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Beeline tariffs “Everything for business. Beeline tariffs “Everything for business” How to activate the Beeline tariff plan “Everything for business”

Key 2019 150, also known as Key Exclusive 150 (KE 150) - non-public tariff plan mobile operator Beeline. The tariff provides the subscriber with large packages of minutes, Internet and short messages (SMS) for a relatively small subscription fee. In addition, users of the Key 150 tariff receive unlimited Internet in LTE (4G) networks, and on older versions of the tariff, incoming international roaming and Crimea are free, they spend the main package.

Key 150- the lowest tariff in the line. For 150 rubles per month you will receive 500 minutes within the Russian Federation, no roaming within the Russian Federation, 100 short messages (SMS), 10 gigabytes of Internet in any networks and unlimited Internet in 4G networks.

About the line of tariffs Key 2019 Exclusive from Beeline

Range of tariff plans Key 2019 Exclusive exists since 2016. During this time, tariffs have shown their stability and reliability. Unlike other non-public tariffs from Beeline, on older versions of Key 2019 Exclusive, incoming calls in popular countries of the world and Crimea are free (they use the total package of minutes).

Tariff Key 150 in numbers

  • Subscription fee per month: 150 rubles per month;
  • Minutes to all Russian numbers: 500 minutes;
  • Incoming calls in Crimea: from the package;
  • Outgoing calls in Crimea: Beeline base price;
  • Incoming abroad: Beeline base price;
  • Short messages: 100 pieces within the Russian Federation;
  • Mobile Internet 3G: 10 gigabytes;
  • Mobile Internet 4G (LTE): unlimited;
  • Possibility of Internet distribution: yes, no restrictions;
  • Using a SIM card in a modem: yes, no restrictions;

On the territory of the Russian Federation

Tariff plan Key 2019 Exclusive 150 provides the subscriber with a package of 500 minutes, which can be used when calling any numbers Russian Federation. Not only on Cell phones, but also landline (landline, short) numbers. The package works when you are in any region of the Russian Federation, not just at home. The exception is the Republic of Crimea and the city of Sevastopol.
After full use of the package, all calls are charged at 30 kopecks for any outgoing minute.

On the territory of the Republic of Crimea

Incoming calls in Crimea are free, but they consume the basic package of 500 minutes. Outgoing calls, short messages and Internet are charged at the operator's base prices. Current prices can always be found in the Beeline help desk. On versions of the Key 2019 (Exclusive) tariff 400 and older, outgoing calls in Crimea are also free and cost the total package. But on lower versions of Key, this option is not provided.

International calls

  • CIS: 6 rub/min;
  • Europe, North America: 6 rub/min;
  • Other countries: 12 rubles/min;
  • Thuraya: 190 rub/min;
  • Other satellite networks: 415 rub/min;

Other features of the Key 2019 150

No " pitfalls" or there are no hidden features in the Key 2019 150 tariff. When connecting to the tariff, the number remains registered to the owner (individual), you can contact Beeline offices and telephone support as usual and without any restrictions. The only thing worth paying attention to is The Key tariff uses a postpaid payment system: first you use the services and only then pay the bill.

Connection to the Key tariff 2019 150 (Exclusive)

The Key tariff plan is usually connected in 1 day, maximum term connection - 3 days. To activate the tariff, you will need a number and the full last name, first name and patronymic of the owner of the number. Please note, to connect the tariff Key 2019 no passport photo or passport details required. Contact our consultant to connect the tariff Key 2019 150 (KE 150).

There are quite a lot of stupid business ideas on the Internet from people who have never been involved in entrepreneurship. We decided to use your experience and in this article we have collected for you 50 business ideas with attachments up to 200 thousand rubles!

Online business ideas

1. YouTube channel

There you are real example! Over the past month, one of our YouTube channels brought $1500 profit. Do you think this could become a business and not just a hobby? We ourselves had never considered YouTube as something serious until we saw a sale at one auction. 3 channels for 15 million rubles.

2. Information sites

Currently we have sites that bring more than 20,000-30,000 rubles monthly profit. The money comes from selling traffic from search engines! We publish something about this in our blog on VKontakte. You won't have any difficulty finding the link in the description.

3. Design studio

In general, design is ours second hobby. We like to work in Photoshop; we try to create all advertising materials ourselves. While communicating with other designers, we noticed that some of them had a queue for orders for many months to come. In other words, this idea can be turned into a very profitable business.

4. Web studio

Something, but the creation and support of websites will always be relevant! Today, almost every business starts with a website! Moreover, modern instruments allow you to do it even for a novice webmaster. You can make some good money from this.

Anyone who creates a website or online store requires quality texts. We, too, like the owners of many sites, pay a lot of money for the texts. Therefore, the idea is simple - organize a team of authors, find them orders and take a percentage for yourself.

6. Promotional video studio

7. Your own online school

It's no secret that learning is very highly profitable business and is gaining popularity all over the world. Therefore, if you have something to tell the world, go for it!

8. Mini online store

By the way, this was our very first business. It is also important to understand that the store does not have to be large. We started with investments at 30,000 rubles. And our friend, for example, now has a store with 10 products and earns in the season before 500,000 rubles. Just find good product! And it's in the bag!

9. Affiliate programs

Why produce or sell something when you can earn good money on the sale of someone else's goods! Everything you need for profitable work, This master marketing and ways to attract clients.

10. Dropshipping

A great way to create your own business, because the dropshipping scheme does not involve the purchase of goods and allows you to send the goods to the client directly from the supplier’s warehouse.

11. Business on Instagram

12. Marketing Studio

The success of any company depends on its product and marketing. And if we cannot close the first part, then for the second we only need creative approach to the point and ability to organize a team.

13. Advertising studio for websites

It's no secret that information sites make money from advertising. But not every owner knows how to install and configure this advertising. By assembling a team of specialists or developing these skills yourself, you can charge for the service from 1 to 3 months of profit the site itself.

14. SEO studio

Website promotion is an integral part of any business, because it is a “free” flow of customers. Taking it for service 5-10 sites, you will ensure constant profit for your studio.

15. VKontakte groups

By promoting a group on a popular topic, you can make good money in the future by selling advertising in it.

The best business ideas in Offline

When we owned a cleaning company, window cleaning was one of the most popular services for shops, cafes and business centers. Most peak season came in the spring. Moreover, you don’t need any serious equipment for this. You can, for example, start from washing simple windows, gradually moving to high-altitude ones, with the involvement of climbers.

17. Car dry cleaning

When we launched the detailing center, we started with car dry cleaning. We spent it in an ordinary garage, which we rented from and 2000 rubles per month. A washing vacuum cleaner was used as equipment for 30 thousand rubles and steam generators for 18,000 rubles. Each order brought on average 2000-3000 rubles.

While doing cleaning, we were surprised by the number of people who want to clean their old sofa or mattress. Applications fell almost every hour, and this in a city with a population 700 thousand people. We can say that this is the most popular cleaning service. Carpet dry cleaning was also popular. By the way, this is the next idea.

19. Dry cleaning of carpets and rugs

Carpets and rugs need to be cleaned Often, so there are a lot of requests for this service.

This is a huge market and high demand, especially for cleaning after renovation and cleaning after tenants. Moreover, searching for clients is not a lot of work. We also did this, and even made plans to launch a franchise, but later decided to invest.

21. Apartment renovation or service for selecting performers

Trend on good repair growing every year! Actually, just like its price tag! But problem search for specialists remains to this day. Find a solution for the market and you will make good money.

22. Moving

- this is a headache relief for many families! Every year the demand for this service is only increases. If you live in big city and you know how to attract customers, you will definitely not end up with orders.

23. Removal of construction waste

Sooner or later, everyone faces repairs, and if you have ever done it, then you know how much garbage accumulates when dismantling old floors. For example, from a small one-room apartments, can gain 2-4 Kamaz construction waste. This service is in great demand even in small towns.

These companies solve the problems of many entrepreneurs very well, because they do not need to maintain a huge number of staff. It could be Courier service or call center. Assemble a small team and expand it as the number of clients grows.

The idea is not new and these coffee islands open and close every day. If you have no experience, find income point and buy her back for 10 or 12 months of payback. This will bring a stable source of income.

Many parents believe that the development of their child is the best investment! Even one teacher and 2 hours of time a day can provide you income.

27. Organization of outdoor yoga tours

In general, yoga is gaining popularity from year to year. And, for example, one of my clients began organizing outdoor yoga tours to Thailand, Vietnam, India. Total 3-4 clients, who will go with you will pay for the entire tour.

While recently doing renovations, we turned to a company for... rental special tool. During the conversation we were surprised by the number orders with good profit. Of course, not everything is so simple, but overall, the idea is very promising.

29. Auto parts store

Today, very few stores keep auto parts in their warehouse, and more use specialized delivery services. That's why, small investments needed: warehouse rental and a small starter kit of spare parts. By the way, this idea goes well with the previous one, since in one office you can sell spare parts and rent out tools.

Even small results in this case they give you the opportunity to open your own dance studio! In addition, this is a fairly popular destination not only among young people but also among older people.

For many, home pets are like children and they strive to make them not only beautiful, but also to provide them comfort in any weather! If you know how to sew, occupy a niche; it is still quite free.

32. Refilling air conditioners

This service is in demand both for car enthusiasts and for those who have an air conditioner at home! Purchase equipment and do advertising!

33. 3D food printer

An excellent invention that allows you to turn your products into masterpieces! We do not recommend it for home use, but for sale in restaurants or for people who sell cakes to order, this device will be a very good tool in the competition.

34. Mini brewery

Beer is a drink that is difficult to refuse, it popularity no need to prove. You can brew your own beer using special... equipment or sell mini breweries to order.

35. Sale of moonshine stills

We have one online store that has been selling for a year now moonshine stills from a well-known manufacturer. Therefore we are confident that this business is working 100%.

Today in China you can order not only any components for electric bike, but also parts for converting a regular bicycle. Smart people already occupy this niche.

To repair a bumper, you do not need a large investment, it is enough to purchase hot stapler from China and find customers. And since the bumpers are quite fragile, there will be no problems with orders.

38. Production of garden furniture

Furniture has always been used good demand. You can start in the summer season with the most simple products. In the future, you can turn this into furniture production workshop.

High-quality bags, wallets and other leather accessories will never go out of style. Give the market beautiful products, learn marketing and you will definitely not end up with customers.

40. Flower and gift shop with delivery

To organize this business, just create a group on VK, hire a florist and launch advertising company. Create your first products with a good discount and create a portfolio.

41. Packaging and sale of bulk products from China

The idea is very simple, you buy a bulk product wholesale in bags from a factory, for example in China, then packaged in small packaging and sell wholesale to stores. This could be, for example, rice, tea, household chemicals or even medicine.

42. Organization of outdoor weddings

Today, holding an ordinary wedding is no longer as interesting as, for example, doing this in Thailand, India or France. Start organizing outdoor wedding! Moreover, for this you do not have to fly somewhere; just become an intermediary, using the services of local organizing companies.

This, by the way, is a fairly popular format for children’s parties today. The presentation usually leads mad scientist showing children magic and chemical experiments. Organization of scientific shows - promising business , which does not require huge financial investments.

44. Wholesale minoxidil

Minoxidil is a chemical used in pharmacology as hair growth product on the head or beard. In China, this product can be bought in large bags and, for example, packaging can be done. Or find purchasing channels and open wholesale.

45. 3D manicure (selling printers)

Recently appeared on the market 3D printer for nails, with which you can do beautiful drawings on your own or extended nails. This printer can be used in your nail salon or start selling these printers to other stores.

46. ​​Mini-saunas

Not all people have the opportunity to visit saunas, so many people want to have mini saunas right at home in the apartment. I use a ready-made prefabricated sauna, or, having created it yourself, you can offer this service to your clients by organizing a business.

47. Self-leveling floors (decorative)

Recently, the so-called self-leveling decorative floors. Organization of such a business does not require large investments, but due to the unusualness of the service and beauty finished work, customers will be standing in line.

48. Production of frameless furniture

This is the first time such furniture has gone on sale. in the 60s last century. But it began to gain popularity quite recently. Experts claim profitability in 30 - 200%. It remains to be tested.

49. Cook at home

Today, more and more people want to save time on various everyday activities. That's why cook at home may become very popular in large cities.

50. Bedbug and flea killer

When we had a cleaning company, clients often called us asking kill fleas and bedbugs. Moreover, we did not put up such advertisements and did not provide such services, but we found out that this is quite popular request. Moreover, finding performers is not so easy.

50 business ideas. Video

Beeline operator offers favorable tariff plans not only for individuals. Any business needs stable, inexpensive and high-quality mobile communications. It is for this reason that Beeline has several favorable tariffs designed specifically for both small firms And individual entrepreneurs, and for large companies with a large staff. What Beeline corporate tariffs are available to business clients, and why should you pay attention to them?

Description of tariffs “Everything for business”

On this moment Beeline operator offers a line of tariff plans “Everything for business”, which consists of four corporate tariffs: “For business over 250”, “For business over 450”, “For business over 900” and “For business over 1500”. Previously, similar business tariffs were called “Bronze”, “Silver”, “Gold” and “Platinum”.

Corporate tariff plans provide the opportunity to communicate free of charge with Beeline subscribers, make calls, send SMS and MMS to company employees throughout the Russian Federation. In addition, free service packages and favorable terms of service are available, which can be found below.

Each of the presented tariff plans allows you to:

  • call any Beeline numbers for free;
  • make free calls, send SMS and MMS messages to corporate numbers;
  • use free packages of minutes, SMS for calls and sending to numbers of other mobile and fixed-line operators;
  • use free internet packages.

Action free services and packages are available when the subscriber is located both in the home region and in intranet roaming in Russia. At the same time, you can connect one or several phone numbers to any of the available tariff plans.

The size of the packages depends on the current tariff, which in turn differ in the size of the subscription fee:

A description of corporate tariffs “Everything for Business” is given for St. Petersburg and the region. For example, for Moscow and the Moscow region there are already five similar tariff plans available - “For business over 300”, “For business over 600”, as well as tariffs for 1000, 1500 and 3000 rubles, respectively.

The cost of mobile communication services after using up free packages is calculated as follows:

Calls to local operator numbers 1 rub./min.
Calls to operator numbers in roaming 3 rub./min.
SMS messages to numbers of Russian operators 1 rub.
Sending MMS 5 rub.

Beeline corporate tariffs differ from each other in the size of the subscription fee, the number of available minutes, SMS and MMS, as well as the volume of free Internet traffic. In addition, the most expensive tariffs - for 900 and 1,500 rubles - allow their subscribers to use high-speed Internet connections over the 4G network for free and without limits.

For business for 250 rubles

The most affordable and economical tariff of the “Everything for Business” line, thanks to which you can use free packages of minutes, SMS, MMS, access the Internet at high speed. All this is 250 rubles per month + a one-time guarantee fee of 300 rubles. Connecting this option is free. The advantages include low cost and availability of everything necessary for comfortable use. mobile communications. The disadvantages are the small amount of Internet traffic, which is only enough for web surfing.

For business for 450 rubles

A more advanced tariff plan that is largely similar to the previous one, but offers larger free package sizes. 700 minutes and SMS is enough to modern man who actively use mobile communications. The available 8 GB of traffic is enough not only for comfortable web surfing, but also enough for rare viewing of multimedia content, such as videos, photos and listening to audio recordings. For such pleasure you will have to pay a guarantee fee of 600 rubles and a monthly subscription fee of 450 rubles.

For business for 900 rubles

A serious package that opens up for subscribers great opportunities. Connecting to this tariff plan allows you to use packages for 1500 minutes, 1500 SMS and MMS messages for free, as well as spend 15 GB of Internet traffic. Such a large volume will be enough even to download a large amount of music, photos and videos, not to mention unlimited web surfing. The tariff plan “For business for 900 rubles” from Beeline is an excellent choice for subscribers who make a lot of calls and surf the Internet. The monthly subscription fee is 900 rubles, and the one-time guarantee payment upon connection is 1200.

For business for 1500 rubles

A corporate tariff with maximum capabilities, available for only 1,500 rubles per month! Everyone who signs up for this plan gets 5,000 free minutes, 3,000 SMS and MMS, as well as an impressive 20 GB package of unlimited and high-speed 4G Internet. This choice is ideal for the most active users of mobile communications - it allows you not to think about the prices of calls, since 5000 minutes per month is enough for any needs. A large amount of traffic is suitable for watching online broadcasts, videos, downloading music, as well as for unlimited Internet surfing. This tariff is the choice for the most serious clients!

How to activate the Beeline “Everything for Business” tariff plan?

Are you interested in corporate tariffs from the mobile operator Beeline? You can connect to your favorite “Everything for Business” tariff plan on the Beeline website or by contacting one of the operator’s showrooms.

To connect to a corporate tariff through the website, simply select the tariff plan you like and fill out the order form, indicating your contact details and information about the company. Within a few hours of this, your account manager will contact you and tell you what to do next.

It is also very easy to disconnect from the Beeline corporate tariff, for example, upon liquidation of a company or upon dismissal. In order to deactivate any tariff from the “All for Business” line, you can use your personal account subscriber or contact the Beeline office, where they will help you cope with the disconnection procedure.

The “All for 150” tariff is designed for those clients who primarily communicate within the network. In addition, it provides favorable conditions for calls to numbers of other operators registered in its region.

Description of the tariff "All for 150"

The main advantage of the tariff is the very low subscription fee - only 5.67 rubles are debited from the account every day. For this money, the subscriber gets the opportunity to make free calls to Beeline home numbers and Internet access.

Subscription fee - 5.67 rubles per day.

The service package includes

Tariffs for long-distance calls

Those who frequently communicate with subscribers from other countries settlements Russia can make communication cheaper - just activate the “My Beeline” option.

Tariffs for international calls

Mobile Internet

This tariff includes 1 GB of Internet traffic. But since the “Auto speed renewal” option is active on the tariff, which automatically comes into effect after the package traffic is exhausted, additional packages will be provided as part of this service. For each package with a volume of 200 MB, 20 rubles will be withdrawn from the account.

If the auto-renewal option is not relevant, you can turn it off at any time by calling 0674717780.

How to activate the "All for 150" tariff?

The tariff activation price is 155 rubles. To switch to it, you need:

  • Call 0611 or 067410260;
  • Dial *110*05#, then click on the call button;

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According to official data tax service There are now 6,112,620 small businesses operating in Russia (as of April 10, 2019). In 2018, this sector grew by 2.4%. Practice shows that it is quite possible to implement business ideas for 100,000 rubles.

Interesting business ideas for 100,000 rubles

Owning your own business combines the opportunity to earn money, independence from the employer and self-realization. However, according to VTsIOM (2018), only 2% of Russians want to open their own business. Often the stumbling block is the initial capital. However, there are many business ideas with starting capital at the level of 100,000 rubles.

cleaning company

Cleaning companies offer their clients cleaning services for homes, offices and any non-residential premises. In Moscow and St. Petersburg, contacting such an agency is becoming an everyday occurrence; in the regions, custom cleaning is not yet very popular. This gives budding entrepreneurs the opportunity to occupy a promising niche before their competitors and gain a foothold in the market.

To open you will need:

  1. Cleaning equipment - mops, vacuum cleaners, cleaning products. You can meet 40,000 rubles.
  2. Website and groups on social networks. Clients will order cleaning through them. According to, the site costs about 15,000 rubles, groups are registered and maintained for free.
  3. Staff. Wages will not be fixed, but piecework. That is, the employee will receive a percentage of the order (by agreement, from 50 to 70%). There is no need to provide funds for the wage fund.
  4. Advertising. Commercials on radio and TV are expensive. It is worth investing 20-30,000 rubles. into contextual and targeted ads in the browser and social networks - they work directly with target audience.
  5. Registration of an individual entrepreneur or LLC - 800 rubles or 4,000, respectively.

Thus, the cost of opening a cleaning company can be reduced to 55 thousand rubles if you work without an office and look for clients via the Internet.

The payback of the project directly depends only on the number of orders. The average cost of one general cleaning according to is 1,500 rubles. With 10-12 clients per week, the entrepreneur will earn 72,000 rubles.

If you work alone, you will be able to recoup your initial investment in 2 months, if you work with employees - in 4

Equipment/tool ​​rental

Earning money from rental equipment and tools is suitable for those who are looking for additional income that does not require permanent job. An entrepreneur buys in-demand equipment and rents it out for temporary use for money. Searches for clients through social networks, the Internet and newspaper advertisements.

Equipment rental options:

  • construction equipment - concrete mixers, ladders, scaffolding, loaders;
  • repair tools - saws, levels, sledgehammers, electric drills, hammer drills, sanders, planes, jigsaws;
  • packaging technology.

Difficulties may arise when purchasing equipment - everything you need is unlikely to fit into 100,000. Therefore, purchases should be carried out in parts: first the most in demand, then the rarer ones.

Rental fees are daily, usually around 300-500 rubles. Tools are always handed over with a cash deposit equivalent to its value (otherwise there is a risk of facing theft when an unscrupulous client takes the equipment for a symbolic 500 rubles). By attracting 10-12 clients per month, it is quite possible to earn 6000-8000.

You can also earn money remotely and without leaving your main job, as the hero of our article about additional income. He's a month old.

Opening an online store

Creating your own online store is promising because it allows you to start working in trade without renting premises, hiring sellers and many inspections by regulatory authorities.

According to the WebCanape portal, in 2018, more than 80 million people made online purchases in Russia, and this exceeded the 2017 figures by 1.1%. There is every reason to believe that the positive dynamics will continue.

It is profitable to sell via the Internet:

  • clothes and shoes;
  • small household appliances;
  • cosmetics and perfumes;
  • smartphones, tablets and accessories;
  • Products for children;
  • products (with a long shelf life).

Investments will be required:

  1. Creation of an online store. From 10,000 rub.
  2. Social media. You can register profiles completely free of charge, but you will have to pay for advertising to attract more buyers. In the first stages, 10,000-15,000 rubles are enough.
  3. Range. If an entrepreneur does not sell own products, and resells someone else’s, you will have to buy a batch of goods with your own money. Costs are limited only by financial capabilities. To optimize costs, you should try dropshipping.

However, there are also disadvantages. Competition is high. Online retailing was one of the four most unfavorable types of new business at the end of 2018 (after gambling, photography and traditional retail). Income will depend on the selected product category and store promotion, but on average it will be at least 10,000 rubles.

The opening of the store is described in detail in this video:

Sewing bed linen

A bed linen sewing business can be an excellent option for an experienced seamstress to start their own business. However, even the inability to sew is not an obstacle to opening a workshop: you just need hired employees.

Everyone needs bed linen, but they don’t buy it too often - they are classified as durable goods. In addition, a small workshop will compete with hundreds of other enterprises and huge factories. These circumstances make it difficult for a newcomer to enter the market.

To beat your competitors, you need to find advantages. This could be rare fabrics, a special design or an individual approach. Expenditure:

  1. Equipment - Sewing machines and overlockers. It fits into 50,000 rubles.
  2. Fabrics and Consumables(threads, elastic bands). The investment amount depends on financial capabilities.
  3. Minimum price linen is 150% of the cost. That is, having spent 50,000 rubles on producing a batch of goods, an entrepreneur will earn 25,000 rubles from it. per month. Payback is possible in 4-6 months, if you manage to establish sales.

In general, this idea is quite promising.

Coffee machines

New vending coffee machine According to information from the website, it costs from 200,000 rubles. That is, such a business does not fall into the category of ideas “up to 100,000”. However, this problem can be solved by purchasing used equipment. Its cost is 40-100,000, depending on the manufacturer and condition. Monthly maintenance will cost about 2-3 thousand. This money includes the cost of coffee beans, milk powder, powder concentrates and electricity.

The cost of one glass of coffee from such a machine ranges from 7 to 15 rubles. Moreover, its price varies from 20 to 40 rubles. In a place with good traffic, about 50 glasses will be sold per day. Let’s take the average values: cost – 10 rubles, price – 30 rubles. If we calculate the average values, then the monthly revenue will be 45,000 rubles, of which 36,000 will be net profit.

You will also have to provide funds to rent a place to install the machine. Thus, you can recoup your initial investment in 3-4 months of work.

The vending machines sell not only coffee, but also lemonade and chocolate.

Growing berries and vegetables

Berries and vegetables are classified as goods everyday needs, which means they promise the entrepreneur a stable profit. But you won’t be able to organize a full-fledged farm for 100,000 rubles. For this money you can equip summer cottage good greenhouse(up to 30,000) or install boxes with earth at home (up to 20,000). At home they grow:

  • mint;
  • basil;
  • sorrel;
  • strawberries;
  • carrot;
  • peppers;
  • cucumbers

Expenses will be required for seeds, fertilizers and water. This line of work requires specific knowledge; it is suitable for people with an agronomic education or experienced gardeners. The business is rather seasonal, because growing homemade products all year round impossible. The income will be small, up to 20,000 rubles. from the harvest (that is, once every 4-5 months) or 5,000 per month.

Coffee shop or fast food kiosk

According to research agency Magram Market Research, 57% of Russians buy takeaway coffee from time to time, and 22% - daily. The cost of a glass of coffee is usually 50-70 rubles, while the drink is rarely sold for less than 100 rubles. These two factors are popularity and high demand- make opening a small coffee shop for takeaway sales promising. The costs are recouped within 3-4 months of active work. Selling 30 drinks a day at an average price of 150 rubles, an entrepreneur will earn approximately 135,000 per month. This is true for a place with burgers, shawarma or grilled chicken.

Equipment costs will be about 50,000 rubles. This is how much does a professional coffee machine or electric grills and refrigerators for shawarma cost.

As for the area, 10-15 square meters is enough for an establishment. m, which can be rented for 25,000 rubles. The choice of location is key to success: a popular street, high customer traffic. The disadvantages of business include high competition.

How to open a fast food business from scratch is explained in this video:

Computer repair service center

The good thing about business is that it is accessible without investment - only if you have special knowledge. To save money, you can work without an office, visiting clients at home. Orders are sought through the Internet, advertising and announcements.

Monthly income directly depends on the number of orders. With an average cost of a call of 500 rubles. and with 1 order per day, the entrepreneur will earn approximately 15,000 per month.

Event organization agency

Organizing holidays is an opportunity to combine a hobby with income. The maximum earnings will come from turnkey events: interior decoration, development and holding of a festive program, toastmaster, musicians, photography and video shooting. That is, an entrepreneur must assemble a team of professionals and earn a reputation for himself. Finding personnel will require not so much money as connections and perseverance.

A holiday agency can operate without an office. Meetings with clients can be held in coworking spaces, in cafes or at their homes and save at least 20,000 rubles. It is better to start looking for orders through friends, and then through the Internet. For one event, a team can earn a total of 100-120,000 rubles. However, at the promotion stage, fees will be significantly less.


Hair cutting and styling are a category of services that will always be in demand. Some masters start work without investment at home, form a circle of regular clients and earn 30,000 rubles. per month minimum. Opening your own establishment will require expenses for:

  • rental premises, from 25,000 per month;
  • repair, from 5,000 rubles;
  • equipment, from 10,000 rubles (chair, hairdryer, sink, trolley);
  • registration of permits, from 7,000 rubles.

The new hairdresser will have to pass an inspection by Rospotrebnadzor and the SES. The market is different high competition, in the first stages you will have to compete for clients. A wide range of services can help with this, hiring experienced craftsmen with their own client base, low prices, convenient location.

How to open a hairdresser in this video:

Trade in soft ice cream/cotton candy/oxygen cocktails

Another one good idea inexpensive business - selling ice cream, cocktails, cotton candy and similar desserts. Outlets placed in crowded areas potential clients. You can organize trading on the street - in a park, on the embankment, on the beach - or indoors - in mall, in the cinema, in the circus. You will need a permit to work outside. municipal administration, indoors - pay rent to the owner.

Equipment for such desserts is inexpensive, according to the website, within 50,000 rubles. Monthly expenses will include ingredients for making ice cream or smoothies, utilities and wages employee (if the entrepreneur does not work alone). The markup on such products is very high and does not fall below 50%. Consequently, having purchased products for 100,000 rubles, an entrepreneur will earn at least 50,000 from their sale.

Filling and packing of bulk products

All the startup ideas presented above are focused on retail buyers, to individuals. However, even with a modest starting capital of up to 100,000 rubles, you can start a company in the B2B sphere, that is, “business to business.” Many small and medium-sized producers of cereals, flour, and sugar are looking for ways to optimize, so they outsource some of the work. Simply put, they are looking for contractors to solve current problems. Including - for packaging and packing.

An entrepreneur purchases a filling and packaging line (up to 100,000 rubles), rents a small production facility with convenient access roads. Then enters into contracts with manufacturers similar products. Payment is generally based on the volume of work performed (i.e. prepackaged and packaged products). Monthly income depends on the number of orders. The cost of packaging is usually influenced by the volume of products. On average, an entrepreneur can earn 30,000-40,000 rubles.

Digital cameras and smartphones have all but replaced the photo printing business. However, an item with photo printouts can still exist and generate income for its owner, subject to several conditions being met:

  • good location;
  • different types printing - color, b/w, wide format, several types of paper;
  • making photographs for documents;
  • high quality images;
  • active advertising.

The photo printing point can also focus not on retail customers, but on advertising agencies. They require printing of posters and posters for outdoor advertisements. You will need to rent a small area - up to 10 sq.m. Necessary equipment:

  • printer for professional photo printing, from RUB 12,000;
  • camera (for document photos), from RUB 8,000.

Income depends on the number of visitors, but on average it is unlikely to exceed 20,000 rubles.

If you are not limited only to photographs, then photo printing can be offered to designers for interior decoration, then it will be possible to increase income

Car painting station

Car painting is one of the popular services among motorists. It is used in pre-sale preparation or for improvement appearance generally. This is very promising direction earnings that do not depend on the season. As a rule, painting is offered at any auto repair shop. However, if at the first stages the entrepreneur is not ready (or does not have the opportunity) to open a full-fledged workshop, you can limit yourself to painting services.

To work you will need:

  • premises from 30 sq.m (it is necessary to place a car and the necessary equipment);
  • equipment for washing and dust removal;
  • paint hydrant or gun, spray guns;
  • compressor to remove moisture;
  • drying chamber.

The average cost of painting a car is 60,000 rubles, but this is not pure profit. From the cost you will have to subtract the costs of public utilities, labor and consumables. Income from one client is at the level of 20,000 rubles, which means that it is quite possible to earn 200,000-300,000 rubles per month.

They talk about opening a paint booth and what plan is needed here:

Tire service station

Another option for a startup in the auto business is tire fitting. Its advantage over the previous idea is versatility. All motorists change tires twice a year. It is quite possible to open a point in your own garage with an area of ​​30 sq.m.

List necessary equipment:

  • jack;
  • rolling machine for disks;
  • vulcanizer for repairing rubber tires;
  • balancing stand;
  • bathroom for checking wheels;
  • compressor;
  • Tire changer.

New equipment is expensive, so if you are on a limited budget, it is recommended to look for used equipment online. It will be difficult to cope with orders alone, so in the first stages of work it is necessary to hire at least two specialists. Business is seasonal (tire changes are clearly tied to the time of year), so for more quick payback It is recommended to combine it with other services for motorists. Income – from 50,000 per month.

Cooking shish kebab with home delivery

To sell shish kebab with home delivery you will have to select suitable premises for cooking meat and equip it with all SES requirements. Shish kebab prepared at home, without a guarantee of compliance with all sanitary standards, will not be in demand, or the entrepreneur may even face a fine.

What is needed to start kebab delivery:

  1. Buy kitchen equipment and arrange the premises.
  2. Find professional chefs (for a small enterprise, 1-2 specialists are enough).
  3. Find reliable meat suppliers. It is recommended to enter into an agreement with a local farming.
  4. Develop a recipe.
  5. Determine ways to promote the product, plan advertising.
  6. Think about delivery.

All costs are within 100,000 rubles (tables, refrigerators, kitchen utensils).

The premises can be found in a remote area with low rental prices. The company will handle the delivery, so its own location does not matter. The monthly income and payback of the project directly depend on the establishment of sales and active advertising.

Commission shop

Great idea for business, which fits into the current trend of zero waste, or “zero waste”. Many people try not to throw away boring or worn-out things, but try to give them a second life and, if possible, make money from them. One option to do this is to take them to a consignment store.

There are several advantages of opening a consignment store for an entrepreneur:

  • start-up costs are limited to renting premises and registration;
  • there is no need to spend money on purchasing goods - customers will bring them;
  • As a rule, you don’t have to pay for buying old things - the money is paid to the owner after the sale (or not paid at all, by agreement).

Best suited for secondary trade are clothing, shoes, Appliances, children's products and electronics. Valuables are accepted under a commission agreement, so the business must definitely be officially registered. You shouldn’t expect big income and quick payback from a commission store. A good result would be 20,000 rubles. net profit.

What business can you do for 100,000 rubles, ideas, they tell in this video:

Opening own business is not always an expensive and risky investment. Some areas of work are available to beginners without experience and with a modest starting capital of up to 100,000 rubles. Promising ideas available in trade, manufacturing, service and IT.