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Trade automation systems. Three steps to automating a retail store Selecting retail automation systems

“1C: Trade Management” (“1C:UT”) is a software product for wholesale and retail trade. Allows you to comprehensively automate the management of sales and finance, warehouse, procurement, and inventory. 1C: Trade Management conveniently implements trading, warehouse, financial accounting, as well as working with clients.

"1C: Trade Management" is an updated version of the popular solution "1C: Trade and Warehouse 7.7".

The implementation of 1C: Trade Management will allow you to:

  • automate all tasks of operational and management accounting, analysis and planning of trading operations;
  • customer relationship management (CRM);
  • manage procurement and analyze suppliers;
  • maintain warehouse records and inventory control;
  • manage wholesale, retail and commission sales;
  • carry out work in accordance with the requirements of the Unified State Automated Information System and 54-FZ;
  • connect any retail store equipment;
  • manage effectively in cash, keep records of credits, deposits and loans;
  • analyze financial results and much more!

Who is 1C: Trade Management suitable for?

"1C: Trade Management" has flexible settings and is suitable for any trading company. The functionality of 1C:UT can be adapted to the needs of a business of any size by enabling/disabling various options. For example, if you have a small company, you can buy “1C: Trade Management” and disable the functionality required by large companies. These functions will be hidden from the 1C:UT interface and will not interfere with work.

Program features

Key features and advantages of the 1C: Trade Management program:

  • Sales management

    "1C: Trade Management" automates the entire sales chain: from creation commercial offer before issuing an invoice and processing a return.

  • Customer Relationship Management (CRM)

    CRM in 1C: Trade Management allows you to collect and store detailed information for each client. You will be able to: plan and manage transactions and sales, quickly process customer complaints, monitor the work of sales managers, evaluate the results of marketing campaigns, etc.

  • Procurement management

    “1C: Trade Management” has extensive capabilities for purchasing management: selecting suppliers, monitoring prices, creating orders and monitoring their execution, drawing up delivery and payment schedules, returns, etc.

  • Inventory Management

    The 1C: Trade Management program provides complete control of inventory. Detailed operational accounting of goods in warehouses is maintained. The system records all warehouse operations: receipt and movement of goods, sales, inventory, etc.

  • Financial management

    In "1C: Trade Management" for evaluation financial condition The company has developed a “Management Balance Sheet” report. With its help, you can control the use of funds, analyze accounting data, mutual settlements with clients and suppliers, etc.

  • Monitoring and analysis of performance indicators

    A system has been created in the 1C: Trade Management program target indicators. Their use will allow you to: analyze the efficiency of the company, identify problem areas in a timely manner, monitor the implementation of goals and objectives, make balanced management decisions based on accurate data.

  • Integration with 1C

    1C: Trade Management integrates with other 1C solutions. For example, “1C:UT” can be used as a control system for the “1C:Retail” program. It also supports maintaining accounting and transfer of data to 1C: Accounting.

Why should you buy 1C: Trade Management from 1C Business Architect?

You can buy “1C: Trade Management” in Moscow with free delivery and installation in our company and be sure of the quality of all services. We have many years of experience in automation trading activities. The company has a department specializing only in trade.

Chapter 2. Analytical part

3.3 Technical support

4.1 Rationale for usefulness


List of sources used


Kazakhstan stands today at the threshold of a new stage of socio-economic modernization and political democratization.

The foundation of a prosperous and dynamically developing society can only be a modern, competitive and open market economy, not limited to the raw materials sector. This is an economy based on respect and protection of the institution of private property and contractual relations, initiative and entrepreneurship of all members of society.

The Law of the Republic of Kazakhstan dated April 12, 2005 “On the regulation of trading activities” was adopted. The current law in paragraph 2 discusses the procedure for implementing retail.

The operation of a modern self-service store or supermarket is impossible without a well-functioning and effective system retail automation. This is due, at a minimum, to the presence of a bar coding system, which leads to the need to use computerized retail equipment (POS terminals, fiscal recorders, barcode printers (labels), barcode scanners, data collection terminals, etc.), which should be integrated into the retail automation system.

In retail trade, a huge number of different resources are connected into a single system: people, money, goods, retail space, specialized technological equipment, software. It is during the sale of goods that a huge flow of information is processed. Here events unfold with lightning speed, requiring almost instantaneous reactions.

Sales are the main volumetric indicator of the enterprise's activity. The sales process is a set of business transactions related to the marketing and sale of products.

Achieving this goal, on the one hand, involves improving the legislative and financial tax environment in which trading enterprises operate, and on the other, requires a radical improvement in the work of the enterprises themselves in market conditions.

The maximum use of market and financial mechanisms, in which the independence of enterprises in carrying out the trade and production process in accordance with consumer demand is greatest, is typical, first of all, for industries whose enterprises satisfy the needs of the population for goods and services, namely for trade.

The activities of trading enterprises have a number of characteristic features:

the range of goods largely depends on the nature of demand and the characteristics of the population served, its professional, national, age composition, purchasing power, working and living conditions;

enterprises are organizationally, commercially and technologically quite autonomous and independent in the process of selling goods, and each has its own income and expenses, which can be taken into account and compared;

enterprises are as close as possible to consumers and are relatively small in size, which allows them to quickly respond to changes in the market situation;

the demand for goods and services of trading enterprises, taking into account the profile of their activities, is subject to significant fluctuations by season, day of the week and even hour of the day;

Along with the sale of goods, enterprises provide a large volume of additional services in order to attract buyers.

To make informed and effective decisions in production activities, in economic management and politics, a modern specialist must be able to use computers and communications to receive, accumulate, store and process data, presenting the result in the form of visual documents.

Application computer technology in the field of sales of goods, it sharply increases the accounting and control of this area of ​​​​activity.

This became possible due to the fact that working information is permanently stored in computer storage devices; due to automated accounting, it became possible to develop daily the most important indicators, reflecting the actual state of production and commercial activities enterprises. Based on accounting data, the computer automatically compares the current performance indicators of the enterprise with planned targets for the corresponding period.

If deviations in the implementation of the trading process from the specified ones are identified in terms of such indicators as sales of products, receipt of products, level of product inventories, ratio of deliveries under contracts, etc., then the necessary information is transferred to the management of retail facilities to take appropriate measures.

Operational management of an enterprise's activities can be such if there is continuous operational control over the object of management, based on the constant collection, processing, analysis, and transformation of information about it.

It is the accounting of sales of goods that is very important for any enterprise, because Sales of goods constitute the bulk of the enterprise's profit.

Today, many enterprises and firms still do not use automated accounting in their activities, which significantly increases the amount of time spent on filling out various accounting documents, which significantly complicates the work of the accounting department.

Purpose course work is to improve the existing information system based on new information technologies and telecommunications, the creation software product, ensuring the sale of goods, which also involves accounting for them. This software product must be compatible with any version of Windows OS, have a user-friendly interface and be easy to use.

In connection with the goal of the work, it is necessary to consider the following tasks:

Study the current system as an object of automation and implementation of new information technologies;

Consider the current system for processing information on the sale of goods and identify its shortcomings, as well as ways to eliminate them;

Describe the software used;

Develop ways to improve the software product Luke. Supermarket, in particular for the sale of goods;

Justify the choice of software, hardware and information support for the designed system;

Make a calculation economic efficiency design solutions proposed in the work.

The implementation of the assigned tasks in the work will improve the functions of the current system and improve the quality of sales of goods to the population.

The work used articles, orders, presidential decrees, monographs on the use of modern telecommunications tools and new computer technologies.

The relevance of the course work lies in the fact that in the age of new technologies, automation and computerization are the main components of the effective functioning of a trading enterprise and increasing labor productivity.

Chapter 1. Theoretical part. Study of the current data processing system

1.1 Characteristics of the automation object

The process of formation of market infrastructure, carried out during the years of reforms in Kazakhstan, was especially active in the consumer market and was characterized by a high level of competition and business activity. Modern consumer market The republic is characterized by a relatively high saturation and a wide range of goods. The dynamics of sales of goods and services are gradually becoming more and more stable.

Currently, the volume of retail trade turnover is formed almost entirely by the non-state sector (trading enterprises of non-state ownership, supermarkets). In 2001, its turnover reached 719.2 billion tenge (99.5%), while in 1991 it was only 35.3%. In Kazakhstan, until 1994 inclusive, there was a decline in the volume of sales of goods, at the same time significantly value volumes increased due to the high level of inflation in these years. In subsequent years, the state of the republic's consumer market is characterized by a fairly high and stable supply of goods, which to a certain extent allows maintaining the growth trend in real volumes of retail trade turnover. Recently, along with trade in markets, trade in shops (supermarkets) has also been developing; the population of the republic is increasingly turning to shops (supermarkets) to purchase goods, which leads to stabilization of their sales by trading organizations, and, accordingly, higher growth compared to sales goods in markets (Figure 1).

Retail turnover indices by sales channels (in%)

Along with traditional types of enterprises, a network of hypermarkets and supermarkets, minimarkets, cash and carry enterprises, etc., providing a European level of service, began to develop in the republic.

The Yuzhny supermarket has been on the Kazakhstan market for about two years. The activities of a supermarket involve performing various functions:

formation of a trade assortment;

carrying out transactions with goods;

sale of goods to the final consumer;

provision of services.

The supermarket sells a wide range of food products:

dairy products;

eggs and egg products;

meat products;

fishery products;

flavoring goods (tea, coffee, spices, seasonings, low-alcohol drinks);

canned vegetables;

grain flour products (cereals, pasta, bread and bakery products);

starch, sugar, confectionery;

edible fats (vegetable oils, margarine, etc.)

In external system The Yuzhny supermarket acts as an intermediary between manufacturers of goods and customers for these products. This can be clearly seen from Figure 2.

Figure 3 Internal organizational structure of a supermarket

At the head of the supermarket is CEO, which solves mainly management issues, as well as issues of a strategic nature. He supervises the activities of all departments. Also within his competence are issues of financial flows.

The purchasing department is responsible for purchasing goods. Its functions also include searching for new suppliers with more favorable delivery conditions. This department resolves purchasing issues for the entire product range. The purchase is made on the basis of administrator requests, issued by the manager.

The sales department includes a general store manager and an administrator who deal directly with customers.

Works in accounting Chief Accountant, to which cash desk 1 and cash desk 2 are subordinate.

The chief accountant maintains accounting records, makes balance sheets, various counter reconciliations, and resolves issues that arise in the departments under his subordination.

Cash desk 1 and cash desk 2 carry out operations related to accounting for the sale of goods through the use of the Luka Supermarket program and barcoding of goods.

The economic security department includes: the head of security, who is responsible for the security of the facility and the access system; application administrator whose responsibility is to save information security and ensuring the functionality of the computing complex.

All workers involved in the data processing process can be divided into four categories:

system administrator, sets the parameters of system software, carries out preventive work to ensure the safety of the database, performs initial diagnostics of operational problems technical means. Uses general purpose software. Interacts with the equipment supplier and service company.

Level - network operating systems specialist.

An application developer, using LUKI tools, develops applications ordered by enterprise services and operational documentation for application users. Coordinates his actions with the database administrator.

Level - application software development specialist.

The database administrator controls current accounting work, sets accounting periods, and receives the necessary reporting. Sets the access rights of ordinary users.

Level - specialist in automation of the subject area for which applications are developed, having appropriate training.

ordinary users use applications created to automate specific areas of work.

Level - training in the scope of initial computer literacy courses.

The Yuzhny supermarket operates decentralized information processing, which operates in the “request-response” mode. At the same time, there is an increase in the efficiency of data processing, a reduction in paper costs, etc.

Decentralized technology - this technology is focused on distributed data processing and bringing it closer to the places where information originates and is consumed.

In a decentralized environment, dispersed assets can operate autonomously or in networks. The simplest and most accessible is the autonomous method, in which the user does not depend on anyone; the technical base is a PC.


the possibility of widespread automation of personnel activities through inexpensive mass computing technology;

reducing the labor intensity of technology;

issuance of result information in the “Request-Response” mode at any time and in a regulated manner;

reducing paper costs;

increasing the efficiency of data processing and user control.

Figure 4 Technological process with a decentralized method of information processing

Luke. Supermarket,

Luke. Supermarket is a solution for automating the work of managers and cashiers of a retail store, which allows you to keep operational records of goods at cost and discount prices.

Basic operations supported by the system:

· Arrival and movement of goods between warehouses and trading sections, write-off, revaluation and regrading

· Implementation in trading floor, sales to legal entities using any form of payment

· Automatic control of product balances on the sales floor for compliance with a given limit

Specifics of trade food products or essential goods is the need to keep records for each item of goods separately. In the program Luka. The supermarket solves this problem by personalizing the product. Personalization allows you to keep personal records of each product, taking into account all the features of the product, bar code, product name, issue a warranty card for a specific serial number and other characteristics. Personalization settings are made on the product card (Appendix A).

Basic operations with goods that the system supports:

· registration of goods receipt and pricing;

· inventory;

· movement between warehouses and trading sections;

· processing of goods (cutting meat, sorting vegetables, etc.);

· sales to legal entities;

· sales in the sales area;

· control of product balances on the sales floor in real time;

· write-off of goods;

· automatic generation of write-off volumes natural decline goods;

· reassessment and elimination of misgrading (where there is a likelihood of its occurrence);

· closing the shift.

The product identification system is based on barcoding. A product in the system can contain five types of barcodes:

Trade code (13 characters). The code is placed on the product packaging and contains the country of manufacture and other details. It is not unique and therefore cannot be used to personalize the product.

Internal trade code (12 characters). The code is generated automatically in the system when creating a product card. Widely used when there is no product code on the packaging (bakery products). The system allows you to print “stickers” and paste them onto product packaging.

Serial number (the number of characters varies for each manufacturer). A unique code that makes it possible to account for the product individually for each copy (batch).

Interior personal code(12 characters). Used when there is no unique serial number or when the barcode cannot be scanned. The system allows you to print and paste “stickers” onto a product copy.

Weight product code (12 characters). Printed by electronic scales on the product label during weighing. The code contains the attribute of the weight product, the short code of the product in the system and the weight in grams. The use of barcoding provides great advantages to working in the system:

1. in the speed of product identification and customer service

2. accurate accounting, avoiding misgrading of goods, one of the main scourges of trade.

Figure 5 Structure of the Bow. Supermarket.

From other systems of similar purpose Luke. Supermarket differs in that in both the administration and accounting and cashiers work in a single information space (with common base data). In one system, the client has access to the full functionality of accounting and trading operations. All results of trading operations automatically become available in the accounting department. No special steps are required to transfer results from trading to accounting. Organizationally, the functions of management, accounting and trade workers are separated. The workplace of each employee provides the rights to perform only the operations specified by the duties of this employee, that is, everyone performs only his own work and sees and can change only the data that he is authorized to change.

If necessary trading system can be fully operated without using the accounting subsystem.

All operations with goods are carried out in real time, which makes it possible to keep truly operational records of goods by quantity, cost and discount prices.

Control of remaining goods on the sales floor is carried out automatically. For each product, you can set an “acceptable limit”, upon reaching which the manager receives a message about the need to replenish the stock of goods in the sales area and can quickly issue an invoice for moving the goods to the sales area.

The system allows you to set an arbitrary number of prices for a product of a given type. For this purpose, the concept of “price category” has been introduced, which allows the manager to automatically recalculate prices depending on the date, time of day and other conditions (holidays, nights, etc.).

In addition, a flexible system of discounts can be established (for the amount of the check, for a specific client, etc.).

When selling on the sales floor, the system allows various shapes Payment - cash, bank transfer, credit.

When closing a shift, the resulting entries for writing off the cost of goods are automatically generated in the accounting department. The system's reports contain all the necessary information for analyzing the store's performance results for the day (or any given period) and making decisions on store management.

The main advantages of the Luka program. Supermarket:

· The capacity of cash registers increases, to the mutual satisfaction of owners and clients;

· There is no scourge of trade - misgrading;

· The operation of selling a product is always associated with the receipt of revenue, which does not allow sellers to manipulate prices

· Sales space is saved - goods are displayed only in the required assortment and its balance on the sales floor is controlled automatically;

· Every day the full result of the store’s work is visible;

· Inventory time is reduced;

· Analytical reports provide information for strategic planning procurement

Chapter 2. Analytical part

2.1 Description of information and technological support of the IS

Information Support(IO) - a set of a unified system of classification and coding of information, unified documentation systems, diagrams of information flows circulating in the organization, a methodology for constructing databases. This subsystem is designed for timely presentation of information and management decision-making.

The tasks of information support depend on the main functions performed by its structures. Information support should provide IS users with the information necessary for them to fulfill their professional responsibilities. The system has the ability to distribute information storage and processing, accumulate information in data banks at points of use, provide users with automated, authorized access to information, one-time input and repeated, multi-purpose use. An information relationship is provided both between the tasks solved by each functional subsystem and with external levels.

For incoming documents the following is provided:

Registration of incoming documents and their input;

placing incoming documents for control and removing them from control;

obtaining information from the database about incoming documents that meet certain conditions;

viewing information about incoming documents in individual card modes or in table (list) mode;

printing information of incoming documents;

tracking the movement of documents within the enterprise (organization).

For outgoing documents the following is provided:

obtaining information from the database about outgoing documents that meet certain conditions;

viewing information about outgoing documents in individual card modes or in table mode;

Printing information on outgoing documents.

Computer accounting Luka includes the “Trading House” (TD) as a separate module.

The program "Luka. Trading House" is designed for keeping records of goods in warehouses, in stores responsible persons. The program consists of the following modules:

· "Luka. Supermarket" - for keeping records in stores.

· "Luka. Central Office" - to consolidate accounting for all local stores.

"Luka. Trading House" connects (transmits data) to the accounting module "Luka. Business"

Luka. Supermarket software is part of the accounting system trading house. The software provides accounting of goods in the store, tracks its arrival and sale, works with retail equipment such as a cash register, electronic scales and a barcode scanner.

Goods in the system are accounted for at accounting prices on account 222.

222.1 Entry price

222.2 Extra charge.

222.3 Goods on consignment.

Income accounts have “types of income” analytics

Expense accounts have “item card” and “customer” analytics

Profit in product, (expected profit), is the difference between the selling price of a product and the cost of goods not sold. Gives a forecast of possible income if all goods are sold at current prices.

Setting up a product card index.

Organizing a card index of goods is the main accounting setting. The settings allow you to organize the structure of the card index by groups and subgroups of goods. The setting is made in the "Luka. Central Office" database and is transferred to the "Luka. Supermarket" database at the time of initialization of the new point of sale.

The setting contains two checkboxes:

· Use product groups

· Use product subgroups.

If the checkboxes are not active, then the product card index is linear, single-level. The system contains two global directories “Product groups” and “Product subgroups”. When the checkboxes are active, the structure is YY.XX.NNNNN, where

YY - product group 1-99

XX - subgroup of goods 1-99

NNNNN - number 1-99999

Product groups or subgroups may be missing. The structure of the product card index is created once and cannot be changed during the work process, provided that there is money in account 222.

Product code (up to 9 characters), This is a unique code identifying the product. The product code can coincide with the address of the product card in the YYXXNNNN card file or be a unique number. Determined by system settings.

Short product code (up to 5 characters), this is the code used for weighted goods when printing barcodes on electronic scales or for manually entering the code when selling. Whether to use a short product code is determined by the system settings.

The product card (Figure 6) is created automatically through the procedure. To create a card, you need to enter the product group and subgroup, as well as the product number. The default product number is automatically assigned to the next number in the group and subgroup.

Figure 6 Product card

Group and subgroup, depending on the product card index settings, are required parameters.

mandatory requisites:

product code is assigned automatically according to the system settings, but can also be entered manually from the keyboard.

short product code, used for goods by weight and goods on the packaging of which it is impossible to enter a barcode. It is assigned automatically, but can also be entered manually from the keyboard.


barcode, entered ready-made from the packaging, or generated automatically in the system by entering the product code.

VAT rate

The product card has the following optional requisites:

article number is assigned by the manufacturer and is one of the characteristics of the product.


minimum stock, shows the minimum quantity of goods in the enterprise.

The stock norm shows the standard of a given product at the enterprise.

warranty period - the warranty period for the product in months.

expiration date is indicated for perishable goods.

set, a sign that indicates that the product is a “set” consisting of a certain number of other products.

a sign of personalization indicates that records should be kept for each copy separately. The characteristics of each copy are recorded (numbers, color, defects and other data)

Bar codes

When reading a barcode, the first two digits of the code are analyzed.

If they are equal to 21, then this means that the barcode was generated by electronic scales and the code is decomposed as follows:

O1 O2 K1 K2 K3 K4 K5 IN 1 AT 2 AT 3 AT 4 AT 5
Sign of scales (21) Short product code Product weight in grams

If the first two digits of the barcode are 22, then this is the internal code of the system, otherwise the barcode was generated by the manufacturer.

Procedure for selling goods

The sales procedure consists of entering the necessary purchase data, printing a fiscal receipt and creating a receipt document (Figure 7) and generating transactions.

Purchase details:

product code - entered into the system in one of three ways, read by a barcode scanner, manually entered a short code, selected from a product card index.

quantity, by default 1, is entered from the keyboard or, if the product is by weight, read from the barcode.

the price is read from the product card

the amount is considered

discount applies if any

VAT is calculated

enter the amount of money received

change is calculated.

Figure 7 Formation of a check

Procedure for returning goods.

The procedure is identical to the sales procedure, only the return receipt is printed and the goods are delivered to the store.

The Trading House module is customizable and has its own initialization code. After initializing the module, workplaces for sales managers and cashiers become available.

Accounting for goods is kept in separate journals of the trading house. Trading house magazines:

1. Arrival of goods

2. Arrival of goods at a remote point of sale (UTP)

3. Sales of goods

4. Sales of goods in UTT

5. Moving goods to TD

6. Consumption, damage, write-off

7. Expenses, damage written off to UTT.

8. Re-grading

9. Re-grading in UTT.

10. Revaluation of goods in TD

11. Revaluation of goods in UTT.

12. Arrival of finished products (GP)

13. Retail trade in TD (10 magazines for each cashier)

14. Retail trade in UTT.

15. Applications for the manufacture of GP

16. Applications for services and accepted equipment for repairs

17. Warranty service log.

18. Journal of incoming documents from UTT

19. Journal of outgoing documents in UTT

20. Journal of transfer of documents from TD to accounting (Accounting)

All operations related to a product make it possible to use a barcode scanner to read products. If there is “personalization” of accounting, a serial number barcode is additionally affixed to the product, which allows you to account for each item individually. Equipment accepted for repair or transferred to specialized repair organizations is provided with an internal serial number for its safety and accounting.

When the trading house module is initialized, the following automated workstations become open and available:

General manager


Each workplace configured by the “General Manager” for access to various accounting operations.

Access to logs:

1. Document registration (creation)

2. Document correction

3. Deleting a document

4. Posting the document

5. Document rollback

6. View the document

Access to files:

1. Create a card

2. Adjustment of parameters

3. Removing the card.

To assign access codes to each workstation, the “Organization of access” procedure is launched from the “Main Manager”, which provides access to each workstation of the TD module. The procedure will register a “garter” for all documents and file cabinets according to job indexes, depending on the settings set by the “General Manager”.

"Personalization" of the product.

The trading house module makes it possible to take into account each instance (batch) of goods separately. If, when entering a product, the “personalize” attribute is indicated on the card, then a node is created in the card index with the full code ZZ.YYYYY.XXXXX for each instance (batch) of the product, which reflects its characteristics and all operations with it.

Internal Serial Number (ISN)

Structure of VSN 29XXXXXYYYYY

where 29 is the VSN sign

YYYYY - unique index depends on the product card (matrix)

XXXXX-node in the card index of copies (batch).

A node is created in the file cabinet, which will store all the information on a specific instance (batch) of goods.

BCH is a mandatory attribute of any instance (batch) of goods; it can be printed as a barcode on the label. In addition to the BSN, an instance (batch) may also have an external serial number, which is printed on the packaging or body of the product. The external serial number is entered into the system either in the receipt transaction or as a separate procedure.

The system uses the serial number (external or internal) to find the product and display all the information about it.

From the product card you can easily go to the instance (batch) node, and from the instance (batch) card you can go to the product card.

Module Trading House. General provisions

The module contains all operations for working with goods, as well as several workplaces (not limited) for retail cashiers.

At the end of the month, all documents of the Trading House are transferred to the accounting department for accounting by an accountant. Postings related to goods are posted to account 3\222 of the third chart of accounts. In the first chart of accounts, only accounts receivable and payable are formed, and postings for goods are carried out on the transit account 1\223 “Goods in the trading house,” which is synthetic.

Documents submitted to the accounting department for the movement of goods have only quantitative reflections and sales prices. The cost of goods is formed in the accounting department using special procedures in automatic mode (similar to finished products).

Remote point of sale (RPP)

Accounting in UTT includes retail trade operations on the sales floor and the work of the manager for the arrival, movement, write-off and sale of goods. A remote point can operate either completely independently or as part of a common trading house. When working as part of a TD, information on the movement of goods is transmitted from the UTT to the TD by daily postal parcels.

Product card index

Accounting and the TD module, working in a single database, have a single card index of goods with code "4."

The product card index in UTT has autonomous coding. When receiving data from UTT, it is necessary to register the correspondence of the product card in the remote file cabinet and in the central database file, according to the UTT index. This correspondence is registered once and transmitted to the UTT as a “code in the central database (CDB).” Further movement of goods is reflected in the CDB codes. When the CBD code is received, the name of the product card in the remote database is also corrected.

When receiving a “parcel” from UTT, it is checked whether there is a product without a CBD code, and if one is found, it is proposed to either find a match in the already existing base data, or create a new card.

Card file of legal entities

Accounting and the TD module, working in a single database, have the same file cabinet of legal entities with the code "50.1."

Legal entities in UTT have autonomous coding. When receiving data from the UTT, the presence of the CBD code is checked and, if it is absent, it is searched for entity according to the TRN, if such a legal entity is not found, then a new card is created and its code is transferred to the autonomous database as a CBD code (Figure 8).

Figure 8 Legal entity card

Movement of goods to TD and UTT

Operations for the movement of goods within a TD or UTT are not transferred to the accounting department and are reflected in the accounting records of managers only. In accounting, all TD goods are linked to only one warehouse configured for a trading house.

In the TD, goods according to the specifications are reflected only one at a time remote warehouse, without breakdown into internal warehouses in a remote base.

Movement of goods between TD and UTT

Goods can be transferred from TD to UTT and from UTT to TD. For this purpose, a parcel is created that will help automate the arrival of goods at UTT. The goods are transferred in UTT codes, which are recorded according to the UTT indices on the product card. If the transferred product is not in the UTT, then the input procedure in the UTT will prompt you to select the correspondence between the product in the CBD and the UTT, or create a new card. Confirmation parcel will record new code goods in the CBD.

Movement of goods between UTT

Goods can be transferred from UTT to UTT. To do this, a parcel is generated at UTT, which will help automate the process of goods arrival. Such parcels are not reflected in the TD, but get there through the daily transfer of business transactions.

Application for the manufacture of Finished Products (GP)

The TD manager accepts an order for the production of a GP with the specified parameters. The order is recorded in the appropriate journal. Each GP consists of a group of component materials. Groups of component materials are stored in a separate file cabinet and contain a node in the TMZ file cabinet, in which it is necessary to select a specific material that suits the customer.

The manager prints out the order and transfers it to the manager responsible for the product. The order makes it possible to issue an invoice for the movement of goods for transfer to the GP manufacturers. When personalizing a product, the barcode of each item of component goods is read, which will allow you to have a complete picture of the movement of goods. Based on the order, GP manufacturers issue a GP release certificate.

When selling a GP assembled to order, a warranty card is issued. Warranty cards are recorded in a journal and serve as a cumulative register to reflect all actions to repair and replace goods.

Application for services

The TD manager accepts the request for services and reflects the equipment accepted for repair. The application reflects the client’s name, services ordered, urgency and other attributes. The manager sticks a label with BSN 2999999ХХХХХ on the received equipment.

Where 29 is the VSN code

99999 - node code of the accepted equipment.

ХХХХХ - code of a specific equipment.

Prints a request for services and sends it to the contractor.

The contractor indicates in the application the date of execution and the name of the performer. Prints a certificate of completion of work and accompanying documents. (receipt for receiving equipment). Upon request, an invoice is printed and sent to the client.

Completed orders are moved to the journal of fulfilled obligations.

Basic operations with goods in TD

Arrival of goods

The operation of goods receipt (Figure 9) in a trading house differs from receipt in accounting.

Main differences:

1. Posting for goods D1\223 - K1\671, where 1\223 is a transit account for the balance sheet in accounting.

2. There are no taxes on non-residents and no income tax at source.

3. There is no data on invoices and VAT declaration items

4. Acquisition costs are entered as one amount and no postings are made to the first chart of accounts. Cost is reflected only in the 3rd plan

5. The interface is simplified.

6. Wiring D3\222.1 - K999 at cost (plus costs)

7. Posting D3\222.2 - To 3\700 according to expected profit (accounting price - cost)

8. Some fields remain informative to facilitate the accountant’s work when conducting.

9. The “Personalization” tab appears, which makes it possible to enter data for each item. In the table on this tab, rows of product instances appear for all products that have the “personalize” attribute in their settings. The VSN is assigned automatically, and the external serial number can be entered by a barcode scanner.

When entering the accounting department, the following entries are made:

1. D1\222 - K1\223 for the amount of the cost of goods

2. D1\222 - K1\207 for the amount of acquisition costs

Figure 9 Goods arrival

Sales of goods in retail trade (trading floor)


1. D3\451. X - K3\222.1 for the amount of cost

2. D3\451. X - K3\701.2 for the amount of the real markup

3. D3\451. X - K3\701.3 for the amount of VAT

4. D3\700. X - K3\222.2 for the amount of expected profit

Where X is a subaccount equal to the number of the cashier's workplace. The introduction of subaccounts on 3\451 accounts allows you to take into account revenue for each cashier.

Sales of goods to legal entities

Revaluation of goods

Revaluation of goods allows you to change the accounting amount of goods and more realistically assess the value of remaining goods and profit in goods. The procedure allows you to change the accounting price without affecting the cost of the product.

Revaluation of goods can also calculate and change sales prices according to specified algorithms.

Night sales mode

Night sales mode allows you to automatically enter a markup on a product (or other sales price) depending on the time of day.

Chapter 3. Design part. Software module development

3.1 Economic essence of the projected economic problem

The course work examines the subsystem " test", in connection with the improvement of the current Luka. Supermarket program.

The following sets of tasks are solved in the “control work” subsystem:

development of a software module "Price List" to facilitate the work of supermarket staff;

offering discount systems as the main link in increasing sales volumes and, accordingly, profits in the supermarket;

analysis of results.

Development of a software module to facilitate the work of supermarket staff.

This set of tasks solves the following problems:

analysis of the current data processing system. This task identifies the main ways to improve the current program. Based on this analysis, a software module is developed.

development of the "Price List" software module. The input information for this task is the product being sold and its price.

Offering discount systems as the main link in increasing sales volumes and, accordingly, profits in the supermarket.

Discount systems are used to purchase goods with a certain discount set by the supermarket. This set of tasks includes the following tasks:

analysis of discount plastic cards;

consideration of the system of discounts used in supermarkets;

the main advantages of discount plastic cards for both the supermarket and the consumer;

development of a layout of a discount plastic card for the Yuzhny supermarket and analysis of the costs of its production.

Analysis of results.

The most important and time-consuming task of the “control work” subsystem is the analysis of the results.

In the automated Yuzhny supermarket, which sells goods using barcodes, a problem often arises that slows down the sales process. This is due to the fact that for some reason there is no barcode on the packaged supermarket product. The cashier is forced to find out the price of the goods from the security system and take them away from work.

Therefore, the development of the “Price List” software module will significantly facilitate and simplify the cashier’s work.

The use of discount plastic cards in the Yuzhny supermarket allows you to solve such problems as:

Attraction of new clients;

increase in sales;

conducting marketing research;

improving your image in the eyes of clients and competitors;

3.2 IS software

The program runs on the Windows XP platform. To access data, the Btrieve DBMS version no lower than 6.15 is used. Versions of this DBMS can be used for a workstation, a NetWare server, or a Windows XP server.

The Btrieve DBMS is supplied in the form of DLL modules for Windows and NLM for NetWare. After installing Btrieve, access to local and network databases is provided without any additional settings. Luka Supermarket works equally in both local and network modes.

In network mode, you can open the same database from several workstations. The maximum number of such workstations is limited by Btrieve and server parameters. In this mode, the Btrieve DBMS runs on the server as an NLM module for NetWare or as a service in Windows NT. The Btrieve DBMS in this mode operates according to the client/server scheme. All the work of writing and reading data from database files happens on the server. Workstations access this data by sending queries to the Btrieve DBMS.

Btrieve DBMS uses an internal cache to speed up data access. Before data is passed to a program or written to a database, it is always written to the cache. This speeds up data read and write operations by relieving the disk system. Maximum speed working with data is achieved with a cache volume equal to the database volume, since in this case all data is in memory and there is no need to access the disk to access it. When writing, data is placed in the cache and swapped out to disk in the following cases: when the cache size is insufficient, when a transaction ends, when a file is closed, or when reliable operation mode is enabled.

At each specific moment in time, work is carried out with one of the databases, called the current database. The database must be stored in a separate directory, the name of which defines the database.

The DBMS supports working with the following information objects:

data dictionary;

card indexes;

processing procedures;

charts of accounts;

account log;

currency directory;

reference book of units of measurement;

document logs.

The data dictionary contains a description of the database fields. Data values ​​are stored in index cards. The data in the cards is processed using processing procedures. Processing procedures select and process database data according to the algorithm described by the calculation scheme, present them in a user-friendly form using an input-output form, and generate reports on them described by the report scheme.

The problem-oriented approach to accounting is realized due to the presence of such objects as a chart of accounts, a journal of accounts, a directory of currencies and a directory of units of measurement at the system level, i.e., objects to which effective special access is provided.

Chart of accounts is a scheme for recording and grouping facts economic activity in accounting and is intended for maintaining synthetic accounting. Each account is associated with a set of accounting registers whose values ​​correspond to opening and closing balances, as well as debit and credit turnover for the debit and credit sides of the account.

Analytical accounting is organized using filing cabinets and auxiliary charts of accounts. Real accounting objects correspond to analytical accounts - cards. Cards, just like accounts, contain accounting registers and can contain an arbitrary set of data.

Economic acts are recorded in the general journal in the form of linear and/or staggered accounts. Journal entries contain information about the correspondence of accounts and monetary amounts postings, links to supporting documents and, if necessary, quantitative (natural) and/or labor characteristics and links to analytical accounting cards (more than one card for each account). After posting the accounting records (posting business transactions), the amounts recorded in the records are added to the accounting registers on the chart of accounts and in the card indexes.

When entering accounts into the journal, a reference book of units of measurement and a reference book of exchange rates are used.

The directory of units of measurement allows you to transfer the quantitative characteristics of accounting objects from one system of units of measurement to another.

The currency directory allows you to maintain synchronous accounting in various currencies and automate the calculation of exchange rate differences.

Currency is the monetary unit in which accounting is kept. The currency is substituted from the currency directory.

The currency directory is designed to record exchange rates for various periods. Every time trading occurs, the rate is fixed in the directory for the current date for each currency that needs to be taken into account. Thus, the entire history of changes in exchange rates is stored in this directory. For each date, you can record up to three different rates of one currency.

The history available in the directory allows you to organize automatic accounting of exchange rate differences for any currency transactions and other calculations.

The dictionary, card indexes, classifier of procedures, chart of accounts, reference book of units of measurement and classifier of documents have a tree (hierarchical) structure.

Each chart of accounts can have its own base currency and its own base (minimum) accounting period (at least one day). Thanks to this, it is possible to create multi-dimensional, multi-currency accounting systems.

The chart of accounts is a tree structure, the nodes of which are accounts.

There can be several charts of accounts in one database. One of them must be the main one, the one on which accounting is kept in the main currency.

Each chart of accounts has the following characteristics(Figure 10):


base period;

code length;

a comment.

Figure 10 Chart of accounts

The chart of accounts can be one of two types:

balance. For such a chart of accounts, the balance sheet currency (balance sheet total) is the same for assets and liabilities. To change the registers of the balance sheet chart of accounts, two-way postings are used.

off-balance sheet. The balance sheet currency may not be the same for assets and liabilities.

The list of all charts of accounts in the database consists of five columns: status, code, type, name and current period. The current chart of accounts is marked with an icon in the status column. If the type column shows a plus +, then the chart of accounts type is balance sheet. If the column shows a minus -, then the chart of accounts type is off-balance sheet.

Base period - the period during which turnover in accounts accumulates. You can select a day, month, quarter, half year or year as the base period.

Data processing procedures are database objects. Each procedure can contain three sections:

design scheme, with the help of which data is selected and processed;

input/output form, with the help of which the data selected in the calculation scheme is displayed on the screen in a user-friendly form;

report outline, with the help of which reports are prepared based on data selected by the calculation scheme or selected using the report scheme.

A procedure can contain only a calculation scheme or only a report scheme, or both. The I/O form cannot exist on its own. The calculation scheme describes the information processing algorithm: what data is read from the database, what data is entered or edited from the keyboard, how the data is processed.

After the text of the design diagram has been created, the processing procedure can be performed. Before performing the operation, the program will check whether the I/O window (form, form) has been created. If the input/output window has not been created, the system will automatically generate a window containing a table of values ​​of all variables of the design scheme. An input/output window is a dialog box that the user designs himself.

The report scheme describes the algorithm for displaying information in the report. Reports can be viewed on the screen, saved in a file and output to a printer. Typically, a report schema interacts with a calculation schema, although a processing procedure can have a report schema and not have a calculation schema.

There are the following types of tables in the report:

calculation scheme table;

transaction header table;

table of one-way postings;

table of two-way postings;

table of accounts;

register table;

card table;

index table;

period table;

group table.

At the end of the shift, the system automatically generates transactions for writing off the cost of goods to receive a package of reports.

Reports (Figure 11) contain all the necessary information to analyze the store’s performance for a shift or any given period.

Figure 11 Product reports

To manage document flow in a supermarket, the Microsoft Office software package is used ( Microsoft Word, Microsoft Excel). The MS Office software package is most suitable for organizing work in any structure, be it a large company or a small private enterprise, it combines the best tools for management, office work, finance, and accounting of an enterprise. Microsoft Word is one of the most advanced text editors available today.

The editor has great capabilities, in particular, font design, preparation of headers and footers, tables of contents, footnotes, paragraph control; allows you to prepare complex documents in it. Texts from Microsoft Word such as letters, contracts, certificates, announcements, congratulations, business cards, tables, diagrams.

Microsoft Excel is a program that has a very wide range of functions and is very simple and reliable to use. The basis of the program is the calculation (computational) module, with the help of which data (text or numerical) is processed in tables.

You can create diagrams in Excel using presentation graphics and the calculation module various types. Functionality diagram modules of the program greatly exceed the corresponding characteristics of special programs for creating business graphics.

3.3 Technical support

To work in single-user mode, a personal computer Pentium-100/32RAM/1.2GHDD or more powerful is used.

For normal operation of Luka Supermarket in the network version, the following equipment is used:

file server - Pentium-300/64Mb RAM/3.2Gb HDD. Improving any of the above characteristics will lead to increased productivity. The processor clock speed is less important in this case. The greatest influence on system performance is, in order of enumeration: the amount of RAM, the speed of the disk subsystem, and the throughput of the network card. It is better if a specialized server is used;

continuous power supply device - to ensure data security on the file server during unstable power supply. For example, OmniSmart 1000 from TrippLite;

workstation - an accountant's work computer. Computer Pentium-100/32RAM/1.2GHDD;

network adapter is a device that is necessary to connect all computers to a network. Installed on each workstation and file server. Any Ethernet adapters can be used as network adapters (preferably 3C509 from 3COM).

It is also recommended to ensure that there is always at least 50 MB of free space on the hard drive of the server where the database is located. Otherwise, some slowdown in I/O operations will be noticeable.

Cashiers' workstations are equipped with POS terminals consisting of:

· Personal Computer

· fiscal registrar (KKM "AMS-100F" as a fiscal printer or ShTRIKH-FR)

· stationary or/or hand-held barcode scanner for product identification

uninterruptible power supply device

Figure 12 Scales with printed CAS LP label

Table 1 Parameters of scales with label printing LP-15

Maximum weight (kg) 15
Resolution (g) 5
Front end RS 232C
Number of memory cells 600 (54 direct access)
Measurement type Strain gauge
Print type Thermal printing
Operating temperature range (C) - 5 C - + 35 C
Overall dimensions, mm.) 410 x 430 x 197
Platform dimensions (mm) 247 x 384 x 15
Weight, kg) 13
Power consumption (W) 140
Supply voltage (V/Hz) 220/50
Label sizes, mm 30, 40, 60 x 58

Data collection terminals are used for inventory. There is a laser and matrix printer.

Enterprise network structure:

– sockets for access to the local network are installed at all workstations.

the local network enterprises - type "tire".

3.4 Ergonomic support

System security.

Electrical safety is a system of organizational and technical events and means ensuring the protection of people from the harmful and dangerous effects of electric current, electric arc and static electricity. Unlike other sources of danger, electric current cannot be detected without special equipment and devices, so its effect on a person is most often unexpected.

Passing through the human body, electrical current has thermal, electrolytic and biological effects. As a result of thermal effects, the body heats up, and burns occur in parts of the body; as a result of electrolytic effects, blood and other organic fluids in the body decompose.

The biological effect is manifested in stimulation and irritation of tissues and involuntary convulsive muscle contractions.

The value of the current passing through the human body depends on the voltage under which the person is located and on the resistance of the part of the body to which this voltage is applied. Considering that most lesions occur at voltages of 127, 220 and 380 V, and skin breakdown begins at a voltage of 40-50 V, 42 V is selected as a safe AC voltage in our country, 110 V for DC.

The main causes of electrical injuries are:

· accidental contact with live parts as a result of work near or on these parts; malfunction of protective equipment with which the victim touched live parts; erroneous recognition of energized equipment as disconnected;

· unexpected occurrence of voltage due to insulation damage where under normal conditions it should not exist; contact of conductive equipment with a live wire; phase short circuit to ground and the like;

· the appearance of voltage on live parts of equipment as a result of erroneous switching on when work is being performed on it; short circuit between disconnected and live wires; inducing voltage from neighboring operating installations, and so on.

The complex will be operated on a PC. The source of supply voltage is an alternating current network with a voltage of 220 V.

In accordance with the requirements for the prevention of electric shock, it is necessary to:

· strictly and fully comply with the rules of work and regulations technical operation;

· exclude the possibility of user access to parts of the equipment operating under dangerous voltage, non-insulated parts designed to operate at low voltage and not connected to protective grounding;

· use insulation that serves to protect against electric shock, made using durable solid or multilayer insulating material, the thickness of which is determined by the type of protection provided;

· supply power to the PC from a building socket using a special plug with a grounding contact;

· protect against current overloads, based on the power consumed from the network; and also protect equipment built into the building network from short circuits;

· reliably connect to the grounding terminals metal parts accessible to the user, which, as a result of insulation damage, may be exposed to dangerous voltage;

· check that the protective grounding conductor does not have switches and fuses, and is also reliably insulated.

Requirements for noise and vibration levels. The question arises about the influence of interference on the user and the characteristics of his “interference immunity”. From the point of view of the impact on the user, the interference may vary. Some of them are constant and operate throughout the working day, others are random.

In the company's work premises the main sources acoustic noise are PC noises. Computers are also sources of noise of electromagnetic origin (oscillations of elements of electromechanical devices under the influence of alternating magnetic fields). In addition, in these rooms, structural noise occurs, that is, noise emitted by the surfaces of oscillating structures of walls, ceilings, and partitions of a building in the audio frequency range.

Systematic noise can cause hearing fatigue and weakening of sound perception, as well as significant fatigue of the entire body. However, not all noise is harmful. Thus, the usual, not pronounced noises accompanying labor process, can favorably influence the progress of work; soft noises characterized by periodicity of sounds, for example, music, due to their rhythmicity, not only do not distract from work, but also evoke positive emotions and help increase work efficiency.

To eliminate or reduce adverse noise impacts, it is advisable to isolate work areas by placing them in parts of the building that are farthest from city noise - located in the back of the building, with windows facing the courtyard, etc. Noise is also reduced by green spaces that absorb sound.

Characteristics of constant noise - sound pressure levels in decibels in octave bands with geometric mean frequencies in hertz are given in Table 10.

Table 10

Sound pressure levels in octave bands

Level, dB 63 152 250 500 1000 2000 4000 8000
frequency Hz 71 61 54 49 45 42 40 38

The permissible noise level for mental work that requires concentration is 50 dB. To reduce noise and vibration in the room, equipment, devices and instruments are installed on special foundations and shock-absorbing pads. If the walls and ceilings of the room are sources of noise generation, they must be lined with sound-absorbing material.

Dust and harmful chemicals. Indoor air is polluted by dust generated during the processing of metal, plastics, wood and other materials, gases released during equipment operation, improper operation of thermal units, and some technological processes and chemical reactions, vapors of various substances. The air environment is polluted by both toxic and non-toxic substances. Poisonous (toxic) substances disrupt the normal functioning of the body and can lead to temporary or chronic pathological changes.

However, non-toxic substances with prolonged exposure, especially at high concentrations, can cause various diseases, for example, skin diseases or diseases internal organs. The degree and nature of disturbances in the normal functioning of the body caused by harmful chemicals depends on the route of entry into the body, the dose, time of exposure, concentration of the substance, solubility, the state of the human body, atmospheric pressure, temperature, and, of course, on the composition of the pollution. One of the manifestations of exposure to harmful substances is poisoning.

Poisoning can occur suddenly when large amounts of harmful substances enter the body. Such poisonings are called acute and are investigated as cases of industrial injuries. There is another type of poisoning - professional, which develops over a long time.

Microclimate. The most significant factor in productivity and labor safety is the industrial microclimate, which is characterized by air temperature and humidity, the speed of its movement, and the intensity of radiation (Table 11).

Table 11

Requirements for microclimate parameters in production premises

Research has shown that heat in combination with high air humidity have a great impact on the user’s performance. Under such conditions, the time of sensorimotor reactions sharply increases, coordination of movements is disrupted, and the number of errors increases.

High temperature also negatively affects a number of human psychological functions. The volume of memorized information decreases, the ability to associate sharply decreases, the flow of associative and counting operations worsens, and attention decreases.

Relative humidity in the range of 40 - 60% has little effect on the human condition. At a humidity of 99 - 100%, the regulating mechanism of sweating is practically switched off and overheating quickly occurs.

To maintain the required temperature and humidity, the workroom is equipped with heating and air conditioning systems that provide constant and uniform heating, circulation, and air purification from dust and harmful substances.

In the premises where the system is to be used, the requirements for microclimate parameters are generally met.

Environmental friendliness of the system. The main harmful effects on nature for this course work are various radiations. In the room where the system is supposed to be operated, the main source of electromagnetic, ionizing and laser radiation, electrostatic and magnetic fields is the PC, or more precisely, its monitor - a device for visually presenting information stored in the computer's memory. Liquid crystal displays used as monitors do not emit harmful radiation, so we will consider only the radiation from monitors based on electron beam Ttenges. Such monitors are a source of several types of electromagnetic radiation in certain ranges of the electromagnetic spectrum. The actual intensity of each range, frequency and other parameters depend on the technical implementation of the particular monitor, the presence of shielding and other factors.

Possible electromagnetic radiation and fields:

· X-ray radiation - occurs inside an electron beam ttengeki when accelerated electrons are slowed down by the screen material;

· optical types of radiation - arise from the interaction of electrons and the phosphor of the screen;

· high-frequency electromagnetic fields - associated with the frequency of formation of image elements, as well as with the intensity of the electron beam;

· low-frequency electromagnetic fields - arise in connection with the acceleration potential and conductivity of the screen surface;

The conditions for using electron beam ttengeki include external illumination and observation distance. External illumination is divided into three levels:

· low (10 - 50 lux);

· medium (500 - 1000 lux);

· high (more than 10,000 lux).

If the illumination exceeds 30,000 lux, then measures are necessary to reduce it.

The source of X-rays inside the monitor is the internal fluorescent surface of the screen. Minor X-ray radiation is recorded only at a distance of a few millimeters from the surface of the screen, but at a distance of 30 - 40 cm from the screen, X-ray radiation is not registered.

To protect against the harmful effects of radiation, it is possible to use grounded protective screens that significantly reduce their intensity. In addition, it is recommended to use monitors that meet the MPR II specification developed by the Swedish National Measurement and Testing Council (the shaded standard is indicated, since most of the computer equipment used and purchased is not produced in Kazakhstan). The specification defines the level of electromagnetic radiation of monitors for two frequency bands: 5 Hz - 2 kHz and 2 - 400 kHz. Tension electric field in the lower band should not exceed 25 V/m, in the upper - 2.5 V/m, respectively, the magnetic field strength is 250 and 2.5 nT

Chapter 4. Economic efficiency of EIS

4.1 Rationale for usefulness

Economic assessment of the effectiveness of information systems is closely related to the identification of sources of economic efficiency. Sources of economic efficiency are understood as real opportunities for improving production, economic and financial activities enterprises, increasing production efficiency by improving the management system. Sources of IS efficiency are potential production reserves existing in the enterprise and missed opportunities.

When determining the effectiveness of IS, the following areas of increasing production efficiency are taken into account, amenable to: quantification:

· increase in production output due to more rational use of production and labor resources, optimization of the enterprise’s production program;

· increased labor productivity of production workers due to reduction in lost working time and downtime production equipment;

· establishing the optimal level of inventories of material resources and volumes of work in progress;

· improving the quality of products (reducing defects, increasing grades) and savings received by consumers;

· reduction in production costs due to a possible reduction in administrative and management personnel, optimization of technical, economic and operational scheduling, improvement of operational regulation of production, and savings in semi-fixed costs.

The use of the listed sources of economic efficiency of production management automation is aimed at reducing the cost of information processing.

However, the methods that determine the economic efficiency of information systems do not meet the requirements modern production and conditions of a market economy. In this regard, there is a need to create a methodology for economic assessment of IT implementation. It is obvious that it is impossible to create a single methodology that would be suitable for evaluating any IT implementation project.

There is a known problem about the unquantifiable aspects of many projects. Some take a formal approach to quantifying the effectiveness of all new hardware and software, so what they are really interested in is a proper way to quantify those infinitesimal intangible benefits of information technology that will justify an investment of some amount.

The material benefits from the introduction of a new personnel management module lie in the reduction of information processing time, and as a result, a reduction in its cost.

Qualitative benefits—those that are difficult to quantify in dollars—will consist of more accurate control and improved information reliability.

When assessing the economic efficiency of an information system, quantitative indicators became decisive, i.e. system cost, capital costs and annual economic effect, since quality indicators can only be identified directly during the operation of the information system.

The basis for calculating the annual economic effect is a methodology that involves comparing the given costs for the basic and implemented options.

4.2 Assessing the economic efficiency of the applied information system and calculating the price

The effect indicator determines all positive results achieved when using IS. The economic effect from the use of information systems for the billing period T is determined by the formula, tg:

E T = R T - Z T, where

R T - cost assessment of the results of using the IS during the period T, tg.;

ZT - cost estimate of the costs of creating and maintaining the IS, tenge. (we use Zk).

The cost assessment of the results of using the information system for the billing period T is determined by the formula:

P T = å P t ´a t, where

T - billing period;

Р t - cost assessment of the results of year t of the billing period, tenge.;

a t is a discounting function, which is introduced to bring all costs and results to one point in time.

The discount function has the form:

a t = 1/ (1 + p) t, where

p - discount factor (p = E n = 0.2, E n - standard coefficient of efficiency of capital investments).


P T = å P t / 1.2 t

In this situation, the IS replaces manual labor, therefore, the set of useful results does not change.

To evaluate the results of using IS per year, the difference (savings) in costs arising from the use of IS is taken, i.e. P t = E y.

Savings from replacing manual information processing with automated ones result from a reduction in information processing costs and are determined by the formula, tenge:

E y = Z r - Z a, where

Zr - costs for manual processing of information, tenge.;

Z a - costs for automated information processing, tenge.

The costs of manual processing of information are determined by the formula:

Z r = O and ´ C ´ G d / N in, where

O and - the amount of information processed manually, MB; C - cost of one hour of work, tenge/hour; Gd is a coefficient that takes into account the additional time spent on logical operations during manual processing of information; N in - production rate, MB/hour.

For a given IS: O and = 15 MB (total size of processed data entered for registration for the year with subsequent calculation of statistics),

C = 16500 / 22/8 » 93.75 tenge/hour,

Гд = 3.5 (established experimentally), Нв = 0.006 MB/hour. Therefore, the costs of manual processing of information will be equal to:

Z r = 15 ´ 93.75 ´ 3.5/0.006 = 820312.5 tenge.

The costs of automated information processing are calculated using the following formula:

Z a = t a ´ C m + t o ´ (C m + C o), where

t a - automatic processing time, hours;

C m - cost of one hour of machine time, tenge/hour;

t o - operator work time, hours;

Ts o - cost of one hour of operator work, tenge/hour.

For this IS:

t a = 364 hours, C m = 16 tenge., t o = 7 hours, C o = 6250 / 22/8 » 35.51 tenge.

(To enter data by the operator into the system, you will need: (420 cases) (1 minute registration of 1 case) = 420 minutes = 7 hours; To automatically process the entered data, if you receive 420 certificates per week (time to receive one certificate 1 minute) you will need 21840 min = 364 hours per year)

Therefore, the costs for automated information processing will be equal to:

Z a = 364 ´ 16 + 7 ´ (16 + 35.51) = 6184.57 tenge

Thus, the annual savings from the implementation of IS is equal to:

E y = 820312.5 - 6184.57 = 814127.93 tenge

The economic effect from the use of IP for the year is determined by the formula, tenge:

E g = E y - E n ´ Z k., E g = 814127.93 - 0.2 ´ 813315.36" 651464.86

Development efficiency can be assessed using the formula:

E r = E g ´ 0.4/Z k.

E r = 651464.86 ´ 0.4/813315.36 » 0.32

Since E p > 0.20, our development is economically feasible.

Price calculation. As noted earlier, this IP is not intended for entering the open market for software products. However, determining the contract price of the IP is necessary if it becomes possible to sell an automated system.

The price of software products is formed on the basis of the economically justified (normative) cost of its production and profit, tenge:

C pp = C + P n + N e, where

C - cost of IP, tenge (we use Zk);

P n - standard profit, tenge;

N e - price premium, tenge, if the annual economic effect from the use of IP is over 10 thousand tenge (taken as a percentage of standard profit).

Standard profit is defined as:

P n = U p ´ F zp, where

U p - profit level as a percentage of the fund wages IS developers;F salary - wage fund of IS developers, tenge. The profit level is calculated using the formula:

U p = P p p + P p, where

R up - the calculated level of profit (profitability standard), included in the price of development (approximately 90 ¸ 100% of the salary);

R p - proposals from developers to increase R p based on an analysis of the effectiveness of the created IS, its scientific and technical level, importance, etc.; proposals from developers or the customer to increase the level of basic requirements: specific characteristics, technical specifications, reduction of work completion time, etc. can be accepted as indicators for increasing P unit.

Let's take R p = 90%, R p = 5% to F salary. Then the profit level will be equal to:

U n = 0.9 + 0.05 = 0.95

Let's determine the standard profit:

P n = 0.95 ´ 487472.4 »463098.78.

Since the annual economic effect from the use of IS, we will take a price premium for efficiency of 20% of the standard profit:

N e = 0.2 ´ 463098.78 » 92619.76 tenge.

Thus, the contractual agreement for this IP will be:

C pp = 813315.36 + 463098.78 + 92619.76 = 1369033.9 tenge.

In the event that the IP will be replicated (n copies), the contract price of each circulation copy will be:

C tk = C pp / n = 1369033.9/n tenge.

Development costs obtained by the calculation method amount to 813,315.36 tenge.

The contract price for the IPMS, formed on the basis of the standard cost of IP production and profit, is 998,694.9 tenge.

Development efficiency is approximately 0.32, i.e. the developer will cover his costs for creating an automated system in approximately a year and then begin to make a profit.

Thus, the customer must approve the costs of creating our automated system, since as a result of the analysis it was established that the implementation of the development is justified and economically feasible.


The foundation of a prosperous and dynamically developing society can only be a modern, competitive and open market economy, not limited to the raw materials sector. This is an economy based on respect and protection of the institution of private property and contractual relations, initiative and entrepreneurship of all members of society. The process of formation of market infrastructure, carried out during the years of reforms in Kazakhstan, was especially active in the consumer market and was characterized by a high level of competition and business activity. The modern consumer market of the republic is characterized by relatively high saturation and a wide range of goods. The dynamics of sales of goods and services are gradually becoming more and more stable. The current law of the Republic of Kazakhstan “On Regulation of Trade Activities” dated April 12, 2005, paragraph 2 discusses the procedure for carrying out retail trade.

Retail trade is the most important sector of economic activity. The main indicator of the performance of trading enterprises is retail turnover. Retail trade is the sale of goods directly to the public for personal consumption.

Application computer equipment in the field of sales of goods, it allows you to refuse to maintain warehouse cards, keep records of the shipment of goods, operational control over the implementation of supply contracts, and profits.

The main goal of the current stage of economic transformations carried out in trade is to create favorable conditions for the effective operation of retail enterprises.

Today, the services of self-service retail stores or supermarkets are used by representatives of all walks of life, especially when purchasing goods everyday needs and some pre-select items. The customer completes the transaction by going to the cash register and paying for the purchase. It is at this stage that the operation of a supermarket is impossible without a well-functioning and effective retail automation system. This is due, at a minimum, to the presence of a barcoding system, which must be integrated into the retail automation system.

Multi-user program Luke. Supermarket, the developer of which is PLUSMIKRO LLP, is intended to automate the work of retail store personnel using bar coding of goods.

Efficiency of work is achieved by using a single database server for managers’ workstations and cash register terminals and recording all transactions in real time, and the widespread use of barcoding technology, both for piece and weight goods.

To manage document flow in a supermarket, the Microsoft Office software package (Microsoft Word, Microsoft Exel) is used. The MS Office software package is most suitable for organizing work in any structure, be it a large company or a small private enterprise, it combines the best tools for management, office work, finance, and accounting of an enterprise. Microsoft Word is one of the most advanced text editors available today. The editor has great capabilities, in particular, font design, preparation of headers and footers, tables of contents, footnotes, paragraph control; allows you to prepare complex documents in it. Texts from Microsoft Word such as letters, contracts, certificates, announcements, congratulations, business cards, tables, diagrams.

Microsoft Excel is a program that has a very wide range of functions and is very simple and reliable to use. The basis of the program is the calculation (computational) module, with the help of which data (text or numerical) is processed in tables. In Excel, using presentation graphics and a calculation module, you can create charts of various types. The functionality of the program's chart module greatly exceeds the corresponding characteristics of special programs for creating business graphics.

Using the database module in Excel, access to external bases data. The widespread use of spreadsheet processing programs is largely due to the universal possibilities of their use, since without calculations, in in a broad sense This word is indispensable in the most diverse areas of our lives. Excel can be used both for solving simple accounting problems and for creating various forms, business graphics, and even a complete balance sheet.

Using Microsoft Excel, workers create tables, make calculations in these tables, and make visual graphs and diagrams.

Bar coding is also used to identify weighted goods. Barcode printing indicating the code, weight and cost of the goods is ensured by using LP-15 scales (manufactured by CAS, South Korea) or compatible ones. The system provides loading of electronic scales with a list of weighted goods with codes and prices from the database.

Electronic balance CAS LP with printed labels are intended for shops, manufacturing and packaging plants.

The scales print the product name, barcode, packaging date, expiration date, price per kg, packaging cost, and company address. Depending on the size of the label used, it is possible to add additional information recipes, messages, etc. The large keyboard provides quick access to 54 frequently used items. The scales can store 600 product items in memory. To account for goods, it is possible to summarize the sales results for various goods and for all of them together. Simple programming of all information; docking with a computer and combining several scales into a network is possible. To account for goods, it is possible to summarize the sales results for various goods and for all of them together. Electronic scales with label printing are a necessary and convenient tool for applying necessary information on your products and the final stage in any production process

When creating complex automated control systems, system design is increasingly being practiced, in the early stages of which issues of ergonomic support are raised, which contain large reserves for increasing the efficiency and reliability of the entire system. This is due to the comprehensive consideration of human factors in the design process. The main task of ergonomic support is to optimize the interaction between man and machine, not only during the operation of human-machine systems, but also during the manufacture and even disposal of technical components. This is achieved as a result of conducting and implementing a set of ergonomic procedures and activities interconnected in meaning, logic and sequence, carried out during the development of the man-machine system and during its operation.

The diversity of modern information technologies requires clarification and adjustment of the economic efficiency methodology for each specific project. For example, for the economic assessment of the implementation of a communication system, the sources of efficiency are reducing the costs of organizing information exchange, increasing the speed of information transfer, and increasing controllability information resources. To assess the effectiveness of the implementation of automated document management systems - reducing the labor intensity and cost of preparing, processing and using documents. The difficulty lies in making the right choice sources of efficiency. Depending on the complexity of the systems, their number can number in the dozens.

To assess the economic efficiency of information technology, traditional methods of calculating the return on invested capital alone are not enough. A methodology is required that can demonstrate its full impact.

1. Nazarbayev N.A.: Kazakhstan is on the verge of a new leap forward in its development // Message of the President of the Republic of Kazakhstan to the people of Kazakhstan 03/1/2006 - “Kazakhstanskaya Pravda” dated March 2, 2006 No. 45-46.

2. Andreeva V.I. Office work - M. "Intel-Sintez Business School", 1997.

3. Robertson D.S. Information revolution // Information revolution: science, economics, technology: Abstract collection. // INION RAN.M., 1993, pp. 17-26.

4. S.M. Digo. Design and use of databases. Moscow: Finance and Statistics 1995.

5. Gumenyuk V.E., Fundamentals of creating an industry system for maintaining all-Union classifiers of technical and economic information: Prak. Management. - M., Finance and Statistics, 1985. - 192 pp., ill.

6. Gorev A., Akhayan R., Makasharipov S. Effective work with DBMS - St. Petersburg: Peter, 1997. - 704 pages: ill.

7. Koglovsky M.R., Database technology on personal computers, Moscow, “Finance and Statistics”, 1992.

8. ACS Developer's Handbook. edited by Fedorenko N.P. and Karibsky V.V., M., Economics, 1978.

9. Rozhnov V.S. ASOEI., M., Finance and Statistics., 1990.

10. Coward R., Knittel B. Using Microsoft Windows XP Home Edition, M., 2002.

11. Drakhvelidze P., Markov E., Kotenok O. Programming in Delphi 6. Guide for professionals - St. Petersburg: BHV-Petersburg, 2001. -784 p.: ill.

12. Efimova O., Moiseev M., Shafrin Y. Workshop on computer technology. - M., 1997

13. Arkhangelsky A.Ya. Programming in Delphi 6, Moscow, 2002.

14. Ergonomic safety of working with a computer: journal. Problems of informatization, 1996, No. 3.

Statistical Review of Kazakhstan No. 3 – 2006

Automation of retail trade is a fundamentally new direction in equipping stores. Imagine a “smart” store, where all the commercial equipment (cash terminals, scales, fiscal registrars, scanners) are combined into one system.

Steady profit from a store is impossible without constant monitoring of product and financial flows, competent analysis and careful business planning. Managing effectively means getting the maximum possible profit. Today, the market requirement is management systems with the ability to forecast demand, manage supplies, product mix, retail prices and optimize inventory. Automation of your store’s trading processes will be a huge help in solving these important tasks.

The main goal of introducing technology is to increase turnover due to the additional benefits that automation provides. The enterprise creates a unified information space, and all information about the movement of goods arrives at the central office with the required frequency up to real time, the information is prompt and relevant. As a result, managers can easily and quickly track the quantity of goods sold, demand, place an order for exactly the missing goods, avoiding shortages and stockpiling of goods in the warehouse.

Controlling a business means receiving information on time and having the opportunity to influence the process. An automated system will allow you to be aware of everything that happens in the trading floors of the network. Automation is management tools that operate in real time.

The implementation of retail trade automation systems allows not only to effectively and efficiently manage a store, but also to save money. For example, automatic accounting of products and goods allows you to keep a minimum stock, since there is no need to buy goods in advance - space in the warehouse is saved, and the “stagnation” of products is reduced. Thanks to receiving operational information about the presence/absence of products in the warehouse, a smaller staff can handle the accounting task.

Also, using a retail trade automation system, you can obtain a variety of reports for personnel control - obtaining summary reports for a group of terminals, recording all data on the operation of the store, a multi-level system for delineating access rights.

In addition, the introduction of an automation system allows you to increase profits due to indirect reasons:

· increasing staff productivity by simplifying work: all CCT operations of line personnel, from the cashier to the sales floor administrator, are automated. Your employees work under objective control, without errors and with maximum efficiency;

· eliminating cashier errors;

· reducing the level of abuse on the part of staff (for example, the inability to trade in illegal goods, theft, etc.);

· reduction of costs for service cash registers (automatic collection and transmission of data on sales results, convenient interface for working with the program, use of equipment from different manufacturers require less involvement of additionally paid services of third-party specialists);

· reduction of losses due to loss of quality of goods (automatic tracking of expiration dates, optimization of the quantity and speed of movement of goods).

Retail automation technology provides fast and high-quality customer service, which increases the number of customers and the number of purchases made. Cumulative discount and bonus systems based on plastic cards, discounts and coupons increase consumer interest.

Are you preparing your business for sale or want to raise additional funds? Automation, which means efficiency and ease of business management, will be your advantage. Increasing the capitalization of the CCT business and strengthening its position in the market, attracting additional investments - this is the result of automation.

The most actively automated systems are being implemented in hypermarkets, discounters, Cash&Carry stores, boutiques, clothing stores, electronics stores, construction goods stores, bookstores and CDDVD stores, luxury department stores and multi-format chains.

The growth of trade turnover, the transition from one store to a network structure, the creation of its own distribution center, the separation of management and ownership functions - all this puts forward new requirements for organizational structures enterprises, increases the importance of management accounting systems and internal control, financial and economic analysis. Experienced consultants from CT Center, who have numerous projects in wholesale and retail trade behind them, will help reform the company and prepare it to solve new, larger-scale problems.

Recently, the topic of automation of retail trade, catering enterprises: be it a restaurant or bar, as well as an ordinary dining room, has become increasingly relevant. An increasing number of companies and organizations are turning to the services of automation specialists. What can be achieved by automating the sales accounting process?

As a rule, the owner of a typical self-service supermarket faces two main difficulties. Firstly, it is necessary to ensure proper throughput of cash register terminals during peak hours, because delays of customers at checkout counters lead not only to the formation of a queue of customers, but also to haste in the work of cashiers, which in turn leads to errors in their activities and more. slows down the sales process more.

There are several possible solutions here: increase the number of cash terminals, but this leads both to an increase in initial costs associated with the purchase of additional equipment, the resource of which will most likely not be used to the maximum, and constant costs in the process of operating a trading enterprise, since there is a need to hire additional personnel.

There is another approach: you can automate the cashier’s workplace by providing it with additional equipment, for example, a barcode scanner, and the corresponding software. In this case, the cashier does not need to pay such close attention to each item in the customer’s basket in order to correctly price it: it is enough to just scan the barcode, which is unique for each type of item and is currently applied to almost any item by the manufacturer, and close the receipt . Obviously, this method of registering purchases significantly speeds up the sales process and minimizes the possibility of staff errors. In addition to everything, this method has a lot of additional conveniences, for example, it allows you to display on the receipt not only the price of the product or the amount on the receipt, but also the name of each purchased product, etc.

Secondly, in trading business It is very important to maintain correct and adequate records of goods, both sold and remaining on the sales floor or in the warehouse. For large stores with complex organizations, proper record keeping is obvious. However, the latter is also very relevant for small self-service supermarkets, which often do not even have their own warehouse or have a warehouse, but one that does not allow creating adequate stocks of goods. Such stores, as a rule, work with many suppliers and make small purchases, and, therefore, the business of their owners can noticeably suffer from irregular deliveries.

That is why, in order to maintain operational records that no longer require countless daily inventory counts, trade automation offers a computerized method of accounting for sales. The essence of the proposed method is that sales of goods recorded on the sales floor are reflected in a single information database of goods, showing the real state of the warehouse or warehouses, if there are several of them. And special software allows you to obtain statistics on sales or the balance of goods both in the warehouse and on the sales floor. As information base of goods, any other database of goods can be used, for example, the one used in your goods accounting program.

These devices are classified according to the following parameters:

  1. By method of use: stationary and mobile.
  2. By type of communication channel: with support for cable or mobile internet. Devices can be connected directly through a computer that has access to the network.
  3. With or without a separate PIN pad.
  4. By type of cards accepted: contact (with magnetic stripe or chip reading), contactless.

Separate groups include miniature buttonless ones for smartphones, terminals for vending and smart terminals built into other cash register equipment.

The choice of a specific device model must be agreed with the bank. Financial institutions They can also be rented, but it is best to purchase your own device.

Buy a barcode scanner

Like other cash register equipment, there are different types.

They are classified according to the following parameters:

  1. By image reading technology: lasers, which read two-dimensional black and white areas, and image scanners, which photograph and analyze a full two-dimensional image.
  2. By location: manual, stationary.
  3. By interface type: wired, wireless.

Try all the features of the ECAM platform for free

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Privacy agreement

and processing of personal data

1. General Provisions

1.1. This agreement on confidentiality and processing of personal data (hereinafter referred to as the Agreement) was accepted freely and of its own free will, and applies to all information that Insales Rus LLC and/or its affiliates, including all persons included in the same group with LLC "Insails Rus" (including LLC "EKAM Service") can obtain information about the User while using any of the sites, services, services, computer programs, products or services of LLC "Insails Rus" (hereinafter referred to as the Services) and in during the execution of Insales Rus LLC any agreements and contracts with the User. The User’s consent to the Agreement, expressed by him within the framework of relations with one of listed persons, applies to all other listed persons.

1.2.Use of the Services means the User agrees with this Agreement and the terms and conditions specified therein; in case of disagreement with these terms, the User must refrain from using the Services.

"Insales"- Society with limited liability“Insails Rus”, OGRN 1117746506514, INN 7714843760, checkpoint 771401001, registered at the address: 125319, Moscow, Akademika Ilyushina St., 4, building 1, office 11 (hereinafter referred to as “Insails”), on the one hand , And

"User" -

or individual having legal capacity and recognized as a participant in civil legal relations in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation;

or a legal entity registered in accordance with the laws of the state of which such person is a resident;

or individual entrepreneur registered in accordance with the laws of the state of which such person is a resident;

which has accepted the terms of this Agreement.

1.4. For the purposes of this Agreement, the Parties have determined that confidential information is information of any nature (production, technical, economic, organizational and others), including the results of intellectual activity, as well as information about the methods of carrying out professional activities (including, but not limited to: information about products, works and services; information about technologies and research works; information about technical systems and equipment, including software elements; business forecasts and information about proposed purchases; requirements and specifications of specific partners and potential partners; information related to intellectual property, as well as plans and technologies related to all of the above) communicated by one party to the other in writing and/or electronic form, clearly designated by the Party as its confidential information.

1.5. The purpose of this Agreement is to protect confidential information that the Parties will exchange during negotiations, concluding contracts and fulfilling obligations, as well as any other interaction (including, but not limited to, consulting, requesting and providing information, and performing other orders).

2. Responsibilities of the Parties

2.1. The Parties agree to keep secret all confidential information received by one Party from the other Party during the interaction of the Parties, not to disclose, divulge, make public or otherwise provide such information to any third party without prior written permission the other Party, except for cases specified in the current legislation, when the provision of such information is the responsibility of the Parties.

2.2.Each Party will take all necessary measures to protect confidential information using at least the same measures that the Party uses to protect its own confidential information. Access to confidential information is provided only to those employees of each Party who reasonably need it to perform official duties for the execution of this Agreement.

2.3. The obligation to keep confidential information secret is valid within the validity period of this Agreement, the license agreement for computer programs dated December 1, 2016, the agreement to join the license agreement for computer programs, agency and other agreements and for five years after termination their actions, unless otherwise separately agreed by the Parties.

(a) if the information provided has become publicly available without a violation of the obligations of one of the Parties;

(b) if the information provided became known to the Party as a result of its own research, systematic observations or other activities carried out without the use of confidential information received from the other Party;

(c) if the information provided is lawfully received from a third party without an obligation to keep it secret until it is provided by one of the Parties;

(d) if the information is provided at the written request of the authority state power, other government agency, or local government body in order to perform their functions and its disclosure to these bodies is mandatory for the Party. In this case, the Party must immediately notify the other Party of the received request;

(e) if the information is provided to a third party with the consent of the Party about which the information is transferred.

2.5.Insales does not verify the accuracy of the information provided by the User and does not have the ability to assess his legal capacity.

2.6.The information that the User provides to Insales when registering in the Services is not personal data as defined in Federal law RF No. 152-FZ dated July 27, 2006. “About personal data.”

2.7.Insales has the right to make changes to this Agreement. When making changes to current edition The date of the last update is indicated. The new version of the Agreement comes into force from the moment it is posted, unless otherwise provided new edition Agreements.

2.8.By accepting this Agreement, the User understands and agrees that Insales may send the User personalized messages and information (including, but not limited to) to improve the quality of the Services, to develop new products, to create and send to the User personal offers, to inform the User about changes in Tariff plans and updates, to send the User marketing materials on the subject of the Services, to protect the Services and Users and for other purposes.

The user has the right to refuse to receive the above information by notifying in writing to the email address Insales -.

2.9. By accepting this Agreement, the User understands and agrees that Insales Services may use cookies, counters, and other technologies to ensure the functionality of the Services in general or their individual functions in particular, and the User has no claims against Insales in connection with this.

2.10. The user understands that the equipment and software used by him to visit sites on the Internet may have the function of prohibiting operations with cookies (for any sites or for certain sites), as well as deleting previously received cookies.

Insales has the right to establish that the provision of a certain Service is possible only on the condition that the acceptance and receipt of cookies is permitted by the User.

2.11. The user is independently responsible for the security of the means he has chosen to access his account, and also independently ensures their confidentiality. The User is solely responsible for all actions (as well as their consequences) within or using the Services under account the User, including cases of voluntary transfer by the User of data to access the User’s account to third parties under any conditions (including under contracts or agreements). In this case, all actions within or using the Services under the User’s account are considered to be carried out by the User himself, except in cases where the User notified Insales of unauthorized access to the Services using the User’s account and/or of any violation (suspicion of violation) of the confidentiality of his means of accessing your account.

2.12. The User is obliged to immediately notify Insales of any case of unauthorized (not authorized by the User) access to the Services using the User’s account and/or of any violation (suspicion of violation) of the confidentiality of their means of access to the account. For security purposes, the User is obliged to independently safely shut down work under his account at the end of each session of working with the Services. Insales is not responsible for possible loss or damage to data, as well as other consequences of any nature that may occur due to the User’s violation of the provisions of this part of the Agreement.

3. Responsibility of the Parties

3.1. The Party that has violated the obligations stipulated by the Agreement regarding the protection of confidential information transferred under the Agreement is obliged, at the request of the injured Party, to compensate for the actual damage caused by such violation of the terms of the Agreement in accordance with the current legislation of the Russian Federation.

3.2. Compensation for damage does not terminate the obligations of the violating Party to properly fulfill its obligations under the Agreement.

4.Other provisions

4.1. All notices, requests, demands and other correspondence under this Agreement, including those including confidential information, must be submitted to writing and be delivered in person or through a courier, or sent by e-mail to the addresses specified in the license agreement for computer programs dated December 1, 2016, the accession agreement to the license agreement for computer programs and in this Agreement or other addresses that may subsequently be specified in writing by the Party.

4.2. If one or more provisions (conditions) of this Agreement are or become invalid, then this cannot serve as a reason for termination of the other provisions (conditions).

4.3. This Agreement and the relationship between the User and Insales arising in connection with the application of the Agreement are subject to the law of the Russian Federation.

4.3. The User has the right to send all suggestions or questions regarding this Agreement to the Insales User Support Service or to the postal address: 107078, Moscow, st. Novoryazanskaya, 18, building 11-12 BC “Stendhal” LLC “Insales Rus”.

Publication date: 12/01/2016

Full name in Russian:

Limited Liability Company "Insales Rus"

Abbreviated name in Russian:

LLC "Insales Rus"

Name in English:

InSales Rus Limited Liability Company (InSales Rus LLC)

Legal address:

125319, Moscow, st. Akademika Ilyushina, 4, building 1, office 11

Mailing address:

107078, Moscow, st. Novoryazanskaya, 18, building 11-12, BC “Stendhal”

INN: 7714843760 Checkpoint: 771401001

Bank details:

Retail networks are actively developing, being represented in various formats. The process is related to information technology. It is impossible to manually work with a wide range of thousands of items. But a computer can do this. Small businesses acquire electronic equipment depending on a number of factors. But there is general principles, which are expressed by specific indicators.

Retail Features

The concept of retail trade means the sale of services and goods in small batches, individually. By the way, our previous article on hotel business automation, which also uses information capabilities, has a very related topic. Such activities are the function of relevant enterprises, usually in need of:

  • in squares;
  • on staff;
  • in a sufficient quantity of goods in the sales area, in the warehouse.

When making a profit, they apply a trade margin on the product. Its value is regulated by the state of the market (30, 200%). Prices for some goods and services are set by the state, then the percentage is lower. The fact of purchase is usually confirmed by a cash register receipt.

The check contains the following information.

  • Business name.
  • Price.
  • Amount and rate of value added tax.
  • Date of.
  • Place, address.
Important! Retail trade has existed since ancient times. First there was an exchange, and then the form became the sale of products and services on the market square. In the history of Russia this process was getting good development. Merchants were famous for their significant turnover, providing the country with the latest goods.

About automation

Retail automation applies to stores ranging from 70 to 350 square meters. The assortment usually does not exceed 6 thousand items. The counter sales format is usually much less efficient than self-service. The reasons are better access to the product, greater speed in the second case.

When planning automation, you should prepare for the restructuring and streamlining of accounting as the first stage. The process will not be limited to purchasing computer equipment. The whole system will change. Thus, newly arrived goods are not immediately placed on the sales floor, but are entered into the information system database. After all, the cost must be reflected in the memory of the cash register, without which the product cannot be sold.

Stages of transition to information technology

Transition process to new technology involves a number of basic steps.

Costs, equipment

IN small store area up to 180 sq. meters will require automation with costs of up to $17 thousand. The suggested list is as follows.

  • POS terminals (Point-of-Sale, point of sale) are electronic devices for accepting payments through payment cards. Devices will make trading modern. You can take cash registers domestic production, calculating how many are needed: per 100 sq. meters - approximately 2 terminals with a scanner, thermal printer, printing receipt tape.
  • Up to 2 computers (not counting accounting needs), a data storage server is desirable.
  • Automation of a grocery store is usually not complete without scales. For example, the principle of self-service implies the installation of devices in packaging and in the department.
  • A label printer for marking quickly purchased goods will come in handy.
  • Nothing will work if there are no programs.

Store automation equipment is not the only need. Costs include:

  • laying a local network;
  • delivery of computers;
  • installation and configuration of software;
  • training of merchandisers, cashiers, operators and management supervising the operation of the store.

Automation of a point of sale should be carried out with the assistance and accompaniment of reliable companies, people who do not depend on financial results her work. Otherwise, there is a risk of artificially increasing them.

Note! The final cost figure is subject to adjustment using discounts and phased payments.

Reasons for possible failures

Many entrepreneurs make typical and common mistakes that add up to a list. It is quite possible to avoid them and automate your store in an almost perfect way.

  1. When selling clothing, it is not necessary to use POS systems, which is more expensive and leaves the enterprise without advantages. Or you can use a specialized option. For example, “1C: Retail. Clothes and shoe store." It is preferable to use a PC or POS computer, 1C and POS peripherals.
  2. Ignoring anti-theft systems. The automation system of any store must provide security. Otherwise, up to 12% of revenue or more is lost. The following methods are used.
    • Anti-theft systems.
    • CCTV.
    • Security personnel.

    The best solution includes all methods at once. If it is impossible to implement the project comprehensively, it is necessary to analyze the statistics on thefts. For example, alcohol and clothing are most susceptible to illegal removal. To protect them, trade automation includes an option - anti-theft systems. Food products are monitored by video surveillance.

    Attention! Losses with the use of security are reduced, cost recovery comes within up to 3 months.
  3. Automation of work retail store does not include verification of banknotes for authenticity. The price of the detector does not exceed 10,000 rubles, so you should not save.
  4. Do not update systems with innovations. Stores that do not allow you to pay by card lose profits. Another case is that the food department is not equipped with devices for slicing cheese and sausages.
  5. The automation of a store that had ready-made solution(turnkey) built incorrectly due to incompatible, poorly coupled software. It is difficult to correct such errors in an information system.
  6. Having carried out automation, they do not delve into the process. It is necessary, together with a team of employees, to monitor the correctness of tasks and decision-making.


What will the store look like if it is not automated at all? It is impossible to carry out accounting on paper or exercise proper control over the process in the absence of such modernization. Although the events are by no means free, you need to acquire equipment, software for it and make settings. Retail store automation accepts solutions with an integrated, multifaceted approach. Literacy, planning, choosing a partner with whom to delve into the processes, and timely updating are important.