, we recommend choosing a simpler niche for yourself.

Idea 96: Beauty salon

This business idea is perfect for women who want to open a business with minimal investment. You can create your own small salon beauty, which will consist of one employee, that is, you.

What list of services to provide to your clients is up to you to decide. They usually provide makeup services, eyelash extensions, eyebrow services and many others.

In the future, you can grow into a large beauty salon that will serve a huge number of clients per day.

Idea 97: Image making

By image making we mean a huge range of services: consultation, selection of a public image, shopping support, analysis of face shape, figure and much more.

It is worth noting that in a small town you are unlikely to be able to earn anything. But in Moscow, St. Petersburg and other large cities it is quite possible to find a large number of clients.

Reviews play a special role here. There should be a lot of them and they should be positive, so try to finish the work only when your client is satisfied.

Idea 98: Photo and videography

Very often, girls make excellent photographers or camera operators. If you have some experience in this field, then you can buy a professional camera and get to work.

It’s worth noting right away that the competition in this niche is simply enormous, and there are very few truly talented photographers. Therefore, if you feel strong enough to defeat everyone, then go for it!

Idea 99: Wedding Manager

Girls are also better at organizing weddings, so if you are a stress-resistant person and like to communicate with people, then this niche is for you.

Of course, there is competition here, but most organizers do not follow modern trends and their ideas have long been outdated.

You can become new blood among wedding planners and if your ideas are really interesting, then you will quickly gain popularity for your business.

Idea 100: Science show for kids

It is best to open such a show in some shopping centers, where parents and children come to have fun or buy something. You, in turn, will entertain the children in every possible way by showing experiments and telling them something useful.

We strongly advise against doing any dangerous experiments. If you find some cool chemical formula on the Internet and want to show it on children's shows, then this is an extremely bad idea because you are putting the health of children at risk.

It’s another matter when you are an experienced chemist and you understand 100% what you are pouring where and what the consequences may be in case of an error.

Idea 101: Astrology and fortune telling

This business idea is suitable for girls who believe in esotericism and other supernatural things. You can engage in removing damage, fortune telling, or selling amulets.

Idea 102: Social Networks

Particularly popular beautiful girls receive on social networks, which means you can earn good money from this. In addition to standard Instagram, you can start a channel on Youtube or Twitch. You need to carefully think through your image and understand what kind of audience you want to gather around you.

Of course, for the project to be successful, you will need to invest a certain amount of money in high-quality sound, camera and lighting, as well as master at least simple video editing skills.

Idea 103: Beauty services at home

If your budget is extremely limited, then you can provide various services at home. For example, creating a beautiful hairstyle and makeup before a wedding or some other holiday.

In the future, as soon as you have a large customer base and you will start earning good money, you can rent a small office so that all clients come to you, and not vice versa.

We really hope that you liked our article and that you have found an interesting business idea for yourself. Try to implement it as early as possible, then success will not keep you waiting!

Cost, rub.

Number of sales per month

Unit production costs products/services, rub.

Enter the cost of the product/service, rub.

Number of sales per month


Profit for the month:


Taking photographs and conducting photo sessions – interesting ideas for business with minimal investment, allowing for short time receive a guaranteed income.

For this business idea with small investments you need:

  • register as an individual entrepreneur;
  • purchase professional equipment;
  • create a portfolio.

Website creation and promotion

It is believed that some of the most profitable projects are business ideas with minimal investment, based on website promotion and promotion. Websites that rank in the TOP of search engines bring their owners a permanent income.

However“promotion” of a website or store is a troublesome task, so most people prefer to turn to professionals. Small business ideas with minimal investment in a small town are often limited, so going online can be a smart decision.

Creating environmentally friendly products as a profitable business

Currently, environmentally friendly products are very popular, That's why best business ideas with minimal investment are often based on selling eco products.

An increasing number of people are becoming supporters of healthy eating. This business idea is well suited if you live in the suburbs and have your own farm.

You can sell meat and milk, as well as vegetables, mushrooms, and fruits. Considering that food products are among the essentials, this is a quick-payback business with minimal investment. Producing and selling environmentally friendly products can cost approximately $1,000.

Opening a fitness club or working as a personal trainer

With the increased popularity healthy image life fitness represents profitable business with minimal investment.

According to RBC research, recently the volume of the fitness services market amounted to about $2 billion.

You can bring business ideas to life with small investments to open a fitness center for 2-3 thousand dollars. (if the premises are rented).

To be more successful than competitors, you can buy special exercise equipment, which, for example, can be used not only by ordinary visitors, but also by people who have experienced complex injuries.

Creation of handmade stationery

How to start a business with a minimum investment if you only have paper and glue on hand? Do office work today self made- means producing a one-piece product that sells out in a matter of minutes.

A variety of creation techniques and themes allows us to produce products for every taste. What is noteworthy is that the most profitable business with minimal investment can be organized by a beginner for about $500.

Sewing bags and clothes

Interesting business ideas with minimal investment can be implemented in the field Hand-Made. Goods made with one's own hands have always been highly valued. A small quantity of goods created can be compensated by the high cost of products.

Particular attention should be paid to the quality and uniqueness of things, because it is originality that determines their relevance. What’s most interesting is that it’s as easy as pie to organize such a business in a garage with minimal investment for about $1,000.

It's pretty profitable view earnings, however, certain difficulties may arise when searching for rare fabrics or genuine leather.

Jewelry products

Real business ideas should be based on selling products that are in demand. Jewelry falls into this category. Semi-precious stones, silver, gold and even ordinary beads are the most popular materials for creating jewelry.

If you plan to create a small business with minimal investment in the production of jewelry, then the craftsman is required to have skills, knowledge and equipment, which can be purchased for $1,500.


What kind of business can you open in a small town with minimal investment? Cooking - profitable small business with small investments, since it only requires food and kitchen space to start it. You can post a menu on your personal blog or website.

Employees of factories or offices often prefer just such dishes if they do not have the opportunity to eat in canteens or cafes nearby.

This is a fairly low-cost business (from $400), but special requirements will be placed on the quality of food, as well as its cost. You also need to have specific ideas when creating a menu. It will also be necessary to organize a delivery system. However, such a project can easily be created by one family.

Advertising and sale of “exotic goods”

Anything that arouses consumer interest can be turned into the most profitable business with little investment.

Products familiar to Western or Central Asian consumers are practically unknown on the domestic market. Selling exotic goods and products can be a profitable endeavor. A business with minimal investment and quick payback can be built on the sale of exotic goods to domestic buyers.

However, the entrepreneur must be confident in the quality of his product and know for sure that the product corresponds to the presented names. It is very important that suppliers are conscientious. It will take about $1,000 to “promote” the project.

Your own business with minimal investment selling car accessories

Manufacturing car accessories is a profitable business. It is possible to arrange production vinyl stickers, for which a special printer and plotter are purchased.

Many car enthusiasts purchase rubber or PVC mats, first aid kits, emergency locks, jacks and other devices. The peak of sales occurs in the spring. You can set up a business for about $2,000.

Printing on T-shirts and accessories

Even a beginner is quite capable of organizing a profitable business with minimal investment. Printing on T-shirts, applying images to mugs – good projects with a minimum investment for beginning entrepreneurs.

Printing a variety of prints on T-shirts and mugs – a great way to earn money even in limited conditions, including in a small town. Such items are especially in demand during the holidays, when people are eager to buy gifts.

Necessary equipment for this business

  • Jet printer;
  • Direct image transfer printer;
  • Computer;
  • Special graphics application;
  • Mini cutting plotter;
  • Paint cartridges.

Opening a project will cost approximately $2,000.

Social entrepreneurship

Social entrepreneurship is based on the fact that an entrepreneur introduces and develops business ideas with minimal investment and quick payback, in which other people must participate.

A striking example– opening a business to revive patterned knitting or other interesting activities that may be of interest to society.

When implementing a business idea for beginners with minimal investment, it is possible to receive grants. A detailed business plan is written, which outlines the project development strategy. The cost of opening a business is about $500.

Video creation

A person who knows how to shoot and edit video can... The range of services can be different - from wedding photography to creating corporate videos. Everything depends solely on the personal skills of the entrepreneur.

Creating videos and original content are excellent business options with minimal investment, since educational videos are needed even when promoting sites, since search engines “prefer” sites whose articles are equipped with detailed video material. In this case, the equipment costs about $1,500.

Renovation of apartments

Even in a small town, apartment renovation is a type of business with minimal investments that will always make a profit. An entrepreneur can repair it himself or hire a team of employees, leading it. This type of business is especially relevant in the warm season, when construction is actively underway.

The purchase of equipment and tools costs from 1 to 2 thousand dollars, depending on what range of services it is planned to provide to clients.

Baking cakes

Cakes are purchased for both corporate events and private events. Nowadays, exclusive cakes created according to the client’s wishes are in fashion.

Eg, cakes with images of the heroes of the occasion are quite popular, as well as “sculptural” cakes, which are a whole work of art.

Making cakes is profitable with minimal investment, because to make a product you only need special utensils, products and a kitchen.

To start your own business with minimal investment (from $600), you must first assess the capabilities of competitors and find an actively purchased type of product. This interesting business for a woman with a small investment, which allows her to create cakes at home, which is especially important during maternity leave.

Vending business

How to open your own business with minimal investment? A vending enterprise involves the purchase of vending machines with different goods. Usually, Vending machines for selling snacks or drinks are becoming more popular. The machine can be placed at a university, at a large production facility, and in other places where there are large crowds of people.

Despite the fact that it is being implemented this business With a minimal investment, you will need to buy one or more vending machines. Typically, the acquisition and maintenance of one vending machine costs 1-1.5 thousand dollars.

Cargo transportation

The cargo transportation service is the most profitable business with minimal investment, necessary both in the industrial sector and for private clients. This is a sought-after business that can bring considerable income., especially if the company is a monopolist in a particular region.

In order to understand how profitable this type of business will be, you need to carefully evaluate the offers of competitors. If there is strong competition in a particular region, you can offer potential clients services on more favorable terms.

Cargo transportation is a business that requires certain investments. For example, to open such a business you will need about $5,000 (if you rent a truck). This amount includes equipment rental, an advertising campaign necessary when starting a project, as well as hiring employees.

Fish farming

Own fish farm is a good business idea for beginners, allowing you to produce products that will always be bought.

However, this business has its pitfalls, because in order to implement a business with least investment, you need to know the intricacies of growing fish, understand the types and varieties of food, know everything about the temperature necessary to maintain life, etc.

In addition, in this case it is necessary to equip a special room in which the fish will be grown. However, many farm owners create their own mini fish farms. From a mini business idea, over time, an enterprise can grow into a large production with high profitability.

Another nuance of such a business is that in order to grow and subsequently sell fish, it is necessary to have a documentation package from the relevant government agencies, pass checks and register as a private entrepreneur.

In principle, it is quite possible to implement such a business idea with minimal investment at home. Create similar small business You can have 200,000 rubles on hand.

Making paintings

Creating beautiful paintings is especially popular during the holidays. Beautiful picture could be a great gift.

The most popular type of painting at all times has been portraits. You can implement these business ideas in your garage with minimal investment by creating your own workshop.

Painting pictures or printing bright images is a profitable business with low investments, which you can create without leaving your home.

Author's style, any new idea will help you start your own painting business. However, here you must be able to draw well or create images in special editors. If you plan to print images, you will need to purchase printers and special printing paper ($500).

The sale of paintings can take place either through a personal website or through social media. network, and when organizing personal exhibitions.

Selling boiled corn

What business to start with minimal investment and quick profit? Trading boiled corn is a fast-paying business. It is enough to place several points selling corn in crowded places to increase profitability.

It’s easy to open such a business, however, you will need to purchase technically equipped carts in which you can cook corn (about $600).

Feed production

It is better to open your own business with minimal investment in a field that will always be in demand. Feed production is a profitable business in which equipment is purchased, and a technologist and other employees are hired.

Feed production will be especially in demand in the suburbs or in places where there are many households. As practice has shown, business ideas with small investments in the field of mini feed production pay off within a year.

Dresses and suits for rent

Renting suits and dresses are ideal business ideas for beginners with minimal investment, because there is no need to understand technological nuances.

Proms, school events, and corporate events require suits, which are often rented. Wedding dresses are rented, which is the most profitable part of launching a startup. During the holidays, profits can reach unprecedented heights.

On New Year's or Halloween, a huge number of people want to “rent” a beautiful costume. Dress rental is an ideal business for a girl with minimal investment, allowing you to receive passive income.

When implementing a business idea, you should purchase a fairly wide range of suits of different sizes and colors. approximate cost startup - about $3,000. The larger the assortment, the higher the profitability will be.

Private kindergarten

Private kindergartens are great home business ideas with minimal investment, because You can open a kindergarten at home.

To do this, you must obtain the appropriate permits and also go through the registration procedure.

The main requirement for placement kindergarten in a private home is security. Therefore, inside and outside the house is equipped in such a way that children’s stay in the room is as safe as possible.

The queues for kindergartens are always long, so opening such an institution is a quick return on business with minimal costs with maximum benefit.

Among other things, you will need to think about purchasing equipment for opening a private kindergarten - children's furniture, utensils for cooking, etc. To start the project you need about $2,200.

Home bakery

Baking at home can be a profitable startup. The implementation of this business idea from scratch with minimal investment can begin with the preparation of pies, buns and pies.

You can start a business without big money, since no equipment is required. If you plan to expand production, then the purchase of technical equipment is necessary (about 1600 thousand dollars).

Opening of courses

In the field of education, you can also find interesting ways to implement an idea for a small business from scratch with minimal investment. When opening your own courses, an important factor is the thematic focus of the classes.

Eg, language courses, as well as computer literacy courses and exam preparation courses will be especially popular. Cooking courses are also quite in demand. A particularly popular area is courses for training IT specialists. You can open courses by renting premises for about $1,400.

On the Internet, you can easily implement your small business options in the field of training with minimal investment. Classes can be conducted either in a rented room or online.

The last option is the most preferable, since in this case there is no need to spend money on renting premises, and the search for students is not limited to a specific city.

You can create your own website, representing training services in a particular area. You can also create a training complex that will be sold at a certain price.

Things and furniture made of wood

Opening a business with minimal investment to produce things or furniture made of wood is possible provided that the entrepreneur has equipment, skills and imagination.

It is necessary to start producing products that would be different from competitors' products. A small business with a small investment can start by creating miniature crafts made of wood - boxes, combs, wooden jewelry, etc. However, you can start creating unique designer furniture or specialize in making beautiful wooden stairs.

Wood– an environmentally friendly material that has not lost its relevance, so there will always be a demand for wood products. Starting a business will cost approximately $800.

Production of souvenirs

Production and sale of souvenirs – popular business ideas without large investments for a city in which tourism is well developed.

Souvenir products are most popular among tourists who want to purchase some item that reminds them of visiting a city or country. Therefore, the production business is most in demand souvenir products will be in cities where tourism is established.

Souvenir products are varied in their range - from the production of calendars to the production of flags. To implement such a business idea, the entrepreneur will need to purchase equipment - printers, material for souvenirs, etc. The total cost of the startup is about $1,800.

The demand for souvenirs depends on how interesting and varied the assortment presented will be. To open this business with minimal investment you will need a garage (rent) and the necessary inexpensive equipment (machines) from China.

Handmade dolls

What kind of business can you open with minimal investment if you are interested in the field of art? Handmade dolls are a unique collectible item. The products of famous artists are in great demand, and the cost of a beautifully made doll starts from several hundred dollars.

You can sell products both via the Internet and at special exhibitions and fairs attended by potential buyers.

When making handmade dolls, the master is not primarily focused on creating toys for children. The master's task is to create a unique item, which over time will take its place in the collection.

In this case, creating dolls and selling them are unique business ideas from scratch and with minimal investments, which require professionalism and the development of an author's style from the master.

Creating handmade dolls is a labor-intensive process in which the master must have certain skills. Any mistake can be critical, so making a doll can take from several weeks to a month.

Usually, This type of business does not require special investments, since craftsmen often make do with improvised means as tools. The cost of launching a startup will be about 2,000 thousand dollars (a little more than 100 thousand rubles).


Often entrepreneurs, not knowing what business to start without large investments, stop at production. However, providing services is an excellent business with low investments, in which you do not need to buy expensive equipment or pay rent.

Cleaning services are more relevant today than ever, since cleaners are invited to both private homes and offices.

No special investment required, since it is enough to hire a qualified team of cleaners, providing them detergents, brushes and rags.

Dry cleaning

Almost all small business ideas with minimal investment are focused on the everyday needs of society. Opening a dry cleaner is one such project.

Eg, in order to open a dry cleaner and start a business with minimal investment you will need about $4,000. Not exactly a small investment, but this business brings in stable good money.

Raising purebred animals

Not knowing what kind of business they can start with minimal investment in their spare time, entrepreneurs are looking for options that combine profitability with fun. Breeding purebred animals is exactly such a case.

One purebred kitten or puppy can cost up to several thousand dollars, and you can build good capital from selling animals.

However, animals should be given a lot of attention– regular visits to the veterinarian, the best food, constant training. In addition, not the entire litter can be sold, since there are many criteria according to which the value of a kitten or puppy is calculated.

Each breed has its own criteria, so it is better to focus on breeding one specific breed, having a good understanding of the nuances of breeding and maintenance.

Creating such a business with minimal investment in a small town is just as profitable as in a metropolis, since people can come for purebred animals from anywhere in the world.

It is better to breed purebred animals on a spacious plot of a suburban house. An entrepreneur needs to be prepared for the fact that for breeding he will need to spend a lot of money on a purebred kitten or puppy, monitor them, look for partners for mating, etc. Launching a project will cost about 3,000 thousand dollars.

Gift shop

Creating a gift store means organizing your business with minimal investment in such a way that the gift assortment is in demand among a wide range of people.

Such a store should present an assortment of goods that would be nice to receive as a gift to people of all ages and hobbies. In order for ideas for a small business to quickly pay off with minimal investment, you need to carefully consider the assortment of the gift store, since its payback directly depends on this.

The store can be located either in rented premises or create on the Internet. The approximate cost of launching such an Internet project is $600.


If you are deciding what kind of business you can start without large investments, then you can follow Western trends, which after some time will become popular in domestic entrepreneurship. Opening an anti-cafe falls precisely into this category of small business idea with small investments.

Anticafe is establishments that charge not for food, but for the time spent. The essence of opening such establishments is to organize quality leisure time, as well as to provide a platform for holding various events.

Implementation of an idea for starting a business with minimal investment involves focusing on desires potential clients. For example, anti-cafes are more often visited by freelancers, aspiring entrepreneurs and students, for whom it is of great importance:

  1. comfortable environment;
  2. the opportunity to have quality and interesting leisure time;
  3. the opportunity to make interesting contacts;
  4. free wifi.

To open your own anti-cafe you will need about 2-3 thousand dollars (the premises are rented).

Web design

Profitable business ideas without large investments can arise as new stage in professional development. The opening of a web design agency is the best example of this, since most often such an enterprise is organized by a professional who has reached unprecedented heights in his field.

A web designer is a professional who specializes in designing interfaces for applications and websites.

What kind of business can you start online with little investment?

Online business has certain advantages over other startups. Current business ideas with minimal investment on the Internet do not require renting premises or purchasing raw materials.

The Internet allows you not only to quickly find a job, but also to organize own enterprise, specializing in certain services. The implementation of a business idea with minimal investment in a small town is especially relevant, since Internet business is not limited locally.


In order to find new business ideas with minimal investment, you need to carefully monitor global business trends.

After the increase in the value of bitcoins, the cryptocurrency represents one of the most. Investment in cryptocurrency can start with a small amount ($200-400), which allows you to launch a profitable business with the least risk. There is an opportunity to get real income on international platforms.

contextual advertising

Making money on websites or a blog is a relatively new type of business with minimal investment that has just begun to gain popularity.

This type of business is suitable for owners of blogs or their own websites. When placing contextual advertising, the owner of the Internet site is entitled to certain percentages. Income depends on the “promotion” of the site, as well as on how many people visit it daily.

This is an interesting way passive income, and such a business usually brings in from 10,000 to 100,000 rubles (150-1800 dollars) per month. In general, there are no limits on contextual advertising. The more site traffic, the higher the income.

Tips and tricks for starting a business with minimal investment

Choose best option from business ideas necessary taking into account your own profession, skills, desires. When deciding which business to open with minimal investment, several factors should be taken into account:

  • Competition;
  • Demand;
  • Sales opportunity.

Even the most best ideas for small businesses without large investments and on favorable terms cannot be implemented if the products are not in demand in a particular region.

First, it is necessary to monitor the market and determine what goods or services the consumer needs. Even before starting a business, you should determine how the goods will be sold.

An important factor, affecting the success of a business project is the presence of competitors in the market. At the stage of developing a business idea, you need to understand whether your project can withstand the competition and what advantages your business will have over competing enterprises.

To open profitable business With minimal investment you need to create a good business plan.

In principle, business plans for small businesses with minimal investments are no different from creating similar documents for medium and large businesses. The document specifies a list of necessary organizational and production issues, and also calculates the amount of costs and possible income of the enterprise.

It is better to make calculations in dollars or euros, since the ruble is unstable and has been falling recently.