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Destructive behavior of police officers. Study of deviant forms of behavior of employees of internal affairs bodies

4. Organizational. They include the distribution of rights and duties, as well as responsibilities between participants in official and disciplinary relations, the establishment of incentives and punishments, and motivation for official activities.

Ensuring and maintaining official discipline means stopping its violations, preventing them, taking measures to eliminate the causes that give rise to them, punishing those responsible, creating an atmosphere of inevitability of responsibility, and educating employees of internal affairs bodies in the spirit of strict adherence to the law. A major role in ensuring official discipline is played by norms regulating duties and rights. officials, as well as monitoring and verification of execution.

§ 2. Psychological components

disciplinary offense

The basis for disciplinary liability of police officers is a disciplinary offense, which is one of the types of offenses.

A disciplinary offense is understood as a guilty unlawful act (action or inaction), expressed in failure or improper performance by an employee of internal affairs bodies of official duties or in violation of prohibitions during their performance or general requirements requirements for official discipline, and causing harm to the activities of internal affairs bodies.

The employee’s psychological attitude towards the offense being committed constitutes the subjective side of the disciplinary offense. It is characterized by a specific form guilt, motive and purpose .

As in other types of responsibility, guilt expresses the psychological attitude of a person to the unlawful action (inaction) he commits and the result caused by it. Guilt lies in the fact that the person foresees or should have foreseen the harmful consequences of his act and desires their occurrence or is indifferent to their occurrence. There are two aspects to the concept of “guilt”: intellectual and volitional.

The intellectual aspect characterizes a person’s attitude to his behavior from the point of view of his awareness of the wrongfulness of the act and the anticipation of a harmful result, the volitional aspect - from the point of view of desire or indifference to the occurrence of illegal consequences.

Depending on the combination of intellectual and volitional aspects, the following forms of guilt are distinguished: intent (direct or indirect) and negligence (frivolity or negligence).

Failure to perform certain duties by an employee may be the result of either an inattentive, careless attitude to these duties, or a lack of skills or certain knowledge.

An offense is recognized as committed with direct intent if the employee was aware of the socially dangerous nature of his action or inaction, foresaw its harmful consequences and desired their occurrence.

When committing an offense with indirect intent, the employee also realizes the socially dangerous nature of his action or inaction, foresees the onset of harmful consequences, and although he does not want to, he consciously allows them to occur.

Most violations of official discipline, the rule of law and crimes are committed by police officers with direct or indirect intent. Thus, violation of the deadlines for consideration of citizens' statements about crimes committed, unjustified writing off of materials in the case without permission in the procedure for considering criminal cases, official forgery and unfounded refusal to initiate a criminal case - all these illegal actions are veiled forms of concealing crimes from registration and can only be committed intentionally.

Frivolity occurs in cases where a police officer does not foresee the possibility of socially dangerous consequences of his action or inaction, but frivolously expects to prevent them.

In case of negligence, a police officer does not foresee the possibility of socially dangerous consequences of his action or inaction, although he should and could have foreseen them. With negligence, the volitional side is completely absent, because, without foreseeing harmful consequences, it is impossible to talk about any relation to their occurrence. The intellectual aspect here is that the employee, subject to a prudent attitude towards his duties, could and should have foreseen the wrongfulness of his own misconduct.

Frivolity and negligence most often manifest themselves in road traffic accidents or unauthorized leaving of the place of duty. For the same reasons, as a rule, loss of service firearms, service identification, and careless shooting occur.

The purpose of the offense is to represent the employee about desired result, which he strives to achieve by committing violations of official discipline. The goals can also be different: the goal of causing moral and physical harm to a citizen, the goal of illegally bringing a person to criminal or administrative liability, and the like.

The motive for the offense is internal psychological reason, causing the employee’s determination to commit a violation of official discipline. In their content and form of manifestation, they can be different: self-interest, revenge, jealousy, envy, hooligan motives, falsely understood interests of the service and others.

When analyzing a disciplinary offense, it is necessary to take into account the psychological components, since the absence of at least one of the above components in the offense indicates the absence of a disciplinary offense in the actions of the police officer and excludes any liability.

Chapter II . Personality characteristics and behavioral manifestations of violators of official discipline

§ 1. Deviant behavior of employees

as a reason for violations of official discipline

According to the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia, the number of violations of official discipline and the rule of law by employees of internal affairs bodies continues to remain at high level. In this regard, the organization of prevention of violations of official discipline and the rule of law among police officers prone to deviant behavior acquires particular importance and significance.

Deviant behavior - behavior that differs from norms or accepted standards in society and does not satisfy social expectations. In turn, social expectations are determined by the concepts of a person’s social status, his ethnic and cultural background, age, and gender.

In order to assess the types, forms and structure of deviant (deviant) behavior, it is necessary to imagine exactly what norms of society they can deviate from.

A norm is a phenomenon of group consciousness in the form of ideas shared by the group and the most frequent judgments of group members about the requirements for behavior, taking into account their social roles, creating optimal conditions being, with which these norms interact and, reflecting, form it. There are legal, moral, aesthetic norms.

Deviant behavior is considered to be one in which deviations from at least one of the social norms are observed. Deviant human behavior can be defined as a system of actions or individual actions that contradict accepted norms in society and manifest themselves in the form of an imbalance of mental processes, maladaptation, disruption of the process of self-actualization, or in the form of evasion of moral and aesthetic control over behavior.

A person's character traits directly influence his behavior. In modern psychological research three characteristics are named that make up the content of the concept “people with deviant behavior”.

1. Deviation from the norm of behavior.

2. Behavior is not easily corrected or corrected.

3. The need for an individual approach to employees on the part of managers and the team.

1.1. The influence of individual personality characteristics

police officers on the tendency to commit violations

official discipline

Among law enforcement officers who have a low level of professional performance and are prone to disciplinary violations, the following psychological types can most likely be distinguished: passive dependent , impulsive-aggressive, rigid-paranoid And hyperthymic personality.

Passive-dependent individuals are inhibited, with reduced activity. They are characterized by a passive personal position, a tendency to constantly think, inertia in decision making, skepticism, self-doubt, conformity, and the desire to follow prescriptions and instructions in everything. The main features of this type are chronic anxiety, fearfulness, extreme indecisiveness and a tendency to doubt. Possible failures and danger, which sometimes exist only in their imagination, frighten them more than what is happening in reality. Increased anxiety is combined with complete disbelief in one’s capabilities, the fear that at the right time one will not have enough strength to cope with life’s difficulties. People of this type always doubt everything. They endure any changes and disruptions to the usual pattern of life with difficulty. As a defense against constant anxiety and painful doubts, they develop pedantry, excessive punctuality and petty accuracy. Fearing for the future, they try to foresee and anticipate everything in advance, come up with special rules and instructions, the implementation of which should prevent any surprises. It is recommended not to appoint such persons to positions associated with constant neuropsychic stress, conditions of confrontation, great responsibility, the need for quick decision-making, and flexibility of behavior. Correction of the behavior of such employees should be related to the focus of measures on increasing self-esteem and self-confidence. It is necessary to strive to reduce the hypertrophied sense of responsibility, to explain that “he who does nothing is not mistaken”, to cultivate strong-willed qualities: courage, perseverance, determination, purposefulness.

Ermakova Alina Leonidovna, 3rd year cadet of the Faculty of Investigator Training, Oryol Law Institute of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia named after V.V. Lukyanova, Orel [email protected]

Scientific supervisor: Olga Alekseevna Maltseva, candidate of pedagogical sciences, police lieutenant colonel, deputy head of the department of special training, Oryol Law Institute of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia named after V.V. Lukyanova, Orel [email protected]

Deviant behavior and types of its manifestations among cadets and students of educational institutions of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia as an object of socio-psychological analysis

Annotation. The article is devoted to current issues of deviant behavior in the cadet environment and the factors influencing its occurrence. The authors also suggest ways to resolve and prevent destructive behavior among police officers. Key words: deviant behavior, educational institutions of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, socialization of the individual, destructive factor.

Deviant behavior has recently become actual problem everyone social sciences, in particular psychology. There are many approaches to studying the problem of deviant behavior, however, many questions remain open today. Considering the insufficient development of the topic, it seems necessary to clarify the concept of “deviant behavior” in the field of law enforcement agencies. Deviation (Latin deviation, deot + via road) is understood as a deviation from certain norms, standards, prescribed rules. A number of departmental studies within the framework of the analyzed study were carried out by A.V. Budanov, A.I. Gurov, M.I. Maryin, A. I. Papkin, V. M. Pozdnyakov, A. R. Ratinov, E. G. Samovichev, A. M. Stolyarenko, A. D. Safronov, N. S. Fomin, A. V. Ustyuzhanin, G. S. Chovdyrova, etc. For internal affairs bodies, according to M. I. Maryin, deviant behavior is a set of actions that do not correspond to officially established or actually formed norms and expectations in a given society and lead the offender to isolation, treatment, correction or punishment . The main types of deviant behavior, in his opinion, are crime, alcoholism, drug addiction, and suicide. It is difficult to agree with such a categorization of types of deviant behavior, since then violations of discipline and the rule of law, not criminal actions, that is, a whole complex of offenses, are removed from the composition of such behavior and do not belong to deviant, and sometimes pre-criminal, behavior. Therefore, in our opinion, his idea is more correct that very often the types of deviant behavior are so interconnected that the prerequisites for the negative behavior of any employee turn out to be much deeper than we might initially expect. According to the strength of social deviations, deviant behavior can take the form of: a moral transgression; disciplinary offense; non-criminal tort. Analysis of statistical information based on the results of 6 months of 2013 showed that, despite the decisions taken by the leadership of the Ministry of Internal Affairs Russian Federation measures to prevent and prevent violations of discipline and the rule of law among personnel, employees continue to commit crimes that cause irreparable damage to the authority of internal affairs bodies. Thus, there are violations of discipline associated with alcohol abuse. The increase is alarming, despite the wide range of preventive measures being taken. Graduate attrition rate remains high educational institutions Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia in the first year of service in territorial bodies. According to statistics, already at the training stage, every fifth cadet is expelled or subject to strict disciplinary action every year. The main reasons for deduction are gross violations disciplines, expressed in the abuse of alcoholic beverages, violations of traffic discipline rules, unauthorized leaving the location of the institute, which entails all the ensuing negative consequences. Improving the personnel composition of internal affairs bodies is one of the priority tasks currently facing the central apparatus and the relevant ministries and departments of internal affairs in the constituent entities of the Federation. A special role among all social subsystems is occupied by the family as the most important institution of primary socialization of the individual. The modern family, as an open system, is subject to many external influences, which can influence both positively and negatively. In order to establish the nature of the family’s impact (positive or negative) on the individual, in relation to whom the formation of negative attitudes and different kinds deviations, it is necessary: ​​1) to identify the position of the individual in the structure of intrafamily communication and his attitude to the position occupied; 2) analyze his involvement in interpersonal conflicts with any of the family members, the depth and persistence of these conflicts and their consequences for the individual; 3) determine the stage of family development and the presence in the family of destructive moments that destroy the family communication system; 4) find out the communicative attitudes of family members, the family’s belonging to certain socio-psychological types and take into account innovations that have occurred in the family recently and their possible role in the emergence of a risk situation. “Problem” families include families whose members lead an antisocial lifestyle. The risk of deviant behavior is great, first of all, for these individuals themselves, who create constant “problems” for the family, but it also exists for other family members involved in solving numerous specific “problems”. Alcoholism, drug addiction, a superficial attitude towards fulfilling one’s responsibilities towards the family, selfish motives for choosing behavior, chronic mental illness, a predisposition to gambling and risky situations are factors that maladapt not only the person who abuses alcohol, but also have a significant negative impact on other family members, creating difficult conditions for their existence and the implementation of life plans. According to I. F. Dementieva, families with an asocial orientation (alcohol, drug addicts, criminogenic) should be subject to moral pressure through negatively directed public opinion, as well as through forceful persuasion through the legal institutions of society. Families with socially determined problems, on the contrary, need state support and help. Resources of the social environment include extra-family connections with relatives, neighbors, work colleagues, etc., which are capable of creating a psychological atmosphere of belonging and support for the family (or its individual member). The system of preventive work is a combination social practices, which contribute to the expansion of the family’s adaptive resources, the restoration of the physical and mental strength of family members, as well as the preservation and sustainability of the family as a special social group. An important task social prevention is the timely identification of problem families, whose members have a tendency to many forms of deviation. In almost all analyzed psychological and pedagogical theories and approaches, one of the most important is the problem of the formation and development of adequate motivation of students, the resolution of which is an important condition for the effectiveness of teaching. They identify a number of pedagogical and psychological conditions that influence the development of educational motivation as a stable characteristic educational activities and the personality of the student. Specifics of training in educational institutions The Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia is based on an activity-based approach, namely candidates for training who have successfully completed entrance tests automatically become employees of internal affairs bodies. IN Federal law©On service in internal affairs bodiesª it is stated that enrollment in educational organization higher education federal executive body in the field of internal affairs for full-time training as a cadet, student is admission to service in the internal affairs bodies. The variety of forms of deviant manifestations is based on the deterioration of the socio-demographic, socio-psychological, socio-economic and socio-cultural components of human potential. The current situation allows us to identify two groups of factors among the main factors in the production of deviant behavior in modern Russian society: 1) socio-psychological and 2) socio-pedagogical. Socio-psychological factors are primarily associated with a person’s internal well-being, which is influenced by the economic, political, legal, and spiritual-moral situation in society. Socio-pedagogical factors are associated with the upbringing and education of the individual in the process of his socialization. Highlighting the economic factor in the formation of deviant manifestations in our society, the leading domestic scientific social scientist T.I. Zaslavskaya thus defined the main results of Russian reforms: ©...the commanding heights of the economy are monopolized by giant parastatal corporations pursuing their own selfish interests, and small and medium business fell into economic and legal clutches and did not receive the expected development. Accordingly, a new type of owner interested in the effective development of production has not declared itself. Mass workers found themselves even more alienated from the property they created and without rights than in Soviet times... The most acute economic contradictions leading to a deepening cultural split exist between capitals and provinces, cities and villages, regions of economic growth and economic deprivationª. Differentiation and sharp polarization of incomes of the population led to significant scales of social stratification of society. The decline in living standards and polarization by the social structure create conditions for the growth of social tension, the marginalization of part of the population, and the spread of social deviations (drug addiction, alcoholism, prostitution, crime). This situation did not spare employees either. budgetary sphere, which includes service in law enforcement agencies. The “stick system” continues to take place in official activities, provoking corrupt motives for the behavior of employees. Abuse of official position to resolve personal issues continues to occur. There are frequent cases of alcohol consumption in service time causing inappropriate actions leading to traffic accidents, administrative and criminal offenses. The political and legal factor in the formation of various forms of deviation is associated simultaneously with the imperfection and non-implementation of the current legislation and with the lack of a developed system of legal and social protection, and the low level of legal and political culture. As a result, an acute contradiction arises between formal and real individual rights. At the same time, almost half (43%) of police officers serve in practical units in conditions that do not meet sanitary standards. In addition, according to the Ministry of Labor and social development Russian Federation, Russia occupies one of the first places in the world in terms of fatal occupational injuries, and service in the military sphere and law enforcement system is even more exposed to risk and is associated with extreme situations. The low authority of the internal affairs bodies among the population is also of no small importance. Yes, the results sociological research conducted in different regions, indicate that Russian citizens do not evaluate the results of their appeal to legal institutions entirely positively:  27.6% appeal to law enforcement and legal authorities for help was generally successful, although not without bureaucratic red tape;  22.5% of the appeal was successful;  17.1% the problem was generally resolved, but not as desired;  10.9% the problem could not be resolved due to imperfections of the law;  8.8% the problem could not be resolved due to bureaucratic red tape;  5.4% the problem could not be resolved for objective reasons;  7.7% the problem could not be resolved due to the incompetence of the legal and law enforcement agencies to which they turned for help. Most often with respondents encountered difficulties in the district court (12.4%), the police (13.4%), and the notary office (4.6%). Partial compliance or inconsistency in the legislation means either the incapacity of the law, or the presence of loopholes for scholastic speculation when applying to law enforcement agencies and the court. The population's answers to the question “Do Russian citizens have real opportunities to protect their rights and freedoms in the event of their violation?” were distributed as follows: yes, completely 0%, yes, partially 44% of respondents, practically none 54%, found it difficult to answer 2% of respondents. In the research of F. E. Sheregi (2001), when asked whether Russia can be considered a legal state, the absolute majority of Russians answered that no, more than 80% of citizens recognize inferiority legal relations in the country. Doubts about the high regulatory role of law in the life of Russian society were expressed by all generations, representatives of all social groups, regardless of the level of education. In studies by sociologists V. I. Chuprov and Yu. A. Zubkov, 56% of young Russians surveyed pointed to low level its legal protection by the norms of the Russian Constitution and existing laws. The feeling of powerlessness and insecurity creates a state of uncertainty and anxiety in people. Negative attitudes towards law enforcement, combined with a general distrust of authorities state power and alienation from the law, gives rise to patterns of behavior that are undesirable for both society and the state. The imperfection of legal mechanisms, corruption of law enforcement agencies, and politically biased media actually deprive citizens of real opportunities to protect their rights. It should also be noted that the expanding activities of various destructive organizations, including religious sects, which are often covered in the media. Of great concern is the fact that law enforcement agencies constantly fail when faced with the criminal nature of, for example, satanic sects. In Russia there is not a single law prohibiting the existence of destructive organizations, since the latter skillfully disguise themselves as religious associations permitted by law. Today there are also no methods according to which courts could qualify such crimes as “ritual”. The conclusion suggests itself that the alienation of people from their constitutional rights, the imperfection of the legal system, the penetration of political instability into all spheres of society’s life inevitably lead not only to a narrowing social base of the ongoing Russian reforms, but also to an increase in the level of social uncertainty, dependence or on the influence of chance, the emergence of various forms of deviant manifestations and criminal attacks. Another factor that is very important in the formation of antisocial behavior is the spiritual and moral factor. The ethical and aesthetic model of behavior has changed greatly, the relationship between the individual and society has deteriorated, the demographic situation has changed in a negative direction, the number of divorces has increased sharply, children are more often sent to boarding schools. In addition, the situation has worsened with a sharp increase in criminalization, alcoholism, drug addiction, and the spread of HIV-infected people. People stopped enjoying life and feeling its fullness; the values ​​of subcultures began to dominate over the traditional understanding of beauty and morality. As domestic researchers note, pessimistic sentiments are widespread among the masses, which manifest themselves in different groups not the same. The famous Russian sociologist Zh. T. Toshchenko, noting various paradoxes of social consciousness (and behavior), concludes that at present “there is an atrophy of moral requirements, replaced by criteria of rationality.” The sociologist rightly notes that ignoring the moral aspects of any social situation can destroy a living body like any social organization, and the whole societyª. The current socio-economic situation in Russia, in our opinion, is also dangerous because it leads to the fact that a significant part of young people, when choosing a profession, are guided by such motives as: the opportunity to enter and defer military service (for young men), find a job after graduation and receive good wages , acquire a certain social status. The study, which was based on the “Map of the study of the cadet’s personality and his social environment,” showed that the vast majority do not have clearly defined life plans and professional intentions. Only 18% of respondents have decided on their choice of profession and life goals, however, the level of activity in their implementation remains very low. 44% of respondents defined their plans for the future as uncertain, 25.5% have no life plans at all, 8.5% of teenagers are focused on antisocial norms of behavior and values. Considering the socio-pedagogical factors influencing the formation of deviant behavior in the younger generation, it is necessary to note the role of upbringing and education in the process of personal socialization. It is also well known that the family plays a huge role in the process of forming a system of spiritual and moral ideas of a person. As E.G. Zamolotskikh notes, the most common problems in relation to the family (as well as the school) are: a) parents’ indifference to their children’s education and reluctance to participate in school affairs; b) excessive preoccupation of parents with material concerns, leading to a reduction in time and attention to raising children; c) low level of trust and even negative attitude towards school education; d) low educational level of parents, a decrease in the cultural needs (in particular education) of them and their children. According to the observations of researchers, over 50% of adolescents 13-15 years old are almost completely alienated from the family, losing trust in their parents and showing a negative attitude towards any demands of their elders. The lack of positive traditions in the family (for example, respect and love for work, family holidays, etc.), humane ways to resolve intergenerational conflicts, emotional contacts with each other contributes to the familiarization of young people with the values ​​of “street” subcultures, which in turn often leads to deviant forms of behavior. Thus, all of the above structural-dynamic characteristics of value systems in asocial individuals who have committed offenses underlie the defectiveness of self-regulation mechanisms and a decrease in adaptive capabilities in these individuals. Disclosure of the patterns of influence of value orientations on the formation of internal motivation largely contributes to the determination of the mechanisms of social determination of behavior. The prospect of such a disclosure is to find qualitative and quantitative indicators of the interconnectedness of the value content of consciousness and the motivation of behavior, which can be used to anticipate its possible transformation into a real antisocial fact.

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The relevance of the study is due to the high social significance problems of deviant behavior, its importance for the activities of law enforcement agencies, interdisciplinary fragmentation and disintegration of approaches to the study of social deviations, inadequacy current state theory of deviance in the social situation, as well as the challenges facing legal psychology.

An analysis of departmental disciplinary statistics shows that in 2007, compared to 2006, the number of employees held accountable for violating the law increased by 9.0%, as well as by 1.8% for disciplinary violations. Of particular concern is the increase in those brought to justice for committing crimes in units for combating economic crimes (by 33.3%).

The purpose of the study was to find the most effective ways prevention of deviant forms of behavior of police officers.

The objects of the study were employees of the departments of the North-Western Department of Internal Affairs for Transport. 31 employees took part in the study. Of these, a “risk group” was identified, prone to manifestations of deviant behavior in the amount of 12 people, according to the results of the psychodiagnostic center.

The subject of the study was the individual psychological characteristics of the personality of employees of the North-Western Department of Internal Affairs, who are prone to violating discipline and the rule of law, as well as the prevention of deviant forms of behavior of employees of the North-Western Department of Internal Affairs.

The main hypothesis of the study: the absence in the methodological complex of employees of the psychological service of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia of a system of measures to prevent deviant behavior of police officers complicates the work of personnel and educational units in this direction, and therefore patterns of development of deviant behavior of police officers should be identified.

From the results of the study conducted using the methods of A. Bass and A. Darka, it was revealed that according to most indicators of aggressiveness, the “risk group” prevails over the control group. And only in terms of the indicators “indirect aggression” and “guilt” the difference was in favor of the control group. However, for the “wine” indicator, this difference is only 1.8%, which is not a statistically significant variable.

According to the results of the Psychological Defense Questionnaire (LSI), it is noted that in most indicators identifying the peculiarities of the functioning of psychological defense mechanisms, the “risk group” dominates over the control group. And only in terms of “reactivity” and “intellectual protection” the difference is in favor of the control group. However, according to these indicators, this difference is 1.5 and 2.3%, respectively, which are not statistically significant variables.

The results of the “Incomplete Sentences” test showed that most of them revealed a positive attitude towards the family, the opposite sex, and types of deviant behavior on the part of the control group. And only in terms of “attitudes towards the opposite sex” and “attitudes towards friends and acquaintances” the difference is in favor of the “risk group”. According to these indicators, this difference is 84 and 52%, respectively.

The correlation analysis carried out in control group and “risk group” showed that significant connections are observed in these groups for various factors and, consequently, in the implementation of preventive measures aimed at reducing the level of deviant behavior S-W employees UVDT, the data of the study must be taken into account.

The resulting factor analysis The data allowed us to conclude that employees included in the “risk group” and employees participating in the control group, in their social, professional, individual and personal priorities, generally rely on different life principles. It is advisable to take this provision of the study into account when implementing measures to prevent deviant behavior of law enforcement officers.

Analyzing the data obtained from the answers on the prevention of deviant behavior in the internal affairs department, we can conclude that in the two study groups, equally proportionately they believe that prevention is not carried out at the proper level in their departments.

The results of the study can be used to improve the psychological culture of law enforcement officers in the field social control deviant behavior, as well as for the purpose of preventing behavioral deviations in law enforcement agencies.

The relevance of the study is due to the high social significance of the problem of deviant behavior, its importance for the activities of law enforcement agencies, the interdisciplinary fragmentation and disintegration of approaches to the study of social deviations, the inadequacy of the current state of the theory of deviance in the social situation, as well as the tasks facing legal psychology.

The relationship between trust and legitimacy: A theory of procedural justice.

Trust and legitimacy are essential to maintaining the function of the police. Confidence comes from choosing to call the police in a given situation, in the way they read and understand the police actions, and in the consequences they draw from them. The perceived legitimacy of the police may also influence the public's willingness to obey or, again, the choice of the police as an institution capable of dealing with a given problem. By performing such actions, individuals are disinclined to act on the trust they place in the police and reproduce its legitimacy.

An analysis of departmental disciplinary statistics shows that in 2007, compared to 2006, the number of employees held accountable for violating the law increased by 9.0%, as well as by 1.8% for disciplinary violations. Of particular concern is the increase in those brought to justice for committing crimes in units for combating economic crimes (by 33.3%).

They engage in social control activities that bridge the gap between formal and informal mechanisms. Invoking social control means explicitly recognizing that the police have the right to intervene in certain types of situations; Police legitimacy is deeply tied to social production order.

As noted, trust and legitimacy are conceptually and empirically related. Trust can be the basis of legitimacy, and mistrust can fatally undermine legitimacy. On the other hand, the integration of individuals into legitimized power relations can provide them with value narratives that generate trust. In this regard, the theory of procedural justice developed by Tyler and his colleagues in the United States has had a fundamental influence on British researchers.

The purpose of the study was to find the most effective ways to prevent deviant forms of behavior among police officers.

The objects of the study were employees of the departments of the North-Western Department of Internal Affairs for Transport. 31 employees took part in the study. Of these, a “risk group” was identified, prone to manifestations of deviant behavior in the amount of 12 people, according to the results of the psychodiagnostic center.

This theory provides an empirically based and replicable set of propositions about the relationships among trust, legitimacy, cooperation, and obedience. The procedural justice model, ultimately concerned with people's acceptance of institutional authority, argues that in their interactions with the police, people report that the police behave fairly, correctly, and honorably, before any other consideration. and confirms that any positive experience of this kind increases the legitimacy of the police.

But this model goes beyond this simple observation. Its core idea is that through fair and proper treatment, institutions such as the police demonstrate to those under them that they belong to the same group as them and that they share the same values. In other words, by following the rules of procedural justice, the police tell people that they are "on the same side" as they are, but they also express through their actions the fact that both sides have the same systems of justice. values ​​and the same moral vision.

The subject of the study was the individual psychological characteristics of the personality of employees of the North-Western Department of Internal Affairs, who are prone to violating discipline and the rule of law, as well as the prevention of deviant forms of behavior of employees of the North-Western Department of Internal Affairs.

The main hypothesis of the study: the absence in the methodological complex of employees of the psychological service of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia of a system of measures to prevent deviant behavior of police officers complicates the work of personnel and educational units in this direction, and therefore patterns of development of deviant behavior of police officers should be identified.

This agreement between the individual and the institution generates both evidentiary trust and institutional legitimacy, which in turn encourages or activates certain socially positive roles and behaviors: cooperation, respect, and obedience. Using essentially American data, Tyler showed that public perceptions of police fairness have a greater impact on police legitimacy than on public perceptions of police effectiveness. Confidence in the police is less effective than relational confidence.

Procedural justice—fair and respectful treatment that is subject to rules and outcomes in transparent and understandable decisions—is more important to the public than achieving outcomes that are considered good or beneficial. In direct dealings with the police, the quality of treatment that is provided to people is of paramount importance. Assessments of the nature of this interaction are then empirically invested in the legitimacy that people recognize in the police. Tyler explains that police with increased legitimacy encourage normative obedience to the law and that this obedience is more economically viable and stable over time than instrumental obedience, which must be accompanied by the threat of punishment and, ultimately, the use of force, the social and fiscal cost of which becomes increasingly more unbearable.

From the results of the study conducted using the methods of A. Bass and A. Darka, it was revealed that according to most indicators of aggressiveness, the “risk group” prevails over the control group. And only in terms of the indicators “indirect aggression” and “guilt” the difference was in favor of the control group. However, for the “wine” indicator, this difference is only 1.8%, which is not a statistically significant variable.

Tyler focused on the interaction between police and the public and how police behavior enhances or weakens the legitimacy of an institution. But legitimacy also has other, more complex aspects. As Boepham has shown, people give legitimacy to institutions not only because they respect rules of good behavior, but also because they believe that the actions of these institutions are part of a certain normative and ethical framework. Thus, legitimacy is granted to the institution also on the basis of shared values, a “moral agreement.”

According to the results of the Psychological Defense Questionnaire (LSI), it is noted that in most indicators identifying the peculiarities of the functioning of psychological defense mechanisms, the “risk group” dominates over the control group. And only in terms of “reactivity” and “intellectual protection” the difference is in favor of the control group. However, according to these indicators, this difference is 1.5 and 2.3%, respectively, which are not statistically significant variables.

Institutional legitimacy is not only the result of factors such as procedural justice; it is also based on the feeling that the police share roughly the moral positions of the population. This feeling can be conveyed in many ways other than through direct contact with the police, such as through the media or even fictional stories that people associate with the real police. Of course, these views may also challenge the idea that police respect justice.

Police legitimacy and the co-production of public order.

Tyler's work on procedural justice in the United States and recent research in the United Kingdom and Australia have shown that people who trust police procedural justice also tend to attribute strong legitimacy to it. They are more likely to cooperate with the police. In fact, cooperation with the police can be seen as part of legitimacy. When people trust the reasons for the actions of an institution and its representatives, when they believe that the institution takes their interests seriously, they are on the same page with it and share its values, and are more likely to relate to it and help it.

The results of the “Incomplete Sentences” test showed that most of them revealed a positive attitude towards the family, the opposite sex, and types of deviant behavior on the part of the control group. And only in terms of “attitudes towards the opposite sex” and “attitudes towards friends and acquaintances” the difference is in favor of the “risk group”. According to these indicators, this difference is 84 and 52%, respectively.

In doing so, they confirm their role and attribute to him obligations that they expect to see fulfilled. They also assign themselves a role, which has its own rules and includes responsibilities. These roles and responsibilities serve to manifest and reproduce the power relations recognized as legitimate between the police and the public.

Conversely, if people are not convinced that the police take their interests seriously and believe that they are defending values ​​far from their own, perhaps because they or others are victims of unfair treatment by police officers, they may refuse contact with the police and refrain from assisting them. Their actions then create a completely different set of relationships and roles between the police and the people and delegitimize power relations.

The correlation analysis carried out in the control group and the “risk group” showed that significant connections are observed in these groups for various factors and, therefore, in the implementation of preventive measures aimed at reducing the level of deviant behavior of employees of the S-Z UVDT, the data of the study should be taken into account .

Procedural justice research also links fairness, police legitimacy, and obedience to the law. Essentially, the idea is that the legitimacy of the police and the public influence they exert can influence the public's perception of possible crime. To explore this aspect of things, one can look to the work of Erwin Goffman. Institutional contexts are an important aspect of the framework through which people perceive the world, and the nature of the structure influences what is perceived as possible or desirable and what is not.

The data obtained as a result of factor analysis allowed us to conclude that employees included in the “risk group” and employees participating in the control group generally rely on different life principles in their social, professional, individual and personal priorities. It is advisable to take this provision of the study into account when implementing measures to prevent deviant behavior of law enforcement officers.

Let's give one example. Suppose the police, as a key representative group, treat people fairly. This will not only increase its legitimacy. It will also increase people's awareness of roles in important relationships that can provide some satisfaction, such as the role of citizen, which involves reciprocal relationships with such government agencies like the police. While recalling this role, it is necessary to take into account the expectations that accompany it, it changes the framework through which people perceive possible acts of crime, and, on average, one might think that compliance with the law is one of these expectations.

Analyzing the data obtained from the answers on the prevention of deviant behavior in the internal affairs department, we can conclude that in the two study groups, equally proportionately they believe that prevention is not carried out at the proper level in their departments.

The results of the study can be used to improve the psychological culture of law enforcement officers, in the field of social control of deviant behavior, as well as for the prevention of behavioral deviations in law enforcement agencies.

The feeling that the law is legitimate is associated with this activation of the role of "good law-abiding citizen", implies the belief that it is morally right to obey the law, that laws are binding, whether one agrees with their moral content.

Collective identity and the position of minorities

Police communication of information about the status of those they serve plays a very important role in the formation and negotiation of social trust and legitimacy analyzed by Tyler. Shared group membership is a key mechanism of the procedural model of justice. In more in a broad sense, the comparison of values ​​may be at the center of both the trust of people in the police force and the legitimacy provided to the institution. Through their actions, the police “talk” to people about their place in society and the value for which they are valued.

Social deviation as a growing phenomenon of social life modern society requires not only close consideration of this problem by the scientific and psychological-pedagogical community of Russia, but also the serious participation of all government and public structures in preventive work to prevent deviant behavior of the population, including the younger generation of Russians. In this context, the internal affairs bodies of Russia (OVD), due to the functional specificity of their activities, act as an important and most effective subject in preventing and preventing deviant behavior among different segments of the population.

So much so that if this message supports the feeling that the police and the public are “on the same side,” trust based on deeds will develop and police legitimacy will be enhanced. On the other hand, if what is communicated to the police conveys the idea of ​​separate interests and a lack of common identity, trust will deteriorate and the legitimacy of the police will be undermined.

In this presentation we find the idea put forward by many sociologists of the issue that the British police are a symbol of the nation and a symbol of belonging. But in any multicultural society, some people and social groups may not feel they have a common identity with the police. They may have encountered opposition to the police or hold value systems that they perceive or perceive as the dominant culture to be incompatible with those represented by the police. Is procedural justice necessarily effective with people who may have different or even resistant police identities?

The activities of the Department of Internal Affairs as a state organization of executive power are strictly regulated by certain legal acts, the consideration of which may become the subject of other publications. In the context of this article, it is necessary to remember that the competencies, powers, functions, tasks and rights of the services and divisions of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia, their interaction and types of relationships with others government agencies, with public organizations and citizens are enshrined in regulations and are strictly regulated.

Is police legitimacy, cooperation and compliance based primarily on respect for the principles of procedural justice? If not, what does this mean? Another solution might be to benefit the instrumental considerations involved. But another possible conclusion would be to further insist on procedural justice with marginalized or excluded groups. Some believe that the importance of procedural justice increases as the social distance between personality and authority increases.

The functional purpose of each of the services, the structure and hierarchy of the ATS are legally established. Strict regulation of all spheres of life of such structures is a guarantor of compliance with the law and the basis for functioning.

One of the most important tasks facing the Department of Internal Affairs of Russia is the prevention and prevention of crimes. We admit that there is no unambiguous solution to existing problems in the prevention of various types of deviations.

Deviant behavior

The experience of preventive activities of internal affairs bodies has shown that only a comprehensive account of the interaction of objective and subjective factors that provoke deviant behavior, scientifically based prediction of life situations that contribute to deviant behavior, can give a positive preventive effect.

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Legal pedagogy has become the theoretical basis for the prevention of deviant behavior of the population by the internal affairs bodies. Its sections, such as criminological, criminal and preventive, study the prerequisites for deviant behavior from a pedagogical point of view. Their main goals are to identify pedagogical reasons that cause various deviations in behavior, provoke the commission of crimes, etc., as well as to develop and ensure scientific basis methods for preventing and eliminating these causes.

Criminological studies conducted by many authors convincingly prove that the main reason for the emergence of deviations in human behavior most often becomes psychological, social or pedagogical neglect of the individual, as well as the conditions that provoke such a state.

For example, a direct dependence of the deformed pedagogical properties of an individual on the choice of a criminal model of behavior by this individual has been revealed. There is a clear, consistent connection between the level of education and the likelihood of committing a crime.

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For example, statistical data showed that in the 90s of the XX century. in Russia, the level of education of minors who committed illegal acts was significantly lower than a decade earlier. Among the inmates of various types of children's correctional institutions, there were children who could neither write nor read, or who had only a primary education. According to youth surveys, only 12% of respondents are confident that higher education is necessary for success in life.

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The relationship between the level of education of an individual and his attitude to the norms of law, morality, ethics, etc. has been studied. The decline in the level of many moral positions in society triggered the mechanism of illegal behavior.

Behavior that was condemned in society just a few years ago is broadcast with delight and in many details in modern means mass information and communication. The lack of social rejection makes deviant or criminal behavior popular and desirable.

Unfortunately, legal nihilism and the feelings of anxiety and insecurity it generates create additional favorable conditions for the emergence of deviant behavior. Criminological pedagogy, by conducting pedagogical monitoring and examination of the criminal situation, makes it possible to discover new approaches to the prevention of deviant behavior on the part of internal affairs bodies. There is no doubt that many of the data from her research will be in demand not only by law enforcement specialists.

Legal pedagogy identifies circumstances that contribute to the emergence of deviant behavior. Among them, family relationships and conditions occupy a special place.

As these factors worsen, the likelihood of committing an offense increases. For example, deviant adolescents and children, as a rule, have the following family problems: strong authoritarian parental power, an exaggerated sense of love for the child, structural disturbances in the family, negative dynamics of family relationships, various types of physical or psychological violence.

The deviant or criminal lifestyle of family members is directly related to the deviant or criminal behavior of the child. There is also a connection between such characteristics of schoolchildren as poor academic performance, cockiness, increased excitability, and delinquency on the part of these children.

The situation is aggravated by the age characteristics of schoolchildren, when the reference group acts as a measure of behavior and a role model. In a group it is always easier to overcome the fear of violating norms of behavior or law, since the feeling of guilt, if it arises, is distributed among all members of the group.

Legal pedagogy identifies “actually pedagogical factors that have a criminalizing effect. Among them is the weakening of the system of out-of-school education and education in the community; lack of a system for educating and developing young specialists; pedagogical illiteracy of parents; valeological illiteracy of the majority of the population, insufficient valeological propaganda and agitation; decrease in professionalism and authority among the teaching staff of educational institutions, etc.

It is difficult to imagine that deviant or criminal behavior will ever disappear from society. But reducing their number and nature is a completely achievable task. ATS play an important role in its solution.

For the successful implementation of preventive activities by police officers, special pedagogical training is first of all necessary. Professional pedagogical training of police officers includes the development of special pedagogical skills of police officers. Such training does not end with obtaining a diploma of higher legal education; as a rule, it continues throughout the employee’s entire service life.

The main directions of internal affairs in the prevention of deviant behavior

Currently, there are several directions for solving the problems of preventing deviant behavior of citizens from the Department of Internal Affairs. One of them can be considered the information and educational direction.

The implementation of the preventive function of the Department of Internal Affairs in this area includes educating the population through the media and communications about the facts, factors and conditions that determine deviant behavior, the causes of violations of law and order, and the causes of criminal behavior. The interaction of the Department of Internal Affairs with the media and communications performs training and educational functions in the legal education of the population.

There is information that most of criminals know about the consequences of their actions and that many people who do not know about the consequences of criminal or administrative crimes still do not commit them. Probably, the main reason for deviant deviations is not knowledge or ignorance of the law.

Pedagogical and psychological lack of education of the population and, as a consequence, pedagogical neglect of children and adolescents are the main reasons for most cases of deviation. It would be good if the police department had the opportunity to provide pedagogical and psychological education to the population through the media and communications, since specialists from certain departments of the police department have sufficient education and practical experience that will allow them to carry out such preventive work.

The value of educational psychological and pedagogical work with the population through the media and communications lies in its mass character and general accessibility. Unfortunately, to increase the effectiveness of information and educational work, it is not enough to show initiative only on the part of the internal affairs bodies; it is necessary to increase the interest in this on the part of the media and communications.

The social and pedagogical direction of the activities of the internal affairs department as a subject of prevention of deviant behavior is carried out in two ways: through direct communicative interaction between an employee and a citizen through the system of legal educational work of the internal affairs department.

The system of legal educational activities of internal affairs bodies consists of many components, among which a significant place is occupied by organizational events. First of all, this is the interaction and cooperation of the internal affairs department with the authorities local government to address safety issues and victimological prevention.

Meetings with the population of responsible officials of the Department of Internal Affairs, promoting the formation of a positive image of police officers, performing the function of legal education, providing the opportunity to “ feedback" Cooperation with public organizations, the media and communications to carry out agitation and propaganda work, formation of legal consciousness, including with the help of public assistants of the Department of Internal Affairs.

Cooperation with outstanding or popular cultural and pop culture figures in order to increase the level and prestige of police officers. Interaction with religious concessions in order to strengthen the moral foundations of the population and develop spirituality.

The system of legal educational activities of internal affairs bodies also includes components related to professional psychological and pedagogical training and retraining of personnel, educational work with young recruits to internal affairs bodies and cadets of educational institutions of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia.

Preventive individual work of police officers with the population is carried out while maintaining public order, solving and investigating crimes, providing legal advice in understanding and applying legal norms, involving citizens in providing assistance and assistance to police officers, etc.

So, for example, the investigator carries out preventive work during interaction with witnesses, victims, suspected accused, “explaining in an accessible form legal provisions laws, consequences of committed actions, false testimony, evidence; in this regard, carrying out certain psychological and pedagogical corrective influences.”

An operational police officer, when carrying out operational search activities, voluntarily or involuntarily, carries out preventive and legal educational work with the population by attracting them to cooperation and assistance, actively influencing the formation of the image of a police officer.

The activities of services and units whose official responsibilities include direct contact with minor children and adolescents deserve special attention. These include service employees state inspection on safety traffic(State Traffic Safety Inspectorate), local police officers, juvenile affairs inspectors.

For example, over the past two decades, traffic police inspectors have been able to revive and give new meaning to the movement, which is called “YuID” - young traffic inspectors. Thanks to the support and assistance of government and public organizations this movement became All-Russian. Almost every school in Russia has a UID club.

Departments of Internal Affairs in some regions of Russia, for example, in the Moscow region, developed this idea and began to organize and provide support to a movement called the Young Police Assistant. Children who participate in such associations not only learn the rules of the road, behavioral and legal norms themselves, but also participate in the propaganda, propaganda and preventive activities of the Department of Internal Affairs.

The work of juvenile affairs inspectors is based on close cooperation and contacts with state social services and school teaching staff. Providing legal, psychological and pedagogical assistance to parents and minors themselves is the basis for the prevention of crimes among children and minors.

Researchers of deviant behavior of minors note that crimes committed by this category of citizens in recent decades have openly selfish motives and are very aggressive in nature.

Teenage crime and deviance have become significantly “rejuvenated”. In some regions, mass fights between teenage groups, which are characterized by extremist manifestations, have become popular. Such deviations of children and adolescents as drunkenness, alcoholism, substance abuse, drug addiction, prostitution are becoming increasingly widespread.

The police department, like no one else, knows well the consequences of deviations on the part of children and adolescents, so prevention and suppression of them by all accessible ways is not only the immediate official duty of police officers, but also often the personal civil and moral duty of each employee.

Most often, the factors, conditions and reasons for the commission of crimes by minors are their homelessness, neglect, and pedagogical neglect. This means that observation, control, socio-pedagogical and psychological assistance to children with deviant deviations was either not carried out at all or was weakened by the family, immediate environment, school, government or public organizations. In a word, the child was “overboard” and is socializing and surviving as best he can.