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What specialties do you need to take physics for? Where to work in the specialty "Physics"? Professions related to physics and their features Technical specialties without physics.

Physics is a broad science that applies everywhere. After all, thanks to its laws, the Universe exists, planets revolve around the Sun, and all the conditions necessary for life are present. Modern man Life cannot be imagined without physical processes. If this science had not been developed by ancient scientists, then today there would not be many serious discoveries and inventions. The specialties of a physicist as a learned and interested person are quite diverse.

Which institute should I go to?

First you need to decide on your specialty. What do you want to study? What profession do you want to devote your whole life to? There is a huge choice. You can enroll not only in the specialty “Physics” at MEPhI, Moscow State University or any pedagogical institute, but also choose, so to speak, a differential specialty in the fields of space, transport, nature, household items, construction, medicine.

So what specialties do they take physics for? Anything that is related to technology at least in a small way. For example, a schoolboy dreams of being an astronomer. He will have to take the Russian language (usually an essay), mathematics and physics. As you know, schools currently take the Unified State Exam, so physics must be chosen as an additional subject. Russian and mathematics are already taken without fail.

Wouldn't make a mistake with the choice

So that the student does not have to rack his brains and torment himself with doubts, it is better to attend open days at universities. Not only read information about the specialty you are interested in, but also talk to specialists, if possible. It often happens that a child or teenager dreams of one thing, but gets something completely different, because he imagined everything differently. It’s better to open your eyes to the truth right away so that it won’t be painful later. A book on a specialty of interest can be a good advisor. Physics at school and college is very different from the university curriculum. Of course, you can endure several sessions and forget about a specific subject, but if the entire specialty is based on it, future profession? The choice must be made carefully.

There are some guys who, from childhood, love to solder microcircuits, assemble models, design a future country house, and understand cars from an early age. They should definitely go accordingly: the first - to the faculty of microelectronics, semiconductor devices, to instrument-making institutes; the second - to the Faculty of Architecture or Construction; the third - for road/automobile.

Unusual and interesting professions

There are many specialties, but not very popular ones, that apply physics directly: medical devices and apparatus, physics laboratories. At Moscow State University. Lomonosov is taught various interesting specialties that are related to physics in quite a deep way. Graduates can become theoretical physicists. MEPhI also has a specialty in Physics. How should such a person work? You can become a scientist if the student has proven himself well. The university itself will send such a genius to a suitable laboratory for practical training.

A physicist can simultaneously teach a subject at school, college or university, write articles, and publish books. This is a minimum list of what a physicist can do. He must not only hone the theory, but also apply everything in practice, embody his ideas. In this case, a physicist must think logically, have ingenuity and erudition.

Is math really that important?

Without mathematics, physical problems cannot be solved. For example, you need to write an equation of motion, calculate the current with missing data through formulas in which you can insert existing parameters, transform the expression, calculate probability, integrals, derivatives, and the like. Without such basic knowledge, you don’t even have to try to enroll in a physical specialty. Of course, a physicist can simply talk about the structure of the Earth, gravity and give arguments “what would happen if...”, but there are no such specialties where mathematics is not taken, but only physics. These two sciences always go hand in hand. Even Russian language and literature are needed everywhere during admission to study, for all specialties. Physics and mathematics are taken together in entrance exams almost everywhere.

Inventors of electronics, radio engineering and machines

Undoubtedly, all instruments and machines were designed by people who are well versed in physics and mathematics. First, such people study the theory, structure of molecules, atoms, try to independently find similar or close to analogous elements, substances and experiment. Modern man creates new technology with an emphasis on the old. Very little is produced from scratch anymore. Before you create any complex thing, you need to depict it at least on paper, show all its elements, and then check it. From there the scientist learns that this is where the transistor needs to be soldered, what substances it consists of, etc.

What specialties require physics to work with radio electronics, instrument making, mechanical engineering? There is no point in listing all existing ones, because the names are similar to those listed, but will have a “subsection,” as it were. You need to choose technical universities. Who is interested in assembling computers? Cell Phones and laptops, anyone who wants to learn how to invent something new can become a design engineer in the same areas mentioned above.

Combining physics with other sciences

Let’s take, for example, a vibroacoustic device with two transducers, which treats joint diseases, osteochondrosis, diabetes and other diseases. Undoubtedly, you need to know biology and physics in order to create the ideal device for treatment. Most often, a physician and a physicist will work together in a laboratory, creating their own idea. Biophysics is also a science that can be studied by a physicist or biologist. It all depends on the interests and abilities of people. Exist in medical universities such specialties.

Physics can also be applied in the acoustic and electromagnetic sphere: ultrasonic devices, infrasound, various electromagnetic emitters. It is worth recalling that equipment for creating a microclimate is also not created without knowledge of physical laws.

Still, what specialties should you take physics for? In reference books for applicants to technical universities, pedagogical universities, MEPhI, Moscow State University. Lomonosov and other universities in Russia and abroad have all the information about which subjects need to be taken. The choice is huge, it is important not to make a mistake and not regret it.

List of qualifications and positions

For a graduate of a bachelor's degree in specialty 050723 – Technical Physics The academic degree of Bachelor of Technical Physics is awarded.
Qualifications and positions are determined in accordance with the “Qualification Directory of Positions of Managers, Specialists and Other Employees”, approved by Order of the Ministry of Labor and Social Protection dated November 22, 2002 No. 273 - P.
Bachelor in specialty 050723 – Technical Physics, in accordance with the requirements of the “Qualification Directory of Positions of Managers, Specialists and Other Employees”, can occupy the following positions: physicist, circuit engineer, electronics engineer, technologist, specialist of the highest, I and II categories, junior researcher, senior laboratory assistant, physics teacher in secondary general education and special education educational institutions etc.

Qualification characteristics of bachelor of specialty 050723 – Technical physics

Field of professional activity
Fields of science and technology, including the research, development, creation and operation of new materials, technologies, instruments and devices.
Objects of professional activity
The objects of professional activity of graduates are:
physical processes and phenomena, physical and physical-technological devices, systems and complexes, as well as research, scientific-production, design organizations, enterprises, firms, companies, centers and higher education institutions.
Subjects of professional activity
Development, creation and operation of devices; methods of analysis, forecasting and management of the properties of materials, technological processes, technical equipment and operation of production and research facilities high technology.
Types of professional activities
Bachelors in specialty 050723 - Technical Physics can perform the following types of professional activities:
- scientific research;
- design and engineering;
- production and management;
- organizational and technological;
- educational (pedagogical).
Functions of professional activity:
- collection, processing, analysis and systematization of scientific and technical information on research and development topics;
- study of specialized literature and other scientific and technical information, achievements of domestic and foreign science and technology in the field of technical physics;
- participation in conducting experimental studies according to a given program, drawing up descriptions of experiments, preparing data for the preparation of reports, reviews and other documentation;
- performing mathematical modeling of objects and processes using standard methods;
- participation in work on fine-tuning and mastering technological processes during pre-production new products;
- participation in organizing quality control of materials and manufactured products, carrying out their certification;
- monitoring compliance with technological discipline at one’s site, proper operation of production and laboratory equipment;
- analysis of the causes of defects in manufactured products and participation in the development of measures to prevent them;
participation in the organization of maintenance and repair of new instruments and devices.
- implementation of the prevention of industrial injuries, occupational diseases and environmental violations.
Typical tasks of professional activity:
- solving theoretical and experimental problems that arise when considering various physical processes;
- analysis of physical phenomena based on modern theoretical concepts and their application in applied research;
- development and improvement of formal models and methods used in creating objects of professional activity;
- development and research of methods for analysis, synthesis, optimization and forecasting of the quality of processes of functioning of objects of professional activity;
- development, improvement and application of specification tools, methods for developing standards and technologies for the production of objects of professional activity.
Areas of professional activity
Scientific and engineering activities in the field of applied sciences and high-tech production.
Contents of professional activity:
research activities:
- construction of mathematical models for analyzing the properties of research objects; selection of a numerical method for modeling objects; development of an algorithm for solving the problem;
- development of solution methods various tasks technical physics, including typical design, research and control tasks physical properties materials and media;
- performing mathematical modeling for the purpose of analyzing and optimizing the parameters of research objects based on available tools, including standard packages computer-aided design and research;
- carrying out measurements and studies of various objects according to a given methodology with the choice of technical means and processing the results;
- compiling descriptions of ongoing research and projects being developed, preparing data for the preparation of reports, reviews and other technical documentation;
- commissioning, tuning and testing individual species devices and systems in laboratory conditions and on sites;
design and engineering activities:
- analysis of the assigned project problem in the field of technical physics based on the selection and study of literary and patent sources;
- formulating the goals of the project (program) for solving problems, criteria and indicators for achieving goals, building a structure of their relationships, identifying priorities for solving problems, taking into account the moral aspects of activity;
- development of generalized options for solving a problem, analysis of these options, forecasting consequences, finding compromise solutions in conditions of multi-criteria, uncertainty, planning project implementation;
- development of projects for device components new technology taking into account the requirements formulated for them;
- use of new information technologies in the development of technical projects;
production and management activities:
- carrying out theoretical and experimental studies to analyze the characteristics of materials using a given measurement technique with processing of the results obtained;
- implementation of technological production processes, quality control of elements and components for various purposes;
- calculation of technological standards for the consumption of materials and tools, selection of standard equipment, preliminary assessment economic efficiency technological processes;
- work on fine-tuning and mastering technological processes during pre-production;
organizational and technological activities:
- development of plans for certain types of design and technological work and control of their implementation, provision of relevant services technical documentation, materials, equipment;
- finding optimal solutions when creating certain types of products, taking into account the requirements of quality, cost, deadlines, competitiveness and life safety;
- accommodation technological equipment, technical equipment and organization of workplaces, calculation of production capacity and equipment load according to current methods and standards;
- implementation technical control production of products and participation in their quality management.
Requirements for the key competencies of a bachelor in specialty 050723 - Technical Physics
have an idea:
- about the region, objects and types of professional activities;
- about generalized tasks of professional activity;
- regulations, methodological and regulatory materials in their field of professional activity;
- current standards And technical specifications, regulations and instructions for the operation of equipment, test programs, preparation of technical documentation;
- specifications And economic indicators domestic and foreign equipment in the field of technical physics;
- types of marriage and ways to prevent it;
- facilities computer technology, communications and connections;
- basics of economics and labor organization;
- basics labor legislation;
- labor protection rules and regulations;
be able to:
- use abstracts, periodicals and reference and information publications related to the profile of work;
- collect, process, analyze and systematize scientific and technical information;
- monitor compliance with technological discipline at your site, proper operation of production and laboratory equipment;
- analyze the causes of defects in manufactured products and develop measures to prevent them;
- carry out the prevention of industrial injuries, occupational diseases and environmental violations;
- carry out mathematical modeling of objects and processes using standard methods;
have the skills:
- studying special literature and other scientific and technical information, achievements of domestic and foreign science and technology in the field of technical physics;
be competent:
- when organizing quality control of materials and manufactured products, carrying out their certification;
- when organizing maintenance and repair of new instruments and devices;
- when fine-tuning and mastering technological processes during preparation for the production of new products;
- when conducting experimental research according to a given program, drawing up descriptions of experiments, preparing data for drawing up reports, reviews and other documentation.

General education disciplines
Required component
History of Kazakhstan
Kazakh (Russian) language
Foreign language
Computer science
Component of choice

Basic disciplines
Required component
Linear algebra and analytical geometry
Mathematical analysis
Physical Basics mechanics
Molecular physics
general chemistry
Descriptive geometry and engineering graphics
Differential and integral equations
Electricity and magnetism
Physical optics
Electrical engineering
Methods of mathematical physics
Atomic physics and spectroscopy
Nuclear and particle physics
Electromagnetic field theory
Quantum mechanics
Fundamentals of statistical physics and thermodynamics
Metrology, standardization and certification
Occupational health and safety in enterprises
Component of choice

Profile disciplines
Required component
Mechanical devices
Thermophysical measurements
Electrical and magnetic devices
Optical instruments
Applied Electronics
Applied Thermal Physics
Physical foundations of quantum electronics
Condensed Matter Physics
applied Physics
Component of choice

Additional types of training
Physical Culture
Educational practice
Undergraduate practice

PGK Intermediate State Control 8
Final state certification
1. Writing and defense thesis(project)
2. State exam in specialty (General and theoretical physics)

List of universities recruiting students in specialty 050723 – Technical Physics

The priority direction for the development of science, technology and engineering in the Russian Federation according to Decree of the President of the Russian Federation No. 899 of July 7, 2011.

Students in the Engineering Physics major study engineering disciplines together with computer modeling methods and combine basic fundamental training with engineering knowledge in the field of oil and gas, and engineering design.

Direction characteristics

Characteristic Index
Training is conducted by
Level of training Bachelor's degree
Direction code 16.03.01
Total number of budget places 18
of which places are for persons with special rights 2
Number of paid places 32
Entrance tests Mathematics - 42
Physics - 42
Russian language - 36
Priority entrance examinations Mathematics; Physics; Russian language.
Competition for budget places in 2018 18,33
Minimum total score for admission to the budget in this area in 2018 215
Graduate qualification Bachelor
Form of study Full-time
Duration of full-time study 4 years
Cost of full-time training RUB 189,591


Key competencies:

  • willingness to use physical and mathematical knowledge to solve professional problems;
  • the ability to use instruments and equipment to determine the parameters of technological processes and the properties of physical and technical objects and materials.
  • Ability to organize and conduct scientific research in various areas of technical physics.
  • Perform computer modeling of physical processes and systems, including creating hydrodynamic models of oil and gas bearing formations.
  • Study all types of physical phenomena, processes and structures observed in nature.
  • Develop, create and implement new technologies, devices and materials for various purposes.
  • Understand the engineering and technology of the oil and gas sector.


  • Tyumen Oil Research Center LLC (Rosneft Oil Company PJSC)
  • Schlumberger Logelco Inc.
  • OOO " Science and Technology Center NOVATEK
  • LLC "LUKOIL-Engineering" "KogalymNIPIneft"
  • OJSC Gazpromneft-Tyumen
  • OJSC "SurgutNIPIneft"
  • JSC "HMS Neftemash"
  • PJSC "Tyumen Engine Builders"
  • CJSC Tyumen Institute of Oil and Gas
  • FBU "Tyumen Center for Standardization and Metrology"
  • LLC "Multiprofile scientific enterprise"GEODATA"
  • JSC Transneft Siberia
  • CJSC TyumenNIPIneft
  • Tyumen branch of the Federal State Institution of Science “Institute of Theoretical and Applied Mechanics named after. S.A. Khristianovich Siberian Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences"
  • LLC "TyumenNIIgiprogaz"
  • Institute of the Earth's Cryosphere, Siberian Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences
Neftecom LLC


    Elvira Muratova – Gold medalist of the “I am a Professional” Olympics in the field of Oil and Gas Engineering, 2018.

    Legostaev Dmitry – UMNIK grant on the topic “Development software product for geomechanical modeling oil and gas fields» 2016-2018

    Alexey Bessarab – UMNIK grant on the topic “Development of an in-line ultrasonic multichannel analyzer for the quantitative content of the gas phase in a gas-liquid flow” 2016-2018.

    Evgeniy Zaitsev – UMNIK grant on the topic “Development of a matrix cell for a wide-range in-line moisture meter for oil and petroleum products” 2016-2018.

    Yesenbaev Tair – UMNIK grant on the topic “Development software package"Intelligent gas condensate field." 2015-2017

    Buravtsov Andrey - UMNIK grant on the topic “Development of a controlled module simulating muscle tissue based on a magnetically susceptible elastic material for the field of limb prosthetics.” 2018-2020

    Kitaev Ivan – UMNIK grant on the topic “Development of portable film for heating automobile glass.” 2015-2017

    Polovodov Vladimir – winner of the Tyumen Technology Business Accelerator state university, 2018

    Milena Radchenko – winner All-Russian Olympiad in Theoretical Mechanics, Kazan, 2017.

    Andrey Buravtsov – 1st place in the bench press discipline. Festival of power sports "Golden Tiger - X", Yekaterinburg, 2016.

    Yesenbaev Tair – 1st place. Regional student competition scientific works – 2015.

    Yanbikova Yulia – 2nd place. Regional competition of student scientific works – 2015.

    Tulkov Andrey – international Conference"Arctic, Subarctic: mosaic, contrast, variability of the cryosphere." Tyumen, 2015

    Buravtsov Andrey, Yanbikova Yulia – 1st place. Factory of scientific thought of young people “Resources of the cold world: Yamal and the Arctic.” Tyumen, 2018

    Vladimir Polovodov is a winner of the qualifying stage at the Technology Accelerator from the Internet Initiatives Development Fund (IIDF). Tyumen, November 2-4, 2018


Learning outcomes

Employment and career

Areas of activity:

Oil and gas construction complexes. Energy.

Organizations and enterprises of possible employment:

Public and private research and development production organizations related to solving physical problems of oil and gas, construction and energy complexes. System institutions higher education. Graduates have the opportunity to continue their studies in a master's program.

Where do our graduates work:

  • LLC Tyumen Oil Research Center (PJSC NK Rosneft);
  • OJSC "SurgutNIPIneft";
  • CJSC Tyumen Institute of Oil and Gas;
  • Schlumberger Logelco Inc.
  • LLC Scientific and Technical Center NOVATEK;
  • Neftecom LLC;
  • OJSC Gazpromneft-Tyumen;
  • LLC "LUKOIL-Engineering" "KogalymNIPIneft";
  • FBU "Tyumen Center for Standardization and Metrology";

Possible positions:

Engineer, designer, researcher.

Foreign partner universities

  • agreement on cooperation in the field of education and science between the New Bulgarian University of Sofia (Bulgaria).
  • memorandum of understanding between the University. Humboldt, Berlin
  • cooperation agreement between the University of Navarra (Spain).
  • agreement on cooperation and academic exchanges between the University of Strasbourg (France).
  • agreement on cooperation and academic exchange between the University of Lorraine in Metz (France).
  • cooperation agreement between the University of Toulouse 2 - Le Mirail (France).
  • cooperation agreement between Bodo University College (Norway).
  • cooperation agreement between the University of Oslo (Norway).
  • memorandum of cooperation between the University of Wolverhampton (UK).


by order of the Ministry of Education

and science Russian Federation





Real federal state educational standard higher education is a set of requirements mandatory for the implementation of basic professional educational programs of higher education - undergraduate programs in the field of study 03/16/01 Technical Physics (hereinafter referred to as the bachelor's program, field of study).


The following abbreviations are used in this federal state educational standard:

OK - general cultural competencies;

OPK - general professional competencies;

PC - professional competencies;

FSES VO - federal state educational standard of higher education;

network form - a network form of implementation of educational programs.


3.1. Receiving education under a bachelor's degree program is permitted only in an educational organization of higher education (hereinafter referred to as the organization).

3.2. Bachelor's degree programs in organizations are carried out in full-time, part-time and part-time forms of study.

(as amended by Order of the Ministry of Education and Science of Russia dated 09.09.2015 N 999)

The volume of the bachelor's degree program is 240 credit units (hereinafter referred to as credit units), regardless of the form of study, the educational technologies used, the implementation of the bachelor's degree program using an online form, the implementation of the bachelor's degree program according to an individual curriculum, including accelerated learning.

3.3. Duration of obtaining education under the bachelor's program:

full-time study, including vacations provided after passing the state final certification, regardless of the educational technologies used, is 4 years. The volume of a full-time undergraduate program, implemented in one academic year, is 60 z.e.;

in full-time or part-time forms of education, regardless of the educational technologies used, increases by no less than 6 months and no more than 1 year compared to the period of obtaining education in full-time education. The volume of a bachelor's degree program for one academic year in full-time or part-time forms of study cannot be more than 75 credits;

(as amended by Order of the Ministry of Education and Science of Russia dated 09.09.2015 N 999)

when studying according to an individual curriculum, regardless of the form of study, it is no more than the period for obtaining education established for the corresponding form of study, and when studying according to an individual plan for persons with disabilities, it can be increased at their request by no more than 1 year according to compared with the period of obtaining education for the corresponding form of training. The volume of a bachelor's degree program for one academic year when studying according to an individual plan, regardless of the form of study, cannot be more than 75 z.e.

The specific period for obtaining education and the volume of a bachelor's degree program implemented in one academic year, in full-time or part-time forms of study, as well as according to an individual plan, are determined by the organization independently within the time limits established by this paragraph.

(as amended by Order of the Ministry of Education and Science of Russia dated 09.09.2015 N 999)

3.4. When implementing a bachelor's degree program, an organization has the right to use e-learning and distance learning technologies.

When training people with disabilities, e-learning and distance educational technologies must provide for the possibility of receiving and transmitting information in forms accessible to them.

3.5. The implementation of a bachelor's degree program is possible using a network form.

3.6. Educational activities the undergraduate program is carried out in the state language of the Russian Federation, unless otherwise determined by local normative act organizations.



4.1. The area of ​​professional activity of graduates who have completed the bachelor's program includes a set of tools and methods human activity related to the identification, research and modeling of new physical phenomena and patterns, with the development on their basis, creation and implementation of new technologies, instruments, devices and materials for various purposes in science-intensive areas of applied and technical physics.

4.2. The objects of professional activity of graduates who have mastered the bachelor's degree program are physical processes and phenomena that determine the functioning, efficiency and production technology of physical and physical-technological devices, systems and complexes for various purposes, as well as methods and methods of their research, development, manufacture and application.

4.3. Types of professional activities for which graduates who have completed the bachelor's program are prepared:

scientific and innovative;

scientific research;

scientific and pedagogical;

design and engineering;

production and technological;

organizational and managerial.

When developing and implementing a bachelor’s program, the organization focuses on specific type(types) of professional activity for which a bachelor is preparing, based on the needs of the labor market, research and material and technical resources of the organization.

The undergraduate program is formed by the organization depending on the types educational activities and requirements for the results of mastering the educational program:

focused on research and (or) pedagogical type (types) of professional activity as the main (main) (hereinafter referred to as the academic bachelor's program);

focused on practice-oriented, applied type(s) of professional activity as the main(s) (hereinafter referred to as the applied bachelor's program).

4.4. A graduate who has completed a bachelor's program, in accordance with the type(s) of professional activity to which the bachelor's program is focused, must be ready to solve the following professional tasks:

participation in the development of innovative principles for creating physical and technical objects and systems;

participation in assessing the innovative potential of new products in selected area technical physics;

participation in the development and implementation of research and development results;

study of scientific and technical information, domestic and foreign experience in the chosen field of technical physics;

analysis of the assigned research problem in the field of technical physics based on the selection and study of literary and patent sources;

construction of mathematical models for analyzing the properties of research objects and selection of tools and software for their implementation;

carrying out measurements and studies of physical and technical objects with the choice of technical measuring instruments and processing of results;

compilation of descriptions of ongoing research and projects under development, preparation of data for the preparation of reports, reviews and other technical documentation;

participation in the preparation of reports, articles, abstracts based on modern means editing and printing;

carrying out adjustment, configuration and pilot testing of certain types of complex physical and technical devices and systems in laboratory conditions and on-site;

carrying out laboratory work, instruction and training of junior technical staff application of modern high-tech devices and processes of technical physics;

participation in pre-university training and career guidance work aimed at attracting the most prepared graduates of schools and other secondary organizations vocational education to obtain higher education in the field of technical physics;

carrying out theoretical and experimental studies to analyze the characteristics of physical and technical objects in order to optimize the modes of the stages of technological processes;

participation in the implementation of new and improved technological processes of high-tech production, quality control of materials, elements and assemblies of physical and technical devices and systems;

participation in work on fine-tuning and mastering technological processes during the preparation of the production of new or modified products and devices of technical physics;

organization of metrological support of technological processes, use of standard methods of product quality control;

monitoring compliance with environmental safety at physical and technical facilities;

participation in the development of functional and structural diagrams at the level of units and elements of experimental installations and systems according to specified technical requirements;

development of technical specifications for the design of components, fixtures, equipment and tools for the implementation of technologies;

carrying out a feasibility study of design calculations;

design of devices, parts and assemblies at the circuit and element levels using computer design tools based on a preliminary feasibility study;

participation in assessing the manufacturability of simple and medium complexity design solutions, development of standard processes for monitoring parts and assemblies;

compilation of certain types of technical documentation for projects, their elements and Assembly units, including technical specifications, descriptions, instructions and other documents;

participation in the organization of work aimed at developing the creative nature of the activities of production teams;

development of plans for certain types of work and monitoring their implementation, including provision of relevant services with the necessary technical documentation, materials, equipment;

making optimal decisions on the creation of certain types of products, taking into account the requirements of quality, cost, deadlines, competitiveness and life safety;

establishing the procedure for performing work and organizing technological routes for creating elements and assemblies of devices and systems during their manufacture;

carrying out technical control of the production of products and participating in their quality management;

planning of personnel work and wage funds.


5.1. As a result of mastering the bachelor's program, the graduate must develop general cultural, general professional and professional competencies.

5.2. A graduate who has completed a bachelor's program must have the following general cultural competencies:

the ability to use the foundations of philosophical knowledge to form a worldview position (OK-1);

ability to analyze the main stages and patterns historical development society for the formation civic position(OK-2);

the ability to use the basics of economic knowledge in various spheres of life (OK-3);

the ability to use the basics of legal knowledge in various spheres of life (OK-4);

ability to communicate verbally and written forms in Russian and foreign languages ​​to solve problems of interpersonal and intercultural interaction (OK-5);

the ability to work in a team, tolerantly perceive social, ethnic, religious and cultural differences (OK-6);

ability for self-organization and self-education (OK-7);

the ability to use methods and means of physical culture to ensure full-fledged social and professional activities (OK-8);

ability to use first aid techniques, methods of protection in emergency situations (OK-9).

5.3. A graduate who has completed a bachelor's program must have the following general professional competencies:

the ability to use the fundamental laws of nature and the basic laws of natural science disciplines in professional activities (GPC-1);

the ability to apply methods of mathematical analysis, modeling, optimization and statistics to solve problems arising in the course of professional activity (GPC-2);

ability for theoretical and experimental research in the chosen field of technical physics, willingness to take into account modern tendencies development of technical physics in their professional activities (OPK-3);

ability to solve standard problems of professional activity on the basis of information and bibliographic culture using information and communication technologies and taking into account basic requirements information security(OPK-4);

mastery of basic methods, methods and means of obtaining, storing, processing information, the ability to independently work on a computer in modern environments operating systems and the most common applications and programs computer graphics(OPK-5);

ability to work with distributed databases, work with information in global computer networks, using modern educational and information Technology(OPK-6);

the ability to demonstrate knowledge of a foreign language at a level that allows you to work with scientific and technical literature and participate in international cooperation in the field of professional activity (GPC-7);

the ability to independently master modern physical, analytical and technological equipment for various purposes and work on it (OPK-8).

5.4. A graduate who has completed a bachelor's degree program must have professional competencies corresponding to the type(s) of professional activity that the bachelor's program is focused on:

scientific and innovative activities:

readiness to participate in research on innovative principles for creating physical and technical objects (PC-1);

the ability to participate in assessing the innovative potential of new products in the chosen field of technical physics (PC-2);

readiness to implement and commercialize the results of research and design developments (PC-3);

research activities:

ability to apply effective methods research of physical and technical objects, processes and materials, conduct standard and certification tests of technological processes and products using modern analytical tools of technical physics (PC-4);

willingness to study scientific and technical information, domestic and Foreign experience on the topic of professional activity (PC-5);

readiness to draw up a plan for the scientific research specified by the director, develop an adequate model of the object being studied and determine the scope of its applicability (PC-6);

scientific and pedagogical activities:

the ability to instruct and train junior technical personnel in the rules of using modern high-tech analytical and technological tools of technical physics (PC-7);

readiness to participate in pre-university training and career guidance work in schools and other secondary educational institutions (PK-8);

production and technological activities:

the ability to use technical means to determine the basic parameters of the technological process, study the properties of physical and technical objects, products and materials (PC-9);

ability to use modern information technologies, application packages, network computer technologies and databases in the subject area for calculations technological parameters(PC-10);

ability to use regulations on quality, standardization and certification of products, elements economic analysis in practical activities (PC-11);

readiness to justify adoption technical solutions when developing technological processes and products, taking into account economic and environmental requirements(PC-12);

ability to use safety regulations, industrial sanitation, fire safety and labor protection standards (PC-13);

design and engineering activities:

ability to develop functional and block diagrams elements and assemblies of experimental and industrial installations, product designs taking into account technological, economic and aesthetic parameters (PC-14);

willingness to use information technology in the development and design of new products, technological processes and materials of technical physics (PC-15);

organizational and managerial activities:

readiness for a team work style, to perform professional functions as part of a team of performers (PC-16);

ability to analyze technological process as a control object (PC-17);

ability to organize the work of performers, accept management decisions in the field of organization and labor regulation (PC-18).

5.5. When developing a bachelor's program, all general cultural and general professional competencies, as well as professional competencies related to those types of professional activities that the bachelor's program is focused on, are included in the set of required results for mastering the bachelor's program.

5.6. When developing a bachelor's program, an organization has the right to supplement the set of competencies of graduates, taking into account the focus of the bachelor's program on specific areas of knowledge and (or) type(s) of activity.

5.7. When developing a bachelor's program, the organization sets the requirements for learning outcomes in individual disciplines (modules) and practices independently, taking into account the requirements of the corresponding exemplary basic educational programs.


6.1. includes a mandatory part (basic) and a part formed by participants in educational relations (variable). This provides the opportunity to implement bachelor's degree programs with different focus (profile) of education within the same area of ​​training (hereinafter referred to as the focus (profile) of the program).

6.2. The undergraduate program consists of the following blocks:

Block 1 “Disciplines (modules)”, which includes disciplines (modules) related to the basic part of the program, and disciplines (modules) related to its variable part.

Block 2 “Practices”, which fully relates to the variable part of the program.

Block 3 “State final certification”, which fully relates to the basic part of the program and ends with the assignment of qualifications specified in the list of specialties and areas of higher education training, approved by the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation.

Bachelor's program structure

Bachelor's program structure

Scope of the undergraduate program in credit units

academic bachelor's program

applied bachelor's program

Disciplines (modules)

Basic part

Variable part


Variable part

State final certification

Basic part

Scope of Bachelor's program

6.3. Disciplines (modules) related to the basic part of the bachelor's program are mandatory for the student to master, regardless of the focus (profile) of the bachelor's program that he is mastering. The set of disciplines (modules) related to the basic part of the undergraduate program is determined by the organization independently to the extent established by this Federal State Educational Standard for Higher Education, taking into account the corresponding approximate (exemplary) main educational program(s).

6.4. Disciplines (modules) in philosophy, history, foreign language, life safety are implemented within the framework of the basic part of Block 1 “Disciplines (modules)” of the undergraduate program. The volume, content and order of implementation of these disciplines (modules) are determined by the organization independently.

6.5. Disciplines (modules) according to physical culture and sports are implemented within the framework of:

the basic part of Block 1 "Disciplines (modules)" of the undergraduate program in the amount of at least 72 academic hours (2 credit units) in full-time study;

elective disciplines (modules) in the amount of at least 328 academic hours. The specified academic hours are mandatory for mastering and are not converted into credit units.

Disciplines (modules) in physical culture and sports are implemented in the manner established by the organization. For disabled people and persons with limited health capabilities, the organization establishes a special procedure for mastering disciplines (modules) in physical education and sports, taking into account their health status.

6.6. Disciplines (modules) related to the variable part of the bachelor's program and practices determine the focus (profile) of the bachelor's program. The set of disciplines (modules) related to the variable part of the undergraduate program and practices are determined by the organization independently to the extent established by this Federal State Educational Standard for Higher Education. After the student selects the focus (profile) of the program, a set of relevant disciplines (modules) and practices becomes mandatory for the student to master.

6.7. Block 2 “Practices” includes educational and production practices, including pre-graduation practice.

Types of educational practice:

practice to obtain primary professional skills, including primary skills and skills in research activities.

Methods of conducting educational practice:



Types of internship:

practice to gain professional skills and experience in professional activities (including technological practice);

research work.

Methods of conducting practical training:



Pre-graduation practice is carried out to complete the graduation qualifying work and is mandatory.

When developing bachelor's degree programs, the organization selects types of practices depending on the type(s) of activity to which the bachelor's program is focused. The organization has the right to provide for other types of internships in the undergraduate program in addition to those established by this Federal State Educational Standard for Higher Education.

Educational and (or) practical training can be carried out in structural divisions organizations.

For persons with disabilities, the choice of practice sites should take into account their health status and accessibility requirements.

6.8. Block 3 “State Final Certification” includes the defense of the final qualifying work, including preparation for the defense procedure and the defense procedure, as well as preparation for and passing the state exam (if the organization included the state exam as part of the state final certification).

6.9. Bachelor's degree programs containing information constituting state secrets are developed and implemented in compliance with the requirements stipulated by the legislation of the Russian Federation and regulations in the field of protection of state secrets.

6.10. Implementation of part (parts) of the educational program and state final certification containing scientific and technical information subject to export control, and within the framework of which (which) students are informed of restricted access information and (or) secret weapons are used for educational purposes, military equipment, their components are not allowed with the use of e-learning and distance learning technologies.

6.11. When developing a bachelor's program, students are provided with the opportunity to master elective disciplines (modules), including special conditions disabled people and persons with limited health capabilities, in the amount of at least 30 percent of the variable part of Block 1 “Disciplines (modules)”.

6.12. The number of hours allocated for lecture-type classes as a whole for Block 1 “Disciplines (modules)” should be no more than 50 percent of the total number of classroom hours allocated for the implementation of this Block.



7.1. System-wide requirements for the implementation of a bachelor's degree program.

7.1.1. The organization must have a material and technical base that complies with current fire safety rules and regulations and ensures the conduct of all types of disciplinary and interdisciplinary training, practical and research work of students provided for by the curriculum.

7.1.2. Each student during the entire period of study must be provided with individual unlimited access to one or more electronic library systems (electronic libraries) and to the organization’s electronic information and educational environment. Electronic library system ( digital library) and the electronic information and educational environment must provide the student with access from any point where there is access to the information and telecommunications network "Internet" (hereinafter referred to as the "Internet"), both on the territory of the organization and outside it.

The electronic information and educational environment of the organization must provide:

access to curricula, work programs of disciplines (modules), practices, electronic publications library systems and electronic educational resources specified in work programs;

progress fixation educational process, results of intermediate certification and results of the undergraduate program;

conducting all types of classes, procedures for assessing learning outcomes, the implementation of which is provided for using e-learning and distance learning technologies;

formation of a student’s electronic portfolio, including the preservation of the student’s work, reviews and evaluations of these works by any participants in the educational process;

interaction between participants in the educational process, including synchronous and (or) asynchronous interaction via the Internet.

The functioning of the electronic information and educational environment is ensured by the appropriate means of information and communication technologies and the qualifications of the workers who use and support it. The functioning of the electronic information and educational environment must comply with the legislation of the Russian Federation.

7.1.3. If a bachelor's degree program is implemented in network form requirements for the implementation of a bachelor's degree program must be provided by a set of resources, material, technical, educational and methodological support provided by organizations participating in the implementation of a bachelor's degree program in online form.

7.1.4. In the case of implementing a bachelor's degree program on established in the prescribed manner in other organizations, departments or other structural divisions of the organization, the requirements for the implementation of the undergraduate program must be provided by the totality of the resources of these organizations.

7.1.5. The qualifications of the organization's management and scientific-pedagogical employees must correspond to the qualification characteristics established in the Unified qualification directory positions of managers, specialists and employees, section " Qualification characteristics positions of managers and specialists of higher professional and additional professional education", approved by order of the Ministry of Health and social development Russian Federation dated January 11, 2011 N 1n (registered by the Ministry of Justice of the Russian Federation on March 23, 2011, registration N 20237), and professional standards (if any).

7.1.6. The share of full-time scientific and pedagogical workers (in rates reduced to integer values) must be at least 50 percent of the total number of scientific and pedagogical workers of the organization.

7.1.7. In an organization implementing bachelor's degree programs, the average annual amount of funding for scientific research per one scientific and pedagogical worker (in rates reduced to integer values) must be no less than the value of a similar indicator for monitoring the education system, approved by the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation.

7.2. Requirements to personnel conditions implementation of the bachelor's program.

7.2.1. The implementation of the bachelor's degree program is ensured by the management and scientific-pedagogical employees of the organization, as well as by persons involved in the implementation of the bachelor's degree program under the terms of a civil law contract.

7.2.2. The share of scientific and pedagogical workers (in terms of rates reduced to integer values) with an education corresponding to the profile of the taught discipline (module) in the total number of scientific and pedagogical workers implementing the undergraduate program must be at least 70 percent.

7.2.3. The share of scientific and pedagogical workers (in terms of rates converted to integer values) who have an academic degree (including an academic degree awarded abroad and recognized in the Russian Federation) and (or) an academic title (including an academic title received abroad and recognized in the Russian Federation), the total number of scientific and pedagogical workers implementing the undergraduate program must be at least 70 percent.

7.2.4. The share of employees (in terms of rates reduced to integer values) from among the managers and employees of organizations whose activities are related to the focus (profile) of the bachelor's degree program being implemented (with at least 3 years of work experience in this professional field), in the total number of employees implementing the bachelor's degree program , must be at least 5 percent.

7.3. Requirements for material, technical, educational and methodological support of the undergraduate program.

7.3.1. Special premises should be classrooms for conducting lecture-type classes, seminar-type classes, course design(execution coursework), group and individual consultations, ongoing monitoring and intermediate certification, as well as premises for independent work and storage rooms and preventive maintenance educational equipment. Special premises must be equipped with specialized furniture and technical means training serving to represent educational information large audience.

To conduct lecture-type classes, sets of demonstration equipment and educational visual aids are offered, providing thematic illustrations corresponding to the sample programs of disciplines (modules), working curriculum disciplines (modules).

The list of logistics necessary for the implementation of a bachelor's degree program includes laboratories equipped with laboratory equipment, depending on the degree of complexity. Specific Requirements to material, technical and educational support are determined in the approximate basic educational programs.

Premises for independent work of students must be equipped computer equipment with the ability to connect to the Internet and provide access to the electronic information and educational environment of the organization.

In the case of using e-learning and distance learning technologies, it is possible to replace specially equipped premises with their virtual counterparts, allowing students to master the skills required by their professional activities.

If the organization does not use an electronic library system (electronic library), the library collection must be equipped with printed publications at the rate of at least 50 copies of each edition of the basic literature listed in the work programs of disciplines (modules), practices, and at least 25 copies of additional literature per 100 students.

7.3.2. The organization must be provided with the necessary set of licenses software(the composition is determined in the work programs of disciplines (modules) and is subject to annual updating).

7.3.3. Electronic library systems (electronic library) and electronic information and educational environment must provide simultaneous access to at least 25 percent of students in the undergraduate program.

7.3.4. Students must be provided with access ( remote access), including in the case of the use of e-learning, distance educational technologies, to modern professional bases data and information reference systems, the composition of which is determined in the work programs of disciplines (modules) and is subject to annual updating.

7.3.5. Students with disabilities should be provided with printed and (or) electronic educational resources in forms adapted to their health limitations.

7.4. Requirements to financial conditions implementation of the bachelor's program.

7.4.1. Financial support implementation of a bachelor's degree program should be carried out in an amount not lower than the basic standard costs established by the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation for the provision of public services in the field of education for a given level of education and field of study, taking into account adjustment factors that take into account the specifics of educational programs in accordance with the Methodology for determining standard costs for rendering public services on the implementation of having state accreditation educational programs of higher education in specialties and areas of training, approved by order of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation dated August 2, 2013 N 638 (registered by the Ministry of Justice of the Russian Federation on September 16, 2013, registration N 29967).

Characteristics of the direction.
Technical physics is a field of science and technology, including a set of means, methods and methods of human activity related to the research, development, creation and operation of new materials, technologies, instruments and devices.

Objects of professional activity graduate in the direction of "Technical Physics" are: physical processes and phenomena, physical and physical-technological devices, systems and complexes, methods and methods of their research and design.

Opportunities for continuing education:
The bachelor is prepared to continue his education:
in master's programs in 29 areas, including direction 140400 "Technical Physics";
– mastering in a shortened time the main educational programs in the areas of training of certified specialists:
661100 - Technical physics;
654000 - Optotechnics;
654100 - Electronics and microelectronics;
654200 - Radio engineering;
651000 - Nuclear physics and technology;

Cycle of natural science and professional disciplines:

  • Mathematics
  • Physics
  • Computer science
  • Programming
  • Analysis and processing of data on a computer
  • Computer graphics
  • Descriptive geometry and engineering graphics
  • Mechanics
  • Materials science and technology of structural materials
  • electrical and Electronics
  • Metrology, standardization and certification
  • Life safety
  • Mathematical methods for modeling physical processes
  • applied Physics
  • Experimental research methods
  • Management, organization and production planning
  • New materials and technologies
  • Fundamentals of technical physics