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Gazprom hr department. Policy and personnel management

“For 13 years now, our company’s key social and sports project, the Gazprom Neft Cup, has been developing. During this time, from competitions between regional teams Western Siberia it has grown into one of the largest youth hockey tournaments in the world.

In 2019, over 700 young players from 10 countries will take to the ice at the Olympic Sports Palaces in Sochi. Their performances will be watched not only by fans in the stands, but also by millions of viewers on TV and Internet broadcasts.”

Alexander Dyukov

Our company’s key social and sports project, the Gazprom Neft Cup, has been developing for 13 years. During this time, it has grown from competitions between teams from Western Siberian regions into one of the largest children's hockey tournaments in the world.

In 2019, over 700 young players from 10 countries will take to the ice at the Olympic Sports Palaces in Sochi. Their performances will be watched not only by fans in the stands, but also by millions of viewers on TV and Internet broadcasts. I am sure that every participant of the Gazprom Neft Cup will make new friends at the tournament and will carry vivid impressions of the great hockey festival through the years! Good luck!

Alexander Dyukov

Chairman of the Board of Gazprom Neft

“Over the years of its existence, the Gazprom Neft Cup has gained a reputation as a prestigious international tournament, the largest children’s hockey competition on the Continent. For many guys, it becomes the first serious test in their career, it gives them the opportunity to feel like a real professional player, to feel the emotions that only hockey can give.”

Dmitry Chernyshenko

President of the Kontinental Hockey League

Over the years of its existence, the Gazprom Neft Cup has gained a reputation as a prestigious international tournament, the largest children's hockey competition on the Continent. For many guys, it becomes the first serious test in their career, it gives them the opportunity to feel like a real professional player, to feel the emotions that only hockey can give.

Over 400 athletes who took to the ice in the Gazprom Neft Cup matches in past years now compete in professional leagues in Russia, Europe and North America. This is an impressive figure, once again proving the need for such a tournament, organized on the model of adult competitions, a tournament in which the best students of most clubs in the Continental Hockey League, as well as famous foreign teams, take part. I am sure that such invaluable experience will be a huge help for the guys on their way to the heights of their skills. I wish all tournament participants success, fair and uncompromising competition!

497 games
98 teams
3.6 thousand players
more than 200 thousand fans

Largest in Europe

The Gazprom Neft Cup is one of the largest international children's hockey tournaments in Europe, held on a divisional model. KHL children's teams in the age category up to 11 years old take part in the competition. The tournament is held in two groups - West and East.

The tournament is 11 years old!

For the first time in the 11-year history of the Gazprom Neft Cup, 27 teams from five countries - Finland, Latvia, Kazakhstan, Belarus and Russia - took part in the tournament. The children's team of the Sochi club made its debut in the competition. In just 5 days of competition, 67 matches were played, almost 600 young hockey players took to the ice, and 432 goals were scored. 7,700 fans came to the Omsk Arena to watch the decisive match.

The tournament is hosted by the best ice arenas in the country!

The tournament matches were held simultaneously in two cities - Omsk and Sochi. The games of the West group were hosted by the Olympic arenas: the Bolshoi Sports Palace and the Iceberg Ice Palace. The teams of the Vostok group played their matches at the Avangard hockey center and at the Omsk Arena. The matches of the Gazprom Neft Cup, the largest hockey competition in Europe for athletes in the age category up to 11 years old, aroused great spectator interest. On April 22, the opening ceremony and the match between Lokomotiv (Yaroslavl) and CSKA (Moscow) at the Bolshoi Sports Palace were attended by more than 7,000 fans. On the same day, the meeting between the Omsk Avangard and the Chelyabinsk Traktor took place in the presence of 9,500 spectators.

Level of adult European tournaments!

The tournament is the main one social project Gazprom Neft company in the development of children's sports. The level of organization of the competition corresponds to major European tournaments. The multimedia opening show corresponds to the level of the leading KHL clubs, the opening of the tournament and the Superfinal are broadcast live on the KHL-TV channel, and the Match TV channel is again the general partner.

Gazprom Neft Cup

The main trophy of the competition was made by the same craftsmen who made the Gagarin Cup. Every year after the end of the tournament, the name of the winning team is applied to the Gazprom Neft Cup, and the prize is transferred to its new owner for a year. Before the start of the next Tournament, the current champion is awarded a copy of the trophy.


On April 26, the teams Salavat Yulaev (East group) and CSKA (West group) met in the Superfinal of the tournament. The winner of the main children's hockey trophy in Europe and the title of three-time winner of the Gazprom Neft Cup was CSKA, which won with a score of 3:0.

Chairman of the Management Board of PJSC Gazprom Alexey Miller:

“The international hockey tournament for children’s teams of the KHL “Gazprom Neft Cup”, having crossed the landmark ten-year mark, continues to develop as the largest children’s hockey competition in Europe.

The highest level of organization and effective cooperation with the KHL ensure the holding of children's competitions in accordance with the standards of the professional league. For all teams, participation in the tournament is an opportunity to experience the atmosphere of elite sport at a young age, gain invaluable experience and, of course, a reason for pride.

The Gazprom Neft Cup unites young players in their quest to learn how to fight and win, to become professional athletes, and in the future - hockey stars. I congratulate all the participants of the XI International Hockey Tournament for children’s teams of the KHL “Gazprom Neft Cup”!

Play beautifully, win with dignity!”

President of the Kontinental Hockey League Dmitry Chernyshenko:

“Over the 11 years that it has been held, the Gazprom Neft Cup has become an integral part of the hockey season. The tournament starts immediately after the completion of the most important stage of the KHL Championship - the final series of the Gagarin Cup. Young players learn from their adult idols not only hockey skills, but also behavior on the ice, adopting the qualities that distinguish true masters. Continuity allows us to preserve and continue the great traditions of hockey in our country and raise a strong team. The names of the participants in the first tournaments have already appeared on the game jerseys of professional teams from the Continental and Youth Hockey Leagues, and I am sure that from year to year there will be more and more of them. I wish successful performances and the will to win to all participants of the XI Gazprom Neft Cup!”

Chairman of the Management Board of Gazprom Neft PJSC Alexander Dyukov:

“In 2017, the Gazprom Neft Cup turns 11 years old. Over the years, it has grown from a regional tournament into the main event of children's hockey in Europe. International competitions attract the attention of the media, fans, specialists, and, of course, young hockey players and their parents. Winning the Cup is prestigious and important! But it is equally important to feel like one hockey family, where opponents, partners and stands are respected. This is a chance to perform on the ice of the best hockey arenas in our country, to take the first step towards professional career and, thanks to the high standards of the Gazprom Neft Cup organization, feel like real stars! I wish success to all tournament participants!”

Chairman of the tournament organizing committee, member of the board of Gazprom Neft PJSC Alexander Dybal:

“This year the Gazprom Neft Cup international tournament has taken another step forward. The children's team of the Sochi club will make its debut on its native Olympic ice. We wish the newcomers to perform confidently at the largest children's hockey tournament in Europe!

Our tournament was created so that young hockey players feel the atmosphere of a real international sports festival with an opening show, television broadcasts, its own website and publications in the media. And for the eleventh time, the winner will raise the Cup, which was made by the same craftsmen who made the Gagarin Cup.

The best children's hockey tournament in Europe is waiting for you!

See you at hockey!

Official video of the tournament: All for hockey! All for the Gazprom Neft Cup!

Official accounts of the Gazprom Neft Cup on social networks:

From April 21 to 24, a hockey tournament for athletes no older than 11 years will be held in Sochi. The opening ceremony will take place on April 22 on the ice of the Bolshoi Sports Palace.

The international tournament "Gazprom Neft Cup" is one of the largest children's hockey competitions in Europe. KHL children's teams in the age category up to 11 years old take part in the competition. The tournament is held according to a divisional model in two groups - West and East.

The main trophy of the competition was made by the same craftsmen who made the Gagarin Cup. Every year after the end of the tournament, the name of the winning team is applied to the Gazprom Neft Cup, and the prize is transferred to its new owner for a year. Before the start of the next Tournament, the current champion is awarded a copy of the trophy.

On April 22, a large-scale entertainment for fans of all ages. Hockey fans can expect a performance by the popular Russian group, a multimedia show using three-dimensional projections and modern special effects, competitions, prize drawings and much more.

The main match of the evening on April 22 will feature the current champion of the Gazprom Neft Cup, Yaroslavl Lokomotiv, and the two-time winner of the tournament, CSKA Moscow. The final of the group and awarding of the winners will take place on April 24.

Program of events:

  • from 9:00 to 20:00 - Games. Preliminary stage (DS “Bolshoy”, LD “Iceberg”).
  • from 9:00 to 16:30 - Games. Preliminary stage (DS "Bolshoi", LD "Iceberg");
  • from 14:00 to 16:00 - Seminar for parents (Conference hall of the Sochi Park Club Hotel);
  • at 18:00 - Opening ceremony of the tournament, Opening match (DS "Bolshoy").
  • from 9:00 to 20:00 - Games. Preliminary and final stages (DS “Bolshoy”, LD “Iceberg”).
  • from 9:00 to 17:30 - Games. Final stage (DS “Bolshoy”, LD “Iceberg”);
  • from 12:00 to 14:00 - Seminar for trainers (Conference hall of the Sochi Park Club Hotel);
  • at 18:00 - Final game (group “West”) (DS “Bolshoi”);
  • at 20:00 - Award ceremony (DS "Bolshoi").

Anastasia Mizitova, business trainer, coach:

Good afternoon Today we are talking with Nikolai Dolgov, who is responsible for employee training at Gazprom Neft. Please tell us about how training is organized in your company. Of course, this is a huge, visible company for the market. We all know about your wonderful practices. What's going on with you in terms of learning?

Nikolay Dolgov, Head of Personnel Development and Training Department, Gazprom Neft PJSC:

Indeed, Gazprom Neft has been involved in personnel training and development for a long time. This is one of the key areas of activity for all our HR departments, and it has a long history.

Among the achievements: in 2015 we entered the top 3 federal companies, who invest the most in the development of people according to the RBC rating. And in the blocks of our company, subsidiaries, of course, enormous experience and various, very successful, unique programs have been accumulated.

But, despite this - and, perhaps, precisely due to the fact that such a base was created - at the end of 2015, a decision was made at the level of the Management Board that we were starting to create a corporate university in the company, and to create it precisely through reform and transformation of all the wonderful things that the company has already achieved. It is to create from the point of view of systematization and further development all those practices, developments, ideas that already exist.

There is a corporate university in the Gazprom Neft company, but it is not a separate campus, it is not a separate entity. This is, perhaps, a new look, a new approach to how we need to promote the development of people in our organization.

You have now touched on a very interesting topic - cross-functional training. And many companies are trying to follow this path and are making mistakes. What did you learn from this difficult topic?

Perhaps I will say that we have learned (and seen now) that this is indeed a very difficult story. Because - what is learning within a function? It is clear and obvious to everyone there that “I need this knowledge and skills in order to do my job here and now.” And usually they are packaged in models professional competencies, they are usually equipped - at least with us - with methods for assessing the level of development of these competencies: test, case methodologies, various competitions. And therefore, there is no question that this needs to be taught and people should know it.

And when we talk about cross-functional training, sometimes it’s not very clear: “Well, actually, why would I spend time on this? What good do they have that we don’t?”, and so on. And at the same time, our experience shows that when this illusion (and it really is an illusion) is broken, when functions meet and begin to exchange the best practices and knowledge that they have, a serious synergistic effect arises. This cross-functional collaboration helps us begin to use differently what is obvious in some parts of the company and unknown in others.

If we talk about innovation, digital things, I know that Gazprom Neft is trying to be a pioneer in many things, in many issues, and, in particular, is doing a lot in the direction of AgileDigital. Please tell us a few words, what has been done, what is the result?

Indeed, the topic is “digital transformation”... It seems, at first glance, it might seem: the oil industry, the conservative industry and digital transformation - how can they even be put together? But in fact, the impact of digital transformation on us as a company, and on the industry as a whole, is great. It is great, and from the point of view of such individual aspects as the use of industry 4.0 technology - the Internet of things, digital copies, robotization - all this is already becoming part of our technological processes. And besides this, the very topic of digital transformation is the use of new technologies and opportunities that this connection of objects of the physical world to the digital world brings.

What we did, and, in my opinion, we did very correctly, is that we agreed, and the corporate university, together with the Department information technologies held a session for our top managers. For two days, 160 key managers from different functions, from different blocks, listened and discussed together what digital transformation is and how it will affect the company’s business.

You are one of largest companies on Russian market. Surely you have large educational projects. Please tell us about them.

I think that most companies probably have this now: long-term, six-month, annual programs in collaboration with business schools or with strong providers on the market that we do. In my opinion, the difference is in the details, the difference is in how exactly these programs are built.

For me, probably the key change, the main thing that I see in one of our programs... It is called “Master of Management”, and its the target audience- these are managers at the “first person -2, -3” level. That is, these are really the key managers of the company, the top echelon. And when we designed this program, we started by meeting with the leader of each of the participants and asking him the question why this person is going to this program. What is the current task, business task, facing him, which this program should help him solve? What do you want to see as a result, that is, what support exactly within the framework of this program does he need in order for the business effect to be achieved? And it was very pleasant when at the end we met with these leaders again, and they talked about how they really saw progress in this direction: how the people themselves had changed, and, most importantly, how the work on key projects with whom they entered this program.

You have a huge business, it has many different directions, many initiatives. How to try to evaluate the cumulative effect of training on the business, on the company as a whole? Is it even possible?

In terms of teaching effectiveness, I think I now believe two things about the whole system. I believe in an indicator that is more applicable, probably, in the same marketing and in some digital topics now: the number of active users. That is, the number of people who use the services or opportunities that the company provides.

Secondly, when we talk about the effectiveness of training, I am in favor of measuring the effect of specific initiatives. There are different business models in general, there are classic business models that existed before. For example, this is a model of the best product. That is, some product was created, it was introduced to the market, and then it’s Porter’s model of competition, either differentiate or by price. That is, these approaches. And there were indicators related specifically to the marginality of this product, related to net profit, and such things. This is one business model: bring the best product to market.

Other business model: best solutions. That is, to satisfy the maximum number of client requests.

And the third business model, which is now increasingly in demand, is a platform business model, that is, when it’s not about profit here and now, when it’s not about what range of services we offer the client, but what we create a platform that is interesting and attracts a large number of people from different sides. It is the creation of a platform with a large number of participants from all sides that will inevitably bring money in the future. It’s just that when you have a lot of people starting to use something and interact with each other, you, as the owner of the platform, will definitely make money from it.

Looking back at what you personally did, at what was done before you, perhaps even before the formation of the corporation. university, what makes you proud?

I guess I'll say two things. Something that really makes you proud. The first is those many years of developments that were created even before the university began. For example, the company’s long-standing Center professional growth in the exploration and production block.

And the second thing that now makes me proud is that people from business, that is, managers and experts from departments, are beginning to believe and accept the approach, the general view of the development of education that we offer from the university. And the view is that each specific person is responsible for his own development, and it is impossible to implant this development with the help of people who are now isolated from the current production tasks. That is, education is possible, and primarily done, through communication between people, those who now know something more and who have something to give to others, and those who need this knowledge.

What does this mean? The fact is that more than 15 professional departments within the university have already been opened, which means that the leaders of functions, and serious production functions, such as mining, such as processing, mechanics, energy, industrial safety, production efficiency, believed in the format of such development of the training system and are ready to make their contribution and play by these rules.

- For you personally, in your area of ​​responsibility, what is the trend and what is the future for the next year or two?

Within a couple of years, I believe that the development of the educational system will follow the path of more and more people from business units being included in it. In general, my dream is that in a couple of years we can say that we have a couple of thousand people working at our corporate university, but at the same time there will be about 50 HR people.

- I am very grateful to you for the conversation, Nikolai. All the best to you and great professional success!

Thank you, Anastasia!

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Development of an organization's personnel management strategy using the example of OAO Gazprom


In turn, strategic management is one of the management functions, which is the process of choosing the goals of the organization and ways to achieve them. It can be noted that strategic management is becoming increasingly relevant for Russian enterprises, which enter into fierce competition, both among themselves and with foreign corporations.

Strategic management is complex and requires consideration of many factors. At the same time, it allows us to identify a range of problems facing the enterprise and a certain set of in various ways their decisions. To become a strategy, this set must form into a system.

The importance of the development strategy is very great, since this is a relatively young, promising and necessary direction in business, actively used in Western countries as a basis for conducting management processes in an organization in a market environment. This trend, gradually introduced in Russia, has gained recognition throughout the business world. This means that by studying it, managers will be able to work better in the market, correctly assessing the situation and taking the steps necessary for the organization.

The object is OJSC Gazprom.

The subject of study in this work is the entire system strategic management personnel at OAO Gazprom.

The purpose of this work is to consider theoretical basis and practical foundations of strategic personnel management using the example of OAO Gazprom.

The objectives of this work are the following:

1. Identify theoretical aspects strategic personnel management;

2. Define the concept and essence of strategic personnel management of an organization;

3. Study the implementation of the personnel management strategy at OAO Gazprom.

The work consists of an introduction, three chapters, a conclusion and a list of references.

1. General principles of personnel management of an organization

1.1 Concept and essence of personnel management strategy

Managing people is one of the most difficult and important functions of management. It is no coincidence that outstanding managers and management specialists give priority to the ability to work with people in the list of professionally significant qualities of a leader.

Personnel is a decisive condition for staging and efficient work management at the enterprise. And for its successful operation, it is necessary to implement an effective management system aimed at using it in management modern methods and staff management style.

Personnel management is a specific type of management activity, the object of which is a team of workers - personnel. Personnel management also means purposeful influence on a person as a bearer of the ability to work in order to obtain more results from his activities. Personnel management is associated with the following reasons:

* complication of management processes within the organization;

* increased competition and increased role of the human factor;

* increasing requirements for personnel qualifications and personal qualities;

* professionalization of management.

The goals of enterprise personnel management are:

* increasing the competitiveness of the enterprise in market conditions;

* increasing production and labor efficiency, in particular, achieving maximum profits;

*ensuring high social efficiency of the team’s functioning.

The strategy allows us to link numerous aspects of personnel management in order to optimize their impact on employees, primarily on their work motivation and qualifications.

HR management strategy is a priority direction for the formation of a competitive, highly professional, responsible and united labor collective, contributing to the achievement of long-term goals and implementation overall strategy organizations. This is a system of methods and means of personnel management, used for a certain time in order to implement personnel policy.

The main features of the HR strategy are:

As a rule, its long-term nature, which is explained by the focus on development and change psychological attitudes, motivation, personnel structure, the entire personnel management system or its individual elements, and such changes, as a rule, require a long time;

Connection with the strategy of the organization as a whole, taking into account numerous external and internal environment, since their change entails a change or adjustment of the organization’s strategy and requires timely changes in the structure and number of personnel, their skills and qualifications, style and management methods.

The HR strategy is aimed at:

*awareness that the main source of values ​​is people; embedding people's intentions into corporate goals and understanding potential human resource constraints;

*achieving coordination of corporate objectives and HR management objectives; organizing the design and management of the corporation in such a way as to provide each employee with the opportunity to improve their work and attract diverse specialists;

*identifying the types of employees required by the organization in order to attract, train and support them; assessing the quality of work required to achieve organizational goals and determining areas for ensuring it;

*reviewing, reviewing the levels of motivation and commitment of the entire organization and planning ways to improve them if necessary.

First of all, the essence of the HR strategy is as follows:

careful selection of personnel when hiring;

classification of personnel by gender, age, professional skills, etc.;

adaptation of personnel to specific working conditions;

developing a flexible model of behavior in relation to each employee;

definition of strengths and weaknesses personnel in order to attract a certain part of employees to perform certain tasks;

making decisions on staff reductions, transferring an employee from one position to another, etc.

Also very important components of an organization’s personnel management strategy are:

material incentives for employees;

the presence of a corporate culture, which helps to increase staff cohesion;

creating favorable conditions for professional development of employees (conducting trainings, seminars, etc.).

1.2 Types of HR strategies

Strategy is a time-ordered system of priority directions, forms, methods, means, rules, techniques for using the resource, scientific, technical and production and sales potential of an enterprise in order to cost-effectively solve assigned problems and maintain a competitive advantage.

The strategy includes the following elements:

1) system of goals (mission, general organizational and specific goals);

2) guiding principles of resource allocation;

3) the procedure for drawing up and approving plans, monitoring, and evaluating work;

4) proposals for the development of key factors in the development of the external environment;

5) an idea of ​​the activities of competitors;

6) internal and external restrictions:

7) action program.

Main types of personnel management strategies

The most significant types of personnel management strategies include the following:

1) Entrepreneurship strategy. This personnel management strategy is most typical for organizations engaged in a completely new type of activity. Therefore, preference when hiring is given to young people with high efficiency, ability to work in a team and creative thinking. In this case, the strategy of the personnel management system is aimed at strengthening the material interest of the employee and constantly improving his qualifications.

The success of this strategy is largely based on the potential of the personnel of the organization or department that decided to implement fundamentally new idea, and received support from the leadership of the organization. Due to the fact that the main backbone of those implementing new things consists of a small number of people, the importance of each employee involved in implementing the strategy increases.

When implementing this strategy, projects with a high degree of financial risk and a minimum number of actions are accepted. To implement this strategy, the organization requires innovative personnel with flexible thinking, a desire to take responsibility for management risks, willing to work 14 hours a day, and able to work in groups.

The most popular areas and activities of the HR strategy:

Development general principles strategies. The goals of the personnel management strategy are determined, and a personnel action plan is created. A personnel service is being formed ( organizational structure, recruitment of employees). Personnel records management is organized;

Planning for personnel requirements. An organizational structure is being developed, staffing table, job descriptions, labor incentive system. Criteria for selecting candidates for positions are being formed;

Recruitment, selection and evaluation of personnel. The least expensive sources of attracting personnel are selected.

2) Strategy for rapid and dynamic growth of the organization. What is very important here is the highly qualified employees and their complete dedication to the organization, as well as high adaptation to frequently changing requirements. Therefore, this organization’s personnel management strategy is, first of all, characterized by a desire to constantly improve the competence of employees.

The challenge is to find a balance between necessary changes and stability. For this strategy, qualifications and dedication of specialists are also factors that determine success. The main thing is to attract highly competent specialists that the company really needs.

The most important directions strategies:

· attraction, selection and evaluation of personnel. Active work is underway to attract professionals. Taking advantage of opportunities recruitment agencies;

· personnel adaptation. All hired employees must quickly and minimal costs embrace the corporate culture. Corporate culture is a complex set of assumptions accepted without evidence by all members of a particular organization and setting the general framework of behavior accepted by most of the organization;

· staff incentives and career advancement system. We are actively developing and revising the regulations on bonuses depending on contribution and length of service. In-house training programs are conducted.

3) Profit strategy. This strategy is characterized by continuous improvement of personnel management so that the company can receive maximum income. Therefore, preference is given to ready-made, highly qualified personnel, and the management system is aimed at fairly strict control of employee activities and strict discipline. The main task of the organization in this situation is to produce more products and minimize costs.

The management system for such an area of ​​activity consists of clear procedures and rules aimed at regular and strict control, at eliminating uncertainty and uncertainty. To implement this strategy, it is necessary to recruit personnel who are already ready to perform their duties.

The main directions of the HR strategy for this stage are:

Improvement of personnel qualifications and retraining. To identify reserves for the use of personnel, assessment procedures are regularly carried out - certification of personnel and workplaces. Staff training continues, both in-house and with the assistance of external sources of information;

Personnel incentives and promotion system. Career plans for specific employees are being developed, personnel reserve companies. The volume of incentive payments is increasing;

Personnel cost management. Work distribution systems are being reviewed and improved. Personnel costs are redistributed, the costs of attracting personnel are minimized and the costs of encouraging existing employees are increased. The goal is to achieve the maximum possible interest of personnel in work and labor productivity with a stable level of personnel costs.

4) Elimination strategy. She is one of the most necessary types HR management strategies if company revenues decline sharply. In this case, an assessment of the professional performance of employees is carried out in order to decide who should be fired first, and social protection measures are taken (reducing working hours, internal transfers of employees, etc.) to avoid staff reductions as much as possible.

The liquidation strategy involves the sale of assets and elimination of possible losses.

Main directions and activities of the personnel management strategy:

Personnel cost management. Costs are reduced, primarily due to additional payments social nature. Are being created regulations on the personnel aspect of the liquidation of the enterprise;

Planning the enterprise's personnel needs, taking into account the existing personnel composition. The number of employees is being optimized. Each employee is considered from the point of view of his need for the organization. For valuable employees an individual motivation strategy is created;

Release of employees of the organization. Establishing contacts with employment firms. Consulting staff on issues vocational guidance, training and employment programs. Use of part-time schemes;

Adaptation of personnel to new conditions. Work is being done to resolve conflicts, especially those that escalate during this period, and psychological assistance is provided to employees.

5) The circular strategy involves improving the skills of existing employees to solve new problems and promoting them without additionally hiring newcomers. The main task is to save the enterprise. Measures to reduce costs and personnel are carried out in order to survive in the short term and achieve stability in the long term. Employees must be flexible in the face of change, focus on big goals and long-term prospects. Diverse employees required.

1.3 Relationship between personnel management strategy and organizational strategy

Most leading executives claim that HR strategy is integral part overall strategy of the organization. However, in practice there are different options for their interaction.

1. The most common is the idea of ​​human resource management strategy as a dependent derivative of the strategy of the organization as a whole. In such a situation, personnel management employees must adapt to the actions of the organization's leaders, subordinate to the interests of the overall strategy.

2. The overall strategy of the organization and the HR strategy are developed and developed as a single whole, which means the involvement of HR specialists in the decision strategic objectives on corporate level. This is facilitated by their high competence, and therefore the ability to independently solve problems related to personnel, from the point of view of the development perspective of the entire organization.

Based on the known levels of development of an organization's strategy (corporate, business, functional, operational), we will clarify that the personnel management strategy as a functional strategy can be developed at two levels:

For the organization as a whole, in accordance with its overall strategy - as a functional strategy at the corporate, organization-wide level;

For individual areas of activity (business) of a multi-profile, diversified company - as a functional strategy for each area of ​​business, corresponding to the goals of this area (for example, if a large electrical engineering company produces aircraft engines, military electronics, electrical equipment, plastics, lighting fixtures, then a personnel management strategy is developed for each area of ​​production, since they have differences in personnel structure, qualification requirements and professional training, training methods and other issues).

In the context of strategic management, qualitative changes are taking place in the field of work with personnel. They consist in the fact that within the framework of traditional directions personnel work All higher value acquire strategic aspects. Combining with strategic technologies, such specific areas of work with personnel as personnel demand planning, selection, business assessment, training and others act as components of the personnel management strategy, acquire a new quality and a single target orientation, consonance with the goals and strategic objectives of the organization.

The components of the personnel management strategy are:

Labor conditions and safety, personnel safety;

Forms and methods of regulation labor relations;

Methods for resolving industrial and social conflicts;

Establishing norms and principles of ethical relationships in the team, developing a code of business ethics;

Employment policy in the organization, including analysis of the labor market, system of recruitment and use of personnel, establishment of work and rest schedules;

Career guidance and adaptation of personnel;

Build-up measures human resources and its better use;

Improving methods for forecasting and planning personnel requirements based on studying new requirements for employees and jobs;

Development of new professional qualification requirements for personnel based on systematic analysis and design of work performed in various positions and workplaces;

New methods and forms of selection, business assessment and certification of personnel;

Development of a concept for personnel development, including new forms and methods of training, business career planning and professional advancement, formation of a personnel reserve in order to carry out these activities ahead of time in relation to the timing of the need for them;

Improving the management mechanism work motivation personnel;

Development of new systems and forms of remuneration for labor, material and non-material incentives workers;

Development of new and use of existing measures social development organizations;

Improvement information support all personnel work within the chosen strategy;

Measures to improve the entire personnel management system or its individual subsystems and elements (functions, management process, etc.), etc.

In each specific case, the personnel management strategy may not cover everything, but only its individual components, and the set of these components will be different depending on the goals and strategy of the organization, the goals and strategy of personnel management.

Example. Oil company OAO Gazprom has developed a personnel strategy: hire qualified employees for a long term and entrust them with R&D. To achieve this, it is not enough to take appropriate measures only to attract personnel and search the necessary specialists of this professional qualification group in the external labor market. It is important to set before these specialists a set of tasks that corresponds to their potential level and requires an independent approach to solving them; provide employees with the opportunity to maintain and improve their qualification level: attend seminars, meetings, have professional literature at their disposal, receive additional experience thanks to rotation within the enterprise. No less important is the incentive system, which should be so attractive that specialists do not leave at the first opportunity for another company.

From this example it is clear that it is necessary to combine various components to implement a personnel management strategy (this is the selection and attraction of personnel, the distribution of tasks and work, development and promotion activities); create a single, appropriate specific strategy combination of HR management tools.

If one of these tools (for example, recruitment or compensation system) fails, the implementation of the strategy as a whole may be in jeopardy.

Example. If the organization’s personnel management strategy is to increase the qualification potential of the team, that is, the degree of mastery of professions and compliance with the requirements of positions and jobs, then its implementation requires the interaction of the following components:

Employment policy in the organization: hiring workers taking into account their qualification potential; offering forms of labor relations designed for long-term employment;

Administrative management of personnel: involving employees in identifying and solving emerging problems; regularly conducting developmental conversations with employees in order to obtain feedback;

Organization of work: regular change of tasks in order to acquire a wider range of skills; distribution among employees of types of activities that require constant improvement of their qualifications;

Personnel training and development: systematically involving employees in training and professional development activities at various stages of their career;

Incentives: rewards for successful training and advanced training.

As indicated, a personnel management strategy can be either subordinate to the strategy of the organization as a whole, or combined with it, representing a single whole. But in both cases, the HR strategy is focused on a specific type of corporate or business strategy (business strategy).

The process of developing and implementing strategy is continuous, which is reflected in the close relationship between solving strategic problems both in the long term and in the medium and short term, that is, their solutions in the conditions of strategic, tactical and operational management. The tasks of some components of the personnel management strategy in the conditions of strategic, tactical and operational management are presented in Table.

Table 1. Components of the personnel management strategy in the conditions of strategic, tactical and operational personnel management.

1.4 Development of a personnel management strategy

The development of a personnel management strategy is carried out on the basis of an in-depth systematic analysis of external and internal environmental factors, as a result of which a holistic concept for the development of personnel and the organization as a whole can be presented in accordance with its strategy. To understand the essence of strategic personnel management, it is advisable to cite the opinion of the Swiss scientist M. Ortigue, who distinguishes between: employee management (direct impact on personnel), personnel management (indirect impact on employees), organization development (continuous development of the system). All three management functions can be combined into a single management concept.

Accounting by the manager of external and internal factors allows you to manage employees (direct impact) and manage personnel (indirect impact through the implementation of critical management functions). As a result of these actions of the leader, the development of the organization as a whole is carried out, as social system, the most important element which the employee is. The development of employees leads to the development of the organization, including due to an independent evolutionary process of self-learning, since employees have the opportunity and desire to independently improve labor and management processes. In this case, management is understood as the totality of all personal aspects of the formation, management and development of a social system focused on achieving strategic goals.

As a result of the analysis of the external and internal environment, the strengths and weaknesses of the organization in the field of personnel management are identified, as well as the opportunities provided by external environment, and threats to avoid.

Identifying strengths and weaknesses reflects the organization's self-assessment and allows it to compare itself with its main competitors in the labor market and, possibly, in the sales market.

The strengths and weaknesses of an organization in the area of ​​personnel, as well as threats and opportunities, determine the conditions for the successful existence of the organization. Therefore, within the framework of strategic personnel management, when analyzing the internal environment, it is important to identify the strengths and weaknesses of individual areas of personnel management and the personnel management system as a whole.

Strengths of the organization:

1. Developed personnel management system.

2. High level of competence of managers.

3. High level of qualification of specialists.

4. Availability of innovative potential among staff.

5. Sufficient financial resources allocated for the personnel management service.

6. High level of job satisfaction among employees.

7. Developed system of personnel motivation to labor activity.

8. Availability of a social protection system.

9. Good conditions labor.

10. Advantages in the level of remuneration compared to competitors.

Weaknesses of the organization:

1. Lack of strategic guidelines in the field of personnel.

2. Lack of managerial talent and depth of knowledge of personnel management issues.

3. Availability of vacant positions.

4. Outdated job descriptions and requirements for employees.

5. Outdated system for assessing personnel performance.

6. Lack of a career promotion system.

The characteristics of HR strengths and weaknesses will be unique to each organization depending on the specific situation in which it finds itself.

When developing a personnel management strategy, the achieved, existing level in all of these areas should be taken into account, and taking into account the analysis of the external and internal environment of the organization and the factors influencing their change, as well as taking into account the strategy of the organization as a whole, the level the achievement of which will allow implement the organization's strategy.

At the same time, the task of developing the necessary personnel management strategy can be so difficult due to the lack of financial, material, intellectual resources, and the level of professionalism of managers and specialists that there will be a need to set priorities for selecting the necessary areas and components of the personnel management strategy. Therefore, the criteria for choosing a strategy may be the volume of resources allocated for its implementation, time constraints, the availability of sufficient professional qualifications of personnel, and some others. In general, the choice of strategy is based on strengths and the development of activities that enhance the organization's capabilities in a competitive environment through personnel advantages.

2. Analysis of personnel management of OAO Gazprom

2.1 general characteristics enterprises

The history of creating such a reliable and stable supplier of energy resources dates back to 1989, when the Ministry gas industry The USSR was transformed into the State Gas Concern Gazprom. Later, in November 1992, the Decree of the President of the Russian Federation “On the transformation of the GGC Gazprom into the Russian joint-stock company Gazprom” was signed. On February 17, 1993, the corresponding Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation was issued.

Open Joint Stock Company "Gazprom" is a global energy company. The main activities are production, transportation, storage, processing and sale of gas, gas condensate and oil, sale of gas as motor fuel, as well as production and sale of heat and electricity.

Gazprom sees its mission in reliable, efficient and balanced provision of consumers with natural gas, other types of energy resources and their processed products.

Gazprom has the world's richest reserves natural gas. Its share in world gas reserves is 18%, in Russian - 72%. Gazprom accounts for 14% of the world and 74% Russian production gas. Currently, the company is actively implementing large-scale projects to develop gas resources of the Yamal Peninsula, the Arctic shelf, Eastern Siberia and Far East, as well as a number of hydrocarbon exploration and production projects abroad.

The human resource management policy of OAO Gazprom is aimed at creating an effective personnel management mechanism based on social partnership within the framework of the tasks of ensuring the core activities of the enterprise, its subsidiaries and organizations included in the OAO Gazprom system.

The Company’s goal is to become a leader among global energy companies and involves the development of the following key advantages:

* scale and stability of the Company’s activities;

* professionalism of employees and traditions of the Company;

* social and environmental responsibility.

Currently, the role of personnel in production activities Companies. Employees are considered as one of the Company's main strategic resources, ensuring its competitiveness and contributing to the Company's success in achieving its goals.

This document is fundamental for the Company in the field of personnel management and complies with the current legislation of the Russian Federation.

The main goal is to ensure maximum return on investment in personnel based on:

* ensuring stable status of “employer of choice”;

* comprehensive motivation of each employee to achieve the Company's goals;

* creation and development of objective and effective system assessment of the personal contribution of each Company employee.

The human resource management policy provides for ensuring uniform approaches to working with personnel, taking into account regional specifics. The main principles of OAO Gazprom are:

* maximum flexibility of the Company in personnel management;

* continuous improvement of human resource management methods based on implementation modern personnel technologies And automated systems management;

* ability to quickly and effectively adapt to changes in socio-political and external economic factors;

* professionalism of the staff. Formation of teams consisting of highly qualified workers seeking to maximize their potential in solving the technical, economic and social problems of the Company;

* efficiency in human resource management;

* continuity of planning of personnel management processes based on regular assessment of the state of human resources;

* transparency and openness in human resource management;

* continuity - maintaining positive traditions in the management of human resources of the Company.

The company's strategy is based on the following principles:

* increasing the efficiency of core activities;

* diversification and expansion of activities (new markets, transport routes, products), including through highly effective projects that ensure the creation of products with high added value;

* compliance with the interests of all shareholders of OAO Gazprom;

* improvement corporate governance, increasing the transparency of financial and economic activities.

The main idea of ​​today's labor and human resources-oriented strategy of OJSC Gazprom is described as follows: “For us, there is only one way to achieve greater results with lower costs; to grow and win - we must involve each individual employee in activities, motivate, inspire and reward... We put everything on our employees: we give them the tools they need and leave them maximum freedom of action." Thus, the enterprise strategy is based on the fact that the success of its activities depends on the readiness to work and creative potential of employees.

2.2 Analysis economic activity

Gazprom has the world's richest natural gas reserves. Its share in the world's proven gas reserves is about 17%, in Russia's - more than 60%.

Total international standards as of December 31, 2012, 95% of natural gas reserves, 90% of condensate and about 90% of Gazprom’s oil reserves were independently audited. Current value Gazprom's hydrocarbon reserves are estimated at 138.6 billion US dollars.

In 2012, the indicators of the “Program for the development of the mineral resource base of the gas industry until 2030” were clarified. Implementation of the Program in the period 2012-2030. aims to ensure an increase in gas reserves in the amount of 23.5 trillion. cube m., condensate and oil - 3.4 billion tons.

Net profit of OAO Gazprom according to international standards financial statements(IFRS) for 2012 decreased compared to the same period last year by 23.2% - to 367.6 billion rubles, the organization said. At the same time, profit attributable to Gazprom shareholders decreased by 23.5% - to 357.8 billion rubles.

Basic foreign market sales of Russian gas - Western Europe. Gazprom provides approximately a third of total imports to Western Europe. The leading buyers of Russian gas are Germany, Italy, Türkiye and France.

IN last years OJSC Gazprom pleases its shareholders with an increase dividend yield. For 2011, in August 2012, holders of securities of the main Russian corporation 8.39 rubles will be paid for each share. About two hundred billion rubles were spent on this.

Thus, the profitability was about 5-6% per annum - more than a decent figure for the Russian market.

According to the approved budget for 2012, the total volume of income and receipts will be 4.933 trillion rubles, liabilities, expenses and investments - 5.114 trillion rubles. External financial borrowings are determined in the amount of 90 billion rubles (Figure 2.2.1).

Figure 2.2.1. Change in the amount of payments in 1995-2012

The scale of activities of OJSC Gazprom is such that it is of strategic importance for the development of the entire economy of the country and affects the interests of a huge number of people. From this follows a number of the most important principles in the activities of the Gazprom Group - to be attentive to the interests of society, to fully promote the socio-economic development of Russian regions, to create a favorable business climate in them, to maintain decent working conditions, and the social and spiritual well-being of people. In this regard, the Company strives to ensure sustainable development of its business, paying increased attention not only to the economic, but also to the social component. Gazprom steadily follows the principles social responsibility, which are: creating new jobs, implementing social programs for personnel, sponsorship and charity, conducting environmental and educational events, paying taxes. From year to year, Gazprom is increasing its participation in projects aimed at increasing social support for the population, creating new jobs, providing assistance to low-income and low-income people, military personnel, veterans and disabled people of the Great Patriotic War. Patriotic War etc. Particular attention is still paid to supporting disabled children, orphans and children in orphanages. Every year the Company allocates funds for the construction of residential buildings, kindergartens and clinics. The company strictly complies with its tax obligations, bringing about 1 billion rubles to the Russian budget every day.

Gazprom has adopted a General Collective Agreement regulating social and labor relations in the Company, a number of other documents affecting the field of education and support of personnel work, as well as medical care for employees and their families. Among them - "Regulations on the system of continuous corporate vocational education managers and specialists", "Regulations on working with young specialists with higher and secondary vocational education and their internships in subsidiaries and organizations of OAO Gazprom", "Regulations on psychological support for personnel work in OAO Gazprom", "Regulations on medical support for employees , non-working pensioners of OAO Gazprom and members of their families", etc. One of the most important social guarantees is additional pension provision former employees carried out through a non-state Pension Fund"GAZFOND".

Today, Gazprom employs about 400 thousand people. The company pays significant attention to creating the most comfortable conditions for their work, providing them with a complex of social guarantees, benefits and compensation. In 2012 average number the Group's employees reached 436.1 thousand people. At the same time, the average number of employees of the main companies of the Gazprom Group for gas production, transportation, underground storage and processing in 2012 was 224.8 thousand people, Gazprom Neft - 44.4 thousand people, Sibur Holding - 81.2 thousand people .

At the same time, the personnel structure of the main companies of the Gazprom Group for gas production, transportation, underground storage and processing in 2012 is as follows:

*Managers - 9.3%;

*Specialists - 22.2%;

*Workers - 63.1%;

*Other employees - 5.4%.

3. Development of a personnel management strategy for OJSC Gazprom

3.1 Main directions of personnel management of OAO Gazprom

Human resource management strategy is a set of basic principles, rules and goals for working with personnel, specified taking into account the types of organizational strategy, organizational and personnel potential, as well as the type of personnel policy.

The main interrelated components of the HR Management Policy are the following areas:

selection, evaluation and use of personnel;

education and development;

motivation and reward;

social politics;

adaptation and communication.

These areas may change and acquire new meanings in the process of development of the Company’s business, the dynamics of external and internal conditions, without violating the principle of continuity of the Policy.

Selection, assessment and use of personnel

The company values ​​in its employees and potential candidates

the following qualities:

high professionalism and educational level;

orientation towards achieving labor results;

initiative, focus on actively searching for solutions;

learning ability and practical use acquired knowledge;

ability to adapt, psychological stability;

positive image and commitment to the Company’s corporate values ​​and traditions.

To attract qualified personnel of OAO Gazprom:

implements a policy of promoting a positive image of the company, informs both potential candidates and company employees about the goals, objectives, values, priorities and opportunities provided to employees;

applies complex system personnel search;

selects candidates on a competitive basis, using external and internal sources, giving preference to “internal” candidates when filling vacancies, thereby expanding opportunities for career growth for employees, including young professionals;

improves relationships with educational institutions higher and secondary vocational education, carries out activities to identify talented graduates of educational institutions;

conducts professional and psychological assessment of personnel;

promotes quick and painless adaptation of new employees, especially young people;

works with specialized recruitment agencies.

To provide effective use personnel potential, the company regularly implements:

audit of the composition and movement of human resources;

certification of managers and specialists;

development of existing and introduction of new forms of labor organization;

Education and development.

1.Training and development of business and personal qualities personnel is aimed at maintaining and improving the professional level of the Company’s employees.

2.Personnel training and development is carried out through a functioning and developing system of continuous corporate education.

3.The main components of the corporate education system are:

strict compliance of training with the overall development strategy of the Company;

alignment based on the principle of priority of identified needs and practical needs for training of various groups of personnel;

planning and coordination of training, audit of the quality and effectiveness of the training system;

use of modern effective forms training, based on the economic and methodological feasibility of their application;

development of new types of training;

development corporate network educational units and expanding relations for personnel training with Russian and foreign educational organizations;

individual approach to training and development of young specialists;

reviving the institution of mentors and attracting highly qualified specialists for this work, while the status of a mentor should be not only an honorable duty and recognition of the authority and merits of the employee, but also the basis for material remuneration;

active policy to ensure continuity of management, targeted training of management reserves.

Motivation and reward.

1. The performance-based remuneration system is aimed at attracting, motivating and retaining employees whose qualifications and productive work will ensure the successful implementation of the company’s production tasks with minimal costs and maximum efficiency.

2. An effective reward system ensures:

a unified approach to remuneration for all employees of OAO Gazprom and the correspondence between the achieved labor results and fair remuneration;

providing the employee with remuneration, both in material and intangible form;

maintaining a decent level of remuneration;

the optimal ratio between the base rate (tariff part) and additional (bonus) payments;

change in the base rate of material remuneration depending on the rate of inflation and the financial capabilities of the company;

application of a system of additional incentives for increasing production efficiency;

development of a system of awards and incentives, including for the creation and implementation new technology, completed scientific developments, solutions to financial, economic, social, labor and other issues.

4.Social policy

1. Social policy, being an integral part of the human resource management system, is aimed at increasing the prestige of working in the company and ensures:

comfortable and safe working conditions;

medical service;

various types of insurance;

providing guarantees of protection from industrial accidents and occupational diseases;

support and development physical culture and sports;

development of amateur creativity of employees;

solving housing issues using the mortgage lending system;

supporting young specialists, facilitating their rapid adaptation to the Society and the desire for self-realization;

development of non-state pension provision through the non-state pension fund "Gazfond";

supporting retired employees, providing them with financial assistance and inviting them to participate in corporate events.

2. The Company’s social policy is determined jointly with its employees by their representative - the Interregional trade union organization Gazprom".

3. Social and labor relations between employees and the employer are regulated labor legislation, the General Collective Agreement of OAO Gazprom and its subsidiaries and collective agreements of organizations.

4.The company is constantly improving and implementing social programs, based on the selected priorities of the Human Resource Management Policy, economic feasibility, the need to obtain competitive advantages in the job market.

5. Adaptation and communications

1. Adaptation and communication are aimed at clear, open, timely and relevant feedback informing employees on issues of the Company’s activities that affect their interests. At the OAO Gazprom enterprise, it is necessary to adhere to democratic principles of management; there should be no strict subordination that causes awe and fear of management. The relationship between management and subordinates should become liberal, which will allow them to contact the leader directly.

2. The Company recognizes the importance and pays special attention to the development of corporate communications and effective exchange of information (vertical and horizontal), ensuring active and open communication between employees at all levels of management:

vertical exchange of information makes it possible to bring the Company's goals and objectives to the attention of employees. At the same time, such an exchange provides an opportunity for employees to make their proposals for improving the Company’s work, to bring to the attention of management their opinion on working conditions;

horizontal exchange of information is aimed at coordinating the interaction of employees structural divisions in order to achieve the general objectives of the Company.

3.Corporate communications help prevent and resolve possible conflict situations.

3.2 Trends in the development of strategic personnel management of OAO Gazprom

OAO Gazprom actively influences the system for improving work with personnel, carries out significant volumes of work to train reserves, as well as employees personnel services. So on November 14, 1996 the Resolution of the Board was adopted joint stock company"Gazprom" N 124 "On improving work with personnel at the enterprises of OJSC "Gazprom" in the conditions market relations", which defines the strategy for working with personnel, gives the main priorities and provisions.

Creation and very complete information about corporate values and the personnel policy of the enterprise, creating an atmosphere of activity taking into account all declared values ​​is a way to increase labor efficiency, staff patriotism and the reliability of the enterprise without involving huge material costs.

Continuous professional education in this system is understood as a purposeful process related to the strategy, goals and objectives of enterprises and organizations of OAO Gazprom as a whole and carried out throughout their entire career, the process of continuous professional development of managers and specialists on the basis of their existing professional education, or their achievement higher educational level (educational qualification) in the interests of the employee, the enterprise, OAO Gazprom and the state.

Continuous corporate professional education is mandatory for the entire contingent of managers and specialists of OAO Gazprom. This system involves the following main types of training:

Primary training for persons hired for the first time at enterprises and organizations of OAO Gazprom;

Annual training on current issues of professional activity of managers and specialists;

Periodic training (in accordance with existing needs, but not less frequently than the frequency established for each category of persons) in special professional educational programs to maintain the qualifications of the entire contingent of managers and specialists at a level sufficient for the effective performance of official duties;

Training for persons preparing for job transfers (appointment to a higher position or position of a different profile).

Hiring training for managers and specialists hired for the first time at OAO Gazprom is carried out with the aim of studying the specifics of the enterprise’s activities, the organization of production at it, the economy, technological features, social working conditions, safety precautions and industrial sanitation, environmental requirements. Pre-employment training (initial training) is usually carried out after the paperwork for employment has been completed. Duration of training is 7 - 14 days. Successful completion of initial training provides the right to admission to work in a specific position or specialty in accordance with the procedure in force at the enterprise.

Annual training for managers and specialists is carried out to familiarize them with new equipment and advanced technologies, effective techniques management and analysis of production, innovation in production and in the field of human resource management. Annual training is organized in the form of several program modules, the duration of which is 1-3 days.

Advanced training is carried out with the aim of updating the theoretical and practical knowledge, skills and abilities of managers and specialists in accordance with the ever-increasing requirements of government educational standards and features of production development. Includes the following types of training:

Short-term (at least 72 hours) thematic training on a specific aspect of production. Conducted as educational institutions advanced training, training centers, and at the place of main work of managers and specialists and ends with passing the appropriate exam, test or defense of an essay; programs are developed by educational institutions of advanced training, training centers that provide training, or the enterprises themselves;

Thematic and problem-based seminars (from 72 to 100 hours) on scientific, technical, technological, socio-economic and other problems of the enterprise and OAO Gazprom as a whole. Training is carried out, as a rule, by educational institutions of advanced training, training centers according to the plans and programs they develop, which include issues such as the development of the international gas market, ecology, economic security, company pensions and other social guarantees;

Long-term (over 100 hours) training of managers and specialists for in-depth study of current problems in science, technology, technology, socio-economic and other problems in the profile of professional activity. It is carried out in educational institutions for advanced training, training centers according to additional professional educational programs and curricula developed by them and agreed with the Department of Personnel and Social Development of OJSC Gazprom.

Internship is a form of training, during which professional knowledge, skills and abilities acquired as a result of theoretical training are consolidated in practice. It is also carried out for the purpose of studying best practices, acquiring professional organizational skills to perform the duties of the current position or a higher position.

An internship can be either an independent block of additional professional education or one of the sections of the curriculum for advanced training and retraining of managers and specialists. Organized as in Russian Federation, and abroad at enterprises, companies, leading research organizations, educational institutions, consulting firms. Its duration is established by the Personnel and Social Development Department of OAO Gazprom in agreement with the head of the enterprise sending the employee for an internship.


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