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PTE of power plants and networks. Electric power stations and networks of the Russian Federation, PTE requirements

The main regulatory document regulating reliable, consistent and giving the highest economic effect operation of energy facilities are PTEs of power plants and networks. They spell out all the nuances that apply to organizational and technical tasks that arise during the construction, launch and operation of energy structures.

Operation of power plants and networks

In the rules technical operation of electrical stations and networks (PTESS), one of the provisions addresses issues such as:

  • launch and acceptance of newly built installations and structures;
  • basic requests for service personnel;
  • creating control over the efficiency of processes;
  • technical control over the operation of electrical installations and power plants;
  • repair, maintenance work and equipment modernization;
  • conducting technical documentation;
  • ACS devices (automatic control systems).

The set of rules also includes a unified regulation for making measurements throughout the Russian energy system.

Rules for acceptance of structures and equipment into operation

Attention! The rules of this section considered in the Ptess include tasks imposed on newly built or technically refurbished structures and equipment.

Before talking about acceptance, you need to know what the start-up complex (power facility) is.

Important! During the process of construction or re-equipment, intermediate tests of both components and hidden work must be carried out.

Verification of compliance with the 2003 PTE before operational tests is mandatory.

All detected deficiencies, installation or construction defects identified during the inspection must be eliminated before the start of comprehensive testing.

For your information. Normal uninterrupted operation of the main equipment for 72 hours with a load equal to the rated load is considered a comprehensive test. For power lines (PTL), the time interval is 24 hours.

Rules requirements for personnel

When staffing teams of repair, maintenance and operational dispatch personnel, a number of requirements are met.

Necessarily. In case of violations of these Rules, each employee is obliged to inform his immediate supervisor and try to eliminate the violations independently. Studying and following safety rules is the responsibility of the employee.

Ways to control the efficiency of energy facilities

In order to control the productivity of power plants (thermal or hydropower plants), developed energy parameters are used. The graphs, tables and annexes contain the dependence of thermal and electrical loads on economic and technical performance indicators of equipment. To these can be added graphs of the consumption rates of raw materials (water or fuel) required to generate the supplied energy.

Information. The need to develop such characteristics for zoned boiler houses and low-power power plants is established by the regional JSC Energo.

Technical supervision of the operation of energy facilities

Technical supervision for inspections, technical examinations and surveys is established by relevant orders for the enterprise.

Important! The commission must assess the condition and outline measures to maintain and ensure the approved resource of the installation.

Modernization, repair and maintenance (TO)

Due to the wear and tear of buildings, structures and electrical equipment during operation, the problem of repair and replacement of worn-out components arises. Due to the specific nature of energy production, unplanned or emergency downtime (with complete or partial loss of power) entails great damage to consumers.

Attention! Unexpected shutdown of failed equipment leads to its damage. In addition, an emergency situation can threaten the life and health of personnel servicing the system.

To prevent this from happening, the following must be planned:

  • modernization – replacement of obsolete equipment with new, more modern equipment;
  • planned repairs: major (has the goal of restoring the full working life of the installation with the replacement of basic components) and current (supporting the operation of the installation in given parameters with replacement of wearing parts);
  • maintenance – work not related to repairs (walk-throughs, inspections, lubrication, identification of deviations from the norm, replacement of consumables).

A separate section in the Rules deals with the reconstruction of facilities, which entails:

  • increase in power;
  • reduction of labor costs;
  • reduction in material consumption.

Reconstruction leads to improved production performance and reduced energy costs.

Technical documentation of the power facility

Every enterprise in the energy industry must have a set of documentation.

In addition, there must be fire extinguishing and evacuation plans approved by fire authorities.

Automated control systems (ACS)

Allows you to control the operation of systems in automatic mode. A properly organized and implemented system makes it possible to optimize the number of staff and exercise control over the quality and operation of the facility.

Important! The implemented automated control system must be adaptively flexible to subsequent upgrades and various changes in application conditions.

Unity of measurements

All measurements carried out in the energy sector must comply with the accuracy indicators accepted in Russia and be expressed in units used in the Russian Federation. This is necessary to ensure that all obtained results are comparable, regardless of time, place and measurement methods used.

Territory of power plants, requirements

When arranging the territory, pay attention to the following points:

  • implementation of surface water drainage;
  • installation of noise-absorbing devices;
  • organization of engineering structures: gas pipelines, sewerage, heating mains, water pipelines, etc.;
  • execution of transport infrastructure: roads, approaches to fire reservoirs, pedestrian paths, bridges, etc.;
  • installation of wells to control groundwater levels;
  • security of the territory and arrangement of checkpoints (checkpoints).

Landscaping and landscaping are also included in a number of requirements.

Hydraulic structures of power plants

PTE RF sets requirements for the reliability and safe operation of hydraulic structures. This is facilitated by drainage and anti-filtration devices and mechanisms. The rules emphasize service:

  • dams and dams;
  • drainage systems;
  • berms and ditches.

Their long-term operation is ensured by the following conditions:

  • protection from external influences;
  • periodic condition monitoring.

All nuances related to the safe condition are transmitted in writing to supervisory structures.

Equipment of hydraulic structures

The valve equipment mechanisms are maintained in working order. During inspections (every 60 months), attention is paid to the following points:

  • presence of a maximum opening height marker;
  • absence of mechanical obstacles during operation;
  • absence of vibrations, mechanical deformations, precise shrinkage on the threshold.

Ropes, alarms, grounding and wires are checked once every 12 months.

Water regime for power plants

Once every 10 years, the rules for the water regime of hydroelectric power plants are reviewed. There are two types of modes: working and special. The operating mode allows the use of water resources to ensure optimal plant load.

A special regime - before the spring flood, it includes:

  • maximum (by level) filling;
  • discharge of excess water volume, with the ability to let ice and sediment through;
  • the ability to maintain the normal functioning of irrigation and shipping.

In a special mode, additional control of water discharge occurs in order to ensure the safe operation of hydraulic structures.

Hydraulic structures in winter

Before the winter cold, they check the operation of the slush collectors and clean the sedimentation tanks for it. If hydraulic structures are not designed for ice pressure, then a hole is created in front of them. All winter it is cleared of ice.

For your information. Winter measurements of water temperature are carried out daily to determine when to turn on the heating for the grates. When the ice has not yet frozen, sludge can be passed through turbines or sludge dumps.

Power plant reservoir requirements

The rules describe in detail all the requirements for the location of water storage for hydroelectric power plants. The main activities include:

  • allocation of a protective zone in which water use is limited;
  • cleaning the reservoir from silt and thickets;
  • protection of the coastline and its constant monitoring;
  • laboratory sampling of water to analyze its quality;
  • control of water temperature and ice condition in winter.

The rules oblige the implementation of environmental protection measures within the boundaries of the protection zone.

Hydro turbine units

These Rules regulate the uninterrupted operation of hydraulic turbines at rated load. In this case, the efficiency (coefficient useful action) above average. If necessary, the installation must immediately switch to maximum load mode. This is ensured by a number of conditions:

  • absolute automation of all hydroelectric power station units;
  • possibility of stable operation with 100% open shutters;
  • The synchronous compensatory mode of the hydraulic unit, if necessary, must immediately switch to the generator mode.

Attention! With three or more hydraulic units, GRAM (group active power control) is installed.

Technical water supply for power plants

Cooling towers are used to cool and distribute the water used. The walls of the devices have an anti-corrosion coating, which is cleaned once every two years to remove deposits. The waterproofing of the sheets is restored as necessary.

Fuel and transport facilities of power plants

Network railway transport, supplying fuel by rail directly to the territory of the hydroelectric power station, must operate without interruption. The unloading process is completely mechanized. Pteesis RF is prescribed:

  • control over the quality of raw materials;
  • timely delivery to the station;
  • keeping the areas adjacent to unloading clean.

Control equipment (scales, measuring instruments) must be calibrated and tested.

Fuel for power facility

Based on the type of fuel supplied to the power plant for operation, it is divided into the following types:

  • hard;
  • liquid;
  • gaseous.

Solid fuel at unloading sites in cold period defrosts and loosens. According to the rules, this is carried out according to the regime map. Periodic sampling and checking the serviceability of mechanisms are regulated.

Liquid fuel is drained through a closed fuel line, filtered and supplied continuously. It is recommended to pay attention to the following questions:

  • serviceability of devices;
  • permissible fuel temperature range;
  • viscosity;
  • pressure;
  • availability of a passport for the pipeline.

Fuel for storage must be taken from the upper layers of the tank contents. The frequency of monitoring the quality of stored stock can be developed locally.

Gaseous fuel is supplied to the burners of the units through a gas pipeline. All features of the organization and maintenance of the gas industry are regulated in detail in the Rules.

Power plants and networks, electrical equipment

Section PTE SO 153-34.20.501-2003 discusses:

  • generators and synchronous compensators;
  • electric motors;
  • power transformers;
  • reactors;
  • voltage distribution devices.

The requirements for the technical operation of each item are considered from the point of view of safe, reliable and long-term operation.

Requirements for power cable lines

Ptess, as a manual for maintenance and repair, provides the following requirements:

  • maintenance of power overhead and underground cable lines: power lines, subway and railway contact networks, etc.;
  • providing climate control in cable channels;
  • service cable routes;
  • control over current load and core heating temperature.

Carefully! For cables with a service life of more than 15 years, current overload is permissible no higher than 10%. Overcurrent for paper-insulated cables operating at a voltage of 35 kV is unacceptable.

Compliance with Rules SO 153-34.20.501-2003 regulates all types of maintenance, repair and operation of energy facilities. Deviation from norms and recommendations entails emergency situations, equipment downtime, and threatens the health and life of operating personnel.


The detailed review presented here examines the rules for the technical operation of power plants and networks operating on traditional energy sources. The main provisions of these requirements apply both to the equipment included in electrical networks and to representatives of departments and organizations responsible for their maintenance and service.

PTE of electrical supply stations and networks operate on the basis of the provisions of SO 153-34.20.501-2003 and contain basic requirements for the procedure for servicing energy facilities, including preventive measures and repairs. Thus, these rules should be followed by all third-party organizations and intermediaries performing one-time or scheduled work on substations and electrical networks.

Organizational matters

During operation and maintenance of electrical installations great importance given as follows organizational issues included in the PTE requirements:

  • The procedure for dividing the so-called “borders of responsibility” between this object and neighboring territories in which the orders of its head are no longer in effect;

Note! This division concerns not only the linear routes being laid; it also extends its effect to individual economic and territorial units (entire energy systems, sections, workshops and buildings).

  • Preparation of the list job descriptions, which should guide the personnel serving each facility of a particular unit.

The part of the document devoted to organizational measures necessarily stipulates the issues of ensuring safety when working with special equipment of substations and relay circuits. To meet these requirements, workers and maintenance personnel of substations and linear facilities must be guided by the basic provisions of the current regulations (including PUE). In this regard, he is obliged:

  • Monitor the current state of substations with stationary and linear equipment located on them;
  • Maintain the quality of voltage supplied to objects (its shape, frequency and rating) at the required level;
  • Follow all instructions from operational and dispatch management;
  • Master modern methods maintenance of electrical networks, allowing to increase the efficiency of their operation and achieve planned energy saving indicators;
  • Comply with industry regulations fire safety and labor protection requirements.

In addition, substation operating personnel are obliged to constantly improve the quality of service of this object and at the same time reduce its impact on the environmental situation in the area where it is located.

The Rules also note that representatives of third-party organizations performing design, installation, adjustment and commissioning of electrical equipment must have a license to carry out all of the above work. At the same time, departmental supervisory authorities are required to conduct periodic inspections of the condition of buildings and structures located on site, as well as the performance of the equipment installed on them.

In addition, the rules for the technical operation of power plants and networks separately stipulate the procedure for carrying out system measures organized to assess the technical safety of energy facilities and the efficiency of use of production capacities.

Issues of advanced training

According to the requirements of SO 153-34.20.501, in order to improve methods of working with power equipment, regular theoretical classes should be conducted with substation personnel.

Upon completion of training, specialists must be certified on all previously studied material, followed by assigning each of them the appropriate category and obtaining permission to work on electrical installations.

This approach to the training process makes it possible to prepare service personnel for the prospects of technical re-equipment of energy production, carried out with the simultaneous updating of the entire fleet of electrical equipment involved in the operation.

Commissioning of energy facilities

Commissioning works

Upon completion installation work carried out under the program for updating the equipment operated at this facility, its acceptance must be organized. The procedure for carrying out these activities is also stipulated by separate paragraphs of current regulations relating to specific objects of the energy system (transformer substations, boiler houses, thermal power plants, capacitive compensating units, as well as the linear equipment itself).

Additional Information. According to the same rules and methods, the acceptance of an energy facility is carried out upon completion of its major repairs or modernization.

In accordance with the PUE, during startup work, the technical condition of the working units of the equipment being put into operation is necessarily assessed, and the compliance of the operating modes with the requirements established by the standards is also checked.

The Rules for the Technical Operation of Electrical Stations and Networks (PTESS) also determine the categories of premises used to carry out work of various types. In particular, they divide buildings according to their functional purpose into two main classes.

Firstly, these are parts of the building or the entire building, on the territory of which the main power equipment is located.

Secondly, these are individual buildings or their elements, the areas of which are used as auxiliary premises. They, in turn, are divided into the following types:

  • Structures intended to accommodate vehicles serving the substation;
  • Areas used as auxiliary storage facilities;
  • Change rooms, locker rooms, showers and canteens necessary to create normal working conditions for personnel serving the facility;
  • Engineering systems, which include pipelines, wastewater treatment plants and local electrical networks.

Important! Commissioning work must be carried out in volumes sufficient to meet all the requirements of regulatory documentation relating to the efficiency of the equipment in use.

Test procedure

The set of measures carried out immediately before putting the facility into operation should include the following procedures:

  • Checking the functioning of the tested systems and electrical equipment of the main power units (including auxiliary devices available on site);
  • Testing the performance of all equipment in terms of its readiness for commissioning;
  • Conducting intermediate tests, as well as checking individual components for the quality of hidden (earth) work.

It also states that representatives of the customer are usually involved in this work, and the inspection itself is carried out in accordance with design solutions for a given facility and is timed to coincide with the completion of the entire scope of installation work.

Additional Information. A mandatory component of any acceptance tests is to check all equipment to ensure compliance with fire safety requirements.

If any malfunctions or shortcomings are detected in the systems being inspected, they must be eliminated before the equipment is put into permanent operation. All comments on the condition of the equipment being examined must be recorded in the acceptance certificate, signed by all interested parties.

Acceptance (final stage)

A necessary condition for the successful completion of commissioning work is the fulfillment of the following requirements:

  • Availability of certificates for checking the operability of alarm systems, emergency warning and fire extinguishing systems, as well as ventilation and other communications;
  • Obtaining official permission to put an energy facility into operation, issued by local supervisory and control authorities;
  • Checking, together with the customer, the functioning of individual units and mechanisms (including auxiliary equipment) under load.

Important note! The test will be considered successful if the tested equipment of electrical substations operates without interruption for at least 72 hours (with nominal load and maintaining the parameters specified by the standards).

It should be noted that special requirements are imposed on hydroelectric power plants and pumped storage power plants, consisting of the need for three consecutive successful starts of substation equipment in automatic mode. And for gas turbine power generation systems this figure increases up to ten times. Separately, we consider stations that use alternative sources as their own power plants.

Technical characteristics of existing stations

The PTEs operating in the Russian Federation distinguish types of energy facilities for which the dependence of the main indicators on the magnitude of thermal and electrical loads is introduced.

First of all, these include:

  1. Electrical substations with a capacity starting from 10 MW;
  2. Hydroelectric power plants with an operating capacity of 30 MW or more;
  3. CHP plant with a productivity of about 50 Gcal/hour.

For all energy facilities with such indicators, the above-mentioned dependence is established, and at substations of lower power, the feasibility of its introduction depends on the characteristics of the specific system and the equipment installed in it.

The performance characteristics of these systems, according to the PTE, are indicators of the actual operating efficiency of equipment and relay lines (including their energy consumption). Moreover, energy indicators are assessed according to the following main criteria:

  • Energy transfer efficiency;
  • Heat and energy losses (on average for the facility);
  • Average annual cost of transporting media from station equipment to a specific consumer;
  • The procedure for accounting for thermal and electrical energy.

Note! All current calculations of average consumption indicators for energy networks are carried out in accordance with the provisions of the PTE and current standards.

In electrical networks, only the so-called “technological” consumption of electricity, including its transportation to a specific consumer, is subject to rationing. This procedure is carried out in the presence of mandatory control of the accuracy of measurement of current energy consumption, as well as taking into account the state of operating station equipment.

Such monitoring should be carried out at least once a month, and based on its results, the best work shifts and departments are determined, in which no serious violations were identified.

Departmental supervision

All energy facilities that generate and supply electricity to specific consumers, as well as distribute and convert it according to loads, must be under the departmental supervision of special bodies.

In addition, they are required to have regular technical inspections carried out in relation to electrical equipment and recorded with a mark in the relevant accounting document.

The procedure for conducting such an examination can be presented as follows:

  • Organization and conduct of acceptance tests carried out with the participation of members of a specially appointed commission;
  • Checking the condition of station equipment, consisting of its visual inspection, as well as studying all accompanying technical documentation;
  • Testing equipment for compliance with safety regulations, including assessing the condition of grounding systems and measuring the contact resistance of relevant circuits.

The results of the work carried out by the commission are necessarily recorded in the technical passport of a separate unit or unit.

Important! Operation of equipment with detected defects and technical malfunctions is strictly prohibited.

Modernization, repair and maintenance

According to the main provisions of the PTE, the owner of any energy facility is directly responsible for its current condition, as well as for the quality of its maintenance and timely repair of the equipment located on it.

In addition, he is obliged to carefully monitor the timing of planned activities related to the overhaul and modernization of this facility. The scope of these types of work is determined by the tasks facing the contractor, and in some cases it is specifically specified when drawing up annual schedules.

In accordance with the current regulatory provisions of the PTE, the following important issues and points are regulated:

  • Frequency of maintenance, as well as time costs that should be allocated for unforeseen repair work;
  • Possibility of extending temporary pauses between all types of repairs of main power units;
  • Preparation of the appropriate tools, as well as all the necessary documentation, without which it is simply not possible to take this object out for repair;
  • Drawing up a list of mandatory measures aimed at ensuring the smooth launch of the facility into operation (upon completion of the repair cycle).

After eliminating all the shortcomings and shortcomings discovered by the selection committee, an acceptance certificate for the object is prepared, which means the completion of the full cycle of repair work. Before signing the final document, the following must be completed: the necessary conditions post-repair acceptance of equipment into operation:

  • Substations with effective voltage values ​​from 35 kV must undergo mandatory two-day tests with a fully connected load;
  • As it progresses, the performance of individual components and systems must be checked for compliance with all the requirements specified in the test program;
  • The quality of the repairs carried out in terms of compliance with safety requirements is also assessed.

Note! Final acceptance of the entire set of equipment into operation is possible within 30 calendar days after its test launch.

All this time, members of the commission constantly monitor the condition of all components of the restored or modernized equipment, and also check the reliability of the operation of its automatic systems.

Let’s add to this that the TE rules separately stipulate what repairs are considered medium or major, and also indicate the deadlines for each of them.

Technical documentation

The rules that apply to any energy facility also provide for the composition of a complete set of technical documentation regulating the main issues of its operation. These documents usually include:

  • An act according to which a plot of land under an existing facility is assigned with a general plan and communication diagrams attached to it;
  • Acceptance acts regarding the quality of foundation and hidden work;
  • Test results of special systems that provide explosion protection, corrosion protection, as well as fire safety of a given facility;
  • Certificates of acceptance for operation of sewer outlets, gas communications, as well as ventilation equipment;
  • Drawings indicating the location of all hidden communications;
  • Visual (basic) diagrams of electrical circuits operating at the facility;
  • Passports for all main and auxiliary equipment;
  • Layout of fire extinguishing equipment.

This list should be supplemented with a working set of design documentation, which includes all subsequent amendments and changes.

In the final part of the review, issues related to the labeling of individual components and mechanisms, as well as the accounting of electricity distributed among objects of consumption, should be addressed.

The PTE establishes a certain procedure for designating electrical components, conductive busbars, laid cable routes and protective pipelines (see PUE).

In addition, these rules provide for the accounting of electricity transferred to a specific consumer (with mandatory registration of power consumption). Energy consumption data and meter readings are recorded in a form approved by the head of the department.







The procedure for organizing the operation of equipment at thermal and hydroelectric power plants, electrical and heating networks is provided. Russian Federation.

This publication reflects changes in the structure and technical level of operation and repair in energy systems and energy facilities of the Russian Federation.

For managers, specialists and workers of energy facilities and organizations.


The rules for the technical operation of power plants and networks of the Russian Federation have been revised and supplemented on the basis of newly issued legislative acts and regulatory and technical documents, taking into account the experience of operating equipment, industrial buildings and communications. Changes in the structure of administrative and economic management, as well as forms of ownership in the energy sector, are taken into account.

The Rules set out the basic organizational and technical requirements for the operation of energy facilities, the strict implementation of which will ensure economic, reliable and coordinated operation of all parts of energy systems.

The requirements for the design, construction, installation, repair and installation of power plants and their equipping with control, automation and protection means are set out briefly in these Rules, since they are discussed in other regulatory and technical documents.

All current regulatory and technical documents must be brought into compliance with this edition of the Rules.




1.1. Basic provisions and tasks

1.1.1. These Rules apply to thermal power plants operating on fossil fuels, hydroelectric power plants, electric and heating network Russian Federation, and on organizations performing work in relation to these objects.

1.1.2. At each energy facility, the boundaries and functions for servicing equipment, buildings, structures and communications between production units (workshops, sections, laboratories, etc.) must be distributed, and also defined job functions personnel.

1.1.3. Safe operation of equipment, buildings and structures is ensured by the provisions of instructions and other regulatory and technical documents.

1.1.4. Each industry employee, within the limits of his functions, must ensure that the design and operation of equipment, buildings and structures of power plants and networks comply with safety and fire safety regulations.

1.1.5. The main task of power plants, boiler houses, electrical and heating networks is the production, transformation, distribution and supply of electrical energy and heat to consumers (hereinafter referred to as energy production).

1.1.6. The main technological link in energy production is the energy system, which is a set of power plants, boiler houses, electrical and heating networks (hereinafter referred to as energy facilities), connected by a common operating mode and having centralized operational dispatch control.

1.1.7. Employees of energy facilities are obliged to:

maintain the quality of supplied energy - standardized frequency and voltage of electric current, pressure and temperature of the coolant;

observe operational dispatch discipline;

ensure maximum efficiency and reliability of energy production;

comply with industrial and fire safety rules during the operation of equipment and structures;

comply with labor protection rules;

reduce the harmful effects of production on people and environment;

ensure uniformity of measurements in the production, transmission and distribution of energy;

use achievements scientific and technological progress in order to increase efficiency, reliability and safety, improve the ecology of the power facility and the environment.

1.1.8. At each power facility between structural divisions functions and boundaries for maintenance of equipment, buildings, structures and communications must be distributed.

1.1.9. Energy systems must:

development of production to meet the needs for electrical energy and heat;

efficient operation of power plants and networks by reducing production costs, increasing the efficiency of using the power of installed equipment, implementing energy saving measures and using secondary energy resources;

increasing the reliability and safety of equipment, buildings, structures, devices, control systems, communications;

renewal of fixed production assets through technical re-equipment and reconstruction of power plants and networks, modernization of equipment;

implementation and development new technology, technology of operation and repair, effective and safe methods of organizing production and labor;

advanced training of personnel, dissemination of advanced production methods.

Organizations carrying out design, commissioning, and operation of power facilities associated with increased industrial hazard must have permits (licenses) issued in in the prescribed manner.

1.1.10. Supervision over the technical condition and implementation of measures to ensure the safe maintenance of equipment and structures, rational and efficient use of fuel and energy resources is carried out by state control and supervision bodies.

1.2. Acceptance of equipment and structures into operation

1.2.1. Completely completed power plants, boiler houses (steam and hot water), electrical and heating network facilities, as well as, depending on the complexity of the power facility, their queues and start-up complexes must be put into operation in the manner established by the current rules. This requirement also applies to the acceptance into operation of energy facilities after expansion and reconstruction.

1.2.2. The start-up complex must include, ensuring normal operation under given parameters, part of the total design volume of the power facility, consisting of a set of structures and objects assigned to specific power plants or to the power facility as a whole (without reference to specific power plants). It should include: equipment, structures, buildings (or parts thereof) for main production, auxiliary production, auxiliary, household, transport, repair and warehouse purposes, landscaped territory, public catering facilities, health centers, dispatch and technological control facilities (SDTU) , communications, engineering communications, treatment facilities that ensure the production, transmission and supply of electrical energy and heat to consumers, the passage of ships or fish through shipping or fish passage devices. To the extent provided for by the project for this launch complex, standard sanitary and living conditions and safety for workers, environmental protection, and fire safety must be ensured.

1.2.3. Before commissioning of a power facility (start-up complex), the following must be carried out:

individual tests of equipment and functional tests of individual systems, ending for power units with a trial run of main and auxiliary equipment;

comprehensive testing of equipment.

During the construction and installation of buildings and structures, intermediate acceptance of equipment units and structures, as well as hidden work, must be carried out.

1.2.4. Individual and functional tests of equipment and individual systems are carried out with the involvement of the customer’s personnel according to design schemes after completion of all construction and installation work on this unit. Before individual and functional tests, compliance with: these Rules must be checked, building codes and rules, standards, including labor safety standards, technological design standards, rules of state control and supervision bodies, norms and requirements of environmental legislation and other state supervision bodies, rules for electrical installations, labor protection rules, explosion and fire safety rules.

1.2.5. Defects and deficiencies made during construction and installation, as well as equipment defects identified during individual and functional tests, must be eliminated by construction, installation organizations and manufacturing plants before the start of comprehensive testing.

1.2.6. Trial runs are carried out before comprehensive testing of power facilities. During the test run, the functionality of the equipment must be checked and technological schemes, safety of their operation; all monitoring and control systems were checked and configured, including automatic regulators, protection and interlock devices, alarm and control devices measuring instruments.

Before the test run, the conditions for reliable and safe operation of the power facility must be met:

operating and maintenance personnel have been staffed, trained (with knowledge testing), operating instructions, labor safety instructions and operational schemes, technical documentation for accounting and reporting have been developed and approved;

reserves of fuel, materials, tools and spare parts have been prepared;

SDTU with communication lines, fire alarm and fire extinguishing systems, emergency lighting, ventilation were put into operation;

monitoring and control systems were installed and adjusted;

permits for the operation of the energy facility were obtained from state control and supervision authorities.

1.2.7. Comprehensive testing must be carried out by the customer. During comprehensive testing, the joint operation of the main units and all auxiliary equipment under load should be checked.

The beginning of a comprehensive testing of a power plant is considered to be the moment it is connected to the network or under load.

Comprehensive testing of equipment according to schemes not provided for in the project is not permitted.

Comprehensive testing of equipment of power plants and boiler houses is considered to be carried out under the condition of normal and continuous operation of the main equipment for 72 hours on the main fuel with a rated load and design parameters of steam [for gas turbine units (GTU) - gas] for a thermal power plant, pressure and water flow for a hydroelectric power station provided in the launch complex, and with constant or alternate operation of all auxiliary equipment included in the launch complex.

In electrical networks, comprehensive testing is considered to be carried out under the condition of normal and continuous operation under load of substation equipment for 72 hours, and power lines for 24 hours.

In heating networks, comprehensive testing is considered to be carried out under the condition of normal and continuous operation of the equipment under load for 24 hours at the nominal pressure provided in the start-up complex.

For gas turbine units, a mandatory condition for comprehensive testing is, in addition, the successful completion of 10, and for hydraulic units of hydroelectric power stations and pumped storage power plants - 3 automatic starts.

During comprehensive testing, the instrumentation, interlocks, alarm devices and remote control, protection and automatic control that do not require operational adjustment.

If comprehensive testing cannot be carried out on the main fuel or the rated load and design parameters of steam (for a gas turbine unit - gas) for a thermal power plant, pressure and water flow for a hydroelectric power plant or load for a substation, power lines during joint or separate testing and coolant parameters for thermal networks cannot be achieved for any reason not related to the failure to complete the work provided for by the launch complex, the decision to conduct a comprehensive test on reserve fuel, as well as the maximum parameters and loads, are accepted and established by the acceptance committee and are specified in the commissioning certificate of the launch complex.

1.2.8. To prepare the power facility (start-up complex) for presentation to the acceptance committee, a working commission must be appointed, which accepts the equipment according to the act after conducting its individual tests for comprehensive testing. From the moment this act is signed, the organization is responsible for the safety of the equipment.

1.2.9. Acceptance into operation of equipment, buildings and structures with defects and deficiencies is not permitted.

After comprehensive testing and elimination of identified defects and deficiencies, an act of acceptance for operation of the equipment with related buildings and structures is drawn up. The duration of the period for mastering serial equipment is established, during which the necessary tests, adjustment and development work must be completed and the operation of the equipment with design parameters must be ensured.

1.2.10. The organization must provide the acceptance committee with documentation prepared by the working committee to the extent provided for by the current regulatory documents.

1.2.11. Completed construction of free-standing buildings, structures and electrical devices, built-in or attached premises for production, ancillary production and auxiliary purposes with equipment installed in them, controls and communications are accepted for operation by working commissions.

1.2.12. Experimental (experimental), pilot-industrial energy technology installations are subject to acceptance into operation by the acceptance committee if they are prepared to conduct experiments or produce products envisaged by the project.

1.3. Staff

1.3.1. Persons with professional education are allowed to work at power facilities in the electric power industry, and in managing power plants also with relevant work experience.

1.3.2. Persons who do not have appropriate vocational education or work experience, both newly hired and transferred to a new position must undergo training according to the current form of training in the industry.

1.3.3. Employees of organizations engaged in work with harmful substances, hazardous and unfavorable production factors, in accordance with the established procedure, preliminary (upon entry to work) and periodic (during labor activity) medical examinations.

1.3.4. At energy facilities, constant work with personnel should be carried out, aimed at ensuring their readiness to perform professional functions and maintaining their qualifications.

Facilities for personnel training must be equipped with training grounds, classrooms, workshops, laboratories, equipped with technical means of education and training, staffed and able to attract highly qualified specialists to teach.

1.3.5. A technical library must be created at each power facility, and personnel must be provided with the opportunity to use textbooks, teaching aids and other technical literature related to the organization’s activity profile, as well as regulatory and technical documents.

Each power facility must be created in accordance with model provisions safety room and technical room.

1.3.6. In small energy facilities, where the creation of a material and technical training and production base is difficult, it is allowed to carry out work to improve the professional educational level of personnel under an agreement with another energy organization that has such a base.

The head of the energy facility or an official from among the organization’s senior employees is responsible for working with personnel.

1.3.7. Admission to independent work: newly hired employees or those who have a break in work for more than 6 months, depending on the category of personnel, receive the right to independent work after undergoing the necessary instructions on labor safety, training (internship) and testing of knowledge, duplicating the requirements of the rules for working with personnel.

1.3.8. During a break in work from 30 days to 6 months, the form of personnel training for admission to independent work is determined by the head of the organization or structural unit, taking into account the level of professional training of the employee, his work experience, job functions, etc. In this case, in any case, unscheduled briefing must be carried out on occupational safety.

technical operation of consumer electrical installations

Section 1. Organization of operation of electrical installations.

Chapter 1.1

General requirements

1.1.1. The rules are intended to ensure reliable, safe and rational operation of electrical installations and their maintenance in good condition.

1.1.2. The rules apply to organizations, regardless of ownership and legal forms, individual entrepreneurs and citizens - owners of electrical installations with voltages above 1000 V (hereinafter - Consumers). They include requirements for Consumers operating existing electrical installations with voltages up to 220 kV inclusive. The rules do not apply to electrical installations of power stations, block stations, electrical and heat network enterprises operated in accordance with the rules for the technical operation of power stations and networks.

1.1.3. Investigation and recording of violations in the operation of Consumers' electrical installations are carried out in accordance with established requirements.

1.1.4. The investigation of accidents related to the operation of electrical installations and occurring at facilities controlled by the state energy supervision authority is carried out in accordance with current legislation.

1.1.5. Operation of electrical equipment, including household electrical appliances, subject to mandatory certification, is permitted only if there is a certificate of conformity for this electrical equipment and household electrical appliances.

Chapter 1.2
Responsibilities, responsibility of consumers for compliance with the rules

1.2.1. Operation of Consumers' electrical installations must be carried out by trained electrical personnel.

Depending on the volume and complexity of work on the operation of electrical installations, Consumers create an energy service staffed with appropriate qualifications electrical personnel. It is allowed to operate electrical installations under an agreement with a specialized organization.

1.2.2. The consumer is obliged to provide:

timely and high-quality implementation Maintenance, scheduled maintenance, testing, modernization and reconstruction of electrical installations and electrical equipment;

selection of electrical and electrical engineering personnel, periodic medical examinations of workers, conducting briefings on labor safety and fire safety;

training and testing of knowledge of electrical and electrical engineering personnel;

reliability of operation and safety of operation of electrical installations;

labor protection of electrical and electrical engineering personnel;

environmental protection during the operation of electrical installations;

accounting, analysis and investigation of violations in the operation of electrical installations, accidents associated with the operation of electrical installations, and taking measures to eliminate the causes of their occurrence;

submission of reports to state energy supervision authorities about accidents, fatal, severe and group accidents associated with the operation of electrical installations;

development of job descriptions, production instructions and labor protection instructions for electrical personnel;

equipping electrical installations with protective equipment, fire extinguishing equipment and tools;

accounting, rational consumption of electrical energy and implementation of energy saving measures;

carrying out the necessary tests of electrical equipment, operating lightning protection devices, measuring instruments and electrical energy metering devices;

compliance with the instructions of state energy supervision authorities.

1.2.3. To directly fulfill the responsibilities for organizing the operation of electrical installations, the head of the Consumer (except for citizens who own electrical installations with voltages above 1000 V) appoints, by the appropriate document, the person responsible for the electrical equipment of the organization (hereinafter referred to as the person responsible for the electrical equipment) and his deputy.

For Consumers whose installed capacity of electrical installations does not exceed 10 kVA, a replacement employee for electrical equipment may not be appointed.

The person responsible for electrical equipment and his deputy are appointed from among the Consumer's managers and specialists.

If the Consumer has the position of chief power engineer, the responsibilities of those responsible for electrical facilities are usually assigned to him.

1.2.4. For Consumers who are not engaged in production activities, whose electrical equipment includes only an input (input-distribution) device, lighting installations, portable electrical equipment with a rated voltage of no higher than 380 V, the person responsible for the electrical equipment may not be appointed. In this case, the Consumer's manager may assume responsibility for the safe operation of electrical installations by written agreement with the local state energy supervision authority by drawing up the appropriate statement of obligation (Appendix No. 1 to these Rules) without testing knowledge.

1.2.5. Individual entrepreneurs Those performing maintenance and operation of electrical installations, carrying out installation, adjustment, repair work, testing and measurements in them under the contract, must undergo a knowledge test in the prescribed manner and have an appropriate electrical safety group.

1.2.6. The person responsible for electrical equipment is obliged to:

organize the development and maintenance of the necessary documentation on the organization of operation of electrical installations;

organize training, instruction, knowledge testing and permission for electrical technical personnel to work independently;

organize the safe performance of all types of work in electrical installations, including with the participation of seconded personnel;

ensure timely and high-quality performance of maintenance, scheduled maintenance and preventive testing of electrical installations;

organize calculations of the Consumer's need for electrical energy and monitor its consumption;

participate in the development and implementation of measures for the rational consumption of electrical energy;

control the availability, timeliness of inspections and tests of protective equipment in electrical installations, fire extinguishing equipment and tools;

ensure the established procedure for admitting into operation and connecting new and reconstructed electrical installations;

organize prompt maintenance of electrical installations and emergency response;

ensure that the power supply diagrams comply with the actual operational ones with a check mark on them (at least once every 2 years); revision of instructions and diagrams (at least once every 3 years); control of measurements of electrical energy quality indicators (at least once every 2 years); advanced training of electrical technical personnel (at least once every 5 years);

control the correctness of admission of personnel of construction, installation and specialized organizations to work in existing electrical installations and in the security zone of power lines.

The instructions of the person responsible for electrical equipment should additionally indicate his rights and responsibilities.

1.2.7. The appointment of the person responsible for electrical facilities and his deputy is made after testing knowledge and assigning the appropriate electrical safety group:

V - in electrical installations with voltages above 1000 V;

IV - in electrical installations with voltage up to 1000 V.

1.2.8. Upon the recommendation of the person responsible for electrical facilities, the head of the Consumer may appoint structural divisions (branches) responsible for electrical facilities.

The relationship and distribution of responsibilities between those responsible for the electrical facilities of the structural units and those responsible for the electrical facilities of the Consumer must be reflected in their job descriptions.

1.2.9. For violations in the operation of electrical installations, the following bear personal responsibility:

the head of the Consumer and those responsible for electrical equipment - for failure to comply with the requirements stipulated by the Rules and job descriptions;

workers directly servicing electrical installations - for violations that occurred through their fault, as well as for their improper elimination of violations in the operation of electrical installations in the serviced area;

workers carrying out equipment repairs - for disruptions caused by poor quality of repairs;

managers and specialists of the energy service - for violations in the operation of electrical installations that occurred through their fault, as well as due to untimely and unsatisfactory maintenance and failure to implement emergency measures;

managers and specialists of technological services - for violations in the operation of electrical technological equipment.

1.2.10. Violation of these Rules entails liability in accordance with current legislation.

Each employee who discovers a violation of these Rules, as well as notices malfunctions of the electrical installation or protective equipment, must immediately report this to his immediate supervisor, and in his absence, to a superior manager.

1.2.11. State supervision over compliance with the requirements of these Rules is carried out by state energy supervision bodies.

Chapter 1.3
Acceptance of electrical installations into operation

1.3.1. New or reconstructed electrical installations and start-up complexes must be put into operation in the manner set out in these Rules and other regulatory documents.

1.3.2. Before installation or reconstruction of electrical installations, it is necessary to:

get technical specifications in an energy supply organization;

complete design documentation;

coordinate the design documentation with the energy supply organization that issued the technical specifications and the state energy supervision body.

1.3.3. Before accepting electrical installations into operation, the following must be carried out:

during the construction and installation of a power facility - intermediate acceptance of equipment units and structures, including hidden work;

acceptance testing of equipment and commissioning tests of individual electrical installation systems;

comprehensive testing of equipment.

1.3.4. Acceptance tests equipment and commissioning tests of individual systems must be carried out according to design schemes by the contractor (general contractor) with the involvement of the customer’s personnel after completion of all construction and installation work on the electrical installation being delivered, and comprehensive testing must be carried out by the customer.

1.3.5. Before acceptance and commissioning tests and comprehensive testing of equipment, compliance with these Rules, rules for electrical installations, building codes and regulations, state standards, occupational safety rules, explosion and fire safety rules, instructions from manufacturers, and equipment installation instructions must be checked.

1.3.6. To carry out commissioning and testing of electrical equipment, it is allowed to switch on electrical installations according to the design diagram on the basis of a temporary permit issued by the state energy supervision authorities.

1.3.7. During a comprehensive testing of equipment, the operability of the equipment and technological schemes and the safety of their operation must be checked; all monitoring and control systems, protection and interlock devices, alarm devices and instrumentation were checked and configured. Comprehensive testing is considered to be carried out under the condition of normal and continuous operation of the main and auxiliary equipment for 72 hours, and the power line for 24 hours.

1.3.8. Defects and deficiencies made during construction and installation, as well as equipment defects identified during acceptance and commissioning tests, comprehensive testing of electrical installations, must be eliminated. Acceptance for operation of electrical installations with defects and imperfections is not permitted.

1.3.9. Before testing and acceptance, conditions must be prepared for reliable and safe operation of the power facility:

Electrical and electrical engineering personnel are staffed and trained (with knowledge testing);

operational instructions, labor protection instructions and operational schemes, technical documentation for accounting and reporting were developed and approved;

protective equipment, tools, spare parts and materials have been prepared and tested;

communications, alarm and fire extinguishing, emergency lighting and ventilation facilities were put into operation.

1.3.10. Before being allowed into operation, electrical installations must be accepted by the Consumer (customer) in the prescribed manner.

1.3.11. Voltage is supplied to electrical installations only after obtaining permission from the state energy supervision authorities and on the basis of an electricity supply agreement between the Consumer and the energy supply organization.

Chapter 1.4
Personnel requirements and training

1.4.1. Operation of electrical installations must be carried out by trained electrical personnel.

Electrical technical personnel of enterprises are divided into:

administrative and technical;



operational repair*.
* In the future, operational and operational-repair personnel, if no separation is required, will be referred to as operational personnel.

1.4.2. In accordance with the energy service organization adopted by the Consumer, electrical personnel may be directly part of the energy service or be on staff production units Consumer (structural unit). In the latter case, the energy service carries out technical manual electrical personnel of production and structural departments and monitoring their work.

1.4.3. Maintenance of electrical technological installations (electric welding, electrolysis, electrothermy, etc.), as well as complex energy-intensive production and technological equipment, the operation of which requires constant maintenance and adjustment of electrical equipment, electric drives, hand-held electrical machines, portable and mobile electrical receivers, portable power tools, must be carried out by electrical engineering personnel. He must have sufficient skills and knowledge to safely perform work and maintain the installation assigned to him.

Electrotechnological personnel production workshops and areas that are not part of the Consumer's energy service, operating electrical technological installations and having an electrical safety group of II and higher, in their rights and obligations are equal to electrical engineering; in technical terms, it is subordinate to the Consumer's energy service.

Managers directly subordinate to electrical personnel must have an electrical safety group no lower than that of subordinate personnel. They must provide technical guidance to these personnel and supervise their work.

The list of positions and professions of electrical engineering* and electrical technological personnel who need to have an appropriate electrical safety group is approved by the head of the Consumer.
* In the following, electrical technical personnel also means electrical technological personnel, unless separation is required.

The Consumer's manager, chief engineer, and technical director are not required to be assigned an electrical safety group. However, if these employees previously had an electrical safety group and want to confirm (increase) it or obtain it for the first time, then the knowledge test is carried out in the usual manner as for electrical personnel.

1.4.4. Non-electrical personnel performing work that may pose a risk of electric shock are assigned electrical safety group I. The list of positions and professions requiring assignment to personnel of electrical safety group I is determined by the head of the Consumer. Personnel who have mastered the electrical safety requirements relevant to their production activities, assigned to group I with registration in the journal of the established form; no certificate is issued.

Assignment to group I is made through instruction, which, as a rule, should be completed with a knowledge test in the form of an oral survey and (if necessary) a test of acquired skills in safe working methods or providing first aid in case of electric shock. Assignment of electrical safety group I is carried out by an employee from among the electrical personnel of this Consumer with an electrical safety group of at least III.

Assignment of electrical safety group I is carried out at least once a year.

1.4.5. Mandatory forms of work with various categories employees*:
* Rules for working with personnel in electric power industry organizations of the Russian Federation, approved by order of the Ministry of Fuel and Energy of Russia dated February 19, 2000 N 49, registered with the Ministry of Justice of Russia on March 16, 2000, registration number 2150. With administrative and technical staff:

introductory and targeted (if necessary) briefings on labor protection;

Administrative and technical personnel who have the rights of operational, operational-repair or maintenance personnel, in addition to the specified forms of work, must undergo all types of training provided for operational, operational-repair or maintenance personnel. With operational and maintenance personnel:

testing knowledge of rules, labor protection standards, these Rules, fire safety rules and other regulatory documents;


special training;

control emergency and fire drills;

professional additional education for continuous professional development. With maintenance personnel:

introductory, primary at the workplace, repeated, unscheduled and targeted briefings on labor protection, as well as fire safety briefings;

training on new position or professions with on-the-job training (internship);

testing knowledge of rules, labor protection standards, these Rules, fire safety rules and other regulatory documents;

professional additional education for continuous professional development.

1.4.6. Conducting occupational safety briefings may be combined with fire safety briefings.

1.4.7. Workers hired to perform work in electrical installations must have professional training appropriate to the nature of the work. In the absence of professional training, such workers must be trained (before being allowed to work independently) in specialized centers personnel training (training centers, educational and training centers, etc.).

1.4.8. Electrical technical personnel, before being assigned to independent work or when moving to another job (position) related to the operation of electrical installations, as well as during a break in work as electrical personnel for more than 1 year, are required to undergo an internship ( industrial training) at work.

For training, the employee must be given a period sufficient to become familiar with the equipment, apparatus, operational schemes and at the same time study to the extent necessary for the given position (profession):

rules for the design of electrical installations, safety rules, rules and techniques for providing first aid in case of accidents at work, rules for the use and testing of protective equipment, these Rules;

job and production instructions;

labor protection instructions;

other rules, regulatory and operational documents in force for this Consumer.

1.4.9. Training programs for electrical personnel, indicating the necessary sections of the rules and instructions, are drawn up by the managers (responsible for electrical equipment) of structural divisions and can be approved by the person responsible for the electrical equipment of the Consumer.

The training program for managers of operational personnel, employees from among operational, operational and repair personnel should include internship and knowledge testing, and for managers of operational personnel, employees from among operational, operational and repair personnel, also duplication.

1.4.10. An employee undergoing an internship (duplication) must be assigned by an appropriate document to an experienced employee in the organization (for managers and specialists) or in a structural unit (for workers).

1.4.11. The internship is carried out under the guidance of a responsible training employee and is carried out according to programs developed for each position (workplace) and approved in the prescribed manner. The duration of the internship should be from 2 to 14 shifts.

1.4.12. The head of the Consumer or structural unit may exempt from internship an employee with at least 3 years of experience in his specialty who moves from one workshop to another, if the nature of his work and the type of equipment on which he worked previously does not change.

Admission to the internship is issued by the relevant document of the head of the Consumer or structural unit. The document indicates the calendar dates of the internship and the names of the employees responsible for its implementation.

The duration of the internship is set individually depending on the level of professional education, work experience, and profession (position) of the student.

1.4.13. During the internship, the employee must:

Understand the requirements of operating rules, labor protection, fire safety and their practical use at work;

Study diagrams, production instructions and labor protection instructions, knowledge of which is mandatory for working in a given position (profession);

Practice clear orientation in your workplace;

Acquire the necessary practical skills in performing production operations;

Study the techniques and conditions for trouble-free, safe and economical operation of the equipment being serviced.

1.4.14. Admission to duplication for operational personnel and independent work for administrative, technical and repair personnel is documented in the appropriate document for the Consumer.

After duplication, an employee from among the operational or operational-repair personnel may be allowed to work independently. Duration of duplication - from 2 to 12 work shifts. For a specific employee, it is established by a decision of the knowledge testing commission, depending on the level of his professional training, length of service and work experience.

Permission to independent work for operational personnel is issued by a corresponding document from the Consumer's manager.

1.4.15. During the period of duplication, the employee must take part in control emergency and fire drills with evaluation of the results and recording in the appropriate logs.

The number of training sessions and their topics are determined by the backup training program.

1.4.16. If during the duplication the employee has not acquired sufficient production skills or received an unsatisfactory assessment in emergency training, it is allowed to extend his duplication for a period of 2 to 12 work shifts and additionally conduct control emergency training. The extension of duplication is formalized by the relevant document of the Consumer.

1.4.17. If during the duplication period it is established that the employee is professionally unsuitable for this activity, he is removed from training.

1.4.18. During duplication, the trainee can carry out operational switching, inspections and other work in electrical installations only with the permission and under the supervision of the trainee. Responsibility for the correctness of the trainee’s actions and his compliance with the rules lies with both the trainee himself and the employee teaching him.

1.4.19. Testing employees' knowledge is divided into primary and periodic (regular and extraordinary).

An initial knowledge test is carried out for workers who first entered a job related to the maintenance of electrical installations, or if there is a break in knowledge testing for more than 3 years; next - in the order established in clause 1.4.20; and extraordinary - in the manner established in clause 1.4.23.

1.4.20. The next inspection should be carried out within the following periods:

For electrical personnel directly organizing and carrying out work on servicing existing electrical installations or performing adjustment, electrical installation, repair work or preventive tests in them, as well as for personnel who have the right to issue orders, orders, and conduct operational negotiations - once a year;

For administrative and technical personnel not belonging to the previous group, as well as for labor protection specialists authorized to inspect electrical installations - once every 3 years.

1.4.21. The time of the next test is set in accordance with the date of the last knowledge test.

1.4.22. For employees who receive an unsatisfactory assessment during the next knowledge test, the commission assigns a repeat test no later than 1 month from the date of the last test. The validity of the certificate for an employee who has received an unsatisfactory assessment is automatically extended until the period appointed by the commission for the second inspection, unless there is a special decision of the commission recorded in the knowledge test log on the temporary suspension of the employee from working in electrical installations.

1.4.23. An extraordinary knowledge test is carried out regardless of the date of the previous test:

When the Consumer introduces new or revised rules and regulations;

When installing new equipment, reconstructing or changing the main electrical and technological circuits (the need for an extraordinary check in this case is determined by the technical manager);

When assigned or transferred to another job, if new responsibilities require additional knowledge of rules and regulations;

If employees violate the requirements of labor protection regulations;

At the request of state supervisory authorities;

According to the conclusion of commissions that investigated accidents with people or disruptions in the operation of an energy facility;

When increasing knowledge to a higher group;

When testing knowledge after receiving an unsatisfactory grade;

If there is a break in work in this position for more than 6 months.

1.4.24. The scope of knowledge for an extraordinary inspection and the date of its conduct are determined by the person responsible for the electrical equipment of the Consumer, taking into account the requirements of these Rules.

1.4.25. An extraordinary inspection, carried out at the request of state supervision and control authorities, as well as after accidents, incidents and accidents, does not cancel the deadlines for the next scheduled inspection and can be carried out in a commission of state energy supervision authorities.

1.4.26. If changes and additions are made to the current rules, an extraordinary inspection is not carried out, but they are brought to the attention of employees with registration in the workplace briefing log.

1.4.27. Testing knowledge of the norms and rules of work in electrical installations of Consumers must be carried out according to calendar schedules approved by the Consumer’s manager.

Employees subject to knowledge testing must be familiar with the schedule.

1.4.28. Knowledge testing of Consumers responsible for electrical equipment, their deputies, as well as labor protection specialists whose responsibilities include monitoring electrical installations is carried out by the commission of state energy supervision authorities.

1.4.29. It is allowed not to conduct, in agreement with the state energy supervision authorities, a knowledge test of a specialist hired on a part-time basis in order to assign him the duties of a person responsible for electrical facilities, provided that the following conditions are simultaneously met:

if no more than 6 months have passed since the knowledge test in the state energy supervision commission as administrative and technical personnel for the main job;

the energy intensity of electrical installations, their complexity in a part-time organization is no higher than at the place of main work;

The organization part-time does not have electrical installations with voltages above 1000 V.

1.4.30. In order to test the knowledge of the electrical and electrical engineering personnel of the organization, the head of the Consumer must appoint, by order of the organization, a commission consisting of at least five people.

The chairman of the commission must have electrical safety group V for Consumers with electrical installations with voltages up to and above 1000 V and group IV for Consumers with electrical installations with voltages only up to 1000 V. The chairman of the commission is usually appointed as the person responsible for the electrical equipment of the Consumer.

1.4.31. All members of the commission must have an electrical safety group and pass a knowledge test in the commission of the state energy supervision body.

It is allowed to test the knowledge of individual members of the commission on the spot, provided that the chairman and at least two members of the commission have passed the knowledge test in the commission of the state energy supervision authorities.

1.4.32. In structural divisions, the head of the Consumer may create commissions to test the knowledge of employees of structural divisions.

Members of the commissions of structural divisions must pass a test of knowledge of norms and rules in the central commission of the Consumer.

1.4.33. During the knowledge testing procedure, at least three members of the commission must be present, including necessarily the chairman (deputy chairman) of the commission.

1.4.34. Testing the knowledge of Consumer employees whose numbers do not allow the formation of knowledge testing commissions should be carried out in commissions of state energy supervision bodies.

1.4.35. Commissions of state energy supervision bodies for testing knowledge can be created under specialized educational institutions(institutes of advanced training, training centers and so on.). They are appointed by order (instruction) of the head of the state energy supervision body. Members of the commission must undergo a knowledge test at the state energy supervision body that issued permission to create this commission. A senior state inspector (state inspector) for energy supervision is appointed as the chairman of the commission.

1.4.36. Representatives of state supervision and control bodies, upon their decision, can take part in the work of knowledge testing commissions at all levels.

1.4.37. Each employee's knowledge is tested individually.

For each position (profession), the head of the Consumer or structural unit must determine the scope of testing knowledge of norms and rules, taking into account job responsibilities and the nature of the employee’s production activity in the relevant position (profession), as well as the requirements of those regulatory documents, the provision and observance of which is included in his official duties.

1.4.38. Based on the results of testing the knowledge of the rules for constructing electrical installations, these Rules, safety rules and other regulatory and technical documents, an electrical safety group is established for electrical (electrotechnological) personnel.

1.4.39. The results of the knowledge test are recorded in a journal of the established form and signed by all members of the commission. If the knowledge test of several employees was carried out on the same day and the composition of the commission did not change, then the commission members can sign once after finishing work; in this case, the total number of employees whose knowledge was tested must be indicated in words.

Personnel who successfully pass the knowledge test are issued a certificate in the established form.

1.4.40. It is allowed to use control and training machines based on personal electronic computers (PCs) for all types of testing, except for the primary one; in this case, the entry in the knowledge test log is not cancelled.

The developed program should provide the possibility of using it in training mode.

1.4.41. If a PC is used and an unsatisfactory mark is received in the auto-examiner’s protocol and the person being tested disagrees, the commission asks additional questions. The final grade is determined based on the results of a commission survey.

1.4.42. An occupational safety specialist, whose responsibilities include inspecting electrical installations, who has passed a knowledge test in the scope of Group IV on electrical safety, is issued a certificate for the right to inspect the electrical installations of his Consumer.

1.4.43. Consumers must carry out systematic work with electrical personnel aimed at improving their qualifications, level of knowledge of labor protection rules and instructions, studying best practices and safe techniques for servicing electrical installations, preventing accidents and injuries.

The volume of technical training to be organized and the need for emergency training are determined by the technical manager of the Consumer.

Chapter 1.5
Electrical management
General provisions

1.5.1. The electrical management system of the Electric Energy Consumer is integral part energy management integrated into the Consumer’s management system as a whole, and must ensure:

operational development of the Consumer's power supply scheme to meet his electricity needs;

efficient operation of electrical facilities by improving energy production and implementing energy saving measures;

increasing the reliability, safety and trouble-free operation of equipment;

renewal of fixed production assets through technical re-equipment and reconstruction of electrical equipment, modernization of equipment;

introduction and mastery of new equipment, operation and repair technology, effective and safe methods of organizing production and labor;

advanced training of personnel, dissemination of advanced labor methods and economic knowledge, development of rationalization and invention;

operational dispatch control of electrical facilities, including its own sources of electrical energy, agreed with the energy supply organization;

control over the technical condition of one’s own electrical installations and the operation of one’s own sources of electrical energy operating autonomously (not being block stations);

control over the organization’s compliance with the operating modes and energy consumption limits assigned to it by the energy supply organization.

1.5.2. The Consumer must organize an analysis of the technical and economic indicators of the operation of the electrical facilities and its structural divisions to assess the condition of individual elements and the entire power supply system, their operating modes, compliance with the standardized and actual indicators of the functioning of the electrical facilities, and the effectiveness of the organizational and technical measures taken.

1.5.3. Based on the analysis, measures should be developed and implemented to improve the reliability, efficiency and safety of the power supply of the organization and its structural divisions.

1.5.4. The Consumer must develop and operate a system for stimulating the work of personnel to improve the efficiency of electrical equipment, including a system for training and retraining of personnel.

1.5.5. The results of the work of a shift, site, workshop and all electrical equipment should be periodically reviewed with personnel in order to analyze and eliminate shortcomings in their work.

1.5.6. In the Consumer's electrical facilities and its structural divisions, recording of equipment performance indicators (shift, daily, monthly, quarterly, annual) must be organized in accordance with established forms to monitor its efficiency and reliability, based on the readings of instrumentation, test results, measurements and calculations.

1.5.7. Managers of the Consumer, services, and workshops must ensure the reliability of the readings of control and measuring equipment and systems, the correct setup of accounting and reporting in accordance with the current normative and technical documentation.

Operational management

1.5.8. Consumers who have their own sources of electrical energy or who have independent electrical network enterprises in their power supply system must organize operational dispatch control of electrical equipment, the tasks of which are:

development and maintenance of the required operating mode;

production of switching starts and stops;

localization of accidents and restoration of operating mode;

planning and preparation of circuits and equipment for repair work in electrical installations;

fulfillment of requirements for the quality of electrical energy;

ensuring economical operation of electrical equipment and rational use of energy resources while observing consumption regimes;

prevention and elimination of accidents and failures in the production, transformation, transmission, distribution and consumption of electrical energy.

The organization of dispatch control for Consumers must be carried out in accordance with the requirements of current rules, while Consumers included in the register of energy supply organizations carry out their activities in accordance with the rules for the technical operation of power plants and networks.

1.5.9. The system of operational management of electrical facilities, the organizational structure and form of operational management, as well as the type of operational maintenance of electrical installations, the number of operational personnel per shift is determined by the head of the Consumer and is documented.

1.5.10. Operational management should be organized according to a hierarchical structure, providing for the distribution of operational control and management functions between levels, as well as the subordination of lower management levels to higher ones.

For Electric Energy Consumers, the higher level of operational management is the dispatch services of the relevant energy supply organizations.

1.5.11. For each operational level, two categories of equipment and facilities management should be established - operational management and operational management.

1.5.12. The operational control of a senior employee from among the operating personnel should include equipment, power lines, conductors, relay protection devices, equipment for the emergency and regime automation system, dispatch and process control facilities, operations with which require coordination of the actions of subordinate operating personnel and coordinated changes in modes at several objects.

Operations with the specified equipment and devices must be carried out under the supervision of a senior employee from among the operating personnel.

1.5.13. The operational control of a senior employee from among the operating personnel should include equipment, power lines, conductors, relay protection devices, emergency and operational automation system equipment, dispatch and process control facilities, operations with which do not require coordination of the actions of personnel of different energy facilities, but the condition and the operating mode of which affects the operating mode and reliability of electrical networks, as well as the configuration of emergency automatic devices.

Operations with the specified equipment and devices must be carried out with the permission of a senior employee from among the operating personnel.

1.5.14. All power lines, conductors, equipment and devices of the Consumer's power supply system must be distributed among the levels of operational management.

Lists of power lines, conductors, equipment and devices that are under the operational control or operational supervision of a senior employee from among the Consumer’s operational personnel must be compiled taking into account decisions on the operational management of the energy supply organization, agreed with it and approved by the technical manager of the Consumer.

1.5.15. The relationships between personnel at various levels of operational management must be regulated by relevant regulations, contracts and instructions, agreed upon and approved in the prescribed manner.

1.5.16. Operational control must be carried out from the control panel or from the control room. It is possible to use an electrical room adapted for this purpose.

Control panels (points) must be equipped with communication means. It is recommended to record operational negotiations on a tape recorder.

1.5.17. Operational control boards (points) and other rooms adapted for this purpose must contain operational diagrams (layout diagrams) of electrical connections of electrical installations under operational control.

All changes in the connection diagram of electrical installations and relay protection and automation devices (hereinafter referred to as RPA), as well as the places where grounding is applied and removed, must be reflected in the operational diagram (layout diagram) after switching.

1.5.18. For each electrical installation, single-line diagrams of electrical connections must be drawn up for all voltages under normal operating conditions of the equipment, approved once every 2 years by the person responsible for the electrical equipment of the Consumer.

1.5.19. Each control center, control panel of the Consumer's power supply system and facility with permanent personnel duty must have local instructions for the prevention and elimination of accidents. These instructions must be agreed upon with the higher operational dispatch control body.

1.5.20. Each Consumer must develop instructions for operational management, conducting operational negotiations and recordings, making operational switches and eliminating emergency modes, taking into account the specifics and structural features of organizations.

1.5.21. Switching in the electrical circuits of switchgears (hereinafter referred to as switchgear) of substations, switchboards and assemblies is carried out by order or with the knowledge of superior operational personnel, under whose operational management or jurisdiction the this equipment, in accordance with the procedure established by the Consumer by oral or telephone order with an entry in the operational log.

Operational switching must be performed by an employee from among the operational personnel who directly services electrical installations.

The order for switching must indicate their sequence. An order is considered executed only after receiving a message about it from the employee to whom it was given.

1.5.22. Complex switchings, as well as all switchings (except single ones) on electrical installations that are not equipped with interlocking devices or have faulty interlocking devices, must be carried out according to programs and switching forms.

Complex ones include switching that requires a strict sequence of operations with switching devices, grounding disconnectors and relay protection devices, emergency and regime automation.

1.5.23. Lists of complex switchings, approved by technical managers, must be stored at control centers, central (main) control panels of power plants and substations.

Lists of complex switchings should be revised when the circuit, equipment composition, protection devices and automation change.

1.5.24. Complex switchings should usually be performed by two workers, one of whom is a supervisor.

If there is one employee from the operational staff in a shift, the supervisor can be an employee from the administrative and technical staff who knows the layout of the electrical installation, the rules for making switching and is authorized to perform switching.

1.5.25. In case of complex switchings, it is allowed to involve a third employee from the personnel of the relay protection and automation services for operations in the relay protection and automation circuits. This employee, having previously read the switching form and signed it, must carry out each operation as directed by the worker performing the switching.

All other switchings, if there is a working locking device, can be performed individually, regardless of the composition of the shift.

1.5.26. In urgent cases (accident, natural disaster, as well as during emergency response), it is allowed, in accordance with local instructions, to carry out switching without orders or without the knowledge of superior operational personnel, with subsequent notification and entry in the operational log.

1.5.27. The list of employees entitled to perform operational switching is approved by the Consumer's manager.

The list of employees who have the right to conduct operational negotiations is approved by the person responsible for electrical facilities and transmitted to the energy supply organization and subsubscribers.

1.5.28. For repeated complex switchings, standard programs and switching forms* should be used.
* When compiling standard programs and switching forms energy services It is recommended to use standard instructions for switching in electrical installations, valid in energy supply organizations.

When eliminating technological violations or to prevent them, it is allowed to make switches without switching forms with subsequent recording in the operational log.

1.5.29. Switching programs and forms, which are operational documents, must establish the order and sequence of operations when carrying out switching in electrical connection diagrams of electrical installations and relay protection circuits.

Switching forms (standard forms) should be used by the operating personnel directly performing the switching.

1.5.30. Switching programs (standard programs) should be used by managers of operating personnel when making switching in electrical installations of different management levels and different power facilities.

The level of detail of programs must correspond to the level of operational management.

Workers directly performing switching operations are allowed to use the switching programs of the corresponding dispatcher, supplemented by switching forms.

1.5.31. Standard programs and switching forms must be adjusted in case of changes in the main electrical connection diagram of electrical installations associated with the introduction of new equipment, replacement or partial dismantling of obsolete equipment, reconstruction of switchgear devices, as well as the inclusion of new or changes in installed relay protection and automation devices.

1.5.32. In electrical installations with voltages above 1000 V, switching is carried out:

without switching forms - for simple switchings and in the presence of operating interlocking devices that prevent incorrect operations with disconnectors and grounding blades during all switchings;

according to the switching form - in the absence of locking devices or their malfunction, as well as in case of complex switching.

1.5.33. When eliminating accidents, switchovers are carried out without forms and are subsequently recorded in the operational log.

Switching forms must be numbered. Used forms are stored in the prescribed manner.

In electrical installations with voltages up to 1000 V, switching is carried out without drawing up switching forms, but with an entry in the operational log.

1.5.34. Electrical equipment that is turned off at the verbal request of process personnel to carry out any work is turned on only at the request of the employee who submitted the request for shutdown or replacing him.

Before starting up temporarily disconnected equipment, at the request of the process personnel, the operating personnel are obliged to inspect the equipment, make sure that it is ready to be switched on, and warn the personnel working on it about the upcoming switch-on.

The procedure for filing applications for turning off and turning on electrical equipment must be approved by the technical manager of the Consumer.

1.5.35. In electrical installations with permanent personnel on duty, equipment that has been repaired or tested is switched on only after it has been accepted by operating personnel.

In electrical installations without permanent personnel duty, the procedure for accepting equipment after repair or testing is established by local instructions, taking into account the characteristics of the electrical installation and compliance with safety requirements.

1.5.36. When switching in electrical installations, the following order must be observed.

the employee who received the switching task is obliged to repeat it, write it down in the operational log and establish the order of upcoming operations using the operational scheme or layout diagram; draw up, if necessary, a switching form. Negotiations between operational personnel should be extremely concise and clear. The operational language should exclude the possibility of misunderstanding by personnel of received messages and transmitted orders. The giver and receiver of the order must clearly understand the order of operations:

if switching is performed by two workers, then the one who received the order is obliged to explain, using the operational connection diagram, to the second worker participating in the switching, the order and sequence of upcoming operations;

if there are any doubts about the correctness of the switching, they should be stopped and the required sequence should be checked according to the operational connection diagram;

After completing the switching task, an entry about this should be made in the operational log.

1.5.37. With planned changes in the scheme and operating modes energy equipment Consumers, changes in relay protection and automation devices must be made in advance by the dispatch services in whose control the equipment and relay protection devices are located. necessary changes and additions to standard programs and switching forms at the appropriate levels of operational management.

1.5.38. Operating personnel directly performing switching operations are not allowed to disable interlocks without authorization.

Unblocking is permitted only after checking on site the switched-off position and determining the reason for the blocking failure with permission and under the guidance of employees authorized to do so by written order of the person responsible for the electrical equipment of the Consumer.

If release is necessary, a switching form is drawn up with release operations entered into it.

1.5.39. The switching form is filled out by the duty officer who received the order to carry out switching. Both workers who carried out the switching sign the form.

The supervisor during switching operations is the senior in position.

Responsibility for the correctness of switching in all cases rests with both workers who performed the operations.

1.5.40. Switching in complete distribution devices(at complete transformer substations), including rolling out and rolling in trolleys with equipment, as well as switching in switchgears, on switchboards and assemblies with voltages up to 1000 V, is allowed to be performed by one employee from among the operating personnel servicing these electrical installations.

1.5.41. Switching in electrical equipment and in relay protection and automation devices, which are under the operational control of higher operational personnel, must be carried out by order, and those under his jurisdiction - with his permission.

In the event of a fire and emergency response, operating personnel must act in accordance with local instructions and the operational fire extinguishing plan.

1.5.42. The switching order must indicate the sequence of operations in the electrical installation diagram and relay protection circuits with the required degree of detail determined by higher-level operating personnel.

The switching executor must be given no more than one task at a time to carry out operational switching.

1.5.43. If the voltage in an electrical installation disappears, operating personnel must be prepared for its reappearance without warning at any time.

1.5.44. Disabling and energizing a connection that has a switch in its circuit must be done using a switch.

It is allowed to turn off and turn on separators, disconnectors, detachable contacts of connections of complete switchgear devices (KRU), including outdoor devices (KRUN):

neutrals of power transformers with voltage 110-220 kV;

grounding arc suppression reactors with a voltage of 6-35 kV in the absence of a ground fault in the network;

magnetizing current of power transformers with voltage 6-220 kV;

charging current and ground fault current of overhead and cable power lines;

charging current of bus systems, as well as charging current of connections in compliance with the requirements of regulatory and technical documents of the energy supply organization.

In ring networks with a voltage of 6-10 kV, it is allowed to turn off equalizing currents up to 70 A with disconnectors and close the network into a ring if the voltage difference across the open contacts of the disconnectors is no more than 5% of the rated voltage. It is allowed to switch off and switch on a load current of up to 15 A using three-pole disconnectors for outdoor installation at a voltage of 10 kV and below.

It is allowed to remotely switch off by disconnectors a faulty 220 kV switch, shunted by one switch or a chain of several switches from other connections of the bus system, if disconnecting the switch can lead to its destruction and de-energization of the substation.

The permissible values ​​of currents switched off and on by disconnectors must be determined by the normative and technical documentation of the energy supplying organization. The procedure and conditions for performing operations for various electrical installations must be regulated by local regulations.

Automated energy management systems

1.5.45. Consumers' energy facilities can be equipped with automated control systems (hereinafter referred to as automated control systems), which are used to solve a range of problems:

operational management;

management of production and technical activities;

training of operating personnel;

technical and economic forecasting and planning;

management of electrical equipment repair, distribution and sales of electricity, development of electrical facilities, material and technical supply, personnel.

1.5.46. The automated control system is a subsystem of the automated consumer control system (hereinafter referred to as the automated control system) and must have the necessary means of communication and telemechanics with control centers of the energy supplying organization to the extent agreed with the latter.

1.5.47. Complexes of automated control system tasks in each electrical facility must be selected based on production and economic feasibility, taking into account the rational use of existing standard solutions packages application programs and capabilities of technical means.

1.5.48. The complex of technical means of automated control systems should include:

means of collecting and transmitting information (information sensors, communication channels, remote control devices, data transmission equipment, etc.):

means of processing and displaying information (computers, analog and digital devices, displays, printing devices, etc.);

auxiliary systems (power supply, air conditioning, fire protection).

1.5.49. Commissioning of automated control systems must be carried out in accordance with the established procedure on the basis of an acceptance committee report. Entering into industrial operation may be preceded by trial operation lasting no more than 6 months.

The creation and commissioning of automated control systems can be carried out in queues.

Acceptance of automated control systems for commercial operation must be carried out upon completion of acceptance for commercial operation of the solution to all tasks provided for the introduced queue.

1.5.50. When organizing the operation of automated control systems, the responsibilities of structural units to maintain a complex of technical equipment, software must be determined by order of the Consumer's manager.

At the same time, the operation and repair of equipment for high-frequency telephone communication channels and telemechanics along power lines with voltages above 1000 V (coupling capacitors, high-frequency suppressor reactors, grounding blades, antenna communication devices, bushings, arresters of tuning elements and connection filters, etc.) must carry out personnel servicing installations with voltages above 1000 V.

Maintenance and verification of telemetry sensors (converters) included in the circuits of the secondary windings of current and voltage transformers must be carried out by personnel of the relevant departments involved in the operation of relay protection and automation devices and metrological support.

1.5.51. Departments servicing automated control systems must provide:

reliable operation of hardware, information and software;

provision of computer-processed information to the relevant departments according to the schedule;

efficient use computer technology in accordance with current regulations;

improvement and development of the management system, including the introduction of new tasks, modernization of programs in operation, development of advanced technology for collecting and preparing initial information;

maintaining classifiers of normative and reference information;

organization information interaction with adjacent hierarchical levels of automated control systems;

development of instructional and methodological materials necessary for the functioning of the automated control system;

analysis of the operation of the automated control system, its economic efficiency, timely submission of reports.

1.5.52. For each automated control system, its maintenance personnel must maintain technical and operational documentation according to the list approved by the technical manager of the Consumer.

1.5.53. To deactivate telecontrol output circuits at substations and control rooms, special general keys or disconnecting devices must be used. Disabling the telecontrol and telesignaling circuits of individual connections must be done on detachable terminals or on individual disconnecting devices with the permission and application of the relevant dispatch service. All operations with general telecontrol keys and individual shutdown devices in the telecontrol and telesignaling circuits are permitted to be performed only on the instructions or with the knowledge of a senior employee from the operational staff.

1.5.54. Maintenance and repair work on technical means Automated control systems must be carried out in accordance with approved schedules. The procedure for their removal for repair, maintenance and repair must be determined by the approved regulations.

The withdrawal of dispatch communications equipment and telemechanics systems from operation must be formalized by prompt application.

1.5.55. The head of the Consumer must ensure the analysis of the functioning of the automated control system, control over operation and the development of measures for the development and improvement of the automated control system and its timely re-equipment.

Chapter 1.6
Maintenance, repair, modernization and reconstruction

1.6.1. Consumers must ensure maintenance, scheduled maintenance, modernization and reconstruction of electrical installation equipment. Responsibility for their implementation rests with the manager.

1.6.2. The scope of maintenance and scheduled preventative repairs should be determined by the need to maintain the operability of electrical installations, periodically restore them and bring them into line with changing operating conditions.

1.6.3. For all types of repairs of the main equipment of electrical installations, annual plans (schedules) must be drawn up by the person responsible for electrical equipment, approved by the technical manager of the Consumer.

Repair of electrical equipment and devices directly connected to technological units must be carried out simultaneously with the repair of the latter.

1.6.4. Repair schedules for electrical installations that affect changes in production volumes must be approved by the head of the organization. Consumers should also develop long-term plans for technical re-equipment and reconstruction of electrical installations.

1.6.5. The frequency and duration of all types of repairs, as well as the duration of annual downtime for repairs for certain types of electrical equipment are established in accordance with these Rules, current industry standards and instructions from manufacturers.

1.6.6. Maintenance and repairs can be carried out based on the results technical diagnostics when the Consumer operates a technical diagnostic system - the totality of the diagnostic object, the diagnostic process and performers prepared for diagnostics and carrying out it according to the rules established by the relevant documentation.

Such documentation includes: industry standard (hereinafter referred to as OST), departmental guidance document (hereinafter referred to as VRD), regulations, enterprise standard (hereinafter referred to as STP) and other documents adopted in this industry or by a given Consumer.

In this document, compiled in accordance with current rules state supervisory authorities and state standards, describes the entire procedure for carrying out technical diagnostics and supplying technical diagnostics. The document is drawn up separately by type of electrical installation. For electrical equipment, the recommended approximate procedure for technical diagnostics of Consumers' electrical installations is presented in Appendix 2.

1.6.7. Upon expiration of the service life established by the regulatory and technical documentation, all technological systems and electrical equipment must be subjected to technical examination a commission headed by the technical manager of the Consumer, in order to assess the condition, establish terms for further work and operating conditions.

The results of the commission’s work must be reflected in the report and technical passports of technological systems and electrical equipment with a mandatory indication of the period for subsequent examination.

Technical examination can also be carried out by specialized organizations.

1.6.8. Structural changes to electrical equipment and devices, as well as changes to electrical circuits when performing repairs, are carried out in accordance with approved technical documentation.

1.6.9. Before the main equipment of electrical installations is taken out for major repairs, the following must be in place:

statements of the scope of work and estimates were drawn up, which were updated after opening and inspecting the equipment, as well as a schedule of repair work;

the necessary materials and spare parts have been prepared according to the scope of work statements;

technical documentation for work during the overhaul period was drawn up and approved;

tools, fixtures, rigging equipment and lifting and transport mechanisms are completed and in good condition;

workplaces for repairs were prepared, the site was laid out, indicating the placement of parts and components;

repair teams are staffed and trained.

1.6.10. The equipment installed by the Consumer must be provided with spare parts and materials. The condition of spare parts, materials, delivery and storage conditions must be periodically checked by the person responsible for electrical equipment.

1.6.11. Equipment introduced after repair must be tested in accordance with the electrical equipment testing standards (Appendix 3).

1.6.12. Special tests of the equipment in use are carried out according to schemes and programs approved by the person responsible for electrical equipment.

1.6.13. The main equipment of electrical installations that has undergone a major overhaul is subject to load testing for at least 24 hours, unless there are other instructions from the manufacturers. If defects are found that prevent normal operation equipment, the repair is considered incomplete until these defects are eliminated and the test is repeated.

1.6.14. All work performed during major renovation main electrical equipment are accepted according to an act, to which technical documentation for repairs must be attached. Acts with all applications are stored in equipment passports. A detailed record is made of the work carried out during the repair of other electrical equipment and devices in the equipment passport or in a special repair journal.

1.6.15. For the timely and high-quality execution of the tasks specified in this chapter, repair personnel must have warehouses, workshops and other appropriate premises, as well as devices, testing and measuring instruments, incl. for early diagnosis of defects, for example, vibroacoustic devices, thermal imagers, stationary and mobile laboratories, etc.

Chapter 1.7
Safety and environmental regulations

1.7.1. The Consumer's manager is obliged to provide safe working conditions for workers in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation.

1.7.2. The design of electrical installations must comply with the requirements of electrical installation rules, building codes, state standards, occupational safety regulations and other regulatory and technical documentation.

The organization of operation and repair of electrical installations must comply with the requirements of these Rules, state standards, safety rules for the operation of electrical installations and other regulations on labor protection (hereinafter - OSH) and safety regulations (hereinafter - HS).

1.7.3. Protective equipment, tools and devices used in the maintenance and repair of electrical installations must meet the requirements of the relevant state standards and current rules for the use and testing of protective equipment.

Protective equipment, tools and accessories must be inspected and tested in accordance with applicable regulations.

1.7.4. The Consumer must develop and approve occupational safety instructions for both workers in certain professions and individual species works

1.7.5. Each employee is obliged to know and comply with labor safety requirements related to the equipment being serviced and the organization of work in the workplace.

1.7.6. Each Consumer’s work to create safe working conditions must comply with the regulations on the occupational safety management system, which establishes a unified system for organizing and safe work performance, functional responsibilities employees from electrical engineering, electrotechnological and other personnel, their relationships and responsibilities by position.

The Consumer's manager and those responsible for electrical facilities, as well as the workers replacing them, are personally responsible for creating safe working conditions for electrical workers, staffing with trained and certified electrical personnel, and organizational and technical work to prevent incidents of electric shock to the Consumer's personnel.

Those responsible for the electrical equipment of the structural divisions of the Consumer are responsible for carrying out organizational and technical measures to create safe and healthy working conditions, for conducting occupational health and safety briefings with a visual demonstration and training of personnel in safe working methods, for ensuring that personnel comply with labor safety requirements and their use of tools, devices, protective equipment, special clothing that meet the requirements of current standards and regulations.

1.7.7. The Consumer's manager and the person responsible for the electrical facilities must monitor the compliance of working conditions at the workplace with safety requirements and industrial sanitation. If it is impossible to eliminate the exposure of personnel to harmful and hazardous factors management officials are obliged to provide personnel with means personal protection.

1.7.8. The Consumer's manager is obliged to organize training, knowledge testing, and instruction of personnel in accordance with the requirements of state standards, these Rules, occupational safety rules and local instructions.

1.7.9. About the event initial briefing at the workplace, repeated, unscheduled, internship and admission to work, the employee who conducted the briefing makes an entry in the logbook for registering briefings at the workplace and (or) in a personal card with the obligatory signature of the instructed and the instructing. When registering an unscheduled briefing, indicate the reason for it.

1.7.10. Materials from the investigation of accidents associated with the operation of electrical installations, as well as violations of labor safety requirements, must be carefully analyzed to identify the cause and culprit of their occurrence, and to take measures to prevent such cases.

Accidents must be reported, investigated and recorded in accordance with the established procedure.

Responsibility for the correct and timely investigation and recording of accidents, execution of Form N-1 acts, development and implementation of measures to eliminate the causes of the accident lies with the head of the Consumer.

1.7.11. Responsibility for accidents that occur at work lies with both workers who directly violated safety requirements or labor protection instructions, and those responsible for the electrical equipment of the Consumer and its structural divisions, as well as other employees from the administrative and technical staff, the head of the Consumer, who did not ensure safety labor and industrial sanitation standards, compliance with labor safety standards and failure to take proper measures to prevent accidents.

1.7.12. Investigation materials for group accidents and fatalities must be reviewed with energy service personnel of all structural divisions of the Consumer. Measures must be developed and implemented to prevent similar accidents.

1.7.13. All energy service personnel must be trained in practical techniques for freeing a person caught in an electrical current, and practically trained in how to provide first aid. medical care victims directly at the scene of the incident. First aid training for victims should be conducted by a specially trained instructor.

Testing knowledge of the rules and techniques for providing first aid in case of accidents at work should be carried out during periodic testing of knowledge of the rules and regulations for working in electrical installations.

1.7.14. The Consumer's manager must provide each electrical worker with personal instructions on providing first aid in case of accidents at work.

1.7.15. Workplaces should have first aid kits or first aid bags with a set of medications. The supply of medicines, taking into account expiration dates, must be constantly renewed.

1.7.16. Personnel must be provided with special clothing, safety footwear and other personal protective equipment in accordance with current standards, depending on the nature of the work performed, and must use them during the work.

1.7.17. When carrying out construction, installation, adjustment and repair work on existing electrical installations of the Consumer, third-party organizations must develop joint measures for labor safety, industrial sanitation, explosion and fire safety, taking into account the interaction of construction, installation and operating personnel. The heads of organizations carrying out this work are responsible for the qualifications of their personnel, their compliance with safety requirements and for organizing and implementing occupational safety measures at their work sites.

When performing work on the same equipment or structure simultaneously by several organizations, a work organization plan must be drawn up.

1.7.18. Fire safety of electrical installations, buildings and structures in which they are located must meet the requirements of the current fire safety rules (hereinafter - FPB) as well as industry rules that take into account the characteristics of individual industries.

1.7.19. All Consumer employees must undergo fire safety training.

Electrical personnel must undergo periodic testing of their knowledge of safety regulations at the same time as testing their knowledge of the rules and regulations for working in electrical installations.

1.7.20. Electrical installations must be equipped with primary fire extinguishing equipment.

1.7.21. When operating electrical installations, measures must be taken to prevent or limit harmful effects on the environment of emissions of pollutants into the atmosphere and discharges into water bodies, reducing sound pressure, vibration, electric and magnetic fields and other harmful physical influences, and reducing water consumption from natural sources.

1.7.22. The amount of emissions of pollutants into the atmosphere should not exceed the established norms of maximum permissible emissions (limits), discharges of pollutants into water bodies - norms of maximum permissible or temporarily agreed upon discharges. The strength of the electric and magnetic fields should not exceed the maximum permissible levels of these factors, noise impact - the sound power standards of the equipment established by the relevant sanitary norms and standards.

1.7.23. The consumer operating oil-filled electrical equipment must develop measures to prevent accidental releases into the environment.

At the main step-down substation (hereinafter - GPP) and in the switchgear (hereinafter - RU) with oil-filled electrical equipment, oil receivers, oil drains and oil collectors must be installed in accordance with the requirements of the current rules for the construction of electrical installations. Oil collection devices must be kept in a condition that allows them to receive oil at any time of the year.

1.7.24. Consumers who generate toxic waste during the operation of electrical installations must ensure their timely disposal, neutralization and burial. Storage or burial of toxic waste on the territory of the Consumer is not permitted.

1.7.25. Operation of electrical installations without devices that ensure compliance with established sanitary standards and rules and environmental requirements, or with faulty devices that do not ensure compliance with these requirements, is not allowed.

1.7.26. When operating electrical installations in order to protect water bodies from pollution, it is necessary to be guided by current legislation, state and industry standards for the protection of water bodies from pollution.

Chapter 1.8
Technical documentation

1.8.1. Each Consumer must have the following technical documentation:

master plan with buildings, structures and underground electrical communications;

approved project documentation(drawings, explanatory notes, etc.) with all subsequent changes;

acts of acceptance of hidden work, testing and adjustment of electrical equipment, acceptance of electrical installations into operation;

executive working diagrams of primary and secondary electrical connections;

acts of delineation of networks according to property (balance sheet) ownership and operational responsibility between the energy supplying organization and the Consumer;

technical passports of main electrical equipment, buildings and structures of power facilities, certificates for equipment and materials subject to mandatory certification;

production instructions for the operation of electrical installations;

job descriptions for each workplace, instructions on labor protection at workplaces (for the operator of a personal electronic computer (hereinafter - PC), on the use of portable electrical receivers, etc.), instructions on fire safety, instructions on the prevention and elimination of accidents, instructions for performing switching without orders, instructions for metering electricity and its rational use, labor protection instructions for workers servicing electrical equipment of electrical installations. All instructions are developed taking into account the types of work performed (work on operational switching in electrical installations, steeplejack work, work at heights, installation, adjustment, repair work, testing and measurements, etc.) and are approved by the Consumer’s manager.

The set of the above documentation must be kept by the Consumer and, if the owner changes, transferred in full to the new owner. The procedure for storing documentation is established by the Consumer's manager.

1.8.2. Each Consumer for structural divisions must have lists of technical documentation approved by the technical manager. A complete set of instructions should be kept by the person responsible for the electrical equipment of the workshop or site, and the necessary set should be kept by the relevant personnel at the workplace.

The lists must be revised at least once every 3 years.

The list should include the following documents:

electrical equipment accounting logs listing the main electrical equipment and indicating their technical data, as well as the inventory numbers assigned to them (the logs are accompanied by operating instructions and technical passports of manufacturers, certificates certifying the quality of equipment, products and materials, protocols and reports of tests and measurements , repair of equipment and power lines, maintenance of relay protection and automation devices);

drawings of electrical equipment, electrical installations and structures, sets of drawings of spare parts, as-built drawings of overhead and cable routes and cable logs;

drawings of underground cable routes and grounding devices with references to buildings and permanent structures and indicating the installation locations of couplings and intersections with other communications;

general power supply diagrams compiled for the Consumer as a whole and for individual workshops and areas (divisions);

acts or written instructions from the Consumer's manager on the delimitation of networks according to balance sheet ownership and operational responsibility between structural divisions (if necessary);

a set of production instructions for the operation of electrical installations of a workshop, site (division) and sets of necessary job descriptions and labor protection instructions for employees of this division (service);

lists of employees:

list of gas-hazardous underground structures, special work in electrical installations;

Overhead lines that are under induced voltage after disconnection;

list of works permitted in the order of current operation;

electrical installations where additional measures are required to ensure the safety of work;

positions of engineering and technical workers (hereinafter referred to as engineers) and electrical engineering personnel who need to have an appropriate electrical safety group;

professions and jobs that require personnel to be assigned to Group I for electrical safety;

separation of duties of electrical and electrical engineering personnel;

electrical installations under operational management;

a list of complex switchings performed using switching forms;

measuring instruments transferred to the category of indicators;

inventory of protective equipment distributed between objects.

1.8.3. All changes in electrical installations made during operation must be promptly reflected on diagrams and drawings signed by the person responsible for electrical installations, indicating his position and the date of the change.

Information about changes in the schemes should be brought to the attention of all employees for whom knowledge of these schemes is required, with an entry in the work log according to orders and orders.

1.8.4. The designations and numbers on the diagrams must correspond to the designations and numbers made in kind.

1.8.5. The compliance of electrical (technological) diagrams (drawings) with actual operational ones must be checked at least once every 2 years with a check mark on them.

1.8.6. A set of electrical supply diagrams must be kept by the person responsible for electrical equipment at his workplace.

Operational diagrams of electrical installations of a given workshop, section (division) and other electrically connected divisions must be stored at the workplace of the division's operational personnel.

The main diagrams are posted in a visible place in the premises of this electrical installation.

1.8.7. All workstations must be equipped necessary instructions: production (operational), official, labor protection and fire safety measures.

1.8.8. If the operating conditions of electrical equipment change, appropriate additions are made to the instructions, which is reported to employees, for whom knowledge of these instructions is required, against signature.

The instructions are reviewed at least once every 3 years.

1.8.9. At the workplaces of operational personnel (at substations, in switchgears or in rooms reserved for personnel servicing electrical installations), the following documentation must be maintained:

operational diagram, and, if necessary, a layout diagram. For Consumers who have a simple and clear power supply diagram, it is enough to have a single-line diagram of the primary electrical connections, which does not indicate the actual position of the switching devices;

operational log;

log of work according to orders and orders;

log of issuance and return of keys to electrical installations;

magazine of relay protection, automation and telemechanics;

a log or file cabinet of defects and malfunctions in electrical equipment;

statements of readings of instrumentation and electricity meters;

electrical equipment log book;

cable magazine.

The following documentation must also be available at workplaces:

lists of employees:

Having the right to perform operational switching, conduct operational negotiations, individual inspection of electrical installations and the electrical part of process equipment;

Having the right to give orders, issue orders;

Who are given the rights of an admitter, a responsible work manager, a work producer, an observer;

Approved for inspection of underground structures for gas contamination;

Knowledge to be tested for the right to perform special work in electrical installations;

lists of responsible employees of the energy supply organization and sub-subscriber organizations who have the right to conduct operational negotiations;

a list of equipment, power lines and relay protection devices that are under operational control at the assigned site;

production instructions for switching in electrical installations;

forms of work permits for work in electrical installations;

list of works performed in the order of current operation.

Depending on local conditions (organizational structure and form of operational management, composition of operational personnel and electrical installations under its operational management), the following documentation may be included in the operational documentation:

on-the-job training log;

single-line diagram of electrical connections of an electrical installation during normal operation of the equipment;

a list of employees who have the right to give operational orders;

logbook for recording emergency and fire drills;

journal of relay protection, automation and telemechanics and maps of relay protection and automation settings;

local instructions for the prevention and elimination of accidents;

list of complex operational switchings;

switching forms.

The scope of operational documentation can be supplemented by the decision of the Consumer's manager or the person responsible for electrical equipment.

1.8.10. Operational documentation should be reviewed periodically (within the timeframe established by the organization, but at least once a month) by superior operational or administrative and technical personnel and take measures to eliminate any deficiencies found.

1.8.11. Operational documentation, diagrams of recording instrumentation, statements of readings of calculated electricity meters, output documents generated by the operational information complex of automated control systems (hereinafter referred to as the ACS), belong to strict accounting documents and are subject to storage in the prescribed manner.