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What is an HR specialist? Profession HR specialist

The first person the applicant meets at the interview stage at the company is the HR manager. Depending on the structure of the company, this could be an ordinary recruiter, a research engineer, or a real manager.

What is the difference between a recruiter and an HR person?

Almost every HR manager will consider it an insult if he is called a personnel officer. If they call him a recruiter, he will grin slightly. And if they ask what the difference is, he will give a lecture on what HR is and what its functions are.

HR stands for Human Resource. Not Research, as most people think. Search is only a small part of what a hiring manager does. And search and selection are also two big differences.

Rersource is the main word in this abbreviation. It is working with human resources, high-quality personnel management, setting priorities, developing employees, drawing goals for them - the main tasks of a manager.

The role of HR

The role of the HR manager in most companies is undeservedly relegated to the background. It is generally accepted that a business is built general director, sales bring profit, and the staff comes on their own according to advertisements.

In fact, advanced corporations have long realized that the HR department should be on the same line as the CEO and operating departments. This is due to the fact that the HR manager must clearly understand the company’s strategy, know what kind of people are needed for the job, what tasks are required to be performed.

The climate in the team, the mood in the workplace - things that seem insignificant, but take up to 30% of the efficiency of departments.

Attitude to business

Almost 85% of employers ask candidates for the role of HR manager the question: who is an HR manager? And many hear the answer that this is an employee who should do good to people and help them find work. No matter how rude it may sound, an employer should not hire such employees.

The HR position is clear and understandable; he is the right hand of the business. Without a clear understanding of what the company wants to achieve, what the development plans are and the strategy for their implementation, there will be no quality selection.

A real HR manager is a tough, sometimes tyrannical businessman. You must be able to combine humanity with toughness. In an attempt to be good and kind, afraid of rejecting a candidate, many recruiters never grow beyond the average recruiter. In order to learn how to develop personnel and help the company achieve global goals, you must have will and determination, and consider the company’s goals as your own.


The HR manager must perform responsibilities 120% or more. In his position, there is no concept of a standardized work schedule; thoughts are always busy searching for the best solution.

Each company has its own job description for an HR manager. However, the main points will always be approximately the same. The HR manager must:

  • Study the labor market to find candidates for the required vacancies.
  • Navigate the regional market if necessary.
  • Establish relationships with professional educational institutions and universities to enter into agreements to attract students to practice with subsequent employment.
  • Notify Central Control, educational institutions about available vacancies and staffing needs.
  • Evaluate candidates based on the qualifications, business and personal qualities of the applicant.
  • Organize certification events for company employees.
  • Conduct certification activities and analyze their results.
  • Work on formation personnel reserve. The basis for the formation of a reserve can be the results of certifications, selection, analysis of responses to resumes, personnel rotation, results of training of individual employees or internships in relevant positions.
  • Participate in reorganizations and personnel changes of personnel and organizational structure of the company.
  • Develop and implement various activities aimed at managing the number of employees.
  • Analyze the work of staff, suggest ways to improve the quality of staff work.
  • Develop and implement motivational programs for personnel at all levels.
  • Develop career maps for employees, implement them together with management and staff.
  • Conduct long-term planning employee development, analyze the results and recommend to management measures to improve the quality of personnel.
  • Provide consulting support to management on personnel management issues.

Interaction with employees

An HR manager is a multitasking position; in addition to the responsibilities described above, he has a list of additional important functions:

  • help employees by answering their questions about the prospects for their personal and professional development within the company;
  • select personnel within the timeframe agreed with the customer (immediate supervisor or head of department or division);
  • use modern and non-standard methods of search and selection of personnel;
  • adapt new employees to work in the company, accompany them throughout the entire probationary period;
  • receive periodic feedback from the manager about the completion of the probationary period by employees;
  • receive feedback from management about the work of employees and their interaction with the team;
  • maintain contact with all company employees to implement feedback with management, informing about the assigned tasks, objectivity of the attitude of immediate managers;
  • develop a system for assessing personal and business qualities employees;
  • submit reports to management within the agreed time frame;
  • obey the laws Russian Federation and adhere to them in matters of searching and selecting personnel, preparing vacancy announcements, and conducting interviews.

Personal and professional competencies

Many employers believe that HR is a personnel specialist. The functions of filling out personnel documentation and issuing certificates are transferred to him, and he is given a stack of vacancies that need to be filled.

Unfortunately, most HR employees do not know the tools they have. professional manager by personnel. Approaching the issue of finding an employee at vacant position, the personnel officer, most often, misses personal aspects - whether the candidate will fit into the department, whether he will be able to work in a team. Do his career goals coincide with the company's values?

Core competencies

HR Manager Competencies:

  • Understanding the company's goals and sharing them.
  • Empathy (the ability to empathize). It must be present in doses, otherwise HR will not be able to refuse unsuitable candidates and will quickly “burn out.”
  • Result oriented.
  • Ability to provide only necessary information.
  • The ability to see and hear a person. Often this competence is confused with the ability to “read like a book” of your counterpart. As practice shows, in this case, judgment about a person is more based on stereotypes.
  • Stress resistance.
  • Analytical thinking.
  • Strategic thinking.
  • Ability to manage talent.

Personal qualities

The personal qualities of an HR manager should help him in working with people. Too much sensitivity, weakness, and short-sightedness will not allow the employee to efficiently perform the duties assigned to him.

Qualities of an HR manager that are useful in his work:

  • communication skills;
  • impartiality;
  • active life position;
  • adaptability;
  • strategic thinking;
  • ethics;
  • self-control;
  • self confidence;
  • stress resistance;
  • attentiveness;
  • integrity;
  • creativity.

HR rights

An HR manager has equally important responsibilities and rights. The HR manager has the right:

  • receive information from senior management about plans for the company’s development in order to form a reserve and personnel search strategy in advance;
  • attend management meetings related to changes personnel policy;
  • participate in discussions of issues related to the personnel management system;
  • make proposals for talent management;
  • interact with all employees, request the necessary information to perform their direct duties;
  • manage document flow related to his direct activities;
  • inform the manager structural unit or to your direct supervisor about the difficulties that arise in the process of selecting an employee for a position;
  • monitor changes in the labor market.

Required skills and knowledge

In his work, HR needs to use a large number of modern progressive tools. Considering what an HR manager does, this knowledge needs to be constantly refreshed and supplemented.

Important skills:

  • knowledge of labor legislation, fundamentals of sociology;
  • ability to conduct business negotiations;
  • literacy;
  • knowledge of tools and methods for personnel assessment, the ability to analyze their effectiveness;
  • ability to organize;
  • planning, quality time management skills.

Where to apply your talents?

Let's look at what the actual work is. An HR manager most often works in an office and a meeting room. Needs such employees most of companies. Functionally, it can relate to both the personnel department (department) and the operational department. Companies in which cooperation between the operational and HR departments has been established estimate an increase in their profitability and efficiency by 12% (data relates only to indicators of the effectiveness of employees as a human resource).

HR specialists also attend conferences and meetings at universities. Such meetings take place regularly, but the frequency is regulated by the holding of job fairs in the institution itself and the need for young personnel in the company.

People management

An HR manager is, first of all, a huge responsibility. Responsibility to the business, to the staff. Professional employee will never leave a half-finished map of employee potential development. The thirst for improving not only oneself, but also the employees of one’s company is fully inherent in HR.

The HR manager is the engine of the company. Understanding his goals and objectives, he supplies high-quality personnel capable of implementing the tasks set by senior management. If the manager does not understand what kind of employee is needed and focuses only on the requirements, without taking into account the peculiarities of the company’s culture or wishes for the employee’s personality, then the vacancy will be closed formally. The time interval between the submission of an application by the head of the department until the end of the internship and the employee’s acceptance into the ranks of the organization is reduced if the HR manager is able to capture the personality characteristics of the candidate and compare them with the personality of the manager.

An HR manager is an essential link in the structure of a large organization.

It doesn’t matter what the position will be called - personnel manager, HR, recruiter. The main thing is how management understands this position and what powers it grants to the employee.

IT recruiting is a specific and difficult area for HR specialists. IT HR is more than a recruiter. Searching and selecting experienced specialists requires special training. Read our material about what an IT recruiter should know and how to find rare IT specialists.

From the article you will learn:

While the demand for IT specialists is constantly growing, the number of experienced IT personnel remains low in Russia. According to Head Hunter research Demand for IT specialists is increasing by 25% per year, while supply remains at the same level. IT recruiting is seriously different from the selection of representatives of traditional professions (sales, management, construction and real estate, personnel, production, law, accounting and finance) and is impossible without the use of special search tactics.

HR in the IT field is becoming more complicated: long term training of high-quality personnel, imperfection of the educational system, rapid development of the industry, a large number of vacancies for IT specialists from foreign companies in the public domain. The outflow of qualified personnel in this area from the country is one of the main reasons why companies are forced to train personnel within the company. According to IIDF data, in 2027 the country will be short of about 2 million IT workers.

In this area, employers are ready to hire novice programmers, web designers, layout designers, system administrators, who have recently received a diploma and without work experience, as well as talented students of specialized universities and courses. An IT recruiter must be prepared for a minimal response to vacancies, most of which will be from low-skilled specialists, as well as workers in related fields who want to undergo training.

Attracting rare IT specialists with extensive experience is only possible with a large salary and additional motivation in the form of: flexible working hours and a smooth start, remote work, as well as the absence of a rigid hierarchical management system in the department. If you have a choice between working in one of the Silicon Valley projects or in a large Russian company, the specialist will choose an international project because of its prestige and great prospects.

Typically, IT specialists do not recognize an authoritarian management system. Experienced specialists choose companies where there is democracy and modern systems project management. Experienced IT recruiters also note the following characteristics of workers in this field: rejection of the dress code, love of freedom and denial of any patterns.

All IT specialists, with rare exceptions, are introverts. They prefer to avoid meetings and conferences that are not directly related to their professional activities, as well as corporate events. To attract and retain a programmer with a rare specialization in a company, special methods of motivation are needed, a revision of the work schedule and corporate rules.

IT workers often change jobs if they feel uncomfortable due to pressure from management or are required to comply with a dress code and participate in entertainment events companies. The inability to make suggestions and participate in the choice of strategy and methods for implementing a task also leads to the employee’s dismissal at his own request.

Who is IT HR and how to become one

IT recruiter is a separate narrow specialization that requires lengthy training and special knowledge. It-hr can gain knowledge independently by studying the requirements for various IT specialists specified in vacancies of other companies, as well as professional communities of programmers, layout designers, information architects, etc.

There is another way - enroll in IT recruiter training courses. The first method will allow you to quickly “turn on” if prepare to hire IT specialists urgently needed, the second presupposes the availability of free time and an “order” from your employer.

To become a highly specialized HR specialist, you will need:

  • understanding the goals of this transition,
  • readiness for long-term training,
  • own development strategy for 1-3 years.

On average, it will take up to three years to acquire the necessary knowledge in IT and learn how to apply it in recruiting. During this time, you will be able to collect a list of requirements for all IT specializations, learn to understand the intricacies of the development process and project management, accumulate questions and tests for conducting effective and interesting interviews for applicants.

What knowledge does an IT recruiter need?

What does an IT recruiter need to know in order to find, evaluate, motivate and retain qualified specialists? To correctly write a job description, you will need knowledge of all current IT specialties. Sphere information technologies is developing rapidly. An IT recruiter needs to track the news of the world's leading IT companies, research popular professions in IT, find and study rare specializations.

In 2018, specialists in the field are popular artificial intelligence, blockchain and virtual reality. The salaries of workers in these areas are several times higher than those of specialists who speak popular programming languages. For a targeted search for a specialist, it is important to determine which IT specialization is most suitable for performing the company’s tasks.

For example, if a company requires an internal service specialist computer networks, then the vacancy title should indicate “systems engineer.” And to develop and maintain an online store using a self-written engine, you need to hire a native speaker of the language in which the engine is written, in most cases this is PHP. JAVA programmers are involved in the creation and development of applications. IOS and Android developers create games, applications and other software for data devices operating systems. A web analyst studies various website indicators (traffic, citations, positions in search engines, sources and structure of traffic) in order to improve the efficiency of the corporate web resource.

It is important for IT HR to navigate the professional terminology of the group with which he will work. In the case of IT, the situation is complicated, since many specialists communicate in pure slang. You need to know it at a good level in order to understand applicants and employees. At a minimum, you need to be familiar with the basic concepts used in IT recruiting:

  • what is the difference between: C++, C#, PHP, Python, Ruby, Java, Java Script, Perl;
  • what is Junior, Middle, Senior;
  • popular frameworks (for example, web frameworks Zend and Symfony, Django);
  • distinguish between front end and back end;
  • know modern methods project management: Agile, Scrum, Kanban;
  • understand how the company’s objectives are achieved.

To formulate the vacancy as accurately and clearly as possible for professionals, contact the department’s specialists, they will help outline the key requirements.

IT recruiting - where to start

To find novice specialists, use job sites effectively. Many IT specialists experience difficulties already at the stage of writing a resume. Mid-level specialists tend to passively search. They post their resumes on job sites and wait to be invited for an interview. Specialists high level- the smallest caste in the world Russian market labor. Use Linkedin and Facebook to find them. In case of a long unsuccessful search using traditional methods, you should choose one of two strategies: hunting or training.

If it is not economically feasible for a company to hire a specialist, it should launch a search for suitable candidates interested in professional growth. To assess the professional skills of IT specialists, use established tests (for example, WPAAT). Professional communities and social media. Finally, you can start word of mouth among personal and professional contacts about the vacant position. It is likely that the right candidate will be found, but will be employed by another company. Here it is quite appropriate to use hunting to get an experienced IT specialist with good recommendations.

Use modern services to search for specialists: Boolean search in Google TalentScan, AmazingHiring, Turbo Hiring.

Effective motivation of IT specialists

How can you motivate an IT specialist to get a job at your company and stay there for a long time?

  1. Professional growth and development.
  2. Interesting projects.
  3. Lack of a dress code and schedule (many IT specialists are night owls; they are comfortable working in the afternoon and at night).
  4. Distant work attractive to most specialists in the field.
  5. Convenient, quiet office, comfortable workplace, ideally a separate office.
  6. Salary is above the market average. Bonuses for meeting KPIs and compensation for overtime.
  7. Democracy, lack of “pressure” from management.

Finding IT specialists is not an easy task even for an experienced recruiter. To make searching easier and more targeted, use Boolean searches and X-ray. Start hunting and word of mouth search if you need a top-class specialist. Develop a motivation system separately for the IT department.

Life goes on, times change, and with them people and their professions. Over time, society has new demands and this undoubtedly entails certain changes. More recently, personnel department employees (HR specialist, HR inspector, etc.) were only involved in personnel records management. But in modern economic conditions work with personnel has changed somewhat, and began to include not only personnel records management, but also training, assessment, certification, staff motivation, creation corporate culture and employer branding.

Meet the HR manager (HR manager) - “human research manager”.

HR manager is the profession of the new millennium. However, it cannot be said that this profession is completely new, every HR department has HR specialists, but the new name has added a number of new knowledge, requirements and responsibilities.

The differences between a personnel officer and an HR manager are quite significant. HR department specialists carry out “coordination of the enterprise’s human resources,” while the HR manager solves the problems of building integrated system personnel management.

The main task of an HR manager is to develop a specific personnel program With detailed description action plan for searching, training and organizing the activities of personnel, creating a corporate culture. The tasks facing this specialist also include the following: organizing clear and coordinated work labor collective enterprises; education and training of company personnel; identifying the motivation of enterprise employees with an individual approach to each employee; protection labor resources enterprises from staff turnover.

What are the responsibilities of a modern HR manager?

Let's try to understand the essence of this profession today. Its functions primarily include communicating with people, that is, selecting candidates for a vacant position, creating a system of rewarding and punishing employees, as well as maintaining and even developing the company’s corporate style. The atmosphere in the team mainly depends on these people. Therefore, the competence of the HR manager also includes the responsibility to formulate and convey to employees the goals and mission of the enterprise, conduct events that would strengthen the internal spirit of the organization, and also open up to each employee his prospects for the position he occupies.

Requirements for an HR manager.

The main requirements for an HR manager include: higher education, it can be legal, economic, psychological, pedagogical, commercial - basically anything, but it must be deep and systemic.

Particular attention is paid here to moral qualities. A professional in this industry must be organized, insightful, communicative and practical.

The hiring manager must be good at communicating with people, and people with him. It is important that there is no burden in communication, because you will have to talk a lot due to your occupation.

You need to be able to listen to employees, evaluate the characteristics of their behavior, be able to predict professional success, and sometimes even help with practical advice. But at the same time, such a specialist must be a good manager.

The HR manager is also required to have authority and toughness in order to be able to cope with the assigned tasks.

Job responsibilities of the HR manager.

Today, everyone who is in one way or another related to the profession of an HR manager is faced with the following requirements and responsibilities:

Observing the labor market, possessing information about the current situation with personnel, average wages in the market and informing management about this.

Recruit, select and evaluate applicants. Conducting interviews with candidates.

Look for new sources and methods for finding professional personnel.

The ability to draw up a professional profile for each individual vacant position, that is, it is good to know what personal and professional qualities an applicant for a particular position must have.

Planning personnel needs for the near future and in the future, creating a reserve of employees, as well as promptly searching for the necessary specialists.

Knowledge labor legislation, basics business communication, working with documents and competent both oral and written speech.

Compilation and design employment contracts, contracts and agreements, formation and recording of personal files of employees.

Develops programs for personnel development, business career planning, training and professional development, as well as evaluating the effectiveness of training.

Organization of internship programs, training, advanced training, certification of employees, development, organization and implementation of training and social programs.

Takes part in the adaptation of newly hired employees to production activities.

Motivating company employees, finding an individual approach to them.

Monitoring compliance with rules internal regulations enterprises, taking part in resolving labor conflicts and disputes.

In addition, possession of creative thinking, analytical mind, long-term and working memory, as well as sustained attention and observation.

In general, we can say that the work of a recruiting manager is a tricky combination of routine and creative tasks, not everyone can cope with them.

Today, there are few highly qualified personnel managers, since the market is not constantly supplied with ready-made specialists in this field properly. Since 2000, the Ministry of Education of the Russian Federation has approved the specialty “Human Resource Management”, but the quality of managers with a special university education in this area leaves much to be desired.

Currently, demand is satisfied mainly through the retraining of other specialists within the company itself, most often HR officers. The main way to gain knowledge and professional skills in such a situation is self-education, trial and error. However, if you feel strong, feel free to become an HR manager.


From July 1, 2016, employers are required to apply professional standards if the requirements for the qualifications that an employee needs to perform a certain job function are established Labor Code, federal laws or other regulatory legal acts (Federal Law of May 2, 2015 No. 122-FZ). For other employees, professional standards are advisory in nature.

Professional standard- characteristics of the qualifications necessary for an employee to carry out a certain type of professional activity. An indication of necessity implies mandatory professional standards without any restrictions.

Article 57 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation establishes that if, in accordance with the Labor Code, other federal laws, the provision of compensation and benefits or the presence of restrictions is associated with the performance of work in certain positions, professions, specialties, then the name of these positions, professions or specialties and qualification requirements they must comply with the names and requirements specified in qualification reference books, approved in the manner established by the Government of the Russian Federation, or corresponding to the provisions of professional standards.

The Labor Code defines the qualifications of an employee, which means the level of knowledge, skills, professional skills and work experience of the employee. That is, if the position requires qualification restrictions, then the application of professional standards is mandatory for all employers, regardless of organizational legal form organizations.

Why are professional standards needed?

Professional standard is the name of an important fundamental document containing a description of the following norms:

Labor functions of the employee in accordance with his qualifications and position;
requirements for his experience and knowledge.

Thus, we can say that professional standards include a description of the qualitative level of qualifications of an employee, which he must meet in order to rightfully take his place on the staff of any company, regardless of the type of its activity (Article 195.1 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation).

Why are professional standards needed: distribution of responsibilities

First of all, the professional standard for personnel officers in 2016 delineates the areas of activity of HR service employees. Now the responsibilities of each specialist are clearly regulated. Based on the contents of the new documents:

Office management specialists are engaged in the preparation of primary, accounting, planning and organizational and personnel documents (orders, instructions), as well as their registration and submission for archival storage;

Employees involved in personnel selection collect and systematize information about the company’s current personnel needs, select new employees, and interact with government agencies and private individuals supervising employment issues;

HR managers assess the qualifications of employees, organize and conduct their certification;

Development specialists select advanced training courses and other activities that contribute to the career growth of employees;

Managers for standardization and remuneration supervise issues of adjusting the system wages and incentives, development of principles of non-material motivation;

Social policy managers are involved in the development and implementation of relevant social programs and monitor the correctness of their implementation;

Employees whose competence includes resolving personnel migration issues are engaged in the transfer of employees from one structural unit of the company to another, as well as in the employment of persons who do not have Russian citizenship;

Managers organize the uninterrupted operation of the department entrusted to them, control the correctness of the execution of documents and their compliance with the norms of current legislation, and also prepare internal management reporting.

On approval of professional standards for personnel officers for 2017.

In the field personnel work The following professional standards are currently in effect:

1. “Human Resources Management Specialist” (approved by order of the Ministry of Labor of the Russian Federation dated October 6, 2015 No. 691n). This document contains qualification requirements for heads of HR departments and employees personnel services and HR and career guidance specialists.

2. “Personnel selection specialist (recruiter)” (approved by order of the Ministry of Labor of the Russian Federation dated October 09, 2015 No. 717n). This standard contains requirements for recruiters and HR managers, whose responsibilities include exclusively searching for employees and their initial adaptation in the workplace.

Download professional standard Personnel selection specialist (recruiter).

The professional standard consists of 4 sections:
1. General Provisions.
2. Description labor functions included in the professional standard.
3. Characteristics of general labor functions (contains a list: labor actions, necessary skills, necessary knowledge).
4. Information about the organizations that developed the professional standard.

Required knowledge and skills

These are the knowledge and skills that an HR manager needs to know and be able to do to perform his job duties.

In the professional standard of a HR specialist knowledge and skills are given for each labor function within the framework of a generalized one.

So, to perform the first generalized labor function: documentation support for work with personnel (for all three labor functions), knowledge is required:

— labor legislation and other acts containing norms labor law;

— legislation of the Russian Federation on personal data;

— the fundamentals of archival legislation and regulatory legal acts of the Russian Federation, regarding the maintenance of personnel documentation;

— basics of document flow and documentation support;

— organization structures;

— local regulations organizations;

— technologies, methods and techniques for analyzing and systematizing documents and information;

— standards of ethics and business communication.

— basic principles of computer science, structural construction information systems and features of working with them.

You can find a list of all job functions, knowledge and skills required to perform them in the professional standards by downloading them above.

HR specialist is a profession, like many others that came to us from the West, today in Semey it is applied to the so-called “HR officers”. Who are HR specialists, what do they do and why are they needed in the enterprise? People directly involved in this profession are talking about this today.

Currently, the term “HR specialist” is actively used. What do local leaders mean by this concept?

- Usually our managers use this term in relation to personnel inspectors, that is, specialists who: keep records of the organization’s personnel; formalize the hiring, transfer and dismissal of employees; form and maintain personal files of employees; keep records of the provision of vacations to employees and draw up documents for the assignment of pensions. In most cases, HR specialists at enterprises in our city are limited to these functions. But this is not true. HR specialist (stands for human resource - specialist in human resources) is a broader concept, and its functional load includes many parameters, namely:

1. Planning of personnel policy (participation in the development of the corporate culture of the enterprise, calculation of labor requirements, development of information and technical documentation and job descriptions etc.);

2. Organization of resources (in addition to the usual hiring/dismissal of employees and document management, conflict management is added, as well as the organization of communication space);

3. Development of an incentive system (determining the group’s potential and personnel rotation, forming a reserve, developing personnel through corporate trainings etc.);

4. Evaluation of employee performance (employee certification, monitoring the socio-psychological microclimate, etc.).

- But are there any enterprises in our city that have HR specialists performing all these functions?

- The problem is that specialists of this level must have knowledge at the intersection of many fields, such as socionics, psychology, management, economics and others. It is clear that such specialists are difficult to find. Therefore, usually in the head offices of large enterprises (located in other cities) there is a whole staff of HR services, in which these functions are distributed among narrow specialists. These are: analyst, recruiter, psychologist, HR manager, career guidance consultant, HR inspector, moral inspector, etc., who serve their regional units located in our city. Local large enterprises usually maintain personnel departments, which include personnel inspectors (from 1 to 4 people). However, there are still specialists of this level in the city - these are employees of our company.

What about small companies? Do small businesses need a specialist of this level for a team of, say, 10 to 30 people?

- Of course, to keep such a specialist on small business, firstly, it is expensive, and secondly, it will not be loaded. However, every manager must understand that it is for a small, and not for a large enterprise, that keeping an unqualified employee is fraught with consequences, and the departure of one specialist may well lead to the collapse of the business. Therefore, at SME enterprises, it is the issues of personnel management that the manager must pay serious attention to and either take on these functions himself, or work through consulting centers specially created for these purposes, which in our city is TsORP Consulting LLP.

- Lyana Yuryevna, from your point of view, what is the role of HR specialists in the enterprise?

- The main problem of many enterprises in our city is staff turnover, therefore the main task of HR specialists at the local level is to be able to create favorable climate, each member of which, from a simple worker to a manager, would feel comfortable in it. Any finisher should feel like a part of the team, understand that her work is no less important than, say, a foreman.
Contrary to popular belief, an HR specialist is not a desk worker who communicates only with pieces of paper. For example, I try to visit all the sites where our workers work every 2-3 days, talk to people, find out their problems and help solve them. It is necessary to be as close to people as possible, only then can we know exactly how to organize the work process for more efficient production.

- What aspects of your activity are the most important?

- In my work, everything is important: from hiring an employee to stimulating him to work. Therefore, when interviewing people, I don’t just look at his personal file and diploma, I try to determine from the very first conversation how honest this person is, how balanced he is, whether he will work diligently or quietly drink work time. It is also important to realize that each type of business requires an individual approach, so every time you come to new company, I am developing the entire complex of work with personnel anew.

- How in demand are these specialists in Semey today?

- Today, these specialists are necessary for everyone large enterprise, which is why the demand for HR people in Semey is quite high. In a good way, these days, for every 100 people in an enterprise, one HR specialist is needed. Although at the dawn of the development of entrepreneurship in our city, this profession practically disappeared. Fortunately, the labor inspectorate and tax services contributed to the restoration of HR departments at enterprises. Today this position is also quite promising and, in addition to a good salary of 35-50 thousand, is stimulated by bonuses.

- And lastly, what personal qualities should HR specialists have?

- Contrary to popular belief, HR specialists should not only be attentive and diligent, their main qualities should be communication and initiative. Only communicative person will be able to find an approach to every employee entrusted to him, and only the proactive will find a way to increase labor productivity in his enterprise.

Alina Olga Petrovna, head of the Personnel Assessment and Development Center Consulting LLP, answered the questions.


2016 is approaching its halfway point. It's time to look back and critically evaluate the work of HR. Is the direction chosen right? Are those aspects being given attention? In other words, how much are the right bets?

Before you think about potential investment areas, you should look at the final report of the World Economic Forum, which, among other things, talks about the future state of the labor market.

Here are four key areas that HR directors should focus on in 2016 and the near future.

1. Own department for storing employee data

More and more organizations are realizing that employee information plays a significant role in the success of HR activities. The entire process—from sourcing, hiring, onboarding, to managing and rewarding—must start with data and insights.

In addition, when we collect data about any process that is carried out by a person (we are not just talking about the area of ​​​​HR responsibility), we learn a lot about both the effectiveness and shortcomings. And this helps to understand which areas in the organization require development.

Despite the fact that motivation is gaining more and more weight in companies’ HR policies, 80% of HR managers admit that when making decisions, managers still rely on superficial judgments about employees. And only in 13% of companies bosses check employee data throughout the entire work cycle in the organization. This percentage was revealed in a study conducted in mid-2015 by the Human Capital Institute and Oracle.

At the same time, there are signs of a change in attitude towards this issue. One of the main signs is the increase in large companies looking for heads of HR data departments. Typically these are newly created positions that combine previously scattered resources. Often, the heads of such departments report directly to the head of the HR service.

In the largest companies, intelligence departments are expected to include 20 to 100 people focused on analytics, reporting, workflow, forecasting and other business insights.

Competent selection of personnel for such departments is only the first step, but the main thing is to take it. In this area there is huge potential creation competitive advantages, which means you can bet on it in 2016.

2. New ideas for performance and talent management

According to Deloitte's September 2015 Bersin report, approximately 70% of companies are reviewing their performance management strategies. Also, according to the NeuroLeadership Institute, more than 50 large companies moving away from rating systems. Both studies are cited in a Harvard Business Review article.

HR directors may explain that traditional performance management systems are outdated. And the reasons for this are the following: in the current economy, the annual assessment process is becoming too uninformative; formal process, which is based on ratings, creates a strong connection between the manager and the subordinate, which can negatively affect the employee’s engagement and performance; An increasing amount of work is being done through a network of employees and assistants, sometimes even from other areas, so relying heavily on the manager to evaluate employees should not be a step towards a potential mistake.

The best HR directors are confident that modern technologies, on the one hand, and access to a wider range of sources, on the other, will provide much more lively, transparent and reliable information. Appropriate cloud applications developed for mobile devices have considerable potential to help solve some of the problems in the field of performance management.

A similar approach is appropriate for talent management. Analysis of large volumes of information is much easier with dynamic visualization, which helps managers see the development of their employees, firstly, in time, from year to year, and secondly, in relationships with other groups of employees.

In addition, the best cloud systems can capture data on how willing employees are to help colleagues, allowing them to make informed recommendations about their career development, and in a broad sense- plan succession in the company.

3. Changing the focus of engagement

The latest definition of engagement from SEB was: this is the employee’s desire to exceed the plan, supported by the intention to continue working in the company. Here are specific reasons to focus on employee engagement in 2016: it helps to retain employees and, with reference to them, hire new ones; it increases productivity, gives business results, it shortens the path to customer loyalty and enhances the main advantages of the brand, and finally, it is a sign of professionalism.

Here are the most significant changes in the engagement analysis process in just a few years: recent years: The assessment period has become much shorter, companies have stopped conducting annual surveys, replacing them with mobile procedures consisting of one, two or three questions; the emergence of the ability to analyze unstructured data allows even large companies to consider ordinary conversations at the water cooler as a source of information; By receiving near-online feedback on employee attitudes to key events, managers can adjust their policies much more quickly than before.

The most visionary HR leaders are rethinking employee engagement, including freelancers, who make up approximately 50% work force some large companies. It is not necessary to hire an employee, the main thing is different: the talent must be involved.

4. Leverage consumer experience

The peculiarity of today is that for the first time ordinary users have access to at least modern technologies than the personnel of the world's most powerful corporations. Therefore, talented employees who are familiar with technology are now less tolerant of contradictory technological experiences.

Forward-thinking HR leaders recognize that modern, intuitive user interfaces and end-to-end user-centered processes are more needed than ever before. The best ones use universal data to deliver contextual and targeted messages. The employee’s work schedule is changing, and many HR directors are in search of conditions that would not only be useful to the company, but also pleasant to the employee himself.

There is only one successful approach that can be applied to any HR service - to comply with the company’s business model: strong growth, new territories, globalization, and so on.

The most sustainable trend, popular recently, is the use of cloud services. The question today is not whether HR directors and their IT partners are going to move to cloud services, but how soon they will do so.

The most successful HR leaders lead their teams through transformation that helps the business win. As more and more companies change their focus, we hope the analysis above will broaden your horizons and help you start a productive conversation.