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Electronic municipality. Electronic municipality: ways of information interaction between local governments and the population Conclusions and suggestions

The PenWin Software company presents the concept of automation of local governments " Electronic municipality" The document demonstrates the possibilities of using free software to solve problems effective management region and providing electronic services to the population. The concept of "Electronic municipality" is distributed under the terms of the license Creative Commons.

For the first time in Russian history, a document that can become decisive for the development of the IT infrastructure of cities and even entire regions, was developed by a domestic company and published for public use under a license Creative Commons Share Alike. This means that the PenWin Software company, following the principles of the free software it promotes, allows everyone to copy, distribute, make changes and transfer to others the concept of “Electronic Municipality”. With the obligatory condition of indicating your authorship.

“Electronic municipality” is a set of modern criteria, principles and technologies that make it possible to create a set of solutions for automating the work processes of local government bodies (LSGs). All e-municipal application systems must meet four main criteria: scalability, interoperability, mobility and user friendliness. Only with this approach will it be possible to integrate the region’s IT infrastructure into a single information space government controlled and establish an effective exchange of information “vertically”, between different levels of government structures, “horizontally”, between various departments and institutions of the same hierarchical level and “along the axis” of interterritorial interaction.

To solve this problem, it is proposed to use free software(Open software) and cloud technologies. Software systems, built on the basis of open source software, differ from their proprietary counterparts in their lower total cost of ownership due to the absence or low level of licensing payments. Open source software allows you to integrate both into existing systems and connect new ones. Due to open source code in free software, almost any changes at the request of the customer are possible. At the same time, SPO guarantees high degree information security, because Open source codes allow you to audit systems for errors and undocumented features.

The developers of the “Electronic municipality” concept presented several ready-made solutions based on open source software designed to ensure the provision of public services at the regional level and provide the state of affairs of a particular municipality in different information sections. These components include the following modules: “Web presence”, “Safe city”, “System for pre-registration and public service”, “Comprehensive automation of municipal activities”, etc.

The “Electronic Municipality” concept was developed to achieve the goals outlined in the socio-economic development strategy Russian Federation until 2020, declared in the Information Society program and recorded in the plan for the transition of federal executive authorities and federal budgetary institutions to use free software.

The formation of a strong institution of local self-government seems at this time to be a very important direction for our state. This strategically important direction contributes to the formation in the Russian Federation of a constitutionally enshrined decentralized, democratic system for managing the affairs of the state and society, and this phenomenon is the most optimal shape managing a significant number of the population in the vast expanses of our Motherland.

One of the main trends in the political, legal and socio-economic development of Russia today is the introduction modern technologies to the Institute of Public Power. System improvement state power is carried out through the formation of “electronic government” in Russia - the introduction of information and communication technologies in the activities of government bodies and officials. However, the main interaction between the state and citizens or business takes place at the local level, due to which the problem of introducing modern technologies into the institution of municipal government becomes relevant. The “electronic municipality” is intended to become an analogue of “electronic government” at the local level.

Information technologies are currently a catalyst not only for economic growth, but also for the development of all other spheres of society. The Government of the Russian Federation has set a high pace of implementation of measures to create infrastructure information society. Within state program RF “Information Society (2011 – 2020)”, approved by Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of April 15, 2014 No. 313, in order to increase implementation information technologies at the municipal level, the Ministry of Telecom and Mass Communications of Russia is entrusted with holding and developing the “Electronic Municipality” event.

At the legislative level, there is no definition of the term “electronic municipality”, however, by analogy with the definition of “electronic government”, and taking into account the provisions of Art. 1 of the Federal Law “On the General Principles of the Organization of Local Self-Government”, the following definition can be given: this is a new form of organizing the activities of municipal authorities, providing, through the widespread use of information and communication technologies, a qualitatively new level of efficiency and convenience in obtaining municipal and public services and information on the results of the activities of municipal bodies in resolving issues of local importance. Use of modern technologies in municipal government can provide municipalities with multiple opportunities, including: the formation of an infrastructure for the provision of services in in electronic format, replacing paper document management technology with electronic technology, improving the “staffing” of municipal authorities, as well as increasing the level of technological awareness and information culture of the population of municipalities.

The introduction of modern technologies into the institution of public power contributes to the establishment in Russia of the doctrine “ open state”, ensuring that citizens quickly and reliably receive information about management processes. By timely display on Internet portals up-to-date information on the functioning of the municipality, providing access to documents and affairs of local importance, publishing financial statements, ensuring control of the population of the municipality over the activities of municipal authorities and officials. Today, Federal Law No. 8-FZ dated 02/09/2009 “On ensuring access to information about the activities of state bodies and local self-government bodies” legislates the obligation of local government bodies to post information about their activities on the Internet by creating an official website or posting information on official website of the subject of the Russian Federation.

Providing the population with government and municipal services on issues of local importance is the function of municipalities. An element of the “electronic municipality” is the ability to provide municipal services to citizens and organizations electronically via the Internet. Today, municipalities provide services to the population using information and telecommunication technologies, including: a single portal of state and municipal services, a multifunctional center for the provision of state and municipal services, and a universal electronic card.

Similar to the Unified Portal of State and Municipal Services (“Gosuslugi”), which operates at the federal level, multifunctional centers for the provision of state and municipal services on the “one-stop shop” principle (MSF) operate at the local level. The population is given the opportunity to receive services related to social security, consulting services, receive archival certificates, and receive services related to changing the civil status of individuals and legal entities. Indicative in this regard is the experience of the leader of the ranking of countries in the world in terms of the level of development of e-government in 2014, compiled by the UN Public Administration Network - South Korea. The provision of state and municipal services in this country is carried out through mobile technologies and the development of appropriate mobile applications. One of the most popular mobile services provided at the municipal level is Seoul Traffic. Each of the 25 self-governing districts of the Seoul Special Status City sends daily status information to the company that maintains the application. traffic near.

Electronic municipality involves the introduction of “paperless” technologies into the activities of municipal bodies and officials, which are electronic systems document flow and workflow. Numerous appeals from citizens and organizations to municipal authorities generate a huge number of documents that require prompt systematization. Working with paper media turns out to be a labor-intensive task for officials, which reduces the quality and speed of providing the service itself. However, the organization of electronic document management requires not only the translation of documents into electronic format from paper media, but also the functioning of document routing, automatic tracking of current status, a full-text search system and archival structure. Only complex automation document flow will simplify the work with documents in municipalities.

Our society requires strict regulations for the handling of personal data in companies. Persons holding personal data, that is, organizations legal entities, commercial and non-profit organizations, individual entrepreneurs must take organizational and technical measures to protect this data. And the larger the volume of this personal data, the more protection measures must be in place.

Related to the problem of organizing electronic document management is the problem of unprepared personnel of local self-government bodies for operation information infrastructure. It is no coincidence that at the meeting of the Presidium of the State Council “On the implementation of the Strategy for the Development of the Information Society in the Russian Federation” in Petrozavodsk (2008), ex-President of Russia D.A. Medvedev (2008-2012) directly drew attention to the fact that “the inability to use information technology by state and municipal officials speaks not only of their backwardness, but also of incompetence.” The information and communication competence of municipal employees is directly related to the effectiveness of their performance of their official duties. The formation of “electronic municipalities” should be carried out simultaneously with the improvement of the “personnel composition” of municipalities, namely, increasing information and computer literacy and information culture in general.

The formation of “electronic municipalities” in the territories of municipalities will also increase the level of technological awareness of the population. Since it is at the local level that the main interaction between the state and society takes place, it is necessary to improve the information culture of the population from the lower – local level. The possibility of solving, with the help of Internet portals for the provision of municipal services, the most relevant everyday issues for everyone (such as education, healthcare, culture) will allow citizens to experience in practice the convenience of electronic forms of receiving services and gradually move to the use of public services provided at the regional and federal levels , via the Internet.

The public’s perception of a new form of organization of public administration – the “electronic state” – directly depends on how successful the process of introducing information interaction between the authorities and the population at the local level will be. The successful implementation in practice of the concept of “electronic municipality” will significantly facilitate the formation of the concept of “electronic government” at the federal level and the level of constituent entities of the Russian Federation. In the context of this problem, it seems appropriate to quote the President of the Russian Federation V.V. Putin: “I consider an effective structure of government impossible without capable local self-government.” The introduction of modern technologies into the activities of local self-government is the key to high-quality, effective and “capable” municipal government in particular and all public administration in general.

Local self-government in Russia is an integral part of the current state mechanism, which is why it allows the most competent combination of the rights and interests of citizens, as well as local, regional and national interests.


1 Federal Law of 02/09/2009 N 8-FZ (as amended on 03/09/2016) “On ensuring access to information on the activities of state bodies and local governments” [ Electronic resource]. URL: Official Internet portal of legal information, 03/09/2016. – Access mode: (access date: 03/21/2016)

2 Federal Law of October 6, 2003 N 131-FZ (as amended on February 15, 2016) “On the general principles of organizing local self-government in the Russian Federation” [Electronic resource]. URL: Official Internet portal of legal information, 02/15/2016. – Access mode: (access date: 03/21/2016)

3 Order of the Government of the Russian Federation of May 6, 2008 N 632-r On the Concept of the formation of electronic government in the Russian Federation until 2010 [Electronic resource]. URL: Official Internet portal of legal information, 05/06/2008. – Access mode: (access date: 03/21/2016)

4 Abdullina S.I., Aminov I.R. Forms of direct democracy in local government: problems of theory and practice // Issues of modern jurisprudence. Novosibirsk 2014. No. 37. P. 16-21.

5 Aminov I.R., Kravchenko R.V. On the question of the place of municipal law in the system of Russian law. // Fundamental and applied research in modern world. St. Petersburg 2014. Volume: 4. No. 8. - P. 102-105.

6 Gubaidullina E.R., Aminov I.R. On the problems of protecting personal data as the basis for protecting the right to integrity privacy// Theory and practice of modern legal science. Collection scientific works based on the results of the international scientific-practical conference. 2015. - pp. 35-37.

7 Mukhametkhanova E. R., Aminov I. R. Topical issues of the functioning of the electronic municipality // Eurasian Union of Scientists (ESU) No. 8 / 2014 part 10. - P.41-43.

8 Message to the Federal Assembly of the Russian Federation [Electronic resource]. URL: Official website of the President of Russia, 04/18/2002. – Access mode: (access date 03/28/2016)

9 Rating of countries in the world according to the level of development of e-government. Humanitarian encyclopedia [Electronic resource]. URL: Center for Humanitarian Technologies, 02/10/2015. – Access mode: (access date 03/21/2016)

10 Verbatim report on the meeting of the Presidium of the State Council “On the implementation of the Strategy for the Development of the Information Society in the Russian Federation” [Electronic resource]. URL: Official website of the President of Russia, 07.17.2008. – Access mode: (access date 03/28/2016)




Administration of the city of Tomsk, Russia [email protected]

The necessity of developing specialized information technologies and creating computer systems supporting the work of municipal employees (“electronic municipality”) as an integral part of the Russian “electronic government”.


One of the five “strategic vectors” designated by the President of the Russian Federation D.A. Medvedev’s goal for the near future is, in fact, the creation of a high-tech information society in Russia. The following are intended to achieve this target: the federal target program (FTP) “Electronic Russia” (2002) with the concept of “Electronic government”, which is updated and adjusted (2006, 2009), “Strategy for the development of the information society in the Russian Federation”, approved by the Presidential Decree RF (2008). In the near future, a larger-scale version of “Electronic Russia” - “Information Society” should appear, which, according to the plan, is supposed to cover all spheres of the country’s life.

The development program and strategy are under the constant control of the country's top leadership. The Council under the President of the Russian Federation for the Development of the Information Society was created and operates (2008). The very first meetings of this Council dealt with one of the most pressing topics - the progress of the implementation of “Electronic Government” (2009).

It is important to note that one of the main prerequisites for the formation of the “Electronic Municipality” subprogram is that about 80

% of interactions between government and citizens or businesses occur at the local level.

Let us introduce the following formulation of the concept of “electronic municipality”. “Electronic municipality” is an information and communication system of local governments that ensures the creation of conditions for making effective decisions on managing the municipality as an integral socio-economic system.

Let's consider the conceptual model of “electronic municipality” in the context of the substantive aspects of municipal service. By the content of the municipal service we will understand the execution of business operations in the workplace and the interaction of employees with each other and with the external environment in the process of the activities of local government bodies.

The main concern at all levels of management in terms of developing the information society of our country should be the “human factor”. It is no coincidence that at the meeting of the Presidium of the State Council “On the implementation of the Strategy for the Development of the Information Society in the Russian Federation” in Petrozavodsk (2008), President of Russia D.A. Medvedev directly drew attention to the fact that “the inability to use information technology by state and municipal officials speaks not only of their backwardness, but also of incompetence.” The remark is correct, but the problem also lies in the fact that with the transition to information technology, the service itself must be modernized. Without the counter-movement of the employee and information technology, the harmonization of their relations is impossible. The counter-movement is that the employee is sufficiently prepared to work in the conditions of informatization, and the information technologies themselves represent the necessary “user-friendly” tools. The developing human-machine system “employee - computer” should strive for an ideal that ensures the manifestation of an emergent effect in human activity. Experience shows this. The author of this work headed the first city management informatization service in 1982 and has been the head of municipal informatization for 17 years. During this period, some patterns of transition of municipal employees to information technology were noticed. They force us to look for a new approach to the maintenance of the municipal service itself.

So, the modernization of the service should take place in such a way that information technology becomes a natural tool for the official. We will reveal what needs to be done for this by considering the following questions:

1. The feasibility of identifying an “electronic municipality”.

2. Some features of the influence of the “human factor” on the process of management informatization.

3. Mission of the position of a municipal employee.

4. Decision maker (DM).

5. Automated workplace Decision maker (Workstation decision maker).

6. Municipal electronic services and administrative regulations.

7. Legal field of electronic municipality.


Currently, there is some ambiguity in the perception at the level of local governments and the population of the term, and indeed the concept of “electronic government”. As a rule, an association arises only with public administration, although, in theory, “electronic government” is intended to include local self-government. In our opinion, this fact needs to be explained, and the concept needs to be developed. The origins of the ambiguous interpretation of “electronic government” are as follows:

1. The term “electronic government” is borrowed and corresponds to the English E-Government. But the word government in English means all levels of government, from the highest state government to local self-government.

2. According to Art. 110 of the Constitution of the Russian Federation, the government is the highest federal executive agency state power.

3. In accordance with Ch. 3 of the Constitution, the subjects of the Russian Federation also have full state power on their territory, except for those powers that fall under the jurisdiction of the Russian Federation. Subjects of the Russian Federation have the right to create government bodies at their level.

4. But according to Art. 12 of the Constitution of the Russian Federation “local self-government bodies are not included in the system of government bodies.” Hence the term "government" has no legal status in characterizing municipal bodies.

5. And the most significant thing is that the content of the “electronic government” concept very limitedly represents the level of informatization of local government bodies. This fact seriously disorients municipalities and negatively affects the role that should be assigned to them in such an important matter - the formation of an “information society.”

In its completed form, “electronic government” involves the functioning of all levels (federal, regional and local) as unified system during their electronic interaction. But the above reasons for the ambiguous interpretation of terminology, the self-identification of local governments, elected officials of these bodies and municipal employees as non-governmental bodies and non-government employees interfere with the perception of the concept of “electronic government” with the extension of its action to municipal government. Therefore, the independent subprogram “Electronic municipality” has a right to exist. This will allow, firstly, to eliminate the ambiguity in the interpretation of terminology, secondly, to conceptually specify the “electronic” interaction of management levels, and thirdly, to highlight the current tasks of informatization of local self-government.

The argument in favor of the “electronic municipality” can be supported by the statement of Yu.A. Mikheev, colleague of Academician V.M. Glushkov - the founder of the creation in the 70s of the last century of the national automated control system (OGAS) of the USSR. IN

It is noted that “subjects of the Russian Federation, municipalities are typically networked socio-economic structures. From an information technology point of view management processes in these structures are based on the principles of parallelism, adaptation, and coherence. ...At the same time, there is always a need to preserve the integrity of the management of any populated territory.”

By “parallelism” we mean the simultaneous activities of dozens of state authorities and hundreds of local governments in the constituent entities of the Russian Federation. “Adaptation” in a mode close to real time requires constant exposure to many factors external environment. “Coherence” is characterized by the fact that if there is general rules interaction between state authorities and local self-government, the implementation of these rules is a phenomenon that occurs on the basis of the connectedness of parallel actions. In other words, maximum effect from the informatization of state and municipal administration will be obtained by creating a clear mechanism for interfacing and harmonizing information technologies at all levels of government.

The idea of ​​coherence once again confirms that the concept of “electronic municipality” has the right to exist, and its separation into an independent subprogram “Electronic government” future program“Information society” is an urgent need in the field of informatization of all levels of government in Russia.


We draw your attention to the fact that these patterns take place when technologies are integrated into traditionally functioning municipal structures. Postponing a detailed discussion of the emerging trends until subsequent publications, we present some statements with brief comments:

Statement 1. The integration of information technology into the management of an organization should begin with the informatization of already existing personnel functions.

The point is that the integration of information technology should not conflict with the current structure of the organization, with certain and established personnel procedures at each workplace. Otherwise, information technology will be “without an owner” responsible for its performance. Excuse: “I don’t have this in my job description.” Changing the instructions is a matter of the next steps.

Statement 2. Informatization is not able to significantly influence changes in the technology of an organization's activities without corresponding changes in all goal-setting systems.

This statement allows us to understand why informatization is sluggish in an organization whose higher management bodies, partners and consumers of information do not introduce information technologies at home. No external demand final product technologies and incentives for their implementation in the internal business process.

Statement 3. Priorities in the sequence of solving problems of informatization of organization management are established taking into account the level of readiness of each employee for innovation.

As in any new business, a positive example is important when introducing information technology. So, if a related division of the organization or a colleague at work began to use an automated workplace, then the competitiveness inherent in a person forces him to actively introduce innovations at home.

Statement 4. The longer the period of time that any information system is developed without making amendments to its original substantive formulation, the more the discrepancy between the ideas of the developer and the organization about the final results of the design increases.

Over time there are certain changes in the work of the organization. The period for creating information systems is often very long. If developers do not take into account the impact of ongoing changes on created product, then over time it will meet less and less the real conditions of the business process for which it was originally intended. Up to absolute unsuitability at the end of development.

Statement 5. The larger and more complex the organization that is the object of informatization, the more problems arise at the stages of implementing information systems of this object.

It would seem that the statement is obvious. But the trouble is that very often, despite all its obviousness, it is ignored by both developers and users of information technology in management. The reasons for this may be different.

Statement 6. The implementation of the principle of new tasks when informatizing the management of an organization causes reorganization processes in it.

The principle of new tasks V.M. Glushkova is one of the fundamental rules of management informatization. Its essence is that the information technologies being created must be “able” to solve those problems that could not be solved without their use, in the traditional “manual” way. In addition, it ensures a reduction in labor costs and a reduction in the number of personnel.


Informatization of management is directly related to the concept of the mission of local governments, municipal services, and each municipal employee in the context of the creation and use of information resources. First, for several decades now, scientists have been sounding the alarm that “the human resources for the extensive development of office work are close to exhaustion. Various signs of degradation begin to appear existing system organization of office activities" (Ershov, 1988). Secondly, he also cites data from the Reliance Insurance company that 25% of its human resources is spent on creating papers, 80% of which were never used until they were destroyed. Thirdly, as of the end of the 80s of the last century in the USA " specific gravity workers information sphere in state and local government bodies was 66%."

This was the case before the era of “universal” computerization of officials. How has the situation changed since then? Unfortunately, in our own country we are witnessing

the constant growth in the number of officials at all levels of management, despite the fact that now every employee potentially has an automated workstation (AWS), which can contain all the necessary databases (documents, diagrams, cartographic information, audio-video data, etc.). In order to competently manage the opportunities of the present time, changes must affect the quantitative and qualitative composition of officials. No typists are needed, no support staff are needed to collect information. In return, the ability to work with information from your workstation should appear. This is what should characterize officials. This cannot be achieved without fundamental changes in the very essence of the municipal service, including abandoning the narrow specialization of the official, which is the basis of job descriptions used since the industrial revolution of the 19th century. Despite the fact that we live in the era of the information society, the old job descriptions continue to apply. We will try to argue our point of view in favor of abandoning the existing anachronism.

One of the books on management issues declares the following position: “We no longer believe in a piece of paper called a “job description.” One cannot but agree with this formulation. Firstly, you can’t describe everything in the instructions, and secondly, they quickly become obsolete morally. Now changes are happening constantly, progress is proceeding at a rapid pace. For example, in the field of information technology, Moore's law applies, which states that power computing devices increases exponentially over a relatively short period of time (18-24 months).

Another opinion of the President of the Russian Academy of Public Administration V.K. Egorova: “Why is the official bad? The basic, fundamental reason is not in the officials themselves, but in the system in which they find themselves. Example. According to a survey by the sociological center of the Russian Academy of Public Administration, the absolute majority (80 percent exceeds this figure) of officials are normally oriented people: work for people, help citizens, respond to their troubles. But when you start asking the same people what they do at their jobs, many admit that in terms of business organization, job descriptions, and the work style of the managers they serve for, they mainly act in the interests of the boss and his team. And not the person who comes to them, and in relation to whom they must act as a service organization."

And further. One of the world's largest specialists in the field of systemology, control theory, and management, Russell L. Ackoff, wrote:

“Job instructions tend to limit a person's use of his capabilities rather than encourage him to do so. Descriptions of duties by others should be eliminated. Instead, the person needs to be shown his future place in the organization. People strive to live up to what is expected of them. If these expectations are low, so will their actions be.”

The above opinions confirm the message: the job description must be replaced by another tool that determines the meaning, actions and actions of the organization’s personnel, and in our case, municipal employees. The only question is: what can replace it? job description? This should be the mission of a municipal employee.

The mission of any organization is its social purpose, or more precisely, what society expects from this organization, and it expects, of course, the satisfaction of some of its needs.

The municipality is the focus of many, many diverse hopes, desires, and problems of residents. Hence, the mission of a municipality, and any one, regardless of geography and country, can be defined as providing for the population on the territory of the municipality the best conditions labor, everyday life, use of free time, participation in political and public life, satisfaction of material and spiritual needs, compliance with norms and rules of behavior for the formation of an image (style) of life that harmoniously combines the culture of society with the individual culture of a person.

According to specific local conditions, each municipality may declare its own specialized mission. In order to implement the general mission of the municipality, it is possible to formulate the missions of its individual body and, finally, the mission of each municipal employee, or more precisely, his position. And in accordance with the mission of the employee - to form a set of information systems, databases, electronic administrative regulations that ensure the feasibility of services, i.e. create a multifunctional automated employee workstation. Moreover, in those municipalities that have a common information space, thanks to the developed informatization of its bodies, a new quality of activity of each employee arises - responsibility at their workplace for their actions and decisions not only to senior managers, but, above all, to the population. The introduction of a mission for a municipal employee will create favorable conditions for the implementation of the principle of new tasks without permanent reorganization of the structure of municipal government bodies.


Let us pay attention to the statement of the famous Peter F. Drucker, which is significant in terms of the mission of the position of a municipal employee: “Every employee in modern organization is a “manager” if, by virtue of his position or knowledge, he is responsible for activities that directly affect the ability of the organization to function and achieve results. ... Such a person is obliged to make decisions...” That is, to be a decision maker.

The responsibility of the decision-maker in the conditions of an electronic municipality should be supported by the presence of extensive information knowledge bases and full-fledged tools that ensure the possibility of providing electronic municipal services, and the implementation of administrative regulations. If these components are contained in an employee’s automated workstation, then he does not need to receive instructions from his boss, request documents on “paper” and wait for their arrival. Everything you need for work is there. Moreover, as our experience in introducing automated workplaces in municipalities shows, if you start informatization with the most trained employee, the leader, then the rest try to “catch up” to his level, which is consistent with statements 2, 3 (see Section 2 of this work).

5. AUTOMATED WORKSTATION for decision makers (AWS for decision makers)

The automated workstation of a municipal employee (AWP) is the main element of interaction between municipal staff in a single information space. Without touching on the hardware, we will define what is meant by the composition and structure of information and software (IPO) of the automated workplace: this is a set of information systems, databases and other information resources (audio, video and printed) necessary for the performance of the position, access to which provided at a specific workplace. Let's present a model of the structure of the IPO AWP by groups of functions.

Group I. This group is determined by such functions of an individual employee, during which the input information is generated and brought to the final product directly on his workstation without transfer to other employees. Either the information material arrives at a specific workstation for final processing and is brought here to the final product or arrives in the form of the latter. An example of such a workplace could be an automated workplace in the “Department” information system capital construction» city administration. This is where contracts with developers are registered. At the same workplace, information is used without transfer to other workstations.

Group II. Contains information systems that ensure that all employees fulfill functional responsibilities, the lack of implementation of which entails the impossibility of performing certain operations and procedures by other employees, since they are not provided with the necessary information base for work. A clear example of such an automated workplace is the workplace of an employee of the protocol department, where the registration and publication of resolutions and orders of the city mayor is carried out. If the employee does not carry out the appropriate operations, then all administration personnel will not have the documents necessary in the performance of their functions.

Group III. Information systems of this group provide “related” functions for some employees. For example, in the “single window” there is an automated workplace “Requests”, through which the corresponding employee conducts operations to record and control applications from the population. At the associated workstation, the next employee performs operations on certain calculations based on requests. But during the vacation period of one of the employees, his functions are entrusted to the second, and the two specified workstations can be combined at one workplace. And in a small municipality, all operations are performed by one person on one workstation. That is, information systems of the third group must be able to “combine” or “absorb” the functions of interacting employees. At the same time, the IEP should include training programs that provide training in working with information systems of related functions.

Group IV. This group provides the entire infrastructure of the organization. It is designed to provide “friendly” communication in a human-computer system. It contains general resources of legal, reference, and documentation support for management. It can include training tools for advanced training, audio, video and printed materials that help expand your professional horizons. Can't be ignored psychological factors. Sometimes a person simply needs to take a break from monotonous work for a while in order to return to it again and find effective way solutions to the issues he is pondering. Here, as practice shows, one cannot do without specialized computer games. Of course, everything requires moderation and certain restrictions on the use of information resources. This is especially true for Internet resources.

The presented content model of the structure of the IPO of a municipal employee's automated workplace by groups of functions corresponds to the idea of ​​Russell L. Ackoff, who argued: “The effectiveness of a certain activity and the joy it brings depend on how well it combines work, learning, inspiration, and entertainment.”


Given the undeniable need to integrate municipal electronic services into a single information space of “electronic government,” let us draw attention to some differences between state and municipal electronic services. Firstly, the obvious difference stems from the composition of issues of local importance (Article 14-16 Chapter 3 of Federal Law No. 131-F3 “On the General Principles of the Organization of Local Self-Government in the Russian Federation”), the solution of which must be provided by local government bodies, and not state The provision of electronic services on issues of local importance is the prerogative of the municipality. Secondly, the interaction between municipality and government agencies can be interpreted as the provision of mutual information services between levels of government. Therefore, when we talk about “electronic municipality”, we must keep in mind that its functions include electronic interaction municipal bodies with the provision of information services to regional and federal structures, allowing them to solve problems of an interdepartmental and interlevel nature.

If a service is the result of legally and actually feasible actions by the service provider to satisfy the requests of the service consumer, then a municipal service is a service established on the basis of legal acts, provided by a municipal body as a service provider to citizens, businesses, government agencies. Electronic municipal service - submission in electronic form of a request for a service from a consumer, provision and delivery of services by a municipal body in electronic form.

The process of providing services is ensured by administrative regulations. Administrative regulations are a documented normative procedure for the execution of administrative procedures that determines the composition, sequence, and content of their constituent operations. Electronic administrative regulations- electronic representation of the documented procedure for the execution of administrative procedures. Electronic administrative regulations determine the composition of the information and software complex of a municipal employee's automated workplace.


The absence of significant programmatic elaborations of aspects of informatization of municipalities in the Federal Target Program “Electronic Russia” is explained by the fact that its first edition (2002) was created even before the adoption of the Federal

of the new Law No. 131-FZ “On the basic principles of organizing local self-government in the Russian Federation” in 2003. The Law identified issues of local importance, which municipal authorities are called upon to resolve and bear responsibility for. From here it became possible to prescribe in the program specific tasks assigned in terms of informatization to the lower level of management. Unfortunately, with further adjustments to the Electronic Russia program (2006, 2009), the definition of the role and place of municipalities in common cause informatization did not appear.

The reason for this situation is also that the powers of local governments to resolve issues of local importance (Article 17 of Federal Law No. 131-FZ) do not stipulate the obligation or possibility of creating municipal information and communication systems. This leads to the fact that informatization depends on the personality of the leadership of a particular local government body, which does not always contribute to achieving the goals of the Electronic Russia program that are common to all entities.

The main system-forming law regulating relations in the field of information and informatization is the Federal Law of July 27, 2006 No. 149-FZ “On Information, Information Technologies and Information Protection.” It replaced the Federal Law “On Information, Informatization and Information Protection,” which had been in force since 1995. In the new law, the developers abandoned such general key concepts, as “informatization” and “information resources” included in the previous one. According to I.L. Bachilo, “the removal of the term “informatization,” in particular, largely deprives the scope of the activities of the federal target program “Electronic Russia” from meaning. Now the concept of information resources is tied only to state information resources (Article 14), which means information contained in state information systems.” Article 12 of the new law determines that local governments, in accordance with their powers, participate in the development and implementation of targeted programs application of information technology. But, as already noted, the corresponding powers of local self-government are not spelled out in Law No. 131-FZ.

Let us limit our consideration of the laws to the two presented above. From their example it is already clear that the legislative framework municipal informatization requires improvement.


The presented consideration of some issues of modernization of municipal services in the conditions of the formation of the “information society”

stva" requires further development with the integration of the efforts of scientists and specialists in various fields of knowledge. But what is already available allows us to state that a systemic solution lies in the introduction of the institution of the mission of an official position with the definition of goals and objectives in the context of the formation of a model of an official of the 21st century, creating an atmosphere of harmony in the “man-computer” environment, striving for an ideal that ensures the generation of an emergent effect social activities municipal employee. This must be included in the concept of the “Electronic Municipality” subprogram of the “Information Society” program of Russia. It is possible that some thoughts expressed in the work are invariant with respect to service at any level. The author is also confident that the level of local self-government requires more attention from the state so that the introduction of information technologies in the activities of municipalities ensures its contribution to the common cause of the progressive development of our country. At the same time, it is important to remember that local governments belong to the classes of “large” and “complex” organizational systems in which the pattern according to Statement 5 operates (see Section 2 of this work).

To create organizational, legal, material and technical conditions and launch a new mechanism in the context of the use and development of information and communication technologies in the activities of local governments, it is necessary to implement the following:

1. Introduce an addition to the Federal Law of October 6, 2003 No. 131-FZ “On the basic principles of the organization of local self-government in the Russian Federation” by including in paragraph 1 of Art. 17 “Powers of local governments to resolve issues of local importance” the following subparagraph: “Creation of municipal information and communication systems that ensure the resolution of issues of local importance using computer technologies.”

2. To finalize the system-forming federal laws relating to information, informatization, information relations, clarifying the composition of the basic concepts and principles that define activities in this area, and the conditions for interaction between levels of management.

3. Introduce into the Federal Target Program “Electronic Russia”, and in the future edition - “Information Society”, a special and independent section “Electronic Municipality”, containing goals, objectives, resource provision informatization of local self-government in Russia.

4. As an experiment, introduce in several municipalities of Russia (provided that all employees have automated workplaces with the necessary information systems and databases to resolve issues

local significance) practical use the concepts of “mission of the body”, “mission of the unit”, “mission of the municipal employee”. To do this, it will be necessary to supplement the charter of the municipality, make changes to the regulations of the bodies ( structural divisions) local government, replace the job description of employees with the document “Workstation of a municipal employee.” It states the mission, goal, tasks of the employee and the required information resources to implement the tasks.


1. Mikheev Yu.A. Typification of regional IT solutions is not a panacea, but a reason... // PC WEEK. 2006. No. 16. pp. 42-43.

2. Kirienko V.E. Human factor of corporate information systems // Vestnik Vol. state un-ta. Ser. Mathematics. Cybernetics. Computer science. Tomsk, 2002. No. 275. pp. 133-138.

3. Strassman Paul A. Information in the age of electronics: (Problems of management): Trans. from English from abbr. / Scientific ed. and ed. preface B.Z. Milner. M.: Economics, 1987. 240 p.

4. Nordstrom Kjell A., Ridderstrale Jonas. Funky business. Capital dances to the tune of talent. Stockholm School of Economics in St. Petersburg, 2001.

5. Egorov V.K. 10 years without the right to train bureaucrats // Russian newspaper(Federal issue). 2004. June 4.

6. Ackoff Russell L. Management in the 21st century (Transformation of the corporation): Trans. from English Tomsk: Publishing house Tom. Univ., 2006. 418 p.

7. Ackoff Russell L., Addison Herbert J., Bibb Sally. Anti-laws of management: Trans. from English Tomsk: Publishing house Tom. Univ., 2008. 184 p.

8. Bachilo I.L. How to be new Federal law“About information, informatization and information protection?” // Information law. 2006. No. 1.

On April 11, 2008, one of the leading business publications of the Republic of Tatarstan, the newspaper “Time and Money” published an interview with Robert Talipov, director of the Municipal Administration “ Information Center city ​​of Nizhnekamsk". The interview is devoted to the “Electronic Municipality” system, implemented on the basis of the developments of the “Electronic Office Systems” company - the “DELO” electronic document management system and the “EDS and encryption” option.

This project was implemented by partners of the EOS company: State Institution “Information Center of Nizhnekamsk” and LLC NPF “InfoEngineering”. As part of the project, by 2006, a municipal electronic document management system of Nizhnekamsk was created, and in 2007, a municipal interdepartmental system for pre-registration preparation of documents for citizens “one window”, interfaced with the GIS of Nizhnekamsk. It should be especially noted that electronic signature was implemented in the system of pre-registration preparation of documents (collection of documents for registration of real estate transactions).

Below is the full text of the interview.

“Electronic municipality” will fight queues

Yuri Bortikov, ViD

Soon, the “Electronic Municipality” system will be launched in Nizhnekamsk - a kind of analogue of the republican “Electronic Government” system. The main initiator of its creation, the director of the municipal department “Information Center of the City of Nizhnekamsk”, tells the ViD correspondent about this system. Robert TALIPOV.

“Electronic municipality,” says Robert Kamilovich, means a new form of organizing the activities of local authorities, which will allow residents and numerous organizations of our city to reach a qualitatively new level of efficiency and convenience in receiving government and municipal services.

Is the problem a lack of awareness?

Yes, sure. Today, informing citizens about new laws and government decisions is passive, through the dissemination of such information in some media. At the same time, people do not always have the opportunity to familiarize themselves with these documents when they really need it. When contacting, for example, a passport office or BTI, they are first of all faced with the problem of finding information on the provision of services (forms, procedures for providing services, etc.) Following this, another problem arises - low availability of services, accompanied by many hours of standing in long queuing first at a government agency, then at a bank, to pay for these services. “Electronic municipality” will help eliminate all these problems by providing everyone with free access via the Internet to reference and regulatory information “seven days a week and twenty-four hours a day.”

As far as I know, work on the creation of an “Electronic Municipality” has been going on for several years now, and in many respects Nizhnekamsk is noticeably ahead of other cities and regions of the republic in this area?

Yes, if you consider that the official website ( has been in operation since 2002 and a new municipal one is under development informational portal(; a municipal order website was created (; in the final stage, the first stage of the municipal geographic information system is an automated system of land property cadastre. Since 2006, the Main Telephone system has been operating in Nizhnekamsk, receiving calls 24 hours a day. automatic mode voice requests from citizens, which are then processed and transmitted to the head of the municipality.

And most importantly, for the fourth year now, we have been successfully operating an electronic document management system, which today covers more than 40 jobs in the structure of municipal bodies and tracks the entire cycle of document processing, including letters and appeals from citizens.

Only in last year 25,748 documents were registered through the electronic document management system of the apparatus of the Councils and executive committees of the Nizhnekamsk municipal district and the city of Nizhnekamsk. As far as I know, in the municipalities of Tatarstan there is a full-fledged electronic document management implemented only in Kazan, Almetyevsk and Nizhnekamsk.

What problems does the solution require? further development electronic document management systems and “electronic municipality” in general?

First of all, the introduction of electronic digital signature, which is recognized by law as equal to a handwritten signature. This will ensure a gradual transition to completely paperless document flow, and in the near future will allow managers to view incoming mail and make resolutions while on the road, on a business trip - today this is already a reality: this is how many managers of the Tatneft company work. The management of the Kamskie Polyany village is also trying to work remotely.

Community centers (CMC) will soon begin operating in five pilot microdistricts of Nizhnekamsk, in which the population will have access to socially significant information: forms, procedures for processing various documents, obtaining certificates in the field of state municipal services, conditions for admission officials, To electronic map etc. The district leadership plans to install interactive information terminals in public places that perform the same function. This is also a step towards the development of the “Electronic Municipality”.

Today it is important that the municipal community, local authorities, and active citizens on the ground are included in the management, technological, and information processes that take place in the country. Development of the information society, information technologies and social networks leads to the emergence of new forms of political participation. Tools for working with new social and electoral groups - the creative class, new citizens and others - and creating content appropriate to these groups are increasingly in demand. Emerging electronic forms direct implementation of self-government by the population are consonant with the task of forming digital economy.

In his Address to the Federal Assembly on December 1, 2016, Vladimir Putin instructed to develop and approve the “Digital Economy” program by June 1 and launch a large-scale systemic program for the development of the economy of a new technological direction - the “digital economy.” On the fifth of July at a meeting of the Council for strategic development and priority projects, the head of state emphasized that the digital economy is not a separate industry, but, in fact, a way of life, a new basis for the development of the public administration system, business, social sphere, and compared the task of building a digital economy in terms of its scale with the task of electrifying the country in the twentieth century.

One of the institutions of the digital economy is state and municipal administration. At the local level, we have the right to call the system of relations in the field of municipal management the term “digital municipality”. We are faced with the task of forming the institution of a digital municipality. The components of this institute are: physical infrastructure (networks, data centers, etc.); control systems life cycle data; safety and risk management; spatial data infrastructure (geosensors, geostation network).

What characteristics does a digital municipality have? This is the provision of municipal services in a proactive mode (remote interaction with the state), in real time and on an extraterritorial basis; electronic document management; implementation of integrated digital platforms for managing municipal fuel and energy, water and transport resources; active involvement of residents in the management of municipal development.

As part of the policy strategic planning The implementation of the “smart municipality” concept is promising. The program for the development of the digital economy provides for the creation of “smart cities”. Digital technologies in municipal government will allow for prompt and reliable accounting of resources; will increase the reliability of generation and delivery of fuel and energy resources to consumers by using digital technologies monitoring, diagnostics and management; will increase the efficiency of traffic flow management and the use of municipal transport infrastructure; will increase the efficiency of transport and urban planning. An important aspect of creating