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Corporate social responsibility of the Gazprom company presentation. Help with deeds

Zverev A. A.

Since the beginning of the 2000s, there has been a tendency in Russian socio-political discourse to increase criticism of OAO Gazprom. The corporation is accused of inefficiency and inconsistency of its activities with the interests of society by the highest officials, as well as representatives of the left and right forces of the political spectrum. This article attempts to analyze the social activities of a corporation from the point of view of the theory of social responsibility. The article examines the social responsibility of OAO Gazprom from the moment of its foundation (1993) until the end of the presidential term of D.A. Medvedeva (2012).

In the book

M.: Publishing House of the National Research University Higher School of Economics, 2013.

The cultural sector throughout the world is built on a combination of budgetary and extra-budgetary funding, as it represents a complex humanitarian sector of the modern economy. Within the culture there are different kinds activities, a large volume of movable and immovable property, part of which is withdrawn from civil circulation or has restrictions on civil circulation (monuments, library, archival and other funds, museum collections, etc.). This property requires special modes management. The cultural sphere unites various types of activities and organizations - libraries, museums, theaters, concert organizations, circuses, clubs, parks, etc.

Beck M. A., Bek N. N. In the book: Development of forms of inter-firm cooperation: networks and relationships. M.: Publishing House of the State University-Higher School of Economics, 2008. P. 142-160.

The article is devoted to the marketing aspects of the development of public-private partnerships, PPP. An analysis of the experience of using different forms of PPP in Russia and in the world is given. The role of marketing in the organization and implementation of PPP projects and ensuring their effectiveness under risk conditions is considered. The results of model calculations to assess the effectiveness of PPP based on materials from a hypothetical project for the creation and operation of space production are presented.

Vorotnikov A. M., Korolev V. A. State and municipal administration. WP8. Higher School of Economics, 2009. No. 01.

In the investment philosophy of regional leaders, there is gradually an understanding of the fact that involving business in the decision strategic objectives the development of public infrastructure is a matter not only and not so much of the federal government, but of the subjects themselves Russian Federation and their municipalities. In this regard, clarifying their position in relation to the use of the economic mechanism of public-private partnership (PPP) is of significant interest and can help overcome administrative, competence and other barriers to expanding the scope and areas of interaction between the state and business, reducing the burden on regional budgets and increasing efficiency of using budget allocations. An attempt to study this phenomenon was made by the Vnesheconombank PPP Center and the Institute of State and municipal government State University - High school Economics (Higher School of Economics).

The article examines possible commercial motives for corporate social responsibility, which requires companies to take into account social, environmental and other requirements in their activities that are not provided for by current legislation. A popular form of corporate social responsibility is examined in detail, which can be called “philanthropic marketing,” when companies dedicate a certain portion of their proceeds to certain charitable causes. The sources of profitability of such a strategy and the distribution of economic gains obtained with its help between sellers, buyers and society as a whole are analyzed. The analysis reveals two reasons for the commercial attractiveness of “philanthropic marketing” - firstly, it is easier for companies to cope with the transaction costs of philanthropy (for households such costs can be prohibitively high), and secondly, companies can use this business strategy for pricing purposes. discrimination. The opportunity to receive economic benefits from social useful actions is consistent with the modern interpretation of corporate social responsibility as deriving commercial benefit from “doing good”.

Leshchenko O. A., Nesterov A. V. St. Petersburg: Book House LLC, 2008.

The author touches on a wide range of issues and definitions. Today there are numerous debates about the specifics of CSR in our country. Some believe that business in Russia is just beginning to emerge from the “shadow”, therefore the basis of CSR of Russian companies should be compliance with legal requirements: paying taxes, timely payment of white wages, etc. Others believe that CSR is what a company does for society of one's own free will, without obligations imposed by law. The author proposes to understand what CSR is after all and move from theoretical discussions to practical application social responsibility of business in Russia. The author proposes a new way for the development of modern Russian society, based on mutual social responsibility, honesty and care for the environment, forming the free choice of everyone based on moral responsibility to the future.

Solovyova O. V., Sorokina K. V. Audit and the financial analysis. 2011. No. 3. P. 232-239.

This article is devoted to the analysis of trends in the development of foreign reporting, and, according to the authors, the main direction of this development is the reflection of corporate social responsibility in reporting. Such integrated reporting, which includes both financial and non-financial components, is becoming an area of ​​interest for the global community and, as a result, requires standardization and significant improvements in the reliability and relevance of the information included in these reports. The situation requires the creation of the concept of integrated reporting, making its transfer to mandatory status not only desirable, but also inevitable. The article provides the most modern definitions of the concepts of corporate social responsibility, sustainability reporting and a responsible investor who takes into account the data of these reports in the process of making investment decisions. The authors analyze the recent activities of international and intergovernmental organizations involved in the development of sustainability reporting and integrated reporting regimes, as well as studies and reports published in 2010 by both intergovernmental organizations and independent consultants.

The reasons for the crisis of single-industry settlements, the opportunities and existing problems of public-private settlements for single-industry settlements are considered. Provided Foreign experience transformation of old industrial areas, recommendations were given to improve efficiency public policy in relation to mono-settlements.

Gazprom is a socially responsible company. The scale of Gazprom’s activities is such that it is of strategic importance for the development of the entire economy of the country, affecting the interests of a huge number of people. This leads to a number of the most important principles of the Gazprom Group’s activities: to be attentive to the interests of society, to fully promote the socio-economic development of Russian regions and the creation of a favorable business climate in them, to maintain decent working conditions, and the social and mental well-being of people.

Gazprom Mezhregiongaz implements projects aimed at reviving national cultures and preserving historical values. Particular attention is paid to social programs in the field of prevention and health protection of citizens, as well as propaganda healthy image life, physical culture and mass sports. Gazprom Mezhregiongaz projects in the field of education, culture and art contribute to the spiritual development of the individual and society.

Charitable and sponsorship activities in the field of healthcare, education and sports

Social and charitable projects are aimed at residents of the regions where companies controlled by Gazprom Mezhregiongaz LLC operate. By implementing social support programs for the population, Gazprom Mezhregiongaz invests in the development of production and social infrastructure. Through regional gas companies Gazprom Mezhregiongaz LLC provides financial assistance to healthcare organizations in the purchase of medical equipment and sponsors various rehabilitation programs.

Within charity marathons LLC Gazprom Mezhregiongaz is allocated financial aid orphanages, preschool institutions, general education and sports schools, boarding schools for children with developmental disabilities, as well as hospitals of republican and local subordination. The activities carried out by the RGC within the framework of charity are aimed at improving the quality of education in the regions of Russia and solving the problem of accessibility of information.

Gazprom Mezhregiongaz LLC and regional gas companies take an active part in the Gazprom for Children Program. Companies provide sports facilities with modern equipment; Organize children's and youth creativity competitions and sporting events within the framework of the Program.

The Gazprom for Children program is an all-Russian one. It covers 67 regions of the country. Its implementation involves 33 subsidiaries and organizations of Gazprom, as well as all regional gas companies included in the structure of Gazprom Mezhregiongaz.

Charitable assistance to public organizations and socially vulnerable segments of the population

In implementation charity projects RGCs often interact with charitable organizations, as well as with authorities of the constituent entities of the Federation and local governments. Thus, together with regional funds for social support of the population, a number of regional gas companies provide targeted assistance to veterans of wars and combat operations in hot spots; low-income people, pensioners, disabled people, children from large families.

The standards of social responsibility developed by the company allow us to solve the most pressing social problems in the regions where RGC operates. Most regional gas companies take part in organizing special events aimed at suppressing crime, child crime and combating drug trafficking crimes.

Charitable and sponsorship activities in the field of religion and culture

The company's activities within the framework of social responsibility contribute not only to the socio-economic development of Russian regions, but also to the preservation of traditional spiritual and cultural values. In the regions where the RGC operates, cultural and educational events are regularly held. Companies provide charitable assistance to museums, theaters and other cultural institutions.

In order to revive spiritual and religious traditions, as well as preserve religious, historical and architectural monuments, Gazprom Mezhregiongaz LLC and regional gas companies actively cooperate with the Russian Orthodox Church and other religious denominations.

2 The origins of social responsibility in the Soviet economy For Russia, as the legal successor of the USSR, the problems of social responsibility of enterprises, on the one hand, are familiar and understandable, on the other hand, they are fundamentally new. In the USSR, enterprises carried out a significant share of all work on social support of the population: providing housing for workers, providing vouchers, maintaining health centers, ensuring the activities of housing and communal services, and much more. However, the essence of Soviet social security differs significantly from social programs modern companies. In Soviet times, a colossal share of services for enterprises was provided by minimum prices or was financed through budgets of all levels and trade unions.

3 Origins of social responsibility in the Soviet economy Structure of the Norilsk Mining and Metallurgical Combine of the Soviet era Main production Auxiliary production Social sphere Geological enterprise Underground mines Mines open works Concentration plants Metallurgical plants Concentrate production plant Metal processing plants Construction enterprises Repair enterprises Transport enterprises Thermal power complex Metallurgical plants Concentrate production plant Non-metallic enterprises Design Institute Seaport City housing and communal services Children's preschool institutions Sanatoriums Dispensaries Health camps Department Agriculture with 6 state farms Trade enterprises city ​​supply service, including food and goods everyday needs Mining and Metallurgical College Meteorological service Urban transport Cultural and sports facilities Social and cultural facilities For information. Norilsk Mining and Metallurgical Combine is a diversified industrial and economic complex that ensures the livelihoods of settlements with a total population of 500 thousand people, providing the population with utilities and transport services, communication services, retail, Catering etc. The company had about 3 thousand objects on its balance sheet socio-cultural and municipal and household purposes. The structure of social security of the Soviet era is especially indicative using the example of city-forming enterprises of that time.

4 The origins of social responsibility in the Soviet economy Considering the “Soviet” mentality of the bulk of the country’s population in Russia, society does not consider the maintenance of facilities by these enterprises as a merit of enterprises social sphere, implementation of social and charitable programs by enterprises. Society with Soviet history this is perceived as an obligation, and the release of enterprises from the social burden of maintaining the social sphere is perceived unkindly by the majority. Therefore, a number of enterprises continue to bear the burden of maintaining the social sphere. For reference. In Russia, more than 295 enterprises are systemically important for individual cities and entire regions of the country, and 400 cities are recognized as single-industry towns. (According to the Ministry of Regional Development, the single-industry town is locality, where more than 25% of residents work at the same enterprise). Among the systemically important enterprises are the country's largest companies: Gazprom, Rosneft, Lukoil, Norilsk Nickel, Kamaz, AvtoVAZ, Power Machines, Rostselmash, TVEL, Tatneft, Svyazinvest, Novotek, etc. In the public consciousness of many Russians, there is still virtually no direct relationship between the level of taxes paid by enterprises and citizens and the welfare of society, and successful business is not seen as the main source of society's wealth.

5 Changes in Russian economy 2. OJSC “Siberian Coal Energy Company”: “Corporate Social responsibility SUEK is the Company’s conscious acceptance of obligations to unconditionally comply with current legislation, as well as to voluntarily invest in solving social problems. 3. OAO Tatneft: “CSR is a voluntary contribution of business to the development of society, carried out through social investments. 1. OJSC “OGK-4”: “The responsibility of generating companies is the high-quality and uninterrupted production of electricity and heat. * data from the Report on Social Investments in Russia - 2008 Association of Managers, - 92 p. During the reforms carried out in Russia, the situation with corporate social responsibility began to change. This is due to the emergence of a number of new areas of the economy (telecommunications, banks, Insurance companies etc.) and the transition of enterprises to market management principles. Despite the changes that have occurred, Russian companies continue to focus their attention on various elements of the corporate social responsibility system. Data* indicate an insufficiently systematic approach to corporate social activities. We will present only the most typical statements about the attitude of individual companies to CSR.

6 Changes in the Russian economy This understanding of the principles of responsible business practice is set out in the Social Charter of Russian Business, adopted at the initiative of the Russian Union of Industrialists and Entrepreneurs at the end of 2004. The social mission of business, in accordance with the position of the RSSP, is that Representatives of the business community see their social mission in ensuring the sustainable development of independent and responsible companies, which meets long-term goals economic interests business, contributes to the achievement of social peace, safety and well-being of citizens, preservation of the environment, and respect for human rights. Discussion in society about CSR continues. Discussion of CSR issues is held at the most authoritative platforms in the country (RTK, RSPP, Association of Managers, leading universities of the country, etc.) Thus, the position of the RSPP is that the strategy of corporate social responsibility of enterprises should be aimed at solving long-term problems on the following main areas: economic sustainability of enterprises and stable payment of taxes; production quality goods and services, fair competition; creating effective jobs and safe working environment; personnel development and assistance in the development of territories where companies operate; building good faith relationships with all stakeholders.

7 Changes in the Russian economy Thus, a common understanding of current tasks and problems in the field of CSR is currently being formed in the Russian business community, which at the same time creates high public standards in Russian society and helps improve the quality and standard of living in the country. The Russian Managers Association believes that the most pressing issues in the field of CSR are solving the following problems: increasing the role of personal and mutual responsibility of the employer and employee; social protection and social insurance; occupational safety and health management system; environmental protection; formation and development of the labor market; voluntary social initiatives of business, including charity programs and projects.

8 Changes in the Russian economy As a result of discussions held in the business community, the attitude of the country's population towards CSR has undergone changes. The Association of Managers conducted a study of public expectations in the field of CSR, during which the following data were obtained (%): The data indicate that CSR in society has become more understood in a broad sense. At the same time, the country’s population believes that the most important thing in caring for employees is increasing wages, and managers insist on improving working conditions through the introduction of new equipment.

9 The discussions held allow us to formulate the following basic principles and approaches of CSR as an integral element social strategies production of products necessary for society most effective way taking into account the interests of business and society in volume, quality and assortment corresponding to market demand; unconditional compliance with the laws of the countries where the enterprises are located; compliance with the requirements of international agreements, including business standards developed by the international community; use of resource-saving technologies, ensuring environmental and industrial safety of production; implementation of socially significant charitable projects in the social and environmental spheres at the national and international levels. providing jobs to the population of the territories; payment of taxes that form local and regional budgets; carrying out socially responsible restructuring in a manner acceptable to local communities; implementation of projects promoting the socio-economic development of territories and the social sphere; participation in environmental protection projects; providing charitable assistance to socially vulnerable categories of citizens. providing effective jobs with competitive wages and social benefits; unconditional compliance with the norms established by law and collective agreements in the field of social and labor relations; ensuring safe working conditions and high level social and living conditions at work, based on the priority of worker safety and the preservation of their health; promoting the comprehensive professional and cultural development of employees. CSR principles in relation to society as a whole: CSR principles in relation to local communities: CSR principles in relation to employees: Changes in the Russian economy

10 Current CSR practice in Russia CSR can and should be implemented in the interests of both business and society. Differences in the understanding of CSR are largely due to the global tradition of presenting socially responsible companies with a list of “good deeds.” A survey of 250 global business leaders conducted by the IBM Institute for Business Value showed that, while they prefer to publicly discuss CSR in terms of philanthropy, in practice they are increasingly focused on a strategic approach: - more than 2/3 (68%) of global business leaders surveyed by IBM consider corporate social activities as a new source of income; – More than half (54%) believe that corporate social activities have already given their companies an advantage over their main competitors. In Russia, this tradition is also reinforced by established stereotypes of public expectations in relation to large, primarily city-forming enterprises.

11 Current CSR practice in Russia The situation is gradually changing in Russian business, whose leaders are increasingly linking CSR issues to corporate strategy. The main goal of implementing the organization's strategy in the field of corporate social responsibility, % Note: Data are given as a percentage of the number of respondents who answered the question. The sum of the answers exceeds 100%, since respondents could choose all appropriate answer options. Source: Association of Managers, Goal of implementing a CSR strategy depending on the sector of the economy, % Goal Sector of the economy Raw materials sector Processing sector Service sector Reducing the risk of damage to stakeholders in the short term Maintaining reputation in the medium term Obtaining long-term competitive advantages Other 1007 Total100

12 Current CSR practice in Russia The most important condition for building effective system corporate social activities is a developed system corporate governance. As the available data show, all the main subjects of corporate governance of the respondent companies are actively involved in the development and decision-making on the implementation of new forms of CSR and the implementation of relevant activities (graph *). Subjects of corporate governance who make decisions on the implementation of new forms and activities in the field of CSR, % Note: Data are given as a percentage of the number of respondents who answered the question. The sum of the answers exceeds 100%, since respondents could choose all appropriate answer options * data from the Report on Social Investments in Russia - 2008 Association of Managers

13 Current CSR practice in Russia Documents that set out the company’s strategy in the field of corporate social responsibility, % * Note: Data are given as a percentage of the number of respondents who answered the question. The sum of the answers exceeds 100%, since respondents could choose all appropriate answer options. Russian companies use various documents to consolidate their CSR strategy. The most popular among such documents is the collective agreement (58% of responding companies). The total share of codes is very high corporate behavior (29%), ethical codes(22%), as well as statutes, charters, corporate standards and concepts of social economic development. 12% of responding companies do not have relevant documents at all. * data from the Report on Social Investments in Russia – 2008 Association of Managers

14 Current CSR practice in Russia To confirm the above theses, we will give an example of a report by Rosneft OJSC in the field of sustainable development. The basic document that defines the mission, comprehensive values ​​and basic norms in the field of CSR is the Code business ethics(adopted in 2008). The Code of Business Conduct defines corporate social policy as important element interaction between the state, business and society. The Code establishes the company’s responsibility to employees for ensuring stable and decent wages, an adequate level of labor protection, industrial safety, social security, medical care etc. In relations with stakeholders, the Code aims at long-term cooperation, respect, trust, honesty and fairness. The main subject of corporate governance, which determines priority areas of activity and approves a long-term strategy for sustainable development, is the company’s Board of Directors. The company's board of directors consists of nine members, including three independent directors.

16 Current CSR practices in Russia The development of corporate social reporting (non-financial reporting) in Russia is at a stage of steady growth. * Data from the Analytical Review of Corporate Non-Financial Reports - RSPP, Moscow, 2008 p. Year of report release Number of companies that issued reports in the year. (data source *)

17 Current CSR practices in Russia There is also an expansion in the number of industries that issue non-financial reports. * Data from the Analytical Review of Corporate Non-Financial Reports - RSPP, Moscow, 2008 p. Industry affiliation of companies that issued the first non-financial reports in the year. (data source *) Number of companies Moreover, if in the first review of the Russian Union of Industrialists and Entrepreneurs (2006) reports of Companies operating in 8 industries were presented, then according to the results of 2008, already in 12 industries.

18 Comprehensive analysis corporate social investment indicates that industry affiliation companies has a significant impact on the structure of expenses in CSR areas. Current CSR practice in Russia Structure of industry social investments by areas of use, % of the total volume of social investments (data source *). Goal Personnel development Health protection and safe working conditions for personnel Fair business practices in relation to consumers Fair Business practices in relation to Business partners Local community Environmental protection and resource conservation Primary sector 54,89,71,60,217,416,3 Processing sector 44,912,51,31,09,430, 9 Service sector 46,38,516,82,015,311.0 * data from the Report on Social Investments in Russia - 2008 Association of Managers

19 Current CSR practices in Russia Comparative analysis The dynamics of the distribution of CSR expenses in the main areas indicates that the tendency for internally directed expenses (personnel development, health protection, safe working conditions) to prevail over external ones (investment in environmental activities, resource conservation, support of the local community) continues. Structure of social investments of Russian business in 2007 and 2008, % * data from the Report on Social Investments in Russia - 2008 Association of Managers

20 Environmental aspect in CSR In recent years, interest in environmental issues has been steadily growing in Russian society. Environmental reports as a separate form of non-financial reporting are at an early stage of development. Disclosure of information on environmental activities in non-financial reports of Russian companies (data source *) The reports of only 18% of companies contain information on long-term strategic plans in the field of environmental protection. * Data from the Analytical Review of Corporate Non-Financial Reports - RSPP, Moscow, 2008.

21 Environmental aspect in CSR Non-financial reports provide the following main environmental results: Environmental reporting continues to develop, but today very few companies pay attention to disclosing information about global issues (biodiversity protection, emissions, greenhouse gases). Air emissions. About 70% of companies disclose information about their emissions into the atmosphere, providing data on the dynamics of emissions. Use of water resources. Overall, ¾ of companies disclose information about the use of water resources, but only 10% of companies publish a description of their plans. Recycling. 70% of companies disclose information about waste disposal; plans and activities in this area are disclosed by 22%. Energy use, energy efficiency. Only 1/5 of companies provide information about their energy costs. Land reclamation. Despite the severity of this problem, only 36% of companies provide information on the implementation of these activities. Biological diversity. This problem is extremely poorly covered; only 20% disclose information on this issue.

22 As a result of the analysis of environmental reporting available in Russia, we can conclude that the social responsibility of companies in the field of environmental activities involves increasing the environmental safety of production; preventing the anthropogenic load of production waste on environment; optimal costs for environmental protection measures; environmental education personnel; reducing energy consumption and increasing energy efficiency production process. To effectively implement environmental protection measures at enterprises, it is necessary to implement the following priority measures: planning and management investment projects aimed at modernizing and improving production and products and reducing environmental impacts; systematization of legislative, regulatory and other requirements in the field of environmental responsibility; improving interaction with all interested structures (including public organizations) on issues of environmental responsibility; systematization of environmental aspects accounting; systematic work to reveal necessary information to develop effective solutions in the field of ecology. Environmental aspect in CSR

23 Total number the number of unemployed in August 2009 (according to the ILO methodology) amounted to 6.2 million people (an increase of 138.6% compared to the corresponding level of last year), the number of officially registered unemployed in government institutions employment service is 2.1 million people. (an increase of 163.0% compared to the corresponding level of last year). The number of workers working part-time in August 2009 amounted to 860.8 thousand people, and the number of workers who are on forced leave was 1 million 236 thousand people The largest levels of underemployment are observed in manufacturing organizations and construction complex. After ten years of economic growth, Russia is facing serious economic challenges. Global economic crisis led to a fall in production, increased unemployment, and a decrease in household incomes. Russia's GDP in the first half of 2009 amounted to 89.6% compared to the corresponding period last year, the actual available cash income population in August 2009 amounted to 93.2% compared to the corresponding period last year. In these economic conditions enterprises are developing specific action plans aimed at improving the situation, designed to protect workers from crisis processes, preserve and strengthen the viability of enterprises. Financial and economic crisis in Russia and its impact on the socio-economic situation in Russia

24 The total volume of government financing of anti-crisis measures is 2.1 trillion. rub. Almost 44 billion rubles have been allocated to finance measures to stabilize the situation in regional labor markets. Decisions have been made to increase pensions and benefits for the most poorly protected categories of citizens. The amount of bank deposits of the population insured by the state has been increased from 400 thousand to 700 thousand rubles. A set of measures has been implemented to support and ensure the stability of the banking system. Measures have been taken to regulate prices for natural monopolies. state To overcome the socio-economic consequences of the crisis, the state is implementing the following specific measures: Financial and economic crisis in Russia and its impact on the socio-economic situation in Russia The implementation of this set of measures creates the prerequisites for the success of joint actions of the state and business to overcome the negative socio-economic consequences of the crisis

25 Financial and economic crisis in Russia and its impact on the socio-economic situation in Russia encouraging voluntary dismissal of pensioners and pre-retirement age by providing compensation payments or appointment of early pensions; advanced professional retraining of employees scheduled for dismissal; professional retraining of dismissed workers for the purpose of their subsequent employment in other organizations; assistance to laid-off workers in creating new jobs and their employment in small businesses; stimulating the hiring of laid-off workers belonging to socially vulnerable groups of the population for additional temporary jobs (organization of public works). business together with government agencies One of the most important areas anti-crisis actions, implemented by business together with government bodies, is a social adaptation program for laid-off workers, which includes the following activities: As part of these activities, it is planned to send more than 170 thousand people to vocational training, retraining and advanced training, and organize more than a million temporary jobs ( public Works), provide material support for the implementation of entrepreneurial initiatives of 80 thousand people. Among enterprises that are actively implementing social adaptation programs, redundant workers should be noted largest enterprises countries AvtoVAZ, Aeroflot, GAZ, KAMAZ, Russian Machines, RUSAL, EVRAZ and many others.

26 Financial and economic crisis and its impact on CSR Unfavorable pricing conditions, decreased demand for manufactured products, delays in payments to consumers Decrease in production volumes Reduced availability of external financial resources Increasing tension in the labor market: reduction in vacancies, reduction in employment, rising unemployment Inflation growth Factors of the crisis Factors of social strategies The need and possibility of: (a) optimizing labor costs, including reducing the number, working hours, and wage levels; (b) maintaining the personnel “core” when reducing personnel; (c) growth in labor productivity The need to implement social adaptation programs for laid-off personnel The possibility of replacing ineffective personnel with more qualified and productive personnel at lower costs Increasing difficulties in maintaining social stability and a normal moral and psychological climate in labor collectives Optimization of costs for personnel development, social and charitable programs

27 Financial and economic crisis and its impact on CSR The transition of enterprises to strategies for saving resources and energy, application innovative methods production and technology accelerates the modernization of the entire production process, which, in turn, leads to the creation of new jobs and initiates the creation of small and medium-sized enterprises in the field of environmental management, environmental protection, and resource conservation. increasing management efficiency material resources; use of advanced technologies and equipment; application of effective motivation mechanisms rational use resources; introduction of system control and assessment of the efficiency of resource saving of companies. During a crisis the most important areas socially responsible business practices include: energy and resource conservation and, as a result, increasing the environmental safety of production, reducing emissions of pollutants into the atmosphere and discharges into water bodies. Increasing environmental safety of production involves:

28 Financial and economic crisis and its impact on CSR Considering the widespread deterioration financial situation, Russian enterprises Comprehensive measures were developed to promote the employment of laid-off workers and possible scenarios for the implementation of programs. Results of a survey of companies in 2009 on the availability of release plans and the operation of social programs (data source *). RESULTS OF A SURVEY OF COMPANIES ON THE OPERATION OF SOCIAL PROGRAMS AND PERSONNEL COSTS (September 2008 - May 2009) December March May implemented/is currently planning to implement in the 2nd quarter transfer to part-time work reduction of wages reduction of personnel reduction of social benefits programs for employees All data is indicated in percentages * Data from the Analytical Review of Corporate Non-Financial Reports - RSPP, Moscow, 2008

29 Financial and economic crisis and its impact on CSR Situation monitoring data on action during the crisis (70 people took part in the survey large companies). Results of a survey of companies in 2009 (April) on the impact of social programs. The crisis in the economy forced most companies to make decisions to reduce funding for social programs, however, almost all enterprises maintained existing social programs. * Data from the Analytical Review of Corporate Non-Financial Reports - RSPP, Moscow, 2008.

30 Prospects for the development of CSR The development of CSR in Russian business generally corresponds to the global trend of gradual integration of CSR principles into corporate strategy; During the period leading Russian companies actively mastered the international one and accumulated their own experience in conducting corporate social activities; The dissemination of “best practices” and the development of common approaches to the development of corporate social investments is still largely hampered by the lack of a common understanding of the essence of CSR; The social investment framework remains predominantly focused on “internal” stakeholders, primarily staff, as opposed to “external” stakeholders. Despite the difficult economic situation, CSR issues do not lose their relevance and companies are implementing sustainable development strategies, having an additional margin of safety. Accumulated Russian companies experience allows us to draw the following conclusions:

31 Recommendations for the development of CSR Consider corporate social activities as holistic innovation system, which not only allows you to effectively solve social problems relevant to business development strategies, but also provides companies with sustainable competitive advantages. Actively integrate CSR into the corporate governance system, develop organizational support for corporate social activities by creating, among other things, specialized committees on boards of directors, introducing CSR principles into management routines and regularly working on social reporting. Interact on an ongoing basis with both “internal” and “external” stakeholders, considering balanced, mutually beneficial relationships with them as the most important resource for sustainable development of companies. Introduce CSR principles into management philosophy, demonstrate socially responsible leadership in the development of public dialogue and the formation of a “national CSR platform.” Support the process of sharing best practices and disseminating best practices in the field of CSR on public, professional and expert platforms. Recommendations for enterprises:

32 Recommendations for the development of CSR Conduct an open dialogue with business on a joint decision current problems Russian society, paying special attention to the mechanisms of mutually beneficial public-private partnership. Develop the legislative framework and practice of material and moral incentives for businesses to participate in solving public problems through corporate social investments. Increase the ability to conduct socially responsible business by combating corruption and generally improving the efficiency of the government apparatus. To promote, including through competitive financing, the development of civil society institutions - participants in the dialogue with business. Promote the dissemination of ideas of “sustainable development” through the education system, the activities of government and non-profit organizations, as well as the media. Recommendations for government organizations:

NJSC Gazprom Neft

The principles of CSR are already reflected in the very strategic goal activities of Gazprom Neft PJSC: “To become a major international player of Russian origin, possessing a regionally diversified portfolio of assets across the entire value chain, actively participating in the development of regions, and possessing high social and environmental responsibility.”

In accordance with the company's development strategy until 2025, Gazprom Neft sets itself the following priorities in the field of sustainable development: increasing the efficiency of its core activities; development human resources, corresponding to the challenges of industry development; strengthening industrial safety; support of local communities in the regions of presence; minimizing environmental impact; increasing energy efficiency and optimizing the use of energy resources; consistent reduction in industrial injury rates, occupational diseases, accident rate and negative impact on the environment; organization of safe production.

There are several indicators of the company's sustainable development policy. So, for example, in the “ecological” direction

In order to participate in the fight against global warming, Gazprom Neft is developing a program of measures to reduce greenhouse gas emissions at its enterprises. One of the ways to solve this problem is to increase the level of utilization of associated petroleum gas, which is released during oil production in almost all fields. Gazprom Neft is implementing projects for its efficient processing directly in the production regions. The total volume of Gazprom Neft investments in associated petroleum gas utilization projects in 2015 amounted to 27.7 billion rubles, which is more than 5 times higher than the same figure in 2014.

As part of the instructions of the President of the Russian Federation on the safe development of the Arctic, the company is implementing an open-ended corporate program for the conservation of biological diversity based on a list of species of flora and fauna that are indicators of the sustainable state of marine ecosystems in the Russian Arctic zone. In 2015, at the request of Gazprom Neft Shelf, environmental monitoring was carried out at the Prirazlomnoye field. Scientists examined the coasts of the islands - the traditional rookeries of the Atlantic walrus listed in the Red Book - and the shore of the Pechora Sea, and also took samples of water, bottom sediments, plankton and benthos (a set of organisms living on the ground and in the ground of marine and continental water bodies). Dynamics of reproduction of plankton, which has a very short life cycle, is one of the indicators of ecosystem health. The research results did not reveal significant fluctuations in the migrations and distribution of walruses in the Pechora Sea after the start of oil production on the Arctic shelf.

In the social component of CSR, it can be noted that the costs of employee education and the number of trainees are consistently increasing: from 2,080 people in 2011 to 50,395 in 2015. At the end of 2015, the Gazprom Neft company was among the top three in the RBC Leader rating corporate education". The company’s position in the ranking was determined by the share of employee training costs in the wage fund, the growth of educational expenses in recent years, the increase in the share of employees involved in educational programs, information transparency of the company in this area.

In 2012 it was approved comprehensive program social investments of Gazprom Neft entitled “Hometowns”, clarifying the company’s approaches to social investments in the regions of presence. It brings together a series of projects aimed at improving the quality of life in the cities where the company operates, expanding the access of their residents to a quality urban environment, education, culture and sports. By investing in the development and improvement of cities within the area where the company's employees operate and live, Gazprom Neft involves local communities, IIKO, local authorities and employees in the process of forming a portfolio of projects and programs.

Since 2008, the company has been developing the corporate volunteering movement “Personal Contribution” - from one-time charity events to the implementation of systemic projects with maximum involvement of volunteers. Thus, in 2015, the Gazprom Neft volunteer movement developed in 38 cities of Russia and numbered 2,633 people.

In 2015, Gazprom Neft developed and adopted the Concept of Corporate Volunteering, designed for implementation until 2020. Its priority areas were environmental projects and helping children. The list of areas also includes sports, culture, education and science, assistance to the elderly and homeless animals. To determine the priorities of volunteer activities, the company conducted a study, surveying 1,000 people. Based on its results, the first competition of volunteer projects for employees was launched, bringing together 40 projects aimed at solving various social problems regions. 23 winning projects in 2015 were implemented in Moscow, Muravlenko, Noyabrsk, Omsk, Orenburg, St. Petersburg, Tomsk, Tyumen, and Chelyabinsk.

In 2016, based on the results All-Russian competition“Champions of good deeds” announced at the V Moscow International Forum “Corporate Volunteering: Business and Society”, the Gazprom Neft company became a leader in the nomination “Contribution to the development of corporate volunteering”. Volunteer program Gazprom Neft unites several thousand employees throughout Russia. In 2014, the company structured the work of managing a large-scale volunteer movement and introduced a new tool for supporting volunteers. He became corporate competition volunteer projects, which since 2015 have been implemented within the framework of the “Home Towns” social investment program and is aimed at supporting effective socially significant initiatives of employees. Over the two years of the competition, volunteers have implemented 53 projects, many of which are already demonstrating sustainable results. The practice of holding such a competition was recognized by experts as the best in the category.


This article discusses the policy of corporate social responsibility at the enterprise PJSC Gazprom. The authors of the article present the features of corporate social responsibility in the field of ecology. An analysis of measures aimed at reducing the negative impact on the environment is carried out. Based on the analysis, current directions for the development of environmental policy in the company PJSC Gazprom are formulated. Proper organization waste management process will help reduce costs and reduce average the share of waste sent for disposal, thereby reducing the negative impact on the environment. Based on the results of the analysis, it was found that with the purchase of a VSP 45 LR compactor, labor costs are reduced by approximately 7 times. The organization takes measures to achieve the highest effectiveness in reducing the negative consequences of its activities.

corporate social responsibility


environmental protection

1. Consultant Plus – reliable legal support [ Electronic resource] – Access mode: URL: (access date: 05/12/2016).

2. Official dealer PGP and TM presses as well as crushers of the AMD brand [Electronic resource] – Access mode: URL: (access date: 05/11/2016).

3. Environmental protection at the enterprises of OJSC Gazprom. Industrial environmental control. General requirements» STO Gazprom 14-2008.

4. Environmental protection at the enterprises of OJSC Gazprom. Environmental monitoring. General requirements" STO Gazprom 23-2008.

5. Regulations on the environmental management system at OAO Gazprom STO Gazprom 15-2008.

6. Production, engineering and sale of equipment for waste processing [Electronic resource] – Access mode: URL: (access date: 05/10/2016).

Modern society is developing in conditions of acute social, economic and environmental problems. Because the big business as a part of society has a significant influence on its development, all higher value acquires corporate social responsibility (CSR). The value of CSR lies in companies minimizing the negative consequences of their production activities, in solving problems of global and local development, in creating an atmosphere of predictability, trust and shared values ​​in society. Thanks to CSR, business becomes more sustainable economically and socially, gets the opportunity to increase its intangible assets.

The importance of increasing the level of social responsibility of enterprises in Russia has been repeatedly noted by the country's President V.V. Putin, and Prime Minister D.A. Medvedev, and business leaders, and representatives of civil society. All this calls for the need to search for scientifically based actions aimed at supporting and stimulating CSR.

The problems of the environmental context of CSR have also been little studied. One of the main areas of environmental problems is the disposal of industrial waste. This problem must be solved both at the state level and at the production level. Interaction between the state and production is necessary because modern technologies associated with the processing of industrial waste require significant material investments, as well as effective organizational and coordination actions. At the same time, such a fundamental topic as the prerequisites, possibilities and consequences of the participation of government institutions in stimulating CSR is extremely relevant for regions with slow development of CSR and has not been sufficiently studied.

The purpose of our research is to analyze measures aimed at reducing the negative impact on the environment.

The object of the study is the enterprise PJSC Gazprom, which is implementing a corporate environmental responsibility program.

The subject of the study is measures to reduce the negative impact on the environment, which are relevant in the process of implementing corporate environmental responsibility programs at the Gazprom PJSC enterprise.

Job objectives:

Study the theoretical and methodological aspects of corporate environmental responsibility at the Gazprom PJSC enterprise;

Analyze measures aimed at reducing the negative impact on the environment.

Every year, PJSC Gazprom sets environmental goals for its branches, to achieve which environmental protection measures are developed. An analysis of environmental indicators over the past years has revealed that the main problem of environmental protection in a branch of, for example, the Kanchurinsky UGS facility is achieving the environmental goal of reducing the share of waste sent to landfill.

The figure shows that relative to 2012, the share of waste sent for disposal decreased from 75.5 to 26%, and the goal set by Gazprom PJSC is less than 20%. Solving this problem is complicated by many factors, namely:

1. Lack of a sufficient number of enterprises engaged in waste recycling on the territory of the Republic of Bashkortostan. There is only one landfill on the territory of the Republic of Bashkortostan, which accepts solid household waste, with which an agreement has been concluded. The remaining landfills are engaged in burial, which also leads to environmental pollution.

2. The territorial distance of the nearest landfill from the facilities of the Kanchurinsky UGS facility is 113 km from the branch in Sterlitamak.

Based on the above, in order to achieve the goal “Not exceeding the average share of waste sent for disposal,” a number of measures are proposed, which are divided into organizational and technical.

Organizational activities include:

1. Providing the contractor with an agreement with the solid waste landfill. Providing contractors with a waste disposal agreement with the landfill, with subsequent reporting of waste delivered to the landfill in the form of coupons.

2. Accounting for waste movement in services according to developed templates. It should be noted that every month each service submits a report on waste delivered according to a template, in order to monitor and control the movement of waste in the branch.

3. A quarterly analysis of the achievement of the goal by service is also carried out. Based on the submitted templates, a quarterly meeting of a group of HSE specialists is held on the topic of control and accounting of waste movement with the branch services and the involvement of warehouse workers, MTS and K group and, if possible, workers contractors.

Share of waste sent for disposal in 2012-2015, %

Comparative characteristics of waste compaction plants

Installation name

price, rub.

Advantages of the model

3. When using a press economic effect is achieved by saving fuel and lubricants for vehicles, reducing the number of vehicle trips, saving drivers’ payroll, and reducing vehicle depreciation.

4. Waste is loaded (manually or using a 1.1 or 0.8 m3 tank tipper) into the press window of the press and pressed into the container.

5. No need for special training of employees.

6. Tightness of waste storage in a container, which prevents access to it by personnel, birds or animals.

7. No complaints from inspection authorities (sanitary condition of the facility)

1. The compaction ratio for municipal solid waste (MSW) is 1:3.5.

2. Under normal automatic mode The press presses from 8 to 12 tons of solid waste per hour into a 27 m3 container.

3. When using a press, the economic effect is achieved by saving vehicle fuel and lubricants, reducing the number of vehicle trips, saving drivers’ payroll, and reducing vehicle depreciation.

4. Waste is loaded (manually or using a 1.1 or 0.8 m3 tank tipper) into the press window of the press and pressed into the container.

5. No need for special training of employees.

6. Tightness of waste storage in a container, which prevents access to it by personnel, birds or animals.

7. No complaints from inspection authorities (sanitary condition of the facility).

8. Compact external dimensions

1. The compaction ratio for municipal solid waste (MSW) is 1:3.5, 1:4.

2. In normal automatic mode, the press presses from 8 to 16 tons of solid waste per hour into a 27 m3 container.

3. When using a press, the economic effect is achieved by saving vehicle fuel and lubricants, reducing the number of vehicle trips, saving drivers’ payroll, and reducing vehicle depreciation.

4. Tightness of waste storage in a container, which prevents access to it by personnel, birds or animals.

5. No complaints from inspection authorities (sanitary condition of the facility)

A method that has gained great popularity is selective collection, namely the separation of waste collection in the form of glass and plastic into separate containers. Today, the branch is already working on a method for collecting waste by specialized organizations, with the subsequent signing of an agreement.

TO technical activities relate:

1. Compacting the waste before transporting it to the landfill. To achieve this goal, it is necessary to sign an agreement with a solid waste landfill, which accepts m3 waste, and to determine the number of tons, the landfill applies a conversion factor of 0.2. In this regard, it is advisable to use waste compaction, as a result of which we reduce the total volume of generated waste and, therefore, reduce the number of tons when recalculated.

2. Collection of waste paper for recycling. Organizing the collection of waste paper for further delivery to a collection point. Much attention is also paid to waste compaction. In this connection, a method was developed that consists of pressing waste on the basis of an experimental stationary installation. A comparative analysis of stationary solid waste compaction installations is presented in the table.

As a result of the analysis of the table, it was revealed that the use of the VSP 45 LR compactor will help achieve the following goals:

Reducing the number of vehicle trips;

Saving fuel and lubricants;

Elimination of the use of a truck crane for loading waste containers;

Exclusion of the involvement of workers in a second related profession (slinger);

Elimination of possible injuries when performing loading and unloading operations;

Elimination of the need for additional retrofitting of vehicles for transporting waste;

Reduction of traffic violations due to the fact that the route from the branch to the landfill passes along the federal highway P240.

Based on the results of the analysis, it was found that with the purchase of this compactor, labor costs are reduced by approximately 7 times. Proper organization of the waste management process will help reduce costs and reduce the average share of waste sent for disposal, thereby reducing the negative impact on the environment.

PJSC Gazprom recognizes the importance of its contribution to solving the problems of corporate social responsibility in the field of ecology. The organization takes measures to achieve the highest effectiveness in reducing the negative consequences of its activities and improving the positive impact on society.

During this study, it was revealed that the problem of environmental protection is relevant. According to the study, using the example of the Kanchurinsky UGS facility, it can be argued that the goals that the company has set for itself to reduce the negative impact on the environment are being achieved, but it will still take a lot of time and effort to achieve more effective methods in the field of environmental conservation and improvement.

Bibliographic link

Khafizov A.M., Malysheva O.S., Samoshkin A.I., Khabirova Ya.F. PROBLEMS OF CORPORATE SOCIAL RESPONSIBILITY IN THE FIELD OF ECOLOGY ON THE EXAMPLE OF PJSC GAZPROM // Basic Research. – 2016. – No. 6-2. – P. 480-483;
URL: (access date: 04/27/2019). We bring to your attention magazines published by the publishing house "Academy of Natural Sciences"