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World cafe scenario for educators. The World Cafe - facilitation method

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1 Alekseeva Natalia Viktorovna, teacher of history and culture of St. Petersburg, State Budgetary Educational Institution Secondary School 377, St. Petersburg FACILITATION TECHNOLOGY “WORLD CAFE”: POSSIBILITIES OF USE IN THE EDUCATIONAL PROCESS OF SECONDARY SCHOOL Nataliya V. Alekseeva, Teacher of History and Culture of Saint Petersburg, SBEI GES 377, Saint Petersburg POSSIBILITIES OF USING FACILITATION TECHNOLOGY “WORLD CAFE” IN EDUCATIONAL PROCESS OF GENERAL SCHOOL Facilitation (from the English “facilitate” to facilitate, help) is professional organization process of group work aimed at clarifying and achieving the group’s goals. The facilitation process leads to increased efficiency of group work, involvement and interest of participants, and the disclosure of their potential. This technology also helps to minimize common problems that people face one way or another when working together. Facilitation is a process that focuses on the following questions: What result (level) needs to be achieved? Who should be involved? What is the sequence of tasks performed by the group? How to organize effective communication? How to effectively use available resources? How to ensure a comfortable working environment for participants? As a result of effective facilitation, the group should:

2 significantly reduce the time for implementing solutions and improve their quality; increase responsibility for decisions made; improve relationships in the group; ensure personal satisfaction of participants with the results of the work performed; promote organizational learning. A facilitator is a person who facilitates successful group communication. The concept was introduced by the classic psychologist Carl Rogers. By ensuring that the meeting rules, procedures and regulations are followed, the facilitator allows group members to focus on its goals and content, and also helps the group understand the overall goal and maintains positive group dynamics to achieve this goal during the discussion, without defending any of the positions or sides Thus, it facilitates the communication process, making it comfortable for all participants. A teacher working in a facilitative style is often described as an orchestra conductor. There are various facilitation methods for working with groups from 2 to 2000 people (one of the criteria for choosing a method is the number of participants in the group). In developed foreign countries Technologies for working with large and small groups have been developed since the 1960s and have been widely used over the past several decades. The leaders here are North American and Australian psychologists (Marvin Weisbord, Ron Lippiti, Eva Schindler-Reinman, Eric Trist, Fred Emery and others). In Russia, facilitation technologies are still known only to a limited circle of practitioners. It was thanks to their enthusiasm and efforts that since the 2000s, following methods facilitation: “Open Space Technology”, “Search for the Future”, “Dynamic Facilitation”, “World Cafe”. Basically these technologies

3 are used in psychological and business trainings. At the same time, the “World (International) Cafe” technology can be successfully adapted to the educational process high school. What is she like? This is a technology for focused informal discussion that has been around since 1995. Its creators are David Isaacs and Juanita Brown from California. the main objective, in their opinion, to create the necessary atmosphere, and it is this atmosphere that will contribute to the creative growth and development of the participants. How is the process itself organized? For an effective discussion using the world café method, the group must have at least 7-14 people. Seating is the same as in regular coffee shops, three to four people per table, with one difference, one person takes on the role of “table host”, and the rest of the participants play the role of invited guests. To optimize the discussion process and record the results, there are paper tablecloths and multi-colored markers on each table; all ideas are captured in a convenient way - a diagram, a drawing, a thesis. After some time, the “guests” move to the next table, and the “host” remains in his place and tells the newly arrived guests about the essence of the issue under discussion and briefly presents the main thoughts expressed before. By the end of the second round of discussions, all “guests” of the cafe will be familiar with each other’s proposals and ideas, everyone will express their opinion and find out the opinions of their colleagues. After this, everyone gathers for a general discussion on the issue. There are six basic rules for effective implementation“world cafe”, formulated by the authors of the technology. 1. Set the context of the situation clearly and clearly for the participants, the main goals and objectives. Determine the circle of participants, prepare and distribute different aspects of the problem under discussion for groups at tables. Target

4 discussions in the “world café” format, a joint search for prospects and shared access to development opportunities and new perspectives. 2. Consider the truly important aspects of the problem. Because if the attention of the participants is directed to solving real strong issues, then a truly visible effect will be obtained. The discussion will be open and deep. 3. Celebrate the contribution of each participant: since the number of participants is limited to three or four, it will be quite difficult to “keep silent” and sit on the sidelines. Respect every opinion, even the “wrong” one. Invite to discussion and cooperation. 4. Connect the incompatible. Welcome the interweaving of diverse ideas and perspectives. 5. Generously share successful experiences and listen carefully to others. 6. Collect together and visually present the results of the work of all groups. How to adapt this technology to a modern lesson? In my opinion, this is quite easy to do. During adaptation, some organizational nuances will “go away” (gathering of participants in a cafe, tablecloths as a medium for recording ideas, etc.). However, the most important thing will remain. And this will undoubtedly be appreciated by a teacher who practices group work technology. When organizing and conducting such a lesson, the teacher most often faces three problems: the lack of effective opportunities for organizing the exchange of information between groups (each group, as a rule, studies its own aspect of the problem, and most often remains familiar only with it); lack of complete “residual” information from the student at the end of the lesson (including in written form), again for the reason mentioned above, the student has only partial information;

5 the presence of idle students (the “World Cafe” technology, associated with transitions and communication with the “owner of the table”, will minimize their number). I will illustrate the possibilities of using the World Cafe technology with an example. brief description preparing and conducting a lesson on new knowledge of the history and culture of St. Petersburg “Leningrad, the center of Soviet education and enlightenment” (9th grade). Purpose of the lesson: to form an idea of ​​the education system and educational centers in pre-war Leningrad. Preparation for the lesson. Students are preliminarily divided into 6 groups: “Pioneers”, “Komsomol members”, “Street children”, “Fabzaites”, “Museum lovers”, “Rabfak members”. Each group chooses a “table owner.” When preparing for a lesson, it would be methodologically correct to proactively assign students to get acquainted with material about their own and (possibly) other groups. Course of the lesson Activity Stage of the lesson Teacher (facilitator) “Owner of the table” Participants Greets, Introductory invites for Focuses Seated, tables, tells attention to the topic tune in to the features of the table and work, get acquainted with the work, rules, handouts, expected materials, results, issues route sheets - during stages - without criticism - they get time to be close to and capture ideas; search for all options Initial (stage of group tables, - directs answers to questions, discussions) supports and discussion in completing tasks, encourages the right direction (without filling out their

6 participation; informs the explicit route sheets that it is time for intervention) the subject of his group to move to another - welcomes new ones - become a table and start the group; Travelers next stage; - introduces his topic or “reminds and talks about understanding as ambassadors”; Stage of transitions (5 transitions for each group) participants should fill out route sheets and take notes; what was developed by the previous group; - carefully - transfer ideas and topics to other tables; - as new ones - monitors, listens to and the participants of the table so that they integrate into the general, fill out the opportunity columns, all the contributions of the route sheet according to the key ideas of the participants; relevant topic; recorded and - recalls - returned for their Final Discussion Stage visualized, collected and discussed. sitting at the table that the route sheet should be filled out and the tables sum up the results of the discussion, systematize the material, draw conclusions. The final stage is “6 portraits against the background of the era.” Questions: Topics and ideas of the tables 1. What is important for us to voice and unite in a common vision, present ourselves to remember? 2. Is that all there is to this question? - presents the results of the group’s work - participates in the discussion, complements the “host of the table” visually, so that 3. Who else can provide them to help us? understanding by all participants.

7 This is, of course, only a preliminary version that needs further improvement. Each teacher, at his own discretion, can develop a route sheet. Thus, the “World Café” technology not only meets the requirements of the Federal State Educational Standard in terms of the formation of various UUD (cognitive, communicative, regulatory, personal) and the implementation of a system-activity approach, but also allows not to lose the meaningful component of the lesson: each student at the end of the lesson will have completed route sheet. REFERENCES 1. Lugovtsova A. World Cafe: small conversations with great meaning. [ Electronic resource] Access mode: 2. Martynova A.V. Facilitation as a technology of organizational development and change // Organizational psychology [Electronic resource]. Access mode: 3. Sokolova E.I. Analysis of the terminology “coach”, “mentor”, “tutor”, “facilitator”, “adviser” in the context of continuing education // Continuous education: 21st century [Electronic resource]. Access mode: 4. Shaulsky A. Facilitation. [Electronic resource]. Access mode:

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MBOU NOSH No. 21 of Yuzhno-Sakhalinsk
Shavrina Irina Vladimirovna
deputy director for VR/primary school teacher
first qualification category
Master Class
Subject. Organization of teacher activities in the conditions of the Federal State Educational Standard of Education using the “World Cafe” technology.
World Cafe Method
Technology of organizational development and change “The World Cafe” -
this is the technology and art of talking to the point, talking about the essence of the matter in a relaxed and open atmosphere - in the cozy atmosphere of a familiar cafe.
The “World Café” method allows you to involve the collective intelligence of participants in the discussion process and encourages them to engage in large-scale, multi-level dialogue.
The method originated in California, 1995. The authors of the method are Juanita Brown and David Isaacs. They believe that “the health of any community is determined by the quality of the conversation among its members.”
The World Café technology is ideal when it is necessary to collect information and organize the exchange of opinions of a large number of people on issues and problems that are important to an organization or community; explore opportunities for further action and adoption non-standard solutions. It is important that “everyone talks to everyone”; developed a common vision of the problem; There are several points of view on the same issue, and it is necessary to organize them. The technology requires minimal preparation - defining the topic and questions for discussion, but this stage is the most important and determines the success of the entire event.
The goal of the “World Cafe” is to create an opportunity for contact, not so much professional, but, first of all, personal, according to the principle: “If things go well human relations, then the result business communication will always be successful."
The task of the World Cafe participants is to collect as much information as possible: impressions, opinions and assessments of experienced specialists.
And the result of such work should be a “picture of the world” obtained in a very a short time, a reflection of the situation in the minds of those present, in other words, a “snapshot of the general opinion” on the topic Round table(in this case). Detailed reflection and outlines of joint activities through the generation of ideas.
The “World Café” technology can be used in their professional activities by subject teachers, methodologists, class teachers, additional education teachers, social educators and psychologists.
The host is responsible for inviting participants and organizing the space for the café.
Algorithm of actions
The Round Table participants are divided into groups of 5-8 people and seated at tables numbered No. 1 to No. 7.
The “host” - the moderator - is constantly sitting at each table, and the remaining participants - the “guests” - move from table to table whenever a new round of changing the topic and table is announced - “discussion round” (every 5-8 minutes).
The host gives each guest stickers (at least 3-4 -in count questions discussed at the table), on which guests must write their vision of the topic, their answer to the question (their experience, their ideas, reasoning, feelings, suggestions).
After 3-4 rounds (when the circle is closed and the guests return to their first host, at their first table), the “harvest” is carried out - analysis and summing up of the Round Table. Reflection occurs, perspectives are identified collaboration. On the “tablecloth” - sheets of A-4 paper or Whatman paper, guests, with the help of the owner, place the main ideas and thoughts born during the work of the cafe on their topic by all participants of the cafe.
The World Café ends with a presentation from each table. Delegates from each table (1-3 people) inform the rest of the participants of their result - their conclusions of the GENERAL work on the topic of this table.
Questions for discussion for the table host moderators.
Table No. 1 Topic: “Problems that you encounter during the implementation of the Federal State Educational Standard of the NEO (can be graphically) Table owner ___________________

What problems interfere with the formation of UUD (who, what, how)?
What can teachers do to improve the level of knowledge of modern schoolchildren?
Table No. 2 Topic: “Successful teaching experience and achievements during the implementation of the Federal State Educational Standard of NEO (can be graphically). The owner of the table ___________________
Questions from the host of the table, to which guests answer in writing on sticky pieces of paper
What forms, methods, technologies are used in the lesson at your school, taking into account the introduction of the Federal State Educational Standard of Education
Which of them do you think are the most effective?
Table 3: Problems and prospects for organizing extracurricular activities in the context of the implementation of the Federal State Educational Standard.
1. What problems did you encounter when organizing extracurricular activities?
2. Ways to solve the problems that have arisen in organizing extracurricular activities in your school in the process of introducing and implementing the Federal State Educational Standard?
Table No. 4 Topic: “Modern challenges - a threat or a resource for successful work on the implementation of the Federal State Educational Standards of NEO?” (can be graphically) Table owner ___________________
Questions from the host of the table, to which guests answer in writing on sticky pieces of paper
1. How are modern children different? Pros - cons. Do we “keep up” with them or do we not need to “keep up”?
2. What modern forms, techniques, programs do you use in your work with children in extracurricular activities?
Table 5: “Organization of cooperation between family and school in the context of the introduction of the Federal State Educational Standard of Education”
1. What areas and forms of work with families in your opinion within the framework of the implementation of the Federal State Educational Standard are the most effective and efficient
2. What is the role of the parent community in the implementation of the Federal State Educational Standard of NEO?
Table No. 6 Topic: “Issues of introducing the Federal State Educational Standard of Education and a new understanding of the quality of education”
1. What methodological techniques or pedagogical technologies have been mastered or planned to be mastered by teachers at your school in connection with the introduction of the Federal State Educational Standard?
2. What suggestions for methodological support can your group offer?
Table 7: Various teaching methods, innovations in methodological recommendations for teaching teaching materials, taking into account the Federal State Educational Standard.
1. Which teaching aid do you prefer?
2. Why do you prefer this particular educational complex?
Recommendations for the host and table owners
round Activity
leading “host of the table” Participants/ “guests” of the cafe
The introductory one talks about the features of the work, the rules and the expected result;
introduces the owners of the tables and invites guests to the tables;
focuses on the topic of table operation
Proposes to consider the issue of being distributed and combined into groups;
meet the table hosts
start discussing, looking for answers
The initial round of discussions (conversations) involves walking around the tables during the conversation, encouraging and encouraging everyone to participate;
politely announces that it is time to move to another table and start the next one
conversation round;
reminds participants to record key ideas, sketch diagrams, and draw on the tablecloth;
ensures that, where possible, all key ideas are written down and
visualized, collected and discussed;
reminds participants that if for some reason they feel uncomfortable at the table, they can step aside and write down their thoughts on a sticky note. captures without criticism helps to capture ideas (don’t miss a single one);
directs the discussion vector in the right direction (without explicit intervention) get time to search for all possible answers to the question, write down, sketch and sketch out key ideas on sticky notes - “tablecloths” or make notes on stickers ONE statement on ONE sticky note - “tablecloth”
Travel round
(2 transitions) welcomes new “guests”;
introduces the topic of conversation;
reminds those sitting at the table to briefly write down key ideas and thoughts as soon as they “pop up”;
when “their” guests return after all rounds, helps sort out all the ideas, thoughts, reflections received during the work process and helps the guests draw a general conclusion on the topic of “their” table; they become travelers or “ambassadors of understanding, meaning and meaning”;
as new table participants, they supplement the existing list with their ideas, for clarity they write down
The final round of discussions (conversations) return to their tables and summarize the discussion, organize ideas, draw conclusions and present them visually on the tablecloth: for example, highlighting a few key ideas
Gallery of ideas
(“Harvest”): - table ideas are voiced. Unites all statements into a common vision. Helps nominate 1-2 people to present the results of the work of their table and participate in discussion, clustering of ideas, consolidation of ideas
Links to sources:
Martynova A.V. Facilitation as a technology of organizational development and change. //Organizational psychology. 2012 No. 2. P 53-91. or on the Official website of the journal “Organizational Psychology”
Official website of the journal “Organizational Psychology”

Attached files


Annotation: The article examines the “World Café” technology as one of the current forms of increasing the professional competence of teachers, attracting them to active participation in the exchange of opinions and ideas on contemporary issues preschool education.

Keywords: , .

The key condition for improving the quality of education is high level professional competence of teaching staff. Federal State educational standard preschool education, the teacher standard imposes new requirements on the teacher and his professional competence.

A huge role in increasing the professional competence of teachers belongs to the organization of methodological work in educational organization, which represents an important link in the holistic system of improving the skills of teaching staff, since, first of all, it contributes to the activation of the teacher’s personality and the development of his creative potential.

Today, it is becoming relevant to use new, active forms and methods of work, which are characterized by the involvement of teachers in activities and dialogue, involving a free exchange of opinions and ideas. One of these methods is the World Café technology (authors H. Brown and D. Isaacs). The World Café technology was invented in 1995 as a result of a two-day seminar held in California by one of the American companies for representatives of science and business. Currently, the World Café is worldwide known technology, which allows you to masterfully combine business with pleasure, transfer the cozy atmosphere of coffee shops to serious audiences and make the discussion comfortable, enjoyable, creative and productive. The World Café is used to solve complex problems where it is necessary to collect information, organize an exchange of opinions, and explore opportunities for further action and decision-making. During it, the opportunity to freely conduct a conversation over a cup of tea or coffee is allowed and even encouraged.

Basic principles « World cafe ": a voluminous and relevant topic of discussion for all participants; the most relaxed and creative work environment – ​​no more boring office decorations; flowers, soft music (as background) and light snacks; focusing on the main thing - it is important not to get bogged down in the details; respect for each participant in the “world cafe”; the principle of “cross-pollination”; visibility and effectiveness.

Roles participants :

Cafe sponsor (one person or group interested in hosting);

- “cafe owner” (helps manage the process);

Design team (helps organize and conduct the event);

Participants of the meeting.

How works World cafe ?

The usual number of participants is at least 12–15 people. They are seated, as is the case in ordinary cafes, three or four per table. In this case, one person becomes the “master” at the table, the rest are his “guests”. To solve the problem in small group There are paper tablecloths and a bunch of markers, all ideas are recorded in any form - writing, drawing, diagram.

After a short period of time, for example, half an hour, the “guests” go to the next table, they act as “messengers of new ideas”, while the “host” remains in place and brings the new “guests” who have come to him up to date: he presents the main considerations considered before. The work continues, taking into account everything that the previous “guests” have prepared.

Several (at least 3-4) rounds of conversations are held, moving to different tables. Each round usually lasts 20–30 minutes.

At the last round, everyone returns to their table, ideas are summarized, and all participants are introduced to them.

At the end of the work, a “vernissage of paper tablecloths” is organized - the results of all participants are posted for public viewing and discussion; Other options are also possible. Many Cafes produce a news paper or book describing the results of their work long after the initial meeting.

A café can explore just one issue, or multiple issues can be explored in a logical progression over successive rounds of dialogue.

The main load in this technology falls on the preparation stage.

In our preschool educational institution, a World Cafe was held at a methodological association for senior educators in the city on the topic “How to improve the professional competence of preschool education teachers?” In preparation for holding an event using this technology, we used the following algorithm for preparing and holding the World Café.

Algorithm preparation And carrying out World cafe

First stage: Why do we need this?

Before starting direct training, the presenter (senior educator) must clearly understand the answers to the following questions:

What question would you like to raise for consideration and research?

How many participants will there be?

How long can the discussion last?

How many aspects of the proposed problem would you like to discuss? Which ones will be the most important, which ones will stimulate creativity?

What seems to be the most desired result discussions?

Second stage: How to create an atmosphere?

1. Issuing an invitation for participants, which indicates the topic of the Cafe that will be discussed. It must be emphasized that this will be a study of the problem (issue), and not a discussion in the “problem - solution” format.

2. The design of the room (music hall) is being thought through.

Third stage: How to ask correctly?

1. Compiling a list of questions for the Cafe. This is a key preparation step.

For 5 rounds of the Cafe on the topic “How to improve the professional competence of preschool teachers,” we compiled the following questions:

First round: What, in your opinion, is the system of work to improve the professional competence of teachers in the Sokolsky municipal district?

Second round: Highlight the most effective forms working with teachers at the level of the Sokolsky municipal district to improve their professional competence with a description of the specifics of their organization.

Third round: How to prepare and organize methodological associations (according to educational fields) so that they are effective, interesting and useful?

Fourth round: My personal contribution to the development of professional competence of teachers in the Sokolsky municipal district.

Fifth round: What, in your opinion, is the system of work to improve the professional competence of teachers in the Sokolsky municipal district?

2. Preparing a “coffee etiquette” leaflet for each table.

Stage four: How to discuss correctly? Holding a Cafe.

Distribution of participants into groups, explanation of the rules of the Cafe, appointment of the “table owner”.

The first question is displayed on the screen and the 1st round is announced.

The host and the owners of the tables encourage the participants to write down and sketch their ideas on large sheets of paper in the center of the table.

“By traveling around the tables,” participants take ideas they have developed and discuss them from a different point of view at other tables. Each new round moves the discussion to new depths.

Then the 2nd question is displayed on the screen. The owner of the table greets new group and briefly shares the main ideas, themes and questions, with each “traveler” sharing an idea from their previous group. The task of the second round is to connect threads of ideas from the first round from different tables with ideas that arise on this moment. You should act in the same way in all rounds until the last one. In the last round, the groups return to their “home” tables, and the presenter displays on the screen the question that was discussed in the first round. Thus, the groups will answer it again, but this time synthesizing all new ideas. Sometimes for the last round you can bet new question for deeper research.

Fifth step: How to summarize the discussion?

At the end of the last round, a general discussion of the ideas developed is held. To do this, it is necessary to let each table speak about its initial idea of ​​its final result. After this, you can ask the whole group (all participants) the following questions:

If only one statement was possible in our music room, what would it be?

What have we learned from this discussion?

Within our Cafe, senior educators have developed several interesting ideas for possible future activities, with which work continues now. For example, holding methodological days in preschool educational institutions, creating a club of active preschool education workers, etc.

The world cafe, like any technology that is considered productive, is so only when all the rules for its implementation are followed. This technology provides great potential for variability in topics, approaches, and results.

“World Cafe” can be used in working with teachers on various topics, for example, “Interaction between preschool educational institutions and families in the context of the transition to the Federal State Educational Standard for Educational Education”, “Continuity of preschool educational institutions and schools at the present stage”, etc. Having become acquainted with and delved into this method, educators can use it in working with parents.

What should a trainer do when there are only 3-4 hours and about 30 participants and an unfamiliar group and the first training in the company? This was the first corporate event aimed at getting to know each other, establishing trust, and establishing horizontal connections. How to involve all participants in the process? And then World Cafe hit me! Absolutely amazing stuff. I participated myself and decided to use this for the first stage of creating a team. The same format can be used to conduct Strategic session.

I decided to conduct training in the format World Café, in the form of a Metaphorical Business Game.


The motto is “From autonomous sailing to travel as part of the SEBASTES Flotilla.”

Time spending - 2-3 hours

Purpose of the event– to carry out the procedure of acquaintance and unity of participants, to increase the efficiency of corporate interaction between employees in the process of performing a creative task.

Training methodology: Technology of Metaphorical Business Game in The format World Cafe- this is the technology and art of talking to the point, talking about the essence of the matter in a relaxed and open atmosphere

As a result of the training, participants

  • Gained positive teamwork experience
  • Found unexpected, new ideas while completing the task
  • Mastered the technology of brainstorming and a creative approach to solving problems
  • Increased company loyalty and sense of ownership
  • Saw the potential of your colleagues
  • Gained a boost of optimism and corporate faith

In addition, we received presentation material that can be used in the future work of the company.


  • The Sebastes flotilla is participating in a round-the-world competition - travel. During the journey, the teams will have to complete 5 tasks
  • (5 tables). In the process of work, each team will have a different task; participants will get to know each other directly by performing creative tasks. All 5 tables - tasks are united by a connecting idea - Flotilla "Sebastes"
  • At the end, each team presents its final product
  • All posters remain after the training and can be used for further brainstorming, create an archive, post it on the website. That is, it’s not just training for the sake of training, but the participants will create a useful corporate product as a whole team

Technology step by step

What you need: flipchart - paper - tablecloths Ideas, markers - 15 pieces. So, distribution across the tables (participants draw cards from 1 to 5). After the draw, you sit down at the table with the number you drew. Work on the theme of the table for 10 minutes, then move on command to the next table. And so we “pollinate” 5 questions. Now you select “Table Owner” - he does not move, he remains. The host will help the group work and at the end makes a presentation of all the ideas from his table.

1 table “Creating a ship”

Assignment: “Draw your version
company in the form of a ship. If a company were a ship, what kind of ship would it be?

That is
there are “compartments” in the company, autonomous existence. When one department does not know what is happening and what the next “compartment” is doing, a communication and information vacuum is created.

Gradually, “disassembling barriers” with the help of communication in the company and special trainings, it is possible to create effective “communication pipelines”

Metaphorically, almost all teams perceive the organization as a ship with clearly defined departments. It can be noted that there are no horizontal or vertical communications in the figures.

2nd table “Ship flag”

Assignment: “Draw the flag of the flotilla” (The flag reflects the mission, ideas, values, principles). Here are the principles reflected by the participants in their works:

  • Implementation innovative approach
  • Awareness of healthy competition
  • Achieving your desired goal
  • On the same wavelength as you!
  • Success is: team, profit, product, regional offices(Figure 8)
  • We are coming to you!

Table 3 “Decoding the name of the flotilla”

Assignment: “Decipher the name of the flotilla “SEBASTES”. The participants' task is to decipher the name of their flotilla (company).

What people themselves create, they support, that is, the motto and slogan of the company on corporate level is already accepted by the participants. All names and mottos were invented by the participants themselves, without any external prompting. They themselves felt their resource and potential as a team.

Table 4 “Following course”

Assignment: “Come up with and describe all possible courses of the ship, for example sea Wholesale, the flow of Packaged Fish." Here you can see that the participants themselves choose strategically important areas of development. How do employees evaluate development paths and what suggestions do they have? For example:

  • Vopopad Retail – Lake Horeca – River of Traders – Sea of ​​Recyclers – Network Ocean
  • The sea of ​​finance - the River of Factoring and letters of credit - the bay of contracts - the Strait of Logistics - the ocean of Sales - the accounting current - the waterfall of Profit SEBASTES. In this figure, the participants metaphorically depicted their understanding of business processes in the organization, their sequence and connection, as well as their influence on each other. Understanding teamwork based on business processes can be the next step in team development.
  • Sea of ​​Rainbow Trout – sea of ​​blue whiting, cuttlefish – Filet Bay – eel lake – pink salmon river – Octopus Island – Shrimp Ocean.

Here the participants depicted priority areas of development based on the assortment.

Table 5 “Possible obstacles”

Assignment: “What underwater rocks may they meet on the route of the flotilla?”

Here, participants shared their opinions on what might prevent them from achieving their goals. It should be noted that the participants highlight both external forces (competitors, etc.) and internal forces(which depend on the person).

  • Competition, corporate communication (that is, the participants themselves are aware of the need to build horizontal connections in the team, and consider this important factor)
  • The purchase price is higher than the market – interaction between departments – debtors
  • Baltic customs - veterinarian (and other force majeure in the form of the Icelandic volcano) - these are external factors.
  • Disunity – personal interests – just laziness – Unprofessionalism – these are internal human factors, and their significance is also great. Participants are aware of all these points.

The potential and desire to work together exists. Perhaps this is still being declared at the level of slogans. And yet, the team's potential is positive. It is necessary, using the principle of Positive Reinforcement, to support this idea of ​​teamwork and the effect of Corporate Belief. As can be seen from the materials, the participants understand the need to establish horizontal connections.

This conference and training greatly helped to “melt the ice” and establish simple human relationships. In everyday work, it can be difficult, and sometimes completely impossible, to do this.

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